hello-there-cyarika · 2 months
You are challenged by Elite Four Skywalker!
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(Spoiler alert, he also has a Vikavolt, Volcarona, and Rabsca)
Hope you brought a fire type
@formvienthusiast you are absolutely correct that Anakin is a bug catcher! The vibe is so correct. I think deoxys is like, his partner pokemon and the only outlier because "chosen one" lol He's a special space boy so he gets a special space pokemon!! (also the combination blue and red in deoxys and Ani's blue to red lightsaber yk? maybe i just think a lot about symbolism who knows)
<3 I do not give my consent or my permission for my art to be re-posted or reuploaded on this or any other website, or to be used to train an ai <3
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gryffindor-jedi · 1 year
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Jedi June - Focus
AU where Savage is a Jedi
spent too much time on the holocron and i still think it could be better
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nyxx830 · 1 year
Does anyone else see Ahsoka and Anakin as a father daughter duo? I’ve seen so much debate abt r they siblings or not, and no order 66 supremacy 😌
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graycious-tea · 1 year
Otter-Wan is literally my new favorite thing ever and y’all need to get on board 😂
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tup-ika-5385 · 1 year
A Sequel to the fic "A Series of Hard Knocks," focusing on Tup and Dogma. Now six months after the trials of Umbara, Tup and Dogma are growing into themselves as well-established members of the 501st. Tup's been training more with Fives and Jesse, set on an ARC trooper promotion, and even Dogma has found a place in medical, where his intense focus and organization are both needed and appreciated. While helping Dogma study for his medic exams, discoveries are made, and help comes from unlikely sources as they unearth a foreboding plot.
Chapter 2 Summary:
Fives, Tup, and Dogma learn more about Tup's condition, and Hardcase makes a new friend.
Chapter 2: Just Sleep Deprivation
Racing down the empty Kaminoan hallway, Kix’s pounding footsteps echoed loudly on the duracrete floors.
He pushed himself faster as he remembered the barely hidden panic in Dogma’s comm.
“Kix, we need you in med-bay. I-It’s Tup.”
The few troopers he’d seen in the hallways knew better than to stop a medic on a tear towards medbay, and the front desk was unmanned when he got there, so it wasn’t long before he was entering the room in question. Opening the door, the first thing he spotted was Tup sitting on the exam table, hand in a plaster cast and tear tracks on his face. There were a few other weirdly-placed bandages visible under his off-duty reds, from what he could see, but the combination of covered injuries made no sense to his medic-trained mind.
“What happened?” He asked, moving closer to take a look at the casted arm. He didn’t know why they hadn’t just stuck it in a bone-knitter if a break was the issue.
Dogma answered first, and Kix was surprised to notice that Fives was present as well. “Tup was helping me study for my junior medic’s exam— he’s not injured, those were for practice. But I was doing the standard assessments, and Tup… he had some concerning results. I thought he was faking at first, for practice.” Dogma wrung his hands together anxiously even as he stood up straight to deliver his report. 
“Can I see?” Kix asked, and Dogma nodded, handing Kix the report before turning back towards Tup to give his hand a squeeze. Tup himself didn’t really respond, eyes worryingly unfocused, although he did lean on slightly to his brother’s touch.
Reading through the results, Kix was quick to agree that something was going on. Troopers didn’t just get… vision deficits and coordination issues without an explanation, and as he shone a penlight in Tup’s eyes to rule out a concussion, his worry increased. 
“Kix…?” Tup asked, wincing at the light, starting to come back to himself a little bit.
“I’m here, vod’ika. Just double-checking some things. How often have you been spacing out like that?” He asked, keeping his tone gentle. If not for these results, he would’ve chalked it up to the late hour, but now that he was looking for it, there were some small differences to Tup’s reaction times, even as he turned towards Kix to form a response.
“I dunno, maybe a couple times over the past few days. Haven’t noticed it myself that much, but I think it happened more when I was stressed.”
Kix nodded in understanding. He’d always worried about Tup’s headaches masking something more serious, given that most troopers didn’t even have headaches, and without Dogma’s exams, it would’ve been easy to miss this… whatever it was, especially because they were supposed to be redeployed in two days, right after Dogma finished his test. But he trusted Dogma’s assessment; something was definitely wrong here, and it worried him.
“Alright, Tup. After looking at the results, I agree with Dogma that something is probably going on, but we won’t know for sure until we take some scans. The Kaminoans like to do stress tests in these situations, but I’ve never been a fan of them personally, so we’ll be doing a more intense brain scan instead. There is a small risk of swelling and worsening of symptoms, but in most cases, it’s relatively minor.” 
