#Sabezra fanfic idea
jedimandalorian · 1 year
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From what’s been released from the Ahsoka series so far, we know that Sabine still has her Mandalorian vambraces.
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This means that in addition to the grappling line she has paralyzing darts and a repulsor. I wonder if we will see her use those weapons in her fight with the mysterious helmeted man?
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She’s used the repulsor on Ezra before in Star Wars Rebels. What if she (temporarily) paralyzed this guy with her darts? He falls to the ground, loses his helmet, revealing his dark shaggy hair. On impulse, Sabine removes his mask, revealing that he is Ezra Bridger in disguise.
She would have an “oh no, what have I done?” moment while he lies there with a silly, love struck grin frozen on his handsome face.
Unable to control her emotions, Sabine kneels beside him, ranting about Ezra sacrificing himself to save everyone and then leaving her without telling her the plan. She sobs uncontrollably while stroking his hair and caressing his scarred cheek.
Ezra begins to stir a little. “I wanted it to be a surprise,” he says weakly.
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alphaofdarkness · 11 months
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Oh my gosh, they are soulmates...
I am thoroughly impressed with myself that some handfuls of my art recently have been fanfic inspired, precious Sabezra babes have joined in 💙🧡💜
This scene was inspired by @jessicas-pi’s fanfic Starbirds and Wolves! I am a mess for soulmate inspired aus and believe me when I say it wrecked and got me all emotional through the story especially nearing the climax end of the 1st chapter (heck yeah one more potential continuation ^ↀᴥↀ^).
I skim reread the fanfic several times to get the idea of what the scene appeared like and leading up to it. Midway, it does sound like it takes place after the events season 2 and by the conversations between Sabine and Ezra, I assumed that they have their season 3 designs (one of my favorites, and I also semi-referenced @/arrival-layne's Ezra design on how they drew his hair).
I also had fun just figuring out their soulmarks, which is Sabine’s starbird and Ezra’s loth wolf connection, and how they appear on their hands. I really had fun with this, I hope y’all enjoy ✨🐺 Ellos estan muy cansados ;;w;;
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kazoosandfannypacks · 9 months
📓for sabezra please?
I have this one idea for a fic in which Sabine and Ezra keep constantly, in their own cultures and love languages, confessing their love to each other, and the other, lacking their cultural understanding, just plain not getting it. Sabine keeps giving him weapons, muttering phrases in Mando'a that he doesn't understand, constantly in her own Mandalorian way saying she loves him. Ezra's always letting her use his lightsaber, he's following her into battle, he's being strangely cryptic in his silly Jedi way of telling her he loves her. They're both entirely oblivious to the whole of each other's constant confessions of affections. 🧡💜
📔 send me any book emoji and I'll tell you about a fanfic idea that I daydream about but haven't written
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redvy7689 · 1 year
I've been wanting to start making Sabezra fanfics for some time, so if you can, send me ideas for themes so I can do it, whether it's about the Rebels period or Ahsoka
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grxceful-ly · 5 months
Hello there! I hope you're doing good!
19, 21 and 29 for the Fanfic Writers Ask Game!
hii thank you so much for sending me an ask!! i hope you're doing really well yourself. you picked some good ones and this got kinda long, i'm sorry 🙇🏻‍♀️
19. Give us a small teaser from one of your WIPs.
i'm going to take this opportunity to say that something in me does not allow me to fulfill all the multichapter, long fics of my dreams so i mostly share oneshots. i wish i could be like "this is from my [insert title here] au from chapter 14!!" or something. but alas. anyway, this is from my wip sequel to the sabezra secret relationship i wrote a while back. it's almost done, i'm excited to share the full thing soon!
Maybe the Ezra Bridger who wasn’t in a relationship with Sabine wouldn’t have said that. Maybe he would’ve been a little giddy—like, wow! Sabine is actually touching me! And isn’t completely averse to it! Maybe he should have said something like that. Or just. . .smiled? Or hugged her back? Sabine still wasn’t letting go. His heart ached a little. He let his arms come around her loosely, his gaze stuck to the floor. “So. . .” he started. But nothing else came out. 
21. Have you ever deleted an entire scene after spending hours laboring over it? If so, why?
yes and no. i don't think i've ever had to delete an entire scene--usually i will spend a lot of time writing a scene or two and i hate it a little more than usual so i end up losing motivation for the entire project. this happens often. i don't like it.
however, sometimes i'll write a line i really like but in my heart i know it won't work for the overall goal of the paragraph or scene, so i have to delete it :( i mourn for like three minutes and then move on lol.
