#tw a4a
hangmansdaughter · 3 days
We should bring back the red bracelet thing..
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b0neless-angel · 2 days
guys do i look like i have @na? like at least a little bit? be honest plz 🙏
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beautifulbutterbly · 3 days
Just some ed memes I found on Pinterest!
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liras-room · 2 days
hardest pill to swallow is admitting to yourself that you are the one stopping yourself from reaching your full potential and achieving your goals.
stop self-sabotaging
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bblprincessa · 18 hours
skip dinner, wake up thinner
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addicted2skinny · 2 days
(mild meansp0)
Hunger doesn't exist. It's an illusion of your mind.
Hunger is only an excuse of your head. You're making it up.
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yate65 · 3 days
Is anyone interested in creating an ana group chat and starting the 75 hard together
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hangmansdaughter · 2 days
I really need some ⭐️iving buddies, I feel so unmotivated
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almondmlkbtch · 2 days
The thing abt being skinny is that there’s being small and then there’s being skinny and i want to b skinny 😭😭😭
like ik im technically small ish but im also so fat 😣 yyyyy
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My tips on how to remember to drink water
1. Every time you have the urge to eat drink some water! Normally if you think you need food you’re body is actually telling you it needs water. So drink some water!
2. If you don’t have one already go get a water bottle. They have pretty good ones at really any big store like target or Walmart. I go find the best kinds of water bottles keep water cold for a long period of time(my water bottle keeps things cold for up to 72hrs). They might be a bit pricey but I think it’s worth it
3. After you have obtained said water bottle decorate it!! I know it sounds stupid but it actually works! My water bottle is COVERED IN stickers.
4. If you’re fasting and are feeling the urge to eat chew some ice. You’re still getting water and you also trick your brain into thinking that you actually did eat. This brings me back to my point about getting a water bottle that keeps things cold. You can keep the same ice in your water bottle for days! Even if you forget you have ice in it when it melts it will still be cold.
5. Keep your water bottle with you at ALL TIMES! You want to bring it everywhere with you. That way you don’t have any excuse not to drink water because you will have some on you.
Stay safe lovelies🫶
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liras-room · 2 days
you eat like you want to gain w-ight
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butterflybonnie · 3 days
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