#all of abes outfits in that episode were so good
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Hippie Abe! I forgot which episode it's from but where jfk says "I like ur funny words magic man!"
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patentedsun · 2 months
Rapid fire Fairy Tail rewatch thoughts. May or May not expand upon each point later on.
for reference, I've reached tartaros so far. I am aware of the canon happenings after that tho.
The female cast is so good idc what anyone says obviously the fanservice is awful BUT I will say, in the earlier arcs, it actually felt decently balanced because of Gray's whole stripping shtick + Natsu's cunty vest wasn't particularly modest either LOL.
Erza is such a wonderful character. I've seen comments that she goes downhill like 100yq onwards but. Um. 100yq characterisation.... that's a whole post of its own.
I never expected to like Lucy so much. idc that it takes her like 200 episodes to win a fight solo because when she FINALLY DOES IT WAS THE BEST MOMENT OF THE SERIES BY FAR. characters who's defining traits r kindness and compassion <33
Interesting how Lucy is the traditional shounen protag (underdog, skills develop overtime) because the rest of team Natsu sans Wendy were all like ... already kinda OP established mages even at the beginning.
I know there are debates ab who really is the protag and imo the narrative skews towards Natsu more BUT. it's bizarre how unexplored he is for a main character. Like yes he is my favourite character other than Lucy but his inner psyche is barely explored it's so weird. He doesn't really have a character arc either??? I'll expand on this more once I finish post tartaros (lolll not looking forward to that) and once again it seems like he's completely regressed from what I've seen of 100yq.
I fucking love all the ships.
I don't agree with comments that Natsu can't be traditionally romantic. Like, I definitely don't think he would ever have the natural inclination to be that way as a part of his character on its own. BUT considering iconic rainbow sakura moment I fully believe he would do whatever it is that would make Lucy happy. And if that includes red roses and candlelit dinners he would absolutely try his best.
Nalu moments r seriously. so good.
I totally see why Juvia stans don't like gruvia. But unfortunately I like them. And I've slightly rewritten them in my head so that juvia doesn't get completely flanderized LOL.
the Natsu Erza Gray sibling relationship goes soooo hard.
Just in general there's something beautiful about the way Fairy Tail handles it's numerous platonic and romantic relationships. Nothing feels secondary yk. Everything is given its due time (except maybe NALU goddammit).
I LOVE THAT FEMALE CHARACTERS HAVE DEEP COMPLEX RELATIONSHIPS IRRELEVANT TO THE MALE CAST. Lucy and Levy, Lucy and Yukino, whatever combination between Erza Lucy Wendy, Lucy Flare, Wendy Shelia, Wendy Carla etc
Even when the relationship involves a man in some kind of way like eg Lucy Cana or Erza Kagura it's still not like... in a bad way. The friendship itself is still there, it's just that the inciting incident tends to involve a dude.
Speaking of Lucy having so many deep female friendships is a big reason why I like Nalu so much lol. Like I literally do not care ab ships in media but fairy tail.... just has that something...
Love how often everyone changes outfits.
This show desperately needed a mini arc somewhere with just Natsu Lucy Happy going on a low stake job, where Natsu actually opens up ab his emotions and his relationship with Igneel.
Needed more Natsu and Igneel flashbacks in general.
Wendy triple combo abandonment issues are not talked ab enough holy shit. Grandeeny, Mystogan and then her entire guild???!
Lucy's relationship with her dad was objectively so well written. I skipped starry skies arc sorry the pacing was destroying me so I can't speak on that. But everything else was just BEAUTIFUL.
The fact that she returns to him just to tell at him. The fact that he comes to her with money problems and she STILL stands her ground. The fact that it's HIM who has to better himself and earn HER forgiveness.
Even after it seems like they're on ok terms, Lucy mentions in tenrou that they don't keep in contact, which is soo... realistic...
and then his death... Shout-out to Natsu who actually is emotionally quite mature (as the author himself seems to have forgotten) and dealt with it wonderfully. He gave Lucy her space, he let her vent, he stopped Happy from interfering too much. + Lucy being conflicted ab it and clearly grieving what could have been instead of what was. sighhh. .
idc ab no deaths but I do wish they didn't do fake out deaths as often. Because when actual loss sticks, it's done super well imo. Ultear, Aquarius, I haven't hit this part yet but Igneel... (yes I'm ignoring 100yq)
the episodic fillers r INCREDIBLE.
Rogue and Frosch are so special to me.
Wish they expanded on Jellal and Meredy's relationship a bit more it seems quite wholesome.
I love Virgo.
Really hate the muted colours Ft2014 onwards, but I do like that Lucy's hair became blonde and not yellow.
Pacing 2014 onwards was GOD AWFUL. I WAS SO SAD because I think the story beats in eclipse arc is actually super good but it was DRAGGED OUT SO MUCH nothing had the impact it should've.
Snow fairy, FT, Masayume chasing you will never be forgotten.
Lucy underutilizes Gemini so much it drives me mad. They were terrifying under Angel so like... cmon...
idc what anyone says GMG and edolas were top tier.
Edolas Natsu X Edolas Lucy... yes
objectively speaking gajeel is a top tier character too
Someone pointed out that Natsu didn't reallyyy hang out with anyone other than Happy pre canon and it changed my life. Every time I notice him and Lucy casually hanging out now I start screaming.
HAPPY IS SUCH A GOOD CHARACTER IDC. His edolas character arc was incredible, his relationship with Lucy is just as (if not more) fleshed out as his one with Natsu and that's part of what makes them such a great trio.
Whenever he goes LUUSSHIEEE . my heart ...
OST top tier no notes
the writing was actually so tight up until GMG part 2
I generally don't care ab the powerscaling issues but laxus v jura... no.
The anime kinda fucks up his face a lot but manga Natsu was genuinely soooo adorable in every single panel (once again IGNORING 100YQ).
Wendy also great character arc.
Sting's whole design is SO GOOD and ten years too early. the fur lined vest, the crop top, the one dangly earring, the scar, the loose fitting pants, good God now that's a Look.
Seriously I love Nalu so much...
That's all for now folks. If you want me to expand upon anything just lmk bec believe it or not all of this is a summary.
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kujo1597 · 2 months
I’m pretty darn excited to jump into the Starbright episodes. These set the tone for the rest of the series. The songs are also generally better after this point in the show. Not that they were bad before. But I just like them more.
Not much to say leading into the recap today.
Huh. I didn’t expect a recap to start this episode off. I forgot they did this. It makes sense that they would. The first five episodes are summed up here.
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We start the episode proper with Jerrica throwing a party at Starlight Mansion. And we see one of the bigger redesigns. I read that this was done to get the Jerrica on the show to look more like her doll and that makes complete sense. But I also like how this works as Jerrica changing her hair into a more mature style now that she’s taking on so many more adult responsibilities. She’s a businesswoman now and likely wants to be taken more seriously as one. Her wardrobe also shifts post-syndication into a more mature selection.
Howard asks Jerrica where Jem is because this is Jem’s party. Jerrica says that she’ll get Jem and runs off to quickly change into her alter-ego. And this is when Kimber catches up to her. She also got a slight redesign but the main thing is swapping eye colours with Jerrica. Now we have Kimber with those dark blue eyes I love so much. I got sidetracked. The countess wants Jem and The Holograms. She’s come to the party with a bunch of new outfits for them.
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A quick transition later and they’re modelling their new clothes. Rio says that Jem is so hot she makes the cameras sizzle. This gets a giggle out of Jem and she says that Rio’s in the movie too. Then Mrs. Bailey asks Kimber where Jerrica is. Kimber has no answer but Jem says she’ll go find Jerrica. And runs off to change back.
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Mrs. Bailey takes Jerrica into the living room and we see Be Nee sitting like, two feet away from the screen. Mrs. Bailey says that she’s worried about Ba Nee’s eyesight and Jerrica agrees there there is a reason to be concerned. She tells Mrs. Bailey to call an ophthalmologist. Side note, this scene how I learned that word. And right after that Anthony walks up and asks Jerrica if she knows where Jem is. And Shana just kinda looks like, “Oh crap.” which amuses me.
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Well, Jerrica runs off again but this time goes to check up on Synergy to make sure she’s not being pushed too hard with all this changing back and forth. I like how Jerrica affectionately pats Synergy’s monitor.
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Anthony wanted to introduce Jem to a videographer named Vivien Montgomery. She tells Jem to call her Video because everybody does. She wants to make a documentary about Jem’s movie and naturally Jem agrees.
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Now we get Lela calling out for Jerrica. And Jerrica has a moment where she forgets which identity she’s wearing and runs up to Lela to help. And then after seeing herself as Jem in the mirror kind of awkwardly walks off to change.
Lela needed help in the kitchen, turns out the older Starlight girls are doing the catering. Well, everybody’s busy and they’ve run out of ice. Jerrica tells Lela to have Becky order more. Rio catches up to Jerrica and pulls her away from the party.
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He’s not too happy that Jerrica is doing so much work for Jem. He sits Jerrica down and sternly tells her that she needs to rest. And he’s right! A party as big as this shouldn’t be run by just Jerrica and a handful of her foster daughters.
Jerrica, bless her, says to Rio, “Jem looks pretty good, doesn’t she?” And Rio agrees with a very dreamy expression and tone. He says that Jem makes the air sizzle like a bright and dazzling dream. But follows that up with a negative, “IF you can find her.” And then the sweet talker says, “You know what I love about you Jerrica? You’re so responsible, and dependable, and comfortable to be with.” Which makes Jerrica feel like an old pair of shoes.
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Good job Rio.
The couple kiss and we get our first music video of the episode.
I just needed to embed the master tape version. It’s really good. Like Deception this is a song about Jerrica feeling conflicted about the love triangle. But this time she’s not sure if Rio is actually in love with her, or if he’s more in love with Jem. He’s made it very clear he’s attracted to Jem. And this does bother Jerrica.
So much so that the end of the kiss is a little awkward, Jerrica immediately excuses herself so she can do more work at the party.
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We cut to Pizzazz spying on the party from the balcony of her own mansion. Then we learn that she never did tell Stormer and Roxy that she’s rich. Pizzazz says, “Who cares about money?” and we get this great moment.
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Stormer and Roxy exchange a look and reply with, “We do.” It’s wonderful.
Pizzazz walks into the house and says her motivations to become a rock star. She wants her name spoken with awe, she wants people to throw themselves at her feet, she wants attention. Roxy then says that if she has the kind of money that Pizzazz does then she’d just make her own dang movie. And this gives Pizzazz an idea.
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We cut to Pizzazz in her father’s office. His name is Harvey Gabor by the way. She sits on his desk and says that her dad promised her anything for her birthday. And I never thought much of this line before I started writing time skip stuff and Jerrica and Pizzazz as a couple. But this scene takes place six months after Jerrica’s birthday, June 1st, which would mean that Pizzazz’s birthday is very likely in late November or early to mid December. December has a couple birth flowers, every month does, you know what one of them is? Narcissus. And I really like that. (Daffodils are a part of this plant genus which amuses me.) That was such a major tangent I’m sorry.
Let’s get back to the plot. Pizzazz asks her dad for a movie studio and Harvey is shocked by this. He doesn’t immediately agree to buy Pizzazz a movie studio and she throws a bit of a fit. Eventually Harvey gives in and buys whatever studio Pizzazz wants.
I’m sure you know where this is going.
Everybody arrives at the movie studio and Howard Sands runs up to the car in a panic. The studio had just been bought and he’s worried about the production. The new owner wants to see Jem and The Holograms in his office right away.
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Jem is as scatterbrained as I am right now and says that she thought Eric was in jail. He gives the same answer he gave Jerrica.
Nobody’s happy about this situation but they’re under contract. We cut to commercial and after we return Howard says to Jem that he’ll understand if she quits.
That would be such bad publicity. But I suppose Howard isn’t in charge of marketing.
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Well, publicity isn’t even on Jem’s mind. She’s just refusing to stand down because she refuses to let Eric bully her out of her own movie. And her sisters are right behind her in this decision to stay onboard.
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Well, time to record the movie. Anthony is angry because he’s the director and Eric changed the script without consulting him.
Eric is apparently not a morning person and Jem pokes fun at that fact.
On their way to hair and makeup Kimber asks a very important question, what would happen when somebody tries to do Jem’s makeup? Jem assures Kimber that she’ll think of something.
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But before they can get in the makeup room the Misfits barge in front of them. And I must know how old Roxy thinks Jem is because she says, “Beauty before age.” While getting her makeup done Pizzazz trashes Jem to her makeup person. Then the Misfits finish up and Jem and The Holograms enter.
So what is Jem’s brilliant idea to avoid having her makeup done? Well, just tell the makeup artist that she has to do her own makeup. And because Pizzazz was just trashing Jem the makeup artist whispers to her coworker that Pizzazz was right about Jem being a snob.
Before filming starts Pizzazz makes this grand announcement that her father owns the studio and she asks for a chair.
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Which is taken out from right under Kimber. She’s caught by a man named Jeff Wright, he introduces himself but before Kimber could even look at him an apparently handsome guy passes by. A movie star named Nick Mann and Kimber is smitten.
Nick walks up to Jem as she’s going over the script with Anthony and introduces himself. Pizzazz is jealous and points out that she’s also Nick’s costar. But Nick doesn’t care, be pulls Jem away to go over a love scene with her and Kimber catches up to them.
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She starts batting her eyelashes as Nick and he says, “Look, there’s a quiet corner over there” and drags Jem off.
Jeff is more than happy to point out that he was right about Kimber not standing a chance with Nick. And she’s not having any of it.
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Nick is flirting with Jem and saying that he always falls in love with his leading lady. And Jem is so completely disinterested in him she’s just reading the script. It’s hilarious. “And they always fall in love with you, I suppose.”
Pizzazz is trying to stir the pot by calling Jem fickle to Rio. But like, Rio should be able to see that Jem gives no fucks about Nick. This is the body language of a woman who has less than zero interest in someone.
Let’s just leave this mess for a minute and check out who’s entering the studio.
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It’s a new character, one with wild hair and clothes. She introduces herself at the gate as Miss Montgomery. So she’s let in.
Not even two seconds later Video drives up and she’s denied her pass because a Miss Montgomery had just come in. Video knows exactly who that other Montgomery is. Her cousin Clash.
