#Sabezra headcanon
jedimandalorian · 1 year
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From what’s been released from the Ahsoka series so far, we know that Sabine still has her Mandalorian vambraces.
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This means that in addition to the grappling line she has paralyzing darts and a repulsor. I wonder if we will see her use those weapons in her fight with the mysterious helmeted man?
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She’s used the repulsor on Ezra before in Star Wars Rebels. What if she (temporarily) paralyzed this guy with her darts? He falls to the ground, loses his helmet, revealing his dark shaggy hair. On impulse, Sabine removes his mask, revealing that he is Ezra Bridger in disguise.
She would have an “oh no, what have I done?” moment while he lies there with a silly, love struck grin frozen on his handsome face.
Unable to control her emotions, Sabine kneels beside him, ranting about Ezra sacrificing himself to save everyone and then leaving her without telling her the plan. She sobs uncontrollably while stroking his hair and caressing his scarred cheek.
Ezra begins to stir a little. “I wanted it to be a surprise,” he says weakly.
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better-call-mau1 · 1 year
Ahsoka: Here it is, Sabine. The remote system where your “just a friend” has been living in exile for five years.
Ahsoka: The “just a friend” who gave you his lightsaber, symbolic of putting his very life in your hands.
Ahsoka: The same lightsaber you clutch to your chest at night and murmur tender nothings to when you think I’m not looking.
Ahsoka: I suppose we should go down and find your “just a friend” so you two can reaffirm your complete lack of romantic tension with long, wistful looks and casual intimate gestures and heartfelt confessions of how much you mean to each other.
Sabine: Are you fin——
Ahsoka: Maybe we’ll get ambushed by some ferocious predator native to Wild Space, and you’ll instantly jump into action, demonstrating your uncanny ability to know what the other’s thinking and act as two halves of one inseparable whole. Like, I dunno...an old married couple?
Sabine: Alright, can I just say——
Ahsoka: I’m sorry, a *platonic* old married couple. My mistake.
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jessicas-pi · 7 months
This Is Fine but it's just memes without context
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krownest05 · 1 year
Thinking about the fact that Sabine has been having nightmares in which she replays what happened the day Ezra's dissapeared. Imagine they found Ezra and the first night after that Sabine starts having the usual nightmares, but this time she can just get up and confirm Ezra's there, safe, not in an unknown place but with her, and that ends up being her first night without nightmares in the last ten years.
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kazoosandfannypacks · 11 months
sabezra week: day 1: in-between
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during the decade in between, sabine helps the rebellion defeat the empire, but after the new republic is started, she's a rebel without a cause, until ahsoka suspects some force sensitivity in her and takes it upon herself to train her. after the death of sabine's family, ahsoka worries her grief will lead her down a dark path and stops training her. a rebel without a war, a mandalorian without a clan, and no longer a jedi- a keeper of the peace she's now trapped in- sabine spends most of her time on lothal, wondering if there's any way she can find ezra and bring him back home.
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during the decade in between, ezra finds the noti and joins their clan, initially communicating with them via the force, but eventually adapting to their language, and swapping stories with them to pass the time while he waits for sabine to bring him back home.
headcanons and taglist below the cut. do not repost moodboards!
Sabine's loth cat, Murley, is nicknamed Cyar Kaysh Mirsh Solus [two mando'a phrases meaning: "beloved" and "his brain cell is lonely"] because of how much he reminds her of Ezra.
Anytime Ezra has a stupid idea, he hears a sarcastic little voice in the back of his head calling him out for it, and usually calling him a D'ikut, or some other Mando'a insult. That's part of why, when Sabine's with him again and makes a sarcastic and self-confident remark, all he can think to say is "I've missed you."
Sabine paints the walls in the tower on Lothal a lot, usually things that she knows Ezra won't mind when he gets back, but occasionally one or two things that'll annoy him in a half-sincere attempt to spite him out of hiding.
Ezra attempts to learn to draw/paint so that he can impress Sabine when she finds him. A lot of his early attempts were horrible, but by the time she gets there, he's quite good for someone with his limited resources, and he has a not-too-bad mural of the ghost crew etched in the wall of his mobile home.
Though she wouldn't even admit it to herself, part of the reason Sabine wanted to become a Jedi was to find a connection to Ezra though the Force.
Part of the reason Ezra worked on his proficiency in combat without lightsabers was because he half-expected Sabine to have lost his lightsaber over the course of their separation.
Sabine's family noticed how downtrodden she was at losing Ezra and asked about him, but she told them she didn't have feelings for him. Tristan asks her about it later, and and she tells him the truth, but her secret dies with him a couple days later.
