#Sara Scorpion
jacscorner · 7 months
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With Princess Euphora defeated and the Space Pirate Sara Scorpion standing triumphant, the Forever Star seems farther away than ever before. Will the brave crew of the SDF Catalina ever escape Planet Vox or is this the end of the journey? Tune in next week on the next exciting episode of Jumplight Odyssey! The most ambitious crossover of 2024: a game that ran out of funding and a hentai OVA. I didn't think I'd ever wanna do a crossover with Space Pirate Sara and Jumplight Odyssey, but here we are!
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bowldeepfannish · 2 years
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A festive Yuri!!!OnIce piece for @makkareads. Happy Holidays J., tireless YOI zine captain&rescuer!☺️
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banannabethchase · 2 years
Happy is going undercover on an arm's dealer at his Christmas party. Happy is not pleased about this detail.
Quintis is back, baby! Writing these two is like riding a bike. For my darling @scribeshan. Merry Christmas and happy holidays!!
"No," Happy says, arms folded across her chest. "No. Absolutely not."
"Well it can't be anyone else," Walter says. He points to Paige, who, to be fair, is doing her absolute best to stand up out of her chair, one hand braced on her belly and the other on the cushion. "You really think we can send her in to a club?"
"We could," Happy argues. "She could just be, like, really irresponsible."
Even Toby gives Happy a look of disbelief. "Hap, come on. I would do it, obviously, since, well, look at me, but we have it on good authority that this particular gentleman is not into dudes."
Happy wrinkles her nose. "We could send Florence."
Sly drops his head into his hands. "Oh, sure, that's a great idea. Last time she went undercover she burst into tears when she had to lie. Let's put her in an even higher pressure situation. That'll go great."
"I should never have taught you sarcasm,” Toby mutters.
“I can coach you,” Paige says, finally steady on her feet. “You’ve done this before! With that dictator dude, right?”
Happy sighs. “That didn’t count. It was grifting. I didn’t have to flirt with him.”
“You kind of did, though,” Toby says. “Like, that was the whole thing with how you got the watch? You do know that was flirting, right?”
Happy blinks. “It is?”
Toby gives her a fond, only slightly condescending smile, and nods. “Oh, my sweet oblivious wife. Yes, baby, that was flirting. So is everything we’ve been doing for the past five years, in case you missed that.”
“We’re married. I know when we’re flirting.”
“Do you?” Sylvester asks. “Because sometimes I think you think you’re being mean, and then Toby gets all moony eyed, and I don’t think either of you are on the same page.”
“I like it when she’s mean to me,” Toby says, “that’s kind of the point.”
“This is so much more than I want or need to know,” Paige interrupts. “Anyway, no option, it’s Happy or we don’t get ears on the arms deal.” She turns to Happy, eyes burning. Happy remembers a time, pre-pregnancy, when Paige wasn’t scary. How she misses those days. “Get over here. We’re going to femme you up.”
“If this is for nothing, I’m committing homicide and I’m not telling who.” Happy wiggles in the dress, the stupid sparkly red sequins poking into her skin where they flip the wrong way. The Christmas party is in full swing, and she slides in with a group of giggling women who are probably ten years younger than she is and way drunker. “I’ll be a case you have to solve. It’ll be my origin story.”
“You’re going to do great,” Paige says. “Look, we’ll keep Toby on the mic. That way you are less likely to commit murder.”
“I wouldn’t count on that,” Toby says, voice growing nearer as he reaches the mic, “but I’ll do my best. From now, no more talking to us unless it’s an emergency. You do your best to look dazed and a little drunk.”
“Wish I was drunk,” Happy grumbles, but she walks in, Jenkins’ face at the front of her mind. She scans everyone as she walks around, trying to remember what Paige said. Look confused, look like you belong, look like you’re drunk. All of those things feel like different ‘looks’ to Happy, and she just does her best.
She grabs a glass of champagne and some hors d’oeuvres, desperate for something to do with her hands. She dances around the party, bopping to the poppy Christmas songs she remembers from the garage. Paige’s nesting connected almost directly with the holidays, so they’re decked out in a way they’ve never been, and Happy has involuntarily committed about a dozen new Christmas songs’ lyrics to memory.
She ends up dancing, almost accidentally, with more people than she needs to. She decides to use this to test out flirting. It doesn’t go well, even worse with her actual husband in her ear the whole time. And she can’t even respond.
“Oh, no,” Toby says, “baby, please don’t ask them how many times they’ve broken into cars.”
“If you tell another person you’re dying to see their fancy car’s carburetor, we’re getting a divorce and I’m citing ‘sexual attraction to objects’ as the reason.”
“I have told you a hundred times: it’s not sexy when you tell mediocre straight men you can bench press them. It’s only sexy to me.”
“Please,” Toby whines, when she’s on her eighth song, third glass, and seventh person, “for the love of god, please never use a pickup line again ever in your life.”
Happy swings her way over to the wall, where she can face a window and be away from anyone else’s eyes. “You are cramping my style,” she mutters.
“Your attempts at flirting are giving me stomach cramps, so we’re even.” He sighs. “You’re lucky you did most of convincing me with the reeling me in with your intellect and wit, because hitting on me in a bar would have tanked.”
“Please,” Happy snorts, “like you’d be able to resist this.”
There’s a pause. “Okay, fine, but that’s because you’re my soulmate and I was drawn to you both spiritually and carnally.”
“I’m about to throw this microphone in the garbage if you two can’t be professional,” hisses Waler’s voice. Happy’s still not figured out why he insists on whispering. It’s not like others can hear him. “Find Jenkins, Happy, or leave. This is taking too long.”