And Clash is the biggest Misfits fangirl. She runs up to them and starts gushing. Pizzazz is loving this. But Video is not. She warns Jem that her cousin had snuck into the studio. And we learn how Clash got her name. She bangs her wrist cymbals together right behind Jem’s head.
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And that hurts like hell. Anthony is pissed and tells Clash to get off the set. But Pizzazz says that Clash can stay because she’s her friend. So Anthony tells them that can both leave. But Eric yells at Anthony and basically drives him to quit.
Which he does. And I really don’t blame him.
The day’s over and Mrs. Bailey tells Jerrica when Ba Nee’s eye appointment is. Then we see the Holograms all in a bedroom looking pretty miserable. Shana says that things can’t get any worse, and Jerrica optimistically says that it just means that things can only get better.
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Yeah it did not work.
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Music video time! I like this one. It’s atypical for this band. It’s all Rio being jealous of Nick Mann as he’s doing a scene with Jem. It’s a good tune.
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The video ends with Rio punching Nick right in his smug face. Nick can’t take a punch very well. Jem is shocked that Rio would punch a guy for a doing a scene with her. And let me tell you, this is only the beginning of Rio’s jealousy issues. Pizzazz further fans the flames by whispering in Rio’s ear that if he wants to stay in the film then he’d better be very nice to her. Jem storms off.
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It’s the next day and we see the redesigned Lindsey Pierce. She has a perm now and is wearing much more casual clothing. She says that it’s the third day of filming. Man what a long three days.
Nick pulls Jem away and tells her to play up their romance. And Jem isn’t having it. But Nick insists because it makes great publicity. Rio’s being pissy by the way.
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Well it’s time for the interview and Jem is doing her best. This is probably her first time being crowded by so many reporters. Nick says that Jem’s thankful for his expertise. Jem’s awkward, “Nick’s been very… uh… very helpful.” is just the best. She gets bombarded by more questions about her and Nick and he decides to be a creep and dips Jem and kisses her right on the lips. This really gets the cameras flashing.
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Kimber walks off because nobody cares about her. And Eric remembers that Kimber has been extremely jealous of Jem in the past and tries to take advantage of that. In his usual creepy and overly touchy way. He tells Kimber that she can have her own scene with Nick Mann and this excites her.
Meanwhile Pizzazz is trying to get Rio even more jealous than he already is. And then she gives the signal.
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A banner showing that The Misfits are the main starts of the movie is unfurled and this gets the press excited. They ask so many questions about how this came to be. By the way, Jem is jealous that Rio’s been spending so much time with Pizzazz.
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After the press conference we see Howard Sands trying to talk some sense into Harvey Gabor. He mentions that Eric has a bad reputation, that the movie’s going to lose millions, and the money thing does get Harvey’s attention. But he stops caring again once he realizes which investment is being talked about. Harvey doesn’t care about losing the money as long as his daughter is out of his hair.
There is a reason I wrote a meta post about Pizzazz and her relationship with her father. It’s not great.
Jem’s ready to record her next music video but there’s been a change of plans. Instead we get…
My favourite Misfits song! :D Universal Appeal is so good! I love it! Aaaahhhh! I reblogged a very interesting post about this song and I’m gonna stick it here because it’s very good.
Jem’s fed up with Pizzazz. Just completely done with her. They attack each other with the set. And then afterwards Jem rants about just how sick of everything she is and then she quits and storms off. I really really love how she’s allowed to get mad. She has every right to be; her patience has constantly been tried every day of this filming. It was supposed to be really fun but Pizzazz came in and ruined everything.
The other members of Jem and The Holograms quit too. Eric tries to stop Kimber but she’s loyal to her sister.
Nick Mann’s not happy about Jem quitting but the makeup artist from earlier tells him that she’s just playing prima donna and will be back tomorrow.
Video leaves with Jem and says that she’s not going to film The Misfits.
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Who are celebrating together with Clash. They’re so happy. :)
We now see Ba Nee’s eye appointment and it’s not looking too good. The eye doctor sends her out of the room so he can talk to Jerrica in private.
And he tells Jerrica that Ba Nee could go blind in a matter of months, or maybe even sooner than that.
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We end the episode on this shot.
And that’s it, the first part of the Starbright trilogy. I actually don’t have much to ramble about here. I did all my rambling earlier.
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mrsbsmooth · 1 year
Scripts - S6 - Episode 14 (1 of 2)
Date with Elliot
NARRATOR: Welcome back to the shores of Love Island! Last time our Islanders answered the ‘booty call’ when Elliot and Chloe charged into the villa! I remember back when I used to get booty called all the time… or was that bum dialled? Now the Islanders are getting ready to look bootiful on their bombshell dates! But will sparks fly and heads turn? Let’s find out!
You and the girls burst into the dressing room to help you prepare for your date with new boy Elliot.
Chloe scours her wardrobe for an outfit to wow {0}.
BELLA_HAPPY: Two new Islanders! I’m so excited I feel dizzy.
GRACE_HAPPY: You’re not even going on a date with them!
AMELIA_HAPPY: Yeah, well don’t go fainting on us. This is {0} and Elliot’s moment!
BELLA_FLIRTY: Don’t forget Chloe and {0}’s moment too...
There’s an awkward silence as the girls don’t know how to react.
CHLOE_FLIRTY: Don’t worry, ladies, I don’t bite… unless they ask me too.
PLAYER_SURPRISED: On a first date?
CHLOE_FLIRTY: Depends how well it’s going.
GRACE_IDLE: What do you normally do on a first date then, Chloe?
CHLOE_FLIRTY: I find small talk so boring, why waste both of our time?
CHLOE_HAPPY: I like to skip to the good stuff, find out what makes them tick.
CHLOE_FLIRTY: And what turns them on…
CHLOE_HAPPY: Unless you want to save me some time, {0}?
CHLOE_FLIRTY: I don’t suppose you know what turns {0} on?
*I turn him on!
PLAYER_FLIRTY: I know that I turn him on! We spent the night in the Hideaway together.
CHLOE_SURPRISED: You two have cracked on already?
PLAYER_FLIRTY: Let’s just say we got a lot closer last night.
PLAYER_FLIRTY: Yep. I learnt a lot about {0}, trust me. I know exactly what that boy wants. And he knows exactly what I want. We spent the night snuggled up in each other’s arms.
PLAYER_FLIRTY: Yep. It felt really intimate. I think he’s all about me. He’s been super into me since he first saw me.
CHLOE_SURPRISED: I didn’t realise his feelings were that deep.
PLAYER_FLIRTY: Thought it was best that you know. It’ll take a lot to turn his head.
CHLOE_IDLE: I see...
Why would I tell you?
PLAYER_SERIOUS: Why would I tell you that? I’m not going to give away my tips and tricks. He’s still my partner.
CHLOE_SURPRISED: It’s just a bit of fun, {0}.
CHLOE_FLIRTY: Sharing is caring, you know.
BELLA_FLIRTY: I can share my turn-ons with you if you want?
PLAYER_FLIRTY: I think I saw some of them last night.
BELLA_FLIRTY: You sure did.
CHLOE_FLIRTY: You two got a bit closer last night then?
BELLA_HAPPY: That’s one way of describing it.
CHLOE_IDLE: Oh ok, good to know. Anyway…
CHLOE_FLIRTY: Let’s talk later…
I’m not actually sure
PLAYER_EMBARRASSED: I don’t really know to be honest.
CHLOE_EMBARRASSED: Really? I thought you two were coupled up?
CHLOE_FLIRTY: Oh, well maybe I can find out for you.
CHLOE_HAPPY: I have a knack for finding out people's naughty secrets.
CHLOE_FLIRTY: And always happy to spill the tea to my girls.
BELLA_HAPPY: Yes, please!
GRACE_FLIRTY: I wonder what Elliot’s turn-ons are…
PLAYER_FLIRTY: I already know…
PLAYER_IDLE: He’s into ear stuff.
BELLA_FLIRTY: He’s a gamer, you just gotta push the right buttons!
AMELIA_FLIRTY: He can push my buttons anytime.
PLAYER_SURPRISED: Sounds like someone has a crush, Amelia?
AMELIA_FLIRTY: I think I’m just fan-girling a bit. He’s a big deal in the gaming world!
AMELIA_FLIRTY: He’s got a huge following too, loads of people watch his streams.
BELLA_HAPPY: Yeah, I’m sure they are all there to watch his gaming…
BELLA_FLIRTY: Nothing to do with the chiselled jaw and rippling abs.
AMELIA_SURPRISED: He’s a semi-pro gamer!
AMELIA_FLIRTY: And those arms…
PLAYER_HAPPY: You can stop drooling now, Amelia!
AMELIA_HAPPY: Just saying, you’re a lucky lady, {0}!
GRACE_FLIRTY: Well, {0} might not be into gamer boys?
BELLA_HAPPY: Better to have a boy who plays games than a game player...
AMELIA_HAPPY: What do you think, {0}. Could Elliot turn your head?
Yeah, he’s a bit of me
PLAYER_FLIRTY: I think he definitely could. He’s ticking some boxes already.
AMELIA_FLIRTY: Looks like it’s… game on?
Absolutely not!
PLAYER_SERIOUS: There’s no chance of him turning my head!
AMELIA_FLIRTY: Hmm interesting. So he’s not off the table…
BELLA_FLIRTY: Player two has entered the game!
I’m loyal to {0}
PLAYER_SERIOUS: I’m staying loyal to {0}.
PLAYER_IDLE: I wouldn’t want to do anything to mess up what we’ve got.
PLAYER_SERIOUS: So I don’t see anyone turning my head anytime soon.
AMELIA_HAPPY: Aw that’s so sweet, {0}!
AMELIA_FLIRTY: Plus it means Elliot is still on the table…
BELLA_FLIRTY: Player two has entered the game!
Who knows?
PLAYER_IDLE: Who knows? I guess we'll just see how the date goes.
PLAYER_HAPPY: Have to see if there’s a spark there first before I make any decisions.
PLAYER_FLIRTY: Need to weigh up my options.
GRACE_SERIOUS: Well don’t wait too long, {0}.
GRACE_HAPPY: Don’t wanna lose Elliot and {0}!
Chloe shoots you a flirty wink.
CHLOE_HAPPY: What about you, Grace? Is Elliot not floating your boat?
GRACE_IDLE: I wouldn’t say that. I mean he defo isn't my type on paper.
GRACE_FLIRTY: And we all know that me and Ozzy are tight.
GRACE_EMBARRASSED: But there is something interesting about him. Can’t put my finger on it yet.
PLAYER_HAPPY: Interesting as in I want to tear his clothes off or I want to study him?
GRACE_HAPPY: I’ll get back to you on that one.
CHLOE_FLIRTY: And how about you, Bella, has the new bombshell got your heart racing?
BELLA_FLIRTY: That depends. Which bombshell do you mean?
CHLOE_FLIRTY: Very interesting.
PLAYER_SERIOUS: And what does that mean, Bella?
BELLA_FLIRTY: Let’s just say I think girls like you can prove to be a real test.
CHLOE_FLIRTY: Well, I hope you all pick the right answer.
CHLOE_HAPPY: But for now I have another date to get to!
Chloe slips into her dress with elegance and ease. The girl’s jaws drop.
BELLA_SURPRISED: Look out {0}...
GRACE_SURPRISED: He won’t know what hit him. Sorry, {0}.
AMELIA_SURPRISED: Here comes trouble.
CHLOE_HAPPY: You girls are too kind.
CHLOE_FLIRTY: I can tell we’re going to be a tight group.
CHLOE_HAPPY: I’ve got a bit of unpacking left to do, I’ll leave you ladies to it.
CHLOE_FLIRTY: See you on the dates, {0}.
The girls watch as Chloe glides out of the dressing room like it’s a catwalk.
GRACE_EMBARRASSED: Looks like Chloe’s not holding back.
AMELIA_EMBARRASSED: You’re gonna have to bring your A-game to this date, {0}.
PLAYER_FLIRTY: Maybe I will.
AMELIA_HAPPY: First impressions are the most important!
GRACE_FLIRTY: Yeah and you better keep {0}’s eyes off Chloe!
AMELIA_HAPPY: Exactly! Make the boy jealous!
GRACE_FLIRTY: Or maybe you want to get Chloe’s eyes on you?
GRACE_HAPPY: Whoah! No one's eyes will be able to leave you!
BELLA_FLIRTY: The sun won’t be the only thing blinding Elliot.
AMELIA_HAPPY: I'm so gonna have to copy that outfit.
BELLA_HAPPY: Me too! Does it need anything else? Really make it hard for them.
Maybe a lil something
It’s good like this
PLAYER_HAPPY: I think this is enough to grab their attention.
AMELIA_HAPPY: Get it, {0}!
BELLA_HAPPY: Chloe has a lush outfit. You should look your best too!
GRACE_FLIRTY: Get both Elliot’s and {0}’s eye’s on you. Two for one, yeah?
PLAYER_HAPPY: True! I’ll see what I have.
PLAYER_FLIRTY: This should get some attention. How’s this?
GRACE_HAPPY: Whoah! No one's eyes will be able to leave you!
BELLA_FLIRTY: The sun won’t be the only thing blinding Elliot.
AMELIA_HAPPY: I'm so gonna have to copy that outfit. This is the one, yeah?
*TRYOUTFIT* I have to show this off
Maybe there’s another option
GRACE_IDLE: Oh, I loved you in that outfit.
GRACE_HAPPY: These dates call for the best.
AMELIA_HAPPY: Yeah, you sure you don’t want to go with it?
I’ll try it again
BELLA_HAPPY: Okay, girl!
AMELIA_HAPPY: They will eat this up.
AMELIA_HAPPY: Not a single crumb left. You have to go with this one, yeah?
*TRYOUTFIT* I’m date ready!
I want another look
There might be something else
No, this is what I want to wear
PLAYER_SERIOUS: I feel good in this.
PLAYER_HAPPY: Elliot won’t forget this date.
BELLA_FLIRTY: He’ll be dreaming about you in this.
GRACE_HAPPY: I wish I could see his face!
PLAYER_HAPPY: Elliot won’t forget this date.
BELLA_FLIRTY: He’ll be dreaming about you in this.
