trentskis · 1 year
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askaceattorney · 3 years
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Dear 91teivos,
Mod Vera: Thanks! Everyone in the world is going through some kind of existential crisis, so it made sense for the AA characters to join the party! (And since it was another follower who gave us the idea, we might just keep that idea in the think that after all...)
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Dear dawsongfg,
Mod Vera: No need to apologize! We like to space out letters from specific people a little, but we’ll answer as many as we can!
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(Referenced Letter)
Dear Bluedragoncody,
Co-Mod: Don’t worry.  I doubt they’ll have much luck against the Ace Attorney crew, even without the Proto Badger.  They have the ultimate weapon against despair in their arsenal, after all.
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...They’re doomed, aren’t they?
I can’t make any promises, but if I ever gain enough skill in the art of animation (which has been a dream of mine for a long time, it turns out), I’ll keep that idea in mind.
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Dear skibot99,
Mod Vera: Probably Tumblr bein’ weird. (What else is new?)
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Dear sheeeesh,
Mod Vera: Mods get brought on as needed, as you can see with the arrival of Mod Edgeworth! Also, DGS2 is one of the few AA titles I’ve never played, but rest assured. Where there’s a letter, there’s a Mod who can answer it!
Mod Edgeworth: To add to Mod Vera, even if you weren’t accepted during any mod applications, that doesn’t mean you have lost all chances. I applied early January and lost to Mod Vera. Regardless, Co-Mod informed me that, even though I was rejected, he saw my potential and kept me in mind for if I was ever needed. Now, here I am.
Just because you get rejected, that doesn’t mean it’s game over. Show that you have potential and make yourself known by sending letters to us. That is what I did, after being rejected. I made myself known to the mods by sending letters. We do read them and they tell us how much you know the characters and games of AA more than any application. Of course, you must also follow the guidelines. That just goes without saying.
Co-Mod: I think my actual words were something like “Don’t tell anyone, but you were my second choice.”  But yeah, what they said is true -- becoming a Mod here, like many things, may or may not happen to you, but you can definitely increase your chances by waiting patiently and demonstrating your potential.
As for DGS2 letters, I’m afraid those are still off-limits unless you know of a way to play or watch the game in its entirety, translated into English.  I guess I could check to see if the Dai Gyakuten Saiban 2 channel finished translating...
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(Translation: Whaaaaaaaaaaaat?!  ...D-Don’t tell me?!)
...Okay, looks like I have some watching to do.  Don’t know how I missed that.
So, uh...  That part in bold was what I was going to say.  Now that both games are finally getting an official English version, all I can say is, hang tight!
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(Previous Post)
Dear Inferno again,
Co-Mod: Yeah, I agree.  I was just joking around.  For anyone who didn’t catch it, that was a reference to Sbemail #108.
The event’s technically over, but we’ll answer the rest of the April Fools’ Day letters when they reach the bottom of the queue.  I’m as eager to see Trucy’s reaction to the news (after the stunned silence) as anyone else, after all.
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(Video in Letter -- Strong Language Warning)
Dear Ella,
Mod Edgeworth: 
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I can’t see the first link and....
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How did you find this masterpiece and where can I play this game?
Co-Mod: We don’t check for direct messages on Tumblr, if that’s what you’re referring to, so it wouldn’t have made any difference anyway.  You can always send links in your letters, of course.
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(Previous Post)
Dear Inferno,
Mod Edgeworth: That mad lad would be me and thank you. 
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I like to put my heart and effort when answering these letters. With this one, I figured you wanted to see Trucy in costume, so I just searched up an image on Google for the Ancient One’s costume, a sprite of Trucy and a bald head to put on her. The rest I photoshopped on GIMP. 
We’re still going through letters from January. Hopefully we will get the rest of yours soon enough.
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Mod Edgeworth: Thank you very much. Your support and the others’ support that have liked, commented and reblogged it mean a lot. As you have stated, a majority of the fandom seem to consider him the worst. I’d like to think it’s because how AA had created this villain of a character to be universally hated was pure genius. Not even the Phantom gets this much hate… and that’s saying something.
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Unfortunately, I’d like to keep my real identity outside this blog a secret. I write a lot of letters here and I don’t want to break the spell for anyone. Think of it like a Disney theme park. The cast that play the characters will never admit their true identities, outside of family and close friends, to prevent the experience from being ruined. I want to do the same as a Mod. I don’t want to break the spell of writing to your favorite AA characters. This blog had helped me through my tough times and I want to help everyone else as a mod.
However, I will answer your letters and, if you post anything on your account, a mysterious friend I know may linger and give you a like ;)
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(Previous Letter)
Dear Ali S. Fakenamington,
Co-Mod: Beautifully so.
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(Previous Letter)
Dear Sinyove,
Mod Edgeworth: That letter was made in 2012 before AA5 and AA6, which was WAY before I became a part of the AA fandom. I’m certain a lot of us were not here when this letter was made, except maybe Co-Mod, but you’ll have to speak with him about this. I will say that the mod that answered this is no longer working here... I think. At the very least, I haven’t heard from him.
That being said, AA4 or Apollo Justice was the first AA game I’ve ever played. Despite all of the hate I saw towards that game, I still loved it regardless. Though, having not played the trilogy, playing the tutorial of AJ was a pain in the ass. I remember going to YouTube to find out how to beat it, because it was so hard. I also played it on PC.
I do see where The Mod was coming from. Had the two sequel games never existed, Apollo Justice would have more holes than my brothers’ socks. My only critique is that Phoenix wasn’t any better either with having Mia babysitting him during almost every trial AND investigations. Hell, Phoenix needed Mia to know how to talk to a kid, talk to a perverted old man, almost gave up in most of his trials in the first game and never conducted a trial without Mia until Turnabout Goodbyes when Maya literally couldn’t summon her. For the most part, Apollo was doing fine on his own without Phoenix, with only Trucy assisting him for the two middle trials, only almost giving up once and Phoenix having assisted him during times when Apollo was not in a normal situation (like when the criminal turned out to be his own co-council/mentor or when he had to lead a trial that included the Jury System). That’s more than Phoenix ever did on his own in the first two games and I think Apollo deserves more credit than he got in that letter in my opinion.
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For me, Apollo Justice is one of those games you either like or you hate. I love it for what it is. My least favorite AA game would have to be Ace Attorney Investigations, the first game. The second one is my absolute favorite.
Co-Mod: Sadly, I haven’t seen or heard from the Mod in a while, so it may be time for us to declare him MIA again.
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Erm...  Sorry, poor choice of words.
I’m fairly certain I wasn’t around 5 years long ago, but I have to say, Capcom did a great job of making Apollo and his story more interesting over time.  He may not be Phoenix, but he certainly carried his legacy forward pretty well, both as an attorney and as an Ace Attorney protagonist.
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Dear BDC,
Co-Mod: It fits like a glove, if you ask me...although it also kind of reminds me of 101 Dalmatians.  And thanks for that bit of info!  I never get tired of watching people enjoying the fun dialogue and plot twists of Ace Attorney, so I might have to look him up.
I’m not sure I feel the same about watching Dahlia’s voice actress, though.  I’m sure she’s a nice person and all, but the thought of hearing that voice for so long...  *shudder*
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(Previous Letter)
Dear dawsongfg again,
Co-Mod: I wasn’t trying to say that natural deaths can’t happen in the Ace Attorney universe, just that most deaths aren’t what they seem.  I knew right away that Archie Buff’s death was no accident, for one thing.  Waaaaay too much of a coincidence, know what I mean?
-The Mods
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blueeyedgeorgie · 4 years
Controlling My Friend’s Phone-A.E
“ can u write either Alex or Will's gf going on Callux's channel to take part with the "controlling my best friend's phone for an hour" series, and he totally messes with her, but at the end it turns out he finds cute messages between them or smthing?“
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Pairing: ImAllexx x Reader
Word Count: 1.7K+
"Y/n, Welcome to the channel," Callum had smiled into the camera. "What's up?" Y/n grinned, giving a wave to the camera. "Not much, besides the fact I'll be controlling your phone for the next hour," Callum looked over to his friend, outreaching a hand, motioning for her to hand over her belonging. "I'm scared," Y/n shook her head, hesitantly pulling out her phone. "Oh, you should be," He smirked, snatching the phone from her. "Alright, time to unlock your phone." "Oh god..." Y/n trailed off, beginning to press in her password. The screen unlocked, revealing all of Y/n's apps. "Twitter time first!" Callum pressed open the blue bird app. "Don't post anything that could put me in a scandal, please," Y/n began to bite at her nails. "Like?" "Nothing, homophobic, trans-phobic, racist, or offensive," Y/n shook her head. "Wow, the bar is so low," Callum let out a laugh. He began to type up a tweet. "Boys, come slide in my DMS. I'm bored." "No! Are you fucking kidding me?" Y/n practically howled, "I'm dating someone!" "Oh, so I shouldn't put the kissy-face?" Callum laughed, being to open the emoji keyboard. "Why did I agree to this?" Y/n shook her head. "I'm putting a kissy face," Callum had pressed the 'post' button, sending the tweet out into the world. "Goddamnit, Callum," Y/n shook her head. "Alright, Instagram time," Callum smirked. "I promise I won't leak your nudes." "Wow," Y/n shook her head, looking at the camera. "Guys, I promise I don't have nudes, I'm not a whore." "Let's put something on your story," Callum smirked, swiping to the left to open the camera. "I'm thinking along the lines of... 'Guess what's coming in nine months?' With maybe a few baby emojis." "Oh god," Y/n shook her head. "I am gonna get into some type of scandal, aren't I?" "Probably," Callum laughed with a nod as he hit the 'post' button again. "What else should we do?" "Up to you, I guess," Y/n bit her lip, watching Callum scroll through her apps. "I'm positive you have George Memeulous's phone number," Callum grinned. "What are you planning?" Y/n raised a brow. "Let's start thirst texting him, why don't we?"  Callum had opened up Y/n's text messages. "Oh, no!" Y/n practically shouted. She got up, walking out of the camera frame. "You're really trying to get me canceled, aren't you?" "Alright, I'm gonna text him," Callum laughed, opening her texts between her and George. "Holy shit, your guys' conversations have been so dry." Callum scrolled through their texts, "Seriously? 'Hey, do you want some food, I'm gonna order some dinner.' You guys are so boring." "You're really going to ruin my friendships, aren't you?" Y/n shook her head as she walked back into the camera frame. "Anyways, time to text him. 'Hey Papi, whatcha up to?' Omgod, this is gonna be fun," Callum let out another laugh. "He's gonna know something's up," Y/n shook her head. "While we wait for him to reply, let's text up the other boys," Callum had pulled up Y/n's texts with Will next. "Lemme think... 'You're so fuckin hot, ditch Mia for me, baby.' I love this so much," Callum smiled, beginning to text Will. "Oh, no! Mia and I are so close! I'm not gonna have any friends after this," Y/n brushed a hand through her hair as she let out a long sigh. "James's turn next!" Callum smirked, "I'm gonna say... 'Can you do me a favor and lemme peg you?' You're gonna have to apologize to everyone after this, Y/n," Callum shook his head. "This hurts me. You've hurt me. How could you do this to me?" Y/n cringed. "You had a week to tell your friends something weird was gonna happen on your texts and social medias," Callum looked over to Y/n. "I'm gonna need bleach after this," Y/n sighed. Y/n's phone buzzed. "Oh, George texted us back!" Callum grinned, reopening Y/n's texts with George. " 'Y/n, are you alright?' Oh, he already knows something's up," Callum shook his head. "I told you he was gonna know something was going on," Y/n bit her lip. "I can fix this. 