#Security Guard Services in Los Angeles
brazenskies · 20 days
Top Recommendations for Security Guard Services in Los Angeles
When selecting security guard services in Los Angeles, consider companies with a proven track record, comprehensive training programs, and tailored solutions to meet specific needs. Top recommendations include providers with strong reputations for reliability, 24/7 support, and advanced technology integration. Look for firms that offer both armed and unarmed options, as well as specialised services for different industries. Prioritise those with excellent client reviews and transparent pricing to ensure effective and trustworthy security solutions.
Introduction to Top Recommendations for Security Guard Services Los Angeles
Choosing the right security guard services Los Angeles can be a crucial decision for ensuring safety and protection for various types of properties and businesses. With numerous options available, it’s important to focus on key factors that differentiate top providers. This guide highlights essential recommendations for selecting the best security guard services in Los Angeles to meet your specific needs.
Proven Track Record of  Top Recommendations for Security Guard Services Los Angeles
One of the top recommendations for security guard services Los Angeles is selecting a provider with a proven track record of reliability and effectiveness. Look for companies with extensive experience and positive client testimonials. Providers with a history of successful security management are more likely to deliver high-quality services and handle various security challenges effectively.
Comprehensive Training Programs of  Top Recommendations for Security Guard Services Los Angeles
Top security guard services Los Angeles should offer comprehensive training programs for their personnel. Ensure the provider invests in rigorous training that covers various aspects of security, including emergency response, conflict resolution, and advanced surveillance techniques. Well-trained guards are better equipped to handle diverse situations and maintain a high standard of security.
Tailored Security Solutions of Top Recommendations for Security Guard Services Los Angeles
Customization is key when choosing security guard services in Los Angeles. Opt for providers that offer tailored security solutions based on your specific needs and industry requirements. Whether you need services for a corporate office, retail space, or residential community, a provider that customises its approach will ensure that all your security concerns are addressed effectively.
Advanced Technology Integration of  Top Recommendations for Security Guard Services Los Angeles
Incorporating advanced technology is a hallmark of top security guard services Los Angeles. Look for companies that utilise modern surveillance systems, access control solutions, and communication tools to enhance security. Technology integration improves the efficiency of security operations and allows for better monitoring and response to potential threats.
Comprehensive Support and Coverage Top Recommendations for Security Guard Services Los Angeles
Effective security guard services Los Angeles should offer comprehensive support and coverage. Choose providers that offer 24/7 support and have the capacity to manage security needs round-the-clock. This ensures that any security issues are promptly addressed and that there is always a professional available to respond to emergencies.
Transparent Pricing and Excellent Reviews of Top Recommendations for Security Guard Services Los Angeles
Finally, consider security guard services Los Angeles with transparent pricing and excellent reviews. A reputable provider should offer clear and upfront pricing without hidden fees. Additionally, positive reviews from past clients indicate a high level of customer satisfaction and reliability. Evaluating these aspects helps ensure that you receive quality security services at a fair cost.
In conclusion, selecting top security guard services in Los Angeles involves evaluating key factors such as a provider's track record, comprehensive training, and tailored solutions. Opt for companies that integrate advanced technology, offer 24/7 support, and maintain transparent pricing to ensure reliable and effective security. Positive client reviews and customised approaches are crucial indicators of quality. By focusing on these recommendations, you can secure a trusted partner capable of addressing your unique security needs, providing peace of mind and protection for your property or business in the dynamic Los Angeles environment.
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Best Security Guards Service In Pune
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iww-gnv · 7 months
Disneyland employees who perform as various Disney characters at the theme park are seeking to join the Actor’s Equity Association, which represents everything from actors on Broadway to strippers in Los Angeles. The union is seeking to represent the 1,700 Disneyland employees in the characters and parades departments at the park. It said after three days of collecting cards signed by employees, it already has more than the 30% support needed to file for a representation vote with the National Labor Relations Board, which oversees such elections. But it said it is waiting until it has the support of at least 60% before filing for such a vote or seeking voluntary recognition of the union by Disney. Performers doing the same work at Disney World in Orlando, Florida, are already in a union and have been for years. And until recently the Disney World performers were paid more than their Disneyland counterparts, according to the union. The union contract reached between a coalition of unions and management at Disney World last year pays the performers a minimum hourly wage that ranges from $21.30 to $23.00, according to the union. The Disneyland performers had been getting $20 an hour until the union organizing drive began late last year. The minimum pay went up to $24.15 an hour at the end of last year, according to the union. But the cost of living is significantly greater in Orange County, California, where Disneyland is located, than in Orlando. According to data from the Council for Community and Economic Research, the cost of living is 50% greater in Orange County, California. Housing costs, which are more than twice as expensive, are the primary reason, but prices are higher across multiple categories. There are more than 21,000 Disneyland employees, who are referred to as cast members by the company, who are represented by more than a dozen unions. Those unionized jobs include everything from retail and food service workers to security guards, hair and make-up artists and pyrotechnic workers. But not the performers who dress up as characters such as Mickey and Minnie Mouse, Donald Duck and Goofy and interact with visitors.
