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Hippie Abe! I forgot which episode it's from but where jfk says "I like ur funny words magic man!"
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prsk-krow · 1 year
elloooooooo! i’m here again to request the nightcord members this time :D since miku liked spending time with reader more than gifts they decide to spoil the members with gifts instead (ena with expensive af art supplies, mizuki with cute accessories, etc, etc) you know what ppl say old habits die hard haha -🍁
{Niigo receiving gifts from doting reader!} [P]
Writing doting reader is so much fun, especially since this group definitely needs the care, like seriously ×^× also, first time reusing edits, so pls don't be too dissapointed, there are only so many cards I can use
Kanade Yoisaki
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Kanade has always had a selfless nature, and it's hard for her to ask for things for herself. So your gifts will probably be quite special to her, who doesn't really do much for herself, including some basic things like eating properly and sleeping!
Thanks to this, she was really surprised when you gave her the first one, as she wasn't really expecting anything at all! She of course accepts it, but she can't help but think that she doesn't really need it...
She'll probably change her mind though when she sees what it is! Music albums and CDs will be the ones that catch her eye the most, and make her think twice the hardest about whether she doesn't need whatever you give her...
"A-ah, um, thank you, but... Why are you giving me this again? I know that you keep telling me that you don't have a reason, but is that really ok? I mean-... Yeah, sorry for complaining. I really appreciate that you went out of your way to get this for me..."
She doesn't have much to give back, and she doesn't go out much so she can't buy something quickly. She mostly returns the favor by offering small snippets of songs that she's working on, because to be honest, she doesn't have much else to just give...
If you continue to give her these gifts, she will start getting used to it, and by conjunction, used to getting things simply for her enjoyment from time to time! She may even eventually learn to care for herself more...
Mafuyu Asahina
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Sadly, Mafuyu struggles showing her reactions to whatever actions you may do, especially since she doesn't really know what her reactions are, or should be. That's why she just blankly stares at you, like always, when you offer her a gift.
Maybe she truly feels something, but as she unwraps and sees whatever you brought her, she still doesn't know what. She's supposed to feel happy, right? Or honored? She doesn't know and it shows.
However, what she knows is that her gaze sometimes focuses more on certain types of gifts. Decorations that move in a curious manner, maybe a miniature aquarium or a crystal snow ball. She spends a while staring... Too long for it to be something normal.
"It's quite pretty. The glass feels so smooth... I need some space to place this. Maybe close to the computer... I want to stare at this for a while longer. Will you allow me?"
It takes a while for her to realize that she probably needs to give something in return. She struggles to come up with something, and usually defaults to buying you something small.
Even after you leave, she continues to stare at your gift. Why, why did you feel the need to give her something like this? And why does she keep staring at it? She doesn't know, but when she looks at it, thinking about you giving it to her... Maybe she doesn't notice her own breath becoming lighter.
Ena Shinonome
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Ena isn't used to receiving anything at all from anyone! She starts rejecting your offer to hand her something before you even pull it out, and starts stuttering with the same excuses when you hand it to her!
However, her stutters are rendered silent when she opens the box and sees what's inside! A small voice eventually speaks up when she takes it in, showing disbelief! You sort of didn't expect to see her this shocked, but if she's weak to compliments already, gifts aren't too different, especially from someone like you...
The artist doesn't really bother using expensive tools, since she can do with the simpler things! However, actually receiving these from someone else is a whole different story! You can bet she secretly wanted to have them all this time and never said anything...
"... Are you serious?? All of this?? F-for... Me? U-um, yeah, I appreciate it very much! Than you! I honestly wished I could give you s-something in return right now, but I don't have anything... Ah, would you like me to pain something?? I don't usually take requests, but I could make an exception, just for you!"
She'll draw even the simplest request that you make, and will make it as beautiful as she can! A set of flowers? She'll make the whole background as colorful as possible and the flowers so detailed that it's almost incomparable! You can almost imagine what else she could make...
All in all, she definitely shows a weaker side of hers everytime you come to her with a new gift, and she also gains a sense of accomplishment for earning every single one that you give... In a sense, it's just what she needed all her life...
Mizuki Akiyama
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When Mizuki first receives a present from you, they're taken pretty off guard! They're used to being the ones gifting stuff to the others, so this sudden role reversal renders them stunned for a few moments!
Emphasis on the latter part, as when the shock dissipates they start gushing about how much they like the present you gave them, and thanking you over and over! They look pretty excited as their eyes shine...
The things that they love the most are anything relating with fashion! The fancier and more stylized it is, the more they'll gush about it and the brighter their eyes will shine! Although it doesn't need to be a lot, they can rant about even a single accessory!
"Omigosh!! I remember seeing this in the store and being like 'Aww, I wanna buy that so bad but I already have a pair of earrings that match the outfit I'm planning' and then I forgot about them for a few days and then I couldn't find anymore and I got soooo sad because the outfit I had planned didn't work out as well as I thought it would-"
They will for sure return the favor! You can already expect them to take you out on a shopping trip soon to test out various clothes, and they'll pay for some themselves! They always look so convinced and sure when paying, so you don't really have a say in the matter!
It becomes a wholesome give and take in between you two, and they can't wait much more for the next time you visit their home with the wrapped up present in your hands! They may also start planning ahead on what store to visit next with you...
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miutonium · 11 months
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Im so sorry @jils-things but you made me want to go on a tangent about art supplies in a bit cuz I'm a nerd andhekqkwkdjwoqo i lov u pls dont go away- 😭
Anyway yes I usually make a very light sketch with my pencil so that I could erase it easily for me to retrace it but I am here to make a very important public announcement and I feel that it is my duty to inform the public on something that could be beneficial to the society.
Behold: Kneading Eraser
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This fucker have multiple names; Putty eraser, gummy eraser, kneaded eraser,clay. It's going through a phase, please don't judge it, let it change name every 10 seconds.
What I need is that I want everyone to put everything down and listen to what I say: You run to the art store, Michael's, Art Friend, soup store, whatever store you get your art supply at. You ask the store clerk you want a putty eraser and if they dont give you a putty eraser, tell them they're a loser in malay (it's mak kau hijau. The more your learn folks) and then go to the next store and find a putty eraser until you get them. Its not expensive, it cost me less than 2 bucks for 1 pack of putty eraser.
Why you may ask? Well, I can assure you as someone who draws, putty eraser is much much MUCH better than a normal generic eraser.
First of all, there's no dust. When you erase a line with this boy, there wont be any rubber shit nugget clumping on the table and making a mess on your bed (i know you hate your spine too and likes to draw on bed i live in ur walls u guys better sleep with 1 eye open). I'm so serious like I have 0 eraser shavings in my house since I use a putty eraser. Please stop sleeping covered in eraser shavings.
It's also malleable. You can literally shape it to whatever shape that you want so you could erase a a tiny spot that you couldn't reach without disturbing other lines. And it works sooooo well as a stress ball or a toy. People actually knead it into animal shape. Can you shape a normal rectangle eraser into a giraffe? CAN YOU? DO YOU SEE MY POINT?
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Do you suffer from loneliness? Do you need a conversation opener? Are you tired of kneading an eraser to shape it into a friend? Believe it or not, putty eraser is a great conversation starter when you dont want to start a conversation! As a personal anecdote: whenever I sketch in school, if anyone I know sees me sketching, they will always ask me what the fuck is the clay thing I use to erase my lines and then I have to explain to them what is a kneadable eraser and then whenever I demo'd the eraser, an amusing OOOOOOO will come out and they will play with my eraser for like 5 mins. Am I mad that my eraser is taken away? No because the eraser can also be s e p e r a t e d . Black magic fuckery. Please go buy a putty eraser.
Anyway for the pencil, I swear to god if you ever get this pencil, you will never use a normal mechanical pencil ever again.
