#Scott has feelings about Bewitched
everythingunderthesky · 9 months
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Which Witch? 
This moment in "Donnie vs. Witch Town" has repeatedly caught my notice, and I’ve now recovered enough to break it down! 
First off, here’s the list verbatim:
Visitors  Suzy Bannion Heather Donahue Nancy Downs Minnie Castevet Katia Vajda Miss Anjelica Ernst Samantha Stephens April O’Neil
Unfamiliar names plus cursive plus a lack of high-quality stills meant decoding this took a little longer than expected.
I have attempted to minimize spoilers for the mentioned horror movies when possible, but in pursuing two contradictory goals, I have accomplished both imperfectly. C'est la vie!
Please note: I am by no means a film buff, so feel free to add any relevant context! 
Oh, the Horror . . . [films]!
"Suzy Bannion" would be a reference to the 1977 film Suspiria in which Suzy, a ballet student, finds herself investigating a supernatural coven of witches.
"Heather Donahue" is a homage to the 1999 "found footage" movie The Blair Witch Project*, wherein three student filmmakers investigate a legend of a witch in the woods.
"Nancy Downs", from the 1996 R-rated film The Craft, is one of a trio of students rumored to be dabbling in witchcraft.
"Minnie Castevet", on the other hand, hails from the dark 1968 film Rosemary’s Baby (based on the book by Ira Levin), wherein Minnie’s character is suspected of being a member of a coven. 
"Katia Vajda", originates from the 1960 film Black Sunday, (loosely based on Nikolai Gogol’s short story "Viy"). Katia was accused of being a vampiric witch and executed by her brother—but that isn’t the end of her story.
"Miss Anjelica Ernst" simultaneously references Roald Dahl’s 1973 novel The Witches and its 1990 film adaptation of the same name. One member of the notorious child-hating coven is the Grand High Witch, Eva Ernst, who was portrayed by Anjelica Huston on the big screen.
"Samantha Stephens" lives the life of a "good witch" in the 1964 television series Bewitched.
Special Bonus!
"Abigail the Good", founder of Witch Town, may be an allusion to the character "Abigail Pershing" from the 2015 television show Good Witch. 
I’ll go ahead and credit my dad as my research assistant; he described these references as "deep cuts".
And really, what higher praise is there? 
*For more about Heather Donahue, the producer and writer of the sitcom The High Country, check out this article by GQ's Scott Meslow, The Blair Witch Project's Heather Donahue Is Alive and Well!
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princeescaluswords · 4 months
Words Aren't Necessary
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Written for Meta May Monday 2024's prompt: Pack.
I enjoyed Teen Wolf The Movie, all-in-all. Like any piece of media, there were things I wanted that I didn't get and things that I felt should have happened that didn't. Now, while there are things I didn't want and things that I feel shouldn't have happened, for me it is always beneficial to examine the media closely and answer the question, why did they do that?
One of the things that displeased me initially was the appearance of distance between Liam and Scott. (And the absence of Hayden, but if I talk about that, I'll never get to my point). Liam and Scott didn't have a real conversation in the movie beyond a few shouted instructions at each other. Yes, part of the reason for this was trying to fit a whole story into a little over two hours, but they could have at least had a moment together.
However, looking back over time, I had an epiphany. Perhaps that wasn't an oversight but a conscious decision. I decided to look at their relationship in the movie within the context of the show, and I concluded that this was not just a production necessity but -- especially in the light of the "Scott roars and the pack's eyes light up" scene -- a conscious decision. Perhaps words aren't necessary to reaffirm the bond between alpha and beta.
I will explore this by looking at their relationship in the movie and comparing it with two different scenes: the opening when the possessed wolf comes onto the lacrosse field in Said the Spider to the Fly (6x01) and the scene between Derek and three of his betas in Restraint (3x07).
When the movie starts, Scott is in Los Angeles, and he tells Chris that he hasn't been back in Beacon Hills for a long time. Liam lives and works with Hikari in a place that could very well be on the other side of the world but was never specified. Scott and Liam are both drawn to Beacon Hills for different reasons, yet at first, they don't seem to have had much to do with each other. When they do meet up, there are clues that they haven't become strangers. Scott may be surprised to see Liam, but then again Liam was living far away. On the other hand, Liam doesn't have to introduce Hikari. Liam doesn't have to explain the reasons why he and Hikari would come here. Scott can give Liam instructions immediately, and there's no push back. They work together without any of the necessary establishing scenes that people who have lost track of each other would need. I point out that this is also true for Derek, Lydia, and Malia. Malia and Scott have issues, but even so, it doesn't stop them from working together; it doesn't even make it more difficult. Malia tries to tell Lydia that she missed her, which Lydia gently rebuffs, but that's set to the side.
In fact, the person that Scott must talk to the most is Allison, bewitched by the nogitsune. He establishes motive, explains decisions, and seeks to build trust. Melissa tells Scott that it's important to help her remember who she was. Allison was pack. Just like Liam, just like Derek, just like Lydia and Malia.
Now, a possible counter argument is that this was just made to cut down on exposition in the movie due to time requirements, but I feel there are many scenes (especially between Stiles and Scott, but I'm not going to address those because Stiles wasn't in the movie) where trust was demonstrated in the series by there being no need to explain it to each other.
An important scene which I feel demonstrates this is at the beginning of 6B. Liam, having trouble because Hayden has moved away, almost gets caught transforming in the middle of practice. Scott has to talk him down. Yet, when the diseased wolf (possessed by the Anuk-Ite, though no one knows that yet) shows up and menaces Nolan and the lacrosse team, Scott and Liam immediately begin working together without talking. Scott doesn't have to ask Liam to come with him; Liam doesn't have to inquire about their plan. They walk in unison even though Liam was having trouble not five minutes before.
A counterpoint is the scene in Restraint, where Derek is trying to formulate a plan against the kanima and Gerard, and he gets frustrated because his betas keep questioning his decisions. They're looking at the restraints they're going to use for the full moon, and Isaac is asking him question after question. Derek explodes with "We can't!" to these questions which seem to be quite reasonable. Why the anger? Because pack should mean that his betas shouldn't have to badger him about what they were going to do. Isaac never stops questioning Derek, never stops demanding explanations. Eventually, Isaac joins up with another pack.
Of course, the writing decisions are influenced by the limitations of the medium, especially time requirements. Davis very clearly didn't want to spend a lot of time on exposition and explanation. That wasn't what he was interested in. Yet, I feel that the lack of conversation in the movie couldn't be Davis's disinterest in Liam and Scott's relationship, because otherwise there would be little reason for Liam to be there at all. Liam didn't know Allison; he wasn't invested, and if the film could do without Stiles, it could certainly do without Liam. But the narrative reason he was included was to underline the truth behind Scott's taunt to the nogitsune.
Scott: And I'm still standing. And I'm still the alpha.
The nogitsune wants their fun, and it pleases it to kill a pack's alpha right in front of them, and he is there alpha, and they're his betas. It even pretends to be a werewolf to twist the knife. He fails, of course, but Jeff didn't need to have the characters say the words to show that it is true.
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mish-ka · 2 years
Ajeeb Dastan Hai Yeh
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Chapter 1 | Next
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I hope you guys like this new series. A little cheesy but we love cheese.
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This is not how Ram had planned his day to go. Not at all. When he had left the rented house this morning, he had wanted to get his work done and return to Delhi to continue his mission.
Ram initially had no desire to travel from Delhi to Vrindavan, but he was pressured to do so by his superiors.
Apparently Scott had received news about some tampering with the funds in Vrindavan and they had picked Ram to make sure everything was under control.
Akhtar didn’t know why Ram was leaving for Vrindavan, but he kept on repeating that he had a good feeling about Ram leaving for the holy city.
So Ram honestly has no idea of how he ended in this situation with people chasing him, and never in his life had Ram thought he would do such a thing.
Eloping with a bride from her mandap was something Ram never saw in his future, and yet here he is. Running away with someone else’s dulhan.
Shree Mohan. The daughter of most influential man of Hindustan. A girl he met just 30 minutes ago, married her, and then escaped from the mandap.
It all started from yesterday, when Ram had met with Shree’s father, Kishore Mohan, and the man had invited Ram to his youngest daughter’s wedding.
Ram didn’t want to betray the trust of the man who had invited him into his house, but after finding out that the groom had already been married and Kishore knew about it, Ram couldn’t sit still.
Ram remembers sneaking into the bride’s room, who he hadn’t met, to tell her the truth about the groom;
Closing the door behind him, Ram sighs in relief as he has finally made it into the bride’s room after trying several times.
Tracing his eyes around the room, Ram takes in the room in order to locate the bride.
His eyes find her seated in the middle of the bed, a veil over her face. Her knees pulled to her chest, and her head resting on her knees.
Through the veil, Ram can make out the forlorn expression that is present in her form. So lost in her sadness that she doesn’t even notice another presence in the room.
“Shree?” Ram softly calls out her name, taking a step forward towards her.
Ram watches as the bride slowly lifts her veiled head towards him. Gathering his courage, Ram takes a seat on the edge of the bed, in front of her.
Ram knows its not his right, but he cannot help himself when he notices the tear droplet on her hands. His hands clutch the seams of her veil and pull it over her face.
Ram feels the breath being knocked out of him, when his eyes collide with her bewitching face. Even with tears streaming down her eyes, she still manages to be the most alluring woman in Ram’s eyes.
She lives up to her name; Shree. Gorgeous, elegant, and majestic similar to Maa Lakshmi, who has charmed the world charmer.
Shree is a beauty, so ethereal and heavenly in appearance as if an upsara was reincarnated on earth. The red lehenga, and jewelry is like an accessory to her beauty.
Her eyes. What can Ram say about them? They are the most beautiful and divine pair of lotus on the universe, as well as the most pure eyes on the planet. Chocolate brown eyes, the hue of life like the Earth, mystical and as divine and vivid as the lotus.
Her feet and petitie hands are crimson from being dipped in alta, looking like the auspicious hands and feet of Maa Lakshmi. Waiting to bring good fortunate to where they step.
A face as gorgeous as the moon, with a radiance that rivals the sun. An aura of innocence and purity exudes from her features that Ram feels his sins wash away.
The woman in front of him is so mesmerizing and celestial that it seems that she has been the favourite of God to make.
Ram is brought back from admiring her when she slightly shakes the man in front of her. Shaking his head to push those thoughts away, Ram diverts his attention to her.
“Tum yeh shaadi nahi karni chahiye.” Ram’s statement echoes throughout the room due to the silence. [You shouldn’t go ahead with this marriage.]
Shree wipes the tears from her face, looking at Ram confused, “Per kyu?” She questions. [But why?]
Taking a deep breath, Ram looks into her lotus eyes and answers, “Yeh dulha pehle se hi shaadishuda hai.” [The groom is already married.]
Now Ram was expecting many things. Many different ways that Shree would react to this news. He thought she would breakdown, she would scream, she would cry, she would get angry.
But what he wasn’t ready for was her to just pass his a sorrowful smile and downcast her eyes to her hands.
“Humhe pata hai ki dulha shaadishuda hai. Sabko pata hai.” She answers in most heartbreaking tone, playing with the jewellery on her hands. [I know that the groom is married. Everyone knows.]
Ram feels a wave of disbelief course through his body at her words. He lifts the two of them off the bed, standing in the middle of the room, grasping her shoulders in a tight grip, demanding an answer.
“Agar tumhe pata hai ki dulha shaadishuda hai toh fir tumne shaadi keliye haan kyu ki?” [If you know that groom is married then why did you agree to this marriage?]
A bitter laugh escapes Shree’s lips, her eyes finding a home in Ram’s eyes. “Apko lagta hai ki mujhse poocha gaya tha? Baba ne 10 din pehle humse kaha ki meri shaadi hai. Humhe toh yeh bhi pata ki dulha hai kyon. Bas itna pata hai ki uski patni bhi iss shaadi mein hogi.” [Do you think I was asked about this? 10 days ago, Baba just said that I am getting married. I don’t even know who the groom is. All I know is that his wife will attend the wedding as well.]
Without a warning, Shree takes Ram’s hands into hers, “Humhe yeh shaadi nahi karni. Humhe padna hai. Apni padai poori karni hai. Humhe kisi shaadishuda insaan se shadi ni karni hai.” [I don’t want to get married. I want to study. Complete my education. I don’t want to marry an already married man.]
Ram watches Shree’s eyes dance in desperation, he watches her begging him. Begging him to help her. Begging him to save her from this situation.
And so he will. Ram will save Shree from this unwanted marriage. He will take her to Delhi, let her complete her education, but for that he has to do something with her permission.
A man and woman staying together, unmarried is considered a sin in the eyes of society. Even this arrangement with Ram meeting Shree alone is strictly forbidden.
Ram can bare the taunts and the digs at his character. He is used to it. Especially when he has to betray his own people and they cuss at him.
But he cannot bare the fact of letting Shree hearing those words. He cannot let others molest her character and dignity. He cannot watch her die day by day after hearing the taunts.
Fixing his posture, Ram stands tall and fearless in front of Shree, “Tumhe yeh shaadi nahi karni toh theek hai. Per…” [If you don’t want to do this marriage, then alright. But…]
“Per?” [But?]
“Per tumhe mujhse shaadi karni hogi.” Ram finally says the words that have been on his mind. [But you have to marry me.]
Ram observes shock and then betrayal wash over Shree’s face as she pulls her hands away from his grasp.
Taking a few steps back, she collapses on the bed, glaring at him with tears in her eyes. “Yeh kya keh rahe hai aap? Hum apna naam tak nahin jante. Hum toh itna jante hai ki aapko Baba shaadi pe mehman bana kar lekar aaye hain.” [What are saying? I don’t even know your name. I just know that Baba invited you as a guest.]
Ram kneels in front of her, taking her hands into his again. “Main janta hoon ki yeh aasan nahi hai. Per agar tum padna chahti ho toh mere saath bhaag chalo. Delhi mein tumhe pada sakta hoon, tum jitna padna chao tum pad sakhti ho. Per bina rishta ke hum nahi reh payenge.” [I know this is difficult. But if you want to study then run away with me. In Delhi I can help you study, you can study as much as you want. But without a relation, we won’t be able to escape.]
Shree searches Ram’s face for any lies, any deceit, but only finds genuine concern on his face. A million thoughts run throught her mind, all telling her that it isn’t logical to trust a man she just met.
But her heart tells her to trust this man. It tells her to let him guide her through this situation. That he will not let go of her hand. That he will always be there to help her.
With a tilt to her head, Shree asks the question she should have asked first, “Apka naam kya hai?” [What is your name?]
Ram softly grins at the woman, “Mera naam Ram hai. Alluri Sitarama Raju.” [My name is Ram. Alluri Sitarama Raju.]
“Ram, vaada kijiye ki aap mujhe shaadi ke baad padne denge.” Shree frees her hand from Ram’s grip and then holds it in front of him. [Ram, promise me that you will let me continue studying after our marriage.]
Ram smiles at the girl, and places his hand atop of her outstretched hand, solidifying their promise.
“Main vaada karta hoon ki main tumhe shaadi ke bad padne se nahi rokoo ga.” Ram states his promise loud and clear. [I promise that I will not stop you from studying after our marriage.]
“Ab apna sabse zaroori saman apne saath le lo, aur fir hum chalye hai.” [Now take your most important stuff and then we will go.]
Shree nods, jumping from her seat, and running through her room like a tornado. The shift in her mood causes Ram to chuckle at her antics.
He watches as she takes an idol of Radha-Krishna, and a photo of her family in her other hand. With that she toddles back to Ram’s side.
