#Seasun Games
satoshi-mochida · 2 months
Mecha BREAK PC second closed beta test set for April 26 to 28
From Gematsu
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The second wave of closed beta testing for large-scale multiplayer mech action game Mecha BREAK for PC will run from April 26 at 3:00 a.m. PT / 6:00 a.m. ET to April 28 at 9:00 a.m. PT / 12:00 p.m. ET, Seasun Games announced. Users can register here.
Get the details below.
Oozing with hi-tech style and full of fast-paced battles, Mecha BREAK puts players in the pilot seat of their own customized mechs as they dive into a clash of steel and plasma unlike any other. Players will suit up alongside a squad of three to six allies in three-versus-three or six-versus-six cooperative game modes or dive headfirst into the new 60-player Mashmak player-versus-environment-versus-player mode, which they will experience for the first time during this Closed Beta Test phase. Mecha BREAK puts players in control of expert mech pilots as they fight across the land and sky alike. These mechs are the pride and joy of any accomplished pilot, with weapons, armor pieces, chassis, and even the paint job being fully customizable. With these options, mechs can be customized to fit any playstyle and function, from fast-moving scouts to lumbering artillery batteries with dozens of options in between. While the grandiose scale and break-neck action of Mecha BREAK‘s combat is the flashy initial draw, the room for personal expression through cosmetic customization will keep players engaged for hours on end. Regardless of mech class and weapon composition, each mech can have every piece personalized and painted to fit any style.
Key Features
A Vast Arsenal of Mechs and Weapons – Discover an array of assault, melee, sniper, reconnaissance, and support mechs, each with unique playstyles. Engage in immersive aerial and ground combat, employing strategic tactics for close and long-range encounters. Unleash devastating firepower, scorch foes with precision beams, and rain missiles upon the battlefield. Prepare for adrenaline-pumping battles, lightning-fast maneuvers, and explosive firepower. Experience the essence of speed, power, and thrilling controls.
Fully Customizable Mechs – Customize your mech down to its individual parts with precision. Personalize every detail, from full-body paint jobs to unique hues for armor, internal framework, and weaponry. Choose from a variety of colors, wear levels, glosses, and metallic finishes to showcase your unique style. Enhance your mech further with patterns and decals to create a one-of-a-kind masterpiece.
No Pilot Flies Alone – Join squads of three or six, showcasing exceptional piloting skills to conquer foes and strategically coordinate victories. Take full control and turn the tides of battle in the intense 60-player player-versus-environment-versus-player Mashmak mode, facing ambushes and confronting hostile mechs from other players. Evade pulse storms, outmaneuver rivals, and seize the spoils of victory now.
Mecha BREAK will be available for PC via Steam, followed by PlayStation 5 and Xbox Series at a later date.
Watch the closed beta trailer below.
Closed Beta Trailer
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srepgames · 5 months
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La quinta gran actualización para Snowbreak se lanzará el 18 de enero.
Publicado por SrepGames
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La desarrolladora Seasun Games anunció que Ballad of Chaos, la quinta gran actualización para Snowbreak: Containment Zone, se lanzará el 18 de enero.
En esta nueva versión, a los analistas se les unirá una vieja amiga: Katya Klein. ¡Prepárate para vivir un emocionante nuevo capítulo en el modo historia!
Acerca de la actualización:
Todo el mundo dice que el mundo es un desastre ahora… Pero tal vez así ha sido siempre.
"¡Desatemos una tormenta!"
El baile más importante de Yehrus se celebrará esta noche en la mansión Orlova. Aquí se permite el absurdo, se elogian las falsedades y se puede disfrutar de un baile junto a intrusos desordenados, pero cuidado con el depredador detrás de escena que destroza las finas telarañas.
"Buen chico, yo… te atraparé."
La noche se está desvaneciendo y el amanecer está llegando.
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Nuevo operativo y arma SSR:
・Katya Klein: Era la experta en seguridad externa del Departamento de Seguridad de Yggdrasil, se había convertido en un fantasma de resonancia junto con el resto del Escuadrón de Inspección durante el accidente del Quinto Instituto de Investigación. Después de que el plan de venganza del Escuadrón de Inspección fracasará, fue expulsada de la resonancia y recuperó su forma física. Ahora es una peligrosa asesina que empuña una ballesta y siempre ataca desde los ángulos más inesperados.
