#Santino will take that very literally
mrssimply · 1 month
WIP Whenever!
SO I was tagged 4 days ago by @bluelolblue about the usual wip game and... yeah. that thing called life? You know.
Anyway, since I'm having trouble finishing the Burning of Rome, and got stalled on the prompts (for unknown reason, creativity is a fickle thing - apparently there are fics I can only work on in the morning or when I have a down time at work, but when I have days off? Nothing comes. Great.) I decided to throw some words on another idea.
That one was prompted by my sister telling me to watch Yellowstone and also because friends IRL and online are pressurng me to try RDR2 again and I'm this close to giving in (it's only a matter of time now). So here you have it, Cowboys Santino and John.
Tank you sweetie for the tag, you can always tag me, just know that there is over 75% chance I'll have nothing to show xD
Others have tried before you.
But I love to be tagged, makes me feel included >:D
Aiden was called the Tracker because he was good at following trails. It came in handy when they lost a sheep or a cow, or even when one of the yearlings decided to jump the fence. He was also good at catching gossip, which amused the guys greatly. Cowboys were no better than fishermen's wives, apparently. It had never bothered John, he might even have said it made for good stories in the evening around a poker game. 
Today though, he was reconsidering.
The Tracker rested a leg on the round pen’s fence where John was unsaddling the mare he’d been working. She was nearly ready to be sold, would make a good cow horse, had a cold temper in most situations and understood her job easily. John would go as far as say she liked it. 
“You know the ranch is bein’ sold?” The Tracker said. 
Caine glanced at him, always interested in gossip. He’d been hard on the kid since he came in, like he rarely was, meaning he was seeing potential, or he wouldn’t have bothered.
“So what? It's only gonna be the fourth time in as many years.”
It was no secret money wasn’t coming like it should. The ranch had been used for laundering money, then it had fallen in the hands of disinterested investors, who’d sold it to the highest bidder, who happened to be one of those millionaires in need of a new pastime. John had seen the guy something like twice. 
It was a miracle the lands hadn’t been sold for parts to neighbors. Word had it that the Tarasovs had been looking into it, which would’ve been really bad news for John. So for once, he paid really attention to what was being said.
“Yeah, but this time I think it’s good news.”
“Yeah, how do you figure that?” Caine asked, turning toward him. 
“And how did you hear ‘bout that?” Marcus pipped in. Straightening from his slouch against the wooden hedge.
Ok, so this was serious. John got Magnolia out of the pen, the mare following obediently and moving around him fluidly so he could close the gate.
“Alright, spill,” Caine added, rolling a smoke.
“The D’Antonios bought it.”
Not their direct neighbors, but a close one. The land in between was owned by an old farmer who had two daughters he’d put through college. They had no interest in inheriting, they would sell it to the most generous offer in a few years, and the D’Antonio would fight for it to the end.
It was good news, except…
Caine glanced at John and chuckled while Marcus’ face bloomed into amused disbelief.
“Really?” the older man asked, eyes shining like it was christmas before time.
Caine’s chuckle turned into a full laughter.
“What?” the Tracker asked, catching on the fact he was missing something.
John looked down, the tip of his boot scratching the sand. Behind him, Magnolia huffed tiredly. She was too polite to start showing impatience, but she felt it anyway. She wanted back in her pen with her friends. John gently stroked her forehead in appeasement 
Marcus’ smile kept growing on his face.
“Oh, this is fuckin’ good.”
Caine was now holding his sides, howling and slapping his thighs as guffaws escaped him.
John pushed his hat further on his head and started leading the mare away.
“What?! C’mon, guys!” The Tracker complained.
“Oh man, you won’t believe it,” Caine wheezed between bouts of hilarity.
“See, Aiden, John wasn’t always the sad abstinent sod you have here. There was a time he used to fuck his way through the town, wasn’t extra choosy about it either. If it was legal and consenting, then there was a good chance you would find them frolicking behind’s Addy’s bar on saturdays.”
Caine’s laughter had turned into hiccups. 
“Would’ve been fine,” he gasped, trying to find breath, “if he didn’t decide to fuck D’Antonio’s son one summer.”
The young black man turned his gaze on the horse trainer with a gobsmacked expression.
“No way!”
“Yes, way,” Marcus explained benevolently, smugness and mirth clear in his voice, “Nearly caused a shoutout over it, too. Real Romeo and Juliet story, that one!”
John gave him the finger over his shoulder and kept on walking. 
Except for that, it was great news.
(As you can see, I'm back on my Romeo and Juliet bullshit. One day I'll tell you what reading the piece did to me.)
@koda-shoulda-woulda-but-didnt, if you wanna show us some things? RDR2 maybe >:] ?
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imwritesometimes · 9 months
trying not to feel too much any one way abt it cause I always 100% expect the absolute worst case scenario to happen to me but at the same time like idk man.... knowing depresh medication is like en route to my house is making me feel? a tiny bit of? optimism? like what is this feeling?
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lovevamp · 1 month
allow me a moment of absolute haterism when i say that the “armand is keeping akasha and enkil in dubai” is truly my least favorite iwtv theory in the world. not that i put it past the writers to do it, but i think to do it demonstrates a fundamental lack of understanding between all characters involved. first of all, for this theory to work it implies marius either A) abandoned the parents or B) is dead. i won’t even entertain the theory that akasha abandoned him for armand bc that’s just fucking absurd, so let’s just break down why these two options are both terrible.
okay so option A. i’ve seen people who believe this theory answer the “well where would marius be if not dead?” question with “well he’s dealing with the great conversion!” which like. what? marius’ priority has always been the parents. the great conversion just means there’s an influx of fledglings which is literally not marius’ fucking problem. he would NOT abandon the parents for this! not only that, but i think this theory doesn’t take into account that akasha very much has a say in who keeps her. she picked marius, she has picked marius multiple times. she very pointedly did not let marius go after armand after he was taken by santino, so why on gods green earth would she let marius abandon her and then let ARMAND take her? be so fucking serious now.
