#Sassy Sun is in da house
mattheo-riddle-fan · 1 year
hey i was wondering if you could write dad mattheo again but this time it’s headconans ( i think thats how you spell it) where he has a moody teen son cause honestly i think that duo has iconic potential. By moody i mean like not wanting to socialize with others,being kinda sarcastic and sassy,messy room and is apparently allergic to sun light or fresh air,just like almost every other teen lol. Have a great day!<3
So, I struggle with headcanons (you can look back in my posts and see that I have only made one) but I'm going to try, so bear with me ❤️
Mattheo is constantly trying to pull his son (Alex bc I need to be able to put a name with a character) out of bed.
Mattheo: Get up and get out of the house
Alex: I'm allergic to the sun
Mattheo tends to trip over the crap in Alex's room, like, every day.
Mattheo: You need to clean this room
Alex: I'll do it later
Mattheo: Now Alex
Alex: MOM!
Mattheo: Well played
Alex only comes out of his room for food or if his mom needs something.
Alex: what are you doing in my room?
Mattheo: If you can't get in your room then you can make friends
Mattheo: I can do whatever I want, I'm an adult
Alex: You sure act like one (pretend there is that sassy eye roll)
When Alex comes out of his room it is normally late in the day...
Mattheo: Look who finally decided to show his face
Alex: *walks back in his room and slams the door*
Alex doesn't have friends because he doesn't leave the house often
Mattheo: Go outside and make friends
Alex: I'm fine on my own
Mattheo: You know, back in my da-
Alex: Weren't you born in like, 1867?
Mattheo: *offended*
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Chapter 45 had so many moments I loved. Here are some of my favs:
Sasha assuming that Kyrylo wanted to cuddle up in her bed and rolling with it like it's the most normal thing in the world and she's used to it at that point
the guard dog's name being Hades - badass
"And because she couldn't see it at the moment, Kyrylo stuck his tongue out." + "And look after Sasha, even if she's dumb" (it gives me comfort imagining that this is to a certain point probably canon and Kyrylo Zelenskyy driving his sister nuts sometimes)
"When I met your father, I understood for the first time what love actually is and how it feels to be loved."
"With your father, I got everything I always wanted in life. Including a wonderful son and marvellous daughter" (TEARS ARE NOT STOPPING AT THAT POINT)
"Absolutely nothing in this world or any other could make me stop loving Papa." (true true true true true true true true true)
"The sun is shining today" being the codeword for Olena being in da house
"I just happened to pass by here and saw the most beautiful woman in the world." (Vova, you charmer)
the whole kiss moment
"I would choose you again any time"
literally the whole conversation, especially sassy Olena and the loving bickering
i think I'm happy for Daniil?!
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bbwoulfc · 4 years
Lukanette Viking AU - Luka and Jagged: Picking A Dragon (REWRITE)
Viking Life was a mixture of many things.  Expand, learn, fight, trade, dragon training, etc, the list goes on.  Though, when it came to the Anarky tribe, chaos and fun were one important motto when it came to being a viking.
For the Stone-Couffaine clan, they believed chaos and fun allowed a viking to reach their full and true potential.  At least, that’s what Jagged and Anarka, the chief and chieftess, believe.  It’s what allowed the Anarky tribe to rule over areas of Sratha Cluade in Scotland and Ulaid in Ireland for so long.  They were fair and just but tended to focus more on kindness and fun, with a bit of chaos of course.
And though they were a bit chaotic, they had good allies.  One of those allies they were closest to is the Cruthachadh tribe; ruled by the humble and kind Tom and Sabine of the Dupain-Cheng clan.  Together, they helped each other strive with trade and goods which only strengthened their alliance.
This eventually led to the day that house Dupain-Cheng and house Stone-Couffaine decided to sign a contract of union with a marriage between their eldest children, believing they’d be a good match for one another and lead both tribes, once united, to years of prosperous reign.  Now, at the age of twelve, Luka, heir of the Anarky tribe, was betrothed to the heir of Cruthachadh’s heir, Marinette.
With the weight of the betrothal and upcoming visit from Marinette approaching, Luka was growing nervous and anxious.  He never gets the chance to meet Marinette as often as most betrothed or even friends would, and that made it difficult when your betrothed lived a couple day’s trip by boat away or a day’s flight by dragon on a separate island.
Would they be considered friends when they hardly see each other?  Does Marinette even consider themselves friends?
Luka sighed from the whirlwind of questions and worries.  Sitting at the dining table, he dropped his head on the heavy wooden tabletop and let out a grown.
“What’s got you all mopey?” he heard his sister quietly ask as she entered the dining and kitchen space.
“Just thinking about Marinette and our betrothal.”
“Oh, that again.  Then I’m gonna leave and go hang out with Alix and Kim.  Have fun sulking.”
“Love you too, Jules,” he called out as Juleka left the house.
Luka let out another sigh.  He really wanted to make this relationship work.  But now that Juleka ditched him, he had no one else home to talk about gift ideas.  And that was the nervous part of figuring out a gift, what kinds of things does Marinette like?  Does she like jewelry?  Weapons?  Crafts?
Where was someone when he needed it?
The front door to their home burst open with force as he heard someone enter the domain.
‘I take that back.’
“Eh, my boy!”
Pushing his head up, Luka greeted his father with a small smile.
Seeing his son’s dull expression, Jagged walked over and sat across from his son, his winged crimson pit drake hybrid, Fang, followed close behind.  Luka gave a small chuckle seeing the large dragon stopping beside his father, lay down, and curl up.  Fang might look like a terrifying beast, but that dragon was nothing but an oversized puppy with how his father spoiled him.  Well, until someone threatening came along, then that puppy side was gone.
“What’s got ya so blue, son?”  Jagged’s brows furrowed,  “Is...is dis ‘bout the betrothal?”
Luka huffed, “Yea.  I’m...I’m worried about screwing this up and ruining my chances making Marinette happy.”
A smile stretched across Jagged’s face, feeling guilty for his son’s turmoil.
“I’m sorry, lad.  Yer mother ‘nd I didn’t mean fer dis betrothal ta get ya worked up.  We all just thought da two o’ve ya would be great fer each other.” 
“It’s alright, dad.  I really like Marinette, don’t worry.  I just don’t want her to regret being stuck with me.”
“Ah, come on, don’t think like that, son.  Yer a good man,” -he pushed himself up to tap his finger against Luka’s forehead- “don’t forget that.”
Sitting back in his seat, he rested his arms on the table.  Jagged looked at his son, “So, tell me what ideas ya got fer Marinette.  I know you’ve been thinkin’.”
“I was hoping to get Marinette a gift when she came to visit.  I just don’t know what she likes or would like.”
Jagged gave his son a wide grin, “Well lucky fer you, I know exactly what ta get fer yer future wife!”
“Really?” Luka perked in relief.
Leaning forward to Luka, he gave his son a nod and whispered the answer like it was a secret.
“The perfect way ta a girl’s heart is a dragon o’ve their own.”
Luka looked at his dad with skepticism, “Really?”
He watched Jagged lean back with wide arms and bright smile, “Absolutely!  That’s how I won da heart o’ve yer mother.”
Well, Luka couldn’t really argue with that in all honesty.  Based on the bond between his parents, their relationship was one of strength and many other traits.  If his dad believed a dragon would help the start of his and Marinette’s relationship, it couldn’t hurt to try, right?
“Alright,” Luka breathed with new confidence and gave his father an excited smile, “Mind joining me to the nesting grounds to find a dragon for Marinette as a pre-wedding gift?”
Jagged gave Luka a starry-eyed look and jumped up excitingly in place.
“Of course!  We’ll get ta ‘ave a father-son bondin’ moment.”  Jagged ran around the table and picked up his son, missing the sound of a yelp from Luka.  Throwing his son over his shoulder as he ran for the front, calling his dragon companion to follow, “Come along, Fang!”  
 It didn’t take them long to navigate through the Scottish woods along the shore cliff sides that housed one of the larger gatherings and nesting grounds for dragons.  Nesting grounds were always a serendipitous place for vikings to come and bond with the majestic creatures.  To build lifelong companions and friends.
For Luka, he hadn’t been to the nesting grounds in two years when he came to find a dragon companion of his own at age ten.  Which turned out as a great experience if he had to say so himself.  
He remembers when he stumbled across the Icelandic hatchling with the golden eyes two years ago.
The white-colored dragon gazed at him with curiosity and hope.  Luka reached into his side pouch and pulled out a strip of dried fish to give the hatchling; reaching the piece of meat forward.  Perking and giving the item a sniff, the dragon took and ate the treat before moving closer to the young boy.
Dropping to his knees, Luka waited patiently for the hatchling to approach on his own will.  His parents told him that you’ll know the right dragon when you both bond and connect in mind.  So, as he waited, the hatchling stepped with his front paws on Luka’s knees and stretched up until the boy stroked his head.
Seeing the dragon wanting attention, Luka ran his hand along the smokey grey muzzle and snow-white head.  He felt a rumble-like purr and within a few moments, he heard a faint, new voice say “friend” enter his head.  Hoping it was a sign of the bond, Luka thought of the word friend in return and watched as the Icelandic hatchling opened his eyes from the nuzzling and looked at him in awe and excitement within those golden eyes.
‘Bonded?’ he heard from the dragon.
Luka gave the hatchling a nod and smile, “Bonded.”
The small dragon gave a chirp in happiness and nuzzled fully against Luka.
“You’re quite the majestic dragon, aren’t you?  Really cool and handsome looking,” he stated while taking in all the dragon’s detail.
The Icelandic hatchling heard the boy’s praise and sat back, standing boldly with a little cockiness and pride.
Luka chuckled, “Oh?  A little sassiness I see.”
The hatchling perked at the term of sassy.
“You like that?  Sassy?”  He heard the dragon bark in agreement.  “Alright then.  How do you feel about Sass for a name?”
‘I like it.’
“Then, it looks like you and I are bonded companions for life,” chuckling when Sass jumped into Luka’s arms. 
Finding Sass was one of the best things to happen in his life.  To have a companion and friend to talk to, who also came to enjoy some of his interests.  And in two winters, he would be able to add Marinette and her own dragon to add to his list of good things to happen to him.
When Luka and Jagged crossed the skirt of dangling tree branches, both men gasped at the utopia that was the nesting grounds.  The area was filled with hoards of dragons of all shapes, sizes, and colors.  It might have been only two years since he had been there, but he knew for a fact that there weren’t as many dragons last time.
“There are so many new dragons,” Luka mumbled in awe.  “I didn’t know there were so many types.”
He felt his father bump his shoulder, not removing his gaze from the joyous sight, “Maybe the dragons talk to each other and tell how awesome our land is.”
They both chuckled which built to laughter.  Together, once they calmed down, began walking again, slowly approaching further into the nesting grounds.  Taking in all the activity surrounding them, they saw dragons roaming, flying, lounging under the bright sun, and herds of hatchlings playing about among the green fields, small hills, and low mountains.  The scenery looked like a kingdom all its own, but he wouldn’t let the variety of dragons deter him from finding a hatchling for Marinette.
“Where to start?” Luka mumbled to himself, gazing at the nearby nests.
However, he wasn’t aware of Jagged moving towards another direction until the sound of grass rustling came beside him.  Looking to his left, Luka watched his father take off like a kid during the holidays, jumping from nest to nest or dragon to dragon; Fang following close behind in the same enthusiasm.  
“Dad!  What are you doing?!  This isn’t like being at one of the trading posts.”
Jagged looked back at his son and waved off his worries, “Oi, no need ta worry, son!  Fang will keep me safe.”  
‘Yea, but there’s a difference from looking fearsome and acting like one.’
Rolling his eyes, Luka followed his father and Fang towards the open meadow, heading to the opposite side.  Coming upon one of the nearest nests, he came across a familiar breed of dragon.  Seeing a mixture of gold, blue, and red eyes, the snow-white scales was no mistake.
Falling to his knees, the hatchlings scurried towards Luka seeking attention like most hatchlings sought.  Chuckling, Luka tried dividing his attention to all three hatchlings as they chirped and licked his hands.  He could feel the smoothness in the younglings' skin and bumps where future spikes and horns would develop.
Though, like all hatchlings, the attention span didn’t last long as the Icelandic younglings ran off to play with the other hatchling breeds.
At the sound of a chuckled rumble, the young heir looked up at the mother of the nest, her gaze distant to where her offsprings ran off.  After a few more seconds, the mother’s gaze shifted to Luka.  Wise blue eyes looked into young ocean filled ones.
“Hey, girl.  It’s been a while.”  Opening his travel pouch, he pulled out a piece of dried fish jerky meat, holding it up to the dragon.
The female lowered her head and took the piece of meat and ate it.  She lightly nudged her dull upward beak muzzle against Luka’s head in gratitude.  Raising his hands, he returned the gesture by petting along her jaw and snout, earning a purring rumble.
“You’re a good girl, aren’t you?”  He heard the dragon give another rumble.  Leaning back, he looked into her eyes with a smile filled with his own sense of gratitude, “I want to thank you for letting me have Sass.  We’ve both been very happy.”
He received a lick across his cheek when they heard the hatchlings return and huddle back into the nest, all three curling up to one another before falling asleep.  Feeling it was time for him to move on to allow the hatchlings to sleep, he gave the mother a wave goodbye before walking off.  The Icelandic breed was a gorgeous dragon, but he felt it didn’t suit Marinette.
