#Sanguineous Spotlight
blood-falling · 2 months
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sanguinevampirezine · 9 months
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🦇Contributor Spotlight: Merch Artist🦇
🩸Please welcome Crow!
"I'm an illustration and print maker! I've been obsessed with vampired ever since I read a comic about vampire bats as a child :•)"
You can find Crow @kingycrow on Tumblr and @/_king_crow_ on Instagram.
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snehithiye · 1 year
sami spotlights
(writeblr wips that have me in a chokehold)
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(slides you a 100 pound note and my eternal love)
what's that? you can hear shakespeare crying? he's having a lil sniffle? a sob-fest? it's because he's about to be dethroned by these absolute beauties. in other words, sami raves about some stunning wips she's seen lately (if you think i've captured the vibes wrong or you'd just like your work removed, please just dm!)
Daisy Whiskey by @annlillyjose
do you love celeste ng? would you lay down your life for miss jhumpa lahiri? do you crawl from the grave for beautiful writing? WELL DO I HAVE A HEARTWRENCHING MASTERPIECE FOR YOU BESTIE! Ann's prose (inhales) (sobs) (screams) - i'm fine i'm fine, god has favourites - its okay.
The Fall of Galere: Paramour by @vacantgodling
its going to be the next cinematic revolution, the costumes, the soundtrack,,,, amon ,,, AMON (screams into pillow) Ren has a phD in complex, compelling characters and is clearly the supreme master of chemistry, bow down to your king
The Daring Fiasco and the Safety of the Realm by @writinglittlebeasts
(howls at the moon) its giving dorian gray, its giving princess and the frog, its giving middlegame, i am obsessed. give me my lil shadow boi and his adventures
Sanguine Express by @faelanvance
pathetic man anyone? pathetic VAMPIRE man anyone? pathetic VAMPIRE man MADLY IN LOVE?? i want him. i want him yesterday.
Project Ebony by @gay4utica
had to bite my own hand to force myself to pick just one of Dawn's fantastic wips but this is for all my dark academia whores out there - our newest obsession, our personality trait for the next five years is in the works, it's cooking and we shall feast together soon (i will see you at NYTimes bestsellers list, at every book club and on every pinterest board)
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lifmera · 3 months
I'd like to make a request for Tokyo revengers if that's okay!!
If you could, please match me up with both a female and male character (only if you can, if not, just with a male character, I'm very curious)!!
Pronouns she/he/they
Sexuality: biromantic and demisexual
I'm a Leo if that's of any help😭
Personality wise I'm a very calm person that looks tired most of the time but I also get extremely talkative when I'm with people I'm comfortable with or whom I've known for e very long time. And when I'm with those people I'm the teasing flirty type.
I'm an INTP 5w4 (also phlegmatic-sanguine).
I'm also very lazy, like hella lazy. I mostly sleep around all day and do nothing unless I REALLY have to.
People in general don't talk to me unless I butt into the conversation and then I sort of steal the spotlight even though I don't really mean it, but people don't seem to mind because they say I'm funny.
So basically at first glance I get deemed as an extrovert. Even tho whenever I manage to get rid of people I basically become a human fossil and not talk to anyone and that goes as far as ignoring texts for months, which I agree is a toxic trait.
So yeah, I'm going to ghost people no matter who they are at some point.
I've seen someone include this so I'm going to say it: my giving love language are words of affirmation and receiving would be gifts or physical touch.
Of course!!
I love tokyo revengers 🩷
The people I pair you with are… MANJIRO & EMMA SANO!
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- I think both the Sanos would love you!!
- Mikey would always be around you though, even if you are at school.
-Emma would love to talk and gossip with you, while Mikey would just listen.
-Emma would blush like crazy if you teased and flirted with her, but Mikey would start to flirt back and jokingly start to poke you !!
-Emma and Mikey both wouldn’t mind if you butted into their conversations, it’s not like they were talking about anything that important :)
- Emma would definitely get upset if you ghosted her from the world, and So would Mikey, but depending on how old he is, and which timeline, he probably would understand.
- Emma and Mikey both definitely LOVE physical touch, and Mikey seems the more possessive type! While Emma would be around you everywhere you go.
-Mikey would he more of the gift giving one out of the two although!
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🎩🧍‍♂️ for everyone? 👀
🧍‍♂️— What stats would they provide as a companion? Where would you obtain them?
Elio’s can be found here.