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The pencil I'm using is called a drafting pencil, specifically Pentel Graphgear 500. There's tons of drafting pencil in the market but just look at this one because other's are expensive and you will cry. This pencil had a plastic body but the base is made of metal so its pretty heavy. It feels v e r y c o m f o r t a b l e on the hand, like the moment you hold it, you will believe that this is how mechanical pencil suppose to be. It just fits so perfectly with the contour of you finger. The weight feels so nice on your hands and the grip is very comfortable. The pencil sleeve also doesnt budge so you don't and won't have any issue of lead breakage (unless you press your pencil really hard)
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It's also very long-lasting. I have 2 of them in my pencil case. The one on the left were bought in 2021 from Muji. The one on the right were bought in 2015. It still works fine despite being 8 years old. I don't think I ever have any mechanical pencil that is long lasting like this one. This is legit one of the product that I would say would last a lifetime if you take care of it well.
This ends my sleepy deprivation fueled post for today.
TL;DR: Please go buy kneaded eraser and a drafting pencil I am on my knees rn-
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dk-wren · 1 year
Week 4ish - 30 Days of Buddy Daddies
Welcome to the final round of my responses to the 30 Day's of Buddy Daddies tag! Thank you for all your support on these posts and @yuraamar for creating all these fun prompts. Let's do this one more time!
Day 22: Favorite Drawing from Miri's Diary
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I love how this diary entry either suggests Miri woke up later in the night and got to properly celebrate Papa Rei's birthday or this is what she had planned (before she got too tired to wait for Rei).
While it might be more an expression of surprise, I also kinda love how Miri drew Rei with a big smile.
Day 23: Which Actor/Actress Would You Have Liked to Voice the Characters
In all honesty, I don't know.
Yes, I really enjoyed all the voice actors' performances and couldn't imagine anyone else voicing these characters. But also, Buddy Daddies was I think my 5th or 6th anime, so I have yet to really identify and/or follow any particular VAs to say I would have liked them to voice this character.
Just for a further Yuri on Ice reunion, maybe Junichi Suwabe as Kyuutaro(?), but again idk.
Day 24: Crossover
Not so much a crossover, but rather, something I hope exists in the Buddy Daddies universe is Animal Crossing. (There's Mario Kart/Morio Kart in the Buddy Daddies world, so I think it's possible) This just feels like a game the whole family would love and could somewhat play together.
I can totally see Miri loving to talk with the villagers, decorating her house, and catching bugs/fishes. Rei enjoys doing these things too, but I can also see him grind for hours just to make sure Miri has all the bells/supplies she needs when she plays to buy whatever she wants (perhaps this is how Rei spoils Miri?) or make any furniture she wants. I could even see Kazuki casually playing Animal Crossing. He may not be a gamer, but I think even he could learn the basics and not be too overwhelmed.
Just something about Miri, Rei, and Kazuki playing Animal Crossing together seems like a really cute idea.
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Day 25: Things You Would Like to See in Future Projects
Something I would like to see in future projects is Kazuki, Rei, and Miri actually finding the place that became the Dining Nest. Did Kyu or someone else find the place for them, did they hunt for this place on their own, and when/why exactly did they choose to open a diner rather than like a shop or some other business? I'd also love to know if the first time they entered the space, if there was an immediate feeling of "this is our home" or did it take some time for them to adjust to the place and make it feel like truly their own space.
As many people have said before, I fully want a beach day story too. The art Lily recently posted of Rei and Miri finally bringing home a cat also makes me want to see this storyline further fleshed out. Gosh, there's probably a bunch of other things I would like to see, but honestly, I just want to see more peaks into Kazuki, Rei, and Miri's daily life as Miri grows up and as Kazuki and Rei fully(?) leave the organization behind them
Day 26: Playlist
I would like to start by apologizing for my music taste because it unfortunately (for you probably) means that this playlist is basically show tunes. Either way, hope you enjoy the songs and my very brief explanations.
Kazurei Vibes:
Rei Vibes: (Trust me on this one, pls)
Final confrontation vibe (Rei singing, but replace "man" with like "dad"):
Day 27: What Made You Watch the Anime
The first anime I really got into was Spy x Family. Because there were a lot of initial comparisons between the two series, that grabbed my attention. I thought to myself, well I quickly fell in love with Spy x Family, so why not give Buddy Daddies a try since it seems similar.
The two animes I had previously gotten into and watched in the fall (SxF and Chainsaw Man) finished their seasons right before Buddy Daddies began airing. This was another reason I watched since I no longer had a weekly anime/show to watch and to help me keep my sanity because of school.
Funnily enough, I really do think it was because Buddy Daddies kept coming up in the SxF tag here that I watched this anime. Like I legitimately do not remember watching the trailer for Buddy Daddies until way after I got into the series.
Day 28: What Would You Change About the Story
Maybe not change, but I really wished more of Kazuki's past with Yuzuko could have been explored or touched on.
For reasons made clear throughout the series, her death, as well as the death of their unborn child, clearly left an impact on Kazuki for a long time. The circumstances alone are tragic, but to have even a little more information about Yuzuko I feel could have made her death even more emotional and tough for the audience. We really only know Yuzuko as Kazuki's ex-wife, so I kinda have to agree with those who have discussed her death really just being a plot device.
Given Kazuki's sorta self-deprecating humor/behavior and past, he definitely seems like someone who does not view himself as highly as he should. And this behavior is likely not a new development after Yuzuko's death, but a habit he’s had for most of his life. So, to see him be open with Yuzuko would be really sweet because she seems to love him as he is and not what he could be. Also, just to see Kazuki be open/vulnerable for the first time in his life, which we see happen again with Rei and Miri, would add to the parallels and give the audience more information about what make Kazuki feel safe.
Day 29: What Message Would You Leave to the Creators and All the Anime Staff?
Thank you thank you thank you!
This series was such a fun watch. I fully went into this show thinking it was a comedy, but loved the emotional and serious moments. The blending of the two tones was really well done and almost felt complementary. Like it's talked about in the show, light and dark walk together and coexist with each other.
Maybe it's just my nature, but I fully and easily fell in love with Rei, Kazuki, and Miri. The development each character went through, especially Rei, in 12 episodes was really incredible. With Rei and Kazuki, their growth felt earned and natural. I also appreciate how their growth is not linear. They learn and make mistakes and keep trying to figure out what it means to be their individual self and a papa.
And going off of that, the central idea of change and if people can change was just so well done. I feel that "can people change?" is a question many ask and you all did such a great job of illustrating yes, you can change, but again, it's not going to be over-night or easily earned.
If it's not been made clear yet, my love for this show is just so big and it’s really got a firm grip on my mind/thoughts. Like literally, this show was life altering since it caused me to develop another interest that I have just so much love for and am deeply obsessed with.
I hope you all return to this story in the future and add on to it. But if not, I appreciate all the work and love you put into these 12 episodes. Truly incredible stuff.
Thank you again for bringing this series and these characters into my life! - Dakota Wren
Day 30: Incorrect Quotes (Free Day)
I've been collecting a bunch of random "incorrect quotes" for a dnd campaign I'm currently in and had a bunch of fun pairing them with those characters. So, now just gonna bring a few of them over here to further create some Buddy Daddies madness.
Kyu, knocking on the door: Kazuki, open up. Kazuki: It all started when I was a kid. Kyu: That’s not what I- Rei: Let him finish!
Rei: Surgeons just stab people to life Kazuki: Please never become a surgeon...
Kazuki: Bold of me to constantly use the phrase 'no worries!' when I am, in fact, constantly full of many worries.
Kazuki: How did none of you hear what I just said?! Rei: I've been zoned out for the past two and a half hours. Miri: I got distracted halfway through. Kyu: Ignoring you was a conscious decision.
Kazuki: Why is Miri crying? Rei: She saw a leaf on the sidewalk and- Miri: IT LOOKED SO CRUNCHY! Kazuki: Please don’t say what I think you’re going say- Miri: AND WHEN I STEPPED ON IT THERE WAS NO CRUNCH! Kazuki: NO, NOT THAT!
Day 31: Episode I Wish I Could Rewatch Again for the First Time (2nd Free Day)
If I could rewatch any Buddy Daddies episode again for the first time, it would be the finale.
