lexa-griffins · 2 years
Shy nerdy Lexa attends her first college party at Anya's behest who says she studies too much and needs to live her life. She catches the eye of fratboy Clarke who wants to bed the nerd. Lexa actually likes the affection she receives from cocky Clarke. They hook up but part ways after the party. Well, it appears that the condom broke because Lexa finds herself pregnant several weeks later. Clarke's the daddy!
In Lexa's mind it was just a night. One night where she'd have fun, get fucked by the hottest girl on campus and then go back to her quiet life away from frat houses and drunken nights. She's barely seen Clarke around campus and it's not like she's looking for her anyways, she doesn't want anything to do with her, no matter how great the sex was.
And then she goes in to the doctor to get some routine blood work done and she's congratulated on the baby. And her whole world comes crashing down. This is the last year of college and the one fucking time she lets go a bit more, she ends up pregnant.
Lexa is more than ready to go tell Clarke and have her deny the baby is hers. Or maybe accuse Lexa of trying to purposefully get pregnant so she could get child support as the Griffins are a known well off family, one of the biggest donors to the school and the main reason Clarke's stunts haven't gotten her kicked out. But Clarke sounds... excited almost? She's shocked for sure, but Lexa is taken back by how responsible Clarke seems to be about it, happy even!
They don't get together, not right away. Lexa stays in her cramped studio apartment, Clarke stays at the frat house. Lexa no longer passes by unnoticed, not as she gets further along and it gets out she's "the chick Griffin knocked up" but Lexa ignores it, although Clarke seems to have gotten in more than one drunken fight with people who like to jab at her baby mama. Lexa hears about it, never through Clarke, and she'd prefer not to ask.
Clarke is everything Lexa didn't expect her to be. Attentive and caring, constantly texting Lexa to ask if she's and the baby are okay. She's there at every appointment, a buzzing ball of energy everytime she sees the baby on the screen. Against her better judgment Lexa has started to lean on her for craving and pains. At some point they start having sex - Clarke already got her pregnant it's not like she can't do more damage than that. Even when Lexa says she doesn't need help Clarke is there to help her and somewhere along the lines Lexa stars to learn how to ask for help too.
It daunts on Lexa at around six months pregnant that she's happy. She's excited to be a mom and she loves this little baby growing inside of her; she enjoys spending time with Clarke and be cared for by her, something she tells her one day after the birthing classes they've been taken and the shine in Clarke's eyes and the smile that lights up her whole face makes Lexas heart beat faster. It hits her with a ton of bricks the realization that she's in love with Clarke. The girl who not once questioned Lexa, her decision to keep the baby and who even rather shyly asked if she could be involved in the pregnancy, that asks everytime before she touches Lexa's belly or talks to their baby. Who drove to another town at four in the morning because it was the only place that sold the pie Lexa had been wanting so badly she nearly cried.
They get together before the baby is born... barely. Lexa musters all the courage she can and asks Clarke out. It seems stupid to ask the woman who knocked her up on a date when Clarke has all but moved in with her at this point but Lexa really wants to have some sense of normal college life before this baby comes..... and hey, she deserves her awkward college date with a pretty girl she has a crush on!
It's cute and silly and it still feels so weird to be on a cute date inside a greasy fast food restaurant playing footsie and giggling at each other when they expecting a baby together. They kiss and have sex like it's the first time their doing it and although Lexa cannot say she hated their first time because it was so good and wild and gifted them their little baby, this feels so much more intimate and raw, because before she was nothing more than another name on Clarke's list of names and now, now she might as well be the last :')
Lexa goes into labour two weeks after that. Their first I love you is shared as their son is put in Lexa's arms, both crying so hard the words barely come out but they know. Oh they know <3
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skitskatdacat63 · 2 months
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For @sansebastinae and @boisinnot, my fellow saint seb truthers :)
+ the usual
Yayyyy finished a drawing! Haha only took me...2 weeks. I kept going back and forth on whether I could finish it tonight, and I really wasn't going to. But then I looked at the unfinished version on a different screen and was like oh? Not too bad actually?? So I finished it :) First of all, ofc, here is the process. Kinda weird seeing it for smth like this, it makes me feel like I'm the painter in rennaisance au, not Mark dhjfkf
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Ah I was gonna draw a silly renaissance au comic to accompany this(read: lighten the mood), but it's 5 am and I've still not really drafted it well, so! I'd like to finish it at some point bcs I wanna draw more chibi comics, but when I finish smth, I can't help but immediately want to post it, so part 2 will have to wait. I'll show you the outline though so you can at least imagine 😭
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^ So many renaissance and beyond paintings of Saint Sebastian are always the most horny thing ever. Like pre/early rennaisance, yeah he was naked and all that, but they were pretty chaste, and uhhhhh suffering?? Well the newer paintings are suffering, but in a different way, if you know what I mean.
So I feel like Mark's the type to be overly pedantic about it, and refuses to make borderline porn of a saint, I mean, god forbid, Seb!!! But then he just. Does anyways. Because he can't control his lust for Seb even when drawing him half dead. I just imagine him holding the paintbrush in a death grip like "must not be horny. Must not draw him sexy. Must make him chaste." And then he ends up with the one seen above. Seb is all smug about it. "Wow you'd wanna fuck me even while I'm all bloody and dying? 🥺"
Mark: "oh I'll make you bloody, alright."
But god so funny to imagine Seb doing all these different slutty poses, like arching his back as much as possible, the cloth nearly falling off at all times, etc etc. And Mark finally lands on this pose bcs he hopes the suffering will outweigh the horny. It doesn't. Also Seb is genuinely serious once he actually gets into the pose, focus mode on. And honestly that's even worse for Mark, bcs it's so much more arousing to see Seb in his element, focused. Tbf I think Seb could be drinking water, and Mark would still find some way to sexualize it. Don't look at his sketches!! They're just filled with Seb doing all kinds of random activities.
Also! Here is the painting I referenced this off of, must give credit where credit is due ofc
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The Dying St. Sebastian by François Fabre
Also this isn't really relevant in the context of this drawing specifically. But I looked thru a bunch of Saint Sebastian paintings while trying to find one I could reference, and I came across this middle ages one that actually looks so much like boy king seb 😭 I guess it really is meant to be!
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St Sebastian between St Roch and St Peter by Pietro Perugino
Lmao but do you see the difference between early rennaisance and later work???
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teakoodrawz · 16 days
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tito of the year
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kwanisms · 6 months
🎄 Tales from Camp Holiday Special 03 🎄
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➮ Junhui × fem!Reader × Vernon wc: 8.1k summary: Vernon gets the call that Y/N is back in town and wants to see him. He asks if she'd like him to invite Jun out with them for dinner at Y/N's hotel and afterwards, they sneak into the hotel's spa, for old times sake. genres/themes/au: angst (but only if you squint really hard), fluff, smut; holiday themes, poly!SVT; non idol au warnings: adult dialogue, female reader, alcohol consumption, fooling around in a hot tub (just touching), sexual content (18+ mdni), see smut warnings under the cut! taglist: @yoonguurt @wonw00t @aikisbbq @enhacolor @duchesskaren @sherituhhh @wonderfulshinee @gaebestie @drunk-on-dk @seokgyuu @salty-for-suga special tags: @kpop-stories-21 join my taglists: main | TFC: Holiday Special closes when part 7 goes up! Strikethrough means I cannot tag you. MINORS WILL BE BLACKLISTED & BLOCKED. AGELESS BLOGS WILL ALSO BE BLOCKED.
a/n: I fought with myself on giving you two smut scenes with this part as Sky really wanted it but once it got to 8k I was like "it's time to stop" lmao but I really loved working on this and it’s been a great time revisiting this series. Thank you for reading! If you liked this part, please reblog and share it! As always, this is a work of fiction and all characters are not reflective of their respective irl counterparts. for entertainment purposes only.
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smut warnings: unprotected sex (don't do this), dirty talk, use of pet names (baby, angel, kitten, etc.), oral (m receiving, f receiving), anal play (f receiving), double penetration (f receiving), multiple orgasms (m receiving, f receiving), praise kink, dom!Vernon, sub!Reader, power bottom!Jun, and I think I got them all. Let me know if I missed anything!
The small ding of his phone's notification brought Vernon out of his trance-like state, picking the device up and checking the screen.
Y/N: hey! Long time no talk! Well text lol
Vernon would never admit how embarrassingly fast he unlocked his phone and opened your text. No one but he had to know just how whipped he was for you after all this time.
Vern: hey! Wow yeah it's been a while. How have you been? Y/N: oh thank God. I couldn't remember if you changed your number or not 😭 Y/N: I'm good! Just got in town actually. Visiting for the holidays Vern: lol in all the time we've known each other, have I ever changed my number? Y/N: you make a valid point lol Vern: so what's up? Y/N: oh! i was actually wondering if you'd like to meet up for coffee Y/N: maybe catch up?
The smile that spread across his face was enough of an answer for him as he typed out a response.
Vern: I'd love to (:
Vernon wasn't one to beat around the bush, preferring to be direct in his approach to virtually everything. His personal life, work, everything. If he wasn't direct, then things often got misinterpreted. Luckily for him, you were just as direct as he was, not playing coy as you led him into your hotel suite, a smirk on your lips.
“Fuck,” Vernon hissed as you pulled at his belt, undoing it with practiced ease before fumbling with the button and zipper of his jeans. You’d agreed to meet up for coffee but both of you knew deep down there would be more to it than just two people getting coffee. This was always the catching up part.
“What was in that cappuccino?” Vernon joked as you lowered yourself to your knees, tugging his underwear down with his jeans as you looked up at him. “Nothing,” you replied, a mischievous glint in your eye as your hands worked up his thighs, fingers wrapping around the base of his cock.