“Chale Shree?” Ram questions with his hand extending towards her. [Shall we, Shree?]
“Chaliye Ram.” Shifting the photo and idol to one hand, Shree places her utmost trust in the man, placing her hand in his. [Let’s go, Ram.]
The two stare at each other, knowing that there is no going back once they leave. The two will embark on a new journey, leaving everything behind.
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Thank you for reading this new series I hope you like it as much as the other one. ❤️
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themculibrary · 5 months
Superlong Fics (30k+) Masterlist 2
part one
Bewitched (ao3) - panda_shi bucky/tony, steve/tony, pepper/tony M, 32k
Summary: Tony doesn't think he'll ever want to be very comfortable with the team, even after Thanos. So when he ends up fighting an alien that can alter your body's chemistry, when Tony starts thinking that being around Barnes is the only thing that can make him feel safe -- well, fuck.
Can We Bring Yesterday Back Around? (ao3) - glitterfics clint/steve E, 39k
Summary: When he got back from New Mexico, Clint was given the incredibly boring task of watching the newly defrosted Captain America adjust to modern life. He didn't expect it to lead to a misunderstanding, an impromptu make-out session and a blown mission. But that's alright because he was unlikely to run into Steve Rogers again. Right?
catching bullets in our teeth - anothercover clint/natasha M, 77k
Summary: Retirement, it turns out, is not a thing that Clint is adjusting to very well. Or, you know, at all. It didn’t occur to him that when he dropped the team, it would mean he’d lose Natasha, too.
[Begins pre-CACW, through the events of it, and into the aftermath. Otherwise known as: the slow-burn divorce fic we didn’t know we needed.]
Complimentary Colors (ao3) - zenkitty555 stephen/tony M, 32k
Summary: Tony Stark is learning how to let go and live a little after giving his all for so long. Stephen Strange is still trying to balance all of his duties and find some time for himself. When Tony has to give him some bad news, the two start to realize that they may be able to help one another out in a few different ways.
Draining Life (ao3) - LagLemon steve/tony E, 120k
Summary: After a bad break up with Pepper, Tony packed his things and moved into Stark mansion. He refurbished the mansion so that it was more his style and less of his father's, readying himself for a new life as he tried to recover from the surgery that had removed his arc reactor. He didn't like being alone, but at least when he was in the mansion, he didn't have to see everyone pitying him. Besides, here he could work on Extremis without anyone staring over his shoulder.
It would be perfect soon.
Things would be better with Extremis.
After the move in, Tony starts having strange dreams - ones that start getting more and more disturbing as the nights go by.
He dreams that there is something buried outside in his yard, hiding beneath the patch of petunias, and it won't leave him alone.
every inch, every scar (ao3) - ChangeTheCircumstances maggie/jim M, 52k
Summary: Trying to provide for is daughter, Scott Lang attempts to look for alternative forms of employment but with no college degree, a criminal record, and his longest running job being that of a prostitute, he’s not getting anywhere. However, by pure chance, a new client soon changes his life and chances of being the father Cassie deserves.
Complications of course arise as Scott soon learns what his new connections mean for him and even those he loves.
Falling Into You (ao3) - sabrecmc steve/tony M, 53k
Summary: Tony and Steve end up as fuck buddies after the events of The Winter Soldier until Steve calls it off. When Loki's spell wipes all of Steve's memories since the last time Loki was in town, Tony decides it will be so much easier to just not tell Steve they had something of a relationship. Spoiler: It isn't.
Or, how Steve fell in love with Tony and forgot about it, and how Tony fell in love with Steve and realized it.
Fate Will Play Us Out (ao3) - steveandbucky steve/bucky M, 30k
Summary: Bucky has landed himself a job with Stark Industries. He doesn't know yet that the job is actually being the PR manager for the Avengers.
Bucky has also started dating Steve Rogers. He also doesn't know yet that Steve is Captain America.
Bucky's life is about to get a whole lot more exciting.
Halo (ao3) - paxlux loki/tony M, 35k
Summary: The timeline starts in a fall of glass. There’s a staggering loss of gravity as Tony stares up at the suddenly blue sky.
Hate doesn't even describe it (ao3) - elcapitan_rogers steve/natasha E, 153k
Summary: Steve hated Natasha. Natasha hated Steve. Everything was fine until their parents decided to fuck shit up for them...
i’m headed for a land that’s far away (ao3) - telm_393 scott/sam M, 44k
Summary: As a fugitive in Wakanda, Scott makes a place for himself as moral support, doing everything possible to keep the fact that he’s pretty much dead inside from the others. See, he’s been living with his mental issues for years, and he’s been pretending to be just fine for even longer, so if he lets himself get lost in everyone else’s commotion, he’ll be okay.
…Except no one can pretend to be okay forever, and Scott is rudely thrust into the spotlight by virtue of having a full-on mental breakdown and trying to kill himself while living in close quarters with five other people. It doesn’t work, so Scott decides to save his own life and face his past, present, and future head-on. Also, somewhere in all of this, Scott and Sam fall in love, because wars end, but life goes on.
One Hell of a Show (ao3) - MillyVeil pepper/tony E, 44k
Summary: Tony gets kidnapped for ransom and Clint gets nabbed with him. It’s rough for them both.
re-engineered (ao3) - Opy3332 bucky/tony M, 73k
Summary: “Tony blinks. He blinks and his entire world changes.”
Tony is sent back in time from mid-Infinity War to just after returning from Afghanistan.
How different is Tony Stark, and the MCU, with all that knowledge of the future?
Haunted by the guilt of Rhodey’s injury, the betrayal and pain of Steve, the fear of Wanda, the loss of Jarvis, and the foreknowledge of Thanos, this Tony is one the universe hasn’t contended with before. And he is more than ready to re-claim his title of genius, billionaire, and philanthropist in ways unexpected.
Revenant (ao3).- stele3 steve/bucky M, 73k
Summary: Post-movie AU in which Bucky didn’t just leave Steve on a river bank...he took him.
Rise Up (ao3) - Wix stephen/tony N/R, 52k
Summary: Tony leaves the Avengers in the wake of Ultron when he refuses to standby and approve of their choices. Fate's quick to step in though and show that where one door closes, another one just might open.
second time around (ao3) - BeneficialAddiction clint/phil T, 74k
Summary: Upon learning that Phil Coulson is still alive, something breaks in Clint, maybe permanently. Leaving behind his team, his home, and his identity as Hawkeye, he falls back on an old name, living separately from the Avengers until SHIELD demands they begin looking for someone to take the missing archer’s place and their sights turn to the rogue assassin Ronin.
What are the chances of being recruited by a shady government division of superheroes twice?
sequestered (ao3) - ElloPoppet bucky/clint M, 37k
Summary: Clint struggles after Tony and Natasha’s deaths. To grieve and begin healing, he takes Maria up on her offer to use a secluded family vacation home in Maine. Clint finds himself hidden away from the rest of the world…until Bucky Barnes knocks on the door.
Triple Espresso (ao3) - FestiveFerret steve/bucky/tony E, 72k
Summary: Everything is going great for Steve. He loves his boyfriend, his apartment, his pets. He finally has some opportunities to share his artwork, the coffee shop he manages is doing well, and Bucky is about to finish his exams, which means no more night shifts. It finally feels like life is on track.
And then Tony Stark walks into the cafe and everything goes off the rails.
We're Living Like We're Gods (ao3) - eden22 sam/bucky E, 60k
Summary: Sam wasn't sure what he'd expected when he'd signed on to join Steve in hunting down the Winter Soldier. After over a year with no sign of the other man, he was beginning to think they'd never find him, especially once Steve gets pulled back into Avengers business.
Sam was right. He doesn't find Barnes.
Barnes finds him.
Z to A (ao3) - memoriaeterna wanda/vision, pepper/tony T, 88k
Summary: The moment of disorientation was nothing compared to the next thing he saw. He was standing in the midst of an airport, looking directly at a girl with the familiar red leather coat. The mutual recognition was instant. Leipzig. Or, Peter and Wanda sent back in time to stop the inevitable. Good news: they are not alone. Bad news: who and from when.
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musicarenagh · 2 years
Harry Broun Yearns For "Greater Things" [embed]https://open.spotify.com/album/6PsUOl8qEDkp0G41OX6A6R[/embed] Introducing one of the most exciting up and coming pop artists, Harry Broun! His latest album, "Greater Things", is an eclectic mix of musical influences culled from the likes of James Blake, Porches, 100 gecs, and The Weeknd. Broun's melodic voice lays down heartfelt lyrics in a unique style; even as a new artist on the music scene he stands out as someone to pay attention to. An inspired blend of diverse sounds with original production gives audiences something fresh that is sure to make an impact. Now let's dive deep into this captivating piece of work that is Harry Broun's Greater Things. The Australian based pop artist Harry Broun highly anticipated album “Greater Things” is laden with hip hop and R&B influences, this seven-track project instantly captivates its audience. From the get go, Broun’s male vocals are a soothing and pleasant tone to listen to as he speaks about self-doubts and emotions throughout the entire album. Each of the 7 songs covers various topics from friendship, to breakups and hope. With bewitching beats and dazzling production values each track is super catchy for any pop music fan. No matter the situation, you’ll be able to relate to Broun’s energetic yet emotional melancholic lyrics on the board; making it impossible for you not to hum along in your head or mist up with emotion at times. Although each song feels distinct from one another, it never fails to capture our interest from start to finish as they all come together in harmony like we ourselves would do when dealing with different emotions in life; transitioning smoothly between moods ensuring we feel something across the whole journey of the album. Great singles such as “Dreams”, “Friends” or “Let Go” will have you singing along till your heart is content due to its well written catchy melodies while also leaving an impact lyrically too as Broun tries not to shy away from facing reality even in dark situations whatsoever. The Album was recorded in Oli Scott's home studio, a long-time friend of Harry and was created entirely by Harry. The album also features writing credit from FKA Franky on two songs. In conclusion, Harry Broun has successfully crafted a masterful body of work that perfectly encapsulates both tear jerking beautiful instrumentals and addicting anthems with clever songwriting that dive deep into human introspection like no other record out there can. For these reasons and more, this incredible piece of art rightfully deserves its title of being “Greater Things” after all! Follow Harry Brown on Facebook and Instagram.
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steampunkforever · 2 years
A lot has been said about (500) Days of Summer, and I’m thoroughly bewitched by it. Aesthetically an interesting note is exactly how similar the art direction is to that of Her, another beautiful sad movie about the concept of love. The lenses, palette, and general vibe was all there. Something was in the water for indie directors back then I guess.
More importantly: this film was pitched to me as a soundtrack film. The whole deal is that Tom (Joseph Gordon-Levitt’s character) is a Scott-Pilgrim-Hipster who is painfully annoying about music. He despises how Summer looks and acts until she comments that she loves the Smiths or whatever. Tom might be insufferable and hate women but at least he has great music taste, right?
The music was fine. Listening back to the soundtrack and other than the obvious cuts, I like the indie songs but REALLY Sweet Disposition by Temper Trap is what’s grabbed me. The music is great, but it doesn’t feel like the soundtrack film I was pitched. It’s just temper trap on repeat for me tbh.
\This of course is no problem for the movie itself. It’s got a fantastic Indie music soundtrack that really does the film a great service, but I had this hyped up too me way too much for it to pay off. 
You win some you lose some. Either way, this isn’t a love story. It’s a story about love. Go listen to Sweet Disposition by Temper Trap.
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ups-dogs · 4 years
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On a dark and lonely night in the hills outside of Newberg, Oregon...a forlorn, feeble, famished, freezing, four-legged figure falters slowly towards my truck, trembling gingerly on arthritic limbs in the icy winter air. His grey muzzle and sorrowful eyes tell a sad tale of many years of hunger, pain and despair. A faint and sorrowful whimper emits from his throat as he gazes beseechingly at my bountiful box of biscuits, hoping against hope that I might ease his pangs of hunger and grant him one more night of survival by sharing a small morsel of sustenance with him. My heartstrings taut with compassion, I dig deep into my biscuit box and gently place 4 biscuits into his quivering jowls, praying with all my might that I have arrived in time to prevent his imminent starvation. And then...the magic happens. Like Popeye eating his can of spinach, an incredible transformation suddenly takes place. He is cured! The pain in his limbs is gone! His eyes sparkle! In less than a second, strength and vigor have returned to his formerly weak and malnourished body! In one bound he leaps from the steps of the truck and proceeds to to zoomies all about the yard like a puppy 12 years his junior, his speed turning him into a veritable blur, before running into the house thru his dog door. Through the living room window I see him leap up onto his spot on the couch next to the woodstove, a veritable blizzard of biscuit crumbs flying all over the lap of his human as he chomps happily away at the bounty of goodness that I have bestowed upon him. With tears of joy in my eyes I proceed to drive away, feeling a solemn pride in the knowledge that my generosity has saved this once-suffering dog from what was most certainly an imminent death from starvation. And to those of you who claim that I have merely been bamboozled and bewitched out of biscuits by a canine con artist, I say this; I am a trained professional with years of experience. Do I REALLY look like a guy who could get manipulated out of treats by a mere dog? By Scott Hodges
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roobylavender · 2 years
Do you have any rarepairs?
i used to be a diehard bleur stan. like i had no involvement in the aitch pee fandom whatsoever but when i read the books as a kid i latched onto their ten pages of content bc the idea of the prettiest girl in the world stubbornly loving her werewolf husband bewitched me (and also i was just determined to love fleur in general bc jay kay are was an utter bitch to her via other characters). also really loved teddyvic bc i was briefly obsessed with their no fucks given childhood friends to lovers romance. other than that maybe kutau from shugo chara who were my first real otp and once again a couple who literally had two interactions that i obsessed over as a twelve year old before they got a full post-canon chapter confirming their romance that made me feel utterly vindicated
idk if anyone here is familiar with the all for the game series (horrid, should never have been published) but i coincidentally only cared about the romance between kevin and thea that was mentioned across maybe five pages. i once built an entire tragic tokka epic in my head based off of the fact that suki died prematurely and suyin’s kids looked eerily like sokka at times and bryke were weird about never revealing her father. trying to think of more ummmm SCYDIA. oh my god you have no idea what being a scydia truther in teen wolf fandom has been like for me “not all monsters do monstrous things” “lydia would never run and hide (because of stiles?) because of scott” and i went PSYCHO. last one i can think of is the weirdly deep emotional investment i have in the romance between jacob palmer and hannah weaver in crazy stupid love (2011) i watch that movie at least twice a year and am always obsessed with the tenderness between them
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senacal · 4 years
Love Letter
Request: Not a request
Pairing: Jean Grey x Reader
Prompt: Reader and Jean Grey both attend Charles Xavier’s school for gifted Youngsters and a little romance blooms between the two in the form of love letters.
Warnings: fluff, misunderstandings, angst but not too much, cursing
Author’s Note: I wanted to write at least one thing for each character I write for and my number generator said it is Ms. Jean Grey’s turn ^.^ Should I post these to archive of our own too?
Requests are open! 
(Gif not mine)
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Jean Grey and (Y/N) were the best of friends; they did everything together. Whenever (Y/N) wanted to binge a movie or tv show, they went to Jean. When Jean wanted to talk to someone about a really interesting book she had just read, she went to (Y/N). They were each other’s, go-to person. When Scott Summers had arrived at the X-mansion, (Y/N) felt a bit jealous. Jean and Scott had grown closer since his arrival and (Y/N) felt as though they were left behind. Sure, Jean still talked to them and occasionally hung out with them, but suddenly Jean’s go-to person was Scott. It was pretty upsetting to (Y/N), but instead of approaching Jean with their concerns, they decided to bury them deep down and pretended like everything was okay.
