#Sarah Y. Mason
sesiondemadrugada · 8 months
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Golden Boy (Rouben Mamoulian, 1939).
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disdaidal · 11 months
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I was tagged by @gayles55 and @silvermoon-scrolls to post my 9 favorite characters. It was impossible for me to pick just nine, so I picked a little more. :'D I'm all about breaking rules, heh.
Billy Hargrove (Stranger Things)
Ellen Ripley (Alien trilogy)
Cahir (The Witcher)
Haldir (Lord of the Rings)
Tess (The Last of Us)
Nil (Horizon Zero Dawn)
Jose Chavez y Chavez (Young Guns)
Sarah Connor (Terminator 2)
Iolaus (Hercules: the Legendary Journeys)
Cara Mason (Legend of the Seeker)
Nick Clark (Fear the Walking Dead)
Octavia Blake (The 100)
I'm tagging @catzy88 @morewyckedthanyou @dandysnob @suometar @hotdadlicense @godidontevenknowwhat. If you don't want to do this, no pressure. If you want to do this, but weren't tagged, consider yourselves tagged by me. <3
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cameronspecial · 9 months
Before The Last Petal Falls (Part 9)
Pairing: Rafe Cameron x Reader
Warnings: Mention of Getting Sober and maybe Drugs
Pronouns: She/Her
Word Count: 2.4K
Summary: A little snooping helps Y/N come to a major realization that changes the cousr of her life.
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Y/N heard Rafe was released from the hospital and she hasn’t been to see him since she found the chain, which she still is wearing. She’s been thinking over everything and trying to sort out her emotions before she offers her help to him in a conscious state. She decides she is finally ready to face him and knocks on the door of Tannyhill. Sarah is the one to answer the door with a smile on her face. She reaches over to give Y/N a hug, “Hey, how are you?” Y/N returns the hug with a small smile. “I’m okay. I mean with everything going on, it’s as good as it is going to get. I’m actually here to talk to Rafe. Could you get him for me, please?” Sarah just shakes her head apologetically, “I’m sorry, but he isn’t here right now. But you can wait in his room if you want.” Y/N takes the offer and heads up to Rafe’s bedroom. 
Waiting in the room she used to consider her own gets a little boring, so she decides to be her nosy self and look around. She knows she shouldn’t, but curiosity gets the best of her. She wants to see how much his room has changed since they broke up. The exploration begins with his dresser drawers. He still keeps it organized how she rearranged it one lazy afternoon. She then moves onto his desk. Paperwork litters his desk and picture frames can be found on the back edge of the desk. She notices that a few are empty and others are filled with family photos. She opens the top drawer to find photos of her and him. The ones that used to be in the picture frames on the desk. She gives a sad smile at the memories they made. 
The final place she looks at is his bookshelf. There are a lot more books on it than the last time she saw it and she beams at the idea of him keeping the hobby even after they broke up. She glances over the books they read together, fingers trailing over the spines. Her fingers stop at a familiar-looking book set that is missing the first novel. It was the special Percy Jackson book set, which matches The Lightning Thief that Rafe annotated for her eighteenth birthday. She knew he probably got the other books in the set, but never really put any thought as to what he did with the other books. She takes one out of the books out and flips through the pages. She is surprised to see the same blue ink from her first annotated book. The page she lands on is the one where Percy talks about printing out the picture Annabeth sent him. Rafe had written: ‘I totally did that to every single photo Mason sent me with you in it. I definitely didn’t know that was why I did it, but subconscious me totally knew I was in love with you.’ 
Y/N didn’t know she was crying until her tears started to fall on the page. She closes the books to check the other ones for annotations. Every single one she opens is also annotated and not sparse. The pages are filled with blue ink, which Rafe uses to bare his soul to her. Even after their breakup, he still continued the gift that she loved so much. How did she know that he didn’t annotate the books with the one he had given her? Well, it’s because he had talked about the break-up in his annotations. He talks about how much he is hurting. How turning toward drugs helped him forget about her. How much he misses her. It’s all in there within the pages of four books. Her emotions run wild at the honesty in these pages because some of his comments aren’t sugar-coated. 
Waiting for Rafe feels as though it is taking forever and with the overwhelming feeling she has right now, she needs to find him. And she knows exactly where he is like she is being pulled in by a fishing line. 
She finds him exactly where she thought she would, sitting on the sandy beach. He is looking out to the sea so his back is facing her. Rafe hears her footsteps approaching, but he doesn’t turn toward her. She sits down beside him and brings her legs to her chest. He glances over to her, noticing his rose chain fall out from under her shirt. “So that’s where that went,” he ponders out loud. Y/N gives a shy grin, turning away from him to try to hide her embarrassment of being caught, “Yeah, sorry about that. I didn’t know you kept it, let alone still wore it.”
“Uhh, yeah. I… umm… tried to get rid of it, actually. I came down here when I was back home for Thanksgiving and threw it into the ocean. But I quickly realized how much I still needed it and spent hours looking for it in the water. I kept it as proof that you actually loved me.” 
Y/N turns to him with unbelieving eyes, “Of course I love you. Cameron, you are my first love.”
“Y-you love me? As in you still do?”
“Yeah, I do and I think you do too. Cameron, I found the other annotated books.”
“The one in my room? The Percy Jackson ones?”
“Yes, I may have done a little snooping when I went to check on you at home first.”
He lets out a little chuckle and takes a chance by bringing her closer with his arms. She allows him to do so and rests her head against his shoulder. “It became like my therapy after we broke up. Every year, the day before your birthday, I let myself think about you in any way that I wanted. I didn’t try to suppress my feelings and instead, let myself feel them,” he explains to her. She nods her head in understanding. There is a moment of silence before Y/N breaks it,  “I thought we lost you, Cameron. I was so scared when Mace called.”
“I know, my rose. I am so sorry that I scared you like that. I didn’t mean to scare you.” 
They both smile at the usage of their old nicknames. They let themselves take in the feeling of nostalgia. It all feels so familiar and warm. “Cameron, you need to get sober. For good this time. We can’t go through a scare like that again, especially if we actually lose you. This time, I’m going to help you though. I promise that I won’t let you go through this alone,” she tells him, looking into his eyes. 
“I know, you’re right. I want to get sober, not only for you but for myself. I have to let myself start feeling my emotions again. And I think your help would really be good for me. I think we are good for each other.”
“Just because I’m helping you with this, it doesn’t mean we are getting back together. I may have put a pause on my relationship with Cole, but I am still with Cole. I just think we are too different from each other. We aren’t a good match.”
She turns away from him to look at the ocean. He places his finger under her chin and turns her towards him. “That isn’t true. I know we have our problems to work through, but, my rose, there is no one else I’d rather work through my issues with. I know we are meant to be with each other and if I have to wait an eternity for you, then I will. Not that I’m trying to pressure you, but you are it for me,” he promises to her. Y/N looks into his eyes with tears swelling in hers, “If we do this, then we have to make some serious changes. You would need to get sober and I would need to learn how to talk to you about my feelings. We can’t keep making the same mistakes. We would have a lot of things to work through. Together.”  “I can work with that.” He grins at her and begins to bring his lips closer to his, but she stops him. 
“I know that I said we could give us another shot, but I am still technically dating Cole. Before we do anything, I need to break things off with him officially. Is that okay?” she asks. Rafe just smiles at her placing his lips on her forehead, “That is more than okay.”
Cole knew what was coming before Y/N even opened her mouth. The pitiful smile she gives him as she enters the restaurant is a dead giveaway of her plans. She sits across from him in the booth and takes his hands into hers. “You’re breaking up with me,” he states without a single hint of it being a question. Her smile turns tight-lipped and nods,  “I’m sorry.” 
“It’s okay, I’m just lucky I got my time with you. At least I can say I dated a famous author. But I knew it was always going to be him.”
Y/N gives a little laugh at the joke he gives but gives him another small smile, “It’s funny how everyone keeps telling me that.”
“Well, anyone can see it. You guys would do anything for each other and I should’ve known the universe would eventually bring you guys back together.”
“Yeah, I guess you’re right. Cole, I hope you know that I really am sorry about breaking up with you. You don’t deserve how I treated you while we were dating and when we went on a date in our first year.”
“Hey, don’t say that. You gave me all the love that you could and it is not your fault that you just didn’t have the same amount that I have for you. Maybe, if I had met you first, we would’ve been together. I like to think that in another lifetime, that’s what happened to us.” 
“That would be nice, but in this lifetime, my prince is waiting for me at the beach.” 
Rafe didn’t wait for Y/N the whole time on the beach like he said he would. Instead, he went to Tannyhill to get something he thought he desperately needed. He is back on the beach by the time she returns. She sees him down by the water with his feet in the water and takes off her shoes to join him. She runs into his arms. He picks her up and twirls her around as she giggles. He stops the twirling but keeps her up in the air. Y/N places her forehead against his and grins at him. He reaches up to kiss her and this time she lets his lips press onto hers. Rafe puts her back down on the sand. 
“Let’s dance,” he whispers to her. She gives him a questioning look, “Cameron, there isn’t any music.” “That’s okay, the waves can be our music. Just dance, please,” he begs, taking her into his arms. They sway to the sound of the waves, her skirt gently kissing the sand as they move and his hair being blown in every direction from the light breeze. The moment is the most perfect one they’ve had since the break-up. They both don’t want it to end. However, for what Rafe is about to do, he needs to stop the moment. He pulls away from her and gives her a nervous smile. His nerves make her anxious. When he gets down on one knee, she finally understands why he looks that way. 
“I know that you probably think I am crazy for doing this right now and that we just got back together. But I have known that I was going to marry you since I was five years old and I was blown away by your pettiness. Now, you are probably worried about this affecting how I get sober, but I promise we don’t need to get married until I am sober for however long you deem. So here I am, asking you to marry me because you are truly the only one for me,” Rafe proposes, pulling out the ring box.
He opens the box to reveal the engagement ring and she is astonished at the ring sitting within it. The ring that sits inside the box is one she recognizes from when they were twelve. Y/N, Mason, and Rafe went to the jewelry store with Cassie. She needed to get her wedding ring cleaned. The children were looking at the rings while Cassie was occupied with the store employee. Y/N had pointed out a unique engagement ring which had a red garnet gem instead of the traditional diamond. She loved that the gem was her birthstone and declared that she wanted her own engagement ring to be like the one in front of her. What she didn’t know was that after they left the store, Rafe returned the day after and bought the ring with the allowance he had been saving up for a new watch. 
Y/N stares at the ring and feels the tears falling down her face. She drops to straddle the one leg propped up and wraps her arm around his neck. “I would love to marry you. I can’t believe you found a replica of the ring from when we were twelve,” she watches with loving eyes as he places the ring on her finger. He wraps one arm around her waist to keep her steady and awkwardly scratches the back of his neck with the other. “Umm, this is actually the same ring you saw. I went back the next day and bought it with the money I was going to use for my watch,” he admits. She looks down at him with a smile, “Cameron, you didn’t?! I remember how excited you were about getting that watch. If I remember correctly, it took you a year after we visited the jewelry store to get that watch.” “It did, but it was totally worth it if it led us to this moment right here. I got my fiancée and the watch, so I think I won,” he jokes. Y/N shakes her head and nudges his shoulder. 
The two let out a laugh and looked into each other eyes. This moment feels like the entire world has been shifted back onto its axis. It feels so right and filled with love that they can’t remember what it was like when they weren’t together. They give each other another kiss to celebrate the moment they become soon-to-be wife and husband. 
Taglist: @sublimepenguinpeach-blog @gillybear17 @f4ll-for-you @winterrrnight @maggiecc @magicwithaknife @loves0phelia @jiarapamuk @blisslove @baby19sthings @thelomlisrafecameron @nonbullshit-toleratingkindagirl
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baby-alien11 · 11 months
Memories: First meeting and date (Y/N Ulrich Universe)
taglist: @volturi-girl-imagines @dessxoxsworld @camiesully @ethanlandryluver @nowitsmissing @aliciacat20 @gabbylovesreading @nikfigueiredo @itsaaliyah2
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June 2022
After the ending of filming of Scream 5 on 2020 and the many delays due to the pandemic and the different variants of the virus, the film was already out which gained a good reception, and the sixth one was green lighted to film, you and your dad traveled to Montreal (due to both of you being on the movie) to reunite with the cast and meet the new additions of the cast
Arriving at the hotel where the rest of the crew will be staying, you and your dad left your luggage in your asigned room before going to the terrace where everyone will be there
"Don't you think is funny that they are going to let us stay during the whole filming even though we're only going to appear for a few minutes?", you asked your dad while walking to the terrace
"It's a bit funny, but it would be better than be her only for a day", Skeet pointed, "We get to hang out with everyone, and you are now free of doing homework"
"So this would be my graduation trip?", you joked, "With people who are a bit older than me, and some even married?"
"Yeah!", Skeet exclaimed, "We could call your friends and invite them to come here and hang out, and maybe there's going to be someone your age, remember that are some new actors"
"Dad, Sarah, Abby, Scott and Noah are already on college or doing what they wanted", you replied, "And maybe you're right, besides, I haven't seen who the new actors are, I was kinda focused on the fact that aunt Neve isn't going to be here"
"It's going to be difficult to have a movie without her, but she made a good decision by rejecting a payment that isn't worth her value", Skeet pointed, "That's a lesson I want you and your siblings to have no matter what you do in your future, understood?"