Continuing on to another random nest, Luka came upon a family of Wyverns.  Strong but stubborn creatures, they were majestic in their own way.  Slightly smaller than the Icelandic dragon, they were more of, what Luka felt, bird-like in appearance.  Large and powerful wingspans and two strong powerful legs.  Forest green and browns in color, they would act like good camouflage dragons in the woods or forests.
Giving attention to some of the hatchlings, he took in some more of the details around the body.  Spikes traveling along the back and parts of the head, at the end of the tail it formed into a spike club shape.  Luka was sure the Wyvern would make a good fierce and loyal companion, but again, he didn’t feel confident it was the dragon for his betrothed.
“Oi! Luka, come here, son.”
Looking over towards the location his father was, he saw Jagged and Fang hunched over a smaller nest compared to the larger ones laying about.  Standing up, Luka headed over and knelt down beside his father.
“What do ya think o’ve these little guys?”
Jagged picked up one of the little dragons with butterfly-like wings.  The coloring reminded him of one of those butterflies with orange and black markings.  A Monarch he thinks it was after learning from a gentleman at a trading post when he was with his father.  
The little dragon looked up at the two of them with curiosity in those bluish buggish eyes and chirped.
“I don’t know, dad.  They look like one of those Feydragons.  They’re very small and I wanted to get Marinette a dragon she could eventually ride.”
“Well, maybe dis guy can be an inside home dragon companion, like a dog or cat.  There’s nothin’ wrong wit’ havin’ more than one dragon.”
Looking closer at the small dragon, it’s fins fanning out and wings fluttering from the light breeze passing, and chirped.
“The little guy is cute,” spoke Luka, “It probably wouldn’t hurt to have two dragons for Marinette.”
Smiling at his dad, Jagged returned one when the sight of the Feydragon’s body began to glow.  The father and son perked in attention at the sight and gazed on in their own curiosity, leaning closer to the little creature.
“Oh?  What’s this?” Mumbled Jagged.
Suddenly, the Feydragon sneezed, the body giving a spark as a small explosion burst out.  The smoke from the blast hit Jagged and Luka with a small light force, becoming coated in patches of ash and scorch marks across their upper body.  Blinking, Luka broke his gaze from the dragon and glanced up at his father with a fuzzled haze, taking in all the scorch marks and strands of his hair and beard sticking out of place.  A few strands sizzling or giving off smoke.
If Luka hadn’t been a part of the explosion, he’d find the sight of this whole event hilarious.  He was sure he sported a similar appearance and knew the moment they returned home, Juleka would probably laugh.  As for his mother, he wasn’t sure.
“I like this little guy!” Shouted Jagged, “Marinette would love this!”
“No,” vetoed Luka.  “I’m not giving her a dragon that has explosive sneezes.”
“Oh, I’m sure they grow out of it.”
“Still no.  I’m not risking my future wife with an explosive dragon.”
“You’re no fun, but I guess you have a point.  I bet Juleka would love him!”
“Oh, gods,” mumbled Luka.
He didn’t want to begin imagining the idea of Juleka owning a dragon such as this one.
His eyes widen at the sudden thought of Alix and Kim learning about this dragon breed.  The explosions would only add up on a daily basis.
He felt a weight land on his back and little chirps and clicks.  Turning his head to his left, he tried to catch a glimpse of what landed on his back, when a small reddish gold hatchling crawled up and rested on top of his shoulder.  Raising his right hand up, he waited patiently until the hatchling crawled in his palms, the dragon’s eyes never once leaving their focus from his.
“A Chinese Gold dragon?” he gazed at the structure and appearance, taking in certain details of the bat-like wings and size, along with the crests to signal it was a female.  He gave the little dragon a welcoming smile, “Well, aren’t you a beautiful girl.  It’s not very often we get to see your species around these parts.”
The red hatchling chirped and looked knowingly with her blue eyes and seemed to gleam at being called beautiful.  Reaching into his small pouch, Luka pulled another piece of fish jerky, ripping off a smaller strip and placed it in front of the hatchling.
Watching as she sniffed the food, gurgled in excitement, and snatched the piece of meat, eating it whole.  Licking her muzzle, the red hatchling pushed up with her hind legs and rubbed her head against Luka’s chin, causing the boy to giggle.
“You’re a lovable little thing aren’t you?”
The golden hatchling gave another chirp.  Luka looked over the dragon coated in gradients of reddish-gold with some smokey black markings on her back.  It really was a gorgeous dragon and seeing the blue eyes, it reminded him of Marinette’s when he saw her a couple of years ago when they were younger.  He felt confident that this was the dragon for Marinette.
“Would you like to come home with me?  I have someone special who would love you and make a great bonded companion.”
Wanting to let the dragon make the decision, it didn’t take long for the small hatchling to crawl up his shoulder and give a little lick to Luka’s cheek.
“Well, it looks like ya found yerself a dragon, son.”
“Ya.  Ready to head home?” Luka asked as he turned to his father.
“Yep!  I can’t wait ta show Juleka her new companion!”
Luka shook his head as he followed behind his father and Fang towards home.  He was sure their house was going to get slightly busier with all the new residents.
 It didn’t take them long to reach their village, taking the pathway leading to the Couffaine home.  Compared to the other houses, it wasn’t hard to find the large two leveled home.  Then again, it was said that the chief and chieftess homes were built to be a bit larger.
Walking up the front steps, the father and son entered the family home to find Juleka at the dining table, eating lunch.
Looking over to her father and brother, Juleka perked at the sight of them, taking in the messing appearance.
“What the heck happened to you two?”
“My little darlin’ daughter,” Jagged ran over to Juleka in pure excitement, “I got you a little companion.”
He held out the small Feydragon so Juleka could take a look.
“This little guy gives off explosions when it sneezes.  It’s so cute!”
Juleka’s eyes grew in awe and wonder, mumbling, “Awesome.”
As Jagged and Juleka continued to wonder over the small Fey hatchling, Luka jolted when he heard his mother’s voice to the side of him.
“What on earth happened ta ya, lad?”  He turned towards her to find her glancing at all his messed up appearance.  “What the Hel did you ‘nd yer father get up too?”
Luka motioned for the gold dragon to hop into his palms as he held her out to his mother.
“I wanted to get Marinette a special pre-wedding gift when she comes over to visit in two weeks.  Dad said that the best way to a girl’s heart was a dragon.  What do you think?”
Ankara looked at the Chinese Gold dragon hatchling and gave a warming smile.  As quick as lighting, his mother pulled him into a crushing hug.  He was thankful that the hatchling was quick as well as she jumped out his hands before being crushed.
“Oh, my boy is growin’ up,” Ankara softly spoke, “I’m so proud o’ve ya.  Yer gonna make a fine husband ta Marinette.”   
Luka sighed at his mother’s words, feeling thankful for having such support, but feeling a weight lift off knowing he was giving his all and that his family believed in him.  They might be chaotic, him having his own moments, but he wouldn’t have it any other way.  Hopefully, Marinette doesn’t mind a bit of chaos.
@lineith @depressedrainbowcake @fantastucbaby @hansa-12 @justafanwarrior @bugaboo-valerie
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sciatu · 5 years
Riserva Naturale orientata dello Zingaro.
Anche se sei chiusa in casa, chiudi gli occhi e vieni con me, ti porto volando dove la terra ed il mare si incontrano nella luce del sole. Devi immaginare il vento caldo, l’odore di salsedine, il fruscio dei cespugli, il canto dei cardellini, il lento andare e venire delle onde. Devi sognare la purezza dell’acqua, i sassi sul fondo circondati da piccoli peschi, il sole entrare nell’acqua e disegnare sulle alghe onde di luce. Poi devi immaginare di uscire dall’acqua calda e di distenderti sulla sabbia bianca, lasciandoti accarezzare dal vento e sentirti a metà tra il sogno e la realtà. Vieni chiudi gli occhi, dammi la mano, e andiamo via, abbiamo un sogno che con noi vuole vivere le carezze del sole, il colore trasparente del mare.
Even if you are closed in the house, close your eyes and come with me, I take you flying where the land and the sea meet in the sunlight. You have to imagine the warm wind, the smell of salt, the rustle of the bushes, the singing of goldfinches, the slow coming and going of the waves. You must dream of the purity of the water, the stones on the bottom surrounded by small peaches, the sun entering the water and drawing waves of light on the algae. Then you have to imagine going out of the hot water and lying on the white sand, letting yourself be caressed by the wind and feeling halfway between dream and reality. Come close your eyes, give me your hand, and let's go, we have a dream that with us wants to live the caresses of the sun, the transparent color of the sea.
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voidsentprinces · 4 years
My brain on Post-Stormblood
Talk to Lyse. HUNT DOWN DA SWOLBOI! Speak to Swolboi go stand in a spot. Book Son has appeared. Talk to Book Son. Teleport to Ala Mhigan Quarter. Talk to person. Talk to dude. Talk to person. Talk to HEYERNOLD! Report to He’s just a Swolboi from a Swolfamily! Fly to Book Son. Talk to Book Son. DIVE BITCH! Look around. Take in the view. Get lost. How is a lake this so fucking big!?! Find canal. Pat wall. Book Son skypes you. Unlock Downed City of Skalla. PUNCH A HORSE! PUNCH A--Fuck...I got turned into a fucking...hold on...ALRIGHT PUNCH BALT--Fucking...shit got turned into...hold on...RIGHT PUNCH BALTOY! PUNCH LEOMON! Swolboi and Book Son fall through all nine floors of this crumbling underground treasurey JUDGE THEM! Teleport to Ala Mhigan Quarter. Talk to Lyse. Start a riot--I mean...observe a riot. Listen to Raubahn tell a story. Talk to Lyse. Visit AME World Champion FORDOLA! Leave. Talk to Book Son. Return to Ul’dah.
Go to Chamber of Rule. Talk to Sultana (DONTDRINKTHEFUCKINGWINE). She doesn’t offer wine. (BULLETDODGED). Teleport to Adventure’s Guild. Talk to Notana. Teleport to Gate of Nald? Ride to Notana. Talk to her. Encourage her. Ask where she gets her pink hair dye. Teleport to Black Bush Station. Ride out. Meet Notana. Reminsice about an assassination attempt. This is fun. Return to Ul’dah. Teleport to Gladiator’s Guild. Talk to Notana. Have a flash back to the time Raubahn kill men a couple dudes and the Sultana leaped over their corpses into his strong muscul--okay moving on. Speak to Notana. Run around meet Notana at a place. Go to airship landing. Talk to Notana. Lets all go to the Gold Saucer! Let us go! Let us go! To the Gold Saucer! Talk to Notana. Wait for the guy you once rubbed oil on. Talk to Notana. Teleport to Kugane. Break into the Ruby Bazaar with an axe. Fly tackle Weasel. You remember you’re here for business...you’ll be back you Weasel looking fucker. Return to Ul’dah. Talk to Notana. Pray thee Return to the Waking Sands. Break down the door. Talk to Strip Tease. Watch Sultana get sassy with Lololololololuhhhuhuhuhuhulooo...Lolorito. Speak to Sultana. Teleport to the Ala Mhigan Quarter. Talk to Lyse. Talk to a Grandpa. Run around and use a telescope. Make a dude punch a  Yabby. Make him punch a pile of sand. Report back to the Grandpa. Wait inside the gate to Ala Mhigan Quarter. Talk about how best to punish the greedy Lala and guy you stalked from the last expansion. Speak to Lyse. Fly across the continent. Land in front of people. Talk to Raubahn. Watch over a meeting. Everythings going w--
Talk to Lyse. Teleport to Kugane. Kick down the door. WEASEL MAN! Has seen Mr. Miyagi with a woman. Go ask around. Find a sword deal. Haggle for sword. Hand receipt to Tataru. Watch Tataru murder Book Son. Help her get rid of the body. Bury Book Son in Aurum Vale. No one willingly goes in there anymore. Talk to Donatello. Talk to Undead Son. Not even the dead want to be in Aurum Vale. Leave to the Ruby Sea. Garleans are attacking. Talk to Undead Son. PUNCH GARLEANS PUNCH MORE GARLEANS PUNCH THE FUCKING GARLEANS IN THEIR TINCAN FACE! Okay that was fun. Talk to Sword Daughter. COME SAIL AWAY! COME SAIL WAY! COME SAIL AWAY WITH ME~! Talk to Donatello. Talk to Lizard Wife. Head to Yanxia. Talk to Lizard Wife. Teleport to House of the Fierce. Ask around. Fly away to find dude. Dude is hella wigged out cause we brought Tsuyu home. Talk to Lizard Wife. Teleport to House of the Fierce. Talk to Fratboy. Fly out to Garlean Base. Talk to Fratboy. Meet Incel. Fly to docks. Talk to Lizard Wife. Welcome to Doman fucking Enclave. Get the three aetheryte.  Talk to Guard. Have meeting between Hottie, Incel, and Silent Dude. Fratboy talks. Talk to Chad Emperor after. Talk to Sword Daughter. Leave Enclave. Talk to Incel. Show Incel around. Remind him all women are Queens. PUNCH SOME TURTLES! Talk to Incel. Go to Doman Enclave. Talk to Lizard Wife. Talk to Incel. Talk to Chad Emperor. Have another meeting. Talk to Chad Emperor. See Incel, the Hot Elf, and Silent Dude off. Incel whispers something your ear. No you don’t want to see his Indie Romance Film about an artist living alone in Oregon. Misunderstood. Then he meets a woman who falls head over heels for him, even though he’s an absolute shit head. It will go on to win 10 awards at a Festival you never heard of. Oh also he’s a big fan of AYE YI YI MY LITTLE ZENOS GALVUS. Tell Chad Emperor about this.
