#Flawless Clairvoyance
vampire207343 · 2 years
What if .... Bella Cullen gaved birth to twins by the name Renesmee Carlie and Elizabeth Rosabelle Cullen
As Renesmee and I grow up to full maturity which are different age from each other Renesemee is stucking looking 15 years old forever while I on the other hand stop aging at the age of 19 years old. As we grew older we carved more human blood than human which is why hidden are true nature even from our own family in order to not dispoint them.
As kids Renesmee and I look identical to one another the only thing that could tell us apart would be our hair my mine is more light brown than bronze like Ren. But now that we reach full our full maturity we no longer look identical to each other especially with the age gap physically look now.
I was thinking of leaving the family since I don't want to hide my true nate anymore because it may become dangerous that should my family find out I'm hunting humans instead of animals they would kill me not that I'm the only one who hunt human so is twin Renesmee which I would most likely get blame for draging her hunt humans instead of animals. But really it Renesmee's choice to feed on humans I didn't force her to something she dosen't want like our family us doing forcing Renesmee to accept the imprinting bonded with Jacob who Ren only see as an older brother and protector nothing else.
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(Renesmee Carlie Cullen)
Renesmee dose not love Jacob like he loves her so she decided to fallow her and leave the family. Luckly their Aunt Alice are unable to see them both on any of her vision and with them hiding their scent when they left home thst should prevent their family from fallowing them.
A year after Ren and I left our family we encounter two of the high ranking Volturi guards during our hunt north dakota and it was non other than Alec and Demetri Volturi.
During this encounter I, Elizabeth Rosabelle Cullen is the mate of the one and only Demetri Volturi
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the former tracker of Volturi coven and one of the two that survival of the ambush of the romanian coven which release him from Chelsea's gift which his so call loyalty to his coven disappear the same thing happen to Alec but at that time his twin sister Jane was already killed but before Alec left with Demetri he killed the Vampire that killed his beloved sister. That was a year ago and Alec is still mourning his sister's death.
The two sisters decided to stick around Alec and Demetri especially Elizabeth who just found her mate who she been searching for since she reach full maturity 10 years ago.
The four Renesmee , Alec ,Elizabeth & Demetri grew close to one another after spending a year together by then Renesmee and Elizabeth changed their last name Peverell which is the last name of one of our Ancestors a named that their mother dosen't know about, wich prevent tge rest of their family finding them even more.
Renesmee is a gifted vampire having the ability to place her thoughts and memories into another person's mind. Aside from this gift she also has the power of shield penetration, which allows her to penetrate their mother's mentally defensive power.
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Like my sister Renesmee I am also a very gifted vampire having a Winter Manipulation which able me to tap and induce the winter and the powers/forces it represents: snow and ice, cold, death and solitude. It is also time of endurance and survival with any means possible, waiting, reflection and preparation for the upcoming growth season. Which is a gift my family know nothing about they will see gift as horrible since it represent death which why they know nothing of it. I also has the gift of a Force-Field Generation which allow me
create a field formed from energy, elements, the environment, or by manipulating smaller items to form a greater whole. Typically centered on or around the user like an aura, these fields often take on a spherical or flat shape and manifest in the form of a barrier or surface such as a shield, wall, dome, or bubble. They can either possess a solid, fluid or elastic structure and surface. Some of these barriers even possess texture similar to that of glass or crystal, creating the appearance of a nearly unbreakable window-like barrier or a transparent shimmer, while others manifest of an amorphous, sometimes invisible or completely imperceptible force or energy that can be made to resemble matter.
Force-Fields are capable of blocking or impeding approaching objects and nullifying attacks, including physical and energy based attacks or even repelling or reflecting them, as well being used as a means of containment to imprison others. Some users are also able to throw shields away from themselves or to catch things with them, while other's may possess sufficient enough control over their force-fields to mold them into a variety of shapes, objects, structures and other more advanced forms. It is even possible to use these barriers as armor by creating thinner force-fields around one's own body or that of others, preventing objects or forces from damaging or even touching them if desired. Other users are able to shrink their force field and use it as a projectile, in addition to other offensive measures rather than only defensive, such as creating a force-field inside an object or person and expanding the force-field so that the object or person explodes. At its most versatile, a user may be able to move, manipulate and otherwise interact with matter or energy using their fields, depending on their level of control over the ability and the exact properties of their fields.
Despite their notable strength and durability, force-fields aren't always impenetrable and can be removed by energy drain or extreme force. This is the only gift my family know of but I also one more gift called Continent Creation which allow me have the ability to create continents, which are the landmasses of a planet, sometimes out of nothing. The user can effectively create things on the continent too, such as life and environments. Which all three of gifts I train to it's limit for 10 years without the knowladge of my family the only one who dose is my sister and twin. I train all three of my gift until it become secound nature to me. Which makes a powerful vampire.
If Aro had known my gift he would most likely made me one of his guards when we girst meet during the time they thought Rensemee and I were immortal child. Luckly he didn't even though it would had lead me to Demetri earlier but he wouldn't have known that I was his mate until I was full mature which is something he dosen't want me exprince after all he was casanova. Which I fully agree I don't want to exprince to see my mate having romantic relationship with other womans even if I wouldn't have known he was my mate until I was full matured.
The four of us Renesmee , Alec ,Demetri & I decided to become one coven after two years together and it was decided that our coven leader should be demetri. We settled in a Continent I created out of nothing somewhere in Greece which is a continent I have been creating for 5 years now. The Continute itself is hidden from humans well protective beging surrounded a powerful force-field and invisible to the naked eye of humans and those of Vampires who wish to harm anyone reside within.
I also created something called a blood stone which will turn any water it touch to the first substance it drop on it after it creation be it a alcohol beverage, poison and human blood. With a limitless supplies of human blood for our coven to feed on. So they don't really need to hunt humans anymore, but they still do from time to time. And the blood are preserve to make sure to keep it fresh and clean at all times.
A long the way Renesmee and Alec fell in loved to one another
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After getting to know one another for two years and Demetri and Elizabeth recently got married in Paris and it's a small wedding just among themselves.
1 year after, Demetri & I married. I soon found out that I am pregnant but luckly we don't need grandpa carlisle cullen's help to deliver this baby since Renesmee and I study medical under him and how to give birth to a child. I consume alot more human blood since I'm pregnant with first child.
Demetri thought it's a daughter who would look like me, I hope so because I always wantedca daughter if I ever have a child. If we have a girl we plan to name her Amore Rosalinda Peverell or if they had a boy his name would be Jason Alexsander Peverell.
My pregnacy is alot faster than when our was pregnant with Renesmee and I 20 years ago. Since the child I carry is ¾ vampire unlike Renesmee and I who is only ½ vampire. It only took 3 weeks before I gaved birth to my beautiful daughter Amore Rosalinda Peverell it look like she takes after her mother more than her father especially in the look department.
After Amore Peverell was born the four of them offically moved to the continent I created
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After the house was build and Renesmee and Alec live together in another house not far from the main house.
The Cullen tfied to search for their two youngest member but they never found Renesmee and Elizabeth not even with the help of the pack that they were force to accept that their gone since not even Jacob's imprint bond can located Renesmee. Which devested the family but the only one who seem to be mourning Elizabeth's suppose death is Emmett & Rosalie Cullen who treated Elizabeth more a daughter than Edward & Bella ever did who always act like they only have one child.
With the news of the death of Elizabeth and Resnesmee, both Emmett and Rosalie the Cullen coven and change their diet to human blood to distance themself from their old coven which made their blood lust control better than when they were feeding animal blood.
2 years after Rosalie and Emmett left the Cullen coven they somehow encounter both Alec and Renesmee through this encounter did both Rosalie and Emmett found out that Elizabeth is very much alived and married to Demetri the former tracker of the Volturi guard who is their new coven leader. That's when both decided to join the coven with Demetri's permission of course which Demetri has no problem after all his wife and mate dearly miss them both. After arrive to the Island both Rosalie and Emmett were shock to find out that Elizabeth has a daughter wit h Demetri.
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(Amore Rosalinda Peverell, 2 years old)
Which is the most beautiful little girl they ever saw not even Renesmee and Elizabeth was cute as Amore is when they were her age. Rosalie and Emmett already love and adore Amore after first meeting him.
Rosalie and Emmett created a house not far from Renesmee and Alec's own home. While they aren't happy that the twins run without telling anybody but they both understand the Cullen would never understand their need to feed on human blood and Renesmee not wanting to someday married the one person she see nothing but an older brother and protector who also happen to be one of mother's former suitor. The're both happy that Renesmee and Elizabeth found their own happines.
It wasn't long after Rosalie and Emmett join the Peverell coven did Renesmee and Alec finally married after 2 years together, they also have a small wedding among them self.
It's also the day Amore discover her gifts and like her mother she has three gifts the first sge discover was Storm manipulation which allow the user to sense, create, shape and manipulate storms, including strong wind, hail, thunder and/or lightning (a thunderstorm), heavy precipitation (snowstorm, rainstorm), heavy freezing rain (ice storm), strong winds (tropical cyclone, windstorm), or wind transporting substance through the atmosphere as in a dust storm, blizzard, sandstorm, etc. Luckly she great control of her Storm manipulation. The secound gift was Sensory Tracking which allow the user to use sense and locate other people and/or objects by focusing on them, allowing them to find their location and sense their environment. This power works most effectively in finding missing people, as the user can sense the whereabouts of his target and point out the direction and distance between them. And her gift is Flawless Clairvoyance which the User gains flawless direct visual information about absolutely everything in their verse (i.e., objects, people, locations, events, etc.) and perfectly understand it all intuitively, through means other than the user's physical sight, with no mistakes and 100% accuracy and certainty. Defenses against ordinary Clairvoyance, including Psychic Falsification, Psychic Shadow, Tracking Evasion, etc., are ineffective.