Jean finally made a friend that wasn’t (Y/N), they should be happy for her, right? Everyone had been so afraid of Jean before, but now people were talking to her like the past few years had never happened. Suddenly Jean had friends in every corner. But (Y/N) was still as antisocial as before. (Y/N) kept to themselves unless there was a training session in the danger room. Teamwork was the most important there and (Y/N) wouldn’t let their team fail a mission just because they weren’t quite friends. (Y/N) supposed that was a great attitude to have, Professor Xavier would often praise (Y/N) for the teamwork they displayed in the danger room, so they had to be doing something right. Now if only they didn’t feel so hurt whenever they were left alone after their mission.
(Y/N) supposed they could try to make friends now that Jean had her own, but no one could come close to the proximity they shared with Jean. (Y/N) had always had feelings for Jean but they were too afraid to tell Jean because they didn’t want to ruin their friendship. Jean was so special to them and they couldn’t picture their life without her. Life had other plans because, in the end, Jean had left (Y/N) for better friends. So now (Y/N) sat by themselves in the gardens instead of with Jean. (Y/N) took up writing in a journal ever since Professor Xavier noticed how closed off they became. He promised not to read their mind, but he made them promise not to keep their emotions bottled up. So as a compromise, (Y/N) agreed to write in a journal and it seemed to appease Charles.
(Y/N) often found themselves writing in the gardens. It would be little things like, ‘Just another day in the gardens.’ or ‘Jean and I hung out for the first time in a week, she seems happier.’ Because Jean was happy, (Y/N) from mentioning their unhappiness. Why would they drag Jean back into their secluded world when she was so much happier now? For a while, (Y/N) was left to their own devices, it got to the point where Jean would ask (Y/N) to hang out but (Y/N) would lie and say they had plans. So they were avoiding Jean now, so what? (Y/N) couldn’t stand being an afterthought so they thought it was best to let Jean go. That’s when the letters started.
I love the way you smile. <3
When they received that first letter in their room, they thought someone had possibly slipped it under the wrong door. That they could recall, they couldn’t remember anyone taking notice of them. So as anyone would, they threw the letter away. And then another one appeared.
Your eyes are very beautiful, but in the sunlight, they’re bewitching.
Did someone not know this was (Y/N)’s room? Or did they intend to give these letters to them? Something had to be out of place. When (Y/N) had asked those around them if someone was missing any notes, no one knew what they were talking about.
Every time we talk, I get butterflies.
That one stumped (Y/N). They didn’t talk to very many people. Scott on occasion, only when he was around when Jean was. Jean, but she was obviously in love with Scott. Ororo, but she and (Y/N) hardly spoke to each other. Kurt? He was always shy around (Y/N)... and everyone else for that matter. 
The few moments we spend together feel like an eternity and not enough at the same time. I wish you would see me the way I see you.
(Y/N) kept these letters from anyone else after finding out that no one had any idea about any lost love letters. They guiltily kept them to themselves because for a moment they could pretend someone wanted them. The only question was who? Who was sending these letters? And why? In the beginning, (Y/N) felt as though they weren’t for them. Who would send these to them? Now (Y/N) believed they were directed to them. They eagerly woke up each morning in hopes of a new letter. They were the only things keeping them grounded. Even their professors noticed their sudden change.
“(Y/N)!” Jean called out from down the hall.
(Y/N) was lost in thoughts about the new note, I miss the sound of your laughter. What could it mean? Sure (Y/N) hasn’t laughed as often as they used to. Part of that had to do with Jean. When Jean was around every moment was the best moment of (Y/N)’s life. Of course, they would find joy in that. If this person, whoever was writing these letters, if they truly cared, why were they hiding who they were? Maybe they knew what they felt for- “Jean?” (Y/N)’s thoughts were interrupted when Jean tugged on their wrist.
“Sorry, I tried getting your attention before, but I guess you didn’t hear me?” She shrugged, “I didn’t want to invade your mind either.”
Thank god for that, “Sorry, I was wrapped up in my thoughts,” (Y/N) shrugged. 
“Oh, it’s fine,” Jean brushed off, “I was wondering if you’d like to join me for a movie night? Mischief is airing on tv. I know how much you adore that movie. And then we can just talk afterward?” Jean looked so hopeful, it was almost enough to get (Y/N) to agree.
“It’ll just be us. Like the old days,” Jean pleaded.
“Okay… uh, sure, but you can invite your friends if you’d like, or Scott. I won’t mind,” (Y/N) plastered on a fake smile. They would mind only because they felt extraneous around Jean’s friends. 
“It’ll just be us,” She shrugged.
(Y/N) felt themselves smile for the first time in a while, “Okay, I’ll see you tonight then.”
The rest of the school day left (Y/N) feeling anxious for their movie night with Jean. It was a simple little date amongst friends, so why were they so nervous? They went about their day like normal, they went to the garden and wrote a bit in their journal. Well, doodled. Okay, they pretty much scribbled in their journal the whole time because they were too preoccupied with thoughts of Jean and the notes they’ve been receiving. Should they mention them to Jean tonight? Jean was their best friend and who better to talk to about this? Jean had Scott so maybe she’d have some advice. But there was the fact that (Y/N) was kind of in love with Jean. Fuck, unrequited love sucked ass.
Now (Y/N) was stood outside of Jean’s door, convincing themselves to keep their word and hang out with Jean. It’s been… wow, it’s been four months since it was just the two of them, and two since (Y/N) has been avoiding her. What happened to them? With that thought in mind, (Y/N) knocked on Jean’s door.
Jean opened her bedroom door with a bright smile, “You came!”
“Yeah, you know how much I love Mischief,” (Y/N) shrugged.
“How could I forget,” Jean laughed. She stepped aside to let (Y/N) in, “So I’ve got all your favorite snacks and drinks. And the bed is set up so we can watch the movie comfortably.” Jean motioned to her queen-sized mattress.
Without any other words, (Y/N) climbed on the bed and got comfortable. Once the movie had started, both were enraptured with the film. Well, (Y/N) was. Jean was too busy trying to read them. Not their mind, of course, Jean wouldn’t invade their privacy like that. Jean wanted to know what (Y/N) was thinking, but the only way she could think of was by reading their mind, which was out of the question… unless. No, no, Jean wouldn’t do that.
“I can feel you staring,” (Y/N) mumbled around a mouthful of (Favorite snack).
“Sorry, I just… I missed you,” Jean sighed.
(Y/N) stoped mid-chew, feeling nervous once again. They quickly finished their bite of food and swallowed, “I uh, I missed you too.”
“I don’t know what I did to push you away, but I’m sorry, (Y/N). I am. I wish we could go back to how things used to be-”
“That won’t happen though. Jean, you’ve got more friends now. Great friends even, Scott, Ororo, Kurt, they’re wonderful people. Ever since you’ve become their friend, I, well What use am I? You stopped hanging out with me, remember?” (Y/N) fidgeted. They really didn’t want to have this conversation.
“We need to have this conversation, (Y/N).” Jean pressed.
“Don’t read my mind. You know I hate when you-”
“I know, I’m sorry. I just… We were best friends. I went to you for everything, and you’re right. I stopped hanging out with you first, but you never liked being around my new friends. What was I supposed to do?”
“Oh I don’t know, still be my friend? Hang out with me every once in a while? I know I’m not the only person in your life, but you are the only person in my life. After you ditched me, I had no one. I don’t make friends very easily. People may not be afraid of you anymore, but they still think I’m a freak. I’m the freak of freaks,” (Y/N) ranted. It was about time they opened up about everything to an actual person. Fuck, Professor Xavier knew what he was doing when he suggested the fucking journal. He was paving the way for (Y/N) to burst about their feelings. That clever motherfucker.
“I’m sorry, (Y/N). I am. You’re right, I should have been a better friend to you. Fuck, I’ve fucked things up so bad between us,” Jean ran her hand through her hair, “I never meant for this to happen. You have to know that.”
(Y/N) sighed, “I know, I do. I just can’t help but feel like you’ve abandoned me. The only reason I haven’t gone completely crazy was because of these letters I’ve been getting.”
“You-you got those?” Jean’s cheeks suddenly flushed.
“How do you… did someone tell you? I thought no one knew- who told you?” (Y/N) suddenly felt defensive. For a school full of people who didn’t give a shit about (Y/N) they sure loved to gossip about them. 
“No one told me…” Jean looked away from (Y/N)’s eyes. “I might have written them,” She shrugged.
“You- oh. I thought someone else did,” (Y/N) felt slightly disappointed. They had really thought someone was in love with them, but who were they kidding?
“I uh, I wasn’t aware you liked anyone else,” Jean’s voice sounded… disappointed? Why?
(Y/N) looked up at Jean. Jean’s eyes were glossy, full of unshed tears, “What’s wrong? Jean?”
“It-It’s nothing,” Jean’s voice choked out on a sob, “God I feel so stupid.” She furiously wiped at her eyes. “I should have never listened to Scott,” She mumbled. She stood up from her bed.
“Jean, what are you talking about? What did Scott do?” If Scott hurt Jean, (Y/N) would unleash all their might on him. School rules be damned. 
“Nothing. Scott didn’t do anything,” Jean raked her fingers through her hair angrily, the items in Jean’s room began to shake.
“Jean, calm down,” (Y/N) stood up and took ahold of Jean’s left hand, “Tell me what’s the matter.”
Jean looked into (Y/N)’s eyes, “I love you, but you don’t love me.”
“You love me?” (Y/N) asked softly. They were confused because, “What about Scott?”
“What about Scott?” Now Jean was confused.
“You’re with Scott, why would you lead him on if-”
“I am not with Scott,” Jean protested, “I think I would know if I were with Scott so believe me, we are not together.”
“So you, you love me?” (Y/N) asked in a daze. Jean loved them. Jean wrote those letters, “I am so fucking stupid,” (Y/N) smiled despite their words.
“What?” Jean asked still feeling confused.
“I love you too. This whole time I thought that you were with Scott and I was jealous and stupid. Jean, I love you.”
Jean’s chest felt like it was about to explode from sheer joy. She stepped forward and cupped (Y/N)’s cheeks, “You love me?”
(Y/N) nodded with a broad smile, “I love you.”
Jean looked from (Y/N)’s eyes  to their lips, “I’m going to kiss you now.”
“Please do,” (Y/N) murmured.
Jean leaned in so their lips would graze each other. (Y/N) the impatient person that they were, sealed their lips in a passionate kiss. They were so stupid this whole time because Jean Grey loved them, they were just too oblivious to see.
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mischiefandi · 4 years
A Shitty Love Song (Part 1) - Stiles Stilinski
Wild Ones
A/N: hey everyone! this has been a long time coming! thank you for lovely comments on my previous post, im super happy to finally be posting this. a HUGE thank you to @duskholland​ for helping me out so much with this series, ily to death bitch. enjoyy yall
Summary: Y/N is a 17 year old girl who struggles in an epic battle against herself. Whether it is amor’s icy grasp or life’s unexpected course that forces her to finally open up, only one thing is certain. The truth cannot be long hidden.
Warnings: underage drinking, party times, maybe a couple of swear words but im not sure haha
Word Count: 5,3K
Pairing: Stiles Stilinski x Reader (Y/N)
Series Masterlist
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(picture is not mine -> credits to @ pechka on unsplash)
Seasons before, in the early fall where the leaves don’t yet want to leave their wooden hooks, Y/N had just started her junior year of high school. Being the new girl in school, she was afraid of being alone - something she had always been - but not this year. Whether it was chance or fate, she happened to fall upon a curious but wonderful group of people who quickly became her friends.  
At its center, Scott McCall, young lacrosse player with a boyish charm and a heart of gold and by his side, Stiles Stilinski, an eccentric and spirited young man. Surrounding them were Lydia Martin, the fiery and confident genius, the sweet yet lethal huntress, Allison Argent, and finally Isaac Lahey, charming Mr Mischief himself.
This pack of wild cards had found a new companion, and Y/N fit in like a puzzle piece filling in its designated spot. She got along with everyone in the group, forming indestructible friendships with these eccentric teenagers, and she felt fortunate beyond belief. More often than not, she would eat with them by the walnut tree outside of the school. The group would share stories and food, complaining about the soporific lessons from the earlier period, or excitedly planning the next outing, the next party. Every week, the teenagers would go hang out in the woods by the mystical ruins of the Hale House, doing more of the same. Life was light and good.
The group had planned on hanging out by the Hale House one quiet September afternoon, but the universe likes to play tricks, and somehow Y/N and Stiles were the only ones to show up. Deeming it a happy accident, the pair walked through the damp woods together, talking about their day and slowly letting each other in. Laughter echoed between the trees and the wind turned.
A little more than a month had gone by and Halloween was just around the corner. Classes seemed longer than usual, bigger stacks of schoolwork forming daunting piles on Y/N’s desk. But school was the last thing she could think of when she got home after a long day of concentration. The only thing that mattered, was Stiles. Video calls, phone calls, and late night texts that seemed to never cease took over the second Y/N’s feet passed the threshold of her home. And nothing compared to these conversations.
“I’m sorry but no.”
“Stiles, stop, seriously.”
The mole-speckled boy lunged forward in front of the screen and passed a shaking hand through his spiky hair.
“There is no way you like the second trilogy better than the first one. It’s just not possible.”
“Well it is possible, because I do,” Y/N retorted, her unfazed expression gleaming back at him.
“Literally how? The group dynamic alone should make you see reason. I mean come on. Han and Leia? Han and Chewie? Han and Luke?”
“You do know Star Wars doesn’t exclusively revolve around Han Solo right?” she asked, her lips breaking into a smirk.
“First of all, no. Second, give me one single reason why the second trilogy is better than the first,” Stiles said, “I dare you.”
“One reason?”
The boy nodded, serious as a statue.
“Hayden Christensen.”
Stiles groaned deeply, his face buried in his large hands.
“Can’t even have a serious discussion about Star Wars with someone rational.”
“I’m not sorry.”
“You’re the worst.”
Y/N paused, holding a finger to her chin.
“Hmm, agree to disagree.”
“Son of a bitch.”
“Hey! How can we have an intelligent debate about anything if you use swearing as a last resort.”
“I have given up on us. It’s over.”
Y/N laughed profusely against her pillow, shaking her head.
“You’re a drama queen.”
“FRIENDSHIP OVER!” Stiles bellowed and Y/N shot her head back, unstoppable laughter erupting from her stomach.
“It’s going to make things awkward at the party, Friday,” Y/N said between chuckles, her laughter quieting down.
“Who said you were even invited,” replied Stiles, adjusting his shirt, revealing a tiny patch of skin just above his sweats. Y/N’s eyes flicked over to the screen but the second had passed.
“Funny. Listen, I gotta get some sleep otherwise I’ll pass out in math or something.”
“Yeah, I should probably also go to bed sometime soon.”
“Hopefully before tomorrow morning.”
“Har-har,” said Stiles, smiling at the camera, his chocolatey irises beaming at Y/N.
“Goodnight nerd.”
“Goodnight loser.”
Y/N stuck out her tongue at Stiles before hanging up the call.
That night, as she carefully brushed her teeth and got her clothes ready for the next day, Y/N thought back on her video call with Stiles, a warm smile spreading on her lips.
The week passed so slowly, each hour lasting an exhausting eternity. School, demanding as ever, while keeping Y/N busy, was the reason why time seemed so lengthy. The nasty side-effect from tantalizing hours is the amount of thinking you do to keep busy. So Y/N did just that. She thought about how much she cared for her group of friends, she thought about the fact that she had never felt like she belonged like she did then.
