#SOGO event
tauruscookie · 1 year
I got a chance to participate in another siege event being held by the mods over at @dualrainbow and today was my day! This is my contribution to the event! Thanks again for allowing me to participate!
Beta read by @r6shippingdelivery
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shiroichou · 7 months
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Slbp Battle event 'Welcome to the job fair' - Shima & Kaede/Sogo
Through ranking in team red I also got their chibis. Enjoy their comments as beautician and fire fighters :D
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lost-in-2d · 1 year
Watch "【TRIGGER】九条天『ファイティング』×『猫』 #RabbiTube_mini #Shorts" on YouTube
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in completely unrelated news, accidentally ended up picking the team (slbp) that's in 1st place so that's pretty fucking dope lol, hope they stay on top
+ uuhh here's my current castle/avatar♡
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giggly-squiggily · 1 year
Forget Acting Cool- LAUGH! (Big Windup)
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Oops I fell down a rabbit hole and came back with some Big Windup content lols.
Heyo everyone! I think I'm on ep. 10(?) of Big Windup and let me just say: SCREW HARUNA! I said it, and I mean it! >:I dislike him greatly! So much so I had to write a fic about Abe getting cheer-up tickles to wash my brain of his jerkface! (Among other reasons- I really like writing Tajima lols) Anywho- I hope y'all like it :D
@intheticklecloset BOOM! Wasn't expecting THIS were ya? >:D
Summary: Takes place after the events of Ep. 8-10; Abe is quiet on the way back from the Stadium game between Urawa Sogo and Musashino. Mihashi is worried as Tajima finds an opportunity to get their catcher to perk up.
Abe was quiet on the way back from the stadium.
Most of the guys assumed he was just tired and let him be, but now knowing a new chapter of Abe’s history, Mihashi knew better.
Even though their encounter was short- talking to Haruna had an impact on the catcher’s mood- and not in a good way.
‘Are you okay?’ was on the tip of Mihashi’s tongue when he snuck a glance at his friend, watching him stare out the window with a heavy expression. He wanted to ask so badly, but he was concerned; would it bring unwarranted attention to something he didn’t want to talk about? Would Abe get mad at him for asking? He didn’t complain when Mihashi took a seat beside him, but that didn’t mean he was willing to talk. He dared another peek.
Abe was staring at him, brow raised. Mihashi squeaked, flushing red and dropping his eyes to his lap. “What?”
“Erm- n-nothing! I just- erm…” No point in hiding it now. “Are you o-okay?”
Abe didn’t respond, returning his gaze back to the window. Mihashi tried not to let his disappointment show.
“I’m fine. It’s nothing I can’t handle.” Abe spoke so quietly Mihashi almost missed it. Looking back at the other boy, he turned to give him his full attention in case he had more to say. “Just a bad experience, that’s all.”
“Still…” Mihashi didn’t know why he was pressing. Abe did so much for him- it didn’t feel right to just leave him brooding.
“Don’t worry about it, Mihashi.” That was it- a note of finality in the catcher’s tone. Not harsh, but not yielding. Drop it.
Nodding, the pitcher turned back forward in his seat. It wasn’t much, but at least he checked in.
“Oo, broody!” Tajima grinned from the seat behind them, leaning over it so he could drape his arms over the back. “Trying to look cool for Mihashi, are we?”
“Tajima…” Said pitcher whispered, scared of where this was going. Abe merely rolled his eyes, leaning further into the window.
“Are you ignoring me? Wow!” Tajima mock gasped, reaching out and prodding Abe in the ribs. “Talk about rude! Can you believe this guy, Mihashi?”
“Tch-Tajima, don’t!” Abe squirmed at the pokes, pressing his arm down against his side in an attempt to block. “We’ll crash!”
“Yes, cause you’re driving the bus alllllll the way back here.” Tajima snickered, moving upwards to Abe’s neck. “Good thing you’re not- who knows where’d you take us with your head in the clouds!”
“A-Ahehehehe! Doohohohn’t!” The thin line of his brooding expression wavered as giggles escaped. Abe scrunched up, trying to make himself small as Tajima tickled him. “M-Mihahhahashi help!”
Help? The request shook him to the core.
“Yeah Mihashi! Get his ribs for me- he’s too low!” Tajima pretended to massage Abe’s shoulders, pressing into the back of his neck and making the pitcher double down in giggles. “Coach is gonna get mad if I climb over the seat again!”
“Damn right I will!” Maria called from the front, earning a round of giggles from the team.
“Mihiiihashihihihih dohoohhoohn’t!” Abe tried to sound firm, but his laughing fits only killed any real meaning. “Dohohoohon’t hehehehehelp him!”
“Come on, don’t you wanna see Abe smile?” Tajima winked, going right for the jugular.
It was like Mihashi had two tiny beings on his shoulder- an angel in the form of Abe telling him to be kind and not assist. Then there was the tiny devil Tajima himself egging him on to join in.
He really shouldn’t; is that how he’d repay him for his kindness? What would Abe do for him in this situation?
Join in. The little angel and devil said simultaneously.
“Whahahat are you- Ehehehehehehehehehhe!” Abe shot up when Mihashi’s fingers prodded along his sides, pressing into his ribs gently. With new spots in reach, Tajima went for it, tickling like nobody’s business. “Stahahhhap, stahahhahahap this is ehehehheembahahhahrrsahahhhahaing!”
“No it’s not- it’s adorable! Isn’t he?” Tajima cooed, laughing along with him. Mihashi giggled to himself, equally pleased.
“No way- Abe’s ticklish?” Hanai perked up from his seat, grinning.
“Get him good, guys! Go for the ears!” Oki called out.
“Dude, why ears?”
“I don’t know- seemed like a good spot.”
“How is it-”
“See? I told you!”
Oki was correct; Abe’s ears were pretty ticklish. Though the reaction didn’t come from them, but rather Mihashi giving his knees a friendly squeeze just to see what would happen. “Sorry, Abe.”
“Don’t be- he needs it!” Tajima cackled, barely heard over the squeaks and laughs Abe let out.
“SHUUHUHUHUUSSHI! AHEHAHHAHAHHA, YOOHOOHOHU TWOHOHOHOHO! AHEAHAHHAHAHA!” Abe tried sinking to the floor, but between Tajima and Mihashi, he was effectively trapped. His cheeks were warm and pink, eyes squeezed shut in mirth as he tittered. It was a definite improvement from earlier.
“Heh, okay okay. Give him some breathing room.” Maria clapped her hands, signaling them to stop. Tajima pulled away as Mihashi scooted back some, watching Abe gather himself. “You good, Abe?”
“Eh..ehheehhe…heh.” He couldn’t speak, so he gave a thumbs up, earning a hoot of cheers and cackles from the bus. Soon everyone returned to their own things, popping back in earbuds and cozying up for naps. Abe pulled himself up, slumping forward until his head hit the seat before them.
Mihashi’s guilt came back; he didn’t mean to tickle him that much. Words were at the tip of his tongue once more.
“I’m okay.” Abe reassured without looking, startling the pitcher. “Erm…thanks I guess. I kinda needed that.”
A thank you!  Mihashi blinked back tears as he smiled a wobbly smile, day made.
It was so little, and it really didn’t do much in regards to Haruna and the feelings associated- but Mihashi sat a little taller in his seat knowing he helped Abe out.