Nodding in response, both of you continued to walk until the door to the terrace was seen, which both of you crossed seeing the whole cast in the lounge area
"There's the freshly graduated!", Melissa exclaimed the moment both of you enter her camp of vision
"Half fictional sister!", you exclaimed running to hug her, "I missed you"
"I missed you too", Melissa replied, "Congratulations on the graduation and the campaign with H&M"
"Thank you, also congratulations on the Clinique ambassador"
After saying a general hi, and seeing how there wasn't any apparent seats because your dad took the only one left, you stood akwardly in the middle of the lounge
"There's a space next to Jack", Melissa said pointing behind you
Turning around, you saw a curly haired (and cute) boy smiling and waving at you, at what you walked there to sit next to him while he made more space for you to not be too thight
"Hi, I'm Jack", he presented himself handing out one of his hands, "Nice to meet you"
"I'm Y/N", you responded taking his hand, "Nice to meet you too"
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After knowing Jack more after that first night and the first week of filming which started with the Halloween party (in which you had a small interaction with Jack and Mason's characters), yours and Jack so awaited date was on saturday (in which both of your parents were going to be there but giving you space)
Early that day, after having breakfast, you recieved a floral arrangement from Jack with a small note that read:
Can't wait for our date tonight, in the meanwhile, I send you this arrangement that made me think of you
Due to the bit of chill weather of Montreal during afternoon, you decided to use a light blue drawstring long sleeve crop top and washed black high waist straight leg jeans with white nike air force ones and your hair lose on the back
"Hey dad", you called him getting out of the bathroom, "Do you think I'm underdressed for a date?"
"Nah, you look good to go to an amusment park", Skeet shrudded, "Wait a minute, are you nervous?"
"A bit", you sighed returning to the bathroom to do your eyeliner, "I mean, this is my first date after Spencer and I broke up, and that was a three month relationship during sophomore year, so yeah, I'm nervous"
"You like Jack", that wasn't even a question
"Maybe", you admited, "Do you think the black Prada nylon purse is too much?"
"That's a cute bag, goes good with the outfit"
After being ready and taking your purse and 'folklore' cardigan, both of you went down to the hotel lobby where Jack and his mom, Anna, were waiting for you
"They're here", Anna said to Jack brushing his hair a little, "She looks beautiful"
"Hi", Jack greeted when you stopped in front of him, "You look gorgeous"
"Hi", you replied with a smile, "Thanks, you look good as well, and thank you for the flowers, they're beautiful"
"I'm glad you liked them"
A few minutes later, the four of you started the way towards La Ronde, which was the most popular amusement park in the city
Arriving there, both of you entered the park with your parents following a few metters behind
"I like your cardigan", Jack said pointing at the piece of clothing in your arms
"Thanks", you smiled, "It's from Taylor Swift's album 'folklore', she has a song in that album named 'Cardigan' and she had them on the website"
"So, you like Taylor?"
"I love her, she's one of my favorite artist, she has amazing songs and the fact she always rises up whenever someone or something tries to drag her down is inspiring"
"In that case, what's your favorite album of her?"
"Reputation, followed close by Speak Now and folklore, so, what's your type of music?"
"Like angry hip hop, Meek Mill is awesome and Drake's old music, and basically every kind"
"I've heard some Drake songs, but nothing of Meek Mill"
"I could send you some of his songs, what do you think?"
"Sounds good, and I could send you some of Taylor"
"I love the idea"
Walking around the place and talking, both of you stopped in a game of knocking down silly clowns
"Which one do you want?", Jack asked refering to the stuffed animals
Seeing the display of toys, a red plushie caught your eyes, "The red dragon is cute"
Paying to play the game, Jack started to throw the balls towards the silly clowns until the time was over
"Nice arm", you smirked while the employee went to get the prize
"It's what happens when you live in Pandora for four years", Jack joked making you laugh, slightly interrupting the moment, the employee gave Jack the red plushie, at what he knelt like he was a knight with the red dragon in front of you, "Will this gorgeous princess accept this dragon as a gift?"
"I'll gladly do it", you laughed taking the plushie from his hands, "And fun fact, people calls me 'ghostface princess' or 'serpent princess' because of Scream and Riverdale"
"In the Avatar future movies, people call my character 'monkey boy'"
"I like it"
Continuing with the date, both of you went to some rides like the Disco Ronde, La Grande Envolée, Orbite, Bateau Pirate, Condor and Vol Ultimate (in which most of them both of you held hands), eating some snacks and playing in a game of jungle climb where none of you won but it was fun
(A/N: yes, I did search what rides are in the park)
Taking a moment to have dinner, which were corndogs, sodas and an ice cream from the food stands, both of you sat in a small picnic table while discussing which attraction was next and last because it was getting late
"I think we should go to the Boomerang", you thought while sharing a cotton candy ice ream
"Let me guess, to leave with a gold brooch", Jack smiled
"Yeah", you laughed, "What do you think?"
"I think it's an awesome idea"
Finishing the ice cream and throwing the empty vase on the trash, both of you went to your parents, who were sitting in a bench a few metters behind to let them know
"Hey, we're going to the Boomerang", Jack announced
"Are you sure?", Anna asked with concern
"Yeah", you nodded giving Skeet your purse, cardigan and plushie
"Guys, you just ate", Skeet pointed
"We're going to be good", Jack insisted while you put your hair in a low ponytail
"There's a bit of line, so the food will be digested by the time it starts", you shrudded
Assuring them once again that both of you will be fine, you left towards the ride with Jack's arm over your shoulders and yours circling his waist
"We should start searching for a trash can", Anna said, "Just in case"
Looking around, Skeet noticed a trash can not so far from the bench, which he was quick to get closer to the bench
At the line for the roller coaster, it wasn't a lot of time of waiting before it was your turn, ending up seating in the first line of the fourth cart
After the coaster staff secured your seatbelts and the ride started at what you started to feel a little nervous, something Jack noticed which made him take your hand in an attempt to calm you at what you hold him tighter
Noticing why the name of the ride was 'Boomerang' because of his fast speed, curves and turns, both of you spend most part of the ride trying not to scream and holding each other
After it ended and you were free of the seatbelts, both of you practically sprinted towards the closest trash can to start throwing up, feeling a few seconds later how your parents aproached to you see if both of you were okay, finishing vomiting a few minutes later
Making sure that the puking was done, they led you to the bench they were sat before going to get some water
Getting some kleenex from your purse and giving one to Jack so he can clean and do the same, both of you started laughing
"I really had fun", you said when the laughs were over, "We should do this again"
"Seriously?", Jack asked with a bit of surprise
"Yeah, I mean, except for the vomiting part"
"I also had fun with you"
Still smiling, you got a little closer to him to put your head on his shoulder at what he put his head on top of yours
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yuis-secrets · 3 months
-————————Keeping Secrets———————
pt.1. | pt.2. | pt.3
(To be honest, I'm just getting lazy. I had Grammarly to edit for me but I don't quite trust it to make it sound good, oh and big big question should I extend my writing thing even though I've just started I want to make it beforehand 🙌 anyway bye bye)
We had to wake up a 5 am, the sky was still dark the stars were shining bright watching us exit the house into the car. On our way to the airport Mason and Olivia slept to past time while the other three looked out the windows or quietly chatted, Y/n was also asleep holding her husband's hand. His thumb rubbing the back of her hand occasionally glancing in the review mirror to check on his little ones, guilt and nervousness filled his chest making him feel heavy. He did not want to keep secrets from his family he told them everything especially his wife, all his problems or troubles told to Y/n. It was easier to tell her everything because of her workout also because he has been around her for year’s, built a strong relationship and we told everything to each other even if it hurt to speak about it. What hurts right now is thinking about that letter, his head was pounding the only thing in his head was the letter.
‘Dear Jacob,
It’s been a while now hasn’t it, took a long time to find you, Jacob. You’re a hard man to find, congrats on your newborn. You need to come back to Forks there is a situation that needs your attention at once, I have already booked your tickets. Your flight leaves in 2 days be ready ill pick you up, see you soon.
The letter was short and simple. When he first read the letter, heart raced and thoughts over thoughts crowed his mind. How did he know. How did he get his address. How long has he known. Should they. It is dangerous. They still crossed Jacob's mind but it’s fine, just a week and nothing more. He is going to do anything to stop the truth coming from anyone even if it takes him hurting them. The sun slowly rises when they made it to the airport, Y/n stretching her arms over her head with a big yawn. Jacob got out to help the kids with their stuff from the boot, she looked back seeing Olivia waking up slowly as-well. Y/n opened her car door closing it behind her then moving to her daughter unbuckling her from her car seat then picking her up in her arms, Olivia yawned snuggling into her mother gripping her shirt. Jacob placed his hand on her back urging her to walk, Mason, Ashely, Damien, and Sarah pulled their suitcases behind them following behind us. Mason holding hands with Sarah, Ashley holding Y/n’s shirt and Damien beside Jacob. Despite it being early there were a lot of people there all waiting or getting off the planes, we all decided to eat at a Café that was close to the checking-in before boarding. After we ordered Jacobs's leg was bouncing, Y/n placed her hand on his leg calming him down she grabbed his hand holding it with a tight squeeze of recurrence. Jacob knew he could trust y/n, he knew everything about y/n…wait- did he.
After boarding, the trip was long about 2 hours at least but it was barbell. Jacob sat in the row in-front of Y/n with Damien and Olivia, Y/n was with Ashley, Sarah, and Mason. The flight was boring, but they pushed through with silly games and stories then watching Beauty and the Beast. When arriving at Forks Washington after getting our bags Y/n stretched even though her back was stiff after that flight, moving to the front of the airport Y/n leaned on Jacob's shoulder as they waited to watch the kids joke around. “No, you can't get me” Damien poked his tongue out to Ashely and chased him around us laughing soon Mason joined in chasing both. Y/n giggled watching them play mason heard the giggle went after her Y/n notice and ran behind her husband using him as a shield I ran around him and ran off to wider space as I had all the kids chase me. Jacob chuckled amused at this but him smile soon faltered when he saw a familiar tall, tanned man with a small smile on his lips, Jacob smiled back at him moving towards him stretching his hand out to the male. They shook hands “Looked like you haven’t aged a bit” he said “I couldn’t say the same to you” Jacob replied smirking mischievously, Y/n was toppled by the kids landing on a couch near by. Y/n hugged them laugh their heads off before looking at Jacob, seeing he was talking to a strange guy. I stood up the kids ran off to their dad but slowed down when they saw him talking to someone they barely knew, they hid behind Jacob clinging to his shirt peaking behind him to look at the strange man. Y/n approached calling over Sarah who was carrying Olivia to her side when moving closer to Jacob. “I knew you were busy these years” he chuckled looking down at the kids behind Jacob his gaze shifting to Y/n with a smile. “You must be the mother, I’m Sam nice to meet you-” “Y/n, it’s nice to finally meet one of Jacobs's old friends” Y/n smiled back at him placing a hand on Masons head. “This is Mason, Ashely, Damien, Sarah, and Olivia” Y/n introduced them all, “they’re shy around big bad wolves” Jacob joked eating a chuckle from Sam. “Welcome to Forks, let me take your bags.” He picked up most of them which shocked Y/n, he looked in great shape, but they must be extremely heavy. Jacob grabbed the rest and followed Sam to his car…this is good Y/n gets to know more about Jacob and the kids get to meet their family… no one hiding anything, right?
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Series info:
Book 1 of Princess School
Book 2: Who's the Fairest?
Book 3: Let Down Your Hair
Book 4: Beauty is a Beast
Book 5: Princess Charming
Book 6: Apple-y Ever After
Book 7: Thorn in Her Side
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lovergiirlsblog · 2 years
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GIF credits: @mountsmason
This is my very first imagine on here also English isn’t my first language!
in which England and Y/N’s national team play against each other.
Y/n’s love for her country is indescribable,she would watch every single game of Y/C national team and whenever they score she would jump around like a 5 year old,shower Mason with kisses and give him million hugs.
Mason loved how passionate she can get and adored her energy. They were convinced that their neighbours hate them because of how loud they cheer during the game as if they were in a stadium. But today it’s a bit different, since England is playing against Y/C. And he didn’t have to ask her about who she’s supporting since he already knew the answer.
“Good morning,loser !” She jumped on top of him and wrapped her hands around his naked waist” I made you breakfast and don’t worry i didn’t put poison in it. I still love you” she joked. He opened one eye and smiled softly “Good morning baby, thank you for not putting poison in my food” he kissed her nose and observed her for a while then pointed at her national team shirt that she was wearing “ This. I don’t like this missus. It’s really hurting my eyes” she looked down at her kit and got up faking an annoyed face.
“You’re just jealous mount” she stated and was heading back downstairs.
“Jealous?who ? Me? Oh I’m just trying to protect you from the disappointment because you have really high hopes and I’m sure you won’t be too happy by the end of the day”He replied acting offended.
Minutes later, Mason joined her in the kitchen and they set up the table together.
