#Sarek calls his wife over
aspiringnexu · 10 months
Just watched TOS's episode Journey to Babel and there was a moment that had me giggling.
Around 5 minutes in, when Jim is giving Sarek a tour and Spock is not-so-inconspicuously sulking in the foreground with Amanda, Sarek says 'My wife, attend.' which we can presume is a Vulcan thing, probably a nice and polite way of reminding others who your mate is without all of the pre-Surak stabby-ness.
And then not even ten seconds later, when Spock turns to leave, Jim turns to him and says 'Mr. Spock, a moment if you please?'
And I can't help but see the little parallel. Its like Kirk felt the need to also show the room who his boyfriend is but copying Sarek, who Kirk only learned two minutes ago was Spock's dad, would have been a bit too cheeky. First meeting with the in-laws and all that.
Plus Jim calls Spock over to explain the Enterprise's computers which Sarek does not need to know about. Almost as if Jim had to come up with a reason on the spot to explain away why he just called Spock over like Sarek did with Amanda.
Double plus, Sarek and Amanda are Vulcan kissing the entire agonising trip Spock takes to walk over to Jim. Like, not a light brush of the fingers, those babies are firmly pressed and not budging. And they don't stop until Sarek has insulted Spock and sent him away. Its more a makeout session than a kiss.
So, anyway, Jim calls Spock over both because he's maybe a little intimidated by Sarek and wants his best friend/boyfriend to support him and also because, no matter the species, men behave similarly when it comes to certain things like mates and Jim was not about to be shown up on his own ship.
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councilman-horsemeat · 8 months
The Greatest Star Trek Characters, Ranked
I was recently reading a few articles ranking the various Star Trek characters and got really infuriated. I started punching my solid wood table until my fists were blooded and filled with splinter. Kirk, Spock, Picard- who gives a shit? There was no flavor, no spice to these lists. After taking a long walk and eating some meal, I decided I oughta make my own. Here it goes; In no particular order, so they're not actually ranked at all.
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Sylvia Tilly Star Trek: Discovery is full of people whose lives have sucked, in a way which reflects their outlook on life. Some are hardened, some burdened, some both. Sylvia Tilly offers a delightful contrast to these characters. I’m not through the first season of Discovery yet, but I hope she and Michael Burnham become best friends forever.
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Mobar (Fake Tuvok) Part of a criminal group that travels the Delta quadrant scamming various strangers through various schemes. Mobar and his friend Dala ended up acting as Tuvok and Janeway, fooling hapless aliens into joining the “Federation”, which meant little more than handing over their starships or cargo. Mobar ended up getting WAY into character, oftentimes chastising his fellow criminals for not adhering to Starfleet protocols. Unfortunately, it wasn’t enough to make him not a criminal, and in the end he went down like a chump. RIP to a legend. I don’t think he died but whatever.
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Dax (Jadzia, Ezri and Curzon/Odo) Jadzia Dax, our first true look into what trill really are. The fusion of Jadzia and Dax created a woman with wisdom far beyond her years, enough to make her approach life in a very confident, laid-back way. This, along with her highly analytical mind and charm, would have made her a perfect ship’s captain. Gone too soon.
On the other hand, I really liked Ezri Dax too. I’m conflicted, because seeing what it’s like for an unprepared, naive trill to be joined (despite never training to) was really interesting, and I even wish we got more than just the one season with her- but I also wish Jadzia could have been around for the finale.
When they were temporarily joined in a trill ritual, Curzon brought a certain down-in-the-dirt, slob attitude to the usually uptight Odo. I really liked him. He could have been less of a pervert.
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Bearded Geordi LaForge Beautiful. Majestic. Just a touch of rogueish charm. Too bad he only had it for two episodes and like some movies or whatever.
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Mirror Sarek I understand WHY he has a goatee. They needed to make him visually distinct from normal Sarek and it’s an homage to mirror Spock from way back when. The problem is that the homage only works if you didn’t already think mirror Spock’s goatee is funny as hell. They also call him the prophet for some reason. All in all a weird guy, which means I like him.
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Neelix He brought a genuine heart of gold to the crew of the voyager when they needed it the most. A rock, a true friend and a shoulder to lean on. His friendship with Tuvok allowed him to occasionally bring out a different side of the indomitable vulcan. I also liked that his eye color randomly changed with no in-show explanation.
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T’pring Spock’s almost-wife T’pring probably has the quickest turnaround from “WTF why is she so needlessly brutal” to “she’s a genius and she’s so logical” of any Star Trek character. She will always have my respect.
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Sela It’s just really funny to me that she had all that buildup on top of already being the return of a written-off main character’s actor. And then like, nothing happened.
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Kai Winn Opaka There’s something so incredibly about Louise Fletcher’s performance as Kai Winn in the later seasons that I sometimes have a hard time putting into words. She just captures the self-righteous, holier-than-thou, but also absolutely desparate character in such a captivating way- while also maintaining this underlying confidence and power.
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“Klingon Chef” Deep Space Nine’s resident Klingon chef/opera singer showed a side of Klingon culture we don’t often see - the civilian side. He truly made the most of his few appearances, and I will always love him for it.
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Seven of Nine (Possessed) Maybe it’s because of Seven’s usually stoic, reserved demeanour, but seeing Jeri Ryan take on the exaggerated personalities of a Klingon warrior, a Ferengi DaiMon, and the EMH of the USS Voyager amongst others, was one hell of a lot of fun. Enough fun to end up on this list! Unfortunately, not enough for that Oscar nom. Next time!
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Dr. Michael Dingo Dingo’s brief stint as nurse aboard the Enterprise-D established him as little more than a grumpy old man, but he really shone after his promotion to main cast member and CMO of the USS Pioneer. His usual snarky personality being torn down upon meeting his long-believed-to-be-dead wife went down as one of my favorite moments in all of Star Trek. His refusal to poison the crew on behalf of his madly sick captain gave me goosebumps.
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Lwaxana Troi She started out as no more than “Deanna Troi’s Annoying Mom” but evolved into so much more across her many appearances. Absolutely wonderfully played by Majel Barrett, the writers explore many facets of sorrow, motherhood, and what it means to grow old. I also believe that she should have ended up with Odo instead of Nerys, but whatev.
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Falow The leader of the Wadi, a gamma quadrant species that value various types of games above all else. He and his entourage visit Deep Space Nine and end up throwing the main cast INTO a highly-advanced video game where they think they’ll actually die, but it’s actually just a game. What I like most is that he truly looks like the Most Advanced Gamer. If I was a highly advanced space-gamer this is what I would want to look like.
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Riker Picard’s number one actually features on a lot of these lists. They usually list his loyalty or how cool he is or whatever. I’m mostly interested in his absolutely off-the-charts adventurous spirit. He was the first starfleet officer to serve aboard a klingon ship and was GLAD to eat gagh. When he learned that a trill symbiont needed a new host he practically jumped at the chance, despite the fact that no human had ever hosted a trill symbiont before. And he had absolutely no shame in wearing his slutty outfit in ‘Angel One’. There’s many similarities between Riker and Kirk, but Kirk would never have worn it so proudly.
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Horny/drunk-ish Picard Patrick Stewart’s performance as a pseudo-drunk and very horny Jean-Luc Picard in The Naked Now has seared itself into my mind forever. It’s like he’s screaming, but also whispering, and sort of putting on an accent? Deciding just how to portray the usually stoic captain so completely out of his element must have been quite the challenge, and Patrick Stewart ended up making some very inspired choices.
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Alyssa Ogawa She may not have done much more than help out in medbay every now and then, but the conversations between her and Crusher were the first to show that the main crew actually DO have friends outside the “inner circle”. Does that truly earn her a spot on a list of the greatest Star Trek characters of all time? Probably not but I don’t really care and neither should you.
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Grand Nagus Zek Every time he got more screentime I remembered how much I loved his dumbass voice. His shrill bleating is hilarious, and every time he shows up I can’t wait to find out what his latest scheme is. His behavior towards women is regrettable, but that’s true for a lot of Star Trek men and unlike most of them, Zek actually sort-of changes.
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Ishka And who is Zek without Rom and Quark’s moogie Ishka? Despite the usual underestimatable Ferengi personality traits, I genuinely believe Ishka could have one of the highest power levels in all of Star Trek canon. Women not even having the right to wear clothes has been a part of Ferengi culture for centuries and she managed to turn it around COMPLETELY in a handful of years. If she put her mind to it, I genuinely believe she could have brokered peace between the Cardassians and Bajorans, and that’s on the prophets.
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Jae Yeah, I got a bit of a crush on this frankly random Enterprise-D crewmember. I think she’s friends with Picard? She sat next to him at a poetry reading once. I’m not sure if she even had any speaking lines.
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A Whovian Watches Star Trek for the First Time: Part 114 - Spock is on the Run
Star Trek: Discovery - Season 2 Episode 3 - Point of Light
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With Christmas over, I can get back to doing this properly.