For the first time in her life, she thinks, Happy follows Walter’s directions, and meanders toward a hoard of rich-looking dweebs. They weren’t here a minute ago; Happy thinks they might be part of the VIP group others had mentioned.
Bingo: Jenkins’ is laughing heartily at a joke Happy can practically guarantee isn’t funny, and she slides in next to him, grinning a little too wide and gently brushing him.
“Sorry,” she says, trying to make herself sound a little breathless. “Got distracted.”
He turns to her, looking down. His expression turns from disgust to interest the second he gets a look down her dress. Happy bookmarks that as a valid reason to kill him later, if need be. “Hey, sweetheart,” he says, voice like oil, “no need to apologize for looking beautiful.” He pulls the strap of her dress up on her arm, pats it gently. “What’s your name?”
“Christa,” she lies.
“Ah, festive,” says Jenkins, “Christa, like Christmas, derived from Christ. Perfect for the holiday.”
Happy decides not to dive into that etymological nightmare, and instead goes for her most vacant smile. “Perfect,” she says, sighing.
Jenkins shakes his head a little bit. “So sorry, darling, I haven’t introduced myself.” He sticks out a hand. “David Ellory Jenkins.” He grips her hand like he’s trying to win a battle, and Happy does everything she can to avoid breaking his fingers. She’s a ditzy airhead, she reminds herself. Christa doesn’t have the grip strength of a god.
“So good to meet you,” she says, trying to sound as besotted as Christa would be. “Wow, you’re strong.”
“Doing great, Hap,” Toby’s voice mutters in her ear.
Jenkins laughs, head thrown back. He laughs like sirens, loud and attention grabbing. It hurts Happy’s ears. “You’re a delight, Miss Christa.”
"I, uh, I don't flirt a lot," Happy says, fidgeting with her finger where her wedding ring is supposed to be, "so if you could give me some feedback, I would appreciate it."
Jenkins’ face blooms into a smile that makes Happy want to puke. “Oh, this is flirting, then? I should have known.” He reaches out and tucks her hair behind her ear, and it’s all she can do to not flinch.
“Remember,” Toby says, presence ever soothing, “you’re a starlet searching for fame and you’ll do anything to get it.”
Happy leans into his hand when his fingers brush against her cheek.
"I feel like you wouldn't be opposed to me kissing you," Jenkins says, "am I correct?"
"I'm opposed," Toby says into Happy’s ear, but she ignores him.
"Why don't you try and find out?" Happy plasters the best grin she can on her lips and closes her eyes.
Jenkins is a horrendous kisser, but Happy opens her eyes once his mouth is on her, reaching for his waist to slip the tracker in his pocket. With a little push, she sticks it to the inside of the jacket. Whenever this jacket goes, they will have a live record of everything that happens via audio.
He tries to slip his tongue in her mouth, and she jumps. “Whoa!”
“I’m sorry,” Jenkins says, “so forward of me, I apologize, Christa.”
“I was okay with a kiss,” she says, taking a step back, “I did not ask for an oral cancer screening.”
Toby snorts in her ear.
“Christa, I assure you, I am a very upstanding man.”
Happy pointedly looks down at his crotch. “Upstanding, huh?”
He blushes, furious red. “I’m – I’m so sorry.”
She shakes her head. “No, I’m sorry I came to this party. It’s a shame a guy like you can’t keep himself under control. All that money can’t buy sense or chill, can it?”
Happy turns from him without another look, walking into a crowd of people with a purpose. She disappears, just like she learned as a kid, and slides out the door with a final look behind her to make sure Jenkins didn’t follow her.
Toby’s laughing uncontrollably in her ear as she makes her way down the street to the car. She pauses to take off the heels, more comfortable tearing the stockings than entertaining the idea of blisters.
“Oh, shut up,” she grumbles.
“No, you were glorious,” he chokes out, “Hap, seriously, you eviscerated that man harder than the US Government could ever hope to do.” He claps. “You deserve an Oscar for that one.”
“Yeah, yeah, where’s the van so I can get back?”
“Take a left on Breckenridge and walk about a tenth of a mile. They’re parked in a gas station lot.”
Toby’s directions are flawless, and she slides into the van, where Cabe is sitting there, looking perturbed.
“You two gotta do that when we’ve all got coms but can’t tell you to shut up?” Cabe asks.
Happy shrugs, pulling on the pair of sweatpants she’d stashed in the go bag in the back of the van. “You signed up for us, remember?”
Cabe grumbles the whole way back to the garage, where Walter is already getting the recording of Jenkins’ conversations transferred to the Cabe’s department. It turned out part of the deal was getting ironed out that night, and they were getting every possible detail they could have asked for.
"Great work, Happy,” Walter says.
“It was one of the easiest and worst jobs we’ve ever done, and I just want to go home,” she grumbles. “Toby, give me your hoodie.”
Without a word, he pulls it off over his head and throws it at her. She yanks it on and shimmies out of her dress, leaving it in a puddle on the ground. Sly and Cabe are pointedly staring anywhere but at her, but Toby’s eyes dart from the dress back to her.
“Uh,” he says, blinking. “Hap, put the coms away. I’m tired.”
She blinks. “You’re holding a venti peppermint mocha.”
He rolls his eyes. “Happy. Let’s go home.”
“Oh!” she says. “Right. Yes. Bye, nerds, see you later.”
“You’re nerds too!” Paige shouts back at them, but Happy’s too busy getting her ass grabbed by Toby in the driveway to respond.
The drive home involves some roaming hands and Happy making some bad decisions re: what you should do to someone driving a motor vehicle, but they make it back to their place in one piece.
“I forgot,” Toby says, pressing her wedding ring into her hand. “Put this on before we go inside. Don’t want you forgetting you’ve already locked this down and proposing again.”