GRACE_HAPPY: I wish I could see his face!
PLAYER_IDLE: This is the one.
AMELIA_HAPPY: You’re ready to go!
GRACE_FLIRTY: I’m so jealous you get to go on a date!
BELLA_HAPPY: Elliot’s a lucky guy.
BELLA_FLIRTY: Can’t lie. I wish it was me on the other side of the dinner table to you.
BELLA_HAPPY: But I hope you have fun.
BELLA_FLIRTY: Just not too much fun.
AMELIA_HAPPY: Come on, {0}. Let’s make sure {1} sees you before he sees Chloe!
GRACE_HAPPY: Early bird catches the worm!
GRACE_SURPRISED: Not that {0} is a worm… or that you’re a bird!
GRACE_HAPPY: Oh forget it. It’s date time!
You and the girls make your way down to the villa entrance!
As you walk down the winding steps to the villa entrance you spot {0} looking up at you.
His eyes widen and his smile beams as he looks at you in awe.
{0}_HAPPY: Wow, {1}... I’m...
PLAYER_FLIRTY: Speechless?
{0} nods, a cheeky glimmer in his eye.
{0}_FLIRTY: You’re a vision in that outfit. Absolutely stunning.
{0}_FLIRTY: If only this was our date...
PLAYER_FLIRTY: If only is right.
As you approach {0} you notice he’s wearing an aftershave you haven’t smelled before.
PLAYER_IDLE: Someone’s making an effort for the occasion?
{0}_EMBARRASSED: Got to, haven’t you? Chloe’s first day and everything.
{0}_HAPPY: Want her to feel welcome and all that.
PLAYER_IDLE: I’ve not smelled that scent on you before?
{0}_HAPPY: Oh you haven’t? It’s my favourite.
PLAYER_IDLE: Defo not smelled it before.
{0}_HAPPY: Is someone getting a bit jealous maybe?
{0}_IDLE: You’re not feeling threatened by Chloe are you?
Yeah, a bit
PLAYER_EMBARRASSED: I’d be lying if I said no. She’s not holding back that’s for sure.
PLAYER_IDLE: New Islanders always change things. Like a test I guess.
PLAYER_ANGRY: I just don’t want her to ruin what we have.
{0}_SERIOUS: Hey, {1} don’t worry I get it.
{0}_HAPPY: You know how strongly I feel about you.
{0}_HAPPY: Some fancy lunch isn’t gonna change that.
PLAYER_SERIOUS: It’s not the lunch I’m worried about…
No! Chloe is threatened by me!
PLAYER_HAPPY: Me? Threatened by Chloe? As if!
PLAYER_FLIRTY: She should be feeling threatened by me if anything.
PLAYER_FLIRTY: It’ll take a miracle to turn someone’s head away from this.
{0} looks you up and down and smiles.
{0}_FLIRTY: Your confidence is actually so sexy.
Should I be?
PLAYER_SERIOUS: I don’t know, should I be?
{0}_HAPPY: No! It’s just a fancy lunch.
PLAYER_IDLE: It’s a date. And it doesn’t look like Chloe is going to hold back.
{0}_IDLE: That doesn’t mean I’m not going to hold back though.
{0}_HAPPY: I hope you trust me…
{0}_FLIRTY: You’ve got nothing to worry about, {1}.
Just as {0} says those words you hear footsteps approaching the top of the stairs.
Chloe’s heels click and clack as she approaches, {0} looks up, awaiting his date.
Then you see Amelia poke her head out from the living room! She whispers to you…
AMELIA_FLIRTY: Pssst, {0}!
Amelia puckers her lips, mimes a big smooch, then points at her cheek.
Chloe’s footsteps grow closer, descending the stairs...
AMELIA_FLIRTY: Show her who’s boss! Leave your lipstick on his cheek!
*Leave a smooch on {0}’s cheek!
PLAYER_FLIRTY: Hey, {0}... you almost forgot something.
Turning his face away, you pull him close.
You plant a big, firm kiss on his cheek, making sure you get as much lipstick on there as possible!
PLAYER_FLIRTY: Something to remember me by…
{0} looks giddy, he hasn’t noticed the lipstick mark.
{0}_FLIRTY: I won’t be forgetting that anytime soon.
Amelia shoots you a mischievous wink before disappearing again.
Let him look his finest
You shake your head and whisper back to Amelia.
Amelia rolls her eyes at you and sneaks away into the villa.
CHLOE_FLIRTY: Well hello there, handsome…
{0}_FLIRTY: Hello there… erm...
{0} looks at you awkwardly and cuts himself off.
CHLOE_HAPPY: And hello there, beautiful!
PLAYER_IDLE: Hey, Chloe.
CHLOE_FLIRTY: You look stunning in that dress, {0}.
CHLOE_FLIRTY: Seems the competition is fierce in this place.
PLAYER_HAPPY: Can’t let you have all the fun. Thought I’d make things interesting.
CHLOE_FLIRTY: Consider me very interested!
CHLOE_HAPPY: You’ve certainly caught my eye, {0}.
Chloe walks over to {0} and gives him a hug.
CHLOE_HAPPY: How do I look?
{0}_FLIRTY: Amazing!
{0}_EMBARRASSED: I mean, lovely… good.
CHLOE_FLIRTY: You scrub up well, {0}. Very dashing!
CHLOE_FLIRTY: And that cologne… nice touch. L'eau de Solche?
{0}_SURPRISED: How did you know?
CHLOE_FLIRTY: I’m very observant, I appreciate attention to detail.
PLAYER_HAPPY: Not that observant clearly…
Chloe turns, noticing the lipstick mark on his cheek.
CHLOE_SERIOUS: Oh, I see. Maybe it isn’t me you’ve dressed up so nicely for?
{0}_SURPRISED: What do you mean?
CHLOE_SERIOUS: I’d have hoped you would be focussed on me today…
CHLOE_SERIOUS: With it being my first date here and everything.
{0}_EMBARRASSED: I don’t know what you’re on about?
CHLOE_SERIOUS: Your cheek, {0}.
{0} checks his face in his phone camera.
{0}_SURPRISED: I had no idea!
CHLOE_HAPPY: Looks like you’ve been busy while I was getting ready for you.
Chloe looks at you with a cheeky smile, admiring your mischievous prank.
{0} starts trying to wipe it off but the residue remains.
CHLOE_FLIRTY: Don’t worry, {0}, maybe we can add one to the other cheek later.
CHLOE_FLIRTY: It would only be fair.
You hear the tapping of shoes approaching.
You turn to see Elliot stood in the doorway. He smiles warmly at you with a confident charm.
ELLIOT_HAPPY: Wow, {0} you look…
RYAN_FLIRTY: Beautiful.
JAMAL_FLIRTY: Smoking hot!
ELLIOT_FLIRTY: I was going to say angelic…
ELLIOT_FLIRTY: But you’re not wrong, {0}.
ELLIOT_FLIRTY: Your outfit is out of this world.
ELLIOT_FLIRTY: I knew I made the right choice picking you.
PLAYER_HAPPY: Glad you think so…
ELLIOT_HAPPY: I’m definitely punching.
{0}_HAPPY: I was gonna say Elliot, did you get dressed in the dark?
ELLIOT_HAPPY: Very good, {0}. The 1940s called, they want their joke back.
Elliot sniffs the air around {0}.
ELLIOT_EMBARRASSED: It smells like a teenage boy’s bedroom in here… is that L'eau de Solche?
{0}_SERIOUS: It is.
PLAYER_HAPPY: You know it?
ELLIOT_HAPPY: All the boys would get it as a Christmas present from their Nans in school.
Elliot smiles, seemingly enjoying winding {0} up.
CHLOE_FLIRTY: Alright now boys, let’s save the quips for the dates, yes?
{0}_HAPPY: That’s fine. I know where {1}’s loyalties lie anyway.
ELLIOT_HAPPY: I admire your confidence.
Flirt with {0}
PLAYER_FLIRTY: Well I think {0} smells good enough to eat.
{0}_FLIRTY: I could say the same about you.
PLAYER_FLIRTY: And his outfit is almost as good as his one in the Hideaway last night…
{0}_EMBARRASSED: But I wasn’t wearing any… oh!
{0}_FLIRTY: You were looking pretty delicious yourself.
Flirt with Elliot
PLAYER_HAPPY: I don’t think you’re punching at all, Elliot.
PLAYER_FLIRTY: Or maybe just a little.
PLAYER_FLIRTY: But I think you look good enough to eat.
PLAYER_FLIRTY: Who knows, we might not need lunch after all.
ELLIOT_FLIRTY: You look like a snack yourself, {0}. Looks like we’re in for a tasty date.
Pie them both
PLAYER_HAPPY: I think you’re both acting like little boys.
CHLOE_HAPPY: Tell me about it.
CHLOE_FLIRTY: Maybe we should go on a date instead, {0}?
CHLOE_FLIRTY: Let the grown ups talk…
PLAYER_FLIRTY: Are you boys gonna behave?
{0}_EMBARRASSED: Of course.
ELLIOT_FLIRTY: You know it.
CHLOE_HAPPY: We don't want our food to get cold now do we.
Chloe links her arm around {0}’s and they head out of the villa.
Elliot offers you his arm as you step out to your romantic date!
You, Elliot, Chloe and {0} arrive at a stunning beach location.
The waves wash gently against the sand behind two beautifully laid tables only a few feet from each other.
ELLIOT_FLIRTY: A perfect setting for a perfect girl.
PLAYER_FLIRTY: Perfect? You don’t know me that well yet.
ELLIOT_FLIRTY: Call it a hunch.
CHLOE_HAPPY: This place is beautiful. Isn’t it romantic, {0}?
{0} looks over at you cautiously before replying.
{0}_HAPPY: It sure does.
CHLOE_FLIRTY: Come on, let’s grab a drink! See you guys later!
Have fun you two!
PLAYER_HAPPY: Have fun you two!
CHLOE_HAPPY: You too, babes!
{0}_IDLE: Yeah, you too, {1}. I’ll see you later?
Behave yourselves!
PLAYER_SERIOUS: You two better behave yourselves.
PLAYER_SERIOUS: Don’t do anything I wouldn’t do.
CHLOE_FLIRTY: Don’t worry about us, you two have fun!
{0}_SURPRISED: I’ll see you later {1}, yeah?
CHLOE_FLIRTY: Have fun you two!
{0}_HAPPY: I’ll see you later {1}, yeah?
Chloe blows you and Elliot a kiss before dragging {0} off to their table.
ELLIOT_FLIRTY: Looks like I finally have you to myself… kind of.
Elliot walks with you to your table, pulling out your chair as you sit down.
He sits down opposite, taking in a deep breath of the sea breeze and smiling.
The table is laid out with drinks and a beautiful dessert.
ELLIOT_HAPPY: I still can’t believe I’m really here.
PLAYER_HAPPY: At the beach?
ELLIOT_HAPPY: Well yeah! But also on Love Island, on a date!
ELLIOT_FLIRTY: In a setting almost as beautiful as the girl sitting opposite me.
PLAYER_FLIRTY: You think I’m beautiful, huh?
ELLIOT_FLIRTY: Why do you think I picked you?
PLAYER_FLIRTY: You tell me…
ELLIOT_HAPPY: Right, guess I have some explaining to do!
ELLIOT_EMBARRASSED: Firstly, I wanna apologise if I’ve put you in an awkward situation.
ELLIOT_IDLE: I know you and {0} are coupled up and everything.
ELLIOT_IDLE: And it seems like you might have a vibe with Bella.
ELLIOT_HAPPY: But there’s no one else I could have picked for my first date.
ELLIOT_FLIRTY: You’re the one I’ve come in here for!
ELLIOT_HAPPY: Ever since I laid eyes on you, I’ve barely been able to look away.
ELLIOT_HAPPY: And I thought you deserved someone in here that was going to treat you right.
PLAYER_SURPRISED: What do you mean?
ELLIOT_FLIRTY: Well you deserve someone who appreciates how amazing you are.
ELLIOT_IDLE: And I haven’t seen anyone do that yet.
ELLIOT_HAPPY: So I wanted to take you on a date.
ELLIOT_FLIRTY: To show you what it’s like to be with a real gent.
ELLIOT_FLIRTY: Of course I would have preferred if we had this beach all to ourselves.
ELLIOT_EMBARRASSED: Are you happy that I picked you?
I’m so glad you picked me!
PLAYER_HAPPY: I’m so happy you picked me.
PLAYER_FLIRTY: I’m looking forward to getting to know you better!
ELLIOT_HAPPY: That’s a relief.
ELLIOT_FLIRTY: Just because {0} is here doesn’t mean we can’t have fun.
I’d rather you hadn’t picked me
PLAYER_IDLE: To be honest I’d rather you didn’t pick me.
PLAYER_EMBARRASSED: With everything going on with {0} and him being here…
ELLIOT_EMBARRASSED: I totally get it, didn’t mean to make you feel uncomfortable.
ELLIOT_HAPPY: I’m just excited to get to know you and if sparks fly so be it!
ELLIOT_HAPPY: But we’re here on a gorgeous beach in the sun! Let’s just have fun!
I don’t mind
PLAYER_HAPPY: I don’t really mind.
PLAYER_HAPPY: It’s good to get to know you! Even if {0} is here too.
PLAYER_HAPPY: It’s just lunch at the beach after all.
ELLIOT_HAPPY: Exactly, no pressure. Let’s just have fun!
You hear flirty laughter from Chloe and {0}’s table.
ELLIOT_HAPPY: Sounds like they’re having fun…
Looking over Elliot’s shoulder you see {0} chit chatting and laughing.
Elliot smiles warmly at you and pours you both a drink.
ELLIOT_IDLE: Hey, I have a fun idea…
ELLIOT_FLIRTY: Wanna show them how well we’re getting on? Lay it on thick for them to hear?
Get your flirt on!
PLAYER_FLIRTY: Let’s do it.
ELLIOT_FLIRTY: Ok, hold on. I’ll go first.
Elliot puffs out his chest and raises his voice slightly.
ELLIOT_FLIRTY: I don’t think I’ve met anyone quite like you, {0}!
ELLIOT_FLIRTY: You’re truly one of a kind!
Suddenly Elliot looks you straight in the eyes, his words sincere and direct.
