blxeblur · 1 year
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enigma-absolute · 1 month
Can I hear more about Maddox? What's his backstory like? Where does he fall on the timeline?
(if I'm sending too many asks, do forgive me!)
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You’ve unleashed something in me and now I can’t shut up
To start us off, here’s my boy! This is his original character-defining spread in my sketchbook from early last year:
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Here’s some more art of him, as a colour reference! And what’s this? MORE banger art of my boy????
And here’s a meme too!
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Aside from this older character development challenge google doc providing a lot of his original foundations (including his original character submission sheet!), allow me. To expand on. The Lore.
I don’t think I can shut up greatly so I hope you’re ready for a big ol read under the cut!
So. Maddox is a rebel spy before and during the Rebel alliance in the Galaxy Far Far Away. Standard stuff for a 24-year-old right? WRONG
He’s actually an Australian, a Sunshine Coast local, from OUR earth in early 2023, swept up into something that took him back in time and far off into space (of course, a long time ago, in a galaxy far far away) to have adventures and stuff like that. Adventures and all are just it, right?
Joking aside, to quote the backstory portion in his original RP submission form, and even the addition directly from the document:
Maddox genuinely has no clue how he got here.
As in, how in sweet Force he ended up a long, long time ago, in a galaxy far far away from his own. His retrograde amnesia from a recent-ish rebel spy mission (involving hijacking and detonating an Imperial ship before escaping) has receded away enough for him to remember his life on his home country of Australia on Earth (and a rough knowledge of OT canon and even rougher knowledge of PT canon from that time), but a lot of things are still fuzzy.
He’s grateful he can remember quite a lot, including: his name and age, his past life and home, muscle-memory for espionage, how to catch on to flying several starships if given enough time, and even some previous missions. But whatever his amnesia is hiding from him, he hopes that the Force can help reveal it again… and maybe help him find a way back home. In the meantime, his goals for this galaxy are to continue his sick espionage job, find a way home, make some close friends and maybe, hopefully, call the Emperor a bitch to his face before he carks it during the events of ROTJ. Not all in that order specifically, but he’ll work on that.
Maddox specifically landed in the year 9BBY, roughly before the events of Kenobi were about to happen. He was picked up by and later joined Bail Organa’s Rebel Cell, as the Alliance wouldn’t have existed yet.
His fateful mission, subsequent amnesia and initial recovery occur at the tailend of Kenobi, leading him to re-meet a young Leia Organa when recovered by Bail’s rebels. Leia sneaks in a word to her dad, and Maddox is sent away for a week or two for some ‘minding’ with help of the Force. He later recalls the word ‘therapy’ to better describe his situation and tells the therapist there (who is also initially annoyed about this whole situation happening) that ‘minding’ is a stupid term and the galaxy should really get behind ‘therapy.’
(He won’t know this till later, but his therapist Ben also gained hope and healing through it too.)
Due to Force *~shenanigans~* and the still unremembered way as to how he came to the GFFA time from 2023 on earth, Maddox doesn’t really have a way back home and is physically stuck aging at 24 years old. And despite obviously being from Earth and thus having no midichlorians of his own, he is Force-sensitive after having an encounter with it while in spy training. That being said, he has a unique relationship with it where he can feel it more ‘talking’ to him than not, and is able to use it with study, self-teaching and meditation. However, he will NOT take a kyber crystal of his own. He may be a light-sider, but he doesn’t feel he deserves the title of Jedi.
We’ll get back to that in a bit.
His amnesia is (of kriffing course) courtesy of the Empire, under a top-secret, but now defunct and destroyed experiment called Project Lethe. This experiment had been self-contained in the star destroyer Calledania, but when a Rebel spy mission to break its secrecy had gone awry, Maddox had enough time to help set charges to blow it up before his capture and subsequent retrograde memory wipe.
You can imagine the horror he’d be going through, waking up after falling out of a bacta tank and coughing it out of his lungs, knowing NOTHING about himself or what’s going on. Then only arming himself with a scalpel and maybe a doctor’s medical ID before running out onto the main bridge to see that he’s in space (he really shouldn’t be), everything is chaos and falling apart (is he in a spaceship?) and he’s certainly feeling everything falling into a nearby planet’s orbit (these stars are NOT his own).
Of course, he managed to escape and started to recover his memory with the Force, but you’d have to ask him for the fuller story. And that’s if you can convince him to tell you all the details.
In terms of timeline and character relations, aside from entering and joining the early stages of rebellion prior to Kenobi’s events in 9BBY, he’s become a cool older ‘cousin’ friend of a sort with Princess Leia, especially since she was the one who knew his later-therapist Ben (Maddox nicholasnames him ‘Benny’) first. Bail has also been a mentor figure for Maddox before and after his amnesia - in terms of the growing rebellion, high-class etiquette and manners (which mostly consist of keeping an eye on Leia at fancy guest parties and learning from her). Not to say there’s no personal platonic fondness between them, it’s just that the professionalism has been more important for Maddox to get a grasp on his new life.
He’s also grateful for meeting and befriending friendlier folks in the GFFA, such as freeman Clone Troopers Juggernaut and Jorts (OCs in the first RP server I ever entered him into), and in 7BBY, @moobrvoobl-moobmoob-oobmpoobroom’s Clone OC Strike and co-created OC Pins, a stormtrooper who ditched the Empire when the two rebels had their cell missions cross paths and escaped together after going after an asset. Maddox has quickly grown to befriend and fall in platonic love with Strike and Pins, the former particularly since she causes/caused flares in his memory of his mum.
Especially since, in his old earthen life, he was an Eshay, and a horrible person to his mother and sister.
Did I mention he’s a regretful older brother? And a regretful son?
For leaving his family behind? For not being the person he should’ve been? For being selfish and into stupid stuff when there are things in life worth more than stupid ‘friends’ and stupidity?
Good god he’s ashamed to admit it. But he has to admit it somehow.
It was the second memory recovery in the Force that he recalled how he used to be, getting so depressed he needed that therapy from Benny.
Okay here's a couple rapid-fire points about Maddox bc I don't have all the brainspace for backstories:
In the flight back to the base after his couple-weeks therapy from Benny, Maddox had a dream about talking to some fella named Anakin, infodumping to him about the fauna and flora of Australia the entire time. Anakin was in awe of earth's natural flora and flora.