“Could have fooled me,” he murmured, letting out an expletive as you took the tip of his cock into your mouth. “You probably asked for some kind of aphrodisiac,” he joked, letting out a moan as you took him further into your mouth before pulling off of him. “No aphrodisiac needed,” you replied.
“You’re enough of one alone.”
He had indeed met up with you for coffee. That wasn't some code for come to my hotel and fuck my brains out. There was a coffee shop, you both had ordered something to drink and even split a muffin. Banana nut, if he remembered correctly but he honestly couldn't be bothered when he was buried balls deep in your cunt.
"Fuck, I missed this," he groaned, hips hitting your ass as he sank his cock in your cunt repeatedly. "Miss you."
Vernon was also never one to tiptoe around his feelings. Especially when it came to you. He'd always been direct and forthcoming; a trait you appreciated tremendously. Vernon was unlike most men, actually in touch with his emotions and able to communicate them efficiently and in a mature manner.
And if you were being completely honest, Vernon was everything you wanted in a man. He was kind, honest, hard-working, communicated with clear and concise intent, all while being the perfect blend of mature with some child-like qualities you found endearing.
The only downside was the distance.
Your work kept you away from your hometown most of the year, only allowing you a chance to come back during holidays. And each time, you always ended up back in bed with Vernon. While the split was amicable, as you both were heading in different directions with your lives, there was this undeniable pull between the two of you, even with the distance between you.
It always left a small glimmer of hope for both of you that maybe you could always reconcile. Maybe even get back together at some point. Something the two of you were on board with. It’d been discussed several times and you were waiting for some catalyst to seal the deal.
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You lost track of time spent in bed, clothes strewn around the hotel room. You were sure at some point you’d fallen asleep but it was still daylight when you opened your eyes, head resting against Vernon’s chest as his fingers traced a pattern up and down your exposed back. “When do you leave?” he asked softly as you came to.
“After the holiday,” you replied just as quietly. Vernon said nothing, nodding in response before looking down at you and pressing a kiss to your temple. “I miss you when you’re gone,” he murmured against your skin. You turned your head to look up at him. “I miss you, too,” you replied, reaching up to pull him into a kiss. It wasn’t full of need or want but it was full of emotion.
“I’m gonna take a shower,” you muttered, bumping your nose against his gently. Vernon nodded, pressing a kiss to the tip of your nose. “I’ll join you in a second.”
You got up, pulled the sheets back and got out of the bed, making your way to the bathroom and turned on the light before turning the dial and the shower blasting to life.
Vernon heard his phone on the nightstand vibrate loudly. He rolled over to grab it and unlocked the screen to find he had a slew of texts from Jun of all people.
Jun: check this out Jun: [image6480.jpg] Jun: why would someone willingly buy a license plate like that??? Jun: lmao Jun: bro? U good? Jun: where are u? Jun: omg are u dead? Jun: rip Vern 💀
Vernon rolled his eyes as he sent back a quick text confirming he was indeed alive and that he’d message Jun later. He looked up as you appeared in a robe and walked over to a toiletry bag. “You done already?” he asked, brows raising up. You turned to look at him. “No, I forgot my hair mask,” you replied, pulling a small jar from the bag.
“Oh perfect,” Vernon said, pulling back the sheets, setting his phone back on the nightstand, and standing up. “I’ll join you.”
Vernon followed you into the bathroom, pulling you against him as you shed the robe and making you giggle as he kissed your shoulder. You pulled back the curtain and stepped into the stream, Vernon following you and pulling the curtain shut.
“You’re never going to guess who texted me,” he announced as you started to scrub your body and exfoliate. “Hmm?” you hummed, adding body wash to your wash cloth and starting to scrub that all over your body, Vernon helping get your back. “Jun,” he said and you let out a laugh.
“No shit?” you asked, turning to look at him, letting the stream of hot water hit your back and lightly slapping his chest with the wet wash rag. He nodded, smiling at you. “Think we should invite him to dinner?” he asked as he guided you further under the stream.
“We could,” you replied, arms snaking around his neck. “I think he’d really like to see you,” Vernon added, leaning in, his lips ghosting over yours. “Only if you’re okay with it,” you replied, lips brushing against his. Vernon nodded with a soft hum. “I’m fine with it,” he murmured.
“I think it could be fun.”
The rest of the shower passed quickly and soon you were stepping out of the shower to start drying off. You pulled on your robe, passing the other one to Vernon. While you worked on your skincare routine, Vernon headed back into the room, grabbing his phone to finally text Jun back.
Jun: he lives! Yay 🥳 Vernon: hey, you busy later? Jun: 🤨…no. Why? Vernon: wanna grab some dinner? Jun: 👀 u buyin? Vernon: 😮‍💨 yes Jun: 🤔 hmmm. I guess I can call off the orgy Jun: but you better have a good reason 😒 Vernon: it’s a surprise but I promise you’re going to love it Jun: free food and a gift? From Vernon? Sign me tf up Jun: text me the location and time and I’ll be there Vernon: bet
Vernon looked up as you entered the room. “Jun’s in,” he announced. You looked over at him. “Did you tell him I’m going to be there?” you asked as you walked over to your suitcase to pull out a suitable outfit. Vernon shook his head, setting his phone back down, placing it on a built-in charging pad.
“Nope,” he replied. “Told him it’s a surprise.”
You chuckled as you tore through your suitcase. “Maybe I should really dress up then,” you muttered, placing your clothes back and walking back towards the bathroom. Vernon heard the opening of a door and a moment later, it clicked shut and you walked back into view, holding a hanger with a garment bag.
“I brought two of these. I couldn’t decide on which one to wear to a family holiday party but I think this would be perfect for dinner tonight with you and Jun.”
Vernon watched as you unzipped the bag and pulled it back to show him the dress. His eyes widened as he looked at it. “You were going to wear that to a family holiday party?” he asked, stunned. You laughed at his response. “Not exactly. I brought it just in case the other wasn’t right but seeing your reaction, I’m definitely wearing this tonight instead.”
Vernon checked his phone and sighed. “I need to run home and change as well,” he announced, getting up and untying the robe to start pulling on his clothes. You walked over as he pulled his jeans on and leaned into him, pulling him into a kiss. “Do you have to go?” you asked softly.
Vernon chuckled, pulling you into another kiss. “If you’re wearing that tonight, there’s no way I can show up in jeans,” he replied, pulling back to pull his shirt and then hoodie back on before pulling on his socks and making his way over to the door.
You followed, zipping up your garment bag and hanging the dress up in the closet by the door as Vernon pulled on his shoes and grabbed his jacket. He turned to you at the door and pulled you against him once more. “I’ll see you in a few hours,” he said softly, pressing a chaste kiss to your lips.
“You better,” you replied in between kisses. “Bring your swimsuit,” you added. Vernon looked at you with a raised brow. “My swimsuit?” he asked curiously. You nodded, a smirk forming on your lips and another mischievous glint in your eye.
“And tell Jun to bring his, too.”
Jun pulled up to the valet, checking his phone to make sure he’d arrived at the correct location. His GPS told him he’d arrived and he parked his car, turning it off and grabbing the device and his wallet from the cup holder as he opened the door. 
He stood up straight, handing his key to the valet and thanking him as he walked around the car, buttoning his suit jacket and pocketing his phone and wallet as he made his way to the lobby entrance. The hotel was one of the best in the city and he’d never actually stayed here before.
The lobby entrance was one of the grandest he’d ever seen. The room was large, circular in shape with a massive chandelier that hung from the ceiling and reached almost to the floor. It was a massive fixture and gave off a soft white glow. To the right of the lobby was a wide hallway that led to what Jun assumed were various ballrooms and conference rooms.
To the right was a small cafe area as well as a backlit sign that read l’Abaque over an open doorway. Jun made his way through the busy lobby and over to the doorway. Stepping through it felt like stepping into a completely different world and he would have never known this was attached to a hotel if he hadn’t just entered through the lobby of one.
The restaurant was much larger than he expected for a hotel restaurant and it would seem almost every table was occupied. The host at the stand looked up from the podium and greeted him with a surprisingly warm smile. “Can I help you?” he asked.
“I’m meeting someone,” Jun replied. “I believe he’s already here.” The host smiled and opened a black leather book with gold lettering on the cover that read Siège Réservé. “What’s the name for your party?” the host asked and Jun froze. “Uhh, I think it’s under Vernon? Or perhaps Choi?” Jun answered.
“He’s with me,” a voice said suddenly, causing both Jun and the host to look up. “Ahh, of course, sir,” the host said with a smile. “Sorry for keeping you waiting,” Vernon said to Jun who shook his head. “I just got here,” he answered. They walked away from the host stand and through the restaurant.
“This place is pretty swanky,” Jun murmured, looking around as he followed his friend. “You have no idea,” Vernon murmured with an amused tone as he led the way.
The restaurant was even larger than Jun previously thought as he followed Vernon through it. Round tables of varying sizes were placed strategically throughout the room, each one covered with a white cloth, decorative centerpieces with tall glass containers held floating tealights.
Small flower arrangements stood around the candles. The chairs were high back with white upholstery and dark wooden legs. The walls were black and textured, one wall with a grid like light fixture, the lighting coming from behind the art piece.
A long bar stood on the back wall extending from the outside wall lined with windows, each one half shaded. The bar ran along the wall, stopping at a hallway Jun assumed led to the kitchen and back area for the restaurant. He followed along as Vernon led the way towards the hall, stopping at a door and turning to look at him.
“Don’t freak out,” he pleaded, making the older man even more confused as Vernon pulled the sliding door open and allowed Jun to enter first.
