#Safari i Kenya
zerotosixty · 1 year
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Bloopers & Funny Moments from WRC Safari Rally Kenya 2023
If you could choose to be one animal in Africa, which one would you choose? KALLE: Cheetah, maybe. They are just chilling on some tree or something. Sounds quite chill.
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alvfr · 2 months
top 5 places you'd like to visit ✈️
Helsinki, Finland (I live so close don't ask me why I've never been there)
Perth, Australia (or just Australia in general, but more specifically Perth for some reason I can't even remember anymore)
Mexico City (mostly for the Tenochtitlan ruins)
Hong Kong (to visit old colleagues and eat goood food)
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scotty-bloke · 6 months
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bluesidedown · 9 months
love the set of life experiences I now have where I'm like well, having a cold is no fun but a least I'm not also jetlagged and I don't have to get on an airplane at any point in the next month
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lionheartlr · 4 months
Discover Bahrain: Your Ultimate Travel Guide
Welcome to Bahrain, a gem in the Arabian Gulf offering a rich tapestry of history, culture, and modern attractions. This guide will provide you with everything you need to know to plan an unforgettable trip to Bahrain. A Brief History of Bahrain Bahrain, an archipelago of 33 islands, has a storied history that dates back thousands of years. It was once the center of the Dilmun civilization, one…
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hanlight · 6 months
And for the second consecutive rally we have absurdity… The guy on the second step of the podium doesn’t get the second most points. The one that finished FIFTH does…
And that’s just the tip of this STUPID points system iceberg…
EDIT: Just realised that Kalle -the winner of the rally- only got ONE MORE POINT that Thierry Neuville who finished fifth lmaooooooo
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belli5 · 1 month
Africa — King Kenny
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Pairing: king Kenny x f!reader
Warnings: fluff, cutie animals (or dangerous), nun. Based on this request. Also I changed it up a bit, because beta squad doesn’t really have any dangerous animals in videos, they’re just scared of everything.
Summary: in which, beta squad were 50 hours in Africa and you went along with them, going to safari and helping them learn about animals.
A/n: Sorry for my beta girlie who had to wait so long for this. I had written little bit of smut at the end, but then I felt it wasn’t needed in this story so I deleted it.
The beta squad were going to Africa for 3 days or 50 hours. They are gonna do some challenges or just things kids do there as in school or play football and they are gonna go to safari aswell, they suggested you to come with them so of course you agreed.
When we landed in Kenya, we were greeted by some great people and they also had pretty flower bouquet for each one of us.
A taller guy than you gave you the bouquet, “oh thank you so much.” You smiled at him, and he went to give someone else the other bouquet he had.
When we were finally leaving the airport with the people who greeted us here, you all got into a car sitting down between Kenny and Aj.
“Here,” Kenny from beside you said, “you can have these.” Giving you his bouquet of flowers. You thought it was so cute.
“Aww, thank you so much.” You thanked him and leaned into him.
“Yeah, guys can you stop being so corny infront of us and the camera?” Aj called you both out. You saw the camera towards you both and shook your head.
“Shut up, Aj.” You said.
First you all arrived at your first location, where you would just eat, the people also welcomed you very nicely, they had the Uk and Kenya’s flag.
It was so cute, they singed a song for us while we just vibed, honestly overall it was so nice dancing with them. Also they cheered for everything, more welcoming than the Uk.
“Kenny won his last fight.” Sharky said, and everyone started cheering, yelling ‘yeahhh’
“Guys, guys,” Niko interrupted “I’ve got two socks on.” Everyone started cheering again and yelling ‘yeah’ you laughed at it.
“You guys,” Aj said “Niko’s breath stinks.” Everyone started cheering again, even Niko.
Niko wanted to revenge, “Aj’s three foot tall.” Everyone cheered once again. And Aj just got inside laughing.
After eating the amazing food, we had to go to our second location, which was Ematsayi primary school, where again amazing kids we had to teach today, were waiting for us.
The beta squad teached them the “say good, good, good” song, we obviously all love.
“Aj as a teacher,” Chunkz began “is mental.”