Maddox didn't put two and two together on that 'Anakin' guy until after waking up. His memory got intact enough to connect those dots.
(He won't do the same for Benny for a long, long time).
His enamel pin is actually his sister's, and it's another Peter Pan reference with the star and text saying 'straight on till morning'. (I really hope I can defictionalise it into a real pin one day!)
The leather bag he carries was borrowed by his sister for some time before he took it with him to the GFFA, so he's got more of her belongings with him rather than his own.
He modded an iPod over quarantine days into having a new battery and 256GB SSD drive to fill with his own music, but of course - his sister got to it when he wasn't looking and filled it up with her own tastes before he could wipe it clear.
So now he has his sister's tastes in music, for the most part. Which is a good thing.
So as for Maddox right now in my personal timeline? Well, I just have fun tossing him in the years between 9BBY-4ABY, putting him in Situations and Events (mainly RPs) to see how he develops and how far his character goes. There's a couple alternate timelines and AUs he's in, including the Chrumblr RP in the big discord.
And that's not even getting into the stuff his sister gets into in AUs and timelines.
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ferinehuntress · 2 months
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◈ NAME  ⋯  Panda, Panda Bear, Nessie
◈ PRONOUNS  ⋯  she/her
◈ MOST ACTIVE MUSE(S)?  ⋯  Caitlyn, Vi, Karlach, and Aylin. I only keep active muses ^^
◈ RP PET PEEVES?  ⋯  Hmmm, so one would be one way roleplays. When someone doesn't help push the story along. I don't want to sit here, debating on how I can encourage some reactions or what not. So I always try to give something to reply to whether its by an action, a question, a response that can be added to, etc... I also don't like when I reply with several paragraphs and someone only gives me 1-4 sentences. I do not expect mirror reflections of my post, but I do like quality. Quality does not equal quantity, but can still give absolutely plenty with a couple of paragraphs. And lastly, not communicating. I know sometimes it can be hard, some days your mind literally has no ideas or process. or if your distracted (I know a few people have that with me right now cause I'm playing BG3 XDD) but when you just, don't communicate, how can you write with each other? Its why I always try to send out welcome messages and encouarge the first step of communication.
◈ EXPERIENCE / HOW MANY YEARS  ⋯  I started roleplaying when I was 11 on a site called Avidgamers. So its been a good.....24 years ish?
◈ FLUFF, ANGST, OR SMUT  ⋯  Hands down, Angst is my go to. I will, without a doubt, love angst. Its never too much for me, i could have a bunch of angst going and it doesn't wear me down or anything. That being said, I don't like certain kinds of angst, like person versus person (example, my character and your character getting into an arguing and hating each other, or break ups or things like that). My kind of angst tends to be two people versus a situation, or where one is trying to save the other cause they are cursed, or trapped, being tortured, etc....Angst comfort too is good. I do like smut, but I tend to like to write it with people I talk to often and we have a good dynamic between our characters. Fluff is a bit harder for me, I can't do domestic cutesy things as I tend to get a little bored after awhile.
◈ PLOTS OR MEMES  ⋯  I prefer plotting, plotting helps get a dynamic down (as I do not write first meetings or encounters) so this allows me to get a development of what are muses are like together. Its also a nice little platform of security to know what is going to happen in a thread. It isn't step by step plotting, but just enough of like 'okay, tehy are going to this place, its probably going to have a fight, and this is their objective'. Really simple plotting that allows for the comfort of stability while still allowing the flexibility of a character to control teh flow of the scene. Memes I tend to use after we've done  some plotting because I understand dynamics better and I know what to write or ideas to creat.
◈ LONG OR SHORT REPLIES  ⋯  I'll never give short replies. the shortest you'll get from me is about 2 paragraphs. I don't like gives just a skeleton writing and I tend not to follow people who do one liners or small less then 5 sentences writing. I'm in this for the long haul, I want stories and adventures and fun paragraph form writing.
◈ TIME TO WRITE  ⋯  While I'm online almost all day, its more then likely you see me writing about 10-11pm CST. Writing at night is a lot easier then it is writing during the day. Don't know why, I'm a weird little night owl XD.
◈ ARE YOU LIKE YOUR MUSE(S)  ⋯  I tend to write characters I associate with in some form or manner. Karlach for example, her absolute love of animals, and Caitlyn's more reclusive nature, or Vi's heart on her sleeve, and Aylin's protectiveness. I like to think I am in some way like them which allows me to bring them to life even more through this connection.
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❥ 𝐓𝐀𝐆𝐆𝐄𝐃 𝐁𝐘  ⋯  @apalestar, @c-leric, and others who said 'steal this' XD ❥ 𝐓𝐀𝐆𝐆𝐈𝐍𝐆  ⋯ @shimmerbeasts, @jynxd, @necrophcge, @never-surrender, @bubblybabins, @bakrahispul, @clara-eternal, @zaunseye, @lunarrepel, @lunawish, @lordliing, @hellscaress, @goldenfists, @governoir, @gauntlets-shot, @fereldensheroes, @dalishflame, @shldmaidns, @sanguisarcana, @starbvund, @arcanecast, @piltover-sharpshooter, @playgroundmonsters, @undercity-merc, @ruinouss, @runes-menagerie, @warwaited, and anyone else who wants to.
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jannwrites · 11 months
film ask meme : THE BROOD (1979) directed by DAVID CRONENBERG.
a selection of lines from the 1979 film the brood. modified slightly for rp purposes.
you're not looking at me, [name].
i guess you're just a weak person.
it makes me feel...guilty inside. 
i can't let the heart speak.
don’t speak to me. show me.
show me your anger. then i can understand it.
he's starting to get passionate about the whole thing.
she pretends the whole thing never happened.
there must be some other answer to what you've seen.
i guess you know, now, what it feels like. being blamed for everything. to have the past distorted, so you don't even recognize yourself anymore.
thirty seconds after you're born, you have a past. and sixty seconds after that, you start to lie to yourself about it.
i guess i've been indulging in a horrid bout of nostalgia these last few days.
you're being so unfair, sweetheart.
tell me the rest of the story that goes with this picture.
you're sure you don't want a story?
nothing's wrong, except with me.
he thinks that i'm turning into my mother.
that's very unfair of him. that's very arrogant of him.
i don't want you to think that i don't love you.
oh, god, i love you. but you didn't protect me.
you know, i was even thinking about going out to that old house again.