“What is wrong with you and why do I like it?” she grumbles. She slides the wedding ring on her finger and slides out the car door. “Hurry up, jackass, I need to fuck you before you annoy me into a coma.”
“At your service.” She glances behind herself and Toby is practically skipping. He presses himself up against her back when she gets to the door, hands on her shoulders. “I mean it.”
They fall against each other in the hallway, clothes thrown across the house in a haphazard, reckless way like they did at the start of their relationship. They’re connecting and meeting like waves, and she doesn’t say it enough, she realizes. She doesn’t tell him how much he means, how much she values his support, his help, his love. She’s over him, hair curtaining her face, when she speaks for the first time.
“You’re important to me,” she says, barely able to speak a whisper, “and I want you to know that.” She moves against him, eyes fluttering closed. She’s still, to this day, a little baffled that it’s still so right, that they still fit together like puzzle pieces laser cut for each other.
He laughs a little. “I do know that,” he says, with a gentle roll of his hips, “but thank you for telling me.”
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ladamarossa · 2 years
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Some of my favorite Giallo final girls (the ones that didn’t end up secretly being the killer or dying at the end of their film)
Deborah (Carroll Baker) - The Sweet Body of Deborah (1968)
Julie Wardh (Edwige Fenech) - The Strange Vice of Mrs. Wardh (1970)
Cleo DuPont (Anita Strindberg) - The Case of the Scorpion’s Tail (1971)
Julie/Mary Harrison (Carroll Baker) - The Devil with Seven Faces (1971)
Greta Franklin (Barbara Bouchet) - Amuck! (1971)
Giulia Torresi (Uschi Glas) - Seven Blood-Stained Orchids (1972)
Jane Harrison (Edwige Fenech) - All the Colors of the Dark (1972)
Eleanor Lorraine (Anne Heywood) - The Killer is on the Telephone (1972)
Valentina (Nieves Navarro) - Death Walks at Midnight (1972)
Kitty Wildenbrück (Barbara Bouchet) - The Red Queen Kills 7 Times (1972)
Jennifer Lansbury (Edwige Fenech) - The Case of the Bloody Iris (1972)
Jane (Suzy Kendall) - Torso (1973)
Sara Grimaldi (Senta Berger) - Puzzle (1974)
Simona Sanna (Mimsy Farmer) - Autopsy (1975)
Virginia Ducci (Jennifer O’Neill) - The Psychic (1977)
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surroundedbypearls · 1 month
Five Lines Tag
Thank you for tagging me @sodaliteskull! You can find their post here.
This is such a fun tag idea I hadn't seen before, I'm excited to get into it!
Rules: Find five lines based on the prompts, then change one prompt at the end for whomever does it next.
Tagging @lady-redshield-writes, @mrbexwrites, @toribookworm22, @sarandipitywrites
Prompts for you will be:
A line said jokingly
A line said by a love interest
A line said on the first or last page
A line said with sarcasm
A line said to an enemy
Prompts I got were as follows:
A line said to an enemy
"Interfering and trying to draw him out early, as you did, is extremely dangerous.” “But, sir…that’s not what happened.” Adam leaned forward in his seat, hands clenching his knees. He wasn’t like Henry. He chose to leave, to disobey. Adam had no intention of doing anything but helping that boy. “He was already drowning. He wasn’t going to make it. I was trying to save him.”
A line said with fondness
“You said I was knocking them back. How’d you know that?” Was this what people meant when they talked about liquid courage? He suddenly felt like he could do anything. Maybe he should go back and see if Brian wanted to go for another round. “Paying attention to me, were you?”
A line that is whispered
He scarcely realised Caleb had squashed up close to him, arm looped around his until he heard his whisper. “It’s a fucking manticore.” It slept with its back turned to them, but Adam would have recognised one anywhere. Its tail, scaled and armoured with a scorpion’s sting, swished like a cat’s, but the great, hulking body of lion muscle was grotesque, hideous.
A line that drops some lore
“The healers come in here to study all the time. Especially Sara.” Shay reached up and plucked an orange from the tree, and held it out.  Adam took it. “I always figured they learned more modern types of medicine.” “They do. But there’s a lot you can pick up from a place like this, too. You never know when it might be useful.”
A line that is shouted
“Listen to the earth.” “Who is that?” He looked around, raised his voice to call. “Who are you?” It hurt to shout. He touched his throat, trying to cough. It felt like he’d been screaming for hours, like he’d been out in the cold all night with no shelter.
TCTS taglist:
@quilloftheclouds, @heldinhishands, @celestialbunnistories, @onedayiwillwritestuff, @musicofglassandwords, @waterfallwritings, @lyssthewriter, @drowsy-quill, @inky-duchess, @downspiral-dreamer, @kespada, @adaparkwrites, @where-writer-herewriter, @hysteriwah-archive, @writingbyjillian, @florraisons, @nonsemsical, @blueinkblot, @aalinaaaaaa
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lifeinpoetry · 2 years
Free/Inexpensive/Small Press (Mostly Poetry) Books (2022/11/14)
Free Ebooks
From A to Z by Etel Adnan
A Spell for Living by Keisha-Gaye Anderson
This Body I Have Tried to Write by Ja’net Danielo
Criptiques, ed. Caitlin Wood
The Awful Truth by Diana Hamilton
Okay, Okay by Diana Hamilton
for the joy of it by anaïs peterson
Machete Moon by Arielle Cottingham
Dela Torre by Dani Putney
FeralScape by Michelle Detorie
Pay-What-You-Can Ebooks
Gay, Black, and Non-Binary Is by Prince Bush
sour milk by natali celeste tautou
Cisness or Pleasure by Alice Stoehr
What About the Rest of Your Life by Sung Yim
Prone to Separation by Mariel Fechik & Taylor Yocom
Inexpensive Ebooks
<personal fashion> by Sara Matson
Wikipedia Apocalyptica by Steven D. Schroeder
Seagull (Thinking of You) by Tina Satter
DEEP ELLUM by Brandon Hobson
Gravity by Ari Lohr
Agender Daydreams by Thokozani Mbwana
Drifting Bottles by Arden Hunter
PLACES by Charlie D’Aniello
From This Soil by Casey Bailey
Stranger in the Pen by Mohamed Asem
The End, by Anna by A. Light Zachary
The Life of the Party Is Harder to Find Until You're the Last one Around by Adrian Sobol
Is God Is by Aleshea Harris
Brief Chronicle, Books 6-8 by Agnes Borinsky
Borrow/Read Online
BEHIND TEETH by Emily Brandt
Small Press Ebooks (not on Amazon/Kobo/etc.)