Inside was a small private dining room with a table to seat four. It was a square table rather than a round one like the ones outside but it too had a white cloth and matching chairs. The center of the table had the same center piece as the tables outside with the floating candles and flowers.
The lighting overhead was subtle to add to the ambiance of the restaurant. The walls were the same black textured ones as the rest of the restaurant. Jun’s eyes fell on another person sitting at the table, a crystal glass of water in their hand and a look of amusement on their face as they met his gaze.
Jun looked back at Vernon who just smiled at him as he slid the door shut behind him. Jun turned back to look at the person in front of him. “It’s been a long time, Y/N,” he said, moving to take a seat beside you, Vernon moving to take the seat across from him. “It’s good to see you,” you replied.
It was the last thing Jun expected as you learned over drinks. He’d been expecting to meet just Vernon but he couldn’t deny this was probably the best surprise he could have gotten. The food and drinks kept coming and Jun couldn’t fully focus on the food as good as it was. He was too engrossed in his conversation with you, learning what you’d been up to and where your job had taken you.
“I’m honestly jealous,” he said as you took a sip of wine. “Jealous?” you asked incredulously. “Don’t be,” you replied. “It’s not everything it’s cracked up to be.” Jun scoffed as he leaned back against his chair. “I’ve never even been to Europe,” he continued. “I’m not saying don’t go,” you replied.
“Just stay away from the tourist traps. Paris is full of them. The countryside outside of Paris is honestly so beautiful though,” you continued. “And Tuscany. Absolutely stunning.”
You recounted your tales of food, wine, and champagne, as well as business to them, telling them of the time your co-worker got so drunk at a wine tasting event that you were sure the deal you were supposed to be sealing would go south but thankfully the client thought it was so funny he wanted to go into business immediately.
As the meal wound to a close and dessert was brought, you listened to Jun tell you all about his travels between China and your hometown. He’d gone to Shanghai for a holiday and pulled out his phone to show you pictures while Vernon watched the two of you closely, a fond smile on his face.
The sliding door opened and he looked up as the server came in with the bill. Vernon thanked them, taking the slip of paper to glance at it briefly before pulling his card from his wallet and passing it back to the server. He picked up his glass and down the remainder of his drink as you laughed over something Jun had said.
“So,” he interrupted, making the both of you look up at him. “More drinks or should we move this elsewhere?” he asked, giving you a knowing look. “I’m good on drinks,” you said, looking up at Jun who nodded. “You brought your swimsuit, right?” you asked. Jun nodded as he looked between you and Vernon. “It’s in my car,” he replied.
“Well, go get them,” Vernon said as the server returned with his card and slip. Vernon signed the slip, leaving a generous tip as Jun got to his feet. You grabbed his glass of wine and down the rest of it before getting up as well. “We’ll meet you in the lobby,” you said to Jun as Vernon got to his feet as well.
Jun disappeared and you waited for Vernon, taking his arm when he offered it. The two of you walked through the restaurant, thanking the host who wished you a good night. In the lobby, Vernon led you over to the center where the cascading light fixture hung from the ceiling, guiding you to sit down on one of the round couches that surrounded the chandelier.
Moments later, Jun reappeared through the revolving door, a small overnight bag in his hand. He noticed the two of you and finally allowed himself to take in your appearance in the brighter lights of the hotel lobby. He hadn’t noticed due to the dim lighting in the restaurant and the table hiding half of your body, but you were wearing a metallic gold dress with a split thigh.
The back was strappy, tied just above the small of your back. He felt his pants tighten as his heart skipped a beat in his chest. He’d never expected such a revealing dress but it looked incredible on you, the gold complimenting your skin and hugging your body nicely.
He joined the two of you, trying to avoid letting his eyes wander your body as you stood. “The pool area is open for another hour,” you announced. “So let’s get changed quickly and go for a dip.” Vernon checked his watch and nodded before looking at Jun. “Sounds good to me,” Jun added.
He followed your lead to the elevator, trying to keep his eyes off you as you scanned your keycard and pushed the button for the seventeenth floor. The elevator ride up was uneventful and quiet. As soon as the doors opened, you stepped off, leading both of them to your room.
You unlocked the door with your card and opened it, letting both Vernon and Jun follow you in. “I’m going to change in the bathroom,” you announced, setting your key and small clutch on the table near the door before walking into the room and over to what Jun assumed was your suitcase.
You disappeared into the bathroom and Jun walked further into the room, inspecting it. The curtains were open but the sheers pulled closed. He pulled back the thin white material to peer out the window at the city below, the lights shimmering like stars. “This is a really nice room,” Jun said, turning to look at Vernon who had started to undress, currently undoing the buttons of his sleeves.
“It’s her last work trip,” Vernon replied as he undid the buttons and moved to start unbuttoning the shirt. “She’s moving companies,” he continued. “She’s moving back here.” Jun stared at Vernon, his thoughts moving a mile a minute. “Are you planning on wearing your suit to the pool?” Vernon asked suddenly.
Jun shook his head and quickly started to strip. He just managed to pull on his swim shorts when the bathroom door opened and you reappeared in a sheer black swim cover. Underneath you wore a metallic gold bikini. ‘Shit,’ Jun mentally cursed, tearing his gaze from you.
“You ready?” you asked, looking at the two of them. Vernon nodded, grabbing a tee shirt from a bag sitting on the floor against the wall. It was then that Jun realized that the bag had already been there. He hadn’t seen Vernon carry it in. Vernon had already been in this hotel room.
‘Of course he has,’ Jun told himself as he walked over to where you stood, forcing a smile as you handed him a towel. ‘He’s the on and off again boyfriend. Not you.’ Jun was pulled from his thoughts as you slipped on a pair of slides and grabbed your room key.
The walk back to the elevator was silent as was the wait for it to arrive. Upon stepping onto the lift, Jun expected the pool to be on the floor level of the hotel but was surprised when instead of pressing the button with the star, you scanned your card and pressed the button for the nineteenth floor.
Upon arriving, Jun was surprised to see this entire floor seemed to be dedicated to facilities. There was a singular hallway from the elevator. On one side was the gym, frosted glass windows and a clear glass door peering into the small gym.
Across the hall from the gym were two rooms. One was the laundry facility and the one next to it was a sort of business room with computers, a couple fax machines and copiers as well as printers. You continued to the end of the hall where a frosted glass door stood with an electronic card reader. You tapped your keycard against it, waiting for it to beep and blink green before you pulled the door open.
Inside was the pool area. It was split into two areas; an indoor and an outdoor area. The outdoor area was separated by a wall of glass windows and a glass door leading from the indoor area. The outdoor pool was larger with more lounge chairs around the deck. To the left of the pool the deck was larger with a few small bistro style tables.
The indoor pool was a decent size, still smaller than the outdoor one and rectangular in shape. There were a few lounge chairs placed around the pool. To the left of the pool in the corner was a large spa, big enough for eight people at once.
Jun noticed that despite the busy lobby downstairs, the pool was entirely empty. He followed you and Vernon as you selected a chair near the hot tub to set your things on, slipping off your sandals and pulling the black sheer cover off and setting it on the chair.
“This isn’t open for much longer,” you said, addressing them both. “I’m getting in the tub.” You didn’t wait for them to answer and headed to the hot tub, checking the controls on the wall and pressing a series of buttons. Jun watched as the hot tub bubbled to life and you descended the steps into it carefully. Vernon pulled his shirt off and walked over to join you.
Now Jun had no choice but to join the three of you in the hot tub instead of the pool. You settled against the seat, letting out a sigh as you soaked in the warmth of the water. Vernon sat next to you and Jun moved to sit on your other side. The bubbles mixed with the hot water felt nice and Jun allowed himself to relax.
Silence fell over the three of you but Jun couldn’t help himself, throwing a glance at the pool before letting out a chuckle. You opened your eyes to look at him. “What’s that?” you asked, Vernon opening an eye to look at Jun who shook his head.
“Just old memories,” Jun replied, turning his head to look at you. A smile crossed your face as realization set in. “Have you snuck into any more pools?” you asked softly. Jun shook his head, glancing at Vernon who had closed both eyes again and was relaxing silently.
“So, suffice it to say you’ve never fooled around in a hot tub either?”
Jun shook his head with a snort. “No,” he replied. “Not like I really have anyone to fool around with.”
The words came out before he could stop himself and he mentally scolded himself for it. For being vulnerable for a moment. It’s not like you cared. At least, he didn’t think you did. You surprised him, one of your hands moving to card through his hair. “Not even once?” you asked softly, leaning into his side.
He could feel your chest pressing into his arm and he allowed himself to be delusional for a moment and that you were doing it on purpose before he shoved that thought from his mind. ‘There’s no way. She has Vernon. Why would she want you?’
Jun’s thoughts were interrupted as he felt your hand brush against his knee. He glanced down but saw nothing due to the bubbling water and glanced back up to meet your gaze. You were looking at him, eyes scanning his face and seemingly gauging his reaction. Your hand slid up his thigh from his knee, pausing as you took in his reaction.
Jun’s eyes flickered over to Vernon who was still relaxing with his eyes shut. ‘Should I stop her?’ Jun wondered. ‘Would Vernon be pissed?’ Jun looked back at you as your hand slid up further, fingers brushing the edge of his swim shorts. Part of him wanted to stop you but part of him wanted you to keep going. He was conflicted on which part to let win.
“Y/N,” he said, his voice low. It was meant to be a warning. He glanced at Vernon again and you chuckled softly. “Why do you think he invited you to come out with us, Jun?” you asked, drawing his attention. “Why do you think I asked him to tell you to bring your swimsuit?” you continued.
Jun’s heart skipped a beat. ‘This was all her idea?’