・Neptune Nova: Incluso entre otras ballestas, esta arma tiene la reputación de tener el disparo más potente. Por tanto, una advertencia: cuándo disparas suele ser más importante la frecuencia con la que se dispara.
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Nuevos atuendos alternativos:
・Katya Klein (Graceful Danseuse): "Me ayudaste a escapar de esa bola asfixiante. Es justo que te lo agradezca con un baile". Disponible del 18 de enero al 15 de febrero en la tienda del juego.
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・Fritia Hush (Symphony of Frenzy): "¡Los explosivos pueden causar daño en manos de los malos, pero pueden crear felicidad en manos de la profesora Fritia!". Disponible del 18 de enero al 7 de marzo en la tienda del juego.
・Acacia Kaguya (Allure of Lotus): "Montando la marea oriental vengo ante ti. Firma tu pacto, joven héroe, y juntos en la batalla estaremos". Disponible del 8 de febrero al 26 de febrero en la tienda del juego.
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・Haru Absconditus (Covert Zephyr): "No llevo demasiadas armas conmigo cuando me infiltro sigilosamente en un área o realizo vigilancia". Disponible en el battlepass premium.
・Fenny Lionheart (Indomitable Charm): "Hmph, ¿pensaste que mi espíritu estaría destrozado después de un par de pequeños contratiempos? ¡Ni una sola posibilidad!". Intercambiable en la tienda del juego por Bright-Star Tickets.
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Contenido adicional:
・Nuevo set de logísticas: Escuadrón Eli. ・El dormitorio de Katya Klein se añadirá a la base. ・Nueva decoración interactiva para el dormitorio de Fenny. ・Nueva mecánica jugable de infiltración. ・Nuevo capítulo del modo historia. ・Nuevo jefe: Njáll ・Nueva área: Mansión Orlov ・Nueva área: Búnker de Barentsy Pribor ・Posibilidad de personalizar la apariencia del Analista. ・Horizon Defenders: Defiéndete con torretas de oleadas enemigas. ・Bulwark Hymn: Coopera con otros jugadores para derrotar varios jefes. ・Endless Battle: Coopera con otros jugadores en una defensa por oleadas enemigas. ・Paradox Maze: Nuevo modo de juego de tipo roguelike.
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arcadebroke · 10 days
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btwnseaandsun · 2 months
Finished The Sunshine Court this morning and I will be forever thinking about this series
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brutalgamer · 5 days
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Mecha BREAK brings 6 on 6 mechanized action, with August beta
You might’ve seen Mecha BREAK at the Xbox Games Showcase, but you’ll be able to try its high-octane action title soon, in a closed beta.
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cosmosisfold · 2 years
my favourite things ab hermits speaking voices (just the ones i watch regularly):
doc: "duuuude" sometimes the random evil laughs he does. the rly surprised "whaaaat!" when something unexpected happens. this dudes genuine laughs are always so fun too, love them. good shit. very nice chill talking voice, soft but not gentle, yknow?
keralis: high pitched "mhmhm!!" giggle. sometimes starts a sentence and takes 3 different turns and then does a 360 before parallel parking his meaning. when other people talks he starts speaking before interrupting himself a few times. most recently stuck out to be in the kings finale at the end when all the diamonds were stolen and he was like "ren? ren? re- r. r- ren?" cause everyone was talking.
xb: heyyy guys welcom baek to hurmitcraf seasun nain! i may just be canadian but this guys accent is fascinating to me. "shoo [so]". and the GIGGLES MANNN. hes so calming to lsiten to but every word he says is so engaging? its like im on a call with him and im muted.
bdubs: every word this man says comes from a deep well inside his brain in which there is a sentient rat calculating every word he says. theres comedic mastery in everything he does. also "yes wonderful job."
scar: hellooooo my fello miners and crafters. when hes doing something whimsical and makes his words all airy and floaty. when he says his outro at 6x speed so you can't understand a word he says. "what in the world!" [a lot of people say that but Him specifically].
ren: he has so many voices. what does he need all this linguistics for. also his intro makes me want to get up and scream it from the rooftops. "now we're cooking with gas baby!". he has such a bouncy way of speaking paired with fun in-game body language, you can tell he loves what he does.