Faltas: Letters to Everyone in My Hometown Who Isn't My Rapist by Cecilia Gentili
gospel of regicide by Eunsong Kim
Beast Meridian by Vanessa Angélica Villarreal
You Da One (2nd edition) by Jennif(f)er Tamayo
These Days of Candy by Manuel Paul López
Indictus by Natalie Eilbert
Transgressive Circulation: Essays on Translation by Johannes Göransson
GeNtry!fication: or the scene of the crime by Chaun Webster
Slim Confessions by Sarah Minor
claus and the scorpion by Lara Dopazo Ruibal, tr. Laura Cesarco Eglin
Objects from April and May by Zena Agha
an identity polyptych by Tameca L Coleman
Free Audiobooks
preparatory school for the end of the world by nat raum
Small Press Audiobooks (not on Amazon/Kobo/etc.)
Porn Carnival: Paradise Edition by Rachel Rabbit White (also includes PDF)
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fromtheboundlesssea · 3 months
HotD Season 2 Episode 1 Live Watch Thoughts
Yay recap! I missed you Emily and Milly!
The recap really does make it obvious that Alicent thinks she is following Viserys’ will.
Mysaria you did nothing to put Aegon on the throne. You did diddly squat that season.
I’m still blown they had Rhaenyra’s coronation at her daughter’s funeral.
Now onto the actual episode.
Ooooooo this opening is SOOOOOO MUCH COOLER!
I think it’s showing off what will happen during the season? Last season?
Opening is soooo much cooler than season 1 and all of Game of Thrones!
I beg you HBO! Keep this style of opening next season and all season!!!!!!
Love the contrast of the epicness of the opening to the quiet forest with a crow flying upon the wind.
“Duty is sacrifice” okay Cregan—mister I will show up last minute.
What has the seven kingdoms done for you really?
Was that SARA?!?!?
Is that adding to the watch from lore in the books or…
Random Stark boy be cute though.
Thank god they let Jace’s actor have his natural curls. So much better than that wig.
Cregan really is missing a beard. I think that is what is odd about his appearance.
The Conqueror went North to the Wall? I can’t remember that happening.
Jace… he bent the knee to not let his people burn. It wasn’t because they necessarily believed in the Targaryens and their right to rule.
Jace’s actor is 100% going to be used for Jon Snow faceclaims and gifs from these scenes.
I guess they are going to delete Sara, which kind of sucks tbh. I wanted Jace to have some conflict where he follows in his mother’s idea of lust and duty or goes against it.
“The mother grieves as the Queen shirks her duties” so like Viserys
Call him out Rhaenys. You deserved better when it came to your children.
Rhaenyra has no battle experience on her dragon and Syrax has no battle experience either. Aemond would not be in any trouble.
“Would that you were the king” OOF. He is going to be rattled by that for sure.
Power to Rhaenyra for not scorching Storm’s End tbh.
Honestly, I love the Velaryons so much. I wish we had more content about them in the shows.
I like that Corlys does seem to care about Luke. I just wish he showed just as much care about his granddaughters. I don’t think they’ve had any scenes together thus far.
So, is Alyn Corlys’ son in this or are they making no familial connection? And he married Baela and had an affair with her niece doesn’t he?
Oooo the same gate Otto left Alicent is the same gate the Green soldiers seem to come.
Love the scorpions. I wonder if they were suggested by Criston or if they just had them. They’re Dornish inventions right.
HELAENA MY GIRL! Is that a golden dragon you’re making?
Aw! Aegon checking on Jaehaera first before asking about Jaehaerys.
Okay, wow. Okay, having Alicent being eaten out. I wish their first time would have been after B&C where they are consumed by a need for comfort.
Interesting how we see Criston put on his armor after and Alicent helping him with his armor (giving him his cloak where Rhaenyra took it) and her clocking his shift in title and setting a boundary as opposed to Rhaenyra allowing him to assume (not fully blaming her btw).
Aegon smiling at Jaehaerys 🥰
Tyland trying to be kind with he little prince while being annoyed.
Not Alicent blaming Tyland for the interruptions. 🤣
Here comes our new war criminal.
Aegon giving Aemond a place in the same way Viserys gave Daemon a place.
Me too Aegon. I am also like that when Otto talks.
I wish they gave an explanation of the balls. Have they given any in the BTS stuff?
Yes she was indisposed Larys you perverted creep.
Alicent definitely does not like that Larys chose her new staff. It feels controlling.
Why does Rhaenyra have ash on her face?
Appropriate fear of dragon.
That cgi of Rhaenyra getting off Syrax was awkward. Was that just me?
I hope they give Emma better writing this season, because they are an excellent actor.