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shewhoworshipscarlin · 8 months
Laphonza Romanique Butler
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On October 1, 2023, California Governor Gavin Newsom chose well-known labor organizer and political strategist Laphonza Butler to be the next US Senator from California, following the death of long-serving Senator Dianne Feinstein on September 29, 2023. Butler, who was sworn in by Vice President Kamala Harris at the US Capitol on October 3, 2023, is the first openly LGBT Senator from California, the first Black lesbian in the US Senate, and the second Black woman to represent California in the Senate, following Vice President Kamala Harris. California must hold two concurrent Senate elections in March 2024: a special election to fill out the rest of Feinstein’s term in spite of there being an appointed Senator, and another election for the full six-year term beginning in January 2025.
Senator Butler’s career path includes labor, corporate, academic, and political engagement. Social justice has been her focus within these varied endeavors. Born in Magnolia, Mississippi, in 1979, Butler comes from a working-class family. Her father was a small business owner who died of a terminal illness when Butler was in high school. She saw her mother become the household’s sole provider for three children, working as a classroom aide, a home care provider, a security guard, and a bookkeeper.
Butler earned a bachelor’s degree in Political Science at Jackson State University in 2001. After graduation she began a career as a labor organizer in several states, working with nurses, custodians, and hospital workers. In accepting her appointment, Butler said that she would strive to honor Feinstein’s legacy by “committing to work for women and girls, workers and unions, struggling parents, and all of California.” Her previous job as President of Emily’s List, which helps elect Democratic women who support abortion rights, means it is likely abortion rights will be an important part of the Democrats’ election strategy in 2024.
In 2009 Butler moved to California where she organized nurses as well as in-home caregivers, and became President of SEIU (Service Employees International Union) Local 2015 of United Long Term Care Workers; she also served as President of the SEIU State Council. Butler has served on the board of the Children’s Defense Fund, the political action committee BlackPAC, and the Bay Area Economic Council Institute think tank. In addition, she is the former director of the Board of Governors of the Los Angeles branch of the Federal Reserve System, and a former Regent of the University of California.
Butler is married to Neneki Lee. The couple has an 8-year-old daughter. Lee is the National Division Director for Public Services at SEIU. When she became President of Emily’s list in 2021, Butler and her family moved to Maryland while maintaining their home in Los Angeles. As of October, 2023, they have re-domiciled to Los Angeles and Butler has re-registered to vote in California.
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"We have to take what useful work remains and transform it into a pleasing variety of game-like and craft-like pastimes, indistinguishable from other pleasurable pastimes except that they happen to yield useful end-products. Surely that shouldn’t make them less enticing to do. Then all the artificial barriers of power and property could come down. Creation could become recreation. And we could all stop being afraid of each other.
I don’t suggest that most work is salvageable in this way. But then most work isn’t worth trying to save. Only a small and diminishing fraction of work serves any useful purpose independent of the defense and reproduction of the work-system and its political and legal appendages. Thirty years ago, Paul and Percival Goodman estimated that just five percent of the work then being done—presumably the figure, if accurate, is lower now—would satisfy our minimal needs for food, clothing and shelter. Theirs was only an educated guess but the main point is quite clear: directly or indirectly, most work serves the unproductive purposes of commerce or social control. Right off the bat we can liberate tens of millions of salesmen, soldiers, managers, cops, stockbrokers, clergymen, bankers, lawyers, teachers, landlords, security guards, ad-men and everyone who works for them. There is a snowball effect since every time you idle some bigshot you liberate his flunkies and underlings also. Thus the economy implodes.
Forty percent of the workforce are white-collar workers, most of whom have some of the most tedious and idiotic jobs ever concocted. Entire industries, insurance and banking and real estate for instance, consist of nothing but useless paper-shuffling. It is no accident that the “tertiary sector,” the service sector, is growing while the “secondary sector” (industry) stagnates and the “primary sector” (agriculture) nearly disappears. Because work is unnecessary except to those whose power it secures, workers are shifted from relatively useful to relatively useless occupations as a measure to ensure public order. Anything is better than nothing. That’s why you can’t go home just because you finish early. They want your time, enough of it to make you theirs, even if they have no use for most of it. Otherwise why hasn’t the average work week gone down by more than a few minutes in the last sixty years?
Next we can take a meat-cleaver to production work itself. No more war production, nuclear power, junk food, feminine hygiene deodorant—and above all, no more auto industry to speak of. An occasional Stanley Steamer or Model T might be all right, but the auto-eroticism on which such pest-holes as Detroit and Los Angeles depend is out of the question. Already, without even trying, we’ve virtually solved the energy crisis, the environmental crisis and assorted other insoluble social problems.