grian: hes so british
honorable mentions of ones i watch only sometimes:
xisuma: if his face was leaked i dont think i would be able to put his face to it. sorry hes just pixels. i expect this guy to tell me about his candle making business that he made after his wife and him slowly grew apart, and then he'd confess to having a secret gay lover and cry while eating plain crackers.
cub: he is so casual and chill in his words its amazing. literally unshakable. you could show him nuclear bomb codes and he'd go "woaa that's pretty intense haha." i do like when he goes "lets gooo"
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icarus-deathbloom · 10 months
Dawnlands: A Game Review
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Dev and Publisher: Seasun Games PTE. LTD
This game is beautiful, the world is vibrant and teeming with life. Though, I won't lie, the cover art gave me a Zelda feeling right off the bat. I never played the Zelda games, but I highly suspect the devs were inspired by Zelda and several other games. There's nothing wrong with that either, the game seems like an original enough concept. The characters are good though the dialog does get a bit long, especially when all you want to do is go out and explore. Overall the lore is pretty simple to follow along even if you rush through some of the dialog. You're fighting against some form of evil energy, and some of the fights can get pretty difficult.
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Character creation is simple, you have a few things to choose from to make a unique person. One thing I was happy about when creating my person was they have black sclera's! Having the red eyes with the black sclera makes me so giddy that they actually thought about that feature - its basically my favorite eye type! Hair styles are fairly limited and simple as are the clothes. Make up is lacking but they do have some interesting features, like in the image below which gives me a sort of Viking feeling.
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From what I gather is there are minor bosses and major bosses. I wish I would have thought enough to photograph them, but when you're panicking trying to kill a boss before it kills you, especially the first time, you aren't thinking about taking a picture. So far, the first minor and firs major bosses were both pretty challenging. I died once, but ended up killing them the second time. So they aren't so difficult that you're going to be spending a lot of time trying to get past, though for the first major boss I did spend some time getting more used to weapons, moving, and even found a nifty staff seen in the image below. I also just wanted to show off the amazing lighting of dusk as the sun sat behind me, and the fog masking the distant mountains.
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I will admit, getting used to the controls was a bit of a learning curve. If you don't pay attention to the tutorials you will have a hard time but its not impossible to learn things on your own. The instructions are always available in case you do need to go back and read them which I am thankful for.
You get some daily quests from the people at the shelter, and they are pretty easy to accomplish and you get so many accomplishments and rewards - different dailies, different achievements, etc. It does have a bit of a gatcha element, but you are able to grind for most everything if you aren't wanting to pay IRL money. One example would be backpack extensions - they cost a bit of in-game gold, but you can buy them in the shop with IRL money if you want them faster, but its not hard to get the gold you need if youre doing the dailies, and doing the grind. This element make sense as the game is free-to-play, and it doesnt seem like they push that element on you. It's there if you know where to look, but over all, they keep pretty mum about it.
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An aspect that I love about this game is that you can build your own house, if you have the materials to do so. You can also find empty houses dotted through out and just kind of move in, ultimately just residing closer to where you're needing to be and having safe houses throughout the lands. In the image above I'm sitting in front of a fireplace in one of the empty pre-made houses I chose to take over. It's worth it to go through these empty buildings as you can find pretty help items that you can't craft yet and you're able to use them right away. This is the house where I found the staff mentioned earlier.
There are so many beautiful spots to take creative selfies at. Sometimes the character is just posed so perfectly and some of the rocky areas look like robots. The image below, the rocky thing behind me definitely has some robot vibes. The game gives you so many amazing access points to get some really great shots, so if you're into taking cute screenshots, this is the game for you. To add a cherry on top, the game is co-op! It is split into servers which is categorized into countries - unfortunately you can only play with people who are using the same country server. So a person in the US can't hope on and play with someone in the UK, or Asia. But if you are playing with someone, you can take some cute pictures together I bet!
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There are so many interesting areas to explore. The more you travel the more you'll see and it hasn't gotten boring for me yet. Theres so many unique structures that it draws you into the land, and make you question what certain things are for. Which make sense, because you are there to fill a prophecy in a land that you don't know. I won't go into any details, but it's a fun little time.