Ezra tells the Noti all kinds of stories about what happened before he got to Perida. Naturally, their favorite stories are the ones that he seems the most excited when he's telling, so they ask him a lot to tell him stories about his friend Sabine.
Jacen loves hearing stories about his ghost crew family. One time while Sabine's watching him, they sit at the table drawing while she tells a story about his Uncle Ezra. Jacen, without even looking up from his coloring page, asks Sabine if she loved him. She's a little startled and deflects the question, but in that moment, she almost said yes. She hadn't even told herself that until that moment.
The language the Noti speak is a little different from basic. It throws Ezra for a loop when one of them asks to hear about his "girl friend Sabine" until he realizes that the Noti word for a romantic partner is completely different, and they were merely referring to his friend, Sabine, who is a girl. He has to admit though, he likes the sound of that phrase.
taglist: @laughingphoenixleader @accidental-spice @kanerallels @piraterefrigerator @jedi-nurse @sabezraweek (if you'd like to be added to or removed from my Sabezra taglist, let me know!}
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casualviewer1812 · 4 months
Scenario: Ezra and Sabine are out on a date and Ezra gets hit on by the waiter.
Ezra: "What would you say is the tastiest dish in the building?"
Waiter: "On the menu? Probably the nerf steak, but off the menu? Definitely you."
Ezra: *blushes heavily*
Sabine: *trying not to laugh*
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that-one-loth-cat · 1 year
Genuinely one of my favorite things about Sabine Wren and Ezra Bridger’s relationship in canon is that it’s ambiguous. As far as I know, the only thing thats been confirmed is that they mean a lot to each other. Anything else is technically an individual interpretation or an AU.
And I love that! It means that everyone can have their own idea of what’s going on. (Those ideas are all so interesting btw 👀) I just wish we as a fandom could be kinder about it.
See them as siblings? Go ahead. They’re both their own brand of chaos and it’s marvelous. Ezra has extreme younger sibling energy (in my opinion), and I love that he and his sister grow closer as they get older instead of drifting apart.
Think they shine best when they’re just friends? That’s so valid tbh. Strong friendship bonds that don’t include romance (but have the same level of commitment and/or intensity) aren’t super common on screen, which is a shame because there’s so many interesting angles to explore. These two are ride or die for each other by the end of the show. We know that. I’ve seen people saying that this was only possible because Ezra was able to grow out of his crush and I love that way of looking at it.
Hardcore Sabezra shipper? I don’t blame you. It’s a fun ship! Watching rebels with that pair of shipping goggles on is incredibly entertaining. (And gut wrenching. Oh my goodness. The idea that she realized she loved him right before the final attack on Lothal has me on the floor every time I see it)
Right now, the “what’s their deal?” puzzle has no official right answer (other than good friends, which I think most people agree on anyway). I feel like we as a fandom are so mean to each other online over something trivial and that makes me really sad.
TLDR; I feel like Sabine and Ezra’s relationship has a lot of valid fanon interpretations because of how ambiguous their canon relationship is, and I wish we could be nicer to each other about it.
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Favorite Star Wars headcanons? Feelings on Anidala? Favorite Star Wars meta — yours or someone else’s?
Headcanons... I don't have any really fun ones that I can think of off the top of my head, but I do headcanon ships (i'm a shipper first and foremost)
Din Djarin and Bo-Katan get married and their children rule Mandalore for centuries with Grogu as an advisor.
Korkie Kyrze is Obi-Wan's son (this is practically canon if we read between the lines of Dave Filoni)
Ezra and Sabine get together after they find him and reunite. And this one might come true very soon (i'm looking at you Ahsoka show, don't blow this for us)
Anidala?? You mean my tragic beloved?? I love them. Not because I think they have a healthy relationship at the end, but because of the tragedy. I love them so much and they hurt my heart because their downfall is inevitable and just- *crying* i love them. That's all I have to say.
Oh, man, there's just so many... how can I choose? Every time I read a new meta I'm like "this is the best thing I've ever read", so none of them stand out specifically at the moment.
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amnenome · 1 year
Sabezra high school au where Sabine is also the heir to a mafia crime family so it’s just like
Ezra: Kanan do you think Sabine ever thinks about me??