Thanks for reading!
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tacticalhimbo · 3 months
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Howdy hey! Today is my day, so I bring to the table a transfem!IQ & Osa ficlet for @dualrainbow 's Suns Out Guns Out (SOGO) event!
I have a few trans* headcanons for the R6 operators (being transmasc myself), and thought it would be fun to kind of explore one of those headcanons with a canonically trans* operator as well. As such, this ficlet is inspired by the fresher, Nighthaven arc (post 2022 Six Invitational).
Left this vaguely open in terms of whether it's ship or not, but I like to imagine this as a sort of "first step" for the two 💕
This is also loosely inspired by a few coming out experiences of my own, as well as similar conversations in general about gender. Because let's be real, that shit can be awkward sometimes-
Translations are at the bottom of the ficlet, but please forgive if these aren't 1:1 or perfect uses! I researched them but you can only find so much on forum sites and Reddit. German was easier for me to verify as I'd studied it, but there weren't a lot of resources on Croatian that I could find so I do apologize.
I've jokingly dubbed this "Transfems in STEM", but there isn't an official title or anything. Purely vibes!
Rambling aside, I hope y'all enjoy! Here's a brief summary:
WORDS: 1.2k FANDOM(S): Rainbow Six Siege WARNINGS: Brief (though non-graphic) mentions of transphobia, both external and internalized.
Fic below the cut!
They had met here and there through their service with Rainbow. Mostly through the guidance of others—and most notably when paired together under the command of Kali—but their natural interests in technology had meant one would always seek the other out when hearing of interesting new news. Of course, and perhaps humorously, the other person in the pair had already heard the news as well… But it was still nice to chat back and forth about their thoughts. It was refreshing.
It was something that became a routine habit between the two, and that led to them breaking out of their shells with one another.
Monika was hardly a social type, even within her own team. She cared deeply for them, and genuinely did see them as her friends. Stated time and time again that they were, even if her actions weren't always indicative of such. There was still this lingering distance. A subtle discomfort that stemmed from somewhere deeper within. A lingering insecurity that she may say too much, or that she wouldn't 'meet the mark' and humiliate herself in doing such.
Likewise, Anja was cordial with most (if a bit colder). Quicker; to the point. Her care for others, more often than not, showed through her work. Hours spent tinkering away in research and development labs to present a personalized gadget. Ngũgĩ's Mag-Net, Håvard's Aqua Breacher, and specialized prosthetics for Apha. Yet even then, there was a less-than-subtle difference. One that she deliberately placed there; talking with her, especially on a personal level, was a professional courtesy. Something the may help the team, but that took away from her work. Placed her in a spotlight that—depending on the day—she'd rather avoid.
Yet there was this magnetic pull between the two.
An odd chemistry that led to after-hours chats amongst the strewn about circuitry of the labs. Dimmed lights shone over the dark epoxy resin surfaces and the two women sat upon stools, idly picking away at whatever takeout they'd managed to get sneak back into the base through the clever use of the German's hoodie. Equally idle chatter filled the still air, conversations waxing and waning through topics and padded by light laughter as they'd recalled whatever wild stories that came to mind. Those from their former teams, from their lives before involvement with Rainbow…
"You know," Anja began, "You seem like the sci-fi type. Have you ever seen Empress of the Plutomatons?"
Monika's eyes lit up, hand briefly sitting over her mouth as she'd forced herself to finish the mouthful of food she'd just taken in. All the while, she nodded excitedly.
"Have I ever—Of course I have!" Another fit of laughter from the two at the enthusiastic outburst. "You know, I always wanted to base my whole look off of the Empress. The long, wavy hair. The fierce make-up. Weißte? Everything about her was just so…"
A dreamy sigh. "Sehr perfekt."
"What stopped you?" A genuine curiosity lingered in the Croatian's tone, eyes studying the other as she mulled the thought over. "You would pull it off well."
A warmth began to spread over the apples of Monika's cheeks. A subtle skip in her pulse that, while undetectable to the other occupant in the room, felt deafening. Then a subtle chill down her spine. What had stopped her was fear. The idea of being a caricature, that is more so than people around her life at the time had believed her to be. She stood out enough as she grew into her femininity. Hated every scrutinizing second that'd pass while she simply existed within the public eye. Glossed lips parted to release a soft sigh.
"It's… a long story."
"And not one you feel like sharing?" Anja piqued a brow, tilting her head slightly as she sipped at her drink.
The slow shake of the head. A nauseating bubble as her mind wandered to potential reactions to the explanation. A lingering wanting that brought Monika's mouth to move before her mind could stop it.
"Well. It's just—it felt… wrong. Like it wouldn't have really been who I am. That doesn't make sense, I know—"
"It does. Trust me." Anja smiled, a hint of sadness in her eyes. She was thankful the reflections on the glasses hid it. "I am sure you've probably heard all about me from the others. You know, even under Kali's command, not many of them wanted to work with 'someone like me' at first. I was used to it, it was no different in Zagreb—the same old discussions that you learn to tune out for something better."
Monika's interest was piqued. What did she mean by that? She had heard gossip of her direct approach to things. Her passions for the job. How she was had her soft spots, as much as she denied them. But…
"Heard about what?"
There was a long pause upon hearing the question. A near-uncomfortable silence that filled the room. Then boisterous laughter as the operator keeled over at the table.
"Molim—You can't be serious. Everyone finally shuts up about it, and I'm the last to find out?" She wiped at her eyes, briefly lifting her glasses from her features before settling back into her resting position. "I'm transgender, Monika."
Another long pause, though much less uncomfortable than the first. Rather, it was like someone had popped a bubble encasing the room and released all the tension built up within it. Unconsciously wound muscles found themselves relaxing at the statement, and lips curled upward in a comfortable smile.
"That makes two of us, then." Another sigh from Monika, though now it stemmed from a place of relief. Even with the intrigued look that crossed the other's expression.
"Really? I would have never guessed. Not because of your appearance, but—" That wasn't quite what she'd wanted to say, nor how. Shit. Her excitement got the better of her. "It was never mentioned by anybody."
Thankfully, Monika didn't seem to take offense to any potential—and notably accidental—insinuations. In fact, she laughed softly.
"Not many people know; I prefer it that way, personally. Of course, my old team knew. Medical staff. I think besides them, the only person I ever felt comfortable to tell was Doctor Pandey." A pause. "Until now, of course."
"That is… a lot of trust to put in a person." There was a shift in the operator's tone. A genuine surprise that broke through that cold, confident demeanor. Anja didn't think they were that close.
"I know. I trust you, that is why."
But she wasn't complaining. In fact, quite the opposite: She reveled in the fact. It meant that while Monika had broken through her walls, that she had also broken through Monika's. She still succeeded. They both did. And that brought a smile to her face. One that mirrored the one on her counterpart's.
"Is that so?" A genuine inquiry; an attempt to dissect how far that trust ran.
And Monika leaned into the attempt. Sat forward to sit her elbows on the table between them and rest her chin atop her palm as a blanket of comfort draped over her shoulders; caused her muscles to unwind and her posture to slump. All the while, that smile lingered on her lips.
"It is."
[ Translations ] Weißte? = You know? (German) Sehr perfekt. = So perfect. (German) Molim = Varying uses; Contextually used as "Please" in a "You can't be serious" kind of way (Croatian)
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lunawings · 10 months
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Today 11/18/23 I got to see the IDOLiSH7 movie screening and panel at AnimeNYC!