Speak to Chad Emperor. Talk to Book Son. Meet Mr. Miyagi. See Tsuyu take care of him. Remember the time she blew up an entire castle. Good times. Woops she ran away. Mr. Miyagi must of used Roar. Talk to people. Talk to more people. Oh hey a cool hat. Oh hey you found Tsuyu. Talk to Chad Emperor. Return to Enclave. Talk to Chad Emperor. Talk to Chad Emperor. Teleport to Onokoro. Talk to Roeleader. Fly over to a boat. Talk to dude. DIVE BITCH! Pluck barnacles off the boat. Check on Chad Emperor. Fly back to dude. Watch him fanboy over Chad Emperor. Talk to Roeleader. Teleport to Enclave. Talk to Chad Emperor. Talk to Chad Emperor. Fly across Yanxia to boat. Talk to Chad Emperor. Meet with Incel, he yells something about you not understanding the kind of stress he’s under! Yotsuyu evolves into Tsukuyomi. Unlock Castrum McFlurry.
Oooooh its gonna be a long night
OH FUCK OH SHIT! OH FUCK! OH SHIT! OH GOD OH GOD! GET ON THE LAST FAN RUN AWAY! GET IN THE MOON! DONT BE ON THE MOON TOO LONG! KILL THE SMOKE CLOUDS! KILL THE SPECTRE OF YOTSUYU’S PAIN AND SUFFERING! GET BITCH SLAPPED BY ZENOS YAE GALVUS ATTORNEY IN LAW! WATCH THE IMAGE OF MR. MIYAGI FIGHT ZENOS! OH SHIT! OH GOD! SHE HAS TWO FANS NOW! EVERYTHINGS RED AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHH!!! and Leave. Watch Yotsuyu stab Zenos Stan. Book Son offers to go to Garlemald. Hot Elezen says yes. Talk to Chad Emperor. Mr. Miyagi shaves his head and goes off to Monkhood. Talk to Chad Emperor. Return to Rhalgr’s Reach. Talk to Lyse. Talk to Lyse. Pray thee return to the Rising Stones. Ponder with Sword Daughter where Book Son is. Oh he’s on a ship. OH SHIT THE SHIP IS SHOT DOWN! FIGHT GARLEANS! Hobo with a Gunblade shows up! PUNCH GARLEANS! Ah, flashbacks are fun. Edgecred offers to go take a look. Husband Material right there...now if only he had a cool coat.
Talk to Sword Daughter. Teleport to Ala Mhigan Quarter. Edgecred is back! Give the thirsty boy some water. Book Son never made it to Garlemald. Thats upsetting. Talk to Sword Daughter. Teleport to Doman Enclave. Talk to Goth Wife. Talk to Chad Emperor. Teleport to House of the Fierce. Fly through the roof. Talk to Chad Emperor. Unlock the Burn. Run the Burn. Why does this place’s music sound like the S.S. Anne? PUNCH A CRYSTALS SCORPION! PUNCH A RACING ROBOT! PUNCH THE STUPID FUCKING MIST DRAGON! There is no Book Son only ZUL! Talk to Chad Emperor. A wild Lyse appears! Talk to Lyse. Talk to Chad Emperor. Go to Reunion. Talk to Goth Wife. Talk to Chad Emperor. Fly across the Meadows. Talk to Sheep Wife! Fly to cave. Talk to Goth Wife. Fly back and talk to Sheep Wife. Fly across the meadows. Meet up with Sadu. She wants to punch you...that’s hot. Fly across the Meadows. Talk to Goth Wife. INDEATHDOURSOULSING! INDEATHDOURSOULSING! INDEATHDOURSOULSING! INDEATHDOURSOULSING! INDEATHDOURSOULSING! INDEATHDOURSOULSING! INDEATHDOURSOULSING! INDEATHDOURSOULSING! INDEATHDOURSOULSING! INDEATHDOURSOULSING! Defeat Sadu...she almost killed you...that’s hot. Little Sun has appeared! Take control of Goth Wife. KICK! LITTLE! SUNS! FUCKING! FACE! IN! Watch Little Sun hit on Goth Wife. Watch Goth Wife obliterate Little Sun so harshly, he’s now lost to the Shadow Realm. Fly to cave. Talk to Goth Wife. Talk to Chad Emperor. Go to Enclave. Talk to Sword Daughter. Teleport to Ala Mhigan Quarter. Talk to Edgecred. Have a meeting. Wink at Seedseer, high five Sultana, Admiral Wife slaps you on the ass, make out with Aymeric in front of everyone. Watch Chad Emperor drink an entire barrel of ale. Goth Wife is judging you. Edgecred starts considering disrupting Garl--
Aww...Edgecred is tired. So tired that his soul ascended to Nirvana. Holy shit and I thought Estinien was dramatic. Leave meeting talk to Sword Daughter. Quickly pray thee return to the Rising Stones. Goth Wife and Strip Tease go to high five.
OH SHIT! THEY BOTH GOT YEETED TO NIRVANA TOO! FUCK! Calm Sword Daughter down. Let her stab you a couple times to let off some steam. Talk to Guard. Talk to Sword Daughter. Talk to Sword Daughter. Go to Limsa. Go to Aftcastle. Talk to Sword Daughter. Oh hey its the Kobold from befo--oooh noo. Stand awkwardly while Sword Daughter talks about Kobold. Support her. Pray thee return to the Rising Stones.
Talk to Sword Daughter. Go to Goblinshire. Talk to Sword Daughter. Fly across the meadows. Visit Maggie Smith. Krile’s back. Grab some more Alphinaud Blackmail. No dice. Talk to Sword Daughter. Krile will stay behind. Go to Ala Mhigan Quarter. Talk to Guard. Elf Hottie is back but no book son. He tells you about the Hobo with a Gunblade though.
Oh...Alisaie and you are still here. Can’t be all th--OH SHIT BOOK SON! Run to Enclave. Talk to Chad Emperor. Teleport to House of the Fierce. Talk to Chad Emperor. Fly across the Burn. A ship rams the shield! It settles down. Hobo with a Gunblade comes out with Book Son! Book Son’s soul got yeeted too! Hobo with the Gunblade is actually Pirate Captain Gaius! Hobo Gaius says goodbye. Talk Book Son back to Rising Stones. Go to Porta Praetoria. Talk to guard. Walk around the camp. Talk to Lyse. Talk to Sword Daughter. Hold a meeting. Oh hey Emperor Severus Snape is here. He roasts the Seedseer, Sultana, Chad Emperor, Admiral Wife, Sword Daughter, and Husband-in-Uniform at once. Take a moment. Talk to everyone. Give them head pats. Sit down. Talk to Emperor Snape again. Make fun of his crown. It’s war! Talk to Sword Daughter. Talk to Lyse. Unlock Grimlyte Dark. Gotta say its one of my favorite dungeons. The atmosphere is fun and you get to see Seedseer, Chad Emperor, Lyse, Aymeric and Lizard Wife Flex. PUNCH SHADOW OF THE COLOSSUS! PUNCH THE DUKES OF HAZARD DRILL! PUNCH TWIN GARLEANS! Oh hey Sword Daughter is h--
OH FUCKING COME ON! Sword Daughter’s soul gets yeeted. You’re all alone. Wait you got Krile for blackmail and Tataru for knife juggling. Time to open a circus. Talk to Rauba--
FUCK YOU! Talk to Raubahn. Pray thee return to the Rising Stones. Talk to Roebear.
Talk to Roebear. Ride out to Mor Dhona. Talk to Hot Elezen. Track down you a Cid! Alliance Soliders request your aid! Fly to the Grimlyte Dark! Talk to Raubahn. Chad Emperor, Lyse, and Lizard Wife are fighting
They get wrecked. You show up and through your power of having more than five abilities. YOU PUNCH ELIDIZENOS! Yay he dead..wait he’s an Ascian.
MA’AM THIS IS A MCDONALDS! Oh fuck you’re passing out! Oh hey a Leyline...you’ll never leave again. Oh hey dude in a robe. He’s asking you out on a date. WAKE UP! Husband-in-Uniform runs to your side. Estinien picked you up and brought you to Ishgard. Wierd flex but k. Pray thee return to the Rising Stones. Talk to Tataru. Wait around for a bit while they unlock Crystal Tower for you.
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Because of two things going on: today being Earth Day and the real life flower Cory is based on, a Sun-Kiss coreopsis, the bees loved him. They were always around him. I hadn't seen so many bees in one place until I brought this beautiful flower home. They were even landing on him while I was carrying his flowerpot. and also, because DA is doing a thing called Start With Love which from what I gather is how you can stay inspired through everything going on. Cory started my love of flowers and so during the days I've been taking care of my house plants and balcony plants. I love them a lot and I like to draw them into personified characters. This sassy bee-flirt can be interacted with right here 
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luffywhatelse · 5 years
Galeotto was the book
Relationship: Edward Elric x Winry Rockbell (or better said: kid!Ed x kid!Winry) Words: 1587 Genre: Fluff Summary: Winry always reads that fairy tale and Ed wants to know why she likes it so much... A/N: See the end of the work It was a cold winter afternoon. Colder than usual. Granny had told them not to leave the house because it suddenly started to rain. The result was that two eight-year-olds were literally bored, stuck inside the four walls of Rockbell house. Sitting on a couch and drinking chocolate, Winry was reading a book. The little girl’s enraptured gaze stopped on some words and a warm smile crossed her lips. She didn't even notice that someone was crouched next to the armchair, casting a curious gaze on those inked pages that were absorbing the girl's attention making her mysteriously lose interest in everything around her. It took a few minutes before Winry noticed the intrusive guest peeking through her daydreams without restraint. She closed the book in her hands, put away the chocolate and stared with disappointment at the disturber. "What is it?" Ed asked.
"Do you really have to ask?" "I’m doing nothing!" "Beside spying on me and disturbing me." "I wasn’t doing anything bad. I just wanted to know what you were reading, Gearhead." "If you wanted to know, you could have asked, Alchemy Freak." The boy smiled sassy and his hair fluttered up. It was not a full-blown grin but certainly a little smirk. Winry frowned, unable to figure out Ed's intention: when she was with him, she always happened not to understand. She wanted to understand everything, to translate gestures or usual attitudes, but she was blind in the presence of the most impudent boy she had ever known. And yet, just that shamelessness mixed with a natural charisma was able to arouse her curiosity to the point she wanted to observe him whenever she had the chance. "You’re blushing," he said, surprised. And her cheeks blushed more. "And keep blushing." "What do you want, Ed?" "You’re always reading this strange story," he said, evading the question. Winry, despite the blush and the strange bubble in which she felt she had been sucked, decided not to give him satisfaction and to prove she could stand up to him, whatever his intent. "There are no strange stories: stories are stories." "That one seemed to be a story for girls." How long has he been spying on her? "Can't I read love stories?" "There was a powerful and rich wizard, though. Not a charming guy." "You mean a prince charming." "I know what a stupid prince is, but there wasn’t any in your story. There was a wizard!" "What on earth do you want from me, Ed?" "There was a wizard," he went on, ignoring her question on purpose. Winry snorted, knowing her face was still red even if she didn't want to know why. Nor the idea of looking around and find Al, Granny, Den – or anyone else that she could use as a convincing and trivial pretext to slip out of the bubble in which Ed had trapped her – flashed into her head. "There was a wizard, it's true," now it was a matter of principle, "but the princess isn’t in love with him. The prince will arrive at the end. In fairy tales the prince always arrives at the end. " "Mh..." for a moment Ed seemed to calm down. But then he started again, "And why do you always read and reread that page instead of going ahead?" The girl gave up asking him “how do you know I always reread it” and exclaimed "Because I like it!!" "And why?" "Because it's one of my favorite parts, it's magical, I don't know, geez, I like it! Why should I explain it to you?" Despite what she had just said, she took the time to explain, "It’s an important part before the prince arrives and, if I were the princess-..." "Pfft!" he interrupted her. "HEY! What are you laughing at?" "You’re NOT a princess!" He really wanted to make her mad, "Damn Ed, mind your own business!" "You’re a fool!" "YOU are a fool! Stupid stupid fool!" "You like the wizard, too!" he leaned over the armchair to find himself a few inches from the girl's face. Winry had her answer ready but she just tightened her lips: that was not a question but a statement. "Honestly, what do you want, Ed?" she asked again. "The wizard is much cooler than the prince, even if he’s bad." "But he’s not bad at all!" For a moment, she allowed herself to look properly at his features, realizing that she knew every tiny little inch of him. "He just has a sad story. And in the end he helps the prince." "Nonsense!" he snapped, "The wizard would never help the prince!" Winry realized that she knew the deep amber tone of Ed's eyes perfectly, his pert nose, more pronounced than Al's. Even the shape of his small mouth and his hair covering his neck because he had stopped cutting them for a while. "Let's change this story!" he proposed. "Do you want to change this fairy tale?" "The prince conquers the princess but turns out to be a horrible mud monster," so saying, Ed grabbed a vase of flowerpot by the window, and poured the topsoil on the floor. "What are you doing?!? Granny will get mad!" "He was holding the princess in a castle enshrouded in mist,” he continued. "What are you talking about? Look, at the end they get married!" she tried to explain. "For your information, I'm giving the princess a brain!" "What makes you think the princess doesn't have a brain?" "Because if she chooses the prince, she's stupid!" Winry, dumbfounded, shook her head waving her blond hair. "Are you telling me you're here because you want to give a brain to a non-existent princess ?!" "Not really, no. I interrupted your boring and useless reading because I'm bored!” And saying this, he laid his hands on the floor and the topsoil began to take shape; now it had two legs, a bust, arms and a head. "It's a horrible troll, can't you see it?" Winry watched, as always stunned by Ed's ability. She certainly couldn't point to the fact that he was still a beginner. "You’re not going to get away with that, you disgusting creature! The wizard said and, with great skill, he cast a spell on the unfortunate ogre...” he went on with his story. "Wasn't he a troll?" commented Winry, always admiring Ed's language. That kid really read a lot. "Shut up, don't interrupt, that’s not important!" The little girl grinned satisfied that she had made him angry, at least a little. "... and, in a moment, the troll turned..." Ed put his hands on the floor again and again and light came from his palms, "... to stone!" The fake little creature made of wet soil had dried up until it hardened; it seemed to be made of gravel. "And the wizard threw him into the lake so that no one could ever see his ugly face again!" A small lake of water had formed around the little monster. "How did you do Ed ??" Winry asked marveled. "Tsk. It’s a small thing, I dehydrated it! A small alchemy demonstration," he got up and gave a small kick to what was now a stone figurine, making it end up in small pieces. "Now the princess is free!" "I'm free now!" the little girl exclaimed, getting up from the couch. She pirouetted in the living room, waving her pink dress like a princess. "Oh COME ON, WINRY! I told you you're not a princess!" Winry burst out laughing so heartily and he probably found her laugh so funny and contagious that he couldn't hold a grudge. So Edward laughed too, which gave Winry the opportunity to observe his radiant face, his indomitable hair, his big and bright eyes. The girl had no idea why the boy had piqued her curiosity for some time, yet she was well aware of what intrigued her: he had character, a strong personality like no one else; it was challenging and inspiring to spend time with him, challenging and impossible, a combination she hadn't been able to resist and to which she had no intention of giving up. It was when he saw her relaxing again against the backrest of the couch that he held out his hand to her, this time openly and defiantly grinning. Winry blushed, and the blush produced by laughter mixed with that of embarrassment. Her eyes widened in amazement and she felt a strange and pleasant tingling all over her body. It was one of the few times Winry didn't think so much about what to do. The moment she took Ed's hand, he quickly squeezed it firmly, pulling her to her feet and making her hit his breastbone. She lowered her eyes for a moment, perhaps thinking about turning back, getting away from him, but he wouldn't let her: his curious eyes were fixed on her. "Let's go play outside, come on, the sun came out!" Winry nodded. "Hey you! Where do you two think you're going?" Pinako stopped them. "Who made this mess on the floor?" Ed stopped but didn’t seem intimidated by Granny's rebuke. After all, that afternoon he got enough satisfaction at being proved right. Because he knew it well, smart girls always choose the wizard. * Notes: “Galeotto was the book” is a reference to Dante’s Divine Comedy - Inferno, Canto V. Dante and Virgilio descend into the second circle of Hell in which are those overcome by lust. Francesca da Rimini tells him how she and her lover, Paolo, read the tale of Lancelot and Guinevere. Moved by their reading, the two kiss. She condemns the text by drawing a parallel between the book and Gallehault (“Galeotto”), the knight in Arthurian legend who encourages Lancelot in his forbidden affair with Guinevere. So she makes the book and its author the culprit for her sin.