She thought about how nice it was sitting by the Hale House, enjoying each others’ company, how life is so much lighter when you feel surrounded, how much she had learned about herself after meeting the pack. She thought about the band Stiles and her liked so much. She thought about Star Wars. She thought about the sound her computer made when Stiles sent her a message. She thought of his hair, his moles, his neck. She thought about how thrilling it was when he sat next to her. She thought about how much he mattered in her life, just like the others mattered too.
Y/N did so much thinking that week. But the funny thing is, amor has a way of tricking your mind. Your body believes one thing but your mind has been bewitched, and no amount of thinking you do can remove the fog clouding over your eyes. 
When came Friday, Y/N was happy to be done with school, bursting through the doors of the establishment, excited to go home and get ready for Danny’s Blackout Party. She was thrilled about going, however nervous she felt. 
She had never been to a party like Danny’s rave before and she had no idea what to expect. But more importantly, she was afraid of crowds. She had tried going out to packed bars with people from her old school, but the chaos and the drunks surrounding her made her feel beyond uneasy. 
“Y/N! Wait up!” She heard Allison exclaim, and she slowed down her pace, allowing the brunette to catch up with her.
“Are you excited for tonight?” asked Allison, her light brown eyes gleaming brightly.
“Yeah, it’s gonna be...crazy.”
“You okay?”
Y/N forced a smile and nodded overenthusiastically.
“Yeah! Just tired. It was a long day,” she replied.
“Same here, which is why, we need to let loose tonight! Let’s get ready at Lydia’s, so we can all head over there together.”
“Sure. Quick question though, how did Lydia get us invited in the first place?”
Allison giggled, nodding her head towards Aiden and Ethan standing by their motorcycles.
“How do you think?”
The girl’s laughter echoed through the cool autumn air and disappeared with their cars. It was going to be a night to remember.
As Y/N and Allison reached Lydia’s house, Y/N couldn’t help but feel more and more anxious, tightly gripping her bag filled with clothes and makeup. The party was starting to worry her.
People had been whispering about it all day back at the high school, talking about the numerous illicit drinks that would be served and the intriguing entertainment. It seemed like the Danny had gone all out for Halloween. Still, not knowing exactly what to expect practically terrified Y/N. 
She was outgoing, but big crowds and chaos were things that made panic bubble up inside of her very core, quickening her heartbeat to a frightening extent. She loved dancing and partying, and much like other people her age, she loved a good drink every once in a while, but huge events and big blowouts, she had never been a fan of.
Putting on a brave face, Y/N shut the car door and walked up the stairs to Lydia’s front porch, ringing the doorbell as Allison locked the car. After what seemed like mere seconds, Lydia opened the door, letting the excited girls in.
“Finally. I thought I was going to have to get going without you,” she said, smirking at the pair.
“Y/N couldn’t decide what to wear,” replied Allison, sending Y/N a look that made Lydia scoff.
“Excuse me if I've never been to a neon-themed rave. How am I supposed to know what to wear?”
“Well the name of said rave could be a pretty good indicator,” mocked Lydia as the girls walked up to her bedroom, shutting the door behind them.
“Ali, what are you wearing?”
Allison giggled with a smirk and did a demonstrative twirl, showing off her burgundy flannel shirt and black jeans.
Lydia raised her eyebrows at the brunette, a confused expression etched on her face.
“Am I the only one here who understands the term “neon”?” she asked.
Allison shook her head then slowly unbuttoned her shirt, revealing a neon pink bra.
Y/N laughed, shaking her head. This stunt was definitely orchestrated for someone special.
“Wow. Isaac will love it.”
“It’s about time you two did something about your situation,” joked Lydia, reaching for an eyelash curler.
“I don’t know what you’re talking about,” replied Allison with an innocent shrug and a slightly less innocent wink.
“Well now that Allison’s outfit is sorted, it’s your turn, Y/N. Let’s see what’s in this enormous bag of yours.”
The strawberry blonde bent down and grabbed Y/N’s bag before she could say anything, emptying its contents in a flash.
“No, no, definitely not, no…Y/N, why are all of these clothes black?” inquired Lydia, with a look of disgust she had difficulty hiding.
“Lyds, I told you, I don’t know what to wear to a rave.”
“Show me your bra.”
“Show me your bra. If it’s the right colour, we can just pair it with some of my clothes.”
Y/N reluctantly removed her white shirt, revealing an electric blue floral lace bra, much to Lydia’s delight. Allison whistled approvingly.
“Okay here’s what we’re gonna do.” Lydia walked over to her closet, carefully studying its contents. Allison and Y/N exchanged a glance as Lydia clapped her hands together.
“This goes with this, and you have to tuck it in, like so,” she said, “okay, try this on. Now.”
Y/N looked down at the outfit her friend had put together.
“Yes ma’am,” she mumbled, her face as white as a sheet.
Y/N walked to the corner of the room as the girls chatted and finished getting ready. Her heart thundered as she passed her neck through the bottom of the sheer black top Lydia had handed to her. Looking herself in the mirror, all she could see was a blushing dishevelled mess. Her bra covered most of her chest, but the curves of her breasts were only slightly hidden by the black mesh material she was wearing.
“Okay, this is okay…” she muttered to herself, trying not to panic.
Bending down, she grabbed the black layered skirt she had brought with her and brought it up to her hips, tucking the top inside. The skirt helped balance out the outfit, but still Y/N wasn’t fully convinced.
“How are you feeling?”
“Kind of nervous honestly.”
“I meant how do you feel about the outfit- but you’re nervous? Why?” asked Lydia, walking over to Y/N in front of the full-length mirror.
“It’s just- I’ve never been to a big party like tonight, much less looking like…this,” Y/N reluctantly replied.
Lydia bit her lip and sucked in some air before smiling widely at Y/N and taking a step forward.
“By “looking like this” I hope you mean by looking incredible. Y/N, look at yourself. You’re tall and confident, the outfit looks amazing on you. Your look is not the problem,” she said, gently.
“Then what is?”
“You tell us,” replied Allison, walking over to the girls by the mirror.
Y/N exhaled deeply and turned around to face her friends.
“I hate crowds. I love partying don’t get me wrong, I just- I get really really panicky around big crowds of people. The noise, the warmth, all of it, just terrifies me. I’m worried that I’ll hate it and freak out or something. I’m sorry, I probably should have said something before.”
As soon as the daunting words had slipped through her lips, Y/N felt a weight lift from her weary shoulders, a wave of relief passing over her entire body.
“Hey, it’s okay. Everyone’s got something they’re uncomfortable with. It’s nothing to be ashamed of,” said Allison, sweetly.
“I know, it’s not that I’m ashamed, I just- didn’t wanna be a downer. I really am excited for tonight! I’m just nervous.”
Lydia placed her hands on Y/N’s shoulders and smiled brightly.
“Look, you’re gorgeous right now. Even without my help, you’re gorgeous. And tonight, we’ll be around the whole time. If you feel freaked out or you start to panic, we’ll go outside and get some fresh air. We don’t mind.”
“Exactly, we’re your friends. You know you can depend on us on occasion,” Allison joked and Y/N laughed, shaking her head timidly.
“Seriously, Y/N, we’re gonna have a ton of fun tonight. And if you need anything, whatsoever, we’re both here,” added Lydia.
Y/N’s heart swelled and she felt her eyes filling slowly. Blinking the impending tears away, she smiled widely, her radiant eyes following suite.
“Thank you, both of you. You’re the best.”
“Agreed. Now, that’s sorted. Are you comfortable with the outfit?” asked Lydia.
Y/N looked at herself in the mirror, analyzing every detail of her figure, taking in how “out there” the outfit was. After a few seconds, she nodded to herself and smiled.
“You know what? You only live once.”
Allison giggled and rested her arms on Y/N’s shoulder.
“Tonight is going to be amazing!”
As Lydia’s car pulled into the parking lot in front of the venue - a large concrete building comparable to a construction site - Y/N sent a text to her friend.
Y/N: we just got to danny’s party
Y/N: u guys here?
The girls looked up at the windows on the top level, the neon lights shining through catching their attention, the music already reaching their ears.
The group excitedly entered the building, Y/N’s heart thundering against her ribcage. Allison noticed the worried look on her friend’s face and she slipped her hand in hers, sending her a warm smile. Y/N took a deep breath, and the three beautiful girls went into the otherwise empty elevator. On the way up, Y/N’s phone vibrated against her palm and she looked down at the screen.
Stiles: we aren’t there yet
Stiles: Scott needed to go get something
Y/N’s heart couldn’t help but sink a little. She had hoped the boys were going to be there already, though why, she couldn’t say. Her phone interrupted her thoughts again.
Scott: by smth, Stiles means someone
Scott: and by someone, he means Kira
Scott: also we’re late because of the jeep
Scott: ;)
Y/N chuckled and texted him back, Lydia and Allison sharing an inquisitive look.
Y/N: figures :))
“Who is that?” asked Allison as the elevator doors opened.
Y/N winced slightly and turned to Allison.
“It’s the boys. Scott was just telling me they picked up Kira…”
Lydia looked from Allison to Y/N, and back, the awkwardness beyond tangible.
“Are you okay?” asked Y/N, worried that the news had killed the mood.
“Honestly? I don’t love the idea of partying with my ex and his new girlfriend, but we broke up three months ago. We’ve both moved on. Besides, I really like Isaac. I’m not gonna let this ruin my evening,” Allison answered, a soft smile on her lips.
“Allison has Isaac, Scott has Kira, Stiles- well I don’t know about Stiles. That leaves you and me, Y/N. You can help me avoid Aiden tonight,” said Lydia, straightening her dress.
“Aiden, as in, the guy you hooked up with who just so happens to be the guy who invited you to this rave?”
“Precisely.” Lydia walked away hurriedly, and the girls laughed, entering the venue.
The grey concrete in the hall was uncharacteristically bland compared to the other-worldly burst of colours inside of the venue. Neon blue, pink, orange, yellow, and green exploding in every direction, paired with blaring purple lights attached to the concrete beams above the dancefloor where what looked like at least 70 people were jumping up and down to the beat of Losing It by FISHER. Strands of white UV tubes hanging from the ceiling all around the dancefloor lit up every white item of clothing in the room, turning the pure colour into a bright purple.
This giant nebula of chaos and colour made Y/N’s blood pump ten times faster throughout her body. That or the the bass blasting through the giant speakers by the DJ. Either way, the thrill of it made Y/N shiver, her whole body completely frozen in place. 
“This is crazy!” Allison gasped.
“Danny really went all out,” said Lydia, staring at the dancing figures in the center of the room.
Y/N’s phone buzzing woke her from her trance and she read the text.
Stiles: be there in about 20 minutes
Stiles: can’t wait to embarrass you on the dancefloor
Y/N: oof
“Let’s go get a drink,” Lydia urged, walking over to the large snack table with numerous bottles. Y/N read the labels and nodded, impressed by the wide range of drinks.
“Wow. Jack Daniels, vodka, a shitton of beer, wine coolers, rum, Jagermeister…Danny really did go all out.”
“Pass me a cup,” said Allison.
As the girls filled their glasses, Lydia eyed Y/N’s cup.
“Y/N, are you sure you want to start with a triple shot of vodka?”
“Yeah, it’s fine!” Y/N exclaimed, downing the drink before anyone could stop her and gasping as the strong liquid burned its way down her throat.
“Ohkay, take it easy,” said Allison, shooting a worried glance at Lydia.
“I’ve got it under control,” replied Y/N as she refilled her cup.
“Let’s go dance!”
Allison dragged the girls away from the table, walking over to the dancefloor. Y/N downed her second drink and nodded wearily.
“Yesss, let’s do this!”
The looming herd of party-goers, intimidating as it was, seemed a little less daunting now that Y/N was actually at the party.
“How bad could it be?” she thought to herself before treading through the mass, occasionally bumping against people energetically throwing their limbs around.
In the middle of the chaos, Allison stopped and started moving her hips in sync with the song, Lydia quickly following suit. Y/N bobbed her head along to the beat of the bass, her arms swinging awkwardly on either side of her body. Allison laughed and grabbed her friend’s arms forcing the movement to flow through Y/N’s limbs. Lydia busted up and down, moving her waist so naturally it seemed like she had been born for this very moment.
Closing her eyes, Y/N tried to focus on the music vibrating throughout her body, the memory of the colours surrounding her floating behind her eyelids. Allison sang along with the lyrics of the current song, shouting out the words as she moved from side to side. Y/N slowly started to lose herself to the music, letting go of her inhibitions, forgetting the world around her.
When the beat changed, her feet jumped up and down, as if they had a mind of their own. Her head felt heavy yet no thoughts crossed her mind. The music had gotten rid of all concentration, the only thing left was the bass flowing through her veins, making her entire body pulsate to the beat.
Beads of sweat trickled down Y/N’s neck as she kept dancing, her feet starting to ache with every jump. It had only been about fifteen minutes, but to the dancers, it seemed like a wonderful eternity. Finally, Lydia tapped on Y/N’s shoulder and shouted by her ear.
“Let’s do some body painting!”
Y/N nodded profusely, a wide smile on her lips.
“Ali went to dance with Isaac!” Lydia shouted as the pair pushed through the crowd.
“Where’s the paint?” shouted Y/N, trying to hear her own voice over the music and failing miserably.
“Over there!”
A tall blonde boy holding brushes with purple and pink tips smiled as the girls reached him, his charismatic grin turning Y/N’s cheeks bright red.
“What can I do for you ladies?” he asked, his pearly white teeth a bright purple as his grin widened.
“My friend over here needs a lot of paint. Emphasis on lot,”Lydia insisted.
Y/N shook her head, giggling stupidly.
“Not too much paint,” she said warmly.
The boy smiled with a wink.
“Let me worry about that.”
Y/N removed her mesh top, holding it with her right hand, patiently waiting for the boy to start painting across her chest and back. She shivered as she felt the cool wet tip of the brush meet her sweaty skin, sliding a few inches down, a thick stripe of paint spreading across her back. Y/N giggled at the cold feeling, the alcohol in her system reaching her head. She closed her eyes and bent her neck to the side as the boy continued his line up to her collarbone.
“What’s your name?” she heard him ask.
“What’s yours?” she chose to answer, smiling wickedly.
She heard him laugh as he started painting little dots up her back.
“Nice to meet you, Jeremy.”
“You know most girls like a proper introduction before getting this close,” he said over the pulsating music, his breath fanning over Y/N’s neck as he painted small strokes down her shoulder. Y/N grinned mischievously.
“I’m not like most girls,” she teased as she turned to face him.
“No, I guess you’re not,” the boy replied, his eyes darting towards her lips and back up.
“I’m almost done with your body- I mean with the paint,” he said, shaking his head with a grin. Y/N giggled and stepped closer.
“I’m all yours…” she replied.
Jeremy’s deep blue eyes lingered on hers before focusing on her chest. Y/N thanked the universe that he wasn’t looking straight at her, otherwise he would have seen her cheeks fill with red for the second time. He delicately placed pink and orange dots up and down her chest, careful as to not stain her bra and she watched him, observing his concentration with admiration. Finally, he looked up, smiling at her.
“My masterpiece is done,” he declared, placing the paintbrush on the body paint stand.
Jeremy reached for a mirror and handed it to her. She admired the strands and dots painted across her body in a chaotic waltz, the hot purple and pink clashing against her skin. Looking up at him, she grinned widely.
“You’re talented,” she said.