Let me preface by admitting I didn't really know anything about IDOLiSH7 a couple weeks ago, but I decided to give it a try and watched some MVs, concert footage, and a few episodes of the anime in advance to prepare.
So I knew a few of the songs that were in the movie, but for the most part I was sight reading (lol) the cheering stuff. Still, I think I did OK and it was a lot of fun! Near identical to similar events I have been to in Japan! (Except not eveyone had penlights. Also people were taking photos of the voice actors when they weren't supposed to. They were asked to delete them but not kicked out. Land of the free......)
Before the movie, we got a talk show with the voice actors of Tamaki and Sogo (MEZZO!). They were all excited to be in NYC and talked about how it was like being in a movie! (SAME! I literally posted this same thought yesterday ahah...) They talked a lot about the food they ate and wanted to eat, like pizza. They mentioned some of their other members were super jealous and they hoped they could bring everyone next time. It was super casual and they even took questions from the audience for people brave enough to yell them out in Japanese.
We got some exclusive goods, including a NYC King Pudding badge! They made a big deal about how it's not available in Japan, and I noticed there were actually a few people in the audience, somewhat older women who seemingly came from Japan just for this event! HAHA! Would I fly across the world for a new exclusive badge, I asked myself? ........m....may...b............
(But really tho, it was a little more than that. They got their autographs too I am sure, something near impossible in Japan.)
They discussed what flavor this NYC King Pudding would be (pizza???!?) before finally deciding on cheesecake after an audience suggestion.
And finally, we got to take photos of King Pudding himself. (My friend and I sorta sat on the wrong side so mine didn't come out so good.)
But yeah, I was very humbled to be able to attend this event as a new fan, but I am inspired to continue with the series. I loved being able to hear through people's cheering which characters are popular and which songs people like, etc.
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ink-dusted-dreams · 9 months
How Tomoe continued to surpass Kaoru in popularity until 2022, causing disappointment to the author
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Throughout the history of Rurouni Kenshin, Tomoe has remained one of the most polarizing characters – either adored or vehemently disliked – but predominantly adored.
Now, let's delve into some context. Rurouni Kenshin features some female characters with less-than-stellar development. This isn't a critique exclusive to Rurouni Kenshin; it has been a prevailing trend in Shounen mangas overall. The female characters in Shounen manga often lack the realism associated with their male counterparts. To clarify this notion of "shortcoming," it's essential to note that the female characters in Rurouni Kenshin exhibit more complexity than those in many other Shounen mangas, particularly those from the 1990s. Watsuki acknowledges being influenced by Shoujo mangas, and this influence subtly reflects in his writing style.
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If one examines all the female characters in Rurouni Kenshin, a noticeable contrast emerges when comparing them to Tomoe. Take, for instance, Kaoru and Misao. Their personalities are characterized by cheerfulness, brightness, a certain lack of intellectual prowess beyond martial arts, and profound love. Despite being portrayed as strong, independent women of the Meiji era, their strength might be influenced by their familial wealth.
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Initially, the author doesn't consider Kaoru as a romantic partner. However, as the plot unfolds, a romantic dimension is gradually introduced, starting with Kaoru and eventually becoming mutual. As the narrative progresses, the author subtly transforms it into "the" romance in Rurouni Kenshin.
Throughout the story, Kaoru remains anxiously concerned about Kenshin, fearing his departure until the conclusion of the Kyoto arc when he finally decides to call the Kamiya Dojo his home. By this point, readers are acquainted with Kaoru as a main character and Kenshin's primary love interest. There is widespread support for their relationship, with Kaoru emerging as the key to Kenshin's happy ending – a home and a peaceful life. However, at this juncture, neither the readers nor, to some extent, the author is privy to Kenshin's past – the events that shaped his philosophy, altered his speech, actions, and demeanor.
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And then his past is gradually unveiled. Tomoe is initially presented to us as an illusion perceived by Kenshin, prompting him to call out to her. It becomes apparent that she holds significant importance, perhaps too much for Kenshin to risk losing himself, especially when he encounters her brother after a decade. Subsequently, we delve into the Jinchuu arc, a revelation that likely surprises every reader who had previously cheered on Kenshin and Kaoru.
Kenshin's memories, particularly his narrative with Tomoe spanning just 14 chapters, are revealed in fragments. Despite the brevity, it unfolds as a love story of epic proportions in classical literature. We witness Kenshin's life, his experience of love, his transformation, and the profound happiness he experiences, only to ultimately lose everything.
Watsuki, however, has openly expressed his dissatisfaction, acknowledging that he feels he has tarnished Tomoe's character. Originally envisioned as an "extremely beautiful woman" with a cold demeanor, Watsuki's initial concept was a "cool beauty" akin to Ayanami Rei but with black eyes. As the Remembrance Arc concludes, Tomoe evolves into a character that remains enigmatic, not fully understood by the author, the protagonist, or the readers, with only fragments to piece together.
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Now, these 14 chapters form the cherished cornerstone of the entire franchise - Rurouni Kenshin: Trust & Betrayal, one of the most acclaimed masterpieces in the anime world. Kazuhiro Furuhashi and Masashi Sogo skillfully translate these chapters into a heartbreakingly beautiful narrative on screen.
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In the above image, the ranking on the left shows the past ranking and the ranking on the right shows the later ranking.
Source: Official Rurouni Kenshin website
Remarkably, Tomoe garnered immense love from Japanese fans, securing the top spot in the official popularity ranking—surpassing even Kenshin and Saito, a feat nearly unheard of. Much of this acclaim can be attributed to Ayanami Rei's character design and Tomoe's embodiment of the Yamato Nadeshiko demeanor. This adoration endured for a substantial period, possibly until 2022. Despite Watsuki's original intentions, Tomoe consistently stood out as one of the most beloved characters, notably surpassing the main female lead.
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Source: Netflix (Search for "Rurouni Kenshin")
The enchantment of the Remembrance arc persisted, extending to the live-action adaptations. Rurouni Kenshin: The Beginning, despite having the lowest box office collection, emerged as the most beloved live-action film in the Rurouni Kenshin franchise on Netflix, securing a position in the top 10 films in 69 countries and maintaining its presence in the Global top 10 for a remarkable 8 weeks. In contrast, Rurouni Kenshin: The Final, achieved a lower performance, spending 3 weeks in the top 10 films and attaining top 10 status in 17 countries.
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Source: Rankingu
In the live-action character popularity rankings, Arimura Kasumi's portrayal of Tomoe holds the impressive 4th position, reaffirming her status as the most beloved female character, once again outshining the female lead character.
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idolish7imagines · 11 months
Could I request aged-up Tenn, Riku, & Iori drunk headcanons? including how they would interact with their sober S/O. thank you!
