kinumomen3 · 28 days
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予約通販開始 『超きみの選択。2024|新刊+無配ペーパー』
05月05日(東京)SUPER COMIC CITY 31-day2-内 超きみの選択。 2024に頒布した新刊です。 「COLOR CODE」 Swap Papyrusイラスト本|全年齢 正方形B5サイズ|表紙カラー本文カラー|44ページ ※特典 栞(予定) ▼通販ページ|BOOTH▼ https://kinumomen3.booth.pm/items/5599305 🔽Click here for BOOTH overseas shipping! http://www.tenso.com/en/static/lp_shop_booth 【🖨️ネットプリントのお知らせ🖨️】 5/5 超きみの選択。 2024で配布した無配ペーパーをネットプリントに登録しました。 欲しい方いればご利用下さい✌️ セブンイレブン入力番号【17287377】 ファミリーマート入力番号【ZFW7M6HP94】 ✔︎白黒印刷 B5サイズ推奨 【⚠️有効期限:2024/05/13 23:59迄】
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yuyuyucchi · 1 month
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5月5日、東京ビックサイト SUPER COMIC CITY 31 超きみの選択2024 AUプチオンリー内にて配布するもののお品書きです!
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kakimochi0820 · 26 days
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▲ Above is the URL order page
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▲ Above is the URL order page
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vextried · 27 days
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ANDDDD OUR FIRST MORE IN DEPTH POST ISSS Arra! thanks @mikaverleth for the suggestion. It’s not gonna be super detailed, but more might be revealed VIA stories and comics
I’m gonna try and cover the main people in this AU Before i make the actual comics. So we have the princes, and the vampires/ vampaneze who get involved in this au. Maybe some cirque members and Mr. tall for funsies when I have time (school is kicking my ass😭😭)
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Arra Sails, Known as “Tidal” 🌊🌊🌊
Name: Arra Sails
Hero Name: Tidal
Age: 31 (start of story)
Power: Water based abilities. Uses water and shapes it into various weapons, mainly spears
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Origin story: After training under the legendary Evanna, Arra set sail for the big city to make her mark as a hero. Despite the hardships that come from being in a male dominated industry and being alone in such a big place, she’s powered through and made a name for herself, as one of the most respected up coming heroes, known for not taking crap from anyone and being on the rise as a potential candidate to join the big five, if she wanted to. For now, she isn’t very interested but it hasn’t stopped her from befriending those on top. When she’s not out on missions, she’s either training with Mika or Arrow to improve her combat skills and work on mastering everything on the list.
While she’s spent her years in the city, she has caught attention from a few different people. The only one to truely catch her eye was fellow coworker, Larten Crepsley. Although it hasn’t gone anywhere, yet.
Origin of powers is unknown. Some claim she’s a demigod, others claim it’s probably the doing of the ingenious Kurda Smahlt. Most likely she was just one of the lucky ones born with it though.
Larten Crepsley: Complicated, currently just coworkers
Mika Ver Leth: Good friends
Kurda Smahlt: Coworkers. She puts up with him for Mika’s sake.
Arrow: Great friends. All of Arrows kids like auntie Arra.
Paris Skyle: Friends. She views him with high respect.
Vanez Blaine: Friends. Well duh, of course she’d befriend the weapons guy.
Gavner Purl: Coworkers. Friendly guy but hasn’t gotten too close.
Seba Nile: Friends.
Evanna: (?????)
Darren Shan: Friends. She was hard on him for a while but soon warmed up to him.
Importance: Arra has a big role in the first comic I currently have planned. Her roles vary from major to supporting, depending on the comic. She may appear in smaller tales about Evanna…
Until then, stay tooned!