Amore's Flawless Clairvoyance seem to be more powerful than Alice Cullen's gift to see the future base of someone's decision.
With the Romanian Coven now in power they didn't care whether humans find out their existence or not indoing so many vampire Coven such as the Amazon coven were persecute by the humans after finding out the existence of Supernatural such as vampire after the Romanian Coven came back to power. Many coven thought it was a good thing with the Volturi coven gone such coven were the Cullens humans slowly persecute vampires and the humans discovering of Vampires weren't the only supernatural they also found out about the wolves were also persecute along with their imprint who was persecute with them.
With the humans persecute the Vampires and wolf that slowly force all Vampires covens are going into hiding from mortals but they are unable survive without blood that they were all force to feed of animal blood alone in order to survive. And the Humans found away to kill vampires and the first Vampire to be destroy are Romanian Coven. With the human persecute Vampires the reminding Cullen force to distant themself from humans to survive. And in order to remain alive they seperated from one another.
While all these were happening the Peverell coven expanded the Island making it even bigger. It wasn't long before Renesmee and Elizabeth got pregnant with their husband's child by then Amore Rosalinda Peverell is now a full mature Vampire.
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(Amore Rosalinda Peverell, 7 years old )
When Amore reach full maturity as a vampire her mother Elizabeth Peverell created one of the most beautiful hairclip
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she has ever seen just for her which also act a protection for from humans and campires alike. Unknown to them while they are safe in the island the rest of their kind are persecute by humans they didn't known until Demetri's sire Amun and his coven stumble on the island while they were looking for place to hide from humans which is the only Island the humans can't reach them and it's very much hidden from all humans and vampires it was only a miracle that Egyptian coven stumble uppon the Island itself. Demetri allow them to stay as well and join their coven if they so desired which they accepted because they know if they decline they might not survive the human's persecution and they could stay in the Island where they are safe.
Which the Egyptian coven found out that they have a limitless suplies of blood that never runout always fresh that was created by Elizabeth Peverell the mate and wife of Demetri. Who they all meet once when she was a child. Sge was one of the hybird Vampire daughters of Edward and Bella Cullen, she was also the overlook daughter of them both who would have known she has a powerful gift that created an entire new island surrounded by a powerful Force field and hidden from the views of Humans and vampire. Egyptian coven created a new house not far from Emmett and Rosalie's own.
And they also discover that Renesmee and Elizabeth are pregnant with their husband's child which congrasulated them they even meet the eldest child of Demetri and Elizabeth Peverell.
It wasn't long after that did Elizabeth gaved birth to her secound child which is a son which they named him Jason Alexsander Peverell. He have black hair and brown eyes unlike his eldest sister who has light brown hair.
A day later, Renesmee gaved birth to a daughter who look so much like Alec's own twin sister so they named her Olivia Jane Peverell. The moment Olivia was born Alec already love and adore her that is before he took notice that she look simlier to his beloved sister Jane who he have loved dearly and he dail to protect but he made a vow that he would protect his daughter no matter whst even if it's from humans. He would protect one person whoreminded him of his beloved twin his little Olivia.
14 years later...
Amore Rosalinda Peverell is now 21 years old and she is now offically an adult and her brother Jason Alexsander Peverell
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Who reach full maturity 4 years ago since he is nown 14 years old and like his sister and parents he very gifted vampire. He has the gift of Absolute Defense which allow him to possesses a defense that cannot be breached by any attack, giving them protection from all attacks, regardless of power, type, magnitude, and/or directions. Which he use his gift to strengthening his mother's Force-Field around the who Island. But it isn't the only gift he has he also has gift of Teleportation which allow him to move instantaneously from one location to another without physically occupying the space in between or transfer matter (beings/objects, including themselves) or energy from one point to another without traversing the physical space between them. This can be achieved by various means, including causing the atoms/molecules to travel at light-speed, warping the space, or use quantum superposition, in which the user teleports by spatially rearranging the subatomic contents of a system.
While teleportation may seem like it is simply for travel, it can be a valuable ability as it can be used offensively (and quite powerful, as a spatial attack) while offering superiority regarding movement speed and distance coverage. A skilled combatant or strategist can use it for many innovative manners. He also has the gift of Memory Manipulation which he can control memories of oneself and others, allowing them to modify, fabricate, suppress, influence, repair, restore, erase, detect, and view them. They can change memories to confuse, wipe away certain memories to cause amnesia, discern and provoke nostalgia, and enter the victim into a psychic vision, replaying their memory. Which is quite usefull if they were ever found by the humans that persecution Vampires after findout their existence.
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Olivia Jane Peverell has reach full maturity the same time as Jason Alexsander Peverell 4 years ago since she is now 14 years old and like her parents and cousin she is also a gifted vampire. She has the gift of Illusion Manipulation which he can manipulate illusions, causing targets to see, hear, touch, smell or taste things differently from what they truly are. At its base, she can distort the shape and size of an object or area. More complex applications include causing targets to misinterpret the distance or number of an object, causing objects or entire landscapes to appear or disappear, distorting the sensory experiences of targets etc. With its near-limitless potential, the user can achieve a plethora of effects, like being extremely stealthy, discombobulating and confusing targets, hiding and masking objects or places, causing targets to unknowingly hurt each other, and so on.
Though most illusions only affect sight, more powerful users can manipulate illusions that affect any and every other sense, thus making it no different from reality to the target. And she also has the gift of Unreality Manipulation which she can manipulate unreality and everything that isn't real, which includes things such as lies, falseness, illusions, dreams, fiction, fantasy, imagination, etc. The difference between reality and unreality is that reality includes all that is real, such as all that exists in it, events, the current state of reality, and so on, while unreality, of course, includes everything that is not real at all, like what is in fiction. The user can use this power to manipulate imaginative/illusional/fictional/dream worlds and the like, and bring things that are unreal into reality. Which makes her one of the powerful vampires especially when she finally master gift like it's secound nature to her like Cousin Amore & Jason who train their gift to full mastery.
Jason Peverell use his Memory Manipulation to erase the humans memories of the supernatural with the help Olivia's Unreality Manipulation which she made sure all humans memories are erase. Soon Vampires coming out of hiding by then all the wolves of La push and their imprints are all kill that include Jacob black who tried to save his pack but he only end up joining them instead of saving them.
To insure that humans dosen't find out the existence of vampires again the new Royal family are selected to be the Peverell who has two former guards of the Volturi and knows the working of their Law and their coven leader happen to be Demetri himself and the coven also has the two people who return their way of life by erase the humans memories of the supernatural help as well.
The remainding Cullens are reunited but the time they are all together again Alice & Jasper are now divorce which shock Bella since she always thought that Alice &Jasper are mate not companion. And Jasper end up leaving the coven since he found his mate on the daughter Demetri Peverell, Amore Rosalinda Peverell, he only return to say his goodbye and return his crest.
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saintsenara · 3 months
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thank you very much for the asks, anons!
if you had to remove one book from the series, which would you choose?
answered here.
which character is not as morally good as everyone else seems to think?
i'm going to bend the terms of this question a little bit, so that i can talk about how little i vibe with a common way of writing luna - the one which presents the things she believes as correct, and the rest of the world as simply too narrow-minded to see it.
this turns luna into - essentially - a flawless clairvoyant, working tirelessly to get others to see the truth, and it therefore turns her canonical naivety, stubbornness, inability to accept that she might be wrong, and refusal to consider multiple viewpoints into displays of moral fortitude.
instead of what they actually are... flaws. all of which have made her a conspiracy theorist, rather than the one person in the world who gets it.
i'd be really interested in a fic which takes this aspect of luna's character seriously - whether it looks at her beliefs becoming more entrenched, or thinks about what it would be like for her as she began to drift away from the certainties of her conspiracist thinking. i'd also like to see fics take the implication of canon that she is - to some extent - indoctrinated by her father seriously. and - of course - i'd also like to see the crack fics of luna managing to genuinely convince swathes of people to get into snorcack hunting...
i'm not interested one bit in manic-pixie-dream!luna.
what does everyone else get wrong about your favourite character?
snape is not a good occlumens because he's emotionally controlled. nor because he's emotionally repressed.
he's good occlumens because he's incredibly petty.
contrary to its fanon interpretation, occlumency is not building a mental fortress - putting up an occlumency shield/wall isn't a thing [and, indeed, can't be - because then the legilimens you're protecting your thoughts from would realise that you were doing this...] - and nor is it the total control of any emotion other than bland calm.
occlumency is, essentially, being able to lie [or, at the very least, to bend the truth] fluently - and to manage your emotional response [including responses which appear to be unstable, like glee, anger, or sorrow] with sufficient ease that nobody ever guesses that you're lying or withholding information.
this requires a certain level of performativity. it also requires a certain level of self-awareness - and, especially, self-awareness of your negative characteristics. one of the reasons why i think harry isn't a good occlumens is because - while he's a very good liar when he knows that what he's saying is exclusively a lie - he's prone to righteousness in situations in which he knows [or thinks he knows] that what he's saying has any level of truth to it. he finds it incredibly difficult to hold his temper - that is, to manage his emotional response, or to perform anger, rather than letting it overtake him unrestrainedly - in front of people like snape or umbridge because they're wrong in how they interpret his views and behaviours, and this is something which he never learns [during the canon series, at least] to not be provoked by.
but snape is clearly aware that he has a tendency towards delighting in the misfortune of others - as well as an evident loathing for people who think that they're cleverer than he is, whom he loves misleading.
and it's this which makes him such a good occlumens - he likes lying, especially to people who are arrogant enough to believe that they've got him all figured out.
or, as he puts it in half-blood prince:
“You think he is mistaken? Or that I have somehow hoodwinked him? Fooled the Dark Lord, the greatest wizard, the most accomplished Legilimens the world has ever seen?”
he has - of course - done just that. and he clearly finds it enormously entertaining - thereby making him relaxed enough to allow him to manage his emotional performance while lying - that both voldemort and bellatrix never seriously consider the fact that this might be the case...