The first time I watched the episode was while I was working (yes, I was that impatient I couldn’t wait until after my shift ended), so I had to split my attention between doing my actual job and watching the episode. I would love to just sit and watch the episode again for the first time with my undivided attention. Not being at work would’ve also meant I could’ve fully lost my cool throughout the episode because there were several moments throughout that I was fully screaming in my head.
Not only that, but to just relive so many of the moments again. Rei and Kazuki driving up to the Suwa Manor like maniacs, bursting through the front door together, the kitchen scene?! And also seeing Miri be so indescribably happy to see her Papas wall into her concert. I’m not sure if I ever talked about it, but during my first watch through, I fully thought the episode was going to end with Miss Anna taking the family’s picture, which is followed by the title card. So my shock to see a grown up Miri was through the roof. I didn’t ever want to see how much of the episode was left because I just wanted to enjoy it. It made me so unbelievably happy that the epilogue kept going to show more glimpses into the lives of Miri, Rei, and Kazuki several years into the future. To watch the epilogue again, with that same feeling of oh my gosh there’s more?! would be amazing.
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And that’s a wrap for me on the 30 31 Days of Buddy Daddies tag! I had so much fun and loved that this allowed me to continue to show my love for this anime. Can’t wait to see what’s hopefully next for this family, but like I said above, if we’ve already seen the end of their story, then I’m happy with that being so too.
Thank you again for coming along with me on this tag! It truly means a lot to me!
-Dakota Wren
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baeshijima · 2 years
For the ask game, may we get Mahonia, Chamomile, Ivy and Aloe Vera please? ^^~♥
ask game !!
MAHONIA ⇢ what place, thing, activity inspires you most and how do you express yourself when it does?
hmm, my inspiration is kinda sporadic in terms of when and how it appears, though it's typically through reading, late night thoughts, in the middle of a shower when i can't jot down my thoughts... but sometimes it just strikes when drinking a really good toffee latte 🐥
and when i express myself it's through writing or art :DD
CHAMOMILE ⇢ what kind of things do you like receiving as gifts?
i'm... either the easiest or the worst person to buy for depending on how u view it,,,, i literally have no preference on what i receive and don't really care whether i get gifts or not, but as long as the giver put thought into their gift and/or tried to accommodate to what i usually use (i.e. art supplies, stationary, mangas/books, etc) then idm and will accept it ^^
IVY ⇢ what are your ‘tells’ for your emotions and moods? how can someone tell you’re happy, annoyed, upset or tired?
i cry. but i cry no matter my mood so it doesn't make a difference 😭 but ig as a general one, for the more negative emotions i'm a lot less talkative and nonchalant (i generally avoid talking in case i accidentally snap at someone bc when it all subsides i'd feel too guilty to talk to them for a while ;w;), but for more positive ones i'm just more chatty HJKF <//3
ALOE VERA ⇢ what’s something (mundane) you really want to experience in life?
ooo !! for me it's always the domestic stuff with a lover that i wanna do, bc they're your typical "mundane" happenings, like just lying in bed together and chatting about anything and everything, or cooking together...
as u can see, i'm a sucker for domesticity. send a lover pls /lh
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honklore · 3 years
would you consider doing an au where dream is a high school teacher (maybe a math teacher or english teacher or something?) and he has been crushing on his colleague, maybe an english teacher or an art teacher, and his friends have been teasing him quite a bit for it since he hasn’t had the courage to ask them out, which is quite weird considering he’s usually so confident, but it’s just a lot of flirting and shyness between the two until he final caves and asks them out? maybe even some of the students had begun to call him out on not acting on it? it’s perfectly okay if you don’t wanna do this but thank you for reading it :))
you + me = <3 | dreamwastaken
(math teacher!dream, gn!reader, dream likes u oooooh, cute kids, writer knows nothing about chess or how chess tournaments work, you requested high school but i can’t read so i chose middle school sorry!! this is literally nothing like you requested pls forgive me but i has fun, proceed with caution)
song to listen to: roadtrip by dream
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i am setting the scene to say that teacher!dream is hot!!!! like, rolled up sleeves and leather watch kind of hot !!!!!!!
dream with fluffy waves that he sometimes ties into a bun if it gets too hot,,, brown roots and blond hair, brown eyebrows, forest green eyes,,,,,, freckles,,,,,
teaches middle school math!! very patient w his kids!!! but also has been known to go on tangents so long that they last until the bell rings
he’s the teacher whose classroom the weird/shy kids sit in at lunch
reads up on his students special interests and tries to ask them about it and encourage them
doesn’t make kids write out their entire process during testing bc he understands some students work in their head and can’t <3
works with different methods to help each kid learn math in their own way
the sweetest ever omg i can’t imagine a nicer teacher than dream
has a open-policy snack cabinet in case some of the kids can’t buy their lunch
has rlly cheesy anti bullying posters on his wall but actually talks to his students about it and makes sure they know he is someone they can go to
okay this is supposed to be a love story not an i heart teacher dream story sorry
you’re the art teacher of the middle school!!! you are also one of the favorites when it comes to teachers
dream is sort of a practical logical comforter and you’re a more dreamy, imagination-based comforter
so the kids ofc have their favorites
you’re a wonderful teacher !!!!
you let the kids use art class as a sort of art therapy, giving them time to do whatever they want with colors and mediums of their choosing
and assignments are usually fun!! you make it fun by giving them good topics that encourage them to express their opinions and personalities !!!
dream has the FATTEST crush on you
it’s so big and he’s very bad at hiding it
literally buys an extra coffee friday morning
slips into your classroom like “oh? hey ___ ? didn’t expect you to be here!!”
you: “in my own classroom?”
dream: “ANYWHO!! they messed up my order AGAIN and gave me a caramel frappe instead of a matcha so you can have it”
he does this every week
new excuses sometimes but it’s always ur favorite flavor, sitting right beside his matcha in a lil cup holder
dream is the type of guy to make sure your fingertips touch when he hands you your cup
so he can blush about it later and pretend it means something
any time he needs supplies or something he goes to you first instead of the communal supply closet
during his break he’ll come in and try to talk to you while your kids are painting
you sometimes sit with him during lunch!! and the kids that all sit in his classroom love you, even if they don’t have art
and every time you do he stutters over his own words and his neck gets rlly red
the kids all give each other side eyes when he does this
math kids 🤝 art kids : tired of witnessing dream’s bad flirting skills
dream brings you a cupcake on your birthday and a little necklace w a crystal on it :/
“i googled crystals for protection!! because i want u safe always!! and i made sure it was sustainably sourced!! let me know if you don’t like it!!”
how could you not like it :(
his eyes are wide and almost worried and when you give him a big smile he gets so happy like :((
your students are just. super still behind their easels hoping this is the moment you’ll actually kiss him
but no
it isn’t until a few of your kids come up one day and ask about forming an official chess club
they need at least one teacher willing to supervise and go on tournament trips and stuff
half of the team asks you and the other asks dream
but they don’t communicate that to each other
so it’s a saturday when both you and dream show up to the school in your casual clothes, unlocking one of the rooms for the kids to practice in
you help some kids set up while dream takes a few to the side and begins to teach them the basics, since not everyone who joins is an actual player
some just wanted to be w their friends ^u^!!!
but dream keeps catching your eye over the sea of middle schoolers and it makes your cheeks heat up whether u want them to or not
the two of you becoming the unofficial parents of the middle school chess team; you take turns supervising but usually both go to trips for tournaments!!
there are six students who make up the chess team + a few who just come for the snacks and respite
and your team is actually so good they qualify for state
and it’s going to be an overnight trip !!
some parents have also agreed to come chaperone
the team is so excited!!! the entire team got to go even though only a few are competing
theres a lot of lovely support going around
your kids are expressive and bright, all wearing special t-shirts they made that count as “uniforms”
they are twelve and dgaf about what ANYONE has to say
puffy markers and all
and before the tournament they surprise u and dream with ur own shirts :(( they are so sweet omg
and ofc you and dream wear them!!! fashion be damned!!!!!