Finally, we must do away with far and away the largest occupation, the one with the longest hours, the lowest pay and some of the most tedious tasks around. I refer to housewives doing housework and child-rearing. By abolishing wage-labor and achieving full unemployment we undermine the sexual division of labor. The nuclear family as we know it is an inevitable adaptation to the division of labor imposed by modern wage-work. Like it or not, as things have been for the last century or two it is economically rational for the man to bring home the bacon, for the woman to do the shitwork and provide him with a haven in a heartless world, and for the children to be marched off to youth concentration camps called “schools,” primarily to keep them out of Mom’s hair but still under control, but incidentally to acquire the habits of obedience and punctuality so necessary for workers. If you would be rid of patriarchy, get rid of the nuclear family whose unpaid “shadow work,” as Ivan Illich says, makes possible the work-system that makes it necessary. Bound up with this no-nukes strategy is the abolition of childhood and the closing of the schools. There are more full-time students than full-time workers in this country. We need children as teachers, not students. They have a lot to contribute to the ludic revolution because they’re better at playing than grown-ups are. Adults and children are not identical but they will become equal through interdependence. Only play can bridge the generation gap." -Bob Black, The Abolition of Work
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god-forsaken-fox · 7 months
The Myriad Casino is now officially opening the hotel doors! Come enjoy an overnight stay and the most elite hotel in lovely Los Angeles, first visit on the house!
For the price of $985 a night, you can keep the party going even after the casino has officially closed its doors for the night! VIP members also have exclusive access to our range of fully customisable penthouses, with a starting price of only $1M!
The Myriad Hotel offers a wide range of guest services, from a wide range of drinks at our top of the range bar, to a regularly maintained pool, and everything in between!
However, make sure you’re in your room by 11! Our Tamers security guards don’t like to be disturbed. Please don’t mind the cameras in your room, or what looks like a man watching you as you fall asleep!
The Myriad Casino and Hotel. Why settle for the best when you can have premium!
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thechembow · 9 months
Watch: Mammoth wave near Los Angeles smashes into beach spectators
Dec. 29, 2023 - Fox Weather
Firefighters in Ventura County, California said at least eight people were injured Thursday after a wave caught ocean onlookers off guard, smashing into their viewing location along the Pacific Ocean.
The entire incident was captured on what appears to be a security camera that was pointed to where the sand meets Seward Avenue in the city of Ventura...
The video showed several onlookers were pushed off their feet due to the force of the water and floated down the roadway. The National Weather Service in Oxnard estimated waves were between 15-25 feet high...
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mariacallous · 2 years
If you proposed it now, at any town council or city hall meeting, you would be laughed from the room. The concept is almost unthinkably indulgent, in our austere times: an institution, open for free to anyone, that sells no products, makes no money, is funded from public coffers, and is dedicated solely to the public interest, broadly defined. And it’s for books.
If the public library did not already exist as a pillar of local civic engagement in American towns and cities, there’s no way we would be able to create it. It seems like a relic of a bygone era of public optimism, a time when governments worked to value and edify their people, rather than punish and extract from them. In America, a country that can often be cruel to its citizens, the public library is a surprising kindness. It is institution that offers grace and sanctuary, and a vision of what our country might one day be.
To the eyes of a modern American, it can be a strange, even disorienting vision. For one thing, public libraries are unusually beautiful places, the kind of buildings that make you feel underdressed. In many American cities, the public library ranks among the most ornate and stately fixtures of downtown. They’re erected in early-20th century high style, like the Egyptian revival building at Los Angeles’ Riordan Central Library, or Boston’s neoclassical McKim building. Or sometimes they’re modern monuments to an ongoing investment in public services, like Seattle’s fantastic main branch, a gleaming structure in glass enmeshed in steel latticing.
How different these buildings are from the architecture of other American government buildings – from the flickering fluorescent hells of the DMV, or the windowless, prison-like encampment of many public schools. The only public buildings that rival our libraries in beauty are courthouses – but what happens in libraries is much nobler and less vulgar.
Over the past year, I began working in the public library for the first time in my freelance career, regularly making the subway commute from my apartment in Brooklyn to the 42nd Street flagship branch of the New York Public Library. No matter how often I went, every time I mounted the steps to the entrance, passing between the two famous marble lions – nicknamed Patience and Fortitude – that gaze out across Fifth Avenue, I was always a little nervous.
The building felt beyond my station, as if I was about to get caught doing something I shouldn’t. As I settled into my seat at a broad hardwood table and opened my laptop beneath the chandeliers, I always half expected a suited security guard to arrive and ask me politely but firmly to leave. But what is so precious and stupefying about the public library is that no one ever does. I have a right to be there – not because of any institutional affiliation or job or paid subscription, but because I’m a New Yorker, a regular person, in a city that has decided to honor its people with this place.
There are a lot of indignities to American city life, and maybe there are especially indignities to life in New York. There is the indignity of the crowded and dysfunctional subway system, where the cars are packed so tightly at rush hour that my face is regularly crammed into the armpit of a stranger just as the conductor comes over the speaker to tell us we’re being rerouted impossibly far from where I need to go. There is the indignity of the city’s dirtiness, where huge heaps of garbage emit nauseating smells in the summer, and where in winter the streets are filled with brown slush and puddles of mysterious liquid whose provenance you don’t want to know. There is the indignity of the price of rent.