[name] encouraged my body to revolt against me. and it did.
i have a small revolution on my hands and i'm not putting it down very successfully.
are you saying that I'm just supposed to bury the girl's mother and not tell her about it?
sometimes it just kills me to think i might have screwed my kid up already.
we'll go up there together, and kick their ass.
i've a feeling i've just been recruited to babysit.
the thing was in the house. it was in the house all the time.
you bitch! you're killing my family!
this creature has never really been born.
i feel so guilty for my part in it. i wish it had never happened.
we had beautiful things, things that you couldn't understand.
we'll have them again, if you'd just leave him alone and stop poisoning him against me and taking advantage of his loneliness.
your life is just a little too complicated for me right now.
that's just fucking wonderful, don't you think?
i'll bleed for you. want me to bleed?
that's silly, right? repulses you, i can see that.
[name] knows i'm addicted to him and he doesn't care.
i think i must be getting stronger, because somehow, i just don't feel threatened by her anymore.
this is the first time i've seen the place.
somebody's following me. somebody's always following me.
he just got bored with the rest of us.
they'll kill you if you try to take her away from them.
they're the children of her rage.
i'm not going to be the only one to pay for that anger.
i thought you said you weren't going to come and see me while i was here.
i wish it were true. god, i wish it were true.
we lost touch. that's the only reason all this ever happened.
what's been happening to me has been just too strange. too strange for me to share with anyone from my old life.
i'm ready now. i wasn't before, but i'm ready now.
i seem to be a very special person. i'm in the middle of a strange adventure.
no, i disgust you. i sicken you.
you liar. you're lying. you're lying! i know!
you make them stop, or i'll kill you.
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stelliferousduo · 1 month
-> The Commission Board serves as your average ask/rp prompt meme. Send in any prompt to start an interaction between our muses. A new Commission Board will be posted every month.
-> Commissions are divided in several categories: there are general commissions which can take place in any region as well as region-specific ones. If you choose a commission of a region which your muse does not belong to, please provide some information as to how they would end up there.
-> Please specify if you want to take the role of muse A or muse B.
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[Increasing Danger] - our muses are clearing out a Hilichurl Camp together when muse A collapses (either from exhaustion or from a high fever). Can muse B defeat all the enemies in time while also keeping muse A safe?
[Safe Conduct] - muse A had been escorting a traveling merchant's transport balloon to its destination. On the way, they are attacked by a horde of Slimes. No big deal, right? However, while they are distracted by the fight, the goods are stolen by an Abyss Mage who is quick to flee. During the pursuit, they run into muse B and ask for assistance.
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[Food Delivery] - muse A is out on delivery for Sara from the Good Hunter. They run into muse B on the way and strike up a friendly conversation. While chatting, a wild animal sneaks up to them and crawls into their bag - eating the food. Now our muses have no other choice but remake the dish from scratch - from gathering the ingredients to the actual cooking.
[Emergency Supplies] - While delivering supplies to the various adventurer's camps in Dragonspine, our muses get caught off guard by an impromptu snow strom. When muse B is nearly crushed by a falling tree, muse A pushes them to safety but gets injured in the process. After taking shelter in a nearby cave, muse B tries their best to tend to muse A's wounds.
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[Pirate Invasion in Liyue Harbor!] - Our muses play a pirate-themed roleplay game with three children at Liyue Harbor. While cleaning the deck of the ship, muse B discovers a mysterious note inside one of the wooden boxes. It seems to depict a map revealing a hidden chest. This peaks muse A's interest who insists that the two of them go looking for it.
[Uninvited Quests] - After repeatedly having to clear out monster camps near Wangshuu Inn for an extended period of time, muse A calls in muse B's help and they discover that Fatui Agents have been residing at the Inn while disguising themselves as tourists from a faraway land. Could they be the ones luring monsters to the Inn to disturb the peace?
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[Crash Course on Inazuman Fashion] - Ogura Mio has designed a new line of kimonos and she is looking for two people to promote them in a special photo shoot. Our muses volunteer but there is one thing which she did not mention ー these are kimonos designed for couples to be worn at their wedding. Muse B wants to turn down the offer - embarrassed by the idea of having to play a a soon-to-be married couple at the photo shoot. Muse A tries to convince them to go through with it.
[Is This Novel Amazing?] - Our muses help Junkichi find the inspiration he needs to finish the manuscript of his latest novel. He is writing about a duo of young adventurers who get lost in Chinju Forest during the foggy weather. When the fog lifts, they have mysteriously traveled back in time. He struggles to accurate describe the scenery and asks muse A to go take pictures inside the forest to help him. In the forest, they run into muse B. The two of them chat for a while when suddenly they are shrouded in a thick mist. Could it be that the premise of Junkichi's novel is not just some kind of urban legend...?
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[Meow...Meow meow?] - Our muses help Sareh find her lost kittens all around Port Ormos. After succesfully retrieving all of them, you discover that there's one extra kitten whom she has never seen before. She has no more room for another cat, so now it is up to our muses to take care of the little feline while searching for someone to give them a forever home. ...But what happens when muse A grows a little too attached to the cat, not wanting to part with them?
[Akademiya Q&A] - After failing Ziryab's quiz, muse A has to enroll at the Akademiya for one whole week as a punishment. Muse B can be either a current student at the Akademiya helping them get familiar with the place, or they feel symphatic towards muse A and offer to join the courses alongside them. How will they enjoy the 'student life'?
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[Get a Drink at Least!] - Arouet is bedridden with the flu and asks muse A to take over their coffee shop for the day. Muse A has never brewed coffee before and things do not go that smoothly at first as they clearly struggle to keep up with the incoming orders during rush hour. Muse B is one of those customer who is surprised to see muse A work as a barista. Will they help out? Or will they enjoy seeing them suffer from their table?