“It’s easier when you have such a good canvas to work on…” he replied, sending her a look hot enough to melt her.
Momentarily remembering the outside world, she looked around and quickly realized Lydia wasn’t there anymore, probably off dancing or looking for Allison. Y/N turned back to Jeremy.
“I’m sorry, I should probably go check on my friends…” she said, biting her lip as she slipped her mesh shirt back on.
“Of course. Maybe later, we’ll bump into each other on the dance floor?” he replied, a nervous smile etched on his lips.
“Yeah, maybe.”
Y/N winked at him and walked away, trying her best to keep her cool.
“Well that was something.” She thought to herself, a wide grin planted on her face.
Looking around, she couldn’t find either of her friends, nor could she find Isaac. Slightly disappointed, Y/N walked over to the table and poured some vodka in an unused cup before knocking her head back, letting the burning liquid run down her throat.
She eyed the dancefloor and thought back on her previous conversation with Jeremy. She was beyond nervous. She’d never actually kissed a boy before. The opportunity just hadn’t ever presented itself. But now that she was here, feeling tipsy as ever, a few feet away from the cutest boy at the party, she couldn’t help but think, why not?
Wiping her sweaty palms on her skirt and downing her fourth - albeit, strong - drink of the night, she nodded to herself and walked over to the dancefloor.
As Five Hours blasted through the speakers, Y/N pushed her way through the sweaty crowd once again, making her way to the center of the dancefloor. Ignoring the world surrounding her, she closed her eyes and gave in to the music, feeling every beat of the song pulsate throughout her entire body.
Colours, flashing lights, the feeling of people’s skin against hers, her head spinning and swaying in every direction, it made her feel alive. As the last drop of the song reached its peak, Y/N jumped with the crowd, knocking her body against complete strangers, feeling the warm and sticky air fill her lungs with every breath.
The song Too Much by Curbi started to play and Y/N felt someone’s body against hers. Closing her eyes, she turned around and felt a pair of strong arms wrap around her waist. She sighed lightly, enjoying the feeling of her skin against the boy’s. His fingers treaded down her back, firmly settling just above her ass, holding her steady in a sea of bustling bodies.
She danced against him, turning around again, her back facing his front. Moving against his body, she felt his arms tighten around her, pulling her in. His hot breath fanned over her neck and she moaned slightly, squeezing his hand reassuringly.
Suddenly, time seemed to stand still when his lips lightly touched her warm skin. Y/N inhaled sharply, her eyes still shut. The only thing she could hear now was the sound of her heartbeat furiously thundering against her ribcage. Slowly caressing the boy’s arm, she allowed further access to her neckline, moaning loudly as she felt his feverish lips plant warm kisses on her neck, inching higher and higher. Y/N’s hands reached for his and she tugged them closer to her body, her hips still moving against him. His lips danced furiously across her neck, leaving dangerously beautiful marks on her skin.
The music seemed only to heighten her senses. Her legs almost gave out when she heard the boy groan lightly against her ear, her response, a small whine at the loss of contact with his lips. She turned around and tried to open her eyes, the bright lights bursting through the gap in her eyelids. Squinting at his face, trying as hard as possible not to lose herself to the music again, Y/N’s eyes caught a glimpse of the boy’s face.
Bright pink dashes stained his cupid’s bow and the right corner of his bottom lip, the paint from her neck helpless in the face of a passion like this one. Y/N’s eyes scanned the rest of his face and widened slightly when they met amber irises, warm and inviting and so familiar. Her fingers threaded through his damp dark brown hair, her brain trying to comprehend what was about to happen.
His chocolatey eyes looked deep into hers and he licked his lips slowly, the world around them fading. Y/N felt her vision blur as she inched closer to him, her nose picking up the scent of old leather and pine trees and rain. His lips lingered over hers and she felt a chill as her name echoed through the air.
Their lips connected in a frenzied blur, sending sparks of pleasure throughout Y/N’s entire body and the chaos surrounding the pair completely swallowed them. His teeth slightly bit her bottom lip and she deepened the kiss, ardently giving in to his deliciously demanding mouth. Unable to control her body, she steadied herself against him, tugging at his shirt with one hand, the other cupping his face as he sucked on her delectable lips.
Their bodies so unbelievably close disappeared in the crowd of dancers, the whole world somehow a thousand miles away.
Time, a forgotten concept.
A/N: I seriously hope u enjoyed this!! if u did please reblog :)) (would be super helpful especially with tumblr acting up w the tags and all that) <3 part 2 coming soon!!
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aion-rsa · 3 years
The 13 Greatest Horror TV Shows
Sifting decades of horror television down to just a devil’s dozen requires discipline and ruthlessness. There can be no mercy. If a horror TV show once reigned supreme from a throne of grisly guts but now feels about as desirable an experience as a colonoscopy, it didn’t make this list. If another show spooked us from here to next week when we were kids but didn’t hold up when revisited as adults, it didn’t make the list. And if it made the top of everybody else’s list (hello Twin Peaks) then we left it out purely for the mischief.
Of a wealth of great horror TV shows in existence, the below represents our pinnacle. 13 being so few, these are English-language only (so no Les Revenants, Marianne, Kingdom or The Kingdom for that matter) and had to be series instead of one-offs (so no Ghost Watch). They’re not horror-comedies either, otherwise it would only have been fair to give every single spot to What We Do In The Shadows. Other than that, it only remains to say: mwahahahahahahaha. Happy Halloween.
13. Penny Dreadful
‘Do you believe there is a demi-monde? A half-world between what we know and what we fear, a place in the shadows, rarely seen but deeply felt?’
The attraction of Penny Dreadful isn’t all about Eva Green as spooky medium extraordinaire Vanessa Ives, but it is mostly about Eva Green as spooky medium extraordinaire Vanessa Ives. For three seasons, Green presided over a library’s worth of literary monstrosities with bewitching intensity and unequalled elegance. Ives’ soul was the contested battleground in a demonic fight between Lucifer, his followers, and the forces of (dubious) good.
Created by former Bond collaborators John Logan and Sam Mendes, Penny Dreadful was a full-body dive into the bloody Gothic imagination of the 19th century. Its jewellery box of book characters included Dracula, Dorian Gray, Victor Frankenstein, Dr Jekyll and many more, all resurrected by a strong cast which included the excellent Rory Kinnear (pictured above, left) and the redoubtable and much-missed Helen McCrory as played Madame Kali, leader of the Nightcomers intent on winning the prize of Vanessa for their master. Lurid, well-made and atmospherically designed, the scent of blood and incense was never far away in Penny Dreadful, which increased its scope season by season. Drenched in gore, it was a masterclass in not holding back that paid fully committed tribute to its literary horror inspirations.
12. Children of the Stones (1977)
‘Leave the stones? You never will. Nobody leaves the circle.’
“And this is for children?” director Peter Graham Scott is said to have queried when he read the first script for Children of the Stones. That can’t possibly have been the only time that question was asked during production of Jeremy Burnham and Trevor Ray’s chilling ITV serial. How about when Sidney Sager’s deeply unsettling horror choral score was first heard? Or when Iain Cuthbertson played his first scene as lord of the manor/magus Hendrick? Surely it was asked when the art department delivered the cursed painting that young Matthew brings to the village of Milbury, where his professor father has been sent to study the druidic stone circle. Perhaps someone said it when the eerie words “Happy Day” were first said on set?
“Happy Day”, the phrase used by the puppet-like inhabitants of Milbury known as the Happy ones, is one of many elements that make Children of the Stones perfect for a young audience. It’s a playground game-ready codeword that satisfies the child’s suspicion that grown-ups are automatons operating under a mysterious and evil influence, and they’re the only ones able to see through the lie. That’s the unnerving fear this excellent, complex and dread-soaked series taps into as Matthew and his father untangle the dark truth of Milbury (really Avebury in Wiltshire) and the secrets of its standing stones.
11. American Horror Story
‘If you look into the face of evil, evil’s gonna look right back at you.’
In the streaming era of television, you can’t throw a rock without hitting an anthology series. Anthologies work perfectly for an overstuffed TV landscape. They come in, tell their story, and then leave – making way for the next story under their franchise umbrella. With that in mind, it can be hard to remember just how revolutionary the first season of FX surprise anthology series American Horror Story was.
Pardon the spoilers for a decade-old season of television, but American Horror Story‘s first act, retroactively subtitled “Murder House”, ends with just about everyone dead. And if that weren’t surprising enough, FX announced shortly thereafter that it would be continuing the Ryan Murphy-created series with a new, almost entirely unrelated season. Since that radical TV programming choice, new lightly-connected seasons of American Horror Story have covered: asylums, witches, haunted hotels, and regrettably: the end of the world.
Some seasons of American Horror Story are better than others, but that’s just inherent to the anthology format. Even all these years later, there’s no show so dedicated to bringing horror to television quite like this one.
10. Inside No. 9 (2014 – )
‘I don’t think I want to watch the ending’
Three entries in and we’ve already contravened our own rule about including no horror comedies, but for very good reason. Inside No. 9 is a comedy with the Bafta to prove it, but it’s also a drama, and it’s also a horror, and very often, it’s all three at once. In whichever mode its stories are told though, horror is always close to its perverse and playful heart. It’s a spiritual successor to some of the older shows on this list, picking up the mantle from Tales of the Unexpected, A Ghost Story For Christmas, Play for Today and more. It has an uncanny and mercurial ability to switch from spoof to scare, right from series one’s ‘The Harrowing’ all the way to series six’s ‘Hurry Up and Wait’ and ‘How Do You Plead?’ and hopefully beyond (series seven is already on its way).
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Best Korean Horror Movies
By Kayti Burt and 2 others
Haunting Horror Images That Still Scare Us Today
By Rosie Fletcher and 5 others
Over six series and 36 episodes so far – including one diabolically nasty Christmas special and a Halloween instalment that hoodwinked the nation – this BBC Two series has provided some unforgettable horror moments. Cannibalism, skeletal remains, demonic possession, Satan worshippers, vengeful spirits, vampires, more murders than you could count… Creators Reece Shearsmith and Steve Pemberton have filled their grotesquerie with unsettling surprises, and, along with producer Adam Tandy and the excellent cast and directors their scripts attract, have done it all on a modest BBC budget. May its pizzicato strings and dust motes haunt television for years to come.
9.  The Fades (2011)
‘The dead, the Fades, are walking the Earth’
Currently 2011’s The Fades is listed on IMDb as a mini-series, which hurts. The Fades should not be a mini-series (though admittedly compared to the US, basically all British TV shows, even the ones that run for years, are mini-series). Jack Thorne’s acclaimed horror drama should have at least three beautiful runs of episodes plus a movie and a Christmas special. The British viewing public though, or at least those in BBC Three’s sought-after demographic, were too late to the party and this unique horror with a stellar young cast was cut off in its prime.
The Fades is the story of Paul (Iain de Caestecker), a teenager who can see dead people. A fracture in the ascension process between life and death has left Earth populated by wandering wraiths, who are growing angrier and more vengeful with every passing year. When the Fades discover a way to take revenge on the living, a group called the Angelics has to stop them. It’s witty, human, touching, thrilling… and soaked in horror, from its creature designs to its chilling tension. And what a cast! Daniel Kaluuya! Natalie Dormer! Tom ‘Lucifer’ Ellis! Joe ‘Gendry’ Dempsie! It’s such a well-drawn series that even ended prematurely, it’s still very much worth a watch.
8.  Hannibal (2013 – 2015)
‘When the fox hears the rabbit scream, he comes running. But not to help.’
Since this list is being written by an American and a Brit (“Hi Louisa!” – ❤️Alec), I’m suddenly very conscious of the differences in content restrictions between the two Anglo-speaking countries. In the United States, sex scenes are infamously frowned upon when it comes to network television – and even oftentimes even cable. And yet, acts of unspeakable violence are often able to sneak their way through. Case in point is NBC’s brilliant horror series Hannibal. Hannibal is one of the most ludicrously violent, grotesque, and horrifying shows to ever grace television. Somehow it aired at 10 p.m. ET on NBC, presumably after a rousing episode of The Voice. Like yeah, it’s a school night and the kids are asleep but they’re not that asleep.
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Hannibal Fan Art Fuels Season 4 Hopes
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Clarice: How Does The Show Compare to Hannibal?
By Gabriel Bergmoser
Hannibal borrows its concept and characters from Thomas Harris’s series of books about serial killing. Mads Mikkelsen stars as the titular character and somehow makes a role that Anthony Hopkins already won an Oscar for his own. The show was and remains a big online fandom hit, thanks to the crackling chemistry between Mikkelsen and Hugh Dancy as criminal profiler Will Graham. That shiny fandom sheen, however, shouldn’t distract from the fact that this is a truly terrifying show featuring eviscerated bodies, Colombian neckties, and human totem poles at every turn.
7.  Tales From The Crypt (1989 – 1996)
‘Fasten your drool cups, and ready your vomit bags! We’re going to the movies! Frights, camera, action!’
If the only thing that Tales from the Crypt presented was its opening credits featuring rotting storyteller the Cryptkeeper, that alone would be enough to be among the scariest stories in TV history. Each episode of HBO’s horror anthology begins with the camera creeping its way past from creaky gates and the zooming into a clearly haunted mansion. After the audience makes it way through copious cobwebs and candles, they are greeted by this terrifying little bastard throwing open his coffin door and screaming. Somehow, however, things only gets spookier after that.
Based on an EC comics series of the same name, Tales from the Crypt is the television heir apparent to fellow TV series like The Twilight Zone and even comics and films like Creepshow. The premise here is simple: each episode brings new viewers a new terrifying tale of woe. What’s better is that many of these episodes star big time Hollywood talent like Brad Pitt, Patricia Arquette, Whoopi Goldberg, Tom Hanks, and more. Making horror work in longform serialized storytelling is hard, so this show keeps things simple with self-contained stories. Through seven seasons, Tales from the Crypt introduced some real classics like “The Ventriloquist’s Dummy”, “Television Terror”, and “What’s Cookin'”.
6.  Channel Zero (2016 – 2018)
‘You have to go inside.’
Channel Zero‘s time on television was brief – only four six-episode seasons scattered across two years to speak of. It’s also hard to find now, as it’s only available in the U.S. on AMC+. But don’t its relative anonymity fool you. This Syfy series is, pound for pound, one of the most terrifying things to ever air on TV. Just look at the unbelievably monster costuming work in those photos above! In a TV market saturated with existing horror IP, Channel Zero understood that there was one untapped gold mine of pure terror to be found on the internet.
Starting with its first season adaptation of online short story “Candle Cove,” Channel Zero sought out and adapted the best of the best “creepypastas” – or online scary stories. Following Candle Cove, Channel Zero brought “No-End House,” “Butcher’s Block,” and “The Dream Door” all to life. Series creator Nick Antosca has a good eye for storytelling and an even better eye for monster creation. Every season of the show feels like someone else’s barely contained nightmare, aching against its restraints to crawl into the viewer’s head.
5.  Tales of the Unexpected (1979 – 1988)
‘It’s the sweetness that attracts them, you see. And then the stickiness prevents them from getting away.’
Not all horror involves demonic creatures and the supernatural; there’s evil enough in humankind to sustain years of chilling storytelling, which is just what Tales of the Unexpected exploited throughout its nine-series ITV run. Some of these half-hours did dip a toe into the paranormal (who could forget the plump infant reveal of ‘Royal Jelly’?), but they mostly showcase earthly corruption and domestic noir, like chilling child abduction tale ‘Flypaper’. With 112 episodes in total, around a third were based on stories by Roald Dahl, whose name prefixed the title in the early years and who filmed fireside introductions teasing what was to follow. The nasty misanthropy of Dahl’s imagination is well-known to those who’ve read his children’s books, and it found full expression here with stories of revenge, lies, murder and cannibalism.