ELLIOT_FLIRTY: Each time I look into your eyes all I can think about is kissing you…
PLAYER_HAPPY: Oh really?
You smile and raise your voice like Elliot.
PLAYER_FLIRTY: Oh, Elliot! Finally a real gentleman in the villa!
PLAYER_FLIRTY: It’s so refreshing after having all these boys!
PLAYER_FLIRTY: I can’t wait to see what you can do!
ELLIOT_FLIRTY: I can’t wait to show you…
Chloe turns around and rolls her eyes, {0} can’t help but look jealous.
Elliot winks at you mischievously.
ELLIOT_FLIRTY: That’ll show em.
It’s not a competition
PLAYER_IDLE: Nah, let’s leave them to it.
PLAYER_HAPPY: It’s not a competition.
ELLIOT_FLIRTY: You’re right. We have nothing to prove.
Elliot raises his glass in a toast.
ELLIOT_HAPPY: To us! And a magical first date.
You clink glasses and take in the scenery once more.
ELLIOT_HAPPY: This all just doesn’t feel real! But I guess that’s the point.
PLAYER_IDLE: What do you mean?
ELLIOT_IDLE: Well I’ve spent so long focussing on my streaming.
ELLIOT_HAPPY: I thought it was about time to see the world…
ELLIOT_HAPPY: Experience something different.
ELLIOT_FLIRTY: Looks like I hit the jackpot on the first try.
PLAYER_HAPPY: Sounds like you’d already hit the jackpot. Amelia said you’re famous!
Elliot looks bashful.
ELLIOT_EMBARRASSED: I don’t know about famous…
ELLIOT_HAPPY: I’m lucky to have an online following for sure.
PLAYER_HAPPY: You’re not just being humble? How many followers?
ELLIOT_HAPPY: Ah, I don’t like to talk about it really.
PLAYER_HAPPY: Go on! You have to say.
PLAYER_SURPRISED: Wow! Sounds pretty famous to me! What’s that like?
ELLIOT_EMBARRASSED: What’s what like?
PLAYER_HAPPY: Fame and fortune!
ELLIOT_HAPPY: Can’t complain, I guess.
ELLIOT_IDLE: Means I’ve been able to give something back to my mum.
ELLIOT_HAPPY: She did so much for me growing up, it was nice to do something for her.
PLAYER_IDLE: What did you do?
ELLIOT_EMBARRASSED: Erm… I bought her a house.
ELLIOT_EMBARRASSED: She deserved it, my whole family did! For putting up with me!
ELLIOT_EMBARRASSED: I was pretty hard work as a teenager.
PLAYER_SURPRISED: That’s very generous of you…
ELLIOT_EMBARRASSED: It’s the only thing I wanted to spend the money on really.
ELLIOT_HAPPY: What would you do? If you came into a chunk of money?
Buy my family a house
PLAYER_HAPPY: Probably the same! Gift my family the perfect house.
ELLIOT_HAPPY: I’m sure Amelia will be happy to hear that!
PLAYER_HAPPY: She better be!
Buy myself a house
PLAYER_FLIRTY: I’d probably get myself a house to be honest.
PLAYER_HAPPY: Set myself up with a forever home.
PLAYER_FLIRTY: Get that luxury penthouse I’ve always dreamed of.
PLAYER_FLIRTY: Get that cosy cottage I’ve always dreamed of having.
PLAYER_FLIRTY: Get that beach house I’ve always dreamed of.
PLAYER_HAPPY: Somewhere to settle down.
ELLIOT_HAPPY: Sounds like perfection.
Travel the world
PLAYER_HAPPY: I’d use it to travel!
PLAYER_HAPPY: I wanna see every corner of the world!
ELLIOT_HAPPY: So do I! It’s only recently I realised that there is so much I haven’t seen.
ELLIOT_HAPPY: And now I want to see and do it all!
ELLIOT_FLIRTY: I’ve just been waiting for the right person to do it all with.
Blow it all on a huge party!
PLAYER_FLIRTY: I’d spend it all on a wild party!
PLAYER_HAPPY: Hire the biggest venue with a pool, dancefloor, dancers, cocktails!
PLAYER_HAPPY: Splash the cash on all my friends!
ELLIOT_HAPPY: Wow, that’s a big party!
PLAYER_HAPPY: Work hard, play harder!
ELLIOT_FLIRTY: Hopefully I’ll get an invite.
Give it to charity
PLAYER_IDLE: Honestly, I think I’d give it to a charity.
PLAYER_HAPPY: Give it to a worthwhile cause, for people who need it more than me.
PLAYER_HAPPY: I work with charities and know how much they need the support.
ELLIOT_HAPPY: Well that’s very selfless of you, {0}.
ELLIOT_HAPPY: Maybe I should take a leaf out of your book.
PLAYER_FLIRTY: Maybe you should…
PLAYER_HAPPY: So what’s next for you then? You’ve got the success, now what?
ELLIOT_FLIRTY: It’s a good question, one I’ve been asking myself a lot recently.
ELLIOT_IDLE: Truth is that the old saying is right. Money doesn’t buy happiness.
ELLIOT_FLIRTY: Not without someone to share it with.
ELLIOT_HAPPY: I want to see the world and experience everything I can.
ELLIOT_HAPPY: And then I want to settle down with the right person.
ELLIOT_FLIRTY: Someone I can share my life with and support them in their successes.
ELLIOT_HAPPY: Like with your Influencer career. I’d want to be your cheerleader!
ELLIOT_HAPPY: And you could be mine, working as a team! We can promote each other.
ELLIOT_HAPPY: Like with your personal training career. I’d want to be your cheerleader!
ELLIOT_HAPPY: And you could be mine, working as a team!
ELLIOT_FLIRTY: Maybe you can help me get buff too…
ELLIOT_HAPPY: Like with your engineer career. I’d want to be your cheerleader!
ELLIOT_HAPPY: And you could be mine, working as a team!
ELLIOT_FLIRTY: We can build bridges in more ways than one!
ELLIOT_HAPPY: Like with your career in the charity sector. I’d want to be your cheerleader!
ELLIOT_HAPPY: And you could be mine, working as a team!
ELLIOT_FLIRTY: I’d love to be able to support charities too!
ELLIOT_HAPPY: Like with your entrepreneurial projects. I’d want to be your cheerleader!
ELLIOT_HAPPY: And you could be mine, working as a team!
ELLIOT_FLIRTY: And go from success to success together.
ELLIOT_HAPPY: Like with your career as an architect. I’d want to be your cheerleader!
ELLIOT_HAPPY: And you could be mine, working as a team!
ELLIOT_HAPPY: And go from success to success together.
ELLIOT_HAPPY: Like with your career as a fashion designer. I’d want to be your cheerleader!
ELLIOT_HAPPY: And you could be mine, working as a team!
ELLIOT_HAPPY: And go from success to success together.
ELLIOT_FLIRTY: Maybe you could help me with my style too…
ELLIOT_HAPPY: In everything that they do!
ELLIOT_FLIRTY: Anyway, I’m hoping this is the place where I can find that special person…
ELLIOT_HAPPY: Is that something you would look for in a partner?
ELLIOT_FLIRTY: Someone to have your back and be part of a team?
Yes! I’d love that
PLAYER_HAPPY: I’d love that!
PLAYER_HAPPY: I want my partner to be my cheerleader too.
PLAYER_HAPPY: Help each other get to the top!
ELLIOT_FLIRTY: Looks like I may have found my match…
ELLIOT_IDLE: I wonder if {0} feels the same way…
I work alone…
PLAYER_IDLE: I prefer to work alone.
PLAYER_IDLE: I don’t really need any help. I prefer to be independent.
ELLIOT_HAPPY: I admire that!
ELLIOT_HAPPY: I guess I’ve been going it alone for a while now.
ELLIOT_FLIRTY: Starts to make you wonder what it would be like with someone by your side.
I’m not sure
PLAYER_IDLE: I’m not sure, really.
PLAYER_HAPPY: On the one hand it’s good to have support.
PLAYER_HAPPY: But I also like to be independent.
PLAYER_FLIRTY: Not sure if I want to mix business with pleasure, you know?
ELLIOT_HAPPY: I totally get it!
Lost in your eyes, Elliot leans forward and dips his elbow in his dessert.
PLAYER_SURPRISED: Erm, Elliot. Your elbow?
ELLIOT_EMBARRASSED: Smooth move, Elliot!
Looking over Elliot’s shoulder you see {0} scoff at Elliot as he cleans his elbow.
Then he looks at you with a wistful smile.
ELLIOT_HAPPY: I guess we shouldn’t let this dessert go to waste?
Give me a spoonful, Elliot!
PLAYER_FLIRTY: Why don’t you give me a spoonful, Elliot?
ELLIOT_FLIRTY: With pleasure…
Elliot gently forks some dessert and holds it out to you and you take a bite.
As you bite into it {0} looks at you longingly.
Chloe, noticing your eye contact, flirtily feeds some dessert to {0}!
Elliot takes a bit of his own pudding, getting some chocolate on his cheek.
I’m diving in
PLAYER_HAPPY: Yeah, let’s dive in. Looks delicious.
ELLIOT_HAPPY: Absolutely.
You both taste the sweet pudding.
As you bite into your dessert {0} looks at you longingly.
Chloe, noticing your eye contact, flirtily feeds some pudding to {0}!
Elliot takes a bit of his pudding, getting some chocolate on his cheek.
I’m good for now
PLAYER_IDLE: I’m fine for now, thanks.
ELLIOT_HAPPY: Sure, more for me I guess!
Over his shoulder you see Chloe seductively feed {0} some pudding.
Elliot takes a bit of his pudding, getting some chocolate on his cheek.
You notice {0} and Chloe turn away and look at the ocean.
You have some privacy, if only for a short while.
Elliot looks at you seductively, his piercing eyes looking directly into yours.
ELLIOT_FLIRTY: What are you thinking about?
Licking that chocolate off your cheek
PLAYER_FLIRTY: Right now I’m just thinking about licking that chocolate off your face.
ELLIOT_SURPRISED: What chocolate?
PLAYER_FLIRTY: This chocolate…
With {0} still looking away you lean in towards Elliot.
Pulling his face close to yours you slowly lick the melted chocolate from his cheek.
Your lips practically touch as you pull away, leaving him in a daze.
ELLIOT_FLIRTY: That might be the hottest thing a girl has ever done on a date…
This has been a great date
PLAYER_HAPPY: I was just thinking what a great date this has been.
ELLIOT_HAPPY: That’s funny. Me too.
ELLIOT_FLIRTY: Hopefully it’s not the last.
PLAYER_EMBARRASSED: I was actually thinking about {0}.
ELLIOT_SAD: Oh right.
ELLIOT_EMBARRASSED: That’s understandable, he is right behind me.
ELLIOT_HAPPY: Guess I haven’t turned your head away from him just yet.
ELLIOT_FLIRTY: But hopefully I still have time to change that.
ELLIOT_FLIRTY: I wish this date didn’t have to end so soon.
ELLIOT_HAPPY: I feel like we’re only just getting into it!
ELLIOT_FLIRTY: And the sea looks so inviting.
ELLIOT_FLIRTY: Would be a shame to come all this way and not dive right in.
ELLIOT_HAPPY: Hey, how about we take a walk down the beach together?
ELLIOT_FLIRTY: Bet we could get a bit more privacy. Maybe dip our toes in the water too.
ELLIOT_HAPPY: I feel like we have a lot more to learn about each other, {0}.
ELLIOT_FLIRTY: Plus I would love to find a way to thank you…
ELLIOT_FLIRTY: Helping me with the chocolate…
ELLIOT_HAPPY: What do you say? Fancy a romantic stroll to the water’s edge?
ELLIOT_FLIRTY: Maybe we could continue where we left off, without an audience.
*Let’s go!
PLAYER_HAPPY: I love long walks on the beach.
ELLIOT_HAPPY: Is that from your dating bio?
ELLIOT_FLIRTY: I do too, looks like we’re a perfect match.
Elliot stands and offers you his arm.
As you walk away from the table to the beach {0} and Chloe look on.
PLAYER_FLIRTY: Just off for a little stroll, catch you guys later!
Let’s end things here
PLAYER_IDLE: I think it’s best we call it a day.
PLAYER_HAPPY: We have to head back to the villa soon.
ELLIOT_HAPPY: Are you sure?
ELLIOT_HAPPY: Just thought it might be nice to chat away from {0} and Chloe.
ELLIOT_FLIRTY: Could relax and be ourselves a bit more, open up you know?
*Ok, let’s do it!
PLAYER_HAPPY: Ok let’s do it.
PLAYER_FLIRTY: I do love long walks on the beach.
ELLIOT_HAPPY: Is that from your dating bio?
ELLIOT_FLIRTY: I do too, looks like we’re a perfect match.
Elliot stands and offers you his arm.
As you walk away from the table to the beach {0} and Chloe look on.
PLAYER_FLIRTY: Just off for a little stroll, catch you guys later!
I’m ok thanks
PLAYER_IDLE: I’m ok, really. We should head back now.
ELLIOT_HAPPY: Sure, thanks for an amazing first date, {0}.
ELLIOT_HAPPY: I’ve loved getting to know you…
ELLIOT_FLIRTY: Let’s do this again sometime.
Elliot stands and moves around the table to pull out your chair.
Chloe and {0} are still immersed in seemingly flirty chat.
You see Chloe place her hand on his and whisper something in his ear.
PLAYER_SURPRISED: Time to go, you two!
{0}_EMBARRASSED: Coming…
The two of them join you as you all start making your way back to the villa.
Chloe places an arm around {0} as they walk ahead…
You feel the soft sand under your feet as you stroll with Elliot along the beach.
The water gently laps around you and the sea breeze runs through your hair.
With Chloe and {0} out of sight, you sit by the water, looking out at the horizon.
ELLIOT_HAPPY: Not sure it can get much better than this…
PLAYER_HAPPY: Than what exactly?
ELLIOT_FLIRTY: Sitting on a beach with a beautiful girl, looking out at the horizon.
PLAYER_HAPPY: If only I had a beautiful girl to sit with…
ELLIOT_HAPPY: Ha ha… you know what I mean!
ELLIOT_HAPPY: This is paradise!