But the public library offers an almost otherworldly dignity, a sense of purpose and seriousness that falls over you when you enter. The silence of the reading rooms begins to feel like the reverent hush of a temple.
The majesty of library buildings is matched only by the nobility of their purpose. The public library does not make anyone money; it does not understand its patrons as mere consumers, or as a revenue base. Instead, it aspires to encounter people as minds. The public library exists to grant access to information, to facilitate curiosity, education, and inquiry for their own sake. It is a place where the people can go to pursue their aspirations and their whims, to uncover histories or investigate new scientific discoveries.
And it is available, crucially, to everyone. It costs nothing to enter, nothing to borrow – in New York, and in many other cities, the public library system has even eliminated late fees. All the knowledge and artistry of its collection is available to the public at will, and it is a privilege made available, without prejudice, to rich and poor alike.
There’s nothing inevitable about this egalitarianism; it was perfectly possible that libraries could have remained permanent bastions of the elites, as they were before a wave of public and charitable investment – and democratic sentiment – established public libraries across America in the decades after the civil war. And the kind of dignified, edifying sanctuary for thought and curiosity that they provide could easily again become the sole provenance of the rich.
Library budgets are constantly being cut; in New York, Mayor Eric Adams has proposed draconian, multimillion-dollar year-over-year reductions to the public library system’s operating costs, the kind of drastic withdrawals of support that will inevitably force some locations to close.
But the optimism and respect for the people that is represented in the public library is worth taking into the future with us. The public library makes a proposition that’s still radical: that learning, knowledge and curiosity are for everyone, and that the annals of history, literature, science and art might not be just an indulgence of the privileged, but an entitlement of citizenship.
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brazenskies · 25 days
The Role of Security Guard Services in Los Angeles' Financial Sector
Security guard services in Los Angeles’ financial sector are crucial for safeguarding sensitive assets and maintaining operational integrity. They ensure secure access to bank branches, financial institutions, and corporate offices by monitoring entry points and controlling access. Their presence deters theft and fraud while providing a rapid response to any security threats. Additionally, security guards play a key role in emergency preparedness, ensuring that financial operations remain protected and uninterrupted.
Protecting Financial Assets with Security Guard Services in Los Angeles
Security guard services Los Angeles are essential for protecting valuable financial assets within the sector. Guards are tasked with monitoring access to sensitive areas such as vaults, safes, and data centres. Their presence ensures that only authorised personnel have access, thus preventing theft and safeguarding crucial financial information and resources.
Access Control with Security Guard Services in Los Angeles
Effective access control is a primary responsibility of security guard services Los Angeles. Guards manage entry points, verify credentials, and monitor visitor logs to ensure that only authorised individuals enter financial institutions. This rigorous control helps prevent unauthorised access and maintains the security of confidential financial operations and client information.
Monitoring Surveillance Systems with Security Guard Services in Los Angeles
Security guard services Los Angeles are instrumental in overseeing and managing surveillance systems within the financial sector. Guards operate CCTV cameras and other security technology, monitoring for suspicious activity in real-time. Their vigilance ensures that potential security breaches are identified and addressed promptly, enhancing overall site security.
Responding to Emergencies with Security Guard Services in Los Angeles
In emergency situations, security guard services Los Angeles provide critical support. Guards are trained to handle various emergencies, including security threats, medical incidents, and natural disasters. Their quick response and coordination with local authorities ensure that financial institutions can manage crises effectively and minimise disruptions to their operations.
Preventing Fraud and Theft with Security Guard Services in Los Angeles
Preventing fraud and theft is a key role of security guard services Los Angeles in the financial sector. Guards are trained to recognize and address suspicious behaviour, deterring potential fraudsters and thieves. Their presence and proactive measures help protect financial institutions from financial losses and reputational damage.
Compliance with Regulations with Security Guard Services in Los Angeles
Security guard services Los Angeles play a crucial role in ensuring that financial institutions comply with industry regulations. Guards help enforce safety and security protocols, ensuring adherence to legal and operational standards. By maintaining regulatory compliance, they help prevent legal issues and enhance the institution's overall security posture.
Providing Peace of Mind with Security Guard Services in Los Angeles
The presence of security guard services Los Angeles provides peace of mind for employees, clients, and stakeholders in the financial sector. Knowing that trained professionals are on duty to protect assets and manage security risks allows financial institutions to focus on their core operations. This reassurance contributes to a more secure and productive working environment, supporting the overall success and stability of financial operations.
Security guard services Los Angeles are indispensable to the financial sector, offering comprehensive protection for sensitive assets and critical operations. Their roles in managing access control, monitoring surveillance systems, and responding to emergencies ensure a secure environment for financial institutions. By preventing theft, fraud, and ensuring regulatory compliance, security guards enhance the overall safety and integrity of financial operations. Their presence not only deters potential threats but also provides peace of mind for employees and clients. Ultimately, their proactive approach to security helps maintain the smooth functioning and reliability of financial institutions, reinforcing trust and confidence in the sector’s ability to safeguard its valuable resources.
