#Sensory Tracking
vampire207343 · 2 years
What if .... Bella Cullen gaved birth to twins by the name Renesmee Carlie and Elizabeth Rosabelle Cullen
As Renesmee and I grow up to full maturity which are different age from each other Renesemee is stucking looking 15 years old forever while I on the other hand stop aging at the age of 19 years old. As we grew older we carved more human blood than human which is why hidden are true nature even from our own family in order to not dispoint them.
As kids Renesmee and I look identical to one another the only thing that could tell us apart would be our hair my mine is more light brown than bronze like Ren. But now that we reach full our full maturity we no longer look identical to each other especially with the age gap physically look now.
I was thinking of leaving the family since I don't want to hide my true nate anymore because it may become dangerous that should my family find out I'm hunting humans instead of animals they would kill me not that I'm the only one who hunt human so is twin Renesmee which I would most likely get blame for draging her hunt humans instead of animals. But really it Renesmee's choice to feed on humans I didn't force her to something she dosen't want like our family us doing forcing Renesmee to accept the imprinting bonded with Jacob who Ren only see as an older brother and protector nothing else.
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(Renesmee Carlie Cullen)
Renesmee dose not love Jacob like he loves her so she decided to fallow her and leave the family. Luckly their Aunt Alice are unable to see them both on any of her vision and with them hiding their scent when they left home thst should prevent their family from fallowing them.
A year after Ren and I left our family we encounter two of the high ranking Volturi guards during our hunt north dakota and it was non other than Alec and Demetri Volturi.
During this encounter I, Elizabeth Rosabelle Cullen is the mate of the one and only Demetri Volturi
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the former tracker of Volturi coven and one of the two that survival of the ambush of the romanian coven which release him from Chelsea's gift which his so call loyalty to his coven disappear the same thing happen to Alec but at that time his twin sister Jane was already killed but before Alec left with Demetri he killed the Vampire that killed his beloved sister. That was a year ago and Alec is still mourning his sister's death.
The two sisters decided to stick around Alec and Demetri especially Elizabeth who just found her mate who she been searching for since she reach full maturity 10 years ago.
The four Renesmee , Alec ,Elizabeth & Demetri grew close to one another after spending a year together by then Renesmee and Elizabeth changed their last name Peverell which is the last name of one of our Ancestors a named that their mother dosen't know about, wich prevent tge rest of their family finding them even more.
Renesmee is a gifted vampire having the ability to place her thoughts and memories into another person's mind. Aside from this gift she also has the power of shield penetration, which allows her to penetrate their mother's mentally defensive power.
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Like my sister Renesmee I am also a very gifted vampire having a Winter Manipulation which able me to tap and induce the winter and the powers/forces it represents: snow and ice, cold, death and solitude. It is also time of endurance and survival with any means possible, waiting, reflection and preparation for the upcoming growth season. Which is a gift my family know nothing about they will see gift as horrible since it represent death which why they know nothing of it. I also has the gift of a Force-Field Generation which allow me
create a field formed from energy, elements, the environment, or by manipulating smaller items to form a greater whole. Typically centered on or around the user like an aura, these fields often take on a spherical or flat shape and manifest in the form of a barrier or surface such as a shield, wall, dome, or bubble. They can either possess a solid, fluid or elastic structure and surface. Some of these barriers even possess texture similar to that of glass or crystal, creating the appearance of a nearly unbreakable window-like barrier or a transparent shimmer, while others manifest of an amorphous, sometimes invisible or completely imperceptible force or energy that can be made to resemble matter.
Force-Fields are capable of blocking or impeding approaching objects and nullifying attacks, including physical and energy based attacks or even repelling or reflecting them, as well being used as a means of containment to imprison others. Some users are also able to throw shields away from themselves or to catch things with them, while other's may possess sufficient enough control over their force-fields to mold them into a variety of shapes, objects, structures and other more advanced forms. It is even possible to use these barriers as armor by creating thinner force-fields around one's own body or that of others, preventing objects or forces from damaging or even touching them if desired. Other users are able to shrink their force field and use it as a projectile, in addition to other offensive measures rather than only defensive, such as creating a force-field inside an object or person and expanding the force-field so that the object or person explodes. At its most versatile, a user may be able to move, manipulate and otherwise interact with matter or energy using their fields, depending on their level of control over the ability and the exact properties of their fields.