as for option B, marius being dead would require someone even more older and/or powerful coming out of the woodwork to destroy him and if they can kill marius they could definitely kill armand. and furthermore what reason does anyone have to kill marius if not to take the parents? marius hasn’t even called everard big boned because blood & gold hasn’t been published yet! so nobody has any reason to want him dead at this point in time!
also, how would armand even know who the parents are or what to do with them? who told him this information? MARIUS? like i said, there’s no fucking way marius just up and left them and if he somehow died (🙄) then i doubt the man left fucking instructions on what to do with them. i just don’t see a reason why armand would’ve fallen into possession of them that isn’t fucking stupid.
akasha is most likely going to wake up to deal with the great conversion. i can see them blending the QOTD/PL storylines so that akasha wakes up due to an influx of fledglings she needs to cull, but instead of mekare it’s lestat that takes the sacred core from her. i think this is likely because of rolin’s comment about how seeing harlequin lestat made him realize he had to do rockstar lestat, which leads me to believe that lestat’s music waking up akasha was not in the original plans for the show. not only that, but the PL storyline just reinforces why marius WOULDN’T leave akasha to deal with the “great conversion” AKA cull the fledglings. in PL marius never gave in to amel to burn down the coven houses.
in conclusion. this is what you look like:
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akab0mb · 8 months
One of the things I love about Marius is how emotional he is. He has tantrums over the most petty of things, and that is so incredibly human of him. He is terrible at hiding how he feels. And I think it's a very honest (and charming) attribute of his character.
Akasha telling Lestat her name when he first meets her? Oh, Marius is SO salty about it. He takes perfect care of her for centuries! And she never utters a word to him! But this brat he just dug up and brought home?? Unbelievable.
Picture this: Your ex-wife (Pandora) and your sworn enemy (Santino) pull you out of the icy depths after your "Mother" (Akasha) destroyed everything and ran off? I mean, I'd be a little pissy too. Marius gets super emotional and lashes out because he's indignant about everything that just happened, and also embarrassed for needing rescuing. I get it. But man, was he ever in a bad mood. (Until he realized he would get to see Armand again, then he got really mushy and cute).
Speaking of Armand, remember that time he told Marius to be a better master, and fucked off to sleep with some British dude for a few nights? Do you remember how emotional Marius was when Armand returned home?? He was brooding. He was having an absolute conniption about it all and boy was he bad at hiding it. He literally throws a pot of paint, storms off, and locks himself in his room. (Fortunately Armand knows just how to handle situations like this - nothing a bit of door axing can't fix).
There are SO many more examples and I will add to this list later. But the point is, this man is so relatable. He's vain, he's petty, and he's just like us. Importantly, though, he has a good heart. He is a good person and means well. And the honesty of his emotions is such an endearing quality. It's so very human of him, despite being one of the more ancient vampires. He is so human. I've never met a more relatable character.
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nalyra-dreaming · 3 days
Heeey, Nalyra :)) same anon about marius/ armand as before!! :D
Yeah, I agree that what they're portraying in the show is hinted in the books, in some way or another. I understand why some people would say Amadeo was "groomed and abused" by his maker, though the show is making me feel like when GOT changed daenerys' first time in the show.
Now, you and someone else touched on the topic of rebranding memory and even that Santino might have made Armand think Marius whored him out. Do you think that Armand might be, alongside these things Santino might have put inside his head as he was brainwashed, lying to himself, trying to make Marius seem worse than he was? As if Amadeo had no choice, as if he was just his slave and not had became his lover? I could see that, especially if he has already met Marius in the show and is disappointed he didn't look for him for so long when he thought Marius to be dead
anyway, thank you so much for the response!! sorry for any typos or gramma mistakes, when i read your ask i noticed i had made some haha English is not my first language :p
Well, I mean... within the context of the torture and the cult mentality they had... them trying to "rebrand" what Armand and Marius had there would fit, imho.
Armand was brain washed, for centuries. That is no trifle.
As stated before, I do not want to take away from the show pointing out certain things here. (And as said I do like them putting their fingers into wounds. And I DO think the books more than hint.) But the show also plays with "memory is a monster" and this is definitely an instance of that. Worse even, since it was literal brain washing and torture.
There is also the aspect that Armand might have also realigned some things that happened simply to deal over time. To deal with the loss, to deal with the void within himself. Marius was taken from him after all, and he did think him dead for centuries. Eventually he likely had to harden himself, or he would have perished.
Given how the show is structured I don't think we will get the full picture here for a while yet.
And yes, I also think that the Armand in Dubai might already know Marius is alive... but he and Marius were not always on the best of terms (in the books), given history (very understandable, imho). It's very complicated and I do not see the show shying away from the parallels and reasons for Armand's fear of abandonment there either.
I don't think the Armand in Dubai has any reason to soften Marius, even if he knows already he is alive. As said before, I can easily see it having been Marius who did the "final edit" on Daniel's brain... at some point of the relationship. And Armand... would not have taken kindly to that I think.
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soulacheron · 10 days
𝐋𝐨 𝐒𝐩𝐞𝐭𝐭𝐫𝐨 - 𝐜𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝟏
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Mini introduction for this was here
I decided to make this little series with Santino and Acheron. I'll explain Acheron more, so everything makes more sense. Idk how many chapters this will have, but I think it'll be long ongoing. The series's name is "Lo Spettro"
Hope yall will like this little chapter :)
Santino stared at the wolf figure in front of him. It called him "Master" but why was it a wolf?
"What... so you are the demon? I thought you'd have a human form?" Santino asked, staring in confusion at the wolf. "I take a form of an animal or human that is special to my new Master. You find wolves interesting... and it was easier for me to take a wolf form. Everyone human in your life isn't very close to you."
Okay, a literal demon wolf was telling him that no one in his life is close to him. How much lower can he fall?
Santino sighed, feeling his chest with his hand. Surely, he was shot there and at his lower abdomen. That's why he was bleeding out so fast and was near death.
Where are those wounds now?
He looked down, his suit was still messy from the blood, and there were the bullet holes. However, no wounds?