For Vox:
The Sanguine Vigilance — “It can’t hurt to have a man of the hunt as a wolf you can call to if you need anyone off your shoulder — better that than being the lamb instead.” +5 Shadowy, +5 Dangerous, +3 Dreaded, -12 Respectable. Greatly increases Suspicion build up.
Like Elio, he can be obtained either through his respective ES or can be dragged out of Hallowmas (his upgraded version only adds an extra level of Shadowy and Dangerous while lowering the negative Respectable to -5, otherwise its also +1 Bizarre.)
For Elisha:
The Despondent Relinquere — “Soft-spoken and often lost in the bustling streets, they’re really more of a lost puppy in search of their owner if it weren’t for their follies and faults. Still, they’re rather harmless, and would you deny such a kindness to such a man?” +5 Watchful, +3 Shadowy, -2 Persuasive. Reduces Suspicion and Scandal build up.
They can be seen generally moping around during Christmas or at the University and can be obtained through a storyline in the latter (not sure with the specifics on that story, its something Correspondence-related, but they are there.)
🎩 — What would an Exceptional Story featuring this character be about?
Mind you, I haven’t tried out any of the Exceptional Stories yet so my ideas may not fit with the mold (if they have one) but I eat up stories revolving around one character SO
For Elio, it could be a specific set of circumstances that incorporates both Silverer and Midnighter experience — maybe some spies of the Great Game are experimenting with using Parabola (and dreams in general) to gain leverage and you latch unto join Elio in either Fucking Them Up (Irrigo abuse), Fucking Them Up (driving them insane/pointing the Fingerkings in their general direction), or Fucking Them Up (rigging the Chessboard against their favour) — Elio might then blast you with Irrigo before becoming your companion. Just might. Its a 50% luck check at the very end.
For Vox, I feel its just a more narratively complex version of this:
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Okay, not exactly like that, but he has a history of getting unconnected murders pinned to his name and unfortunately this ES is when he decides to complicate things further because he’s got a longer hitlist than usual, and yeah he might also get hunted down by Vake hunters as you chase him around. He either joins you or you join him in the Boatman’s trip and there’s a section dedicated to persuading him to not jump out of the boat immediately and just get the chess match over with.
Pending title for Elisha’s ES: The Despondent Relinquere Gets Therapy (Kind of) — but if I am being honest, a story dedicated to/spotlighting them wouldn’t work with their character all that well but if they have to have an ES, it would more be about looking for/helping Elisha rather than Elisha helping out others or getting involved, they’re really closed off so its hard to construct a story surrounding them.
[ask game from here]
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sebastianvora · 4 days
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❛❛ I will not water myself down to make me more digestible for you. You can choke.
ESFP personalities are inclined toward putting on a show for others and generally appear to be very comfortable in the spotlight. However, it is not their love for being the center of attention that drives this sense of confidence but their knack for sensing what’s appropriate in certain situations. They have an uncanny ability to mirror the behaviors of those around them.
ESFPs truly enjoy the simplest things, and there’s no greater joy for them than just having fun with a good group of friends. People with this personality type would almost always choose to be with friends over spending time alone. With their unique and earthy wit, they love soaking up attention and making every get-together feel a bit like a party.
It’s not just talk either – ESFPs tend to have the strongest aesthetic sense of any personality type. From grooming and outfits to a well-appointed home, they have an eye for fashion. Knowing what’s attractive the moment they see it, they aren’t afraid to change their surroundings to reflect their personal style. This type is naturally curious, exploring new designs and styles with ease.
Though it may not always seem like it, these personalities know that it’s not all about them – they are observant and very sensitive to others’ emotions. Often the first to help someone talk out a challenging problem, ESFPs happily provide emotional support and practical advice. However, if the problem is about them, they are more likely to avoid a conflict altogether than to address it head-on. This personality type usually loves a little drama and passion, but not so much when they are the focus of the criticisms it can bring.
A chaotic evil character does whatever his greed, hatred, and lust for destruction drive him to do. He is hot-tempered, vicious, arbitrarily violent, and unpredictable. If he is simply out for whatever he can get, he is ruthless and brutal. If he is committed to the spread of evil and chaos, he is even worse. Thankfully, his plans are haphazard, and any groups he joins or forms are poorly organized. Typically, chaotic evil people can be made to work together only by force, and their leader lasts only as long as he can thwart attempts to topple or assassinate him. Chaotic evil is sometimes called demonic because demons are the epitome of chaotic evil. Chaotic evil is the best alignment you can be because it combines self-interest and pure freedom. However, chaotic evil can be a dangerous alignment because it represents the destruction not only of beauty and life but also of the order on which beauty and life depend.