Elliot holds out his hand for you to hold.
Take his hand
PLAYER_HAPPY: Yeah, I suppose this isn’t too bad.
ELLIOT_HAPPY: I can’t think of anywhere else I’d rather be.
You take his hand, holding it tight.
Elliot looks into your eyes for a moment, then you both take in your surroundings.
Snuggle with him!
PLAYER_HAPPY: Well one thing could make it better…
You take his hand in yours, holding it tight.
Then you pull yourself close to him, throwing your arms around him and falling backward into the warm sand.
ELLIOT_HAPPY: You’re right, this is even better.
PLAYER_HAPPY: Told you so.
The two of you lie there, looking up at the clouds and listening to the calming sea.
Keep your distance
PLAYER_IDLE: Maybe we should just keep our hands to ourselves for now.
ELLIOT_IDLE: Oh, of course, no problem.
ELLIOT_HAPPY: We can just enjoy the view.
ELLIOT_HAPPY: There’s something about you, {0}.
ELLIOT_FLIRTY: I’ve got that raw excitement… of when you meet someone amazing for the first time.
ELLIOT_HAPPY: But I also feel like I’ve known you forever.
ELLIOT_FLIRTY: I feel so comfortable and relaxed.
ELLIOT_IDLE: Like this is where I’m meant to be. Have you ever had that feeling?
I’m having it right now
PLAYER_FLIRTY: I think I’m having it right now.
Elliot’s face lights up.
ELLIOT_HAPPY: So I’m not imagining things?
PLAYER_FLIRTY: You’re not.
ELLIOT_FLIRTY: I think there could be something special here.
PLAYER_IDLE: Nope, never.
ELLIOT_EMBARRASSED: Oh, just me then.
ELLIOT_HAPPY: Maybe you just need to get to know me a little better!
Maybe once before
PLAYER_IDLE: Maybe once, not sure.
ELLIOT_EMBARRASSED: Clearly not now then. Doesn’t matter!
ELLIOT_HAPPY: Maybe you just need to get to know me a little better!
ELLIOT_HAPPY: I just feel like I really get you, {0}.
ELLIOT_HAPPY: Maybe it’s because I’ve gotten to watch you on the show before coming in.
PLAYER_HAPPY: Yeah that doesn’t seem fair, you’ve had a head start.
ELLIOT_FLIRTY: You’re right, that’s not fair.
ELLIOT_HAPPY: Tell you what, you can ask me whatever you like!
How many notches on your bedpost?
PLAYER_FLIRTY: Ok, what’s your number?
ELLIOT_SURPRISED: Really? Straight for the numbers!
ELLIOT_HAPPY: You don’t pull any punches, {0}.
PLAYER_HAPPY: Come on, a promise is a promise.
ELLIOT_EMBARRASSED: Alright! It’s twenty…
ELLIOT_HAPPY: Mostly at uni, but I guess that’s what everyone says.
ELLIOT_FLIRTY: Two of those might have been the same night though… together.
PLAYER_SURPRISED: A threesome! What happened there?
What happened in your last relationship?
PLAYER_IDLE: Ok, what happened with your last relationship?
ELLIOT_HAPPY: Ooph, straight for the exes. You don’t mess about!
PLAYER_HAPPY: Come on, fess up.
ELLIOT_HAPPY: Well I’ve been single for about eight months now.
ELLIOT_EMBARRASSED: But I actually met my last girlfriend online… in a game I mean.
ELLIOT_HAPPY: Yeah, we were teamed up on this ‘battle royale’ style game.
ELLIOT_HAPPY: You know, last one standing?
ELLIOT_HAPPY: And she basically saved my arse throughout and carried us through to the win.
ELLIOT_HAPPY: So we kept on playing together for months and chatting until one day we decided to meet.
ELLIOT_HAPPY: And things just went from there.
PLAYER_IDLE: How long did you date for?
ELLIOT_IDLE: About a year. But we were long distance and just started to drift apart.
PLAYER_IDLE: You don’t still play games with her, do you?
ELLIOT_HAPPY: No! We decided it was best to cut things off completely.
ELLIOT_HAPPY: It all ended pretty amicably. It definitely wasn’t my worst breakup.
ELLIOT_IDLE: There was the big one… that was pretty heartbreaking.
PLAYER_SURPRISED: What was that one?!
What’s your most embarrassing moment?
PLAYER_IDLE: Ok, I want to know your most embarrassing moment!
ELLIOT_SURPRISED: Wow, straight for the lowest of the low!
PLAYER_HAPPY: A promise is a promise!
ELLIOT_HAPPY: That’s actually a pretty easy one.
ELLIOT_IDLE: So one day I was streaming live to all my followers.
ELLIOT_HAPPY: And then my girlfriend at the time came over by surprise.
ELLIOT_IDLE: So I say goodbye to my followers, hop on the bed and we start chatting.
ELLIOT_HAPPY: We’re kissing and stuff, you know normal girlfriend and boyfriend things.
ELLIOT_IDLE: Then all of a sudden my girlfriend turns all serious and says we need to talk.
ELLIOT_IDLE: And then she just broke up with me….
ELLIOT_SAD: I was heartbroken, she was one of my first loves.
ELLIOT_EMBARRASSED: Then she leaves and I start blubbering on the bed!
ELLIOT_IDLE: So I decide to go back to my game to cheer myself up.
ELLIOT_EMBARRASSED: And when I open it I realise I never stopped the stream.
ELLIOT_EMBARRASSED: And hundreds of thousands of people have just watched my break up.
ELLIOT_HAPPY: I know, on the plus side it went totally viral.
ELLIOT_HAPPY: It actually helped my account blow up.
ELLIOT_HAPPY: Kind of led to my success…
ELLIOT_HAPPY: And I’ve had plenty of embarrassing stuff happen on streams since then…
ELLIOT_FLIRTY: I’ve said too much! Gotta save some of the gossip for our second date.
PLAYER_HAPPY: We’re having a second date?
ELLIOT_FLIRTY: I’d love to! Thanks for asking!
ELLIOT_HAPPY: I’m only messing, but this has been a pretty special date.
ELLIOT_HAPPY: I hope we’ll get to do it again.
ELLIOT_IDLE: I guess we’ll have to head back…
Elliot looks deep into your eyes, then down at your lips.
You can tell he’s longing to kiss you.
Kiss passionately
PLAYER_FLIRTY: Well, I can’t let you go without a kiss…
ELLIOT_FLIRTY: You read my mind…
You pull Elliot close for a long passionate kiss.
You hold each other close and roll around in the sand without a care.
His hand runs gently down the small of your back sending tingles up your spine.
As he pulls away, the two of you lie there, taking in the moment.
ELLIOT_SAD: I guess we need to head back.
PLAYER_SAD: I guess so.
ELLIOT_HAPPY: This has been amazing…
Kiss his neck
PLAYER_FLIRTY: Well I can’t let you go without a kiss…
ELLIOT_FLIRTY: You read my mind…
PLAYER_FLIRTY: Close your eyes.
He smiles and follows your instructions.
Gently you plant a kiss near his collarbone.
Then you slowly work your way up, until you kiss just behind his ear.
You see him shiver as a tingle rushes up his spine. He opens his eyes and smiles at you.
ELLIOT_FLIRTY: You are something else…
ELLIOT_SAD: I guess we need to head back.
PLAYER_SAD: I guess so.
ELLIOT_HAPPY: This has been amazing…
Not right now
PLAYER_IDLE: We should head back. They’ll be wondering where we’ve gone.
ELLIOT_HAPPY: You’re right. Don’t want {0} thinking I’ve stolen his partner away.
ELLIOT_FLIRTY: Not yet anyway…
Elliot helps you to your feet as you head back towards the villa, arm in arm.
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balkantalia-enjoyer · 8 months
oh you poor thing; you have no idea what you've just brought upon yourself >:D
💕 : Who's a character thst you love but never (or rarely) talk about?
Iceland! He's actually in my top 3 but I don't rly know what to post ab him. I wouldn't call him underrated since he has a lot of fans, but I'll try to mention him in my posts more in the future :3
👎 : What's the worst character design in your opinion?
Belarus' ribbon maid outfit thing she has going on is just... weird imo?? I would appreciate it if she just wore a normal uniform like everyone else tbh. Also Turkiye's mask is zesty af idc
🔮 : You can choose to retcon one thing from the manga/anime, what is it?
Korea's character maybe?? idk why Hima considered that a good idea.. I would prob replace him with an entirely new character,,, oh, and that super old strip with Japan and China (you know the one I'm talking ab) was super bizarre and I dont see a reason not to remove it if I was given the option to ahshdhg
✒️ : Do you have a headcanon that you love, but directly contradicts canon?
Does the FACE family dynamic count?? Idk if it contradicts canon b in case it doesn't im also gonna say that I see Hungary as a lesbian which im pretty sure does count bc she was canonically married to Austria iirc
🔥: Give us a hetalia hot take !
I'd really like to see more moments of the axis and the allies just hanging out together. Considering theyre the main characters it's lowkey sad many of them barely have any interactions together (Hima pls all I need is a panel w/ Germany nd China). I rly liked the movie night episode in the anime for that exact reason
📚 : Recommend a fanfic?
I haven't read that many hetalia fics acc, but searching under the Allies tag on AO3 is my favourite thing to pass a Sunday afternoon <3 def recommend it
💛 : Name a friendship that doesn't exist in canon but you'd like to see between two characters!
I have a ton of those but ig my fav example is Italy and America. I feel like if they were given more scenes together they'd be a rly good duo, since they both have the same vibes nd stuff imo
🪞 : Do you have any physical appearance headcanons for your favourite character?
I like to think China is a leftie mostly bc i'm a leftie and I dont see much representation of us in media,, i can also imagine him having chubby cheeks for some reason
🧠 : What's your most "essential" headcanon? (one you can't imagine the hetalia universe without!)
Idk how to answer this one 😭
🏆 : Sell us on a character! Maybe it's someone you think deserves more love - tell us why they should be liked !!
Romano is not underrated but shh let's ignore that,,, so yh I find him very relatable most of the time, he has a lot of canon content to consume and he's overall js an entertaining character and a grumpy silly lil guy who's fun to like
🗺️ : Who's your favourite allies member? Axis member? Nordic? And favourite character who's not in one of these groups?
My fav ally is China (or maybe Canada idk), fav axis member is Japan nd fav nordic is def Iceland. From the rest of the cast i like Greece, his cat obsession is the realest thing ever, I ship giripan and that's also the country I'm from sooo
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cutepastelstarsalior · 6 months
Clone high living blogging
Episode 2
Oh wow the second hand embarrassment is SO strong when Joan was asleep in class…..
……..Joan knows about Wiccan stuff AND she practices it?? I mean I guess that makes sense seeing as her clone mother was a French saint?
“Women just weren’t friends with each other like that” GIRL what do you mean?????? Like in context Joan is saying she wants friends. I know that the show had a very small character group but ?????? That didn’t mean girls didn’t have girl fiends???
Oh there breaking the 4th wall again…….i feel like this is gonna happen a lot.
Joan really said “im not like other girls”
Harriet and Frida give those vibes of girls who pretend to be friends with the outcast only to betray and bully them…I don’t trust them.
Nooooo jfk don’t have any guy friends because ponce is dead noooooooo :(
Ah hell yeahhhhhh the blue background bathroom are back!!!! :)
Nooooooo Joan had a new foster mom!!!! Cleo’s mom and toots are probably dead :(. Hmmm that makes me wonder, HOW do the clones feel about their family might be dead? Like to them it’s what, been a day? 2? Since they got unfrozen, so it must be so jarring to hear that their family might be dead or something. :(
Oh no jfk learned out the internet/tiktok
Frida and Harriet murder someone….surprise but not really….
JFK and there getting into an internet battle? :/ ok…do those “correct grammar in arguments” things really happen??? Like in real like?? It feel very specific……
Episode 3
“My boy toy jfk”
Seeing the gang having anxiety is interesting….Lind of gives them characterization…
I feel like this season is very Joan-centric while last was Abe-centric. Mmmm if there is a third season will it be focused on jfk? Or Cleo?
Topher has a emotional support possum :)
It’s neat to see Harriet fear/anxiety of being a “basic wine mom”. I like to think that she just has a fear of motherhood, or like, Amatonormativity.
Them beat the heck out of the monster while saying their fears is so cheesy. Then them saying “oh it’s (insert celebrity name here) from (xyz) is soooo scoops doo like. It’s also cheesy.
Doc….why do your nipple look so gross?
Ooohhh 👀 the clones that got taken are mind controlled 👀
Episode 4
Weird….zombies??? Goblin??? Things
I feel like the reason Joan feels odd this season is because she actually feels very passionate about stuff? Like off the top of my head the only times I remember seeing her very emotional was over Abe, not being allowed to play baseball, anything with Cleo, and the snowflake day. Like, all those time where of anger or yearning so seeing Joan happy/motivated is…..odd.
I still can’t get over Cleo voice. It sound so…high? I’ll why but I keep remembering Cleo old voice as lower?
Oh! I’m right! Her voice WAS lower, (watch a video complicated in Cleo and compare it to her new voice) :/
Ha. Cha cha smooth parody.
Oh sweet! Finally some cool stuff on how the old clones interact with the new one. Aka Joan lie and say the coffe is made from child labor and everyone believes it. Hmm very interesting take on stuff! Like ughhhh media criticism and cancel culture and stuff. Idk man I can’t explain it…
…….. awww we could had have a Joan and Cleo moment were they bond and stuff :(
Did Abe and Cleo ever breakup or are they still a couple?
Hehehe valley girl accent <3
:0 homesteader Cleo!!! Joan did a backflip….neat
:( I just realized I laugh more/chuckled more in season 1 than in season 2. So far the only time I laugh is when slow float about to hit Joan. :(
God I hate Confucius outfit. Dude why are you a triangle??? Why do you’re legs not match you’re top??? Harriet outfit is fine, still an eyesore color wise but fine.
YAY MR B AND JOAN!!!!! Love their friendship :)
YES!!! YES!!!! JOAN AND CLEO FRIENDSHIP???? Or at least no longer enemies!!! Whooo!!!!!!!!
