cocho388 · 2 years
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You know what season it is...? Spooky season.
You know who I’ve come close to drawing, but never fully...? Nightmare Mangle.
Mangle in general is getting A LOT more love lately in fanmade games, and I’m so down and happy for it. So finally, here’s my Nightmare Mangle on full display, HEAVILY INSPIRED BY Mangle from the fangame JR’s.
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As a sultry vampire in dark fishnets, I glide through a dimly lit crypt. My nylons cling to my legs as you kneel, eyes wide with desire. The chill of the crypt intensifies your yearning to worship every inch of my legs. How much do you crave the taste of my nylon-clad feet?
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kwanisms · 1 year
I'm back bitches
We have 12 days left of September, which means Spooky Month officially starts soon & you know what that means.
🌕 Kinktober 2023 Creature Feature 🌕
But it also means that the long overdue sequel to Did You Hear That? is coming! She's a hefty girl with just over 18k words so desktop may be the best option to read and reblog as mobile has issues with anything over 10k.
It also means, the three spin-off pieces for the Library of Illusion are coming as well as a little piece I've written for Joshua. All in time for Spooky Month!
Along with Kinktober I have a few announcements. See more under the cut!
First, I have made the decision to add NCT (all sub-units), Day6, Super Junior, & Wonho to my archive. I no longer feel inspiration to write for them and do not want anyone waiting for content for them. I hate to leave Day6's Creature Feature unfinished but, sometimes that's the way things happen. This decision is final but I reserve the right to change my mind at any time.
From now on, I will be writing exclusively for Seventeen, Stray Kids, Ateez, & TXT. My rules for Kai (TXT) remain the same: absolutely no smut. That is my son. My child. I will also only write for Yesung and Z.Tao when the inspiration comes. My brainrot for both of those men is insane.
In addition, as my masterlists for these groups continue to grow, I will be creating masterlists for individual members.
That being said, I obviously won't take down any of my posts for these new archived groups, but I will change the masterlists just a bit so navigation is a tad easier.
Second, I will start using my other blogs effective immediately. I have a lot of sideblogs.
I will be using my main to reblog everything but my writing. All pictures, gifsets, etc will be posted there from now on.
I will also be using my recs blog, which I plan to redo entirely with a new tag system.
Third, I want to remind you all that my inbox here is always open. I love receiving mail. I love talking & interacting with you.
The anon feature is on so feel free to use it however, if you use it for hate, I will turn it off again. Don't be a coward. If you're gonna be mean, don't hide behind the anon feature. Face me instead.
Fourth, I will be reviving ask games and I encourage you to participate! It can be a lot of fun.
On the topic of asks, all asks not related to ask games will be answered every Monday and tagged as ' mailbox monday 💌'
Lastly, a friendly (and not so friendly reminder respectively) that empty blogs, meaning blogs without headers, pfp, posts, etc will be soft-blocked.
Soft-blocking is blocking and unblocking a blog so it forces them to unfollow you. I will be keeping track of the blogs I soft-block in a Google Sheet and if you follow me again without at least changing your pic and reblogging a few posts, you will be hard blocked.
Hard blocking means you will not be able to interact with my content (liking or reblogging).
Now for the not so friendly reminder;
if your blog does not have an age indicator on it (i.e the year you were born, your age, etc) YOU WILL BE SOFT-BLOCKED AS WELL. IF YOU DO NOT ADD AN AGE AFTER THAT, YOU WILL BE HARD BLOCKED. I will also be keeping track of these blogs. Ageless blogs and minors are not welcome on my blog. If you have turned 18 this year, PLEASE CHANGE YOUR AGE INDICATORS ON YOUR BLOG TO AVOID BEING BLOCKED.
If I find out a follower has lied about their age, I will be adding you to a blacklist I share with Cult of Dionysus. Keep in mind, we do not seek out minors to add them to the list, we only add minors that have interacted with our nsfw content. MINORS: PLEASE DONT IGNORE OUR BOUNDARIES. If we say do not interact with our content, we mean it. We have these boundaries for a reason.
I hope you look forward to what I have planned this month and please enjoy the spooks, the thrills, and of course, the smut. Thank you for your continued support as always. See you soon~ ʕ ◦`꒳´◦ʔ — booki。
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myhauntedsalem · 4 years
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14 Firefighters Share Their Scariest Paranormal Encounters
The weirdest part of the fire was the 911 call. The callers wife was in the background screaming, “you f**ked him off now, look he’s gone and burned the place down”.
With grit and determination, every day firefighters bravely put their lives on the lines for us, but it seems it’s not just the flames these brave men and women face; from haunted firehouses to ghostly apparitions. Here are 14 of the most chilling paranormal encounters and ghost stories shared by firefighters from across the United States.
1. Guardian Angel
Our firehouse isn’t haunted, at least not on a regular basis, but one of our engines is.
Two examples I have personally seen and experienced are; first, we were responding to a call in a dark, secluded, industrial area one night when the engine suddenly sputtered, stalled, and coasted to a stop right in front of a railroad crossing with no gates. Just as we stopped, a freight train came through. The engine started right up and ran fine after the train passed.
The second example happened one blazing hot summer afternoon when we were called to a highway construction site for a burning shanty. We pulled up and began advancing the handline when it suddenly seemed like the hose became tangled up in the hosebed. We went back to the engine to check, and just then the shanty blew up into thousands of tiny pieces. There were NO tangles in the hose, and it wasn’t caught or hung up anywhere.
2. Mr Jones
Our fire department is haunted by a man named Mr. Jones. The story dates back many years before we built a new station. Mr. Jones died at the old firehouse from a heart attack after battling a house fire.
A chief told me a story once: ‘I went to the restroom which was off the hallway. On my way in, I sat my brand new pack of cigarettes on the file cabinet outside of the doorway. When I came out, the cigarettes were lined end-to-end down the hallway.’
Another firefighter about a year later also had a ‘Mr. Jones Experience.’ He and another guy were watching TV one night when the clock above the TV flew off the wall, landed in the center of the room, spun around a few times, then landed on a book shelf.
All of the ‘haunted firehouse’ stories never really had me believing until Mr. Jones gave me a story of my own. I have this thing about open shower curtains. I notice when they are open and I have to close them. I had walked into the restroom to clean it but forgot a trash bag. The shower curtain was open. When I walked back in, about 30 seconds later, the curtain was closed. That is the only story that is personal. Other than that, we have doors that open and close by themselves, lights that go on and off, stuff like that. So that’s my story and I’m stickin to it.
3. Jesus Christ
About seven or eight years ago, we arrived at a townhouse with heavy fire from the first floor on side one. After making entry, locating the fire in the kitchen, and extinguishing, we set about taking out a few windows for ventilation.
After the smoke had risen, we noticed that the living area to the rear of the kitchen (which was on the right hand side as we entered) had taken significant smoke and heat damage. On the wall was a picture of Jesus Christ, and it was the only object in the room that appeared untouched. Even the wall BEHIND the picture was smoke-stained and blistered.
There was evidence of two streams of water that had trickled from the lower corners of the picture to a point in the middle of the wall where they met and continued down to the floor. The odd thing was that the line had been pulled through this room and was flowing into the kitchen to push the fire out the front, through a large vented window. No water had been flowing in the room, and the steam produced had been pushed out the window. Even the FM was amazed, and we haven’t seen anything like it since. It kinda makes one wonder.
4. Steve
We have a protector. We had a member, Steve that was killed in the line of duty during a helicopter operation. Ever since he died, members swear they can hear him in the building at night. Doors close, open, etc. without explanation. Then one night we figured out why he was there.
One of our members who has been here about 15 years now was on duty. We have bullet proof vests we keep on the units, but in a back compartment. He heard that compartment open and close. He went out into the bay and looked at it, and for some reason he took the vest out and put it in the front seat. He’d never done that before.
Next thing you know, he’s toned out to a ‘sick call’ that after his arrival was deemed a shooting. Nothing happened to him, but the point was made.
Several such incidents have occurred. Whenever something big is about to happen, a unit door opens and shuts or a bay door opens etc. We always know.
5. The Phantom Handprint
On April 18, 1924, a firefighter named Frank Leavy was washing a window at the fire station. For some reason, he paused in his work, his hand resting against the pane of glass, and he told a friend who was standing nearby that he had the strangest feeling he was going to die that day. Just then, the station received an alarm call and the fire fighters were sent to a fire that had broken out at Curran Hall, an office building in Chicago. While fighting the fire, a wall collapsed and killed eight of the firemen… Frank Leavy was one of those killed.
The next day, one of the firemen noticed something strange about the window that Frank had been washing the day before. There seemed to be an unusual stain on the glass…. and it appeared to be the imprint of Frank’s hand at the same spot where he had been leaning the day before.
They tried everything that they could, but they could find no way to erase the strange handprint. It seemed to be etched into the glass!
An expert from the Pittsburgh Plate Glass company brought a special solution to the fire house, guaranteeing that it would remove the print, but it didn’t work. Over the years, there were suggestions that the pane of glass be removed, but many of the firemen argued, saying that it was not right to fool with the unknown. Besides that, it was a reminder, albeit a grim one, of their dead friend. And there was no doubt that the handprint belonged to Frank Leavy! An official from the city had come down with a fingerprint comparison and the prints matched those of Frank’s. For the next twenty years, the handprint defied all explanation and was a common attraction to visitors and other firemen from around the city.
Finally, on the morning of April 18, 1944 a careless paper boy tossed the morning edition at the fire house and shattered the window where Frank’s handprint had been.
It happened exactly twenty years to the date of when Frank Leavy died!
6. “You F**ked Him Off Now”
There was a fire about 6-7yrs ago. The call was weird from the start, the 1st due engine didn’t want to start (it was out on a run bout 20mins before) they get there, the house was fully involved. When they got there, the fire was burning in strange ways… at one point flames were shooting out a window, and taking a ninety degree turn upward. The investigator pictures show the face of the devil in the smoke and flames. I know it sounds BS, but I have seen a few of these pics, and have talked with some of the investigators. They were saying that the basement was rocking, when they went back the next day it looked as though nothing burned downstairs.
The weirdest part of the fire was the 911 call. The dispatcher said the callers wife was in the back ground screaming, “you f**ked him off now, look he’s gone and burned the place down”. These people were said to have been Satan worshipers, everyone in the Dept. is afraid to even go on that road for calls. Incidentally the name of the road is “Angel Hill” hmmm, pretty weird.
