#Scarecrow brain rot
nespolkei · 8 months
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gunnrblze · 26 days
Thinkin bout bein some flavor of military, on whatever base the Ghosties usually reside at. Where you always see Captain Walker, and you can’t help but pine after him a little.
You know it’s futile, you’re both far too busy for anything of the sort, and he’s quite a bit older. He’d never even look at you that way. You’re not sure how much he even pays attention to you, he is commanding a whole task force, after all.
But he does notice you. You’re too kind not to be noticed by him. Even under your layer of professionalism, you give half smiles and tell little jokes when you can. You’re such a good listener, so evident by the way you pay attention to him. Nodding and looking straight up at him, if you can even make eye contact steadily, like he hangs the moon and stars in the sky for you.
He simply admires you at first. You’re so dedicated to your job, and now you’re all dedicated to him, whether he asks anything of you or not. When he does, it becomes your most important task. Maybe you’re a bit of a people pleaser, maybe you just want to please him.
Hard to tell, because you become such a sweetheart to the man. Always there to help, to work, and if not, you’re right around the corner waiting. He praises you for being so focused, even when you stutter on your words in front of him, cheeks heating up so much he swears he can feel it radiating off you. He tells you what a good job you’re doing, even when you screw up because the sound of his voice behind you fogs your poor head up.
You do so well here, so well for him. He can’t help but pat you on the back a little more, flash you that smile that makes your knees a bit weak for a second. Does he know it does that, his smile? You think he does, considering he doesn’t do it very often.
He isn’t stupid, far too keen and observant not to notice your lingering looks and glances. The way you tense momentarily whenever he slides a hand across your lower back while moving past you. The way you behave so patiently for him, even when he’s being a hardass, even when his anger gets the best of him.
Maybe if he weren’t so damned busy, maybe if you weren’t so much younger, weren’t his subordinate, he could entertain the idea of you. The fantasy that crawls into the back of his head. Your smile, the glitter in your eyes when he tells you how proud he is of you, the look on your face when you’re too focused to hear anything else being said. He loves it all, how could he not? You’re far too sweet, far too adorable, at least to him.
The scent that lingers from your skin, the warmth from your body he feels when he stands a bit closer than necessary, it all sticks to the man like glue. He can’t get enough. So when you bring him a cup of coffee on your way to his office one day, it lights him up a bit more. The way your eyes linger on him, almost unknowingly mapping out the details of his weathered face has something sparking up deep inside him, something he had buried away.
He knows it’s misplaced, but when was the last time he indulged himself? How wrong was it really, for him to make you sit across his desk and fill out paperwork that you could be doing in your own office, just so he can stare at you, study you? How wrong was it for him to let those touches linger a bit, the hand resting on your shoulder and sliding down your arm before he breaks away?
He was the Captain, after all. And he’d never be one to abuse his power, but he had you running extra errands for him, just to see your pretty face a little more during the day. Asking menial things of you, things that weren’t necessarily in your job description, but he knew you’d do anything he requested, eyes practically begging for his attention. Especially when your reward was that gruff praise falling from his lips, or a hand rubbing along your back as he stands next to you.
He didn’t have time for games, he’s a serious man with a serious job. But he could get used to having a little pet of sorts, right?
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hello-god-its-me-sara · 3 months
and then i got brainrot
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I’m just saying Jon randomly running into batcow bc she wandered a little far out or he’s unknowingly a little more close to the massive Wayne estate than he realized seeing a cow and getting a little homesick (he grew up around farms, rip it from my dead cold dead hands) feeding her his lunch or something and then receiving affection from her
Jon who was not received affection from anyone or anything (it seems) his entire life chalking it up to feeding her, you don’t bite the hand that feeds you of course
And for whatever reason he keeps coming back regularly and of course he brings food every time and bat-cow is very appreciative of it sometimes it’s the only food he has but it’s okay because he can take care of himself
At this point Batman knows what up
Well kinda
He’s definitely found Crane feeding bat-cow and giving her pets, either bc he followed her out or him and he can’t really figure out what’s going on but it doesn’t seem to be hurting anyone so he leaves it be
I mean probably on more than one occasion Jonathan has dropped whatever he was doing to feed bat-cow because they have a schedule now and he can’t be late or miss a day
So Bruce knows and probably use it to keep tabs on Crane Bat-cow trusts him so that means something right?