Episode 5
10 years non union internship…..damn. 👀 hmmm would that be a good job? Like if the pay is good and manageable hours then 👀
*looking up clone high Harriet because I was curious why Harriet wants to distrance herself from her clone mom* *see that in season 1 there was already a Harriet* ???????? What….what happened to the original clone? Was she not frozen and she died and Doc was like “yeah likes remake a new Harriet clone lol”
Yay musical episode :)
Oh wow they are good singers, mostly Harriet and Frida
OMG PONCE’s DAD IS BACK yippie!!! :)
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I’m like 99% sure that’s not how Footloose works. Wasn’t the dancing ban happen because of a drunk driver or something in the movie?
:( the husbands don’t get along anymore :( Mr b is so catty now
“Abe can’t sing, can’t dance…” i don’t think he even knows karate? I don’t think he’s going make it/lyrics
✨ white guy confidence✨ …………….don’t drink Abe sweat….
Harriet being a pushover/not wanting to speak up against her friend 👀 (also side note it seems like Frida and Harriet stop hang out? Or rather Joan and Harriet are closer friends then with Frida??)
Oh gross they actually drank Abe’s sweat….
Harriet likes her play! It’s different from Joan’s and that fine! Love that Harriet stood up for herself and wants to do her own thing
Oh hey Vincent van go! :) he spoke!!
The said fuck! Literally the first time it happen on the show!! :0
The quiche medphor is nice :)
…..these nerd didn’t try a second time? Also Cleo can dance! She did it with Ashley angel (no pun intended) and she dance at prom????
“Practice makes progress” :) wise words Frida!
Harriet is a good singer
Oh no is jfk and Harriet going to get together???
Ok I think Harriet may be my favorite new clone…
NoOOOOOOOOO NOT THE DINNER !!!!! :0 it’s burning!!!!! Nooooooooooo
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...And the tears of a Clown
Okay, I’m going to go ahead and say I love Sean Astin and Felicia Day so this episode was just incredible to me! For so many reasons too. There was the Eve getting to tell Jenkins that they could not ALL leave The Library, somebody needed to be there as a last line of defense. Also, it’s the only time we have a NEW artifact that was made less than a couple decades ago and it’s never addressed again that new ones could be made. And of course the ‘attraction’ they use the crew for. But, I digress, let’s continue!
I almost hate when they have anything “set” in Kansas...that’s mostly because I was born there but hey, to each their own. I also despise he miscommunication trope. 
But when I tell you I gasped when I saw Sean Astin I am not exaggerating at all. I was not expecting that! Oh my gosh, Ezekiel gave Jenkins that lock picking kit for Christmas!! That’s fantastic!! 
I’m dying at this kid interacting with Jenkins. ‘The only ones who come after you are the clowns.’ This is Sam Winchester’s worst nightmare for real. ‘I presume you were raised on electronics?’ ‘Uh yes, yes I was’ good call Jenkins my guy. And now he’s terrified the child. “sigh”
I know that Jake is full suit due to the fake bodybuilder persona, but Cassandra as a mermaid is fantastic, and then we have Ezekiel barely clothed...Eve’s extra head ogling the boys, she felt so violated. Jake telling Ezekiel to stop playing that thing and he’s strutting around half naked unable to stop playing that recorder/flute. 
“That must be a weight off your shoulders!” Dear boy, you got your clothes back!! Yes Sean!!! First he was angry, now he’s back to being lovesick about Felicia Day. They are both so cute. 
 All of them feeling the effects of having their altered appearances is kind of funny. Stone rubbing his arms, Cassandra drinking a LOT of water, Ezekiel trying to say that those abs were all the snake charmer. 
‘We have to go back.’ ‘Are you sure you got the right head?’ He was not interested in going back at all. He was laying digital bread crumbs to keep DOSA off of their trail. Look at him go!!! And then they all got taken almost immediately. Worst. Souvenir. Ever. I agree with that, even if it does give you a clue. 
“Yes I understand. Your logic is sound. But there is nothing that can stop me from coming after you.” Jenkins showing he cares. Then the kids talking about fabric and Ezekiel finishing that with Matata from Lion King made me laugh. He went from zero to hero....the Disney references man.
Ezekiel asking the right question about why it has to be old. Which, has an unfortunate answer for this episode. I love the way he can twirl things around his fingers. Jones, the man you are... It’s not magic, it’s whimsy, girl, you are having way too much fun with that. Okay, so Stone has a clown outfit that fits his whole country boy vibe, Baird has camo, Ezekiel looks like literally any other clown making him indistinguishable, and Cassandra is having a blast!
“alright cool your jets Harry Potter” The Librarians are fighting for their lives and here these two are having a lovely date. Oh Flynn sent Eve the check yes or no and that is the cutest thing. Everything gets so dramatic and upsetting for a bit. 
Oh my gosh, poor Jake as everyone starts talking about the wand. Then Eve’s , do you know how much those things cost?! no, he does not, he would rather steal it. While he needs to know the value for other purposes, it wouldn’t be so that he could pay for it. 
Wrapping this episode up, Ezekiel stood way too close to that giant vat of hot wax for my comfort. Like, I know it was to throw the thing into it, but that could have splashed and that would have been a disaster! Then he has to pick at Jake for thinking it was the wand. They have a whole new section for NEW artifacts?!?! That’s amazing and terrifying. And it means we could have got several more seasons out of this show. My boy was mostly in the background for this one, I know he gets to be more in focus eventually, but this is frustrating that he always just gets a couple of lines. 
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maschotch · 1 year
Hotch, Morgan and Emily were really good unit chief's because IMO they are competent at their job, empathetic and have integrity. Their actions are louder than their words. Hotch knows his team, he protects them as much as he can, tries to help them as much as he can, and does it constantly. Same with Morgan and Emily in different ways. Then for a brief moment the writers were like "JJ's gonna be the unit chief" and I was like WTF? IMO she doesn't display those qualities and it shows how easy she can be controlled, you know?
Do the writers even like JJ?
I still think those episodes are a dream.
yeah i think the three of them all have the components of being a good leader. but that’s not the end-all be-all of the position. it’s a bureaucratic, political position, which i dont think sits right with any of them. i think morgan would do the best in that regard (bad at the paperwork tho :/ ), but it’s a weak point for both hotch and emily. they’re good at playing the game, they just hate it. emily’s too defiant, hotch has too many authority issues, and theyre both far too stubborn to be obedient little bureau dogs. not that morgan doesnt hate it, i just think he’s infinitely better at hiding it when he actually tries. emily cant be bothered to try half the time and hotch’s patience wanes quickly
ANYWAY. all that to say. i dont actually mind the concept of jj as unit chief. akdhksdj i dont think she’d do well as a leader necessarily—it’d be better if the team was able to work independently, a well oiled machine that’s not reliant on the skills she’s lacking. but i think it’d be fun to see her play the political game. i think she’d learn quickly and tbh as a hot blonde she could probably get away with a lot. and i think it would be an attempt to save her character development: retroactively framing the narrative around her transition from liaison to profiler to unit chief. (i wish she came back as section chief in season 7—that wouldve been so much more interesting than making her a profiler, especially since she’s repeatedly stated that she’s not suited for their job. it would be neat to have someone behind the scenes to give them official help when they need it, plus it means we would see her a lot less lol. i also think her outfits in lauren and when she’s in rossi’s office give strong strauss vibes)
. i forgot what we were talking ab lol
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selfcarecap · 2 years
The sex lives of college girls episode 2 @kenniteaa (i struggle w the title of this show every time lol)
Lmaoo ‘you know those confident girls? I just pretended to be one of them‘ that actually is such good advice but i always think when people say that.. there has to be some basic confidence ykwim? Like if you can be super confident it’s only because you were already a little confident in the first place… maybe? But anyway djksks
Oh and ‘you know those confident girls?‘ ‘yeah, i hate them‘ 💀 dhskdkdk self awareness ig?
Kimberly Finkle lol
Also I’m still not satisfied w the answer that Leighton looks like Margot robbie and her lookalikes lol there‘s someone else too hmm
Plsss Kimberly‘s so funny and awkward and her haircut is SO bad but i still love her
Shaha Leighton‘s joke to her dad about being pregnant already and not knowing who the father is. That‘s what you get for assuming she‘s straight @ Leighton‘s dad🙄 pls
Not the Math 350 class and assessment test EW
Ahh and the computer animated guy, omg Whitney kicked the ball in his face as she should !!!
‘You‘re a creep. I‘m a catch. Never talk to me again‘
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Aw noo Kimberley‘s French class 😭😭😭 (oh non?)
I get that that woman at the party isn‘t gonna be Bela’s bff bc she gave her bf a handjob or whatever but like be mad at him not at her 😭
'Before you say anything about the test you should know that my father did pay for this building LMAO‘ and then her calling the test stupid and easy dhsksk
I would like to increase the number of women in my seminar… to 1 💀
Naked party 😭😭 ummm
Who is Jena and why is she not inviting Whitney to her party…, I think I missed this drama help
Fucking in the back of a car w the toddler‘s car seat still in there omg
Aw let Kimberly sit at home alone if that‘s what she wants dhdkdkd
Omg I forgot about Bela‘s fake spray tan abs dhdjsjks 'so embarrassing that we all wore the same outfit‘ pls 😭 also I don‘t know how they didn‘t think of pregaming before a (and their first) naked party like???
My left boob is also bigger lol, Bela 🤝 me
Did someone just say 'boyf' out loud Ydhskks
Loool them bonding over their boob and ab contour dhdkdk
Nico and Kimberley hmm okayyy 👀
Leighton calling herself stylish dhsksk girl you look like a teacher like.. in 2013
Okay ooohhh I‘m starting to like this show a lot 😌
I‘m just wondering how they‘re gonna handle having 4 different girls like in this episode not a lot actually happened and i mean. It is called the sex lives of college girls so I‘m not expecting big and meaningful plots but shls yeah, but I don‘t mean that in a negative way, I‘m just curious to see where they‘re gonna take this!! (But also whenever eye say nothing has happened in an episode everyone thinks it‘s the most exciting thing in the world *ahem* euphoria *ahem* soo yeah lol)
Also I‘m not really ever saying anything in these comments so… lmk if you don‘t want them djdk
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crimnalseung · 4 months
i need a big boy | p. jy
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pairing. bf!jay x fem!reader
sypnosis. having a boyfriend meant that he’d like to do a lot of boyish things, especially going to the gym to workout. jay comes home in a sleeveless tank, what happens to you then?
genre. smut (mdni!!) & some fluff
wc. 2.0+k
warnings. smut with plot (not really), softdom!jay & sub!reader, making out, oral (f. receiving), unprotected sex (naur!), squirting, creampie, cursing, fingering, praising, dirty talk , sweet talk, the love between you and jay is very soft
authors note. jay drabble! also got inspired by that one song from sza’s snl episode & from the bunch of enha edits w that sound (the color contrast between this post and my other one😭)
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you were currently sitting on the couch in the living room watching tv, waiting for jay to come back home from the gym. sometimes you feel guilty that you should also go to the gym too since jay puts so much effort into it compared to you. jay has made such great progress within his workouts. of course you’d never miss the chance to see that change with muscles. seeing his grind with the gym always makes you smile since he enjoys it that much.
the sounds of the fronts doors keyhole could be heard. it must meant that he’s finally back. jay came in the door, still facing your back. once you heard footsteps, you immediately rose up from your seat and walked towards him.
“you’re home!” without looking his outfit well enough, you wrapped your arms around his neck as you tippy toed.
“i was only gone for an hour and a half, y/n. missed me that much?” he chuckled into your ear. you pulled away from him and gazed down at his chest. the way his bare arms showed his prominent muscles made your face freeze up. jay slowly smiled once realizing what you were looking at.
you snapped out of it before talking again. “what can i say? i missed my boyfriend even if it was a short amount of time.”
jay dropped his bag on the floor and grabbed your arm into an embrace. “mm, you’re right. i missed you too.” he smelled like sweat, but you didn’t mind at all since jay was in your arms. he continued hugging you, swaying side to side before he parted his head from you.
“i’ll go shower hm? i stink.” jays laughter filled your ears before letting him leave your eyes to go to the bathroom.
plopping yourself back on the couch, all you thought about was the way jays muscles glistened. the sleeveless shirt he wore made you weak in the knees. how could anyone ignore those biceps? you thought about all the ways you would hold his arms, to have them wrap around your waist, or to have his hands on yours. you’ve never been too selfish with your relationship with jay, so you didn’t want to tell him to kiss you or anything like that straight up.
jays a wonderful man with so much respect. you remembered when the two of you had sex for the first time that he was so gentle and asked for your consent multiple times. who would know the expression on jays face if you were to tell him to have sex with you right now.
you got up and headed to your guys bedroom only to find jay wearing nothing but a towel wrapped around his waist. your mouth dropped seeing his well toned abs and just his whole upper region.
my big boy.
jay smiled as he ruffled his wet hair with his hand. he probably wasn’t even wearing under the towel placed on his hips. “something wrong?” he asked you, obviously noticing your stare at him.
you shook you head at him. “nothings wrong, it’s just..” you trailed off with your words and your eyes moved from his abs to his eyes. “your body muscles are so nice. i love a big boy.” you softly smiled, rubbing your hand on his arm.
“big boy?” his eyebrow raised with a painted smirk onto his face.
“mhm, look at how big your arms got.” you smiled, squeezing his arms and making him flex them. jay looked so good you could actually drool. but then you remembered, the only thing he had on was a towel. he gazed down at you sincerely, eyes wondering all over your facial features.
you tilted your head up at him, looking in his eyes, switching from his right to left one. “jay..” he hummed as a response.
“kiss me, please.”
he smashed his lips onto yours, having the erratic feeling of desire. he received the message your eyes were trying to tell him. jays hands were placed on your jawline, tilting his head. as you intertwined your tongue with his, jays hands moved from your face, sliding down your curves, and to groping your ass.
jay lifted you up, carrying you as you leaned down to continue kissing him. you were surprised at how well the towel around his waist stayed on. he lead you to your bed and placed a hand behind your head as he laid you down. while he had his lips glued to yours, you took the time to unbutton your pajama top. he opened his eyes and helped you throw your shirt somewhere across the room.
you tangled your hands into his still damp hair. the both of you let out small groans from all the tension. he started his down to your neck and chest, placing wet kisses. “so pretty for me.” he said quietly, with his hands reaching for your breasts and massaging them.