“I’m the best teacher.” Aj stated. “And the best student.”
“You might aswell start.” Niko pointed at Aj, “This is your teacher ‘mr. Triangle’ everyone say hello mr. Triangle” Niko introduced Aj to the kids.
All the kids repeated Niko “Hello mr. Triangle” all the guys and you started laughing while Aj thanked them.
“What’s his name?” Niko asked, now he was doing it on purpose, but it still was funny.
“Mr. Triangle.” All the kids said.
It was now the last day in Africa, the third day and we were in Nairobi where the guys were going to a safari for the last challenge. The people greeted us with flowers again.
For the last challenge the guys had to do an animal bingo, basically each of them had to pick three animals they think will be in the safari and whoever saw the three animals first, wins.
First animal we saw was chimpanzee, which was picked by Sharky so he had two more to go. “Come on, tell us something about chimpanzees y/n.” Sharky asked you.
“I dunno, chimpanzees have the ability to learn human’s language, such as sign language.” You told them, not sure what to say, but they expected something from you, as you work with animals. “But chimpanzees are only found in Africa so I don’t know much.”
“That’s actually really interesting.”
“That’s why I picked chimpanzees.” Sharky says, probably referring to the fact that they’re only in Africa.
We saw other animals small animals no one picked, we saw a tortoise and he almost, just almost made it to grass, Niko even said it was just as slow as Chunkz on football pitch.
“Y/n, what’s the difference between tortoise and turtle?” Kenny asked, honestly there was not much of a difference.
“Hmm.. there’s not much, except turtles usually spend their time in water while tortoises spend their time on land.” You said, “Also tortoises have more rounded and domed shells where turtles have thinner, more water dynamic shells.”
“Great. So it looks like we’re gonna know more information about animals today,” Aj talked to the camera, “as we have Y/n and she works with animals, so she knows more than us.”
You smiled at Aj talking. Next we saw elephant signs, but unfortunately there was no elephants as the driver or the owner told us, so there was no point for Niko.
Aj saw a Hippo in water, which he was surprised to and happy, he even applauded and gave you few high fives.
You wanted to tell them something about hippos so you spoke, “Guys did you know that Hippos thrive underwater? They can hold their breath for an average of five minutes.”
“And that’s just average?” Niko asked, to what you nodded.
“Mhm. That’s long enough to take walks along lakebed and riverbed floors.” You added.
“No wonder their nickname is ‘river horse’!” Chunkz joked. Also Aj was in the lead right now, so he only needs to see a tiger and he has won.
We next saw ostrich, which was on Sharkys list, now Kenny on the other hand was definitely not winning this challenge, because he has not seen a single animal he named, he named most animals you can’t see here.
The driver said that giraffes are coming up, so Chunkz of course got happy because giraffe is on his list, “ohh,” he yelled-sang, “he said giraffes, I see the giraffes.” Chunkz said looking at everyone, honestly it was cute how excited he was.
“I see giraffes with long necks.” Chunkz continued to sing.
“Look.” You pointed “it’s Niko’s siblings.”
“And that’s the fact for giraffes?” Niko laughed, and you nodded “yeah, horror.”
“Are we going to see a seal today?” Kenny asked the driver.
“If we go to South Africa.” The driver told him, Kenny laughing at his answer.
“Aye Kenny you’re not winning this.” You said wrapping your arm around his shoulder jokingly.
The journey continued, we saw more animals, they continued to ask you questions about some animals, but none of them were on the guy’s bingo cards, we drives past cheetah, but Chunkz didn’t saw it so there was no point for him.
It was already now getting dark, it was already 7pm and as we were getting ready to leave we saw a giraffe on road, it was actually so close, and it was even taller closer.
“I wanna touch it.” Kenny said.
“Kenny!” You called out, “it is not permitted touching the giraffe sadly.”
“Why not?” They asked.
“Just for safety reasons.” You smiled, not wanting to cause trouble for the giraffe or anyone else. The giraffe was really close so you could take a picture of it.
It was completely dark now, and y’all saw none of the animals, but mosquitoes. “Ai all we’ve got now is mosquitoes,” Niko said “just going in my eyes.”