"You... what did you do to me?" Santino asked and looked up at the creature, feeling his lips and chin with his fingers and seeing that they were covered in blood. Yeah, he did coughed out blood, he remembers that.
"I healed you. You became my Master, so I have to protect you." The wolf said, sitting and waiting patiently. "The pain that I felt... what was that?" He asked. He had so many questions. "I took your soul and, therefore, saved you. I forgot to mention that can be painful. I'm sorry it hurt." The wolf bowed its head in respect.
Santino nodded, taking in a deep breath and exhaling since the disgusting taste of blood in his mouth made him feel nauseous and dizzy. "I um... fuck, I taste blood..." Santino muttered, trying to stand up and, surprisingly to him, the wolf nudged its head so he can support himself against him.
He got up with a wince, but otherwise he was feeling okay. Better than before that's for sure.
"Thank you." Santino said quietly to the creature. "Always, Master." It spoke. "Do you have a name?" Santino asked, fixing his messy suit and tie. "No. I'd be honored if you gave me a name, Master." Wolf said, again sitting calmly in front of him. Santino looked at him and nodded. "I'll see what I can think of when we get home." He paused, "Now... how will I explain that I summoned a demon who is actually a wolf?" He asked himself, but wolf decided to try and help.
"You could simply start with why you decided to do it in the first place-" That he was so desperate for success that he sold he soul? Absolutely not. "No, no, no... I'm not saying that. I... cazzo.." he sighed, pinching his eyes. "I'll figure something out." He always does. He just... needs some more time right now.
"I actually nearly died." He whispered to himself, looking at the blood puddle. "The things I do for these people... for my fucking status." He hates that he got himself in that situation. Almost dying for what? For something that wasn't supposed to happen. And he got shot. He wasn't supposed to get shot. Damn, everything didn't go as planned.
"You'll still need rest, Master. I did healed you but you'll still feel fatigue." Wolf said.
Now, when he mentioned it, he felt tired, like his body was exhausted. "Yeah... I can feel it." Santino said, pulling out his phone. "Do you know where everyone else is?" He asked, looking around, but it was so quiet.
"I believe they left." Wolf said calmly.
Huh? They wouldn't leave his boss. No. Not Ares. They're like a team. Right? This doesn't make sense.
Santino tensed up a little thinking about this. 'They wouldn't do that.' He said in his mind. "Are you alright, Master?" Wolf asked. Santino snapped back from his thoughts and looked over at the wolf. "Yes. I'll just call them. But you..." he paused, "Can you make yourself kind of disappear? When we're home, I'll explain who you are." Santino just needed some more time to figure this all out.
"Of course. I'll do as you say, Master." Wolf said and bowed his head again. "You don't have to call me Master every single time." Santino said, sighing. "How would you like me to call you then?" Wolf asked, titling his head a little. "Um... I'm not sure yet." He replied.
"Santino? Mr. D'Antonio? Boss?" Wolf suggested. Well, coming from a demon wolf, it sounded a little weird to him. "Let's just stay on Master for now." Yeah, maybe that's better.
"Whatever you say, Master."
Santino made a phone call, talking in Italian to one of his bodyguards. Also cursing at whoever was on the other side of the line. Wolf waited patiently, waiting for more commands.
"They'll be here soon. So, when we get home, I can try and introduce you." Santino said, putting his phone back into his pocket. "Understood. I'm looking forward to our partnership and for a new name." Wolf said and wagged his tail a little.
Santino huffed a chuckle, thinking if he had actually lost his mind and none of this was real. He is talking to a fucking demon wolf who is wagging his tail now.
"Yeah. It'll be one hell of a partnership."
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bluelolblue · 3 months
what r ur thoughts on gianna and santino’s relationship? (ive always loved gianna but it feels like she’s just as if not more ruthless than santino. she just manages to act civilized more)
The D'Antonio siblings
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They're both so fucking beautiful 💕
I definitely think Santino was jealous of Gianna when their father willed his seat to her and throughout their childhood
The reason for their father leaving his seat to Gianna is unknown in the movie (we can make headcanons on that ofc). However, I think that just made the relationship between Santino and Gianna even worse
I think through their childhood, Gianna was more the serious one, had more tolerance, patience and took things as a D'Antonio heir seriously.
While Santino probably wasn't like that. He's the younger sibling, and he was probably a bit spoiled. Or he tried his best to impress their father, but he was "not good enough."
Since they're both D'Antonios, they got everything served on a plate for them... but it's not as easy as they thought. Or at least not how Santino thought
Idk what Santino was thinking. That he's gonna get the seat after his sister proved herself more? But this is just my thought since we don't know that part
Really, it could've been differently. Maybe he did everything he could to prove himself, but his father was just an asshole
In the movie, we don't even see them interact with each other. Only like through John. Santino saying "I could never do it. She is my blood. I still love her." Has a little bit of truth in it, but the real reason he couldn't kill his sister was just that he didn't want to risk getting his hands dirty. And to kill Gianna D'Antonio, he needs someone special... and that someone special is John Wick. Just what Santino told him "That's why I need the ghost, lo spettro, John Wick. That's why I need you."