“I wish I didn’t have to work tomorrow so I can watch the game at the stadium” she took a sip from her juice “ oh and by the way Sarah is coming over later , I thought it would be fun to watch it together. You know her husband will be your opponent and we’re both supporting him”
“Oh please do ! I really don’t want you gloomy on your own. I wonder how many goals am I going to score” he teased then faked a scream when she playfully hit his leg.
After they talked about random stuff Mason looked at his watch and declared “ Oh look at the time , i have to get ready. I’ll leave in 30 minutes”. He then quickly put the dishes in the sink and ran upstairs. Y/N’s gaze followed him and then her eyes fell on their wedding picture that was hanging on the wall and she wondered how she got so lucky to have such an understanding husband. He hasn’t forced to support him or his team on this game because he knew how keen she was on her team. Her smile grew wild when she saw their dog Leo approaching her “Good morning love. Are we hungry ? Let’s get you something to eat”
20 minutes later Mason’s footsteps’ echo on the stairs was heard. “Leaving too soon ?”Y/N softly lifted Leo’s head who was laying on her lap, and walked towards her husband. “Yeah I’ve got to pick up Dec.You know how long it takes for him to get ready”. She got along with his friends and teammates especially Declan and chilly and he was thankful for that.
She wrapped her arms around his neck and his found their way to her waist. “ Come home safe baby” she pecked his lips and it didn’t take him seconds to kiss her back, she could feel him smiling against her lips. “I love you” he put her hair behind her ear,his eyes locked on hers,then he caressed her chin and kissed her forehead “ I love you more I’ll see you tonight. Don’t miss me too much”
She watched him put his bags in the car from the front door and thought of how each day she has loved him a little bit more than the other for 5 summers now. “Mason ?” He turned around as he heard his name being called “Good luck” her sentence came out almost as a whisper. He just smirked at her and got in the car.
Later in the evening, she had a zoom meeting with a client and then opened the TV even though the game starts in 3 hours and waited for Sarah to come over. Then her phone buzzed.
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2 hours later She was making popcorn with Sarah who has just arrived.
“I can’t believe you’re not supporting Mason” she said and let out a laugh. “Hey I’m supporting Mason but I’m not supporting Mason’s team”. Sarah put down the popcorn bowl on the table and put a handful in her mouth “That’s the same thing tho”
Y/N ignored her comment and focused on the game that was starting.
The first half was pretty crazy both teams were playing well and looking for a chance to score a goal. But at the beginning of the second half Sarah’s husband scored a penalty and she screamed out of her lungs. Y/N was jubilant and hugged Sarah who was crying from joy. “That’s my man !”. The camera was now on Mason who was sweaty and pissed off. 30 minutes later into the second half, Harry Kane scored the equaliser with an assist from Mason. The girl was pacing back and forth in the living room and biting her nails .The tension got really high on the pitch and both teams were eager to win. There was only 5 minutes left and the score was still 1-1. Y/N went to the kitchen to grab a cup of water when she heard the commentator screaming Mason’s name and she ran towards the TV to see Mason’s teammates hugging him as he refused to celebrate. Y/N was really sad because of the result but her eyes became glossy when she saw Mason’s reaction after the goal. She never thought he wouldn’t celebrate his first goal this season with the national team because of her. “ we’re screwed but man that was cute” Sarah commented and hugged Y/N as tears were now streaming down her cheeks. The game ended with England’s victory and Y/N didn’t change the channel as she was talking with Sarah about the game. “And now we’re with the golden duo Mason Mount and Declan Rice. What a performance you guys ! Especially you Mount” Both of the girls turned their attention back on the TV at the mention of Mason’s name who was smiling at the interviewer “Thank you. It was a tough game. Both teams were attacking and creating chances but thankfully we got to score our winning goal minutes before the end of the game” his hair was wet from the shower and his cheeks were burning red from all of the running. “ Mason you didn’t celebrate the goal earlier. Can we talk about that ? People wonder what’s the reason behind that” Mason looked down at his feet, blushed and ran his hands through his hair” My missus is from Y/C and she really is a huge fan of the team. Couldn’t break her heart twice” Awwh were heard from Declan and the interviewer “ He just didn’t want to sleep on the sofa tonight” Declan joked. Y/N and Sarah laughed at dec’s comment. Then the players head to the cantine to have dinner and Sarah went back home.
Y/N wasn’t happy about the result but she was really proud of her man who worked hard and has dreamt of this moment from his debut with the national team. She really wished for him to score even if it’s against her country but she has kept it to herself. She was cuddling Leo and smiling like an idiot as Mason’s act didn’t quit her thoughts.
“Your daddy is a true gentleman,isn’t he ? “ she petted him“ he will be back soon and we can all cuddle together”
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princesssarisa · 4 months
"Little Women" Posthumous Reunion: Final Resting Places of the People Behind the Novel and Its Adaptations
As a fan of the YouTube channel Hollywood Graveyard and the "Posthumous Reunion" pages on FindAGrave.com, I thought I would make a similar tribute to the people behind Little Women and its best-known screen adaptations. This is a guide to the burial sites (if they exist) of all the adaptations' leading actors and creative team members who have died, as well as those of the Alcott family and their friends, for anyone who hopes to visit them someday.
@littlewomenpodcast, @joandfriedrich, @thatscarletflycatcher
Arlington National Cemetery – Arlington, Virginia, USA
John Davis Lodge (John Brooke, 1933 film)
Cementerio de Benalmádena – Benalmádena, Spain
Paul Lukas (Friedrich Bhaer, 1933 film)
Ceder Hill Cemetery – Hartford, Connecticut, USA
Katharine Hepburn (Jo, 1933 film)
Cimitero Flaminio – Rome, Italy
Rossano Brazzi (Friedrich Bhaer, 1949 film)
Cimitiére Communal de Montrouge – Montrouge, France
May Alcott Nieriker (real-life Amy) (site unknown)
Forest Lawn Memorial Park, Glendale – Glendale, California, USA
Edna May Oliver (Aunt March, 1933 film)
June Allyson (Jo, 1949 film)
Elizabeth Taylor (Amy, 1949 film)
Robert Young (Mr. Laurence, 1978 miniseries)
George Cukor (director, 1933 film)
Mervyn LeRoy (director/producer, 1949 film)
Max Steiner (music, 1933 and 1949 films)
Adolph Deutsch (music, 1949 film)
Forest Lawn Memorial Park, Hollywood Hills – Los Angeles, California, USA
Jean Parker (Beth, 1933 film)
Leon Ames (Mr. March, 1949 film)
Holy Cross Cemetery – Culver City, California, USA
Mary Astor (Marmee, 1949 film)
Inglewood Park Cemetery – Inglewood, California, USA
Samuel S. Hinds (Mr. March, 1933 film)
Kensico Cemetery – Valhalla, New York, USA
Henry Stephenson (Mr. Laurence, 1933 film)
Mortlake Crematorium – Richmond, Greater London, England
Pat Nye (Hannah, 1970 miniseries)
Mount Hope Cemetery – Hastings-on-Hudson, New York, USA
Lucile Watson (Aunt March, 1949 film)
Oak Hill Cemetery – Lawrence, Kansas, USA
Alf Whitman (real-life Laurie)
Pleasant View Cemetery – Lyme, Connecticut, USA
Joan Bennett (Amy, 1933 film)
Savannah Cemetery – Savannah, Tennessee, USA
Elizabeth Patterson (Hannah, 1949 film)
Shiloh Cemetery – Shiloh, Illinois, USA
Mary Wickes (Aunt March, 1994 film)
Sleepy Hollow Cemetery – Concord, Massachusetts, USA
Louisa May Alcott (author and real-life Jo)
Abigail May Alcott (real-life Marmee)
Amos Bronson Alcott (real-life Mr. March)
Anna Alcott Pratt (real-life Meg)
John Bridge Pratt (real-life John Brooke)
Elizabeth Sewall Alcott (real-life Beth)
Henry David Thoreau (possible real-life Friedrich Bhaer)
Sparkman Hillcrest Memorial Park – Dallas, Texas, USA
Greer Garson (Aunt March, 1978 miniseries)
St. Leonard’s Churchyard – Hove, East Sussex, England
C. Aubrey Smith (Mr. Laurence, 1949 film)
Valhalla Memorial Park – North Hollywood, California, USA
Mabel Colcord (Hannah, 1933 film)
Westwood Village Memorial Park – Los Angeles, California, USA
Janet Leigh (Meg, 1949 film)
Cremated, Ashes Held Privately or Scattered
Frances Dee (Meg, 1933 film)
Douglass Montgomery (Laurie, 1933 film)
Peter Lawford (Laurie, 1949 film)
Patrick Troughton (Mr. March, 1970 miniseries)
Jean Anderson (Aunt March, 1970 miniseries)
Dorothy McGuire (Marmee, 1978 miniseries)
Richard Gilliland (Laurie, 1978 miniseries)
William Schallert (Mr. March, 1978 miniseries)
Virginia Gregg (Hannah, 1978 miniseries)
Angela Lansbury (Aunt March, 2017 miniseries)
Michael Gambon (Mr. Laurence, 2017 miniseries)
Sarah Y. Mason (screenwriter, 1933 and 1949 films)
Victor Heerman (screenwriter, 1933 and 1949 films)
Merian C. Cooper (producer, 1933 film)
Donated to Medical Science
Spring Byington (Marmee, 1933 film)
Unknown (Not Made Public or No Information Online)
Ladislas Wisniewski (real-life Laurie)
Richard Stapley (John Brooke, 1949 film)
Stephanie Bidmead (Marmee, 1970 miniseries)
Frederick Jaeger (Friedrich Bhaer, 1970 miniseries)
John Welsh (Mr. Laurence, 1970 miniseries)
John Neville (Mr. Laurence, 1994 film)
David Hempstead (screenwriter, 1933 film)
Elmer Bernstein (music, 1978 miniseries)
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kevinpshanblog · 6 months
Leap Year: A Lost Comedy Classic
Leap Year is a silent comedy film directed by and starring Roscoe "Fatty" Arbuckle, one of the most popular and influential comedians of the early cinema era. The film was produced in 1921, but it was never released in the United States due to Arbuckle's involvement in the Virginia Rappe death scandal, which tarnished his reputation and career. The film received its first release in Finland in 1924, and it finally saw an American release of sorts in 1981.
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The film follows the misadventures of Stanley Piper (Arbuckle), a wealthy heir who is in love with his nurse, Phyllis Brown (Mary Thurman). His uncle, Jeremiah Piper (Lucien Littlefield), is a misogynist who wants to keep Stanley away from women, as he believes that Stanley falls in love with every woman he meets. He sends Stanley on a fishing trip, but Stanley ends up getting engaged to three different women: Loris Keene (Harriet Hammond), a movie star; Molly Morris (Gertrude Short), a waitress; and Irene Rutherford (Maude Wayne), a socialite. Stanley tries to get out of his predicaments by faking illnesses and fits, but his plans backfire hilariously. Meanwhile, Phyllis and the other characters find their own romantic interests, leading to a happy ending for everyone.
Leap Year was Arbuckle's first feature film, and it was different from his two-reel shorts in several ways.
Leap Year had a more complex and coherent plot than his shorts, which were mostly based on gags and situations. The film had multiple subplots and characters, and it followed a clear narrative arc. Arbuckle's shorts were more episodic and improvised, and they often ended with a chase or a fight.
Leap Year had more dialogue and intertitles than his shorts, which relied more on visual humor and physical comedy. The film had many witty and sarcastic lines, and it also used some sound effects, such as a phonograph and a telephone. Arbuckle's shorts had fewer and simpler intertitles, and they used music and sound effects sparingly.
Leap Year had more satire and parody than his shorts, which were more slapstick and absurd. The film mocked the Hollywood lifestyle, the celebrity culture, and the social norms of the 1920s. Arbuckle's shorts were more playful and whimsical, and they often spoofed other genres, such as westerns, melodramas, and thrillers.
Leap Year had more romance and sentimentality than his shorts, which were more cynical and anarchic. The film had a happy ending for all the couples, and it showed Arbuckle's softer and sweeter side. Arbuckle's shorts were more edgy and irreverent, and they often showed him as a troublemaker, a womanizer, or a victim of fate.
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Leap Year is a showcase of Arbuckle's comedic talents, as he displays his physical agility, facial expressions, and timing. He also co-directed the film with James Cruze, and co-wrote the script with Sarah Y. Mason and Walter Woods. The film features many gags and situations that are typical of the slapstick genre, such as chases, falls, pies, and mistaken identities. The film also parodies the Hollywood lifestyle, as Arbuckle interacts with various celebrities and filmmakers, such as Sidney Bracey, who plays Loris Keene's press agent. The film also has some risqué humor, such as Arbuckle swimming in a full suit and hat, and pretending to be a woman to escape from his fiancées.
VLeap Year is a rare gem that deserves more recognition and appreciation from film fans and historians. It is a testament to Arbuckle's genius and resilience, as he made the film during a difficult time in his life. It is also a reminder of the potential that he had, and the legacy that he left behind. Leap Year is a film that will make you laugh, and also make you wonder what could have been.
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[image description] Two images next to each other. On the left the characters Jo, Meg, Beth and Amy being read to by their mother Marmie in a Christmas setting. On the right, Jo, Beth, Meg and Amy gathered around their mother Marmie all looking into different directions.
One question listeners: are you a Jo, Amy, Beth, or Meg? This episode, we’re discussing characters in the 1994 and 2019 versions of Little Women, and diving deep into subtextual readings and fan interpretations.