As if reading his mind, you smiled and nodded. “It’s been so long since we’ve seen one another,” you added. “Vernon isn’t the only one I’ve missed.” Jun felt your fingers squeeze his thigh as you moved your hand over the thin material of his swimsuit.
Vernon had finally opened his eyes and sat up, glancing at the door to the pool area. Jun was about to ask him if this was okay and if he was okay with this when your hand moved further up Jun’s leg and ghosted over his growing erection.
“Holy shit, Y/N!” he hissed, grabbing your wrist but you pulled from his grip, placing your palm over his crotch.
“You are literally insane,” Jun gasped as your hand made contact with him over his swim trunks. “She’s insane,” he repeated to Vernon who shook his head, merely smiling. “What is it with you and bodies of water?” Jun asked as you leaned closer. “It’s not bodies of water,” you replied, lips inches from his.
“It’s the thrill of doing something we’re not supposed to,” you clarified. Jun’s eyes flickered between yours before you closed the distance, pressing your lips against his. Immediately, he melted into you, one hand coming up to cup the back of your neck, pulling you deeper into the kiss.
“As fun as it would be,” Vernon said softly. “We will get in trouble. They’re coming to close the pool area now and kick us out,” he added. You pulled back with a whine and sat back down. “Fine,” you murmured, getting up and climbing out of the hot tub.
Vernon followed, grabbing a towel before gesturing for Jun to get out. “I can’t,” he hissed. “She’s a tease!” Vernon rolled his eyes and grabbed another towel. “Get out,” he said, holding it up. Your back was turned as Jun quickly got out, wrapping the towel around his waist to hide the obvious erection.
The door opened and the desk manager smiled as she stepped into the room. “I’m so sorry,” she said in a cheerful tone. “I have to close the pool area now,” she added. You nodded with a smile. “It’s okay,” you replied. “Thank you for leaving it open a little longer,” you added as you passed her.
The walk back to the elevator didn’t take long and soon the three of you were heading back up to your floor. Once inside your suite, you were on Jun in a second, taking him by surprise as Vernon took the towels and threw them into the bathroom. Jun stumbled backwards into the room as you pulled the towel off him, tossing it to the floor where Vernon collected it.
“You’re much bolder than I remember,” Jun said as you lowered yourself to your knees, pulling his wet swim shorts down his thighs.
“And you’re much bigger than I remember,” you said with a smirk, sliding a hand up his thigh to take him in your hand. Jun let out a hiss at the contact. “Shit,” he groaned as you gave the head a light lick, chuckling more to yourself than to him, slowly stroking him.
“Was she always this good at this?” Jun hissed at Vernon who chuckled as he moved to sit on the bed behind the two of you. “She’s tenacious,” Vernon answered as you continued to work Jun up with your hand. “She didn’t go down on you before?” he asked.
Jun turned his head to glance at his friend before shaking his head. “No,” he answered. “That was you,” he added. Vernon’s lips twitched as he fought the urge to smirk. “Oh,” he simply responded. “Then you’re in for a treat.” Before Jun could say anything, you had opened your mouth, taking him past your lips, feeling the weight of his cock on your tongue.
“Oh holy shit,” he gasped as you started moving your head, bobbing quickly as you held your hand still at the base of his length. “Slow down, Y/N,” he hissed, trying to hold your head in place but failing as you gagged around the head of his cock.
“Fuck, fuck,” he cursed as he stumbled backwards, trying to prolong the inevitable. You followed on your knees as he fell back onto the bed, kneeling between his legs and taking him back in your mouth again. “You weren’t kidding,” Jun groaned. “She’s tenacious.”
You sank further onto Jun’s cock, gagging as it hit the back of your throat. You ignored your body’s response and took him further until you could feel the tip in your throat. “Fffuuuuck,” Jun let out a low groan, cock twitching in your mouth before without warning, his release spilled down your throat.
You swallowed it all before pulling him from your mouth and grinning up at him. “What was that? A minute tops?” you asked. Jun groaned, falling onto his back on the mattress as Vernon chuckled. “Give me a minute,” Jun whined, waving his hand. You tucked his softening dick back in his swim trunks and turned to look at Vernon who beckoned you over.
You crawled around the corner of the bed, stopping before Vernon who reached down, taking your chin gently in his hand. “She’s good with her mouth, isn’t she?” he asked, more to Jun who murmured in agreement as he tried to come back to his senses. “And normally, I wouldn’t turn down the chance to have that pretty mouth on me,” he continued. “But you’ve been so good and you were so nice to Jun. You deserve a reward yourself. How about it, kitten?”
You nodded wordlessly, knowing if Vernon was going to reward you it was going to be with his mouth.
“On the bed,” he ordered. You moved quickly, climbing onto the bed and waiting for further instructions. “Lay back,” Vernon said as he stood up, turning to face you. Laying back against the pillows, you watched as Vernon slowly climbed onto the bed, crawling towards you.
You said nothing, instead watching as he hovered over you. You knew better than to move before he told you to. Finally, you let out a sigh as Vernon slowly kissed down your neck, stopping at your chest. He glanced up quickly, fingers working to undo the tie of your bikini. He pulled the thin piece of fabric off your body, tossing it somewhere in the room.
The cool air of the room hit your damp skin and you could feel bumps rising on your skin as a shiver traveled up your spine. Vernon leaned in, taking one of your nipples in his mouth and swirling his tongue around it as one of his hands moved around your back, holding your body against him.
You let out a hiss as he pulled back and blew gently on your skin, another shiver running up your spine and more goosebumps erupted all over your skin. Vernon repeated the same thing on the other breast, chuckling as you whined. You wanted more. You needed more.
You felt his lips make their way down your stomach, stopping at the waistband of your bikini bottoms. His fingers made quick work of your swim bottoms, untying one side and pulling the fabric back to expose your heat to him. He wasted no time, burying his face between your thighs, his tongue finding your clit with ease.
Jun had finally managed to come down from his climax and sat up, turning to look back at the two of you. “I’m starting to feel neglected,” he whined. Vernon surfaced for a moment to speak. “You had your dick in her throat, let me spoil her for a moment,” he retorted.
Jun grumbled to himself, watching Vernon kiss, lick, suck, and tease parts of you Jun hadn’t seen since that night in the pool. He wanted to be a little selfish but he waited, as much as he didn’t want to. “You can still touch me,” you murmured, making Jun look up and meet your gaze.
“I can?” he asked with an amused tone, glancing at Vernon. “He seems to be calling the shots.” You shook your head. “He can tell me what to do, but he can’t tell you what to do. Only I get to do that.” Jun chuckled to himself before scooting closer to you. “Is that so?” he asked softly. You reached up, grabbing him by the back of the neck and pulled him down into a kiss.
Jun leaned into it, lips parting and groaning when you took control, your tongue slipping into his mouth. He was used to being in control so it was different to let someone else take the reigns though he wasn’t complaining. You felt one of his hands cup your chest, moaning as he slowly kneaded.
Your thighs threatened to close around Vernon’s head but he was better attuned to your body by this point and held them open, continuing to coax you to your first orgasm. As it washed over you, your fingers tightened in Jun’s hair, causing him to groan against your lips as you squealed, feeling Vernon’s teeth lightly graze your clit. The sensation was quickly replaced by his tongue.
Trying to push Vernon’s head away as Jun kept your head in place proved to be a task your hazy brain wasn’t quite equipped for. Vernon finally pulled back, leaving you exposed as he sat back. “Stop for a second,” he ordered. Jun begrudgingly pulled back and you pouted, turning your gaze from him to Vernon. “On your hands and knees, baby,” he instructed, looking directly at you.
You let go of Jun’s hair and moved, pulling yourself up. Jun caught your untied swim bottoms and tossed them to the floor, watching as you did as Vernon asked. “Back to me,” he added, waiting as you got into position. “I want you to tease him but don’t let him cum,” Vernon said, leaning over your back to whisper in your ear. “Just work him up.”
Jun glared at the younger man. “I never should have said anything about edging,” he hissed as you slowly pulled his swim trunks down again, discarding them as well. “What are you going to do?” Jun asked as your fingers wrapped around his semi-hard cock.
“She needs to be prepped,” Vernon said simply, moving to your suitcase. “She said she keeps a bottle of lube in here for emergencies,” he continued, unzipping a pocket and finding exactly what he was looking for. “And she brought one, good,” he added. Jun tried to focus on what Vernon was doing but found it difficult as you drew your tongue along the underside of his dick, licking from the base to the tip.
You pulled back, spitting into your hand before starting to spread it along the shaft and stroking him slowly, almost torturously so. Jun groaned, head falling back against the pillows. “Faster, please,” he whined. You merely shook your head. “Not yet,” you murmured.
Jun glanced at Vernon who had returned to the same spot behind you, something smooth and black in his hands. He was spreading a generous amount of lubricant along it and closed the bottle before tossing it aside. He placed one hand on your ass, holding you in place as he moved the black object which Jun discovered was a buttplug towards your hole.
“Deep breath,” Vernon instructed. Jun glanced down as you inhaled, eyes fluttering shut as you felt the tip press against you. “And out,” Vernon whispered. As you exhaled, Jun watched the plug disappear little by little. You let out a moan, jaw falling slack as the toy filled you slowly. “That’s it,” he heard Vernon murmur. Once the plug was nestled full, Vernon got up and disappeared into the bathroom.
Jun heard the faucet run as you resumed stroking him, sticking your tongue out and resting the head of his cock against it. “Fuck,” Jun hissed, feeling himself twitch in your hand. You must have felt it too because your movements slowed, letting the tension exit his body as Vernon returned.