Drunk Headcanons for 21+ Tenn, Riku + Iori
A/n: this ended up being so much longer than i thought it would be so i hope you enjoy it
tw: alcohol
Kujo Tenn
Tenn thinks he has SUCH a good control on how much he drinks, but really its just that he isn't a lightweight so he can drink more than say Ryuu or Sogo and be fine
Usually stops once he feels slightly tipsy, which can lead to him being seen as a bit of a buzzkill when someone offers another drink and he declines
He likes the more fruity and fancy alcoholic drinks, making Gaku roll his eyes thinking he has 'higher standards for alcohol than the rest of them that just swig down beer'
8/10 in terms of handling after drinking, Tenn is typically at least fine enough to drive after waiting a half hour
With his s/o however, it depends on what kind of night he's having when they take him home
Sometimes he becomes flirty (a pretty obvious sign he's drunk because he would never, at least in public) if you approach him and doesn't care if there's one or two people nearby (meaning idol coworkers not a staff or anyone else thats too risky-)
Not in a lewd or terribly risque way though, he'll whisper in your ear or wrap his arms around your waist
On nights like a wrap party or concert afterparty though, he's tired. He's happy to go home with you so the two of you can lie together in bed and cuddle. Bonus points if you're taking care of him even though he isn't even fully drunk. He's very open to letting you do that as opposed to having a few protests normally.
Nanase Riku
Riku is the happy, emotional drunk; a little similar to Ryuu and Sogo
however, he crashes quick.
After a burst of spontaneous ideas and telling everyone how much he loves them and that he's happy to just be there, he's asleep before you can even process it
He's not picky with his drinks, he'll try anything anyone recommends...unless Tenn tells him not to
He can drink a lot if he does it quickly, but he is a lightweight
Riku's face flushes an adorable shade of pink up to his ears once he's fully drunk and usually can't stop giggling; also thinks everything everyone says is funny for better or for worse
6/10 in terms of handling, he'll usually do what you say after you tell him he's drunk, but you'd wish he'd stop laughing. Or if he's already asleep its hard to wake him back up to leave
With his s/o, he's usually latched onto them for the rest of the night after they come close for literally whatever reason. He'll hug you from behind and rest his head on your shoulder, just wanting to be close and touching you. Unfortuately he probably smells like alcohol all over.
As stated earlier, if you tell him its time to go he won't argue on it or even try to convince you he isn't drunk; the most you'll get is probably a pout.
On the bright side going home means more cuddles with you and thats what he wants.
Izumi Iori
Like Tenn, he thinks his alcohol intake is carefully calculated just because he doesn't get drunk as quick as everyone else
His intake is probably as good as Mitsuki's, or even better
He doesn't drink often and claim he doesn't care for it, but once there's a party or other event with alcohol he ends up with a drink at some point (after shaking his head at Yamato and his brother for being the same way-)
Usually starts off light and gradually goes for more heavy drinks if he's in the mood for it
Honestly is probably the type that drinks because of stress and less because he enjoys the taste
Because he doesn't seek out alcohol himself he just drinks Mitsuki's reccomendations (stopped taking Yamato's because 'he'll drink anything as long as alcohol is in it')
8/10 to deal with, he's a little quiet and a bit sleepy after drinking
Sometimes he spaces out after having a considerable amount of drinks and someone has to ask if he's alright
Face only turns pink around the nose area, his whole face doesn't turn a different shade even when drunk
With his s/o, most times he wants them to take him home so he can go to bed. He's good enough to drive but simply doesn't want to at that point.
Will actually ask you to stay with him and rests his head on your chest (he will scream about it in the morning)
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yamamuragaku · 5 months
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Drama Collection ~Season of Spring~ Rerun Event
A rerun mission event is running from 4/24 (Wed0 17:00 - 5/2 (Thu) 16:59. In this event, you can get Iori or Tenn Puchinana, hall items, event photos, and more. If you got certain limited items in the past, you will get strengthening items instead.
UR Iori, Tenn [Drama Collection Spring] & SSR Sogo, Yuki [Drama Collection Spring] have a 30% event item up bonus.
A login bonus with Kinako Bread and Pudding Drinks will be held at the same time.
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i hope paralive doesn't do ONLY in-unit events for the game because the possibility of some potential groups for events make me go fucking insane. i need rokuta ryu reo just straight up getting involved in (even more) crime just because they woke up feeling silly. i need battle of the mid (dongha and kenta, each one thinking they are the best respectively) the event to happen. i NEED shion and anne interacting and lowkey flirting for 10 stories straight in a single event before the rest of their unit drags them away or some shit and it's revealing they were just fucking w each other because they were bored.
I need a whole event focused on hokusai shion and sogo just picking cats off the streets and bringing it w them to the akyr house while iori just stares wondering why the fuck is hokusai bringing an idol group leader and a SUPPOSEDLY jailed criminal to their house with 28 different cats.
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minaramen · 2 years
Thanks for the 7th Anniversary - Part 3: The school festival starts!
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Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4 | Part 5 | Part 6 | Part 7  
*Osaka manor*
Secretary: I brought today’s newspaper
Soshi: Leave it here
Soshi: Part of this page has been torn off. What’s the reason? What kind of article did it feature?
Secretary:...it was an article about young master Sogo. You told me to get any article concerning him out of Your sight…
Soshi:...what kind of news was it?
Secretary: It was about the role of the main character in a drama serie inspired by the awarded novel “Kizuna” 
Soshi: Mpf. So now he’s done with music and wants to be an actor? He’s quite fickle
Secretary: Actually…The young Master will compose the theme song
Secretary: Would you like to see the ripped page?
Soshi: Did I ask for that?
Secretary: I apologize 
Soshi: Put this magazine away. I have a breakfast meeting at the hotel
Secretary: As You wish
*Cut to a blue sky*
Tsumugi:...and so
Tsumugi:  the day of the seventh school festival arrived!
*Cut to a classroom*
Matsunaga Taro: I’m happy to be working with you today
Tsumugi: Same! 
Riku: We’re happy to be working with you!
Mitsuki: This school’s students are amazing! The archway they put at the gate was very authentic!
Nagi: Yes! And they decorated it with seven stars
Matsunaga Taro:  We even rearranged that mascot costume, just to make the “Birth of the Nanahoshi star” atmosphere more exciting! 
Sogo: The lion’s head was turned into a black circle, while the arabesque cloth was replaced by a silver cloak…right? 
Tamaki: Ah, is it a microphone? The upper part is the head of the microphone and the body is where the grip is
Matsunaga Taro: Correct! And since it will be the mascot for the “Birth of the Nanahoshi star” event, it will be called Starbi! 
Iori: There was a public contest to choose the mascot’s name 
Mitsuki: Wearing that costume must be hot as hell. It seems pretty solid, a relative of yours could be inside and you wouldn’t even notice
Yamato: I don’t think anybody’s relative is supposed to wear it
Nagi: Oh…really?
Riku: What about your class project, Iori?
Iori: I’m joining it when it’s my turn. Pay attention to do the same, Yotsuba san
Tamaki: Roger
Sogo: So, what’s it going to be? Ah, maybe it’s on the pamphlet…
Tamaki: You can’t look
Sogo: But I want to see what you’re going to do at the school festival, Tamaki kun
Riku: Me too! I want to see what the two of you are planning!
Iori&Tamaki: Top secret
Riku&Sogo: What??
Matsunaga Taro: There’s still some time before the  performance, so please, feel free to enjoy the festival
Nagi&Mitsuki&Riku&Yamato&Sogo: Thank you!
*Cut to a street*
Momo: Ah, it’s here! There are so many people!
Yuki: Seems like it. We’ve arrived, Shizuo san
Shizuo: Yes….
Passerby girl: Re.vale?!