While Gianna called John "Death's very emissary." So even in all this, you can see how they're both using and picking their words carefully
Gianna didn't seem very fond of the fact that when she dies, Santino takes her place, but he also takes New York. And John would be the one who gifted it to him. So that's something I'll have to analyze more
Although, I feel like they both still cared for each other in their own ways. No matter how cold they might have acted towards each other, I still think they cared and loved each other. Or that sibling love is somewhere deep in them
They were both born into this D'Antonio family, into this toxic hierarchy of the High Table, and they couldn't do anything about it. It's the way they were raised to believe that this life is normal and it's supposed to be like that
That one of them is gonna be the next representative of Camorra. Of course that one child is gonna be jealous of another. It just happened to be Santino
I do agree that Gianna seems just as ruthless as Santino. HOWEVER, she has more self-control, can act more civilized, and has more patience, so she is really good at hiding all that, which makes her a great leader in my opinion
They both share the same way of having good ways with their words. They both talked to John in a very...how do I say it? Manipulative but calm tone and had rather relaxed and even dominant body language around him. So they both don't fear John, and they're not afraid to show that
But we all know what happened to her and later on to Santino. Gianna had a really tragic death, in my opinion, since she killed herself. "I lived my life my way. And I'll die my way." That line sends chills down my spine and it's fucked up in a tragic way. Makes me think she actually didn't want to be a part of all this. And really, the only way to escape from the curse of being a D'Antonio that's supposed to represent Camorra in the High Table is death
While Santino literally decided his own death with talking back to John. All he had to do was not mock John any further, and maybe he could've had his seat at the High Table for a longer time
Both share a lot of similarities, actually...it's just that Gianna died willingly trying to escape from this life she was born into, and Santino died after he got what he wanted by force
There is, unfortunately, no good ending for the D'Antonio siblings
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Rip Gianna and Santino D'Antonio... yall were too attractive to die 😞 💔
I'll write more about them in the future, I wanna do deep analysis on both of them so... one day, it's gonna happen. I love their sibling rivalry lol it's very interesting
Also, I like to add some pics from pinterest for aesthetic lmao :3
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thewhumpcaretaker · 1 month
Ehehe hiii :3
A little different scenario from my usual asks but I'm curious I can't help myself 😭
(If you're comfortable talking abt this ofc, no pressure)
Since I'm writing a/b/o fic(s) with Santino and John, how do you see omega Santino and alpha John? Like, for example when the heat hits Santino, how does he act? Is he really needy and wants John to take care of him (by take care of him I mean both freaky time and actual comfort 😋)? Or he's moody and snaps at John for literally anything? Ofc, how does John act, too, in that situation :P
So many possibilities AGAIN lmaoo I'm having lots of fun with this. I have my versions of this but I'm curious on yours :3
Have a fantastic day!!! 💖
Oh boy...I have never written a/b/o before but tbh I do like it >_< so here we go haha!! There's a first time for everything ✨
I really love the way their dynamic is written in your fics!! There's a lot of nuance and tension. Santino is clingy and needy, but also angry and irritable. Santino is the one seducing John, even though he is the omega (who we might expect to have less control). So I would keep a lot of that.
But here, I tried to imagine starting a fic from scratch and coming up with their dynamic on my own. I think I'd write something with these main points:
John has always been uncomfortable with being an alpha. It's something that the High Table used to their advantage when treating him as a weapon. It allowed him to fight harder by going into a kind of berserk state, so they encouraged it and he was sometimes even given access to the scent of omegas before battle to send him into a frenzy. At the same time, he was never given access to an actual omega, because his employers didn't want him to form attachments. So he initially associates his alpha with a lot of past trauma and both sexual and emotional frustration. He wishes he was just a normal beta.
Meanwhile, Santino has a similar backstory to the one you wrote - the Camorra forced him to hide his omega status with scent blockers and he was heavily shamed for it by his father. So he has shame attached to this too. But deep down, he likes his omega and wants to express that part of himself very much.
They are overwhelmed by each other's scents, obviously. Both of them are powerful examples of the type, and well suited to each other. I think Santino smells a bit like the ocean - something beautifully fresh yet full of salt to the point that it's almost unbearably delicious and it makes John want to drink him in (John is thirsty LMAO). John smells very animal. Musk and leather.
When I think about Santino's heat, I try to think about what's actually happening in his body and how he's experiencing that. Firstly, he's experiencing a lot of discomfort. He's in physical distress, almost as if he had the flu and a fever, and he gets deep, visceral loneliness and craving for affection as if he had been touch starved for weeks. So he's going to respond to that the same way he would respond to an illness or an emotional upset - by initially pretending he's fine and snapping at everyone at the slightest provocation until it's abundantly clear that he's not fine. He deeply fears to appear weak or to be a burden. But, once John realizes what's happening and proves that he's going to be there for Santino anyway, there's no more reason to hide his feelings. At that point, Santino breaks down and becomes incredibly clingy.
What Santino needs, and what John provides, when he's in heat: LOTS of physical touch (he can't stand to not be cuddling John, or at least holding his hand, even for a second), massage for all the aches in his body, a place where he feels safe and not threatened, a warm nest to curl up in so that he is surrounded by soft things on all sides, having his requests provided for (food and water brought to him, tasks done for him if he asks, etc.), and of course SEX.
As for John's experience of Santino's heats (and his own resulting heat), he's initially afraid of himself. He feels out of control so he tries to resist his desires, which he is pretty good at doing. Only when he realizes that he genuinely cares for Santino and wants to protect him, both as an omega and as a person, does he let himself go fully into alpha mode. At that point, he is absolutely scary to everyone around him who is not Santino. His pupils are so swollen that his eyes look black, he feels an intense bloodlust that makes his fighting significantly better, he is almost completely incapable of speaking (just grunts and body language), and he will do anything to get to Santino and protect him. If a door is locked and it takes too long to unlock it, he'll just tear it off the hinges. He is feral.
The relationship is very healing for both of them. For John, his alpha is finally being given a positive outlet for its protectiveness, not just being used as a weapon. For Santino, he can finally express who he truly is without shame. They are inseparable and their bond runs deep.
Thank you for asking, I think this is a super fun concept for them!! 🖤💙
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dreamlight-violet · 11 months
It feels like you're allowed to like literally any Disney villain but Hans. Like... if you enjoy Hans or relate to him in some way, you're a bad person. Very sad, especially since Disney intentionally or unintentionally encourages this by giving Hans no merch and making him a punching bag on his rare appearances.
The Frozen musical is the only thing that takes him seriously as a character. I'd die to hear Santino Fontana sing Hans' songs from the musical.
Meanwhile Agnarr and Iduna, who were terrible parents for a decade resulting in Elsa's anxiety and self-esteem issues, and Anna's attachment issues, are given a full romeo+juliet backstory and all their negative traits and actions handwaved away as being Runeard's fault. Frozen 2 is an Agduna apologism tour featuring a Hate on Hans parade and some cute mascots.