7. Footsteps
I worked for a department that had lost a few members in its time. Over the course of the first few months I was there, I noticed strange noises in the bay. Once, I walked in the front door only to hear the back door slam. I walked back to see who it was, and when I opened the back door, no one was there. There was fresh snow on the ground and no tracks.
Another time I went down to the bay in the middle of the night. I heard distinct footsteps walking around one of the rigs on the other side of the bay. I called out but no one answered. I got spooked and crept around the bay with an axe trying to find the intruder. No one there! I also got a really spooky feeling a few times when I was alone in the bay by the back door. Later, I happened to mention to the chief that I had heard some weird stuff in the station at night. He got a strange look on his face and said ‘Let me guess… footsteps behind Engine 3 and a creepy feeling by the back door!’ I got the same story from one of the captains, about hearing footsteps and all that. Guess someone’s still hanging around…
8. The Station in The Woods
Back at my old department before I moved to my current one I was assigned to the farthest southern station by myself with a single engine. The area was in a heavily wooded area of the district. At night it got extremely dark in that area, more so than the other areas of the dist. There were a lot of one lane dirt and paved roads as well as a few meth labs, and no police coverage.
I had had several occasions that I would hear dogs barking at a house near the station, and hear sounds outside the station like thumping noises, usually after 1 AM. I would go outside to look and no one would be there. These noises went on for about a week. Once I had a friend from another station come down to visit me but I was gone, he got scared off when he heard five loud bangs on the wall near the kitchen, of course he failed to tell me this. Another night I was in bed and saw a shadow outside my window walking in the flower bed. The shadow passed my window and then the person kicked the door near the bay. I crawled out of bed and called 911, while I was on the phone the person busted out the bedroom window, half scared shitless I ran to the engine and bailed north to another station with a higher staffing level. The PD responded and 45 minutes later searched and deemed the station safe.
I soon after moved from that station and it is no longer staffed even now 3 years later. I found out from a B/C later on that a previous FF had been attacked in the parking lot washing an engine, and that the station had had several other weird occurrences happen since it was built.
9. The Hose Tower Hanging
I too have heard of the strange noises that occur inside many of our firehouses.
We have a firehouse that late at night, you can hear chains rattling at the top of the hose tower. When you turn on the light and climb the ladder to the platform at the top of the tower, nothing is there. The rumor has it that back in the 50’s a probationer hung himself in the hose tower and wasn’t discovered for a week.
10. The Old Capt.
The oldest station in Lex., KY, is haunted, according to some of the old heads, by an old Capt. who died while on duty in his sleep on Christmas Eve in the 1940’s. He is said to have sat in an old cane bottomed rocking chair, that chair was put in the attic of the station after his death, where it is still heard to be rocking on occasion.
Chiefs have gotten calls from neighbors who were mad because they could see a fireman looking out of the upstairs window, but no one would answer the door. This usually happens when the engine company was out on a fire run or training. Engine started by itself and backed in to the wall one night (std. trans.). Some of the guys who have worked there would not even go in the house alone on payday to pick up their pay checks if the co. was out.
11. The Ouija Board
A fire company that I used to belong to is quartered in a building built in the 1930’s and it is unquestionably haunted. Odd things happen regularly such as bathroom stall doors being locked from the inside, tv and lights turning on and off, footsteps across the floor, yelling when nobody else is there, etc… A few members decided to bring in an Ouija board one night and see what they could find. It turns out that there are two ghosts, one is a past chief and the other is a small boy that used to live in a row of miner’s houses that has long since been torn down.
The chief confirmed his identity by naming other long dead members (so long dead that we had to dig back 50 years in the company’s records to even find their names!). The chief generally drags chairs around the meeting room at night and yells at members while the boy is constantly bouncing his ball on the upstairs floor. All of this only happens at night.
12. The Indian Arrowheads
My father’s volunteer fire company also found Indian arrowheads while they were digging for an addition to the firehouse back in the 50s, but they also unearthed cannonballs and buttons. If my memory is right, some expert said that the cannonballs were from the American revolution and that the buttons were from a Hessian soldier (Hessians were mercenaries that the British used against Washington’s army). BUT – strange things began happening while those items the firemen dug up were in the firehouse.
First off, anyone that touched the items got very ill with high fevers and rash. The guys that actually dug up the items were very bad off; and their feet became swollen and turned black and blue. The door to the firehouse would also swing open just as someone approached, and the doors to the huge cast iron firehouse oven would open and close all by itself. Someone in the company said that they should bury the items; put them back in the ground – and when they did everyone got better, and all the strange things stopped happening.
13. The Fortune Teller
My firehouse has had a run of strange happenings over the years also. Many of us have actually seen a misty figure move through the rec room and out to the apparatus room. Some of the crews have seen the figure together, others have seen him when they were by themselves. The usual doors swinging, chairs moving upstairs, people walking across the floor or up and down the stairs happens occasionally.
The really scary part was when a friend of a friend stopped by the firehouse with her kids for a tour. This woman practices tarot card readings, fortune telling and the like. She had never been in the firehouse before and had never known about any of the instances in the firehouse. After the tour she asked me if the firehouse had “guest appearances” often. I thought she meant the kids and said that we often have children take tours of the place. She corrected herself and asked if we had ever seen ghosts, I said, maybe-I’m not sure. She described our misty figure from head to toe exactly as he appears and said she had seen him. Do I believe, probably not much more than I had before that day but I don’t doubt anything.
14. Standing Behind Me
This story takes place in Fayetteville, NC and the department I used to work for there. When I was assigned to Engine 2, I had heard all kinds of stories of it being haunted. Footsteps, doors opening, writing on the wall, and even a sighting are all the things I was told about.
I heard some things once in a while but the one time I was really spooked happened in late 2000. I was lying in bed, about 2 am when I heard footsteps approach my bunk and stop behind me, between my bed and the wall. The first thing I thought was that I had slept through a call but then I saw that my LT was still asleep and I noticed the radio was quiet. I could feel someone standing beside the bed and as much as I didn’t want to I slowly turned and looked to find that there was no one there.
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Topline development and postural rehab results after 5 months in my program for Hamingja, a mare who was initially sent to me for training in May. I ended up becoming her owner this summer. I wish I had better photos but because she wasn’t one of mine and I generally don’t post much about client horses, I didn’t take great intake photos and I’ve been lazy ever since. These progress pics are Tumblr exclusives 😉 in that I’m not posting them anywhere else for now.
Along with behavioral issues on the ground, this mare initially presented with a wasted topline and some of the weakest, most hollow obliques I have ever seen on a working Icelandic horse (which is what I tried to demonstrate in that May photo where my hand is resting over her obliques). She was being used in a trekking program and had been sold to a very kind someone who pretty quickly realized something was off about the horse and brought her to me for help.
Now, before I say more, I want to say this:
The owner who brought Hamingja to me had owned her only a very short time and had scarcely ridden her at all, realizing that something was wrong. I want to be very clear that her previous owner is not at fault, and that I do not know nor do I want to know how the horse was trained before this or where the problems originated. It doesn’t matter and my purpose in posting about this horse is not to speak ill of anyone, least of all other professionals who have had a hand in this mares development. For all we know, these issues originated with a pasture injury that no one caught in time. It can happen to the best of us. Knowing her past isn’t relevant to healing her future, and healing her future is my only goal as her trainer and steward.
Regardless, here’s what I wrote about her in a past post, which I think sums up her initial symptoms pretty well:
“Hamingja arrived with some behavioral issues on the ground that seemed to me like they might be pain-related (fidgety, jumpy, hard to catch, hard to lead - always rushing ahead/crowding handler, girthy, pulling back and occasionally even breaking things when tied, etc.). Although she was a trained riding horse who had worked with beginners in the past, rather than jump right into under saddle work I decided to try to address these behaviors first. We did bloodwork, balanced her hooves and teeth, and did a full body evaluation with our vet. We found she was very lacking in topline, and had reduced range of motion in her hip joints. When I lifted a hind leg and brought it forward, she would try to snatch it back, but if I held it (in, for example, the position a farrier might use, which is also a stretch I commonly do for the Psoaz), she would actually lose her balance and begin to fall, which caused her to panic (understandably!). Our vet worked on her and found that the tightness in her hips seemed to be related to tension and weakness in her lower back. So I did three months of in-hand work with her before even thinking of sitting on her. At first she did not want to raise her poll above wither height, preferred to curl her nose behind the vertical, and found it difficult to trot in hand or on the longe without losing balance and gait-mixing with tölt, pace, or canter. When she did lose her balance, I observed that she became extremely fearful and reactive - a bit like spooking at nothing, but it wasn’t nothing - she was afraid of the lack of control she had over her body.”
I have clicker trained Hamingja every step of the way. When I began working with her, she was the most shut-down horse I have ever worked with and as such took the longest to of any horse I have ever trained to begin engaging with the target. She learned quickly, almost immediately understanding what I wanted, but then she would stare into space and stop engaging. It took a lot of patience and letting her choose when to walk away from and end the sessions, and a lot of very high value rewards before I could get any consistent interest in working with me.
She would ping back and forth between staring into space with a glazed expression, and explosive behavior that was certainly unsafe. Once she was no longer shut down and felt comfortable expressing herself, the first thing she began saying was no. I wondered how many years she had been saying no, and been misinterpreted or ignored. Based on the muscle wasting, tightness, and pain in her back and hind end, and the limited mobility in her hip joints (all, just to reiterate, diagnosed and assessed by professional DVMs - this isn’t just my opinion), my guess was that she had probably been trying to tell people that she was uncomfortable for a very long time before her behavioral symptoms became so unpleasant.
In any event, once she began to engage with me consistently, and became less shut down, we then went through a phase where she was very, very reactive. For a couple of weeks, she reared at some point during every single season, sometimes many times. It was her go-to when she felt physical discomfort or felt overwhelmed and while it’s certainly not a safe behavior, it is a normal equine behavior. I did not use positive punishment because I felt strongly that Hamibgja’s extreme behavior was likely the result of far too much positive punishment. Instead, I worked her only in places where she had space to rear safely, and used extinction on the behavior (remained calm, did not react positively or negatively to the behavior, and continued to train and reinforce the things I DID want). Before long, the behavior disappeared as she found emotional control and comfort through her training.
Training a horse with chronic pain is challenging. Hamingja is not a spooky horse, but she was reacting, strongly, to pain in her own body. She was afraid of pain. She had lost a lot of range of motion because her nervous system was protecting itself. In order to help her become comfortable again, she had to start moving - safely and incrementally, in a rehabilitative program. But of course she had no reason to trust that I wasn’t just going to force her to do things that hurt indefinitely, so things were challenging for the first three months or so. Once she began to trust me, she began to feel better and once she began to feel better, she began to trust me more, and feel more better, and trust me more, and so on and so forth.
