#Santiago ufos
ufosightingsfootage · 2 years
2 Amazing UFOs Filmed Yesterday 13th February 2023 Santiago Chile
2 UFOs filmed just yesterday over Santiago in Chile. These look like Cylindrical shaped UFOs and they're definitely moving towards the mountain.
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santiagodeleons · 19 days
closed for: @jaspermorgan
where: four leaf
"Uh huh," Santiago says in the most unconvinced tone imaginable, barely following the thread of consciousness the Wisconsin native sitting in front of him was leading him down. It had started with the weather and somehow had twisted and turned into whether or not UFOs were real.
( They were, if Jerry Schultz was being asked and Santiago wishes he hadn't. )
He spots his out from the conversation in the form of a familiar face approaching the bar, making empty apologies to the patron as he stepped down the bar to greet his friend.
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"Jasper Morgan, aren't we lucky tonight. You here to see this face?" He says of his own before he's unable to stop himself from what he suspects is the true appeal of his Irish Pub to Mr. Hollywood, "Or were you hoping to see a far prettier one than mine with a real nice English accent like yours?"
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claudiosuenaga · 11 months
Claudio Suenaga: Uma rápida apresentação de todos os meus livros e como adquiri-los
Agora você pode adquirir os meus livros Contatados, 50 Tons de Greys, Illuminati: A Genealogia do Mal e o inédito Lua de Pedreiro em formato e-book diretamente em minha loja no Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/suenaga/shop
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Contatados: Emissários das Estrelas, Arautos de uma Nova Era ou a Quinta Coluna da Invasão Extraterrestre? Campo Grande (MS), Centro Brasileiro de Pesquisas de Discos Voadores (CBPDV), 2007; (Coleção Biblioteca UFO). Editor: Ademar José Gevaerd. 292 p. Para adquirir, entre em contato diretamente com o editor Bira Câmara pelo e-mail [email protected]
50 Tons de Greys: Casos de Abduções Alienígenas com Relações Sexuais - Experiências Genéticas, Rituais de Fertilidade ou Cultos Satânicos? Curitiba (PR), Editora Monalisa, 2018; (Coleção Biblioteca UFO). Editor: Ademar José Gevaerd. 415 p. Para adquirir, entre em contato diretamente com o editor Bira Câmara pelo e-mail [email protected]
Illuminati: A Genealogia do Mal. São Paulo, Bira Câmara Editor, 2020. Brochura, 227 páginas, formato 14 x 21 cm, ilustrada. Para adquirir, entre em contato diretamente com o editor Bira Câmara pelo e-mail [email protected]
Conspiração Corona: A Pandemia da Mentira. São Paulo, Clube dos Autores, 2020. Também intitulada CoronaV de Vorazes: A Pandemia da Revolução 4.0. Adquira no Clube dos Autores: https://clubedeautores.com.br/livro/coronav-de-vorazes
As Raízes Hebraicas da Terra do Sol Nascente: O Povo Japonês Seria Uma das Dez Tribos Perdidas de Israel? Tietê (SP), Editora Revista Enigmas, 2022. Editor: André de Pierre. 152 p. ISBN: 9786500531473. Adquira na loja da Editora Revista Enigmas: https://www.lojaenigmas.com.br/pre-venda-as-raizes-hebraicas-da-terra-do-sol-nascente-o-povo-japones-seria-uma-das-dez-tribos-perdidas-de-israel
Encuentros Cercanos de Todo Tipo. El Caso Villas Boas y Otras Abducciones Íntimas; trad. de Luiz Ruiz Noguez. Santiago (Chile), Ediciones Coliseo Sentosa, 2023. ISBN: 9798378086948. Editor: Diego Zúñiga. 386 p. ISBN: 9798378086948. Adquira na Amazon de vários países:
Amazon.com (envios a todo o mundo desde os EUA): https://amzn.to/3Lh93Lb
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Agradeço ao meu irmão Rogério pela edição deste vídeo.
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Chile: Two Alleged UFOs Flew Over Santiago de Chile
Bolivia.com - Redacción Tecnología
Date: 18 October 2022
Chile: Two Alleged UFOs Flew Over Santiago de Chile
A white, luminous, rhomboidal shape. This is what two alleged UFOs that flew over Santiago the Chile looked like. The images were shared on social media and quickly went viral.