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mrssimply · 2 months
Ideas that crawls in my mind
John as Romeo and Santino as Juliet (Everyone Dies in Fair Verona - will I pull the MCD trigger on that one? Still unsure [evil laughter])
Santino got out of the Arrangement to become a dancer. Helen has been dead for a year when her sister, taking pity on John, brings him to that popular production Santino leads in. John is mesmerised, doesn't know what to do with all the feelings. What would a young and beautiful thing like Santino do with someone as old an sad as John? (twenty year age gap + the past catches up on them)
John is a dragon and Santino half-faery (has golden blood, literally because why not?). Dragons gets bound to the royal family to serve as warriors and slaves. Santino took a very personal interest in his dragon. It goes bad when the war between faery and human explodes.
Time to write all that? None.
But just in case.
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tugadork · 1 year
Discussing Hans' Hypothetical Return in Frozen 3
So... been a long while since I've made a post on here. For the few Frozen peeps who follow me, my Fractured fan-fic is currently on an indefinite hiatus (I still very much plan to continue writing it and seeing it through to the end and actually post it at some point, but writer's block continues to pester me and I still need much more storybeats to properly flesh out before I get any serious work done; by now I've only written like half the prologue section).
With that out of the way, and with Frozen 3 being officially greenlit, the question still wonders in the air whether or not everyone's favorite dastardly prince has the opportunity to make a comeback after being left out of Frozen 2 (though, at least we know via that one Santino Fontana's old interview that Hans was intended to be a part of the second movie very early on during development, or at least, the idea itself was discussed).
As of right now, and realistically speaking, I don't think it's very likely for a few reasons: Jen Lee clearly has changed her mind between Frozens 1 and 2 in regards to Hans' character so I don't believe she would begin to consider revisiting his character; him literally being called an unreedemable monster by Elsa in F2 is not a good indication for any chances of a redemption arc with him should he return; in that one group interview with Santino, Josh Gad and the Lopez a few years back, Hans was brought up and Gad even supported the idea of him coming back for a Frozen 3, but Santino seemed very hesitant to the idea so, if he doesn't want to do it assuming they want Hans back, then I don't think he would do it (unless maybe they give the character some depth or give him an overall importance to the plot. I don't know, something that could convince him to come back to the role.)
But I also like to consider what-ifs, and one of those what-ifs is with what to do with Hans' character should he be revisited, because there are quite a few storytelling routes they could go with him, which I will discuss below and you guys can tell me your thoughts if you're particularly interested. These are just basic ideas that came to my head:
1 - Hans is hellbent on revenge against the Arendelle sisters, is the main villain of Frozen 3 and somehow manipulates his family (who is 100% innocent and comprised of good people) into starting a war with Arendelle because of Elsa's unlimited power; still being portrayed as he was during the fireplace scene in F1. [a very generic and boring option for me; many people take issue with how almost unnatural his shift to mustache-twirling villain was, so fleshing his character out a little, villainous or not, I think would help in the long run. Plus, him being the sole main villain would get stale imo]
2 - Like F2 and Frozen Fever, Hans does return somewhat but is made into nothing but a punchline throughout the whole movie, aka the General Hux effect while one or some of his family members play the main villain(s) and ridicule him. [the least interesting and most cringeworthy route to take, and the joke would get old real fast. Not to mention, canonically speaking, Hans' family life hasn't been... great, so I feel like portraying an abusive family relationship like this, even if Hans isn't a good person, would be very uncomfortable and send the wrong message]
3 - Hans' abhorrent actions and consequences, as well as his backstory bit by bit, are fully explored, and he's disowned and exiled by his family following a trial that takes place shortly after his arrival home. Stewing with anger and resentment as he wanders alone, he is eventually approached by the actual main villain (another elemental user would be cool and long overdue for these movies in my eyes) and is ironically manipulated into taking vengeance against those he feels wronged him (Anna and Elsa included) when said villain promises him the rule of the Southern Isles and the happiness he so desires. The villain only intends to use him for their own agenda and someone to take the fall for their actions, choosing to stay in the shadows until the right moment to strike. Hans goes along with the plan, and at first he's thrilled and vindicated, but one tragic moment shatters his concept of morality (this could be any number of things as long as it results in him having a serious wake-up call) and makes him realize how catastrophically wrong his actions are and not being able to cope with it. In the end though, and through moments of actual self-reflection, he helps Frohana to take down the main villain. If he dies, then Anna realizes that people aren't black-and-white like in the storybooks she read as a kid, and decides to forgive him despite what he's done, while Elsa does not. If he survives, either Anna still forgives him or none of the sisters forgive him, but they recognize the change in his character. Hans ultimately gets to make a life for himself, one where he's not shackled by the past. Also, he gets to interact with Olaf in this (seriously guys, immediate comedic potential here, this is literally one of the reasons why I want them to bring Hans back) and Kristoff which he never got to do in the first one. [this, to me, would be much more interesting. Hans' actions would not be taken lightly and the story would later punish him, but through that experience owning up to his mistakes and starting to atone; maybe meeting a few commoners during his exile which he eventually grows to care for or something would gradually kickstart his change. I really love this concept and will probably make a separate post on this that's much more elaborate and better detailed if anyone's interested. It would have to be a different beast than Fractured though, and less of a handful to write for 😅]
4 - Hans is brought back and is still portrayed as a villain, but is given the proper time for his character to be explored and given depth. He also gets an actual villain song. He plots to take vengeance on those who wronged him, but instead of being portrayed as the cunning snake he was in F1, it's more a drive out of desperation and anger. He ends up doing things he would not normally do, horrible things that do weigh on his mind but he pushes on because he sees no other way to claim his happiness; that since barely anyone cared for him when he was younger, that he learned to only care for himself. He's given moments to stop what he's doing and not escalate things further, and despite pausing, he still chooses the worst option. In the end he becomes his own worst enemy, and accidentally dies by his own hand. His defeat is not something that brings either Elsa or Anna joy despite how much he's wronged them and how justified they'd be feel some relief, his family is affected by it, and so the ending of the movie is bittersweet. [let me start off by saying that there is no way in hell Disney would have the cajones to do something this depressing, but man I would kind of love it if they did. One thing I do love about the idea of bringing Hans back and keeping him a villain is turning him into a Shakesperean tragedy, and his quest to claim his happiness by any means unnecessary would be so compelling to watch imo. Sort of similar to Lord Shen from Kung Fu Panda 2 in that regard. You could still have another villain in this, either one with powers - seriously, introduce another elemental user in Frozen 3, Disney, pretty pls - or one/some of his family members that are up to their own nefarious plots]
And that's it! Let me know which plot idea sounds good to you or if a combination of certain elements from all these would be more preferable in your opinion for his hypothetical return. 👍
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evren-sadwrn · 6 months
On the Marquis de Gramont’s backstory(personal theory and own opinions)
“He[Bill Skarsgård] came to be, he goes, ‘I want to do a little bit like fucked up French like Cajun accent.’ I’m like, ‘I have no idea what that sounds like.’ Some people gave us shit a little bit because it’s not a good French accent. I’m like, ‘Guys, it’s not supposed to be French.’ Like, he wasn’t trying to be French, he’s a guy that speaks French.”