And one day for some reason Jon can’t bring food He doesn’t have any and can’t get any in time and so he shows up and he doesn’t have food for her
And he just starts crying because he can’t feed her not that bat-cow cares, she wants his company more anyways
So she just nuzzles at him
Meanwhile Jon starts crying harder because he can’t feed her and he she’s rubbing at him because she expects food and he doesn’t have food and what happens when she realizes that he doesn’t have food? she’s just a cow
how’s she supposed to know he isn’t randomly withholding food all of a sudden? what if she thinks it’s her fault? what if she stops trusting him after this? and she just keeps nuzzling at him and he keeps feeling worse and worse
At this point he’s spiraling because as far as he’s concerned this is a random cow he’s been feeding more weeks- months now he doesn’t know who owns her or who takes care of her so of course he feels responsible for her at this point, something he’s never felt before and as far as he’s concerned she might rely on him for food, which is why he started prioritizing feeding her because when you’re responsible for something, when they rely on you, wouldn’t you give them your last bite of food? and now he can’t even feed her and she keeps rubbing at him
And that’s how Bruce finds Crane sobbing and apologizing profusely to bat-cow about not having food while she’s trying to comfort him and is confused why rubbing against him isn’t working
shut up don’t psychoanalyze this this means absolutely nothing
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In case it wasn’t clear the reason Jonathan is crying over the cow is not just because he can’t feed her he is convinced the only reason she’s giving him affection is because she expects food he’s Pavlovian trained her to expect food from him
So the other half of it is later, after Batman gets involved because he panics, Jonathan just cannot accept that bat-cow could like him and give affection and not expect food from him
The idea that anyone or anything could like him is absurd thus bat-cow can’t just give him affection
No the cow doesn’t like him what are you talking about he just feeds her, she wants food
And he continues to try to justify any further affection she gives him
Oh she won’t eat because she’s just fed but she’s still nosing at him? she wants pets she’s a cow of course she wants pets, what animal doesn’t want pets, no that doesn’t mean she likes him, it’s purely transactional what don’t you get about that why would you think that she likes him
Batman doesn’t know what to do about this denial
Because Crane obviously likes bat-cow
Bat-cow obviously likes him back regardless of what Crane thinks
And now he has a rouge with an unstable emotional attachment to his /c o w/
Unstable as in Jon goes error 404 if anyone insists that the cow likes him back
I mean what’s Bruce supposed to do with this new information force Crane into therapy? not do anything and ignore that Crane has a 50% chance of crying if bat-cow moos at him?
Jon is completely fine if you ask him (he is not) there’s nothing wrong with his attachment to bat-cow
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eternalchemy · 11 months
now hear me out.
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batvvvvv · 11 months
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haven't been home the past few days but haven't had anything to do while im away so i've just got a fuckton of traditional doodles. heres my fav ones :)
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accidentalslayer · 1 year
Listen here, Jonathan Crane! I will NOT be having you skulking around like a particularly aggressive rot in my brainspace while I ALREADY have a WIP I'm working on for another fandom! This will not stand!
I'm really starting to love him tho...
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gilf-grievous · 2 years
I am humbly asking for more Jonathan Crane as a professor interacting with his students
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outragedartist · 9 months
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Uh oh scarecrow brain rot time
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graveyardghoulart · 2 years
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I have been obsessing over the Rogues! Podcast for the past couple weeks and it has definitely given me Scarecrow brain rot. I'm not sure if there's like...an official look for Jon in this universe actually? I see the fanart tends to have similar features but...I wasn't really feeling them for this particular version. They weren't giving "Deep South Academic" vibes, which Jon definitely has, so I based him on a couple of my old college professors. There's going to be more of him to come lol
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caesariawritesstuff · 2 months
I would like a story on the topic "jealousy" with .... of course Scarecrow :3
A Flicker in the Dark
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Summary: After his encounter with you, Jonathan realizes he might just want you for his own. A slight continuation of Damaged Goods.