“Ai who hit me wallahi..” Aj complained and it was most likely Chunkz who was hitting the mosquitoes away.
“Wasn’t me.” Chunkz quickly defended himself.
“It’s probably because of that damn bright light you have..” you complained, “if it would’ve been turned off, they wouldn’t attack us so much..” you rolled your eyes.
“Well we can’t film in dark’.” Kenny says , at your sudden attitude, probably because you were getting mad of the mosquitoes sucking your blood.
Niko talked to the camera like he always does, like he’s crazy, while everyone else just tried to not fall as the car we were in was going side to side from the awful road.
Kenny was squishing Aj as Aj was laying almost on Sharky and Chunkz, you got up and went next to Niko, because you’d rather talk to the camera than be squished.
Aj had won the challenge even tho as Sharky and Chunkz also had 2 animals, but Aj was the first one to reach two points.
It was finally the time to go back home, honestly you were excited to go home, but on the other hand you didn’t wanna leave Kenya.
But landing in Uk back, you and Kenny both went home straight because all you wanted to do was go home and get under the sheets with Kenny.
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acti-veg · 2 months
Genuine question, because I'm struggling to find answers online: Are safaris in African countries good organisations to support, or exploitative? I'm thinking of going to Kenya, and if safaris are like sanctuaries, I would love to do one. But if they're exploitative I'll steer clear. I can't find definitive answers online - PETA have a list of vegan safaris, but not much information on what makes them vegan, other than the meals served. My main concern is the experience itself. So many 'animal experiences' are humane-washed, and the wording on safari websites looks suspiciously similar to the wording on sites for zoos and aquariums. Obviously, it's different because the animals aren't in captivity, but do safari experiences disturb and exploit the animals, or are they worthwhile protection initiatives like they claim to be? Many thanks!
There is no sort of blanket answer I can give you except to say that safaris are not inherently against vegan ethics, it just depends on the organisation conducting them. That said, there are arguments on both sides.
On the one hand, we’d like to be able to say that if we want to do the best thing for animals, that usually means leaving them alone as much as possible. Intruding in wild spaces (especially in loud vehicles) does disturb them, creates noise and light pollution, and tourists don’t always act in the best interests of animals in terms of feeding them, littering, flash photography, shouting etc.
Realistically though, eco-tourism creates a significant incentive for local people to protect wild spaces and wild animals. Local communities can derive an income from conserving species, rather than hunting them, and are more likely to tolerate animals existing near human spaces because they know that their livelihood depends on those animals. It provides many eco-friendly jobs, as welll as funding and incentivising anti-poaching initiatives. It also gives poachers themselves a much safer, alternative means of making a living.
As unhelpful as this may be, this comes down to your own personal ethics. I can see good justifications for both deciding not to take part in a safari because you don’t want to disturb animals, and deciding to support eco-tourism and put money into local economies by going on a safari. If you are opting for the latter, just do your research to find out their policies on wildlife interaction, how close they allow tourists to get, and crucially, if they also offer any hunting activities, as that unfortunately is not uncommon.
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tsalala · 11 months
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I bless the rains down in Africa. Photographed by Laura Dyer at Kicheche Safari Camps, Kenya.
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cha-melodius · 11 months
Two truths & a lie
I was tagged by @orchidscript and @three-drink-amy to post two truths and a lie, established to be as unhinged as possible by @celeritas2997 lmao.
Tagging @cricketnationrise @clottedcreamfudge @tintagel-or-cockleshells @dumbpeachjuice @lilythesilly @iboatedhere @14carrotghoul @inexplicablymine @wolfpup026 @tedlassc @mirilyawrites @pragmatic-optimist @noahreids @swearphil @sweatersinthesummer @loki-is-my-kink-awakening and anyone else who wants to join in!