This time, we're still on the lookout for Red Angel Signals and for any clues about Spock's situation. Sylvia Tilly is still seeing the ghost of her childhood friend May. Discovery stumbles across Sarek's ship, who requests to transport someone over. Everyone expects it to be Sarek, but it turns out to actually be his wife.
After the Intro we cut to the Klingon Empire, and things seem to be going well under L'Rell's rule. The Klingon houses are all together, even if there it a bit of tension about Tyler/Voq's presence.
Back on Discovery, we find out that Amanda tried to visit Spock in his psychiatric ward, but they wouldn't let her see him, and apparently any info about his situation is being kept secret, even from Family. So, she stole his medical file, and hands it off to Michael who in turn takes it to Captain Pike.
After a bit of Convincing, Pike calls up the Facility, but tactfully doesn't mention Amanda or the Stolen File, he simply words his request as a simple check from a captain, and we find out that apparently Spock escaped and is wanted for murder. This call convinces Pike to allow Michael to crack open the medical file.
We get this really good scene with Amanda opening up about how she regrets raising Spock in the way she did, and wishing he would have been allowed to express his emotion more, but this is interrupted by drawings of the Red Angel flickering through in the medical file, and then further interrupted by a call from Ash Tyler, which Michael needs to take. Michael's call with Ash is just a general catch up, and a nice heart to heart, but nothing immediately pressing. Later, we do find out that L'Rell and Voq had a child together, a complete surprise to Ash. L'Rell didn't tell Ash because she wanted him to be able to return to a human life without any need to return to Chronos. L'Rell knows that Ash called Michael and basically has seen the writing on the wall from Day 1. The way she wants to protect Ash/Voq's happiness is really sweet. Ash says he wishes to remain committed to staying on Klingon though, and agrees to raise the child. As to go to meet him however, they find the child has been kidnapped by one of rogue noble houses. We get a pretty good action scene out of it, although I wish it was a lit a bit better, it fell into the trap of thinking Visually Dark = Good. L'Rell and Ash lose their fight however, but are rescued by none other than Georgiou, who for some reason has a vested interest in L'Rell remaining the Chancellor of the Klingon empire
On Discovery's Bridge, where the Command Training Program people are beginning their "Shadow Exercises" which is a lot less badass than it sounds. Basically, they're studying directly under another officer. Sylvia, still her ghost, is studying under Captain Pike himself, which is definitely a golden opportunity. They have built him to be considered one of the best captains in the fleet, after all.
Apparently May's ghost is urgent to talk to a Captain, but not Pike, and not Saru because what she described sounds Human. I really wonder where this ghost falls on the Malice vs Incompetence Spectrum, throughout this sequence it does seem like she's pushing to block Sylvia from command. Pike notices something is up, but it's too late because May pushes Sylvia into an open outburst, which, because only she can see may, everyone on bridge thinks is directed towards Pike. I really like the idea of this ghost as kind of a metaphor stress or pushing yourself too hard or something, she did first appear in a scene where Saru gave her a little pep-talk about that.
Elsewhere, Michael's conversation with Amanda continues, and we learn a bit more about the Red Angel. Apparently the first time it appeared for Spock was during an incident where Michael ran away from home, and it told Spock exactly where she was. Additionally, we find out a bit more about what happened to damage Spock and Michael's relationship so much. Apparently, Michael Traumatised him to protect him from the logic extremists, because he kept following her around everywhere. We don't find out exactly what.
After both Michael and Sylvia's emotional moments, they both meet up in their bunks, and Sylvia finally opens up about how she's seeing a ghost. Michael manages to build Sylvia up a bit, which was really nice to see. And also, she manages to throw down a bit of logic about her situation: May isn't a hallucination, and whatever she is, she isn't the real Ghost of May. Additionally, because Michael has held a rock from the Asteroid and not suffered this effect, it must be connected to the Spores, and they agree to visit Paul Stamets.
Paul and Saru, now informed on Sylvia's situation get work and find out that May is a spore from the Terran Universe, but they make quick work of Extracting her. The fungal organism is huge however, and ends up contained.
I enjoyed this episode, especially Sylvia and May stuff, although I do wish we could have got a few more episodes of weird ghost stuff before it was resolved, I guess. The Klingon stuff was also great here. Apparently Georgiou is part of a black-ops unit called Section 31, I'm really interested to see where that goes now that she's back in play. Overall a pretty good episode.
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dahyeltal · 1 year
Teenage Sybok, the red-eyed rebel, thinks he’s found a private spot within the S’chn T’gai compound. He sips at his catnip tea while watching his comparative religion lectures on his handheld vidscreen, all without knowing that his baby brother is looming in the shadows. A noise startles Sybok, the small hairs that cover his body standing on end, but then he sighs in relief. It’s just Spock, he thinks to himself. Little Spock walks closer, hands clutching at his robes and nose turned up. Sniffing. “What brings you here, Spock?” Spock doesn’t answer and hones in on the tea, his eyes widening until his pupils take over.
Amanda hears a crash and runs in to see Sybok scruffing Spock and quietly yelling. A shattered teacup was on the floor, and Spock furiously licked his glistening hands. When there was no more catnip tea to suck from his hands, Spock started growling and hissing, turning feral as he reached out to the tea-soaked carpet. It was not the scene Amanda expected and not the first time she struggled to maintain her composure when laughter wanted to bubble out of her.
Sarek, having come after being called through the family bond, was also conflicted. However, being the trained diplomat that he was, he knew the best course of action. “Since you are unable to keep young Spock away from this substance, you cannot be trusted to have it. You will give Amanda and I the rest of the substance immediately.”
Sybok knew he had lost the battle and passed a still-rampaging Spock to Amanda. “I apologize,” he said grudgingly as he took the large tin from the floor and handed it to his father.
“I implore you to make wiser choices in the future,” Sarek scolds. “After we have been assured that Spock is no longer under its influence, you will be minding him through tomorrow morning as punishment. You are dismissed.”
Later that evening, Sarek joins his wife in bed with two steaming cups of tea. Amanda recognizes the smell immediately and calls him out. “Isn’t this a bit hypocritical, dear?”
“I did not say he could not have catnip, I merely suggested that he make wiser choices.” Sarek hands one of the cups to Amanda, alerting her to the psilocybin contents. “Spock and Sybok are contained in their wing of the estate while we are safe to indulge without interference.”
Amanda laughs and taps her cup to her husband’s. “I knew I married you for a reason.”
“And I you.”
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Sarek was waiting. He stood up and went to Amanda's side, and after a brief touch of their fingertips, he helped his aging wife to her seat. All Maya saw was another possible glimpse of her future. The years never seemed to slow down her father, but her future was unclear when it came to the timing and tempo of aging. All she knew was that before she left on this misadventure she noticed her first few gray hairs growing in, and she expected that number to triple by the time she returned to Bellingham. Maya forced those thoughts out of her mind. Their hardships were over, best to be present and try to enjoy this social call.
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mystery-star · 6 months
(K)night in Black Armor (Part 27) – Spock (Mobster!AU)
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Pairing: Spock x reader
Warnings: mentions of murder and death, violence, injuries
Words: 2495
All parts: Series Masterlist
Let me know if you want to be added to the Series taglist!
Please do not repost my work on other sites or platforms
“Leave him alone”
“I’m not doing anything, I just think he deserves the truth. Not all people died in the explosion because Nero thought it was a great idea to call Sarek and tell him about the bomb. Of course he tried to evacuate everyone. While some succeeded to get out, others didn’t. His mother was one of the survivors”
“She’s alive?” you asked
“Oh no of course not. Nero and some friends were there when the explosion happened, to take care of the survivors. Better said, we needed them as hostages so we could be sure to get everyone”
“You tried to get Spock and his father there, right?”
“Yes. We made a deal. For each hour in which they wouldn’t show up, we’d kill one of the survivors, saving the best for last. But heartless as they were, they didn’t show up of course. So poor Amanda had to bite the bullet”
“That’s hardly a secret for him”
“Oh he didn’t know that I had the honor” the look on Spock’s face changed slightly. He looked also hurt now and you didn’t know what to do “You can’t imagine what a feeling it was to see the life leaving her eyes, while telling her that her family didn’t even love her”
“Why did he let you live then?”
“As I said, he didn’t know what I did and that I even was there. We met briefly during their act of revenge but he believed that I had nothing to do with it and spared me. A fact you’re now probably reproaching yourself for, right? But don’t worry, in a few hours you’ll finally see her again. And as I know Medusa, you’ll also soon be reunited with your wife. Though I should thank you, Spock. After the act against your family, I was the only survivor and celebrated. How else did you think I became Medusa’s closest friend and aid?”
“I thought you’re his bodyguard”
“Not quite. That are the other two. Better said were. I bet they still were in the car when he had to blow it up”
“I wish you’d have been there too” you growled
“And I thought you were against violence?” you swallowed when you saw how Medusa was back on his feet, wiping blood of his face. You had completely forgotten about him “Good work, Seth” Camillo walked around Spock, glaring down at him “While I’ve waited for this day forever, I still am disappointed that not I got you to your knees” he punched him in the face.