My original assessment of Hamingja based on her muscular development and behavioral symptoms was that she would take a full year of rehab. Now that we are 5 months in and seeing excellent progress, that assessment still stands. Currently, she has progressed to short hacks waking up and down hills, in addition to her in-hand and under saddle work in the arena where I focus mainly on slow, stabilizing work to strengthen her weak areas and allow her to bear weight and move comfortably again.
From the photos I think it can be seen that her topline has improved tremendously, but there is still a long way to go in bringing her to a place where she trusts herself as a comfortable, robust athlete. I feel like after 5 months I have only brought her, finally, to a good neutral. From here, the real work (and fun!) begins.
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abnormallynice · 5 years
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"Oh my god, we're back again."
If you don't recognize the reference I don't know what to do with you lol
So I've had this idea for like, the past 5 years as a Halloween pic. Even though I don't really celebrate Halloween, spooky things are my jam >v<b And after hearing that song again the other night by chance, I decided to sit down and finally draw it.
As for the choice of monsters, I always knew Aid would get the werewolf and Nolan the Phantom. The others were really more of a 'who would look best in which' decision. Ironically, Joel got the Vampire but he hates blood X'D He just likes the hat (?)
\<v<\ Happy Spook Month, Duders! />v>/
Enjoy and be safe out there!
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living-dead-parker · 6 years
Spooky - P.P
Summary: Peter and Y/N are everyone’s worst nightmare around Halloween
Warnings: cussing. shocking image (idk man, just a pic of some mentioned prop that is meant to look scary), ooc Steve Rogers, probably some mistakes as usual
Word Count: 1.5k
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"Y/N why have you been looking up projectors by using Friday?" Tony asks as he walks into the common room. His tone is curious and firm, questioning the younger woman's intentions.
"Spooky season cometh, I need to prepare." she responds, concentrating on nothing. Her words come out hopeless, which concern Tony. He knows this girl plays around too much, so realistically he shouldn't really question it, but nowadays he worries to much. So, questioning her is now in his nature, unfortunately.
"Prepare for what?" Tony asks. His brows furrow as he focuses on the girl. Wide eyed, she turns to Tony, looking at him.
"For the skeleton war." Peter responds as he steps in the room. Tony looks up at Peter quizzically, but as it hits him, he rolls his eyes and stands up. Walking away, he quietly rants about 'these damn children' and their 'stupid antics'.
It's September, Halloween is now around the corner. Peter and Y/N enjoy the holiday the most out of everyone. Halloween had always been such a fun holiday for them; watching scary movies that left them awake for days, binging  on candy, visiting haunted houses, and occasionally dressing up to go trick-or-treating. What made Halloween even more interesting was the Avengers. How terribly they'd react to animatronic props or getting tangled in fake cotton spider webs.
The two teens had a policy when it comes to costumes. They'll never dress up as their superhero persona, for fear that they'll accidentally out themselves. However, that hasn't stopped them from dressing up as each other. Y/N had once worn Peter's Iron Spider suit, feeling excited when she could swing around using his webs. She accidentally turned on Instant Kill which made Peter decide that they should probably never do that again. Peter had worn Y/N's iron suit, disguised as Pink Electra for that day. Everyone walked up to them, surprised at the 'almost authentic' look of the suits.
This year, Y/N and Peter have took it upon themselves that they were too grown to go trick or treating this year. They're 18 now, adults. Basically grandparents at this point. So, they have invited Ned, Shuri, Harley, and MJ to come to the Avenger's compound for a night of spooks and scares. And pranks. Mostly pranks. They begun to pick out the things that scared the Avengers the most. That's why Y/N is on the Party City website, searching for all things clowns, killers, zombies, and babies.
"Hey, Mr. Stark, you think you can let me have 500 dollars?" Y/N asks, walking into his lab. Peter trails behind the girl, not questioning her request.
"Why?" Tony asks, not looking up from the suit he's currently working on. He messes with a screw, pulling it out and moving some wires.
"I need it to pay for my child support. My ex wife hired the price." Y/N responds, urgency in her voice. Tony deadpans at the younger girl. Peter looks like he's about to lose his shit, but he's holding on to his laughter.
"Child, what the actual fuck is wrong with you kids? Why can't you be normal?" Tony asks.
"Mr. Stark, please. We can't afford the demands, I'm gonna have to start showing leg in the streets. The cold dark streets. You know what they do to twinks like me in the streets?" Peter cries out. Tony's eyes go wide at his sudden outburst, Y/N taking her turn at holding in her laughter.
"Alright, Parker. Tone it down a bit, sweets." Y/N says. Peter nods, giggling a little.
"Are you guys okay? Did the nurses drop you two when you guys were born?" Tony asks.
"I'm pretty sure, I was there when it happened." Y/N responds.
"Yeah, I was there. I was the baby." Peter adds. Tony sighs, pulling his phone out from his pocket. He scrolls a bit, typing some and then locking his phone again. Their phones ding as Tony speaks up again.
"I transferred you 500 each, please get out and don't talk to me for the rest of the day unless you talk like normal people." Tony whines. The two teens nod, walking away and giggling as they exit the lab.
Y/N leads the way down the hall and into the common room. Taking a seat on the couch, Y/N tosses the control to Peter so he could put on a movie on Netlfix. Peter scrolls aimlessly as Y/N opens up her computer, scrolling through the Party City website. Peter settles for one of the new Halloween movies. He takes a seat next to you, resting his head on your shoulder. Y/N points at one of the decorative props.
"She's cute, I want it." Y/N says. She points at a baby zombie doll with big eyes that light up, fake blood dripping down the eyes, dressed in a black dress and black veil.
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"Our little baby, Tamanthamum. Bring her home." Peter says. His voice laced with excitement.
"Peter, are we really ready for this? A baby is a huge responsibility. We have to love her, even if she plots against us and tries to kill us." Y/N says, looking back at the picture of the baby. Peter smiles at Y/N, eagerly nodding his head.
"We've always wanted death. I think we're ready." Peter says. Y/N clicks the link on the doll, clicking the 'add to cart' option and going back to shopping. They scroll for a while longer until something catches both of their eyes.
With wide eyes, Y/N clicks the link that takes them to the appropriate page. Looking at each other, they nod. Peter clicks the 'add to cart' button and with that and a few other items, they check out. The total coming out to 450 dollars. Y/N uses her card to pay and they both squeal in a giddy excitement.
A month passes and Halloween is now in 5 days. Their final prop, the one they were most excited for arrives. Peter and Y/N managed to keep it a secret by sending it to Ned's house instead of the Avenger's compound. Peter and Y/N went to go pick it up that same day, carrying the giant heavy box into the compound and into the elevator. As you reach the top floor where all the rooms are, you and Peter are quick to get to Peter's room.
"Alright, let's get him behind Steve's door and see if he notices." you say. Opening the door, you look around before leading the way to Steve's room, five doors down the left. You grab the other end of the box and sneak into Steve's room. Quickly closing the door, Peter sets the box down.
Y/N pulls out a knife and opens the flaps of the box, revealing the tall prop. Peter plugs it in and steps back, admiring the prop.
"Karen, inform Friday to record Cap's room." Peter says as the two teens walk out.
It takes all day to get Steve into his room. But after Y/N successfully spilled some juice on him 'by accident' they finally get him to go to his room. Friday starts recording as the two teens get everybody to the common room in time. They watch as Friday displays the live feed on the main TV in the common room. Tony eyes the two teens as they begin to snicker as Steve reaches the door to his bedroom. As he walks in, the camera switches to the one in his room. As soon as the door closes, Steve lets out a terrified shrill of fear as his eyes lay upon the moving slasher prop.
"Something tells me you two had something to do with this." Tony says as he eyes the two laughing teens. Steve storms out into the common room. He glares at the two teens, crying of laughter on the floor.
"A six foot Michael Myers prop? I shoul-"
"You shouldn't do anything. Walk away and cool it Cap." Tony steps in defending the two teens from the angry Steve. He knows that he won't do anything to them, but he still has this need inside of him to care for and protect the two. No matter how annoying they can be, he would kill and he would die for them. His love ran deep.
"Those two are nothing but trouble!" Steve says, feeling angry. Bucky chuckles, resting a hand on Steve's arm.
"Calm down, Steven. They're just being kids, playing pranks. I'm sure they'd laugh it off you did the same. Go get changed, they'll take out the stupid thing." Bucky assures Steve. He nods, glaring at the two smirking teens.
"You two, need to stop. I will make sure you two don't make it out next time!" Tony jokingly commands. Their eyes widen as they shake their heads.
"You can't do that! You wouldn't do that to baby Tamathamum!" Peter whines. Everyone eyes the two teens curiously.
"Baby what?" Clint asks. Y/N rolls her eyes and walks off to the book shelf where the doll sits. Everyone's brows furrow as Y/N stands next to Peter, baby doll in her hands. Peter wraps an arm around the girl's shoulders, holding her close as they proudly smile.
"This is our baby, Tamanthamum. Peter gave birth to her last month." Y/N explains.
"So, I gave you guys 500 dollars so you can piss of Steve with a six foot Michael Myers prop and...now I have a grand daughter?" Tony asks, pissing Steve off more by joining on the joke.
"She has your eyes, Mr. Stark." Y/N says. Tony smiles, joining the two teens in a 'family' hug.
"Oh for Christ's sake. You three are the worst."
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haledamage · 5 years
Tagged by @queen-scribbles
Favourite Month: October. Autumn here is so pretty and the weather cools off enough that I can sleep and all my favorite foods are in season. Best time of year.
-Favourite Number: 11. I couldn’t for the life of me tell you why
-Nickname: Rhi
-Current Outfit: Dagger Dagger Dagger shirt, black pajama pants, Halestorm hoodie
-Contacts or Glasses: glasses. I’d prefer neither, but unfortunately need them for seeing
-Dream job: honestly, I’d love to just get paid to be a stay at home mom. or be a published author
-Lockscreen: this beautiful art of Nate by @allisondraste it is very inspiring and keeps me writing <3
-Favourite song at the moment: hmmm, I’ve been getting back into some music I haven’t listened to in a while, so the Lights and Sounds album by Yellowcard has been on heavy rotation. Favorite from it is probably either City of Devils or Rough Landing, Holly. Favorite song ever is probably still Are We the Waiting/St. Jimmy by Green Day
-Left or Right: left
-Winter or Summer: winter
-Fall or Spring: fall
-Favourite pic: if we’re talking actual pictures, it’s this one of my daughter:
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this is from March. We call her Spooks because she is crazy about spooky stuff, like this very scary bat hoodie (it has wings attached to the sleeves). If you mean pictures of any kind of media, then this lovely lovely portrait of Cait has to make the list too. I love it so much
tagging anyone who hasn’t done it yet and wants to!