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blackaquokat · 6 years
Hey! Hope you’re doing well! Can I request 77 and 94 from the angst/fluff prompt list with Acting Attorney or Mayor Attorney? Thank you!
I’m so sorry this took so long! I really hit a wall, but here I am, thanks for your concern! Since I already did 77 for two other pairings, I just did 94 for Acting Attorney. I hope you still like it!
This is…loosely inspired by the thing that actually happened, which I normally try not to do. Hopefully I handled it okay. Please let me know.
And thanks, @timelords13 , for helping me out when I got stuck.
94.  “I won’t lose you too.”
In lieu of his friend’s growing number of sleepless nights,Mark at first was quite supportive of their decision to try resting in theBarrel for a while, for a change of pace.
It seemed to be working. At least, the former DistrictAttorney didn’t fall asleep mid-filming nearly as much these days.
They’ve been in the Barrel so often lately that they’ve evenmoved some books into there, and snacks. Mark sometimes will find a randomSnickers bar at his feet when driving the pair of them somewhere for breakfast.He has stayed in that hot, uncomfortable vehicle to chat and eat meals with themlong after the sun goes down before retiring for the evening. It was a pleasant, domestic routine to settle into.
But then someone tried to break into the Barrel.
The incident upset him more than even he realized,apparently. It wasn’t until weeks later, when he found out that the DA wasstill sleeping in the Barrel and he did nottake it well.
And okay fine, they had a few good points.
Was anyone hurt?
Did the Barrel get fixed?
Did everything essentially turn out alright?
Did that mean he wanted his friend to keep sleeping in thenow-compromised vehicle?
Hell no.
Which leads to why he’s grabbing hold of theirtightly-gripped blanket in an effort to keep them from leaving for the Barrel,all while Tyler watches the angry game of tug-of-war with growing frustration.
“Mark, let go of my blanket!” they repeat for the fifteenthtime.
“Only if you’re sleeping in the house tonight!”
“I tried that already, and it didn’t work. Just let me go,it’ll be fine!”
“How much longer do you think this will go on for?” Tylerasks. He’s laying on the couch, chin resting in his propped elbow. “I’d like toget some sleep myself, you know.” A long yawn punctuates his statement.
“See, Mark?” The DA gestures to Tyler’s position. “We’rekeeping him up, too. So stop overreacting and give me my damn blanket so I canget some sleep!”
“What if something happens to you?” Mark insists. “Did youever think of that?”
“Mark, come on, it was one time, and it was weeks ago—”
“What if you had been in the Barrel when it was broken into?What if they decided they didn’t want to leave a witness behind? What if I cameback and found your dead body?”
He let go of the blanket sometime during his rant, growingmore and more frantic in tone. The DA didn’t charge for the Barrel. Boththey and Tyler, instead, look at him with rising concern.
“I’ve already lost everything!”he shouts, heedless of Tyler’s panicking gaze. “I won’t lose you, too!”
Not again.
I can’t do it again.
Mark doesn’t realize what exactly he’s said until he finallysees the way Tyler is looking between him and the DA as if waiting for a trainto crash.
The DA’s face is a strange mix of confusion and worry.
He buries his head in his hands.
He said too much, he always says too much.
Fine, he may be overreacting about this situation inparticular, but he won’t apologize for the uneasy feeling slowly wrappingaround his chest like a vice over the idea of losing the DA all over again.
But he can’t explain that to them. Not when they still don’t remember.
“I’m sorry,” he mutters into his palms. When he pulls themaway from his face, the DA is closer to him, hand half-raised between the twoof them. “You can sleep where you want. I can’t tell you what to do.”
He hurries upstairs before either of his friends can callafter him.
The next morning, he comes down to the kitchen area and theDA is sitting on a stool, poking their fork at a plate of eggs. Tyler is at thestove preparing more.
The DA looks up when he steps into their line of vision.
There is a moment where neither of them speak. It’s just amoment of wordless communication.
None of them were really in the right last night. Markshould not have reacted the way he did, and the DA could have been a littlemore understanding.
So they both nod and smile with a little hesitance, beforethe DA takes a bite of their eggs (covered in far too much cheese, as usual)and Mark gets a plate ready for the next batch.
@starcrossedforever87 , @dontworryaboutanything , @beereblogsstuff , @silver-owl413 , @sassy-in-glasses , @chelseareferenced , @sketchy-scribs-n-doods , @axolittle-boi , @falseroar , @intemperantiae , @ren-mon , @memetoyoko , @soul-wolf , @marki-dumb , @withjust-a-bite , @raimeyl , @im-also-dead-inside , @ur-fairy-god-dragon , @conceitedink , @unknown-maned-wolf , @ohnoimshook , @mayazen , @skyewardlight , @gabs-ink , @purple-anxiety
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Halloween: Day-O-Donuts
Walking over to the counter you move the white bowl from the counter by the stove to the island in the middle of the kitchen. The bowl has a pink lid that is being pushed up from the dough that is expanding underneath. You have covered the counter in flour, prepped your deep fryer with the oil, turned on the fryer, and you are ready to start rolling out the dough. The kitchen is quiet while Grace and Harry are upstairs getting ready for the party. Grace is excited to get into her costume to show all her friends and family. You quietly hum a song from Harry’s latest album.
Taking the lid off the top of the bowl, you pull out a chunk of dough. Using your rolling pin you begin to roll out the dough until it is about an inch thick. Your ears pick up the soft noise of Harry’s socked feet as he pads across the wood floor.  
“I still don’t know how I feel about this.” Harry stands at the edge of the counter; his head is tilted to the side and his eyebrows are crinkled in worry. “It’s a lot of sugar, and I just don’t feel like sugar is good, love.” Harry has been on your case for the last couple weeks about you making donuts for the Halloween party the Styles family is hosting. He feels that having a day dedicated to eating homemade donuts goes very much against his ‘health nut persona”.
“H, I’m not gonna budge.” You say as you punch donuts out of the dough with a round cutter. “This is a family tradition I have had for years. I have missed out on this for a couple years and it makes me sad. I want Gracie to create those same happy memories.” You look up at your husband who is still giving you a grumpy stare.
“But babe, it’s not heal…” Harry begins to interject.
“Healthy? Harry, it’s one night. Grace will be fine. I have experienced twenty- three Day-o-Donuts and I think I turned out just fine!” You reply, placing a donut hole onto the floured counter.
“I guess you are right.” Harry says; his eyebrows soften and his eyes give off a look of understanding. “But I’m giving her a limit. Two donuts! That’s all she can have.” You roll your eyes as Harry walks behind you, giving you a small pinch on your bum, causing you to give a tiny yelp.
You are already dressed in your costume, mermaid tale leggings, a white tank top with shells on your boobs, a red wig and starfish earrings. The small 20-week baby bump pulls slightly against the white tank top.
“Is Grace dressed? People will be here soon.” You ask Harry as you continue to cut the donuts out of the dough, the counter slowly becoming covered in donuts and holes.
“Yep! She is all ready.” Harry anxiously stirs the Zuppa Toscana soup that is sitting on the stove as he waits for the guests to arrive.
“Mum! I all ready!” Grace runs into the kitchen, showing off her costume with a twirl.
You and Harry decided on the Little Mermaid as your costume theme. You are dressed as Ariel, Harry is Eric, and Grace is your little mermaid. Harry is wearing a plain white pocket tee-shirt, and a pair of jeans. He has a red scarf around his neck, a Sebastian stuffed animal in his shirt pocket and a crown on his head. Grace is wearing a mermaid dress with sparkly shoes, pearls, and a crown.
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“Look at my beautiful mermaid!” You say, watching your daughter’s eyes light up as she smiles.
“What’s that?” Grace looks up on the counter, checking out the counter that is now full of the cut out dough.
“Donuts!” You say.
“Why we make donuts mum?” Her curious questions always make your heart smile.
“It’s tradition!” You place another donut onto the floured counter.
“How did this tradition start? And who started it, because we need to have a word about eating healthier.” Harry says in a sassy tone.
“My nan loved donuts. They were her absolute favorite treat. She also loved Halloween. When my Mum was very little, just like you Grace.” Harry and Grace’s eyes are glued on you as you tell the story. “So she put them together, creating the tradition of Day-O-Donuts. I married a baker, so I felt the need to keep the tradition going.” You wink at Harry causing him to chuckle.
“I have a donut now?” Grace asks.
“It’s almost time!” Harry says to his daughter.
The doorbell rings, and you hear a squeal of excitement echo as Grace leaves the kitchen to enter into the foyer.
“I’ll get it.” Harry kisses your head as he walks into the foyer to help Grace answer the door. He opens the door. “Hey!!!” Harry welcomes the Azoff family into the house.
“Hawk!!!” Grace runs towards the 5 year old boy standing next to Glenne. Grace wraps her arms around him. “I miss you!!” She said squeezing him tightly. Hawk squeezes his best friend back. They are the cutest of friends, always embracing when they see each other.
“Come on in! We can take your soup into the kitchen.” Harry says to Jeff.
Grace takes ahold of Hawk’s hand and pulls him into the kitchen. Both children are smiling so big, excited to be reunited with their best friend.  “Mummy! Look! Hawk here!!” She is still squealing. Her smile is brighter than the sun.
“Hi Hawk! I love your costume.” You tell the little magician.
“Thank you.” He says as Grace drags him away to go play with the toys.
“Babe! The Azoffs are here and look at River!” Harry walks into the kitchen holding a sweet little girl dressed as a bunny.
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Jeff and Glenne have two little kids. A boy, Hawk Robert Azoff, who just turned five, and a 2 month old girl, River Margaret Azoff.  It doesn’t surprise you that Harry went straight for the baby. You greet the Azoff family as you test the heat of the oil. Dropping in one of the donut holes, you see the hole float to the top. This means it’s time for donuts.
More guests, family and friends arrive at your home. You have started cooking the donuts dipping them into the glaze mixture you have made after they are cooked.
Grace and Hawk come into the kitchen after playing with the other children and showing off their costumes to every guest that walks through the front door.
“I get a donut, daddy?” Grace asks, pulling out the puppy dog eyes and turning down her lip.  The look on Gracie’s face makes Harry want to give her the world. He wonders to himself that maybe he is being a little too strict about sugar. It’s only one night a year, so he decides to give in.