Eights are self-confident, strong, and assertive. Protective, resourceful, straight-talking, and decisive, but can also be ego-centric and domineering. Eights feel they must control their environment, especially people, sometimes becoming confrontational and intimidating. Eights typically have problems with their tempers and with allowing themselves to be vulnerable.
Choleric people are natural-born leaders, driven, and goal-oriented. They tend to be decisive, assertive, and impatient with those who do not keep up. Cholerics have a need for control and power that can sometimes border on dominance. They are also often highly creative and innovative thinkers who thrive in challenging situations. Despite their quick temperaments, they are honest, reliable, and hardworking individuals when given the right motivation. Socially speaking, cholerics like to be around people who can help them achieve their goals or challenge them intellectually. When it comes to relationships they may struggle at times with intimate ones, as they tend to be dominating and focus more on results than feelings. People with choleric personalities can be challenging to deal with due to their direct and often blunt nature.
His Love Tank overflows with Physical Touch. He longs for hand-holding and hugs. A warm embrace or a simple pat on the back helps him feel connected and cherished. Touch creates a bond of connectedness. And, for him, it communicates love and affection more than words ever could.
The Aries Sun Gemini Moon conjunction will give rise to a person who is mentally bright with a strong emotional drive. These individuals are often very impulsive and unpredictable, both in word and deed, but this also contributes to their improvisation and the habit of thinking quickly on their feet. This aspect of his personality can also land him in a lot of trouble. They have a cheerful and fun-loving temperament and their demeanor is alert and sometimes intense, though not necessarily aggressive. They communicate in a direct and clear manner and are rarely at a loss for words. People find them charming and enjoyable to be around. They are often quirky and humorous and are always up to something because they are very restless by nature.
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fragmcntedsouls · 5 days
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[ jesse williams | he/him ] Another face is seeking safety in New Orleans. Make sure to welcome ELLIS MADDEN to the home of the resilient. Rumor has it that they are an 42 year old HUMAN, who is one of the SURVIVORS but we’ll keep that a secret. They are said to be EGOISTIC, but that’s all a façade to cover up their BEGUILING nature. We’ve heard that they can be found listening to SKIN AND BONES by DAVID KUSHNER, which sums them up pretty well. Let’s hope that they can find a way to survive this harsh new world. 
𝐅𝐔𝐋𝐋 𝐍𝐀𝐌𝐄: ellis alexander madden III 𝐍𝐈𝐂𝐊𝐍𝐀𝐌𝐄: eli 𝐀𝐆𝐄: 42 𝐁𝐈𝐑𝐓𝐇𝐃𝐀𝐓𝐄: january 28th 𝐇𝐎𝐌𝐄𝐓𝐎𝐖𝐍: manhatten 𝐂𝐔𝐑𝐑𝐄𝐍𝐓 𝐑𝐄𝐒𝐈𝐃𝐄𝐍𝐂𝐄: new orleans 𝐎𝐂𝐂𝐔𝐏𝐀𝐓𝐈𝐎𝐍: washed up baseball star turned model. trophy husband (sort of) to the senator. 𝐀𝐋𝐈𝐆𝐍𝐌𝐄𝐍𝐓: neutral 𝐓𝐄𝐌𝐏𝐄𝐑𝐀𝐌𝐄𝐍𝐓: sanguine
𝐀𝐄𝐒𝐓𝐇𝐄𝐓𝐈𝐂: a different rolex for every day of the week, suits, suits and more designer suits, living the life of luxury, weekends on a yacht, paparazzi king, reading about himself in the tabloids, shirtless insta pics and lots of em, probably sells lots of protein shakes on the tv.
Born with a silver spoon in his mouth, Ellis is the eldest child in his family, blessed by a life of prestigious luxury. Everything that he could ever dream of was simply handed to him, although unlike his siblings, he did make a point of working for it. He was identified to be an athletic prodigy from a young age, despite wanting to be a lawyer instead. His parents pushed him through extensive training, forcing their son to become the best and the best he was. Whilst Ellis might have been spoiled, he was never ungrateful for all that he had and where possible, he ensured to share that wealth with whoever he could. He was however, a rather timid youngster and his parents were forceful, pushing him into the spotlight that would surely come with the fame of being a world class athlete.
By the time he was in his twenties, his career was thriving and yet again, his parents interfered, adamant to further their son's career; this time, by selecting him a wife.