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I am very interested to see where this game takes me. The map is huge and blank until you've explored it. I have not explored the full map yet but thats something that keeps the game exciting. You don't know where you're going to end up, or what other creatures you're going to find or what new resource you'll find.
There are aspects I don't like, which would be the farming mechanic. You can't farm right off the bat, and need to level up before you can. I haven't been able to plant a field for food yet. Also, having horses seem a bit glitchy. I have one horse, but somehow now have 2 identical horses - I have no idea where the other horse came from, but I know I have that one too. I'm afraid of taking the wrong horse out in fear I won't get it back, so, I'm constantly checking to make sure I have the correct horse by traveling a bit and having the horse teleport to me.
In all, I will probably give this a good 4 out of 5 bones. Its a great game, just a but buggy and I am hoping this is something they work on.
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freegame56 · 11 months
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Snowbreak Containment Zone free code แจกของฟรีผู้เล่นใหม่ไม่ควรพลาด
Snowbreak Containment Zone เกมใหม่มาแรงแนวยิงปืน ยุคที่โลกต้องต่อสู้กับหุ่นยนต์ และปกป้องโลกเอาไว้ รหัสเกมยิงปืนอาร์พีจีสามมิติสไตล์อนิเมะจาก Seasun Games พร้อมเปิดให้บริการอย่างเป็นทางการแล้ววันนี้ ทั้งบนมือถือและพีซี เล่นกับเพื่อนได้ลงดันพร้อมๆกัน รับรางวัลฟรี สำหรับผู้เล่นใหม่ 3 โค้ด
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gonagaiworld · 7 days
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Mecha BREAK: robot giganti, battaglie epiche e personalizzazione senza limiti vi aspettano nel Closed Beta di agosto Il titolo di debutto di Amazing Seasun Games sarà lanciato nel 2025 per le piattaforme PC, PlayStation e Xbox. Info:--> https://www.gonagaiworld.com/mecha-break-robot-giganti-battaglie-epiche-e-personalizzazione-senza-limiti-vi-aspettano-nel-closed-beta-di-agosto/?feed_id=454740&_unique_id=666aba40a0b31 #MechaBreak #PlayStation5 #Steam
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satoshi-mochida · 6 months
Multiplayer mech action game Mecha BREAK announced for PS5, Xbox Series, PC
Gematsu Source
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Seasun Games has announced multiplayer mech action game Mecha BREAK for PlayStation 5, Xbox Series, and PC (Steam). A release date was not announced.
Here is an overview of the game, via Seasun Games:
Mecha BREAK is a multiplayer mech game that allows players to choose from diverse mechs, customize appearances, and battle colossal war machines on treacherous terrain. Get ready for the ultimate showdown—blitz, brawl, and blaze!
Key Features
-Gameplay Modes – Choose from three-versus-three, six-versus-six, or Battle Royale modes for intense battles and survival challenges.
Six-versus-Six Battlefield Mode – The game features different mid-sized battlegrounds like “Eye of Misra,” “Mercury Shipyards,” and “Cape Blanc Observatory.” Players are randomly assigned to these battlegrounds, forming squads to complete missions. In the six-versus-six battleground, tactical decisions are crucial, including cover, strategic retreats, and baiting enemies. Choosing the right team tactics at the right time is key to winning.
Mashmak – Form a team of three or six players to execute combat missions. Utilize your piloting skills to defeat enemy mechas, or employ strategic coordination for seamless victories and game-changing maneuvers. You’re in full control. Immerse yourself in a 48-player battleground, where you’ll encounter ambushes, hostile resistance, and the looming threat of colossal weapons. Navigate lethal pulse storms, skillfully evade pursuers, and claim victory alongside an abundance of spoils.
Three-versus-Three Arena Mode – Three-versus-Three Arena Mode offers the ideal platform to showcase your exceptional piloting skills. Navigate intense combat with agile evasion of incoming missiles, while seizing strategic moments for decisive strikes. Your precise maneuvers will be the key to victory, propelling you towards becoming an ace pilot.