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bungoustraypups · 8 months
i want to ramble about ship Things from my BSD next gen canon-divergent universe, bungou stray pups-verse, but i can't decide what to ship ramble about first without being entirely predictable so i'm letting you guys choose!
send me an ask with one or more ships from the list below, OR with one or more numbers 1 - 34 (if you wanna be random about it) and i'll answer it with a handful of bullet points of trivia about them and the family they end up having! if a ship gets sent more than once, that's fine, i'll just use different trivia points each time (trust me there's a lot lmao)
Atsushi Nakajima/Ryuunosuke Akutagawa (Beast Beneath the Moonlight & Rashoumon)
Doppo Kunikida/Katai Tayama (The Matchless Poet & Futon)
Chuuya Nakahara/Osamu Dazai (Upon the Tainted Sorrow & No Longer Human)
Kyouka Izumi/Kenji Miyazawa/Q Kyuusaku Yumeno (Demon Snow, Undefeated by the Rain & Dogra Magra)
Ranpo Edogawa/Edgar Allan Poe (Super Deduction & Black Cat in the Rue Morgue)
Akiko Yosano/Kouyou Ozaki/Kirako Haruno (Thou Shalt Not Die & Golden Demon)
Junichirou Tanizaki/Michizou Tachihara (Light Snow & Midwinter Memento)
Motojirou Kajii/Shoufu Muramatsu [OC] (Lemonade & Demon City)
Yukichi Fukuzawa/Ougai Mori (All Men Are Equal & Vita Sexualis)
Sakunosuke Oda/Ango Sakaguchi (Flawless & Discourse on Decadence)
Gin Akutagawa/Ichiyou Higuchi (No abilities)
Naomi Tanizaki/Charlotte Lennox [OC] (Adventures of Arabella)
Arthur Rimbaud/Paul Verlaine (Illuminations & The Spiritual Hunt)
Flags Polycule (All 5 of the Flags)
Francis Scott Key Fitzgerald/Zelda Fitzgerald (The Great Fitzgerald)
John Steinbeck/Howard Phillips Lovecraft (The Grapes of Wrath & Great Old One)
Nathaniel Hawthorne/Margaret Mitchell (The Scarlet Letter & Gone with the Wind)
Mark Twain/Lucy Maud Montgomery (Huck Finn and Tom Sawyer & Anne of Abyssal Red)
Louisa May Alcott/Marjorie Kinnan Rawlings [OC]/William Howard Armstrong [OC] (Little Women, The Yearling, & Sounder)
Fyodor Dostoevsky/Ivan Goncharov (Crime and Punishment & The Precipice)
Sigma/Nikolai Gogol (The Overcoat)
Mushitarou Oguri/Yokomizo(†) (The Perfect Crime)
Saigiku Jouno/Tecchou Suehiro (Priceless Tears & Plum Blossoms in Snow)
Teruko Okura/Adalcinda Magno Camarão Luxardo (AKA Meursault Catgirl) (Gasp of the Soul & Clairvoyants)
Tatsuhiko Shibusawa/Bram Stoker (Draconia/Dracula)
André Gide/Jean-Jacques Rousseau [OC] (Strait is the Gate & Julie)
Ryuurou Hirotsu/Herman Melville (Falling Camellia & Moby Dick)
Agatha Christie/Yuan (And Then There Were None)
Adam Frankenstein/Shirase (No abilities)
Ace/Junji Ito [OC] (The Madness of the Jewel King & Black Paradox)
Karma/Ryougo Narita [OC] (Baccano!)
Langston Hughes [OC]/E.E. Cummings [OC] (I Too & i carry your heart with me)
Soseki Natsume/James Baldwin [OC] (I am a cat & Giovanni's Room)
Santoka Taneda/Seisensui (Tokichi) Ogiwara [OC] (Hail in the Begging Bowl & Choryu)
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kolkudarandtheorcgang · 8 months
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(Trigger Warnings: Mentions of self harm, suicide, violence, fictional religious aspects, s3x work, mental health issues)
Worldbuild Lore: Mystic Tribe
Once known as Sauron's most loyal adepts, the Mystics were infamous for their sorcery skills; according to legends, such skills could reach the point of flawless necromancy. Their cloaks of darkness, the green flames of their magics, their chants and their unflinching determination in the face of death were the trademarks of their faction.
Forming the back of the forces, this tribe's main duty was to raise the fallen troops from the dead, diminishing the losses suffered in battles and ensuring victory even after crushing numbers in casualties for the Dark Lord's army. Other notable contributions were in cursing the enemy lines, healing wounded soldiers and using clairvoyance to gather valuable information. Their main feature to boast about is at successfully compiling and learning most of Sauron's ancient dark arts, thus forming an entire horde of talented witches and scholars under his command.
As for their mindsets, the most typical trait is the morbid humor along with complete disregard for the respects one should pay for the fallen. Another feature is the permanent arrogance as well as high levels of intelligence, dexterity and logical thinking. It is no easy feat to trick a mystic, much less to impress them. Hand-to-hand combat or heavy weaponry are nothing of importance compared to a sharp intellect and even sharper skills in casting spells of all sorts. The mystic orcs usually tend to have a more spiritual perspective of life, and many are actually superstitious. There is a traditional deference in place for the teachers amongst apprentices, forming an hierarchical web of bonds between generations of mystics; many pride themselves and even feel a sense of belonging in their scholarship lineages. Strangely though, some apprentices may display signs of loss of mental health at the start of their training, requiring their masters to take measures to cull self harm tendencies in their classes of students.
The Mystic Tribe's domain is aptly named Vogaumtarband; there, schools of all kinds can be found, mainly the schools of witchcraft and alchemy. Scholarships, although expensive at times, are still accessible if the student earns the acceptance of tutelage from one of the teachers. Services such as fortune telling, potion trades, sorcerers for hire, religious rites, and libraries, are widely offered to the Haven. The entire burgh is almost a temple in itself, built of marbles, of gemstones, of silver and petrified woods, rising from the grounds in the shape of towers and palaces that blanket the entire area in shadow. Though not many guards are present, countless sentries are visible perched atop the walls and rooves, keeping their sacred home safe from robbers. The Haven's mausoleums are also located at this burgh, and every day many citizens arrive to leave offerings for their lost comrades. Some fear wandering for too long inside due to loose spells cast by apprentices being a far too common hazardous occurrence.
One might argue that the mystics hold even stricter discipline than the warmongers, another might cite their cult of wisdom, yet their greatest deed is that of consolation: the mystics are known at the Haven for their preachings, which act like verbal remedies for the souls of the crowds, encouraging many to abandon the seeking of their own deaths, comforting those who experience grief, settling disputes before they blow into violent altercations, amongst various other effects. The Haven wouldn't be so safe and peaceful without their influence.
-Overlord: Kûpash The Damned (current head parson of Black Blood Haven’s cultist order and the royal seer)
-Warchiefs: Ur-Zunn The Cursemaker, Ûggû The Whisper, Grak The Matriarch, Ar-Gahu The Acidic
-Captains: approximately 45 of them, with Grisha The Gentle as their main representative
Brand: The ritualistic star circle of ten points, surrounded by two more circles of runes and with Sauron's eye at the center, representing their worship of the Dark Lord as well as his ancient magics
Societal Relationships:
-Machine Tribe: Clashes with the machines are common, for the machines are skeptical of the power of the mystics, while the mystics have disdain for the technological advancement the machines bring
-Terror Tribe: Currently good relations, since both share the enjoyment of spooking others; terrors receive special treatment and discounted pricing at the temples and schools of mystics
-Slaughter Tribe: Often sought after for they are amongst the only ones who can properly extract and prepare potion and alchemy ingredients out of animal sources, though the slaughters still find necromancy distasteful for it is "to play with food" in their opinion
-Feral Tribe: Ferals are often fanatical adepts of seeking the advice of mystics, for few seem to have as much insight into the souls of animals and other living beings as mystics; sometimes, ferals also help by offering free ingredients and other materials to the mystics as gratitude for their services in taming aggressive beasts more peacefully than the terrors do
-Outlaw Tribe: Neutral relations sometimes, some others have clashes due to the outlaws holding a rebellious rejection of the cult for Melkor and Sauron; outlaws often get banned for vandalizing temples
-Warmonger Tribe: Currently neutral relations, though many ridicule the warmongers for their fear of necromancer magics
-Courtesan Tribe: Many mystics were once courtesans, and many mystics become courtesans afterwards, leading to rather firm bonds between the tribes, though many believe it might be because some mystics have admiration for life bringers such as broodmothers and vatkeepers; many courtesans study fortune telling under the tutelage of mystic trainers
-Suture Tribe: Tight bonds, though there is the neverending rivalry between the tribes over which is the best as healers
-Marauder Tribe: Bards are terrified of them, other marauders either ignore or appease them with false adulation due to the superstitious belief that mystics can bless or curse the businesses at will
-Dark Tribe: Relatively good relations, thanks to the darks often purshasing poisons and other tools for murder and espionage from them, as well as the high number of darks who seek blessings from the shadow priests
-Rover Tribe: Great relations, for the mystics are not foolish to ignore the fact that their source of income would not exist without the merchants bringing in imported materials and constantly paying for blessings and fortune telling
-Other orcs (goblins, hobgoblins, etc): These goblins and orcs hold much respect and consideration for the Mystic Tribe, not only because they already have culturally the same acknowledgement for their own priests, but also because it was this tribe who persisted on baptizing them into their cults in order to force The Orc King into granting them citizenship until his royal decrees changed, allowing these orc races to become citizens as soon as they moved into the city
-Pinkskins (humans, half-elves and half-orcs): Pretty much same as the other orc races, though a few of the pinkskins sometimes reject their religion as something unholy and vile
Foreigners (The Free Folks as a whole): The Mystic Tribe is fully aware of how they would be demonized and hunted down for their faith by The Free Folks, so they keep themselves as concealed from them as possible
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senatushq · 1 year
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Primordial by nature, the Graeae, Fates, Norns, or Gray Sisters, have gone by many names over the centuries. At the inception of the Otherworld, either they came before Azathoth, or he came before them, but one created and the other foretold an infinity of possibilities. Identified as the Maiden, the Mother, and the Crone, the Graeae were the archetype from which the ancient elves, and later humanity, was caste. They wove the tapestries of fate and the vastness of the timelines that exist, the soul of each a thread in an unknowable pattern that only they could perceive in which all things are happening concurrently. It was the Graeae that determined the fate of all realms, across all timelines, throughout all versions of reality. When at long last the Graeae enter Uthenera, fate itself will slumber.