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runawaycarouselhorse · 8 months
Billie Lou Watt (60's voice actor for Astro Boy and Kimba) reflecting on meeting Osamu Tezuka:
Dr. Tezuka came to New York once, to the studios, and he was very pleased. He spoke almost no English and I spoke absolutely no Japanese, so please don't expect me to recall any conversations we might have had. (Laughs) It seems when they saw the dubs back in Japan they were very happy. Actually, we were told they flipped! I was very taken with the man. He was soft-spoken and very stately. He was a doctor and loved all living things. I found out that when he did Kimba he went to Africa to research the animals. This gave me a longing to go to Africa. When my friends found out that I wanted to go on a picture safari of Africa they wanted to join me. But, one by one, they backed out. So I went myself. I loved it. I saw the Serengeti, Kenya... I saw all the beauty of Africa. They have white lions there for real. Unfortunately, they are in South Africa, and I refused to aid in their tourism for obvious reasons. But now that things are changing, I may go and see the lions. Tezuka imbued me with the desire to go to Africa.
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funnywildlife · 2 years
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A Tawny Eagle spotted carrying a baby Thompson Gazelle in the Masai Mara National Park. * Experience the magic of Kenya with a stay at @kicheche_safari_camps and #wildographer @jamesknampaso as your safari guide. #Wildography #wildographyandsafaris #africansafaris #jamesnampaso #kichechebushcamp (at Kicheche Laikipia I Kicheche Camps) https://www.instagram.com/p/Cprtzv1MRJt/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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kitchenfoyle · 1 year
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Though both Redford and Streep had allegedly jumped at the chance of working together, their initial meeting was described as ‘unpromisingly polite, reserved and formal’. So it remained up until the first day of shooting when Michael Kitchen, cast as Finch Hatton’s safari partner, Berkeley Cole, broke the ice by explaining how he’d smuggled a package of 150 pairs of fifteen-dollar latex ears into Kenya to avoid its complex customs regulations. The ears were fitted daily to the extras playing the tribesmen as modern Kenyans no longer pierce and stretch their lobes as they did in 1914. ‘Ears?’ said Redford. ‘I thought you were bringing in the football.’ The next day he turned up with a football. When he started kicking it around between takes, Streep hitched up her period clothes and joined in. The show was on the road.
- Robert Redford, by Minty Clinch
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lionheartlr · 4 months
Discover Austria: A Comprehensive Travel Guide
Austria, a landlocked country in Central Europe, offers a fascinating blend of stunning landscapes, rich history, and vibrant culture. From the majestic Alps to the grand palaces of Vienna, Austria is a destination that caters to every traveler’s dreams. Brief History Austria has a storied past that dates back to ancient times. It was a significant part of the Roman Empire before becoming the…
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Fascinated by The Telegraph reporting on 14 Nov 1966 that two Beatles approached Allen Klein via a third party over their future management and I’ve been trying to work out which two (assuming it wasn’t fake news).
Spoiler: this is long and I got nowhere
The obvious is Paul due to his comment about Klein at some point that year.
Beatles 66 assumes it was John and George, I think based purely on the fact that Paul was on holiday. It being John would make sense as another reason Klein would have gone straight to him in 1969.
NME reported on 18 Nov that George, Ringo and particularly John were annoyed about it. Nothing from Paul who was assumed to know nothing about it due to being in Kenya.
So - what were they up to at that time and were they with Brian?
End of touring was Aug 1966, with rumours of The Beatles splitting up starting soon after.
John went off to film How I Won The War, with Ringo visiting him in Spain on 4 Oct until after 9 Oct.
George and Pattie had gone to India on 14 Sept and returned to London on 22 Oct. He was really getting into songwriting around this time.
John came back to the UK after filming How I Won The War on 6 Nov. He met Yoko at the Indica Gallery on 7 Nov. John later said about this period that he wanted to leave the Beatles at this point and didn’t know what to do so he did the film. I don’t know about John’s mood when he was back in London.
All three were back in the UK by early November, though was John in a frame of mind to be thinking about a new manager at that point?
Paul (he was busy although there’s also a lot due to the existence of the Paul McCartney legacy website)
In Sept (date unknown), Paul and Ringo had gone with Brian to see “A Funny Thing Happened On The Way To The Forum” to see if the scriptwriter might be a candidate to write their next film.