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lapseudosphere · 1 year
2. Petit historique - partie 2 (pseudossier : le phénomène ovni)
À lire avant pour ne pas être trop perdu :
1. Petit historique - Partie 1
Pseudocomplément : l'affaire Roswell
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Je remercie les chercheuses et chercheurs cité·e·s dans ce pseudossier pour leurs travaux. Pour réaliser ce pseudossier, je me suis appuyé sur des films documentaires, des interviews vidéos, des ouvrages, des articles de presse ou de sites internet. Je remercie les pseudosphéristes passionnés qui en sont à l’origine.
Principales pseudosources :
Je me suis appuyé sur l’ouvrage suivant pour l’ensemble de ce pseudossier : Franck Maurin, Les mystères du phénomène ovni - de la préhistoire à nos jours, Éditions La Vallée Heureuse, 2016
Pour ce chapitre, je me suis également appuyé sur la page Wikipédia qui recense de manière chronologique les principaux cas d’ovni, il est possible à partir de cette page, d’accéder à des articles plus détaillés : https://fr.wikipedia.org/wiki/Chronologie_de_l%27ufologie
Mutilations animales : Gildas Bourdais, ovnis : vers la fin du secret ?, Édition Le Temps Présent, 2010 (pages 211 à 223)
Malmstrom : Paranormal Channel, L'incident de la base militaire de Malmstrom (USA) - 1967 (https://www.dailymotion.com/video/x3oeiia) Leslie Kean, Ovnis, des généraux des pilotes et des officiels parlent, Editions Dervy, 2010 (pages 202 et 203) Egon Kragel et Yves Couprie, Ovnis - Enquête sur un secret d'États, Éditions Le cherche midi, 2010 (pages 196 à 198)
Minot AFB : https://minotb52ufo.com/
Stephen Michalak : (en anglais) https://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/manitoba/falcon-lake-incident-book-anniversary-1.4121639 https://lesrepasufologiques.org/stephen-michalak-et-le-cas-de-falcon-lake-1967/ Chaîne Muloot X-files "MYSTERES - Emission N°14 - L'OVNI de Falcon Lake" (https://www.dailymotion.com/video/x18dip0)
Oanis au Vénézuela : Henry Durrant, Les dossiers des ovni, Éditions Robert Lafont, 1973 (pages 52 et 53)
Shag Harbour et oanis : https://www.barringtonmunicipality.com/Visiting-Us/shag-harbour-ufo-incident https://inexplore.inrees.com/articles/oanis-mysteres-dans-mysteres-armee http://www.dramatic.fr/colomb-p746.html
Observation de Taizé : https://rr0.org/science/crypto/ufo/enquete/dossier/Taize/ Thibaut Canuti, Histoire de l'ufologie française, Le temps des soucoupistes, Éditions Le temps présent, (pages 276 à 279)
Travis Walton : Chaîne de Nuréa TV, Disparitions Mystérieuses : Le cas Travis Walton (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=k78W_DdMOps)
Ovni de Téhéran : Leslie Kean, Ovnis, des généraux des pilotes et des officiels parlent, Editions Dervy, 2010 (pages 116 à 124 et page 210)
Ovni de Colares : Chaine Nuréa TV OVNIs en Amazonie : L' Affaire Colares (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4b1zei8giSs) https://ufologie.patrickgross.org/htm/colaresf.htm Chaine SANTIAGO Didier, Les mystères des Ovnis de Colares avec Elisabeth De Caligny (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=O1h6_5B_w2M&t=6702s)
Incident de Rendlesham : Il y a eu plusieurs confusions au niveau des dates et de l'enchaînement des évènements dans ce dossier complexe. Je me suis appuyé sur les sources suivantes : (en anglais) https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rendlesham_Forest_incident https://theunredacted.com/rendlesham-forest-ufo-the-christmas-invasion/ Leslie Kean, Ovnis, des généraux des pilotes et des officiels parlent, Editions Dervy, 2010 (pages 249 à 261) Autres sources : https://ufologie.patrickgross.org/htm/rendlesf.htm https://rr0.org/science/crypto/ufo/enquete/dossier/Bentwaters/ https://www.therendleshamforestincident.com/2023/01/how-rendlesham-binary-code-message.html https://fr.wikipedia.org/wiki/Incident_de_Rendlesham https://www.theyworkforyou.com/wrans/?id=2001-01-25a.22.3&s=speaker%3A13225 https://hansard.parliament.uk/Lords/1997-10-28/debates/829bc73d-7e53-4412-8ae6-0c1be8942f77/RafBentwatersAndWoodbridgNuclearWeaponsAllegations
Betty Cash : (En anglais) https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cash%E2%80%93Landrum_incident
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9-Minute UFO Footage Captured By Chilean Navy Still Baffles Scientists
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gravityofforteana · 2 years
he Chilean Abduction
Source: APRO, July, 1977
Summary: "You don't know who we are or where we come from but we will be back soon." These are the strange words uttered by Corporal Armando Valdes, leader of a Chilean military patrol. Just some 15 mintues previously he had been subjected to a mysterious UFO encounter at Pampa Lluscuma near Putre in Chile.