“can i take these off?” jay asked, staring at your bottoms. you nodded at him as he quickly placed his hands on the hem of your pants and took them off slowly. that’s what you liked about having sex with him, he didn’t force you to use your words.
he placed kisses all around your thighs. you were soaked and he obviously noticed that from the wet patch on your underwear. he started kissing your clothed cunt, receiving a sharp moan from you. jay dragged your underwear off and groaned from the sight of of your pussy. god, he looked so hot. he smashed his lips onto your cunt, licking all parts inside. “oh!” you held onto his hair and arched your back.
the lewd noises his mouth and your pussy made were enough for your eyes to close. he’d eye you to make sure you’re okay. your legs were so close to clamping down on his head but he held you legs strongly with his arms. that was another benefit from going to the gym.
“taste so good, y/n.” you heard his words muffled from clenching so hard. he sticked his tongue in your hole making you gasp for air. “ah jay! nghh!”
he removed his mouth from your cunt seeing you struggle so much. that didn’t mean he would stop though. jay added a finger inside your wet hole. he was flicking his finger back and forth as you gripped onto the bedsheets. “god, you are so wet.”
“you did this jay. you j- just looked so hot, ugh f- fuck!” he was doing double the work with two fingers inside you now and his other hand rubbing your clit.
“y- you feel so good.” he smirked, hearing your barely audible comment. “i know, baby. clenching so much on my fingers.” he kissed your thigh areas.
“you’re making me so hard right now with how hot you look y/n.” and yet the towel around his waist still wasn’t off. a huge bulge on the cloth was so visible. you bit your lips and tried keeping yourself composed but being eaten out by him has never felt this way before. “m- more please.” his fingers parted away from your cunt and his mouth took over again.
you were angling your hips to his mouth. your legs were not moving anywhere as he had locked them into the hold of his muslces.
“aghh.. so close, jay.” you couldn’t even look at him because of how much pleasure you were receiving. his thumb on your clit started moving faster along with his tongue.
“cum on my tongue y/n.” the recognizable sensation is what you felt down there. you were so close to releasing everything. “ngh! s- shit! i’m gonna-”
“ahh! o- oh god!” you squirted without realizing it. it was until you opened your eyes and saw jays lower area of his face dripping. of course you panicked, you’ve never did that before with him and felt embarrassed, thinking he would be disgusted.
“oh my god, jay i’m so sorr-” he shut your lips by placing his on yours, not wasting any second to explore your mouth.
“that was the hottest thing you could’ve ever done. don’t apologize, hm?” he smiled at you, reassuring the situation. jay moaned deeply as he grinded towards your hips. you tasted yourself from jays wet lips. staring at his towel, his cock definitely wanted to be released. his growing bulge became more evident as he the friction between his hips and you rose up.
“can i suck you off, please?” jays lips turned up hearing your innocent beg.
he sighed at his bulge being so close to your hips. “baby, as much as i want you to, i’m afraid i’m gonna cum just by looking at you.” heat rose to your cheeks, you would have never thought to hear such a thing from him. jay was in crave of sex too.
he finally removed the white towel from his waist, revealing his thick girth standing high and proud. you gulped at the sight of precum leaking from the tip and how red raging it looked. jay tried reaching over to the nightstand to get a condom, but you stopped his actions. “do it raw, please.” with your quiet yet pleading voice, he clenched his jaw.
“fuck, okay.” he took ahold of his cock and swiped it back and forth on your folds. you both hummed and clenched around nothing. your folds were so wet from your arousal and gave him easy access to your hole.
jay took captive of your lips as he pushed everything in all at once. “aghh!” your mouth opened and prevented him from actually kissing you so he placed wet kisses down on your neck. you felt his length twitch inside even after just being inserted in. “shit, h- how are you still so tight?”
“jay-ah, faster please.” your legs wrapped around his hips, pushing them towards you. you rubbed your hands all over his arms feeling his muslces.
“yeah?” like an animal, he started pounding you faster and faster. he was a moaning mess. “ngh y/n, feels so fucking good.” the wet sounds and sounds of both your hips slamming together were echoing in the room. he gripped onto the headboard with one hand and had the other pinning your hand down onto the bed.
“so good, love your dick so much! nghh!” you vocalized your saying, feeling every inch of his dick hit your cervix. eyes were rolled back, mouth couldn’t help but stay open, and you were so close to your edge.
his breathing was heavy as it filled your ears. everytime you opened your eyes, you’d see his necklace dangling in front of your face. that only turned you in more. “b- baby, i’m close.” you told him, immediately running out of air. fuck the condom, going in raw was so much better. “me too, y/n.”
jays thrusting began to decrease and started slowly hitting all the right spots. “ah fuck.”
“c’mon baby, come with me.” his dick twitched like crazy and you arched your back so much. “nghh! f- fuck!” your eyes were shut as you released your orgasm. he panted heavily, spilling all his cum into you.
jay gently removed his cock from your cunt, seeing so much white liquid on it. you pulled him down to kiss him more and he grabbed you into his arms on the bed. your legs felt sore but that didn’t stop you from wrapping your legs on his body. you both giggled at each other once seeing your faces so close. “i love my big boy.” you moved some strands of his hair.
“that was so good.” jay spoke, tucking your head into his chest. your hand was placed on his peck as you hummed.
“sorry.. now you need to shower again.” you peeked up to find him smiling. “that’s okay, at least we can shower together now.” you sat up seeing all your clothing on the floor. jay gradually got up and walked towards the bathroom.
“come on, won’t you let me scrub you?” he said, right at the bathroom door. you laughed, jumping up to grab his hand and lead both of you to the shower.
“no funny business! okay?”
let’s just say.. jay decided he wasn’t finished with you.
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Friday, 9 June 2023
Yesterday I lamented the fact that we didn’t get to see the old soap that Abe was watching (on videotape!) at his kidnapper’s house. Today, though, more than makes up for this egregious omission.
Behold: Body and Soul!
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(Okay, I posted these caps separately because I was so very excited about them. So you may have already beheld.)
Okay. So. First, the DiMeras.
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Megan restates the central premise of her “you have to marry someone to get the Von Leuschner family fortune so it might as well be Gwen” argument.
Dimitri is reluctant, but let’s be honest: he calls his mother “mother.” This guy is about 1/3 that guy from the Manchurian Candidate, 1/3 Buster Bluth and 1/3 Seymour Skinner. He’s obviously going to do exactly what she tells him to do.
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Then Kristen (in this weird but exceptionally cleavagey dress) asks Megan what she needs with all this VonLeuschner VonLoot and Megan hints at a plot that involves actual world domination.
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At the pub, Harris Michaels shows up, continuing to have no friends in this town and no real purpose for being here. He looks remorseful (pretty much his only move right now) at Roman and Kate for a minute.
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Then Roman leaves and Kate gets down to business. “You want a job?” she says. “I’ll hire you to murder Megan Hathaway.” (I don’t think she knows about the DiMera declaration yet.)
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Harris considers this, probably because he knows full well that he’s gonna need SOMETHING to do if he intends to stick around in Salem. But then he decides against it because he’s “trying to be good” now that he’s finally shaken himself loose from Megan’s brainwashing.
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(Oh, but I forgot to mention that Megan strongly hinted that she’s gonna reactivate Harris as part of her whole world domination thing. Which feels like something you should probably know.)
Gwen returns to her home at the Salem Inn.
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(So many characters have lived in this hotel room. Probably because it’s cheaper than decorating a set to serve as a specific character’s home. I’m almost certain we blew the entire set budget for 2023 on the stuffed cats at Nurse Kim Coles’ house.)
Leo vents to Gwen about having visited his Horrible Mother in prison. (This is where Horrible Mothers belong. There or Florida.) And with this cursory attention to a backstory and some actual emotions, Leo continues his transformation into an actual character rather than a sad collection of dick jokes in ugly outfits.
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He and Gwen commiserate over bad parents and a distinct lack of love in their lives. And they make a pact to marry each other if they continue to strike out. Which is something I’m certain they’ve said before, but I’ll give them a pass because… again, Leo’s actually acting like a person today and I want to encourage this behavior.
Then Gwen leaves and there’s a knock at the door and it’s Dimitri. Is he still mad that Leo stole some vital component to the doomsday device he was trying to assemble in the Beyond Salem miniseries? I suppose we’ll have to wait till Monday for the answer to that one!
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Back at the hospital, Paulina is still recovering from her panic attack (after a quick break to go harass Colin at the police station). She runs into Nurse Kim Coles and they do the tired dance of “does Paulina know that this is the woman who may have (definitely did) kidnapped Abe?” but no, of course she doesn’t.
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Then Rafe shows up and says “hey, I knocked on your door for like an hour today but I guess you were here.”
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Right, I also forgot to mention that Rafe knocked on her door for like an hour. Actually, I’m not forgetting these things so much as having difficulty writing about each plot thread separately when they intersect like this. Stop making the show so dynamic, Days writers!
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Finally, Abe is still watching Body and Soul and not answering the door.
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But then he gets to a part in Nurse Kim Coles’ VHS tape where a 2008 episode was interrupted by a news break involving… Mayor Abraham Carver!
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And Abe’s all “wait a minute, that’s me! Maybe I have amnesia like that guy in that stupid soap opera I’ve been watching.” And I’m still trying to figure out if this is a genius level of meta-storytelling or maybe they just took things a little too far.
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It’s gotta be the first one, right?
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ghosttotheparty · 3 years
i kinda just realised the basement that troy said i love you to abed in (s2e10 epidemiology) is the same basement that That happened in in geothermal escapism and i’m not okay
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infinite-wanders · 2 years
What do you think will happen with just Paxton and Devi in S3 either by going by the title names or some made up theories? In my opinion I don't think they'll be together for that long give it till ep 8 or 9 they'll break up..
Also it's a bit confusing that we don't have titles names yet for 9&10 huh.
Hey anons, I don't bite. Ask any of my mutuals. But it's okay, I get it.
I assume you've already read my post and are just want my views purely on Devi and Paxton's journey in s3.
While those were very much in favour of Ben x Devi x Paxton journey in s3, I'm going to give some Daxton heavy theories since you asked. Should I take it as you feel I'm a Daxton expert, as I'm really not.
Prior to the titles being leaked, I was very prepared for a very Devi x Ben season, with Devi and Paxton possibly not together by the end of s3 but still hopeful for Daxton endgame in s4.
The titles now lead me to believe they are together for majority of s3 as they explore their monogamous relationship.
In short, s1 was the foundation building of Daxton and s2 was the awkward "friendship vs romanceship" exploration. I'll elaborate in a future post I've got drafted as I started answering this ask.
Never Have I Ever ...
Written theories on leaked episode titles (Daxton Edition)
3x02 ... had My Own Troll
The episode opens to Devi waking up to more messages from instanon.
It's a photo of Paxton and Zoe making out.
Devi wakes up sweating from this nightmare.
She goes to see Dr Ryan who tries to be the voice of reason and tells her to just ask Paxton what it could mean.
Devi argues how it would upset Paxton and make him insecure.
Devi recruits her 2 besties to find out this anon.
Fabiola needs a distraction and Eleanor always loves a good drama.
They try Jonah and Ben to find dead ends. They try Eric who is revealed as Lady Whistleboy.
Eventually, Trent comes across their path, and is like, "Oh yeah. I totally forgot I sent that."
Trent: "Devi, my boy Maxi Pax has a heart of gold behind those chiselled abs. Don't go breaking it, or else."
Devi: That's not where the heart is... never mind.
Maybe Paxton finds out. Maybe he doesn't.
3x03 ... had a Valentine
Okay... so s2 never gave us a first proper Daxton date.
Let's see some growth from dates that involve the boys, Pizza and call of duty.
S3 ep 1 gives us a snippet of a pizza date but I'm sure they can do better for valentines day.
The pressure will be there and our boy may crumble, or he's going to recruit the help of Rebecca and pull something beautiful.
That is, until Trent hijacks his plans and turns it to a double date. Paxton doesn't know how to say no since Trent is no longer giving the icy shoulder.
If the writers feel like drama it up, let's get Aneesa and Ben on this date too.
I'm not going to suggest any date ideas yet as I'm currently writing some for my fic Grata as Hell.
But hey, if our long awaited Daxton pool scene happens in this ep, I may or may not cry.
If Paxton gets her a donut for Devi (with a card that reads, You look cool in that outfit), I legit will bawl. She's been wanting the damn donut since Ganesh Puja.
3x04 ... made someone jealous
Ben Gross goes to private school and it's all Nalini can talk about to Devi.
He overhears after climbing into her room (still yet to be caught, lol)
The insecurities flood him and oh Paxton, Paxton, Paxton ... green looks good on you.
While I personally don't like jealousy in my own relationship, God I do enjoy this drama on TV.
He's about to retreat back and ice Devi out, but they end up having a deep and meaningful.
She reassures him and all is well again.
UNTIL ... Paxton finds the pro/con board.
Dear lord, jealously ensues... then onto ep 5
3x05 ... been Ghosted.
I just believe this is more referring to Ben ghosting Devi rather than Paxton ghosting.
There is a different between ghosting and being iced out. When Paxton has iced her, we usually knew why. For him to ghost it could be from my unlikely theory for ep4. Also, negative to Paxtons growth with Devi.
The only thing I could think why Paxton would ghost of if tragedy strikes Paxtons family and he doesn't want to burden Devi with it. Very unlikely as he'd want her there.
3x06... had a breakdown
If it's not Andy Samberg narrated episode, and is more referring to Devi having a breakdown (compared to her losing her shit).
Paxton gets offered a scholarship to Stanford University, keeping him here in California. While Devi works towards Princeton and Ben towards Colombia.
The realisation that Devi may have to choose between Paxton, or her future, triggers a breakdown.
Devi gets waitlisted and Ben gets early acceptance (is this a thing when you're not a senior? I'm not from USA so our school system is different).
3x07 ... cheated
[404 error]
I'll elaborate another time on Devi or Paxton possibly cheating in school, as it better not be referring to relationships. I'll be hello pissed.
3x08 ... hooked up with my boyfriend
Devi and Paxton have sex for the first time.