-Character – Customize paint jobs and create your own unique mecha. The appearance of the mechas’ weapons can be customized. You have the ability to personalize the weapons, shields, and wings, allowing you to tailor each mech’s appearance according to your preferences. Each mecha is divided into over 120 color modules. This allows players to create unique color combinations. Through battles or purchase, players can acquire common or rare paint colors. The game also offers a wide selection of patterns and decals for you to choose from, so you can personalize your mechas to your liking.
-Battle Experience – 1) Aerial and ground combat combined for a dynamic engagement. 2) Intense close-quarters brawls. You will experience a thrilling sense of speed, firepower, and strength as you control a 12-meter-tall mecha from a third-person shooter perspective. Engage in battles against other players in various battlegrounds while accomplishing difference mission objectives.
-Mechs and Pilots – Unlock a wide array of mechas and exclusive pilots, each with their own unique backstory. Each mecha is equipped with distinctive weaponry and serves a specific role, such as sniper, brawler, attacker, defender, or support. Coordinate with your squad members to maximize your advantages and secure victory.
World Setting
The Catastrophe – Triggered by a massive coronal mass ejection, the Catastrophe occurred as supercharged particle flows impacted Earth’s magnetic field. Collisions between highly active thermal mantle plumes and the crust led to earthquakes, volcanic activities, and the eruption of EIC.
EIC – Scientifically known as “Corite,” Eruptive Inorganic Carbide (EIC) emerged from geological disasters during the Revival Era. EIC manifests in towering mineral columns and hazardous mines formed by volcanic activities. With immense technological value, this enigmatic mineral possesses wide applications in the energy and tech industries, making it vital for post-Catastrophe reconstruction. However, it also poses a severe health risk and remains humanity’s greatest threat.
Epoch of Biped Strikers – After the Catastrophe, Lunarians invented bipedal machines as the primary mode of transportation. These walking vehicles were designed to navigate lunar terrain, surpassing the limitations of traditional vehicles. Eventually, they were weaponized, leading to intense conflicts among powerful mechanized soldiers called “Strikers.” These adaptable armored units replaced conventional vehicles and showcased their dominance in resource struggles. The third-generation Strikers emerged as the elite among their kind.
BREAK – “Third Generation Strikers,” often referred to as “Mind Projection Type Strikers,” use the power of the EIC supercomputer “Cubrain” to form a neural link between the human brain and the Striker unit. This concept, known as Mind Projection, is the cornerstone of their operation. BREAK Strikers take this technology a step further. By taking into account the pilot’s physiological indicators, they surpass previous synchronization constraints. This enhancement allows the Striker to deliver a significantly improved performance on the battlefield.
Moonbow – Moonbow is a powerful independent force, operating globally utilizing their airship of the same name. They deploy the formidable BREAK Strikers to address various EIC-related crises and explore the truth behind EIC.
Conflicts – Moonbow confronts persistent threats from EIC and the malice of humanity. While BREAK Strikers are more than mere weapons, they often become a necessary means while facing unavoidable conflicts.
Marcens Pandemic – The Catastrophe released EIC debris, contaminating the Earth’s atmosphere. High EIC concentrations result in plant mineralization and the fatal Marcens Disease in animals. Regions and cities transform into lifeless “Marcens Zones” through high-purity secondary Corite crystallization. Today, these zones rapidly expand via deadly EIC Pulse Storms, while humanity remains oblivious to EIC. Is EIC a natural disaster or something more sinister?
New Terrain – The Catastrophe shifted Earth’s tectonic plates, altering its landscape. New rifts and straits were formed, while mountains rose and landforms crumbled. Islands were engulfed, and volcanoes emerged, inflicting immense devastation upon both ecosystems and societies.
New Paradigm – As a response to Corite pollution, cooperation gradually became crucial, leading to the emergence of the Culturia Alliance, the Cygnia Union, and the Thalassic Federation. Meanwhile, the Lunarians proclaimed their independence under the name of the Commonwealth of Lunar-mare amidst the chaos.
New Conquest – EIC is an indispensable resource for science and commerce. Various factions are congregating at the largest Mercens Zone, Mashmak, preparing for an intense upheaval. The Catastrophe reshaped landscapes and disrupted the global order. Amidst recovery and Corite pollution, the Vulturia Alliance, Cygnia Union, Thalassic Federation, and Commonwealth of Lunar-mare emerged. Despite risks, these factions vied for self-interests. A storm is brewing in the largest Marcens Zone, Mashmak.