“Don’t hurt him” you screamed, making Camillo laugh
“Do you hear this?” at least he now came over to you, lifting your chin to look at you “Just look at how sweet you are” your head snapped forward and rammed it against his own. Instantly, Seth punished you by ramming his weapon against your temple. Medusa grabbed your face again and pressed your head back “You will regret this” the back of his fingers stroked your cheek “Now back to the actual matter. You lied to me. There is no Bettsy, am I right?”
“So what?”
“You don’t know what I do to liars… on the other hand you can’t because no one who did is able to tell you”
“You have what you wanted” Spock interrupted “Let her go and leave her alone”
“And what do I get from it? I have to let out my anger somehow”
“Then let it out on me, not her”
“I’ve got a better idea” there was a knife against your throat and Seth let go of you, going over to Spock and threatening him with the weapon instead. “I may let her live but first you watch” when he ripped your shirt open you knew what he had in mind. Once again he dragged you to the wall and pressed you against it. With one hand he held the knife against his throat while he opened and pushed down his trousers. You weren’t trying to defend yourself yet because you were sure you only had one chance.
“No! Let her go, I beg you” you heard Spock and if you were honest, this was the worst, to see him so desperate.
“You beg me? What do you have to offer except for your life, which is mine already?” he turned back to you “Tell me, Spock, how does it feel to be helpless like this? To not being able being with the one you love? Unable to save her?” you weren’t sure if Spock heard him because he growled the words against your skin. He was getting to work on your skirt again and that was when you found the time for your escape attempt was right. Taking a deep breath you punched him right in the crotch area, digging your finger nails into the bulge in his underpants. At the same time, you also tried to move the hand that held the knife away from your neck and you went to your knees, trying to tackle his legs and bring him to the ground. It didn’t work but at least he let go of you, so you quickly crawled away from him and got up to hit him again before you’d go and help Spock. But you were greeted with a fist to the face and stumbled back. When he came closer, you swung your fists at him and tried to kick him somewhere. When you heard a gunshot, you stilled
“No” you whispered but the next moment you saw how Spock yanked Medusa away from you and soon they were in a fight. Your glance fell to Seth who was getting up and picked up his gun.
“Run” Spock shouted but you shook your head, knowing he wouldn’t have a chance against the two of them. Besides, it wasn’t even said you’d be able to leave and you doubted that after what happened Medusa would let you live. So you tried to lunge at his minion and get the gun away from him. But before that, you bent down to pick up the gun Spock had to drop earlier. You couldn’t even get to him before Spock tackled the man himself and then came running towards you, obviously intending to run away with you. Then he looked back and a second later, he dropped the two of you to the ground, just before a gun shot was echoing through the place. Instead of getting back up again, your husband shifted until he was fully on top of you, put his arms to the sides of your face and pressed his forehead against yours
“What are you doing?” the question was useless, you knew he was trying to shield you. And of course you didn’t want it although it touched you that he was ready to do anything to save you. “Spock no” you protested, trying to get away from him but he only kissed you
“Run as soon as you get the chance”
“Because we can’t be running now, of course. Together”
“(Y/N), we are in the disadvantage. We do not even have a weapon”
“Oh right and that’s a toy, huh?” you pulled out his gun and showed it to him. While he took it, he kissed you again, more passionately. He tried to get up and shoot your enemy but before he could fire you heard another gunshot “No” you shrieked, pulling Spock down to you.
“Oh fuck is he dead?” Gaila!
“Damn, you shot him!” Eileen complained
“I didn’t think I’d actually hit him” steps were coming closer
“Are we interrupting something?” Helen asked before she helped Spock up
“Are you guys hurt?” Mary wanted to know when you both were standing again
“A bit, I guess. Have been worse” you admitted with a shrug. Eileen, Gaila and Theresa were with Medusa and stared down at him. Your eyes searched for Seth who was slowly sitting up and then tried to run away. Spock let go of your arm and went after him but you did so too “Stop” you shouted “Please. He’s fleeing. It’s of no use. I don’t want you to get hurt. We’ve got his boss, I’m sure we can blackmail him wit-… ah fucking shit” one of your heels had broken off and you lost balance and fell to your knees. At least Spock stopped and came back to you, kneeling down in front of you, cupping your face
“Are you hurt? Has he cut you?” he examined your neck and the top of your chest
“He didn’t cut me and I’m not really hurt. Just my knees and palms from falling now” you calmed him he gave a nod and then his lips were on yours. He kissed you as if there was no tomorrow and you responded just as eagerly. “What about you? Are you hurt? They shot you”
“They missed” he assured you, pushing hair out of your face “I am sorry for what happened”
“Don’t. We’re safe now” you pecked his lips again “I knew you’d come and save me”
“Perhaps if I had been here faster after the explosion we would…” you cut him off with a kiss
“It happened but nothing bad happened. Let’s take care of Camillo” you put a hand on his upper arm and tried to get him up. When he stood you realized the blood on your hands and looked back at his arm where you had touched him. There was a cut in his sleeve and a bleeding wound underneath it
“He cut me. Medusa”
“I’ll have a look”
“Don’t say anything. I treated cuts before. And I should check up all of you, to make sure you’re not keeping an injury secret” he raised an eyebrow as you tried to pull him inside. Theresa came to you and cupped your face
“Oh (Y/N). Are you injured?”
“No, I’m fine. But he’s got a cut on his arm… thank you”
“For what?”
“Coming out”
“Of course. We heard gunshots and just had to look even though he told us not to”
“Who told you?”
“Spock of course”
“You told them you’d be here and fight?”
“I had to warn them about the explosion and make sure they did not come out and get themselves into danger”
“Wasn’t easy to keep the girls inside. They knew (Y/N) was here. Oh, I’m so relieved you’re both fine” she hugged you then let go of you “Let’s get you inside” she helped you lead Spock to the entrance and looked to the girls “Come”
“What about him?” Gaila pointed at the Romulano underboss. Spock let go of you and walked over to him, checking his pulse at his neck
“He is alive. We should get him away from here”
“We call the Azienda?”
“I will. Take him inside and tie him up for a start”
“Spock” you shouted, tugging on his arm “If Seth tells the Romulanos what happened here they’ll come here. The girls are in danger! We have to do something!”
“Do not worry, we will get them into safety” he promised.
“I hope so” you muttered, while he went inside himself. In the main room, you pulled him towards one of the couches and tried to get off his shirt and also his trousers, sending away two of the little ones that tried to climb onto the couch and help or hug you
“I wish you would be ripping off my clothes for another reason”
“You are disgusting! I thought such jokes were not your style”
“I had to” he grinned and you shook your head
“Lie down”
“I can sit”
“Fine but only because it’s better to work on your arm” you agreed, sitting down beside him and looking at the wound. It looked more harmless than you had thought “I guess disinfecting and wound tape is enough. Do you have any other injuries?” you glared at him “And you’d better be honest or I’ll undress you completely to have a look at your whole body”
“If you want to know it that precisely, I got a few hits to my face, chest and kicks to my thigh and left shin. You have already seen the cut”
“Why thank you” you said with a courtesy and Mary was beside you with the med kit “Thanks” you took out what you needed and began to tend his wound. “What do you think will happen now?” you asked as you wrapped a bandage around it, of course not necessary but you had to do it to distract yourself.
“I cannot say. I must inform the Azienda about the events”
“You mean they didn’t know?”
“No” he admitted after a few seconds of silence
“Will you be in trouble? You know, for starting an act of revenge?”
I cannot say this either but I hope not”
“Is there anything I can do to help?”
“Have your injuries treated”
“That’s not help”
“It would help me relax, knowing you are truly unharmed and taken care of”
“Sometimes I wonder why people are even scared of you… though after what I’ve seen today it’s no wonder” you whispered the last part, finishing the bandage and fixing it. Eileen came over with two mugs and handed each of you one
“Some tea. Not very hot but the whiskey will be warming you up. Thought you could need some”
“Thanks” you said, taking a sip, while your friend chuckled
“Every other customer would be thrown out for being shirtless in here. Please remember the rule ‘no sex in here’ before you get any weird thoughts”
“Oh God”
Not even one hour later some members of the Azienda were here and took care of Medusa while others evacuated the girls and promised to bring them to a safe place. Someone drove you home because Spock was needed somewhere else first. You only hoped he wasn’t in trouble. Your worries about him only took a back seat when your phone rang.
“(Y/N)?” it was Spock, sounding very distressed
“Yes? Is something wrong?”
“I… have you noticed anything odd on the right side of your neck?”
“Huh?” you felt the side and even got up to have a look in the mirror “No, of course not, why?”
“It is Medusa… he just told me that Seth has activated the tiny bomb in your neck”
“He did what?” you shook your head when it sunk in “No”
“It has always been their plan B in case something happened to Medusa. They are using you as leverage”
“That he’d stop the explosion if you let Medusa go?”
“A-and now?”
“I am on my way home and will try to defuse it”
“How-how long do you think I’ll have?”
“23 minutes, 39 seconds according to the countdown on the trigger phone”
“When will you be home?”
“Seven minutes” he promised
“Is there something I can do?”