The alliance between him and Gianna was supposedly a match made in heaven, or at least it was on paper. There was perhaps a time where they had believed their marriage could work as more than just a ruse for publicity; but after Ellis bust his knee and endured back to back surgeries, he was forced into retirement and all of his appeal to his wife went up in flames with his career.
He struggled to get back on his feet, having to rely on Gianna and her steady income to keep him afloat as he desperately sought after work that wasn't going to tarnish his wife's reputation or embarrass her more than he had done already. He was far too proud to ever ask his parents for help and with an election looming for Gianna, they couldn't afford for the world to hear of their struggles. To hear that their unity had grown weak. Over the years, their marriage has turned sour, destructive even, but it seems to be their secret to keep.
⭒ after his career went up in flames, ellis turned to modelling, keeping himself in the public eye ⭒ he always wanted children and gianna didn't ⭒ more tbd
𝐂𝐎𝐍𝐍𝐄𝐂𝐓𝐈𝐎𝐍𝐒: parents: ellis alexander madden II ( father ), kahina madden ( mother ) siblings: wanted
spouse: gianna madden (separated) other connections: billie mikaelson ( step daughter ), briggs mikaelson ( step son in law ), duchess o'hara ( niece through gianna ), cordelia langthorne (PR legend)
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spicedhcrt · 1 month
BRIAR   JENKINS     ⸻     the   influencer  
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( HALSTON   SAGE,   CIS   WOMAN,   SHE   &   HER ) BRIAR   JENKINS the THIRTY year   old   is   known   as THE   INFLUENCER within   the   group.   they   are   known   to   be AMBITIOUS and STUBBORN which   makes   sense   when   you   think   about   how SHE'S   FAKING   HER   LIFE   ONLINE   TO   HIDE   HER   ADDICITON. but   i   guess   we’ll   find   out   for   ourselves.
the  smell  of  an  expensive  perfume  always  leaving  you  wanting  more.   the  feeling  of  being  in  love  without  actually  being  in  love  .  never  doing  anything  unprepared  and  looking  effortless  while  doing  it,  big  eyes  filled  with  mischief  and  wonder  and  an  even  bigger  smile  that  follows.  a  camera  following  your  every  move  and  documenting  eveything.  a  life  so  perfect  it  can't  be  real.
i.   PASSAGES     -     three   laws   . ii.   LOOK  WHAT  YOU  MADE  ME  DO  -      taylor  swift   . iii.   LONG  WAY  DOWN  -      tom  odell   . iv.   MY  MISTAKE  -      gabrielle  aplin   .
full  name  :    briar  jenkins nicknames  :    B,  Bri,  blondie, birthday  :    february  14  zodiac  sign  :    aquarius age  :    30 sexual  orientation  :    bisexual romantic  orientation  :    pan  romantic relationship  status  :    single occupation  :    influencer
Briar  Jenkins  was  born  and  raised  in  the  picturesque  landscapes  of  Michigan,  where  the  whispers  of  the  forest  and  the  gentle  caress  of  the  lakes  shaped  her  childhood.  From  an  early  age,  Briar  possessed  an  innate  magnetism  that  drew  people  to  her,  a  quality  that  would  later  propel  her  into  the  spotlight  as  a  well-known  influencer.
At  the  age  of  25,  feeling  the  pull  of  ambition  and  adventure,  Briar  made  the  bold  decision  to  leave  her  hometown  behind  and  embark  on  a  new  chapter  in  the  bustling  city  of  London.  With  her  captivating  presence  and  eye  for  aesthetics,  she  quickly  carved  out  a  niche  for  herself  in  the  world  of  social  media,  captivating  audiences  with  her  glamorous  lifestyle  and  curated  snapshots  of  her  life.
Despite  the  outward  success  and  admiration  she  garnered  online,  Briar  struggled  beneath  the  surface  with  her  own  demons.  The  pressures  of  maintaining  her  image  and  the  relentless  demands  of  social  media  took  their  toll,  leading  her  down  a  dangerous  path  of  addiction  to  pills.  Behind  the  carefully  crafted  facade  of  her  Instagram  feed,  she  battled  the  darkness  within,  using  her  fame  and  platform  to  conceal  her  struggles  from  the  world.
Periodically,  Briar  would  return  to  Michigan,  seeking  solace  in  the  familiar  embrace  of  her  roots  and  the  unconditional  love  of  her  family.  These  trips  served  as  a  respite  from  the  frenetic  pace  of  her  life  in  London,  a  chance  to  reconnect  with  the  simplicity  of  her  childhood  and  find  a  moment  of  peace  amidst  the  chaos  of  her  addiction.