Meanwhile Sabine: I’m gonna make him an offer he can’t refuse
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bosooka · 1 year
what are your thoughts on transfem ezra. specifically transfem ezra and sabine holding hands. asking for a friend
anon every day i think about f/f sabezra at least once in various configurations and i have to stop myself because i KNOW if i think about it too hard i will never recover psychologically.
but to answer your question my thoughts are that transfemme ezra fucking rules
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Ok I can’t help it like ahhh my heart for this ship has exploded and I feel like I’m 14 again 😊😊😊😊
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jedimandalorian · 1 year
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What if the helmeted guy starts flirting with Sabine because he recognizes her armor but she is perplexed because she doesn’t know who he is. He uses her moment of confusion to capture her and take her away to his secret lair where he’s been hiding from the assassins, dropping hints about his identity along the way. Her helmet comes off in the struggle and he mumbles something like “you’re still as beautiful as I remember” and then it clicks.
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He removes his helmet (Ezra was always fond of those), revealing a familiar pair of deep blue eyes and a cheeky grin. “It took you long enough.”
She doesn’t know if she wants to kiss him or kill him.
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better-call-mau1 · 1 year
Congratulations! You’re being smothered with a completely random headcanon about Mandalorian marriage customs rescued! Please do not resist.
The Rite of Riduurok Akaanir, aka “Lover’s Quarrel”
Alright…so I gotta be honest and say that even though I can’t remember how exactly this headcanon came to me, I’ve been carrying it around for years, ever since first watching Rebels and shipping Sabezra 😅 …and at this point, I feel like it’s burning a hole in my head, trying desperately to get out, so I’m gonna save myself the expense of reconstructive cranial surgery and just share it:
Mandalorians like to fight. Actually, they don’t just like to fight, “weapons are a part of [their] religion,” or at least their culture—and for many, their entire lives are built around that. In the case of the Children of the Watch, strict adherence to a No-Living-Being-Can-See-You-With-Your-Helmet-Off orthodoxy even gets in the way of basic interpersonal behavior, like eating a meal together. The implications of that are…interesting…and not in a “wow that’s cool!” way…more like a “kark, that’s depressing” way.
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Basically, I started to wonder how the “BAM! BOOM! BAM! BOOM! BLOW STUFF UP AND KILL THOSE FORCE-WIELDING MANIACS!” portion of Mandalorian culture (so…most of it?) intersects with intrinsic parts of human…wait, nope, sorry Grogu sentient life—namely romantic intimacy. (Paz Vizsla has, presumably, not taken his helmet off in decades…and he has a son who’s probably 12ish years old, tops…so do you think he ever stares at his kid and tries parsing out his own features to get an idea of what his wife looks like?) It’s an extreme example from an extreme sect, but there’s application to Mandalorian society as a whole. Where does love fit into a worldview or galaxy-view, I guess where conflict is a core tenet? When do individuals stop existing as warriors and start existing as people? Do they ever?
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Anyway, the point is that on its face, the cultural dogma doesn’t seem to leave much room for authentic social and romantic intimacy, especially the latter since, ya know, the beskar has to come off both literally and figuratively in order to procreate. It’s difficult for me to see how the necessity of physical and emotional vulnerability can coexist with the rest of Mando culture—so let’s just leave it at that.
But for a civilization to survive as long as Mandalore has without totally disintegrating, those intimate relationships have to exist, and there’s plain evidence that they do. For all their problems, the Wren family clearly loves each other, and we even get a glimpse of some soft Alrich/Ursa PDA in “Heroes of Mandalore.” Then there’s Bo-Katan, who still cares deeply for her sister despite…well…joining a terrorist faction to help overthrow her. That says something, right?
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Wrapping my mind around how authentic love can exist in a fictional warrior society really got me thinking—so much so that I headcanoned a ritual (Riduurok Akaanir, “Lover’s Quarrel”) to help myself work it all out.
The general idea? On Mandalorian wedding nights, the bride and groom have a private duel. A duel to the death? Maybe if it’s an arranged marriage and one party really wants out and I’m gonna speculate that Bo-Katan widowed herself at least four times before running off to join Death Watch.
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More commonly, though, it’s just a playful act to embody love transcending conflict. Alrich Wren, for example, isn’t a traditional warrior, but Ursa didn’t assert her superior combat prowess on their wedding night by firing a wrist rocket at his face something Bo-Katan probably did to a few of the short-lived husbands Satine picked out for her. (“Parry this, you kriffing casual.”) Instead, I’d like to think Alrich and Ursa went through the basic motions of a hand-to-hand duel, not necessarily to prove who’s the better warrior, but as an intimate prelude to the actual consummation of their marriage—almost like a mutually disarming dance. (Could it be light-heartedly competitive? Sure! As the first Mando to perform the Riduurok Akaanir with a Jedi, Sabine would go all-out to make sure she doesn’t lose to Ezra! 😆) When the dance-duel ends, they set aside their warrior identities to become something more: husband and wife. It’s like a way of saying, “As Mandalorians, what we do is fight, but we’re more than mere weapons. We fight so we can love. We wear armor to protect ourselves, our homes, and our families. It’s an important part of who we are, but we’re ultimately made of flesh and blood, not cold beskar.”