I'm still hoping for Paxton to reveal Devi is his first because everyone assumes Paxton has had alot of sex. Maybe he has. But Daxton heart if here for extra special moments.
Beyond this I'm not ready to elaborate further.
To conclude, ep 3x09 and ep 3x10 episode titles have not been leaked as I feel they would be major spoilers. Maybe someone dies in ep 9, maybe ep 10 reveals this Daxton endgame or breakup of Daxton as he graduates.
I'm like this as all my OTP are never endgame
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mountainscouts · 3 years
yr top ten fav sp characters GO!!!
*panicking like theres a gun pointed to my head*
OKAY OKAY, fair warning i like to latch onto characters who don't ever appear or speak ever again because im fucked in the head!
let's start from the bottom!
10) pip
i like pip for all the different reasons compared the usual ones. I love characters getting ripped on for their passiveness/kindness in this show and it only makes the town consensus that everyones and asshole even funnier. i think his voice is a little annoying but i actually enjoy it at the same time. "pip" is one of my favorite episodes because of how absurd it can get and is a great start to making more spin off episodes. i really like this stupid british kid, rip pip!
9) jimmy
JIMMY THAT FUNKY LITTLE COMEDIAN!!! i love him, he's legit really funny and i love all of his episodes. even with his speech impediment being the reason why you're supposed to think hes funny, he's genuinely funny on his own with his personality and snarkiness. beloved little man. also his debut episode also includes my blog's namesake. bring back the scouts!!
8) heidi
she's smart and funny
ok no shes SO SWEET. i care her so bad, i genuinely love her character and she is probably the saving grace about season 20. i actually was invested in seeing her grow and seeing her on screen just made me happy especially if her overt kindness was the butt of a joke. i don't like heiman but they were so entertaining together, maybe it was just how horrible they were when eachothers presence that I liked. god I miss her so much
7) craig
poor craig has been a victim of so much bad characterization but my love for his actual character in the show is so good. i love the pandemic trilogy so much, craig definitely shines there with his aloof attitude and disdain for the boys. i miss when he'd always be known for flipping people off, getting in trouble, and just not giving a fuck. but also he's still very much so a kid with kid interests!
6) henrietta/the goth kids
i feel like the goth kids are a full package, but since henrietta is probably considered "the face" of the group ill say she's my favorite. i love her specific dialogue the most she contrasts so well with her family and it doesnt fail to make me laugh. also, shes genuinely really cool along with the rest of the goths. like why do their outfits pop off.. and for what. also the goth storylines are also so fucking hilarious, i love goth kids 3 so much its probably a top 5 ep for me.
5) david
hes beaner.. jus like me🥺 NO, GENUINELY THERE IS A BIAS WHEN IT COMES TO HIM BUT I DONT CARE. david, like most of everyone in my top 5 has so much nostalgic value to me. i remember watching you're not yelping for the first time and being completely enamored with him right when he showed up on screen with his familia<3. i do genuinely love the role he plays in that episode and even the minor specs of him in season 19, seeing him makes me so happy. also i love the fact he was just so ready to kick cartman's shit in, what a king.
4) tweek
tweek is so funny. his delivery. his dialogue. his body language. god i love that little meth head. he also suffers from mischaracterization but my love for him surpasses any shitty fandom interpretation. free hat is one of my favorite episodes and his arc in that ep is PRICELESS. only tweek would respond to "what do you see as a positive about toddler murder" with "its easy" absolutely iconic, pinnacle of humor, it makes me collapse every time. also hes pretty unpredictable and i love his spontaneous nature.
3) stan
stan definitely is one of the fandom favorites for so many reasons but i just know that ive genuinely really liked him since forever. one of my favorite episodes (and possibly underrated stan episodes) is stanley's cup, it's just such a good episode and observation of his character along the lines of ygo/ab. i like the place he as as the most sensitive out of the main four while still having an intense passion for things he feels strongly about too amongst other traits.
2) rebecca
rebecca is probably one of the first, if not the first one shot character i grew attached to. at the ripe age of 8 fucking years old I remember watching homp and thinking she was the cutest thing ever. i also really loved her romance with kyle (kybecca 4lyfe) so that also pushed me to REALLLLLY like her. she's also genuinely really interesting with her speech delivery and (once) sheltered view on life. i know we will probably never see her again but i pine for the day that we do even if its just a mention or cameo. i love her so much oh my god.
and to no one's surprise:
1) gary
hes nice
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epicene-humanoid · 3 years
some trans Jeff thoughts:
he realized he was trans in elementary school and just went fuck it I'll just start introducing myself as Jeffery and see if anyone decides to stop me (as we know, jeff winger can get away with almost anything)
he got top surgery the second he could afford it (around the same time he started at his law firm), and probably bribed someone to keep it a secret
"I'm jeff winger and i would rather look at myself naked than the women I sleep with" are the words of a man proud of his transition
he's really insecure about his fashion sense, which is why he mostly dresses like the douchey guys at his firm in the start of the show, he thought you can't go wrong with the sleazy lawyer look
he will never admit it but he feels super good about the dean hitting on him, because the dean is a (cis) guy, acknowledging that Jeff is more manly than him
i think he starts out stealth and comes out to everyone one by one, probably starting with abed because he knows abed won't judge him and will probably just see it as an interesting backstory.
abed just says it's cool and maybe worth a prequel exploring Jeff's transition, and jeff asks him to predict how all of the members of the group will react to him coming out.
abed's predictions:
britta will be over-the-top supportive and do a ton of research about trans history, probably put together a slideshow just to prove how progressive she is, and jeff will be a little bit weirded out, but also touched that she did all that for him, though he would never let her know that
shirley will be confused, because she doesn't know how someone she trusts and knows so well could be part of a group she was raised to hate, but ultimately realizes that there's nothing actually against the lgbtq people in the bible, and, as a cool character development arch, starts to advocate against use of the bible to justify bigotry
troy will just think it over and decide that Jeff's physique and coolness are even awesomer knowing how much work he'd had to put in to be like that, and respects Jeff's manliness even more
annie will give him a hug, say something sweet about how she'll always love him, and worry about his health, because even she read somewhere that taking testosterone makes you more likely to have a heart attack, jeff will explain that the risk is still only as high a cis guy, and she'll be the one to always remind him to take his shots
peirce will say at best say "jeff winger used to be a chick?" and at worst call him a slur, either way there's sure to be a lot of misgendering from him, and pestering to know Jeff's deadname (needless to say, Jeff just doesn't tell peirce)
the whole group goes out of their way to keep their beach trips a secret from pierce (the girls don't want him there anyways, he's too liable to be creepy) even though jeff knows that even if pierce saw his scars, all he would have to do is make up a story about some childhood accident and pierce would never question it
sorry this ended up being super long. can I hear some of your headcanons for him?
YES ALL THIS!!! yes yes i’m fully accepting this as canon oh my god
i’m about to type a whole ass ESSAY at midnight because i have been DYING to talk about this for months ajfdksljk,,, this is going to be obscenely long and i might end up adding even more to it as i continue to rewatch the show because there is truly no shortage of trans jeff content (especially when you’re trans and see transness in every little thing ajdkslfkjs)
spoiler warning for literally everything about this show under the cut <3
i 100% agree, i feel like he realized he was trans super young, especially since in the show we see him as a little kid a couple of times. 
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like look at little jeff with the oversized sweatshirt and little ponytail!! that’s childhood trans fashion. not to be dramatic but part of me thinks that jeff’s dad left before he fully came out to his family (which gives him even more angst about it, because until that one Thanksgiving episode, he’s never able to prove to his dad that he’s a better man), but part of me thinks that his dad left after he came out (which adds that spicy i-should-have-stayed-in-the-closet guilt that he has to work through). 
either way, because his dad wasn’t there, he had to base his concept of masculinity on something else, which was becoming a lawyer!! there’s some line that’s like “after the dust and divorce papers were settled the only man i looked up to was [the lawyer guy]”. like, replacing your father figure in your mind with the concept of “a job where you can talk your way in and out of anything and distort other people’s concept of reality”? that’s trans.
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 and the fucking THANKSGIVING EPISODE... i struggle to watch it without crying hehe <3 yeowch! the dichotomy of willy jr. being the “wrong” kind of man because he’s “too soft” but jeff also not being enough despite adhering to all the social standards of masculinity... fuck!! this whole scene of him telling his dad “i am Not well adjusted” and talking about how he gave himself an “appendix surgery scar” when he was a kid and he still keeps the get-well-soon letters from his classmates under his bed? oh my god. the implication of people loving him not despite his scars but because of them?? trans. i can’t think about this episode for too long or i’ll start yelling.
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OH and this scene? where he talks about how his mom got him a girl costume for halloween?? and everyone said “what a cute little girl” and after a few houses he stopped correcting them?? and “once the shame and the fear wore off, i was just glad they thought i was pretty”?? THAT’S TRANS... the man needs validation oh my god... and then in all the halloween episodes we see he has these ultra-masculine costumes (a cowboy, David Beckham, one of the fast and furious guys even though he never watched the movies, a boxer with his DAD’S boxing gloves... god) costumes are about becoming something else and he always chooses to be hypermasculine and that is trans.
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THE PHYSICAL EDUCATION EPISODE!!!!!!! being uncomfortable during P.E. is a queer experience. period. but him being specifically uncomfortable in the clothes someone else is assigning to him? trans. “are we gonna talk about clothes like a girl? or use tapered sticks to hit balls around a cushioned mat like a man?” TRANS. and him eventually stripping in public? celebration of transness. and the fact that he eventually becomes comfortable in both the uniform and his own style!! trans!! god i love this episode. 
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AND AND AND!!! the gay dean coming out episode!!! where it’s the three of them discussing the best way for the dean to come out as gay despite not entirely identifying with that label!! so we have both frankie and the dean who are sort of ambiguously queer, and jeff who’s a stealth trans man who’s probably only out to only the study group at this point. this scene where the dean and jeff have this like eyebrow communication while frankie is talking is just so cute. queer-to-queer communication. “I am so curious” “oh?” “intellectually.” “oh...” ajfdksljfk this scene just screams high school GSA to me and i love it so much.
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and SPEAKING of the dean!! i totally see you on that. i feel like jeff has some internalized homophobia/biphobia (like he’d throw punches over someone else, but when it comes to himself he has a lot of shame). and also seeing the dean so confident in all his different outfits/costumes has a weird affect on him bc it’s like “okay, the dean, a cis guy, can do that, but i as a trans guy could Not because that’s Breaking the Rules”. which, like, throwback to the halloween thing. of course there’s no right way to be masculine, but mr. winger does not know that.
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another thing!! the episode where their emails get leaked? that includes his emails with his therapist. fuck!! he was outed to the whole world in that episode!! no wonder he was so fucking angry!! this whole episode (and really any time he mentions his therapist) is so interesting when you think about them as a person he talks to about his transition. OH which adds to the thing with the dean!! “and you told your therapist you wanted to be alone this weekend” and “not you jeff, i know you’ll be visiting your dad” ”I told you to stop reading my emails”. luckily his study group has his back and just makes fun of him for emailing astronauts lmao
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and WHO can forget “they’re giving out an award for most handsome young man!!!!” what else is there to say about this line besides: he’s trans. you know he didn’t get awarded enough for being a handsome young man when he was a kid, and no amount of compliments when he’s fully-grown can really make up for that. some people crash a kid’s bar mitzvah to cope with the fact that they struggled to be seen as themselves when they were a teenager <3
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also his weird relationship with pierce? where he kind of hates him (understandably lmao) but at times has this almost-friends-almost-father-son relationship with him? especially in this episode where he’s forced to bond with him and ends up having a good time by accident (at a barber shop no less, the perfect place to Be A Man with your Man Friend). idk what to say about him besides the fact that pierce says his mom wanted a girl when he was born and made him dress like a girl (and his middle name is anastasia!) so if they’re gonna do any bonding over transness it’s gonna be that. 
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okay one last thing and then i’ll shut up for the night. this episode kills me (and almost kills jeff hahahahelpi’mcrying). it’s a very Trans thing to not be able to visualize your future self, it just is. growing up trans at the time he did? i don’t know what kind of future he saw for himself, but i’m so happy that he ended up with a group of friends who became his family and love him the way they all do. i’m so emotional over this asshole it’s ridiculous. 
in conclusion:
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they’re trans, your honor <3
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My thoughts on Jax Teller's look through the seasons.
Disclaimer, this is a thirst post that is probably quite objectifying.
Season 1: Boyish and cute, love the hair, could do with more beard, lean muscle. 3rd favourite look Fave scene The first one ever.
Season 2: Looking a little rough needs sleep and should be making better lifestyle choices, love the beard, bulkier. 5th favourite look. Fave scene, him killing Weston.
Season 3: Sad boy! MAAAAAAN BUN! Great beard, a little bulkier. 6th favourite look. Fave scene, the boxing scene.
Season 4: Conflicted boy! Not a fan of the short hair, best beard, biceps are the shit. 2nd favourite look. Fav scene, where he says he'll beat Clay's hands if he ever spoke badly about Tara again.
Season 5: Trying his best, best hair, could use more beard, I want to sink my teeth into in his muscles. 1.5th favourite look. Fav scene, the ones with Nero.
Season 6: Done with it, still great hair, good beard, peachy butt. 1.5th Favourite look. Fav scene, when he's goes to the docks to get back at the guys who hurt Lyla.
Season 7: PAAAAAAIN!, hair still great, good beard, so muscular looks like he would give the best hugs. Favourite look. Fave scene, end of episode 1.
Conclusion: Season 5-7 were the best, but season 4 beard would have made it better. He looked like he would be really warm and smell amazing. The only good part of 'Laying pipe' was the darken shot of his body before solitary and as a writer of shitty fanfiction, I'm choosing to ignore all the canon. I bet sleeping on top of him like a house cat or velcro dog would be the shit and I would do it in a heartbeat.
Favourite body parts in no particular order:
Hands and arms.
Eyes, face, lips
Back and shoulders, abs, chest.
Favourite outfit, post season 5 hoodie and kutte, grey sweatpants with white underwater peaking over and no shirt, tight black underwear 7x10.
Again this is a thirst post, I can't be held accountable for what I wrote at 2:00am even if I'm posting this at 9:40pm.
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