Now,  as  Briar  finds  herself  once  again  preparing  to  journey  back  to  Michigan,  she  feels  a  mix  of  excitement  and  trepidation.  The  invitation  to  a  cabin  retreat  with  a  few  close  friends  offers  her  a  much-needed  escape  from  the  relentless  pressures  of  her  busy  schedule,  a  chance  to  unwind  and  reconnect  with  those  she  holds  dear.  But  beneath  the  surface  lies  the  ever-present  weight  of  her  addiction,  a  secret  she  carries  with  her  wherever  she  goes.
personality  traits  +  :   empathic   ,  magnetic  ,  determined  ,  ambitious,  friendly personality  traits  -  :   impulsive  ,  quick-tempered  ,  stubborn  ,  brash  ,  reckless  ,  naive moral  alignment  :   Chaotic  neutral temperament  :   Sanguine
  Despite  her  outward  confidence  and  glamorous  lifestyle  showcased  on  Instagram,  Briar  harbors  a  deep  sense  of  vulnerability  that  she  struggles  to  confront.  The  pressure  to  maintain  her  image  as  a  successful  influencer  exacerbates  her  feelings  of  inadequacy  and  fuels  her  addiction.
Briar's  Instagram  feed  isn't  just  a  curated  display  of  her  life;  it's  also  a  form  of  artistic  expression  and  a  means  of  coping  with  her  inner  turmoil.  Through  photography  and  creative  captions,  she  channels  her  emotions  and  struggles  into  her  content,  using  it  as  a  cathartic  outlet.
Despite  the  geographical  distance,  Briar  maintains  a  close  relationship  with  her  family  back  in  Michigan.  They  provide  her  with  unwavering  support  and  serve  as  a  constant  source  of  strength  and  comfort,  even  as  she  grapples  with  her  addiction.
Behind  the  glamorous  facade  of  her  influencer  lifestyle,  Briar  longs  for  genuine  connection  and  understanding.  Despite  her  large  following  and  social  circle,  she  often  feels  isolated  and  alone,  yearning  for  someone  who  can  see  past  the  facade  and  accept  her  for  who  she  truly  is.
Despite  the  challenges  she  faces,  Briar  is  determined  to  overcome  her  addiction  and  find  a  sense  of  inner  peace.  She  recognizes  that  true  healing  requires  vulnerability  and  courage,  and  she's  slowly  learning  to  let  go  of  the  fear  that  holds  her  back  from  seeking  help  and  support.
Briar  is  a  perfectionist  by  nature,  constantly  striving  to  maintain  the  flawless  facade  she  presents  to  her  followers.  This  drive  for  perfection  fuels  her  addiction,  as  she  feels  the  need  to  keep  up  appearances  at  all  costs,  even  if  it  means  sacrificing  her  own  well-being.
More  tba.
  other   : i’m   basically   open   to   every   thing   so   let's   do   all   the   plotting 
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togetherhearted · 3 months
Heyyy could I get a reverse 1999 and twst matchup??<33
Pronouns she/he/they
Sexuality: biromantic and demisexual
I'm a Leo if that's of any help😭
I'm an INTP 5w4 (also phlegmatic-sanguine).Personality wise I'm a very calm person that looks tired most of the time but I also get extremely talkative when I'm with people I'm comfortable with or whom I've known for e very long time. And when I'm with those people I'm the teasing flirty type.I'm also very lazy, like hella lazy. I mostly sleep around all day and do nothing unless I REALLY have to.
People in general don't talk to me unless I butt into the conversation and then I sort of steal the spotlight even though I don't really mean it, but people don't seem to mind because they say I'm funny.So basically at first glance I get deemed as an extrovert. Even tho whenever I manage to get rid of people I basically become a human fossil and not talk to anyone and that goes as far as ignoring texts for months, which I agree is a toxic trait.So yeah, I'm going to ghost people no matter who they are at some point.I've seen someone include this so I'm going to say it: my giving love language are words of affirmation and receiving would be gifts or physical touch.
Anything can help tbh ^^ It's a lil silly game so there's no need to go into extrene detsils. Happy to know there are many Reverse 1999 fans here
That said!
I matched you with these cuties!