Despite their notable strength and durability, force-fields aren't always impenetrable and can be removed by energy drain or extreme force. This is the only gift my family know of but I also one more gift called Continent Creation which allow me have the ability to create continents, which are the landmasses of a planet, sometimes out of nothing. The user can effectively create things on the continent too, such as life and environments. Which all three of gifts I train to it's limit for 10 years without the knowladge of my family the only one who dose is my sister and twin. I train all three of my gift until it become secound nature to me. Which makes a powerful vampire.
If Aro had known my gift he would most likely made me one of his guards when we girst meet during the time they thought Rensemee and I were immortal child. Luckly he didn't even though it would had lead me to Demetri earlier but he wouldn't have known that I was his mate until I was full mature which is something he dosen't want me exprince after all he was casanova. Which I fully agree I don't want to exprince to see my mate having romantic relationship with other womans even if I wouldn't have known he was my mate until I was full matured.
The four of us Renesmee , Alec ,Demetri & I decided to become one coven after two years together and it was decided that our coven leader should be demetri. We settled in a Continent I created out of nothing somewhere in Greece which is a continent I have been creating for 5 years now. The Continute itself is hidden from humans well protective beging surrounded a powerful force-field and invisible to the naked eye of humans and those of Vampires who wish to harm anyone reside within.
I also created something called a blood stone which will turn any water it touch to the first substance it drop on it after it creation be it a alcohol beverage, poison and human blood. With a limitless supplies of human blood for our coven to feed on. So they don't really need to hunt humans anymore, but they still do from time to time. And the blood are preserve to make sure to keep it fresh and clean at all times.
A long the way Renesmee and Alec fell in loved to one another
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After getting to know one another for two years and Demetri and Elizabeth recently got married in Paris and it's a small wedding just among themselves.
1 year after, Demetri & I married. I soon found out that I am pregnant but luckly we don't need grandpa carlisle cullen's help to deliver this baby since Renesmee and I study medical under him and how to give birth to a child. I consume alot more human blood since I'm pregnant with first child.
Demetri thought it's a daughter who would look like me, I hope so because I always wantedca daughter if I ever have a child. If we have a girl we plan to name her Amore Rosalinda Peverell or if they had a boy his name would be Jason Alexsander Peverell.
My pregnacy is alot faster than when our was pregnant with Renesmee and I 20 years ago. Since the child I carry is ¾ vampire unlike Renesmee and I who is only ½ vampire. It only took 3 weeks before I gaved birth to my beautiful daughter Amore Rosalinda Peverell it look like she takes after her mother more than her father especially in the look department.
After Amore Peverell was born the four of them offically moved to the continent I created
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After the house was build and Renesmee and Alec live together in another house not far from the main house.
The Cullen tfied to search for their two youngest member but they never found Renesmee and Elizabeth not even with the help of the pack that they were force to accept that their gone since not even Jacob's imprint bond can located Renesmee. Which devested the family but the only one who seem to be mourning Elizabeth's suppose death is Emmett & Rosalie Cullen who treated Elizabeth more a daughter than Edward & Bella ever did who always act like they only have one child.
With the news of the death of Elizabeth and Resnesmee, both Emmett and Rosalie the Cullen coven and change their diet to human blood to distance themself from their old coven which made their blood lust control better than when they were feeding animal blood.
2 years after Rosalie and Emmett left the Cullen coven they somehow encounter both Alec and Renesmee through this encounter did both Rosalie and Emmett found out that Elizabeth is very much alived and married to Demetri the former tracker of the Volturi guard who is their new coven leader. That's when both decided to join the coven with Demetri's permission of course which Demetri has no problem after all his wife and mate dearly miss them both. After arrive to the Island both Rosalie and Emmett were shock to find out that Elizabeth has a daughter wit h Demetri.
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(Amore Rosalinda Peverell, 2 years old)
Which is the most beautiful little girl they ever saw not even Renesmee and Elizabeth was cute as Amore is when they were her age. Rosalie and Emmett already love and adore Amore after first meeting him.