“Go to my office and switch on my computer. There also is a key in the bottom drawer. A key for the storage room” he explained you what he wanted you to take from there.
“Okay. And else?”
“Hold on, please” he begged
“Of course. I mean… I’m not in pain or something”
“I will be with you as soon as I can”
“I know that, love” you chuckled
“Please know that I love you”
“And I love you” he said goodbye and you did the things he asked you to before you stayed in his office, suddenly feeling nervous. A few minutes later, the front door was ripped open and Spock rushed to his office. He didn’t even take off his coat as he opened the box you had brought from the storage room. It was a weird looking device which he switched on and then placed a phone next to it. You threw a glance at the mini-screen. There was indeed a countdown that was now at 14 minutes and 46 seconds. You noticed that his hands were trembling a little and you started to feel sorry. A part of you also felt bad that he seemed so stressed about it while you weren’t as nervous as you probably should be. Then he jumped up, grabbing the phone and went to a cabinet at the wall, rummaging it for a while before returning with a cable. He used it to connect the phone to the device “That’s a defusing device, right?”
“Some kind of. Please let me focus” his voice sounded teary and you swallowed. You squeezed his arm and let him work. At first you watched him curiously but as the countdown neared ten minutes, you suddenly sank down and leaned your head against the side of his desk with a sigh. After a while, Spock took out a phone and seemed to call someone from the Azienda who still was with Medusa, asking them if they could get any information out of the Romulano “I do not know what I need. Just something. Anything” he was silent while the other person talked “No, it does not” he now actually was crying and you got up, wrapping your arms around him. “I don’t have five minutes! Eight minutes are all we got left. And if you cannot give me a solution until then I will make you see how long eight minutes can be!”
“Spock!” you hissed “It’s not his fault” you pressed your lips to his “Please…” he tossed the phone across the room and looked completely lost. You took hold of his shoulders “Take a deep breath. Take several. Then think. What else can we do?” he took the breaths as instructed then shook his head
“Nothing. This was your only chance and it does not work. They must have known I would try to defuse it. I cannot”
“Spock” you cupped his face and sat down in his lap, stroking his face “It’s not your fault”
“It does not change the fact that you will die”
“No chance to just cut it out of my body?”
“Too dangerous”
“In eight minutes it doesn’t matter”
“Seven” he muttered. You shook your head and took a deep breath, burying your face in the crook of his neck “I am sorry that I failed you”
“Don’t think like this. As I said, it’s not your fault. I know you did everything you could” you swallowed “Just promise me something”
“Anything” you looked up, stroking his cheeks with your thumbs “Jim’s told me that you became so different in a positive sense ever since I moved in with you. Try-try to stay that way, okay?”
“(Y/N)… Please, do not speak like you are going to…”
“And what else should I do? I only have seven or six minutes left and I want to say goodbye” you kissed him again, leaning your forehead against his “I’m sorry we only got so little time together”
“It is my fault. I should have never agreed to let you take part in this mission”
“It was Jim’s and mine decision” you pecked his cheek. He wrapped his arms around you and pulled you closer, burying his face against your shoulder
“I do not want to be without you”
“Oh Spock…” you ran a hand through his hair, not sure what to do because you never had to comfort him like this. “I’ll give your mother your love, okay?”
“It’s okay Spock. I mean… not okay but… I accepted it. It’s best if you do it too”
“It should have been me”
“Shh” you pulled him closer. Suddenly a snort left your nose “It sounds really macabre but at least I won’t get a cold now. I guess being in the cold so long in San José wasn’t good”
“A cold does not come after being in the cold for long but rather from viral infections”
“I didn’t know that”
“It is a common misconception”
“I mean I did know it can be spread with a virus, that’s why almost everyone got sick when one of us was sick and the boys and Theresa tried everything to make sure to isolate the sick as early as possible that it would not spread” he looked up and glanced at you
“I just hope I’m not going to make you sick” you admitted and he shook his head “Oh, are you vaccinated or something? Or immune?” he got up and put you on the ground, ripping open the top drawer of his desk and taking out a box, emptying the contents onto the table. It were some USB flash drives, he spread them out a bit, then took some time to choose one before wiping the others to the side. He got up and left, returning with his private laptop a short time after, placing it on the table and switching it on. He ripped the cable away from the phone and put it next to the laptop
“Processing updates?” he yelled at the loading screen and stared at it angrily. “Not now! Anytime but now!” he slammed the top shut and tossed it over the desk where it landed on the floor with a thump. Cursing under his breath, he left the room again and this time you followed him. He went to the storage room again and took a big pair of pliers.
“What are you doing?” you asked as you followed him to the basement where he entered his server room. He walked to one of the big racks and stared at it before started ripping out the many cables while cutting wires of others with his other hand.
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zero-way-out · 2 years
As a star trek fan who grew up on all the series and movies but never got into the comics/short stories, etc. Browsing the wiki can get crazy.
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Why did no one tell me, that after Amanda's death, Sarek, the cradle robber, marries Perrin Landover, a woman he met when she was just 14 while Amanda was alive.
Also, Leonard Mccoy attended the wedding, while Spock DID NOT. I guess Bones just made it a tradition to attend S'chn T'Gai weddings. Also Spock calls out Sarek, "In Enter the Wolves, Spock says Perrin is young enough to be his great-granddaughter."
Spock really said, " boy, have ya lost ya mind cuz i'll help you find it, that little girl is a child!"
I just realised after going over the wiki for the TNG episode "Sarek" that his wife in that episode is Perrin. I think since i was so young the first time i watched it i just blocked out the idea that Amanda could die and that this was just the TNG interpretation of Amanda.
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lonesomedreamer · 8 months
SNW Liveblog: “Charades”
In which Ethan Peck gets to have some fun, the writers also prove they know nothing about Vulcans, and the last fifteen minutes redeems the whole episode.
What exactly is “sub-impulse speed”?
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God dammit.
The fellowship only lasts for two months? What’s even the point?
I hate to complain about a female character working out on-screen—life in space would definitely necessitate some kind of exercise regime! For everyone!—but at what point in her TOS appearances did Christine Chapel strike these writers as the type of girl who spent a lot of time beating on the Enterprise’s punching bag? Maybe if we hadn’t just seen La’an in this exact same scene two episodes ago…
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This…this outfit is almost mod! Earrings and all! I’m shocked. Give it some color and you’d be onto something.
In fact, all three girls (La’an, Christine, and Ortegas) are wearing black here. Why do SNW the costume designers HATE fun?
“Oh, things are kind of weird between them.” I don’t use this word lightly, but between her being mean to Spock for no reason last week and now casually betraying her friend’s confidence like this with a little smirk (while Christine is visibly uncomfortable): Ortegas is just a bitch.
Do Vulcans consider their emotions to be “suppressed”? And would M’Benga, Vulcan expert or not, really be able to teach the native Vulcan how to better control his emotions (when he’s been learning that his whole life)??? Do they ever think before writing, or…?
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Or: canon only matters when the SNW writers want it to.
“My mother felt this would be best.” A lot of Vulcans on this show throw that verb around awfully lightly. It’s almost like the writers don’t understand Vulcans.
If T’Pring’s mother doesn’t approve, why were they ever engaged in the first place? (I know that this show’s never going to acknowledge that they were betrothed as kids for an arranged marriage. But that’s the canon.)
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Bitch, please.
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A sweet reversal of her sneaking a glance at him in the Turbolift earlier.
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Spock, please don’t look at your girlfriend when you’re supposed to be steering the shuttle away from the “rupture in space-time”.
Oh, his hair is so much better this way.
Why is everyone calling Uhura “Nyota” all of a sudden? I get that she’s just an ensign, but it’s weird.
This sounds like a casual phone call rather than the first contact between the Federation and an unknown species. Up the professionalism a few notches, Pike.
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He does not.
“Mixed instructions? You don’t mean Spock.” I’m no scientist, but it’s obvious they’re talking about his DNA—keep up, Mr. Starship Captain!
“Uhura, get ‘em back.” Maybe if Pike hadn’t stumbled over his words and had gotten straight to the damn point, this wouldn’t be a problem! Kirk and Picard would both have said, “Excuse me, but the way you ‘fixed’ my science officer was not correct” rather than mumbling and stuttering until the call cut off.
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He is adorable. You can pry human!Ethan!Spock out of my cold, dead hands.
“My fiancee’s mother? She hates me.” My fiancee? She hates me. Fixed that for you!
“I’ve already spoken to T’Pring and to your family.” That is really crossing a line! Kirk—Spock’s undisputed best friend of all time/brother/soulmate/true love (however you see them)—didn’t know about T’Pring or even that the Vulcan ambassador and his wife who were coming aboard were Spock’s parents until he met them on the Enterprise. But Pike is just casually contacting Sarek, Amanda, and T’Pring without consulting Spock first?! It’s not like he’s in a coma! He could easily have waited and let Spock tell his family himself. Accidents happen in Starfleet all the time. It’s a dangerous job.