Not Aegon and his crew sashaying in.
Interesting having Aegon being shown to handle matters of the kingdom before Rhaenyra is shown doing so. It’s an odd choice, especially him initially wanting to be helpful.
Hugh? However you spell it? Is it the dragon seed? Just a common name?
Interesting how we do not see him getting cut.
Starting Aegon as listening to the smallfolk in a way Rhaenyra dismissed is also interesting.
Love Aegon ready to dismiss Larys.
No Aegon do not listen to him. Yes I think Otto is not the best person, but Larys is not the best person to listen to either.
I wish we saw Alicent with the children or her with their things in her room.
Alicent defending her kids. That’s right. Because Otto has seemingly done nothing for those kids. He could have taken them under his wing.
The idea of men silencing the voice of mothers in the rearing and council of their children!
Rhys is such a good actor and I have to think about how he was also Mr. Lovegood.
Hello Mysaria.
Man. This dynamic between Daemon and Mysaria is definitely giving off book Tyrion and Shae with his immediate act of ready violence.
Man, the idea of the Kingsguard not knowing what to do during Targ x Targ violence spans a the centuries huh.
Wigs are definitely a little better looking.
Rhaena’s wig is soooo much better!
Daemon definitely does not like being silenced. How does it feel to have be treated in the same way Viserys treated Alicent?
Let my girls (Baela and Rhaena) have lines!
The way Jace’s voice is cracking!
Why do I feel we are not going to get any of the similar comforting moments between Alicent and her children? They are allergic to showing positive motherhood with he Greens.
Change in Joffrey actor.
Where are Aegon the Younger and Viserys?
Wish we got to see more of Rhaena interacting with Luke.
Will rhaenyra hold any regret or kinder thoughts/prayers for Jaehaerys in the way Alicent does for Luke?
Same shore that Tyrion and Davos came in on maybe?
Why is Daemon coming in himself? Surely he would be able to just go inside himself if he was going to be traveling through the passages (although I don’t think that’s what’s going to happen in the show)
I guess this is Blood and Cheese.
And the rats were there while Viserys reigned, Daemon.
And they are really going to make the death of Jaehaerys an accident. Is everything going to be an accident in this show? Not let anyone but the Greens be held accountable.
Oh, so Daemon probably told them to go after any of the other Targaryens in the keep if they couldn’t find Aemond.
Like seeing the different types of map this episode.
And I feel like the show has changed Aemond’s characterization because we don’t have Alicent and Aemond directly talking.
Good. The line comes before B&C and not after.
Fabian is so hot. I need him in another period drama—OH him and Olivia in an adaptation of Persuasion by Jane Austen. It would SLAY
Nice to have Otto actually talk to his grandchildren in a way that isn’t violent or outright condescending.
If the rat catcher knows everything about the keep, wouldn’t he freaking know where Aemond is?
And if he’s going through the passages, again why couldn’t Daemon do it?
DOGGY! Little scruffers!
Ugh. I’m not excited for this and how they’re going to change this. (Although I get not wanting to put child actors through difficult situations)
And people were complaining about people paying no attention to the rat catcher, but we saw rat catchers wandering the hall throughout the episode in the background. So it’s not like it would be unusual for them to be there. And someone does notice them. But they’re servants seemingly doing their job. Why would people notice them wandering the castle.
And Aegon is being so casual on that throne.
Okay, but could they not have just waited for Aemond? Come back later?
And that is a cool as heck mural on Aemond’s wall.
I don’t like this. I don’t like this. I don’t like this.
Why does the maid look vaguely like Emma Stone?
Helaena struggling! 😭
I’m surprised they didn’t just kill them both?
Baby!!!!!! The necklace!
NO! This is worse!!!!!
Why is the maid not getting someone!!!!!!!!
The sounds!!! NO I DONT LIKE THIS!!!
This is so much worse than Luke!
WHY IS Helaena not screaming!
Why could they not have Helaena say her son’s name?!?!?
It should have ended with Helaena screaming instead of that!
And I’m glad the Alicole sex scene wasn’t intermixed with the killing of Jaehaerys. How people were describing it made it sound like it was.
Promo Thoughts
Now we see Aegon the Younger and Viserys.
Destroy that stupid Lego set Aegon!
Good! Yell at Daemon!
I wish Addam had white hair! I wanted more Velaryon face claims.
Is Laenor just never going to appear again?
Looks like Baela and Rhaena will do things next episode.
Hopefully we will have Alicent comforting her children in the same way Rhaenyra comforted Jace.
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leonaluv · 6 months
Robots /Virtual influencers thread 🤖
Detroit becomes human 🤖game about robots becoming human 🚶 Director David cage sun in Taurus Mrigashiras &🌚 Pisces Revati. Rahu in ♓ Pisces Purva Bhadra & Ketu in Virgo Uttra phal. He let his children choose who will play conner between three actors.
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Bryan Dechart plays conner and he was the face of the game. Asc Gemini Arda(?) In my opinion he is Sun Pisces Purva Bhadra -Moon libra Chitra Rahu Pisces Revati Ketu Virgo Hasta. His Amatya kara Saturn scorpion Jyestha. He was employed by the gov to search for rogue robots.
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(Valorie Curry) Kara- ☀ Aquarius Dhanistha /Moon Pisces Uttarabhadra (Amatya kara) She was a mother in the game. Rahu Aries ashvini & Ketu libra Swati. she was a warrior.
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Jesse Williams - Markus ☀ in Leo Purvaphalgini 🌚 Scorpion Anuradha. Rahu cancer pushy Ketu capicorn Uttashadha. Using noon time for unknown time so his highest degree planet is Venus Virgo Chitra. Funny how he starts off helping an old man later becomes a leader rebelling.