29. Share a bit from a fic you’ll never post OR from a scene that was cut from an already posted fic. (If you don’t have either, just share a random fic idea you have that you don’t plan on getting to.)
goodness, the amount of star wars time travel fix-it fics i've written in my mind. that's kind of where they stay. but occasionally i jot down a scene that has a chokehold on me until it goes away. i was going to share an anakin one, but for some reason i can't find my doc with that in it :') so you get this scene from my vostress wip where asajj goes back in time. this is kind of a cheat bc i don't know if it'll NEVER be posted, but as of now too little of it is written to share much more than these snippets. also there's very little interest in a fic like this versus my usual stuff lol.
Her eyes softened. “It is more important to reject that power and preserve those things. Understand me, Vos. Truly. There is no power that can take away the pain you feel. No power that is worth it for a fleeting sense of victory.” She realized she'd put a hand to his chest, naturally drawn closer as she tried not to plead with him. This was it. If he should ever listen to her, let it be now.
and for a bonus, here's an 'asajj takes omega to meet quinlan' snippet that was just for fun and will never again see the light of day lol!
“Your jedi?” Omega asked, eyes lighting up, glancing from one of them to the other. Vos flashed a lopsided smile at Ventress. “I love when she calls me that,” he said in that smooth, unserious but oh-so-truthful voice of his. Ventress's eyes slid to him, then went up to the sky in feigned annoyance as her hand fell to her side and she swiveled to walk away. “Come on.” Unfortunately, Vos and Omega were making quick friends. He was the type to do so; always had been, and it seemed she, too, was eager to befriend anyone she set her sights on. A horrifying pair.
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dootchster · 2 years
"Ezra couldn’t exactly figure out what had changed, or when precisely, but he did notice that ever since returning to Yavin 4, something had definitely changed around Sabine."
With the idea for this originally intended for @sabezraweek's 'More than friends' prompt, here's my new Sabezra fanfic that I have been working on!
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belong2human-kind · 2 years
This post is about Ezra Bridger and Sabine Wren, in a romantic way, and some updates on my fics and AU about these two. If you don't want to know about this ship, feel free to skip this post ☺
There's a loooong looong time I haven't really been able to keep on writing my fics about my favorite couple! I still can't believe that I haven't finished my most precious one that was supposed to go out on sabezra week 🙁
But, I have nice news 🥺 Two days ago I finally got to get back on my drawings that I had stopped since my depressive episode started. And I'm really glad about how it's going 🥺
I'm still working on how to color my new and old drawings, and the most difficult thing I'm facing is designing Sabine and Ezra in my style. I'm very perfectionist, so it's really frustrating when you can't keep up with the idea you can visualize in your mind and put it in the paper.
I plan on updating my drawings, I still have the sketches without color because whenever I do the coloring I need to make a copy of the original sketch "just in case I don't like the final results", or "to not lose the drawing since I'll never be able to make it equal and it will be forever lost" and stuff. OCD is making me be filled up with coloring testing papers, what a waste 😭
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This is going to be Sabine, at the Empire Ball that happens on my fanfic, in her undercover outfit! I already have the reference to the dress, but I'm still working on it!!
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Baby Lotie is here too!🥺 And I plan on working on her brother's design these days and make more of her growing up!! Also, coloring! This is my first sketch ☺
So yeah! That's how it's going by now ☺ I love Lotie and Archer so much! Adore my ocs! I'm still thinking if I'll add a third child and maybe even a fourth lol! But if I stick with this idea, I plan to add adopted babies too!! I mean, Sabine's people have this culture of adopting and raising kids to be mandalorians, warriors just like the ones born on the planet, I don't think Bean would be different. Also, Ezra and her will probably just have their little Rebel cell! 😊
I can say that avatar the way of water actually inspired me to think about creating more kids to be raised by these two! And it totally fits their personalities to go around rescuing and adopting kids 😊☺
I got baby Lotie's reference on the pinterest and the one to Sabine's pose and dress is made by looking at the pic and the model I've chosen to be her dress in my fic. I hope you enjoy 🌻🤍
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kyoshiwarrior1997 · 2 years
An idea for a future Sabezra fanfic
Written for @sabezraweek 2022 Day 5: AU/Free day
I know it's a late entry but these two weeks had been quite chaos for me. I hope you enjoy!!!