Rosalie and Emmett created a house not far from Renesmee and Alec's own home. While they aren't happy that the twins run without telling anybody but they both understand the Cullen would never understand their need to feed on human blood and Renesmee not wanting to someday married the one person she see nothing but an older brother and protector who also happen to be one of mother's former suitor. The're both happy that Renesmee and Elizabeth found their own happines.
It wasn't long after Rosalie and Emmett join the Peverell coven did Renesmee and Alec finally married after 2 years together, they also have a small wedding among them self.
It's also the day Amore discover her gifts and like her mother she has three gifts the first sge discover was Storm manipulation which allow the user to sense, create, shape and manipulate storms, including strong wind, hail, thunder and/or lightning (a thunderstorm), heavy precipitation (snowstorm, rainstorm), heavy freezing rain (ice storm), strong winds (tropical cyclone, windstorm), or wind transporting substance through the atmosphere as in a dust storm, blizzard, sandstorm, etc. Luckly she great control of her Storm manipulation. The secound gift was Sensory Tracking which allow the user to use sense and locate other people and/or objects by focusing on them, allowing them to find their location and sense their environment. This power works most effectively in finding missing people, as the user can sense the whereabouts of his target and point out the direction and distance between them. And her gift is Flawless Clairvoyance which the User gains flawless direct visual information about absolutely everything in their verse (i.e., objects, people, locations, events, etc.) and perfectly understand it all intuitively, through means other than the user's physical sight, with no mistakes and 100% accuracy and certainty. Defenses against ordinary Clairvoyance, including Psychic Falsification, Psychic Shadow, Tracking Evasion, etc., are ineffective.
Amore's Flawless Clairvoyance seem to be more powerful than Alice Cullen's gift to see the future base of someone's decision.
With the Romanian Coven now in power they didn't care whether humans find out their existence or not indoing so many vampire Coven such as the Amazon coven were persecute by the humans after finding out the existence of Supernatural such as vampire after the Romanian Coven came back to power. Many coven thought it was a good thing with the Volturi coven gone such coven were the Cullens humans slowly persecute vampires and the humans discovering of Vampires weren't the only supernatural they also found out about the wolves were also persecute along with their imprint who was persecute with them.
With the humans persecute the Vampires and wolf that slowly force all Vampires covens are going into hiding from mortals but they are unable survive without blood that they were all force to feed of animal blood alone in order to survive. And the Humans found away to kill vampires and the first Vampire to be destroy are Romanian Coven. With the human persecute Vampires the reminding Cullen force to distant themself from humans to survive. And in order to remain alive they seperated from one another.
While all these were happening the Peverell coven expanded the Island making it even bigger. It wasn't long before Renesmee and Elizabeth got pregnant with their husband's child by then Amore Rosalinda Peverell is now a full mature Vampire.
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(Amore Rosalinda Peverell, 7 years old )
When Amore reach full maturity as a vampire her mother Elizabeth Peverell created one of the most beautiful hairclip
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she has ever seen just for her which also act a protection for from humans and campires alike. Unknown to them while they are safe in the island the rest of their kind are persecute by humans they didn't known until Demetri's sire Amun and his coven stumble on the island while they were looking for place to hide from humans which is the only Island the humans can't reach them and it's very much hidden from all humans and vampires it was only a miracle that Egyptian coven stumble uppon the Island itself. Demetri allow them to stay as well and join their coven if they so desired which they accepted because they know if they decline they might not survive the human's persecution and they could stay in the Island where they are safe.
Which the Egyptian coven found out that they have a limitless suplies of blood that never runout always fresh that was created by Elizabeth Peverell the mate and wife of Demetri. Who they all meet once when she was a child. Sge was one of the hybird Vampire daughters of Edward and Bella Cullen, she was also the overlook daughter of them both who would have known she has a powerful gift that created an entire new island surrounded by a powerful Force field and hidden from the views of Humans and vampire. Egyptian coven created a new house not far from Emmett and Rosalie's own.
And they also discover that Renesmee and Elizabeth are pregnant with their husband's child which congrasulated them they even meet the eldest child of Demetri and Elizabeth Peverell.
It wasn't long after that did Elizabeth gaved birth to her secound child which is a son which they named him Jason Alexsander Peverell. He have black hair and brown eyes unlike his eldest sister who has light brown hair.