man they just look up to you guys so much
they really needed a place to fit in and your club gave them that
even the ones who are HORRIBLE at chess are sitting in the bleachers with you guys, cheering on their friends ><!!
it’s all so wholesome omg
and your team ends up qualifying !!!!!!!! it’s huge !!!!!!! you all go out for celebratory milkshakes sponsored by mr wastaken !!!!!
and everyone falls asleep with a big smile on their face that night
the next day is full of driving,, and you and dream share a lil seat at the back of the bus
all the kids are winding down, listening to music or playing games on their phones
and dream is so warm, shoulder pressed against yours when he hands you one of his earbuds and is like ,,,, do you want to listen to music with me?
and ofc you do
so the two of you take turns picking songs
dream adds them all later to a playlist called ___ and dream’s epic roadtrip playlist
now that interstate is paved with memories amirite?
once all the kids are picked up at the school, you are about to call your roommate to come pick you up
but dream is like. i can drive you home
dream is that guy who drives with one hand and keeps the other on top of the gear shift <3
you’re just excitedly recounting all the kid’s faces and all the silly stories you were told in the hotel when dream is finally at your apartment complex
and he just bursts
“i really like you”
and you’re just. stunned bc you knew he was fond of you but you never thought he’d be brave enough to SAY it
“i like you too dream!!”
“would it be too cheesy to walk you to your door and kiss you goodbye?”
“maybe... but i like cheesy.”
thank you for requesting!!!
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brahkest-fr · 3 years
do you have any recommendations for someone who’s new to flight rising?
Hmmmm let’s see
- Make your own fun! I find that a lotta people lose interest in FR because it’s just a pet sim so find something niche that you’ll enjoy like writing, art, collecting only yellow dragons with purple terts, making fan dragons, etc. I don’t participate much in FR other than character creation and lore so that’s my shtick.
- Money! If you have trouble with making currency, there’s quite a few ways to make treasure - that being like selling hatchlings, baldwin/coli mats, the fairgrounds, or offering a service (a lil advanced tbh if you’re just starting out tho). Don’t be discouraged by the prices of things, you’ll slowly make your way to earning that gold. Frankly there’s nothing wrong with scooting along buying cheap and setting goals as well.
- Take advantage of the free shit you get! Don’t be me and ignore daily gathering/stuff in the trading post. You can get some good stuff from there like food, items, coli crap, etc. Do some alchemy to start building a supply of materials for use or sale.
- Auction house is your friend! I always check there to see if what I want is cheaper than the market plus it’s a good way to price check your own sales to see how you wanna price em.
- Don’t be afraid to google some guides! There’s a lot of stuff I don’t understand about FR like how to coli or how to play some of the fairgrounds games so I always hit up helpful stuff made by other players. There’s nothing insanely complicated about the site but having a lil help doesn’t hurt.
- Check out the lore in the encyclopedia tab! It’s not necessarily for everyone but you never know what might spark your interest there.
If anyone else has helpful tips, pls feel free to add onto this! I play FR kinda like, very super casually and by that I mean I show up, throw hotpockets at my dragons and then leave to distantly muse about my next project
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sept-dix · 4 years
en- at hogwarts
summary: enhypen at hogwarts; requested :D a/n: i spent way too long trying to sort them into their houses but i'm super confident w this sorting now no one can convince me otherwise 🤓jk u probably could pls lmk if u have a different sorting in mind that u are passionate about
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from gryffindor, has an older brother a couple of years above him who’s also in gryffindor, has A Lot of house pride
has a pet toad that he half bought as a joke and half bought bc he thinks it’s cute - names his pet toad frog
always forgets the passwords to the gryffindor common room & has to ask innocent first-years for help
the absolute God of defence against the dark arts... 
he always tells everyone that he’s weak/shy/a coward etcetc (all lies) & everyone actually believes him bc he screams when they have to repot a mandrake during herbology lmao but no. he’s a natural at dada
joins the gryffindor quidditch team as a keeper in his fourth year, singlehandedly blocks every attempted goal from the rival team on his first match & wows everyone
stays behind with his brother at hogwarts during holidays/hogsmeade visits, and the 2 of them take it upon themselves to bring the rest of the students who didn’t get to go home together and conduct activities (like secret santa or snowball fights) for them
also from gryffindor, the sorting hat was on his head for a maximum of 0.5 seconds during the sorting ceremony before making its decision
somehow knows a lot about muggles despite being a pure-blooded wizard who grew up in a wizarding city, always volunteering random trivia during muggle studies lessons
unexpectedly amazing at divination - he would look into his tea cup with the most serious expression on his face & come up with a reading that’s so questionably specific
everyone’s crying from laughter but professor trelawney is convinced he’s a natural psychic
plays as a chaser on the gryffindor quidditch team 
is extremely scared of the school ghosts so they love teasing him by walking right through him out of nowhere & booing him suddenly
is that one student who keeps asking why they can’t just use pens instead of quills & ink 
from hufflepuff, is very popular and well-loved amongst his housemates
is super good at arithmancy (which not a lot of people are, so everyone’s always going to him for help)
also amazing at care of magical creatures bc every animal loves him somehow
literally like 12 different girls ask him to the yule ball
the 20 others who want to but aren’t brave enough to approach him regret it so much when the day of the ball rolls around bc he’s in an expensive & elegant maroon robe w his hair gelled up & he just looks so dashing
but oh well they would have gotten rejected anyways bc he ends up going with the girl that he’s been best friends with since the first day of year 1 (and he’s the one who asks her so yknow he rly wants to go w her)
the house elves sneak him any leftover treats during holiday seasons bc he’s always so nice to them asking them about their days & if they need help w anything etcetc 🥺
the sorting hat debated a lot about him but went with gryffindor in the end
his favourite subjects would be charms & defence against the dark arts but he takes divination together with jay just for the heck of it
is the gryffindor quidditch team’s seeker - the other houses’ seekers are always extra nervous when sunghoon’s on the field against them bc they know they’ll never be able to distinguish when he’s actually going after the snitch and when he’s just playing w them
and he’s so quick on his broom that they’ll never be able to catch up with him either way 
has a snowy white owl that is always busy bc people are always sending him love letters smh
one time someone who’s 2 years below him sends him an actual howler during breakfast confessing their love for him & his face turns the same colour as the apple he’s holding
goes exploring around the castle at night with jay bc they’re bored & jay would never do it alone
slytherin for sure
always has the prettiest quills and scrolls,,, everyone’s confused bc they all buy their stuff from the same supply store but sunoo’s ones just look nicer 
first one at the dining hall during the halloween feast he literally lives for the pumpkin pasties
takes it upon himself to decorate the slytherin common room bc it’s too dark for his liking
has a pretty barn owl that he uses to send random letters to his friends when he’s bored
is one of those people who’s from a wizarding family & just cannot wrap his mind around the fact that you can’t apparate within hogwarts 
(ni-ki: how do u think mcgonagall caught me so fast i thought she was in her office wtf?  sunoo: omg did she apparate? ni-ki: You Can’t Apparate Within Hogwarts Please Hyung For The Hundredth Time)
from ravenclaw, is a prefect, becomes the head boy, is the star of his house
one of those students who’s popular across the entire school regardless of age or house
has a big fluffy cat & everyone teases him about the cat being his twin :> heeseung always comes over to the ravenclaw common room to play w the cat
friends w all the gamekeepers/carekeepers/head elves at hogwarts so he has special access to parts of the castle that other students don’t
his friends always make him get food for them bc he’s the only one who’s at the dining hall in time for breakfast every morning
always forgets which staircases head where on which day,,, spends like an hour re-figuring out routes on the first day of every term
is super good at transfiguration, loves transfiguring random things at inconvenient timings to annoy his friends & make everyone laugh
from slytherin
always gets dress coded for not having his tie or hat on
sleeps through potions bc he’s simply not interested, copies sunoo during the exam but his potion somehow turns out better than sunoo’s
pulls a uno reverse card by planning an intricate prank against the hogwarts ghosts to scare them on halloween
lives & breathes for quidditch, is the star seeker of the slytherin quidditch team - is the only one who’s good enough to challenge sunghoon on the field
loves playing with the magical creatures that they keep beside the care for magical creatures lesson area during his free time
sends fake howlers to sunoo pretending to be his mom just to embarrass him
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immclate · 4 years
✧・゚: * ( cis man / he/him / alexander dreymon ) — welcome to ireyne, [ ICARIUS VYNORAN ] of [ ETILLE ]. when the doom came, you were [ UNALTERED ]. at [ THIRTY SIX ] years of age, the world around you changed. the act of [ TRAVELLING PAINTER ] suits you; after all, the whispers always said you were [ ADROIT ] but also [ DUPLICITOUS ]. you are [ NEUTRAL TO ] the doom. ( nova / 24 / cst / she/her / n/a )
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hello my fellow hellbeings, i’m nova & i’m so stoked to be here tbh i’ve been wanting to join a good fantasy rp for SO LONG !! between (re)watching shit like the last kingdom & the witcher & merlin i have neeeeeeeded this ... anyways this intro is probably going to be a mess but ! pls bear with me . 