Passerby girl 2: It’s Re:vale, isn’t it?!
Momo: Hello! Sorry, it’s our day off!
Momo: Ryo….?
Yuki: What happened?
Momo: Ah, no….
Momo: …He ran away…! Ugh…Yuki…! Go ahead, okay?
Yuki: What?!
Momo: I’ll catch up with you later! Take care of Chiba san!
Yuki:...Momo’s gone. I wonder what’s going on…
Shizuo: Aah…I don’t know, maybe I should just stop here…
Yuki: We came all the way here, what are you saying now? I even brought a penlight for you
Shizuo: A penlight?
Yuki: Let’s wave it together. Hurting Yamato kun’s feelings is something you do quite often, right?
Shizuo: Recently…
Yuki: Yes?
Shizuo: I thought things were going well, until a few days ago…
Yuki: He’s really grown up, hasn’t he? I bet you were very happy about Mikazuki Ookami
Shizuo: Yes, I was….
Yuki: And still, you had to say this and that and made him angry
Shizuo: It was never my intention. It’s just that they asked me to say something, and so I did…
Shizuo: And there were so many things I wanted to say to Yamato, as an actor, that I couldn’t stop. I think you went through something like that with Momo, too
Yuki: Ahah…yes, it happens to me sometimes. Now that I think about that, you told me something years ago
Yuki: “We are bastards who only care about their art, that’s why we often end up hurting people. So, if you can, do your best to be a good human being”
Shizuo: I said so, yes…I wonder how I could forget this lesson
Yuki: Please, reconcile with him. That boy has already endured a lot. Today, you must yield
Shizuo: I know…
Shizuo: That’s why a wind of cowardice is blowing
Yuki: Yamato kun has proved himself brave. Let’s go, I’ll treat you today
Shizuo: With what?
Yuki: Well, since it’s a school festival…Kakigori? Yakisoba, maybe?
Shizuo: Ahah…the springtime of life
Yuki: Fufu. It really is
Shizuo: So…is it me or has your partner just run away from you?
Yuki: Don’t say things like that! He wasn’t running away from me
Yuki: But I wonder where he went…Momo…
*Cut to a secondary street*
Momo:....anf…caught you!
Ryo: Ugh…!
Momo: Why are you running like that?! Also, why were you there?!
Ryo: Could you let go of my hand? At this point you are the one assaulting me, aren't you? 
Momo: Grabbing one’s arm is assault to you?!
Ryo: Long time no see, Momo
Momo:...yeah. So, why were you running? The sight of me shocked you that much? 
Ryo: And why were you following me? Yuki may get angry if he finds out you’re still involved with me
Momo: Because I saw you running! What are you doing? I hope the answer is “nothing”, though…
Ryo: …..I went to the temple
Momo: To the temple?
Ryo: I wanted to torch the document that proves Riku and Kujo Tenn are twins
Momo: You wanted to erase it from the face of the earth?
Momo: I see…sorry, I thought you were plotting some sort of awfulness 
Ryo: It’s fine
Momo: And so? Did you torch the document in the end?
Ryo: I dropped it 
Momo: What?!? Dropped?!
Ryo: It can’t be helped. The place was so crowded, and everybody was walking in the same direction
Momo: The school festival is just two steps away! Where did you drop it? Oh no, we must find it quickly!
Ryo: Calm down
Momo: You’re the one who’s way too calm about this! Panicking is the bare minimum! 
Ryo: I'm very panicked, then! Very, veeery panicked! 
Momo: Are you kidding me, bastard?!
Ryo: Stop! Grabbing me like that…! You’re supposed to be an idol
Momo: Where did you lose that document?! It was inside something, I suppose! What was it?
Ryo: A blue carrying case
Momo: Ah…those fashionable, expensive ones that are trending among celebrities?
Ryo: Yes! Rather than dropping it, let’s say a foreigner took it by mistake
Momo: A foreigner took it by mistake?
Ryo: We bumped into each other and dropped our bags
Ryo: We picked them up without looking at each other, I noticed that the cases were almost identical
Momo: And that guy’s is..?
Ryo: I threw it away
Momo: You did what?!?
Ryo: Well, I didn’t literally throw it away. Let’s say I left it at the bonfire's acceptance. I have other things to do, you know
Momo: What was in there?
Ryo: A letter
Momo: It’ll be lost if they burn it! We must go take that letter back! 
Momo: But the document must be found as well…alright! You’ll contact Utsugi san
Ryo: Why?
Momo: Because we’re completely lost without any help! And I can’t ask Yuki…
Ryo: Eeh, why can’t you ask Yuki? Did you realize you’ve betrayed him?
Momo: Yuki would definitely trust me if I said I thought you were up to something awful! 
Momo: At the same time, you wanted to finally get rid of that document
Momo: Of course, I wonder why of all the ways to get rid of a document you chose burning it at a temple’s bonfire
Momo: But you were up to something good for once, and if it ends up making you look bad you won’t do anything like that ever again
Momo: I don’t want that
Ryo:...oh, really?
Momo: If you got it, let’s call Utsugi san and ask for help
Ryo….I don’t want to call Shiro
Momo: Why?
Ryo: He’ll make things bothersome 
Momo: Then make an effort! As depraved as you are, you're still the president’s son, aren’t you?! You must have some power!
Ryo: However, I’m not the president anymore…
Momo: Call, now!
*Cut to the school*
Girl: Ah, look! It’s ŹOOĻ, isn’t it!
Girl 2: They must be here to see Isumi! Inumaru Touma looks so scary! He’s cool!
Girl 3: Midou Torao looks even better in real life! 
Girl 1: Ooh, look at Natsume Minami san! He’s so so beautiful! 
Touma *thinking*: Haru said that this school’s students are used to celebrities and wouldn’t make any fuss, but…
Torao *thinking*: As expected, we draw too much attention walking all together like this…
Minami *thinking*: Maybe it would be better to separate until we meet Isumi san…
Shiro: Hello! Nice to meet you, we’re ŹOOĻ!
Shiro: Take care of us today!
Touma: U-Utsugi san! What’s going on? You have quite a positive attitude, today
Shiro: This school’s students are used to celebrities, aren’t they? So, I’ve been told to act normal
Shiro: We’re basically Isumi san’s parental guardians, today. It’s not good for us to be rude and not greet properly, right?
Touma: Well, yes…Haru’s grandma told us to take care of him as well
Student: Ah, ŹOOĻ …
Touma: Oh yeah! We’re ŹOOĻ!
Shiro: We’re ŹOOĻ!
Student: Kyaaaah, ŹOOĻ …!?
Touma: Exactly! In the flesh!
Shiro: We’re ŹOOĻ, yes! Thank you for taking care of Isumi Haruka!
Torao:...really? We must act that open?
Minami:..people are crowding around us
Touma: Ah! Mina, Tora, listen. Haru was pretty embarrassed about today, so even if he shows up wearing something weird don’t make fun of him 
Torao: Something weird? I knew he was going to do some kind of cosplay, but what costume is he wearing?
Touma: I have no clue, but he’s definitely ashamed of it.  We don’t want him to sulk, right? Poor Haru
Minami: Oh, I understand…shall we avoid ridiculing him no matter what he’s wearing, then?
Torao: We don’t want to make him angry at school, after all
Shiro: Whatever he’s wearing, I’m sure it suits Isumi san!