Ask viewers for the most memorable element now and chances are they’d cite the luridly hypnotic opening credits – the prelude to many a sleepless night for youngsters allowed to stay up and watch. A women painted white dances in front of flickering flames, a roulette wheel spins, the barrel of a gun points out, there’s the smirk of a demonic mask and a set of tarot cards, all accompanied by Doctor Who theme composer Ron Grainer’s nightmarish fairground music. Blackly comic in places and known for their outlandish twists, the stories are neat, devilish and difficult to forget.
4.  The X-Files (1993 – 2018)
‘We wanted.. to believe. We wanted to call out.’
It’s impossible to imagine the TV horror landscape without The X-Files. In fact, it’s hard to imagine much of television at all without it. The Chris Carter-created Fox show is a foundational series for many that came after it. Its contributions to the pop culture canon include: presenting stars with intense chemistry (David Duchovny’s Fox Mulder and Gillian Anderson’s Dana Cully), a “monster of the week” format, and an overarching series “lore.” In addition to all that, however, The X-Files could be just plain terrifying when it wanted to be.
Though Agents Mulder and Scully were often more concerned about aliens, the show was never shy about presenting more terrestrial horrors. Some of The X-Files‘ scariest episodes are some of all of televisions scariest episodes. God help any young viewer who watched season 1’s “Squeeze”, season 2’s “The Host”, or season 4’s “Leonard Betts.” And if viewers somehow survived all that, “Home” is right there waiting for them. If a more grotesque and upsetting hour of television has ever aired, we haven’t seen it.
3. The Haunting of Hill House (2018)
“No live organism can continue to exist sanely under conditions of absolute reality.”
Horror stories have been around for a long time. As such, many modern horror tales try to stay fresh by taking otherwise innocuous items or events and injecting a bit of mortal terror into them. Think of Psycho and its shower scene, Alien and a simple crew dinner, or Jaws and a sunny public beach. We all agree that dingy back allies, funeral homes, and enormous decaying manors are already scary enough. What could the possible value be in continuing to beat those dead spooky horses? Thankfully, Haunting of Hill House creator Mike Flanagan understands that there is still some new horror to be found in the classic tropes.
Hill House borrows its name and little else from the classic Shirley Jackson novel. This decades-spanning horror saga follows the Crain family in the early 1990s as they try to rehabilitate a clearly haunted house that resists their every move. Then it flashes forward to present day to witness the human wreckage that living in a violently haunted house left behind for the Crain children. The secret to The Haunting of Hill House‘s success is how absolutely relentless it is. From its kinetic opening scene to some of the cruelest jump scares ever captured on film, the show never lets too much time go between moments of abject terror.
Even when things are “peaceful” on The Haunting of Hill House, the audience can’t help but get the sense that they’re being watched…and that’s because they are. Flanagan and company packed dozens of hidden ghosts into scenes throughout the series, hammering home just how pervasive and all-encompassing Hill House’s hunger for souls is. This limited series is only three years old now, and Flanagan has gone on to craft other solid horror entries like The Haunting of Bly Manor and Midnight Mass, but bet on this one becoming a Halloween TV classic for years to come.
2.  The Twilight Zone (1959 – 1964)
“It may be said with a degree of assurance that not everything that meets the eye is as it appears.”
The Twilight Zone is a lot of things. It’s the kind of sci-fi storytelling that your Asimovs, Bradburys, and Le Guins dream about. It’s also creator Rod Serling’s vision for a better, more equitable world. But above all else it is high octane horror that more than stands the test of time. Serling’s anthological masterpiece was truly ahead of its time, not only frequently in the social sense, but in the structural one as well. Short stories have always worked best for horror, lest one drone on too long and the campfire dwindles to embers. Turns out some short stories is exactly what the burgeoning medium of television needed.
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How The Twilight Zone Influenced Are You Afraid of the Dark?
By Chris Longo
The Words of Rod Serling’s The Twilight Zone Are More Relevant Than Ever
By Chris Longo
The original iteration of The Twilight Zone understands that better than many horror properties do today. Each Twilight Zone installment presents its premise, tells its short story, and then gets out leaving the viewer dumbfounded and trying to uncover what it all means. And it did it all a staggering 156 times. Some of the best horror short stories from the last millennium hail from Serling’s masterpiece. Tales like “Eye of the Beholder”, “Nightmare at 20,000 Feet”, and “The Masks” still have the capacity to thrill today. The Twilight Zone was so good at what it does that it’s rebooted countless times, most recently as a series from Jordan Peele for CBS All Access (Paramount+). But even if The Twilight Zone were never continued, its influence would still be felt in just about every other horror show on television.
1.  A Ghost Story For Christmas (1971 – 1978)
‘Halloa! Below there!’
How and when these enduringly sinister films were first broadcast on BBC One doubtless enhanced their power to unnerve. It was before television was a 24-hour experience, explains British Film Institute TV consultant Dick Fiddy in his introduction to the 2012 BFI release. They were aired late at night “probably watched by the dying embers of the fire before the viewer turned in for the night; the nightmarish quality of the stories would linger as they went to bed.” Whose imagination wouldn’t be haunted by the indelible image of the ghostly, grinning children in Lost Hearts, or the face revealed at the end of Charles Dickens adaptation The Signalman?
The original anthology series (it was revived by the BBC in 2005) includes eight titles, in with which the chilling Whistle and I’ll Come To You is often bundled. Largely adapted from the ghost stories of M.R. James and directed by Lawrence Gordon Clark, the films aren’t gory but a masterclass in atmosphere, suggestion and dread. That was in great part due to the work of sound recordist Dick Manton who built tension with eerie effects and avant-garde classical music. They weren’t made in bright studios but on location in bleak, evocative British landscapes captured by the precise eye of cameraman John McGlashan. Several were stories of spectral warnings, either to potential victims or to transgressors whose punishment awaited them, lending a sense of creeping dread as characters are stalked, haunted and sent out of their minds. Watched now, the distance of the period adds another layer of alien discomfort thanks to long scenes and intense performances. Arguably the greatest horror tales ever to air on television.
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Happy Halloween!
The post The 13 Greatest Horror TV Shows appeared first on Den of Geek.
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gumnut-logic · 4 years
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Thank you ever so much for all your support of this fic. It has floundered in places, but I think it is much more solid now and going in a direction I can control. Of course, it has just past the 20,000 word mark, so much for the fabled ‘ficlet’ I set out to write. ::ponders writing twenty fandomversary fics of that length and falls on face::
I’m working the next six days straight as it is my shitty weekend this week. I will keep writing, but results may vary as I get worn down by work. What gets doen, will get done. Work cramps my style.
This is for @soniabigcheese​ one of the mainstays of this wonderful fandom :D
The crowd erupted.
“Virgil, sit down.” It was hissed at him as the roar overtook everything.
Everyone was shouting.
Veronica was calling for order, but no one was listening.
That one woman kept staring at him. He couldn’t help but feel responsible for her tears.
“Do you admit responsibility for the sixty-three deaths in New York?”
“That was an apology!”
“Why did you let it happen?”
It was an avalanche threatening to sweep him away.
Then someone got a hold of a megaphone. “You people are disgusting!”
It was like an extra knife, twisting in his gut. Virgil looked down at the wooden table in front of him. After images danced in his eyesight.
But the megaphone continued. “How can you treat these men this way? How many of you have had loved ones saved by International Rescue? I have! We owe these men everything, you ungrateful slimes!”
Virgil’s head shot up. What?
On the other side of the crowd, almost opposite the woman who had accused him, were a group of people all dressed in green. Beside them were other groups of colours – yellow, blue, gold and red. Above this rainbow were more placards, but their message was considerably different.
‘Virgil Tracy saved my boy’.
‘I’ve been saved and so have you.’
‘Rescued by International Rescue.’
‘Leave IR alone.’
The one that screamed out in blue ‘Scott Tracy, will you marry me?’ held a different message altogether, but the spirit was there.
The woman holding the microphone was dark-haired and unfamiliar.
The hub bub had died down just a little and Virgil found the ability to breathe again.
The woman’s eyes caught his and the determination and the…trust in them was a physical thing that up and slapped him.
She didn’t let him go.
He was International Rescue.
He saved people.
Again, the crowd reacted to him. Much more must be showing on his face than he was aware, because a tension settled over the people below. Eyes darted between the woman in green and Virgil’s stare. New questions popped up, but they were quieter and finally, Veronica was able to take control of the proceedings.
“Thank you for your consideration.” Her pursed lips added sarcasm and not a little admonishment to her words. “Scott and Virgil Tracy are here to answer a few questions, but before we start, Mr Tracy has a statement.”
She stepped back from the lectern and Scott stood up, his fingers brushing gently over Virgil’s shoulder.
Scott exuded command. His brother was putting every bit of himself into projecting confidence and power.
And he was succeeding.
“Several accusations have been made against International Rescue in recent days.” He paused, letting his words sink in. “Regarding Hurricane Lucy…myself and my brothers are grieved at the loss of life caused by the storm, and the damage to the environment incurred by the oil spill.” Another pause, eyes raking the crowd. “Despite repeated attempts to launch, we were restrained by the Global Defence Force from saving those in danger.
“We wanted to, but we were forced to sit and watch when we could have prevented so much.
“And for that reason, we share your grief.”
Blue eyes raked the silent crowd. “Regarding the incident in New York…” A whimper to their left and Virgil’s eyes were once again forced to land on the woman who had lost her son.
The tears were gone and he only found hatred in her eyes.
He drew in a breath.
Cameras flashed yet again.
“Virgil! We trust you!” It was loud. It was sudden. But it whipped his eyes away from accusation to the other side of the crowd once again where that colourful group of people projected support.
His heart twisted.
He felt Scott’s eyes on him, before his brother retook control of the crowd. “Regarding the incident in New York. We are investigating the cause of the accident, but I can assure you that it was not pilot error.”
He held the crowd with his eyes and Virgil found even more admiration for his brother. Scott knew exactly what he was doing and he was doing it well.
His brother took a step back. “Thank you for coming.”
Several reporters twitched at that, arms shooting up with a sudden fear they were about to lose their opportunity to speak with the Tracys.
Intelligent and powerful, Scott looked down on them and held them with his eyes just that moment longer before breaking the spell and returning to his seat beside Virgil.
Virgil stared at him.
Okay, wow.
His brother turned to look at him and blue sparkled as one corner of his lips curled up just a little.
Oh, confident and suave Scooter who was fully aware of his skill. It distracted Virgil from dark thoughts and he suddenly realised that he was as subject to his brother’s spell as the rest of the crowd.
Smart ass.
Veronica took the stand again. “We have time for a few relevant questions.”
Hands that had dropped under that blue-eyed bewitchment shot up again. Veronica turned to Scott, non-verbally handing him the floor.
And Virgil realised that Scott had returned to his seat for only one reason.
To support his younger brother through this.
Virgil let his shoulders drop.
Control of the crowd returned to Scott.
The commander eyed the cluster of journalists, raised a hand and pointed to one on the right. “Ned?”
Virgil blinked. It was indeed Ned Cook. Scott and the reporter had a long term, ongoing antagonism. Cook had chased International Rescue across the globe, attending as many rescues as he could. Having once encountered a frustrated Scott in person, and then been saved by Virgil during a building collapse not long after, he was very pro-IR on every front.
Scott still had words with him time to time. The man always had to push the boundaries and Virgil knew his brother found him irritating.
Virgil just worried the man was going to get himself killed.
But he was a fair reporter and would relay the facts.
Dark hair and eyes bounced between the two Tracys. “So, what you are saying is that International Rescue was not responsible for either incident?”
Scott tilted his head. “Mr Cook, what I am saying is that we are not responsible for being unable to assist during Hurricane Lucy. That blame lies entirely with GDF Command. We have recordings of their direction during the crisis and the extent we tried to help. We were vetoed on all fronts.”
“Why didn’t you fly anyway?”
“And give the GDF an excuse to ground us permanently? Risk all the future lives we could save?” Scott sighed. “We can only help those who want to be helped.”
That set the crowd rumbling. There were shouts of ‘we wanted help’ and ‘please help us’.
Virgil found his eyes drawn again to the left.
The woman was still staring at him with accusation in every line.
He shied away.
“What about the New York disaster?” Cook wasn’t letting them off the hook.
Scott remained calm. “As I said, we are still investigating.”
Virgil was aware of all the eyes on him.
Scott pointed at another reporter.
The man straightened. “Eddie Kerr, sir. I’d like to address Mr Virgil Tracy.”
Scott glanced at him sideways, but Virgil nodded.
All the attention turned to him.
“Virgil, what were your thoughts when that slab of concrete dropped on those sixty-three people?”
Virgil’s throat tightened and he had to clear his throat, but he found his voice. “Sixty-four, my youngest brother was also under that concrete when it fell.”
“But he survived. The other sixty-three did not.”
“I tried, Mr Kerr. God, I tried. It shouldn’t have happened.” A hand landed on his arm and cameras flashed at him again.
God, he was the vulnerability.
“You did your best, Virgil” The megaphone again. “We know you-” She was cut off.
His eyes found the green woman wrestling with a police officer. He appeared to be attempting to take away the megaphone.
Virgil stood up. “No, leave her alone!”
“Virgil!” Scott hissed at him again.
He turned to his brother. “She has the right to speak, Scott. Just as much as anyone else here.” Turning back to the crowd. “Leave her be!”
“You don’t control the police, Mr Tracy.” It was sneered from somewhere down at the front.
Scott rose beside him, tension in every line as a woman in a suit stepped out of the crowd. She had an intensity in her step that spoke of confidence and a right to be where she was.
On the other side of the plaza, the green woman was joined by one dressed in red and a man in blue. More police ran to the scene as the woman struggled. The crowd murmured uneasily.
“Mr Tracy!” The woman in the suit was being held back by IR Security. Gerald, in fact, Scott’s personal attendant. “I’m from the Office of the Commissioner of Justice.” Her tones were sharp and her identification was literally shoved in Gerald’s face. The officer frowned as he focussed on the document. Eyes darted up to Scott and confirmed her identity.
Cameras were flashing again, almost blinding Virgil as his brother nodded. Gerald let the woman through, hovering behind her, hand on his stunner.
She sauntered up to the podium, eyes cold and accusing. She slapped a clear flimsy down in front of Virgil as Scott shifted closer, all towering protectiveness.
The woman ignored him. Attention solely on Virgil, “You’re summoned, Mr Virgil Tracy, to answer for your actions.” Her finger tapped the electronic slip and the flimsy flashed acceptance.
Virgil stared at her, but she ignored him, and turned to Scott. “You don’t control everything, commander. You will answer for your actions.”
She spun on her heel and strode off into the crowd.
Virgil found his mouth open and shut it.
The light and noise of the crowd rose up and consumed him.
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missingrobin · 4 years
Forever (Stiles Stilinski x Reader)
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prompt: “Wear my sweater, please.” 
Word count: 544
A/n: Hey everyone I’m so sorry I haven’t written a lot recently. I’ve been in a huge slump but I wrote this and I absolutely loved it so I had to share it with you all:) I will be publishing unconditional pt 3 sometime this week so keep an eye out for that!