Content Warning: Jealousy, Possessive Behavior, Minor spoilers for Cat & Mouse.
Word Count: 1.3k
A/N: A slight continuation of Damaged Goods. Not canon to the official Cat&Mouse!Verse, but it might be one day? My brain is a mess now that I've got the Detective x Jon brain rot. Someone send help.
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The GCPD was still. An odd thing, for this time of night, but there was an eerie silence cast over the entire precinct. Jonathan Crane was quiet as he packed up his things, stuffing his work papers into his briefcase: documents all on the latest case that he had been pouring over for hours, trying to figure out the chemical compound this new criminal was using. He was getting closer to discovering it, but still; pain throbbed behind his eyes, a dull ache in his damaged retina. His entire face often ached from the numerous surgeries he’d had, and from the brutal assaults from Batman. He frowned at the thought of the Dark Knight, and yet, there was still a sick sense of satisfaction bundling in his stomach at knowing he’d won three years ago.
It felt like so long ago now, but Jonathan shook the thoughts from his mind, finished gathering his things, and quickly headed out of the GCPD. A dozen eyes averted from him, and numerous people leaned to whisper things to one another, but he ignored their stares. Not like he cared much about what people thought of him. He had far too much on his mind, anyways – but as he came into the lobby and headed towards the front door, something caught his eye.
He lifted his head slightly, gazing through narrowed eyes as he watched you and Edward wander down the hall, arm in arm, whispering to one another as his footsteps came to a slow stop. He couldn’t help but notice the way you clung to Edward, so tightly, as if you needed him to ground you to the very stone underneath your feet. Edward leaned down, whispering something into your ear, that made you laugh. Even from here, Jonathan could see the flush that crept across your cheeks, a rosy hue. He knew you were involved with Edward – well, the whole precinct knew – and Jonathan couldn’t deny his fascination and curiosity as to why someone like you would be involved with someone like Edward. Of course, the little incident he’d had with you down in the forensics lab had answered some of his question, but it didn’t quite fill the void he was seeking. A void, which Jonathan discovered, he could not quite explain.
You and Edward disappeared out of the GCPD and into the night. Jonathan tightened his grip around his briefcase and continued on his way, his thoughts once more straying back to the case at hand he’d been recruited to help with. But as he called a cab and made his way back to his court mandated apartment, he found his thoughts once more straying back to you. He could not deny that you were an attractive woman; even someone like him could see that. Not that he paid attention to such things, but he couldn’t deny that you’d caught his eye.
As he arrived at his apartment and made his way inside, he shut and locked the door behind him, taking a look at his bare, empty apartment. A cold chill clung to the air, and he sighed, shrugging out of his coat and hanging it on the coat hook beside the door. He rolled up his sleeves and headed into the kitchen to pour himself a stiff drink. He filled a tumbler with ice, and some top shelf whiskey, taking a slow sip, letting the flavor linger on his tongue. Glass in hand, he wandered over to the window and took a long look out at the city, a city he’d once bathed in his fear toxin, desperate to show them all how ruled by their own fears they really were. He’d wanted this city to be his domain, their King of Fear. Interesting how things had changed so drastically in the last three years, and he found himself picking apart the events in which they’d happened – and how he’d come to be here.
Taking another sip of his drink, he found his thoughts straying to you once more. It’d been an interesting conversation he’d had with you, and a part of him found himself curious to pick apart your fears once again, to get to know you better, to understand just what made you tick. He wanted to study you, and if it was up to him, he’d slip you a nice little injection of his toxin and relish in just what your nightmares might show him. But the more he began to think on it, the more Jonathan began to question these strange feelings stirring in his stomach, awakening something foreign within him he had not felt in a very long time, something even he was struggling to understand. But what was it?