born & raised in etille on a small farm, by a kind stranger who took him in after finding him abandoned as a child along the side of the road. he doesn’t remember his parents, or know what happened to them. he assumes that they’re dead, although they could still be out there somewhere
he worked on the farm growing up, until he was old enough to venture out on his own. as soon as he started discovering all of the wonders of the world, he hardly ever returned home. he was grateful to the woman that raised him, but he always felt trapped on that small little farm. it was too far away from anything and everyone. 
he never stayed in one place for long, his curiosity leading him to want to see more and more. he was insatiable. 
it wasn’t until he traveled to arella that he found a passion for the arts. he always loved seeing beautiful places, and he’d always wished he could somehow encapsulate them forever. painting allowed him to do just that. it took a lot of practice, but after a while he excelled at painting just about anything. and since he didn’t like sitting still for long periods of time, he got pretty fast at it too.
 word travelled across the kingdoms and soon he had many offers. it suited him perfectly, being able to venture out to different places, taking in all of the different culture and people. oh, the people. growing up with little to no interaction with people, it was always a kind of relief to be surrounded by so many now. especially the pretty ones. 
he often found someone to lay with in each city he visited, always charming his way into someone’s bed, both women and men alike. he didn’t much have a preference, but he had to admit it was easier to find women as it was more ‘socially acceptable’. he doesn’t give a shit, but there are many men who would rather keep it secret. 
the more paintings he finished, the greater his reputation became and he was able to charge more and more for his services. he rarely had time to paint the things he truly desired, but the temptation of riches got the better of the young man. 
after a few years, he grew bored of jumping from city to city just to paint for rotten nobles who never truly appreciated his art. he hated having to put up a polite facade whenever around them when all he wanted to do was tell them how pathetic he thought their lives must be, stuck in such a repetitive & controlled environment. the thought of being any kind of royalty sent shivers down his spine. he knew he would hate it, as he was starting to hate just working with/for them.
upon returning to arella to gather his bearings and pick up some art supplies for personal use, he met a quite enchanting woman named francys at a shop he’d wandered into. they bonded over a shared interest in painting, and as he often did, he charmed his way into her bed. then, as always, he would leave just as abruptly as he would arrive. something about her always had him coming back, though, every time he returned to arella. was it her warm bed or something more ? --- eh, likely just the bed. 
currently . . . 
he still travels frequently, craving adventure & never able to sit still, despite having a daughter in arella that he barely knows. he likes to blame francys’ sister for banishing him, when in reality he just doesn’t want the responsibility of being a father. 
spoiler alert he is 100% a shithead 
he still paints occasionally but never for money. instead he hustles, placing bets that are rigged to his advantage, or convincing people to buy things from him at a higher value than they’re worth. he’s got a silver tongue so it’s hard to dispute the things he says, especially when you don’t know him. 
will sleep with ANYONE and everyone ,,, hit it & quit it type of mans 
a certified MESS like seriously 
someone pls kick his ass . im begging 
although he DOES ... know how to fight since he’s travelled so much ,, learned how to defend himself after getting his shit absolutely ROCKED one time (lots of times lbr) but he never starts fights for no reason ... unless he’s drunk then there’s no telling wtf he’s gonna do . 
very indifferent to this whole doom thing since it didn’t alter him in any way, bc he’s a selfish prick so like ??? what ?? this horrible thing happened but it didn’t effect me in any way .. oh well ! doesn’t concern me ! (or so he thinks) 
         alright ! that’s all i have for now but i’ll probs add to it or make an actual lil bio eventually BUT !!  please feel free to slide into these DMs if you’d like to plot, here or on disco ! i’ll probably throw out a little connections page soon as well :)  
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azucanela · 4 years
Hey babes! Can i get a matchup woth one of the MHA bois? My random facts include:
I cannot for the life of me focus on one thing too long, i have the attention span of a two year old.
My friends says that I'm 'seasonal' when it comes about liking someone or anything really since again, i get distracted by other fandoms and other things and in about a week or two, if a thing ain't hyped up i just go 'well this is no longer interesting.'
I can draw and i go apeshit if anyone even tries to touch my art supplies, like, once i accidentally beats someone up with a chair because they accidentally threw my sketchbook into a pool 🗿.
I always speak shit about the things i like, mhm, it's almost the same thing when i look at todoroki and go "that oblivious piece of shi-" but everyone knows I'd end up praising them so- this applies to everyone.
I sleep around 1-6 AM and most of the time it's just me performing a one person full musical of something in my room lmao.
As you can see I'm a musical nerd, and this maybe illegal but i perhaps or perhaps not have sneakily recorded all the musicals i've watched in person 👉👈.
I smile when i get angry. I'll just look at the person and go :).
I have a weird obsession for chocolate especially chocolate ice cream, idk why.
I got lost in an amusement park when i was 9 and somehow i managed to survive being 4 hours alone wandering the streets riding all the rides on my own and buying things before 4 hours later my mom found me.
I call people petnames, even if i dunno them. I say stuff like Babes, hun, darling, dear and stuff lmao.
One of my unique abilities is that I'm always LATE. in EVERYTHING. Like even if i were told 2 months prior about something, I'm still gonna be late. Going to school? Late. Having a date? Late. Going out with the gals? Late. Absolutely anything else? Late. Idk i might have a curse.
May or may not likes watching things regarding murders doe. Like those documentaries about murderers in Netflix? I've watched all of them 🗿. Those leaked 911 calls that could be fake? I have them downloaded. Idk, it's just fascinating.
I'm a hopeless romantic and touch starved so- yeah.
I once accidentally stepped on an ant nest of sorts while climbing a tree and well, you can imagine how that turned out lmao. Not to mention i can't get down since I'm a little bitch at the time so i was stuck getting bite by fire ants
Done! Those should be enough! Take your time sweetheart, I'd be willing to wait! You don't have to include all of this if it's too much!
akjshaskjdhajksdh thats a lot i—
bnha — sero hanta
sero is the type to help you stay on task but also cannot stay on task for the life of himself, but he tries. is honestly astonished by your art and very fearful of what would happen if he touched it so he avoids doing so without your permission and protects it from others. definitely the type of guy you can lowkey bully but wouldn’t mind, he seems like the type to opt for a teasing relationship and would fully support your definitely illegal efforts of recording musicals ajkshdjkasdh. he also does not sleep at normal hours so you two see each other frequently, and he is also touchy!! will save you from touch starvation, he liks hugs and all. and will try to guarantee you are on time but gets distracted lmao. but also if he ever loses you in a crowd he freaks out pls dont go missing he’ll panic and use his quirk to get up high and try to find you and then get stuck—
random fact  + ship [closed] if your ask didn’t match the guidelines i set or my general rules it probably won’t be completed.
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marlacrane · 4 years
『COURTNEY EATON ❙ CIS FEMALE』 ⟿ looks like MARLA CRANE is here for HER JUNIOR year as a JOURNALISM student. she is 22 years old & known to be inventive, dogged, heedless & blunt. They’re living in GORHAM, so if you’re there, watch out for them. ⬳ mia. 23. pt. she/her.