*Phone ringing*
Shiro: Ah…Ryo kun is calling me. Excuse me for a moment
Touma: Ryo san? Ah, I see…
Shiro: Utsugi Shiro here.  Ah, yes, I’m at Nanahoshi school. What? At the temple? Oh no, I absolutely don’t want to go 
Shiro:...I don’t want to. Go there yourself. Why? You’re talking about that temple, right? Up on the hill…Yes, yes. Well, I don’t want to climb up there
Shiro: What? You already did? Basically, you got up there and then you came down? And now you have to go back there?
Shiro: Ahah, what a fool’s errand. Look, the answer is no. See you
Shiro: Sorry, I made you wait
Touma *thinking*: Is he comfortable facing Ryo san like that?                                                                                                                                                      Torao *thinking*: How is this guy still alive?
Minami *thinking*:  Why is Ryo san so interested in a temple? Does he want to visit it 100 times to make amends for the past?
Shiro: So, where shall we start the tour from? Let’s look at the school pamphlet…
*Phone ringing*
Shiro: He’s so persistent… I apologize. Can you guys go ahead?
Touma: Ah, yes. Message us once you’re done with the call
Shiro: I will
Touma: If we manage to find Haru, we’ll catch him for you!
Shiro: Please, do it
*Cut to the school stage*
Student: This is the “Birth of the Nanahoshi star” stage! Judges’ seats are over there!
Otoharu: Thank you
Sosuke: Shit… I don’t understand. Why the hell are me and Takanashi normal judges and you’re the President of the Jury?
Rintaro: Ahah, I was surprised as well. My small and weak agency against yours, how could I end up being the president?
Rintaro: Young people hold the future, don’t they? They must expect something good from my agency
Otoharu: Why did you choose the president of Okazaki company?
Student: Well…because Re:vale are in that company, and they are the overall champions of Black and White
Rintaro: Reason is being a winner, then. I’m sorry, but victories and achievements do talk
Sosuke: Mpf, look at the way he shows off….this man sucks
Rintaro: And still I like you, Yaotome san. Let’s get along, okay?
Sosuke: Don’t forget what you said
Rintaro:  What? “I like you, Yaotome san”? 
Rintaro: Oh, don’t worry! I won’t forget! I like you
Sosuke: I’m not referring to that! The line about getting along
Sosuke: We’re the judges of a project involving a newborn star
Sosuke: If we find somebody with the potential to become a star of the new age, there will be no march stealing
Rintaro: But of course! I’m not planning to do anything like that
*Seth passes by*
Otoharu: Ah, what a stylish, beautiful guy! He must be from Northern Europe. Very charismatic
Otoharu: It reminds me of somebody, though…
Sosuke: We must talk to him right now! Before Okazaki agency beats us 
Rintaro: Rinto! Where’s Rinto?! Go, go!! C’mon c'mon c’mon, give him our business card!
Sosuke: Okazaki! You said “no march stealing”, didn’t you?! 
Rintaro: Yes, yes. I like you, Yaotome san
*Cut to a school hallway*
*Electronic noises*
Thorvard: <Diagonally behind us, on the right. There’s a young man with glasses, wearing a suit, coming toward us>
Thorvard: <Please, double check>
Seth:  <This is a Japanese summer festival…>
Thorvard: <Our men have tracked Nagi sama. He seems to be in this area. Apparently, he’s going to perform>
Seth: <So we’ll get to watch him sing. What’s that, Thorvard?>
Thorvard: <Your Highness Seth! Don’t walk away from me, please>
Seth: <What’s written here?>
Thorvard: <“Your first scarecrow-making experience”>
Seth:  <Amazing….and what’s written there?>
Thorvard: <“Heart beating ☆  Amateur hypnotism show”>
Seth:< ...I’m sure Sakura Haruki would have loved to go back to Japan and experience a festival like this once more>
Thovard: <This festival is more suitable for students, but…yes, maybe >
Seth: <The reason why Sakura Haruki could never come back home is me. It’s because I locked him up...>
Thorvard: <This is also true, but he had the desire to pass away in North Meir…>
Seth: <Yes, but…the letter he addressed to Nagi must still be filled with hateful words against me, right?>
Thorvard: < Yes….>
Seth: <I knew it. Let’s go back home>  
Thorvard: <Do you mean, let’s go back home to North Meir?>
Seth: <Exactly. Let’s hurry>
Thorvard: <Please, wait!>
Seth: <Nagi will find us if we stay here…!>
*Seth and Thorvard run away*
Nagi: Yeey! Let’s go see it!
Yamato: A mimicry competition? Mitsu, do you have some kind of trademark gag ready?
Mitsuki: Roppu chan, from Usamimi friends. Iori’s gonna love it
Yamato: Ahaha! What the heck is that?
*Nagi, Yamato and Mitsuki walk away*
Seth: <...is he gone?>
Thorvard: < He is… >
Seth: <Aah…that was scary…>
Thorvard: <I thought we had come so far to meet him…>
Seth: <Yes, but… <
Tenn *in english* : Are you okay?
Tenn *in english* : You’re sitting down. Are you not feeling well?
Seth: <I’ve seen his face before…ah, the minister Kenneth…his phone’s wallpaper…>
Thorvard: <Aaah! Your Highness is right…!>
Ryunosuke: Is everything alright, Tenn?
Tenn: They don’t seem to understand english…
Gaku: A heat stroke, probably! Here, I bought some water!
Gaku: W-what?
Seth: Shinpachiro!
Thorvard: Mikazuki Ookami!
Gaku: Ah, do you know me? I’m happy, thank you. Ah, I should say it in English. Thanks
Seth: Kuro…?
Tenn: Yes. I’m Kuro’s actor, my name is Kujo Tenn
Seth: Ok…Jobei! Jobei!
Ryunosuke: Ah, yes…I’m Kibaya Junpei’s actor. Tsunashi Ryunosuke
Seth: Kiba wo….mukuyouni…
Gaku: You’re well informed! In english… We sang crescent rise
Seth: OH MY GOD…!
Student: Over there…is it Trigger?!
Student 2: You’re right! And they’re together with some handsome people! I want to speak with them…!
Student: We can’t! Teachers told us we can't do that, didn’t they?! Ah, but they’re so handsome…
Ryunosuke: Ah, hello…!
Student: Ah, he did greet us…!
Student 2: That’s so kind of him!
Gaku: Tenn. Are these guys alright?
Gaku: I have water if they’re not feeling well
Thorvard: Ah, sorry, I can translate. I do speak japanese
Tenn: Are you doing okay? Please, have some water
Thorvard: Thank you
Thorvard: <Your Highness Seth, they thought we weren’t feeling well and brought us some water>
Seth: <I see.  I’ll send them an appreciation letter from the palace. As expected from the people acting in Mikazuki Ookami>
Thorvard: <Yes, You’re right>
Seth: <Such an amazing encounter makes me want to support young people with talent, like I used to do>
Seth: <If this place was North Meir, I would have invited them to the palace>
Thorvard: <Ahah, right. Lord Kenneth would definitely be amazed!>
Gaku: You seem to know us pretty well, and it doesn’t look like you’re travelers. Do you live in Japan?
Thorvard: Ah…we’re travelers, actually. We’re feeling alright, we just had a little shock
Tenn: What happened?