Tup swallowed, looking nervous, but after an encouraging nod from Fives, he leaned into Dogma’s silent support and responded. “Okay… let’s do the scan.”
Kix gave him a comforting smile before moving to the control pad on the side of the room to set up the scanner. Inputting his authorization code, he frowned at the panel. “That’s odd. It’s saying that Level 5 atomic brain scans require authorization from either a Kaminoan or a natborn instructor. It’s been a while since I’ve used this type of scanner, I admit, but I don’t remember that being a requirement.”
Kix muttered a curse at the useless machine and Dogma shared a worried look with Tup. Given Dogma’s uncertain status after Krell’s death, they were both uncomfortably familiar with the consequences if the Kaminoans got word of Tup’s unexplained symptoms. 
Thankfully, the anxious silence didn’t last long as Fives stepped in, looking to Kix for permission before getting out a datapad and plugging into the system controls. He wasn’t a natural at programming it like Echo had been, but his hard-won computer skills came in handy more often than he’d like to admit, and it wasn’t long before he bypassed the login, stepping away to give Kix room to work. “All yours, vod.”
Kix smirked, glad that Fives’ ARC training was being used for good, rather than to escape medbay or turn off the bed-alarms like he’d done on one particularly memorable occasion. “And here I thought you ARC troopers were only good for your looks.” 
“What can I say? We’re the full package, vod.” Fives snarked back, moving out of the way for Kix to continue, now that he had access to the scanner. 
After another few seconds, Kix nodded. “Looks like we’re good to go. Are you ready, Tup?”
“Dogma should do it. It’s his practice case.” Tup mumbled, nodding as he laid down on the exam table, giving Dogma a faint smile. 
Kix gave Dogma a questioning look. “You feeling up for it, Dogma?”
Pushing down nervousness and dread, Dogma stepped forward to man the controls. “Yes sir… Fives, could you…?” Almost without needing to be asked, Fives took Dogma’s place keeping Tup company, only letting go of his hand when the scanner started to lower. 
The low vibrating of the scanner whirred unpleasantly as Dogma continued, slow and steady. Kix stood by to assist, just in case, but it wasn’t necessary. He grimaced as he heard a low groan from Tup, but before too long it was done, and the scanner was being removed so they could surround Tup once again. 
Once the scanner had been moved, Tup sat up unsteadily with a grimace. “Well, that didn’t exactly tickle. How long ‘till we see the results?”
“Not long,” Kix responded, waiting for the scans to upload, and finally they did, transmitting to Fives’ datapad so Tup could see them. Now, Tup had never seen a brainscan before, and neither had Fives, but the red circle on the scan didn’t exactly inspire confidence.
“What the kriff is that?!” Fives asked.
“I don’t know, why are you asking me?!” Tup cried, still a little shaken from the scan.
Looking between the screen and Kix, Dogma asked in a low tone, “Is that a tumor?” His stomach filled with dread and his heart dropped into his boots, but he knew what the answer would be.
Kix bit his lip, sending Tup a concerned look. “Whatever it is, it’s pressing up against Tup’s frontal lobe. The swelling is probably what’s been causing all your symptoms, Tup.” He didn’t want to cause a panic, but internally he agreed that it didn’t look good. 
“W-What should we do?” Tup asked, looking to his brothers as his anchor. Fives was quick to put a steadying hand on his shoulder, and Dogma didn’t protest when an outstretched hand pulled him closer. 
Kix opened his mouth to respond when all of a sudden, they heard the rattle of supply crates outside the room and a distinct increase in the amount of traffic in medbay. Glancing at his chrono with a curse, he realized it was nearly 0600, and that their unoccupied corner of medbay wasn’t going to stay that way for long.
“We should get out of here before someone comes looking.”
“B-But what about Tup?!” Fives cried in dismay. Dogma gritted his teeth, clenching his unoccupied fist as tightly as he could, but morbidly, he understood Kix’s reasoning.
“I don’t like it, but the thing in his head isn’t going anywhere, but if the Kaminoans get their hands on him… it won’t be good. We’re not going to leave it in there, but we need to strategize, come up with a plan.” Kix sighed, running a hand through his hair.