He turned away from the window and sat down in the nearby recliner, bathing himself in the darkness as he swirled his drink around in his glass. The clinking of ice filled the silence. And yet, no matter how hard he tried to vanish you from his mind, he found he could not keep his thoughts from straying back to you. You’d stared at him with such defiance in your eyes, a fire that burned brightly – a fire, he suddenly realized, that he wanted to consume for his own.
And that was the moment Jonathan suddenly understood what he was feeling.
It was jealousy stirring in his stomach. An emotion he had not felt in years. Jonathan was not a jealous man; in fact, it was an emotion that often alluded him entirely. Jealousy was simply a symptom of someone’s fears, and he had mastered his long ago.
So why was he feeling it now?
He had not experienced such an emotion in so long that it was hard to pinpoint where it was stemming from – but the more he pondered it, the clearer the issue became: he had come to see why someone like you would capture Edward’s attention, but he could not understand why someone like you would give him your attention at all. Was it the simple fact that you feared no one else would give you attention like Edward did? Or was it rooted in something else, some deep-rooted trauma you tried to suppress? And what was it about Edward that held you so tightly in his grasp? Jonathan knew the man was egotistical, full of bravado, something which annoyed him more often than not, but he’d learned how to navigate Edward’s ego long ago.
But…Jonathan knew Edward would not let you go so easily. The man was possessive, and he would not share you. But if Jonathan wanted to understand you for himself, if he wanted to come to consume your fire and study it under his own gaze, he’d need Edward out of the way.
Another bolt of jealousy stirred within his stomach, spreading through his veins, blossoming in his stomach like a balloon. Your fire was enough to bring a man like Edward Nigma to his knees, and Jonathan wanted to exploit that for himself: your vulnerability, your fears, your fire, the things that he knew he could bring to the surface and exploit for his own. It was simply too bad Edward had gotten to you first – and another sliver of jealousy rippled through Jonathan’s veins, wondering what it would have been like if he’d have met you before Edward, if he’d been approached about this silly reform first.
He took another slow sip of his drink, and when he lowered it back to his lap, a smirk touched the corners of his lips. His jealousy was like a flicker in the dark, a match lightning gasoline, a small flame being stoked to life.
And that was the moment Jonathan realized he wanted you for himself.
Everything about you – he wanted for his own. To consume. To nurture. To help you master. To take and exploit, to mold you into the image he wanted you to be.
His own Mistress of Fear.
All it would take were a few words, a few whispers, a few thoughts planted in your head. He wanted to watch you squirm, to watch those fears rise from the depths of your soul, and when he finally hade you where he wanted you…
He would take you for his own.
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cherrytheredwolf · 2 months
TNBA Scarecrow unmasked
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Sorry for not drawing in a while.
I drew Jonathan because I love him so much and my brain is rotting at an alarming rate.
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riddle-me-ri · 1 year
a/n: so umm…is it weird that I’ve given myself my own like brain rot for my general-partially biased take on a character? I just couldn’t get a Southern Jonathan out of my mind lmao. Plus as much as I’m absolutely suffering in this Texas heat…I do recall a time when summer was decent, especially at night out at my papa’s house…so it’s also a wee little love letter to those days…cause I do miss them. 
Trigger Warning: alludes to sexual activity but nothing explicit, some angst if you squint, heavy touching, and kissing. Also perhaps some wee OOC-ness maybe? This is a bit before he dives deep into his Scarecrow alias and my Jonny is a bit more confident when he’s with someone he cares for…and is in his neck of the woods so to speak.
Word Count: 1.2 k
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General Scarecrow/Jonathan Crane x Reader - Summer Nights
Tiny blades of fresh grass bit slightly at your bare feet as you ran through the open field. Your smile was wide to the point it almost hurt your cheeks. 
Your long-time boyfriend, Jonathan Crane held your hand tightly as he lead you across the field to a little “watering hole” he called it. 
Your legs are just about to go numb from the long exertion of running to match up with Jonny’s pace, but you finally made it to a tiny lake that laid out just before some dense woods. 
The water glittered as it reflected the bright twinkling stars on a cloudless summer night. The moment is calm, just a few chirps of crickers or the grunts of toads filled the silence. 