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Spock always seems to be played by men with the best smiles. ♥
Not Spock drinking alcohol and eating meat! He’s going to feel awful about that when his genetic code is “fixed”! (His dietary habits are cultural, not biological—why would he want to change them with or without his Vulcan DNA?)
If this was a TOS episode, Bridge crew would still be working on getting back in touch with the aliens who did this to Spock…but we have to show Spock enjoying some crispy bacon instead.
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Again, I think control is a better choice of words.
“You just need to work on impulse control.” I don’t think taking his Vulcan DNA away would invalidate/negate his years of intensive mental training. He had to work extra hard as a mixed-race child to be a “real” Vulcan, so in theory he should still have access to about emotional control. If not, he should have been stripped of his memories of childhood and whatnot, too.
Spock’s sass is coming out so strongly in this script, which is great, but he should always be sassy! (“Gentlemen, I am in command of this vessel, and we shall continue on our present course…unless it is your intention to declare a mutiny.”)
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I’m sure Christine enjoys seeing a more demonstrative version of the man she loves, BUT I hope they also show that she’s mourning the loss of the true Spock. She’s one of the few who really sees him for what he is—half Vulcan, half human, wholly himself.
To culminate his total lack of respect for Spock’s privacy/boundaries, Pike announces that his mom is on board in the middle of a busy hallway.
This Amanda is a babe (though there’s no way she’s old enough to be Ethan Peck’s mom).
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I love this nod to the classic “Spock wearing a funny hat to hide his ears” trope.
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Could they not get a costume to fit this actress? Not shaming her at all—I’m intimately familiar with the struggle of finding clothes that look flattering with a larger chest! But this ain’t it.
Why is Pike even still here? At this point, Amanda’s business is with her son. Pike can butt out.
“The engagement dinner has been moved several times due to your Starfleet schedule, a fact which they are not understanding about—” A few issues here: a) It seems, well, illogical that a family of Vulcans refuses to understand why Spock’s professional schedule would postpone personal obligations; b) this is the first time we’ve ever heard about this engagement dinner, 15 episodes into the season. That wouldn’t be an issue if (as in TOS) T’Pring had just been introduced—but she’s now been in numerous episodes including the pilot. Yet somehow this has never come up before?
Also, bold of this show to expect me to care that their engagement might get broken when they’ve already faked the audience out about that once and when I know T’Pring’s ultimately going to dump Spock anyway…
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So T’Pring’s family disapproves of Spock’s career (and we know from previous episodes that T’Pring isn’t thrilled about it, either), but they agree to hold this traditional and (apparently) super-important engagement dinner on the starship where Spock works?
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I don’t think “Spock, you’re human” would be a human mother’s natural first reaction here. Idk. I know Amanda’s been on Vulcan a long time, but we know she’s still very warm, very human, and seeing her son so changed would have to be shocking/upsetting/concerning, right?
“I couldn’t even fool you.” That’s kind of funny.
First of all: Spock can lie with the best of them. Secondly, I don’t think you can learn to be a genuinely good liar in a few hours. Finally (and again): his years of Vulcan discipline/training shouldn’t have been erased (he obviously still has all his memories and knowledge), so he shouldn’t have to lie at all.
Seriously, Spock doesn’t have amnesia! He was raised by Vulcans—he knows how they speak!!!
Okay, but…Spock can’t perform the mind meld, and Amanda would know that. I feel like she should be saying, “My son was in a serious accident and is in no state to socialize” but then someone else—maybe even Sarek—overrules her. That would still leaves plenty of room for drama.
Just contact the aliens for help! I’m begging you! This is Star Trek!!!
“We can’t do it, but we already know who can” Thank God someone on this show can keep up.
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I kind of hate her. :) At least she didn’t make a snarky comment, too.
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I am weak (even if this is the least-flattering Vulcan look I have ever seen on any version of Spock).
T’Pring has some funny lines re: her difficult relationship with her mother, and I guess it’s a nice parallel to Spock’s difficult relationship with Sarek. I can sympathize with her, but I refuse to like her.
There’s no way a conservative Vulcan couple would be satisfied with a human preparing the traditional food for their daughter’s engagement dinner.
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The majority of Vulcans in this show continue to look like a parody.
T’Pring’s dad being a foodie is funny. Him being obviously subservient to his scary bully of a wife is unoriginal and not so funny.
They stole a shuttlecraft and no one even alerts the captain?
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Christine being willing to do anything for Spock: canon in every universe. ♥
I get that they’re in “interdimensional space” and in a state of semi-shock as a result (understandably!), but why can no one communicate effectively in this episode, including Uhura of all people???
Christine’s straight-talk with the aliens is just making me angry that Pike didn’t speak up about their mistake when he was communicating with them earlier.
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She’s stunning.
Spock being protective of/afraid for Christine is precious.
“During the accident, the other being diverted the shields away from himself to protect you.” Even though I’m unsure how that would work (isn’t the shield around the entire shuttlecraft?)—that is SO Spock and so adorable.
“Are you so obtuse that you don’t even see that [you have feelings for Spock]?” It’s always one step forward, three steps back with Ortegas…
The writers were kind enough to grant my wish: Christine acknowledges that a wholly human Spock isn’t really Spock at all. The writing is less than phenomenal, but Jess Bush really sells it anyway, and it alludes nicely to Christine’s heartfelt confession of love in “The Naked Time” about seeing Spock as being greater than the sum of his genetic parts.
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I’m tearing up.
The scene where Spock tells T’Pring’s mother off and praises his own isn’t super believable/in-character, but it’s satisfying!
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Once again: the Vulcans on this show use that word way too much…
They really have wanted T’Pring to always be the victim/wronged party in this relationship ever since the first episode. But why?! She’s going to leave him! In canon, she makes him fight his own best friend to the death to have her when she doesn’t even want him! No matter how they resolve the relationship in this show, it’s all drama I don’t care about!!!
T’Pring’s mother was overtly racist towards Amanda and Spock during the entire dinner; she doesn’t approve of him; and she told him that he deserved to be disowned by Sarek/didn’t deserve to marry T’Pring. She would probably continue behaving that way towards him for the rest of her life. But after he endured all of that for her sake and after she repeatedly warned him not to mess the dinner up, T’Pring expresses neither concern for Spock’s ordeal nor relief that he’s been healed/that the dinner was a success nor gratitude for what he put himself through. She expresses only disappointment that he didn’t confide in her.
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Crying in the club.
There’s a lovely reciprocity to Spock and Christine’s dynamic so far—he kissed her in Season One; this time, she kisses him. He risked his life to save her earlier; then she goes back and risks hers to make him whole again. I know these writers are going to screw it up eventually, so I’ll enjoy it while it lasts.
Overall, this episode was way too long (a full hour!) and was bogged down with a bunch of nonsense in the middle in the name of comedy. Its dialogue in particular was just as poorly-written as most SNW scripts have been (i.e., “you look constipated,” “you messed him up,” numerous crew members mumbling and stuttering in the heat of the moment…these aren’t Starfleet professionals, they’re high schoolers!) BUT there was an extra helping of heart in this episode. Between Amanda Grayson’s tenderness towards her son, Spock’s protectiveness towards Christine, and Christine’s fierce loyalty towards Spock, I almost cried more than once. And since Spock/Christine is THE reason I started watching this show in the first place, it’s nice to finally see some payoff fifteen episodes in!
The Good: Ethan’s face without Vulcan make-up + his gorgeous smile!—a surprise Amanda cameo—Spock and Christine mutually being protective of each other/risking their lives for each other—some funny moments—Jess and Ethan both acting their socks off—really cool visuals during the “interdimensional space” scene—a few excellent costume designs—finally, the big kiss!
The Bad: Childish/unprofessional dialogue throughout—Ortegas being a bitch even to her friends—writing human!Spock like a teenager who forgot everything he knows about being Vulcan (even though his memories are in tact)—Pike’s total incompetence—name-dropping Roger Korby (ugh)
I can’t wait to see how this show is going to disappointment me in the Spockstine department going forward.
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skimblyspones · 2 years
Yeah I'm just not sure how I feel about positioning Sarek as though he'd ever actively resent humanity, especially Spock's humanity. Like, idk, maybe if I got used to some of the newer stuff before his classic appearances, I would, but I can't get behind it.
He adores Amanda, and he seems to love his second wife as well. He spends the Search For Spock engaging in an unprecedented attempt to merge his son's revived body with his Katra; his scene with Kirk where they figure out the Katra shit is packed full of Mark Lenard acting and emoting his ass off to heartbreaking affect; he gets called out by T'Lar abt how illogical this is and he p much owns it. He spends his time in The One With The Whales trying to get the heat off the Enterprise Crew. He assures his son that Being His Son made his actions natural and necessary.
And that Gene Roddenberry interview...it's hilarious and awkward for the first half about sarek's sex life, yeah, but when they start talking abt Spock? How Spock is the first human-Vulcan hybrid to survive, and required intense medical care and attention throughout gestation? Oh my God. Obviously this is soft canon at best but just Oh My God. The intensity of the effort to bring Spock into the world. The audible Smile when Sarek remarks on Baby Spock's resilience; the way he explicitly attributes that resilience to his son being half-human...