Looking up at his worried brothers, Tup gave them a half-smile, mustering up his usual charm to reassure them, despite the sharp pain in his head and the weird disconnect he’d felt since the scan. “I’ll be alright, Fives. Like Kix said, it’s been there for a while; what’s one more day?”
And as they snuck out of the medbay, making sure to wipe the main computer first, Tup pushed himself forward even as he started leaning more heavily on his brothers than he had been before. Probably just sleep deprivation.
Letting out a jaw-cracking yawn, Hardcase rubbed bleary eyes as he made his way towards his morning rehab session. It would be one of his last ones, at least with Patch, since the rehab medic was finally returning to the 104th after a six-month posting with the 501st after Umbara. 
He’d left Dogma and Kix with enough instruction to continue helping the other troopers with their exercises, and he said he’d always be open for a comm if they ever needed help. But Hardcase was finally starting to get used to riding the waves of his chronic pain, between keeping up with his stretches, meds, and recognizing when his Z-6 just wasn’t in the cards for the day. Even the worst of his hypertrophic scarring was doing a little better since they arrived on Kamino, where they’d managed to pester the Kaminoans into allowing laser surgery that would usually be considered cosmetic and unnecessary. 
Walking down the hallways, Hardcase focused his thoughts on the therapy session ahead. Patch had informed him that the group today would be pretty small, given that the rest of the 501st was halfway to Ringo Vinda, but there’d be another trooper there with pretty similar experiences to Hardcase, with an added dose of traumatic brain injury. 
Maybe they’d have some thoughts on weapon modifications; Hardcase himself had gotten pretty creative recently when it came to modifying his heavy gun, figuring out which components were necessary safety features, and which ones were more kilos than they were worth. The thought brought a grin to his face as he entered the room, surprised to find it mostly empty, save one. Patch must be running late.
Hardcase did a double-take when he glanced at the other trooper in the room, if he could even call them that. Even sitting down, the other trooper easily dwarfed the standard issue chair he’d taken residence in, and Hardcase paused for a beat as he saw the other’s facial scar. It was definitely smaller than his own, but he was surprised to see that their hypertrophic scarring was almost worse than his own. Usually, with access to bacta, most scars wouldn’t look that bad, even in the rehab stage, and while his own difficulties were explained by Krell, the traitorous shabuir who’d denied him basic medical care, timely medical intervention usually helped with the worst of it. 
He noticed the other trooper shrink into themselves a little bit and Hardcase sheepishly realized that he’d been staring. Not wanting to prolong the awkwardness, he approached the other trooper, sticking a hand out. 
“The name’s Hardcase! I’m a heavy gunner from the 501st. What’s your name, vod?” Even with the obvious physical differences, he’d recognize a brother anywhere.
“Uh, my name’s Wrecker– I-I’m from Clone Force 99.” Wrecker responded with a lopsided grin. He pushed down some frustration as his voice stuttered, like it had since his injury. Tech told him that it’d get better over time, and it already had, but he hated how it made him stick out even more than usual, and some of the less-considerate regs had taken to teasing him for it. 
Thankfully, this reg didn’t seem to be one of them, and as he turned around to pull up a chair, Wrecker caught a glimpse of a rather large scar on the back of Hardcase’s head and continuing under his blacks.
“Hey, we match!” He exclaimed before he could stop himself. ‘Pointing out other people’s scars is rude,’ Hunter’s voice repeated in his mind, and he grimaced. That was another thing he’d noticed since his injury. He hadn’t had much of a filter before the accident, but it seemed like every other conversation, he’d stumble across another line, earning his brothers’ ire, or worse, the Kaminoans.
Thankfully, this reg– Hardcase laughed with an easy smile before sitting down. “We do! Practically twins, if I do say so myself.” He said, flexing a predictably reg-sized bicep, earning a returning laugh from Wrecker. Unfortunately, this sparked a few more laughs than he’d been expecting, and the reg’s smile turned a little strained and confused by the time that Wrecker finally stopped, panting a little bit.
“S-Sorry. ‘S from my head injury. Once I start laughing, it’s hard to stop.” He explained, and the reg made a noise of understanding before nodding. “Makes sense; I think there’s a Commando in the 212th who’s got the same thing.”
“Really?! I-I’m a Commando too!” Wrecker grinned, realizing belatedly that he’d stated the obvious, given his nonstandard armor, but too excited to care. 
“Yeah; his name’s Gregor. Only met him a few times, but he seems like a solid vod, if a little chatty. Not that I can really complain though.” He grinned self-deprecatingly. “Kix, my batcher, always says that my mouth moves faster than my common sense, but that’s usually just because he hasn’t had his morning kaff yet.”