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[without me by eminem plays muffled from the next room as marla wanders thru the door w a mickey of vodka in her left hand and the communist manifesto in her right]
tws for drug use, mental illness
she has a happy childhood in a seattle suburb. she’s the youngest of two girls, and even though her mom works all the time, and her dad’s overseas, everything’s fine. until marla gets to second grade, which she hates, gets into a fight with a boy, and nearly bites his finger off. this time she gets off with a warning. then, later that week, said boy and her are working on this paper maché duck together, and the teacher's keeping an eye on them at first but has now dismissed them as totally getting along, and then the teacher glances at them again to find that they have vanished, and so have the art supplies. the two of them are found six hours later hiding in a park. they’ve been hanging out there all day, asking for a quarter from each unsuspecting parent or guardian they’ve seen. they’ve used this to buy as much food from the community centre vending machine as they can carry. their goal: wait until their parents are sleeping, steal the tent from marla’s backyard, and go live in the treehouse in his backyard. upon discovery, they’re both grounded for a month. marla is no longer allowed to read calvin and hobbes  ––  her mom is pretty sure it’s what inspired the escape attempt.
she and this boy, whose name is jasper, regroup once they’ve been ungrounded. jasper and her are both the sort of kids who bite their nails at the sign of a group project. their fight had been over who got to read the classroom’s only calvin and hobbes anthology. their initial truce had been based entirely around a mutual desire for treehouse living. now, they just want insurance. so they agree to partner up, always.
they’re bad influences on each other. apart, they’re both a little feral, sure, but they understand that certain things are not possible, and they avoid danger if they can help it. when they hang out, though, they egg each other on. jasper breaks his arm because marla dares him to climb the school; marla’s suspended after jasper dares her to pull the fire alarm; jasper and marla accidentally burn down a garden shed; jasper and marla scam five people out of their lunch money so they can go see a movie after school. (they pay them back a week later. they’re not total monsters. also, they were getting scared one of the kids was gonna tell on them).
jasper’s parents are moving. jasper’s moving with them, out to the country. marla hates it, but she steels herself. she can be independent. she’s nearly sixteen now, and it’s about time she started. but she’s going to miss him. he tells her that nothing’s going to change, which she tells him is bullshit. he takes this the wrong way, and they stop speaking to each other. this goes on for five months. marla’s lonely at first  ––  she doesn’t know how to talk to people who aren’t him. she starts dating this guy, and that opens things up a little bit. he introduces her to his friends, and suddenly she doesn’t feel as wild. she’s no longer a product of the outskirts.
one night she thinks fuck it, that’s enough silence. she sneaks out at one am, texting jasper to meet her halfway. she borrows her sister’s car. marla figures she practically knows how to drive. she’s done it a few times. and, to her credit, she makes it to where she and jasper are meeting. she also wraps the car around a pole. she emerges relatively unharmed, and she panics. jasper doesn’t show up. he texts to tell her he got caught trying to leave. she calls him an idiot. then she waits there, arms crossed, incapable of doing anything but dreading consequences, until it’s nearly morning. that’s when a cop drives by and the process of being in trouble begins. it’s a clusterfuck. this is when her sister stops speaking to her  ––  marla’s been on thin ice with her for a long time, but now it’s over. it isn’t so much that her sister wants to hold a grudge. it’s just finally too much. and marla gets it. for once, she doesn’t try and change things, or slip out of trouble. that doesn’t mean she doesn’t get into a number of shouting matches with her mom. her phone is taken away, as is all of her money, which goes toward buying her sister a new car. her laptop is sold in the name of the new car too. she can use the family computer if schoolwork absolutely demands internet access.
she hasn’t heard from jasper in a long time. her now ex boyfriend is still sort of a friend, but not the kind she can hang out with. there was one girl she really got along with at their school, but they made out at a party and the next day the girl wouldn’t really look her in the eyes. she turns seventeen, the birthday celebrated more or less alone, and does a little stint in juvie for keying a teacher’s car. she then spends a year at a community college, followed by radcliffe. she picks radcliffe because she’s accepted, and because it’s far from home. being at home fills her with this sick feeling now  ––  something went bad somewhere along the way, and she’s pretty sure it was her that made the wrong turn at the crossroads. not her mom, not jasper, not anyone else that had power over her life. and she won’t reach out to her friend, or to her sister, because that would mean admitting she cares more than they do.
she sort of wishes she could go back to being a careful person. she wants to understand boundaries. she also wants her life to have a purpose, and she likes writing, and she’s always loved nancy drew, but being a detective would’ve meant being a cop and she'd genuinely rather die, so she’s gone for journalism. she’s not loving the university experience, but it’s better than before, and it’s provided a lot of distractions that she’s grateful for.
headcanons / personality :
she can be a little abrasive.
she smokes weed whenever she can afford it, because if she doesn’t she tends toward feeling depressed and highly uninspired. she carries this apathy with her, and then every once in a while she’ll snap, and either get a lot better or a lot worse. klonopin is her best friend now.
she’s 100% a leftist and the way to her heart at this point is through communism memes. she’s slowly but surely making her way through the works of karl marx. she’d probably be done by now, but she keeps reading romance novels instead. (this is also a secret. she reads them on her phone and deletes them the moment she’s done so that nobody can know).
she lives to pirate movies, but claims that the only movie she’s ever seen is showgirls. this is because she dated a film major during her first year of college and found him so insufferable that she’s decided nobody can ever know she watches movies. she gets that he was just a jackass, and she shouldn’t judge anyone by their major, and yet................ that said, she has a secret letterboxd account (when she made it, she found her ex’s account and blocked him, just in case) and on it there’s a list of films in which richard nixon gets punched in the face.
deep down she’s actually very sentimental and sensitive, which is why she worked so hard to Not Be That growing up. she does her very best to never show that side of herself  ––  if someone sees her crying she’s just gotta kill them ! those are the rules. and after a while it got more and more difficult to actually access that side of herself. when she cries, it’s an Event.
she’s always broke. she’s also somehow always capable of scraping together exactly enough money to go out.
she knows that if jasper contacted her now, even after the years of radio silence, she’d do anything for him. they’re still friends, even if that friendship only exists in her memories. she realizes she could text him, but that would violate her strict double texting rules. and she’s afraid to.
she definitely makes bad decisions while drunk. like, all the time. speaking of which, she’s up for anything ! wanna attempt to summon a demon at 3 am? she’s ur girl ! wanna break into someone’s house and move all of the furniture over by about an inch before stealing away into the night? she’s already there !
she’s actually a good listener, which is one of the only positive traits she credits herself with. that, and creativity.
she’s a taurus but like . there is almost definitely some pisces / scorpio / sagittarius on her chart
she can play piano. she’s actually pretty good at it. or she was, back when she had access to pianos.
she really really really really really really wants a dog but there is no way in hell she can afford one
she’s bisexual
wanted connections :
(i mean. i will love anything, but....)
exes  –  whether they dated for a while or just hooked up once or twice tbh
enemies  –  these are easy because marla often does not consider consequences, so she could easily have done smth :/ to ur muse
friends  –  pls ! she needs them
unrequited crush  –  on her part, probably ? maybe they’re friends and she doesn’t wanna fuck that up but she’s starting to care about them in a different way. I Love Repression. what a good trope.
if anyone’s down for spontaneous tattoos............ she loves those (@chase hi, hello, come here)
a good influence would be fantastic
anyone else from seattle / the seattle area who maybe knew her in passing
um i really want this
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Hey guys! It’s been a while- I’ve been swamped in exams and various things after, but I’m back now! Also, a little disclaimer: sorry about the lighting and the background in the pictures here- I’m currently working at my summer job helping to edit the translation of a book, and I don’t have access to my usual lighting and background conditions, but without further ado, let’s get into it!
 I’m going to go through a bit of what I thought about the bullet journal I used this year, and then talk a little about what I’m going to change for this coming year based on the experience that I had this year.