Then you realize that Jonathan isn’t beside you anymore. 
“Jon?” You asked out loud, softly at first. “Ugh, Jonny! Where are you?” 
“Right here, darlin’.” He was behind a tall and wide tree. 
You walked over to the tree. “What’re you doing?” 
“Well, wouldn’t want to get my workin’ clothes wet, now would I?” He stepped out from behind the tree and he wore nothing but his boxer shorts. 
“Jonathan!” You squealed as you instinctively covered your eyes and turned away. 
“What? It’s not like you ain’t seen me in my skivvies before-”
“Not out here…i-in the open!” You hissed, you quickly glance around, hoping no one would show up to prove your point. 
“Honey, I can assure you we’re the only ones out here. You ain’t got nothin’ to be afraid of.” 
You scoffed, crossing your arms. “That’s rich coming from you.” 
Jonathan chuckled deviously. “Point taken. But I promise nothin’ will getcha…especially with me around.” 
He walked up towards you and wrapped his arms around your waist. You placed your hands on his chest. You could feel the pounding rhythmic beating of his heart past his pale skin. 
“Well what?” 
Jonathan grinned. “Aren’tcha gonna join me?” 
“Wha–?” Before you could finish asking, Jonathan broke from the embrace and dashed toward the short wooden pier. 
“Jonny!” You shouted, astonished. 
The only response was the sound of splashing water. 
You rushed out to the edge of the pier and watched your lanky boyfriend breakthrough the water. 
“What’re you waiting for? It’s awfully lonely out here!” He chuckled, swimming closer to you just below the edge of the pier. 
You were silent for a beat as your eyes shifted left to right. 
“Is the water cold?”
“Do I need to take off my clothes?” 
“Unless you wanna be cold when you get out, darlin’.”
Another beat. You sighed before slowly deciding to take off your clothes. You were still hesitant to get in until you were down to your underwear and heard Jon let out a wolf whistle. Pulled by the urge to smack him, you dove in after him. 
Jonathan’s laugh echoed as he tried to fend off your hands, restraining them in his hands by your wrists. 
“Was that so hard?” He teased. 
“No…but you lied. The water is a little cold.” You huffed.
Jonathan chuckled warmly, he placed your wrists around his neck and his hands went under water to wrap around your waist. 
“Don’t worry, I’ll help warm ya up.” 
“Ha. Ha. Ha.” You deadpanned before he leaned in to kiss you. 
His lips were wet from the water, making it all the more easier to get your tongue to slide past his lips and into his mouth. Your skin began sticking to his and his grip around your waist got stronger and tighter as if he was trying to keep you afloat for as long as he can. 
You slowly, although reluctantly pulled back. You rested the tip of your nose against the tip of his crooked one. You remember how it got so crooked in the first place. It was already adorably long…but it wasn’t always crooked. 
A couple of classmates from your college have always harassed you and one day Jonny saw it, needless to say he wasn’t going to let them pick on you, like they did him, without a fight. The fight eventually got broken up by the dean and Jonathan and the other party was suspended for a time. 
When you went to check on him the following day, his nose was inflamed and constantly bleeding. You remember kissing it that day…and the next day the bleeding stopped and the swelling went down. 
Back in the present, Jonathan began kissing and lightly suckling on the water droplets that fell down your neck. 
“J-Jonny…” You mumbled out, breathlessly. “I gotta ask you something.” 
Jonathan didn’t hesitate to raise his head up to look at you. “What is it, darlin’?” 
“I just…I’m worried about this whole…fear tactic thing…I don’t want you to get in trouble or get hurt! Billy isn’t worth the risk…just to get back at him?” 
Jonathan sighed. “Honey, we’ve been over this…men…or, better yet, boys like him need a taste of their own medicine. They need to know what it’s like to be afraid…submissive…powerless…if they don’t they’re just gonna keep picking on those weakest.” 
“But does it have to be you? Why do you got to do it?” 
Jonathan perked up an eyebrow, his eyes wandered off into the water as he thought about why. “Because I know…I know fear better than most anyone. Who better to rear it’s ugly head?” 