We’ll discuss disability, autistic, and queer readings, and try to answer our question: is Little Women a ‘story for every generation’, and why is it so popular?
To listen, just head to the link in our bio, or find us wherever you find podcasts 🎧 
[headphones emoji]
[falling autumn leaves emoji; leaf emoji; stack of books emoji; Christmas tree emoji; falling green leaves emoji; tree emoji; snowflake emoji; snowman emoji; scroll emoji; handwriting emoji; feather emoji]
📝 Shownotes: 📝
📼 Preread text (Rowan Ellis, https://youtu.be/SMFll3aIbmo)
Primary Sources:
📚 “Little Women” (1868, 1869) by Louisa May Alcott
🎞️ “Little Women” (1933) (dir. George Cukor, 📜 Sarah Y. Mason and Victor Heerman)
🎞️ “Little Women” (1949) (dir. Mervyn LeRoy, 📜 Andrew Solt, Sarah Y. Mason, Victor Heerman)
🎞️ “Little Women” (1994) (dir. Gillian Armstrong, 📜 Robin Swicord)
🎞️ “Little Women” (2019) (dir. + 📜 Greta Gerwig) (https://variety.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/12/little-women-by-greta-gerwig.pdf)
📺 “Little Women” (2017) (dir. Vanessa Caswill,  📜 Heidi Thomas) (Masterpiece: PBS)
Secondary Sources:
📰 “Life Magazine: Little Women: A Story for Every Generation” (Meredith Corp., 2020)
📜 ‘Everything depend[s] on the fashion of narration’: Women Writing Women Writers in Short Stories of the Fin-de-Siècle (Bryony Randall) 📜 “The New ‘Little Women’ Makes Space For Jo’s Queerness” (Shannon Keating) (https://www.buzzfeednews.com/article/shannonkeating/little-women-greta-gerwig-saoirse-ronan-jo-march-queer) 📜 “The New Little Women Basically Proves Jo March is Queer” (Michelle Hyun Kim) (https://www.them.us/story/little-women-greta-gerwig-jo-march-queer) 📜 Amatonormativity (https://medium.com/the-science-scholar/opinion-amatonormativity-the-damaging-pedestal-of-romantic-love-d70cc0585b0f) 📜 “The Real Reason Hairspray Was Banned On The Little Women Set” (Avery Stone) (https://www.refinery29.com/en-us/2019/12/9114384/little-women-movie-hair-makeup-interview) 📼 “Little Women: Laurie & Jo” (https://youtu.be/osdVRusNGgg) 🎞️ “Divergent” (2014) (dir. Neil Burger, 📜 Evan Daugherty, Vanessa Taylor) 📼 “Greta Gerwig, Representation, and the Universal Girl” (https://youtu.be/0p-cBSqIDbQ) 📼 “Why Neurodivergent People Relate to Jo March” (https://youtu.be/x-j5XK1wpyo)
📱Social Media Handles📱:
IG:     https://www.instagram.com/liliannapod/ Twitter:     https://twitter.com/liliannapod Tumblr:    https://www.tumblr.com/blog/liliannasprereadmediathek
🎹 Intro Music 🎹: "Wall" by Jahzaar, licenced under Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International (CC BY-SA 4.0)  
🎹 Outro Music 🎹: “Waterbeat” by DJ Lengua, licenced under Attribution 3.0 Unported (CC BY 3.0)
🎹 Transition Music 🎹:
“Pencil” by zakkolar - Pixabay “Fireplace Fire Crackling - Loop” by SoundsForYou - Pixabay “Sleigh Bells fast” by jcdecha - Pixabay “Tambourine christmas sound effect 25” by beetpro - Pixabay “Footsteps in the snow, шаги в парке,” by SSPsurvival - Pixabay
#LittleWomen #LouisaMayAlcott #JoMarch #AmyMarch #BethMarch #MegMarch #Laurie #GretaGerwig #SaoirseRonan #EmmaWatson #FlorencePugh #ElizaScanlen #LauraDern #TimothéeChalamet #BobOdenkirk #MerylStreep #GillianArmstrong #SusanSarandon #WinonaRyder #KirstenDunst #ClaireDanes #ChristianBale #AdaptationTheory #MoviePodcast #podcast #queer #FeministPodcast #QueerPodcast #LiliAnnasPrereadMediathek #LiliAnnaPod #trans #ace #DisabledRepresentation #DisabledRep #disability #disabled
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hawkins-high86 · 2 years
Title: the spy lol
Parings: y/n hopper and Jason carver an/don’t @ me I really like mason dye just hear me out an/ hopper is not in Russia an/ y/n and Jason are long time friends but you been dating for almost a year but hopper doesn’t know anything about it yet.
Warning: overprotective father hopper lol language smut Reader and Jason are both 18
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Y/n pov
So you’re ready to go to this restaurant? You asked him ?
“Yep it’s called Enzo’s right?”
Yea he parked near the restaurant and held the door for you thanks you smiled at him.
“Hi umm i table for two please “ he said
The person guided you towards a table near the middle of the restaurant thanks you told them Jason sat down first than you sat down.
“So what do you want to eat ? What you were thinking of ?”
Probably something like pasta and meatballs with extra cheese what about you?
“Probably the same thing as you if that’s ok ?”
Of course you smiled at him the waiter came up and said “hello my name is Sarah I will serve you tonight what would you like to drink tonight?” She asked me oh I would like some water. “How about you sir ?”
“Let’s see just some lemonade “ he said .
“Ok a water and lemonade “
She walked away from you too you were messing around with your fork Jason just looked at you and you stopped sorry I’m just nervous about being here my dad is very protective towards me and my sister.
“Hey it’s fine trust me ok I won’t let anything happen to you I promise okay?”
He held your hand and you smiled at him okay of course he kissed your hand lightly love you Jason .
“Love you too y/n hopper “ he said.
———-time skips after dinner——————-
Jason drove you to the hotel that you and him have been saving money for almost a year and a half it was super clean and nice you too check in your room and it was a medium size room with a huge bed .
You laid down on the bed too take your shoes off because they were killing your feet.before you could get them off Jason sat next to you on the bed .
“Here let me help you “
Thanks he unzipped your boots and took them off of your feet much better. His hands were on your waist and you were staring at him he nodding as he was saying yes to it he kissed you and you kissed him back with passion.
“I heard this hotel has a hot tub do you want to try it?”
A hot tub of course you sat up from the bed oh shit I didn’t pack a baiting suit out of the all the stuff I packed I guess I got nervous. Oh my gosh you put your hands on your face.
“Hey y/n it’s fine just go in your bra and underwear “ he took your hands out of your face.
Oh um I-
“It’s ok if you don’t feel comfortable with it I understand you don’t have to “ he said
No - just grab some towels and let’s go you headed downstairs to the pool and hot tub and closed the door and took your clothes off exposing yourself just in your underwear and bra.
“Well damn “ Jason leaned against the wall like an idiot.
Well I could say the same thing about you but -before you could say anything else about his remark he took his shorts off and his shirt revealing his chest he threw his shirt across the room. Well damn you said mocking at his earlier comment.
He got in the hot tub next to you .you changed positions before you could do anything else you got into his lap.
“Finally all alone”he whispered as brushing his lips against yours.
You stopped him finally all alone you mocked him again and continue to kiss him again he started to kiss your neck and you let out a small but quiet moan.
You stated to kiss his neck and you felt his hands around your bra struggling to get it off .
“How the hell do you get this thing off without ripping it off ?”
Just tear it off I really don’t care about it. You said to him.
“Ok fine “
You heard the fabric of the bra ripped off you now we’re fully exposed to him well halfway can you take off your bottoms please? .
“Yea ok”
He took them off you stared at him can I look at it ? And touch it ? You took your underwear off .
“Yea “
You looked down shit Your so big reference to his cock he took a towel and you were slightly confused about it shit did I just turn you off?
“No just get the towel near you and let’s go to the fake grass area they have near the hot tub”
Oh ok you got the towel and layed down on the fake grass Jason helped you take off your towel . Exposing yourself to him again
"if you want me to stop tell me baby" he cooed to me making sure that she hadn't felt like you had been forced into it.
No it’s fine just keep going please you started to stroke his cock as he cried out,Jason’s tongue swirled around each of your breasts slightly nipping at her nipple causing bite marks around her breast.Jason I think I’m going to before you could say something else you felt something dripping oh my goodness did I just?
“Yes did “ he said
his head slip in-between your thighs his mouth just centimeters away from tasting your dripping cunt.
“You taste so good y/n” he said
You smiled within the minutes and the moments that passed door swung wide open.
OH MY GOD! I FUCKING KNEW IT !” It was Jim Hopper was covering his eyes and he was wearing his uniform while being out of duty.
Oh my god, dad! What the hell are you doing here? You screamed while pressing your body against Jason’s to cover the both of us.
“No The question is WHAT are you two doing here? You lied to me, Y/N.”
No ! I didn’t lie to you I told you I was going out plus you give Mike and el all the privacy but I don’t ? You scoffed at him
“ I know but that Is my innocent and sweet girl like girl he pointed at you so I don’t want her to be like me or get pregnant at such a young age”hopper glared at Jason
Dad I know but -
“Can we talk about this when I’m not inside your daughter, Hopper?” Your boyfriend dared to ask and then he noticed how your father and you were looking at him with wide eyes. “I mean, Sir”
Oh my god ! You said under your breath well this got weird .
“Now I’m going to wait in the car for you two. Get your clothes on and get in Jason’s car and drive towards home while I drive behind you.” He left the pool and the hot tub room
“Well that was just an amazing night “ Jason said sarcastically.
You smiled how the hell he was still inside you?
“Shouldn’t we have just left town to get away from him ?”
Well that sounds ni-
“I believe you would like to continue having a dick, carver “Your father appeared again. “You are coming out first. C’mon. Come out. You come outside with me while my baby gets dressed.”
OH MY GOD! Jason your whispered to him you got to get out of me but I’m afraid it’s going to hurt.
“Hey listen to me I’m going to come out of you slowly” he said while handing you the towel.
Thanks he came out and you let out a light whimper and you got out of the hot tub as he did and put a towel around you and got your clothes .
“Ok good now where’s your car ?” Your father said.
“Right here “ Jason said he opened the car to let you in and started to drive to the cabin.
You walked out of his car and into the cabin before Jason could even come in the cabin your father stopped him.
“NO WAY BLONDE !” He said
“But can I just tell her good night?”
“You could tell her that right here “ you father said to him
Oh my god ! You said
“Okay good night y/n” he said
Good night Jason you said to him as your father watched him drive away.
The end ! Sorry for the spelling errors but that was literally so much fun to write feedback and like is always awesome lol - love Caroline
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claudia1829things · 10 months
"LITTLE WOMEN" (1949) Review
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"LITTLE WOMEN" (1949) Review
Louisa May Alcott's 1868 novel is a bit of a conundrum for me. I have never been a fan of the novel. I have read it once, but it failed to maintain my interest. Worse, I have never had the urge to read it again. The problem is that it is that sentimental family dramas - at least in print - has never been appealing to me. And this is why I find it perplexing that I have never had any problems watching any of the film or television adaptations of her novel.
One of those adaptations proved to be Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer's 1949 adaptation, which was produced and directed by Mervyn LeRoy. It is hard to believe that the same man who had directed such hard-biting films like "LITTLE CAESAR", "I AM A FUGITIVE FROM A CHAIN GANG" and "THEY WON'T FORGET", was the artistic force behind this sentimental comedy-drama. Or perhaps MGM studio boss, Louis B. Meyer, was the real force. The studio boss preferred sentimental dramas, comedies and musicals. Due to this preference, he was always in constant conflict with the new production chief, Dore Schary, who preferred more realistic and hard-biting movies. Then you had David O. Selznick, who wanted to remake his 1933 adaptation of Alcott's novel. One can assume (or not) that in the end, Meyer had his way.
"LITTLE WOMEN", as many know, told the experiences of the four March sisters of Concord, Massachusetts during and after the U.S. Civil War. The second daughter, Josephine (Jo) March, is the main character and the story focuses on her relationships with her three other sisters, the elders in her family - namely her mother Mrs. March ("Marmee") and Aunt March, and the family's next-door neighbor, Mr. Laurence. For Jo, the story becomes a "coming-of-age" story, due to her relationships with Mr. Laurence's good-looking grandson, Theodore ("Laurie") and a German immigrant she meets in New York City after the war, the equally good-looking and much older Professor Bhaer. Jo and her sisters deal with the anxiety of their father fighting in the Civil War, genteel poverty, scarlet fever, and the scary prospect of oldest sister Meg falling in love with Laurie's tutor.
Despite my disinterest in Alcott's novel, I have always liked the screen adaptations I have seen so far - including this film. Due to the casting of Margaret O'Brien as the mild-mannered Beth, her character became the youngest sister, instead of Amy. Screenwriters Sally Benson, Victor Heerman, Sarah Y. Mason and Andrew Solt made other changes and they left out some of Alcott's memorable plot points from the novel's narrative. But these changes, however regretful a few of them were (namely Jo and Amy's conflict over the former's manuscript) did not have any real impact on Alcott's original story. Ironically, both Victor Heerman and Sarah Y. Mason wrote the screenplay for Selznick's 1933 film. This should not be surprising, considering that this adaptation bears a strong similarity to the earlier version. I thought Mervyn LeRoy's direction injected a good deal of energy into a tale that could have easily bored me senseless. In fact, MGM probably should have thank its lucky stars that LeRoy had served as producer and director.