Watch the announcement trailer below. View the first screenshots at the gallery.
Announce Trailer
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srepgames · 8 months
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La tercera gran actualización para Snowbreak se lanzará el 2 de noviembre.
Publicado por SrepGames
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La desarrolladora Seasun Games anunció que Verdurous Holiday, la tercera gran actualización para Snowbreak: Containment Zone, se lanzará el 2 de noviembre.
Esta nueva actualización se aleja del tono serio de la historia principal e introduce una relajante historia paralela de vacaciones en una isla, ofreciendo a los jugadores una experiencia de juego única. Como se ve en el trailer, el equipo de chicas en trajes de baño subirán la temperatura.
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Las chicas en traje de baño hacen acto de presencia:
La nueva actualización presenta un nuevo personaje de cinco estrellas, un arma de cinco estrellas y cinco atuendos nuevos. Mauxir-Shadow Ka, caracterizada por una personalidad felina, posee notables habilidades de transformación en esta versión de cinco estrellas. Además, Mauxir-Shadow Ka viene equipada con la nueva arma, Alloy Truth, que es una metralleta. Para completar este emocionante paquete, hay un atuendo alternativo llamado "Sizzling Holiday".
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Además, tres personajes recibirán atuendos alternativos de trajes de baño: la estoica diosa de la guerra, Chen Xing-Ethereal Cloud, la francotiradora Yao-Winter Solstice y la amable hermana Enya. En particular, el traje de baño de Enya se puede obtener de forma gratuita en la tienda del evento. El equipo de desarrollo también ha creado nuevos trajes para Yao y Marian-Swift. El traje Enduring Valor de Yao se irá rompiendo al recibir daño.
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Jugabilidad temática es una isla paradisíaca:
Esta actualización presenta una isla paradisíaca altamente detallada, junto con nuevas batallas de jefes y nuevos modos de juego. Una innovación notable es la introducción de tablas de clasificación por primera vez en el modo cooperativo. La idea de las tablas de clasificación surgió principalmente de la comunidad de jugadores, donde muchos jugadores expresaron su deseo de tener batallas cooperativas más competitivas.
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Después de introducir un mundo abierto en la anterior actualización, esta nueva actualización también presentará un nuevo mundo abierto con temática isla paradisíaca. Los jugadores pueden explorar libremente el mapa de la isla, reunir recursos e incluso disfrutar de un minijuego de pesca. Además, se introduce un minijuego de Monopoly, conocido como Goldrush Party, que permite a los jugadores jugar el clásico juego de mesa con las chicas de Snowbreak. Estos diversos minijuegos combinan perfectamente con la relajada temática de la isla.
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Bonuses por tiempo limitado:
Además de obtener gratuitamente el traje daño para Enya, se ofrecerán abundantes recursos gratuitos. Completar la misión de inicio de sesión de 7 días otorgará a los jugadores 10 Convenios Eco de Manifestación, permitiendo realizar 10 tiradas gacha en el banner limitado de Mauxir-Shadow Ka. Los jugadores también podrán seleccionar gratuitamente un personaje de cinco estrellas, recursos de mejoras y nuevas tarjetas de logística al cambiar las fichas de la isla en el mercado del evento. La seleccionen de un personaje de cinco estrellas al completar por primera vez el capítulo 5 de la historia principal aún seguirá vigente.
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Acerca del juego: Snowbreak: Containment Zone es RPG de acción y ciencia ficción en 3D. Desarrollado con Unreal Engine 4, Snowbreak: Containment Zone ofrece una experiencia de juego multiplataforma de última generación, lo que te permite compartir tu progreso en todos tus dispositivos. Los Titanes descendieron del cielo, la contaminación se desató en la Zona Aleph y el peligro se extiende. Como el “Analista”, te unirás distintas Manifestaciones para regresar a la Zona Aleph y descubrir la verdad en este mundo envuelto en polvo. Características principales: ・Combate híbrido: Disfruta de una auténtica variedad de armas y experimenta la increíble sensación de disparo con detalles realistas. La fusión innovadora de disparos, acción y habilidades de personaje te brinda una experiencia de combate emocionante en diversos campos de batalla. ・Combate Titanes en emocionantes batallas: Las criaturas humanoides gigantes, conocidas como “Titanes”, han llegado. Sumérgete en un impactante campo de batalla de ciencia ficción del futuro y experimenta la opresión de estas gigantescas criaturas que te dejarán sin aliento. ・Sistema de Base: Dentro del sistema de base de la Fuerza Heimdall, puedes interactuar en profundidad con las Manifestaciones. Conversa, regala, decora, etc. para fortalecer la intimidad con ellas y desbloquear las historias secretas que solo compartirán contigo. ・Modo multijugador: No te limites a jugar por tu cuenta. Activa el modo “Hyperlink” y juega con tus amigos en emocionantes simulaciones mentales para potenciar tus habilidades en el juego.