He stopped at the foot of the bed, removing his own swim shorts before he was back on the bed behind you. “Pick a number,” Vernon said to Jun. “Between one and ten.” Jun stared at his friend confused before deciding to play along. Four, he answered. He watched as Vernon produced a small black remote and pressed a button four times.
You let out a whine, your hand around Jun’s cock squeezing him as your head dropped, a moan leaving your lips. “What did you just do?” Jun asked, looking up at Vernon who held up the remote. “The plug,” he simply said. “It’s remote controlled.” Vernon tossed the remote to Jun who caught it and looked down at it. “You’re in charge of it,” Vernon added as he took himself in his hand, giving his cock a couple strokes before lining up with your slit. He pushed the head between your folds, collecting your wetness before slowly sinking his cock into your walls.
Your body tensed up and Jun lowered the vibrations a couple notches, allowing you to relax some as Vernon bottomed out. “You can change the pattern,” Vernon said as he took hold of your hips. “When I tell you to turn it off, don’t hesitate. Just do it.” Jun nodded as you let out a moan, Vernon pulling out and thrusting back into you, setting a steady pace.
“I didn’t say you could stop, angel,” Vernon said and you lifted your head, hand starting to stroke Jun’s length again. “Use your mouth,” he heard Vernon order. You did, taking Jun into your mouth with a moan, the vibration making Jun groan. He pushed the increase button a couple times, taking the intensity back up to four.
“You can fuck her face,” Vernon said suddenly. “Change the pattern,” he added, nodding towards the remote in Jun’s hand. Jun pressed the next button and you moaned loudly. He increased the intensity by two more. “Good,” he heard Vernon grunt. “Leave it there.”
Jun did just that. His free hand stroked the back of your head, gently pushing you down to take more of him in your mouth. “Do as he asks, kitten,” Vernon groaned, his hips hitting your ass with each thrust. You let go of Jun’s cock, letting him take control. He guided your movements, your head bobbing on him at his pace. You gagged as he pushed your head down, his cock slipping into your throat.
You held still as long as you could, your lungs starting to burn before you tapped his thigh, silently begging to come up for air. Jun let go of you, watching as you pulled back and coughed, air filling your lungs. Your face was a mess but Jun didn’t care. He still thought you were just as stunning.
Vernon slowed to a stop, pulling from you completely. “Turn it off,” he instructed. Jun pressed the power button and your body visibly relaxed. Jun watched as Vernon slowly removed the plug from your ass, taking it to the bathroom before returning. He took the remote and set it on the bedside table.
“Get moving,” Vernon told you, waiting for you to move. Jun held back a groan as you climbed over him, straddling his lap. “Here,” Jun said, guiding you over his cock, letting out a hiss as you sank down on him, his cock slipping inside your warmth. “Fuck,” he groaned as he bottomed out.
“Oh fuck,” he gasped as you started to move almost immediately, lifting your hips to sink back down. Vernon watched you fuck yourself on his friend for a few moments before moving behind you. As you felt his hands on your back, you slowed to a stop.
Vernon gently pushed you over. You leaned into it, pressing your lips against Jun’s muffling a groan as you clenched around him. You felt the tip of Vernon’s cock press against your anus and you gasped. “Relax,” he murmured, his hand on your back rubbing soothingly. You forced your body to relax as he pushed into you. It had been some time since you’d taken him anally and you were glad you decided to bring your plug with you on this trip.
“That’s it, kitten,” you heard him mumble. “Just a bit more.”
You moaned against Jun’s lips as Vernon bottomed out, his cock buried inside you. The feeling was just as incredible, feeling full and having both their cocks twitching inside you as they fought off the urge to cum immediately. As your body relaxed further, Vernon took your hips in his hands, pulling back only to snap forward again.
You let out a groan, breaking the kiss with Jun to bury your face in his neck. “Feels good?” he asked, moving a hand up to stroke your hair. You nodded, whimpering into his neck. “S-so good,” you murmured. “Want m-more.” Jun chuckled, one arm wrapping around your waist.
“Want us both to fuck you, baby?”
You nodded again, whines and moans slipping past your lips. Jun thrusted up into you, making you gasp. He timed his movements, moving asynchronously. You let them take over, your body unable to respond to your brain as moan after moan tumbled past your lips, mixed with expletives.  
“She’s getting close,” Jun announced, feeling your walls flutter around his cock. “Good,” Vernon grunted. “I can’t hold back much longer. “M-more,” you whimpered. Vernon pushed Jun’s arm back and pulled your back up against his chest. “What was that?” he asked in your ear. “You want more?”
You nodded, moans, pleas, and curses falling from your mouth.
“I think we can manage that,” Vernon said, nodding towards Jun. “She wants more.”
“So let’s give her more.”
Jun’s hands gripped your waist, fucking up into you as Vernon’s hips snapped against your ass. You felt one of Vernon’s hands make its way down your stomach, fingers finding your clit and drawing quick circles as they both pushed you closer and closer to the edge. Just before you were about to cum, Jun groaned, his own orgasm washing over him as he released inside you.
Your own climax rolled over you as you came with a cry. Vernon managed to coax you through it before he finally tumbled over the edge, his release spilling inside and painting your walls in white thick ropes. His fingers came to a stop and he carefully let you down onto Jun who immediately cupped your cheek.
“You okay?” he asked softly, searching your face as you nodded weakly. “S’tired,” you murmured. Jun let out a breathy laugh as Vernon pulled out and got off the bed. “I’ll run us a shower,” he announced and disappeared in the bathroom. Jun stroked your hair softly, thumb caressing your cheek. “You sure you’re okay?” Jun asked softly. Your eyes fluttered open and you let out a sigh before nodding.
“M’okay,” you replied. Moments later, Vernon appeared. “Come on,” he said with a smile. “You gotta get cleaned up. Jun helped you off him and Vernon took over, assisting you to the bathroom. After a couple minutes, Vernon appeared in a towel. “Go ahead and hop in while the water’s still hot,” he said, moving over to a different bag and pulling out some clothes.
Jun got up and entered the bathroom. He pulled back the curtain and joined you in the shower. He rinsed himself off quickly, helping you clean off the cum that had seeped out and was clinging to the insides of your thighs. He rinsed your skin, stealing a few kisses in between before turning the water off and grabbing a towel for you.
Once you were wrapped up, he grabbed a towel for himself and dried off quickly. Back in the room, Vernon had dressed in a tee and sweats, some of his clothes laid out for Jun as you moved over to your suitcase. Jun dressed as Vernon helped you into something comfortable before you collapsed onto the bed, exhaustion taking over your body.
The king size bed was more than enough space for the three of you with Jun taking up the spot next to you with Vernon on the other side. Jun glanced over at his friend as he laid on his side, one hand holding his head up, the other rubbing your back soothingly. “So,” Jun finally said, clearing his throat.
“Is this just a one time thing, well, a two time thing?” he asked. Vernon chuckled and shrugged. You lifted your head slightly. “We could make it a regular thing,” you suggested, your voice disguising a yawn. “Regular like…” Jun trailed off, looking at your sleeping form. “Like a throuple?” Vernon asked.
You nodded. “Why not? I like both of you and I’m moving back to town,” you answered. “Only if you’re both okay with it though,” you added, lifting your head again.
Jun looked up, meeting Vernon’s gaze. Jun was more than okay with this situation but the real question was Vernon okay with it? Jun half expected the younger man to decline but was stunned when Vernon nodded. “I’m down,” he finally answered.
You mumbled a soft “yay” making both Jun and Vernon laugh quietly. “So does that mean you’re our girlfriend or…?” Jun trailed off. You nodded. “Yep,” you answered, your voice muffled by the pillow.
“And that means you’re both my boyfriend.”
Jun rolled onto his side, placing a hand on the small of your back.
“So it’s official,” he said. “Girlfriend and boyfriends.” You nodded, turning your head to look at him sleepily.
“How lucky,” you said with a smirk. “I’m just a girl with two boyfriends.”
“I hit the jackpot.”
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ⓘ Graphics made by me. Content and support banners made using a template by cafekitsune. I do not allow reposts, translations, or continuations of my works. All writing and graphics are ©️ kwanisms.
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Julius Demain Pidieu but what his voice sounds like to me. Sadly, he looks five months old because the picrew I am obsessed with had no wrinkles🥺. He no longer looks like a sweet sphinx cat😭
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THIS AUSTRALIAN IS HAVING GAY SEX WITH JULES. {Argent Étolie Chevalier is an OC} {He has like fifteen piercings but I forgor 🤡}
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Mommy? sorry. Mommy? sorry. Mommy? sorry. Mo- {Dolores Toujours Pideu, Apricot's cool lesbian albino trans aunt that is going to kill me with her beauty}
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Callahan Cyra Jumanah is Dolores's sweetheart, and I AM ALSO GOING CRAZY OVER HER. POWER COUPLE ULTIMATE EDITION. { Some people think she's faking her condition -chronic pain in her left leg and fatigue- because she can walk [with a cane]} {She has to hold Dolly back}
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LET'S GIVE IT UP FOR MASC GENDERFLUID PEOPLE WOOOOOOOOHOOOOOOOO {Coquille Bleue Pidieu is the eldest sibling of the three and can sense colors, shapes, and shadows despite being legally blind.}
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WE ARE OUTGUNNED, OUTMANNED. OUTNUMBERED, OUTPLANNED- {Captain Héraklès Alcides Puissant-Redevance of the RCM is an old family friend}
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WHERE THE HOOD WHERE THE HOOD WHERE THE HOOD AT-{Amoureux Perdue Du'Passe, Jules's former work partner and spouse. Sadly, he was killed on the force a few weeks after Apricot died of brain cancer. It was not a good year for Mr Pidieu.}
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W. what if. Jeannie-Marie but when she was young. She was able to work around the giant black ink stain on her yellow dress by finding a thick but comfy sweater. She's one of those people who cannot fucking feel heat so she's alright. {PRETTY WONMAN😳🤤 WITH COCK?????? AMAZING 💯💫⭐🔥🌟✨⚡🎉🎊❤️🧡💛💚💙💜🤎🖤🤍♥️💘💝💖💗💓💞💕💌💟❣️❤️‍🩹❤️‍🔥💋🫂🫀👁️👅👁️👀👍👏👌🤌🤙🤝🤜🤛🙏}
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Look, Young Renė was a little cinnamon roll. He could make the most "Fuck dem kids" person into preschool teacher worthy in less than an hour. But y'know, kindness sometimes drowns in hate and PTSD. Although, current Renė MIGHT not make you want to throw a fucking grenade at him if you're at the "Okay, you can put your hand on my wrist BUT THAT'S IT." stage. Zero people are currently at that stage because J-M isn't part of the lore anymore. Also, yeah Renė's trans. trans people can be inconsiderate assholes, we're not sparkles and rainbows. I mean, Look at me. I might not be inconsiderate but I CAN be an ass-of-the-hole.