A day later, Renesmee gaved birth to a daughter who look so much like Alec's own twin sister so they named her Olivia Jane Peverell. The moment Olivia was born Alec already love and adore her that is before he took notice that she look simlier to his beloved sister Jane who he have loved dearly and he dail to protect but he made a vow that he would protect his daughter no matter whst even if it's from humans. He would protect one person whoreminded him of his beloved twin his little Olivia.
14 years later...
Amore Rosalinda Peverell is now 21 years old and she is now offically an adult and her brother Jason Alexsander Peverell
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Who reach full maturity 4 years ago since he is nown 14 years old and like his sister and parents he very gifted vampire. He has the gift of Absolute Defense which allow him to possesses a defense that cannot be breached by any attack, giving them protection from all attacks, regardless of power, type, magnitude, and/or directions. Which he use his gift to strengthening his mother's Force-Field around the who Island. But it isn't the only gift he has he also has gift of Teleportation which allow him to move instantaneously from one location to another without physically occupying the space in between or transfer matter (beings/objects, including themselves) or energy from one point to another without traversing the physical space between them. This can be achieved by various means, including causing the atoms/molecules to travel at light-speed, warping the space, or use quantum superposition, in which the user teleports by spatially rearranging the subatomic contents of a system.
While teleportation may seem like it is simply for travel, it can be a valuable ability as it can be used offensively (and quite powerful, as a spatial attack) while offering superiority regarding movement speed and distance coverage. A skilled combatant or strategist can use it for many innovative manners. He also has the gift of Memory Manipulation which he can control memories of oneself and others, allowing them to modify, fabricate, suppress, influence, repair, restore, erase, detect, and view them. They can change memories to confuse, wipe away certain memories to cause amnesia, discern and provoke nostalgia, and enter the victim into a psychic vision, replaying their memory. Which is quite usefull if they were ever found by the humans that persecution Vampires after findout their existence.
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Olivia Jane Peverell has reach full maturity the same time as Jason Alexsander Peverell 4 years ago since she is now 14 years old and like her parents and cousin she is also a gifted vampire. She has the gift of Illusion Manipulation which he can manipulate illusions, causing targets to see, hear, touch, smell or taste things differently from what they truly are. At its base, she can distort the shape and size of an object or area. More complex applications include causing targets to misinterpret the distance or number of an object, causing objects or entire landscapes to appear or disappear, distorting the sensory experiences of targets etc. With its near-limitless potential, the user can achieve a plethora of effects, like being extremely stealthy, discombobulating and confusing targets, hiding and masking objects or places, causing targets to unknowingly hurt each other, and so on.
Though most illusions only affect sight, more powerful users can manipulate illusions that affect any and every other sense, thus making it no different from reality to the target. And she also has the gift of Unreality Manipulation which she can manipulate unreality and everything that isn't real, which includes things such as lies, falseness, illusions, dreams, fiction, fantasy, imagination, etc. The difference between reality and unreality is that reality includes all that is real, such as all that exists in it, events, the current state of reality, and so on, while unreality, of course, includes everything that is not real at all, like what is in fiction. The user can use this power to manipulate imaginative/illusional/fictional/dream worlds and the like, and bring things that are unreal into reality. Which makes her one of the powerful vampires especially when she finally master gift like it's secound nature to her like Cousin Amore & Jason who train their gift to full mastery.
Jason Peverell use his Memory Manipulation to erase the humans memories of the supernatural with the help Olivia's Unreality Manipulation which she made sure all humans memories are erase. Soon Vampires coming out of hiding by then all the wolves of La push and their imprints are all kill that include Jacob black who tried to save his pack but he only end up joining them instead of saving them.
To insure that humans dosen't find out the existence of vampires again the new Royal family are selected to be the Peverell who has two former guards of the Volturi and knows the working of their Law and their coven leader happen to be Demetri himself and the coven also has the two people who return their way of life by erase the humans memories of the supernatural help as well.
The remainding Cullens are reunited but the time they are all together again Alice & Jasper are now divorce which shock Bella since she always thought that Alice &Jasper are mate not companion. And Jasper end up leaving the coven since he found his mate on the daughter Demetri Peverell, Amore Rosalinda Peverell, he only return to say his goodbye and return his crest.