Sarek loves humanity. He loves that his son is half human. The most glaring flaw regarding his son's humanity, as revealed in that same interview, was that he wound up deciding that it was more important to raise his son on Vulcan, where he was judged and excluded, so that they could embody IDIC to an extent that many Vulcans had grown accustomed to not acknowledging; he made his son an ideological figure, knowing how much Spock's treatment in Vulcan hurt him, but deciding that staying on Vulcan was more important than not traumatizing his son.
And who knows, part of that may be that since he was still half Vulcan with Vulcan strength, there was still a need to teach him emotional control; obviously a big part of it was about Culture, and Sarek wanting his child to know Vulcan Culture.
All of this characterization and backstory was written before Sybok entered the picture, and before Michael was even a concept, but Sybok does present a very good explanation for staying on Vulcan, and Michael...well, if she's in their family, and they've already decided to stay on Vulcan, then there you go. But I feel, again, like these would be secondary for Sarek; the reason they stayed on Vulcan, ad given from his mouth, was the principle of the thing; the value of embodying IDIC.
So it's like. Sarek absolutely fucked up. And whatever u choose to accept as Sybok's canon (idk abt SNW's Out-Of-Wedlock Sybok; I think mayhe Vulcan divorce, but idk fjdjfndkfjej), and whatever you think about Michael; I feel like it's p obvious that Sarek does better with Humans than Vulcans. Michael is the only kid who still talks to him regularly (Tho this could also be bc DISCO had spock institutionalized since in TOS he was at least communicating with his mom up to 5 years before JTB, and also like idk dnejfnfdjfb my incorporation of DISCO+SNW into personal fanon is limited and patchwork when it comes to Vulcan Stuff). And if I were to point to a glaring flaw in Sarek's parenting, it's that he, as an Ambassador, wanted his family to be a beacon of IDIC, and placed that appearance of their diverse family on Vulcan over the wellbeing of his children, particularly his Vulcan children who received mixed messaging that humanity and human emotions are natural and good, but also that they as Vulcans should not partake in those emotions, and indeed that it is a huge faux pas to do so. He valued the impact of their family living on Vulcan while being Atypical over how this would influence the treatment of his half-human son by his peers.
Again, I'm not sure how much of my opinions are influenced by the fact that I just don't really engage with nu!trek's sarek and don't necessarily consider all of nu!trek an infallible source of characterization and lore (I'm spoiled by the canon-less CATS, I guess, lol. I pick and choose what I consider Canon like it's a buffet line, specifically wrt TOS and Classic characters fjdjfbsjfj), but it just feels out of left field to make Sarek resentful of Humanity.
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hummingbird-of-light · 10 months
Against All Odds
Part 847
Leah couldn’t concentrate.
How was she supposed to work on analyzing previous years trade growth when she knew Robbie would be arriving any time? Mother had refused to tell them when exactly the shuttle would be getting in. A sigh escaped before she could stop it.
“Princess?” Dr. Boyce asked from the seat next to her.
“Sorry,” she murmured.
“I know,” the doctor said kindly. “Analysis seems a boring thing in comparison to preparing for the wedding. But it serves its purpose and is necessary.”
“It’s not the work,” Leah said. “It’s just not knowing when they’ll get here.”
“Your mother does like a surprise,” Dr. Boyce smiled.
Leah nodded, and drew a deep breath. She blew it out slowly and turned back to the analysis pages in front of her. She would turn all her focus to it and then the time would pass faster.
A quiet chirp brought Leah up from her notes. Sarek had brought his comm up and was listening to a report from some other security member. Leah’s heart quickened its pace. Sarek said nothing, but returned his comm and went back to the work in front of himself. Leah stared at him, willing him to say something. She knew it had to be Leonard and the Scotts arriving.
She looked back down at her own work but couldn’t keep a grin from her face.
When a knock came at the office door Leah could barely keep herself from jumping out of her chair.
“Look who I found,” Eleanor said as she opened the door and entered. Leonard and Scotty followed behind her, then Francine and Alasdair.
The king stood up behind his desk and crossed over to hug Leonard.
“Your flight was good?” he asked.
“Yes,” Lenny answered. “They’re getting easier.”
David greeted Scotty before turning to give Francine an embrace.
“You look wonderful,” the king told her. “And all better?”
“Aye,” Francine answered with a light blush.
Leah hugged her brother and Scotty as she greeted them, but was looking over their shoulders the whole time. She moved to Francine and Granddad but couldn’t keep it in anymore.
“Where’s Robbie?” she blurted out.
“Right here,” the voice of her boyfriend said and he stepped into the office next to Eleanor.
“Mo chridhe!” Robbie grunted in surprise as Leah threw herself into his arms, before pressing her mouth to his in what was surely a manner not befitting a future queen.
“Gross,” she heard Lenny say behind them.
“Oh Len,” Scotty chided him gently.
Robbie’s face was bright pink when Leah pulled back to look at him and her own face was warm.
“Well,” David said. “I suppose we can take the rest of the afternoon off. Why don’t we finish up here and you can all go get settled, then we can have tea out in the garden?”
“Sounds like a plan lad,” Granddad replied.
Leah twined her fingers with Robbie’s and pulled him quietly out the door.
“Hey Leah!” “Your highness.”
Leah looked at Jim and Spock. Jim was grinning at her and Robbie.
“Go on,” Jim said with a knowing smile. “Don’t let us stop you.”
Robbie flushed more next to her and nervously laughed. Leah’s own face warmed again as she looked back at Jim.
“As if I need your approval,” she said in her best haughty royal voice. She only kept her face straight for a moment before grinning back at Jim.
“Leah…,” someone called from in the office.
“Come on!” she hissed at Robbie and began to pull him up the hallway.
Part 848
They all couldn't keep in a laugh when Leah and Robbie disappeared out of the door. Even David calling out his daughter's name didn't stop the lass from hiding with her boyfriend.
The king let out a sigh and pinched the bridge of his nose. Eleanor gently placed one hand on her husband's arm.
"You know her, darling. And... they are young and haven't seen each other in quite some time."
"It hasn't been *that* long," David tried to speak up, but his wife only chuckled softly.
"Don't you remember when we were young? Everytime we were apart, you always said that time was moving far too slow. And... we couldn't get enough of each other."
"Woah, no more details, please," Leonard quickly said, a disgusted look on his face and Scotty laughed out loud when another voice joined them.
"No, no, please go on. I want to know more!"
David let out another sigh as he looked at the two people who were last to join them.
"Hello Jim. Spock."
The Vulcan bowed down politely in front of the royal pair.
"Your highnesses."
Jim only waved his hand with a grin.
"It's nice to see you," David said, though he raised an eyebrow at the blond boy. No respect.
"Well then... let's get ready for some tea," Eleanor said with a smile, clapping her hands.
Georgiares was as beautiful as ever. Scotty enjoyed the smell of peaches in the air and the warm sun. It wasn't too hot yet so even a Scotsman could stand it well outside.
He took a look around at all the pretty flowers and trees. He had missed this garden, even though it wasn't his own.
"So, there's still some planning to do for the wedding," Eleanor reminded them and both Leonard and Scotty nodded.
"We know, Mother."
But even before Eleanor could start talking about all her ideas and plans, her husband placed one hand on hers.
"But that can wait until tomorrow. For now, you all just settle in."
"Of course. That's most important," the queen agreed and everyone turned their heads when Jim let out a laugh.
"I guess someone's settled in quite well," the blond said with a grin and Scotty had to smile too.
His brother and Leah slowly walked over to them. There was still a heavy blush on Robbie's face. Leah, on the other hand, moved quite light-footedly.
"Oh, so you finally decide to join us too?" David asked, but his face revealed that he wasn't actually too serious in his strictness.
Leah and Robbie took the free spaces and the crown princess nodded with her most royal smile.
"Of course, Father. It only took some time to unpack Robbie's personal belongings."
"Of course it did," David retorted with a knowing smile, "well, we are glad that you found the time for some tea. It should be served any moment now."
The king was right. Soon enough they were all sitting together, chatting away happily, drinking their tea. It was a really nice afternoon.
And Scotty was finally able to relax and let go of all the stress of the last days. Not too long until Leonard and him would officially be husbands. He couldn't wait for it.
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S’chn T’gai Family Notes
• Sybok was born in 2224, according to the Star Trek Chronology (2nd ed.) and the Star Trek Encyclopedia (4th ed.; vol. 2). 
• Michael Burnham was born in 2226, on Earth. 
• Spock was born January 6, 2230, on Vulcan, in ShiKahr. 
This makes Sybok 2 years older than Michael, and 6 years older than Spock. It also makes Michael 4 years older than Spock. 
(Leonard McCoy was born in 2227, making him 3 years older than Spock, and 1 year younger than Michael. James Kirk wasn’t born until March 22, 2233, making him 3 years younger than Spock, and 6 years younger than McCoy.) 