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mydarlingbat · 10 months
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I will surely give you a lovely list of comics the joker appeared in. Batman adventures continue #12 Batman the max. Arkham dreams #2 Batman confidential #11 batman ninja turtles 3 # 5 hitman #3 Batman The shadow #4 league of justice. Tales from the dark multiverse / the death of Superman #1 Batman #353 Batman #7 Batman #1 Batman adventures #16 the Batman strikes #9 Batman fun house of evil. Batman death by design. The batman who laughs #1 the Batman who laughs # 2 Batman secrets. Batman cacophony #3 legends of the dark Knight # 200 Batman legends of the dark Knight # 145 Batman Gotham Knights #73 Batman dredd / die laughing. The Joker mask. Batman Gotham adventures #31 detective comics annual #5 Batman vs the punisher. two face year one #2 Batman #544 Batman Arkham unhinged #29 #30 Batman unhinged # 28 Batman 1992 annual. Batman Arkham knight. Batman #649 Batman #719 batman Europe #2 legends of the dark Knight #195 catwoman #63 legends of the dark Knight #16 batman adventures #1 Batman adventures #3 Batman adventures #30 Batman 2016 48# batman the white knight #7 the spectre #51 batman annual #1 Joker switch. Wonder woman #165 #167 elseworlds finest. Batman Gotham after midnight #8 dc super friends. Batman / Harley and ivy #1 Batman #146 batman #37 the Joker last laugh #6 Batman legends of the dark Knight # 10 Batman last knight on earth. Batman legends of the dark Knight #50 batman Odyessy # 6 #2 injustice ground zero #6 Batman ego.Batman Europa 1#2#3#4 # Dc challenge #12. the Batman strikes #28. The heart of hush. The Joker 80th anniversary 100 page super. Mother panic Gotham ad. The last knight on earth. JLA Justice League of Arkham. Batman legends of the dark Knight #22. Batman rebirth #48. Joker advocate. Death of the family. Batman endgame. Batman confidential # 11. The man who laughs. Batman cacophony # 3. Batman #650. Batman the Prince charming #2. The Batman who laughs #4. Detective Comics #1008. Batman legends of the dark Knight #19 and 20. Batgirl #1. Catwoman #63. The Joker's apprentice. Killer smile. Batman zero year one #25 #23#22. Batman damned. Doomsday clock #6. Batman legends of the dark Knight # 105. Justice League annual issue #2 1988. Outsiders #3. Batman Arkham City #1. azrael #53. Batman the white Knight issue #1 detective comics #625. Detective Comics #729.
/ load of batjokes comics ;)
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yumyum-cult · 3 months
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【サークル参加します!!】 05月05日(東京)SUPER COMIC CITY 31-day2-内 WELCOME TO HELL'S HOTEL GW2024| イベントGO_赤ブー https://akaboo.jp/event/item/20198061.html
私と友達は「もゆ 」というサークル名で参加する〜よろしく✨
☆☆☆ Me and a friend are participating in SUPER COMIC CITY 31's Hazbin Hotel event in May here in Tokyo! Working now to finish up various things we'll be selling such as an illustration book and some goods! I have no idea what the attendance will be like, so if I have any leftovers I will probably throw them up on the shop afterwards! We'll be tabling under the circle name "Moyu" (ง •̀_•́)ง (they drew vaggie here and i drew lute~)
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nikrei · 2 days
May Comics Round Up!
I didn't think I got all that much read this month, but it looks like there's a decent amount!
Swamp Thing (71-90) (1988-1990)
Swamp Thing tells a good story as always, and is delightfully messed up in many ways. Intertwined a bit with the start of Hellblazer at this point, so read them together!
The Demon (1-4) (1987)
Missed this mini last month, so grabbed it this time around. A pretty good sequel to the 70s run, and ends with Etrigan kissing Blood on the mouth as they break up, so I think it's a success.
Invasion Event (1-8 + all tie-ins) (1989)
This is a fun event! It is also where the term 'meta-human' originates, so check it out if you wanna get that history.
New Guardians (6-12) (1989)
Sort of a mediocre run overall. Definitely groundbreaking, but you can tell that the guy with the vision left after the first couple of issues (because dc wouldn't let him be as progressive as he wanted to be with the story). Makes me wonder if Tom continues to be a fully enlightened being when he shows up in GL issues after this (if he doesn't they're all cowards)
Plastic Man (1-4) (1988-1989)
A fun gag comic mini. Good for an intro to the character, and it's neat how each issue starts with detailed "serious" comic art that then becomes v stylized and fun.
The Spectre (21-31) (1989)
Oh boy did this go places in the finish. The first half of this run has an entirely different vibe then the second half and neither of them really do it for me.