The moon shined down on your skin. Grasshoppers sang in every direction. Summer was approaching and you could feel it in your blood.  Your life has gotten a lot better since you graduated high school, you got to sit around all day and spend time with your best friends and your boyfriend. Adventures constantly filled your schedule and currently you were on a camping trip with the pack. The camp fire crackled and popped loudly against the midnight sky, the stars shined like it was their final debut and they put on a wild show. Smells of evergreen filled the campgrounds with a mighty force. There was no better feeling than being with the people you loved in a place that you loved. 
The campfire was surrounded by tents and warm bodies that wrapped each other in comfort. Scott and Kira were cuddled up together swapping secrets.  Theo, Mason, and Liam were playing Uno and planning the next pack getaway,  Malia and Lydia were chatting about their plans for their wedding since Malia proposed a week ago. That left you and Stiles laying on a physically unforgiving tarp stargazing while holding hands.
You had been dating Stiles for three years now. You had all of your first together and you were hopelessly devoted to each other. Your friends often joked about your lack of attention when you both were around each other. You knew Stiles was your soulmate so your relationship never felt the pressure of being rushed. Although you were a match made in heaven you also still had your issues but they never tore you apart. Your love was too strong for that.
You sat hand in hand with the boy of your dreams and you took subtle glances at his angelic freckled face. You observed the way the moonlight danced across his face with ease. You turned away and in no time Stiles glanced at you with his wispy lashes and stared at the curvature of your face. Just as you were bewitched with his beauty he was just as obsessed with yours.
“You know you don’t have to stare love,” you mocked as you pushed yourself up off the tarp into a slight rocking motion while your arms rested on your knees.
Stiles mimicked your position but made sure to slide closer toward you.
“Couldn’t help myself, it’s your fault for looking like a goddess Y/n,” Stiles replied with a slight smirk. 
“You’re such a dork oh my-” before you could finish, Stiles wrapped his lips around yours in a welcoming kiss. 
This feeling wasn’t unfamiliar but every time it felt still sent shock waves shooting throughout your body. You could feel the passion with every motion. The words I love you felt too small for the amount of euphoria you felt when you kissed Stiles. Butterflies clapped their resilient wings in your stomach and you melted away into the comfort of your boyfriends’ lips.
“I love you so fucking much,” you professed in a loving voice as your eyes connected with his.
“I love you more baby,” Stiles replied with the light of the universe in his eyes.
You simply cosyied up with each other and tried to rest on the uncomfortable tarp. The wind whipped against your skin and chill formed in your body. You motioned your hands together to make some type of heat but nothing was working. Your hands fell numb but you tried to dismiss your frigid state with thoughts of Stiles. Stiles noticed your discomfort and immediately took action. 
“Want my sweater?” Stiles questioned while pushing the fuzzy pile of savior toward you but your stubbornness got the best of you.
“Nah baby I’m good,” you replied in an enthusiastic voice trying to mask the chattering of your teeth. 
Wear my sweater please, I know your cold,” Stiles tried to convince you while flashing his puppy dog eyes and an adorable smile.
“Okay I guess,” you finally agreed in a hesitant voice even though you knew damn well that you were cold.
Stiles handed you the sweater with a pleasant smile. You wrapped yourself in it and returned to your previous state in Stiles’ arms. The forest continued to call to you but your eyes started to grow heavier.
“You make life worth living,” a tiny whisper fell from your lips. 
Soon enough you drifted off to sleep in the arms of the one you call home.
Oh My God I love this story so much! It is most definitely my favorite fic I’ve written so far. I really hope you enjoyed it because I did :)
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mercheswan · 4 years
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Love in a bottle
Stiles is a five year student at Hogwarts School for Witchcraft and Wizardry. He was placed on Slytherin House. He is ambitious, brilliant, incredibly smart and a troublemaker. He is also one of the students with more potential from all the School, he is sure to become a powerful wizard.
For being a Slytherin he is also kind, he has friends from all houses, he is social, but there is one person who he can’t seem to get along with: Lydia Martin, fellow Slytherin housemate with whom Stiles is in love. But Lydia has never taken any interest in him apart form the academic in which they both compete, so Stiles has made up his mind to change that fact.
Stiles has been researching in the library and he believes he has found a solution. A love potion. The love potion is one of the hardest to do but Stiles is confident about his abilities. All he needs is for Lydia to spend some time with him, she would realise that they are meant to be and when the potion wears off she would fall in love too.
Stiles believes his master plan is perfect, so he collects all the ingredients he needs. He pours the potion into a cup of coffee. Black and no sugar, just the way she likes it, all that’s left is for Lydia to drink the potion...
“Good morning Lydia” Stiles says to the redhead. Lydia shortly smiles before continuing to read her book. “I brought you coffee” Stiles proclaims placing the cup in from of her crush.
“That’s very kind of you” Lydia thanks Stiles before continue reading her book. Stiles stays in front of her, waiting for her to drink the coffe. “Do you need anything else?” The readheas asks.
“No, nop, I-I leave you to your studies...” Stiles excuses himself walking to the end of the classroom. It doesn’t matter if she doesn’t drink it right away. But what Stiles was not expecting was the arrival of Theo Raeken.
Theo is a Slytherin Wizard like Stiles and Lydia. He is in fact Slytherin’s golden boy, the very best representation of a Slytherin snake. Cold-hearted, competitive, manipulative... Stiles basically hates him. They are some kind of rival m, because Theo is always provoking and teasing him.
Stiles sees Theo walking towards Lydia’s table and small talk with her. But he will have never expected what happens next. Theo takes Lydia’s coffe cup, the one with the love potion inside and meeting Stiles’ eyes in the distance lifts the cup to his mouth. Before Stiles comprehends what is about to happen all he can do is stare as Theo drinks the coffee he prepared for Lydia.
“Theo! W-wait!!” Stiles shouts running towards the boy.
“Hey Stiles, what’s wrong?” Theo asks.
“Y-youu... were not supposed to drink that!!” Stiles complains.
“I’m sorry Stiles, you can make me another coffee if you want. Theo said he has been studying all night and he needed the caffeine” Lydia explains.
“The coffee tastes good, thanks Stiles” Theo smirks. Before Stiles could respond the Professor arrived and all the students moved to sit. Stiles went to his place looking absolutely shocked. This is not what it was supposed to happen! Maybe the potion won’t work, it’s a difficult potion, maybe Stiles messed up preparing it.
Not a chance.
Theo is incredibly forward and aggressive with his flirting. Stiles has never blush so much in his entire life. Theo follows him everywhere, he sends him magic letters declaring his love for him, and uses any chance he can in flying class to bump into him. Theo gave him a gigantic flower that almost ate a fellow student as a pet present.
“Maybe you should give him a chance, he seems to really like you” Scott, a Gryffindor friend argues. What Scott doesn’t know it that Theo’s feelings are artificial, he is acting that way because of the potion.
“I don’t know... if I ignore him he’ll stop... eventually...” Stiles allegues
“If you’re so sure that you don’t want to be with him, maybe you should go on a date with him and let him down slowly...” Kira, another Gryffindor student, suggests.
And that’s a good option. Stiles can accept the date and make it a living hell, making the potion wear off. So Stiles accepts Theo’s offer to go on a date. Stiles couldn’t help but to flinch when he saw the excitement in Theo’s eyes. The truth is that Stiles didn’t want Theo to suffer, this was never supposed to happen in the first place.
Theo insists that he should be the one organising the date and Stiles agrees to it. He has to prepare the speech he is going to give Theo about how they will never work out anyway.
But as it’s been happening lately, Stiles’s plans never go the way they are supposed to.
The date with Theo... was incredibly fun. Theo planned the date to every detail, butter beers in Hogsmeade, picnic at the Forbidden Lake... they even pranked Filch together. And Stiles loves to prank Filch.
Maybe it is because he hasn’t had such a great time in so long but he accepts to go out with Theo again. And the following dates are also perfect. Stiles is not blind and he can see that Theo is very attractive. Having such a hot guy after you is exciting. Stiles starts to spent more and more time with Theo. They partner together in class, practice quidditch... they are the power couple of Slytherin House.
Their first kiss is something Stiles will never forget. They were in the library having a “research date” as Theo calls them when Stiles noticed that Theo was looking at him with an intense gaze. Before Stiles had the chance to ask what was wrong, Theo grabbed him him the arm and pushed him toward an unoccupied aisle, trapping Stiles against the bookshelves and crushing their lips together in a hungry kiss that made Stiles’s brain melt.
“What was that for!?” Stiles breathlessly asked.
“Stop sucking your pen like that you tease! It’s distracting” Theo responded before pulling his lips on Stiles’ again exploring his mouth. Stiles couldn’t help the moan that escaped from his mouth that made Theo go crazy pulling their bodies even closer if possible, until they were rubbing their hips together and their hands massaged their backs and necks.
“T-The-o...” Stiles said between kisses. Theo hummed. “Herbo-bology... we need to do Herbology...”
Theo groaned. “We finish this later”
Some of the students at Slytherin are not happy they are dating though, Theo is legacy and Stiles is not pure blood, but Theo turns the bullies into rats and Stiles has never seen anything as romantic as that. He knows he is falling in love with Theo. The smirking bastard... who is Stiles kidding, Theo turns him on a lot. But behind all that, the real Theo is attentive and protective. Stiles really hopes that Theo is truly falling in love with him too...
Stiles is gonna have to come forward about the love potion, but he is afraid of telling Theo... he could react badly and break up with him. Stiles has gotten used to being with Theo.
But the conversation need to happen because Stiles can’t lie anymore.
“Hey Theo...” Stiles says joining his boyfriend in the Slytherin common room.
“Hey babe!” Theo responds pecking Stiles on the lips.
“I need to talk to you about something...” Stiles murmures
“Okay...” Theo says taking Stiles’s hand.
“So... remember when... A couple months ago, before we dated... you were kinda crazy, like doing stupid things to get me to say yes to date you...” Stiles comments
“Yeah... it was crazy, now I think about it and I did humiliate myself to get you huh? It’s like you bewitched me” Theo claims lifting his head to kiss Stiles.
But before that Stiles stops him. “Well... about that... I kinda did..” Theo looks confused. “I-I made a love potion... it was for Lydia, but you drank her coffee” Stiles confesses. Theo stares at Stiles with an indescriptible face. “Theo...”
“So you did confess... I wasn’t sure you would” Theo smirks.
Wait what? “What?!”
“I knew” Theo claims.
“What!?” Stiles repeats.
Theo huffs a laugh. “I knew. I saw you making the potion, I knew it was for Lydia, so I pretended to drink it to get close to you”
“What?” Stiles insists. “You drank the potion?! On purpose!!?”
“No” Theo snorts. “I made the potion disappear, I drank air”
“Bu-ut... then why did you act like that?” Stiles questions
“Because I thought it would be the perfect opportunity to get a chance to date you” Theo allegues.
“You!! You manipulated me!” Stiles accuses
“Says the one who was going to use magic to get a date” Theo huffs.
“It’s all been a lie!” Stiles argues
“Has it really? Because I think we both acted willingly with every move we did. We may have hidden some information but when it comes to our feelings, they were real. You like my dark side just as much as I like yours. Admitt it. We are both Slytherins after all” Theo claims
“I hate you” Stiles says
“I hate you too” Theo smiles.
Stiles kisses Theo, both of them smiling into the kiss. Stiles does actually consider the love potion a success, he did get love in the end.
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nerdinreview · 4 years
“WandaVision In Review”
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The first of many Marvel Disney+ shows has just recently concluded.  With fan theories running rampant, and twists and turns during almost every episode, it isn’t surprising that WandaVision was so successful.  However, the show is not without its own issues as nothing can ever be quite perfect.  Below is our spoiler-filled review of WandaVision.
My first impression when watching the early (first two) episodes of WandaVision was confusion.  I had a hard time trying to determine why Disney and Marvel would take us on a nostalgia tour through classic television series featuring two underserved and underutilized Avengers.  I have to admit, I wasn’t overly invested in the project in the beginning.  I enjoyed the references to The Dick Van Dyke Show and Bewitched, but I honestly didn’t care much for it past that point.  Despite this, I kept watching for curiosity’s sake, and it certainly paid off.
When it becomes clear that Wanda is more in control of this reality than was initially assumed, I was hooked.  I’m a big fan of Wanda Maximoff as a character.  In the comics she has been a force to be reckoned with and the Marvel Cinematic Universe hadn’t seized the opportunity to really utilize her until this point.  It was exciting to see Wanda use her powers in a way we hadn’t gotten to see on screen before, and the ending definitely implies that this is just the tip of the iceberg for her.
As someone who has been critical of Vision in both comics and film, I have to say that this did wonders for his character as well.  We finally get to see a more “human” side of the synthezoid.  That said, it’s hard to determine how real this side of him was, as he’s technically a manifestation of Wanda’s grief.  At the very least, we get to see Vision as Wanda saw him, which is almost beautiful in its own right.
As mentioned above, some of the best content to come out of WandaVision is the character development.  While the two titular characters had the most development, I’d be remiss if I didn’t mention the other characters who stuck out.  The first of which is Monica Rambeau.  The last time we saw this character she was a child in Captain Marvel, and while she may have been dreaming for the stars, she had a lot of growing up to do before she became the version of her we see in the show.
Monica was another bright spot in the show, she was fearless, and certainly didn’t back away from a challenge.  She, similarly to Wanda, is dealing with grief.  Losing her mother in addition to the last five years of her life, would be maddening to anyone, yet Monica jumps right back in to work at SWORD, and is often the voice of reason throughout the series. It was also incredibly exciting to see Monica get her powers after being exposed to the boundaries of Wanda’s “hex” three separate times.  We even got to see her powers in action, first being able to withstand Wanda’s attack to get her to leave the neighborhood again, and then being literally bulletproof in the finale.  I don’t think I need to go too deeply into the significance of the MCU literally giving us a bulletproof black female superhero! It was amazing, seeing her protect Billy and Tommy, while also being impervious to Hayward’s attack.  It was a powerful scene that only highlighted Monica’s character even more.
 However, what impressed me most about this character was her empathy to Wanda.  No one would have been overly critical of Monica if she had taken Hayward’s side.  After all, she too was held hostage by Wanda and forced to play a role in Wanda’s show. The experience was even described as “excruciating,” in Hayward’s retelling of Monica’s experience, and yet Monica is unyielding in her opinion that Wanda is not doing this maliciously.  In fact, she willingly exposes herself back into the “hex” despite knowing that it is quite literally altering her DNA, with unknown side effects.  This was something that Jimmy Woo wasn’t even willing to expose himself to once.  During his first scene in the show, he says he doesn’t enter the town because he can “feel” that they’re not supposed to go inside.  He stays true to that throughout the series, only entering Westview when Wanda breaks down the “hex” during the final episode.
As mentioned previously, Jimmy Woo was another character we got to see develop a bit since his Ant-Man and the Wasp appearance.  He and Thor’s Darcy Lewis, were oftentimes the comic relief in the show when things got heavier.  However, we got to see a side of Jimmy Woo’s character that we hadn’t seen before.  While he was appreciated in Ant-Man and the Wasp, he was often at odds with Scott Lang as he was assigned to make sure that Scott was following his house arrest.  It was refreshing to see Jimmy defy Hayward and fight back, being a key role in thwarting his escape.
It was nice to see Darcy Lewis get in on the action as well.  In the Thor franchise she was often comic relief but rarely in the spotlight during action scenes.  While she still didn’t do much fighting in WandaVision it was refreshing to see her stop Hayward with her stolen truck, and have her be the leading expert during SWORD’s investigation of Wanda.  It was particularly exciting to see that she has earned her doctorate, so she is no longer Jane’s intern, and isn’t playing second fiddle to Jane Foster or Erik Selvig.