"You don't know who we are or where we come from but we will be back soon." These are the strange words uttered by Corporal Armando Valdes, leader of a Chilean military patrol. Just some 15 mintues previously he had been subjected to a mysterious UFO encounter at Pampa Lluscuma near Putre in Chile. The date was April 25, 1977 and the time about 4:00 AM. Putre is 50 air miles ENE of Arica, a larger city in Chile.
Corporal Valdes was in charge of a patrol on routine assignment near Putre in the early morning hours of April 25, 1977. He and his six-man patrol were sitting around a campfire alongside a wall of stones and mud at the secret army post of Pampa Lluscuma. They were talking and singing quite a while to stay awake. Two of the men kept watch several feet away. About four in the morning one of the men. Private Rosales, ran back to Valdes to report that two bright violet lights had landed, one of which was in sight and illuminated the whole area. The light approached closer. Valdes ordered his men to cover up their fire with blankets. The violet light with a red spot at each end withdrew and then returned closer. The patrol was terrified.
There was no sound with the UFO motion. The Chilean high plateau was amazingly silent. Corporal Valdes stated "after praying to God and ordering the light to leave . . . after demanding that it identify itself, I moved a few meters away from my men." The corporal moved toward the object. He disappeared for some 15 minutes. When he reappeared, he was shaking and his voice seemed different. The light had been illuminating the whole area. As Corporal Valdes reappeared he was heard to utter the words at the beginning of this article. He then became unconscious and was attended by his fellow men till he awoke some two hours later. The UFO also disappeared about this time.
While the unconscious Corporal Valdes was assisted by his patrol, his men made another strange observation. They saw that Valdes had a beard growth equivalent to several days without shaving. He had been well shaven before the incident. As Valdes awoke he exclaimed, "I don't remember anything from the moment I left you." He then ordered, "Get ready to leave because it's 4:30 in the morning. It was actually about 7 AM. His calendar watch had stopped at 4:30 but the date was five days advanced - to the 30th instead of the 25th.
These are the bizarre circumstances in the case. Many of the details were related some two hours after the incident to Pedro Araneda, a correspondent and lecturer. The presence of UFOs are not a surprise to Corporal Valdes. He, as well as others in the interior of Chile near Arica, often see luminous UFOs moving about the skies. Valdes states, "The surprising thing was the way it approached us. As soldiers we are trained to deal with any situation. But this phenomenon didn't seem to have any logical explanation. I would like to regain my memory of those fifteen minutes. I would even like to submit to hypnosis to draw out information about what happened."
President and Commander in Chief Augusto Pinochet of Chile has prohibited further interviews with the soldiers. Medical, psychiatric and eventually hypnotic tests are planned for member of the patrol to confirm their stories. Meanwhile more sightings have occurred at Arica, Punta Arenas, Santiago, and other locations up and down the 2700 mile length of Chile. NASA and the University of Chile jointly operate a space tracking station north of Santiago, Chile. Officials of the station could offer nothing to elucidate the facts in this case. The time fact in this particular case - increased beard growth and accelerated clock time - are elements which make this case exceptional and worthy of further consideration.
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cobcatnipdew · 2 years
(62) UFO caught above the city in Santiago Chile - YouTube
(62) UFO caught above the city in Santiago Chile – YouTube
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no-chill-at-all · 4 years
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ufosightingsfootage · 2 years
UFO Speeding Past Highway Then Disappears By Cloaks Itself
I wrote about this before, but I discovered only just today that this UFO disappears from sight by literally cloaking itself. I didn't catch it last time as it's at the end of the video "it's really bizarre."