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simplyolivers · 6 years
( ooc: so i literally put the every single one of the lyrics under the cut so if you’re trying to read this i’m so sorry also i’m too lazy to make a cover soooooo p.s. greg is what neptune call his fans k bye ) today neptune bentley, known as his youtube rap alias of ‘young face’, in a comedy ep called, [ title of album ]
i. spooky boy: ( based on neptune’s love of halloween & slightly dedicated to @elvvce & @ofcmargos‘s show ) boo bitch, you just got spooked (ayy) by a certified spooky ass dude (ayy) somebody let the monster loose in a graveyard sippin’ pumpkin juice wait (shh) do you hear that sound? every october it’s so profound all these other dudes act spooky for a month but a real spooky boy spooky all year ‘round plastic fangs on my teeth, sleeping in a coffin step up to all my cribs and all these decorations poppin’ i might go ooga booga booga boo i might just spook you and your homies too i’m just so spooky and greg is my crew (yeah) ayy, i’m a spooky boy ayy, with some spooky hands ayy, come up in your house and do a little spooky dance ayy, i’m a spooky boy, with a spooky face ayy it don’t matter i’ll spook at any time or place chillin’ with a skeleton, bitch, and a pumpkin on my head if you try to spook me you gon’ end up dead if you spook me again you gon’ end up undead (uh) that’s the life of the spooky boy better watch out if you see a full moon bitch yeah, i’ve been spooky like a mummy in a tomb bitch i don’t have a car because i fly on a broomstick pull up to the club, skrrt skrrt vroom vroom witch go to girls and they hella hella thin how thin are they? are they motherfucking skeletons?  that is not a joke about their weight, they are skeletons  Halloween music got us jigglin' like gelatin got a couch covered in cobwebs (cobwebs) got a whip covered in cobwebs (cobwebs) got a dog covered in cobwebs (cobwebs) spent way too much on cobwebs (ayy)  fake spooky dudes suck like Dracula i don’t give a damn if you a goblin you can back it up ghouls get crazy while i blow this cash, if you tryna monster smash ayy, I'm a spooky boy ayy, with some spooky knees ayy, I could teach you how to spook too for a spooky fee ayy, I'm a spooky boy ayy, with some spooky shoes ayy, and before this song is over you'll be spooky too  chillin’ with a skeleton, bitch, and a pumpkin on my head if you try to spook me you gon’ end up dead if you spook me again you gon’ end up undead (uh) that’s the life of the spooky boy
ii. beef with me: ( songs about people who start fake drama on yt for views ) ay, scrolling all day like I do (like I do) trying to see what's popping on the tube (youtube, ay) checking up on logan paul, too you know I'm not a maverick, that's true wait, what is this? jake paul, diss track logan paul, diss track ricegum, diss track all getting millions of views at first I'm like "what the fuck's up with these dudes?" 'till I saw they were getting views like cheap receipts I know that I'm an all around really nice guy but why nobody want to beef with me? I see this other guys roasting each other and raking in views the channels are flourishing so if you think I'd get mad if you roasted me I can endure it, man, I would encourage it, honestly all I want is them views original content's old news that shit makes me snooze start beef with me, you can't lose, ay  someone come beef with me someone come beef with me somebody who has a whole lot of subscribers please come and beef with me, uh someone come beef with me someone come beef with me my ego is fragile and you will destroy me if you come and beef with me I can send you a list of things I'm self-conscious about anything is fair game except for my feet ay, I could roast your vids, yeah you could roast my clothes, ay I could roast your diss track you could roast my nose you could write a whole song 'bout what I look like starting beef for views the oldest trick in the book, like trick is older than the sphynx come and roast me 'cause my content stinks I want a lot of views on YouTube I'm gonna need a long beef like sausage links I can pretend that you kidnapped my dog you can pretend that I beat up your mom we can pretend the police got involved we gon' be dropping this drama like bombs, ay  someone come beef with me someone come beef with me somebody who has a whole lot of subscribers please come and beef with me, uh someone come beef with me someone come beef with me my ego is fragile and you will destroy me if you come and beef with me  
iii. hop out the whip ( songs about people who ‘flex’ on yt ) skrtt! yeah, Tesla, Benz what do y'all know about hopping out of $300,000 cars?  hop out the whip hop back in (yeah) hop out the whip (ooh!) that's my shit (yeah!)  talk about look at the look in your eyes when I hop out of the Porsche hop out the Benz, hop out the Beamer, bitch I ain't got open the doors and I got a bad lil mama (lil mama!) she wanna go for a ride jokes on her, I'm only fourteen years old I do not know how to drive we just be sittin' in the car we just be sittin' in the whip I might hop right out right before I hop back in I've been working on my squats I've been working on my sprints I got a tramp in the garage, I bought brand new kicks so I can  hop out the whip hop back in (hop back in!) hop out the whip (hop out the whip!) that's my shit (yeah!) hop out the whip (hop out the whip y'all!) hop back in hop out the whip (hop out the whip!) ooh, that's my shit  this whippin' is serious (serious) it ain't even funny (nah) these bitches be buggin' (buggin', buggin', buggin', buggin') I just stay hopping like bunnies covered in carrots, what's up doc, can you look at my hip? I didn't take care of myself, I think I dislocated it when I hopped in the whip doin' tricks in the whip, 360 degrees in a flip going up to the highdive and diving this shit going up in a plane and skydiving in this and when I land we're highfiving I bet it did have a roof but it doesn't no more I put it away like I'm doing some chores now I can hop in and out of the whip 'til I figure out how to open the doors  hop out the whip (hop out the whip) hop back in (hop back in) hop out the whip (hop out the whip!) that's my shit, yeah hop out the whip (Hop out the whip!) hop back in (yeah, hop back in) hop out the whip (yeah, yeah) ooh, that's my shit (yuh!) can someone please tell me how to open the goddamn doors to this car game's over for y'all when I get my license, learn how to drive
iv. greg ( mostly for his fans but also for tom holland ) greg is the number one fanbase we livin' life in the fast lane we just hit 21 mil (ooh) time to pop open the champagne if you ain't Greg, that's lame greg is a beast that you can't tame greg takin' over the rap game greg is logan paul's dad's name  greg takin' off but these other dudes stalling greg full sprint but these other dudes crawling greg is hot on the court, we balling greg is hot on the web, Tom Holland number one Spiderman, hands down bitch talk about casting, such a great fit andrew Garfield still ain't shit toby maguire, you are not lit greg is a family, don't forget I would do anything for my gregs strongest army on the net fastest growing, please don't check greg is destroying, man, Greg is a winner greg is just eatin' up YouTube for dinner tom holland please, dm me on Twitter greg is a savage, man, greg is a killer haters are riding the wave (yeah) hoping that Greg will fall off (ooh) they say I got a young face (aye) just like Tom Holland, he's hot (uh) have you even seen his abs? (uh) I bet his skin is so soft (uh) greg is the realest on earth just in case all y'all forgot  I am truly greg, greg is all I need I don't fuck with craigs, they can kiss my knees we are a movement, you cannot divide us i'm Mr. Worldwide pitbull come and fight us 
v. spooky guy ( another song based on @elvvce & @ofcmargos‘s show? looks like it ) boo bitch, spooky boy's back ay, with the brand new spooky boy track waited all year for a chance to attack aside from orange I’m wearing all black not a treat but I got some tricks not a gang member but i live in crypts bright orbs in the background to all my pics you can call me drake 'cause I'm from that 6(66) (yuh) if you see me you better run outside, yeah you could be jekyll but you still couldn’t hyde, yeah spook ya then i'll eat some pumpkin pie and apple cida' hannibal lecter how i eat the track alive, yeah I'm a spooky guy I will never stop spookin' 'till the day I die I waited all year just so y'all would wanna see me now all these fake spooky guys wanna be me I ain't sippin’ lean, nah and I ain’t poppin' xans, yuh only poppin’ I do is to spook you and your friends, yuh poppin' out the casket then I do my spooky dance, yuh I do it for the spook, give a fuck if it offends ya  make spooky boys do the most, ay new whip looking like a ghost, ay new boo looking like a ghost, yuh cause she died three years ago, ohh that shit was really sad (yeahhh) and it was all over the news (spooked to death) and the only way I had to cope was a whole lotta booze (boo! boo!) spook you into a coma then I'll spook your ass out my spooking is advanced y'all still tryna learn how I can teach you how to spook for the right amount I’m dracula these witches going down for the count  'cause I'm a spooky dude and I will spook you every day, even if it's rude I waited all year just so y'all would wanna see me now all these fake spooky guys wanna be me I ain't sippin' lean, nah and I ain't poppin' xans, yuh only poppin' I do is to spook you and your friends, yuh poppin' out the casket then I do my spooky dance, yuh I do it for the spook, give a fuck if it offends ya 
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httpjeon · 6 years
Aye yo daisy, something tells me by the background pic in your blog and this month is spoopy month, that you got some kinky Halloween fic coming. Plz tell me this is true because this is the one time a year we can get truly freaky 😏
u know i actually don’t have a genuine spooky SMUT fic to release! i have somethings not right but that’s like an actual like…..spook story.
tbh i completely forgot to even think of a good halloween smut bc of SNR. all my friends are doing halloween smuts how did i forget. damn.
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alicedaemon · 4 years
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🎃 Happy Halloween everyone! 🎃 Since my last post was for a link, I wanted to make another post just for October~ I hope everyones else's October was good, mine could have been better...but I did my best to celebrate as best I could: Watching more Inuyasha Tried streaming spooky games half the month Ate candy (stopped eating candy bc I dont want cavities) Watch spook movies But idk, I always feel like time goes too fast and I can't really celebrate enough... Anyway, hope you all have a good rest of your day~ (Pics are screenshots from Genshin Impact) https://www.instagram.com/p/CHBoPuOhYt_/?igshid=1nz6nwys5xern
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corvidprompts · 7 years
I agree w/ the intensifying the spoopiness level and autumn pumpkin prompts :D Maybe pop in an evil scientist too? :]] But also, good luck on midterms! ;u;
anonymous#2: I would love to see some spooky sci fi horror prompts in the great month of our lord and savior, the Pumpkin King.
anonymous#3: Soo I’m the anon who was gonna be a bird witch for Halloween and the feather skirt FINALLY SHOWED UP so I can start putting it together but can you do some stuff focused around cliché Halloween stereotypes? Cause that would be awesome. As would candy focused ones. And as soon as I actually get my costume put together and on me I’m gonna send in a pic, cause for once I’m proud of my costume.