As much as I admired LeRoy's direction of this film, I must admit there was a point in the story - especially in the third act - in which the pacing threatened to drag a bit. My only other problem with "LITTLE WOMEN" is that I never really got the impression that this film was set during the 1860s, despite its emphasis on costumes and the fact that the March patriarch was fighting the Civil War. Some might say that since "LITTLE WOMEN" was set in the North - New England, as a matter of fact - it is only natural that the movie struggled with its 1860s setting. But I have seen other Civil War era films set in the North - including the 1994 version of "LITTLE WOMEN" - that managed to project a strong emphasis of that period. And the production values for this adaptation of Alcott's novel seemed more like a generic 19th century period drama, instead of a movie set during a particular decade. It is ironic that I would make such a complaint, considering that the set decoration team led by Cedric Gibbons won Academy Awards for Best Art Direction.
I certainly had no problems with the cast selected for this movie. Jo March seemed a far cry from the roles for which June Allyson was known - you know, the usual "sweet, girl-next-door" type. I will admit that at the age of 31 or 32, Allyson was probably too young for the role of Jo March. But she did such a phenomenon job in recapturing Jo's extroverted nature and insecurities that I found the issue of her age irrelevant. Peter Lawford, who was her co-star in the 1947 musical, "GOOD NEWS", gave a very charming, yet complex performance as Jo's next door neighbor and friend, Theodore "Laurie" Laurence. Beneath the sweet charm, Lawford did an excellent job in revealing Laurie's initial loneliness and infatuation of Jo. Margaret O'Brien gave one of her best on-screen performance as the March family's sickly sibling, Beth. Although the literary Beth was the third of four sisters, she is portrayed as the youngest, due to O'Brien's casting. And I feel that Le Roy and MGM made a wise choice, for O'Brien not only gave one of her best performances, I believe that she gave the best performance in the movie, overall.
Janet Leigh, who was a decade younger than Allyson, portrayed the oldest March sister, Meg. Yet, her performance made it easy for me to regard her character as older and more emotionally mature than Allyson's Jo. I thought she gave a well done, yet delicate performance as the one sister who seemed to bear the strongest resemblance to the sisters' mother. Elizabeth Taylor was very entertaining as the extroverted, yet shallow Amy. Actually, I have to commend Taylor for maintaining a balancing act between Amy's shallow personality and ability to be kind. The movie also featured solid performances from supporting cast members like Mary Astor (who portrayed the warm, yet steely Mrs. March), the very charming Rossano Brazzi, Richard Stapley, Lucile Watson, Leon Ames, Harry Davenport, and the always dependable C. Aubrey Smith, who died not long after the film's production.
Overall, "LITTLE WOMEN" is a charming, yet colorful adaptation of Louisa May Alcott's novel. I thought Mervyn LeRoy did an excellent job in infusing energy into a movie that could have easily sink to sheer boredom for me. And he was enabled by a first-rate cast led by June Allyson and Peter Lawford. Overall, "LITTLE WOMEN" managed to rise above my usual apathy toward Alcott's novel.
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byneddiedingo · 2 years
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Rock Hudson and Jane Wyman in Magnificent Obsession (Douglas Sirk, 1954)
Cast: Jane Wyman, Rock Hudson, Agnes Moorehead, Otto Kruger, Barbara Rush, Gregg Palmer, Paul Cavanaugh, Sara Shane, Richard H. Cutting, Judy Nugent, Helen Kleeb. Screenplay: Robert Blees, Wells Root, based on a novel by Lloyd C. Douglas and a screenplay by Sarah Y. Mason and Victor Heerman. Cinematography: Russell Metty. Art direction: Bernard Herzbrun, Emrich Nicholson. Film editing: Milton Carruth. Music: Frank Skinner.
Lloyd C. Douglas, Lutheran pastor turned novelist, was in some ways the anti-Ayn Rand. His Magnificent Obsession, published in 1929 and first filmed in 1935 with Irene Dunne and Robert Taylor directed by John M. Stahl, advocates a kind of "pay it forward" altruism, the obverse of Rand's laissez-faire individualism. Douglas preached a gospel of service to others with no expectation of rewards to oneself. Fortunately, director Douglas Sirk and screenwriters Robert Blees and Wells Root keep the preaching in the 1954 remake down to a minimum -- mostly confining it to the preachiest of the film's characters, the artist Edward Randolph (Otto Kruger), but also using it as an essential element in the development of the central character, Bob Merrick (Rock Hudson), in his transition from heel to hero. This was Hudson's first major dramatic role, the one that launched him from Universal contract player into stardom. Not coincidentally, it was the second of nine films he made with Sirk, movies that range from the negligible Taza, Son of Cochise (1954) to the near-great Written on the Wind (1956). More than anyone, perhaps, Sirk was responsible for turning Hudson from just a handsome hunk with a publicist-concocted screen name into a movie actor of distinct skill. In Magnificent Obsession he demonstrates that essential film-acting technique: letting thought and emotion show on the face. It's a more effective performance than that of his co-star, Jane Wyman, though she was the one who got an Oscar nomination for the movie. As Helen Phillips, whose miseries are brought upon her by Merrick (through no actual fault of his own), Wyman has little to do but suffer stoically and unfocus her eyes to play blind. Hudson has an actual character arc to follow, and he does it quite well -- though reportedly not without multiple takes of his scenes, as Sirk coached him into what he wanted. What Sirk wanted, apparently, is a lush, Technicolor melodrama that somehow manages to make sense -- Sirk's great gift as a director being an ability to take melodrama seriously. Magnificent Obsession, like most of Sirk's films during the 1950s, was underestimated at the time by serious critics, but has undergone reevaluation after feminist critics began asking why films that center on women's lives were being treated as somehow inferior to those about men's. It's not, I think, a great film by any real critical standards -- there's still a little too much preaching and too much angelic choiring on the soundtrack, and the premise that a blind woman assisted by a nurse (Agnes Moorehead) with bright orange hair could elude discovery for months despite widespread efforts to find them stretches credulity a little too far. But it's made and acted with such conviction that I found myself yielding to it anyway.
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cameronspecial · 1 year
Thorn In My Side, Rose In My Hand (Part 7)
Pairing: Rafe Cameron x Reader
Warnings:  Swearing
Pronouns: She/Her
Word Count: 4.6K
Summary: After a frustrating argument with his dad, Rafe goes to seek comfort in Y/N’s arms. This leads to him finally asking for the moment he has been waiting for. 
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Y/N wakes up the next morning in the Camerons’ guest bedroom. She has a slight headache from the alcohol she drank the night before. She thinks about what almost happened with Rafe and is glad he pulled away. Now, being sober, she remembers what she saw at Midsummer and finds herself upset again. They never had a chance to talk about it. Her thoughts are interrupted by the sound of the bedroom door being opened. Sarah comes in with a glass of water and Tylenol. Sarah being 14 meant that Rafe forces her to stay at a friend’s house whenever he throws a party. “Rafe told me to bring this up to you,” Sarah tells her as she hands over the things. Y/N takes the medicine, “Thanks.” “No problem. The boys are making breakfast downstairs,” Sarah informs as she walks towards the door. “And Y/N, I’m sorry about Wilson.” 
After a few minutes of lying in bed, Y/N finally makes her way downstairs and greets everyone at breakfast. Everyone eats with pleasant conversation. Sarah needed to get to the Trembley’s house to babysit the kids, so Mason offered to drive her, which left Y/N and Rafe alone to do the dishes. “So what does last night mean for us?” Rafe asks, handing over a wet plate for her to dry. Y/N takes the plate and starts to dry it, “Rafe, I appreciate you waiting to kiss me, but I saw you with Elizabeth at Midsummer and I know you know how I feel about her. I know that the unconscious part of you chose her because it would hurt me. So I can’t be with you right now. I need some time.” “Okay, I get that. I’m sorry that it hurt you, I wasn’t trying to. I want to be honest and tell you we did end up kissing last night too. But we only ever made out, it never went further than that,” Rafe confesses. This eases Y/N’s mind a little, but she still needs time to figure things out, “I understand, thanks for telling me. Since we are done, I think I’m just gonna go to the beach for a bit.” She places the dish towel back onto the oven railing and heads to the guest bedroom to get her stuff. 
She gets her stuff, heading back downstairs to say bye. “Can I borrow Sarah’s bike to go home? If she needs it any time soon, she can just text me and I’ll bring it over to her,” Y/N asks. Rafe looks over his shoulder at her from the sink, “Actually, hers is being tuned up at the store, so you can borrow mine. I’ll pick it up next time I come over. It should be around back near the pool.” Y/N nods her head. “Cool, thanks. See you later.”
Y/N got home safely and is now relaxing on the beach. She always tries to spend as much time here as she can during the summer because she feels at peace surrounded by water. She is relaxing on a water inflatable when Lacet finally makes her way to Y/N. “Look who is finally awake. It’s like three in the afternoon,” Y/N teases, shielding her eyes from the sun. Lacey groans, taking a sip from her coffee, “Shh, I still have a headache from last night. I never want to drink again.” 
Y/N laughs at her friend’s misery, “I’ve heard that before. At least it sounded like you had fun last night.” 
“You and I both know I like to pretend. This is totally tmi, but important to the story. I was on the toilet this morning because we both know that being hungover gives me the shits. But like I was looking at these recipes for different ways to make wellingtons and it got me thinking that we should have another girls’ dinner. Maybe tonight?” 
“Oooh, I love that idea. I could go over some of my writing with you. I was able to write another chapter.”
“I cannot wait. I can make some mocktails for us. Because mama cannot do another hangover tonight. I’m gonna make a beef Wellington and a mushroom one.” 
“Lol, I like the sound of that.” 
“So, now that we have that out of the way. How are you feeling about Wilson?” 
“I’m feeling better since last night. I mean I’m more hung up on the fact that he used me. Looking back on our relationship. I wasn’t really into him that much anyways. I think in a way, I was using him too.”
“Really? How so?”
“At first, I definitely do think that I liked him. But as I started to get to know him, I realized we weren’t good for each other and I should’ve ended it then. And yet, when I started to realize that maybe I didn’t hate Rafe, I pushed myself to be with Wilson because I didn’t want to admit it. We dated for a month, even though I knew it wouldn’t go anywhere. I definitely don’t think that what I did was as bad as what he did because I did genuinely want to explore what we could be, but I wasn’t exactly perfect in the relationship either.”
“You are right. Using Wilson to ignore your feelings about Rafe wasn’t great. But at least, you recognize that. I bet you Wilson doesn’t even think he did anything wrong.” 
“True. I just want to get past the whole thing though. And before you try to shift the conversation to Rafe. I’m really not ready to talk about where we are out right now. Maybe tonight after I’ve eaten some delicious wellingtons and mocktails.”
Lacey nods, knowing her friend just needs some time to process what she is feeling. The two girls spend most of their time in the water for the rest of the day. Only making their way to Lacey’s house when the sun started setting.
The next day, Y/N is picking up some groceries for her mom. She rounds the corner of the aisle and accidentally hits someone else’s cart. “I’m so sorry,” she begins until she sees who she hit. “Oh, Elizabeth. How are you?” Y/N tries to be polite with the other girl. They may be rivals, but they are mostly civil with each other. “I’m pretty good. I’m sorry to hear about the break up though. What Wilson did was totally a jackass move,” Elizabeth replies sincerely. “Thanks. How are things going with you and Rafe? I saw you guys at Midsummer and he told me about you guys during the party,” she says, hoping to see if Rafe and Elizabeth’s stories match up. Elizabeth’s face turns into a slight frown, “Nothing really happened. We just made out both times. Honestly, I’m pretty sure he was just using me to distract himself from you.”
This causes surprise to cross over Y/N’s face. “Why do you think that?” she inquires with her head slightly tilted to the side. “Well, at Midsummer, I stopped making out with him because he groaned your name when I played with his hair. Then at his party, we were making out, when all of a sudden his phone started ringing. With the way he shut down the party after the call and from the rumours I heard, I’m pretty sure he dropped everything to go pick you up. Anyways I gotta go. Bye.” Y/N calls out a goodbye as Elizabeth walks away. 
Rafe told her the truth after all. What is more interesting to the girl is that Rafe seems to have done the same thing she has done. She finishes up her shopping and heads back home. 
A week has passed since Y/N’s break up, which means that school is also bound to start up again in about two weeks. Rafe is sitting in the living room, watching some random show he isn’t really paying attention to. His focus is diverted to his dad as Ward walks into the room with a huff. “Tell me why I just got a call from Mr. Porter saying that if you don’t give his son a public apologize, then he will have no choice but to file a lawsuit against you for assault,” Ward gripes to his son. Rafe honestly thought nothing more would come from the punch because it had been a week since it happened. “He was an ass to Y/N. I had to make sure he knew what happens when he messes with her.” Ward runs his hand down his face, “God, I knew that girl would get you in trouble. I want you to give that public apology tomorrow morning. You are going to do exactly what Mr. Porter says because if you don’t, then I’m not gonna clean up your mess this time. Is this understood?” Rafe agrees with the statement. He knows Y/N would prefer he takes the peaceful way out of this situation. 