[Don't Get Crabby!] - Our muses venture underwater to get rid of some Bullet Barnacles. While underwater, they find a baby Blubberbeast who looks lost and distressed. Muse A pities them and offers to help look for the baby's parents. Muse B agrees and together they traverse the vast ocean in search of the Blubberbeast' lost family.
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Roleplay Rules!
Status: Semi-Open as of November 2nd, 2023
Feel free to DM me or ask any questions in my inbox! I can't guarantee that RPs will start right away, but we can definitely start setting things up.
In order to RP with me, you NEED to send me the hidden phrase in here so I know you actually read the rules. If not, I will not RP.
Literacy Style:
Literate to semi-literate. I like to write in multiple paragraphs, both with detail and somewhat dialogue heavy. If you’ve seen my writing, it’s a lot like that! I expect potential RP partners to follow in suit/match.
It seems as of late that I prefer literate with multiple paragraphs and details.
I’ve been RPing since I was like, 10. If I see *she smiles* it might summon rage 💀 /hj
Where We Can Talk:
Just starting off? Tumblr DMs! I won’t RP in the comment section of a post.
You can now ask for my Discord. It’s where I’m most active.
Don’t really have a cap off but it becomes too much at once I will be sure to let you know.
Genres and Plots:
Almost anything and everything! However, towards strangers and people I’m generally unfamiliar with, SFW are going to be the topics I steer towards. Adventure, drama, horror etc. are all fine the first go around.
I’m pretty flexible on genres so like, hey don’t be afraid to suggest it.
NSFW, I like writing smut, I just need to like you as well lol. Not a slight on your behalf, but I will let you know whether smut is a possibility or not.
NSFW will only be done with other 18+ adults who have verified they are in fact, adults. I absolutely refuse NSFW to “ageless” accounts and minors.
Honestly I don’t want to RP with minors so if you’re a minor, don’t message me. Don’t do it. Thanks.
Gets a little odd here, I don’t actually ship anything, if that makes any sense? Like, canon character X canon character just isn’t in my repertoire unless they’re already an established couple or the franchise is heavily leaning them that way.
That said, I’m totally cool with self shipping and OCs X Canon characters. (If self ship, it has to go both ways. Sorry I’m a simp too 😔)
Platonic, familial, those work best though especially if I am unfamiliar with you as a person.
Honestly I’m not as veered towards romance unless you’re a good friend of mine.
When first DMing, send me memes to help break the ice! I’m pretty good about speaking to people, but I understand how awkward it can be
If you’re using an OC, please tell me all about your OC! If you have any reference pics etc, send them so I can describe them during the RP.
If you’re playing a canon character and you’ve changed anything about them that’s notable, feel free to mention their quirks, and the lore building you’ve done for them.
Tell me if it gets to be too much or if you wish to change directions. I want you to feel safe and have a free voice during the chat. If something doesn’t click, tell me.
Please talk to me about the RP plot before we start! That gives me a good direction on what bases to hit and which lines to not cross. Your boundaries are just as important as mine and I want to respect them.
Use brackets or some other notation to let me know you’re speaking out of character! I’m very prone to using []
Understand that you can leave for a while and don’t need to apologize. Genuinely, I know you’ll get back to me. If you don’t think you will or it’ll take longer than expected then let me know. I know people get busy, so it’s honestly no problem.
Do NOT ask to RP if you are a minor. I do not wish to RP with minors.
Send me unsolicited NSFW or a starter without any conversation prior to. It’s just kind of ???? On my end.
Do not godmod HEAVILY. I’m okay with like, “and he helped her up and watched as she walked over to the desk.” But fully godmodding is a no.
Send one liners. Self explanatory.
Wildly deviate from the plot in bizarre ways. Like, making things NSFW all of a sudden or cause angst when there was none. I hate saying “Mary Sue the RP” but do not Mary Sue the RP.
Please don’t be upset when I take a hot minute or two to respond. I’m a person that has a life outside of her phone and is actually prone to migraine if I look at screens for too long. I will always get back to the RP unless I say otherwise.
Be pushy for a character or a pairing I said no to.
Go too OOC for canon characters.
Ask for things like rape, beastiality, common DNI criteria.
I understand RP can be therapeutic but remember, I am not a therapist and the RP we have is not substitute for actual mental health help.
Call of Duty
Assassin’s Creed
My Little Pony (yeah goin' back to my roots)
My OCs (need to ask about those, there’s,,,, many and they’re all intricate.)
Other Things:
Please use third person, past or present tense. Usually past tense.
I feel it goes hand in hand with literate RP but use “speaking” for a dialogue and ‘thinking’ for thoughts.
Try not to rush anything! Let it happen naturally and it’ll all play out.
Don’t be afraid to talk to me outside of the RP either. Like, it’s a personal thing we’re probably going to become friends.
Some Examples of My RP Style:
Mind you, not all of these are going to be extremely long. Things tend to taper out.
All of these examples were lifted directly from one of my RPs.
November 2nd, 2023: I swear not all of my replies are going to be like this. I'm immensely more busy now.
This is a starter:
A young princess sat on the balcony of her mother’s grand palace. The stars of the night were absolutely gorgeous as her dark eyes peered upwards, tracing constellation upon constellation. There, she could see the proud statue of Amun and feel the loving gaze of the beautiful mother goddess, Hathor. Strings upon strings of stars hung in the sky and bathed the desert in a warm white and blue gold, illuminating the darkness so she could observe the night life of her people. At barely eighteen years old, the young princess had been coming to a very startling conclusion as she stared out at the houses amongst the dunes and the boats and their ferriers on the Nile: that one day, all of this would be hers. The thought scared her, as ruling over such a people with the same authority as her mother and her mothers before her… The burden was crushing in its own right.
Sameera, the current pharaoh of Egypt and seated daughter of Isis and Ra, had been gearing her only daughter up for greatness since she had been brought into the world. The palace had served little as a home and more of a house of education, gearing up the little girl for a future in which all would bow down to her. Sameera has been, and will be considered a bountiful ruler. She ushered in an Egypt in which magick and divine favor rained down on the land, where suffering was lightened, and where pain had been naught but a bruise.