The Graeae dwell within the depths of Elysia, weaving and cackling and never intervening (when they can help it). Divinators, scryers, and clairvoyants invoke them - willingly or not - when their magic is enacted. It is these threads that the Graeae have woven that the practitioners of these branches of magic are grasping, some are able to perceive where that thread winds, where it tangles, snares, or stretches, while others can only feel a single fibre. Oracles receive their blessing directly from the Graeae, their reasons as unknowable as destiny itself, oracles are burdened with the responsibility of being focal points where many threads intertwine at once. In some sense, those most practised are able to influence fate and destiny as they see fit. However, across every timeline, there are some destinies that can never be avoided. Heroes, oracles, and individuals from the past who’ve sought the advice of the Fates have encountered projections of their will, rarely do the Graeae ever provide the advice someone is looking for. 
Deity soul.
Divine aura.
Divine force manipulation.
Flawless clairvoyance.
Flawless precognition.
Immune to illusion magic.
Unable to physically leave Elysia.
Status: UNIQUE
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isthisaria · 2 years
Fanfic recommendation 2022
Atlas At Last by louisandthealien
He doesn’t know what he had been expecting out of the road trip itself besides burping contests and too much shitty gas station food with Oli and Stan, but in the brief moment before Harry ambles up his driveway, Louis idly wonders if this is about to become some sort of Gay Coming of Age story. Maine to California in ten days. In which Zayn’s an open-shirt hippie they meet somewhere in Ohio, Liam’s the pastor’s son running away from home, and Niall’s the number they call on the bathroom wall. It’s 1978. Harry and Louis are just trying to get to San Fran in time for the Queen concert.
The Green Room by JasTheLarrie
“For the last time, go away! This is fucking harassment, you know that? I’m well within my rights to call the cops.” Louis wished he could have hidden the tremor in his voice. He knew that it was thick with emotion. He was frustrated, angry, and beyond devastated. “Uh…” That was definitely not his ex's voice. Louis froze. Who had he just sworn at? AKA Louis has just been through a bad break-up and accidentally verbally assaults unsuspecting flower delivery man Harry. AKA “Louis and the Incredibly Compassionate and Also Really Handsome Florist.”
But If This Ends by nonsensedarling
Harry’s life as a vampire is routine. He spends his years moving around from place to place, learning as much as he can, and falling in love whenever the universe sees fit. When he tries to move his casual relationship with Louis to something more, it all gets turned on its head. As they navigate confusing thoughts and complex emotions, Harry finds himself torn between the love he feels for Louis and everything he thought he knew.
Flawless by Throwthemflowers
After a debilitating surgery, former concert pianist Harry Styles isn't able to come to terms with his new reality. Sundered from his high standards of performance, Harry can't seem to feel anything anymore, except perhaps interest in his favorite coffee shop's barista, a man who seems wholly unsuited for the job and whose blue eyes hold in them the same pain that Harry struggles with every day. When fate renders them more than mere acquaintances, Harry is forced to deal with the insecurities of his condition and his stubborn pride. Louis wants to love him, but Harry can't accept that, because he can't accept himself. And besides, he's never loved. He doesn't know how. He just wants to be able to play his piano like before, because it was safe, because at its keys he could control the roiling of his heart and funnel it into music. With love, things are much too risky. Why would he ever take such a chance?
Beautiful War by Itsmotivatingcara
Five years ago, Louis was nearly the next victim in a string of murders plaguing Portland, Oregon. He managed to escape and the Angel Killer was apprehended and sent to prison. Now, Louis' a best-selling author that assists state police with minor cases. He still suffers from the events of the days he'd been held hostage, but he's found ways to cope. That is, until the killings start up again. A body was found in the woods. A body that bared the same signature the media had dubbed: The Angel of Death.Special Agent Harry Styles leads the case, and he doesn't buy into the clairvoyant bullshit that Louis spewed to save face five years ago. He's certain that Louis Tomlinson was involved. Until they meet, and they're both left questioning everything they'd thought to be true. OrAn FBI-Clairvoyant AU
Where you'd rather be by Itsmotivatingcara
Louis runs the best Canine Search and Rescue school in Augusta, Maine, one that trains dogs to track missing persons. He lives an idyllic life on Togus Pond where he's built his career from the ground up. He has everything he could ever want, a beautiful home, friends he adores and a dog that aids his students in their training. Romantic entanglements have never been high up on his list of priorities. That is, until he stumbles across a body in the woods. A woman was brutally murdered and dumped on his doorstep. It doesn't help that the Detective on the case happens to be devilishly handsome and just the right amount of broody. Detective Harry styles has a murder to solve, he's just gotten out of a long-term relationship and he's certainly not looking for another. Regardless of whether the man who run's the SAR unit's blue eyes sparkle with promise and a sense of belonging. Something he may or may not have been searching for all his life. Or Detective - Search and Rescue AU
Down to our bare feet by frenchkiss
Breaking his neck and becoming wheelchair-bound for the rest of his life was never part of Louis Tomlinson's long term plan. No, he was going to make it big in his career, marry the man of his dreams, and live his best life each and every day. That is, until a football injury leaves him paralysed from the neck down, which is less than ideal, he must admit. The story of an ordinary couple living through extraordinary circumstances, featuring wheelchairs, home renovations, intensive rehab, fighting, laughter, tears, ring shopping, and above all, two boys determined to love each other no matter what.
Searing Heart by treaclenectar
“S’like I can’t stop staring at him, looking at his eyes, thinking of how lucky I am to have married this man. I want to bring him flowers, write him poems, and just…” he sighs. “I want to woo him. Take him out on dinners, watch trashy rom-coms with him on the couch..." Or Harry is totally crushing on his husband, and he doesn't know what to do about it…(or does he?)
no good unless it's real by fackinglouis
“Here,” Harry says, pulling a strap off his shoulder so he can dig his phone out of his bag. “We can get each other’s numbers.” Louis shakes his head. “I have the practice’s number already,” he tells him. “And my number is definitely on file somewhere.” Harry pauses, smile quirking a bit as he stares at Louis. The sun is still in his eyes, though, with his sunglasses pushed up onto his head still, so Louis credits his funny face to that. “I’m trying to give you my number, Louis,” Harry explains around a breathy laugh. “Oh,” Louis blinks, processing that. He scratches his temple, moves a piece of longer fringe back behind his ear, and then nods. “Okay.” Or: Louis is a very busy farmer who’s just trying to make it to his next nap and Harry’s the new hot vet that’s determined to infiltrate every area of his life.
Pinkies Never Lie by alltheselights
“I just think if we’re both into it and neither of us is looking for something serious, why not?” Harry asks, eyes soft and voice sweet. He pauses and gives Louis a moment or two to answer. There are countless reasons why Louis shouldn’t agree to this, but in the end, none of them really matter. This will end with Louis in pieces, but he’s been in love with Harry for four years. There was only ever one answer. “Yeah,” Louis answers finally, hoping his voice sounds normal. “Why not?” AU in which Louis hates his job and loves Harry, Harry just wants a distraction, everyone else wants them to get their shit together, and Louis learns the hard way that new beginnings are only possible when something ends.
love is a word, you gave it a name by CuckooTrooke
After two decades in brutal show business, Louis Tomlinson is trying to restore his tranquility of mind in the peace of Northern Europe where the sun barely sets, Maria's bar is always open, and young Harry has an irresistible spark in his eyes.
Bulletproof by justahappycloud
Harry's relationship with his boyfriend — sorry, fiancé — is quite literally in shambles. More often than not, days at their flat end in repressed tears, lonesome nights on the couch, or giving his back to the man he adores more than anything in the world. The lies that come with Harry's lifestyle are tearing them apart, but there's nothing he can do about it. He can't exactly tell the love of his life that every time he goes to work, he kills under the orders of the most powerful man in England. But when the opportunity to end his torment appears, Harry ignores the danger and takes a huge risk in what has to be his most difficult mission up to date. One trip to America. That's all he needs. And after that, maybe he'll get to keep the only person that showed him light in a world where he saw none.
kiss and tell (me a lie) by falsegoodnight
“So,” he says slowly, hoping Louis will take the bait.  He doesn’t, the clang of his fork against the plate the only sound to interrupt the awkward silence.  “Louis,” Harry says.  Still no acknowledgement.  Harry loses patience right away. “Lou, c’mon,” he says, flattening his hands against the table.  Immediately, Louis lifts his head but still stubbornly avoids his eyes. “We’re going to pretend it never happened,” he says firmly. “Alright?” “Uh,” Harry says. No, he thinks. Not alright. He can’t forget it – it’s practically branded in the back of his mind. Red ink on smooth skin. Puckered lips. That arse. - Or, it takes three friends, a video game, and an arse tattoo for Harry to realize the truth.