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digihindnews · 2 years
Biggie Small Net Worth 2023: How Much Money Did The Notorious B.I.G. Have?
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Born in the heart of Brooklyn, Christopher Wallace, better known as Biggie Smalls, rose to fame as one of the most iconic rappers of the 90s. With a voice that commanded attention and lyrics that told tales of the struggles and triumphs of life, Biggie's impact on the music industry was undeniable. Even after his untimely death, his legacy lives on, and his music continues to inspire a new generation of fans.
How Much Money Did The Notorious B.I.G. Have?
At the time of his death, the Notorious B.I.G., an iconic American rapper, was worth $10 million. As of this writing, the circumstances surrounding his death from a drive-by shooting on March 9, 1997, at the age of 24 remain unknown.
Early Life Of Biggie Small
He was born Christopher George Latore Wallace on May 21, 1972, in Brooklyn, New York, and became known as The Notorious B.I.G. He was born to Voletta Wallace and Selwyn George Latore, two Jamaicans, and he was their only child. When he was just two years old, his father abandoned his family. As a child, Wallace lived in Clinton Hill, a neighborhood of Brooklyn not far from Bedford-Stuyvesant. In middle school, he excelled academically, earning a number of English-related awards.
Rap Career Biggie Small
After his release from prison, "Biggie Smalls" released "Microphone Murderer," a demo. The Source's Unsigned Hype editor featured Biggie after hearing the recording. The demo tape was also given to Uptown Records A&R and producer Sean "Puffy" Combs. After Combs signed Biggie, Heavy D & the Boyz featured him. Uptown fired Combs in 1993. He started Bad Boy Records soon. Wallace joined Combs' record label on launch day. Biggie's big break was appearing on Mary J. Blige's "Real Love" (remix). He garnered music industry notice as a guest performer. He remixed Craig Mack's "Flava in Ya Ear" with LL Cool J and Busta Rhymes in July 1994.
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Biggie Small Net Worth 2023 Biggie released Ready to Die, his first solo album, on September 13, 1994. The Billboard Hot 100 ranked the song thirteenth. "Big Poppa" and "One More Chance" from the album reached #1. Over 1.1 million units were sold in 1995. It went six times platinum. Busta Rhymes said Wallace gave away free copies of Ready to Die from his residence for self-promotion and grassroots marketing. You may also like: - Actress Annie Wersching Cause Of Death: Annie Wersching Played a Variety of Characters in Movies And Television Shows - Is Mayim Bialik Married? Height, Age, Net Worth And More Information About Mayin Bialik Biggie became pals with Tupac Shakur and Shaquille O'Neal on his debut album. Biggie and O'Neal created "You Can't Stop the Reign." A second album from Notorious B.I.G., recorded over 18 months starting in September 1995. He visited New York, Trinidad, and Los Angeles. He also worked on Michael Jackson's ninth album, HIStory. Biggie was jailed in March 1996 for chasing and threatening to murder two autograph seekers in a Manhattan nightclub. Community service was 100 hours. Biggie was arrested for drug and firearm possession later that year. Biggie's meteoric rise elevated East Coast rap despite West Coast rap's peak popularity. As expected, coasts clashed. After a falling out and diss recordings, Tupac and the Notorious B.I.G. sparked the East Coast vs. West Coast hip-hop battle. On September 7, 1996, six bullets killed Tupac in a drive-by shooting. He died six days later. Biggie's family dismissed the murder rumors. Death To promote his second studio album and film the music video for its lead single Hypnotize, Death Wallace jetted off to the Golden State in February 1997. Since he was concerned for his safety, he hired security guards. Biggie was shot and killed in a drive-by outside a Los Angeles museum on March 9, 1997, six months after Tupac had been killed in the same way. Earlier in the night, he had presented Toni Braxton with an award at the Soul Train Music Awards. At 12:45 a.m., as Biggie was leaving an afterparty, a black Chevy Impala pulled up next to his truck. When an unknown assailant opened fire on Wallace's vehicle, four bullets struck his vehicle. Biggie was rushed to Cedars-Sinai by his crew, but he was pronounced dead at 1:15 a.m., at the age of 24. The funeral was held on March 18 in Manhattan, and 350 people attended to pay their respects, including Queen Latifah, Busta Rhymes, Salt-N-Pepa, and many more. Both rappers were brutally murdered, and no one has ever been brought to justice. There are many differing theories and perspectives on what really happened to the two men. On March 25, 1997, just 16 days after Wallace's death, his second solo studio album was released. It was certified Diamond in 2000, making it one of the rare hip-hop albums to reach the top spot on the Billboard album charts. In the end, this album would earn 11 platinum certifications. The Notorious B.I.G.'s rapping style was known for its relaxed flow, the apparent autobiographical nature of its dark lyrics, and its ability to tell stories. Several albums and compilations have been released in his honor since his passing. Biggie's estate would make tens of millions of dollars in the decades after his death. Posthumous album releases, re-releases, licensing deals, and other factors have helped increase Biggie's estate to an estimated $160 million today. His mom, Voletta Wallace, is in charge of the estate. Along with Biggie's former manager Wayne Barrow, a merchandising manager, and several lawyers, Biggie's widow Faith Evans helps manage the estate. Read Next:> Raquel Leviss Net Worth: When Did Raquel Leviss Join ‘Vanderpump Rules’?