“You can only have TWO donuts tonight. Okay?” Harry lets Grace know the limit he has set. Grace nods at her daddy. Harry hands her and Hawk a donut.  Both of the kids lick their lips before taking a bite of the warm donut in their hands.
“Mmmmmm.” Hawk and Grace say at the same time, stuffing the rest of the donut into their mouths and licking the sugar off their fingers. Hawk’s tongue licks the corner of his mouth as he looks at Grace.
“Let’s Go, Mermaid!” Hawk says, holding out his hand for Grace.
“Bye daddy!” Grace says to Harry as Hawk pulls her out of the kitchen to go play with toys.
Turning around to the counter, Harry picks up a donut and takes a bite. You smile and watch his eyes close. Harry makes a small moan as the donut melts against his tongue, filling his mouth with the pillow of deliciousness. Licking the glaze off his fingers, he grabs a donut hole, walking over to talk with Gemma and Michal.
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Donut: 1. Hole: 1.
About 15 minutes pass when you see your curly headed Prince Erik sneaking back to the counter. Donut 2. Hole 3.
“Harry, your stomach is going to hurt. I’m speaking from experience,” you warn.
“I haven’t had THAT many. I’ll be fine.” He sucks the sugar off his thumb, rolling his eyes at your comment.
Over the next hour Harry’s Donut score increases, making you shake your head and chuckle.
Donut 3. Hole 5.
Donut 5. Hole 9.
Donut 6. Hole 11.
You notice the holes have quickly become a favorite for Harry. They are your favorite as well. Easy to pop in your mouth, your stomach can handle more. Pure happiness in one bite.
150 Donuts have been cooked, and you are tired. You sit down at the table, enjoying a donut and talking with Nick. Grace comes running into the kitchen, climbing up into your lap.
“Havin’ fun, Gracie girl?” You ask.
“Mum, Poppy ate a donut. I have one?” Grace asks.
You give Grace another donut. She takes a bite, smiling as the glaze ends up on her cheeks. Harry plops down in the chair next to Nick.
“My stomach is going to explode.” Harry moans, leaning back in the chair. Harry rubs his tummy to soothe the pain he is currently feeling. “I feel sick.”
“That’s what happens when you eat 8 donuts and 12 holes.” You say with zero sympathy because you did warn him of the stomachache that would come if he continued.
“8 Donuts!” Grace’s eyes are the size of golf balls  “Daddy, two was da limit.” Grace tells her father.
You laugh a little bit as Harry starts to pout. You know this is a Halloween tradition Grace will always love, and a Day-O-Donut stomachache Harry will never forget.
A/N: I am EXTREMELY thankful for @whoopsharrystyles and her kindness when it comes to my writing. She is seriously the best and I love her so much. Please check out my Masterlist and Wattpad Page! As always, Thank you for reading, liking and reblogging! Love you All!!
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uneminuteparseconde · 6 years
Des concerts à Paris et autour
Mars 28. Caves + Faux départ + Tentaculo + Cookies – Supersonic (gratuit) 29. Chicaloyoh + KosmoSuna – Le Zorba (gratuit) 29. Bleib Modern + La Peste + Nebula Glow – Supersonic (gratuit) 29. Drame + Le Réveil des tropiques – Centre Barbara-FGO 29. Angry Skeletons + Laurence Wasser + Drywud + Rivière de corps – Pointe Lafayette 29. Collateral + Le Casquette tour + Grégoire Bruno + Allister Sinclair + Gérard Jugno 106 + Macmann – L'International 29. Laurent Garnier + Scan X – Rex club 30. Orval Carlos Sibelius + Domotic – Le Zorba (gratuit) 30. Méryll Ampe + Carbon Sink – Galerie Planète rouge (gratuit) 30. Luminance + Pure Ground + Bunker Bal (dj) + Haktion (dj) + Dasz (dj) – Le Klub 30. Polar Inertia + Shlømo + Luigi Tozzi + Twin Peaks – Concrete 31. Schlaasss + Petosaure + Enfance de merde – Supersonic (gratuit) 31. Maulwürfe (fest. Artdanthé) – Théâtre de Vanves 31. The Noise Consort (fest. Artdanthé) – Théâtre de Vanves 31. L'émeute philharmonique de SEC + Kouma + Polar Polar Polar Polar + Stratocastors + Joujou – La Parole errante (Montreuil) 31. BIC + Kasper Toeplitz – Mains d'oeuvre (Saint-Ouen) 31. Laura Not + Heap + Tiff + ANDCL – La Station 31. 14anger + AnD + Schwefelgelb + Scalamerya & VSK + Blind Delon + Darzak + SΛRIN – Docks Eiffel 31. Arnaud Rebotini – Nuits fauves 31. The Horrorist + NX1 + Useless Position + Sharplines + Luisetti & Craft + Ilyss – Glazart
Avril 01. Olden Yolk + Delphine Dora – Espace B 03. Telefon Tel Aviv + Farmworker + Axel Rigaud – Supersonic (gratuit) 03. Action Beat + RMQ + House of John Player – Instants chavirés (Montreuil) 04. Suuns – Elysée Montmartre 05. Michaela Antalova + Amundsen + On lâche les chiens – Le Zorba (gratuit) 05. UUUU + Quentin Rollet & Jérôme Lorichon – Espace B 05. Dance with the Dead + Christine + Mlada Fronta + Confrontational + Midnight Danger – Gibus 05. Eric Chenaux + Bass Clef – Instants chavirés (Montreuil) 06. Le Prince Harry + Whispering Sons + The Guru Guru + It It Anita + Empereur – Supersonic 06. Le singe blanc + Nohaybanda! + Casse gueule – Cirque électrique 06. Litige + Cookies + Fumo Nero – Pointe Lafayette 06. NSI (Tobias & Max Loderbauer) + Sendai Soundsystem (Peter Van Hoesen & Yves De Mey) + ENA + Izabel – Concrete 06. Abdulla Rashim + Vril + LGML + Thomas Evans + Wondernature – Nuits fauves 07. Nozomi Misawa & Marion Bataille (fest. Raccords) – Bibliothèque Françoise-Sagan (gratuit sur résa) 07. Terminal Cheesecake + GuiliGuiliGoulag + Sweet Williams + Futuroscope – Espace B 07. Massicot – théâtre des Amandiers (Nanterre) 10. Jamie Stewart joue Xiu Xiu – Olympic café 10. Structure + Walking Idiots + Oktober Lieber – Le Klub 10. Wolf Eyes Music 2018 + Evil Moisture + Delphine Dora + Sophie Cooper – Instants chavirés (Montreuil) 11. JC Satàn + Cockpit – La Maroquinerie 11. Silent Era + Youth Avoiders + Retsar Bai Naim – La Comedia (Montreuil) 11. Descendeur + Disposition Matrix + Bordigaga + Saada Abe – tba 12. Dune Messiah (dj) – Le Sans-Souci (gratuit) 12. Mont Analogue + Vendège – Le Zorba (gratuit) 12. The Ex + Anarchist Republic of Bzzz (fest. Banlieues bleues) – La Dynamo (Pantin) 13. Amusement Parks on Fire + Ulster Page + Misty Coast – Supersonic (gratuit) 13. DJ Krush – La Bellevilloise 13. La Secte du futur + Dune Messiah + The Space Padlocks – La Station 13. Èlg, Catherine Hershey, Borja Flames & Sourdure + D.K. + Carval Tarek (dj) – Instants chavirés (Montreuil) 13. Tribalism + Parquet + Babil Sabir + Luca Ventimiglia + Mesce Basse + Broken Cash Machine + We Use Cookies + Hypnoqueen + Stex-1 + Junkaa-Poika & Stokastinen + Antoine Viard, Andrea Hakl & JF Riffaud + Minia Mania (dj) – Le Générateur (Gentilly) 14. Dominique a + My Brightest Diamond – Salle Pierre Boulez|Philharmonie 14. Infecticide + Exo_C + Randy x Marsh + Mauvaise foi + Forge (Monospace fest.) – Petit Bain 14. Techno Thriller + Air LQD + Lostsoundbytes + Maoupa Mazzocchetti + Violent quand on aime + Constance Cjlore + Ian Tocor – La Station 14. Badbad – 2, rue Paul-Eluard (Montreuil) 14. Function + Shifted – La Machine 14. Lil Louis + Josh Wink + Ellen Allien + Levon Vincent + Acid Arab + Paranoid London + Wlderz + Thomas Delacroix – Paris Event Center 15. Dominique a + Adrian Crowley – Cité de la musique|Philharmonie ||COMPLET|| 17. Jacky Molard Quartet, Albert Marcoeur, François Corneloup, Christophe Marguet et Jean-Michel Veillon – Café de la danse 18. Chrysta Bell – La Maroquinerie 19. Christian Death + Punish Yourself + Volker – La Machine 19. Peter Kernel – Point FMR 19. Ventre de biche + Compas dans l'oeil + Le Mal des ardents + La Coupure – La Station 19. Primal Scream + Nathalie Prass + Hollywood/Mikhael Paskalev (Arte concert fest.) – La Gaîté lyrique 19. Carole Robinson, Buno Martinez & Charles Curtis : "Naldjorlak I, II et III" d'Éliane Radigue – La Marbrerie (Montreuil) 20. Die Selektion + Gost + Hørd + Koy + Valeskja Valcav – Supersonic (gratuit) 20. Crystal Sound – La Générale (gratuit) 20. Zarkoff + Al Niklaus (dj) + Law & Haktion (dj) +  Schwefelgelb (dj) + Philipp Strobel (dj) + Petula Black Sperm – La Station 20. Laurel Halo + Konrad Sprenger – église Saint-Merry 20. Lovatarxx + Cyclikweetos + Vyryl – Espace B 20. Mondkopf + Second Spectre + Swarm Intelligence + SpunOff (dj) + Size Pier (dj) – La Machine   20. Idles + Lice – Trabendo ||COMPLET|| 21. Grand Blanc + Lenparrot + Buvette... (Disquaire Day) – Point FMR (gratuit) 21. Igorrr + Niveau Zero – Trabendo ||COMPLET|| 21. Yan Wagner + Tristesse contemporaine (fest. Clap Your Hands) – Café de la danse 21. Modeselektor (dj) + Actress + Nathan Fake + Rival Consoles + Moxie b2b Louise Chen (dj) (Arte concert fest.) – La Gaîté lyrique 21. Louisahhh + Jeanne Added + Maud Geffray + Myako + Léonie Pernet + Betty + RAG + Nari Fshr + Sophie Morello + Vikken + Leslie Barbara Butch + Sara Zinger + Catherin + Apollo noir + F/cken Chipotle (10 ans de Wet For Me) – La Machine 22. The Body + Fange – Olympic café 22. Norma Loy + Babel 17 – Supersonic 24>26. Franck Vigroux & Kurt d'Haeseleer – La Pop 25. Nine Eleven + Binaire + Unlogistic + Ayatollah – Le Klub 26. Ought + Foammm – La Maroquinerie 26. Wrekmeister Harmonies – Espace B 26. A Place To Bury Strangers – Trabendo 26. France + Why The Eye? + Mikhail Mineral – La Station 27. Popsimonova + Sleep Loan Sharks – Le Klub 27. Madben + Emmanuel Top + Trunkline (dj) – Rex club 28. She Past Away + Lebanon Hanover + Selofan – La Machine 28. Rhys Chatham + Krikor Kouchian + Chloé & Vassilena Serafimova – Centre Pompidou 28. Tomaga + Vanishing Twin + Veik – La Maroquinerie 28. Arcade Fire – Bercy Arena 28. Regis + Inigo Kennedy + CTRLS + Anastasia Kristensen – Nuits fauves 30. Koudlam + Bajram Bili + Pointe du lac – La Maroquinerie 30. Iron Fist of The Sun + Am Not + Kevlar + Kontinent – Les Voûtes 30. Seth Troxler & Miss Kittin – Badaboum 30. Silent Servant + Orphx + François X + Oko dj – Concrete
Mai 01. Venetian Snares & Daniel Lanois + Joanne Pollock + Tryphème – Trabendo 03. Black Leather Jesus + Vomir + Rien – Instants chavirés (Montreuil) 07. Iceage + Pardans – Petit Bain 09. Me Donner – Instants chavirés (Montreuil) 10. Derya Yildirim & Grup Simsek + Stranded Horse (Le Beau fest.) – La Petite Halle 11. And Also the Trees + Tropic of Cancer + Better Person + En attendant Ana + Magic Island (Le Beau fest.) – Trabendo 12. Deerhoof + Ulrika Spacek + First Hate + Pantin plage + Le Couleur + [Good Morning : ANNULÉ] (Le Beau fest.) – Trabendo 12. I Hate Models + Ancient Methods + Rrose – La Machine 13. God is an Astronaut – Trabendo 14. Bryan's Magic Tears + Le Villejuif Underground + VvvV – La Maroquinerie (gratuit sur résa) 15. Sinivia Alvise + Erwan Keravec & Mats Gustaffson + Orchestre orange & Gëinst (fest. Switch) – Théâtre de Vanves 17. Moor Mother + Boy Harsher + Succhiamo (fest. Ideal Trouble) – La Station 17. Alessandro Cortini + Fléau – Petit Bain 17. Clément Edouard + Giani Caserotto + Elise Dabrowski & Claudine Simon (fest. Switch) – Théâtre de Vanves 18. Sister Iodine + Ramleh + B-Ball Joints (Low Jack) (fest. Ideal Trouble) – La Station 18. Joachim Florent + Nox.3 & Linda Olah + Chassol (fest. Switch) – Théâtre de Vanves 19. Yo La Tengo – Cabaret sauvage 19. Horse Lord + Das Ding (fest. Ideal Trouble) – La Station 19. Deux boules vanille + Mondkopf + The Noise Consort (fest. Switch) – Théâtre de Vanves 19. 999999999 + Raär + Under Black Helmet + Dax (dj) + Parfait – tba 20. Bundle of Joy (Barnt & Superpitcher) + La Mverte + Xeno & Oaklander + Cité lumière + December + AZF (fest. Ideal Trouble) – La Station 20. Biscuit Mouth + Melkbelly + Storm{o} + BadBad – Espace B 20. SNTS (Marvellous Island fest.) – Ile de loisirs (Vaires-Torcy) 22. Zëro + Moodie Black – Petit Bain 23. Buzz Kull + IV Horsemen – Espace B 23. Otomo Yoshihide + Kaze – Instants chavirés (Montreuil) 24. Otomo Yoshihide & Chris Pitsiokos + Ikuro Takahashi – Instants chavirés (Montreuil) 24. HMLTD + Faire (dj) – Petit Bain 25. Mogwai + Jon Hopkins + James Holden & The Animal Spirits (Villette sonique) – Grande Halle de La Villette 26. Car Seat Headrest + Naked Giants (Villette sonique) – Trabendo 26. Marquis de Sade + Anna Von Hausswolff + Exploded View (Villette sonique) – Grande Halle de La Villette 26. Kelly Lee Owens + The Sea & Cake + Tzusing + The Field + Richard Dawson + Ariel Kalma + Jackie Mendoza + Flamingods + Sassy 009 (Villette sonique) – Prairie du cercle nord et périphérique (gratuit) 27. Abra + Essaie pas + Flohio + Nilüfer Yanya + Smerz + Snail Mail + Hookworms + Fire! + Mario Batkovic (Villette sonique) – Prairie du cercle nord et périphérique (gratuit) 28. The Chamelons – Supersonic 29. Deerhunter + Midnight Sister (Villette sonique) – Cabaret sauvage 29. The Damned – Petit Bain ||COMPLET|| 30. The Damned – Petit Bain 30. John Maus + Flat Worms + Kate NV (Villette sonique) – Trabendo 30. Igorrr + Ni – Les Cuizines (Chelles)