— Chad Stahelski on the Josh Horowitz Happy, Sad, Confused podcast
(“Marquis(de Gramont)” and “Vincent” used interchangeably)
I know that the Marquis has like the most fucked up accent out of all John Wick characters seen so far but this line from the director himself, Chad “would beat us up for all the shit we say on Wickblr” Stahelski is just giving me a whole lot of ideas on his backstory.
Unlike the characters seen before, Vincent [the Marquis] is one of the characters whose backstories are not explained or even touched on upon like the Adjudicator and the Harbinger. Santino for example, and I’m gonna use Santino as an example because he and Vincent share parallels— What do we know about Santino? Santino was there to help John on the night of his impossible task, establishing a connection between antagonist and protagonist in writing, Santino has a sister named Gianna, Santino’s father dies and bestows his seat to his sister instead rather than her. And then, Santino also owns a museum in New York.
But what do we know about the Marquis? Other than how he came into the Table there is literally nothing else about him. Just like the Adjudicator, there’s nothing much else to know about him or his backstory.
“Although claiming to enforce the will of the High Table, the Marquis' primary ambition is to further his own power and he only cares about the Table's rules in as much as they advantage him. When they work against him, he is happy to bend or even fully disregard them.”
— John Wicki
John Wick is like a world of high people, it’s larger than life and it’s practically a near fantasy world filled with neon fight scenes and showy places and characters.
There’s no reason as to why the High Table chose him specifically to take down John but seeing as how brutal his character is, and how much remorse he lacks towards other people underneath him shows what kind of person the High Table is looking for. And Vincent manages to cloak his violent tendencies underneath a layer of sophistication.
“The Marquis is a young man of unknown origin who has quickly climbed the ladder within the High Table doing god knows what. I always saw him as someone from the gutter that now savors the glittery suits he’s wearing. He functions as the new sheriff set out to rid the world of John Wick once and for all. John’s getting old and tired, the Marquis is offering him a way out. To be the one who finally kills the Baba Yaga would secure his status and power within the High Table.”
— Bill Skarsgård on an on-set interview
I’ve always thought of Vincent as a sort of actor knowing the movies. He’s amazing at networking, it’s one of his only skills according to the Wiki other than multilingualism. This is a personal theory of mine, so you can disagree: but I go with Bill Skarsgård’s interpretation of his character’s backstory. Well, kind of. I agree with the fact that the Marquis climbed the ladder of the ranks, but I do not think he was struggling as a child considering the House of Gramont.
Since this is my own personal opinion and theory on his backstory, I personally believe that the Marquis may have just been another person in the criminal underworld/not even considering to be an agent.
I’ve always been a fan of the idea of characters starting from the bottom and then using non-violent measures to get to the top. And to me, Vincent is a very good example of this(in this theory). But he doesn’t agree to the rules, we see this in the very last scene where Vincent takes Caine’s gun to finish John off himself— but that proves horribly for him.
Like every other antagonist against John before him, the Marquis is arrogant and prideful— probably the wealthiest character we’ve seen so far(considering we haven’t seen the High Table).
And I can see where that arrogance and pride may come from. Now with Bill’s interview, I think he did climb the ranks however I don’t think he was struggling from poverty. In my opinion, he looks to have the mindset of a guy from the upper class/upper-middle class and coming back to Santino who Vincent shares a lot of traits with, I sort of believe Vincent to mirror Santino’s a lot more than just being from poverty or just a civilian.
So, to sum it up: he’s adopted by the House of Gramont. And in the middle of it all, he may have went through something that got him interested into getting more power.
In my own headcanon, I think he has a sort of trauma that leads him into getting desperate for power. We see it on the screen, Vincent gets upset and frustrated when he’s not being seen with respect or if his ego feels threatened.
have a nice day folks!! :33
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cosmicjoke · 1 year
Oh my gawd, this book is tearin’ me up, man.
I cannot believe what that bastard Santino did to Armand.  I knew something had to be up with Riccardo, with him not being sacrificed to the fire with the other boys, but man, I couldn’t have imagined just how horrific it was, what they planned.  That they starved Armand for six nights, and then in his delirium, fed Riccardo to him... that’s about the cruelest fucking thing I can imagine.  Really, it’s truly no wonder Armand is as messed up as he is when Lestat first meets him.  It’s no wonder at all.  And the tragic mirroring of that abuse that Armand suffered at Santino’s and Allesandra’s hands, when he does the same, essentially, to Lestat, when Lestat comes back to Paris to beg for his help, it truly demonstrates the devastating consequences and legacy of abuse, the cycle of it. 