To give her daughter, Tavi, a taste of what it would mean to be the seated pharaoh and begin expanding her power besides running the palace, Sameera had placed her in charge of the Festival of Hathor. The festival in itself being amongst the most important task Tavi has been held in charge of to this date. In the morning, Tavi would be heading out by herself to Dendera, the main site of Hathor’s cult and preside over it, and of course, ensure it passes smoothly.
It sounds so simple: let people get drunk and feast, make merry, and enjoy singing and dancing in the company of others, but Tavi has never been a part of such importance in ritual ceremonies. She’s only ever observed, and even that in itself has been something hidden to her as her mother finds the merrymaking beneath her real education under the watchful eyes of Thoth.
Tavi sighs deeply and rests her arms on the balcony for just a moment more, already intending to head back inside and rest for the night before one of her lady maids interrupts her train of thought.
“My lady,” the finely dressed woman begins. “You have a visitor.”
Tavi’s eyebrows shoot up in surprise as she crosses the balcony through the cool night air to come to her lady maid’s side. “What? Who on earth would come to my quarters at this hour?” She inquires, more curious than angered at the thought she has a visitor.
The woman bows her head in the princess’s presence as if to silently ask her if she should address the visitor. “I believe it pertains to the Festival of Hathor, but it was not my place to pry,” the lady maid continues, her voice soft and sweet. “Shall I tell them to leave?”
Tavi blinks before shaking her head. “No, you may leave. I’ll handle this,” she replies warmly, her hand resting on the taller woman’s shoulder. “Go, get some rest,” she hums.
The lady maid nods, thanks her princess, then exits out the servant’s entrance, leaving Tavi to her own devices.
The young princess brushes back some of her black hair, wondering who would ask audience with her so informally and so late at night. She crosses her limestone floor quietly, akin to a ghost as if to tell her visitor no one is present before stopping just shy of the door. Mentally, Tavi remembers what her mother has said about acting regally in the presence of others, how to stand tall and like a future queen, and physically rolls that onto her stance.
With a deep breath, she opens the door.
And here is another response show casing what RPs tend to look like down the line WITHOUT me RPING multiple characters:
Tavi’s eyebrows shoot up In surprise as the listens to Arya’s words. “That is troubling,” she murmurs more to herself than anyone else as she once again brushes back some of her hair.
Her mind wanders, wondering what the right course of action would be. Of course, they would be moving during the earlier morning before the sun would come up, but with the flowers on the line… “perhaps we should leave earlier,” she hums.
But then that would require waking up the rest of the party—and they needed their rest. “We can discuss this inside, please,” Tavi moves aside in the doorway, gesturing for Arya to enter. “I would despise seeing your work go to waste because of the heat and the sun,” she says, already moving to her table to give Arya a cup of water.
[Howdy, here’s the phrase. “An ocean without unnamed monsters would be like sleep without dreams.” ]
And here is a response showcasing me RPING multiple characters:
Abasi mentally rolled his golden eyes at Arya’s childish gesture as he led Tavi through the halls. He enjoyed the feeling of the princess’s hands on his forearm—she felt delicate beneath his touch, and it made his heart beat just a little bit faster.
The area they had stepped into was absolutely beautiful, gorgeous in every which way. The air was sweet and warm, like a mother’s caress.
“Great mother Hathor,” Tavi murmured, her head bowing in reverence to the goddess. “What a beauty and blessing you are,” she murmured to herself, slowly letting go of Abasi’s forearm.
“Princess!” A priest’s voice cut through. “What a pleasure to see you here,” he said warmly. “I presume you’ve come to make an offering?”
Tavi smiled and nodded, gently telling Abasi that his guard could lower. “I have. What a magnificent job you and the priests and priestesses have done.”
The priest beamed and quickly nodded for one of the lower ranking priestesses to fetch a bowl full of offerings they’d prepared for the princess. “It means the world t hear it from you,” he said. “We’ve gone all out this time for her festival.”
“It shows,” Tavi hummed, silently thanking the lower ranking priestess who handed her a bowl full of spices, jewelry, flowers and sweet smelling oils. Gently, Tavi came to the edge of the pool, kneeling down and offering silent prayers to Hathor, a blessed mother, before placing the bowl gingerly on the water.
It rippled as it flowed on the surface, almost resting perfectly in the middle amongst the sparse lily pads and lotus flowers.
On her way back up, Abasi offered the princess his hand, and she took it.
The priest once again beamed. “The goddess is most pleased with your presence,” he noted, barely able to contain his joy. “Would your companions like to make offerings as well?”
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flukefantasy · 6 months
"About the Blogger" Meme
I was tagged by @razielim and I just had to. How could I resist?
Favorite Pseud: Fluke
Time Zone: EST
Star Sign(s): Aquarius sun - Sagittarius moon - Libra rising
Favorite Holidays: New Year's Eve and Valentine's Day (probably because it's right after my bday lolol)
Last Meal: Vanilla coffee :'3
Current Favorite Musician: T Square, The Arcadian Wild, Shadow Academy
Last Music Listened To: According to my phone, it was "Latchkey Cats" by Louie Zong
Last Movie Watched: I think it was Muppet Christmas Carol
Last TV Show Watched: Gurren Lagann!
Last Book/Fic Finished: Dracula by Bram Stoker
Last Book/Fic Abandoned: Harrow the Ninth hfgjkh I do want to read it. Something about it makes me struggle to retain any information about it.
Currently Reading: Nothing atm
Books/Shows/Movies/etc. You Want to Get Around To: I'm about to start watching Xena Warrior Princess for the first time
Last Thing Researched for Art/Writing/Hyperfixation: OH! I been really into music theory as it applies to Movies, TV, and Video Games lately. Also also currently hyperfixated on Final Fantasy 14 and Half Life lore videos
Last Eureka, Breakthrough, or Neat Fact/Concept Learned: Fun fact I learned is that it's actually safer to roll over in a vehicle collision because it absorbs more of the shock into the car and not your body
Favorite Online Fandom Memory: Late night Kuroshitsuji RP on Furcadia *chef kiss*, laughing till I can't breathe in Sheith Empire, writing obscure anime crossover fic that somehow still gets comments on ff.net, my friends letting me make and present a 100+ slide PowerPoint summarizing the plot of the first 6 Star Wars films from memory
Favorite Old Fandom You Wish Would Drag You Back In/Have A Resurgence: I talk shit, but I would don my clown wig and crawl right back into VLD if they made more content. (ask me about how pissed I am the fandom whined until the comic was cancelled)
Favorite Thing You Enjoy That Never Had an Active or Big "Fandom" but You Wish It Did: the Oddworld games
Tempting Project You're Trying to Rein In/Don't Have Time For: I really want to make a visual novel but I have to learn a lot of new skills :')
Tempting Project You're 100% Going to Undertake: I would love to edit down and illustrate the Adventure Zone Balance to make it easier for new casual listeners to consume
Tagging: @red-madam @iambuggy @seasaltwish
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psychic-glitch · 1 year
I am so sorry, i did not know people could not access my stuff on mobile, this post is here to fix that. Below you will find the links to my muses.
check the second half for more for the About mun, rules, and information on Mors
Lupin the third
Allen the Faller
King boo
Zane Julian
The punks of Kalos!