'I'm okay, but I'd be better if we were together at the moment." Callum smiled, continuing to text the commentary YouTuber. "Let's see, James left you on read!" "I'm not surprised. I'm friends with his girlfriend, I feel horrible," Y/n hid her face in her hands. "We're not gonna poke the bear with James because you're already getting into enough trouble," Callum smiled. "Will still hasn't opened your text yet." "I'm scared," Y/n returned to biting at her nails. "You should be," Callum looked over to her again. "Let's open Twitter again." There had been plenty of DMs sent to Y/n on Twitter with a lot of confused replies to her tweet. "This is absolutely amazing," Callum scrolled through the replies. "I'm gonna tweet something new." "I'm gonna get so fucking canceled," Y/n sighed. "Alright, I'm gonna say... '5 likes and I'll burn ImAllexx's Internet Sensation merch," Callum was already typing. "No, not Alex! You've already done so much, why Alex?" Y/n was freaking out at this point. She was surprised Alex hadn't tried reaching out to her yet over what she was posting and texting to his friends. James should've told him what Y/n texted him by now. As expected, Y/n's phone began to buzz again. Only this time she was being called by her boyfriend, Alex Elmslie.  "No!" Y/n yelled, grabbing onto the roots of her hair, "he knows something's wrong!" "Y/n, I'm gonna pick up. You can't talk though," Callum smirked. "Are you crazy?!" "Hey, I'm controlling your phone for the next thirty minutes," Callum grinned, hitting the green pickup button. "Y/n, are you alright? I'm so confused over your tweets, is this some kind of joke? James also told me you sent a sext to him? What the fuck? Do you have something to tell me? Do you wanna break up?" The more Alex spoke, the more Y/n's heart broke. Alex suffered from anxiety, so she could only imagine how he was feeling right now. Y/n bit her lip, making eye contact with Callum, he only put a finger to his lips, motioning for her to stay quiet. "Y/n, are you there-" Alex had been cut off by Callum hitting the 'end call' button. "That was so mean! He probably thinks I'm cheating on him or something!" Y/n brushed a hand through her hair. Within seconds, Y/n's phone buzzed again. This time she had received a text. It was from Alex. 'Y/n, please talk to me, I know you're there.' "I'm going to end up getting dumped by Alex by the time this is over," Y/n shook her head. "I'm texting back. 'What are you talking about? I am completely normal.' But in all caps," Callum laughed, already typing. "You're so mean!" Y/n's eyes widened. "As Alex texts back, let's look back through your texts with him," Callum smiled, beginning to scroll up. "Oh god, you two really are an adorable pair." Thank you, I guess? I mean, I don't know if we're gonna last after this video," Y/n gave a shrug as she watched Callum. "You two were literally planning a Star Wars movie marathon tonight, now I'm starting to feel shitty," Callum let out a sigh. "Honestly you two seem like such a power couple with these texts." "Thank you, can I have my phone now?" Y/n put out her hand, motioned she wanted her phone back. "I have 15 more minutes left. Now let's look at your photos!" Callum hadn't found anything special. Most photos where just screenshots of random stuff, but finally he found a photo album he really liked. "You have a photo album titled, 'Alex' with a  heart emoji?" Callum grinned, already opening the album. "Oh yeah," Y/n gave a nod, smiling at the tens of photos she had of Alex. There were a decent amount of photos Y/n had taken of Alex. Some of them were funny, most of them were pretty cute. There was a photo of Alex downtown. They had been walking downtown after seeing a movie. As they were waiting to cross the street, Y/n had stolen photo of Alex smiling at her, cars were driving past in the background as the sun was halfway down. There was another photo of Alex, Y/n's hand was placed underneath his chin, squeezing his cheeks together, causing his lips to squish together. Photo after photo, each one had a special memory, it didn't matter if the memory was big or small, they were all important to Y/n. Even though she and Alex had just started dating only a few months back, there were plenty of good memories they shared. Finally, Callum finished gushing over photos, talking about how he thought Y/n and Alex were 'couple goals'. "I guess I can give you your phone back now," Callum gave a shrug as he handed Y/n's phone back to her. "I've got to go and do damage control now," Y/n sighed, already opening Twitter to delete the tweets Callum posted. "Good luck with that," Callum smiled. Callum began the outro as Y/n was texted her friends her apologies. She felt bad that Cal had texted weird shit to her friend's. 'Hey, Alex. I'm sorry about everything. I was filming a video on Callux's channel where he stole my phone for the past hour, none of that was me, I promise. I love you too much to be like that.' Within seconds, Alex had begun to type back. 'It's alright, Y/n. I'm just happy none of that was you. I love you too. Are we still on for a movie marathon tonight?' Y/n smiled at the text she received. Thank god Alex wasn't gonna hold this against her. 'Of course, I'll call you when I get in my car.' 'Okay.' Y/n placed her phone in her back pocket as Callum finished up his outro for the video. "And if you're curious where you can find Y/n, I'll be leaving a link in the description to her YouTube channel," he smiled to the camera. Y/n gave a wave, a smile appeared on her face. "This video made me anxious for an hour," Y/n spoke up. "Anyways, I'll see you guys next time!" With that, the camera was turned off.
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ivory-sunflower · 4 years
Arty Art Things ✨
I've decided to post some of the arty things I've done either recently or in the last few years, well the pieces I'm somewhat proud of at least. All my posts tend to be a lot more wordy than they need to be but hey it's what I do here!
Conchúr White
Anyone one who's been on this blog for a bit will have probably have seen me talk about this lovely Irish fella. The pencil drawing is actually a year old as of yesterday, I only know that because screenshots of me flipping out about Conchúr following me on twitter popped up in my memories yesterday. I think I'd sent it to him at about 3 in the morning (I was not in a good head space at that point in time), so probably not what he was expecting to see when he opened his phone in the morning aha
The biro version is much more recent: I got bored while sat at my desk and doing research about university courses, saw a biro, saw my old drawing of Conchúr, had an idea. I revisited my GCSE art techniques and here we are. Again, I put this up on Twitter and now (at the the time I'm writing this) when you google "Conchúr White" it's the third top image of him which is a bit mad really. I think I spent all of about 20 minutes on Conchúr but another 45 minutes on the words behind him. The words are the names of the songs on his EP 'Bikini Crops', he doesn't just really love the idea of Channing Tatum driving him around at night in a daisy print bikini... Well maybe he does but what he does in his spare time is none of my business...
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So I mentioned that the pencil drawing of Conchúr came from a rough patch in my mental health and this one is no different! In fact this one came from an even worse circumstance so we love to see it. I had a bad, bad time in July and this started as a way of distracting myself from what was going on in my head. Without it, I can't honestly say I'd still be here so even if the final product of this had been a terrible mess I would still love it for keeping me alive. However, it did not turn out to be a terrible mess!
Now that the origin of this is out the way, where do I start with TechDif? Unlike Conchúr, I haven't really talked about them on here (unless you count one brief post about Citation Needed) before so I guess I'll do it here. The Technical Difficulties are a wonderful group of 4 British fellas who have had their fair share of fun online and even before. They did a radio show at university together, which went on to become their Reverse Trivia Podcast, later moving on to a panel show called 'Citation Needed': and a game called 'Two of These People Are Lying'. All of which I would thoroughly reccomend, they're one of my go to things when I'm having a rough time. All 4 of them are excellent! Tom Scott (red top, blue jeans on the picture) has his own YouTube channel which does content aside from TechDif. If you're quite nerdy and like science, linguistics, computers, or any number of other things you may enjoy Tom's channel. He is probably best described as "The Moderator" of the group, much like a tired teacher he tries desperately to keep everyone on track with what they're meant to be doing, but usually it does not end well for him. Then we have Matt Gray (space top, holding an ice cream) who also has a channel away from TechDif stuff, he does techy electronic things and has a series called 'Will it Soft Serve?' where he puts all kinds of strange things through a soft serve machine. Matt brings a very specific energy to TechDif and I can't fully describe what that vibe is but I love it. Matt and Tom also share a YouTube channel where TOTPAL is posted and they had a series called 'The Park Bench'. Moving on to everybody's favourite Gary Brannan: Gary Brannan (SATIRE hoodie, glasses) and can I just say, what a fella he is! He's just excellent! He is the one that will argue and rip into Tom the most (not in a malicious way) and hilarity ensues. There are some episodes where he is absolutely on it, getting all the points and others where he very clearly has no idea and that's where some of his funniest quotes come from. Given how badly I was doing at the time I made this, his response to it on Twitter was so so lovely. I specifically remember one tweet where he said I'd made him happy and although it was probably a flippant comment, it just made feel alright for a bit. Yeah I might be feeling awful right now, but I've made someone else happy so that's a nice feeling. Then last but certainly not least, we have Chris Joel (buffalo check shirt, beard)! I would be lying if I said he isn’t my favourite... His sense of humor is the one I vibe with most, he can get rather dramatic in parts and can chat bollocks like a champion. He has absolutely no online presence away from TechDif and, like Rens from Temples, I fully believe he’s a cryptid and lives off in a tree somewhere. 
The picture took me about 4 days to complete, well 4 nights because I did most of it between the hours of 12 a.m. and 7a.m. - I remember watching the sun come through my window each morning. It’s made up of lots of little pieces, all cut out and stuck on; even the sky and hills are made of separate pieces of paper. Nothing was actually drawn on the piece of paper it’s all stuck on, it’s not how I usually do things but if I messed up one little but I could just redraw it rather than ruining the whole thing. The most tedious parts to make were Chris’ shirt because I had to draw each square individually and then join the as well, and cutting out the ban-hammer in the bottom right was surprisingly hard. Every single detail of the picture is a reference to the podcast/shows, I still have the plan sketch and reference list knocking about somewhere. I listened to a lot of true crime videos while making it to the point that certain parts remind me of different cases: the brandy now reminds me of Peter Tobin, and the big spiral thing reminds me of Tim McLean (very harrowing case) - sorry that fact is a bit morbid but interesting nonetheless. 
I did post this for a little bit back in July, but I received some rather awful messages so I took it down. Generally, Tom Scott/TechDif fans are lovely but there’s been a few that have taken a disliking to me for some reason so I’m hoping they don’t resurface again. I’m in a better head space now though, so even if they do I’m more equipped to deal with it this time.
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This was a quick sketch I did in April, I was getting bored with lockdown and decided to summon the bog man himself. There’s not really much more backstory than that, no poor mental health story, no fun twitter story - he’s just here. He’s vibing. I will say I’m particularly proud of his nose, I just think it’s one of the best noses I’ve ever drawn. His hand is okay, but I think that the hands on my Conchúr drawings are better. So there is the Hozi-Boi...
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The Corpse Bry
I’ve talked about Bry on here before as well, I love him, he’s excellent, top lad. He is a living Tim Burton character, he’s 6′6, very skinny, and his legs are longer than my will to live. I was watching ‘The Corpse Bride’ a few weeks ago and suddenly had an idea and so ‘The Corpse Bry’ came to be. I gave him a little panda friend because the panda has always been his animal - he used to wear a panda beanie all the time and his album had a panda on the cover. Again, there’s not really a fun story behind this one, I guess it’s somewhat fun because it’s the first art I made after finishing my psychology exams in October so it was nice to actually have the time to draw.
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James Bagshaw
Ginger talking about Temples for the third post in a row? it’s more likely than you think! I did this one last week, I’d had a bit of a wobbly day and had group therapy on Teams in the evening and I just couldn’t concentrate on what was going on and I ended up doodling Mr James E. Bagshaw, the glitter crying fraggle man himself. It’s a bare-bones drawing that I could definitely work into more but I’m happy with it as it is to be honest. I’ll be damned if I’m going to sit and add the individual bits of fringe to his jacket, just thinking about doing that makes me tired. Maybe I’ll get around to drawing the whole band at some point...
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Alice in “Wonderland”
This one is from about 5(?) years ago, it’s not my typical style and was a “study” based on another artists work (basically i just had to copy this fellas work). I’ll be honest, this one has a sketchy backstory that I won’t go in to because it’s not exactly a nice one, and because of that I also won’t say who the artist is that it’s based on. Despite this, I’m still really proud of this one and I’m so sad that I never got this piece back after I got taken out the class. I’ve considered trying this style again, I’ve even joked about doing another Conchúr drawing in this style as a nod to my progression through GCSE art, eventually leading to Conchúr drawn in ink on music manuscript and stained with neon paint and dyes - it would be quite the project!