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Lieutenant Leo hey uh what's that say? K. WHAT. KITSURAGI??? OH MY FUCKING GOD. W H A T? {<-My brain in the process of making this guy up.} {LOOK IT'S KIM'S HALF [?] SEOLITE DAD!} {Btw despite the resting bitch face he's a nerdy sweetheart that loves cars. y'know like his son. I'm going to cry.}
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Cecelia Davenport/Kitsuragi, Kim's fuckin' MILF of a mom. She and Leo LOVED to match. I'm welling up again. Btw she wasn't fully finished because it was three fucking AM when I made her so. 😔.
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I feel like Gaston was a little fuckboy in his teens. I mean, he was still polite though and that lead to conversations like: "So uh [Lip bite} What're you doin' later? OH, FUCK you're grandma's recovering from cancer???? That's amazing! I hope she gets better soon! I can buy some flowers for her if it would cheer her up a bit! Have a good day!" Then Renė comes up and is like "Dude. You fucking sweetheart. Stop acting like a charity and get some goddamn pussy."
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DORA THE DIVORCE EMPLOYER- {Not to be omni but oh my god. oh fuck. golly gee. I wolf whistle while my eyes pop comically out of their sockets and I spontaneously combust then pour a giant bucket of water over myself and steam rises from my ears like a train} {She's not actually in this AU but I love her and felt like making her}
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Elizabeth is the type of girl to try and look professional but still go all out. She finally got out of the gardener's clothes and is slaying hard. Now, speaking of har-
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Made Marie without her hijab because I'm a feral fucking animal and I legit couldn't imagine her hair correctly without reference and ALSO
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REMADE YOUNG RENÉ BECAUSE I HATE THE FIRST ONE. Also I hate that you can't color the facial hair because it looks like his hair is dyed when he's just like that.
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LOOK, IT'S LILLIANOVICH! What the FUCK would this bitch wear when he was a kid? Just made some shit up bro. Also, I like to think he uses reading glasses even though he has pretty good eyes overall.
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Okay, I tried to restrain myself, but alas, I cannot. I MUST yell at you about your cowboy kid fic Stucky AU, I simply must 😭😭 I MEAN!!!!
KAY. It's perfection?? The moodboard and the concept both, I just cannot stop thinking about it and I would give anything for you to write this fic 😫 BUT I know you've already got loads on your plate and too many WIPs and things you wanna do, so I won't actually ask you to write it because that wouldn't be fair and also I know you won't but uuugghgghhgg it's so gooooood and I want it so baaaaaddddd 😭😭😭 I am all about those cowboys & I am also all about those kid fics & I am also all about you and your writing, so you can imagine what kind of state I am in right now 🙀
Once again your genius is ruining my life, so thank you for that (no but seriously, thank you for being brilliant and sharing your incredible talent and skill with the rest of us poor, yearning schmucks 💖💖💖💖💖😘😘😘😘) I LOVE YOU SO MUCH
(okay I'm really sorry if this is incoherent, I'm slightly sick and I'm starting to feel feverish again so I'd better go lie down lol but I just needed to get this off my chest first, I'm sure you understand. Mwah!!!)
Minnieeeee, my most precious baby giraffe! 🦒💗💗💗 (Look, I don't make the rules about these nicknames?)
I'm so very happy to hear you enjoyed these cowboy Stucky vibes, and I'm also so fucking stoked you'd want me to write this fic, it honestly means so much to me, you've no idea (or maybe you do, 'cause you're all kinds of amazing and awesome) 🥺🥺🥺💖💖💖
But like. Even though I've got too many WIPs as it is, I'd still totally consider writing this (just because you of all people asked 💕), if it wasn't for the fact that I truly believe I'm not the right person to write a) a cowboy AU b) a kid fic. Which really breaks my heart, seeing how much I know you love both, but what can you do 🤷🏻‍♀️😕😭
But! Maybe someone more talented in these ares of writing will see this, and feel the itch to give this idea the story it deserves? 🥺
Lastly, I'm so sorry for ruining your life with this, and I'm about 1000 times sorrier that you're feeling sick — that's just so uncalled for, honestly 😫😫😫 I hope you feel much, MUCH better soon, my sweet, I'm sending you so many kisses you'll positively drown in them (but in a good way lmao). Bisou! 💋💋💋💋💋💋💋💋💋💋💋💋💋💋
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hislittleraincloud · 2 months
You need to fucking run your fics through the appropriate tech checks before you publish your shit.
Yeah, I get that some of you aren't EPL (English Primary Lang). But that doesn't mean your fucking writing program is, or that you can't translate it then run it through.
My gods. If you want to sell me a shitty WFJ story with fkn multiple Jennas in it bc you are obsessed with your fantasies, then you better make it as smooth a ride as possible. I know you're all fkn virgins (most of the writers are, apparently, according to a poll a little while back), but don't let that fucking extend to your Spellcheck & Grammar function.
However, I think that ultimately it might be the dialogue that rips me out of everything. It's the terrible goddamn dialogue. I just cannot read Cairo with completely AU characters, because y'all can't fucking write it. You want people who aren't braindead obsessed with fucking Ortega to read it? Or do you just want to rub n' shoot with others who're rubbin' and shootin', because a quick, shitty fuck is better than no fuck at all? Cairo would have a field day in a critique with y'all, and it would end up a big, bloody mess where y'all would be running to the bathroom in tears. (Or maybe that would be Wednesday, since she doesn't give two fucks. But I feel like the reason Cairo has only one friend is probably more than just her being a typical loner. Both have competitive superiority complexes, so when unleashed on those whose skills are lesser in a competitive arena, they are both likely reach for the heart of their enemies...Wednesday with Bianca (and Sheriff Galpin to a degree), Cairo with Jon and Winnie.)
But I'm starting to whine about content rather than tech specs, so. Do better if you're writing wild AUs. Actually, do the least that is expected of you as an author.
Ugh, speaking of checking shit, people who write articles about RPF need to understand the difference between historical fiction, self-insert/Mary Sueing, and RPF. There are differences. Pretty big ones, even if the genres can overlap/intersect in places.
ETA: I tried to force myself to keep reading it.
Nope, nope, nope to the nope.
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There is no reasoning given for this change...none. 🤦🏽‍♂️ She's never worn contacts for her roles because people love her big, obsidian-dark eyes. It's dark, dark brown, almost black. I have the exact same eye color. Yay Mexicans!
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*GASP* an EYE reveal 🫠 Sorry about the scary Orwellian BIG BROTHER pose, but it seems that no matter how I take a pic to show my eye color, my brows furrow when I'm looking at the camera. Or at you, oh she who writes less than her potential.
For the love of all that's holy, stop. 😭 Or at least GET a second opinion for edits before you publish, preferably by someone who you will be expecting tech wreck from. Not active authors, because we're too busy...but active readers who can take the time to help you run through bad tech (spelling, typos, some grammar) and through spec check (specs = character consistency with canonical aspects you're trying to achieve, but if it's totally AU this isn't a priority, obvs.).
There's a culture going on right now where people can't critique others' works without being seen as meanie or anti. You all get rubber stamped on your creations at AO3 because no one is able to offer meaningful critique, and that means being able to take criticism. Not everyone's writing is great, or even good for that matter. I'm not perfect either, but at least I can do the bare minimum for the readers. But Tor, that's how we prac —
If you keep writing the same shitty, un-edited stuff over and over again, that's not practicing to write better. That's spewing sub-par 💩 for fleeting wet fantasies.
Write your shit, whatever it may be, but god damn, respect your readers a little more but moreover, respect yourself as a writer enough to want to publish something that isn't riddled with easy fixes.
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crescenthoax · 5 months
We’re gonna square up by how dirty you keep doing Floris fr 😩 Main universe? Murdered and had her body desecrated. Christmas au? Cheated on and then the person who cheated on her is like Lol Yolo Ion even want you like that fr like she can’t catch a break 😭
Joking aside, I love seeing her relationship with Annika (and in the Christmas story, she has Helaena too) i’m just like she��s the sweetest girl in the world and deserves better fr. I just don’t know what that looks like, IDK if this was your intention but I truly don’t even know if she ever ended up with someone and was happy if that person could even be Aemond bc while I love your version of Aemond seeing him lowkey screw her over twice kind of worries me 😭 but at the same time, it makes everything juicier.
Annika and Aegon’s toxic but persevering relationship in this au is really fascinating to read about especially with the details of the history you gave them with Freya and the ball, so you’re really good at creating like such compelling dramatic narratives bc ugh I was just so hooked. I love how Not Simple it all is.