Dr. Fate (1-14) (1988-1989)
Look the new Dr Fate is sooo wierd, they are just wildly going places with this whole thing. Old Lord of Order Nabu is now a grumpy couch potato, the new Dr Fate duo have no idea what they're doing and consist of a kid that's been aged up to adulthood and his v young stepmom, and also they are soulmates. No idea where they at gonna go with this after they've killed Eric off.
Hellblazer (1-26) (1988-1990)
I like this one a lot, as serious titles go. It really is amusing the difference between Constantine in this title and in Swamp Thing. In his own title he struggles to travel around England, hitchhiking and train hopping and the like, compared to how he's jetsetting around the world in Swamp Thing.
The Question (Annual 2-33) (1989)
The Question is always quality, and also Shiva showed back up!! Many things happen, and also Hub City is literally the worst. Gotham and Bloodhaven think that they are the worst but it is 100% Hub City sorry guys.
Action Comics Weekly (609-641) (1988-1989)
Or at least the bits that were Black Canary/Dead Man/Phantom Stranger/Nightwing/Speedy/The Demon/Phantom Lady (i am not immune to the power of tits okay). These little stories were all really fun, and super easy to miss if you don't have a reading list to follow (I was following a Roy list, then backed up to catch the Dinah stories story) However, the Demon story there at the end had Jason and Etrigan back together already, so I looked up a reading list for him and discovered:
Cosmic Odyssey (1-4) (1988)
Read this to find out how Etrigan and Jason got back together. I love the fourth world. I have many things to say about it and I have written out some of that already. Jim Starlin is my enemy.
Secret Origins (26-38) (1988-1989)
Catching up on folks changed backstories for the post crisis era pretty much
Green Arrow (14-16) (1989)
Only just got started on Arrow at the end of the month! I'll read more now!
Bonus: weeks 5-9 of the Comic Kon superboy reading club! We've finally made it to the Superboy solo! But boy, does that start off getting caught in every big event around, the extra credit has to work hard!
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twistedtummies2 · 4 months
Year of the Bat - Number 3
Welcome to Year of the Bat! In honor of Kevin Conroy, Arleen Sorkin, and Richard Moll, I’ve been counting down my Top 31 Favorite Episodes of “Batman: The Animated Series” throughout this January. We’re now in the Top 3 of the countdown! TODAY’S EPISODE QUOTE: “Look at us. We’re all freaks and monsters? And who made us this way? BATMAN!” Number 3 is…Trial.
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“Who made who?” This is not only a quote from a very fine song by AC/DC, but it is a recurring question found and toyed with in a variety of ways throughout superhero fiction. Do the heroes create the villains, or do the villains create the heroes? Does extreme heroic action, that which already tends to bend the law (if not break it completely) result in higher extremes of crime and cruelty? Or does the existence of such evil in the world beget the need for heroes who will go to greater lengths to stop them? Is it, perhaps, a hint of both, or could it even be neither and it’s all sheer bizarre coincidence; that these things would probably happen regardless? While basically every superhero franchise worth its salt dives into this question somehow, some way, at some point, Batman is one of the characters who perhaps most embodies this fundamental problem: keep in mind, most of Batman’s greatest villains – especially in B:TAS – only came on the scene after Batman, himself, arrived. Does his presence in Gotham in some way inspire evil, or is it the presence of said evil that necessitates his constant intervention? “Trial” is one of my favorite pieces to address this question. Originally planned to be a movie, the story was tightened up to be just another episode of the show (I think budgetary reasons might have been the cause, but I can’t prove or be certain of that). While one does wish the episode could have been expanded on in feature format, I think the final result more than stands up on its own terms. The story focuses on Gotham’s new district attorney (replacing Harvey Dent), Janet Van Dorn. She greatly disapproves of Batman’s involvement with law enforcement, not at all impressed by his many feats of saving Gotham City, and frustrated with Commissioner Gordon’s alliance with the Dark Knight. In her mind, Batman is responsible for the rise of super-criminals in the city, and she openly admits that nothing would bring her greater pleasure than to put the Caped Crusader on trial. As the old saying goes, “be careful what you wish for”: Van Dorn and Batman both find themselves captured by a horde of Gotham Rogues, who have staged a coup to take over Arkham Asylum, using the Mad Hatter’s mind control technology to brainwash the staff. The Villains reveal they plan to put Batman on trial: the Joker is the Judge, Two-Face is the Prosecutor…and Janet Van Dorn is forced to act as Batman’s Defense. The irony speaks for itself.