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Time to make a confession that I may not finish Sabezra/DinBo solidarity, at least not the way I wanted to. Life has started closing in. Nothing bad, just stuff that is taking away from fanfic time.
I’m still going to have SOMETHING, because giving in isn’t my style 😂 especially after I’ve told the general public I’m going to do a thing. This challenge really did help me revive some MRR ideas which is awesome! In fact so awesome that some of my fics are too long to finish in three weeks.
Now that I’ve admitted this “out loud” I will irrationally not feel so bad about it. I’d rather have shorter, better stories than longer ones I admittedly love but aren’t ready for the world to see yet.
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Chapters: 1/? Fandom: Star Wars: Rebels, Star Wars: Rebellion Era - All Media Types, Star Wars - All Media Types Rating: Mature Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Ezra Bridger/Sabine Wren, Past Ezra Bridger/OFC Characters: Ezra Bridger, Sabine Wren, Original Rebel Alliance Characters (Star Wars) Additional Tags: Enthusiastic Consent, Non-Explicit Sex, Lying/Deception, Miscommunication, Angry Sexual Tension, This basically gon be like a big dramatic CW show, Heavy Angst, Unresolved Sexual Tension, alternating pov, Past sexual relationship, Never mind the more I write the more I realize this is like an HBO show with gratuitous sex talk, No it’s not it’s where all the dumpster fire shows go, Where’s that – UPN?, Anyway this is just a hot mess, If you’re looking for a super angsty Sabezra-centric multichap, This garbage pile is apparently it, FEEEEEEEED, enablers made me do it, First Time, The mistakes of youth, No beta we die like rebels Summary:
While Sabine is gone on Krownest helping her family, Ezra finds himself falling into a short whirlwind relationship with a friend of his. Quickly realizing it’s a mistake, he ends it and hopes Sabine never finds out. But things have a habit of getting out around a rebel base, and after her return to the Alliance after the Duchess is destroyed, it’s not long before the rumor mill makes its way to her. She’s stung not only that he did this, but that he kept it from her, while he’s still nursing hurt over her continued rejection of him – and is surprised that she even cares that he had this relationship at all. The ensuing aftermath leaves them at odds with one another, their friendship deeply fractured. Can it be recovered, or has the hurt gone too deep to repair it? And how do they move forward?
Are you having trouble focusing throughout the day? Do you find yourself still calling my name? Do you wish you could rewind time and take it back? I bet you realize that she ain't half the woman I am ~"Shattered Glass," Britney Spears
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jedimandalorian · 1 year
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What if the helmeted guy starts flirting with Sabine because he recognizes her armor but she is perplexed because she doesn’t know who he is. He uses her moment of confusion to capture her and take her away to his secret lair where he’s been hiding from the assassins, dropping hints about his identity along the way. Her helmet comes off in the struggle and he mumbles something like “you’re still as beautiful as I remember” and then it clicks.
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He removes his helmet (Ezra was always fond of those), revealing a familiar pair of deep blue eyes and a cheeky grin. “It took you long enough.”
She doesn’t know if she wants to kiss him or kill him.
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aceofstars16 · 8 years
Man, this fic was so hard to write...I kept getting stuck, and I’m still not sure if I’m happy with the product...but I tried! *flops*
This was an idea @meldy-arts has where Sabine and Ezra talk after the events of “Trials of the Darksaber.” The last part was so hard to write...I kept changing what Ezra started talking about, but I ended up sticking with the painted tie because that seemed to flow the best. *flops because some of it still feels forced*
Fic below the cut (spoilers for “Trials of the Darksaber” in the fic!)
Ezra could hear the wind blowing outside the tent. He could sense the spiders walking around, kept at bay by his and Kanan’s presence. It was peaceful outside, sleep should’ve come easy. But his mind was awake as he thought over the events of the day, about all that Sabine had gone through. That she was still going through. He wanted to help her, but he knew it wasn’t something he could fix. All he could do was support her and follow her, no matter what she decided to do.
The rustle of a tent flap snapped Ezra out of his musings. Carefully crawling to the entrance of his tent, he glanced outside and saw Sabine walking away from the camp. His first instinct was to rush after her, to make sure she was okay. But he also knew she might just need time to herself. She was going through a lot, and had a lot to think over. Sometimes being alone was nice for that. But there were times when it was harder dealing with things on your own. Ezra knew that feeling first hand. Being alone wasn’t always the solution. Besides, Sabine had spent quite a few hours alone already…maybe now was a time when she could use a friend.