He thinks the conversation is over, but his dad doesn’t get up from his seat on the couch. “I also want to know why I was sent a parent approval form from Marvin to sign, so you could start an internship with him,” Ward interrogates, his voice beginning to rise. Right, Rafe had forgotten to talk to his father about this before the paperwork was sent. “Well, Marvin and I were talking a few weeks ago about his law firm. He said he needed some extra help with some organizational stuff, so I offered to help,” Rafe begins to explain. “You wanted me to figure out how to do swim team, university work and an internship at Cameron’s Development, so I thought this would be a good trial run for university and Marvin thought the same. He said if I have any trouble with handling the internship and everything else, then it would be fine if I quit. Pre-law students are always looking to intern with him.” 
Ward shakes his head in disapproval, “If you wanted to intern somewhere, you should’ve just come with me. I don’t understand why you would work at a law firm. It has nothing to do with development.” “I know you have this life plan for me, but I wanted to do something for myself once. I may have been given help from Marvin to get the job. But it’s something new though and I asked for myself. I want to be able to experience other things in life other than just the development company,” Rafe clarifies to his dad. “Whatever, I’ll sign the stupid paper, but I don’t understand why the fuck you would make that choice. Why can’t you just do as you are told?” Ward complains to his son, storming off toward his office. Rafe expected a screaming match to happen between the two of them, but this felt worse somehow. 
Rafe keeps trying to do what his dad wants, but even when he thinks he has it figured out, he still disappoints his dad. Instead of feeling the normal anger that would normally radiate off of him after an argument with his dad, he feels this sadness that washes over him. His mom would always push him outside of his comfort zone and it was part of the reason why he offered to help Marvin. He thought his dad would understand that and be proud of him. But like always, Ward just wants to be able to control every aspect of Rafe’s life. Ward has this life plan for Rafe that he isn’t allowed to deviate from. Rafe knows Sarah doesn’t have to listen to what her dad plans for her life. He doesn’t understand why his dad puts all this pressure on him. Rafe feels like utter crap after that conversation and there is only one person, who he knows can make him feel better. She can be found in the Y/L/N residence. 
Y/N sits outside in the gazebo, reading her book in the hanging basket. She lifts her eyes from the page when she hears a knock from the screened door. “Hey, Y/L/N. Care for some company?” Rafe interrupts as he slowly opens the door. She could see his  watery eyes, looking like he is going to burst at any second, “Of course, what’s wrong?” She immediately wraps her arms around the boy and buries his head into her neck whilst leading him to sit on the loveseat. “Why does my dad insist on controlling my life? Why can’t I just do things for myself without him questioning everything?” Rafe cries, feeling safe to now let himself be vulnerable with the girl. 
Y/N knows this is always a source of upset for him. Rafe’s relationship with Ward will never be anything like Mason and Marvin’s. “I don’t know why your dad is the way that he is. But I do know that you are not at fault for how he treats you. He has issues that he doesn’t realize he needs to fix and that is not on you,” she tries to comfort. 
“I know. It’s just last time we were fighting about how I didn’t want to join the uni swim team because I wanted to focus on school and my internship. And he absolutely blew up about that. Now, I want to do a trial run to see if I can find a balance between school, work and swim team and my dad isn’t proud that I’m trying. It’s like one step forward and twenty back. I don’t know how much longer of this I can take.” 
It pains Y/N to hear how much pain is in Rafe’s voice as he explains it to her, “Why didn’t you tell me things were getting this bad?”
“Last time it got this bad, you were avoiding me.”
“Oh, I’m sorry I wasn’t there for you. But I’m here now.” 
“I know, thank you. You are the one person that could’ve made me feel better right now, honestly.” 
“I’m glad I can return the favour.”
Rafe smiles, knowing she is referring to how he took care of her after Wilson broke her heart, “Right, how are we feeling after that?” 
The look in Rafe’s eyes tells Y/N that he is really asking how she feels about him, “I’m actually feeling great considering we only broke up a week ago. I think my heart was always set on someone else.”
“Oh, yeah. Well, that someone is ready for more. If you are ready too, of course.”
“Really? Would he maybe want a kiss? I wouldn’t want to take advantage of his vulnerability,” she jokes as she strokes his hair.
“He absolutely wants a kiss.”
Rafe removes his head from where it is buried in her neck and pulls Y/N into a kiss. His lips passionately move against hers and after a few seconds, his tongue makes its way into her mouth. She feels butterflies in her stomach and she hears him groan as she gently tugs his hair. Rafe removes himself from her lips and starts attacking her neck with kisses. She lets out a soft moan when he reaches her soft spot just under her ear, which causes him to grin and start to suck on the spot. Eventually, the two pull away from each other because of Rafe. He places his forehead on hers and looks into her eyes. They both have a soft grin on their lips. “Would you want to go on a date with me the day after tomorrow?” he whispers to her. They may have just been kissing, but he still is fearful that she will say no. She gives Rafe a quick kiss before answering, “Of course. I would love to.” 
The next morning, Rafe gets up earlier than usual to make his public apology to Wilson. It wasn’t very public seeing as he was just instructed to go to Wilson’s and the only people there are Wilson, his parents and all of his dinner guests from that night. However, the Porters still had to make a ridiculously big deal about this and have Rafe make his apology on a makeshift stage and podium. “I am sorry for assaulting you, Wilson. I was wrong for doing so. You are an amazing person and the fact that my dirty and violent hands touched you never should have happened,” Rafe reads off of the cards that one of Porter’s employees is holding up for him. The group claps and Rafe zones out as everyone bustles about around him.
Once he is allowed to leave, Rafe makes a mad dash to The Wreck to meet with Lacey to ask her for help with his and Y/N’s date tomorrow. “I hope you know that you are paying for whatever I order. And I plan to order a lot,” Lacey notifies him, not even looking up from the menu as he sits across from her. Rafe laughs at her antics, “I don’t expect anything less. But I need your help with something for Y/N and mine’s date tomorrow, please.” “And what exactly does that help entail?” Lacey replies; this time actually diverting her attention to the boy. “I just need you to cook some things for me. I’ll make you a list of the foods and then you can give me the bill after you get the stuff you need,” he answers. “Okay, I can do that. Especially if it’s for Y/N. Now, let’s order and then we can talk about this more. Mama is hungry.” 
 Rafe picks Y/N up at ten in the morning. He told her he had a whole day planned out for them and he knew she is an early bird anyway. He is wearing gray flannel on top of a gray T-shirt with some jeans. When Y/N opens the door, Rafe just pauses and admires her beauty. Her purple sweetheart neck raglan sleeve sweater shows her collarbones, which have a golden heart-shaped necklace resting between them. Her black pleated skirt rest just above her knees and this causes his eyes to follow down her legs to her white embroidered high-top converse. He knows she embroidered the flowers onto them herself. Her fingers are littered with rings and her double ear piercing both have hoops in them. Her hair twisted back behind her head with a claw clip. Rafe notices she is wearing some light makeup; god, he wants to smudge that pinkish-red lipstick. 
Y/N smiles softly at him and gives a tiny wave, “Hey, are you okay?” Rafe snaps out of his trance. “Yeah, just soaking in how happy I am to finally be taking you out on a date. Are you ready to go?” he admits whilst holding his hand out to her. She nods her head and takes his hand as she places her brown purse across her body. They get into his car and he drives off to their first destination. 
The massive grin on Y/N’s face, when she sees the sign for Outer Banks’ biggest independent bookstore, tells Rafe that he is on the right track for their date and this causes his heart to swell with pride. He holds open the door and she practically runs into the shop. They randomly walk around for a little bit to start. The conversation only begins after Y/N sees the Percy Jackson books. “Rafe, these are my absolutely favourite books. I owe my love of reading to Rick Riordan,” Y/N gushes to him. Rafe loves how passionate she is about the books and how she is not afraid to show it, “Really? How so?” 
Y/N's heart leaps at the genuine interest that Rafe is showing, “When I was a kid, I had a hard time learning to read. So I hated doing it. My parents tried getting me to read so many different books. I never really felt seen with any of them. But with Percy, I felt a connection with his character because of his dyslexia. His sarcasm and jokes made him relatable to me and I fell in love with reading because of it.” 
“I never knew that you could connect to a character on that level. The last book I remember reading is the Harry Potter series and I don’t think I really felt that way about any of the characters.”
“Yeah, it feels kinda magical when you can. It really helps you immerse yourself in the story. I’m actually thinking about starting a YA book club. Maybe, you can join and you’ll find your connection.” 
“I would love to join. You really have interesting perspectives on books and I would love to learn more. Plus, I think it would be fun to have reading dates together.”
Y/N is surprised that Rafe actually likes her idea. The excitement she feels about being able to show him some of her favourite books grows. The rest of the time at the bookstore is spent with Rafe holding Y/N’s stack of books she wants to buy, listening to her point out the books she has read or wants to read. He finds it adorable and it reminds him of a little kid on a scavenger hunt. It takes a lot of convincing from Rafe to get Y/N to let him pay for all of her books. He asks her to take the books out to the car, saying he thinks he forgot something in the store. He quickly locates the Percy Jackson series and runs it up to the cash register to pay. Rafe knows he could probably borrow the books from Y/N, but he wants it to be a surprise that he is going to read them. 
The next destination for their date is Rafe’s kitchen, where Y/N finds all the ingredients she needs to make chocolate chip cookies on the island. “I thought we could make cookies for dessert for dinner,” Rafe announces to her. Y/N looks at him with delight, “Okay, but only if you let me take the lead.” “I will always let you take the lead,” Rafe confesses with adoration in his eyes. This causes Y/N’s cheeks to heat up. 
Y/N’s back is facing Rafe; she is concentrating on mixing the ingredients, so she doesn’t notice Rafe scooping some chocolate chips into his mouth from the bag. She turns around to ask him something when she sees his cheeks puffed like a chipmunk and giggles. “Are you eating some chocolate?” she laughs as he nods his head with a guilty look on his face. “You really are just like a child. Come here, please. I need you to help me place the balls on the pan. You roll the balls and I’ll place them.” Rafe listens to her order and scoops some of the dough into his hand and forms just about the smallest ball she has ever seen. This causes some more giggles to fall past her lips. “Those are too small and it looks more like a cube than a sphere. Here, let me help you,” she instructs, wrapping her arms around his to help guide him with making the next ball. She directs his hands to the ball and helps him take some cookie dough into his hands. She places her hands over his as she helps him make the motion to make the balls. 
Y/N is not going to lie; she gets a little distracted by Rafe, who smells like the salty sea air and a hint of chlorine. She pauses for a second and this causes Rafe to look down at her to see if she is okay. He smiles when he notices she is admiring his smell. She snaps out of the daydream and continues to help him form a golf ball-sized dough ball. Now, knowing how to make the balls, Rafe continues on his own. Y/N places the pan in the oven when all the balls are formed and they go to watch Clueless as the cookies bake. 
Dinner is served picnic style on the beach, watching the sunset. Battery-powered lanterns litter the sand around the picnic mat to create light. It illuminates the spread of sushi, pasta, cheeseburger sliders and mini tacos; all of Y/N’s favourite foods and all cooked by Lacey. The couple gorges themselves on the buffet before they cuddle together on the beach, sharing the cookies they made together. “When did you think you started to fall for me?” Y/N ponders, taking a bite from the cookie and then handing it over to Rafe. 
“You are going to call me a liar. But I think I’ve been slowly falling for you since we were five. I remember thinking: ‘She is totally wrong about who won the race, but I love how she isn’t afraid to fight back in her own way.’ Also, I found it funny how long you could hold a grudge. How about you?” 
“That is totally a lie and such a cliche. For me, it is probably when you took me to McDonald’s after my first date with Wilson. You knew what I needed and what I liked without me having to tell you. I really appreciated that. You also did a bunch of things that Wilson didn’t even do for me on our date and I kept thinking about that.” 
“No, it can’t have been then. It was so recent.”
“Maybe it is. Maybe it isn’t. It’s when I knew for sure though that I had feelings for you. Maybe I started unconsciously falling for you way before then.” 
“Good. Because I want the book of you and me to be a really long one. So your chapters have to start before that.” 
“Okay, whatever you want.” 
“You’re cold. My swim team sweater is in the basket for you.” 
“How did you know I’m cold?”
“Caring for you is my sixth sense now.”
Y/N untangles herself from his arms and goes over to the basket to put on his hoodie. He loves to see her wearing his number and last name on his back. One day, it’s going to be hers too. She goes back into his arms to cuddle for a little bit. After a while, he notices she is growing tired and they pack up to go back to her house. 
Rafe is parked outside of her house, waiting for her to get out of the car. She doesn’t move, but instead turns towards him, “Can you sleep over? I don’t really want this date to end.” He tiredly smiles at her and turns the car off. They get into her room and go around getting ready for bed in sync. The scene felt perfectly domestic as they brushed their teeth together. He gets into the bed first and lets his arms wrap around her when she lies beside him. She rests her head on his chest and her eyes flutter closed, “Goodnight, Rafe.” “Goodnight, my rose,” he whispers, placing a kiss on her forehead before falling asleep. 