So that’s the point of Riduurok Akaanir, a term I came up with using this nifty English to Mando’a online translator (before I just called it “Wedding Night Fight” in my head). It’s not supposed to be a blanket explanation—but intimacy and vulnerability don’t have clear utility in a warrior culture, and this is my best attempt at bridging that perceived gap.
If you made it down this far without dozing off, enjoy this Sabezra incorrect quote! 😁
Fenn Rau: I trust that Sabine briefed you on Mandalorian wedding customs?
Ezra: Yep! I know exactly how not to get myself killed before officially becoming a married man.
Rau: The trick is not getting yourself killed *after* becoming a married man. Did she explain what happens on the wedding night?
Ezra: Uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh...
Rau: Kanan taught you about the Mandalorian ‘lover’s quarrel,’ then? His instruction was even more thorough that I imagined. Or maybe he always knew you and Sabine would end up together.
Ezra: Sorry, did you say...?
Rau: The Rite of Riduurok Akaanir is usually non-fatal. Sabine seems to be genuinely fond of you, so I’m sure you’ll survive to see the sunrise.
Ezra: Oh kriff.
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jessicas-pi · 3 months
forgot to post this yesterday so-
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swr-thoughts · 2 years
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Headcanon: Zeb accidentally walked in on Sabine and Ezra 'doing it' one time.
- Anonymous
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kazoosandfannypacks · 10 months
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summary: to boost morale, hera lets her crew pick out a treat when they make supply runs. as a former streetrat, ezra's used to going without food, and rather than pick up another box of crackers he won't eat, ezra decides on a much better plan for his treats. word count: 1.4k a/n: two of the best parts of christmas are giving gifts and eating cookies, so i decided to polish up this discord message i sent to @laughingphoenixleader and turn it into a fic to keep us in the holiday spirit this december! shoutout to the hilarious and encouraging @kanerallels for betaing! taglist: @laughingphoenixleader @accidental-spice @kanerallels @piraterefrigerator @jedi-nurse @dootchster @lucasbridger @redroverrider @light-umbra @commander-tech @jedimandalorian {if you’d like to be added to or removed from my Sabezra taglist, let me know!}
also on ao3!
The Molasses Mission
 Captain Syndulla recognizes that her crew isn't just soldiers or rebels or heroes. They're survivors. They're kids who had to grow up so fast, they never got the chance to be kids— and the youngest of them were kids even still.
 So she tries to find ways to let them have fun while still sticking it to the Empire, and one of them is to boost morale by letting them get treats. They don't get them very often, but sometimes, after a big mission, the ones that are hardest to complete but come with the most payoff, she lets them each pick one snack on the next supply run, a snack to be their own personal snack, one they don't have to share with anyone.
 Ezra Bridger grew up on the streets, and when you grow up on the streets, you don't refuse an offer for food— free food, all yours, something you wouldn't normally get yourself— so naturally Ezra's initially very excited when asked if he'd like a special treat on this week's supply run.
 The problem he runs into is when you grow up on the streets, and suddenly you find yourself with a crew that may as well be family, and as such cares about your health and general wellbeing, they're insistent on things like "eating at least two meals a day, if not three" and that's two more meals, if not three, than you were ever guaranteed on the streets. As such, Ezra's not really all that hungry these days. 
 So, the first few times this happens, he's ecstatic over his own personal snack, but pretty soon he realizes he's without the time to eat them, or he'll save them for a "special occasion" that just never comes, or he's just not even hungry, and he starts to feel bad that he's not eating them.
 That's when he gets an idea.
 Chopper doesn't like doing supply runs as is, but he especially doesn't like when Hera sends him with Ezra. The kid's constantly asking him what's on the list, he stops to chit-chat with all the merchants, and his haggling skills are not as great as he thinks. This would be so much faster if Hera would send him by himself— but, of course, the way this galaxy is run, an astromech can't make a supply run themselves, and once again he's forced to rely on these stupid organics.
 He protests when Ezra grabs a second box of Molasses Cookies. Today's supply run includes treats, but Sabine is the only member of the crew who eats them.
"One of the boxes is for me," Ezra explains, but Chopper protests. His memory banks aren't that erratic, and he distinctly remembers Ezra's vocal dislike of the cookies that "ought to be sweet instead of tasting like dirt" and "are too dry" and "should come with a warning label before being jam-packed with that many nuts."