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So this has been quite a lengthy post so apologies about that but life goes on. Similar to the vinyl post, I’ll probably add to this as and when I make more art. Even if no one is reading these posts, I’m enjoying making them so that’s the main thing. It’s just nice to document things and the feelings that go with them. 💕
~ Love Ginger xx 
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golbrocklovely · 5 years
only the lonely survive // colby brock - chapter fifteen: and about forgiveness, we’re both supposed to have exchanged
A/N: hey guys :) here’s the next chapter. some crazy stuff happens in this, so let me know what you think. i’ll be coming out with another request at some point soon, so be on the lookout for that.
description of the story
taglist:  @ajosieface , @localsleeper , @julyrubyrose , @far-to-many-bands , @absolute-randomness-forever
trigger warning: cursing
word count: 2200
After talking to Casey for over an hour about Colby and Brennen, I finally went to my room. Removing my dress from the other night and changing into pjs, I scrolled through my phone again out of boredom. I was gaining a lot of followers and subscribers, my dms were filled to the max, and people were tagging me in everything.
This is all a bit overwhelming.
I clicked on my username on insta and went down to my secret account: my Sam and Colby fan account. No one knew of golbrockloves, mostly because I never talked about it. I especially haven't brought it up to Colby.
How do you tell the guy you made out with that you have an instagram dedicated to him and his best friend without looking creepy? Exactly.
I slid down my feed, only to be met with pictures and videos of me. One video was a screen recording of my snapchat from yesterday, me and Colby in the store.
Why does that feel like such a long time ago?
The next couple pictures were from people's stories: screenshots of me and Colby dancing together, me and Colby next to each other in the kitchen, me and Brennen.
I bit my lip anxiously as I clicked on the comments. They weren't exactly bad, but they weren't great.
 snc3lifee who the fck is she?????
samnccolbby her @ is skyebennett
lovely_sncc is she dating colby or brennen?
solby5vr she better stay away from colby!! HES MINE!!!!
dolansnc why can't colby stand next to a girl without everyone shipping her with him? jesus christ this fandom
 It was strange to see fans talk about me, as if they didn't know I would see what they were saying. Maybe having this fan account was a good thing: I could see how they all honestly thought about me without anyone knowing.
After reading more and more comments, I could tell most believed me and Colby were together. Or maybe me and Brennen. No one was certain. All they knew was that I was close to both. A lot of fans kept saying that I wasn't dating either one of them and that I was just friends.
While still lurking around on insta, I got a bunch of notifications from my personal account. I switched over to it to see I was tagged in multiple snippets of videos. Clicking on the it, I saw the face of Travis Marcus. He had uploaded a new video to his channel, titled "my truth".
Oh God...
I went to youtube and saw his video was slowly starting to trend. I clicked play and sat down on my bed.
Travis sighed, glancing up at the camera. "Hey guys, it's your boy Travis. Um, I have a lot to get off my chest right now. I'm sorry my energy isn't as high as it usually is. But, I needed to set the record straight. There is a lot of shitty things going around about me lately and I wanted to clear the air and tell you the truth."
"Skye, did you see-" Casey stated, dashing into my room. She stopped when she saw my phone in my hand. We both stood there watching Travis.
"So, as you guys know, I was recently accused of doing something terrible... of bullying another youtuber. I won't say her name because she doesn't deserve any more hate... or clout." His lips twitched, trying to cover up a smirk.
"As if he didn't tag you in the fucking video. Fucking asshat." Casey mumbled.
"One of her friends, Brennen Taylor, an old viner, tweeted that I made fun of her at a party recently. I just wanted to say that this is completely false. What actually happened was that I introduced myself to her. She claimed she was a huge fan and that she wanted to… get with me." Travis nodded his head uncomfortably.
What the fuck.
He continued. “I declined because she was extremely intoxicated. She then proceeded to get upset with me, made a huge scene, got kicked out of the party, and then I can only assume went to Brennen. He was also really drunk, which is why he tweeted in the first place.”
Casey gasped. “Are you kidding me? I'm gonna kill h-”
I hushed her, my eyes never leaving the screen.
“I have footage from that night, because I vlogged it. However, the audio got fucked up so I'm sorry for how muffled it is.” He admitted.
The screen changed to the night of the party. I saw myself standing in front of Travis, talking to him. The audio was complete garbage, low and muffled. I glanced over at the camera, only a moment later Travis nodded at it, smirking. Something I didn't see at the time. My face contorts for a second, he shrugs, and I shake my head, leaving immediately afterwards.
“Now, does that look like I was making fun of her? No. I would never do that. She was upset because I respectfully told her I didn't want to get with her after all her advances. She literally tried later that night to dance up on me, but I just wasn't into her. After I filmed this, she got kicked out for trying to hook up with another youtuber. I think she's desperate for views and just wants more followers.” He declared.
“So, don't give her that attention. And, don't send her hate guys. I wish her and Brennen the best honestly. Sorry this video is so short, I needed to get this off my chest. I hope you all can understand. Peace.” He threw up a peace sign, and then pushed his hand into the lens of the camera, the video fading to black.
Stunned silence fell over the room. Neither one of us could speak.
“Is this real life? I kinda feel like I've had this nightmare before.” I whispered.
“He can't be serious. Does he really think he can get away with this?” Casey shook with rage.
“Why wouldn't he be able to? He has almost a million followers. I just passed 2,000, if I haven't already lost all of them.” My voice faltered.
“I'm gonna call Brennen and see if he can help.” Casey left quickly, pulling out her phone.
I laid my back against my bed, closing my eyes. I took a couple deep breaths, trying to slow down my heart-rate.
That's it.
I sat up quickly. I went over to my desk and pulled out my camera. Setting it up on my tripod, I got comfortable in my chair.
I sighed deeply, then turned my camera on
"Hi everyone. I didn't think this amount of drama would happen to me so soon in my youtube career, yet here we are." I joked.
"I'm sorry if this video is a little all over the place. I'm not editing it. I'm just gonna post it as is.” I clapped my hands together, trying to stop their shaking.
I cleared my throat. “If you don't know, I'm the girl Travis Marcus made fun of. Or he claims he didn't make fun of. I need you all to know that he is lying. I'm not sure why when he could easily just admit he fucked up and apologize. Instead, he did this.”
“I want to tell you guys what actually happened that night…” I stated, looking directly at the camera.
I began to explain that party in detail: how Travis came up to me, how he flirted with me, only for him to make fun of my appearance and film it. I then went on to explain how I left the party because of him ruining my night, only to be told a couple hours later that he got kicked out of the party because he started a fight with Sam, Colby, and Brennen by throwing his drink on Kat.
"I have four witnesses, plus my best friend. And Big Nik's security team could easily corroborate my story. On top of all that, I have this."
I grabbed my phone, pulled open my dms on twitter, and found Travis' message to me. I showed the message to the camera, letting it focus on his words.
Travis: please tell Brennen to take down the tweets. Things are getting out of hand. I apologize for what I said.
"Why would you apologize for something that you didn't do? All of this could have been avoided if you wouldn't have made fun of me. I get you're 'famous' and have the ego the size of a tractor-trailer, but that doesn't mean you get to make fun of random people because they don't fit into what you think is attractive. Be nicer. Be kind. And stop lying to make yourself look good."
I reached over and turned off my camera. I paused, my breath hitching in my throat for a moment.
Holy fuck, did I just film that?
/  /  /  /
I felt cozy surface beneath me tremble slightly. Three times in a row. I opened my eyes, glancing around my dark room.
Was all of that a dream?
I slid my hand over my bed, finding the item that was vibrating. I turned it over, my eyes closing instantly from the bright light. Squinting, I saw messages from all different people. But the most recent made me smile softly.
Colby: are you up to talk?
I shuffled my body upwards, leaning over and turning my light on. I gazed over at my sleeping laptop, my camera still plugged in. The memories flooded back to me. I uploaded a response to Travis, and instantly fell asleep from anxiety induced exhaustion. I didn't even want to see if anyone supported me or not.
Unlocking my phone, I went to Colby's message immediately.
Skye: just woke up. i'm down to talk.
Moments later, my phone started ringing. I answered it. "Hey Colby."
"Hey. How are you doing?" He asked sweetly.
I chuckled. “I've been better, that's for sure.”
“How long have you been asleep? Everyone's been trying to contact you.” He stated.
I shrugged. “Right after I uploaded the video, I fell asleep. I was just too stressed.”
“I'm sorry to hear that.” He apologized.
I held back a smile. “It's okay. I'm alright.”
“So, I guess you don't know what happened.” Colby replied.
“No, what did?” I questioned.
“Travis deleted his video.” He deadpanned.
I sat up quickly. “Wait what?”
“Well, after you posted yours, Brennen and I talked to Big Nik and we found out from him that his friend John was recording a snapchat during the fight that occurred with all of us in it. It shows Travis getting pulled out of the party yelling essentially what he said to you at everyone.” He informed me, continuing. “He cussed and screamed while he got kicked out, and John sent the video to Messy Monday, and they uploaded it to twitter. It's been trending for the past couple hours.”
“Holy shit. So, the snapchat proved me right?” I muttered.
“Yep. Travis took down his video. He's been radio silent since.” He laughed.
“He probably left a few choice words for me.” I said, rolling my eyes.
“If he did, let me know. I got some unfinished business with him.” Colby joked, causing me to let out a laugh. “Besides, before he deleted his video, Sam, me, Kat, and Brennen all came out on twitter and said that you were right. On top of that, apparently a thread was created of how rude Travis has been to fans. So... he's kinda done for.”
“I wouldn't be so sure of that. He'll be back in less than a month.” I scoffed, pulling my blanket closer to me.
“Well, even if he does come back, everyone will know you were right.” He reassured.
I picked at my blanket. “Tell that to his fans.”
“Enough about Travis. Is there anything I can do to get your mind off of him?” He requested.
I sighed. “Like what?”
“Go out with me.” I could hear the smile in his voice.
“What?” I choked.
“Go out with me. Where ever you want to go, I'll take you there.” Colby promised.
“When are you taking me out?”
“How about tomorrow? Say eight P.M?”
A smile rose to my lips. “Okay... that sounds good.”
“Where do you want to go?” He inquired.
“If you don't mind it... I kinda want to stay in for a bit. Hide away from the world. Maybe you could come here? We could order take out and watch some movies. And cuddle?” I bit my lip nervously.
He agreed happily. “That sounds fantastic.”
“Good. I can't wait.” I beamed.
“Is there anything else you want to talk about?” He mumbled, yawning.
I shook my head. “No. Besides, you sound like you need to go to sleep.”
“I'll stay up if you want me to.” He admitted.
“No. No, I'm okay really. You should get some sleep.” I declared.
“Alright. I'll see you tomorrow.” He responded.
“It's a date.” I smiled.
“Goodnight, Skye.” He whispered.
I giggled quietly. “Goodnight, Colby.”
<< CHAPTER 14 || CHAPTER 16 >>
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Serendipity (C.B) | Chapter 8
Summary: Serendipity: (n) the chance occurrence of events in a beneficial way
Popular youtuber Isabella Hart, known as Bella to her audience, bends over backwards to separate her youtube life from her private life. Known for her overall clean content and her bubbly attitude, Isabella has a wild side to her that only those inside the youtube community know about. When Bella meets Colby during one of the trap house parties she finally meets someone she can be her genuine self with. When trouble arises after their meeting, will Bella be able to hand the pressure or will she destroy her relationship with Colby as well as herself in the process. [This starts in 2018]
Written: 2019
Word Count: 3,216
Warnings: swearing, mention of sexual abuse
(I  put a **trigger warning** right before the triggering part of the chapter and **trigger warning over** at the end of that part so you can read around it)
Serendipity Masterlist
"Colby, just drop it okay." I finish chopping the potatoes for our lunch and place them in a bowl.