About mun
Alias: ghostie
I am 18+
a demiboy, He/they pronouns please.
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my fandoms on here are Mostly Pokemon. but I do like other fandoms, I just prefer to indulge in those by myself
I muse as my ocs mostly, might do some canon
ask for my discord if you wanna dm me!
#of blood and fabric~ ooc (ooc tag)
#ask mors (meme tag)
#Mors answers (answers tag)
#Mors mocks (reblog tag)
#psychic visions: dash comm (dash commentary tag)
mild NSFW is okay with me, in private dms!!
I love chaotic rps go wild
Aus? go ahead
don’t god mode please, if you wanna go a certain direction in a rp just ask
OOC is always okay
Mors's permanent pokemon
A list of Mors's permanent pokemon
Mara (Froslass) lvl 80, Female, Impish, Somewhat vain
Mors's partner, Mara has been by Mors's side for longer than either can remember. Dating Tadeo's florges>
Vanth (Sensu oricorio) lvl 68, Female, Sassy, Mischievous
<here she is, the infamed oricorio that summoned spirits in lavender town. All because she didn't get the same amount of treats as usual>
Thanatos (Spiritomb) lvl 68, Male, Timid, Likes to relax
Hades (Chandelure) lvl 49, Male, Bold, Impetuous and silly
<this little guy helped get Mors on live television>
Lethe (Domestic Hisuian Zoroark) Lvl 39, Female, Calm, Highly curious
Phlegethon (Hisuian Typlosion) lvl 36, Male, Docile, Often lost in thought
Indra (Marshadow) lvl 35, ???, Brave, Alert to sounds
Lemures (Hisuian Zoroark) lvl 34, Male, Serious, Strongly defiant
Brutus (Hydriegon) lvl 65, male, Bold, Likes to fight
Cupid (mimikyu) lvl 40, male, Gentle, very finicky
About Mors
indented info is private to those outside of team rocket
indented and italic info is private to everyone but the other executives and Giovanni,
somethings are now known to people like Sidon, Nox and Flare
5'1 and 114lbs, mid 20s
He/it pronouns
Glitch, psychic (its mild) , and a ghost type user. Marshadow's chosen.
his ace Pokemon is a genetically altered Froslass made by the same people who made him, who is named Mara. Has ghost types from all over the world from his adventures as a rocket executive.
His hands were burned by his hisuian cyndaquil and bitten by the hisuian zorua which caused a bit of frostbite
Informally adopted by Giovanni
Adoptive Older brother to Sidon and Flare
Adoptive father to @cooper-magnolia and his sisters
He has a scar on his face from getting hit by an Arcanine’s flamethrower, it’s why he wears a mask.
Team rocket is all he’s ever known, having been taken in by them at the age of 8 after being found in a rainstorm with a Snorunt by his side. he was kicked out of the foster home he was in, as they feared him for the psychic powers he could use when he lashed out.
Giovanni took him in and informally adopted him. Returned to his position as an executive, after everything that has happened, he wants to distract himself with work. he’s very loyal to team rocket, for they are his family.
he has no biological family, but he was created by two scientists that had lost their child. Had they not died, he would've lived a happy life with a good family
Mors doesn’t have a last name, but since he has to have one on paperwork he likes the sound of ‘Mors Setsu'
his first name was from the project he was created by, how he knew it from the beginning is still a mystery
Mors loses control of his psychic powers even now, especially when he feels extreme emotions.
because of his lack of real human interactions he’s developed Alexithymia (when a person has difficulty experiencing, identifying, and expressing emotions.)
when he loses control things around him start to float and he starts to glitch out.
Tadeo(Side blog) is his bodyguard and boyfriend @orionadventure and William (Friend's characters) are also his boyfriends
his froslass is in a relationship with Tadeo's florges.
Mors’s Froslass is very important to him, as Mara was made with him
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chounaifu · 2 months
12. what roleplay trends do you remember from the year you started tumblr rp? how did you feel about those trends?
Questions for the Mun // @spikemuthtoothfairy
More trends from 2012:
There was a hilarious shitpost rp promo trend that went around for a while. It was always a poorly drawn picture of the muse made in MS Paint, and it would have shit in the description like "don't even LOOK AT ME if you're not subscribed to my SoundCloud" <- a dumb line I used for my Guzma version of it.
Something was in the fucking water with the Marvel/Superwholock fandoms. I remember one day waking up and everyone on that side of Tumblr was interacting with a Barack Obama rp blog. What the fuck was that?????
Choose-your-own-adventure style dash events. We'd just come up with a reason for people to gather together and party, and we would make sentence starter memes for it. It was a simpler time.
Rabb.it IC movie nights. There used to be a website called Rabbit, and it was super easy to stream movies on it. Everyone would pile in and watch the movie IC. It was fun, but I don't think Rabbit exists anymore.
Tinychat rp rooms. Before Discord was available for everyone and not just the beta testers, and before we had Tumblr IMs, we'd made chat rooms on Tinychat to rp in, because chat rooms on Skype were fucking impossible to navigate.
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bewitchingbaker · 3 months
💚 + Chris/Ren
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[Ren is Rocky's younger sister. A fellow witch, model and singer, on top of sweetheart with a attitude. Rocky was Chris's mentor/babysitter as a kid when he lived in Chicago. After his move to Arizona, Chris kept in contact through the years. As close as they were, the baker only had a few interactions with her younger sister. Once Rocky and Chris started hanging out, Ren began to see more of the baker.