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snowdin-stims · 1 year
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🚂 | source
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Test Track AU (T$$ AU Masterlist)
previous (cw: gore) /// next
Suggested by anon!
@theonewithallthefixations , @violets-whumperflies , @whump-me , @pirefyrelight , @soheavyaburden , @snakebites-and-ink , @whumpsday , @suspicious-whumping-egg , @cryptidwritings
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fauslayer · 4 months
dr baldhead is a litmus test that i have to watch people fail every day. google "he doesn't enjoy killing people and faust reflecting on violent impulses does not imply as such" and "guilty gear xx drama cd side black" for more information.
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Honestly probably the best part of having the Kingdom Hearts Autism is that Yoko Shimomura writes the best music for recovering from sensory overload
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hyperfixation-fix · 4 months
Aight so.
Just reblogged a post that mentioned Nico canonically having depression (totally agree), but I wanted to talk about my other headcanons around Nico's mental health AND MORE IMPORTANTLY his recovery journey.
(AN IMPORTANT NOTE: I'm very wary of talking about headcanons involving mental illness, bc it can easily cross the line into romanticising mental illness. I grew up in that kind of online space, and it's toxic af and makes recovery almost impossible. So I want to emphasise, especially for younger fans who read this - Nico gets better, canonically and in my headcanons. So did I. So will you. It takes work, and often it's not a painless or pretty process, but it's so much better than letting yourself rot away in the dark. Romanticise being well, being happy, and getting better.)
In my head, Nico is autistic. But I think he's been so traumatised and so dissociated for so long that he doesn't even really realise how much things affect him, how much easier things could be if he gave himself permission to be the way he is.
FOR EXAMPLE. I think he is specifically very sensory-sensitive, but he's so disconnected from his body and brain that he doesn't really realise it. He just always feels Bad™️ and has never been safe enough to figure out why. So then, once he gets comfortable at CHB and really starts to finally feel safe and present, he starts to slowly untangle things bit by bit. Will is a big part of this - he's very intuitive and notices stress queues in Nico before Nico even realises he's stressed.
It starts off with Will noticing Nico avoiding crowds, which isn't necessarily weird for a kid who spent the last several years with ghosts, but then he realises it's not actually the people that bother him. It's the noise. Like, Nico avoids the Apollo Cabin as much as possible, even when it's completely empty except for Will, bc it's constantly got music playing a little too loud. Nico doesn't even really know why he doesn't like it and doesn't really bother thinking much about it, but Will is like "huh that's interesting". And, as he gets closer with Nico, that pattern becomes more and more apparent - in noisy places, Nico becomes tense and guarded, but in quiet places he's more relaxed. Then Will notices Nico's sensitivity to textures. Some clothes are consistently "grumpy Nico clothes" and some are "happy Nico clothes".
Will decides to run little experiments, making subtle changes around Nico and taking note of Nico's reaction. For example, suggesting Nico change clothes before a date because "I like the black jeans better" ie "the black jeans are a softer denim and stiff denim makes you grumpy". Or swapping out Nico's sheets bc "whoops my bad, I was practicing wound cleaning and spilled supplies all over them! But don't worry, I've replaced them with a new set so it's all good," ie "your sheets were cheapass 100% cotton and rough af and that's why you haven't had a good night's sleep like, ever, so here's a high-quality satin (or whatever, idk fabrics) set that probably won't bother you as much." And lo and behold, Nico sleeps like a baby every night after that. Or orchestrating a whole plan to get Nico into the Apollo Cabin when it's quiet (music gets turned low, siblings are threatened with weeks of dish duty if they don't keep it down), and seeing if he's less on edge. AND HE IS.
And eventually Nico picks up on Will's increasingly elaborate accommodation experiments (Will is simply having way too much fun at this point - he feels super sneaky, finds it hilarious that Nico still isn't noticing, and also just loves seeing Nico less stressed out) and is like "Solace I know you're up to something, out with it or else." And at that point Will is like "ok bet" and pulls out a fucking spreadsheet (Annabeth taught him how to use excel (yeh I know demigods don't vibe with tech but this is my headcannon so deal with it) with great joy and little-to-no interest in why he actually wanted to learn) with a bunch of Nico's triggers and sensitivities and the success rates of different accommodations. Nico is like "I'm actually going to kill you, you've been fucking with my brain for months????" but is barely containing how curious he is and how sweet he actually finds it that Will has thought so much about how to make Nico happy. But Will knows, especially when Nico, even while grumbling, takes the spreadsheet with him.