"But Isabella, it's—"
"I don't want to talk about it; not now, not ever. End of discussion. Now either help me cook our lunch or get out of my kitchen." Colby sighs before leaving. It's probably better for him to not be around me while I'm holding a knife.
Colby came over to my apartment so we can have a lunch date. I had Colby setting up the living room when my phone went off. He picked it up to bring to me when he saw a message from my mom asking if I would have dinner with her and my brothers. When he brought it up I immediately shot it down which sparked the current argument. In our five months of dating, I haven't talked about my family, and frankly, I don't want to. Thinking about it now, I feel bad. Colby and his family are close and he doesn't understand my family problems because I haven't told him. Whenever he asks I just give vague answers.
I sigh and dry my hands on my apron before walking into the living room where Colby is still setting up. He's busy fixing blankets around my couches, which he pushed together, to notice that I walked in.
"Look, I'm sorry for snapping. Things with my family are complicated and it's better if I don't go." Colby stops and turns around.
"Well, what if I went with you?" I stare at Colby for a second. I never wanted to Colby to meet my parents. Not because I'm ashamed of him, but because I'm ashamed of them and I don't want him to know how messed up I really am.
"I'll talk to my mom and I'll think about it. But I don't think it's a good idea."
"If it's as bad as you think it'll be then we can bail. I'll fake a medical emergency." Colby fakes a heart attack and falls backward in the couch bed he made. I roll my eyes and open my phone to the message my mom sent me.
"Calm down before you actually hurt yourself. Come help me in the kitchen when you're done in here." I respond to my mom asking for more details before walking back to finished cooking. While I work on the burgers and fries I instruct Colby to make the milkshakes. Eventually, I stopped him before he poured too much milk and made him wash the dishes and set out the special trays.
"Did you go out and buy these cups and trays to make it look like we were actually eating at a diner?" Colby asks as he puts together his burger.
"Of course, I did it because I'm extra and for the aesthetic. You should have known what you were getting into when you asked me to be your girlfriend." I put the pot and pan in the sink and go plate out food.
"Is it too late to take that back?" I fake gasp and smack Colby's arm.
"I'm kidding!" He yells as he picks up our food and takes it to the living room. I pick up our shakes and follow him.
"We're going on Friday by the way." I don't let Colby respond and press play on the movie he chose.
Maybe this was a bad idea. Right now I'm sat in the passenger seat of my own car, staring at the house I grew up in. I haven't been here since I ran away last year. I feel like I'm asleep, unable to move and the house is a sleep paralysis demon waiting to swallow me up. I talked to my mother and she told me that it was safe. That it would only be her and my brothers. That she and my father separated a few months ago and in the process of divorce. That she wanted to apologize in person and rebuild our relationship. Despite those reassurances, part of me is still terrified to go back.
I asked Colby to drive because I'm too nervous to get behind the wheel. I told him that we were using my car because I didn't want to trust his car as an escape method. With my luck, his car would break down when I needed to leave.
I eventually muster up the courage to get out of the car. My heart pounds as Colby and I stand at the front door waiting for someone to open it. The door opens to reveal one of my brothers.
"Benji, hey, it's so good to see you! Benji, this is my boyfriend, Colby Brock. Colby, this is my second oldest brother, Benjamin." Colby and Benji shake hands and introduce themselves to each other. I walk further into the house and run into my oldest brother.
"Hey Joey, meet Colby. Colbs, meet the oldest of all three Hart kids." I let Joey and Colby introduce themselves and I go to give Benji a hug. In all honesty, Benji is the only person I missed in the whole family, besides my grandmother. I look around the house and not much has changed. All the pictures that had my father are gone.
"Mom is in the kitchen cooking." He tells me. I nod and grab Colby's hand and lead him to the kitchen.
We get to the kitchen and I look at my mother as she prepares what smells like her famous spaghetti. I can't help but have a small smile. It's almost like walking into the past. She stops cooking and turns around and sees me. She smiles big and engulfs me in a hug. I awkwardly hug her back. All of this feels foreign; mom cooking happily in the kitchen and her giving me affection. The last time any of that happened was when I was 14.
"Hi mom, this is Colby. Colby, meet my mother." I managed to wiggle out of her grip. Colby goes in for a handshake but my mother traps him in a hug as well.
"Nice to meet you Mrs. Hart, you have a lovely home." She lets go of Colby and looks him up and down with a grin.
"You found yourself a good one. Nice to meet you too. Both of you should go sit in the living room. I'll be there in a second." She pushes us out of the kitchen and back into the living room where my brothers are talking. Colby and I join them on the couch.
"So Joey, where's Danielle?" I ask to make conversation.
"She at our firm working on a career-changing case that I had to miss out on because mom insisted that I was her for the prodigal daughter's return feast." He has on the same 'you ruined my life' look that he's had on his face probably since the day he found out he was going to have a little sister.
"Hey, maybe when Benji is done with medical school you can have him surgically remove the stick that is wedged so far up your ass?"
"So, Colby, what do you do?" Benji quickly changes the conversation. If I didn't know any better I would think that Benji is the oldest.
"Same as Isabella, I make youtube videos for a living. I have a duo channel with my best friend from Kansas where we do a lot of exploration videos and haunted videos. On my main channel, I post more a bunch of random things." I like seeing the twinkle in Colby's eye when he talks about his job.
The conversation keeps going on between the four of us as my mom brings out a tray with drinks and appetizers. She sets them down on the coffee table and joins us.
"Isabella, what are you doing now?" My mother asks.
"Well, like Colby said earlier, I'm still making videos. I travel quite a bit for work. But I'm mostly in school right now. I'm double majoring in English and business management and triple minoring in finance, dance, and music. I have scholarships and grants that pay for most of my tuition. I cover the rest with my youtube and art money. I have my own little side business where I sell my art as well." I kind of wanted to show my mom how well I'm doing without her. To brag that I'm fine on my own.
"She's always busy, we had to work in time for us to spend time together in our schedules," Colby adds. He intertwined his fingers in mine.
"Colby is always traveling for work and is equally as busy. Half of our dates are just us working in the same room together when we can. Perks of working in the same industry as the person you're seeing. You get it, right Joey?" Joey just nods and sips his drink.
We have a conversation for a little bit longer before my mother disappeared into the kitchen. I follow her in to help. Colby seems to be getting along just fine with my brothers.
I help my mom prepare the salad and placing the food into fancy serving dishes. We work together in silence like old times.
"Isabella, I just wanted to apologize for how I treated you all those years. I should have listened and believed you. I chose my husband over my children and I treated you poorly because of it. I was wondering if we could start over?" I stop pouring the meat sauce into the bowl and scan my mom's face. Part of me doesn't trust her. Another part of me wants to.
"We can try, but it's going to take a while for things to feel normal to me." I finish pouring the meat sauce and put the dirty dishes in the sink.
"I'm happy to hear that. Why don't you go wash up and I'll have the boys help me set the table." I nod my head and walk upstairs to the bathroom. I could use the one downstairs but I want to see my old room.
I quickly wash my hands and go to the end of the hallway where my room was. I open the door to find it almost exactly how I left it. The walls are still pink with purple butterflies. When I moved out I took all of my clothes and everything of importance. I took all my old art and pictures and put them in the box. To be honest, the only things I left were my furniture and the tv. I took off all the bedding and folded it nicely on my bed with a note explaining why I left. The bed is made with my old bedding. My dresser has little broken things that I didn't even bother consider taking. My closet is empty except for the stuffed animals that I couldn't take with me. I find my old beat up Piglet plushie. It's not even bright pink anymore. He's faded and dirty. You can see all the places where my mom had to repair him.
"You used to take that thing everywhere you went." My blood freezes at the sound of the voice. Hearing that voice, in this room especially, after so long still scares me. I don't want to turn around but I do anyway.
"D-dad? What are you..." Tears well up in my eyes when I see his face. It takes me a second to register what is going on.
"Did you miss me? I missed you, princess." He walks closer and strokes my cheek with the back of his hand. I drop Piglet and push his hand away. I run past him and head straight downstairs.
"Colby, we're leaving!" I grab my jacket and bag from the couch.
"Why, what happened?" Colby comes out of the dining room and grabs his jacket questioningly. I told him earlier that when I said we're leaving, we're leaving.
"I'll talk about it later, but I can't be in this house anymore." Colby studies my face and grabs my hand.
"What's going on?" My mom comes out of the dining room and innocently looks at Colby and I. It makes me sick.
I keep my distance and look at my mom in the eyes.
"I should be asking you that. You lied. You said that he wasn't here, but I ran into him upstairs. Why did you lie? Why have this whole charade?" My fists are balled up in anger but I keep looking back at the stairs in terror.
"I knew you wouldn't come unless I told you he was out of the house."
"So you lied? Why? Why did you want me to come over?"
She uncomfortably looks around the room. She looks at anything that isn't me. Finally, her wandering eyes land on me. They're as cold and heartless as I remember. This is the versos of my mom that I remember. The version she has been since I was 14.
"We're struggling a bit financially. Your brothers are helping out a bit but it's not enough. I was going to ask you for money." She doesn't break her eye contact with me.
"Un-fucking-believable. I would help you, but after everything, I can't. Let's go Colby." Colby and I walk back to my car and leave.
Except for the music, the ride is quiet. Colby doesn't push for details, he lets me be alone with my thoughts and I'm thankful for that. I stare out the window so Colby doesn't see me crying, but I know that he knows I am. He holds my hands as he drives, only letting go when he needs both hands but immediately puts it back when he's done. I watch as all the familiar buildings that I grew up around pass me by in a blur like they did the day I left.
Colby stops the car in a Panera Bread parking lot. I know Panera isn't Colby's favorite place in the world, it's mine. But I think he brought me here to try to cheer me up. I don't think this a problem that Panera can fix. But I sit up and clean my face before joining Colby. When we get inside Colby orders our food, I get the same thing every time we eat here so he knows my order by heart. When I was messing around on his phone a few days ago I found a little notes file that had what I get from every place we eat at. He's too good to me. Who am I kidding? He's too good for me.
Colby finds us a little table away from everyone and leaves me alone to get your drinks. I stopped crying but every inch of me wants to. Colby comes back and places a lemonade in front of me. He holds my hand but doesn't force me to talk.
"I'm sorry for pushing you to go to your mom's house. I didn't know how bad it was." Colby says.
"It's not your fault my parents are horrible people. I should have known my mom wouldn't change. I'm sorry for dragging you into the family drama."
"You know what? Forget your family. I'm your family now. And the trap house too."
"You can't date me and be my family. That's a bit like incest in a way."
"Well, I am from Kansas." I can't help but laugh at Colby's joke.
"Ah, there it is. There's the smile I know and love." Colby smiles at me and makes me blush.
"Okay you dork, I get it." I like him so much it hurts.
"Do you want to talk about it? You don't have to if you don't want to." I look down for a second. I've never told anyone this. If I tell Colby, that could change things.
"No, it's fine. I should talk about it. I just won't go too into details. For as long as I could remember, my dad would... do things to me and make me return the favor. It's got significantly worse when I hit puberty. He would always tell me that nobody would believe me and that if I told my brothers and I would get taken away and things would be worse for all three of us. I believed him so I kept quiet about it. Until I was 14, two years after things escalated. I told my mom but she didn't believe me. She got the entire family to turn against me. My mom accused me of lying to ruin our family's reputation. I was treated like a pariah at family gatherings. I would just stay in my room or go out. My grandmother, bless her heart, believed me but she was too old to take me in or do anything to stop it. So when she died she left me all of her money. Which made everyone on my mom's side of the family hate me more. Everything she had was given to me and if it could be sold she arranged for that to happen and the money given to me. The only thing was that I had to be 18. I knew that I had to get out of that house. So when I turned 16 I got as many part-time jobs as I could while getting paid a little bit from youtube. I save up to move out and on the morning of my 18th birthday, I left. I hadn't been back until today."
"I would have never guessed..."