OKAY SO IT’S DECIDED!! starting tomorrow for Spook Month, i’m gong to keep the whole month on theme! That theme will b a mix of spooky monsters, hard gore/horror, cute pumpkin and fall prompts, halloween porn galore, and sweet #aesthetic feel things! 
Anon#1 HECK! Thanky ou!! midterms are scary af so i appreciate the luck mroe than u know
Anon#2 PUMPKIN KING!!! i should draw the six winged crow on jack skellington that’d be cool af. We’re buddies we’re both sweet and nervous but made of scary things
Anon#3 PLEASE TAKE PICTURES A AAAAAA IM SO EXCITED!! IT SOUNDS SO COOL!!! f ur a bird witch does that make you a bitch or a wird??? either way ur gonna be the cooliest omg i bet you look so nice and spooky!!!!
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myhauntedsalem · 5 years
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14 Firefighters Share Their Scariest Paranormal Encounters
The weirdest part of the fire was the 911 call. The callers wife was in the background screaming, “you f**ked him off now, look he’s gone and burned the place down”.
With grit and determination, every day firefighters bravely put their lives on the lines for us, but it seems it’s not just the flames these brave men and women face; from haunted firehouses to ghostly apparitions. Here are 14 of the most chilling paranormal encounters and ghost stories shared by firefighters from across the United States.
1. Guardian Angel
Our firehouse isn’t haunted, at least not on a regular basis, but one of our engines is.
Two examples I have personally seen and experienced are; first, we were responding to a call in a dark, secluded, industrial area one night when the engine suddenly sputtered, stalled, and coasted to a stop right in front of a railroad crossing with no gates. Just as we stopped, a freight train came through. The engine started right up and ran fine after the train passed.
The second example happened one blazing hot summer afternoon when we were called to a highway construction site for a burning shanty. We pulled up and began advancing the handline when it suddenly seemed like the hose became tangled up in the hosebed. We went back to the engine to check, and just then the shanty blew up into thousands of tiny pieces. There were NO tangles in the hose, and it wasn’t caught or hung up anywhere.
2. Mr Jones
Our fire department is haunted by a man named Mr. Jones. The story dates back many years before we built a new station. Mr. Jones died at the old firehouse from a heart attack after battling a house fire.
A chief told me a story once: ‘I went to the restroom which was off the hallway. On my way in, I sat my brand new pack of cigarettes on the file cabinet outside of the doorway. When I came out, the cigarettes were lined end-to-end down the hallway.’
Another firefighter about a year later also had a ‘Mr. Jones Experience.’ He and another guy were watching TV one night when the clock above the TV flew off the wall, landed in the center of the room, spun around a few times, then landed on a book shelf.
All of the ‘haunted firehouse’ stories never really had me believing until Mr. Jones gave me a story of my own. I have this thing about open shower curtains. I notice when they are open and I have to close them. I had walked into the restroom to clean it but forgot a trash bag. The shower curtain was open. When I walked back in, about 30 seconds later, the curtain was closed. That is the only story that is personal. Other than that, we have doors that open and close by themselves, lights that go on and off, stuff like that. So that’s my story and I’m stickin to it.
3. Jesus Christ
About seven or eight years ago, we arrived at a townhouse with heavy fire from the first floor on side one. After making entry, locating the fire in the kitchen, and extinguishing, we set about taking out a few windows for ventilation.
After the smoke had risen, we noticed that the living area to the rear of the kitchen (which was on the right hand side as we entered) had taken significant smoke and heat damage. On the wall was a picture of Jesus Christ, and it was the only object in the room that appeared untouched. Even the wall BEHIND the picture was smoke-stained and blistered.
There was evidence of two streams of water that had trickled from the lower corners of the picture to a point in the middle of the wall where they met and continued down to the floor. The odd thing was that the line had been pulled through this room and was flowing into the kitchen to push the fire out the front, through a large vented window. No water had been flowing in the room, and the steam produced had been pushed out the window. Even the FM was amazed, and we haven’t seen anything like it since. It kinda makes one wonder.
4. Steve
We have a protector. We had a member, Steve that was killed in the line of duty during a helicopter operation. Ever since he died, members swear they can hear him in the building at night. Doors close, open, etc. without explanation. Then one night we figured out why he was there.
One of our members who has been here about 15 years now was on duty. We have bullet proof vests we keep on the units, but in a back compartment. He heard that compartment open and close. He went out into the bay and looked at it, and for some reason he took the vest out and put it in the front seat. He’d never done that before.
Next thing you know, he’s toned out to a ‘sick call’ that after his arrival was deemed a shooting. Nothing happened to him, but the point was made.
Several such incidents have occurred. Whenever something big is about to happen, a unit door opens and shuts or a bay door opens etc. We always know.
5. The Phantom Handprint
On April 18, 1924, a firefighter named Frank Leavy was washing a window at the fire station. For some reason, he paused in his work, his hand resting against the pane of glass, and he told a friend who was standing nearby that he had the strangest feeling he was going to die that day. Just then, the station received an alarm call and the fire fighters were sent to a fire that had broken out at Curran Hall, an office building in Chicago. While fighting the fire, a wall collapsed and killed eight of the firemen… Frank Leavy was one of those killed.
The next day, one of the firemen noticed something strange about the window that Frank had been washing the day before. There seemed to be an unusual stain on the glass…. and it appeared to be the imprint of Frank’s hand at the same spot where he had been leaning the day before.
They tried everything that they could, but they could find no way to erase the strange handprint. It seemed to be etched into the glass!
An expert from the Pittsburgh Plate Glass company brought a special solution to the fire house, guaranteeing that it would remove the print, but it didn’t work. Over the years, there were suggestions that the pane of glass be removed, but many of the firemen argued, saying that it was not right to fool with the unknown. Besides that, it was a reminder, albeit a grim one, of their dead friend. And there was no doubt that the handprint belonged to Frank Leavy! An official from the city had come down with a fingerprint comparison and the prints matched those of Frank’s. For the next twenty years, the handprint defied all explanation and was a common attraction to visitors and other firemen from around the city.
Finally, on the morning of April 18, 1944 a careless paper boy tossed the morning edition at the fire house and shattered the window where Frank’s handprint had been.
It happened exactly twenty years to the date of when Frank Leavy died!
6. “You F**ked Him Off Now”
There was a fire about 6-7yrs ago. The call was weird from the start, the 1st due engine didn’t want to start (it was out on a run bout 20mins before) they get there, the house was fully involved. When they got there, the fire was burning in strange ways… at one point flames were shooting out a window, and taking a ninety degree turn upward. The investigator pictures show the face of the devil in the smoke and flames. I know it sounds BS, but I have seen a few of these pics, and have talked with some of the investigators. They were saying that the basement was rocking, when they went back the next day it looked as though nothing burned downstairs.
The weirdest part of the fire was the 911 call. The dispatcher said the callers wife was in the back ground screaming, “you f**ked him off now, look he’s gone and burned the place down”. These people were said to have been Satan worshipers, everyone in the Dept. is afraid to even go on that road for calls. Incidentally the name of the road is “Angel Hill” hmmm, pretty weird.
7. Footsteps
I worked for a department that had lost a few members in its time. Over the course of the first few months I was there, I noticed strange noises in the bay. Once, I walked in the front door only to hear the back door slam. I walked back to see who it was, and when I opened the back door, no one was there. There was fresh snow on the ground and no tracks.
Another time I went down to the bay in the middle of the night. I heard distinct footsteps walking around one of the rigs on the other side of the bay. I called out but no one answered. I got spooked and crept around the bay with an axe trying to find the intruder. No one there! I also got a really spooky feeling a few times when I was alone in the bay by the back door. Later, I happened to mention to the chief that I had heard some weird stuff in the station at night. He got a strange look on his face and said ‘Let me guess… footsteps behind Engine 3 and a creepy feeling by the back door!’ I got the same story from one of the captains, about hearing footsteps and all that. Guess someone’s still hanging around…
8. The Station in The Woods
Back at my old department before I moved to my current one I was assigned to the farthest southern station by myself with a single engine. The area was in a heavily wooded area of the district. At night it got extremely dark in that area, more so than the other areas of the dist. There were a lot of one lane dirt and paved roads as well as a few meth labs, and no police coverage.
I had had several occasions that I would hear dogs barking at a house near the station, and hear sounds outside the station like thumping noises, usually after 1 AM. I would go outside to look and no one would be there. These noises went on for about a week. Once I had a friend from another station come down to visit me but I was gone, he got scared off when he heard five loud bangs on the wall near the kitchen, of course he failed to tell me this. Another night I was in bed and saw a shadow outside my window walking in the flower bed. The shadow passed my window and then the person kicked the door near the bay. I crawled out of bed and called 911, while I was on the phone the person busted out the bedroom window, half scared shitless I ran to the engine and bailed north to another station with a higher staffing level. The PD responded and 45 minutes later searched and deemed the station safe.
I soon after moved from that station and it is no longer staffed even now 3 years later. I found out from a B/C later on that a previous FF had been attacked in the parking lot washing an engine, and that the station had had several other weird occurrences happen since it was built.
9. The Hose Tower Hanging
I too have heard of the strange noises that occur inside many of our firehouses.
We have a firehouse that late at night, you can hear chains rattling at the top of the hose tower. When you turn on the light and climb the ladder to the platform at the top of the tower, nothing is there. The rumor has it that back in the 50’s a probationer hung himself in the hose tower and wasn’t discovered for a week.
10. The Old Capt.
The oldest station in Lex., KY, is haunted, according to some of the old heads, by an old Capt. who died while on duty in his sleep on Christmas Eve in the 1940’s. He is said to have sat in an old cane bottomed rocking chair, that chair was put in the attic of the station after his death, where it is still heard to be rocking on occasion.
Chiefs have gotten calls from neighbors who were mad because they could see a fireman looking out of the upstairs window, but no one would answer the door. This usually happens when the engine company was out on a fire run or training. Engine started by itself and backed in to the wall one night (std. trans.). Some of the guys who have worked there would not even go in the house alone on payday to pick up their pay checks if the co. was out.