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angleofmusings · 11 months
finally got around to watching nimona. first impression: the trans allegory is so so so textual. i saw that trans flag in the background you CANNOT convince me thats an accident ok. im so feral about the lighting design (the credits list 18 lead lighting artists!!! and an additional 21 shot lighting artists and 2 technical lighting artists!!!!). i literally cried at that one shot with the spotlight from the top right down to center on one person and the other person unlit in the left side of the frame bc Augh The Symbolism
anygays time to appreciate the lighting artists!
lead lighting artists: v balaji, george barbour, mathilde fleury-dufour, sabaribalaji harishankar, benoit lecailtel, suraj makhija, laszlo mandi, jacob mann, thenmanirajan paulpandian, r irwin prathap, sanjay rai, balaganesh s, debora sangermano, elisa sanguin, ragul sathyan s, murray truelove, khai tuck wong, jia zhang
shot lighting artists: afaque ahmed, sai avinash alam, pradeep kumar anand, sameer ansari, abhinaba basak, paul burton, sujeesh c, kane chang, julie chapelle, deepak omprakash chauhan, louise chevrier, valerie constant, arnabi daw, ivan de frias, paul deroche, ashokkumar devadiga, léo frison-roche, boyan georgiev, dixita ghosh, krishna reddy gujjula, gunderao m h, benjamin hattenberger, jakka harikrishna, bhavesh jat, dinetto jose, syed mohd junaid, ramisetty krishna, savadesh kumar, manoj kumar talanki, facundo lavenia, aditya more, valérie morel, nikhil rupesh namdev, noyal norbert, akula pavankumar, pavuluri srinivasa phanindra, daniel alberto santana pineda, naveen prabhu, manikanta rayavaram, vishal raj gaddam, grandhi venkata sai ram, kuppili neelima rani, thirumalasetty madhusudhan rao, basava sai krishna rayapureddy, nagapuri sanjay, diego sernande, suraj sunil shinde, sooraj sreedharan, abhishek g singh, conor smith, rohit srivastava, samiksha suvarna, matu talukdar, vishal ramesh tayade, thumati sai teja, sarath thomas, upinderjeet singh, guruprasad v, abhijith vazhayil, anim venkatesh, kunal yadav
technical lighting artists: evgenii golub, jayesh makwana
if you’ve made it this far, have some nachos! (hold the olives, he’s allergic.) can we take a moment to appreciate the absolutely gorgeous end credits (design by dneg animation). go watch the whole end credits btw it’s so worth it. 10/10 movie i was soooooo invested the whole entire time
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blood-falling · 2 months
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Be Honest.
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sanguinevampirezine · 8 months
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🦇Contributor Spotlight: Page Artist🦇
🩸Please welcome Misha!
"Hello, I'm Misha! I studied game dev and I am always thinkin about vampires... I just think they're neat. :^)"
You can find Misha @aetherlite on Tumblr and Instagram, and @/aetherlites on Twitter.
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transcendentalisim · 5 months
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Meet the Cast: Giselle Gunther
Hair | Eyes | Eyebrows | Eyelashes | Lip gloss | Septum
Age: 24 Life State: Vampire Sign: Sagittarius Career: Actor (Silver Screen Icon) Residence: Del Sol Valley Traits: Diva | Funny | Goofball | Mean | Music Lover | Party Animal Aspiration: World Famous Celebrity
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1. Dress (Paywall) | Shoes | Engagement ring | Earrings 2. Dress | Gloves (Paywall) | Earrings (Paywall) | Hair
Giselle Gunther has been hiding the truth in plain sight: She's a vampire. Ever since childhood, raised in Windenburg, she desired attention, craving the warmth of the spotlight; she always told her family she'd become a household name. With a youth marked by nocturnal hours and parties to her parents' chagrin, Giselle met musician Ali Agba her first time attending a nightclub, though their relationship wouldn't begin for years down the line. Pursuing her penchant for dramatics, Giselle began work as an actress, and quickly gained prominent roles in both major network series and blockbuster films, to her controlling parents' disapproval. Taking care of her brother Lucien to escape their parents, the siblings moved to Del Sol Valley as Giselle continued her skyrocket to fame.
Now a renowned actress, multi-Starlight Award winner, and unavoidable socialite, tabloids fiend over details of the diabolically hedonistic late-night ragers that Giselle throws with Ali. As gossip columns fret over celebrity drama, only the deepest of deranged fans have studied and shared their findings on dark corners of the internet: That Gunther and Agba are a part of a vampiric secret society, the dark underbelly to the glitz and glamour of public celebrity. Thankfully, no one believes forum dwellers.