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nikos3194 · 4 years
Cuando Sabado Gigante Mostró En Vivo Un Ovni A Gran Altura
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Chile Sauce with Zen Delaney on Lingo Radio Monday 2020-04-20
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califarms · 6 years
Latest #ufo #anomalies #quickminute #skywatcher #remix #sanclemente #santiago #chile #aliensky #orbs #ufd #drones #orb #ovni #uap #drone #djlife #aliens #djs #ufos #djlifestyle #grays #flyingdisk #flyingsaucer #retrowave #spacecraft #ufosighting #caughtontape #dronestagram #extraterrestrial https://www.instagram.com/p/BtNot6QHLhS/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=108wsog23u22n
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mazzital · 2 years
12  Aprile
12  Aprile    Tappa  n:  22    Porto  A Guardia  ( Spagna)
distanza:  109 km  salita:  913m   Tempo:  5h42min
Ieri sera una eccellente cena in una churrascheria, con una bistecca gigantesca, patate al forno, quelle novelle con la buccia, e una degna insalata mista, finendo con un brandy spagnolo.
Questa mattina colazione in albergo e alle 8.00 in sella: inizialmente acquerugiola e poi temporali uno dopo l'altro fino alle 10.30: se questi temporali andalusi sperano di scoraggiarmi, si sbagliano di grosso. Seguo pedissequamente le indicazioni del GPS, un po' di giri a ufo ma non voglio ripetere quanto successo ieri.
L'unica eccezione: attraverso il grande ponte Arrabida che probabilmente è solo autostrada, ma va tutto bene: piove e la polizia sta al coperto.
Alle 9.00 sono fuori da Porto, prendo la nazionale 13 fino al confine: nessun pericolo di scelte strane.
Intanto, fino alle 10.00, i temporali si succedono ma, una volta bagnati fino all'osso, non può succedere altro, dopo inizia ad esserci qualche schiarita e, a sprazzo, si fede qualche parte di blu in cielo.
Per i primi 60 km non c'è quasi soluzione di continuità tra un paese e l'altro, siamo a soli 5 km dal mare, e quindi sono tutti insediamenti turistici, anche se tutto sembra chiuso, sono qualche camper nordico si vede di tanto in quanto.
Poi, dopo Viana do Castelo, riprendono le colline con i soliti su e giù che mi accompagnano fino al ferry per passare in Spagna. Sorpresa: in ferry non è in attività da mesi e non si sa quando e se riprenderà. Alternativa: aggiungere 25 km per rimontare il fiume fino al primo ponte e poi tornare indietro sul fronte opposto oppure cercare un Caronte che traghetti bici e me di fronte. Trovato: prende a bordo su una barchetta me, bici ed una signora pellegrina (..nel senso che va a Santiago di Compostela) : dal molo è facile caricare armi e bagagli il problema è l'atterraggio: sulla sabbia, teoricamente aspettando l'onda giusta: morale. Finisco in acqua fino al ginocchio, la bici si rovescia: tutto quello che può capitare di negativo  in uno sbarco è successo (...non è la Normandia, ma quasi).
Rimesso tutto in squadra, in 3 km sono in albergo e mi posso dare una ripulita dalla sabbia: questa esperienza, di cadere in acqua con la bicicletta, mi mancava.