Armand’s mind being broken through imprisonment and starvation, the way they manipulated him into accepting this new life of utter denial and self-recrimination and self-penance, the way it fed into his already existent fears that he was somehow blaspheming against God by living the life he did with Marius, and this fate befalling him was somehow the fulfillment of punishment for that sin, ah, just the whole thing is truly, unspeakably tragic.  Making it all the more jacked up is this idea they fed him, of not being allowed or able to look upon any symbols of religion, to take no comfort in religious art or iconography, this lesson he was taught of it being some sort of affront to God, for vampires to look upon these things, denying Armand even the beauty or relief in art, the very thing Lestat himself found solace in after his own breakdown.  You honestly can’t hold any of Armand’s later actions entirely against him, when you see just how fucked up his life has been.  And again, just the incredible tragedy of seeing that legacy of abuse continued, and how it impacted and initially impaired his relationship with Lestat, because I swear, there’s so much between them that they genuinely share, that they genuinely could have found solace in with one another, a mutual understanding through loss and isolation and experience.  But because of Armand’s own, specific type of trauma, because of the abuse done to him, the way he was manipulated into accepting this life and these beliefs through abuse, it just completely warped Armand’s own understanding of something as simple as social interaction, and even his understanding of what love is.  You get the terrifying sense that what Armand later does to Lestat, basically recreating for Lestat his own torture at the hands of Santino and Allesandra, that he believed it was a kind of love.  Because of this part, the part that I found the most upsetting, truly, after Santino and Allesandra have tormented him and starved him and fed him these innocent victims in between bouts of starvation for literal months on end:
“Allesandra laid her cool, soft hands so gently on me.
“Poor orphan child,” she said.  “Wandering child, oh, such a long road you’ve traveled to come to us.”
And what a wonder it was that all they had done to me should seem but a thing we shared, a common and inevitable catastrophe.”
Armand is so broken by what he goes through, his mind so broken and warped, that he comes to feel and believe that what these bastards did to him was a kind of love, and again, when he later puts Lestat through an eerily similar type of torture, you have to think he’s operating under that same, misguided and warped belief.  And this really is the worst kind of manipulation and abuse.  To make your victim believe that it was all done in their best interest, and to somehow trick them into believing that their suffering is a shared one, that it’s understood and empathized with BY the abuser.  Ugh, it’s fucking awful.  And this truly is the moment Armand breaks.  This is the moment he gives in to their manipulations and their cruelty and their deceptions.  Armand held out for so long, he tried so hard, but given the incredible loss and suffering he experienced, who could possibly, really stand up to that?   When he sobs and throws his arms around Allesandra, when she tells him she’s going with him to Paris, that about did me in.  He’s so desperate in his aloneness and his isolation, in his total lack of comfort of ANY kind, that he weeps to know one of the people who facilitated his abuse is going to stay with him. 
Armand wins the prize for most traumatic life.  This poor, poor man. 
The more you get into the details of Armand’s life, the more you realize, too, that Lestat really DID, in his way, rescue him.  Armand was trapped in a complete nightmare, with no way out.  And though it was painful and awful for Armand at the time, Lestat showing up when he did, the way he did, and laying waste to this jacked up and ignorant and abusive system of belief Armand was trapped in, it’s what pulled Armand up out of it.  Just Lestat being himself, refusing to yield, is what lighted the path to Armand’s own escape.  And there again we have an example of the light in Lestat Nicki spoke about.  A light which draws others to him, and a light which those who are trapped in darkness can cling to.  And there’s an element of such tragedy to this too.  Because of course Lestat himself has been made to believe again and again that that light in him is a force of destruction.  That it somehow destroys those he loves.  That the force of his personality and will brings everything he loves to ruin.  But Armand is the living, breathing proof of that NOT being true.  He’s the living, breathing proof that Lestat’s light, in fact, can be a saving grace, a force for good. 
Lestat’s light is what pulled Armand out of the darkness. 
It’s ironic, then, that the two of them were for so long at odds with one another.  Because the two of them parallel each other to perfection.  Lestat, being who he is, proves to Armand that he was never a sinner or a bad person to live as he did with Marius, that the fanatical laws of The Children of Darkness were never his destiny or his fate or his punishment for anything he’d done.  And Armand, being saved by Lestat’s light, proves to Lestat that being who he is isn’t an inherently destructive or evil thing. 
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igglemouse · 6 months
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Episode 2 ~ Two Of A Kind
It did not take long for us to snap our pictures which left us with time to just kind of hang out and enjoy the cloudy day.
There was some artist outside spraying graffiti on the ground who didn't even notice us, more interested in their art work instead of anyone else but all I could think of was how poorly dressed that woman was. What’s the point of creating art if you look like a mess? I don’t get it...
I didn't know what Bassam wanted to talk about or really any of her interests as she's still very new to me but it seemed she had a subject on her mind. Love Day. It is later this week, Friday even, and so literally right around the corner as people say. "Do you have a date for it?" her question does surprise me.
"Ummm," I'm caught off guard. I'm not sure why but I didn't figure her one for romance. Wrong of me, I know, but... "There is this one guy, umm, Santino Luque, heard of him?" She shakes her head. "Some investor type, simoleon type, lives in a penthouse."
"Sounds pretty nice!" She did seem impressed. "A lot of women try not to come off as...what is the term, gold diggers? Ah, but I don't mind it. Always do what is best for you first and foremost," very wisely put from her. “Who cares if random people think you shallow if you are happy?”
"Yeah, I don't think I am a gold digger but it matters some doesn't it?"
"Absolutely! It matters a lot! To me it means stability. This man of yours has his life together, it's not everything but it is a good start."
"Yeah..." she had a point there. Still, I didn't want to throw myself at Santino or seem too easy. I imagine he's used to that at this point. I do like him, he's handsome and successful so 2 outta 3, right? Let's just hope his personality makes a trifecta. "I guess I'll give it a try, he's definitely the best option for Love Day this year,” actually the only option although I am sure I could find someone to fill in if he changes his mind.
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hekateinhell · 2 years
what's the lost VC canon that haunts you the most? like something that Anne never wrote that you just, cannot cope with.
This one sent me into a temper tantrum because there's so much I need to know that I never will! Let me get my binder (it's all Armand-centric, nobody's shocked).
I need a timeline here of when things started to sour. I assume it's around TotBT. Armand gives Lestat the excuse later on that he wasn't there for him because he desperately wanted him to succeed in regaining his humanity, but what if it was because things were falling apart colossally with Daniel? And it would match up to the events of MtD, which Armand says Daniel had left him prior to.