11. The Ouija Board
A fire company that I used to belong to is quartered in a building built in the 1930’s and it is unquestionably haunted. Odd things happen regularly such as bathroom stall doors being locked from the inside, tv and lights turning on and off, footsteps across the floor, yelling when nobody else is there, etc… A few members decided to bring in an Ouija board one night and see what they could find. It turns out that there are two ghosts, one is a past chief and the other is a small boy that used to live in a row of miner’s houses that has long since been torn down.
The chief confirmed his identity by naming other long dead members (so long dead that we had to dig back 50 years in the company’s records to even find their names!). The chief generally drags chairs around the meeting room at night and yells at members while the boy is constantly bouncing his ball on the upstairs floor. All of this only happens at night.
12. The Indian Arrowheads
My father’s volunteer fire company also found Indian arrowheads while they were digging for an addition to the firehouse back in the 50s, but they also unearthed cannonballs and buttons. If my memory is right, some expert said that the cannonballs were from the American revolution and that the buttons were from a Hessian soldier (Hessians were mercenaries that the British used against Washington’s army). BUT – strange things began happening while those items the firemen dug up were in the firehouse.
First off, anyone that touched the items got very ill with high fevers and rash. The guys that actually dug up the items were very bad off; and their feet became swollen and turned black and blue. The door to the firehouse would also swing open just as someone approached, and the doors to the huge cast iron firehouse oven would open and close all by itself. Someone in the company said that they should bury the items; put them back in the ground – and when they did everyone got better, and all the strange things stopped happening.
13. The Fortune Teller
My firehouse has had a run of strange happenings over the years also. Many of us have actually seen a misty figure move through the rec room and out to the apparatus room. Some of the crews have seen the figure together, others have seen him when they were by themselves. The usual doors swinging, chairs moving upstairs, people walking across the floor or up and down the stairs happens occasionally.
The really scary part was when a friend of a friend stopped by the firehouse with her kids for a tour. This woman practices tarot card readings, fortune telling and the like. She had never been in the firehouse before and had never known about any of the instances in the firehouse. After the tour she asked me if the firehouse had “guest appearances” often. I thought she meant the kids and said that we often have children take tours of the place. She corrected herself and asked if we had ever seen ghosts, I said, maybe-I’m not sure. She described our misty figure from head to toe exactly as he appears and said she had seen him. Do I believe, probably not much more than I had before that day but I don’t doubt anything.
14. Standing Behind Me
This story takes place in Fayetteville, NC and the department I used to work for there. When I was assigned to Engine 2, I had heard all kinds of stories of it being haunted. Footsteps, doors opening, writing on the wall, and even a sighting are all the things I was told about.
I heard some things once in a while but the one time I was really spooked happened in late 2000. I was lying in bed, about 2 am when I heard footsteps approach my bunk and stop behind me, between my bed and the wall. The first thing I thought was that I had slept through a call but then I saw that my LT was still asleep and I noticed the radio was quiet. I could feel someone standing beside the bed and as much as I didn’t want to I slowly turned and looked to find that there was no one there.
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popularchips-blog · 7 years
#WkndMmts: A Christmas Story Live, SPOTY, SG Carnival, Asia's Got Talent
New Post has been published on https://popularchips.com/dailies/wkndmmts-a-christmas-story-live-spoty-sg-carnival-asias-got-talent/
#WkndMmts: A Christmas Story Live, SPOTY, SG Carnival, Asia's Got Talent
  A Christmas Story Live
“A Christmas Story Live!” — is inspired by the holiday classic feature “A Christmas Story” and the Tony Award-nominated Broadway production “A Christmas Story: The Musical.” Not to be confused with the 1983 film that annually airs in 24-hour marathons, this is a live version of the Broadway musical adaptation of the yuletide classic about Ralphie Parker and his dysfunctional clan.
The live Musical will feature several new songs and is aired today Sunday, December 17 from 7 to 10 pm ET on FOX! For the opening number, American singer BebeRexha is performing the original “Count on Christmas” by PasekAndPaul.
We're so excited to see @BebeRexha perform the opening number “Count on Christmas," written by @pasekandpaul, this Sunday on #AChristmasStoryLive! 🎄🎶"
A post shared by A Christmas Story (@christmasonfox) on Dec 13, 2017 at 11:51am PST
“A Christmas Story Live!” is inspired by the holiday classic feature A Christmas Story and the Tony-nominated A Christmas Story: The Musical. It will be the first time a holiday classic has been adapted into a live format.
The cast includes Ana Gasteyer as Mrs. Schwartz, Andy Walken as Ralphie, Emmy nominee Maya Rudolph as Ralphie’s mom, Tony winner Jane Krakowski as Miss Shields, Chris Diamantopoulos as Ralphie’s dad and two-time Tony winner Matthew Broderick as the narrator.
20 minutes to LIVE east coast!!! Get yer snacks and park it! #achristmasstorylive
A post shared by anagasteyer (@anagasteyer) on Dec 17, 2017 at 3:45pm PST
I have been so incredibly lucky to get to work with this legend! Thank you Matthew! The day is here! (I love our matching glasses) #achristmasstorylive #ralphie #matthewbroderick #joy #narrator #gratitude #bowtiesarecool #glasses #matching #redryder #youllshootyoureyeout @foxtv @christmasonfox #actorslife
A post shared by Andy Walken (@andywalken) on Dec 17, 2017 at 7:44am PST
Other casts include three-time Tony nominee David Alan Grier, film star Ken Jeong, and the boyband PRETTYMUCH. Grier will play as Santa Claus, Jeong will take on two roles — a Christmas tree salesman and a restaurant owner, and PRETTYMUCH will perform as the Hohman Indiana carolers.
A post shared by Ken Jeong (@kenjeong) on Dec 11, 2017 at 2:18pm PST
Catch us on #AChristmasStory tonight on @fox at 7/6c
A post shared by PRETTYMUCH (@prettymuch) on Dec 17, 2017 at 12:06pm PST
The the official hashtag #AChristmasLiveStory is trending today with the musical so hop over to find out what people are talking about the show on Twitter!
  SPOTY: BBC Sports Personality of the Year 2017
The annual award show is one of the highlights of the sporting calendar with all of sport’s great and good gathering for a celebration of all their achievements in the year.
Unbelievable night thank you everyone for voting for me tonight amazing wow….!!! #sporty #london #onemomile
A post shared by Sir Mo Farah🇬🇧🥇🥇🥇🥇 (@gomofarah) on Dec 17, 2017 at 3:15pm PST
This year, four-time Olympic champion Mo Farah has beaten favorites Anthony Joshua and Lewis Hamilton to clinch the annual prize of BBC Sports Personality of the Year. At aged 34, Mo Farah is Britain’s most successful-ever distance runner. The long-distance runner wound up his track career this year at the London Stadium by winning the 10,000m gold at the World Championships and finishing second in the 5,000m.
Supporters took to Twitter to commemorate the annual award event and while most tweets for the trending hashtag (UK) #SPOTY was to congratulate the winners, there seem to be a couple of hiccups as well.
In 1991, an 8 year old Somalian Muslim immigrant came to Britain barely speaking a word of English. @Mo_Farah now has a knighthood and wins the 2017 #SPOTY Take back your narratives. Define your realities. pic.twitter.com/xLorb18HhK
— Mo Ansar (@MoAnsar) December 17, 2017
Congratulations to massive Arsenal fan, @Mo_Farah 👏 pic.twitter.com/vSkEmtv3h9
— Arsenal FC (@Arsenal) December 17, 2017
One of the hiccups was BBC’s technical glitch during the award show – Viewers witnessed a look of surprise spread across Mo Farah’s features before the screen went blue and in his moment of glory the victor was replaced with three words, written in simple white type: signal loss detected.
Others expressed their dissapointment and disbelief that British professional boxer Anthony Joshua and British racing driver Lewis Hamilton have both failed to make it to the top 3.
What's the worst thing that could happen when you're in charge of an awards show? #spoty https://t.co/ZfG0FyiRQ1
— Twitter Moments (@TwitterMoments) December 17, 2017
Among the list of winners for the night was Bradley Lowery who received the Helen Rollason Award – given for the outstanding achievement in the face of adversity. Bradley Lowery’s parents collected the award on behalf of their son and were unable to contain their emotions, as they tearfully gave their speech and the audience gave them a standing ovation.
Lowery suffered from neuroblastoma – a rare type of cancer – from the age of 18 months and captured the nation’s hearts during a number of appearances as a mascot. He struck up a close friendship with former Sunderland striker Jermain Defoe and the pair led out England at Wembley for a World Cup qualifier against Lithuania in March (Dailymail).
This year we lost a young boy who touched the lives of millions.
The sporting world will never forget him and the work done by his family to raise awareness of neuroblastoma has been invaluable.
Cancer has no colours. One Bradley Lowery. ❤️#SPOTY https://t.co/uAuN7saVw7 pic.twitter.com/du7Z8HSeGs
— BBC Sport (@BBCSport) December 17, 2017
AMAZING: The reception for @BradleysFight & his parents at @BBCSPOTY. 😢👏
Only one Bradley Lowery. 💛
(🎥 @BBCSport)pic.twitter.com/VqztxnuQCo
— SPORF (@Sporf) December 17, 2017
Here is the full list of SPOTY award winners:
Sports Personality of the Year – Sir Mo Farah (second, Jonathan Rea; third, Jonnie Peacock)
Young Sports Personality of the Year – Phil Foden
Lifetime Achievement – Dame Jessica Ennis-Hill
Helen Rollason Award – Bradley Lowery
Overseas Sports Personality of the Year – Roger Federer
Coach of the Year – Benke Blomkvist, Stephen Maguire and Christian Malcolm
Team of the Year – England women’s cricket team
Get Inspired Unsung Hero – Denise Larrad
    (Singapore) Marina Bay Carnival 
Be sure to check out the Prudential Marina Bay carnival for some good food and fun! 🎪🎡🎢🎠 Many thanks to @bennytgh. This pic is fantastic! • For the chance to share your snaps on here, use #wonderlustsingapore. • #cityofsingapore #igerssingapore #onlysingapore #passionpassport #roamtheplanet #singapore #singaporeblogger #singaporecity #singaporelife #singaporenow #singaporetodo #theglobewanderer #visitsingapore #wonderlust #wonderlustmagazine #wonderlustsingapore
A post shared by Singapore (@wonderlust.singapore) on Dec 17, 2017 at 1:33pm PST
Singaporeans are in for a treat this festive season with the largest carnival right here in town!  Located at Bayfront Event Space, overlooking one of the top skyline of Singapore, the Marina Bay Carnival is the largest yet in the country with over 40 rides and games.