Giselle and Ali continue their parties, quietly tightroping their hypervisible lives with their haemophilic truth. Other kindred seemingly look down upon them, with their boisterous attitudes and self-absorbed recklessness posing a direct threat to vampires worldwide, and one Count Vladislaus Straud has made it his mission to keep the debaucherous duo in line. With the pressure to keep their natures hidden, Giselle's charisma easily covers her tracks, but deep down she knows that her live-in brother's nosy, occult-obsessed girlfriend, Vera, poses the biggest threat to her sanguine secret.
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1. Top + Skirt (Paywall) | Shoes | Bracelets | Earrings | Hair 2. Dress | Cross choker | Gloves | Hair
"People think actors are mouthpieces, that they portray what someone else wants them to. But the truth is, we are beacons: messages flow through us, and anyone so entranced to watch can and will believe anything we say. It's a beautiful power, really. Why shouldn't I have some fun with it?"
Featuring creations by @admpietros @mssims @daniel-sims @klubbsims @sentate @savage-sims
Catch Giselle in the Transcendents series premiere, coming soon. Giselle's story will be expanded upon in Succubitch, a prequel miniseries set to air after season 1 of Transcendents.
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marlutterianae · 1 year
DISMALIA - Demonic Weapons, Statistics and the Dreadful Spine Ax.
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The Dreadful Spine Ax has accompanied the bloody butcher Bosco for many seasons ever since he hunted and was hunted by the horrors of the Cemetery of Arks in the Dried Sanguine Sea Pass. An ancient blade from a treasure chest guarded by an frog fiend, its flexile spine weaponized for cleaving the toughest of demon hides, scales, flesh and armors.  “I'm hungry. Butcher, stretch me. I need to stretch.” - Hushtuth, former amphibian Mystic Demon of the Cemetery of Arks, who telepathically communicates with the Butcher who wields its vertebrae as a cleaver against its own kin. The more Bosco embraces the influence of the Nightmare within him, the more he shall bond with the demonic vitality in his weapon.  To understand further, one most know about the virtuous principles of the Eternal Demon Hunt, which are the following. 
VIGOR. Vitality / Metabolism / Endurance.  The foundation of the carnal temple, which is the body. This will define the extent of your vital essence as well as the the biological systems of your body to embrace of the transmutative infusions of the Demon Humor Elixirs. 
FEROCITY. Instinct / Force / Intimidation.  Brutal destructive potential and primal appetite for annihilation. How much will your craving for violence cloud your mindful good judgment with storms of boiling blood, leaving you thirsty for the visceral innards of your foes? Raw power and the fading of pain through the haze of battle. Strength comes at a prize.
FINESSE. Reflex / Tinker / Skulk.  The delicacy through which one manipulates the world around them. The many talents mastered through the accumulation of handsy trickery and speed of mind and body. The fast and optimal, efficient manipulation of tools and objects as well as the caution of movement. 
LUCIDITY. Analysis / Ritual / Lore. Intellect that transcends the primal senses, such is the way of the insightfulness. The solving of problems, either physical, metaphysical or ritualistic. To order the mind and execute mighty feats of ideas set into motion by word or action. The power of the mind over the chaos of the world, to become a lucid entity in the dream of reality, not influence by the demons of the Nightmare but influencing the Nightmare itself by your own understanding. 
GRACE. Acrobatics / Performance / Composure.  Sublimity of action, the beauty in the execution of violence, the delight in the surviving of this hellish world until it becomes glorious thriving. The affinity for the spotlight, the reception of glory and fame, the theatrics of the world stage and how you handle the pressures of the protagonist. Cleansing of the carnal self, free of impurities. The difference between Demonic Brutality and Graceful Humanity. and controlling every muscle and nerve of the body, discarding any useless movement.
SPIRIT. Presence / Will / Conviction.  The quintessential spiritual power and the affinity, connection and sensibility with fate. It allows you to elevate barriers of burning soul power against the demonic influences of the Nightmare Above, to become a heroic entity in a sea of doom and dread. Become indomitable, ungovernable and unconquerable.  WEAPONS.  - Brutal Weapons. They Scale with Ferocity. Common tools of utilitarian optimal effectivity and monstrous might. - Ingenious Weapons. They Scale with Finesse. Mechanical and technological. Explosives, traps, composed mechanisms and Firearms. - Heroic Weapons. They Scale with Grace. Divinely dreadful weapons imbued with the passion and dreams of fallen warriors from generations felled in glorious combat. - Demonic / Demoniac Weapons. They Scale with Lucidity. Arcanely abominable, Occultly horrifying, half living or accursed demon limbs crafted into instruments of torment and annihilation.  Bosco’s Dreadful Spine Ax falls in the latter category, of Demonic Weapon. 