"Yeah. That would also explain the whole party girl slut thing I have going for me. That started when I was 16 and first started getting popular on YouTube. It was a distraction and a way to numb everything. I was a real train wreck before I met you. I calmed down a bit. If you had met me a few months before then this, our relationship, would probably not even be a thing. I might have just hooked up with you and severed all ties. That's how bad I was." Our conversation pauses for a moment as the server brings our food.
"That's a lot of heavy shit that you kept bottled up. I understand why you didn't tell me before. Just so you know, none of what you just told me is going to change the way I feel about you. What happened to you doesn't make you a horrible person. You didn't deserve it and they deserve all the bad karma that they're going to get. You know what? You amaze me. Even when you were in that shitty situation you managed to spread nothing but positivity on your channel."
"Don't worry, there are a lot of depressing journal entries that disprove that statement. Anyway, now you know everything that you need to know about me." Colby places his hand on mine.
"I'm glad you're feeling comfortable enough to open up to me."
And like that, everything in our world was fine again. In fact, things were even better. Not just with Colby but every aspect of my life was improved. I wasn't carrying the unnecessary weight of my family drama on my shoulders anymore.
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lady-divine-writes · 5 years
Kurtbastian one-shot “Spirits of the Past” (Rated PG13)
An old friend comes back into Kurt and Sebastian's lives. It turns into both a blessing and a curse. (2279)
A lot of people had wondered when we'd be seeing Blaine Anderson. Well, here he is ... Also, I wrote a similar story for another pairing. There are a lot of differences between the two, I promise :)
Part 54 of Daddies
Read on AO3.
“Daddy! Papa! I have something I need to show you!” Thomas races full tilt thru the living room and into the kitchen, sliding across the linoleum in socked feet with Hepburn scrambling behind, stopping mere inches from his two dads preparing breakfast at the stove.
Well, Kurt is preparing breakfast. Sebastian is stealing bacon every time he thinks Kurt isn’t paying attention.
Little does he realize Kurt has been keeping a mental tally, and has every intention of making his husband repay him for the pilfered pieces.
“Ten points!” Sebastian cheers between chews, offering his son a high-five.
“Sebastian! Don’t encourage him!” Kurt scolds, stacking pancakes one by one onto a large serving plate. “Thomas! What have I told you about running in the house?”
“I’m sorry, Papa! But I had to come tell you … I got one! I really got one!”
“Got one what, Tom-Tom?” Sebastian asks while Kurt, cracking eggs into a bowl for scrambling, shudders. The last time Thomas said those words, he came bounding into their bedroom covered in head-to-toe mud, carrying something Kurt could only describe as furry, squeaky, and highly unamused.
Luckily, it wasn’t rabid. In fact, it was microchipped, and belonged to their neighbor a few houses down.
“An EVP!” he announces proudly, holding up a silver digital recorder. “I was right! I told you! Our house is haunted!”
Eggs forgotten for the moment, Sebastian and Kurt turn to one another and share a look – Sebastian’s of pure amusement, Kurt’s of mild terror.
“Are you sure?” Sebastian asks.
“Oh, absolutely!” Thomas says, beaming with confidence. “I listened to it five times! It’s definitely an EVP! It sounds exactly like the ones I heard on the YouTube videos new Uncle Blaine messaged me!”
“New Uncle Blaine,” Kurt grumbles, and Sebastian snorts, almost shooting a piece of unchewed pork out his nose.
Blaine’s return to their lives has been an interesting development. After Kurt and Sebastian’s run-in at Vogue with Kurt’s now ex-intern, Sebastian hopped on his cell phone and spent the remainder of that afternoon talking to Blaine Anderson for the first time in years. Apologies were made from Sebastian to Blaine, and then from Blaine to Kurt, and after an hour long cry session, they invited Blaine out for the weekend to bury the hatchet yet again and meet Thomas. It was strange, and mildly surreal, how he was able to fit into the life that Sebastian and Kurt have made for themselves. Kurt always thought reuniting with Blaine would be awkward, even painful, but it’s been none of that. He’s the same boy Kurt first met at Dalton, more so now with his flourishing career as a recording artist, but with none of the hang ups he had after they broke up. It’s been nice having this new/retro version of Blaine around. It makes both Kurt and Sebastian feel like teenagers again.
Save for one thing …
When Blaine met Thomas, they hit it off immediately, probably because he brought chocolate chip cookies and regaled him with all the stories about his parents as teenagers that they had yet to divulge. While the three adults caught up, Kurt mentioned their recent summer vacay to the sunny California coast, and Blaine told a tale of how he recently recorded a video at the Winchester Mystery House in San Jose – reportedly one of the most haunted houses in America.
Kurt had considered putting a kibosh on that conversation, considering how much anxiety Thomas had surrounding the subject of ghosts and death. Kurt’s biggest fear was that it would churn up memories of Thomas’s mother, and that he wouldn’t sleep at night.
Oh, how naïve he was.
Thomas was far from frightened. He was fascinated.
And Blaine, the consummate performer, loved having a captivated audience.
He indulged, telling Thomas how, during his teenage years, he thought that their school, Dalton Academy, might have been haunted.
“I remember that!” Sebastian had leapt in unhelpfully. “Didn’t people say there were cold spots in the common room at night?”
“A-ha,” Blaine had said. “Lights flickered on and off, doors shut on their own, kids had feelings of dread in the AP Chem lab ...”
“That’s probably because most kids couldn’t pass AP Chem,” Kurt had said, rolling his eyes.
“The teachers, too.”
“Yeah, well, how would you feel teaching a bunch of kids who kept failing your class?”
Kurt is a skeptic. He feels everything people claim as evidence of hauntings are easily explainable outside the realm of the supernatural. He did spend the better part of his formative years bunking in a renovated basement after all. From creaking floorboards to improperly installed doors and the occasional electrical fault, Kurt has seen it all, so he’s immune to the idea of a door slamming unexpectedly being proof that a house – or a school - is haunted, no matter how old the place is.
Of course, three headmasters had died at Dalton. And Dalton Academy did burn down under suspicious circumstances. They rebuilt it after a full investigation, but they never could nail down the cause of the fire.
But from that moment on, Thomas was hooked, determined to find out whether or not their own house – one that had been around since the turn of the century – was haunted.
Sebastian puts a hand on his husband’s shoulder and massages, but it’s cold comfort.
He blames him just as much for Thomas’s newest obsession as he does Blaine.
“Do you think maybe you can jump on this one?” Kurt asks while their son stands between them, arm outstretched, begging with poignant facial expressions for someone to ask him to press play. With any luck, he just recorded himself snoring, or talking in his sleep, something that would be easy to explain in a way that would neither frighten nor disappoint their inquisitive son. Kurt isn’t a big fan of the whole ghost hunting thing, but he doesn’t want to discourage his creative mind.
“Because if our house is haunted, I don’t want to know about it. I mean, we’ve lived here for over a decade. If there are disembodied spirits among us, obviously they’re happy with us seeing as we’ve never seen or heard a peep from them. I don’t want to ruin that relationship.”
Sebastian stares in awe at the skill of his husband, able to present a logical argument laced with sarcasm in a way that their precocious little boy won’t detect. But Sebastian can tell from the tone in Kurt’s voice that the next time they see Blaine, he’s in for an earful.
“Al-righty, then.” Sebastian takes his son by the shoulder and steers him towards the living room. “Come along, Tom-Tom. Let’s go have a listen.”
Kurt watches the two wander off into the living room. Once the door closes behind them, Kurt can’t hear anything over the crackling of bacon (what’s left of it). Good, he assures himself. Because he’s absolutely not curious. If Thomas did find evidence of some long-dead prior owner’s ghost in their house, and he doesn’t believe for one minute he did, he doesn’t need to know about it. He doesn’t believe it anyway, so why is this a question? It’s not. It has no bearing on his life whatsoever. And it doesn’t matter one inch that when they first moved in, he used to get chills in the oddest places – like the completely insulated coat closet in the hall, or the windowless shower with the scalding hot water running; or the fact that he avoided Sebastian’s renovated den-turned-rec room for weeks before he had it completely re-done because walking in there just made him … sad.
He stands by what he said.
Though he might start dressing underneath a towel, just because.
Not too long after the pair leaves, Sebastian returns carrying the recorder and wearing an indecipherable look on his face. Kurt watches him anxiously, waiting for an explanation, but his infuriating husband doesn’t give him one. Instead, the grin on his face widens steadily, it seems, in correlation to the size Kurt’s eyes become.
“Well?” Kurt says, even though, again, he doesn’t want to know. He’s just been making breakfast – scrambling eggs and buttering toast, not at all overanalyzing every minute he’s spent alone in their house when he’s had to rationalize something that’s happened that he couldn’t outright explain.
“Well, he definitely caught something.”
“W-was it Hepburn farting?” Kurt swallows hard. “Because I think his new diet might not be agreeing with him.”
“No,” Sebastian says somberly. “It’s definitely not that. But it’s thought provoking, to say the least.”
The top of Kurt’s head goes cold. His hands begin to shake, the beating of his heart vibrating his entire body. But he fights for calm because if there’s one thing Kurt doesn’t believe in, it’s ghosts. Or God. Or life after death of any kind. If he had, it would have made his entire life from eight to eighteen much easier to bear. And that’s one of the reasons he can’t believe now. If he listens to that recording and it happens to be real, then what does that mean for his entire life view? His take on the universe and his place in it?
“Oh God!” Kurt groans, forgetting about breakfast and putting his hands over his eyes. “No!”
“What’s wrong?”
“Of all the things I don’t need to worry about! I don’t want to deal with ghosts, Sebastian! I can’t!”
“Kurt …”
“Because talking about ghosts leads to talking about death, and talking about death leads to talking about God and heaven, and these are concepts I’m just not comfortable coming to terms with right now! Not with my history on the subject, and definitely not his!”
“Kurt …”
“Besides, think of what living in a haunted house would involve! You saw The Amityville Horror! The Conjuring! The Woman in Black! Between the investigators and the séances and the television interviews - I really really don’t have the time for that!”
“Kurt! I don’t think we’ll have to worry about that.”
“Really?” Kurt’s hands slide down his face. “So you’re okay with us living here with the ghost of Aunt Annie roaming around the halls at night, cursing me to eternal damnation for not putting raisins in my rice pudding since everyone over the age of fifty thinks they belong there, and for violating the bed where her twelve blessed children were born with our heathenous ways?”
“Raisins? Heathenous? Wha---Kurt …” Sebastian snickers “… who the heck is Aunt Annie?”
“I don’t know! It just sounded old tyme to me.”
“Kurt, honey” - Sebastian wraps an arm around his agitated husband’s waist - “I didn't realize how uncomfortable this might be for you. But if it makes you feel any better, the solution to this might be less complicated than you think.”
“Wh-what … what do you mean less complicated? What happened in the living room!?”
“I listened to what he recorded, and I agreed it sounded ominous. Then I gave him $20 for it, and promised him an additional $20 if he swore to let this go and never try to record an EVP again.”
“Wha---why? Is it that bad?” Kurt asks, imagining screeching and wailing and blood thirsty howls, things that he and Sebastian might not have heard because, ironically, they sleep like the dead.
“Why don’t you listen for yourself?”
Kurt’s eyes pop open at such a phenomenal speed, Sebastian swears he hears a snap. “Why would I want to listen to it!? I’m asking you specifically because I don’t want to …!”
Sebastian presses play without waiting for Kurt to finish, and for all of Kurt’s arguing to the contrary, he goes quiet so he can listen. According to the counter on the recorder’s display, whatever Thomas heard starts at over two hours in. Thomas goes to bed at 8, so that would make this around 10 something. Kurt and Sebastian would have still been up. But Kurt doesn’t remember hearing anything.
The loudest noise on the recording is the soft inhale-exhale of their son sleeping, followed by rhythmic snuffling from Hepburn. But not long after, another noise starts. It’s muffled, intermittent. To the untrained ear (and through several walls and closed doors) it does sound very ominous, like the notes of a sustained and painful cry rising up from the depths of hell below.
But to someone who knows exactly what they’re listening to, it’s clear, and Kurt blushes bright red to the roots of his highlights.