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mediaonedesign · 1 year
Mediaonedesign.com - Official Northern Iowa Football Retro Helmet hoodie
Buy this shirt:  Click here to buy this Mediaonedesign.com - Official Northern Iowa Football Retro Helmet hoodie
When model Christy Turlington stepped onto the Official Northern Iowa Football Retro Helmet hoodie But I will love this red carpet at the 1992 Met Gala themed “Fashion and History A Dialogue, she appeared as a modern day Audrey Hepburn, wearing a pearl choker and curls swept up into a retro knot. Photo Getty ImagesFor 1994’s event, blonde beauty Nadja Auermann made sure her slicked bob was perfectly secured, not to distract from her lavender minimalist slip dress. Naomi Campbell was very much the nineties bombshell as she made her way to the Met Gala in 1995. With chunky highlights, pastel eyeshadow, and nude lips, one might even call her a clairvoyant as her look checked off pretty much every beauty trend of the following decade. Photo Getty ImagesFor her first and only Met Gala appearance in 1996, Princess Diana wore a navy blue dress from John Galliano’s debut haute couture collection to celebrate the Christian Dior theme.
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In 1996, model Linda Evangelista fashioned her lengths into a volumized bob complete with a set of micro bangs. Photo Getty ImagesInspired by the Official Northern Iowa Football Retro Helmet hoodie But I will love this 1998 Cubism and Fashion theme, Liv Tyler walking into the Metropolitan Museum with a funky misshapen pixie and off centered bangs that recalled the graphic art style. Brazilian bombshell Gisele Bündchen arrived to the 1999 Rock Style Met Gala in all her fresh faced, sunkissed glory. Photo Getty ImagesAs an ode to the 2003 theme, “Goddess The Classical Mode, rapper Eve sported a classic chiffon gown with her hair center parted into piecey tendrils. The 2007 theme “Poiret King of Fashion called for only the most regal looks, and Lucy Liu, adorned with a golden crown, delivered. With lightly dusted purple eyeshadow and rosy lipstick, the actress was a modern day fairytale princess come to life. Photo Getty ImagesSinger Florence Welch appeared as a fringe tastic dream for the 2012, “Schiaparelli and Prada Impossible Conversations Met Gala with her famous crimson strands woven into a crown braid. Wearing her signature hat—bedazzled for the special occasion—to the 2014 gala, Miss Badu was a vision with a flawless nude makeup look. Photo Getty ImagesClad in a Givenchy beaded frock, Beyoncé arrived to the 2014 Met Gala with a bordeaux pout and studded face veil, an homage to the “Charles James Beyond Fashion theme.
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emystic-a · 2 years
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Due to Lucy's lack of training and her half human heritage, her powers on both of her family's side are underdeveloped.
As a snow leopard shifter, unlike her father who can turn into what is believed to their true forms as monstrous like creatures. She turns into a literal snow leopard and not a warped, mystical version of one. Nor can she cause curses or blessings, nor is her clairvoyance abilities flawless either.
As a magical human of psychic origins, her powers are strong but raw and unpolished. Her powers are influenced by her emotions which limits her vision and sensors as well.
All of her powers are influenced by her feelings and instincts. This is why her feline features pop up during extreme distress or excitement. In addition, to causing bouts of different levels and types of psychic energy.
On the other hand, her twin brother Paye have different issues. Though untrained, his power are stable as he is more logically drive than Lucy who is incredibly passionate. Still, his own power is lacking even if concentrated.
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melias-cimitiere · 3 years
How does one learn they’re destiny? Like could I just ask Vassago or Dantilon since they can see the future ? also how does that work ? from what I currently understand Demons don’t have flawless clairvoyance, they can see through time and space ofc but would it be more accurate to say that they don’t see “The Future“ but a version or versions of it ?
All types of divination cannot tell you THE future, simply because there isn't a single future, but an array of possible futures. They can prophesy the most probable future, based on the current parameters. The same goes for Tarot, crystal orbs, any forms of fortune-telling, but also for deities and demons. Even those reputed to excel at this, will tell you of the most likely thing to happen. No-one can predict with 100% certainty for something, unless it's within their own control. So yes, they can see time and space but that also mean that they can see parallel realities, different outcomes and variables, as well as possible changes or deviations from the probable route.
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typemoonconfessions · 3 years
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Mod Lolly: ALRIGHT *rips off shirt* HERE WE GO
so first off, “he’s such a godawful asshole” exactly. Insert persona 5 that’s the best part meme here. He is arrogant. He’s evil. He’s the literal worst. You just want to punch him. Beautiful. All positives. Villains are incredibly sexy. 
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look how smug and diabolical he is!!! 
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flawless, literally doesn’t care what anyone thinks of him. thinks he owns the place. bitch. look at the muscles of his neck and his tiddy peaking through under his shirt!!!! slut!!! whore!!! (affectionate)
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^^^^^^^ THIS POSE!!!! THIS POSE RIGHT HERE! LITERALLY THE SEXIEST THING ANYONE CAN EVER DO!!! he’s powerful and he knows it. his arrogance is actually backed up by something. 
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and that just makes it even more satisfying when he finally gets his ass handed to him purely because of his own arrogance 
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the hottest thing in the world is a character who thinks they’re above everything and never showing weakness then suddenly being in a position where they’re forced to show weakness and are no longer in control. vulnerability in a character that seems above it!!! hubris babyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy
Ok so that’s what makes gil hot as a villain. but despite appearances archer gil is not always a villain. or at least, not 100% evil 100% of the time.
hollow ataraxia, emiya gohan, and strange fake all show that gil is actually really soft and patient towards kids (you know when they’re not being used as fuel for his mana). the local fuyuki kids love hanging out with him. he’s fun to be around! he lets them play with the stuff he buys. the kids even tease him about not knowing what’s cool and popular just like the kids in uruk do to casgil. 
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when gil said in zero he loves entertainment he wasn’t just talking about the kind of stuff kirei is into. he reads shonen jump!! he’s interested in video games! in strange fake he gambles at the casino he’s staying at to pass the time and when he wins all the money the casino has he gives it all back bc he was only doing it for fun
then there’s his whole relationship with enkidu. zero actually mentions enkidu’s death and i will never! forgive! the anime! for cutting it! but thankfully the manga delivers (also i will never forgive the babylonia anime for changing enkidu’s death to being outside in the rain bc it robbed us of the only chance of seeing gil cry be animated but i digress)
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and in strange fake we also get to see just how happy he is about getting to see enkidu and fight them again! 
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then there’s ccc gil, which really opens up his character to a whole new level. technically you could argue that ccc gil isn’t really archer gil bc he has no class there, and it’s more closely a direct incarnation of his soul than forcing him into the mold of a servant class, but he still takes on his archer appearance plus he’s an archer in extella and extella link and he’s basically the same there so we’re going to count it
god where do i start. gil becomes genuinely attached to hakuno over the course of the game. he talks to them about his love of swimming and architecture. he teases them constantly, but in a way that you can genuinely tell he cares. hakuno is the closest anyone ever gets to getting gil to fully open up after enkidu’s death
soooo much is revealed here that puts into context his actions in other installments. a lot of what casgil mentions in babylonia about pushing humanity towards the future and his clairvoyance of what they would achieve and everything, all of that was mentioned here first. it shows why he acts like he’s the most important person in the world. it’s because, in a way, he kind of is. or at least was. even before he became the wise king or even before he met enkidu, he was the reason why the mesopotamian gods declined and why humans in mesopotamia were able to thrive
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if it sounds like the line is blurring between archer and casgil here, yeah. that’s kind of the point. you can’t really separate them. they’re way more alike than they are different. they have different priorities but on the basis of the same ideal. that doesn’t mean that archer gil in zero and fsn isn’t evil tho. he absolutely is. or well, it’s more accurate to say that as a being that’s 2/3 god, he sees himself as being above the concepts of good and evil. he genuinely doesn’t believe how he acts is wrong. that’s why his alignment even in the route where he wants to wipe out the majority of the planet is chaotic good. however that’s still obviously an inexcusable goal, and he deserves to get beat up and learns what individual humans are capable of, not just humanity as a whole
i’m gonna leave you with this meme i made about a week ago that pretty much encapsulates everything i’ve said here into one convent format 
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miru5llec · 4 years
This is a very long list of powers and abilities a seer can have and hopefully we’ll see them in acotar 5:
Extrasensory Perseption - perceive things by means other than the human senses or personal experience.
Accelerated Probability - The power to predict what choices one could make and their potential outcomes. The user can perceive the information of any situation and use the variables of that information to predict/perceive the paths that lead to certain outcomes will occur, based on what choices are made. They can then accelerate themselves along the path of their desire, which causes them to reach the conclusion of the path taken.
Clairvoyance - the power to gain direct visual information through non-physical means. The user can gain direct visual information about an object, person, location, or physical event through means other than the user's physical sight and allows them to act when they are unable to use their eyes and may be able to 'see' spiritual/psychic beings.
Danger Intuition - The power to detect impending threats. The user can sense nearing danger, acute danger, potential immediate danger, or impending danger and sense unwanted or hectic threats to their well-being and evade it.
Death Sense - The power to sense the coming of death and the actual act of dying. The user can sense the coming of death, determining when someone is dead or dying or if others have died in a specific location. This may extend to seeing the names and lifespans of those whose faces the user sees.
Destiny Perception - The power to perceive destiny. The user can sense the fate of themselves and others: they can see if they, or others, are meant to be loved, hated, rich, poor, die or if they are fated to be good or evil.
Divination - The ability to gain insight into a question or situation using an occultic, standardized process or ritual. User can employ divination, a method of reading the future, the present and the past and/or provide help to a problem at hand by using an occultic, standardized process or ritual. Divination can be achieved by communicating with the supernatural (i.e. gods, demons, spirits, nymphs) or by reading certain patterns.