From the Inside Star Trek phonograph album, Spock was not the first vulcan/human hybrid, but he was the first to survive. Earth-Vulcan conception will abort during the end of the first month. The fetus is unable to continue life once it begins to develop its primary organs. Spock was removed from Amanda's body as his organs began development and placed in a test tube for two Earth months, as physicians performed delicate chemical engineering and introduced over a hundred subtle changes. After that, Spock was returned to Amanda's womb. At the ninth Earth month, Spock was again removed from Amanda, prematurely by Vulcan standards, and spent the following four months of a Vulcan term pregnancy in a specially designed incubator. This was the first time this particular procedure was attempted, and was entirely experimental. Baby Spock proved surprisingly resilient. 
(Enterprise would later introduce the binary clone, Elizabeth, who would be the first vulcan/human hybrid, who passed away not long after her birth. Elizabeth was born 2155, 75 years before Spock was born.)
Michael’s biological parents, Mike and Gabrielle, were attacked by Klingons in 2236, after which point Michael was put in the care of her foster parents, Sarek and Amanda. Since Michael is shown spending her 10th birthday on Vulcan, this makes Michael 9 (going on 10 that year) upon being fostered. Spock would be 6, and Sybok would be 12. Sybok was raised by his mother until her death. Since we never see Sybok in the Discovery flashbacks, we can only assume Sybok was still living with his mother. We see Michael’s childhood up to age 11, so it can be assumed Sybok did not join the family until he was at least 13; while we still don’t see Sybok when Michael is 19, it can be assumed Sybok was either away for his own studies or already banished; banishment would explain why no one talks about him. 
 Sybok’s mother was originally described as a “Vulcan princess.” In the novelization of Star Trek V: The Final Frontier, she was given the name T’Rea, and referenced as a Vulcan priestess instead. In the book Sarek, she was referenced again by the name T’Rea, and given the title “reldai,” translated as an archaic vulcan term meaning both  "female religious leader" and "female ruler or princess," in order to conflate both translations. “Priestess” appears to be the more correct term, as Vulcan does not appear to have a monarchy and she is described as being Sarek’s original childhood bondmate who annulled their bond in order to become a kolinahr adept, and later High Master. Sarek’s first “wife” is considered to (presumably) be Amanda, as she is said to be from Earth, so it would appear Sarek and T’Rea were never fully married, as Spock and T’Pring were never fully married. 
The novelization also explains that Sybok was banished from Vulcan for violating the mind of a Watcher in the Hall of Ancient Thought in order to locate the receptacle of his mother's katra and meld with it to discover the location of Sha Ka Ree, which T’Rea had raised Sybok to believe in. 
• Soon after arriving on Vulcan, Logic Extremists (a small Vulcan extremists group claiming to represent "true Vulcan ideology" and valuing logic above all, who regarded humans to be inferior and more heavily opposed human involvement in Vulcan culture than the average vulcan, who saw the extremists as fanatics) bombed the Vulcan Learning Center. This resulted in Michael Burnham dying for three minutes, before being revived by Sarek melding with her and leaving part of his katra inside her mind. Michael believed she, a human child living and learning among vulcans, was the target, however, Spock believes he was most likely the intended target, as the “half human abomination” in the household. It is likely that Spock is correct, as it seems Amanda, also fully human, was not targeted. 
( If the vulcan extremists’ intended target was Spock, then a comparison (or even loose connection) might be made to Terra Prime, the extremist xenophobic terrorist organization dedicated to the expulsion of all non-Humans from Earth and the Sol system, who used vulcan/human hybridization as a fear tactic in Enterprise. )
Fearing for her adoptive family’s lives, Michael tries to run away from home, when she is initially stopped by a very young Spock, who pleads with her to stay. In her fear for their safety, Michael pushes Spock away by calling him a freak and a “weird little half breed,” and telling him he’s not capable of love. This moment causes a rift between the previously close siblings, leading Spock to choose to close himself off and fully commit to logic at a very young age. Michael tries to repair their relationship, but Spock is unreceptive until adulthood. Michael and Spock can only be about 10 and 6 respectively when this fight occurs. 
• Spock is dyslexic, which is called L'tak Terai on vulcan. 
• Spock is espoused to T’Pring at the age of 7. This is the same year he partakes in his kahs-wan. 
The kahs-wan, or Vulcan maturity test, was a traditional survival test of adulthood for adolescent Vulcans. The basis for the kahs-wan was to survive ten days without food, water, or weapons in Vulcan's Forge.
In the animated series, Spock decided to take the kahs-wan early. His pet sehlat, I-Chaya, insisted on accompanying him, despite young Spock's orders. I-Chaya and Spock from the future end up having to save Spock from a le-matya attack, but I-Chaya had to be euthanized afterwards due to receiving a fatal wound from the le-matya’s poisonous claws. 
• Solkar was the first Vulcan ambassador to Earth, and father of Skon. Skon is implied to be an ambassador (and would have been confirmed one if the fifth season of Enterprise was ever produced), translated the Teachings of Surak into English, and father of Sarek. Sarek is also an ambassador and is, of course, the father of Spock and Sybok. 
• In the animated series, Spock goes back in time to save his younger self, and claims to be Sarek’s cousin by the name of Selek, son of T’Pel and Sasak. It is unclear if these are real relatives of Sarek’s, or if they’re fake and the S’chn T’gai family is so big Sarek can’t keep track of them all. 
• Spock claims Arthur Conan Doyle is an ancestor of his. It can only be assumed this is on Amanda’s side. 
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spockfan · 3 years
McCoy : Mister Ambassador, I understand you had retired before this conference was called. Forgive my curiosity, but as a doctor, I'm interested in Vulcan physiology. Isn't it unusual for a Vulcan to retire at your age? After all, you're only a hundred and two.
Sarek : One hundred two point four three seven precisely, Doctor, measured in your years. I had other concerns.
So Sarek retired because of health reasons but came out of it ostensibly to attend the conference on Babel because it's important but actually because the Enterprise had been assigned for transport and he wanted to check up on his son especially after the events in Amok Time.
I think this is why he only finishes Kirk's tour up until the engine room where Amanda gets a chance to talk to Spock then he immediately retires to rest right after.
Spock : If you will excuse me, Captain. *leaves*
Kirk : I'm sorry, Ambassador. I did not mean to offend. I thought that
Sarek : Offence is a human emotion. I'm returning to my quarters. Continue, my wife. *leaves*
He gives the appearance of completely ignoring Spock whenever they are in the same room but him interrupting Amanda as she explains what sehlats are indicate that he'd been paying very close attention to them all along.
Sarek : Excuse me, Doctor. It has been a rather long day for my wife. Captain.
He chides Amanda for embarrassing Spock and emphasizes that Spock is a Vulcan. But embarrassment is illogical so he shouldn't have even given a thought to Spock experiencing it especially over a fact.
When Amanda rhetorically asks him if he is proud of Spock, he evades but does not deny it.
Amanda : Sarek, you're proud of him, aren't you? You're showing almost human pride in your son.
Sarek : It does not require pride to ask that Spock be given the respect which is his due. Not as my son, but as Spock. Do you understand?
He wants Spock to be afforded respect not as his son but as Spock. Not as a Vulcan, or human but as his own being.
He may not know how to handle it (wow what an understatement) but it's really clear he cares a lot about his son.
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thegreaterlink · 2 years
Reviewing Star Trek TNG - S3E23 "Sarek"
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Finally, an episode title which can fit on one line.
Federation Ambassador Sarek (Mark Lenard once again) comes aboard the Enterprise to negotiate a treaty with the Legarans, after which he plans to retire. Sarek is accompanied by his second wife Perrin (Joanna Miles) and aides Ki Mendrossen (William Denis) and Sakkath (Rocco Sisto) who warn the crew that Sarek may be unable to attend to his usual duties due to his advancing age, and the crew only grow more suspicious when the ambassador starts to act strangely.
Nearly four seasons in and we finally get to acknowledge that TOS was a thing, since Gene Roddenberry was apparently adamant that this series should stand on its own... even though we had a cameo from Dr McCoy way back in the series' premiere. And the very next episode was just a rehash of a TOS episode, complete with an acknowledgement of that episode's events.
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Gene Roddenberry kinda dropped the ball in this series, huh?
Also Spock got married. And it wasn’t to Kirk. Just wanted to get that on record.
ANYWAY, Picard is at least able to get Sarek to attend a classical music concert, during which the plot starts to thicken when Sarek sheds tears.
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Now, Vulcan tears are usually reserved for long dramatic one-takes under the influence of viruses which complicate emotions, so we already know something's wrong.
But speaking of "The Naked Now," tempers begin to flare among the rest of the crew, starting with Geordi arguing with Wesley - Geordi says that he'll never get anywhere with his date that afternoon, while Wesley calls out Geordi for getting his women on the holodeck, confirming my suspicions that the rest of the crew will never let him live that down - and Dr Crusher actually slapping Wesley.
Though I'm surprised it took her this long, Dr Crusher herself is shocked at this behaviour, and when she reports it to Troi we find out that similar outbursts have been happening all over the ship, most notably with a full-on bar brawl in Ten Forward. I guess that was Guinan's day off?