It’s the sound of him moaning in the farthest thing from pain.
“So, would you say that’s twenty bucks well spent?” Sebastian asks, grinning like a goblin.
“Yes.” Kurt clears his throat, reaching out to turn the recorder off before he hears something that makes his face ignite. “Good call.”
“Thank you.”
“In other news, I am now very self-conscious of my sex noises.”
“Don’t be,” Sebastian growls, grabbing a healthy handful of his husband’s left ass cheek and squeezing. “I think your noises are damn sexy. Besides, everyone thinks they sound weird when they hear themselves on tape.”
“Did he happen to catch you on there?”
“Oh, yeah.”
“And …?”
“Oh me?” Sebastian chuckles, snagging a plate for himself, and one for Thomas, camped out in the living room, waiting for his breakfast and imagining how he’s going to spend his newfound wealth. “I sound amazing!”
“You know, if you tell Blaine about this, I’m going to kick you where the sun don’t shine.”
Sebastian laughs out loud. “Steel-plated chonies it is,” he says, side stepping Kurt’s foot and jogging the rest of the way.
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tcm--holland · 7 years
threat // peter parker
request from @fragilefrances: Reader keeps getting threats and she keeps it to herself and when she disappears, Peter finds the threats and tries to find her before its too late
word count: 3.3k
a/n: hey guys! this my first time writing a request, so i hope you guys enjoy! i realize i didn’t do exactly what the request said, but i hope it’s still ok (sorry!!). unedited! this will get a part 2 soon! and starting next monday, i begin high school! it should be okay for the first few weeks, but i might get a lil busy so i hope y'all understand! i’ll still write as much as possible <3 and hope you guys enjoy this! warning for threatening and kidnapping themes. <3333
“So I thought about telling her that, y’know, I was kind of in an awkward situation there. But how are you supposed to do that with all these people around?”
“And then she had this idea, right, and I was like, ‘What are you doing?’ and she was getting this empty bottle and she said she wanted to play Spin the Bottle!”
“Uh huh.”
“She knows that I have strict boundaries with that stuff, and she still…” You trail off into silence for a few seconds. “Okay, Pete, I know you don’t care, but give me something to work with here.” You wait for a response, and then check to see if Peter is still on the other end of the line. “Hello?”
“Wait, what did you say?” You sigh audibly at this. “I’m sorry, Y/N. I was…zoned out.”
“It’s okay.” There’s a short pause.
“So what were you telling me?”
“Uh, it’s nothing important. Speaking of which, I’m getting a little tired. I’d better get going.”
“It’s not even eight, how are you tired already?” He sounds confused.
“I stayed up last night. I’ll see you.”
“Uh, okay then. I’ll see you tomorrow.”
You hang up the phone call, feeling discomfort poke at you. Peter’s as close to a best friend you’ll ever have. You know him like the back of your hand. But recently he’s been a little weird around you. He’s always off in his own little world, thinking about something else. It was okay the first few times, but now you hardly have conversations with him anymore. You’re just worried if he’s okay sometimes.
Is this just a thing that happens when people grow apart? You gaze out of your tiny window into the not-so-tiny world. The sun is drowning in the horizon, the fiery orange and red tones fading away into pink, and then into periwinkle blue. The city is noisy, but in this transition between day and night, everything looks beautiful.
You think about talking to Peter. But where would you even begin? How do people have supportive conversations? You’re not very good at being helpful in this kind of situation. You move away from your window and flop onto your bed. You dig around your sheets for a minute before finding your phone. You Google ‘Why is my best friend being distant?’ and scroll through a few pages. If anything, this just depresses you more, so you decide to stop.
You’re about to close your phone when it dings with a text. Is it Peter with another half-assed apology? It seems you’ve been spared from that tonight. You scroll through your conversations, but you don’t see any new texts. You frown when you see an old text. Whoops, you forgot to text a classmate back about a quiz. The quiz that happened today. Yikes.
Well, you’re sure it’s okay. You set your phone aside to do homework. But as soon as you lift your pencil, your phone starts ringing. Without looking at who it is, you pick up, voice firm. “Peter, I’m sleeping. Bye.”
You pause, and then look at who’s really calling you. Whoever it was turned off their caller ID. Uh…weird. Is this a prank call? “Um…hello?” You say cautiously.
The silence hangs for what feels like an eternity. Unsettled, you hang up. You have a notification for a text. You open it.
Unknown: There’s a package waiting for you on your doorstep. Get it within fifteen minutes.
You frown. Is this one of your friends trying to play some sick practical joke on you? “Yeah? Or what?” You mutter to yourself, scoffing.
Unknown: [image attached] Or else something might just happen to him.
Your eyes widen when you look at the picture. It’s Peter, sitting in his bedroom. But…he’s, like, attached to the ceiling. He’s hanging upside down and reading a book. No, this must be digitally edited or something. That’s when you see two things. The digital clock, which reads the time right now: 8:37 PM. And a very familiar looking suit on the floor. The Spider-Man suit. You’ve never been more confused.
You feel a tight knot in your chest. How does this person know who Peter is? How do they know you? Who are they? How do they know that you know Peter? They’re not going to hurt him, are they? Why does Peter have that suit? Christ, is he the Spider-Man that you saw in a YouTube video a few days ago?
You look at your clock. Nearly five minutes have passed already. You don’t want to find out what they’ll do to Peter if you don’t comply, so you quickly stand up and fumble to unlock your door. You race downstairs and past a pair of worried looking mothers.
“Honey, is everything -” You cut one of them off as you step out of the apartment. Sure enough, there’s a small box sitting there. You scoop it up and dash back upstairs with it. You swallow, breathing heavily as you grab your phone. Another message pops up.
Unknown: Good girl. Give it to the hooded boy waiting in the alley by your building at 7:50 AM tomorrow. Don’t talk to him.
You try keep yourself together and think. Do you dare send a message?
You: who are you and how do you know me?
You: how do you know him?
No response. You didn’t really expect one, anyway.
You: you can do anything you want with me. just don’t touch him. please.
You don’t expect a response to that, either, but then, a message pops up.
Unknown: Follow your instructions without hesitation and he will go unharmed.
You set your phone down as you try to process everything. The first thing you do is cry, sobbing uncontrollably while you clutch a pillow to your chest. What do you even do? You want to call Peter, but you’re scared of what might happen. Whoever this is knows how dear he is to your heart. What do they know and what don’t they know? Is anything even private anymore?
You think about every memory you shared with Peter. That one time you ruined his new jeans by throwing a cupcake at him. Or when you sat on the floor and debated over Star Wars fan theories for a whole day. Or the countless nights you stayed up with him on Skype, talking endlessly. Or just a few months ago, when he kissed you and he thought you didn’t feel that way about him even though you did.
He’s not just the friend that went through thick and thin with you. You love him, goddammit. And now you don’t know what to do because you can’t imagine being in a world without him. You can’t even imagine him ever being hurt. At any other point in your life, the possibility that he might be Spider-Man would freak you out more than anything. But right now, you don’t care about any of it. You’re pretty sure that even Spider-Man can’t dodge a bullet when he least expects it.
You try to make yourself feel better about it all. So what, you move around a few packages and then they leave you alone. And then you can carry on with your life and have everything be okay. No biggie.
Still, a dark feeling disturbs you.
Having completely forgotten about your homework, you lay on your bed to sleep. You’re too frightened to sleep with the lights off, so you leave them on as you drift into an uncomfortable slumber. You toss and turn all night, racked with paranoia and fear. You hardly get any sleep. For the longest time, you stare at the ceiling. You just want Peter to be safe. You just want to protect him. The idea of protecting Spider-Man feels silly, but the picture ‘Unknown’ sent you lingers in your head. He’s still a kid, like you. He still has vulnerabilities.
You jolt when your alarm clock goes off, scaring you. You quickly switch it off. 6:30 AM. If you have to give the package to someone at 7:50, you’re going to be late for school. You guess one day won’t be too bad. You scrape your hair out of your face and put on your jeans and t-shirt from yesterday. The t-shirt says “May the force be with you” but the word “force” is replaced with the formula for force. It was a Christmas present from Peter.
At 7:30, you head outside to wait with the package in hand. It’s chillier than you expected, but you manage to stand there for twenty minutes. Goosebumps lines your exposed arms as you look around for the recipient. You realize that you didn’t even stop to think about what was in the box. You were so busy worrying about Peter that you forgot about it. What if you’re carrying meth or crack cocaine or something? What if you’re helping some illegal activity happen?
Just as you start freaking out over it, a hooded figure enters the alley. You’ve never seen the guy before, but he looks young. He can’t be older than seventeen. He stares at you expectantly. You open your mouth to say something but quickly shut it when you remember that you’re not supposed to say anything. You quickly hand over the box. To your surprise, he starts opening it. You watch, lips parted.
You expect him to take out something suspicious-looking, but instead he reveals a knife wrapped in cloth. He unwinds the cloth, and before you can even scream, the boy pins you to the wall. One gloved hand presses tightly over your mouth as you try and yell out. He presses the knife to your throat and you reflexively tilt your head back to try and create some space between your neck and the knife.
Oh god, this is it. This is the end. You think about how you should’ve been a little nicer to your moms, and how you should’ve apologized to a few people. You should’ve told Peter you loved him. And maybe kissed him again. His image flashes in your head. His warm, dark eyes that crinkle when he smiles at you. His soft lips against yours, hungry for something you’ve both wanted for an eternity. The way his dark brown hair flops onto his forehead and escapes the gel when he’s leaning over to work on a project. The look on his face right before he’s about to make a dumb joke that you’ll laugh at anyway. It’s all too sweet to let go of so quickly, but if it means saving him, you’ll do it without hesitation.
And then, as though the guy was having second thoughts, he steps back. He almost looks apologetic, but it might just be the lighting. Your heart’s still pounding out of fear as you fumble for your phone. What the hell?
Unknown: Wait until further instruction.
You look back up to yell at the boy, but he’s vanished. You glance into the darkening alley, and then out towards the street. Great, you don’t want your life threatened again anyway. You check the time. It’s nearly 8:10, and you’re already missing first period. You race out to go to school.
In second period English, Peter side eyes you the whole time, like he normally does. You normally do the same, but you can’t seem to bring yourself to look at him today. Your phone is on your lap in case you get a text.
Is he really Spider-Man? You tune out the entire class, until the teacher walks up to you. “Y/N, are you alright?” You jolt slightly in surprise when you see her.
“Uh, yeah, I’m fine,” you say quickly, tripping over your words.
“You didn’t seem to hear me for the past five minutes. Where’s your homework?” You’re acutely aware that the whole class is staring at you, including Peter. Your cheeks redden in embarrassment when you realize you didn’t do it last night. What are you supposed to say?
“U-Uh, I left it at, um, home.” Your voice is quiet as you look down, your face burning up. Everyone’s going to think you’re stupid and you don’t take school seriously. They’re going to think that instead of doing my homework last night, you were at Flash’s party getting drunk, and that’s why you’re being weird now. Ha. As if you’d even get invited.
You spend the rest of class being extremely embarrassed as you try and participate more. At the end of class, Peter walks up to you. Dejected, you try and walk past him, but he blocks your path.  You step around him, but he’s too quick. He grabs you by the arms this time, but then lets go when you show obvious discomfort. You walk out of the classroom, Peter right beside you. “What’s up with you?” He asks.
“Nothing,” you murmur, slightly annoyed.
“Oh, so you mean nothing as in totally ignoring me, having bags under your eyes, and not doing your homework for once in a blue moon. You look like you saw a ghost, you’re scared out of your damn mind. So don’t give me this bullshit about nothing being wrong, Y/N.” Is he mad at you? Suddenly, it seems silly to think he was the same person you fell in love with months ago. He seems completely different. The Peter you know wouldn’t get mad at you. His expression softens when he sees yours. “I’m sorry.”
“No, you know what, Parker, what’s wrong with you?”
By now, the halls are nearly clear except for those skipping. “What are you talking about?” Peter asks, confused. He looks kind of upset, because he knows you’re serious when you call him by his last name.