Personal Life Of Biggie Small
The couple had broken up by the time Wallace and his high school sweetheart Jan had their first child, T'yanna, on August 8, 1993. On August 4, 1994, Biggie married R&B singer Faith Evans. Reports say the couple got married just days after meeting at a Bad Boy photo shoot. On October 29, 1996, Evans gave birth to Biggie's son, Christopher C.J. Wallace Jr.  After rumors spread that Evans had an affair with Tupac Shakur, she became embroiled in the East Coast vs. West Coast rivalry. As of Wallace's passing, he and Evans had been living apart but were not divorced.
Quick Facts
Net Worth in 2023 $160 million Full Name Christopher George Latore Wallace Nick Name Biggie Smalls, The Notorious B.I.G Birth Place  Brooklyn, New York, United States Birthday 21 May 1972 Death Date 9 March 1997 Age 24 years old ( 21 May 1972 – 9 March 1997) Occupation Rapper, Songwriter Sun Sign Gemini Spouse Faith Evans (m. 1994–1997) Height 6 feet 2 inches
Biggie Smalls’ Youtube Channel
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_JZom_gVfuw&t=12s He created his channel on YouTube on March 12, 2006, and as of February 1, 2023, it had over 1,876,433,514 views and 3.3 million subscribers. Follow us on Twitter to check out our latest updates on our social media pages. Read the full article
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rviner · 1 month
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Name: Roman Mendez
Age & Birthday: 36 years old, January 2nd
Gender/Pronouns: Cisman he/him
Birthplace: Los Angeles, CA
Job/role in LA: Legitimate Businessman
Positive personality traits: rational, focused, diligent
Negative personality traits: guarded, demanding, aloof
The Mendez name has worked within private security for years with many members of the family boasting impressive careers in the military or law enforcement. However, there's always been a darker side to the name. Primarily when they began working closely with the Kelly's over two decades ago.
On the surface, the Mendez name is sprinkled within a variety of businesses, providing security to private events but also helping the Kelly's with their not so legal ventures.
Roman joined the military as soon as he was eighteen. During the last two years of his service, he was stationed in a less active deployment, focusing on mentoring younger soldiers. When he was thirty four he was honorably discharged after the end of his service contract, choosing not to re-enlist after fulfilling all of the terms of his service.
It was then he began working closer to the Kelly's, and has somehow become something of Quinlan's right hand man, though no official title has been given to him. Roman's role with the Kelly is forever changing, and he's used to clean up messes, eliminate threats and also is a name used on many business contracts and deals.
Being the Kelly's fall guy isn't exactly what Roman had in mind for himself, and slowly a bitterness has crept in because of it. Despite remaining dutiful and following orders and jobs with his military precision, Roman is simply biding his time. But, once the path of least resistance presents itself, he knows he's taking it.
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arvorvoresti · 1 month
Learn The Most Vital Aspect About New York Escorts
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New York Escorts The city of New York offers a selection for escorts that are high-end and are experts in exclusive escapades as well as intimate companionships that make these evenings truly relaxing. Their extensive education make them perfect in dinners, special cultural celebrations and international travel and not forgetting exclusive escapades as well as private groupings. Their grace and beauty will add something extra special to their experiences along with the possibility of sex, massage or other services which can also be scheduled.
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formeryelpers · 2 months
Ds Night Market, 1100 N Main St, Los Angeles (Chinatown), CA 90012
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The newish Damnoen Saduak (DS) Night Market in the LAX-C (aka Thai Costco), parking lot has over 30 vendors serving up a wide range of Southeast Asian (mostly Thai) food. There were also a few non-food vendors but the vast majority of vendors serve food. I spotted several drink stalls, dessert stalls (e.g., Thai pancakes, coconut pudding, coconut cakes, coconut ice cream, dessert toast), Thai salads, meat skewers, tanghulu, souffle pancakes, noodle soups, crispy pork, dim sum, fried egg rolls, waffles, fried octopus, roti, kha moo (pork stew), etc.  
Prices are on par with restaurant prices and some of the items would be hard to find elsewhere. Most vendors accepted cash, Venmo, or Zelle. The lines, if any, were not long. Some items do sell out though, so it’s probably better to come early.