Finally, Kathryn Han’s Agatha Harkness is also deserving of praise.  With the exception of a few of the films, Marvel has had a bit of an issue with giving fans villains that were worthy adversaries to their favorite heroes.  This was not the case with Agatha Harkness.  Seeing her toy with Wanda throughout the series was a highlight of the show and seeing her be a full fledged witch was equally as exciting.  While Wanda defeated her in the finale, they certainly left the door open for Agatha to return, and I certainly hope they find a way to incorporate her in the future.
While I have mostly praised WandaVision, I have to mention some of the negatives as well.  Overall, I greatly enjoyed the show, there are still a few points that I took issue with.  The first of which is Maria Rambeau.  Maria Rambeau was last seen in the Captain Marvel film and had become a bit of a fan favorite.  She was a pilot, similar to Carol Danvers before gaining powers from the Space Stone, single mother, and according to WandaVision the eventual director of SWORD, yet she is killed off-screen from cancer.  
While this is frustrating for a number of reasons, I was particularly miffed because Marvel still has a long way to go in terms of diversity in their films, and to kill off one of your few female black characters off screen left a bit of a sour taste in my mouth.  That’s without getting too deep into the fact that many fans were hopeful that Maria and Carol might have a romantic relationship in the sequel, and this all but confirms that won’t be the case. This adds another layer to the fact that Marvel has yet to have an LGBTQ+ hero in the films.
Additionally, the Marvel films have always handled Wanda and Pietro’s Romani roots poorly.  Not only are the actors not of Romani descent, the culture of their characters is often used as a prop or a joke.  Specifically, Wanda’s costume in the Halloween episode being referred to as a “fortune teller.” 
Additionally, having the twins willing join Hydra--a Nazi organization while having Romani and Jewish roots, through their father Erik Lehnsherr, in the comics has always rubbed me the wrong way.  WandaVision had an opportunity to remedy that when Wanda is reliving her past.  They could have easily given us a one off line about Wanda and Pietro not knowing that it was Hydra when they signed up to be experimented on and didn’t find out until later.  Unfortunately, all we get is a line about the twins wanting to “change the world.”
One of the other issues that I took was the presence of Evan Peters’s Quicksilver.  Initially, I was very excited to see him show up on the show and hoped that this meant we’d be seeing more of Fox’s X-Men in future Marvel films. Not only was he not the real Quicksilver, but he was instead just a long running “boner” joke, as he was Ralph Bohner, Wanda and Vision’s next door neighbor that Agatha was controlling.  While I wasn’t expecting him to be a huge character,  I was hoping for something a bit more significant than Ralph Bohner.
Finally, something that has been sticking out in my head for a while is Jimmy Woo’s missing person.  Jimmy Woo mentions in his first scene that Quantico had sent him to investigate a missing person in witness protection, who lived in Westview.  Initially, this was who I believed Evan Peters’s character to truly be, yet when Jimmy sees him on screen in the All New Halloween Spectacular episode, he just makes a note that Pietro has “the wrong face,” and doesn’t indicate that he recognizes him.  In fact, Jimmy’s missing person is never mentioned again later in the season and it seems as though that was just a plot device used to include him in the show.
Overall, I greatly enjoyed WandaVision.  It was refreshing to have Marvel be able to spend six hours to devote to character development and plot rather than it just being action-centric.  I think the show was an excellent first step in setting up a post-Iron Man Cinematic Universe.  After Avengers: Endgame, so many characters were lost, and it felt like a finale of sorts.  I think this was a great way to continue the story with a whisper rather than a bang, and I look forward to their upcoming Disney+ content.
WandaVision is currently streaming on Disney+.
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An Ephemeral Eternity in Seven Parts - Steve Rogers x Reader.
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Word Count~ 3k. Warnings: Gifs aren’t mine. My English. There is a triggering part and for that I am sorry. If you need to talk about all those very heavy thoughts, I am here and so are many people. Don’t try to end your life. It has meaning, even if you can’t see it right now. I promise you.  Also, you might know it by now... some Bucky x reader too.  Part I Part II Part III
 Standing her ground, going against Tony and betraying him as he had informed her in a text were already enough to destroy whatever was left of their father-daughter relationship. Fighting against him though...that would be the cherry on top. She was hoping for something civilized but instead she was about to get a civil war. Sleep had been avoiding her lately along with Steve and Bucky. In fact, Sam was the only one who actually talked to her for more than five seconds. She understood the reasons behind that but it felt like a lousy attempt and got under her skin. They hadn't had the chance to talk since that kiss but she knew that it wasn't the fact that things had happened so damn fast - he was dreading it. He had never believed he would feel like he did with Peggy and he was mistaken. He was aware that it was a bit more really than the 40s and a lot harder too. He was thankful for all her help but had insisted that she wasn't part of whatever would go down between him and her father. She never listened to anyone but her own mind. With the third glass of red wine in her hand, she waltzed around the small rented loft. Sam was out, being their food supplier, Bucky was trying to get some sleep and Steve was in the shower. She sat down in the small couch by the window - at least, the view was to kill for. Her mind was blurry and for that she was thankful, not being able to think for an hour was everything she was looking for in the bottom of that glass. When she heard the floor squeaking, she already knew who it was causing the chilling sound but she turned to look at him anyway. She gazed at him as if he was art - beautiful, moving in many ways she had previously though impossible, flawed in a tragically elegant way. She had always known he was going to break her heart but she dived. Sensing him holding back, she smiled and pointed out the bottle of wine. He got himself a glass and filled it with the rich, red wine and was even kind enough to refill hers. As he sat down next to her, his perfume was intoxicating her - and it wasn't even the perfume... it was how familiar and intimate he smelled that made her wish they had more time. "Are you going to be okay?" he asked her in a hushed tone as he sipped his drink in big gulps. She exhaled loudly and pressed her lips into a thin line. "I don't know Steve. My head is going to be in the mission, if that's what you're asking" she told him, pretending it didn't hurt her. He winced and tried to drink his thoughts away but it didn't work. He knew her, for better or worse and she wasn't being honest. He put down his glass, took hers and placed it right beside his own and turned to face her. He took her hands in his, gently rubbing circles with his thumb to her palm. "You don't have to fight against your father. I put you in that position and I'm sorry -" "You didn't ask me to sign the Accords, you didn't ask me to blindly follow your decision. I chose this. I know I don't have to. But I will" she cut him off, not leaving him any chance to smooth her agony. He felt useless. Maybe it wasn't all his fault but he certainly made it worse. And her position was so difficult - he admired her for he wouldn't have been able to go against his father to fight for what he believed in. Back then, at least. He wanted to hug her and tell her that everything was going to be okay eventually, but he would lie and she would see through him. So, he decided to be honest with her. Maybe they wouldn't even get a second chance. "I have never been completely honest with you and you deserve much more than that. There is something I wanted to tell you since...well I don't even remember anymore. I have never been good with ladies and I don't think that has changed. In fact, it might just-" he had been cut off again. He usually didn't like it but he was willing to make an exception if it was her cutting him off like that. She had pulled him closer and kissed him. It was as simple as that. She craved his soft lips caressing hers, his hands wrapping her in his embrace, her hands running through his golden locks. This time it was different. He gradually deepened the kiss, his hands holding her in his hug, wanting to be with her. She knew exactly what she wanted and where that went - if they weren't meant to have forever it was going to be okay with her. She flickered her tongue, tracing his upper lip and biting his lower as her hands explored his back. He broke the kiss to look at her, to see her eyes looking his but instead of him talking, it was her making his decision so much clearer. "I've had sex but I don't know what making love feels like" she whispered so inaudible low. Even though they had never talked about their... status - he was scared to even admit his feelings - it felt right. He hugged her even more tightly and lifted her up, kissing her all the more passionately. All the pieces were falling into place - nothing was perfect outside the bedroom they now were but at least she was with him and he was with her. He softly laid her on the bed, never once leaving her escape his embrace. He was treating her like porcelain even though he knew she was steel; she was too precious for him to treat her any differently. And for the first time, she was okay to be vulnerable in front of someone else. She was glad someone was finally accepting her flaws. He never made her doubt herself.
He worshiped her.
And for a night the world stood still.
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 The next morning, she woke up later than she would normally would. She did have an excellent reason. She opened her eyes, expecting to be blinded by the sun but instead she was pleasantly surprised by a dark and raining sky. She always loved those days a bit more - there was no need to hide when the day was as dark as the night. What she hadn't been expecting was an obnoxiously huge cup of coffee next to her along with an entire buffet - to her amazement -  and Steve only in his sweatpants looking out the window but sneaking peeks of her image. He smiled at her and sat down at the bed, next to her, kissing her forehead and then her lips, his eyes soft and innocently sweet. She didn't know they had time for that kind of special treatment. "Hi" she said with a raspy voice but he thought of it as sexy. Her hair was disheveled and his eyes traveled to her peaceful face. "Good morning to you too" he chuckled at her not so functioning state. She had never been a morning person and to prove her point she just raised her eyebrow as she slowly got up from the bed, taking a big sip of coffee and feeling the cold running up her spine. It was chilly. "So what's for today?" she asked once her mind had finally turned on, ignoring their last night, something he noticed. He had also noticed she was cold and he offered her his oversized sweater - it had his sense all over it she realized once she put it on but she was happily wrapped in a cocoon of blissfulness. He put a strand of her hair behind her ear, his hand floating mid-air, momentarily considering every possibility. "We have another day, so..." he told her honestly. He finally rested his hand on her waist, bringing her closer to him. He wanted to ask her so many things but he was afraid that maybe she would feel under pressure. She could read it in his impossibly delicate eyes. "Okay then... Look, Steve. About last night..." before she could actually tell him her thoughts, he tried to cut her off, thinking he might ease the blow. "You regretted. That okay, no wor-" "Why on earth would I regret it? I like you Steve. A lot. And last night... it was special" she finally finished off her sentence with him not being able to believe what he heard. He slowly smiled at her as if he was found innocent in court. She was still mesmerized by his eyes - so captivating and bewitching. In one swift move, he raised her up and enveloped her in a hug, one hand under her legs, the other holding her back while hers went to his head and neck. It was more than she expected of him and less than she would have craved. Her mind was screaming to her heart what she already knew - they weren't meant to be. She smiled through her thoughts and kissed him. The soft hint of the coffee and the even lighter taste of smoke, made her lose herself in him. He guided her legs around his waist and held her impossibly close to him. Some airy moans escaped their mouths and for better or for worse, the door swung open, revealing a slightly upset Bucky, trying to make his presence known with a small cough. Her eyes opened wide and she was on her feet not a moment later. She wasn't quite sure why she felt the way she did. It wasn't something abnormal - he knew how they felt about each other. Yet her heart squeezed in an unexplained way, leaving her puzzled.  "Sorry to interrupt, Sam has an idea... he says he knows a guy" he said darkly, not once making eye-contact with her. But of course, there was a war coming up - and it so happened to be against her father - there was no time for romance. Alas, their time had expired. 
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 He left in a hurry with Sam to meet up with someone named Scott Lang and she had locked herself in the bathroom, trying to run a proper bath without once thinking about everything. With a bottle of red wine, she had already drunk and one more waiting for her next to the bathtub, she lowered herself into the bathtub. The water was hot; so hot it would probably have burnt her but she couldn’t feel. Her body was numb and she wanted that numbness to enter her mind too. Everything had gone silent and she already felt dead. Her hand flew to the bottle and she took a large sip, downing the wine in big gulps. It was only her and the water. Her and the water. The water. She faintly heard someone calling her name but it felt so distant, so far away from her.  It felt like it was meant to be. Like her life would come into a full circle and she could have her closure. Finally. It felt so long since she had been able to contain it. All of her life, she had known nothing else but pain and torment. Blood she had spilled, murders she had committed, so much to take in. She had found out she had a father only to be asked to choose a side. That constant hide and seek, she had come to believe that it was all there was. And then she had kissed him, finally letting herself feel.  She stopped breathing and closed her eyes. One, two, three… even the numbers became insignificant. She felt the burning sensation; her lungs were desperate-they were fighting for air. Her whole body was fighting to survive. However, her mind was determined to keep her there. She felt dizzy, sort of lightheaded. It was about to end. This misery. It felt kind of sad though. The one person she truly wanted to care, did. But she was too lost to be found. No more pretending, no more facades. no more tragedy, no more lies.  As she was about to slip, two strong hands were gripping her by her shoulders, pulling her from the water. Before she could even open up her eyes, she was being carried away. She knew it wasn't Steve who had her wrapped in his arms, she could feel the cold metal against her naked body but nothing stopped her from leaning closer and resting her head in his chest. Sooner rather than later, he softly laid her down. For the first time, she opened her eyes, only to find his impossibly silver eyes already looking at her. There was a pause, silence filling up the room, tension fusing between them. His eyes were pained and terrified, worried sick about her. She was looking at him with an apology in her eyes but she wouldn't say the words because they felt stupid and he knew - he never wanted her to apology for feeling too much, for being overwhelmed. He needed to know; however, how could she feel so desperate when she was happy just that morning. It wasn't something he couldn't understand, as he had thought of it many times before. Shaking his head, clearing up his mind, he handed her some warm clothes as he wanted her to be a bit more comfortable - well, that and he couldn't be in the same room with her naked and fragile because his head was going to places he had tried to stay away from.  "I am sorry" she whispered after a while but he winced and looked at her even more hurt. She lowered her eyes and tried to stop her head from spinning. Her legs were hanging out of the bed, still naked as she had only managed to put on a long shirt. "Why?" he simply asked before he could stop himself - he knew it wasn't still the time but he couldn't help it. She took a deep breath before she answered him, truthfully.  "It felt easier". It was just a whisper but it broke his heart. His hand cupped her cheek without even thinking about it. Those secret glimpses, the softness of the look, the gentle touches that didn't steal the other's body but simply made anew, the soundless actions of love that were not asked but given nonetheless, those were personal moments no one else knew about. He softly closed his eyes, containing himself, resisting the urge to hug her and never let her go.  "No. It didn't" he whispered back at her, as she let out a sad chuckle.  "It didn't" she agreed and tucked his hair behind his ears, her fingers tracing his jaw line. He stood up, abruptly enough for her to understand that both the tension and the ease she felt were mutual.  "I am not going to tell Steve - but I think you should. He cares about you" he said and left the room. 'So do you' she thought with a bittersweet aftertaste creeping up to her heart.  She had no idea how she would muster the courage to tell Steve, she did know she had to. She had promised him that her head was in the game, while if fact she was lying through her teeth. Fighting against her father, playing a part in Zemo's plan, all of her past was catching up with her and she felt terrified, sick and tired of all the bloodshed, she was exhausted from all the pain she had caused. Maybe she wasn't ready to blow up her entire life, now that she had gotten one. Then again, she had every reason to stand her ground, to fight for what she believed, but oh, did that felt like an eternity away. She had to make a decision. But, how could she? She was still thinking about a very unique pair of eyes. He crept into her heart, seeking to devour her, but he was the one consumed, he knew that much. He knew how stupid he had been... she was in love with Steve and Steve, his fucking best friend, was for once after a long time happy. He had seen the way they looked at each other. On top of all that, finding her in the situation he did drove him insane. Oh, and there was going to be a fist-to-fist battle just hours away. His mind screamed and hers grew quieter, for she understood that she had been lost for too long.  She would talk to Steve, even though she had no intention of tiring him with her burden. She would stay out of the fight. She would get away. She would say goodbye.  [Taglist: @accio-rogers​ @coffee-with-orion​ @moli1497​ @stydia-4-ever​ @smilexcaptainx​ ]
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