On Sept 16 Paul and Brian (and Maggie) travelled to Paris to meet John and Neil.
An article in October about the Beatles splitting up said Paul had gone to see the already-completed Family Way film with Brian Epstein (when?).
In October Paul was doing things like going to the opening of the International Times and hanging out at Robert Fraser’s gallery.
I think in Oct he would have been doing The Family Way (also here) although iirc he finished it off when John was there so perhaps also post-19 Nov.
Paul went on holiday to France on 6 Nov (the day John returned from Spain), meeting Mal a week later then heading to Kenya with Jane for a safari. He returned to London on 19 Nov.
The Four Tops performed at the Saville Theatre, owned by Brian, on 12 Nov. The backdrop for the performance was designed by Paul (although no date as to when).
On 20 Nov Brian held a party for the Four Tops, which John and George attended.
Paul was interviewed for the Nov 1966 edition of Beatles Monthly. He spoke about the problem with the American record company having less songs on the album, in answer to a question on the topic. He says ‘but I think we're beginning to get more control now’ which doesn’t suggest a lot either way.
The article
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Klein arrived in London on Friday 11 Nov, the article was Sunday 13 Nov.
One quote ‘Mr Klein had the approach through a third party who was talking to two of The Beatles’ implies not a lot of time between talking to the third party and Klein but maybe not.
Paul had gone away on 6 Nov, the previous Sunday, so whether they knew in advance about Klein’s visit is one question - although why make an overture via a third party of you’re not there to follow up or find out how it went?
I’d suspect the third party might be The Rolling Stones, given the connection, which could suggest Paul and John?
So… idk
The timing and fact that Paul and Brian were doing a lot together just before that time seems to make it unlikely to have been Paul, John’s mood at that time makes in seem unlikely it was him and I can’t imagine it was Ringo. Paul and John only seem to have seen each other in Paris (with Brian) so seems unlikely to have been the two of them. So I guess it was probably George and either Paul or John.
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rjzimmerman · 3 months
Excerpt from this story from the New York Times:
On the lush, rolling savannas that link northern Tanzania to Amboseli National Park in Kenya, foraging elephants move back and forth on a sloping landscape in the shadow of snow-capped Mount Kilimanjaro.
The animals are accustomed to open-sided 4x4s full of tourists on the Kenyan side and seem to sense no danger from the visitors pointing phones. But what the animals probably do not know is that just across the border on the Tanzanian side, which for three decades was just as safe as the park, there are now people pointing guns, not cameras.
Since September, five bull elephants from a population centered around Amboseli have been shot and killed, most likely by trophy hunters, in the Tanzanian part of this wildlife corridor. At least two were so-called super tuskers, with tusks so long that they swept the ground.
There hasn’t been a similar cluster of rapid killings in the area since the mid-1990s. Conservationists say it points to a breakdown of a tacit agreement between the countries that banned hunting in the border zone.
It also highlights challenges the neighbors face in aligning different approaches to managing their shared wildlife heritage: Kenya forbids hunting and gets all its wildlife revenue through sightseeing. While wildlife spotting safaris are an important part of the Tanzanian economy, the country also permits wealthy tourists to shoot big game.
“This is heartbreaking for me,” said Cynthia Moss, an American zoologist monitoring the roughly 2,000 elephants in the Amboseli herd as director of the Amboseli Trust for Elephants. About 10 of Amboseli’s super tuskers are left, and an additional 15 or so remain across Kenya, she said. “I know these elephants. I know how trusting they are.”
The killings have sparked an uproar in Kenya. In April, scores of leading conservationists wrote an open letter to the Tanzanian government demanding that the authorities ban hunting within 25 miles of the Kenyan border.
A spokesperson for the Tanzanian Ministry of Natural Resources and Tourism, asked for comment, said the country’s conservation strategy was based on “a strong foundation of regulation, research and scientific evidence” and noted that Tanzania had one of the most abundant elephant populations in Africa. Government statements in the past have justified hunting on the grounds that it brings in millions in much-needed income.
Kenya’s wildlife service did not respond to repeated requests for comment.
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