Marvin and Cassie Y/L/N find their daughter in bed the next morning in the arms of Rafe Cameron. They are not surprised by the sight and are glad the two have finally gotten together. “You owe me a book,” Cassie mumbles as she closes Y/N’s bedroom door and they walk downstairs. Marvin lightly grumbles, “They really couldn’t have waited a year. I thought they would finally realize it in university.”
“Not them. They were meant to be.” 
Taglist: @itsalexwin​ @sublimepenguinpeach-blog​   @gillybear17​   @terraeluce​  @f4ll-for-you​
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boomgers · 4 months
Estamos jugando a ser Dios y seremos juzgadas por ello… “Duna: La Profecía”
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Inspirada en la novela “Sisterhood of Dune” escrita por Brian Herbert y Kevin J. Anderson, la serie se sitúa en el vasto universo de “Duna”, creado por el aclamado autor Frank Herbert, unos 10.000 años antes del ascenso de Paul Atreides. La trama gira en torno a dos hermanas Harkonnen y su lucha contra las fuerzas que amenazan el futuro de la humanidad y sus esfuerzos por establecer la secta que se conocerá como Bene Gesserit.
Próximamente en Max.
La serie cuenta con las actuaciones de Emily Watson, Olivia Williams, Travis Fimmel, Mark Strong, Jodhi May, Sarah Sofie Boussnina, Chloe Lea, Jade Anouka, Faoileann Cunningham, Edward Davis, Aoife Hinds, Shalom Brune Franklin, Jihae, Tabu, Yerin Ha, Emma Canning, Charithra Chandran, Jessica Barden, Josh Heuston y Chris Mason.
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Fuente: benjaminfulford.net
La organización del Sol Negro emite un ultimátum: anunciar la federación mundial o afrontar un holocausto nuclear.
Ante una derrota militar y geopolítica integral, la organización Sol Negro (los controladores finales del complejo militar-industrial occidental) han lanzado un ultimátum a las sociedades secretas asiáticas: deben aceptar una federación mundial o enfrentar una guerra nuclear total.
Este ultimátum vino de Vincenzo Mazzara, un Caballero de los Caballeros Teutónicos y oficial superior del Sol Negro. Se produce tras una purga integral de líderes de alto nivel de la mafia jázara y una derrota militar en Ucrania.
La mafia jazara y el Sol Negro estaban trabajando en un plan a largo plazo que implicaba utilizar Ucrania para destruir Rusia y dividirla en varios estados vasallos. Después de esto, planearon invadir China y dividirla en 5 estados en guerra. Luego iban a nombrar a su “Mesías” como un rey-dios dictador mundial al estilo babilónico.
La Sociedad del Dragón Blanco y sus aliados asiáticos los detuvieron en seco. Ahora se enfrentan a la quiebra de Occidente, a una derrota militar total y a una purga continua de sus dirigentes de alto nivel. Es por eso que el Sol Negro acepta ahora un acuerdo mundial multipolar nuevo y justo. Sin embargo, la batalla aún no ha terminado.
Para entender a qué nos enfrentamos debemos darnos cuenta de que las Naciones Unidas, el Foro Económico Mundial, la OMS, el BPI, el FMI, el Banco Mundial, etc. son organizaciones no gubernamentales de propiedad privada. Las mismas personas que las poseen poseen el 90% de las grandes corporaciones. “La mayoría de los países del mundo no controlan sus propios recursos naturales. Los oligarcas controlan a todos los líderes visibles. Los líderes no son empleados del pueblo, son empleados de los oligarcas”, dice Calin Georgescu, ex presidente europeo del Club de Roma y alto funcionario de la ONU. "La esclavitud nunca desapareció; es más poderosa que nunca gracias al lavado de cerebro", añade.
Estas personas pretendían convertir el planeta entero en una granja de animales humanos controlada por miembros de su tribu. Permítanme aclarar esto: estas personas no son judíos, son satanistas. No se menciona la palabra judío en la Biblia, sólo la Sinagoga de Satanás. Para ingresar a su grupo como sirvientes de alto nivel, los masones de grado 33 deben pasar por una ceremonia en la que torturan a un niño hasta la muerte y consumen su sangre.
“Estos oligarcas todos ellos están relacionados con el sistema de pedofilia porque sabemos que hay más de ocho millones de niños al año que desaparecen sin ninguna información. Este acto criminal es transhumanismo”, confirma Georgescu.
“Desde la antigüedad las élites han estado sacrificando a sus hijos al “Señor” (Baal). Muchas élites tuvieron hijos que murieron misteriosamente porque fueron sacrificados. Madeline McCann era la hija biológica de George Soros, quien fue criada por su culto para ser sacrificada en un ritual”, dice una fuente del Servicio Secreto de Inteligencia Canadiense.
La WDS y otros grupos de sombrero blanco han estado eliminando a los principales satanistas a un ritmo acelerado. En los últimos dos meses:
Al rey Carlos le han diagnosticado cáncer.
La reina Camilla ha cancelado todas las apariciones públicas.
El príncipe heredero William ha desaparecido.
Kate Middleton se sometió a una cirugía abdominal y no ha sido vista desde diciembre.
A Sarah, duquesa de York, le diagnosticaron cáncer de piel.
El Príncipe Eduardo se está "alejando" de sus deberes reales.
Thomas Kingston, quien se casó con un miembro de la familia real británica, murió repentinamente.
Jacob Rothschild murió.
El rey de Noruega fue trasladado de urgencia al hospital debido a una infección.
El Papa Francisco fue trasladado de urgencia al hospital.
La reina de Dinamarca anunció conmocionada abdicación.
Dos caballos negros fueron vistos con un caballo blanco "capturado" y una bandera negra afuera del Palacio de Buckingham.
“La costumbre de los jinetes reales es nunca traer un caballo blanco sin la presencia del rey y la reina. La presencia de un caballo blanco significa la presencia del rey. Cuando el rey Carlos no está presente en esta caballería, significa que está muerto”, dice una fuente del MI6.
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Dado que esto sucedió cuando se anunció la muerte de Jacob Rothschild, implica que él era el verdadero rey de Inglaterra. También hemos sido informados por la inteligencia polaca de que el Príncipe William es en realidad el hijo de Jacob Rothschild. Mira las fotos a continuación y decide por ti mismo.
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Los Rothschild (Roth=rojo, schild=escudo de Satán) están todos siendo perseguidos por los gnósticos Illuminati. El actual jefe de las ramas británica y francesa de la familia Rothschild, David René de Rothschild, se puso en contacto con la WDS para decir que su familia quería rendirse y que su única exigencia era que no los mataran. Sin embargo, cuando el WDS intentó responder, nos dijeron que estaba “de vacaciones para esquiar”. O está escondido en el complejo Rothschild en Zug, Suiza, con su primo Klaus Schwab Rothschild o ambos han sido retirados de este reino mortal. También se confirma la muerte de Benjamin de Rothschild y dado que Jacob nombró heredera a su hija Hanna, parece que Nat Rothschild también se ha ido.
La desaparición de todos estos satanistas de alto perfil está relacionada con una orden del gobernador de Florida, Ron de Santis, de revelar todos los archivos de Jeffrey Epstein.
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Epstein es (todavía está vivo) un agente del Mossad que se infiltró en la élite satanista y creó una completa biblioteca de vídeos de ellos asesinando niños. La reina Isabel confesó que ella misma estaba siendo chantajeada con un vídeo en el que le cortaba la cabeza a un niño y le comía el corazón. Estas cintas están ahora en manos de los sombreros blancos, dicen fuentes del Mossad.
La purga de los Rothschild parece estar coordinada con una declaración de independencia alemana y europea.
El canciller alemán Olaf Scholz ha señalado esta ruptura con una serie de filtraciones. Divulgó detalles de la ayuda británica a las fuerzas ucranianas.
Scholz luego publicó una cinta de 40 minutos de oficiales militares alemanes conspirando para volar un puente de Crimea con misiles Taurus.
El Ministro de Asuntos Exteriores ruso, Sergey Lavrov, calificó esto como una “revelación escandalosa”.
Estas filtraciones se produjeron después de una reunión del 26 de febrero de representantes de unos 20 países occidentales en la que la mayoría de los países dijeron que no planeaban enviar tropas a Ucrania. También se opusieron a su participación en las hostilidades militares contra Rusia.
En otras palabras, los llamamientos del presidente francés, Emanuelle Macron de Rothschild,
que la OTAN declarara la guerra a Rusia fue rechazada.
Incluso su ministro de Asuntos Exteriores, Stéphane Sejourne, lo rechazó diciendo: “Los franceses no morirán por Ucrania. No enviaremos tropas”.
Los Rothschild también sacaron a relucir un cuarto avatar (tras la “hospitalización” de los otros tres desde enero) del falso secretario de Defensa estadounidense, Lloyd Austin, para pedir la guerra a Rusia. Este esclavo doméstico impotente también fue rechazado.
Otro esclavo doméstico, Rishi Sunak, prometió respaldar a Ucrania hasta que prevalezca en el aniversario de la guerra. “Pronto estará colgado de un poste de luz”, promete una fuente del MI6.
En una clara ruptura con los Rothschild, el canciller alemán Olaf Scholz dice que la OTAN no es ni será parte en el conflicto en Ucrania. La OTAN no tiene planes de enviar militares a Ucrania, confirma el secretario general de la alianza, Jens Stoltenberg.
Scholz no tuvo más remedio que romper con la OTAN, dicen fuentes de inteligencia alemanas. “Alemania ya no es gobernable. Los políticos se encuentran con huevos podridos o neumáticos quemados si salen en público. Los alemanes quieren abandonar la OTAN”, afirman.
Los agricultores europeos también están presionando a los políticos. Los agricultores y camioneros polacos bloquean la frontera con Ucrania para frenar la competencia desleal.
Además, los agricultores belgas rompieron los controles policiales que les habían puesto para impedirles protestar frente a las instituciones de la UE.
También en España los agricultores expulsan a los policías antidisturbios del Castillo de Zaragoza.
El eurodiputado holandés Rob Roos dice: “La clase dominante quiere que nuestros agricultores desaparezcan, una regulación a la vez… Todo en nombre del clima, por supuesto… dejar de hacer imposible que los agricultores hagan su trabajo. Necesitamos absolutamente a nuestros agricultores. La seguridad alimentaria es también una cuestión de seguridad nacional”.
Ahora resulta que sólo una de las diez empresas más grandes del sector agroindustrial ucraniano no está registrada allí. El resto se encuentra en su mayoría en paraísos fiscales como Chipre o Luxemburgo. Ya sabemos que son propiedad de oligarcas que evaden impuestos.
Ahora el director ejecutivo de Kellogg's está tratando de decirles a los estadounidenses que coman este cereal agroindustrial [tóxico y esterilizante] en la cena porque es menos costoso.
"Los cereales Kellogg's son alimentos falsos genéticamente modificados", señala una fuente de la CIA.
En cualquier caso, los oligarcas están a punto de perder las tierras que robaron a los ucranianos (antes se las robaron a los agricultores estadounidenses) porque la situación en primera línea es catastrófica para el presidente ucraniano Vladimir Zelensky. El comportamiento errático de Zelensky y sus constantes toques en la cara y la nariz en la entrevista de MSNBC hicieron evidente que estaba drogado con cocaína.
Necesita las drogas para evitar la realidad en parte porque el inspector general del Pentágono ha abierto más de 50 casos por posible “robo, fraude o corrupción y desvío” de ayuda militar a Ucrania.
El inspector general Robert Storch destacó un caso de artículos no identificados que llegaron a Polonia como parte de un envío de armas más amplio, antes de desaparecer de un manifiesto de envío cuando fueron enviados a través de la frontera hacia Ucrania en junio.
Sólo alrededor del 30% de los 113.000 millones de dólares que Estados Unidos gastó en ayuda militar, económica y humanitaria para Kiev llegó allí.
Jesse Watters habla de adónde se fue parte de este dinero cuando habla de los diamantes de Biden desaparecidos.
Los rusos ahora están dejando claro que las ONG propiedad de Rothschild y Rockefeller, como la ONU, son el principal problema que enfrenta el mundo actualmente. Las ONG “están gastando miles de millones de dólares para apoyar a diversas organizaciones extremistas, políticas y religiosas. El resultado de su supuesto trabajo es la inevitable desestabilización de la situación sociopolítica y económica en los países objetivo”, afirma la portavoz del Ministerio de Asuntos Exteriores ruso, María Zajárova.
Un ejemplo de esto es el Panel Intergubernamental sobre Cambio Climático (IPCC), que es responsable de las políticas que llevan a la bancarrota a los agricultores y no les dejan otra opción que rebelarse. El IPPC no es una academia científica y sus conclusiones sobre el carbono como causa del calentamiento global han sido rechazadas violentamente por los científicos. Esto es lo que sucede cuando la política gubernamental niega la realidad.
Otro ejemplo de crímenes de las ONG es la enorme afluencia de hombres indocumentados en edad militar a Europa y Estados Unidos. Esto forma parte de lo que se conoce como el plan Kalergi. “El conde austrohúngaro Richard de Coudenhove-Kalergi propuso un plan para cruzar a europeos con otras razas para crear una raza mestiza que pudiera ser fácilmente manipulada y gobernada por la élite de la mafia jazara”, dijo French
y dicen fuentes de inteligencia polacas. “En el libro Practical Idealism, Kalergi escribe que los europeos deberían convertirse en infrahumanos, sin ninguna cualidad y fácilmente controlados por la élite gobernante”, señalan.