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Art by: ElizBee.  Twitter: https://twitter.com/ElizBee5
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rainylunesstorm · 9 months
Beware the ides of mutuals.
The drop of knives— three, to be exact— on marble floor echoed through the cold, empty room. Three figures stood above the unmoving body, sanguine against polished white.
The Bit has finally perished.
The Bit, oh, how the three mutuals loved it. Engagement rings, a heart-shaped locket of brass, the satisfaction of simply existing, all gifts given by the Bit. Everyone knew of their marriage. Everyone saw the joy that radiated off the four. Yet joy is only temporary. Every good thing has to come to an end.
A rumor arose. It was nasty, the slander was clearly one created out of jealousy for the happy lovebirds. If so, then why would their other mutuals agree that all 3 of their blogs wouldn’t load?
Blogs not loading is not a particularly desirable event, but it wasn’t that bad, right?
The Bit caused it.
The Bit caused its own partners’ blogs to not load.
Why? How? How could it do such a thing, did it have no morals? Was their marriage a lie? Was this relationship built upon a throne of lies purely created to spite? Maybe God saw the hubris of the mutuals. Maybe she handed us the waxen wings and gave us the sun, knowing we would reach out for Apollo. We were doomed from the start.
The three held a meeting. They had to discuss this, the act of betrayal committed by the very concept they married, and what they shall do in retaliation.
It took them approximately 32 minutes to come to a conclusion. They knew what had to be done.
Moonlight cascaded through the arched windows. It was almost like a spotlight, directly pointing at the dark red on sleek metal. This was their show and they have given the audience a performance. 
Or at least, that’s how the tale is told. No one is completely sure what exactly happened in that mansion, or what happened to the dearly departed Bit, or even what happened to those three mutuals. All that’s left is a bloodstained mansion and a simple warning:
Beware the ides of mutuals.
okay but like acutally THE WHOLE REBLOG CHAIN DIDNT LET ANY OF OUR BLOGS LOAD AHDGJHSG AND ALSO. whoever followed us (star, toshi and i) had a fucked up dashboard too like. im fiarly certain it just didnt load sooooooooo WE HAVE DECIDED TO END THE CHAIN. I KNOW, ABSOLUTELY DEVASTATING NEWS.
it will never be forgotten </2
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lobotcmy · 1 year
city aesthetics . bold what applies.     repost,   don’t reblog.
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smoke escaping a dark alley.   speckled lights up a skyscraper at night.   the business of the morning rush to work.   the smell of freshly baked bread and pastries from bakeries in the early morning.   the crack of dawn walk of shame.   lines of cabs and buses filling the main streets.   sunrise breaking over the skyline.   neons flashing against brick.   lightning bolt cracks in the pavement.   sunset streaming through buildings. drug dealers peddling their wares. a theatre district full of tourists and performers.   night time rain hitting long glass windows.   activity on every street corner.    shattered glass littering the concrete.   wind tunnels passing through a maze of buildings.   churches nestled within high rises.   breakfast on a small balcony.    sirens echoing and bouncing off the inner city walls.   dirty rivers breaking up the concrete jungle.   season changes:   burnt orange of autumn trees,  light white snow of winter,   midday sunshine of summer,   blooming flower bushes in spring.   crystal canals littered with houseboats.  muggings within dark alleys. dusk falling and lights flickering on.   lightning striking the tops of skyscrapers.   vague reflections in the water of fountains.   cigarette ashes in the gutter.   darkened and empty side streets.   lines of people and chatter outside of clubs.   fire escapes trailing down the sides of buildings. hookers on every street.  high ceilings in industrial studio apartments.   rainbow hues reflected in glass.   cityscape views from monuments.     rain gutters swelling during heavy downpour.   a park oasis in the middle of the city.   new years fireworks lighting up the night sky.  airplane trails littering the sky.   polished corner offices.   strip club pamphlets strewn across the damp footpath.   rooftop gardens.   oil pools staining asphalt.   skyscrapers protruding thick cloud.   helicopter spotlights.   litter piles surrounding dumpsters nestled down alleyways.   window displays of designer stores.   streets lined with thin trees.   the contrast of the white paint and asphalt at crossings.  street views from the bathroom windows.   lowlit bars permeating red light.
tagged by : @truthcrusade <3
tagging : @fferal @sonicanary @sanguine-salvation @lanternslight and YOU.
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