“Sounds like my Sarg, H-Hunter.” Wrecker offered.
“Heh, well Kix is a medic, which is twice as bad! My trainers always said there was a leak in my growth tube or something, which made me hyperactive, I guess, but I say it’s just my natural charm. Not my fault he can’t handle all this before 0900.” He smirked, leaning back in his chair, earning a returned smile from Wrecker, who was finally starting to relax in the other’s presence.
“Tech says I’ve got bad impulse control.” Wrecker said, earning an encouraging look from Hardcase.
“Yeah? We've probably got that in common, then.”
“Yeah. He says it’s part of m-my head injury, but he suspects it’s always been there, with my enhancements an’ all.” 
“Enhancements?” Hardcase asked, looking intrigued.
“Yeah! I’ve got extra strength, compared to most troopers. I-I can lift a gunship if I try.” He grinned proudly. 
“I’m a little jealous, vod.” Hardcase returned the grin. “I’ve been working on it in rehab, but on bad days, I can barely lift my Z-6.” He was only in his lower armor for rehab, so he didn’t hesitate to shrug off his shirt to show Wrecker his scar. 
Wrecker gave a noise of admiration as he saw the extent of his scarring, as well as the detailed tattoo-work of a Krayt dragon covering most of it. “I got this blowing up a Seppie supply ship! Still gives me trouble most days, but Patch, the rehab medic, he’s got all these ideas to help manage it, which is great. Speaking of which, where is he?”
Wrecker looked towards the door with a shrug just as Patch ran in, panting slightly. “Sorry I’m late, vode! Kix said he’d wake me, but I guess he forgo– Hardcase, where is your shirt?!” 
Patch asked, looking briefly scandalized, prompting an uncontrollable fit of laughter from both troopers. And as Wrecker wiped tears out of his eyes, he decided that maybe some regs weren't so bad.
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newgrean · 9 months
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Find a short follow-up panel to this comic here!
Image description below the cut:
ID: A digital Star Wars fan comic. In the first panel Chancellor Palpatine looks across his desk with a placating expression saying, "Master Ti, of course I understand your concerns, but with the state of the war, we simply can't spare any clones to take a seat on the senate."
In the second panel we see Shaak Ti sitting in the seat across from Palpatine slurping a grande iced chai and wearing large, dark brown sunglasses. The word "slurp" is written in an elongated form across the width of the panel, though it passes behind Shaak Ti's head.
In the third panel Shaak Ti holds the chai tea away and stares silently, unbothered, at Palpatine.
In the fourth panel she says, "I'll do it."
In the fifth panel we see a concerned-looking Palpatine glance up as Shaak Ti rises from her seat. The silhouette of her hand holding the iced chai is visible. He says, "But Master Ti! A Jedi cannot sit on the Senate! It's illegal!"
In the sixth panel, we see Shaak Ti from behind as she walks out the office door. Her head is tilted to the right but her face isn't visible. She is setting her mostly-finished chai on a shelf by the door as she says, "Eh."
In the seventh panel, we see the profile of her face as she turns her head just enough so that she can be heard. We cannot see her eyes, only the sunglasses. She says, "I'll make it legal."
In the eighth panel we see a highly-stylized, almost chibi-esque version of Palpatine. He is visibly gulping in fear and the word "gulp" appears behind him in large, capital letters. He is sweating.
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stealingpotatoes · 11 months
Anakin looking up at future Ahsoka: Ah, okay no I get it now. I see what you were talking about Obi-Wan: So you'll be sorry for rubbing it in my face that you're taller than me? Anakin, with a wide grin: What? No! Now there are TWO of us taller than you! Obi-Wan: I should have joined Dooku when he asked
YOU'RE RIGHT screw the time travel au tho, this can happen in every fix-it au ever as well
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phantasm-echo · 10 months
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chocomars · 1 year
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Long, long road ahead of ya, cowboy.
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Fives wants to battle!
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gl- you're up against his lvl 70 metagross!
I was working on more stuff for my hive troopers au but I was watching pokemon nuzlockes and other challenges in the background and got very sidetracked lol!
Pokemon and SWTCW are two special interests of mine, and one of my favorite things to do is assign pokemon to characters lol! I've basically given all of my favorite troopers at least one pokemon... so I'll probably end up making more of these in the future!
Any requests for which trooper should be next?