Did Armand actually ever recognize that Something Wasn't Quite Right with Daniel, or was he so deep in denial---like a parent refusing to acknowledge when their child is falling through the cracks? Let's remember that Armand has never seen a vampire descent into madness that didn't end the way of Allesandra and Nicolas (suicide by fire).
How did Daniel end up in Marius's care? Was Armand part of this or did he find out later--and if so, how much later?
Speaking of...
Armand mentions him once in TVA, in the very beginning when he's listing Lestat's fledglings, and then... that's it!
I talk a lot about the possibility of Nicki being the precursor to Louis for Armand, not entirely that different as he was for Lestat. Even Lestat considers in TVL that Armand, "the little monster", thought he was helping Nicki by handling him the way he did. I want Armand's POV!
Was there a moment where Armand was hopeful, where he fell in love with Nicolas only to have it snatched away by the inventible? Did he know from day one they were on borrowed time? Was he just being a menace to Lestat in the tower when he read his mind and told Lestat that Lestat wanted Nicki destroyed, or did he actually know that would be the final outcome?
Eleni did tell Lestat that Armand held a "great affection" for Nicki... so how great?
The Pets™️
I've talked about The Pets before in headcanons and meta, but once again:
How soon after Nicolas's death did this start?
What was Armand's selection criteria? Did he even have one? Did he have any affection or fondness for them at all, beyond the superficial, as we see with Denis? Did he genuinely care for him and see it as mercy-killing, knowing a human exposed to vampires for the duration Denis had been wouldn't survive on his own? Was it just cruelty and callousness?
Which brings me to...
Louis & The Claudia Issue:
I have to accept the TVA-version of events because it's the last word on the topic, but it's just so convoluted. Armand literally says that he could never tell this to Louis, and yet he's spilling the beans to David for Benji and Sybelle to know. Secret's going to get out, my guy.
I have to presume that Claudia was addressed with both Lestat and Louis at some point because everyone's happy-go-lucky now, but when was that? At the compound when they all thought they were going to die and it was time for a final confession? Night Island? Post-Merrick?
Taking that into consideration, how exactly did Trinity Gate happen? What was the conversation like? "I know I let your child vampire daughter die, but my Baby Daddy just left me with two kids; please help? 🥺👉🏻 👈🏻"
Honorable Mentions
Marius: what happens between Marius and Armand post-BC? I don't trust either Lestat nor Marius to be experts on Armand (they have proven that they are very much not), but it's a bit of an eye-opening moment when Lestat reacts with such surprise to hear Marius suggest the distance between himself and Armand is coming from Armand. Armand has never been a fan of the maker/fledgling dynamic from either side of it (a direct opposite of Lestat). I think Anne was going for a Choose Your Own Adventure here but... no???
Santino: where was this man after Armand went to Paris to lead the coven? Did he follow up with him in Les Innocents? At what point did he drop off the face of the earth?
Bianca: what did it look like when she and Armand actually had a chance for a private conversation after they were properly reunited? Did she get to tell him that she tried to convince Marius to go back for him? What's their relationship like now in the present day? She was once Armand's confidant, his lover, his nurse, so many things; aside from Marius, she's the only one who knew him (the only one who understood him) as a mortal boy. I needed this!
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bluelolblue · 1 month
Hiiiii! So, if Santino and John got married, what would that be like? What would they both wear? Would they be excited for a big wedding, or would they want it to be small and private? Would it be on the beach, in a church, etc.? What would the color theme be? Obsessed with their love story! 💖
Ahhhh beautiful! I love talking about their wedding and I have some scenarios for it!
Since I was at the beach today and had a great time, it inspired me to write about wedding at the beach :)
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Santino loves going to the beach, he has a nice childhood memory of it. It's comforting to him, the overall vibe there. Ever since John learned that about Santino, he takes him to beach whenever Santino wants, to cheer him up, to take his mind off his work or his worries, on little dates, etc. So, the beach is Santino's comfort place.
Their wedding would be more private with only their families (well, Santino's family, Gianna and maybe some of their relatives) and closest friends (like Winston, Charon, Ares...). Santino doesn't want the High Table to be involved in this, so it's supposed to be a secret wedding. Although, in their world, they won't be able to hide that for too long. But yeah, on the beach, surrounded by people who actually care for them.
Now, I'm not an expert at weddings but it would still be very fancy even though it's on a beach. They would even have tables outside for the celebration after the wedding. I think the wedding would start in the afternoon, so let's say still during day and then the sunset would look beautiful and the party and celebration starts around that time and lasts all night.
Okay, they would be dressed absolutely beautiful like they always are. Any suit they have on look amazing on them. Hmm, either both have the black suits, or maybe Santino would have a blue suit, kinda similar to the one he was wearing in the movie at the celebration. But obviously a suit that's for weddings (idk men wedding suits that much but I love to look at them bahaha). Fancy suits. I hope they won't sweat too much in all those layers :P
For example, something like this, there's so many nice suits on Pinterest it was hard to chose even for just an example
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Color theme, hmmm probably like... blue- ish, but during night bc of the lights and everything the more, what I like to call, warm colors such as orange. That's mostly bc of the lighting tho, I think the theme would be with blue color. Or there wouldn't be any color theme lmaoo (depends on Santino's mood).
The lights I'm talking about, example:
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Oh they would be both nervous. Like, anxious and just "don't screw this up" mindset. But they literally can't screw it up, it's their wedding, they just want everything to be perfect. Especially Santino. And he tries to remain calm, he looks like he has everything under control to everyone, but he can't fool few people. Ares and Gianna can see right through him. He doesn't want John to see him like this, bc John can also read him easily. However, once he's there with John, he forgets about his fears and anxiety and just relaxes and welcomes the new happy feeling he thought he would never be able to experience.
BONUS, Dog is there with a little bow tie looking adorable and being a great support :3
Overall, their wedding is beautiful and emotional. And well, their honeymoon... wild, but full of emotions. Hot steamy night Yk yk :P
Thank you so much for this beautiful ask! Feel free to ask more :] <3
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