Check out Thomas K’s vlog on all the various fun activities and games at the carnival!
Carnival goers can expect thrilling rides like the roller coaster, viking and the Star Flyer. Millions of toys are also available to be won through a variety of booth games such as bowling, fishing and lobster ball. Of course, there are also various food options and performances – it’s endless fun from now until the 1st of April 2018!
The carnival met some delay and was only officially opened to public last Friday. It has only been the first weekend and our Instagram is already been filled with the carnival photos – all the soft toys!
Truth : Pugs are pretty dumb but they’re so FREAKKINNN CUTE
A post shared by Dee Kosh (@deekosh) on Dec 16, 2017 at 1:03am PST
The amount of colours #marinabaycarnival 😍😍
A post shared by VALERIE THEDORES TAN (@valerietthy) on Dec 17, 2017 at 3:24am PST
through the noise 📸 Sony a6000 – – – #highsnobiety #moodygrams #fittysense #createexploretakeover #createexplore #artistfound #hypetones #inspirationcultmag #streetshared #way2ill #streetmagazine #streetdreamsmag #infinitytones #streetmobs #illgrammers #artofvisuals #fatalframes #agameoftones #hypebeast #featuremeofh #MKexplore #citykillerz #lifeofadventure #heatercentral #quietthechaos #kilogrammerz
A post shared by Evan (@evanerino_) on Dec 17, 2017 at 5:15pm PST
For those who are considering the rides, why not check out Stirr Singapore’s review on the most extreme rides at the carnival? Find out more information on some of the top rides and games that are worth trying out for your next weekend night!
  Asia’s Got Talent 2017
Not exactly a weekend moment but this is so spooky and incredible at the same time, we just had to make an exception and talk about it here! The result show of Asia’s Got Talent 2017 happened on Thursday 14 Dec and Indonesian magician by the name The Sacred Riana is crowned the winner of the competition.
The Sacred Riana is best known for her ghost-like appearance, dramatic twitchy movement, and spine-chilling performances. Despite her less mainstream style, she managed to beat all other participants from all around Asia and gather a strong fan support/ public votes to bring home the winner title.
If you have not been following the season, just take a look at her final performance (be prepared)… Watch how she manage to spook Kpop star/Judge Jay Park and the entire crowd!
The video clip of her last performance was uploaded on the day of finals (14 Dec) and it has since gathered over 8.4 million views in 4 days. It is also the #2 Trending on Youtube with multiple reshares across various platforms such as Facebook and Twitter.
Netizens were all extremely impressed with Riana who stayed in her character of Sacred Riana all the way from audition to even after during result release, just look her reaction or lack of reaction in this case!
To find out more about The Sacred Riana, you’d be pleased to know that she has her very own Instagram account (managed by her company) which gives you a view of her spooky life.
Thank You for all your Votes, lets hope The Sacred Riana will through to the Grand Final on @asiasgottalent ..! • ——————————————————- Terima kasih atas semua Vote nya, mari kita berharap The Sacred Riana akan bisa lolos ke Grand Final di @asiasgottalent ..! • • • • #thesacredriana #rinesis #magician #axnasia #beafraid #bespooked #AGTVote11 #axnasia
A post shared by The Sacred Riana (@rianariani) on Nov 28, 2017 at 7:11am PST
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savaces · 8 years
Halloween Songs For Children
Here's the woods close to some deserted practice tracks where art faculty kids dangle up weird effigies to set the mood. Moreover this creepy pumpkin design, Makoodle also has some free Halloween bingo cards you possibly can download in a spider net or skull design. This Halloween playlist would not be full without Monster Mash.” Originally released by Bobby Borris” Pickett in 1962, horror punk legends the Misfits (minus Danzig) recorded a cover in 1997, with bassist Jerry Only performing the lead vocals. We have plenty of concepts and sources right here to help you make Halloween with your young learners enjoyable and academic. Amsterdam Spook presents its fifteenth annual Halloween costume social gathering on Saturday, October 31 on the Panama nightclub. The Shaggs' description is much less scary than the Misfits' description, although, and even means that it might be enjoyable.” Not particularly scary. You'll discover all of the creepy, spooky, and awesome songs to make All Hallow's Eve simply depraved. But in the event you're lacking the spooky soundtrack, your evening will likely be a bit, nicely, lifeless. In all cases, we've got one of the best Halloween playlist for all of your sexy cops, superheroes and bloody zombies. So don your witch's hat or pop in your vampire fangs and queue up the 14 songs under. In a few of his performances, together with the one depicted in the video above, he would use macabre props throughout performances, main some to argue that he was an early pioneer of shock rock.” He released I Put A Spell On You” in 1956 and the track shortly turned probably the most essential rock and roll songs of the period. Given the maintain they'll have over our imaginations, it's hardly surprising many poets have drawn on nursery rhymes as a source of inspiration. Dress up a couple of empty tin cans as Halloween characters and you have an excellent knock ‘em down game. A kind of songs everybody will know the phrases to without actually knowing how or why. These Nursery Rhymes for children have been handed down through the years and due to the quick nature of the verse can easily be remembered by most youngsters from a very early age. Halloween is basically a big excuse to decorate up and act like a freak in public. The theme for the legendary Exorcist, widely thought-about to be the scariest movie of all time, no words are needed to ship shivers up the spines of even the hardest of men. With the recent loss of the King of Pop I might be a traitor if I failed to mention this song. These spooky glowing ghost faces seen on Love This Pic are so easy to make, simply using balloons, glow sticks and a black marker! Essentially the most-downloaded Halloween track of all-time ought to be a staple in your scary soundtrack. This one is not so much for 2-steppers as those that like to swing their air guitar a la Sir Cliff, but nonetheless it is a Halloween favorite. That is proper, he did the Monster Mash, and having Bobby Borris” Pickett's huge Halloween hit on your playlist this weekend will virtually definitely go down as a graveyard smash. An all-time rock basic, this features the extensive use of cowbell - a late percussive addition steered by producer David Lucas after the monitor was thought finished. Here is our list of three common songs to play at a Halloween get together that fit proper into the temper. To capitalize on my boys' love of Halloween (and holidays normally), our mommy school activities this month are going to have rather a lot to do with pumpkins, scarecrows, owls, and foolish monsters. The first is a recording which you can simply listen to, whereas the second is a video that you may watch and see the ESL occasion vocabulary flashcards similtaneously hearing the correct pronunciation. My kindergartner LOVES this e-book filled with acquainted nursery rhymes and utterly intriguing new artwork. They're maybe finest recognized for their version of The Hearse Tune”; a a long time-old, morbid kids's tune that audiences would possibly know from its inclusion in Scary Stories to Tell in the Darkish. Halloween is arguably one of the vital enjoyable holidays of the yr, and but, so http://frozen.disney.com.au/sing-along-songs few appear conscious of the unbelievable plethora of Halloween music. Rockwell had been generally unknown earlier than this massive hit propelled them to #2 within the US pop charts. These songs are the type that get embedded in a younger thoughts for an entire lifetime. For Halloween it has a very thrilling sound to it. Once you listen to The Flight of the Bumblebee ” envision ghosts flying all over or goblins scurrying about. It's A Hip Hop Halloween Evening is a family-friendly Halloween track for party monsters of all ages! Other songs I prefer to sing this time of year include Tamlin and a fun tune I learned from Ian Robb called the Guy Fawkes Tune. Halloween was influenced by the ancient Roman competition Pomona, which celebrated the harvest goddess of the identical name. Because Spotify has a seemingly unlimited provide of Halloween playlists to choose from. Launched just earlier than A Nightmare on Elm Avenue four: The Dream Grasp in August 1988, and hitting the Scorching a hundred's top 20 that October — but under no circumstances affiliated with the brand new movie's soundtrack — the duo were ultimately sued by New Line Cinema for copyright infringement. You may print 8 Halloween bingo playing cards at Child Scraps and they are in an amazing 5X5 size that would be excellent for older children. There's a performance of The Workhouse Boy by Grendel's Bane on YouTube with the lyrics on the page and it is nicely creepy. Assembled earlier than you is a nightmarish checklist of hip-hop songs that could make Michael Myers choke on candy corn and even give Freddy Krueger nightmares. It has two very essential issues needed for a great Halloween jam: monsters and a dance suggestion. As a comply with-as much as last yr's Halloween top 10 , listed below are the 25 Prime Halloween Songs. Here is a good printable record of Halloween words There's a collection of fingers-on activities to do with kids and use the phrases and links to Spanish Halloween printable games too. Another iTunes youngsters's artist that I would recommend for Halloween is NOOSHI. I used to listen to this all the time once I was little, even when it wasn't Halloween. Though the film is before your little dancers' time, this groovy Halloween dance tune remains to be a dance transfer starter at the moment!
0 notes
myhauntedsalem · 5 years
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14 Firefighters Share Their Scariest Paranormal Encounters 
The weirdest part of the fire was the 911 call. The callers wife was in the background screaming, “you f**ked him off now, look he’s gone and burned the place down”.
With grit and determination, every day firefighters bravely put their lives on the lines for us, but it seems it’s not just the flames these brave men and women face; from haunted firehouses to ghostly apparitions. Here are 14 of the most chilling paranormal encounters and ghost stories shared by firefighters from across the United States.
1. Guardian Angel
Our firehouse isn’t haunted, at least not on a regular basis, but one of our engines is.
Two examples I have personally seen and experienced are; first, we were responding to a call in a dark, secluded, industrial area one night when the engine suddenly sputtered, stalled, and coasted to a stop right in front of a railroad crossing with no gates. Just as we stopped, a freight train came through. The engine started right up and ran fine after the train passed.
The second example happened one blazing hot summer afternoon when we were called to a highway construction site for a burning shanty. We pulled up and began advancing the handline when it suddenly seemed like the hose became tangled up in the hosebed. We went back to the engine to check, and just then the shanty blew up into thousands of tiny pieces. There were NO tangles in the hose, and it wasn’t caught or hung up anywhere.
2. Mr Jones
Our fire department is haunted by a man named Mr. Jones. The story dates back many years before we built a new station. Mr. Jones died at the old firehouse from a heart attack after battling a house fire.
A chief told me a story once: ‘I went to the restroom which was off the hallway. On my way in, I sat my brand new pack of cigarettes on the file cabinet outside of the doorway. When I came out, the cigarettes were lined end-to-end down the hallway.’
Another firefighter about a year later also had a ‘Mr. Jones Experience.’ He and another guy were watching TV one night when the clock above the TV flew off the wall, landed in the center of the room, spun around a few times, then landed on a book shelf.