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Also, if a Star Trek bar brawl doesn't have a shady guy stealing drinks in the background, then is it even a Star Trek bar brawl?
With Sarek (and most of the crew) potentially being emotionally compromised, Picard is unsure if they can proceed with the negotiations. They deduce that Sarek is suffering from Bendii Syndrome (I really wish they could've come up with a better name - it sounds like another term for erectile dysfunction), a rare sickness which causes Vulcans over 200 years old to lose emotional control, and Sarek is unconsciously broadcasting his intense emotions to the rest of the crew. His aides had tried to help him control it, but they could only do so much. The main problem is that it'll take several days for them to confirm it, well after the negotiations.
Also they had brought aboard a slime pit earlier on to replicate the Legarans' home environment, and my original theory was that the Skittles-coloured substance was somehow influencing the mood of everyone on board. Fortunately the writers were above ripping off Ghostbusters 2. But it's not really a "Naked Now" situation either. I'm sure Data will be thrilled.
It's here that an otherwise passable plot starts to come into its own. Bendii Syndrome is obviously meant to be the Vulcan equivalent of dementia - and that's not me making assumptions, it's literally the condition they based it on - and it's good that they were able to handle this matter in a mature fashion.
Sarek of course denies the diagnosis, and his ensuing argument with Picard is a rare opportunity for Mark Lenard to do some properly emotional acting in the role, and he definitely makes the most of it.
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It ends with Sarek realising his problem, and agreeing to mind meld with Picard to inherit the captain's emotional control, even if it would overwhelm Picard with Sarek's intense Vulcan emotions.
We all know what happened last time Picard had a meltdown.
(You have no idea how long it took me to find a version of this fucking clip which didn’t have SpongeBob in it.)
Picard is of course overwhelmed, and Patrick Stewart gets to show off his own acting talents as he finally lets loose the emotions that Sarek has been holding back for so long - namely his regret at never being able to show tenderness to Perrin, his first wife Amanda (who had passed away at this point - bear in mind that this series takes place about 80 YEARS after TOS) and Spock, who finally gets namedropped. It's probably the best scene in the episode, made even more impressive by the fact that Patrick Stewart did the whole thing in a single long shot which he nailed on the first take.
More importantly, we also get this meme format.
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Meanwhile, the negotiations go off without a hitch, and without the pressure of the negotiations, Sarek is once again in full control of his emotions. Through the mind meld, their lives are now forever intertwined, with each carrying the best parts of the other with them. A surprising connection to be sure, but a welcome one.
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So yeah. The plot is fine enough, with Sarek having an interesting new role to play aside from fanservice and his dynamic with Picard acting as a nice emotional core. Only problem is that whenever it isn't focused on either of them, the plot can kind of drag.
Also, why do half of the characters seem to pronounce it “Sah-rik?” I thought it was pronounced to rhyme with “Garak.” That’s how they pronounced it in TOS.
6/10 - Feels like it deserves to be better than it is.
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pussyhoundspock · 3 years
okay since star trek discovery is clearly going to force me to confront the fact that michael is spock’s (secret) adopted human sister every single episode, here is my “fix” or what i would have done. 
have a random vulcan family adopt the orphaned burnham but one with far less connections than well. ambassador sarek. as ambassador, and as someone with a human wife, sarek would be called on for advice regarding michael and would end up sort of sponsoring her/mentoring her/supporting her. she isn’t spock’s sister -- but she still has a complex relationship with him that would be justifably fraught and that discovery could play with, test, explore and mend while making it fit more reasonably within the canon to me. 
this would keep the dynamic in discovery with sarek and michael only now it makes more logical sense that sarek would do things like prioritize spock’s potential future admittance in the VSA exploratory group over the child he is sponsoring, as well as preserving and i think enriching the argument michael and sarek has where he refuses to acknowledge her as a daughter until the end of season 1. finally, it would create some natural tension between spock (who would see this human winning his father’s approval that sarek so often withholds from spock) and michael (who wants to bond with spock and wants to be part of their family). spock’s emotional reaction to michael would make more sense as this angry jealous over why sarek prefers her or is so (to spock’s perspective though certainly not michael’s) much more generous with her. it even makes stuff like sarek supporting michael into starfleet and then uh, not talking to spock for eighteen years, over his decision to do the same -- as he would have different relationships to them, different roles in their lives and they would reflect on him differently. also i think it would add a compelling complexity to their relationship that sarek did feel closer to and better able to connect with his human mentee as opposed to either of his children. 
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redrose689 · 3 years
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Amanda Grayson/Sarek - Mirror Universe.
Excerpt of A Mirror Stained Red by redrose639 on ao3
“And you?” Amanda asked lightly. “Do you have a little Vulcan wife waiting for you back at home?”
Sarek refused to waver his gaze, as she considered him, her pink lip caught between her teeth. Amanda tilted her head, finally chuckling. “Well, to further answer your own question, seducing Vulcans has never particularly appealed to me. You are all so austere and… puritanical. And to be quite truthful, before, I did not even believe Vulcans could be seduced.”
His mouth firmed into a severe line. "'Before’?”
Just then, a faint buzzing was heard from the distance. Amanda pressed a small switch on the corner of the table, and her eyes flickered over his shoulder.
He followed her gaze to where the mirror by the door stood. Before his eyes, their dark reflections dissolved and revealed the Laboratory. The mirror – now a window – showed Rebecca sweeping in the laboratory with a cylindrical package in hand.
Sarek turned and went still. With only a breadth of space between them, Amanda had closed the gap between them.
His skin prickled from her warmth, as she repeated, “Before.”
Amanda slipped around him while calling out over her shoulder, “Darling, close the door on your way out.”
It was only when Sarek was left alone that he measuredly inspected his hand. Once satisfied it was as still as stone, he stepped out.
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thethem · 3 years
For a change: Some sick Kirk
“Chilly down here, isn’t it?” The captain complained.
“Chilly? Are you kidding, Jim? I’m melting! This planet is called ‘Vulcan’ for a reason.” His CMO replied.
The trio was invited for dinner with Ambassador Sarek and his wife Amanda – Spocks parents – to discuss a mission that involved matters of Vulcan.
“For a planet called Vulcan it’s way too cold.” Jim murmured. He'd felt a bit under the weather the whole day. He had blamed his lack of sleep for it but by now he felt horrible. He was freezing and his head and muscles ached.
“The only things cold down here are those green-blooded inhabitants. Not the climate. You’d tell me if you’re coming down with something, right?” The physician requested while entering the dinning hall were Spock and his parents already waited. Jim – of course – didn’t answer and entered the house. Bones sighed, rolled his eyes and followed him.
After half an hour of diplomatic conversation, Kirks plate was still untouched.
“Are you not pleased with the food, captain?” Sarek asked politely.
Jim cleared his throat. “What? I – no, I’m just not hungry.” His voice cracked at the end of his sentence and he managed to suppress a cough.
At least now everyones attention was focused on him. Spock watched his friend with a raised eyebrow and McCoy seemed like his greatest desire was to put out his tricorder and check his mate from tip to toe.
But it was Amanda who spoke first: “Maybe we should pause and continue tomorrow. You look exhausted."
Jim felt four pair of eyes staring at him while his nose started to tickle relentlessly. He opened his mouth to answer but his expression turned into a pre-sneeze face. He had only a fraction of seconds and decided to turn to Bones rather than sneezing into the direction of his first officer or his parents. He covered his forceful sneezes with the crook of his arm.
“Heh…ehh… ESHOO! HE’SHHEW! ESHH! Ugh… Sorry, I…” a harsh coughing fit kept him from talking.
“Bless you” Bones and Amanda said simultaneously while Sarek and his son remained silent.
“Hell, Jim, you’re deathly pale!” McCoy determined and put one hand on Kirks forehead, not even slightly disgust by his friend sneezing and coughing directly towards him. “Stubborn kid! You’re burning up!”
Kirk reached for the glass of water next to his meal and took a sip. His hands were trembling and he felt like he was going to faint.
“I’m fine. I’m fine. Sorry. We can go on.” Jim ensured with a hoarse voice, shivering and sweating at the same time, dizzy and nauseous.
“No way. The meeting’s over. We’re beaming back. Excuse us, Ambassador, but the captain is obviously sick and needs treatment.” McCoy intervened.
“I could stay and continue the…” The first officer started (even if he really didn’t want to stay alone and talk about business of the federation with his father while Jim was in such a condition) but was disturbed by his mother.
“Spock! Help your friend back to the ship. The poor boy looks like he needs support.” The captain was in her son’s age and seeing him like that woke maternal instincts. “You should be glad to have friends! This diplomatic nonsense can wait. Right, Sarek?” She glanced at her husband.
“I agree that there are no urgent issues which have to be solved today.” The elder Vulcan said.
“You hear your father. Go back.”
They said goodbye and Jim did his best to hide how miserable he truly felt. Five minutes later they appeared at the transporter platform. Spock immediately wrapped his arms around Jim and put a kiss on his hair while Bones rubbed circles on his back.
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