Seth: <What are you saying?>
Thorvard: <I told him the reason why we were sitting down was due to a shock>
Seth: <Tell them that my little brother probably hates me. Nagi likes historical dramas, right?  I’ll send him a picture of them>
Thorvard: <I’ll try to negotiate>
Thorvard: Actually, his little brother probably hates him. In order to let him reconcile with his brother, may I take a picture of you?
Thorvard: Because he likes historical dramas and Mikazuki Ookami
Gaku: Yeah, we don’t mind. Right?
Tenn: It’s fine with me
Ryunosuke: He had a fight with his little brother…?  There was a time when my little brother wouldn’t talk to me,so I understand the painful feeling
Ryunosuke: If you do your best and act honestly, he will surely understand. You can do it!
Thorvard:  <He said he also had a fight with his little brother. If you act honestly, you can  reconcile. Then he said “you can do it”>
Seth: <What good-natured young men. When the time comes, I shall invite them to dinner with Nagi>
Thorvard:  <Really?>
Seth: <Of course. They’re promising Japanese actors. Ask them to dinner>  
Thorvard: <He said that he wants to invite you to dinner, once his relationship with his brother gets better>
Ryunosuke: Ahah, I’m happy. But, really, you don’t have to bother
Gaku: No, thank you, but I appreciate the kindness. I hope you can fix things with your brother
Seth: < What did they say?>
Thorvard: < They’re grateful>
Seth: <What a wonderful story. Keep track of their contact details>
Thorvard: <At Your command>
Tenn:....I have the impression I’ve seen this person before…
End of part 3
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bearsanpancakes · 1 year
Mitsuki Izumi White Special Day! Rabbit Chat - Part 4: Memories of the amusement park
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Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4 | Part 5
Tsumugi: Thank you for your hard work, Mitsuki-san!
Mitsuki: Thank you for your hard work, Manager!
Mitsuki: I’m currently practicing the dance moves for the performance!
Tsumugi: Ah, are you busy right now…? Mitsuki: I’m currently taking a break so there’s no problem! What’s the matter?
Tsumugi: The “White Special Day” campaign has had a successful launch, and it’s been receiving much praise!
Tsumugi: This is all thanks to everyone’s hard work! Thank you! Mitsuki: Receiving lots of praise, I see! All the preparations beforehand were worth it!
Tsumugi: Yes! A lot of aspects of the campaign received high praise, especially…
Option 1 - Everyone’s greeting video!
Mitsuki: For real!? All my efforts in riding the roller coaster were worth it then! But then again, all I did was scream, and the amusement park’s introduction was done by Yamato-san and Nagi. I’ll try harder next time!!
Option 2 - Your limited-time menu’s recommended food, candy popcorn!
Mitsuki: Is it because you can eat it on the go? But I thought that Riku’s recommended Swiss roll was not only exquisite but also tasty, even I was surprised when I tried it!
Option 3 - The roller coaster that had its appearance redecorated by IDOLiSH7!
Mitsuki: I saw it a day before the event started, it was majestic! When Sogo drew a design of the roller coaster with arms, I was worried about the outcome of the roller coaster for a bit…
Mitsuki: The event sure is lively!
Tsumugi: Yes! It’s all thanks to everyone’s collective efforts, including Mitsuki-san!
Mitsuki: Wasn’t it hard for you to manage everyone’s schedules as well? It’s all thanks to your efforts too!
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Mitsuki: By the way, I heard from Iori that he went surveying with the president during the campaign, is that true? (lol)
Tsumugi: It is! Iori-san said that he’d like to survey the park during the event, but there were some complications so the president went with him.
Mitsuki: It’d feel too conspicuous if Iori were to follow me, but Iori and the president look like a father-son duo. That doesn’t seem like a bad thing lol
Tsumugi: The president was pretty enthusiastic about it too…
Mitsuki: Just the idea of the both of them going to the amusement park together is amusing enough lololol
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Tsumugi: Mitsuki-san, have you ever been to an amusement park with Iori-san before?
Mitsuki: Yup! But it was only when we were little and went with our parents.
Mitsuki: At that time, Iori kept eyeing the character balloons the other kids were holding. I think he really wanted one as well, so I dragged him along and said “Let’s go to the shops!”
Mitsuki: I kept on walking without any hesitation. In the end, not only did we not find the shops, but we also got separated from our parents. I was really scared when that happened.
Tsumugi: So you both were lost…!
Mitsuki: No, I don’t think it counts as being lost since Iori remembered where we came from and we instantly reunited with our parents. But we did get lectured to not run off on our own.
Tsumugi: What a wholesome memory!
Mitsuki: Iori’s always been dependable even as a kid. Even though I don’t remember anything, I’m sure I’ve caused him trouble a lot of times.
Tsumugi: I don’t think that’s the case, because Iori-san likes you a lot.
Tsumugi: Not only did his brother realize what he wanted, but his brother also brought him to the shops in search of it. I’m sure Iori-san feels happy…!
Mitsuki: Thank you, Manager.
Mitsuki: That’s just how he’s like, after all. He’s the kind of person who can’t honestly say what he wants. So when I discovered something he wanted, I was beyond excited to help him.
Mitsuki: Maybe he thought the same way when he helped me out with the audition. When Iori knows what I want, he helps me out too.
Mitsuki: But both of us have grown up, so now we fight for the things we want on our own, with our own strength!
Tsumugi: I think this mutual support between you and Iori-san is a wonderful thing! I hope that you and Iori-san maintain such a good relationship!
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Mitsuki: Right, I still need to think of ways to make the audience satisfied despite having fewer songs during the performance!
Mitsuki: I want to think of what the fans would want, just like how I noticed what Iori wants! White Day is a once-a-year event, after all!
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Tsumugi: Thank you! 
Tsumugi: Let’s hold a concert that can make the fans who have supported us all this time feel happy…!
Mitsuki: I agree!
Mitsuki: I’ve gotten enough rest, I should continue to practice my dance moves. I’ll talk to you later, Manager!
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Part 4 end
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ashr00m · 2 years
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[2022] [2021] I chose 16 Halloween costume ideas and randomly assigned an idol to each of them!!
Motif: "Police" Idol: Touma
•—-—-—-—-—-—-—-—-—-—-—• ok i feel like i should give context.. breathes- one of the event stories is basically our dumb idol boys taking roles (in a drama) of Greek gods or otherwise well-known Greek mythological characters. it's set in "Olympus town" and is basically a modernized slice of life parody. anyway Odysseus (Touma) and Hercules (Torao) are like.. ur friendly neighbourhood policemen except Odysseus is basically the obligatory babysitter for any manchildren or chronically drunk mfs like Dionysus (Sogo.) 'manchildren' includes Hercules who spends his time running around arresting people bc he's mentally deranged. or smth. he has a crush rivalry with Odysseus based on his idea that beating him in a fight would be the ultimate W. the truly classic dick measuring contest.
.. so yea.
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lgcmanager · 11 months
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SCHEDULE TYPE: TRIMESTER ( PART 1 OUT OF 1 ) SCHEDULE RESTRICTIONS: cannot be paired with another trimester schedule, unless stated otherwise. for reference as to whether your muse is eligible for this event, please click over HERE.
early morning on OCTOBER 16, KIM HYUNCHEOL is already waiting for the girls in the meeting room as they come in. a file folder is waiting for each girl in front of their seats. when everybody has found a place, hyuncheol finally speaks: "good morning. the family concert is now behind us, so we can finally share the details of LGC GIRLS JAPAN's SECOND SINGLE and FIRST LIVE TOUR."