Juin 02. Penguin Café – Fondation Cartier 02/03. Björk + Beck + Jamie XX + King Krule + Father John Misty + Migos... (fest. We Love Green) – Bois de Vincennes 07. Molly Nilsson – Badaboum ||COMPLET|| 08. Molly Nilsson – Badaboum 09. Trisomie 21 + Delacave – La Maroquinerie 09. Waxahatchee – Espace B 11. Preoccupations + Moaning – La Maroquinerie 12. Damo Suzuki's Network – Espace B 12. Thom York – L'Olympia 13. L7 – La Cigale 14. Ty Segall & The Freedom Band + Mike Donovan – Bataclan 15. Bernard Grancher + Infecticide + Les Trucs – Centre Barbara-FGO 15/16. Ryoji Ikeda : "Formula - c4i - Datamatics" – Centre Pompidou 16. Vitalic (fest. Bains numériques) – Lac d'Enghien-lès-Bains (gratuit) 17. Animal Collective – Le Trianon 22. Modern Life Is War + Cro Mags – Petit Bain 25. Nine Inch Nails – Olympia ||COMPLET|| 27. The Jesus & Mary Chain – Le Trianon 29>01.07. Motor City Drum Ensemble + Antal + Golden Dawn Archestra + Tin Man + A Deep Groove + Josey Rebelle + Toshio Matsuura + Cotonete + Zaltan + Lomboy + Ceephax Acid Crew + Nick V + Saint DX + Kamaal Williams + Blake Baxter + Muddy Monk + Eliott Litrowski... (Macki Music fest.) – parc de la mairie (Carrières/Seine) 30. Echo Collective joue "Amnesiac" de Radiohead (fest. Days Off) – Le Studio|Philharmonie 30. Nils Frahm (fest. Days Off) – Salle Pierre-Boulez|Philharmonie
Juillet 03. David Byrne (fest. Days Off) – Salle Pierre-Boulez|Philharmonie 04. MGMT (fest. Days Off) – Salle Pierre-Boulez|Philharmonie 06. Trami Nguyen et Laurent Durupt jouent "Piano Phase" de Steve Reich + Bruce Brubaker + Laake + Fabrizio Rat + Murcof & Vanessa Wagner + Tom Rogerson + Grandbrothers (fest. Days Off) – Cité de la musique|Philharmonie 06. Amelie Lens + Daniel Avery + Floating Points + Folamour + Jeff Mills + Laurent Garnier + Kink b2b Gerd Janson + Not Waving + Solomun... (The Peacock Society) – Parc floral (Vincennes) 07. Richie Hawtin + Tale of Us + Charlotte de Witte + Chloé + Maetrik + Mano Le Tough + Octo Octa + Joy Orbison b2b Kornel Kovacs (The Peacock Society) – Parc floral (Vincennes) 08. Maulwürfe – La Gaîté lyrique 09. Eels – Olympia 13. Ministry + Grave Pleasures – Elysées Montmartre
Août 20. Front Line Assembly + Die Krupps – La Machine 24>26. Dirty Projectors + Idles + The Black Angels + Parcels + Cigarettes after Sex + Bonobo + Carpenter Brut + Justice... (fest. Rock-en-Seine) – Domaine de Saint-Cloud
Septembre 01. Ariel Pink (Paris Inter. Fest. of Psychedelic Music) – La Machine 04. Thee Oh Sees (Paris Inter. Fest. of Psychedelic Music) – La Cigale 05. Feist – L'Olympia 22. The Wedding Present – Point FMR
Octobre 04. Ballaké Sissoko & Vincent Segal – La Seine musicale (Boulogne-Billancourt) 20. Tallinn Chamber Orchestra : Fratres, Cantus in memoriam Benjamin Britten, Adam's Lament, Salve Regina et Te Deum d'Arvo Pärt – Salle Pierre-Boulez|Philharmonie 26. Jon Hopkins – Trianon
Novembre 04. Peaches Christ Superstar – Cité de la musique|Philharmonie 18. Ensemble Links : Drumming de Steve Reich – Cité de la musique|Philharmonie 23. Michael Nyman : "War Work: 8 Songs with Film" – Salle Pleyel
Décembre 01. Deux boules vanille (fest. Marathon!) – La Gaîté lyrique 09/10. Moriarty – Cité de la musique|Philharmonie 15. Gaspar Claus – Cité de la musique|Philharmonie
Avril 14. Arnaud Rebotini joue la BO de "120 Battements par minute" – Cité de la musique|Philharmonie
Mai 17. Philip Glass : Études pour piano – Salle Pierre-Boulez|Philharmonie 18. Bruce Brubaker & Max Cooper : Glasstronica – Cité de la musique|Philharmonie
Juin 26. Magma – Salle Pierre-Boulez|Philharmonie
en gras : les derniers ajouts / in bold: the last news
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chaletnz · 7 years
Portugal Day One: Porto
After yet another mad dash to the airport (I never learn do I?) and running back and forth to the check in desks I actually made it to the gate with time to spare. On board the crew were sassy and tried to tell me to store my bag under the seat, at the same time I was being told by another passenger in my seat that I needed to take his seat further back while all the people behind me were hounding me to try and get past. I don't know where I got this bad airplane karma from as I'm always patient and when I have a small bag I store it under the seat. But I refused to take a three hour flight with my huge blue bag taking all of my leg room this time! Not when I'm watching people "carry on" about five bags each and then store all of them and their jacket in the overhead compartment. We flew beneath the clouds over Porto right on sunrise so from my window seat I could see lots of small townships and jagged hills below. Upon arrival I was handed a map of the city, then sneakily bought the cheapest train ticket I could (only for one zone rather than the 3-4 I needed to travel) and rode all the way to the metro station 24 de Agosto. It was very busy on board as it was the morning rush hour so I think I was safe with my single zone ticket although I didn't see any ticket inspectors the entire 40 minute ride anyway! As you may have guessed my first destination was a specialty coffee shop of course - Mesa 325. A Google search hadn't turned up very many results for specialty coffee in Porto and this one was the only one open before 9am. Inside there were only two other patrons and the barista working at a desk on his laptop. He invited me to sit down and gave me the menu which was extra hipster as it was contained in a small photo album. I took a flat white and a jam croissant and enjoyed them slowly as I planned my route for the day on my map, circling places of interest and researching prices for winery tours and tastings. I sat in the cafe for a little more than an hour which is not something I would usually do but it was so peaceful and quiet and I didn't feel pressured to leave like I sometimes do. It was quite chilly outside as I set off walking to my hostel, just down the road near the Bolhão metro station there was a magnificent church covered in blue and white tiles - definitely not the last one that I'd see! I passed a wide entrance with open gates and thought I should poke my head in for a look and lucky I did as I discovered the Mercado do Bolhão market downstairs! I bought a few small souvenirs and carried on to the hostel browsing in a few more kind of unique looking knick knack shops along the way. I had already concluded that Porto had the feeling of a small comfortable town full of local people, yet it is a huge city with a population of 2.4 million within the urban area, of course it is the second largest city in Portugal. I stored my bag at my home for the next two nights, the Pilot hostel, and then started my adventure! I began with a walk to the famous Livraria Lello bookshop but the huge queue outside made me immediately move on with promises to return later in the day. I passed the São Bento train station which had been tipped to have a beautiful interior so I ducked inside like many others just for a glimpse of the ceilings and a few photos. On my walk to Gaia I passed the cathedral but there was a large tour group outside and the sun was high in the sky behind just to ruin all my photos with overexposure. I was feeling a little peckish and passed by some food trucks selling tasty burgers which I stupidly ignored. I crossed the Ponte Luis bridge on the top tier which has access for pedestrians and the tram only so it was very peaceful and easy to cross from one side to the other and back again to take all of my photos over both sides of the spectacular views of Porto. On the other side of the river is where all the port wineries are located and there isn't much else. I walked down the boardwalk all the way to the end in search of food but only found pricey (and empty) restaurants and a suspiciously deserted looking supermarket which turned out to be a wholesale market. Without the willingness to be dragged into a restaurant by a pushy host and have my pockets emptied I settled for some churros as a snack. They were a bit cold and covered my jacket and shoes in cinnamon sugar dust but the girl had given me 8 for the price of 6 so it wasn't all bad! Since I was in the neighborhood I decided that I'd do the port winery tasting tour now too and I'd already mentally picked out Cálem as the one I'd visit. It was quiet and informative and the guide Joanne was very knowledgeable. The museum part before the cellar tour was very interesting with videos about the harvest process and information about the different varieties of grapes and fermentation processes to make the different varieties of port. The oldest bottle in the winery was from 1871 and they have only 8 left in their collection, it sat covered in grime in a display case with some other old vintage bottles of port. Of the people on the tour 8 out of 10 were from China and I'm confident that only 2 or 3 had any idea what she was saying and would translate for the rest later. We were able to see the process of making the vats and then saw how big they were when we entered the cellar. We learned about how the conditions are perfect in the Doure valley for growing the grapes and the conditions in Porto are perfect for fermentation and storage of the port. The young ports are very sweet and the older ones are dryer because the sugar is converted to alcohol and dries with age. Port is made under controlled fermentation processes so once the desired flavour is achieved the fermentation process is stopped and the port can be bottled. Joanne told us about how they'd clean the vats by climbing in with a candle for light which was extremely dangerous of course with the alcohol fumes so the cleaner would sing and if he stopped singing it meant that he'd passed out inside the vat and his colleague would need to come and rescue him. We moved along to the final treat, our chance to taste the wines at last! Each of us had a white and a red in front of us to try. We were invited to smell, swirl and taste while Joanne explained the particular bottles we were sampling, a 3 year old white dry and a 7 year old tawny. Much to my surprise, as I'm really not a fan of wine at all, I quite liked them both. I thought I'd hate the white and maybe be able to tolerate the tawny but in fact they were both good, although I think I'd rather enjoy them as cocktails like Joanne said they commonly become! I took some photos in the gift shop then left to find it was still light outside and actually it was warmer and sunnier than when I'd gone in! So my opportunity was there to get nice photos for Instagram and the blog! On my way back to the hostel I very luckily passed the 22 tram that so defines Portugal, and I saw that I was right by the bookshop again so I went over to check it once more to see if the line had disappeared. It had but now I could see the sign that said it would be a €4 entrance fee and then you get this discount on books! A fee to enter a shop! Well now I've seen it all! I was checked in to my room by José and took my trusty top bunk again with just enough time to unpack before my Spanish roommate came in and obnoxiously had a phone conversation on speakerphone. I chilled for a bit then went out in search of a bank, and also stumbled upon the giant Christmas tree in front of the Igreja da Santíssima Trindade city hall which was stunning and my poor quality evening photos couldn't do it justice! Further down there were a bunch of swings with Portuguese words written in neon lights on the top like "Natal" "Familia" it was very cute and Christmassy. At the bottom of the square were the blue letters spelling out Porto and the Intercontinental hotel all done up like a Christmas tree with the best view in the house. I managed to find a bank and withdraw some cash to treat myself to Steak N Shake for dinner - lured in by the cool mosaic mural on the side of the building. I opted for the western BBQ bacon burger, fries and a chocolate milkshake as I hadn't eaten much all day! I was lying in bed quietly ready to sleep and suddenly in bursts another new roommate who has apparently never heard of headphones yet loves to watch videos on his phone for hours...