El Premio Europeo Coudenhove-Kalergi se concede cada dos años a los europeos que se han distinguido en la promoción de este plan. Entre los ganadores de este premio se encuentran la canciller alemana, Angela Merkel, y el presidente de la CE, Herman Van Rompuy.
Son las personas que llevan a cabo su plan las que han estado inundando Europa y Estados Unidos con inmigrantes ilegales masculinos del Tercer Mundo en edad militar.
En Estados Unidos es el líder de Rockefeller, “Joe Biden”, quien abrió las fronteras con una orden ejecutiva. “Joe Biden afirma que no tiene la autoridad ejecutiva para cerrar la frontera. Eso es una completa y absoluta mentira”, dice Karoline Leavitt.
Este Biden ahora apenas puede caminar como se ve aquí cerca de la frontera de Texas.
"¡La capacidad de descartar sus documentos de identificación (de cualquier país), cruzar la frontera sur y solicitar 'asilo' ha convertido a Estados Unidos en un refugio para los peores criminales del mundo!" tuitea Elon Musk.
Estas son las personas que también están tratando de matarnos con drogas tóxicas. Las autoridades de California incautaron suficientes dosis letales de fentanilo el año pasado para matar a toda la población mundial “casi el doble”, según la oficina del gobernador Gavin Newsom.
Ahora el gobierno ha dicho a los dueños de tiendas de armas que vendan armas a estos inmigrantes ilegales indocumentados.
Además, el Departamento de Policía de Los Ángeles está contratando y armando a estos ilegales. A otros departamentos de policía se les está pidiendo que hagan lo mismo.
Está claro que la mafia jazara están intentando contratar mercenarios extranjeros para protegerlos del pueblo estadounidense.
Como señala Tucker Carlson: “La gente de nuestro país lo está destruyendo y lo está haciendo A propósito.
Por cierto, Rusia frustró un intento de asesinato de Carlson por parte de este agente ucraniano.
Es hora de que Carlson nombre a sus posibles asesinos hablando de la mafia jazara.
Ahora están intentando matarnos con láseres espaciales. Acaban de utilizar armas de energía dirigida para provocar el incendio más grande registrado en la historia de Texas. Puedes verlo en funcionamiento en el vídeo a continuación.
Los titiriteros de la mafia jazara están enojados porque Texas planea separarse y volver al sistema de pagos respaldado por el oro, y posiblemente también unirse a BRICS+.
El falso Joe Biden incluso admitió que fue un ataque de armas de energía dirigía cuando dijo
"Si sobrevuelas estas áreas que están quemadas hasta los cimientos, verás en medio de 20 casas que están totalmente destruidas, una casa sentada allí porque tiene el techo adecuado".
Se refiere al color azul que todas las élites pintaban en sus tejados antes del ataque a Maui.
Ahora la mafia jazara están utilizando armas de energía dirigía para iniciar casi 3.000 incendios en la Amazonía brasileña, estableciendo un récord para el mes de febrero.
Esta fue su reacción ante cientos de miles de brasileños que se manifestaron en apoyo al expresidente Jair Bolsonaro. Bolsonaro fue engañado en su reelección en 2022 por un fraude electoral de izquierda radical, similar a lo que sucedió en Estados Unidos en 2020.
Bolsonaro también está siendo acusado de su propio evento tipo J6, al igual que el presidente estadounidense Donald Trump. Por cierto, aquí se puede ver a agentes provocadores vestidos idénticamente de negro y poniéndose trajes de Maga antes de presumiblemente causar un caos del que culpar a Trump.
No olvidemos que esta “gente” todavía está tratando de matarnos con vacunas y armas biológicas de las que intentan culpar falsamente a Trump.
En el ejemplo más reciente, los casos de dengue aumentaron un 400% en Brasil después de que se liberaran mosquitos transgénicos respaldados por Bill Gates. Por supuesto, ahora el gobierno tiene que comprar millones de dosis de vacunas 💉(no hay nada que ver aquí amigos)
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Ahora se ha detectado un raro virus transmitido por mosquitos en Estados Unidos último comunicado de prensa de CNN
Bill Gates ha sido acusado en la India del asesinato del doctor Snehal Lunawat, que perdió la vida a causa de la vacunación.
Es una de los al menos 17 millones de personas que han muerto a causa de las vacunas desde 2020.
El primer ministro Narendra Modi, Gates, se encuentra ahora en la India.
Demuestre que es miembro de la alianza de liberación planetaria ordenando su arresto junto con el torturador infantil admitido Mark Zuckerberg Rockefeller. Si no los arresta, será culpable de complicidad en un asesinato en masa. Si tienen un vídeo tuyo torturando a un niño, confiesa y podremos ser indulgentes, pero sólo si arrestas a Gates.
Intente arrestar también al director ejecutivo de Google, Sundar Pichai. Recuerde que Pichai y su jefe (y ahora máximo satanista) Larry Page censuraron la verdad sobre el COVID-19 y las vacunas tóxicas. Eso significa que son cómplices de asesinatos en masa. El propio Pichai admite que su empresa está utilizando IA para manipular los resultados de búsqueda.
También lamentamos que dejaras en libertad a Justin Castrudeau cuando lo tenías en la India.
“Bajo la dirección de Justin Trudeau, a la República Popular China y sus entidades, incluido el Ejército Popular de Liberación, se les permitió infiltrarse en el laboratorio de alto nivel de Canadá. Pudieron transferir propiedad intelectual sensible y patógenos peligrosos a la República Popular China”, se lee en una declaración de Pierre Poilevere, líder del Partido Conservador de Canadá.
Este mismo Castrudeau insistió en que debemos confiar en “la ciencia” y aseguró a los canadienses que las “vacunas” eran “seguras y efectivas”, incluso cuando el personal superior de Health Canada conspiró para ocultar que las inyecciones de ARNm contenían un “ALTO NIVEL DE IMPUREZA”.
Castrudeau también convirtió a Canadá en una dictadura distópica después de robarse las últimas elecciones con la ayuda de Alex Soros.
Así es como se ve la tiranía.
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Sheldon Yakiwchuk resume los logros de Castrudeau de la siguiente manera:
La persona y personas que quieran censurarte online son responsables de:
– ArriveScam;
– 258 millones de dólares en proyectos para GC Strategies;
– Laboratorios de Winnipeg;
– Escándalo del SNC;
– Escándalo del viaje de Aga Khan;
– Vacaciones en Jamaica de 84.000 dólares;
– $6k/noche por una habitación individual para el funeral de la Reina;
– $1,3 millones en 3 'Retiros de Asequibilidad';
– Interferencia electoral en China;
– Comisarías de policía chinas en Canadá;
– Escándalo del Fondo Verde para Slush;
– Financiar a grupos islámicos que protestan en apoyo de Hamás;
– mil millones de dólares pagados para hoteles para inmigrantes;
– Financiamiento adicional de Bell, $40 millones para despedir al personal;
– Mil millones de dólares a CBC para colapsar su credibilidad y, en consecuencia, despedir a trabajadores en todo el país;
– Bloquear la investigación del Comité de Asuntos de Veteranos;
– 29 mil millones de dólares en sobrecostos en TMX;
– Ampliar MAiD a personas con enfermedades mentales;
– 2 mil millones de dólares para invertir en empresas que no existen;
– 500 millones de dólares para financiar abortos en otros países;
– NOSOTROS escándalo;
– aumento del CPP y del CPP2;
– La inflación más alta en 30 años;
– Las tasas de interés más altas en 30 años;
– Inmigración insostenible;
– Forzar vacunas no probadas;
– Ignorar a los heridos por vacunas;
– 11 millones de canadienses que exigen cupones para alimentos;
– 2 millones de canadienses acuden a los bancos de alimentos al mes;
– Ciudades de tiendas de campaña en todas las ciudades importantes;
– Los precios de la vivienda y el alquiler se disparan;
– Colapso de la atención sanitaria;
– Gasto fuera de control por parte del Gobernador General;
– Pago excesivo de los pagos del CERB a presos, personas que no califican, personas que no viven en Canadá;
– 10 mil ventiladores, comprados a un amigo liberal, que nunca se usaron porque nunca fueron necesarios;
– $300 Millones para almacenamiento de Hospitales Móviles que nunca fueron utilizados;
– $400 millones para hospitales de cuarentena;
– Utilizar ilegalmente la Ley de Emergencias contra los canadienses;
– Despedir a trabajadores federales y no pagarles EI según el estado de vacunación;
– 30 mil millones de dólares en la fabricación de baterías para automóviles, mientras que los fabricantes de vehículos eléctricos se están deshaciendo de la tecnología de vehículos eléctricos;
– Acusar a la India de matar a ciudadanos en suelo canadiense;
– Ensuciar las relaciones con China;
– Decirle a Alemania y Japón que no queremos que hagan negocios con GNL;
– Combinar el “clima en ebullición” con el incendio provocado;
Son penalmente culpables de fraude, fraude contra el gobierno, intimidación de testigos (para empezar), numerosas violaciones éticas y bloquean todas las investigaciones a través de la Confianza del Gabinete.
Canadá se ha convertido en una vergüenza en el escenario mundial, está atormentado por la pobreza y empobrecido, la clase media está siendo destruida, mientras las pequeñas empresas colapsan bajo el peso de la economía.
Cuando se dieron cuenta de que ya no podían controlarte llamándote racista/intolerante/misógino/homofóbico/islamófobo, decidieron amenazarte con cadena perpetua y una multa de 20.000 dólares si decías palabras malas sobre ellos en las redes sociales, bajo bajo el pretexto de "proteger a los niños".
También nos gustaría saber por qué la Junta de Inversiones del Plan de Pensiones de Canadá vendió su participación en un proyecto de remodelación de una torre de oficinas de Manhattan por solo un dólar.
Nos encontraremos pronto. Se han emitido órdenes de arresto contra Castrudeau y otros “Jóvenes Líderes Globales” del FEM, es decir, esclavos políticos controlados mentalmente.
Los ladrones de elecciones del condado de Maricopa también han sido cumplidos y ahora enfrentan sentencias de muerte por traición.
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La mafia jazara parecen saber que se acerca el fin y están aumentando el precio de las acciones y bitcoins para poder vender sus tenencias a tontos y obtener algo de efectivo para llevarlo a sus búnkeres subterráneos.
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Up Up And Away Bitcoin alcanza los 64.000 dólares
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Saben que están perdiendo la capacidad de engañar al mundo con la “magia del dinero”.
Como dijo el presidente salvadoreño Nayib Bukele al CPAC en Washington:
“El gobierno [estadounidense] se financia imprimiendo dinero. Papel respaldado por papel. Una burbuja que inevitablemente estallará”.
Como nota final, esta semana hemos descubierto por qué el Pentágono intentó matar a estadounidenses con vacunas después de que el general del ejército Mark Milley asumiera el poder. Resulta que, aunque los judíos constituyen el 0,3% del ejército estadounidense, el ejército está dirigido desproporcionadamente por generales judíos. Aquellos en la lista a continuación que todavía están en servicio activo deben ser removidos de sus puestos hasta que obtengan una nueva autorización de seguridad:
Teniente. General H. Steven Blum [1] Teniente. General Sidney T. Weinstein [2] Mayor general Julius Ochs Adler [3] Mayor general Lee Barkin [4] Mayor general Robert Bernstein [5] Mayor general Milton Foreman [6] Mayor general Stanley H. Hyman [7] Mayor general William P. Levine [8] Mayor general Julius Klein Mayor general Samuel T. Lawton Mayor General Irving J. Phillipson Mayor General Maurice Rose Mayor general Roger Sandler Mayor general Sidney Shachnow Mayor general Robert B. Solomon Bergantín. General Jack Bohm Bergantín. General Abel Davis Bergantín. General Israel Drazin Bergantín. General Herman Feldman Bergantín. General William M. Goodman Bergantín. General Edward S. Greenbaum Bergantín. General Sidney Gritz Bergantín. General Maurice Hirsch si Bergantín. General Raymond Jacobson Bergantín. General Ephraim F. Jeffe Bergantín. General Myron S. Lewis Bergantín. General George Luberoff Bergantín. General William Meyer Bergantín. General Alfred Mordejai, Jr. Bergantín. General Edward M. Morris Bergantín. General Leopold C. Newman Bergantín. General Fred Rosenbaum Bergantín. General David Sarnoff Bergantín. General Philip Sherman Bergantín. General José R. Smith Bergantín. General David Zalis Bvt. General Leopold Blumenberg Bvt. Bergantín. Gen. Federico Knefler Bvt. General de Brigada. Edward S. Salomon Bvt. Mayor general. Frederick C. Salomon Almirante Jeremy Boorda Comodoro Uriah P. Levy Almirante Hyman G. Rickover Contraalmirante Maurice H. Rindskopf Vicealmirante Joseph Taussig cuerpos de Marina General Víctor H. Krulak Fuerza Aerea Mayor General Nolan Sklute
Tenga la seguridad de que sólo los culpables serán castigados. Los inocentes serán reintegrados.
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