Your shoulders sloched as you sighed in defeat. You suppose there truly was no getting to him. To back out of this plan of his. 
You brought your hands up from around his neck to frame his jaw on both sides. Your thumb caressing just below his cheeks. 
“Just…please be careful, sweetheart.” You pleaded.
Jonathan leaned his face into your touch before softly kissing along the inside of your palm. “I will, honey. I always am.” 
“I’m looking at a crooked nose that says otherwise.” You giggled. 
Jonathan chuckled. “It didn’t get crooked under the best of circumstances, but I know you love it.” He brought his face down towards yours and rubbed his nose side to side against yours. 
Your smile grew as you pulled him in closer so his lips can meet yours again. 
After sucking on each other’s lips for awhile, Jonathan resumed his task from before with suckling along your skin. Finishing where he left off on one side of your neck and then going to the other side. Your fingers were dug deep in his wet mop of sandy brown hair, doing all that you can to keep his attention there. 
Jonathan pulled you closer to him once more, as the water tries to pull you apart. When your body was up against his, you felt a certain bulge below the surface. Your audible gasp, clued Jonathan to know you knew. 
“I think it’s time for us to take this back to dry land, whataya say, darlin’?” Jonathan whispered in your ear. 
You gulped, nodding your head against his. “Please.” 
Jonathan chuckled deviously. “You better shake a leg, or I’ma just have to drag you to the bottom with me.” 
You dramatically shrieked at the threat as you began swimming back to shore, with Jonathan quickly following you in your wake.
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satancopilotsmytardis · 6 months
I still have brain rot, more FNAF×MHA notes for myself for when I have time to work on this:
Dabi: 8 foot tall scarecrow/jack-o-lantern creature made for the Halloween season. He was supposed to be made to work in like huge corn mazes and has a bunch of lights inside of him, so through his "tattered" exoskeleton the "fire" could be seen coming through. It was decided to color him blue instead of traditional fire colors because they didn't want anyone to see him moving through the corn and get actually scared that something was on fire.
Compress: 6 foot long rabbit animatronic styled after the white hare from Alice In wonderland. He has rabbit looking legs and usually sits back on his haunches which leaves him looking fairly short among the other animatronics. He has no face and instead has a black and white "mask" screen over his face that can project symbols while he talks or emotes, tho notably no facial expressions/emojis/emoticons were programmed in. He was designed to be an entertainer and used to have a stage where he would start each show by popping out of a large top hat.
Spinner: 7 feet tall, he was originally designed to be a dragon animatronic that was supposed to play the villain in one of the stage shows against a knight, but during production, the engineers ran out of time to get his wings working/attached. He was sent out anyway, and the kids called him a lizard and didn't like him, so corporate immediately had him shelved and sent to the basement to be replaced by a wizard animatronic.
Toga: 5 feet tall, she is an animatronic that is styled similarly to a Raggedy Ann doll. She was made to do arts and crafts with kids but started to grow an obsession over the color red and painting herself to look more like her favorite kids/staff members/other animatronics, and the mechanics couldn't get the obsessiveness out of her programming so they deemed her unstable and sent her to the basement.
Twice: 6 feet tall, Twice was originally a Staff Bot, just one of many made to help clean up, direct guests, and help with the day-to-day running of the partyplex, but he got pulled aside at random to be the test bot for a more advanced program that made him Too self-aware. He realized that his freewill was given to him by chance and on accident and his brain may have snapped a little, making him violently attack and dismantle any other staff bot he saw until he was sent to the basement as well.
Shigaraki is "human" 5'9", and is AFO's secret kid. He told his dad he was going off to college, but in actuality, he applied for a janitorial position in the company with a false identity so that he could actually see the empire his dad built up close and personal. He's the new hire and gets the shit job of going down to the basement to deal with the moody bunch and ends up finding them to be kindred spirits
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oobbbear · 2 years
Hi ur farm au is brain rotting me currently.