Bullet Journal: July 2018 to June 2019
(Side note- I run my bullet journal in these months as it covers a summer and an academic year, which gives me time to set a journal up over summer and record my experiences without having to switch journal right in the middle of an academic year)
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 So, the notebook that I was using this year in order to make my bullet journal was a blue, lined A5 softcover Moleskine notebook that someone gave to me as a present for the express purpose of making a bullet journal. I wasn’t super hot on the idea of using this notebook for this purpose initially, because I was more keen on the idea of buying a Leuchtturm dotted 1917 for this purpose, but I thought I’d give it a go anyway. Besides, I quite liked the feel of the softcover notebook and this way I didn’t have to buy any more supplies to get myself started.
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 The notebook itself was nice, and the quality of paper was alright: there was a bit of ghosting as you can see in the picture above (the ink from other pages can be seen but it has not bled through). My main issue with this notebook, however, was the fact that over the course of the year, the actual structural integrity was damaged, and the cover came detached from the spine and the bookmark ribbon soon followed, as you can see above. This was mostly due to the fact that the book was softcover and therefore possibly more likely to get damaged, but on the whole the rest of the notebook stayed together quite well.
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 One thing I did really like about how I did the bullet journal this year, partially prompted by the fact that there were lines rather than dots in the notebook, was the space I left for reflecting and doing actual journally things in the notebook. I experimented a bit with art journal things as well on a couple of pages (but those pages have too many personal details and photos on to be worth sharing), and I really like the way that I could record my experience of my first year at uni in a space that also served a functional purpose for managing my expenses and my daily tasks and events. If you take a look at previous bullet journal posts I’ve made, you can see my weekly spreads, which are a very traditional calendar layout, and that system worked for me as I needed an easy setup that I could lay out quickly.
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 I messed around a lot with the front section of my months: here’s what my spread looked like in July (with my spending more or less blurred out). I like the inspirational quotes, although towards the end of this year I found it hard to keep coming up with new quotes. I quickly lost my “things to be excited about” and “things I am not looking forward to but will conquer nonetheless” boxes because although they were a nice thought, the content was sort of covered in the reflection at the start of each month, and they were taking up room where I needed to record my spending. I also stopped using the habit trackers that I laid out (which took me ages but oh well) because I found that they weren’t particularly useful for me personally. Going forward, I’m keeping the spending section, and I’m replacing the whole right hand page of this spread with a “line-a-day” section, which I introduced in November of 2018 and I found it to be a really good way of keeping track of the important things that I’ve been doing and experiences I’ve been having without taking up masses of my time.
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 With regards to the notebook, I left a lot of pages blank at the back, which was a shame, especially because I could have spent at least some time writing longer actual journal entries about particularly important events and travels and things, but there realistically weren’t that many pages that were left blank, so it might have been a bit odd. The book was also a bit too narrow for my liking, but that’s sort of by the by. As you can see in the bottom of the pages in the above pictures, I put page numbers in as I thought I should do that when I was first setting this up, but in reality this really did nothing and I’m not going to bother adding page numbers to bullet journals where the notebooks don’t already provide them).
In summary:
The notebook was ok, but I didn’t like how narrow it was, and the fact that it was softcover meant that it was more susceptible to damage and did get damaged
Having lines wasn’t hugely problematic, although for the art pages I’d rather have a dot grid. It did let me do some more proper journalling, which I realise I want to do more of in the coming year.
The habit trackers were really just a waste of time for me in the end
There are spreads that will stay, like the year at a glance spreads as well as the layout of the weekly spreads as being similar to those of a traditional planner
Bullet Journal- July 2019 to June 2020
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I’ve opted this time around for a Leuchtturm 1917 hard cover journal with dotted pages, which is the typical bullet journal notebook, and I can see why. Hopefully the hard cover means it won’t get as beaten up, and the pages are just that bit wider, which allows me to make spreads that look more like planner pages rather than just decorated pages in a notebook. The dot grid has also meant that I’m more comfortable with going a bit further with the art side of things (partly aesthetic, partly stress relief) so get excited for some really funky spreads. I’ve kept the expenses and line-a-day format for the beginning of each month, as well as the full-page monthly reflection that I started in the Moleskine. Because the Leuchtturm has far more pages, I won’t have to compromise on space like I did in the moleskine (outside of term time I had one week to a page instead of across two for space reasons), and there will still be plenty more empty pages left over, which hopefully means I can fit in some proper journal entries. To make a long story short, this upcoming journal is equally as functional for me, but will also be more effective at recording memories as I go into my second year of university.
I’ll have some posts with my latest spreads ready for the start of July, but until I post those on the first, I hope this post was vaguely useful, and as always, you can support what I do below:
(pls help a poor broke student out)
See you soon for some more content (I promise I’m back now guys)
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rhidenae · 4 years
So in light of Phil’s newest video (the Bob Ross Painting tutorial festive edition) I figured it would be fun to share some of the things I’ve learned when learning how to oil paint over the past year.
(Note: i swear I’m not trying to be mean I love Phil with my whole heart and I think he tried his very best. But that being said, I cringed the whole time I watched it because I couldn’t get over the tiny details of things he could’ve done differently to make the painting less of a happy accident)
Not in any particular order, but I’ve sectioned it into things petaining to supplies and technique.
1. Buy good paint thinner. Lots of it (I’ve spilt it on a rug, myself, a table, etc, and trust me that scent is HARD to remove)
2. Wear something you don’t care about to paint in. I have a sweatshirt specifically for oil painting days because I know I’m going to make a mess.
3. Invest in cheap paper towels or set aside an old towel you don’t use anymore for your paint excess. Trust me on this.
4. When you first start painting, you’re going to think that those little tubes of oil paint are only going to last you one, maybe two paintings. You will use too much at once thinking you are doing yourself a favor so you don’t have to keep refilling the palate. You will be wrong. As long as you’ve prepped the canvas and it’s nice and Moist™️ I swear that a little paint will generally go a long way.
5. Gesso is fancy and expensive but I’ve never found myself in a bind without it, so as long as you buy enough titanium white and wet your brush with a tiny bit of thinner first, your canvas prep will be *chefs kiss*
8. Full disclosure, I acrylic painted for about a year and a half before I decided to try oil painting and I thought I’d be clever and use my all purpose brushes, which is fine in a bind, but they are very. Very soft. And soft.... does not cut it with oil painting. I have since bought stiffer brushes and they are my favorite things. So if in doubt and you’re buying supplies for the first time, I recommend Master’s Touch brand, which are generally not very expensive but good quality for the money spent.
9. Probably less important if you’re patient and willing to deal with it, but a steady easel does wonders for your state of mind when painting. Not having to hold onto the edge of the painting to keep it steady makes it much easier and more relaxing to paint. The downside is these are expensive af so I do not know the comfort of this and live in fear that my easel will fall over at literally any minute.
10. Save your floor! If you don’t have a floor that’s easy to mop like I do, make sure the surrounding area is covered because oil paint will splatter on the floor like you wouldn’t believe.
(I’m not an expert clearly, so this is just things that help me as an amateur who is only doing this as a sort of therapy exercise. For serious advice pls pls reach out to someone who knows wtf they’re doing bc that is not me)
1. Watch tutorials. Before, so you know what to expect. During, so you have a point of reference. And after, to see where you went wrong and how you can improve. Bob Ross is of course fantastic, and I also like to watch MazArtStudio on YouTube, as she does some really beautiful landscape tutorials.
2. Everyone does something different with their technique, so figure out what works for you. Try different brushes and different styles, different types of paintings (I stick to landscapes because there’s more blending and I suck at doing any sort of precision work) so just try different things and find something that vibes with you.
3. Be careful how you hold brushes and knives. It’s easy to make something look messy if you’re holding the brush at a more narrow angle to the canvas, so if you’re following a tutorial step by step, pay close attention to how they hold their brushes and knives. I swear it helps.