Empathic Precognition - The ability to see into the future using emotions and sentiments. The user can foretell future events and observe what might happen by utilizing their personal thoughts and feelings about another. The strength of the user's emotions corresponds to how evident their vision of the future will become.
Flash Precognition - The ability to see things seconds or minutes before they happen. The user is able to see into a short-term future if usually only seconds or minutes worth. While useless for long predictions, it does give several practical advantages.
Mediumship - The power to perceive and communicate with spirits and those who are in the afterlife. User can view ghosts/spirits of deceased and communicate and/or interact with them, even if they have possessed inanimate objects/subjects/people. They are able to repel and run spirits away from an area, compel to employ an armada of ghosts, and may even view a visual conception of a spirit world in a trance if desired. Well trained mediums are even capable of channeling the energy and powers of spirits making them potential host/conduits for channeling their powers through their bodies and manifesting their qualities for their own.
Precognition - The power to perceive future events before they happen. Users have the ability to foresee possible futures and observe what may happen. As knowledge of the future invariably causes that future to change, visions of the future are subject to frequent shifting. While not being able to select futures or travel through time, these visions may assist in possible courses of action. Some visions may be set in stone whether or not you see them, others may happen only if the players select a certain course of action. This depends mainly on whether or not users are viewing Destiny or Probability.
Precognitive Dreaming - The power to perceive future events while in a dream state. The user is capable of perceiving future events in dreams.
Precognitive Speech - The ability to perceive future and/or recite/prophesy it. The user can perceive future and/or recite/prophesy it aloud, they may be aware of the process and able to control it, or it may be completely involuntary and/or be uttered in trance.
Prescience - The power to have instinctive foreknowledge of incoming events. The user has an instinctive knowledge of events before they happen. Such as knowing their enemy's every move/intention, know the cause/effect of events, prepare for/prevent the unwanted outcome, etc.
Psychometry - The power to perceive the residual information of an object and/or person. The user of Psychometry obtains historical memories or sensations concerning beings and objects they observe. With objects, they gain knowledge including the makers, users, and even those who have on passing used the object, and what has been done with it. With living beings or parts of the body, the user learns their general life-history but doesn't gain anything of what they were thinking or feeling.
Retrocognition - The power to discern events of the past. The user can discern the past and past events using various means, usually entering a trance while seeing and hearing a noted past event, whether it be concerning themselves or of an unfamiliar lineage in a past occurrence. Occasionally spontaneous.
Xeno-Accelerated Probability - The power to predict the outcomes of and what choices other people could make. The user can sense all the variables of any situation for other people, predict the outcomes and what choices the other person could make. They sense the possible courses of action for the target, and can see what consequences will happen for each action the target person can make.
Powerful seers can reach nearly or even fully divine status:
Absolute Vision - The power to see everything that happens no matter how far and no matter how the conditions are.
Divine Sight - The ability to see reality from the eyes of a deities or divine, cosmic entity.
Omni-Perception - The power to perceive anything/everything. The user can perceive anything/everything, including the past, present and future, reality, causality, boundaries, energy, even destiny and ultimately everything else.
Causality Perception - The user can perceive and understand all cause and effect relations, deducing the path leading to any effect, allowing them to plan, analyze, and take action with absolute efficiency. They can perceive the cause and effect relations of their own thoughts giving them the ability to tackle various situations by simply thinking about possible routes they could take. In a fighting situation, they can adapt perfectly to all factors before they even appear, achieving maximum efficiency in the offense, defense, and strategy, ensuring optimal success as long as there is the slightest chance. As a strategist, the user can always achieve optimal results (depending on the means at their disposal), perfectly anticipating all variables and their opponents' every move. These calculations can lead to extremely complicated planning in the long run, which always ends up being successful. The user can instantly understand anything by perceiving all the causes/effects it is currently made of, as well as all the previous ones that lead to this state. For example, a simple glance at someone would be enough to learn about their nature, personality, history, expectations, strengths, weaknesses, etc. The perception can also be turned to the person's future, its many paths, their probabilities, and the one which will eventually be realized. In short, users are flawless tacticians. They understand everything, there always several steps ahead of everyone else, impossible to catch off-guard, and always achieve the best possible results.
Combat Perception - The ability to understand how a person thinks and fights in combat. The user can instantly understand an opponent's method of thinking and fighting, allowing them to anticipate the moves of the opponent. Once they understand their enemies' strategy, they are able to find their flaws and weakness and take them down with little effort. While some users of this method do not use it as part of their primary fighting style, it is helpful in emergencies against difficult opponents where ordinary methods will not work against them.
Life Perception - User can perceive the flow of life-force in all living things, perceiving problems life-flow, the coming life and births of others, etc. This may extend to seeing the names and lifespans of those who's faces the user sees.
Supreme Observation - The power to observe/view everything, everywhere, everywhen regardless of where or when it is. User can observe/view/watch everything, everywhere, everywhen, and everyhow at the exact same time and regardless of where or when it is or might be. They can view out into the boundless emptiness and nonexistence where isolated and locked entities dwell.All that is, isn't, might, might not, could, could not, can, can't and won't exist is visible and laid bare before the user, and nothing can be hidden from their eyes. Unlike perception, which is the power to perceive anything/everything, this power only enables the user to observe/view/watch everything.
Evil Eye - The power to inflict harm on a person by gaze. User possesses the evil eye, which allows them to inflict a variety of harmful and debilitating effects on anyone they choose, just by gazing at them including but not limited to: laying horrific curses, inflicting pain and suffering, knocking people out and even killing people. They may also be able to affect inanimate objects with this power.
Illusion Awareness - The power to be aware of one's surroundings is false. The user is completely aware at all times of the true reality around them, potentially seeing through an optical and/or mental illusions that others attempt to deceive them with.
360-Degree Vision - The power to see in all directions at once.
Destiny Manipulation - The power to perceive and affect fate/destiny concerning people and events.
Divine Communication - The power to communicate with and influence deities.
Divinity - The user has divinity and divine powers granting them an immense amount of raw power beyond the mundane, making users a divine being by nature, a status which can be obtained a number of different ways. Users can gain divinity by having a divine ancestry, transform into a deity either by another god or by faith, channels, acts as a vessel for, the power/soul of a deity, mimic/steal powers from a deity, or be enhanced/evolved to the point of godhood. The level and forms of divinity is variable and unique by the user's nature and character of being, thus weaker or stronger users of divinities is ultimately reliant on the user alone.
Seers connected to the gods may be limited to what god shows them.
Seers limitation will depend on the user but they can run the gamut.
- Seeing things but unable to change them.
- Seeing things but they are unclear.
- Seeing only possibilities.
- The visions may take a toll on the mind and the body.
If you would like to research more and find more about seers and their powers/abilities, check out this page https://powerlisting.fandom.com/wiki/Archetype:Seer It’s composed with a lot of powers of seers from books, movies, anime, comics etc. and it’s indeed really interesting.
Now I’m not saying that each of these powers will be used by Elain and neither saying that there’s not a high probablity that our sweet seer will not have one of these. We don’t know what crosses that beautiful mind of SJM, so will have to wait and see how powerful she wants to make the seers in the acotar universe. I just got really mad cuz people are still saying that Elain is boring, her story will be boring yada yada yada without even knowing how powerful Elain is. Is like saying Nesta is weak after reading acowar which is really silly.
But if you ask me, I am very excited to see more of Elain’s powers in her upcoming book. And I know for sure that Elain + Azriel (seer + shadowsinger) is a powerful, dangerous and deadly combination.
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greenninjagal-blog · 4 years
Fool Me Thrice
Hey guys! My three day spoiler free band is up so now you guys get to see what I did immediately after that new video (FwSA) came out! 
Summary: The aftermath of FwSA but Virgil was actually Janus in disguise the whole time. (featuring: Janus breaking down to tears and Roman being really confused.)
Word Count: 4734
Quick Taglist:@alias290 @chelsvans @coyboi300 @dwbh888 @glitchybina @faithfulcat111 @felicianoromano @harrypotternerdprincess @holliberries @jemthebookworm @killerfangirl3 @mrbubbajones  @musical-nerd18 @nonasficcollection @stricken-with-clairvoyancy @the-sunshine-dims @themagicheartmailman @thenaiads @treasureofpriam @vianadraws @welovelogansanders  
Read on Ao3 || My General Writing Masterlist
“DON’T TELL ME TO RELAX!” Janus yells, but the incessant bubbling in his stomach causes the edges of his lips to quirk up anyway. It’s a ridiculous, intoxicating feeling, and it’s curling around his insides like a snake coiling around its prey. He wants to smile. He wants to jump. He wants to sing.
But Virgil doesn’t do any of those things unless under threat and pressure and Janus has to keep-- he’s still pretending-- Janus is impersonating Virgil.
He’s not doing a very good job of it, and he knows. Ever since that stranger at the food court, that stranger who might be gay, that stranger whose name is Nico Flores and happens to write songs-- Ever since Nico uttered those silly, little words, and Thomas’s Heart and Creativity had swamped the controls, the more….intellectual sides were finding it hard to….think.
Everything’s fuzzy and blurry and Janus keeps trying to hit back that buzzing between his ears that comes every time that Roman and Patton team up and get lost in their contagious excitement. Virgil, certainly, is probably docile by now, flooded with the warm feelings that make it hard to panic over anything for at least another hour because he’s too busy riding that high of the “honeymoon” phase of dating-- before he remembers that it's possible that Nico might be a Serial Killer who lures his victims into relationships before slicing their throats and hiding their bodies in the woods.
He doubts that Logan’s having fun either: he hadn’t even bothered to show up when they had first spotted Nico across the cafeteria, not even to throw out that suggestion of saying “I see from your stickers we have similar interests. Let us discuss the possibility of future copulation now.” Which, of course, spells all sorts of troubles that Janus is going to have to fix later.