The area is not the nicest (it’s on the outskirts of Chinatown). It looks industrial and is not too far from the Chinatown Gold Line station. However, it’s not too bad either. I found free street parking easily but I did see one parking lot charging $10 to park. Avoid it because you can find street parking.
The market is open Friday – Sunday nights from 6 PM till midnight. It had a lively feel with loud music and a few tables, some with chairs. Also, they had security guards at both entrances.
This market is open weekends until midnight. Free admission. Service dogs are allowed.
4 out of 5 stars
By Lolia S.
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dantesquitana · 3 months
Top Qualities of Security Guards Los Angeles in Florida
Security guards Los Angeles in Florida exhibit top-tier qualities essential for effective security management. They are meticulously trained in handling diverse security challenges, from patrolling and monitoring to responding swiftly to emergencies. Professionalism is paramount, ensuring they conduct themselves with integrity and reliability. Their strong communication skills enable effective interaction with clients, colleagues, and law enforcement when necessary. Adaptability is another key attribute, allowing them to adjust to various environments and situations seamlessly. Moreover, they possess a keen attention to detail, crucial for detecting and preventing security breaches. By embodying these qualities, security guards Los Angeles in Florida uphold safety standards and provide comprehensive protection for residential, commercial, and event settings.
Rigorous Training Programs for Security Guards Los Angeles
Security guards Los Angeles undergo rigorous training programs that equip them with essential skills in surveillance techniques, emergency response, and conflict resolution. They are certified to handle various security challenges effectively, ensuring they can respond promptly to incidents and maintain a secure environment.
A Game Changer for Security Guards Los Angeles
In Los Angeles, security guards utilize advanced technologies such as CCTV surveillance systems, access control devices, and real-time communication tools. These technologies enhance their ability to monitor and secure large areas efficiently, ensuring comprehensive protection against potential threats.
Benefits of Security Guards Los Angeles Businesses
Businesses in Los Angeles benefit from the presence of security guards who provide a visible deterrent to crime, safeguard assets, and ensure the safety of employees and customers. They contribute to a secure business environment, minimizing risks of theft, vandalism, and disruptions to operations.
The Importance of Professional Security Guards Los Angeles Events
Security guards play a crucial role in managing security at events in Los Angeles, implementing crowd control measures, managing access points, and responding to emergencies swiftly. Their presence ensures the safety and wellbeing of event attendees while maintaining order and security.
Navigating Licensing Requirements for Security Guards Los Angeles
Security guards in Los Angeles must comply with state and federal regulations governing security services, including licensing requirements and adherence to legal standards for conduct and operations. Understanding these regulations ensures they operate within the boundaries of the law while delivering effective security solutions.
Finding the Right Security Service Los Angeles
Selecting a reputable security service provider in Los Angeles involves evaluating factors such as industry experience, service offerings, and client reviews. It is essential to partner with a provider that offers tailored security solutions aligned with specific needs and requirements for optimal protection.
The top qualities exhibited by security guards Los Angeles in Florida contribute significantly to maintaining safety and security across various environments. Their rigorous training ensures proficiency in surveillance, emergency response, and conflict resolution, bolstered by strong communication skills essential for effective interaction with stakeholders. Professionalism and integrity characterize their conduct, enhancing trust and reliability in their services. Adaptability allows them to navigate diverse situations seamlessly, while attention to detail ensures thorough monitoring and prevention of security breaches. By embodying these qualities, security guards in Los Angeles uphold high standards of protection.
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novumtimes · 4 months
General Hospital star Johnny Wactors co-worker slams coward shooter as she held dying actor in her arms
“General Hospital” star Johnny Wactor’s co-worker, who held him as he lay dying, slammed the senseless “coward” who fatally shot the actor in downtown Los Angeles. Anita Joy detailed the horrific tragedy after the pair finished their bartending shift and were walking to their cars at around 3 a.m. on Saturday. Wactor, 37, died as he shielded Joy from the three armed robbers who gunned him down over his car���s catalytic converter. Johnny Wactor’s co-worker Anita Joy has slammed the senseless “coward” who fatally shot the actor. Anita Joy / Instagram “I’ve needed to take some time to collect myself and my thoughts,” Joy began her lengthy Instagram post on Wednesday. “I was with Johnny in his last moments and I’m here to be his voice after such unimaginable events.” “He was killed senselessly by a coward who reacted without care of the gorgeous life he was taking. So I’m angry, I’m sad and I’m all of the feelings and once… but above all, I am here for Johnny’s justice.” Joy explained that she and Wactor, with whom she had been friends for 8 years, were leaving their bartending shift together and walking to their cars when they noticed someone tampering with his vehicle. “We cautiously approached the men, questioning what they were doing, at first thinking the car was being towed,” she wrote. “We were no threat and Johnny kept his cool as he always did, simply stating that it was his car and for them to leave. Hands open to his sides in peace.” Anita Joy detailed the horrific tragedy that took place after the pair finished their bartending shift on Saturday. Anita Joy / Instagram Joy said that the actor stood between her and the man that killed him. “As I heard the shot ring into the night, he forcefully tumbled back into my arms,” she continued. “As I grabbed for him, I shouted ‘Hunny you ok?!’ And he only responded, ‘Nope! Shot!’ We toppled onto the street where I pushed my legs under him and tried to hold his body up while screaming for help and screaming at him to stay with me.”  The bar’s security guard rushed over after calling 911. They performed CPR of Wactor as they waited for emergency services to arrive. Wactor, 37, died as he shielded Joy from the three armed robbers who gunned him down over his car’s catalytic converter. Anita Joy / Instagram Joy said she and the security guard, named Bryan, “tied my denim jacket” around Wactor to stop the bleeding. “It was too close range, too extreme of a wound for him to survive it but my god, he fought to stay,” she wrote. “I am utterly heartbroken and so very angry.” “My only peace is that I was with him and this didn’t happen to him alone – my only other peace will be seeing these awful men brought to justice,” she added. “Absolutely one of the best men I’ve ever known,” Joy said of Wactor. Anita Joy / Instagram Joy then paid tribute to Wactor, praising his “genuine nature.” “His energy was magnetic and pulled you in so effortlessly — you were safe with him,” she wrote. “He treated everyone with love, respect, compassion and he really ‘saw’ you. He was beautiful, goofy as hell, full of work ethic and values.” Joy and Wactor had been friends for 8 years. Anita Joy / Instagram “I hope the stamp of his voice saying that every time I saw him never leaves my memory,” she went on, adding, “Just one look into his big blue eyes, followed by a big goofy grin, Johnny made you love him instantly. Absolutely one of the best men I’ve ever known.” “I’m so grateful to have been a part of his world and him, mine. My heart is shattered with his loss but I believe l have gained the best guardian Angel out there. I love you Johnny Wacky,” Joy added. Source link via The Novum Times
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thxnews · 4 months
Franco-American Customs Cooperation Strengthened
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Could this be a pivotal moment for international customs cooperation? Today, in Washington, a significant step was taken to strengthen Franco-American customs cooperation. The Minister Delegate for Public Accounts, Mr. Thomas Cazanave, and the Senior Official Performing the Duties of Deputy Secretary of the Department of Homeland Security, Ms. Kristie Canegallo, signed a Joint Declaration of Intent. This agreement aims to bolster cooperation between France and the United States in customs matters, enhancing the facilitation of travelers and goods.  
Enhancing Customs Cooperation
The Joint Declaration outlines several key areas of improved collaboration, including: - Intelligence sharing - Inspections - Investigations - Targeting - Operational cooperation - Exchange of best practices This cooperation is crucial for securing container traffic, major port and airport facilities, express freight, e-commerce, and financial flows of criminal organizations.  
Targeting and Risk Analysis
A significant focus of this enhanced collaboration will be on risk analysis and targeting of controls on passengers and cargo. Cooperation will intensify between CBP’s National Targeting Center and the French Customs Risk Analysis and Targeting Service. This joint effort aims to improve the effectiveness of customs operations in identifying and mitigating potential threats.  
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Hands and drugs. Photo by Emilian Danaila. Pixabay.  
Combating Transnational Crime
The declaration emphasizes the need for joint efforts in combatting: - Arms trafficking - Drug trafficking - Transnational organized crime - Threats to national security This collaboration will involve entities such as the French Customs Coast Guard and U.S. Customs and Border Protection’s Air and Marine Operations. Additionally, the French National Directorate of Customs Intelligence and Investigations will work closely with U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement Homeland Security Investigations.  
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2024 Paris Summer Olympics. Wikimedia.   Securing Major Events One of the notable aspects of the Joint Declaration is the emphasis on securing the upcoming 2024 Paris Summer Olympics and 2028 Los Angeles Summer Olympics. Both nations will share best practices to ensure the safety and security of these major international events.   Reaffirming Commitment On this occasion, Mr. Cazanave and Ms. Canegallo reaffirmed their commitment to further strengthening operational cross-border cooperation. This commitment aims to better combat threats to the flow of goods, national security breaches, narcotics, fentanyl, forced labor, arms trafficking, economic and fiscal fraud, and money laundering.  
Key Details of the Agreement
Feature Details Agreement Date May 23, 2024 Signatories France (Mr. Thomas Cazanave), USA (Ms. Kristie Canegallo) Key Areas of Cooperation Intelligence sharing, inspections, investigations, targeting, operational cooperation Focus Areas Container traffic security, major port and airport facilities, express freight, e-commerce, criminal financial flows Major Events 2024 Paris Summer Olympics, 2028 Los Angeles Summer Olympics   To Sum Up The signing of the Joint Declaration of Intent marks a significant milestone in Franco-American customs cooperation. By enhancing intelligence sharing, operational collaboration, and focusing on securing major events, France and the United States are taking crucial steps to improve customs operations and security. This strengthened cooperation not only benefits both nations but also sets a precedent for international collaboration in customs and security matters.   Sources: THX News & US Department of Homeland Security. Read the full article
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