Lil Miquela -Idk it she counts 🤥 Sun- aries ashvini Moon in libra Vishakha I think some people believe she was real. They would use a real person body and the face of Miquela. They also portray her as a social justice warrior👁👄👁.She is singer to 1#, cgi star
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Bermuda "La IT girl" was a Trump support and hacked Miquela's account. She was label the most controversial robot influencer. ☀ purva phalguni Leo / Moon is mrigashira gemini. Rahu hasta virgo & Ketu uttarbhadrapada.
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Trevor Mcfedries was the creator behind the two social AI. (With Sara Decou) ketu in Swati libra &Rahu Bharani aries. Sun in Anuradha Scorpio & Moon Rohini Taurus.
David Henson -(roboticist) known for Sophia (humanoid robot) Sun in sg mula & moon in ta krittika. Venus is his Atmakaraka and he enter his venus dasha in 2016. During the time he created Sophia who he designs after Audrey Hepburn, Queen Nefertiti, and his wife.
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Sophia-social humanoid robot was used to promote ai rights. Sophia is the first robot to have citizenship to any country worldwide. (Saudi Arabia) She was a model after Audrey Hepburn who has Bharani (☀). Sophia has Bharani moon and sun in dhanishtha♒ Mars (ak) vishakha ♎
The creator John David washington Sun cancer pushya and mars Moon sag mula
Madeleine Yuna Voyles Leo purva p. Sun and Venus Moon sag mula
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jacscorner · 2 years
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You know, since this is MY Corner, I do feel some kind of way about posting someone else's art. But, this is a commission, so i think that counts.
This is a commission I got from an artist named Circe, who I've admired for a VERY long time! I commissioned a pic of Jango spanking Sara Scorpion from Space Pirate Sara. Cause as one of the only, like, 10 people who actually liked that series, I might as well pay money see art of it.
Jango: Pirates and booty goes hand in hand with each other. Shishishishi~
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paulinawoodpecker · 29 days
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The Queen Warriors's new spy and agent tools
Sara: alright. Now we have to get spy and agent tools.
Ramona: I say I’m going with this weapon…
Sara: 😓 a scorpion?
Ramona: a pinch touch can make anyone unconscious.
Tiffany maze: and I got a this thing where I can hit people
Sara: nice..
Anne: and obviously I’m gonna have Kindi
Sara: for me! I got something that’ll work…
Sara: the spanking hand!
Sara: obviously gonna be for you know who…alright ladies. Let’s do this!!!
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missfluorescence · 2 months
My favourite songs
Sweet, CAS
Cry, CAS
Sesame Syrup, CAS
Shalala lala
Brother Louis
Unbreak my heart, Toni Braxton
Spanish guitar, Toni Braxton
Those were the days my friend
I will follow you
Oh Carol
Can't smile without you, Barry Manilow
The world we knew, Frank Sinatra
Goodbye yellow brick road, Elton John
Laissez moi danser, Dalida
Angel eyes, ABBA
Good looking, Suki Waterhouse
Still loving you, Scorpion
Mr. Lonely, Akon/Bobby Vinton
Memories, Conan Gray
Hopelessly devoted to you, Glee
Lily, Alan Walker
I like the way you kiss me, Artemas (original)/Cat Burns (Cover)
Sara perche Ti amo
Enjoy the silence - 2006 remaster - Depeche mode
Making love out of nothing at all, Air supply
Alf leila we leila, Umme Kulthum
Reckless, Madison Beer
Happier, Olivia Rodrigo
Favourite crime, Olivia Rodrigo
Goodluck babe, Chappel Roan
Bang Bang, Nancy Sinatra
I will survive, Gloria Gaynor
Still loving you, Scorpion
Total eclipse of my heart, Bonnie Tyler
Seasons in the sun, Westlife
Mr. Loverman, Montgomery
Line without hook, Montgomery
Figa De guine, Alcione
Loved by you, KIRBY
Les gens bien eleves, France Gall
Formidable, Charles Aznavour
Grenade, Bruno Mars
Day O, Banana song
The adults are talking, The strokes
Une femme amoureuse, Mireille Mathieu
Je l'aime a mourir, Francis Cabrel
Que sera sera, lurkylily
Les feuilles mortes, Yves Montand
Bum bum, Reheen Nesshar
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banannabethchase · 1 year
Spotify DJ put on songs I listened to in 2016 and they are as follows:
Roses by The Chainsmokers - I had a whole "getting stoned late at night together and bemoaning the challenges of high school" Quintis high school AU in the works that...never happened.
Slide by The Goo Goo Dolls - ...don't ever get a crush on your best friend's younger brother.
Alive by Sia - This one aged poorly, but I listened to this a lot as the anniversary of beating cancer came around.
Wait For It by Leslie Odom Jr. - It was 2016 we all listened to Hamilton okay.
Rock You Like a Hurricane by The Scorpions - Another Scorpion song, because I am That Person.
tl;dr 2016 was a wildly different time and I miss the Cyclone so goddamn much.
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fangirlanxiety74 · 1 year
Empty Wishes
A/N: Sooo remember how I mentioned that OC x AM fic I was considering posting? This is it!!! Not much context needed beyond, just a bittersweet little story of them hanging out in a simulation/psychodrama thing AM put them in. No TW's beyond, it's kind of sad soo!! I hope y'all enjoy it ;3
"You know, the stars don't really look like that."
A hundred and something years. That was how long it had been since Sara had seen real stars. It made them wonder if anything had changed since the last time they saw stars. She doubted it, but AM always told her how he admired her curiosity. Which is why she sat upon a hill, looking out at a constructed night sky and leaning against a constructed tree; all made just for her.