With his mind made up, Ezra got out of his tent and headed in the direction Sabine had gone. He had lost sight of her, but after a few minutes of walking he spotted her again, leaning against a rock, lost in thought. Taking a few steps forward, Ezra paused when he heard her mumbling to herself. He couldn’t make out the words but the way she gripped her arms made it clear that she was still struggling.
For a moment, Ezra considered letting her be, letting her talk herself through her choice, but seeing her so hurt weighed down on him. He couldn’t leave now. Maybe this time she wouldn’t push him away.
“Hey,” he said quietly, taking a few steps forward as silence stretched between them. He was only a few steps behind her when she turned to look at him.
“Hey,” she said, looking at him for a few moments before returning her gaze to the darkened horizon.
Silence stretched between then for a for more moments, then she sighed. “I wanted to say…I’m sorry about earlier. I shouldn’t have complained about my parents when I still have them.”
The words cut to Ezra’s heart, but he pushed away his own loss. He knew the pain would never go away, and he knew Sabine hadn’t meant to remind him of how much he had lost. “Sabine, you don’t have to apologize, you were going through a lot. You still are. Don’t beat yourself up about it, okay?”
A sigh escaped her mouth but she whispered, “Okay.”
Ezra watched as she continued to stare at the rocky terrain. He couldn’t even fathom what she was feeling. Losing a family and being betrayed by them where two very different things. Ezra knew how much it hurt to be double crossed, but not by family, not by people who he had only been trying to help. The only time he may have come close to that was when Kallus had grabbed him. He hadn’t even been part of the crew then. Yes, it had hurt, but he was used to it. But Sabine had only been trying to save her family, to stop what she had helped create, and she had been pushed away because of it. That was a burden Ezra couldn’t imagine. And there was no way he could take it from her. But maybe he could ease the burden a little.
“Do you remember when me and Zeb stole that tie?” Ezra asked, smiling as he remembered how much trouble he had gotten into just trying to get a meiloorun fruit.
Sabine turned to look at him, the smallest bit of a smile forming on her mouth. “And then we both snuck off later to paint it.”
“And I kept dripping paint onto myself. I’m sure I had paint in my hair for weeks after that,” Ezra said, unable to hold back a chuckle.
“Oh, I know you did. You’re a pretty messy painter,” Sabine said, her smile growing as she spoke.
“I was,” Ezra corrected. “I’ve gotten better now.”
“Oh really?” Sabine said, quirking an eyebrow up. “Last time I saw you paint, you walked away with a blue shoe.”
Ezra sighed, but it turned into a laugh. “That was all Chopper’s fault, he totally put that can there for me to step in!”
A small laugh escaped Sabine’s mouth and she shook her head in amusement. The sight of her laughing made Ezra smile and as she looked up at him, she smiled back. “Thanks, Ezra. I needed that.”
“Anytime, Sabine.”
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Let’s play a game because I’m in bagel deprivation
I love bagels.
Fanfic questionnaire!
1. What was the first fandom you ever wrote fic for? Quantum Leap
2. What was your very first ship? Uh, I guess Sam Beckett x a self-insert loool
3. What fandoms have you written for, and what were your ships in the fics? Quantum Leap (one very short story when I was in elementary school, Sam x OC & Al x OC, holographic luv) | Roswell (Max x Liz) | Dawson’s Creek (very short, Dawson x Joey) | Rebels (betcha all didn’t know that. Kanera in the fic, though I also ship Sabezra) | Harry Potter (Harry x OC, but I ship Harmonian) | Star Wars (OMG, so many. Obi-Wan x OC YES I WROTE PREQUEL FIC OKAY I WAS 15; Anidala tho tbh I’m kinda Obidala; Wedge x Qwi because I was trying to cope with how much I hated her; Wedge x self-insert OC; Wedge x Iella maybe? Luke x Mara; REBELCAPTAIN OMG; Luke x me when I was 13 okay; Luke x OC; I know there’s more but we don’t got all day) | Titanic (Rose x Jack) | Law & Order: SVU (Elliott x Olivia) | The Lord of the Rings (Frodo x OC, Eowyn x Aragorn (don’t hate)) | Sleepy Hollow (Ichabod x Katrina, very very short, written for a friend) | I’m sure there’s more. I’ve...written a lot of fic.