I just wanna say I adore your Crow Moon and Scarecrow Sun
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jaxxsoxxn · 6 months
I can just imagine them facing against scarecrow and scarecrow being you know using his toxic fumes being fear, making boomerang remember that day so clearly and vividly and boomer gets so pissed he tackled scarecrow in the ground and starts beating him, beating him in like until he’s almost to death and Harley and Floyd has to like Get him off of him so he won’t kill scarecrow and Boomer is just screaming at scarecrow
 you fucker how dare you piece of shit you’re gonna die for that and Floyd and Harleys trying their best to keep boomer at bay because of that they have to ask for back up you can choose who they have asked for back up
Oh, and if you want, you can add some of your boomerflash 
Also, you’re the best of making boomerflash head cannons and stories your apps your pieces are beautiful French kiss 💋
kisses!!! <33 thank ya, the brain rot feeds off them, so I'm happy with every little idea thrown my way.
In defense of Harley, she had no way to know that when Scarecrow decided to test his "new" gas on them (in a safe space, after he got "recruited" too), apparently this one showing off old fears instead of creating new ones, whatever that meant, Boomer would be hit with something... like that.
Through most of the experiment, few chosen heroes around them to help if needed, Digger was the only "normal" one. He stood still, almost peacefully, if you ignored the shaking hands and short breaths. Maybe it was the fact that they knew it's all a hallucination, maybe it was the fact that the person responsible was right next to them, but when it all finally broke away, when most started trying to get some water and calm themselves with help, the first thing he did was jump Jonathan.
The first hit wasn't the thing that broke the shock of heroes and others around them - it was the sound of a breaking bone that did it. A pain-filled whine left Scarecrow, when he tried to use his claw-like gloves to tear the Australian away, his whole body mass keeping them down, while he punched almost blindly. He was angrily half screaming, half mumbling something about Owen, whom Harley herself didn't know exactly.
But Flash, who was the first one to try to hold Digger back, definitely knew. Most people who aren't dragging Crane away to make sure he'll survive probably notice the way his eyes go wide at the suffering screams that slowly turn into whispers full of bitterness. His hands, now bloody from the scientist, shaking rapidly and trying to hold onto something - failing to do so. Barry has his arms intertwined with the Rouge's elbows, holding him behind while clinging to him and trying to calm him down.
But when he does get calm, it doesn't mean his brain is fully caught up with what happened exactly, so all they hear now, less shaky and unfocused, are the words of horrid truth that Boomer saw.
"...How could they do that? They took my boy-" this time only a few people freeze, Flash now slowly working his way to the ground with trembling Boomer in his arms. "They took my boy, he was only eight-! How could they? What did he do to deserve it?"
Floyd, water bottle in hand, gets closer to the man, brushing his wet from sweat hair up, showing his blurry green eyes clearer. Shark looks angrily at the bloodied up scientist for a second, a protective urge firing deep inside, before he gets on the floor next to the two, touching Digger without grabbing him, being more something to rest up on than anything.
And when he continues, this time words just... giving up, changing between sobs and empty anger, Harley joins up. She walks straight at him, until she's right in front of him, her shoes almost touching his. Steadily, she sits down right there, looks her friend in the eyes and waits for him to ground himself, doing her best to ignore the hurt sounds coming from him and the few words that crawl their way out of his closed up throat.
"...He was so small, y'know? His body was so light-" a sob shook him, making Barry change his hold, from holding him back to just having his arms around him and his head rest on his back. "They took him from my arms to check for pulse, but- but they didn't have to take him to the hospital - too late, they said. Too much blood, he stopped breathing fifteen minutes before their arrival. I couldn't get his blood out of my hands, it's still stuck under my nails- I need to, I need to wash my hands-"
Another attack of weeping stops him, while all they do is be here, for now. Somewhere in the back, the rest of the heroes takes care of Crane and talks to Flag, who has a grimace on his face and a glint of understanding in his eyes - it probably was in Boomer's files, knowing how they like to have all possible information. Doesn't make it less dehumanizing.
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duckiesartz · 2 months
I'm having Scarecrow brain rot
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I also couldn't make up my mind on the backgrounds so I struggled.
A lot.
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