Initially shy during her first visit, Chris was patient with her seeing as how he understood what it was like to be a quiet person. Like most ships, Chris melted his way into Ren's heart after he began to help out with her modeling gigs (giving her rides, making her lunches) and that soon developed into a crush on both sides.
I love love love love these two. It's really nice to have a paranormal/supernatural/zany black love story. Amidst the chaos of working in a family bakery, balancing a solo music and modeling career, and their more crazy adventures these two still find time for each other. One would think that their schedules would cause a rift between them. Nope. They still make things work.
Me and @smolcuriouskitten were talking about how theres a nice theme of intimacy between these two. Not just sexually but emotionally and physically. Chris is happy to help her with her hair (braiding it, washing it, styling it if her stylists is absense) help her with her shoots. In turn, she lets him have a space to comfortably unwind at the end of the day and express himself.
Can't talk about these two and not mention how protective they are of one another. These two are willing to take on any and everyone who even thinks of messing with the other! The duo are pretty dangerous (a witch with endless Mana, a Nekoian with years of experience and destructive powers) and anyone who tests are sure to meet a gruesome end]
[Big shoutout to Gigi cause I love talking to them about life and memes outside of RP]
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bullet-prooflove · 2 years
Nightlife RP Meme - 🎇 a New Year’s celebration - Joe Velasco
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The seconds were ticking down to midnight, apprehension was in the air as you stared up at the night sky. It was beautiful out here at Melinda's place, the garden was expansive and plush, strung with fairy lights that illuminated it. A slice of paradise in a concrete jungle.
People were already crowding, huddled up to their loved ones in the cold air. You could see your breath spiralling out as you stood alone, eyes transfixed on the sky that was about to be illuminated with fire works.
An arm wrapped around your waist drawing you into the shelter of a warm body. You recongised his presence in an instant, the scent of pine flushing through your senses.
He was breathless, his cheeks tinged with red as his dark eyes met yours.
"I thought you couldn't make it tonight." You commented with a surprised smile.
"I almost didn't." He told you, bowing his head so that your lips were inches apart. "Besides I really wanted to start the new year, the right way."
The fireworks exploded when he kissed you. His lips were tender and soft as he cradled you close. The heat rolled of his body, warming your skin as your fingers ran through his hair.
"Happy new year." Joe murmured against your lips. "May it be the start of many adventures."
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rp-academy · 6 months
i‘m new in the rp tumblr community (not new to tumblr itself though) and i really really appreciate all of your resources so tysm for taking the time to create all this <3
i do have a question: how do i get people to find & interact with my blog?
i‘d love to try out some of the infinite starter/rp memes ive seen everywhere on tumblr but i have no idea how i would even use them & how to get people to send/reply/etc. to me
i sent submissions on some of those rp-partner-search blogs on here as well because i had no idea where to start, but i don‘t seem to be lucky with that :[
i just wanna rp & maybe get to know some nice people in the rp community but i have no idea how, i know a lot of the etiquette stuff now but all that doesn‘t really matter if i‘m not actually interacting with anyone 😭
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Hey there! I'm glad my blog has been a valuable resource to you.
It's definitely difficult starting out in the community, as there are many different structures and moving parts to learn. Hopefully, my advice here will be of some use too!
Looking at your blog, you have a really nice theme! It's very clear to read and quite beautiful. However, you may be having some trouble finding people to interact with because they may still be viewing you as a personal blog.
RP blogs differ from personals in a couple of different ways that I'll outline here.
(A.) Content and reblogs.
RP blogs are made up of largely tagged posts that fall into a few different categories. OOC posts, headcanons, threads, aesthetics, dash games, and more. These are almost always tagged accordingly and don't usually fall outside the main purpose of the blog. I see that your blog is for the most part empty and already following this standard, though you may want to integrate the tag system for easier navigation! I'd try to add a little bit more flavor to your blog by adding drabbles here and there as writing samples, or reblogging aesthetic/visage posts!
(B.) Rules and muse page.
One of the largest things that sets a personal apart from an rp blog is the way in which you set up your rules and muses. There is additional information on this post on how you might go about making a rules and muses page, but another way for beginners is to make a pinned post and put all information under a read more. It looks like you've already got a bio going, so here's how I personally would organize that as an example:
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Obviously this is your blog and you have every right to make it how you'd like, but these are just my suggestions!
Other than that, it's a matter of being patient and reaching out to others. Not everyone will be down to rp, and that's okay. It takes time and patience, and largely an understanding of that concept. What you give, you get back. It can be discouraging when you can't find many to rp with, but it's important to remember that negativity truly will breed negativity here. Waiting for others to approach you won't always work, so you may need to ask and try to engage with others! Don't be afraid to say what you want!
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ozonelasher · 2 months
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(i don't actually have a mun fc so you're getting shiny azumarill because. i like it :3)
name — Ana!
pronouns — she/her primarily but they/them is fine too
preferred comms — tumblr IMs are preferred for OOC talk/plotting, & my discord is open to mutuals if they'd like :3
name of muse — Kaki
experience in RP — honestly i've been rping since i was probably too young to rp on the internet 💀 i started on deviantart (which like. oops but also i was like 9) and then started rping on tumblr likeee ~2015 or so. i actually first started writing Kaki on tumblr in like 2016, and then kinda started writing on twitter in 2019 when the RPC on here started to wane from its peak. i came back very recently because i got tired of the limitations of writing on twitter
best experiences — as of recent, i've had a few really really fun crossover threads on twitter that will stay with me forever atp. one was a real slowburn romance plot with a spike spiegel, and another was of isekai plot with desmond miles from assassin's creed that ended up being really fun and sweet. i also have a really cute ship going with a friend's DB OC on twitter, too. oh kaki and her tendency to adopt men two heads taller than her ❤️
pet peeves/dealbreakers — trying to force OOC scenarios/behaviors onto kaki or otherwise just making it clear you don't respect her character outside of writing will really sour me in terms of trying for future interactions. i doubt this will happen here as it's mostly a problem i've had on twitter but JUST IN CASE!!! i'm mostly talking stuff like, oversexualizing her because she has muscles ("step on me, m*mmy" & such comments are a HUGE no-no), assuming she's overly aggressive/belligerent, or on the flip-side, babying her like she's a cutesy helpless waif. she is a 30+ year old woman with thoughts and feelings and i would like her autonomy to be respected.