<3 I do not give my consent or my permission for my art to be re-posted or reuploaded on this or any other website <3
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gryffindor-jedi · 2 years
The Night Fox - Chapter 7
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Based on @royalhandmaidens Vigilante Commander Fox theory. The story will eventually lead into Foxiyo and a happy au.
Almost wrote myself into a corner, but I think this chapter's pretty good, and inspired by the latest and one of the greatest TBB episodes yet.
Prologue • Chapter 1 • Chapter 2 • Chapter 3 • Chapter 4 • Chapter 5 • Chapter 6
Summary: Riyo Chuchi is in danger, and is forced to go to Commander Fox for help. Thorn convinces the rest of the Coruscant Guard to help the Night Fox.
Word count: 1036 words
“Looks like my plan went well, wouldn't you agree?” Ahsoka asked teasingly.
Riyo crossed her arms over her chest defiantly. “We ate some fruitcake and talked a little.”
“But you actually talked, and Fox doesn't seem to hate you as much as you told me.” Ahsoka smiled.
“Soon Anakin is going to have to pay up…”
“Wait, what?” Riyo asked, stopping just as they neared the Senate building entrance.
“It's nothing,” Ahsoka's smile widened. “Nothing you have to worry about anyway.”
Riyo stared at Ahsoka's curiously innocent facial expression intently.
“Satisfied?” Ahsoka asked.
“Well, I guess a little side bet can't hurt. Although, I am curious.” Riyo started walking after a pause. “But there's something bothering me.”
“And that's exactly why I'm here.” Ahsoka reassured her.
Riyo turned away, and hesitantly said, “There's something very strange about the Night Fox.”
“Look out!” Ahsoka ignited her dual lightsabers and shielded Riyo just as a dozen blaster bolts rained down towards Riyo.
“We need to get to safety, now. The Senate building seems to have been infiltrated, considering that the blaster bolts came from within one of the offices.” Ahsoka looked around.
“They seem to have stopped now, maybe I wasn't the target?” Riyo asked hopefully.
“You and I both know that you were the one being targeted. It isn't safe for you here, at least not without protection.” Ahsoka said, putting away her lightsabers. “Your usual Pantoran guards may not be enough, since they may have been compromised as well. We need someone we can trust, someone whose loyalty is without question.”
“I don't think that we should bother the Coruscant Guard.” Riyo said. “They're busy enough with their duties.”
“The capture of the Night Fox is their primary mission, and since those hunting down the Night Fox might be attacking you as well, your protection could be crucial in their mission. Moreover, the Coruscant Guard has been involved in bodyguard duty before.” Ahsoka said firmly. “We both understand that the magnitude of the situation warrants drastic measures. As a senator, I think that you know but are simply unwilling to work with Fox.”
“You're right.” Riyo sighed. “Maybe you should become a politician, you certainly have a way with words.”
“Master Obi-Wan would probably kill me if I went into politics.” Ahsoka laughed. “Besides, I prefer action to words any day.”
“Look who's here.” Thorn grinned.
“Master Jedi, Senator. What brings you to the headquarters of the Coruscant Guard?” Fox said stiffly.
Thorn promptly elbowed Fox in the ribs. “Will you please stop being so formal? You're making us look bad.”
“I'm assuming that you know Riyo already, and I don't really care for formalities, so let's talk about why we're here.” Ahsoka said mildly. “There's been an attack on the Pantoran senator's life. I have reason to believe that the assassin has infiltrated the Senate, and perhaps even Riyo's own guards.”
“Then, you have come to the right place.” Thorn smiled. “Fox here will help you. I need to check out something else.”
“Where are you going so fast?” Fox asked.
“I think Thire's up to something, in regard to our special friend.” Thorn whispered. “Besides, I would hate to say that the Commander of the Coruscant Guard couldn't talk to a senator and a Jedi by himself.”
“Thorn…” Fox gritted through his teeth, but Thorn was already gone.
Thorn couldn't stop smiling as a flustered Fox tried his best to speak to the Jedi and the senator. Normally, he wouldn't miss such an entertaining situation for anything, but whatever Thire was trying to do would take precedence.
“What exactly are you trying to do?” Thorn asked quietly, and Thire nearly jumped.
“Nothing, sir.” Thire saluted. “Commander, this is an unexpected pleasure.”
Thorn shook his head. “Stone, you can come out now. You won't be able to break into the cell anytime soon, so don't waste time trying, even if you are not currently on duty.”
“How did you know?” Stone asked sheepishly.