Later which seems to be now, because Thomas is jittery from the excitement flowing off of Roman and Patton and he is going to text Joan all about it which requires none of Janus-Virgil’s help.
It’s a flawless escape. Janus smiles inwardly, at the gooey feeling of pride in his stomach. He did it! One whole video, completely undercover! 
It figures that Virgil would be the key. 
Of all of them...well, Janus has always known Virgil the best. Anxiety and Self Preservation have gone hand in hand since Thomas was in diapers still. Janus grew up watching the curve of Virgil’s tense shoulders, watching the flickering of his eyes watching the entry points of the room, watching Virgil’s smirk curl and his eyeshadow bloom and--
And Janus knows Virgil hates him right now, even underneath the gooey layer of good feelings Patton is pumping through all of the Thomasphere. Janus even thinks that if he pops in to check on the little ball of nerves, Virgil will come back to his senses and start a murderous rampage on his way to stop Janus from ever impersonating any of them ever again. Which is definitely what Thomas needs right now. 
Whatever. He can celebrate his victory privately.
Thomas is happy. That’s all that matters right now. The rest can wait until the good emotions in Thomas calm down and Janus can think clearly again: he’ll get out his fermented grape juice and pour it in a glass so he can feel fancy and then he’ll figure out how to deal with Logan, listen to Patton’s emotional-gushing-that-ends-in-overwhelmed-tears, entertain the Duke’s R rated fantasies with a polite smile, congratulate the Prince for his victory, and then after all that he’ll send Virgil a card via messenger dove to thank him for his...bravery.
And then he’ll go to sleep for two hours, and hopefully when he wakes back up Thomas will not be on fire.
That’s… that’s a reasonable hope, right? He’s not asking too much of the other idiot sides, right?
The buzz between his eyes sharpens for a second, as Thomas shakes his hands some more, with a grin that Janus would absolutely die for. It's almost regrettable because if anyone took a moment to look at him, to look at the way he looks at Thomas, they would see immediately what his weakness is: Janus is Self Preservation, Self Importance, Self, self, self. 
He’s weak for Thomas’s smile. The gut force that drives Virgil to do things is protection, so he tries to make Thomas recognize everything as a threat; for Roman its creation, so he tries to push Thomas to achieve all of his dreams. For Janus it's Thomas’s id wants, so he does whatever it takes to keep him happy.
A smile on Thomas’s face means that Janus is doing good, that he’s doing right by Thomas. Who cares if in the end he’s the villain of the story? Who cares about him when there’s Thomas?
Thomas thanks him again-- actually he thanks Virgil, but Janus' face flushes anyway. The feeling in his stomach washes over him, leaving his knees weak and his lips smiling. Is this what being giddy is? He suddenly understands, suddenly, why Patton subscribes to that whole “Thomas is morally and objectively the best” philosophy; It’s a nice feeling, even if it makes it hard for Janus to concentrate on keeping Virgil’s eyeshadow the right color.
Thomas rushes by him-- almost close enough to touch again and wow Janus’ hands were still tingling from that; He forgot that Virgil was always able to touch their host-- and runs up the stairs to go scream in a pillow and text Joan the brilliant news and Janus takes that as his cue.
Time to wrap it up and go. (to sleep. Oh god, he can hear his bed calling for him already.) 
But when he turns back to the last side in the room, Roman is pressing his knuckles to his lips and staring at the blinds in Thomas’s living room like he can set them on fire with his mind.
“Princey?” Janus asks, his own smile slipping. “What’s up?”
Roman snaps over to look at him-- to look at Virgil, whom he trusts and likes and appreciates and who is definitely not Janus at all. Despite that, the way that Roman is looking at him with furrowed eyebrows that would sing of a scowl if Patton had been doing his job just slightly not as well as he is currently, forces Janus to check to make sure he’s still wearing Virgil’s appearance.
“I can’t figure it out,” Roman says, looking like he just caught his best friends in the middle of decorating for his surprise birthday party. “Why?”
Janus squeezes his eyes closed trying to focus on what Roman was talking about. He knows that he missed at least one thing that was said in the hullabaloo all day, but he didn’t think it was something that Roman of all sides would be upset about. Why, what? Roman got the guy. What was so complicated about that?
Actually asking why is more on brand for Virgil.
For a ridiculous second Janus wonders if that was Virgil wearing Roman’s outfit and pretending to be him the way that Janus was pretending to be Virgil. But Janus is decently sure that Virgil can’t resist insulting Janus for more than five seconds at a time, and they’ve been side by side for hours now.
(And hadn’t that been nice? If Janus had just closed his eyes, he could have imagined the grateful smile Roman had given Virgil had been meant for him.) 
“I don’t know what you’re on about, Ro,” Janus shrugs. “But I’m gonna go. All these good emotions are like...disgusting.” He sticks out his tongue that way that he’s seen Virgil do every time that Thomas has to eat the carrots his mom put on his plate just to sell the act, but Roman’s jaw sets.
“Why did you do that?” Roman bursts out before Janus can get all the way out, “Why? Janus!”
Janus should have run then, should have pretended that Virgil hadn’t heard him at all and let the other sides argue with each other, but his name is so new and shiny and no one ever uses it. The words vibrate through the air like needles and the next thing he knows is that he’s pinned in place, frozen, and Roman is looking very not-happy anymore.
Ha, so he knew. Looks like Janus can’t get through a video without being outed.
“I know it's you, you slimy snake,” Roman says. “Will you stop wearing Virgil’s face already! I want an answer!”
Janus’s tongue flicks in his mouth, rolling over the back of his teeth as he tries to think of the best way to handle this when all of his thoughts have to process through the molasses that is the gooey happiness Thomas is feeling and his own exhaustion.
“I have no idea what you mean,” Janus says, as blase as he can make it.
Which is….maybe not his best idea. The buzzing in his head makes the rest of the room go blurry for a second, in and out of focus and it’s so very helpful. 
Roman’s face goes red, stuck somewhere between being angry and being insulted. He reaches out and Janus’ legs do that thing where they don’t work so when he throws his weight back, away, out of reach, his body goes plummeting to the foot of the stairs as well.
Roman yelps, leaning forward for a moment maybe with the intent to help him back up but Janus throws up a hand to stop him before he knows for sure. His eyelids are heavy, he realizes, and he’s tired and he really doesn’t want to have a fight with Roman right now.
“I had fun, Roman. Thank you for the... entertainment this evening.” He says, dropping the last of his stellar Virgil impression. He wonders how long he had Roman fooled, if he had him fooled at all for any point. Does he dare wonder how many of those smiles were given knowing that it was Deceit in disguise?
(He doesn’t and he resents the implication that he cares what the others think of him.)
“Congrats on wooing the boy or whatever.” Janus climbs back up to his feet and brushes imaginary dust off his tunic. Or it could be real. He’s not sure considering that he’s so tired he can’t see anything in front of him.
“You fiend!” Roman snarls, “What did you do to our Stormcloud?”
“Why don’t you go find out?”Janus suggests, with a half-assed flourish, even by his own standards, “Or better yet, don’t. In the meantime, I’ll be in my room.”
But Roman snags his arm and holds him up and Janus is acutely aware that sinking out with another side is troublesome and takes so, so much focus and energy. (And Romans touch is scalding. It’s burning. It’s white hot and Janus wasn’t aware he had been freezing before.)
“I’m tired of this game, Snakes and Ladders!” Roman says. “Tired of not knowing what you’re up to! Tired of not knowing what Thomas wants! Tired of getting backseat to self care and morality and-- and I’m Tired, Janus! Why do you keep doing this to me?!”
And hooooooo, does that strike something in Janus! The soft feelings in his chest burn right up in an anger he hadn’t even known he had been feeling. But it must have been there for a while because it boils right through him, leaving his chest smoldering and his mouth tasting like ashes.
“You think you’re tired?” He snaps, burns, blazes. There’s something in this throat, and it makes every word catch fire when it comes out of his mouth. And even Roman has enough sense to know that fire is dangerous and that he’s going to be cremated if he doesn’t step back.
“You think you’re tired,” Janus repeats, taking a step forward so that they’re nearly toe-to-toe and he can see the way that Roman’s Adam's apple bobs. “What about me, Roman? Don’t you think I’m tired? That I’m exhausted? That I know I’m going to have to sink back down and figure out what is wrong with Logan and listen to Patton and keep Remus busy and make sure that none of you morons overpower the others and drive Thomas directly into the ground? That I haven’t slept a full night since the whole start of these videos and moral dilemmas and whatever else? Every time I turn around Thomas is making another lie: to his friends, to his family, to himself! Don’t you think that I… that I…”
Roman is staring at him.
Janus’s head pounds. The room around him sways and he thinks that maybe...maybe the reason he can’t think straight right now doesn’t actually have anything to do with Patton’s elation keeping Thomas busy.
“Oh,” Janus says because he blinked and now he’s on the floor. 
He blinks again and Roman is right next to him, looking concerned-- how ridiculous. Roman being concerned for him. Ha.
“Janus…” Roman’s voice is low, which makes Janus aware suddenly that everything else had been so loud all this time. He grits his teeth when Roman waves a hand and magics up… what are those, tissues? Why would he--
Janus is crying. He reaches a hand up tentatively rubbing away the tears, and has to swallow a laugh. Oh, he's crying. When was the last time he cried? When was the last time he cried in front of someone else? 
He's so, so tired. And that's the reason-- the only reason, mind you-- that when Roman scooches closer, a centimeter, an inch, a foot, and then rests his hand on Janus' shoulder, Janus doesn't push him off and immediately sink out to his room. It takes too much energy to lock a room, even his, from the others and Roman would surely follow after him and demand answers.