Where do I start with what’s awesome about this episode, aside from the obvious novelty of the premise? Well, for one thing, if you love Batman Villains, then you definitely will enjoy this story, because almost every major rogue in the gallery appears in some capacity in this episode. Some, like Scarecrow and the Riddler, are non-speaking cameos, but a lot of the others actually get a fair bit of screentime and some great character interactions and dialogue. Seeing all these villains bounce off each other, as well as our two protagonists, is just a great deal of fun. I also love all the little humorous elements and hidden jokes in the episode: things like the Mad Hatter being the first witness (a direct and subtle reference to the Wonderland books), the Joker being the judge (which I think may have been a reference to a comic, but could also be a funny coincidence), and the Ventriloquist & Scarface as the bailiffs (which doesn’t reference anything, I believe, but is just freaking hilarious). I also like the journey Van Dorn goes on in this story. She starts off as a rival to Batman, seeing him as a nuisance and a hypocrite who causes more trouble than he’s worth, and wants to see things done in a straight-and-narrow fashion. By the end of the story, she concedes that he really does have a place and purpose in Gotham, and that the ends truly do justify the means…but she still doesn’t necessarily LIKE that fact. To an extent, she reminds me a lot of Ellen Yindel from “The Dark Knight Returns” (and her surrogate character, Ellen Yin, from the later animated show “The Batman”). In Frank Miller’s graphic novel, Yindel is Commissioner Gordon’s replacement, and she basically has the same concerns and feelings as Van Dorn. She also ultimately comes to the same conclusion: sometimes, drastic measures are called for, and one should not judge what they cannot fully understand. I don’t know if this similarity was intentional on the creators’ part or not, but it’s interesting to note.
“Trial” postulates that, unorthodox and questionable as his actions may be, Batman does NOT create his villains: whatever grudges and fixations these renegades have, they probably still would have become bad guys later down the line without his help. And what’s great about this conclusion is, at least in the Animated Series, that’s absolutely true! Most of Batman’s rogues are created independently from him, or were already off-balance by the time he came into play. So many times in this series, Batman isn’t the one spurring the action on, instead he’s reacting to dangerous activity. So whatever influence Batman has on Gotham City…in this show, at least, it’s safe to say it’s positive. The twist that comes after Van Dorn has this realization during the titular trial is absolutely marvelous, as well…but I think I’ll keep that one to myself. Watch the episode to see how this case adjourns. Ha Ha.
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Tomorrow, I shall present the penultimate place in the countdown. Hint: “Are you the dreamer, or merely part of someone’s dream?”
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guruneko · 4 months
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SUPER COMIC CITY 31に申し込みしました。
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thedeafprophet · 9 months
31 for alex and/or jamie? :3
31. What superpower would you choose for them and what would they choose for themselves? If they have one would they choose something else?
Gonna assume this not considering that Alex is canonically a magic dream cat wizard ajdkfkfkfg
Okay Lowkey.... I have thought about Superhero aus before.
Alex is just sooooo DC vigilante coded. I mean
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That feels pretty strong sometimes. And Fires is totally a comic book villain, its so evil and has that whole obsessed with a city thing
...anyways this is not answering the question. oop
If Alex were to have superpowers, I think it would be some form of teleporation... Like Nightcrawler!!! I think it'd be super cool if Alex could teleport (i mean he sorta moves like that through mirrors already..... but he's not Sam Scudder lol)
Jamie I think would have... some sort of persausion based mind control. Not like, full mind control.... but also yea. Can sway people into doing things heheh.
Ask Game From Here
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kinumomen3 · 1 month
SUPER COMIC CITY 31-day2-内 超きみの選択。 2024に頒布予定のお品書きです。
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スペース番号 【東6 ふ52a】 よろしくお願いします!
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5/5 SUPER COMIC CITY 31 -day2-(東京ビッグサイト)|あくまで動画ですから★|参加サークル数 24
◆BGM・・・リクエストしたBGM「デーモンロード」 / Kanaria が会場で流れました。皆さまお気づきになりましたか?