“Listen, I know exactly how you feel about the Night Fox.” Thorn sighed. “You can't be blamed for what you're doing, but there's something we need the Night Fox for, and it threatens the Republic itself.”
“I'm listening.” Thire crossed his arms over his chest.
“The Night Fox seems to have made an enemy of a Separatist spy, who has infiltrated the Senate. We're going to use him to lure the spy out.” Thorn explained. “Even if we are unsuccessful, the only casualty might be the Night Fox, which might be appealing to some.”
“If it's for the Republic, then I'm willing to do anything.” Stone agreed halfheartedly. “Is that what Fox is talking about with the Jedi?”
“Nope.” Thorn smiled. “He might be on protection detail for a certain senator that actually respects us.”
Rys came out from his hiding spot. “Good thing I tipped you off then.”
“I knew we couldn't trust him.” Stone elbowed Thire.
“Well, it's all for the best.” Thire chuckled. “Besides, we get to make fun of Fox, and sending the Night Fox on a mission to protect the Republic is a price I am willing to pay for that.”
“No. Senator, for the last time.” Fox avoided eye contact, and refused to take off his helmet. “Commander Thorn has more practice in bodyguard missions. He would be the ideal candidate.”
Ahsoka laughed. “This is really quite adorable.”
“What's so funny?” Fox glared in the Jedi's general direction.
“You have the opportunity to find out more about the Night Fox's assailants, and protect someone who defended you.” Ahsoka's penetrating stare turned towards Fox. “The senator approves as well.”
“I do. I would trust my life with you, as much as I trust the Night Fox.” Riyo spoke up.
As much as the Night Fox. Fox straightened. Well then, he had to fulfill his duty.
“All right.” Fox gently slid off his helmet. “You can count on me, Senator. I promise to always keep you safe.”
Tag list: @penguinkiwi, @kris-styx, @abbsbats
(Just ask to be added!)
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autumnalfallingleaves · 2 months
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@codywanweek Day Seven: Modern AU: Rural type jobs (farmer/cowboy/homesteader)
This is from an AU that's been floating around my thoughts that originally started with an idea for a Codywan meet-cute where Obi-Wan owns a bookshop and Cody is one of the Valentine's Bandits that operates in Portland, Maine-- they meet when Obi-Wan stays late at his bookshop the night before Valentine's Day, and catches Cody in the act of putting up a heart on Obi-Wan's storefront :)
The Fetts are a family of (mostly) lobstermen in this AU, so I thought it'd be cute to draw for today's prompt 🦞 (Cody is also a carpenter! I've encountered it a few times and I liked it so much I decided to incorporate it into my own modern AU :) )
reblogs are highly appreciated, and please do not repost my art
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mereelskirata · 1 year
*releases a month old, scrapped wip into the wild*
Woe, Corrie!Dogma and some friends be upon you!
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tattycoram · 2 months
One of those Star Wars time travel aus but this time instead of just a few people traveling back in time to the clone wars it’s the ENTIRE REBEL FLEET
I’m talking about Mon Mothra, Admiral Ackbar, Wedge, Hera Snydulla, unfortunately not Bail because he’s dead.
But all of the rebel characters who are alive between the gap of a New Hope and Empire strikes Back is now back in time.
However they are not the only ones who have traveled back in time, Darth Vader is also back in time with a Star destroyer’s worth of stormtroopers hunting down the out of place rebels.
So the Rebels have to be discreet, eliminate Palpatine before he can take power, fight and avoid being killed by Vader and also trying to warn the Jedi and the Clones to get the heck out of dodge.
Obi-wan gets a message on his Comm one day saying, “Do not panic Obi-wan Kenobi, we are currently removing you to a more secure area, we are your only hope. Because a huge cyborg man who hates your guts is hunting you down.”
oh my god im crying 😭😂
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stealingpotatoes · 11 months
Wait lol Luke is gonna introduce himself to the council and blow Anakin’s secret.
Mace: “Welcome friends from the future, what are your names?”
Luke: “I’m Luke Skywalker and these are—
The whole council: *record scratch and stares at Anakin*
Anakin: “Ha..haha, ah yes it’s uhhhhh….a common Tatooine surname!”
you're forgetting one thing: Ahsoka's anidala protection instincts
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(commission info // kofi support!)
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phantasm-echo · 10 months
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made a reference sheet for Inquisitor!Fives in my dmw(s) AU, gonna make another for Echo soon-ish :)
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