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ask-bts-stuff · 7 years
I like how your drawings of the boys have different things that make them unique. like kook's eyes and jimin's wing thingys. can you tell us all the detail for the boys :0
 I guess Jungkook’s design is pretty easy to get ahah. Irl he has really big eyes and bunny teeth so it wasn’t difficult for me to come up with! Then for the sparkles: I really wanted to accentuate this “innocent” or “clueless” vibe. His eyes are expressive, you can really see his passion in his eyes when he sings! Not saying that the others aren’t passionate, it’s just that his eyes are so expressive like he doesn’t even need to speak, you can directly see what’s going on (in my opinion ofc). So I just thought that sparkles would be a great representation of that! Also Jungkook isn’t 100% innocent, he loooves to tease his big bros. I know that I didn’t really have the chance to show this side of Jungkook, but since he’s such a tease, the gap between this and his BIG SPARKLY EYES is funny :^DD. At first he only had two “white bubbles” in his eyes, but then I said fuck it and added an entire galaxy. ALSO THE NOSE YES, I removed the nose. I want people to concentrate on his eyes, so I thought that the nose took too much place and was kinda useless? for his design. Actually a lot of people don’t even notice that he doesn’t have a nose ahah. And I think he looks so funny with his mouth on the nose area.
Tae’s design was also easy for me to come up with! He has amaaaaazing eyes, big and elongate, and ofc THE LASHES DAMN. Also he is really playful and that’s what I wanted to accentuate. So I mixed these ideas and bam I created his eyes. I really like it because it looks like he has something in mind like “ha ha ha :^DDD how am i gonna tease ma bros”. ALSO his iris aren’t round, it’s like two straight lines. I think it goes well with the playful side and the “blank tae” side lol. I also draw his amazing brows and his squared smile, he’s so cute ;;;
JIMIN. There’s two Jimin: normal sized and smol. For the normal sized Jimin I just try to replicate his natural eye shape, he kinda has puppy eyes! So nothing big. Of course the lil wings because he’s really sweet and just an angel in general. NOW THE MOST INTERRESTING PART: smol Jimin. Because some people always tell me “WHY DO U DRAW JIMIN SMOL, HES NOT THAT SMOL PLUS YOONGI IS ALSO SMOL, 0/100″, listen I’ll explain. The thing with Jimin is that he’s really cute but at the same time he really wants to give this “manly” vibe if you know what I mean. You know the “IM DA MAN IN DIS HOUSE”. So I just thought “ok, there’s cute Jimin, and manly Jimin but still cute, ok let’s create two Jimin”. Smol Jimin always wants to fite everyone and he’s fierce (like in my “not today what really happened”). That’s why I draw smol Jimin: because it’s funny af. Jimin likes to appear manly, but the fact that he is 30 cm in my comics makes everything pretty funny. This is the reason why I don’t often draw smol Yoongi, because he doesn’t give a fuck. 
Namnam ayyy!!! I recently changed his design so it’s a great occasion to talk about it! This man is S O F T, 100 % soft. He’s just cute ok, like look at his smile, I’m sure he’s sad when he walks on flowers. So I wanted him so have big iris (kinda) and also squared ish eyes. Because with this I can do two different things: softysoft Namnam and istg i’m done with everyone Namnam (like  in the last panel of the BS&T jpn ver comic), very easy to make :^DD And I added a white bubble inside because cute ok. He’s cute fite me. And finaly the flower on his head. He loves nature so so much so I just thought “why not adding a flower”. And ofc I never forget the dimples.
Hoseok’s turn :^DDD!! I just wanted him to be a sun ok, so that’s why I did. He has sunlight all around him, he’s like a walking sun. His eyes always look like he’s smiling even when he’s not. I also add a slight aegyo sal. THE NOOSE. So Hoseok is the only one with a different nose (i mean Jungkook doesn’t have one so it doesnt count). It’s simply because I personally think that he has an interresting nose shape and I just wanted to draw that! His mouth is basically a heart when he’s smiling and sometimes I add the dimples (i love dimples).
I talked about Gigi’s design here!
FINALLY SEOKJIN. I just l o v e his design. I love to draw him so much. Irl his eyes are really big and he kinda has cat eyes so I just drew that. His eyes are pretty round but yeah not like Jungkook. I like this eye shape because it makes him look sometimes playful and sometimes sassy depending on what I want to draw! Also he has two lashes because he’s pretty. And, the, sparkles. He’s just pretty so he needs his sparkles around him that’s all :^DDD
DONE holy shit it was long to write, I can talk about this forever I’m not even joking
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minhyowon · 7 years
Ten Questions, Ten Answers: Kdrama Edition
I was tagged by the lovely Sofia @floatingdownthemoonriver Thank you so much much for tagging me! 
1. Do you have any actors/ actresses who you think are over rated? Along with their works? Anyone where you just don’t see the mass appeal? 
 Ji Sung. I don’t even know why. Sometimes about him just doesn’t click with me. The only drama of his that I’ve completed was Protect the Boss. I’ve tried watching other dramas where he’s the lead and I can’t bring myself to get past the first episode. I have nothing against him, I just don’t see his appeal. 
 2. Are there any dramas you liked but would tweak certain aspects of to make them perfect? If so, which ones and what would you tweak, change or add?  
If I could change anything it would be the ending of Ms. Temper and Nam Jung Gi. It has an open ending where you're left with the feeling that Ok Da Jung and Nam Jung Gi ended up together, but I would make it clear by adding a kiss scene. 
 3. Top three favourite actresses?  
Kim Seul Gi – she’s my all-time favourite actress. I’ll watch her in anything. I watched an episode of Happy Together just because she was a guest. I really want to see her as the lead in drama. She’s leading lady material. She’s wonderful in everything she does and needs more recognition. 
Yoo In Na – She’s flawless and she needs more main roles. She’s also leading lady material and needs more recognition. If I could give casting directors one piece of advice, it would be to stop casting minors opposite adult men and cast these two instead. 
Lee Sung Kyung – She can take on such different roles and slays every time. 
4. What’s the drama world you would like to live in? Is it a goblin world, a mermaid world, a world with a royal monarchy, a world where you could be a ceo at the age of 20 just because of the golden family business? You can include general setting or houses you wouldn’t mind staying in. 
I wouldn’t mind being a chaebol heir but I wouldn’t want to be the eldest that inherits the company because I don’t like being the center of attention. I’d want to be someone like Min Hyo Won in Laurel Tree Tailors who gets to have a good job in the company without being in the spotlight. 
5. Top three dramas where you loved the fashion/ outfits/ costumes? 
Legend of the Blue Sea – Jun Ji Hyun can wear anything and still look flawless. I really liked the costumes in the sageuk part and the mermaid costume. 
I really like everything that Lee Yoo Ri’s character wears in Father is Strange. It’s so classy and elegant. I also love that it shows wearing glasses as glamourous and makes me feel happy about wearing glasses. 
I loved the outfits worn by Gong Yoo as Kim Shin in Goblin. 
6. Top three dramas where you did NOT love some of the fashion/ style choices made?  
Beautiful Gong Shim – I hated that Minah had to wear a wig for so long. I hated that they made Gong Shim wear unflattering clothes, which made her like a child for most of the drama. They did nothing to show Minah’s natural beauty (except for the last episode where she looked flawless.) 
Kim Tan’s ugly sweaters in Heirs. 
Kim Joo Won’s infamous sequinned track suit in Secret Garden. It was just hilarious. 
7. Who’s your dramaland hubby/ wife? (mine’s baek in ho ;p) your dream partner? Who is it. Your dramaland soul mate? 
That’s an excellent question. I’d pick Kang Hyun Soo (Smile, You) or Jung Joon Hyung (WLFKBJ). 
8. Any dramas you thought had wasted potential?  
The K2. It had so much potential but I felt like it fell short in every possible way. My love for Ji Chang Wook couldn’t save it. Song Yoon Ah’s brilliant performance couldn’t save it. 
The Heirs. They had a stellar cast of top actors and they wasted it. They could have done so much with it. First of all, why did both male leads have to be jerks? Second of all, why did the main pairing have to have such an unhealthy relationship. The side couple is the only thing I liked about this drama. They even wasted BTOB and VIXX cameos. If you’re gonna have a kpop group make an appearance in a drama at least tell the audience who they are and let us hear a full song. I didn’t even know who these groups were until much later when I watched N in Sassy Go Go and Sungjae on WGM. 
9. Two dramas where you loved the ost?  
Descendants of the Sun is my favourite OST in kdrama history. It’s the first drama where I loved every single song. I remember waiting for weeks for the K.Will OST to be released. I still listen to it regularly. My favourite songs include: Always – Yoonmirae, You Are My Everyting – Gummy, Talk Love – K.Will 
The second OST that sticks out to me is Uncontrollably Fond. The drama wasn’t my favourite but the OST was outstanding. My favourite songs include: Picture in My Head – Kim Woo Bin, Don’t Push Me – WENDY & Seulgi, Only U – Junggigo 
There are also specific songs that I love: 
- You’ve Fallen for Me – Jung Yong Hwa (Heartstrings). This is how I discovered CNBLUE and it will always have a special place in my heart  - Listen to My Heart – Melody Day (Tomorrow’s Cantabile)  - Forever Love – HEABIN (Romantic Doctor Teacher Kim)  - Shiny Boy – JOY (The Liar and His Lover)  - Honourable mention to the instrumental OST of Signal. 
10. What do you think is the most iconic kdrama?  
I had a tough time coming up with an answer for this one. It ultimately came down to Secret Garden. I’ll admit that it’s not perfect but it was my first kdrama; therefore, it will always be special to me. This is the drama that started. It’s only right that it gets the title of most iconic from me. It has all the classic kdrama tropes plus fantastical elements. You have the jerky CEO male lead who falls in love at first sight with a strong independent female lead who initially wants nothing to do with him. This drama takes the gender bender trope to another level when the leads switch bodies. Shall I remind you of the iconic coffee foam kiss scene that was recreated in Reply 1988? The OST still gives me all the feels. Yoon Sang Hyun will always be Oska to me. I still wish for Hyun Bin and Ha Ji Won to be reunited in a drama because their chemistry was off the charts.
I tag @seokjinings @haeyeongs @jok-ie @nabongsun @bcwaldorf @sleepypie1212
1. Do you ever get second lead syndrome? If so, who is the second lead that you felt for the most, that you loved way more than the lead? Who is the second lead that deserved a better ending? 
2. What book/movie would you like to see adapted into a kdrama? Who would you cast as the leads? 
3. Who are your top 3 kdrama OTPs? 
4. What is your favourite kdrama trope? Name your favourite drama with that trope. 
5. Does the OST influence your enjoyment of a drama? Are there any dramas that you’ve watched because of the OST? 
6. Who is your bias and who is your bias ruiner? 
7. What is a drama that you think everyone should watch? (An essential drama for every kdrama lover.) 
8. Who are your top 3 female leads? 
9. Create your own love team. (A pairing that you would like to see in everything, or a couple that you would like to see reunited.) 
10. Pick an actor and an actress that you would like to see as the leads in a drama? (Your dream pairing, they’ve never worked together before but you think they would be great together. Mine is Kim Seul Gi and Kang Ha Neul.)
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Dramas: The GREAT, The GOOD, and the GAWD AWFUL (Updated)
This is from my own watch list, and is SOLELY my opinion. With over 60 129 dramas/films finished, I have a lot of opinions. Additions are noted by a space. 
Here it is:
Coffee Prince: The greatest OTP of my lifetime. ;-)
Flower Boy Next Door: Full of heart and PSH’s best work.
Heart to Heart: Strange second-half, but this has an amazing OTP
It’s Okay, That’s Love: Beautifully dramatic and fully focused on relationships
Kill Me, Heal Me: Amazing premise, a bit melodramatic and zany but stayed interesting until the final episode
My Name Is Kim Sam Soon: Maybe my favorite female protagonist to date. She crass, strong, and amazing.
Oh My Ghost: Thrilling premise with two amazing female leads
Splash Splash Love: A quick three episode drama and some of Kim Seul Gi’s best work.
A Werewolf Boy (K-Movie): Tragic and heartbreaking, but each tear is deserved. Moody and atmospheric in the best way.
Beautiful Life: Hits you like a punch in the gut, but Kimura Takuya is amazing in this beautifully melodramatic romance.
Nigeru wa Haji da ga Yaku ni Tatsu: They try to make marriage into business relationship and hilarity ensues. A true delight.
Our Times (Taiwanese Movie): Bittersweet and the only school-based drama or film I’ve seen that left me satisfied.
Weightlifting Fairy Kim Bok Joo: I lied, this campus romance was everything. Funny, sweet, uplifting with an OTP I will love for a LONG time.