The next day Will presents Nico with a present he was saving for the final big-reveal: some loop earplugs or something similar. Discrete and practical 😌 Will just leaves them next to Nico's bed with a cute lil sticky note that says "Before you orchestrate my untimely demise as promised, give these a go. Consider it the last request of a dead man walking ;) love you Neeks x".
And that's that. The earplugs make a massive difference, much to Nico's surprise and Will's smug satisfaction, and from then on Nico starts to reconnect with himself and gets better and better at recognising things that make him more comfortable, and using them. Will considers his experiment over (a resounding success, of course), but is unwaveringly supportive and helpful as Nico figures stuff out.
Lol that became very long sorry, but it made me happy to write it out hehehe
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getbettercrayon · 1 year
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autumnfangirler · 5 months
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hidansexwife · 1 year
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battle couple
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squishsquishy · 1 month
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>> spicysplifffs
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bumpscosity · 3 months
i love you autopia and your loud ass cars and extremely strong smell of oil and gasoline and your slow loading meaning even if the line is short it'll take forever to get on the ride
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aibidil · 7 months
I keep seeing posts that are like "you don't need a complicated skincare regimen!" and then proceed to list like the "only" 20 things you need. Or "you don't need to wear makeup!" and then list "only" 10 makeup essentials
when I say you don't need a skincare regimen I mean you don't NEED to do anything. If you protect your skin with hat/clothes, you don't even need much sunscreen. If you're exposed, wear sunscreen. If you have some problem, seek out a solution, but these solutions aren't universal because we're all different and live in different climates. My skin doesn't even demand moisturizer most of the time. Yours might. But there's no list of things you have to buy.
when I say you don't need makeup, I mean you don't need ANY. In my early 20s I never went out without some makeup, but for years I have worn NONE (absent the odd concealer bc turns out acne never goes away) and literally nothing bad has happened as a result. Wear makeup if you want (or if you're in a culture/industry that demands it, which is very real), but let's be clear that it isn't in any way necessary
at some point, just own the fact that you like buying this shit, which is FINE.
reading these things makes me feel like I'm losing my marbles I swear to god
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hkpika07 · 7 months
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Picture of my model Flying Scotsman I love him dearly. I can't make him go round the track anymore because my controller broke somehow :(( I need to get a new controller. I missed watching him go around in circles, I would literally sit on the table and watch him go in circles for like an hour.
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rasairui · 2 months
Looking back on my mental health feels really surreal. Like I'm not about to go on an anti medication rant, I still do want to be medicated just on. Different stuff. The worst I've ever been was about three years ago when I had a severe reaction to a medicine I was prescribed (so severe that I had a seizure and developed a tic disorder, but we didn't figure out that's where it came from until later. Yay minor neurological damage) and my psych did not listen when I told him it made me feel like shit so I just stopped taking it cold turkey. Then it came out one of the meds I was on significantly raises your chances of dementia if used regularly, which I had for five fucking years so I cut out that one too. So yeah I really feel like that initial bad reaction + quitting two medications really fucked me up and it's taken 3 years to get back to any sort of baseline.
And maybe I do have a bias against medication now, I haven't thought about that much. But I also do think I'm feeling and doing better now that I'm not taking anything. Don't think it's a long term solution, I'm still very much unwell but I'm not anywhere near where I was and that's a relief. Idk if I have a point I just realized I've gone weeks without any tics and my old triggers don't do anything to me anymore. It's pretty much something that only happens if I'm having a full-blown meltdown now. It's a big deal to me that just a couple years ago my tics were severe enough that I'd have to pull over and I was always worried about having another seizure. I'm glad I never did and it's surreal feeling confident enough to say I don't think I ever will.
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I’m trying to get shit done and the constant noise is sucking the life out of me. The man finished the whole upstairs himself for his instruments and didn’t even think of soundproofing for recording purposes. I haven’t even found a place yet and I’m already looking at soundproofing.
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getbettercrayon · 1 year
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