"in front of you, you'll find a file with various lyrics sheets. the first one is the TITLE TRACK of your single, called "FIRE TRUCK". the concept is inspired by the famous SAILOR SQUAD, and each of you have been assigned a member. your hairstyles will be changed or refeshed to relect your assign member:
CHA SORI: SAILOR MERCURY (short black hair)
NOH AREUM: SAILOR JUPITER (long brown hair)
PARK JAEKYUNG: SAILOR VENUS (long blonde hair)
PARK TAEHA: SAILOR MOON (long blonde hair)
YANG AERA: SAILOR MARS (long black hair)
since the release of the single is planned for NOVEMBER 21, you'll have the week to learn and practice the song and will record it next MONDAY. the following days will be dedicated to learn the choreography and the music video will be filmed on OCTOBER 30. then from OCTOBER 31 to NOVEMBER 20 focus will be on practicing for the tour. on NOVEMBER 20, you'll be flying to JAPAN and spend the following 3 days promoting the single at various TOWER RECORDS locations."
"the following pages in the file are all dedicated to the tour. added to the lgc girls japan songs you've already practiced and the new singles songs, are 3 of your suggestions and 2 additional songs picked by the staff, for a total of 10 songs."
1. BREAKTHROUGH (lgc girls japan) - All [ MC 1: Intro ] 2. TOKYO DRIFT FREESTYLE (cover) - All 3. BZZ BZZ (new single bside) - All 4. GIRLS GOTTA LIVE (lgc girls japan) - All [ MC 2 ] 5. LOOK AT ME NOW (lgc girls japan) - Aeri, Areum, Sori 6. JANKENPYON (cover) - Jaekyung & Taeha 7. HEAVY ROTATION (cover) - All 8. CLAP CLAP (cover) - All 9. Idol (cover) - All [ MC 3: Ending ] 10. FIRE TRUCK (new single title track)
all relevant details of the new single & upcoming tour are available HERE
"the tour will have a total of 14 shows. every show will be preceeded by a one hour GROUP HANDSHAKE EVENT with about 100 lucky fans. furthermore, during the period of the tour, you'll be flying to japan on THURSDAY EVENINGS and come back to seoul on MONDAY MORNINGS. since this schedule will be quite demanding, we only ask you an 8 hour of practice during your time in seoul. you may do anything during the rest of your free time. however, i strongly advise that you spend time working on your stamina if you want to get through the tour without any injury or getting sick. your health needs to be a priority."
NOVEMBER 25: Kanagawa (Harmony Hall Zama Dai Hall)
NOVEMBER 26: Tokyo (Line Cube Shibuya)
DECEMBER 2: Miyagi (Sendai Sunplaza Hall)
DECEMBER 3: Iwate (Oshu-shi Bunka Kaikan Z Hall Dai Hall)
DECEMBER 9: Osaka (NHK Osaka Hall)
DECEMBER 10: Osaka (NHK Osaka Hall)
DECEMBER 16: Ehime (Matsuyama-shi Sogo Community Center Camellia Hall)
DECEMBER 17: Aichi (Nippon Tokushutogyo Shimin Kaikan Forest Hall)
DECEMBER 23: Shimane (Shimane Kenmin Kaikan Dai Hall)
DECEMBER 24: Hiroshima (Ueno Gakuen Hall)
DECEMBER 30: Kagoshima (Houzan Hall)
DECEMBER 31: Fukuoka (Fukuoka Sunpalace Hotel & Hall)
JANUARY 6: Hokkaido (Sapporo Cultural Arts Theater Hitaru)
JANUARY 7: Kanagawa (Harmony Hall Zama Dai Hall)
rooming at the hotel during the tour:
ROOM C: PARK JAEKYUNG, ACCOMPANYING STAFF (changes almost every week)
"finally, most of the debuted artists will that part in a RETREAT in december. unfortunately, due to their schedule, NOVA will be unable to attend. instead, their participation will be done through preparing a meal for the company's artists and staff members. considering the group only has 6 members, they are far from enough to be able to prepare LUNCH BOXES for everybody in a timely manner. so it's been decided that the five of you and some LGC SPRING BOYS members will be assisting the girls in their task, on DECEMBER 6." hyuncheol announces. "the activity will be used as content for NOVA's upcoming YOUTUBE SHOW. i expect all of you to be on your best behavior and do your best on this day."
as explained above, the girls will be assisting the NOVA members in making LUNCH BOXES for their seniors. do not worry, staff of the partnered cafe will also be present to supervise and assist the idols and trainees.
the participants will be divided in three teams, each in charge of different parts of the boxes:
SANDWICH & KIMBAP TEAM: seo minseo, yu milan, baek byeongkwan, kwon hyuntae, noh areum, yang aera
GRILLING TEAM: kim nayoung, watanabe miyu, kurosawa akio, xue yichen, park jaekyung, park taeha
SALAD & PLATING/PACKING TEAM: kwon sena, son nabi, han noeul, park seojin, cha sori
TOUR: write a 4 replies (minimum 8 lines) thread with another lgc girls japan member about anything that happened during the tour for +5 POINTS TO DISTRIBUTE ANYWHERE and +6 NOTORIETY !
DVD MENT: write a 300+ word solo of your muse being interviewed and asked about a memorable moment of the tour for +6 POINTS TO DISTRIBUTE ANYWHERE and +3 NOTORIETY ! these interviews will be included in the dvd release of the tour
FREESTYLE: write the 8 lines freestyle your muse performs during the tour (see the tour list for more details) for +6 LYRICS WRITING and +6 NOTORIETY !
OFF DAYS: write a 300+ word solo or a 4 replies (minimum 8 lines) thread with another lgc girls japan member about anything they've done during their off days +8 POINTS TO DISTRIBUTE ANYWHERE and +2 NOTORIETY !
LUNCH BOXES: write a 4 replies (minimum 8 lines) thread with another participant, ideally from your own team, about anything that could be caught by the camera for +6 POINTS TO DISTRIBUTE ANYWHERE and +3 NOTORIETY !
**concerning the lunch box threads: since there are a limited number of participants, please be mindful of the number of threads you take for this event, as you might block others from having partners if you take on more than one or two. also, the show is foused on the nova members, so threads between other participants might not make the final cut. finally, there's currently no air date for this or the lgc retreat, so do not mention any of it in your sns.**
make sure to use the hashtag lgc:lgcgirlsjapan for all of the tasks. you have until JANUARY 6, 2024 at 11:59PM EDT to complete the requirements and validate your points. please submit the following form ONCE on the points blog.
MUSE NAME ∙ LGC GIRLS JAPAN 004  - TOUR: +5 ( skill points distribution ), +6 notoriety  [ LINK ]  - DVD MENT: +6 ( skill points distribution ), +3 notoriety  [ LINK ]  - FREESTYLE: +6 lyrics writing, +6 notoriety  [ LINK ]  - OFF DAYS: +8 ( skill points distribution ), +2 notoriety  [ LINK ]  - LUNCH BOXES: +6 ( skill points distribution ), +3 notoriety  [ LINK ]
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