Ex-Girlfriend Club
Cheese In The Trap (This one hurts)
I Remember You/Hello Monster
Marriage, Not Dating
My Girl
Reply 1988
Reply 1997
Reply 1994
Surplus Princess
The Girl Who Sees Smells
The Lover
Tomorrow’s Cantabile
A Girl and Three Sweethearts
Age of Youth
Another Miss Oh
Back to 1989
Boss & Me/Shan Shan Comes to Eat
Evergreen Love (J-Movie)
Long Vacation
Marriage Contract
Mood of the Day (K-Movie)
Never Said Goodbye (K-Movie)
Orange (J-Movie)
Something About 1%
The Liar and His Lover (J-Movie)
Boys Over Flowers
EXO Next Door
Fabulous Boys
You’re Beautiful
Falling For Innocence
Fated to Love You
High School King of Savvy
High End Crush
I Need Romance Series (ALL 3)
Last Cinderella
Moon River
Murphy’s Law of Love
Noble My Love
Oh My Venus
Oh My Lady
One Sunny Day
Pretty Boy/Bel Ami/Pretty Man
Scent of a Woman
She Was Pretty
Smile You
The Greatest Love
The Master’s Sun
Witch’s Romance
Cheer Up/Sassy Go Go
Blue Spring Ride (J-Movie)
Clover (J-Movie)
Divorce Lawyer in Love
Down With Love
Emergency Couple
First Time (C-Movie)
Go Away, Mr. Tumor (C-Movie)
Go Ho’s Starry Night
Hear Me (Taiwanese Film)
Heroine Disqualified (J-Movie)
Kyou wa Kaisha Yasumimasu
Love O2O
My Love Story!! (J-Movie)
Nodame Cantabile: The Final Score (J-Movie)
One Smile is Very Alluring (C-Movie)
Strobe Edge (J-Movie)
The Beauty Inside (K-Movie)
The Black Devil and the White Prince (J-Movie)
U-Prince Series
Wannueng Jaa Pben Superstar
Yamato Nadeshiko Shichi Henge
You are the Apple of My Eye (Taiwanese Movie)
Absolute Boyfriend: A fairly ridiculous premise with the worst ending I have ever seen.
Flower Boy Ramen Shop: There is nothing romantic about yelling at each other for 16 episodes.
Full House Take 2 (The entire FULL HOUSE series really): Again, they are just mean to each other. Why is this enjoyable?
Hyde Jekyll Me: I will never understand the conflict. He’s the SAME man, how can one stupid female protagonist be so conflicted? You don’t deserve Hyun Bin’s love!!
I Order You: A female lead so awful I wanted to claw my eyes out. It’s cute at first but it’s like when a cat plays with you and then out of nowhere it just scratches your face with its deadly paw. Not enjoyable.
Just You: Simple story, but comically horrible third wheel intervention.
Madame Antoine: Deep breath. These two are horrible people and deserve to be alone.
Mary Stayed Out All Night: MESSY writing --- you’d think that having Jang Geun Suk and Kim Jae Wook fighting over you would be a thing of beauty, but homegirl made the whole triangle yawn worthy 
Playful Kiss: Perhaps my first K-drama hate. I don’t mind my male lead a little grumpy, but emotionally abusive is not cute.
Rooftop Prince: I already don’t like Han Ji Min, but the ending of this made me want to vomit in disgust
Twenty Again/Second Time Twenty Year Old: You know that drama that was a romantic comedy where the leads had no chemistry? No I’m not talking about Heirs! It’s this one!
Secret Garden: Felt like the longest drama I had ever seen, and not in a good way. The premise is a body swap but the body swap is all but forgotten by the mid-point. This writer and I were never able to get along.
To The Beautiful You: Get a female lead that can actually attempt to look and act like a girl. Heck, you need to talk to the Coffee Prince people.
Dal Ja’s Spring: This show just lost steam. I kept waiting to like Dal Ja but by the last four episodes I just wondered if my TV was broken.
High Society: When your second lead couple are more interesting and charming than your lead one, you have a problem.
Heirs: Ha ha. No.
After School: Lucky or Not: SUPER cheezy -- not as much AWFUL as just not...good.
Attic Cat: Again, just a couple that yells at each other for the whole series. Kim Rae Won is petulant, and the female lead is just forgettable.
Choco Bank: Short drama which a paper thin plot. I know the dude’s from EXO, but his beauty can not save this.
Click to Your Heart: Interesting premise -- a choose your own adventure style drama, but I liked NONE of the options.
Crazy Little Thing Called Love (Thai Movie): The only thing I believe about this movie is that it’s crazy that I thought it would be good.
Poison Berry in my Brain (J-Movie): Not at ALL what I thought it would be. Starts off quirky, ends up really troubling.
The Miracle: I don’t like heavy women as the butt of all the jokes. She was only ever able to experience love when she was in the body of a skinny person, and I don’t like that message.
When a Snail Falls in Love: The trailers for this made it seem like it was a romantic comedy with action in it....not true. It’s more of a violent action thriller with an occasionally cute scene tacked on.
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blackaquokat · 6 years
11 the DA?
Thank you so much!
Idk, minor TW for dark thoughts?
11. Invisiblechains are the strongest
There is no way to track time in this dark place, no tickingclock, no thrumming heartbeats, no visible color-changing sky.
There is just the darkness and the echo of your own voicewhen you try to speak.
You’re so tired ofyour voice, tired of hearing it reverberate back at you. It just reminds you ofhow alone you are, of your abandonment by someone you thought never would doso.
Then again, it wasn’t really him, was it? It wasn’t even the other one, the one who played withpowers beyond her control.
It was someone else, somethingelse, that trapped you here.
When you were first forced back into this horrid place, yourimprisonment went through stages.
Stage 1: Pleading.
For hours (or maybe days, months) afternot-Damien-and-not-Celine forced you from your body, you beat against thecracked walls of your prison, calling after the creature, crying for your bodyback, demanding for Damien to keep his promise (if he’s even still in there,you saw nothing of his kind eyes in your last sighting of him), andjust…crying. You hurt so much, even in this place, and you wanted the pain to stop.
Eventually, you stopped pleading, and that lead to the nextstep:
You tore through this dark world in a panic, where nothingappeared and no one left, you pass Mark’s body too many times to count (onceyou even kick it in a fit of anger, and the solidness of the corpse frightenedyou), you always end up back at the mirror, the cracks on your reflectionawfully familiar to the cracks developing in your mind.
You never tire, being dead and all, so for all you know, youpassed years trying to find someglimpse of the outside world without looking through the entrance of yourshattered prison (a lobster trap, you can get in, but you can’t get out, you’rein a lobster trap with no bars and yet the closeness of the darkness suffocatesyou worse than any literal cage).
Next came Repentance.
When you looked back on every choice you had ever madeleading up to this point and regretted each one.
You could have gotten the gun from the Colonel some otherway.
You could have left this forsaken house when you were warnedto (how many people have died here, how many tragedies have taken place, howdid the groundskeeper know they wereall doomed from the start?).
God, you could have just notgone to the goddamned party.
You can even feel the darkness itself whisper to you (what’sleft of it, anyway, after most of it stole away your closest friend), mockingyou for being so trusting, for trying to care for others, for not leaving whileyou had the chance.
The regret eats at what’s left of you, crawls under your skinand leaves you so cold it would take your breath away if you were still alive.
But you’re not.
You’re dead, but you’re not, and you’re in some gray (black)area between purgatory and pure Hell.
Because you did makethe choices you made.
But that doesn’t mean it has to end here.
Now, as you stare out of the splintered window of yourprison, you enter your final stage:
You refuse toaccept that this is your fate. Refuse to accept you are doomed for all eternityin this cruel place, betrayed by something that has destroyed your closestfriend and ally. Refuse to allow the toxic depression of this house to leakinto your mind.
You are going to survive.
You will not let thisdarkness seep into your mind.
And one day, when the whispers are louder than normal,dangling over your head like an anvil, something happens.
You scream at them to leave you alone, for the first timewith this newfound drive, not only do the dark tendrils rear back farther thanever at the sudden power in your voice, but there is a loud shattering sound, followed by an unbearable pain in yourhead as a too-bright-white clouds your vision.
When you come to, your sluggish mind barely registers thesensation of cold marble beneath your palms, your cheek.
You lift your head from the ground (solid, real ground) and see the jagged shardsof the mirror scattered around you.
And up ahead, through the doors you have been staring at forGod-knows-how-long through broken glass, the sun is shining down like a beacon.
AbstractPrompts! Send me a character/pairing and a number!
@starcrossedforever87 , @dontworryaboutanything , @beereblogsstuff , @silver-owl413 , @sassy-in-glasses , @chelseareferenced , @sketchy-scribs-n-doods , @axolittle-boi , @falseroar , @intemperantiae , @ren-mon , @memetoyoko , @soul-wolf , @marki-dumb , @withjust-a-bite , @raimeyl , @timelords13​
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d-addictland-blog · 7 years
My Drama List
I’m adding the titles as long as I keep remembering them!
49 Days
About Time
A Gentleman’s Dignity
All About my Mom
Angel Eyes
Another Oh Haeyoung
Arang and the Magistrate
Are You Human Too?
Autumn in my Heart
Bad Guys
Beautiful Mind
Because This is my First Life
Beethoven Virus
Birth of a Beauty
Black Knight
Borg Mom
Boys Over Flowers
Bridal Mask
Bride of the Century
Bride of the Water God
Cheese in the Trap
Chicago Typewriter
Cheondamdong Alice
Cinderella and the Four Knights
Cinderella’s Stepsister
City Hunter
Coffee Prince
Come and Hug Me
Come Back Mister
Dating Agency: Cyrano
Descendants of the Sun
Deserving of the Name
Doctor Stranger
Dream High (+ Season 2)
Emergency Couple
Falling for Innocence
Familiar Wife
Fated To Love You
Father is Strange
Fight My Way
Flower Boy Next Door
Full House
Girls’ Generation 1979
Go Back Couple
God’s Gift - 14 Days
Goodbye Mister Black
Good Doctor
Grand Prince
Great Seducer
Gu Family Book
Handsome Guy and Jung Eum
Heartless City
High School - Love On
High Society
Ho Goo’s Love
Hotel King
I Do, I Do
I Hear Your Voice
I’m not a Robot
I Miss You
Into The New World
Introverted Boss
Iron Man
It’s Okay, That’s Love
Jang Ok Jung
Jekyll and Me
Joseon Gunman
Just Between Lovers
KARA’s Secret Love
Kill Me, Heal Me
Lawless Lawyer
Legend of the Blue Sea
Let’s Eat 2 (+ Season 3)
Let’s Fight, Ghost!
Liar Game
Lie to Me
Love Rain
Ma Boy
Mad Dog
Man Living at my House
Man to Man
Man Who Sets the Table
Marriage Contract
Marriage Not Dating
Mary Stayed Out All Night
Master Sun
Miss Panda & Headhog
Money Flower
Moonlight Drawn by Clouds
My Ajusshi
My Fair Lady
My Girlfriend is a Gumiho
My Husband Oh Jakdu
My Love Eun Dong
My Love from the Star
My Lovely Girl
My Only Love Song
My Princess
My Sassy Girl
My Secret Romance
My Spring Days
Nail Salon Paris
Nice Guy
Nine: Nine Time Travel
Oh My Ghost
Oh! My Lady
Oh My Venus
Ojakgyo Brothers
One More Happy Ending
Only You
Orange Marmalade
Personal Taste
Playful Kiss
Police Unit 38
Pretty Man
Prime Minister and I
Princess’ Man
Queen In-Hyun’s Man
Queen of 7 Days
Radio Romance
Remember You
Reply 1997
Revolutionary Love
Romantic Doctor, Teacher Kim
Rooftop Prince
Rosy Lovers
Ruler: Master of the Mask
Save Me
Scarlet Heart: Goryeo
School 2015: Who Are You?
Secret Garden
She Was Pretty
Shine or Go Crazy
Shopping King Louis
Splash Splash Love
Spy Myung Wol
Stars Falling From the Sky
Strong Woman Do Bong Soon
Sungkyunkwan Scandal
Super Daddy Yeol
Surplus Princess
Suspicious Housekeeper
Suspicious Partner
Switch: Change The World
Temperature of Love
That Man, Oh Soo
That Winter, The Wind Blows
The Best Hit
The Girl Who Sees Smells
The Goddess of Fire, Jung-Yi
The Heirs
The K2
The King 2 Hearts
The King Loves
The Liar and his Lover
The Moon that Embraces the Sun
The Package
The Strongest K-POP Survival
The Virtual Bride
Thirty But Seventeen
Time Slip Dr. Jin
Tomorrow Cantabile
Tomorrow With You
To The Beautiful You
Trot Lovers
Twenty Again
Two Cops
Two Weeks
Uncontrollably Fond
What Happens to my Family
What’s Wrong With Secretary Kim?
When a Man Loves
While You Were Sleeping
Who Are You?
You’re Beautiful
You’re The Best, Lee Soon Shin
Your House Helper
5-ji Kara 9-ji Made
Boku No Ita Jikan
Death Note
Good Doctor
Hana yori Dango (+ Sequel + Movie)
Ima Ai Ni Yukimasu
Itazura Na Kiss: Love in Tokyo (+ Season 2)
Mei-chan no Shitsuji
Nigeru Wa Haji Da Ga Yaku Ni Tatsu
Nodame Cantabile (+ Specials + Movies)
Rich Man, Poor Woman
Sailor Moon (+ Specials)
Shiratori Reiko de Gozaimasu! (+ Movie)
Suki na Hito ga Iru Koto
Todome no Kiss
Tokyo Dogs
Yamato Nadeshiko Shichi Henge
Beautiful Secret
Love Me If You Dare
Moonshine and Valentine
Stay With Me
The Starry Night, The Starry Sea (+ Season 2)
When A Snail Falls In Love
Autumn’s Concerto
Easy Fortune Happy Life
Fabulous Boys
Fall In Love With Me
Fated To Love You
It Started With A Kiss (+ Season 2)
Just You
Prince Who Turns Into a Frog
Refresh Man
Skip Beat
0 notes