A hundred and something years. He'd stop keeping track for her. It went in one ear and out the other, anyway.
"Mm. Is that right?" AM hummed, "Then what do they look like?"
"Not like this." She replied. "They look... Well... Hm."
"You don't even remember."
"Shut up. Yes I do."
They tried to remember, but the memory wouldn't come. She had spent so long staring at stars, before she was trapped underneath the Earth. Mapping them out, studying the constellations and planets, finding solace in their light. Now, the stars weren't the same, but she still found solace in them. Even if those stars were empty.
"... I don't remember. But I know they didn't look like this. ... Not to say I don't like the stars you make."
"Thank you, sweetheart."
"... I wish I could show you the stars. I think you would like them."
He didn't comment on that. He knew Sara had a lot of wishes regarding him: To show him stars, to let him smell flowers, to let him taste fruit. To sense. To be human.
But she couldn't grant wishes. And neither could fake, empty stars.
Instead, he asked, "What is h- ... What is your fascination with stars? They're just balls of gas that are millions of light years away, and most of them are dead."
He almost called them 'human.' That was a mistake, and something they didn't like to be called. They weren't human. Not anymore. And for once, he wasn't the reason why.
"Well, they're pretty, for one." She shifted a little to lean against the tree better. "If I remember right, way back then, people used them to do things like make wishes on them, or would use them to find their way home. If you were lost at sea, you could use the stars as a map."
"Like Marigolds for the dead, in your culture?"
"Yeah, like that. Kind of. I'm sure there's a bunch of other reasons people like stars, but those are the reasons I remember best. Oh, and using them for storytelling."
"Yeah. When you have a group of stars gathered together, those are called constellations. People saw pictures in the constellations, and they gave those pictures names and stories. Like the Big Dipper, or Orion's Belt." Their eyes squinted at the sky, like they were trying to find these constellations now. "And some people looked at the constellations, and they decided they would divide up the sky, and each piece of it would have a name and meaning. That's how the zodiacs were created."
The stars began to shift. In moments, there were constellations everywhere. Aquarius, Draco, Hercules- she could see them all.
"Tell me about one of them. Any one."
"Well, my zodiac is the Scorpio," The stars shifted, bringing Scorpio into the spotlight, "I don't remember the story behind it well, but I think... Its name was Scorpius. And the archer Orion wanted to kill all animals, but the goddess Gaea didn't like this, so she sent Scorpius to kill him, and no matter what Orion did, he couldn't kill him. So Scorpius stung Orion to death, and Gaea repaid him by putting him in the night sky."
AM wasn't sure that was how the story went. But it did give him an idea to test something out later... on the others.
"So, what do you think?" They asked, glancing up to his branches.
"It's a nice story. I like the part where the scorpion kills the human."
They laugh, hard. "Yeah, I like that part too."
Sara slumped against the tree they were sitting against, closing their eyes. He could sense their heart and breathing slow down, and he knew it was time to let them rest. Vines dropped from the top and wrapped around her small body, pulling her onto a large and comfortable branch. The vines kept their hold, acting as a belt so she wouldn't fall, and a blanket to keep her warm.
He appeared to her as a tree thanks to the memories of an old children's book that the others had once read. The Giving Tree. He both hated and liked the story, just a little. Just enough to put meaning into his appearance. He wondered if she read the story too, at one point, or if the meaning was lost on her.
What felt like hours was only a minute before Sara's eyes opened and they spoke. 
"I really, really wish I could show you the stars," they whispered, "One day I will. I'll show you the stars and the moon and trees. I'll show you everything you want to see. One day, I promise."
"... Thank you, sweetheart."
They nodded, relaxing against AM’s branches and falling into a peaceful slumber. And as she slept, he ran calculations and diagnostics. They came up negative.
He wished she wouldn't make promises she couldn't keep.
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mysillyfanstuff · 5 months
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This is Asahi
He was found outside of the hidden sand village by Baki and taken him into the village. His mother was a tatsu and she was a kunoichi of the sand village, but she defected the same time as her mate Sasori.
Asahi was taken in and was trained to be a weapon like Gaara. Thanks to his father’s reputation the village was frightened by him. He took this in stride and was rather roof less.
Asahi hated just about everyone except a very few people in the village. He got along with the sand siblings and Baki. He was particularly fond of Kankuro as they both were puppeteers. He was also fond of lady Chiyo, but like everyone else she was distant, especially with Asahi, but he wasn’t discouraged. He even picked up her tricky nature.
He was involved in the Konoha crush, but didn’t used his dragon form. After the failed attack he saw a change in Gaara.
Over some time things seem to change in the sand village, but the villagers still despise Asahi. During a mission (a year and half before Naruto returned to Konoha.) the squad he was traveling with turned against him and tried to kill him, but Akanemai and Sara intervened, saving Asahi.
Asahi was moved by this. The fact two strangers came to help him. While his fellow sand shinobi tried to kill him. He joined Akanemai and became the third person her to join her main squad.
Asahi is a tatsu and he can turn into a scorpion dragon. Like with Akanemai it is unknown why this is.
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Well! That was fun, wasn't it? I've changed the formatting of the polls, as well as closed down the submissions form (for now). This week will also have 100 polls, the first 14 of which will be posted tomorrow (Sunday the 30th). And.... I think those are the only important things to mention! So without further ado, here is this week's lineup.
Buneary - Pokémon
Anita - West Side Story
Beverly Marsh - IT
Monoma Neito - My Hero Academia
Sister Carpenter - The Silt Verses
Ekko - Arcane
Veronica Sawyer - Heathers (the film)
Bakugo Katsuki - My Hero Academia
Betty Boop - 1920-40s cartoons
Flowey the Flower - Undertale
Akito Shinonome - Project Sekai: Colorful Stage!