4. What ships do you tend to gravitate to? Apparently tragic??? Despite the fact that I like happy things and loveloveloooove romance and want people to be HAPPY and TOGETHER and ALIVE, basically all my ships are tragic. Idk why. (I would rather not explore that psychologically. I’ll just, uh, blame my parents or smth.)
6. Former OTP(s)? LMS. Luke x Mara. Effing love them. They will always be special to me. Timothy Zahn is the master. I was also pretty hardcore Elliott x Olivia back in the day.
7. What are the ships you will always love? Jyn x Cassian (Rogue One), Luke x Mara (Star Wars EU), Elliot x Olivia (Law & Order: SVU)
8. What do you think have been some of your best fic ideas? I really like “For Your Information,” where Jyn and Cassian meet before R1, and then it goes through the movie and beyond. I love “Come to Me,” where they’re undercover in a brothel. I feel like it’s very sexy. I still really love “Then,” my take on if the whole crew survived Scarif. I had a Harry Potter fic where Malfoy had a sister, and Harry became romantically involved with her before finding out. (I never got that far, though.)
9. What kind of fic do you most love to write? God, I love to write smut. I love slow burns and building up the tension. I love romance and falling in love and FEELS and all of it. I love people being in love. (I apparently also love angst???)
10. What do you dread writing? Action. Description. I just breeze right past that stuff because it’s not the focus of my work. Or my strength. At all. Haha.
11. What is a fic you would love to write one day? Not sure atm...
12. What’s a fic you wish someone else would write? Idk why, but I really want to see an M-rated camp counselors AU. I know nothing of being a camp counselor, but I just love the idea of the whole R1 crew (plus Han, Leia, Luke, and Lando) being camp counselors and Jyn and Cassian falling for each other. I also would like to see an AU either in-universe or modern where Jyn is Cassian’s protege, and it’s supposed to be hands-off but he falls for her (she’s already got a thing for her mentor, and Leia knows alllll about it). Anyone interested???
Now...TAG! @incognitajones @kotaface @melanoradrood @skitzofreak @sexyroguejedi @thereigning-lorelai @captainandors @leaiorganas @grexigone @cats-and-metersticks @ohstardustgirl @gloriouswhisperstyphoon @estherlyon @pingou7 @imsfire2
And if I forgot to tag you, please tag yourself! :D And then tag 10 friends!
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belong2human-kind · 2 years
OMG GUYS I FORGOT TO UPDATE YOU (college is still finishing its semester and I'm deeply involved now with my scientific search group about ecology and zoology with focus on reptiles!)
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My boyfriend asked for a bd gift advice to my best friend @hyuneflowers and he gave me EZRA OH MY LORD I LOVE HIM SO MUCH AND I LOVE THESE TWO SO MUCH
Cute Ezra is rn standing chilly close to Sabine! I give Sabine daily head bops but since I'm so busy lately with college I still haven't gave Ezra so many head bops as well, and haven't got really time to be active here and to finish my Sabezra fics 😭😭😭😩 but I now have my A03 and I'll post there too! I intend to keep on posting about my au and ideas about them for ever, I'm a little inactive rn because of college and taking care of my dear mom and baby animals too, but I promise I'll be back soon and give you guys SO MUCH content about our fav couple hehe. I still have SO MANY FANFICS to read! I can't wait to have time for it!
I adore you all! Hope you guys have the best Christmas ever (and New Year too!!) Stay safe and warm sweeties!
Clara 🌱🌻
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belong2human-kind · 2 years
I'm just writing the fanfic for Sabezra week event and one idea became a suitable idea for two days of the event! I'll make two parts! I'm so happy!!
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kyoshiwarrior1997 · 2 years
Tagged by @sidesofmayo. Thank you!!
Rules: List five things you never get tired of writing. It can be tropes, themes, characters, phrases, whatever brings you joy. Then tag five people.
Well, I guess it applies to some WIPs I have stored in my folder and my stories.
Found family. It started as an idea and now it's my favorite thing to write.
AU/Modern AU. I really thought that some people wouldn't like it but to my surprise, many people liked it, so I'll keep writing them until I run out of ideas! 😅
Headcanons. Most of them are Sabezra related and I hope to show them to you one day.
Ideas for future chapters or fics. Also, new ideas for past fanfics that need a serious rewrite.
Meta about my fics. I need to organize myself because I'm already having trouble keeping up with my own AUs 😅
Tagging...anyone who wants to join.
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