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companionwolf · 3 years
First narrative phase and combat phase (aka session .5, a full session will include back at base narrative and base building time) of my cobbled xcom ttrpg success; Freeman and Taylor ended up unconscious but stabilized, and Malakhov and Santiago handled a bunch of aliens by themselves and completed mission objectives (clear AO, find UFO crash). Very tense moment where there were 2 stabilization failures on Taylor and after Freeman went down (she landed on negative HP so unlike Taylor had to burn 2 saving throws). Also fighting the last area's alien pod of 5 was nerve wracking with only 2 people. Malakhov and Santiago escaped barely (down to 2 HP). This feels sufficiently xcom-y :3
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summerrail · 3 years
Tag 18: Kunststadt Bilbao
Datum: 21. Juli 2021
San Sebastián eignet sich perfekt um Tagesausflüge zu machen, so möchte ich heute nach Bilbao fahren. Bis Ende des letzten Jahrhunderts noch eine reine Industriestadt, hat die Eröffnung des weltberühmten Guggenheim-Museums im Jahre 1997 plötzlich alles verändert. Ich reise mit dem Car an, mal was anderes. Dabei fällt mir einmal mehr die lustige Sprache auf, welche hier alle sprechen. Mit spanisch hat das definitiv nichts zu tun, Mr. Google klärt auf: Im Baskenland wird Baskisch gesprochen, es ist die einzige Sprache auf dem gesamten europäischen Kontinenten, welche mit keiner anderen Sprache verwandt ist! Das glaube ich auf's Wort, auf dem Papier ist Baskisch der reinste Buchstabensalat. Mein erster Eindruck von Bilbao fällt wie erwartet recht nüchtern aus, die Wolken heute machen die Stadt nicht gerade freundlicher. Doch das ändert sich bald, das Guggenheim-Museum ist bereits in Sichtweite! Ob ich das Gebäude schön finde, kann ich so auf die schnelle gar nicht sagen, jedenfalls scheint mir die Planung recht kompliziert gewesen zu sein. Rundherum steht eine ganze Reihe überdimensional grosser Skulpturen, darunter etwa eine stählerne Riesenspinne. Um das Ganze noch etwas dramatischer darzustellen, tritt zu jeder vollen Stunde eine Ladung Sprühnebel unter der Brücke hervor. Sehr cool! Im Innern geht es ähnlich weiter, Skulpturen und Gemälde der Extraklasse. Wobei sich über Kunst ja bekanntlich immer streiten lässt... Besonders spitze finde ich das Liegekino: Während gerade ein Film der 20er-Jahre an die Decke projiziert wird, legt man sich einfach auf den Boden und schaut in Ruhe zu. Super bequem, ich sag' ja: Ich mag Decken! In einer der Ausstellungen begegne ich einem alten Bekannten wieder, nämlich dem 1918 entworfenen Lehnstuhl "Rot-blauer Stuhl". Nicht lange ist es her, da war dieses Möbelstück noch fester Bestandteil meines Ausbildungsstoffs. Noch bescheuerter als der Name, ist dessen Aussehen, doch ich wurde nie gefragt. So kostet eine Neuanfertigung des von Gerrit Rietveld entworfenen Objektes über 3'000 Franken! Weiter führt mein Tagesausflug über die bekannte "Zubizuri-Brücke", geplant vom Stararchitekten Santiago Calatrava. Der Boden der ebenfalls 1997 fertiggestellten Stahlbrücke wurde aus Glas gefertigt, was für eine geniale Idee! Das zieht bestimmt mächtig Touristen an, so ein durchsichtiger Boden… nun, soweit der Plan. Bereits kurz nach der Eröffnung wurde ein schwarzer Kunststoffteppich über die Brücke gezogen, zu viele Passanten waren ausgerutscht. Und so ist das bis heute geblieben, ich kann es kaum glauben! Hinter einer prächtigen Blumenwiese entdecke ich per Zufall eine Metro-Station, auch hier hat man sich nicht lumpen lassen: Kein geringerer als Norman Foster hat die U-Bahn Stationen der Stadt entworfen, auch das Reichtagsgebäude in Berlin oder das Ufo-artige Apple-Gebäude in den USA gehen auf sein Konto. Wie ein Regenwurm kriecht die Station aus dem Asphalt, richtig cool! Mein letzter Stop in Bilbao: Die "Azkuna Zentroa", ein Mehrzweckgebäude mit fantastischem Innenleben. Das coole daran: Innerhalb des eigentlichen Gebäudes stehen nochmals diverse Backsteingebäude, diese werden wiederum von 43 komplett individuell gestalteten Säulen getragen. Eine verrückte Idee! Auf dem Dach hat es einen grossen Pool mit Glasboden, sodass jede Menge Licht ins Gebäudeinnere kommt. Man stelle sich jetzt vor, man müsste einen Teppich auf den gläsernen Poolboden legen… Au Schwarte! Während der Rückfahrt im Reisecar versuche ich etwas zu schlafen, doch die Strecke entlang der Küste ist dafür viel zu ruckelig. Was ein spektakulärer Tag, wie viel Kunst! Doch die grösste Kunst besteht doch darin, vor lauter Sightseeing das Wesentliche nicht zu vergessen: Runterkommen. So sitze ich erneut beim Inder fest, und lasse meine Seele baumeln… शुभ रात्रि !
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