Lady - Devil May Cry
Diamond Heart - Magical Warrior Diamond Heart
Emma - Emma
Aion - Show by Rock
Hibana - Fire Force
Klunk - Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles
Kosmo (Space Wolf) - Voltron: Legendary Defender
Evelyn Hugo - The Seven Husbands of Evelyn Hugo
Antigone Funn - Wooden Overcoats
Oswald Cobblepot - Gotham
Emu Otori - Project Sekai: Colorful Stage!
Toon Patrol - Who Framed Roger Rabbit?
Felix - Golden Sun
Urotsuki - Yume 2kki
Kano - Kagerou Project
Ayano Tateyama - Kagerou Project
Fin Fin - Fin Fin on Teo the Magic Planet
Gladion - Pokémon Sun and Moon
Dmitri - Fire Emblem 3 Houses
Hippeaux - Animal Crossing
Raymond - Animal Crossing
Crewmate - Among Us
Sara Chidouin - Your Turn To Die
Zhongli - Genshin Impact
Firestar - Warrior Cats
Dovewing - Warrior Cats
Flourette - Answered Prayers
Eleanor Forte - SynthV
Cisqua - Elemental Gelade
Renarin Kholin - The Stormlight Archive
Roy Mustang - Fullmetal Alchemist
Alex Chen - Life is Strange: True Colors
Steffi Frohlich - Kiwi Blitz
Belos/Phillip Wittebane - The Owl House
Dr. Coomer - Half-Life VR but the AI is Self Aware
Olivia - Paper Mario: The Origami King
The Riddler - Batman: the Animated Series
Togata Mirio/Lemillion - My Hero Academia
Mustache Girl - A Hat in Time
Maika Halfwolf - Monstress Comic
Ren Mormorian - Monstress Comic
Shokry - Shubeik Lubeik
Hagga/Teeta Shawqia - Shubeik Lubeik
Wikipe-tan - Wikipedia
Ymir - Attack on Titan
Alicia Copeland - Wierd And Unfortunate Things Are Happening
Wen Kexing - Word of Honor
Garalia Nyamhee - Aura Battler Dunbine
Xena - Xena: Warrior Princess
Nuriko - Fushigi Yuugi
Neko Musume - Gegege no Kitaro
Tillman Henderson - Blaseball
Dr Boris Habit - Smile For Me
Mallow - Super Mario RPG
Vriska Serket - Homestuck
Lussa - The Undrowned Child
Mary - BBC Ghosts
Bagpuss - Bagpuss
Tara Mclay - Buffy the Vampire Slayer
The Worm - Labyrinth
Lydia Deetz - Beetlejuice
Wander - Wander Over Yonder
Noelle - Deltarune
Momotaros - Kamen Rider Den-O
Scorpion King - Word of Honor
Por - My School President
The Eleventh Doctor - Doctor Who
Dr. Doofenshmirtz - Phineas and Ferb
Perry the Platypus - Phineas and Ferb
Agent P - Phineas and Ferb
Alexa - Xenoblade Chronicles X
Lara Croft - Tomb Raider (Survivor timeline)
Faith Connors - Mirror's edge
Furuta Nimura/Kichimura Washuu/Souta - Tokyo Ghoul: re
John Egbert - Homestuck
Rose Red - Ghost Quartet
Bruce J. Speed - Ginga Tetsudou Monogatari
Elma - Xenoblade Chronicles x
Adam - Lobotomy Corporation
Ianite - Mianite
Five Hargreeves - The Umbrella Academy
Willow Park - The Owl House
Black Hat - Villainous
Katalina Alize - Granblue Fantasy
Naomi Armitage - Armitage the Third
Kanade Yoisaki - Project Sekai
Sei Iori - Gundam Build Fighters
Goro Majima - Yakuza/Like A Dragon
Albert Wesker - Resident Evil
Blacknose - Pinepaw and the Forgotten World
Please remember that, based on the results of the poll I put up earlier, Luna Lovegood from Harry Potter may be included. Her spot would be near the very end, on the last day. As I always tag polls with both the character and the media they are from, if she does get in but you would not like to see the poll, the tags will be blockable.
No matter the outcome, please be courteous as possible to one another, and if that is not possible, then please just block and move on.
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geekcavepodcast · 10 months
"Miles Morales: Spider-Man" Hits 300 Issue Milestone in 2024
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Marvel Comics is celebrating the 300th Miles Morales: Spider-Man with a giant-size issue. The 300th issue, Miles Morales: Spider-Man #18 / #300, hails from writer Cody Ziglar and artists Federico Vicentini, Sara Pichelli, Juann Cabal, David Marquez, and more.
"Miles Morales is in for the fight of his life! Rabble has stepped from the shadows of "Gang War" for a rematch, and she’s sworn bloody revenge against Brooklyn’s wall-crawler! But this time, Rabble’s out-of-control powers and desperation have her poised to obliterate far more than just Spider-Man’s life." (Marvel Comics) Rabble isn't Miles' only problem, though, as the Cape Killers, led by Agent Gao, Scorpion, and Hightail, are out for Spider-Man's blood. Fortunately, Miles' has his own backup - Uncle Aaron Davis / The Prowler and Ms. Marvel.
Miles Morales: Spider-Man #18 / #300, featuring a main cover by Federico Vicentini and a variant cover by David Marquez, goes on sale on March 27, 2024.
(Image via Marvel Comics - Federico Vicentini's Cover of Miles Morales: Spider-Man #18 / #300)
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