4. The palate knife. The heckin palate knife. May or may not be your best friend. Definitely needs the devil beat out of it on principle alone. Bob explains it a little bit a more detailed tutorial on how to use that specific knife is better if it’s your first time trying to use it. My best personal advice is give yourself plenty of room on your palate to spread the paint, make sure it’s t h i n and scrape just a little roll onto the edge. Don’t just scoop up some paint and try to flatten it on the canvas: that probably won’t work. It’s frustrating and annoying but eventually you’ll get a feel for it and it might make it easier to use and handle.
5. The sky is where you’ll start generally, and I like to take my colors and paint in figure-8 motions, especially when I start blending a sunset or something together. It just looks nice and it’s an easy way to make the painting look less flat (in my amateur opinion)
6. Clouds are the worst in my opinion, and I suck at them. However, they’re pretty so if you’re going to do them, I find it easier to use a rounded brush and make more whimsical, round clouds (especially if I’m not striving for hyper realism)
7. Water is my favorite thing to do because it’s just... so nice. When I paint something I almost always have water in it, but be not afraid!! Water is not always blue!! I always take whatever color I have on top for the sky, drop to the bottom of the canvas, and paint from mid-canvas to the bottom in even, vertical strokes. So if you’re doing a sunset and you have yellow in the very center at the top, drop it down and do vertical strokes of that same color at the bottom. After you’ve copied the top to the bottom in vertical strokes (the direction of the strokes is important) take your (clean, and slightly damp with thinner if you’re me and have no patience) brush and blend the colors in even, horizontal, side to side, strokes. It makes the water look like it’s moving and it’s just. I love it. (Also, I like to go back and dab a brush in a little bit of white and do some white spots randomly through the water and blend that the same way, just to look more like reflection of the sun)
8. Trees!!!! Tress can be hard!!! But don’t lose hope, it’s fine, everything is fine. My best advice with trees is probably use a thin brush to make a line where you want your tree, then go back and add the limbs and leaves with a fan brush. I find it easier to start out from the top and hold the fan so that it’s vertical, and as soon as your tree starts getting thicker, flip it so it’s horizontal and just dab the brush against the canvas from side to side on the line (I don’t know how to describe it the way I do it but I do some variation of what Bob does, just less pretty.)
9. Not really a technique just a pet peeve, but if you’re giving a painting to someone or you’re hanging it up, and it’s a stretched canvas (meaning there’s canvas on the edges too) please please PLEASE paint the edges. I hate when I forget that and I hang something up and realize that the edges are white with very noticeable paint at the very edge. So do yourself a service and do that, especially if you’re someone who’s easily bothered by details like that.
And I guess that’s it from me!! I’ve only ever painted landscapes so I have no advice for portraits or anything else. Also, like I said, I’m not a professional, I’ve never taken a single art class, so take my opinions with a grain of salt because I’m really just shouting into the void here.
To prove how not a professional I am and also to flex that I indeed do watch Bob Ross tutorials, here’s some of the things I’ve painted, from oldest to most recent.
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As you can see..... I do not qualify as someone to give advice, so these are just my opinions on what I think works for me so feel free to disregard this as you will lmao.
Anyway, subscribe to AmazingPhil and may all your holiday festivities be wonderful and bright ✨✨
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necrofuturism · 5 years
 “someone motivate me to gather up my vending supplies pls i have a...”
Gather 'em up. You need to sell your wares so you can buy new art things!
thank! i’m mostly packed for now. had a nasty day thx to migraine and other stuff. hopefully i have enough time to finish giving my small mannequin, Christina, a greatly needed lil makeover. 
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shownusfool · 6 years
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elvsium-blog · 6 years
⊰ ⦂ ⋰ * ✧ [ LUCY LIU, FORTY-NINE, CISFEMALE, SHE/HER ] have you seen ANNA SUN around san francisco ?     it’s been said that they have been in the city for TEN YEARS and works as an ANTIQUITIES DEALER.     if you look closely, you can see that they are INTELLIGENT AND LEVEL HEADED but look further still and you’ll see that they can also be HARSH AND UNCOMPROMISING.
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what up, i’m christa, i’m 24, and i never fucking learned how to talk about myself.    i’m super excited to be here, bringing you all an actual goddess anna !    you can hit the cut for more info about her.    leave a like on this and i’ll hit you up to plot, OR you can find me on discord @ stfu christa#3644.
basics ;
birth name:    sun zhi ruo.    (  孫芷若 )
american name:    angelica sun, shortened to anna sun.
age + d.o.b.:    forty-nine years old.    august 23rd, 1969.
zodiac sign:    virgo.
nationality:    chinese-american.
ethnicity:    han chinese.
sexual orientation:    bisexual.
gender: cisfemale.
education:    doctorate of archaeology from princeton university.
occupation:    archaeologist.    artist.    former professor of archaeology at nyu.    currently works as an antiquities dealer for the fine arts museum of san francisco.
fluent languagues:    english.    mandarin chinese.    classical chinese.    classical latin.    ancient greek.    ancient hebrew.    classical arabic.
relationship status:    single.
notable features:    cheekbones.    her jawline.    she’s on the short side  ( 5′3″ )  and has a slender, feminine figure.    her cheeks and the bridge of her nose are dusted with freckles.    aging like fine wine...    but for real, she’s 49 and doesn’t look a day over 35.
bio ;
she was born in new york city to first gen. chinese immigrants.    the entire family lived in an apartment above the antique store that her parents owned in the tribeca neighborhood of manhattan.    she was an only child, but the store was a busy place, so she was never really lonely.
growing up in an antique store gave her a deep love of  “ old things, ”  although she eventually took it farther than selling old chairs and porcelain dolls to collectors.
all throughout school she was a pretty average student in math and science, but she excelled in history and literature.    after graduating from the beekman school at the age of 18, she attended princeton university where she majored in, and eventually earned a doctorate in, archaeology.
as an archaeologist, she worked in the field all over the world.    most of her work centered in the mediterranean region.    the greek islands, italy, turkey, and various parts of the middle east.    she had some lara croft vibes™ going.
when she was 33 years old, her parents died in a fire that consumed both their store and the apartment upstairs where she grew up.   she was in rhodes at the time, and she was inconsolable.   just like that, her entire family was gone.
it made her consider settling down and getting married.    at 35, she got involved with a woman that she considered the love of her life.    they moved in together, and were in a stable relationship for three years.    anna got a job at nyu as a professor so that she wouldn’t have to be away from home for months at a time on archaeological digs.    the two of them had plans to get married and start a family together...
and then they didn’t.    things fell apart.    badly.    they broke up when anna was 38.    when the fine arts museum of san francisco offered her a position, she practically jumped on the chance to leave new york behind and move completely across the country.
she’s worked as an antiquities dealer since.    she identifies, buys, and cares for  “ antique ”  art and sculptures.    things from ancient egypt, ancient greece, and ancient rome.    pieces of art that can be up to 5,000 years old.
misc ;
learning to repair old paintings meant that she had to learn how to paint, and she’s since found a passion for art.    she does a bit of painting of her own, but nothing that she would consider selling.
field work left her very athletic, but even now that she no longer works on archaeological sites, she does martial arts and goes to the gym regularly to keep in shape.    could possibly kick your ass.
ridiculously smart about history and languages and literature.    like...    hella smart.    but can barely do basic math in her head and uses the calculator on her phone way more than she cares to admit.
character inspo is diana prince / wonder woman from the dceu, lara croft, and athena.
connections ;
artsy pals.    people who are artists, or just enjoy art.    people who might hang around the museum, or around the stores where anna buys art supplies.
gym buddies or a personal trainer.
friends she can drink with.    anna is a Whiskey Mom.    let her make you a crown and coke while you complain about your week.
she is currently thinking of looking into adopting a child, so i’d love some connects with muses who are parents.    people who can possibly help her, give her advice, etc.
younger muses she can be a Mom Friend for.
fake dating, wedding date, etc.*    she’d make a hella impressive date to show off to your family, ngl.
someone that will affectionately call her freckles, pls and thx.
* since anna is quite a bit older than a lot of other muses here, i’m gonna be selective about any romantic connections  ( even if they’re fake, or one night stands )  to prevent any uncomfortable age gaps.    so i’ll only consider muses who are 35+ for any romantic or sexual relationships.
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