“You know what I’m talking about. You hardly talk to me, and you’re never paying attention when you do. If you don’t fricking like being around me, then tell me and I’ll leave you the hell alone! I thought we were best friends, and I thought that meant you could tell me anything. But whenever I ask, you say it’s nothing and I’ve been trying so hard to believe it. Because I trust you to tell me the truth when you think it’s time. But then the moment I start acting weird too, you just have to push it. Maybe I have my own secrets too. Did you ever think about that too? Maybe I put on a suit and I leap around kicking ass, too.” You spread your arms out, the angry look on your face quickly breaking apart. Peter’s eyes are wide as he stares, in complete shock. You can’t bring yourself to say anything else. You wipe the tears that start spilling from your eyes.
Peter tries to pull you into a hug, but you shove him away as hard as you can. Spider-Man can take a push, can’t he? But he winces anyway, simply watching as you walk away. You check your phone, and your heart pangs in your chest at the message.
Unknown: Don’t speak to him again.
You’ve never felt more alone, but at the same time, you can never truly be alone. You can’t even talk to Peter anymore, isolating you from the one person that matters most to you. But now you’re sure they’re watching you somehow. They’re watching your every footstep, they’re listening to your every word.
You instantly feel bad for yelling at Peter, as you always do whenever you get upset at him. You just can’t control your emotions around him anymore. For some reason, this all makes you want to protect him more.
God, you hate everything. You hate Peter for what he does but love him for who he is, which is a confusing thing all on its own. And he’s Spider-Man. And you’re doing scary ass things under the promise of his safety.
Your fingers brush against your throat. There isn’t a cut there or anything. Huh, maybe the knife just wasn’t that sharp.
Your phone pings with instructions to retrieve a box. For the next few hours, you’re forced to skip school as you obediently follow seemingly random orders. Thankfully, you don’t get any more knives shoved to your throat again. You just move things around, and you don’t even have to deliver things to anyone.
Over the course of the day, you start to calm down a little. It’s only now that you begin to question the person’s motive of threatening you with Peter. Do they want something from you? Or something from Peter? Peter is more likely, with him being Spider-Man and all. But all Spider-Man does is stop robbers and help old ladies out. He just doesn’t seem like a person worth targeting for the reason that he might be a threat to criminals.
You’ve had missed calls from him all day. He must be wondering where you went, but every time you even get the urge to call back, you remember the harsh warning you were given to not talk to him. He sent you tons of texts, too.
Peter: where are you???
Peter: y/n please!! i’m worried about you, just tell me you’re safe and i’ll stop.
Peter: i know you’re mad and you don’t care, but i really care. just tell me if you’re home or something. i won’t come visit you if you don’t want me to. i just need to know if you’re in a safe place. that’s it.
Messages like this continue on until a few scrolls. Finally, they come to a stop and then Ned texts you.
Ned: Hey Y/N Peter looks like he’s going to have a panic attack
Ned: It’s really bad and he won’t listen to me
Ned: Just tell him you’re okay so he’ll stop freaking out
Ned: Dude you realize he’ll put on his suit and try and find you if you don’t respond soon right
You take a deep breath and look away, pained inside. You don’t want to think about Peter getting anxiety over you. At least he’s alive. And when all of this is over, you can tell him everything and he’ll understand. Because he’d do the same for you. That’s just the kind of people you and Peter are. Your thoughts are cut off when you see you got a message from ‘Unknown’.
Unknown: Go back to the alleyway by your apartment and wait.
Unknown: This is the last message you will receive.
Something about this feels weird to you. Wait for what? This is a vague message, which is unusual considered the pattern of very specific messages. Nonetheless, you begin making your way home. Your phone keeps buzzing with messages, probably from Ned. You keep yourself going with only one thought in mind. It’s almost over. Just one more thing to do, and then it’s all over. You just hope Peter will be okay.
You finally get to the alleyway as the sun moves downward. It won’t be sunset for a few hours, unfortunately, but it’s not like you would be able to see it from down here anyway. You’re nervous, and there’s a very odd feeling in your gut. It’s giving you a very clear message. RUN. You ignore it, looking over your shoulder to see if anyone’s coming. No one.
You wait there for a while, realizing how exhausted you are from running around the city all day. You probably have so much homework to catch up on, and you owe an explanation for not showing up to most of your classes. Your phone buzzes again, and you finally look at it.
Mom: Honey, why did your mother and I get an email saying that you didn’t go to any of your classes other than English today?
Mom: You know that you can talk to us about anything. You can tell us the truth.
Shit. You are so screwed when you go home. You quickly start thinking of excuses, because you obviously can’t tell them the truth in this situation. As you worry over this, you don’t notice that someone is behind you.
Suddenly, you feel metal clang against your skull, and you’re gone. You drop the ground instantaneously, unconscious.
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syberiawinx · 7 years
What NicoB Did To Me.
I’ve debated making this post for a long time, largely because there isn’t a big Nico community on Tumblr, and I doubted anyone would listen or care.  This whole incident showed me how some of his fans can act, turning a blind eye to the truth just because of their love for Nico, even when he is in the wrong.  But I’m in agony, and I can’t just let Nico get away with the horrible thing he did.  Even if none of you believe me, hopefully, someone will at least see this and know the truth.
Once upon a time, I was one of Nico’s biggest fans.  He was one of my favorite YouTubers, and like many of you, his humor helped me through a lot of hard times.  That’s what made what eventually happened so much more painful.  I had been a member of the community for years, had a lot of friends, had never had any real problems or fights, and had been helping the mods to the point where they were saying I was such an asset to the community and talking about making ME a mod.  They’d literally just thanked me and said as much mere minutes before it happened.
I suddenly found myself banned.
There was no warning or explanation-I wasn’t even told I’d been banned.  No notice from YouTube is given when this happens, your comments just become invisible to everyone but you.  As such, you could go years or even your whole life without ever realizing you’ve been banned.  Thankfully, I realized not long after it happened, but that didn’t help much.  I felt...humiliated.  I’d been talking cheerfully with you all, and not one of you could or would ever see a word of it.  All my past comments were gone too.  My whole existence had essentially been erased from the community.
I suffer from a very severe anxiety disorder.  Suddenly being banned, being unable to watch one of my favorite YouTubers, and having my very existence erased...it made me have an attack.  I desperately reached out to Nico for answers, confiding in him about my anxiety and just how bad a place I was in, but he never replied.  Due to a glitch in YouTube, I was able to reach out to the mods and another regular user via an existing comment thread we’d all been a part of.  I told them of my anxiety too, as I was getting more and more worked up as this dragged on, and I wanted them to understand how I felt and how desperately I needed answers.  Initially, they reassured me, with Miles Hikari-one of the mods and my main contact throughout all this-telling me that several of the mods actually suffered from similar disorders and understood.  The regular user, Anon, seemed confused by my ban too.  We did not get along, but he acknowledged I’d never done anything that should warrant that.  The mods had no idea what was going on either and attempted to contact Nico.  I made it clear I was not looking for a “second chance”, as I knew I had done nothing to ruin my first one.  I wanted answers, and preferably, this ban lifted.
When the mods got back to me, they passed on Nico’s reasons for banning me, and keep in mind he said these things knowing the dark place I was in at the time.
He told me he hated me.  He told me all of you hated me.  He said I had no friends in the community, and that everyone wanted me gone.  According to him, I’m an abusive bully who is a toxic presence-who poisons everything she touches.  He claimed that he had spoken to several of you and none of you had anything good to say.  
I...wanted to die.  I truly and utterly wanted to die.  This pushed me into an even darker place.  I’d never had any real fights with anyone, the mods seemed to like me, and I was under the impression I had a lot of friends.  Whether it was true or not, hearing this destroyed me.
But at the same time, I knew something was off.  Who had said these things?  I could not see any of you hating me that much, because I couldn’t think of any thing I had done that would warrant it.  They would not give me a single name.  So I instead asked them to show me some examples of me being abusive or toxic, because I knew I had NEVER behaved in such a way, let alone over the course of many years.  They refused to provide me with a single post.  To top it all off, it seemed weird.  If I was this hated, why had Anon and the mods seemingly been unaware of it when they learned I had been banned?  If I was this awful a person, surely they would not have been surprised and confused by this occurrence?  In fact, if I’d been behaving like that for years, why had I not been banned or even warned ever before this?
It didn’t add up,   I pointed these things out to the mods, and they dragged things out longer, claiming they were “talking with Nico”.  I repeatedly asked to be part of a group convo with all them, because I was stressing out worse and worse as time passed, and I knew the best way to resolve this would be for us all to talk, but they refused.
When they finally responded, it was not to post the proof I had asked for.  They’d actually abandoned their original claims  Instead, they talked down to and humiliated me.  They found out about aggressive bullying I’d been subjected to on a certain site that had been blamed on me and a girl on DA I’d commissioned to do art for me who’d falsely claimed I harassed her.  The mods used these upsetting incidents from over THREE YEARS AGO to justify my ban, telling me my behavior was unacceptable, and that while they were willing to give me a second chance, they would be watching me.
Naturally, this just made me more upset...and more livid.  I told them off as politely as I could, as did Anon.  They then abandoned THAT line of arguing and brought up several recent “incidents” Nico told them about that they said were the REAL reasons I was banned.  The “Ni No Kuni Freakout”, the “Fire Emblem War”, and me allegedly spamming Nico with panicked/demanding messages and threatening him on Twitter.  
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Since my comments are invisible, I have included a screenshot of the alleged “Ni No Kuni Freakout”, which was the last comment I made before the ban.  As you can see, it was clearly not a freakout, nor deserving of a ban.  I don’t remember which video the Fire Emblem discussion took place on, but it was just that-a discussion.  Anon, who was part of it, remembered that, while me and him disagreed about things, we were not hostile or fighting.  It was no war.  The mods, when this was pointed out to them, instead claimed that I had brought up Fates solely to START a fight and to drag the thread off-topic, even though that specific mod was actually the one who encouraged it, and the original topic was Fire Emblem to begin with.
As for Twitter, this was where it became clear Nico had not only exaggerated, he outright lied.  See, I’m not active on Twitter, so anyone who goes to my profile under this same username can see the FOUR messages I sent him.  
This is the first Tweet, sent to him after a certain AAI2 video went up:
“Nico, you do realize tthis thumbnail is kind of a big spoiler? Some people are pretty upset, so you might wanna change it.”
The remaining three were sent several days later, when he addressed the spoiler thumbnail in his next AAI2 video.  One had to be split in two due to the character limit: 
“A spoiler is a spoiler-that thumbnail ruins a really big moment.  Please remove it before anyone else sees it?"
“Also, you knew it was a spoiler, then put it IN your next vid? You may be able to hide it via annotation, but it was a bad move."
“Sorry if any of this annoys you.  Twitter's character limit doesn't let me say what I want how I want."
And there you have it.  No spam and certainly no threats.  The last Tweet was even an apology, because my anxiety had me so worried he’d take offense to how blunt Twitter’s character limit forced me to be.
It was at this point that I lost Anon’s support.  Throughout the whole thing, he’d been on my side, but saying that Nico must have just made a mistake.  Once it became clear he had purposefully twisted facts and lied, Anon flipped out and turned on me, unable to accept it.  The mods also started ignoring me, and I was banned from the Steam community, the Facebook, and who knows where else.  I can’t watch Nico’s videos anymore, and I’ve been unable to get in touch with any of my former friends in the community.  
It’s been about six months since then, and every day I feel worse.  I miss you all, and the fact that Nico did all this for whatever unknown reason and said all those horrible lies about me, when I was already in such a bad place...  He acts so nice, and everyone thinks he is this sweet, lovable guy, but he is not.  No kind person would do this.  I don’t care what his personal reason for hating me is, I did not deserve to be banned, and he should have been honest about it.  I’d love it if the ban was lifted and Nico apologized, but let’s face it, that’s not going to happen.  I mean, he didn’t care how badly he hurt me, and he didn’t care if I hurt myself.  My life means nothing to him.  