 But, Ezra insists that that's his treat for the week, and frankly, Chopper couldn't care less. It was one less thing to have to track down here, and maybe Ezra's tastes have just changed.
 Organics could be weird like that.
Sabine had always been very protective of personal property. She didn't want anyone touching her weapons, her paints, or her food.
 Especially her food.
 Especially her molasses cookies. Everyone on The Ghost knew to stay more than a parsec away from her molasses cookies.
 Even still, she counted them every time she grabbed one out of the pack. If someone had taken one, it'd be a nice chance to let out the pent-up anger she had at the mere thought of someone eating her cookies.
 Which is why it was weird that, over the last week, every time she'd counted, she'd had exactly seven cookies left, despite eating one each time. At first, she thought she just miscounted, but soon she realized that, no, her cookies were somehow never running empty.
 She didn't ask questions— don't look a gift strill in the mouth, right?— even after she opened the box one day and found eight cookies. What could she possibly ask, anyways? "Who's been giving me more cookies?" Like some kind of crazy person? There was a war going on, she had more important things to worry about than how something good was happening to her for a change.
 It may as well just be a regular part of his Jedi practice now. Always staying on the alert for when Sabine was eating one of her cookies. Training himself to wake up in the middle of the night. Sneaking out of his room and into the galley with a cookie from his secret stash. Placing the cookie and getting back to his room. And the most important step, watching Sabine's reaction the next time she went for a cookie and found the same amount left.
 But what did not feel like a regular part of his training was what happened this time: finishing the job, turning around, and seeing Sabine sitting at the table, watching him.
 "SABINE!?" Ezra exclaimed, backing up against the counter behind him by instinct, then remembering the stealth part of these missions and lowering his tone, "it's not what it looks like! I mean maybe it is what it looks like, if it looks like what it is, but, uh... what are you doing, anyway? Do you normally wait up in the galley to scare unsuspecting spectres? Huh, that was fun to say."
 "Let's just say my curiosity got the better of me." Sabine stood up and walked over to him, "After all, what is it they say back on Lothal? 'Curiosity catches the Loth Cat?' And it looks like," she pointed an accusatory finger at Ezra, poking him in the chest as she stepped forward, "that's exactly what I just caught."
 "Uh," Ezra said, and even though he thought Sabine might be a little upset, he also noticed how lovely she looked in the low lighting of the galley, which actually made him all the more nervous, "technically, I think the phrase is curiosity killed the Loth Cat. You're not, uh, planning to...."
 "Of course not," Sabine said, and there was a bit of a laugh in her tone, "I just wanted to know."
 "Well," Ezra shrugged, "now you know."
 "No," Sabine said, "I know who, not why. What's your angle?"
 "Angle?" Ezra asked.
 "Was this an attempt to bribe me or something?" Sabine asked.
 "If I wanted to bribe you," Ezra asked, "don't you think I would've let you know it was me?"
 Sabine nodded. "Not even you are that stupid."
 "Right," Ezra said, "I just. I'm still trying to finish my second box of Loth-Crackers, so on the last supply run, I grabbed a box of cookies instead, and gave myself this secret mission to sneak them in here— Jedi practice, that's all."
 "That's all?"
 "Yeah," Ezra's feet shuffled, "That, and I noticed how happy you always are over something as small as cookies, and I, I don't know. It's the only time you smile unless something's blowing up, and I, I don't know…."
 As he'd been talking, Sabine had turned and stood next to him, leaning against the same countertop. He turned to look at her, and noticed a bittersweet expression, and thought it might be wise to stop talking and start listening. After a moment, his listening finally paid off, and Sabine spoke up.
 "Uj'alayi," she crossed her arms, though not gruffly, "one of my favorite cakes. When I was little, my dad would make it for us for special occasions. I haven't had it since before...."
 Sabine shook her head, and Ezra nodded for her to continue.
 "It's a secret Mandalorian recipe," she explained, "those molasses cookies don't hold a candle to it, but it's the closest you can get when you're... when you don't know the recipe. Taking a bite of one is like...." she smiled a little and shook her head again.
 Sabine had never said this much to him in one conversation, but Ezra didn't want her to stop. He wanted to keep hearing more about her, getting to know her more, but realized she'd closed herself off again, and respected that.
 "That's," Ezra shrugged, "thank you for sharing."
 "Thank you," Sabine said.
 Much to Ezra's surprise, she wrapped an arm around him in a hug, so quick it was done and over before Ezra even realized it's happened, though he could still feel its lingering warmth, even as she said goodnight and left the galley.
 Ezra watched the smile on her face as long as he could as she left, then smiled to himself in return as he tucked her box of cookies back where they belonged in the pantry and whispered, "best mission ever."
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