muse preference ( fluff, angst, smut ) — HONESTLY i'm down with anything as long as it's interesting. on my own i tend to write adventure-drama type plots (the dbz fic i'm working on is just a space opera tbh) with a splash of horror of some flavor, usually with anti-capitalist/fascist/imperialist messaging. i think the one thing i should mention is that i do really enjoy when there's a conflict or overarching storyline happening in longer plotted threads; it just keeps me more engaged.
plot or memes — both are good and work tbh. memes can be good for breaking the ice or actually figuring out a dynamic in practice, but if we want to go for something more in-depth, i do prefer some plotting (even if it's just planning points A and B and then just improvising how our muses get there)
long or short replies — quality > quantity. even if your response is like 3 sentences or less, if it moves things along, it's fine with me (:
best time to write — i tend to write more at night or on the weekends. really just when i'm not dead tired 😭but also if i really get into the plot of a thread, i'll get kinda hyperfixated on it and respond in like 3 seconds. my fault
are you like your muse? — In a lot of ways, yeah. Kaki is an OC i've been developing for like at least a decade now, and a lot of her experiences are drawn from things I personally have experienced (albeit, greatly exaggerated lmao), and the kind of character she's become is a projection of my beliefs and how I feel about the current state of the world. Writing her is a bit of a catharsis for me, really.
TAGGED — @pzfr
TAGGING — feel free to do it if you'd like :3
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Please read the info below before interacting.
My only rules are:
Be kind (I don’t think I need to explain this one)
No sexual content (I’m a sex repulsed Asexual so I’m not comfortable doing that kind of content)
Other than the above rules, just have fun! I’m looking forward to seeing the adventures that all of you will take Sunshine on! I also don’t really care about thread reply length, don’t feel pressured to force yourself to write a lengthy reply! My ask box is always open!
My Discord is SonicAnon #1847 if any of y'all want to send me a friend request!
This blog contains Mpreg (Male Pregnancy) When sending an ask meme please include what each emoji/icon means, I won't remember without checking the original post otherwise. Feel free to reply to my posts and/or start an RP thread with me if you'd like to! 
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cagedchoices · 6 months
If it looks like I'm answering this now several days after the fact in a desperate attempt to get back on Gami's good side after previously incurring his wrath…it's because I am, that is 100% what is happening and now everyone knows my secret plans. 🤭 lfjasdkfh all jokes aside:
I first met Gami back in their Jesse Pinkman days, which quickly led to a good old unprompted interaction between his post-series Jesse and Caleb that was both hilarious and heartbreaking. It started off with Jesse being like “dude. you look just like me.” 
Both of them were like “hey what the fuck-” looking like that Spiderman pointing at Spiderman meme, but then they were also trying to figure out what each other's Deal™ was and realized they're both severely traumatized and broken in ways that were so fundamentally different and yet shared so many similarities at the same time. Jesse flirted with Caleb at one point and the plan was Caleb was Supposed to flirt back but he wasn’t really ready to accept whatever he thought that meant, I guess. Now they just perpetually exist in my head as trauma-bonded besties who give each other shit for being the same but not.
When Gami made a return to rp with Tommy Shelby from Peaky Blinders as a muse I was, as I always am, thrilled to see them back! Their writing has always been good don't listen to their objections abt it - but it has continued to improve and age like a fine wine with time and even more practice. I've rewatched Peaky Blinders at least 5 times now and it's so clear that Gami Gets Tommy's motives and personality down so well.
Additionally, he is insanely creative and talented as a mixed media artist and he runs a kickass discord server which i can't recommend enough if you like horror and you've got time to kill. Basically, Gami's one of my ride or die pals and I'm always looking forward to our next adventure. 💙
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savingthrcw · 2 months
tagged by @galefcrce
⋆ NAME?: Ele
⋆ PRONOUNS?: She/her
⋆ MOST ACTIVE MUSE(S)?: my oc Emma (started in 2012! can you be more active than that lol), Jenny, Stella, whenever I get Lost replies for her Kate. Lex would be high-activity too if I was just a little less insecure about how to make plots fun for others
⋆ RP PET PEEVES?: I have too many, I'm awful like that lol I don't know if I can call it a pet peeve but: people following me back and then never responding to my attempts to write or plot, which I'm guessing is connected to the other one that is 'not reading my rules/about BEFORE following which makes things awkward'; non mutuals trying to rp; posting pretty much only about your personal life and not rping (at that point just make a personal); immediately dropping all starters and threads SEVERAL times while I keep writing them (it can happen, but if it's always happening you can count on me losing interest)
⋆ EXPERIENCE / HOW MANY YEARS?: I started with Emma in 2012!
⋆ FLUFF, ANGST, OR SMUT?: fluff and angst as long as angst isn't the endgame, I need that final fluff! but it can only be GOOD if it's earned through angst!
⋆ PLOTS OR MEMES?: both, honestly, with plots in any case I'm character-driven so I can only plot big events happening, not reactions.
⋆ LONG OR SHORT REPLIES?: I try to hold back but end up writing LONG ones and then I cry because I'm too tired to write long replies but I must write them all in one go lol
⋆ TIME TO WRITE?: whenever my arms work AND I don't feel guilty because I have studied, so it's a very small window, but usually night.
⋆ ARE YOU LIKE YOUR MUSE(S)?: god I wish. Putting aside my physical health, I wish I had their confidence lol I do add some random traits of myself in some because hey, I'm a person, I can be an example, but I'd never write me because I'd spend my days writing and playing videogames, no adventures whatsoever, just lazy relax and comforts! I do try to think like them sometimes, when faced with anxiety (what would Emma do?). When it comes to Lex (BG3) I wish I cared that little about other people's opinions but I definitely use humor a lot AND nobody in high school would have ever guessed how much I enjoyed studying lol but she's also secretly a thug and I don't even break rules.
tagging: anything and anyone, and tag me back if you see this! I want to read!
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