Snowbreak: Containment Zone está disponible en PC (Epic Games Store), iOS y Android.
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aceshadowstar · 10 days
Amazing Seasun Games Reveals New Trailer for Mecha Break Game https://www.animenewsnetwork.com/news/2024-06-07/amazing-seasun-games-reveals-new-trailer-for-mecha-break-game/.211675
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btwnseaandsun · 2 years
I've been playing Dreamlight Valley for a few weeks now and I've come across my first huge issue.
The bootcut jeans get tucked into the boots.
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jcmarchi · 1 month
Summer Game Fest To Have More Than 55 Studios And Publishers, Including PlayStation, Xbox, And More
New Post has been published on https://thedigitalinsider.com/summer-game-fest-to-have-more-than-55-studios-and-publishers-including-playstation-xbox-and-more/
Summer Game Fest To Have More Than 55 Studios And Publishers, Including PlayStation, Xbox, And More
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Summer Game Fest will bring together more than 55 developers, publishers, partners, and more, including the likes of PlayStation, Xbox, and various others. The SGF livestream, which kicks off the multi-day event, happens at 2 p.m. PT/5 p.m. ET on June 7 from Los Angeles’ YouTube Theater. It will feature announcements, first-looks, trailers, and more. 
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Ahead of that livestream and the subsequent invite-only Play Days for hands-on gameplay, SGF has unveiled the first wave of partners taking part in this summer’s festivities. We’ve bolded some of the bigger names appearing: 
Amazon Games
Annapurna Interactive
Arc Games
Bandai Namco Entertainment
Blumhouse Games
Bokeh Game Studio
Day of the Devs
Deep Silver
Devolver Digital
Electronic Arts
Embark Studios
Epic Games
Focus Entertainment
Indie Angels
Jyamma Games
Level Infinite
Magic the Gathering
NetEase Games
Netflix Games
Private Division
Recreate Games
Riot Games
Samsung Gaming Hub
Seasun Games
Thunderful Games
TiMi Studio Group
Tom Banner Studios
Uncapped Games
WB Games
Alongside today’s partner news, SGF says it will also stream Day of the Devs: SGF Edition on June 7, immediately following the SGF live showcase. Tickets for the SGF live showcase in Los Angeles are now available for purchase, but if you can’t attend in person, it will also stream on YouTube, Twitch, TikTok, X, Steam, and a variety of other international partners. 
SGF isn’t the only gaming event happening this summer—check out Game Informer’s 2024 summer gaming showcase schedule to see what else is in store. 
What do you hope to see during this year’s SGF showcase? Let us know in the comments below!
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tomorrowedblog · 6 months
First look at Mecha BREAK
A new trailer has been released for Mecha BREAK. No release date was specified.
Produced by Amazing Seasun Games, Mecha BREAK is a multiplayer mech combat game set in a futuristic sci-fi realm. Unlock diverse mechs with unique fighting styles, personalize your mechs' appearances, and prepare for intense battles against colossal war machines on treacherous terrain. Brace yourself for the ultimate showdown—blitz, brawl, blaze!
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henrypignataro · 9 months
Henry Pignataro _ A Infrastructure Professional
Henry Pignataro, a successful a utilities and infrastructure professional who is also a self-employed individual hailing from Calais, Maine, is the driving force behind SeaSun Properties, Inc. (North Rustico SeaSun). When not working, he enjoys football, hockey, baseball, rugby, and airsoft. Henry's diverse interests also include photography, video games, and beach vacations.
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