Okay I KNOW. I KNOW I tend to do Floris dirty but if you really think about it🤓 it’s all for the plot! Like I promise you in the main universe she’s really happy in heaven or whatever and she’s sipping tea with Helaena. I promise someday I’ll give her a break and she’ll have the happy ending she deserves... I don’t think she belongs with Aemond tho, he’s such a fail and does not deserve our girlie (he’s aware of that so as long as he’s suffering and punishing himself for it everything is perfectly balanced).
On the other hand, I’m really glad you liked the story and the entire Aegon and Freya drama and believe me we’re not done with Aegon’s past cause that boy has some serious issues and so much guilt I can’t even begin to tell you. Fun fact: I wanted to write something simple and now that I’m finishing it I cannot stop thinking about all the Aegon/Freya/Annika lore. I hate myself.
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sketchguk · 1 year
Hi it's soulmate anon! Yeah in the fic, all 13 members were there! Ot13 forever hehe. They are they pack actually! Except some who are also vampires. And maybe some animagus??? That would be fun.
My friend and I talked about it kinda being poly ! But we didn't get to discuss it much. I've been into poly this last year so for me, poly au for this fic suits nicely. I don't know how soonyoung and mingyu would ever work together though lol. In my o i thought mingyu would be a little more open , he's still possessive but he has never got to be with mc and if we do something like .... They are both MC's soulmates so she needs them, mingyu would accept that for her at some point. But with soonyoung i feel like he'll be against it because of the wolf traits. Soonyoung's pack is also kind of old fashioned like i said, so mc doesn't feel very comfortable. But with mingyu there's no such thing, so it's easier for her. That's another point of angst in the fic 😭 this is all I've thought in the story! I'm so upset we didn't get to discuss and talk about it more before we stopped talking. I feel like it could've been a fun fic haha .
Also I CANNOT BELIEVE nobody has asked you this, but has soonyoung ever openly told mc he loves her ???? Like not as game, but really??? Because I know the confession happens when he gets hurt that mc ignored him but does mc know that he really loves her? I feel that's so much angstier , him confessing once and mc not taking it seriously ugfftffffffdff
omg ot13 ✨ please tell me if junshua are werewolves or vampires in this universe !!! I need to know so I can insert myself and romanticize an alternative life with my lovers <3
It must be so hard for Soonyoung to be in a poly relationship if he has a whole pack behind him !! They're taking on not just one but two new people underneath their wing. I'm still rooting for them because love conquers all, ykwim?? 🙌🏼 Plus, they're soulmates !!! How are they gonna deny something that's bigger than the whole universe??
I can imagine Soonyoung and Mingyu argue and bicker a lot LOL. They both have different values, but they still love mc all the same. But Soonyoung must also feel insecure often because she can't love him freely in the same way she does with Mingyu 💔 angst to the max, you're right 😭
Maybe you can develop the fic even without your friend ! It's always fun to think about plots here and there :') It's definitely something fun to do for yourself because it keeps you happy <3
Soonyoung has definitely said "i love you" to mc in a joking way (probably a little too much!!). You know how it's a common debate where some people believe that saying the L word too often will eventually lead to a loss of meaning?? But others will proudly say they love someone because they will take every opportunity to remind them??? This is HIGHKEY soonyoung and mc !!!!
I can imagine that Soonyoung does say "i love you" and seriously means it once or twice before the real confession. Notably, the first time he realized it !!!! Mc must have been chatting about something she loves, something she's passionate about. Maybe they're in the green house, and she's giving an update on all her plants. She's totally in her element, and she is radiating with joy.
Soonyoung will let the words slip out of his mouth because he can't help himself. She just looks so beautiful and so happy when she couldn't care less about what is happening outside of their little bubble. She speaks with a heart of gold, and she's just the sweetest thing Soonyoung has ever seen.
When he says he loves her and he really means it, she'll know that his tone is a little different than it usually is. He isn't saying it in hopes that she'll reciprocate like he usually does - just so that he could simply see her resolve crumble. Instead, he says it gently but resolutely. In a way, he says it so effortlessly without any thought (but not recklessly whatsoever because he has given it months and months to fall this hard and this deeply in love). He's not his hyperactive self. He's given her his undivided attention, and there's a serious side to Soonyoung that she doesn't see often. So yeah, she probably does have an idea that he really does love her, but she still continues to deny it :-(
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ghostofskywalker · 3 years
Love Always, Wanda
Wanda Maximoff/Fem!Reader
Words: 1,863
Summary: It’s 1943. The war is raging on all fronts, and you’re tired of the way things are. Letters from your girlfriend overseas are the only things that brighten your day sometimes, and you just wish she could come home to you. [WWII AU]
Requested By: anonymous
Warnings: period-typical homophobia, descriptions of war and graphic injuries
Note: if only wandavision went back another decade so we could have a picture of period-accurate wanda 😭 but for now 50′s wanda will have to do even though her clothes and hair would be completely different
Wanda Maximoff Masterlist 
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- January 5, 1944 -
If it weren’t for the letter you noticed when you picked up your mail after work, you probably would have gone to bed the second you walked in the door. But the sight of a familiar scrawl on the front of the envelope sent shock waves through your body, and you threw all the other mail on the table to be forgotten once you stopped inside your apartment.
The envelope was thin, and the stationary was slightly wrinkled as you pulled it out, like the letter had been written while being balanced on someone’s leg. The ink had run in places, whether from raindrops or tear stains you didn’t know, and the top left corner was dated two weeks ago.
My Dearest Y/N,
The world grows ever-grim as I see more death and destruction with each passing day. The beds in our field hospital have been filled constantly, to the point where we have had to start laying pillows and sheets on the floor for some of the injured. It feels like the smell of blood and death has permanently seeped into my body, no matter how much I try to scrub it away. We have not yet been the victims of an air strike, but each time I hear any kind of siren the thought flashes through my mind. I can hide, but so many of the wounded are unable to move at all. I think the Germans have not targeted us yet because they know, just as I do, that most of the men admitted here will not walk out, and what point is there to shoot a corpse other than to waste your bullets?
I apologize for the somber subject of the letter, but there is no one I trust more than you with every piece of myself. We have to put on brave faces here, despite the chaos and destruction that rages in our lives. Today I held a man’s hand as he died, and I tried my hardest not to let the sorrow show on my face. He had been dragged in by his fellow soldiers, his right arm bloody and mangled as it practically hung off his body. His screams of pain will haunt my memory for years to come, that I am sure of, and there was nothing we could do for him. All we could do was give him some liquor to numb the pain, and I sat next to him as he laid on one of our dingy cots, trying to distract him so that he didn’t notice the fact that he was losing too much blood to be able to survive. He told me about his family, and as he recounted stories of his wife and daughter back home in Vermont his voice grew weaker and weaker. He didn’t even finish the story of his daughter’s first Christmas before his life had slipped away. I helped two other nurses lift his body up and move it with the others who met the same fate, because we needed the cot for someone else.
I miss you with every fiber of my being, and I don’t know how much more of this I can take. I wonder why I was so eager to help my country, a place where I cannot marry the woman of my dreams. It pains me that we must hide our love in the shadows, and I hope that one day we may be able to kiss in the middle of the street without fearing for our lives. How is everything back home? I hope your job at the factory has been treating you better than my job has treated me these past few months. How have you been managing with the rationing? Edith says her mother complains all the time, because she still has to feed a family of 4 with their groceries.
I think the day that this is all over will be the best day of my life, and I crave your touch and kiss. Until then, I must be content with only your letters, which I carry with me in my bag. Your words have been the only light in these dark days, and I wish for nothing more than to be in your arms again. There’s talk of a raid on the beaches of Normandy, to push the Germans back once and for all. Maybe we will be seeing each other sooner than anticipated.
Love Always,
Your Wanda
Her words were a comfort, even if you couldn’t even imagine living the life she did. Forgetting about the things you actually had to do this evening (and the fact that you were still sweaty and covered in motor oil from the factory) you grabbed a piece of stationary and started to write.
My Darling,
Even though I cannot hear your voice, just knowing that you’re still out there calms me. I desperately wish that we could be together again, and that you can soon cross the ocean between us to return. Your home is my arms, and you have been away for too long.
My life is not as interesting as yours, I am afraid, as I have no harrowing war stories to tell. Maybe that will bring you some comfort, I do not know, but things here have been decidedly dull since I last spoke to you. Where you are covered in blood, it is motor oil for me, and we’ve started to assemble tanks and trucks rather than just manufacture their pieces. It is tiring work, but the monotony is something of a comfort. More often than not, I find myself daydreaming while I am on the assembly line, thinking about you, and wishing you were waiting for me when I got home that night. The general manager of the plant is a creep, but thankfully he hasn’t preyed on me. Mary Ann, who I work with the most, is not so lucky. I told her that I would punch him in the throat for her if she wanted me to, but so far I have not been afforded the opportunity. I think he senses my hostile nature and has decided to keep his distance, which is possibly the only smart thing he’s done since I started working there.
Rationing hasn’t been that much of a struggle for me, but we’ve never been too lavish in our lifestyle. The fact that I am only allowed one egg each week hurts though, and powdered eggs are just not cutting it anymore I’m afraid. I feel strange complaining about it, because you probably haven’t seen an egg in weeks, which is yet another reason I would not do well on the front lines. Stocking prices have risen so dramatically I have stopped buying them. The uniform of coveralls I wear at work is much more comfortable, and it is a joy to not have to wear a blouse and skirt like I was expected to when I worked as an office secretary. I can only hope that I am allowed to keep this job once the war is over and the company returns to manufacturing cars, but I fear that the returning GI’s will be given priority over those who were hired because they were all gone.