If you bothered to read all this, thanks.  I still doubt anyone will believe me, but at least the truth it out there.  It feels good to expose it.  And Nico, if YOU ever happen to read this, though I don’t see that ever happening, you can still make this right.  You have to know what you did and how you handled this was wrong.  If you had a problem with me, you could have talked to me.  You didn’t have to ban me, and you didn’t have to lie.  You abused your power as a popular YouTuber and caused me months of emotional anguish and depression that still has not gone away.  Only you can end this.  
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theoddcatlady · 8 years
Follower Count
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“Hiya, babes! It’s Laura!”
“Hello! It’s Laura! We hit a thousand, babes! We did it!
Laura was just another small time girl trying to hit it big with YouTube. There was hundreds of Youtubers like her out there. They put on makeup. They play video games. They review movies. They vlog about their day. They try weird products and make comedy shorts.
I found Laura on a late night. She’d made a comedy short with Katherine Short, a YouTuber I had followed for a few years. Laura caught my attention with her low voice, sweet smile, and odd eyes- she had heterochromia. One eye was dark brown, like her hair. The other was like a husky dog’s. Piercing blue.
Laura was new, she barely had a hundred followers when I first clicked subscribe. After that collaboration with Katherine, you could see her confidence soar. I had fun with her wit and hey, if someone’s entertaining, I’m gonna hit that magic red button.
“Babes! It’s Laura! Someone from my work recognized me! Crazy, huh?”
 “Whooo, babes! Before we get started, gotta tell you who’s sponsoring this video! There’s this really cute dating app, I’m on it now actually, maybe we’ll get matched up, haha! Anyway...”
 When you start on YouTube, I figure it feels like screaming into the void. Maybe someone you’re friends with watches. Maybe they show two or three of their friends. But it’s nothing for so long. Then you set off a spark, and something happens. Say the right thing at the right time, do something with the right people, and you no longer have to scream at the void. There’s someone out there. Listening
 I did sign up for that dating app, and yeah. I got matched up with Laura. We actually talked, for a good week. I dropped contact first. I was shy. She was confident in every message, and I just couldn’t keep up. Plus I used a picture from me five years ago, ten pounds lighter, airbrushing out the acne scars. Hey, I’m a superficial bastard. Bite me.
 “Five. Thousand. Babes, we’ve done so much! I love you!”
 “I’m doing YouTube full time. I’ve just handed in my two weeks notice, I’m gonna be a STAR, babes!”
 I think that’s where things went… wrong. Laura quitting her job, that felt premature, but I wasn’t gonna judge. She was pretty good. Just. Not that good.
 The follower count started to go stale when it came to going up. Videos came out more often, sure, but they started to feel more and more like a rehash of the same jokes. I almost felt second hand embarrassment. Almost.
 I think things really got rough when Laura and Katherine had a fall out on Twitter.
 It started when Laura tweeted something that… well, it lacked tact to say the least. Katherine immediately called her out on it, and it started up the cat fight. I won’t lie, I was watching it unfold while eating potato chips. It was entertaining.
 But oh boy. It was messy to watch a friendship fall to pieces for the world to watch. Messy, but fun.
 Unfortunately for Laura, Katherine had the force of one hundred fifty thousand subscribers behind her. Laura didn’t even hit ten thousand when this happened.
 She lost subscribers, and things went where you’d expect. Katherine’s followers, running to her ‘aid’, starting slamming the thumbs down button on every video. Every one. Hateful comments poured in, things I won’t repeat and would definitely get these kids bitch slapped by their parents.
 “Sorry that it took so long for the video this week, babes! Had to slay a bitch…”
 “Look. All I gotta say was I wasn’t wrong! Katherine just believes every word should be scrubbed in case of ‘triggers’, you know?”
 However, sponsors don’t like a bad attitude. Unless it’s funny. And Laura wasn’t being funny.
 They dropped her one by one, and you could see desperation sink in Laura’s face with every new update.
 “This is my apology video. I… I might’ve reacted a bit harshly to Katherine’s comments, and I shouldn’t have responded to someone trying to pick a fight. The way I’ve acted lately is not okay.”
 “Heheh. Ramen for lunch this week, babes. But hey, I’m gonna start putting out more videos! That’s cool, right?
 Oh, she did. She got into the Let’s Play culture, picking out the newest and hottest horrors. More sketches. Dozens of more vlogs. It quickly became obvious she was documenting every moment of her day to share with her followers.
 But little too late, you know? Besides, her stuff wasn’t getting any fresher. If anything it got worse, since no one would work with her anymore. The spat with Katherine ruined that.
 Laura started looking awful. Her hair was unbrushed. She’d wear the same clothes for several days in a row. She was losing weight, her eyes got dark circles. It was bad to say the least. But even I was getting bored of it. Her vlogs turned into her sobbing over bowls of instant noodles or darkly staring at the camera. Sometimes it was spiced out with insane rambles about ‘the whore’, aka Katherine. But yeah.
 The day I almost hit the unsubscribe button was the day she put out the video entitled ‘NEW SERIES: HUNTER’. I figured it was a letsplay.
 But no, Laura was outside, and she looked happier than she had in days. But not a good kind of happy. The absolutely batshit nutty kind of happy.
 “Hi babes! I know I’ve been in a rut lately. But this is what’s gonna bring all you miserable fuckers back to me! You’re gonna love this...”
 I rolled my eyes and sat back in my chair, the camera had been dropped to Laura’s side as she ran up the pavement. I heard a window open and the camera was lifted back up. Suddenly the room felt very, very cold.
 This wasn’t Laura’s house.
 It was Katherine’s. She always does vlogs in her bedroom. And right now, she was asleep, sprawled across her bed and unaware that Laura had invaded her house.
 “This isn’t my fault. It’s hers. She never… never appreciated me.”
 The camera was set on the desk, and I caught a glimpse of Laura’s mad, grinning face… and the glint of the kitchen knife in her hand. She was excited.
 “Hold on tight babes!”
 Katherine stirred. Laura pounced. The knife went up in the air before stabbing Katherine’s throat.
 When Katherine screamed, it was mixed with the burbling of drowning in her own blood.
 I couldn’t move. Couldn’t hit stop. Just watched Laura stab Katherine over and over again, through the chest, her genitals, her face. Didn’t stop until she fell off the bed. Everything was silent for ten, long minutes.
 Then Laura stood up, shivering. She picked up the camera and panned it down Katherine’s mutilated body. I nearly hurled. Katherine’s insides has pooled over the bed, she was nearly sliced entirely in half with the amount of force that had been put into it.
 “This what you wanna see, huh babes? Is this it? Is this new enough? Is this good enough for you, an idea that will impress you? It better. It fucking better.”
 She turned the camera back to her face.
 “See you all next time, I’ll try making those galaxy cake pops! Byebye, Babes!”
 The video ended.
 I immediately clicked back to her channel, mouse driving up to the unsubscribe button. I couldn’t deal with this. The bitch had snapped. Katherine was dead.
 Then I saw the numbers were different.
 Fifteen thousand subscribers.
 I refreshed the page.
 Twenty three thousand subscribers. More than what she had started with.
 I went to bed, figuring I’d wake up to a takedown notice and a nonexistent channel.
 She was up to sixty one thousand subscribers and the video had gone viral.
 I couldn’t believe it. Was it a joke, a prank? Or had Laura truly murdered someone on camera, and the whole world was going to eat it up? Something that was finally unique on this godforsaken website?
  Either way… I won’t be missing Laura’s next update.
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ladystylestores · 4 years
Tati Westbrook Accuses Shane Dawson, Jeffree Star for 2019 Drama – WWD
Tati Westbrook has broken her silence on last year’s public feud with James Charles.
The beauty influencer, who was involved in one of the biggest beauty influencer scandals last year, spoke out about the feud in a 40-minute video posted June 30 where she apologizes to Charles and accuses fellow beauty influencer Jeffree Star and his close collaborator, Shane Dawson, of manipulating her into starting the widely documented 2019 fight.
“For over a year now, every time this scandal is revisited either in the mainstream media or through social platforms, I become the number-one target of relentless hate while remaining voiceless,” she said in the emotional video, reading from a statement that was approved by her lawyers. “I’ve lost over a year of my life terrified of social media and terrified of speaking out against the people that used, coerced and manipulated me into uploading my video of May last year.”
She states she was manipulated to start the fight because of the “heinous lies that were fed to me by Shane Dawson and Jeffree Star.” She states that Dawson described Charles as “a monster with many victims” — including minors — and that Star regularly made accusations of sexual harassment against Charles.
Read More: A Breakdown of 2019’s Biggest Influencer Controversies 
Westbrook said the pair claimed they had evidence to back these accusations and that they were planning on interviewing Charles’ victims in their docu-series that aired on YouTube late last year. She said she believed Star and Dawson because she couldn’t understand why they would lie about such horrific allegations.
In May 2019, Westbrook and Charles had one of the most explosive influencer war of the vlogs (aka Dramageddon 2.0), starting with Westbrook posting a video titled “Bye Sister” in which she publicly ended her friendship with Charles after he promoted SugarBearHair — the competitor to Westbrook’s Halo Beauty — at the Coachella Valley Music and Arts Festival. Westbrook also accused Charles of bullying and sexual harassment. Star quickly jumped in on the feud, making his own video in which he accused Charles of sexual harassment.
“I never said James Charles was a danger to society,” Westbrook continued. “My video was not made with any malice. I did not publicly air any of the horrific accusations being made behind the scenes.”
She said that Dawson and Star encouraged her to post the initial video and said that victims would come forward after she did so, which later was not the case. Westbrook states that shortly after she posted her first video last May, she stopped speaking to Star. Dawson also did not reach out to her.
Westbrook said she realized after the fact that Star and Dawson lied to her, and accuses the pair of manipulating her in order to ruin Charles’ career just as their docu-series aired and they released their Conspiracy Collaboration under Jeffree Star Cosmetics.
She said she had this realization after meeting with Charles in December, during which they exchanged messages that showed what happened behind the scenes of their feud that didn’t add up to what Star and Dawson had told her. Westbrook states she has privately apologized to Charles for last year’s feud, but took time in her video to apologize publicly.
“James, I am so sorry for letting myself get poisoned and weaponized against you,” she said tearfully. “I am sorry that I bought into any of their lies. Believing those lies and allowing myself to get gaslit and making that video is one of the biggest regrets of my life.”
Westbrook said that even though she was aware of Star’s past of making racist and offensive comments, she decided to be friends with him because he showed her he had changed and she thought she could be a positive influence.
“As time went on, I learned that being friends with Jeffree Star was like being friends with a lion,” she said. “Yes he may have been dangerous, but he was always really kind to me.”
Westbrook also took time in the video to apologize to fellow beauty influencer Jackie Aina, who had publicly cut ties with Star because of his racist past.
“Jackie, the moment that Jeffree went off on you, the day before my video collaboration went live, I should have run for the hills,” she said. “I was naïve. I was excited about the video. I got it twisted that you had provoked Jeffree because you were angry that I filmed with someone that had a history of being labeled by others as a racist.”
Westbrook ends the video stating she is working with her lawyers to uncover evidence of Dawson and Star’s involvement in the start of the feud and the damage it caused and that she is within her statute of limitations to file a civil action lawsuit to seek recovery for damages against them and anyone else who may have been involved.
“Both Shane and Jeffree were bitterly jealous of James’ success,” she said. “Jeffree resented that so much of his business was centered around his biggest rival and Shane didn’t like how James Charles wanted to make a documentary. Neither of them were happy with standing in his shadow on YouTube anymore.”
Watch the full video here:
Read more here:
YouTubers Jenna Marbles, Shane Dawson Respond to Racism Accusations
Jeffree Star Responds to Backlash Over ‘Cremated’ Makeup Collection
James Charles Talks Social Media and Launching His Own Beauty Brand
WATCH: Influencer Jaclyn Hill Destroys Makeup to Make Highlighter 
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from World Wide News https://ift.tt/2Agk5hE
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