All of the ‘haunted firehouse’ stories never really had me believing until Mr. Jones gave me a story of my own. I have this thing about open shower curtains. I notice when they are open and I have to close them. I had walked into the restroom to clean it but forgot a trash bag. The shower curtain was open. When I walked back in, about 30 seconds later, the curtain was closed. That is the only story that is personal. Other than that, we have doors that open and close by themselves, lights that go on and off, stuff like that. So that’s my story and I’m stickin to it.
3. Jesus Christ
About seven or eight years ago, we arrived at a townhouse with heavy fire from the first floor on side one. After making entry, locating the fire in the kitchen, and extinguishing, we set about taking out a few windows for ventilation.
After the smoke had risen, we noticed that the living area to the rear of the kitchen (which was on the right hand side as we entered) had taken significant smoke and heat damage. On the wall was a picture of Jesus Christ, and it was the only object in the room that appeared untouched. Even the wall BEHIND the picture was smoke-stained and blistered.
There was evidence of two streams of water that had trickled from the lower corners of the picture to a point in the middle of the wall where they met and continued down to the floor. The odd thing was that the line had been pulled through this room and was flowing into the kitchen to push the fire out the front, through a large vented window. No water had been flowing in the room, and the steam produced had been pushed out the window. Even the FM was amazed, and we haven’t seen anything like it since. It kinda makes one wonder.
4. Steve
We have a protector. We had a member, Steve that was killed in the line of duty during a helicopter operation. Ever since he died, members swear they can hear him in the building at night. Doors close, open, etc. without explanation. Then one night we figured out why he was there.
One of our members who has been here about 15 years now was on duty. We have bullet proof vests we keep on the units, but in a back compartment. He heard that compartment open and close. He went out into the bay and looked at it, and for some reason he took the vest out and put it in the front seat. He’d never done that before.
Next thing you know, he’s toned out to a ‘sick call’ that after his arrival was deemed a shooting. Nothing happened to him, but the point was made.
Several such incidents have occurred. Whenever something big is about to happen, a unit door opens and shuts or a bay door opens etc. We always know.
5. The Phantom Handprint
On April 18, 1924, a firefighter named Frank Leavy was washing a window at the fire station. For some reason, he paused in his work, his hand resting against the pane of glass, and he told a friend who was standing nearby that he had the strangest feeling he was going to die that day. Just then, the station received an alarm call and the fire fighters were sent to a fire that had broken out at Curran Hall, an office building in Chicago. While fighting the fire, a wall collapsed and killed eight of the firemen… Frank Leavy was one of those killed.
The next day, one of the firemen noticed something strange about the window that Frank had been washing the day before. There seemed to be an unusual stain on the glass…. and it appeared to be the imprint of Frank’s hand at the same spot where he had been leaning the day before.
They tried everything that they could, but they could find no way to erase the strange handprint. It seemed to be etched into the glass!
An expert from the Pittsburgh Plate Glass company brought a special solution to the fire house, guaranteeing that it would remove the print, but it didn’t work. Over the years, there were suggestions that the pane of glass be removed, but many of the firemen argued, saying that it was not right to fool with the unknown. Besides that, it was a reminder, albeit a grim one, of their dead friend. And there was no doubt that the handprint belonged to Frank Leavy! An official from the city had come down with a fingerprint comparison and the prints matched those of Frank’s. For the next twenty years, the handprint defied all explanation and was a common attraction to visitors and other firemen from around the city.
Finally, on the morning of April 18, 1944 a careless paper boy tossed the morning edition at the fire house and shattered the window where Frank’s handprint had been.
It happened exactly twenty years to the date of when Frank Leavy died!
6. “You F**ked Him Off Now”
There was a fire about 6-7yrs ago. The call was weird from the start, the 1st due engine didn’t want to start (it was out on a run bout 20mins before) they get there, the house was fully involved. When they got there, the fire was burning in strange ways… at one point flames were shooting out a window, and taking a ninety degree turn upward. The investigator pictures show the face of the devil in the smoke and flames. I know it sounds BS, but I have seen a few of these pics, and have talked with some of the investigators. They were saying that the basement was rocking, when they went back the next day it looked as though nothing burned downstairs.
The weirdest part of the fire was the 911 call. The dispatcher said the callers wife was in the back ground screaming, “you f**ked him off now, look he’s gone and burned the place down”. These people were said to have been Satan worshipers, everyone in the Dept. is afraid to even go on that road for calls. Incidentally the name of the road is “Angel Hill” hmmm, pretty weird.
7. Footsteps
I worked for a department that had lost a few members in its time. Over the course of the first few months I was there, I noticed strange noises in the bay. Once, I walked in the front door only to hear the back door slam. I walked back to see who it was, and when I opened the back door, no one was there. There was fresh snow on the ground and no tracks.
Another time I went down to the bay in the middle of the night. I heard distinct footsteps walking around one of the rigs on the other side of the bay. I called out but no one answered. I got spooked and crept around the bay with an axe trying to find the intruder. No one there! I also got a really spooky feeling a few times when I was alone in the bay by the back door. Later, I happened to mention to the chief that I had heard some weird stuff in the station at night. He got a strange look on his face and said ‘Let me guess… footsteps behind Engine 3 and a creepy feeling by the back door!’ I got the same story from one of the captains, about hearing footsteps and all that. Guess someone’s still hanging around…
8. The Station in The Woods
Back at my old department before I moved to my current one I was assigned to the farthest southern station by myself with a single engine. The area was in a heavily wooded area of the district. At night it got extremely dark in that area, more so than the other areas of the dist. There were a lot of one lane dirt and paved roads as well as a few meth labs, and no police coverage.
I had had several occasions that I would hear dogs barking at a house near the station, and hear sounds outside the station like thumping noises, usually after 1 AM. I would go outside to look and no one would be there. These noises went on for about a week. Once I had a friend from another station come down to visit me but I was gone, he got scared off when he heard five loud bangs on the wall near the kitchen, of course he failed to tell me this. Another night I was in bed and saw a shadow outside my window walking in the flower bed. The shadow passed my window and then the person kicked the door near the bay. I crawled out of bed and called 911, while I was on the phone the person busted out the bedroom window, half scared shitless I ran to the engine and bailed north to another station with a higher staffing level. The PD responded and 45 minutes later searched and deemed the station safe.
I soon after moved from that station and it is no longer staffed even now 3 years later. I found out from a B/C later on that a previous FF had been attacked in the parking lot washing an engine, and that the station had had several other weird occurrences happen since it was built.
9. The Hose Tower Hanging
I too have heard of the strange noises that occur inside many of our firehouses.
We have a firehouse that late at night, you can hear chains rattling at the top of the hose tower. When you turn on the light and climb the ladder to the platform at the top of the tower, nothing is there. The rumor has it that back in the 50’s a probationer hung himself in the hose tower and wasn’t discovered for a week.
10. The Old Capt. 
The oldest station in Lex., KY, is haunted, according to some of the old heads, by an old Capt. who died while on duty in his sleep on Christmas Eve in the 1940’s. He is said to have sat in an old cane bottomed rocking chair, that chair was put in the attic of the station after his death, where it is still heard to be rocking on occasion.
Chiefs have gotten calls from neighbors who were mad because they could see a fireman looking out of the upstairs window, but no one would answer the door. This usually happens when the engine company was out on a fire run or training. Engine started by itself and backed in to the wall one night (std. trans.). Some of the guys who have worked there would not even go in the house alone on payday to pick up their pay checks if the co. was out.
11. The Ouija Board
A fire company that I used to belong to is quartered in a building built in the 1930’s and it is unquestionably haunted. Odd things happen regularly such as bathroom stall doors being locked from the inside, tv and lights turning on and off, footsteps across the floor, yelling when nobody else is there, etc… A few members decided to bring in an Ouija board one night and see what they could find. It turns out that there are two ghosts, one is a past chief and the other is a small boy that used to live in a row of miner’s houses that has long since been torn down.
The chief confirmed his identity by naming other long dead members (so long dead that we had to dig back 50 years in the company’s records to even find their names!). The chief generally drags chairs around the meeting room at night and yells at members while the boy is constantly bouncing his ball on the upstairs floor. All of this only happens at night.
12. The Indian Arrowheads
My father’s volunteer fire company also found Indian arrowheads while they were digging for an addition to the firehouse back in the 50s, but they also unearthed cannonballs and buttons. If my memory is right, some expert said that the cannonballs were from the American revolution and that the buttons were from a Hessian soldier (Hessians were mercenaries that the British used against Washington’s army). BUT – strange things began happening while those items the firemen dug up were in the firehouse.
First off, anyone that touched the items got very ill with high fevers and rash. The guys that actually dug up the items were very bad off; and their feet became swollen and turned black and blue. The door to the firehouse would also swing open just as someone approached, and the doors to the huge cast iron firehouse oven would open and close all by itself. Someone in the company said that they should bury the items; put them back in the ground – and when they did everyone got better, and all the strange things stopped happening.
13. The Fortune Teller
My firehouse has had a run of strange happenings over the years also. Many of us have actually seen a misty figure move through the rec room and out to the apparatus room. Some of the crews have seen the figure together, others have seen him when they were by themselves. The usual doors swinging, chairs moving upstairs, people walking across the floor or up and down the stairs happens occasionally.
The really scary part was when a friend of a friend stopped by the firehouse with her kids for a tour. This woman practices tarot card readings, fortune telling and the like. She had never been in the firehouse before and had never known about any of the instances in the firehouse. After the tour she asked me if the firehouse had “guest appearances” often. I thought she meant the kids and said that we often have children take tours of the place. She corrected herself and asked if we had ever seen ghosts, I said, maybe-I’m not sure. She described our misty figure from head to toe exactly as he appears and said she had seen him. Do I believe, probably not much more than I had before that day but I don’t doubt anything.
14. Standing Behind Me
This story takes place in Fayetteville, NC and the department I used to work for there. When I was assigned to Engine 2, I had heard all kinds of stories of it being haunted. Footsteps, doors opening, writing on the wall, and even a sighting are all the things I was told about.
I heard some things once in a while but the one time I was really spooked happened in late 2000. I was lying in bed, about 2 am when I heard footsteps approach my bunk and stop behind me, between my bed and the wall. The first thing I thought was that I had slept through a call but then I saw that my LT was still asleep and I noticed the radio was quiet. I could feel someone standing beside the bed and as much as I didn’t want to I slowly turned and looked to find that there was no one there.
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