今回のプチオンリーにご協力頂きましたすべての方にお礼申し上げます。 ありがとうございました!
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thescoopstroopers · 9 days
31 - 40 😁
31. 3 favorite boy names 32. 3 favorite girl names 33. favorite actor?  34. favorite actress?  35. who is your celebrity crush? 36. favorite movie?  37. do you read a lot? whats your favorite book?  38. money or brains?  39. do you have a nickname? what is it?  40. how many times have you been to the hospital?
jess LOL THANKS 🤣🤣 i love these though because it's a fun way of really getting to know me!
31 boy names: damn so hard to pick boy names for some reason i recently just discussed this with my friends also if i had to pick my favorite boy name is thomas classic original common name
32. girl names: Emma, Olivia, Charlotte (my nieces name btw) top three girl names
33. hmmmm favorite actor tom holland always been a super big fan of him saw him live at a comic convention in my old area super nice gentleman very underrated actor who deserves to be protected at all costs lol.
34. favorite actress Anne Hathaway loved her since devil wears prada !!! such a great actress!
35 celebrity crush at the moment well have ya seen my blog? LOL joe keery is my current hyperfixation crush.
36. favorite movie 13 going on 30 could rewatch that all the time
37 i read a lot! i am currently into fantasy books atm i love the crescent city series and also fourth wing series! favorite book is the summer i turned pretty series!
38 money isn't forever so def brains!
39 lissa is my nickname! or lyssa however you wanna spell it that's my nickname!
40 i have been in the hospital three times actually i had surgery when i was really really little for my speech impediment i had that surgery done when i was just a few weeks old! and second time i tripped and fell and banged my head up got a scar on my eyebrow because of goofing around with my siblings lol the 3rd time i had spinal fusion surgery for scoliosis!
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dongsofsevotion · 1 month
05/04 SUPER COMIC CITY 31 cont.
Since there's an annoying-ass link limit in posts and because the GH community is indomitable, this is continuing into a second post! Please see first post here. Less than a week to go!
Absolutely loving these stats that show GinHiji as the fourth biggest ship (by participant) for day 1 at 85 circles, of 175 total Gintama registrations. JJK takes the day 1 crown on both fronts (Gojo x Yuuji at 138, total JJK at 574). Day 2 is a Birth of Kitaro sweep (Kitaro's Father x Mizuki 509, total 1136).
My asks and messages are also open for purchasing questions, recommendations or any other queries 🫡
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joint publications
j1 Lovemaking Collection | sample (sakuramasu) | sample (waka) | sample (mayunoya) | sample (sakigake) | mail order | joint publication between sakuramasu, waka, chako, mayunoya and sakigake themed around sexual deviance; ginpachi + paako x hiji, ginhiji + kinhiji, ginhiji + shiroyasha, fukutoshi
individual publications
circle name / creator name | book title | sample (usu. pixiv) | mail order (usu. fromagee/melonbooks; will need a proxy if purchasing outside jp) | notes
01 ^85#747 | 素直じゃない土方くんは好きですか?| sample | mail order 02 お華や / hanai | 副長のはかりごと | sample | mail order 03 絡まり / futa | 龍の落とし児 | sample | mail order 04 晴れのちバズーカ! / yamada | 2×(にかける)後編 | sample | mail order | sequel to previous publication, back in stock here 05 yuumachi / ino | 欠けて望月 | sample | mail order 06 ふくらすずめ / halufune | はつこいのけもの | sample | mail order 07 kara no tamago / isaki | たりたりだり話 | sample | mail order 08 furikake zanmai / goma | ウワサのハナシ | sample | mail order 09 雨がやんだら / asako | ねてもさめても | sample | mail order 10 もみほぐし / momioo | そっちの暮らしはどうだい | sample | mail order 11 露屋 / tsun | 紫煙のゆく先 後編 | sample | mail order | continuation of a previous release 12 tecopoco / 奏 | 気になるあの子のプロフィール | sample | mail order 13 バーベキューで燃やす / adaniya | Hey Darling | sample | mail order 14 aspartame / kei | クロスオーバークレーマー | sample | mail order 15 b-j bun / ribi | 月落ち鳥と狐福・下 | sample | mail order | fokkuro! continuation of a previous release