I miss you terribly, and the bed is cold without you next to me. Please do not hesitate to tell me if you need anything, I have heard that Clara Wheeler has been sending her husband things like coffee and cigarettes when she sends him her letters, and I am sure I could do the same for you, should you need something, or just want something of a comfort from home.
All My Love,
After the ink was dry, you folded the letter neatly and placed it into an envelope. Tomorrow, you would mail it out to Wanda.
- June 19, 1945 -
There hadn’t been a letter from Wanda in over a month, and you were starting to grow worried. For the entire time she had been away, the two of you exchanged letters regularly, and even though postage overseas was slow sometimes, you always received something from her within a few weeks. She had told you in her last letter that there had been talks about starting to send some of the nurses home, but you didn’t know if the plans had been furthered. You knew that Germany had surrendered, that Adolf Hitler had killed himself, and from what you figured, the war in Europe was over. There were still many wounded to tend to, and there was a lot for the army to do, so you understood why none of the soldiers and nurses had been sent back to the states, but that didn’t mean you didn’t wish every day that your girlfriend would return home to you.
You were off today, and you had spent the morning pacing the living room as you listened to the radio and tried to figure out why you had not heard from Wanda in over a month. Worries plagued your mind about what might have happened to her, and then you heard a knock at the door. Your heart immediately fell to the ground as fear gripped your body. Was that the military, who had come to give you the news of Wanda’s death? She had no family in the country, as her parents had both died when she was young, and her brother was serving overseas as well, so you were listed as the person to contact. You would have to filter your sadness, because the military only knew you to be Wanda’s roommate, and you took deep breaths as you walked towards the door, expecting to be met by a stuffy looking military man holding a telegram that would inform you of the very thing you didn’t want to think about.
But it was not a man with a letter that was standing at the doorstep.
You didn’t quite believe what you were seeing at first, and your hands flew up to cover your mouth. Wanda stood across from you, with a huge smile on her face. She looked thinner than she was when she left, and her eyes were much more tired, no doubt from all that she has seen. The minute the door closed behind her, you threw your arms around your girlfriend and cried tears of joy, sobbing into her shoulder.
“I’m sorry I haven’t written,” Wanda said, hugging you so tightly you thought you might explode. “But I didn’t trust myself to not tell you that I would be coming home, and I wanted to surprise you.”
You didn’t answer her, instead choosing to pull away from her so you could place a passionate kiss on her lips. You were both crying at this point, and the kiss was slightly salty as the tears ran down your faces. It wasn’t a picturesque homecoming, but none of that mattered. “I don’t even care,” you said breathlessly as you pulled apart. “What’s important is that you’re here with me now, and I never want to let you go ever again.”
- the end -
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tswaney17 · 3 years
so I maybe found IDBTWY (i hope i put the letters in the right order my brain is so slow HAHAHAHA) on ao3 and binged all of it (+ the prequels) last night and WOW😩🥵🤩🥰!! It was beyond amazing! You are an incredible writer and the whole story was so engaging and well balanced (the angst:fluff ratio 😤👌🥵) and I COULD NOT STOP READING PLEASE IT WAS SO GOOD??? This should not be allowed I am not okay and how dare you release something THIS GOOD😩🥰!!!! You are SO TALENTED I love this story sm please I can’t believe you’re letting us read this for free TYSM☺️💛. Something about Elriel AUs just hits different and this one >>>>?? NEXT LEVEL! I loved it so much please I just wanna reread immediately but I will wait until I have enough time to reread here and give you the praise and appreciation and hype that you deserve because this story is INCREDIBLE. Truly. I AM OFFICIALLY A (n even bigger) TSWANEY17 STAN😌😌💛💛!! Because I remember you def also wrote Across the Hallway which is ✨burned into my head✨ because I’ve read it so many times I’m not even sorry😌😌😌. Definitely my comfort story too, everything about it is so warm🥰🥰 (except for that very smutty chapter😈)!!! As you can tell I’m definitely not the writer here🤣. But I hope I managed to convey at least a little bit of my gratitude and appreciation for you and your writing🥰🥰. You’re amazing and I think IDBTWY has dethroned and replaced Across the Hallway as my fav Elriel fic because I am HOOKED😌😩😭!! TYSM for writing it and I’m so glad I found it💛💛💛
P.S. No pressure at all, but I was just wondering if you had a schedule for updates? Just so I remember when to pop back but all good if not🥰)
P.P.S. I was already convinced the story was CHEFS KISS TOP NOTCH but then you made Cassian and Elain sing Exile🥺🥺. A Taylor Swift stan and your name is Taylor too I am crying!!🥰🥰🥰🥰
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Oh my god...
This is... I just... 🥺🥺🥺
I have no words for how incredibly wonderful it felt to read this. I'm totally not going to be able to express myself well enough for you to understand how much my heart swelled to get this.
I feel like I say this all the time, but I never expected to get the kind of reaction I have over this fic. Here I was, just a random newbie to the writing world (at least for public consumption), and to get the amount of amazing and responsive feedback I've gotten has just been astronomical to me. You are the reason I push myself to continue and improve my writing. I seriously cannot say thank you enough, but truly, thank you from the bottom of my heart.
Across the Hallway was my first baby. It was this random idea that I just needed to get out and when I look back on it (knowing that it needs A TON of edits), I can't help but smile at how far I've come. IDBTWY has been an absolute joy to write (yes, even when everyone yells at me to just make them kiss and to stop hurting them 😈).
I can't say I blame you for letting IDBTWY dethrone ATH, because, in my heart, it has too. I don't usually give myself kudos or talk about things I've done that make me proud, but this fic is one of the proudest things I've ever accomplished (-ish, since it's not done yet).
As for a schedule, I tend to post every other week - but I'm not always successful. Life gets busy, ya-know? For notifications, you can always subscribe to my fic blog (I only reblog snippets and actual fics, nothing else so it's not obnoxious), @tswaney17fics. Or you can subscribe to my ao3 account as well. Those will probably be the best options for keeping up with my posts.
I am a HUGE TSwift fan! I had the idea of Elain and Cash singing Exile together for months before that part came out. It just hit me as Elriel, especially in this fic. But more ironically, my last name also begins with "Sw", so we're almost the same person… 😬 (A girl can dream right??)
Anyways, this answer has become ridiculously long, so to summarize, THANK YOU x1000000000000000000! It truly meant everything to read this. 💙💚💜
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maplecornia · 3 years
I'm glad to meet you too Maple! And yes spending time with your closed ones is the best feeling. I've never really spent a lot of time with my parents cuz my family was never really together. I'll explain some other day maybe cuz otherwise this whole ask will turn into me ranting.
I really like chocolates and for chewy candies I like fruit flavors, especially orange. I cannot really eat orange as a fruit, I eat when I feel like, which is rare. But I love orange flavored stuff, it's vice versa for strawberry tho. The only strawberry flavored thing I can tolerate is strawberry flavored KitKat lmao.
I bake for my friends and family just to make them feel a bit special, I have this habit lol. Sometimes I go all extra to make them feel nice.
A laptop and a printer are pretty good choices! They're gonna be quite helpful. I would have said I enjoy all genres but romance ain't my thing. I just get bored easily. Also there aren't that many good libraries here as well, I turn to my school library most of the times lmao.
AND THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR THE REC OMG I'LL CHECK IT OUT ONCE MY EXAMS ARE OVER (they do be getting the most outta me lol). Also what is your fav AU? Or is there any AU that you prefer when reading a fanfiction?
AND YOUR BIAS IS NI-KI?? THAT'S SO COOL OMG. Even tho I knew debuted, I checked them out after watching ni-ki's edit and I was so shocked when I came to know he's 15 like wtf- He's honestly so cute just a precious kid
One more question, if you were to choose between angst and fluff, which one would you choose?
I'll come back later, till then take care and stay safe Maple!
Your secret santa, ☕
I'm sorry to hear that about your family, if any of these days you would like to dedicate a ask to ranting, I'll be ready to lend a listening ear. I know family can get tough, I guess for me it's a very important thing. I'd love to listen to your troubles however and hopefully give some advice, but only if you're comfortable with that.
For me I really like fruity candies more than I like chocolate ones. Idk why but chocolate doesn't sit well with me. HOWEVER I LOOOVE caramel with chocolate. That's one of my favorite things in the world ngl. My fav candies of all time would probably have to be Mike & Ike's or Skittles. I just can't get enough of those.
I also like oranges but my favorite fruit would probably have to be pomegranate. It's funny how you can't really eat strawberry flavored things, I'm the same way! But I LOOOVE the fruit. I've never tried a strawberry flavored KitKat though, I'll have to try that sometime.
I can see how romance can get boring and yet I can't stop myself from incorporating it in my fics and works LMAO. However one of my ALL TIME favorite genres is probably sci-fi and fantasy. I just can't get enough of those kinds of books.
YOURE WELCOME FOR THE REC. It's a super cool series, a mixture of fairy tales and sci-fi it's a crazy twist that I absolutely ADORE.
My favorite au would probably have to be e2l. It varies ofc and I can't think of EVERY au at the moment, but that is DEFINITELY one of my all time favs. It just hits diff when done in the right way. Another close favorite of mine would have to be f2l BECAUSE DAAAAYUM IT JUST SENDS.
AND YES DO YOU BIAS NIKI AS WELL?! I LOVE HIM HES SO SMOL. I was rooting for him to make it in I-Land and I was ECSTATIC when he was part of the final lineup.
To be honest, I think I would choose angst. I JUST CANT HELP MYSELF 😭 as is stated in my bio I'm the "angst queen" 💃 and cannot get enough of angst. I think I might have a problem with making my characters suffer help 😭
It was so fun talking to you again!!! I hope ill see you in my inbox soon ;)
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