covers issued, but release status unconfirmed or samples not out: 16 shiyuu 17 こけし予防 / 苔
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dispatchdcu · 5 months
Jackpot #1 Preview
Jackpot #1 Preview #jackpot #MARVEL #marvelcomics #comics #comicbooks #news #mcu #art #info #NCBD #comicbooknews #previews #reviews #spiderman #Amazon #peterparker #asm #amazingspiderman
  Jackpot #1 Preview: ALWAYS BET ON RED! A GANG WAR TIE-IN! Mary Jane Watson, A.K.A. JACKPOT, gets her first solo super story since her debut in ASM #31! New York City is in chaos as the super-powered criminal gangs are at war, and it’s all hands on deck! It’s a baptism by fire, but, come on, this is Mary Jane. What CAN’T she handle?! CELESTE BRONFMAN • JOEY VAZQUEZ (A) • Cover by PABLO…
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View On WordPress
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hellowyn-llewellyn · 1 year
You know what to do
(For sonic ask game)
Okay for this one I’m going to keep my answers short and exclude any ones that I already answered separately. They’ll be under the cut since this is gonna get long
1- First Game? Sonic Forces
2- Favorite Game? Sonic Adventure 2 or Sonic ‘06
3- Favorite character? Rouge the Bat !
4- Favorite IDW character? I’m sorry, but. Dr Starline
5- Favorite Archie Character? Mina Mongoose !!
6- Favorite Sonic the Comic character? I have not read it 😔
7- Favorite show? Tie between Sonic Satam and Sonic Boom
8- Favorite stage/level? City Escape from Sonic Adventure 2 !
9- Favorite Boss Fight? The train from tmosth because I suck and it was the easiest one for me so far
10- Favorite stage theme? Pumpkin Hill
11- Favorite spin-off Game? I’d say The Murder of Sonic the Hedgehog. I really liked the sonic cast in a visual novel :D
12- Favorite Racing Game? Team Sonic Racing
13- Favorite Handheld title? I can’t really answer this one. Sowwy
14- Least Favorite Game? Again I can’t really think of one. Sowwy
15- Spin-off I’d like to see? Sonic underground based rhythm game
16- Classic Adventure or boost gameplay? I’m going to be real honest I’m not entirely sure what this means
17- Dream Sonic Game? I’d be happy to see more visual novels or Team Dark get their own game.
18- Dream sonic show/story? Sonic Saran season three would be epic
19- Pitch for a third storybook game? My mind is drawing blanks rn but I’ll definitely get back to this later
20- Favorite non-sonic Sega franchise? Hatsune Miku
21- Favorite version of Sonic? Jaleel Whites sonic has a special place in my heart
22- Favorite transformation? Super sonic
23- Favorite team? Team Dark !!
24- Favorite Robot? Does the Tails Doll count??
25- Favorite Villain? Look Snively is just a poor little meow meow loser and for that he’s my favorite
26- Overrated Character? Look I’m sorry but I have to go with Tangle or Surge. Nothing wrong with them, they’re both very cool. I just think sometimes they can be a lil overhyped
27- Favorite Chao? Dark Chao
28- Favorite wisp? The violet void one
29- Favorite human character? Helen from sonic x or Princess Elise
30- Favorite rivalry? Sonic and Eggman. It’s a classic
31- Favorite ship? I don’t really ship anymore but Bunnie and Antoine will always be special to me
32- Favorite Sonic Voice actor? Jaleel White and Roger Craig Smith
33- Favorite piece of merch? Heads and Tubes ofc !
34- Favorite sonic artist? I couldn’t possibly pick one! Especially when so many of my friends are wonderful sonic artists :]
35- How long have you been into sonic? I remember watching a bit of Sonic Boom when I was 7 but I didn’t really get into sonic until I was around 11 so four years ? Almost five ?
36- Favorite Sonic related memory? Either Sonic Symphony back in 2021 or Taking Heads and Tubes on different adventures
37- Hottest sonic take? Sonic underground’s worst episode is better than Sonic Primes best (no hate to prime I just don’t think there’s a lot a fun character interaction in it)
38- Coldest sonic take? Hating on modern 3d games for no reason does not make you look cool. In fact it does the exact opposite
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