Roman’s touch is a shaky, changing warmth. Janus noticed it earlier when Roman had said the word “Bravery” and Janus hadn’t been able to form an actual response because he was so busy wondering if this was how all touch was supposed to feel. But now he thinks he can count every single atom that is touching him and the awareness hums in his veins in a way that shouldn’t be possible.
He sucks in an equally shaky breath and tries not to look like he’s leaning into the feeling. His stomach rolls around, twisting and churning to the point where it hurts. He might be able to blame this on a stomach bug. The other sides probably wouldn’t look farther than that. They don’t like him enough to look farther than that.
“Janus,” Roman says again, calling him by name and Janus wants to tell him to stop. He sounds like he cares and Janus knows it’s a lie. He thinks it’s a lie. He’s pretty sure it’s a lie.
It’s hard to tell right now, especially when his own inner desire is yearning for it not to be. He can’t trust himself when he’s like this. He always ends up doing something stupid.
Like sitting at the foot of Thomas’s stairs crying in front of Roman.
“Fuck,” Janus says, and laughs, like this was part of his grand master plan that definitely exists. He ignores the tissues Roman places at their knees and uses the back of his palms to get rid of those pesky, unprofessional tears. “My most humble apologies, my dear prince. Too much fun today I suppose--”
“Janus,” Roman cuts him off, and Janus wishes his sharp inhale was a little less noticeable. “Are you… Did….”
Janus can feel how Roman’s thumb is rubbing his shoulder, slow circles like a loading screen while he tries to weave together a sentence that makes coherent sense.
“Why?” Roman decides. “Why are you...why did you help Thomas meet Nico? Why did you force him to do it naturally without any lies? I thought you liked when Thomas tells lies!”
Janus snorts, which is a bad decision because his nose is runny and, god, now there’s snot all over his face, which just makes the lump in the back of his throat grow larger. He snatches up the stupid tissues and tears open the pack.
“I don’t--” Janus wipes away the snot, and tosses the tissue into oblivion. “I don’t want Thomas to lie all the time. Do you think I’m crazy, Roman? I have to manage every lie Thomas tells himself! It’s… It’s… imagine if you had to make a new video script every single day.”
Janus can see Roman’s confused look. It's adorable really, like a puppy that just got told to “Stay.” He recognizes that Janus is saying something, that Janus is talking to him, but the full meaning of the words is lost on him.
“If it's so taxing, why do you do it, then?” He asks, like it's some sort of choice and not his job.
“Why do you make video scripts? Why do you help Thomas practice his lines? Why do you take him on daydreams when he’s bored?” 
“Because he asks me to,” Roman answers without a single hesitation. “Wait….”
Janus leans forward pressing his chin to his knees. His eyes close for a moment, two, three while Roman struggles to understand what Janus isn’t blatantly saying.
“Imagine if Thomas asked you to make a new video script every single day. Do you think you could say no to that?”
Roman makes a wounded noise from deep in the bottom of his soul. It resonates in the air between them, like an elephant neither of them wants to admit is there. Janus breathes in deeply, and wards off the fresh round of lovely wonderful tears that come from his lovely wonderful headache.
“I’m sorry about the court case, Roman,” Janus says. The words feel dangerous, like throwing knives and Roman flinches back, leaving the spot on Janus’s shoulder painfully freezing. “I wanted-- I wanted Thomas to do what he loved. I wanted him to stop lying about wanting to go to the callback and I thought that if I just made it so that only you could make the decision it would be easier! I’m sorry, I’m sorry. I’m sorry.”
Janus breathes in, but somehow it seems that all the oxygen in the room had dissipated without their knowledge. He gasps a few times, trying to get a steady rhythm back but the white noise in his head and the itch behind his eyes keep throwing him off. 
There’s laughter-- it takes him a moment to realize it's his own. Which is just great, just fantastic, just what he needed. He finally got the sordid apology out and now he’s laughing. 
But Roman is looking at him not with a scowl, but with some other emotion Janus can’t quite name through his blurry vision. For a second he thinks it might be fear-- which is even more funny than the idea that Virgil had been pretending to be Roman this whole time. In the safety of Thomas’s apartment, when Thomas had just gotten the boy of his dreams, when Janus was on the ground out of secret agendas to hide, what is there for Roman to fear?
“I just--” Janus gasps one more time, ignoring the sharp pain in his chest. “Thomas deserves a win. You deserve a win. That's why I wanted to help with Nico.” He feels like his head is going to pop right off. Maybe if he asks nicely Roman will get out his sword and do it free of charge and relatively painlessly.
“So I...ha, so I spent all day playing dress up,” Janus hates the wobble in his voice. “And now I’m a day behind on managing all my work and now Patton’s going to want to talk about what happened today, and someone needs to listen to Remus and Logan is obviously not doing too well so I have to check on him-- and Virgil too even though Virgil will probably throw something at me but I have to….And then Thomas is going to need me and I have…. I have to…”
“You really… you really do all that?” Roman says in a small voice that doesn’t suit him at all. “All by yourself?”
“Well, it’s not like there’s anyone else to help, Roman.” Janus says before he can stop himself.
“I’ll help you!”
Janus freezes. Because, well.
He’s heard those words before, hasn’t he? Not all that too long ago. When the divide between dark and light was more defined and Thomas hadn’t started posting videos with them in it and Janus wasn’t afraid of the purple door in the middle of the hall.
He knows how this conversation goes all too well.
But Janus apparently can’t learn any new tricks because he still says, “No, I can do this myself.”
(“You’ll kill yourself from stress, Jan!” Virgil had yelled. “Then where will we be?”
“I have everything under control, Virgil! I don’t need any help! Just drop it, okay?”
“Thomas and the Light sides are running you ragged and you want me to pretend like it isn’t hurting you? Are you crazy? They need to stop lying so much!” 
“No! I can handle this!”
“I can’t let you keep doing this,” Virgil had said, “If you won’t do something I will.”
“Don’t you dare!”
But he had. And now he was a light side, an accepted side, everyone’s favorite side. And he was slowly convincing Thomas to stop lying by turning Janus into something to be feared and avoided. How quaint. How trademark.)
Roman is staring at him. Janus can feel the weight of his eyes on him, and somehow that's worse than his hand on Janus’ shoulder. It’s heavier. It’s harder to just shrug off. It means something more.
Because Roman isn’t talking. And Janus isn’t hiding.
And if the words weren’t so hard to say, he thinks that maybe Virgil was right, and he should apologize.
“Huh,” Roman says after the silence threatens to swallow them both. He clears his throat and mercifully looks away, staring at that painting over Thomas’s couch. “I didn’t think you were stupid.”
Janus hisses at him, at the idea of him. But Roman flicks his fingers.
“Oh come on, Ouroboros,” Roman says. “You handle all of Thomas’s lies, and then you’re out there looking after each of us sides as well? I think after 31 videos we can all agree that one side being entire in control of Thomas is a bad thing! So why are you still trying to do everything?”
Janus has a very good answer. The best answer. 
But Roman’s elbow reaches out and nudges him and all his thoughts scatter into the air. Maybe that was intentional, but Janus can’t find the energy in himself to really be angry about it. 
“I…” Janus says, “I just want Thomas to be happy.”
“So do the rest of us too, Snakecrates!-- Get it? Like Socrates?-- Not gonna lie, your way to make him happy is truly… the foulest of methods, but at the end of the day we’re all a part of him.” Roman says. “Maybe instead of trying to puppet master this you could...try working with us? Like showing up as yourself instead of using Virgil’s or Logan’s face again?”
Janus snorts again. The backs of his eyelids shoot bright red stars across his vision. “As if. None of you would listen if I did things that way.”
Roman nudges him again. “It's just a suggestion, Slitherous Snape.”
“How many of those do you have?”
“Nicknames?” Roman pauses, and Janus guesses that he’s counting on his hand. “Dunno. A lot. I never get to use them because you show up in someone else’s clothes and I don’t realize it’s you. All the more reason you should listen to me and just show up as your usual self!”
Janus must have made a noise, but his brain is too preoccupied with the fact that the carpet in Thomas’s apartment is actually really comfy and if he buries his head in his knees the room is actually dark. His headache is a dull repetitive thob, like a drum beat that if he doesn’t focus too much on becomes a noise he can fall asleep to.
“I thought you hated me.” He admits, in a quiet tone and only partially hopes that it was too low for Roman to hear.
“Fool me once,” Roman says in a soft tone, humming like it's a melody. “Shame on you. Fool me twice, shame on me. Fool me thrice…”
He sighs deeply.
“And I think that means we need to actually think about talking out things like adults.” Roman nudges him again, and then places his arm around Janus’s shoulders. “But not right now, when you’re half dead from exhaustion. Let’s get you to your room, Jan.”
There’s a cold feeling around both of them, washing over Janus’s muscles like a flood, as they sink down. His eyes open briefly just in time to make out his own room surroundings before Roman drops him on his bed.
Oh, it’s really comfortable. Has his body always sunk into his mattress like this?
“Get some sleep, Deceit,” Roman says.
“Wait... Logan…” Janus definitely does not whine.
“I’ll handle the nerd.” 
There are so many reasons why that’s a bad idea-- Janus knows there are a bunch of reasons because he wrote them down on flashcards to study in between grieving Virgil leaving the dark sides and managing the lies Thomas tells day to day and the ones he had going on forever and the ones that sides told each other and--.
But before he can say any of that, Roman sifts a gentle hand through his hair and Janus loses the ability to think again.
(Janus really doesn’t remember when Roman gained that power.)
He curls up almost unintentionally on his bed, and Roman makes a noise that could have been a laugh, if Janus cared enough to check.
“Sweet dreams,” Roman says softly.
“W…wait!” Janus gathers the last bit of his energy, the residue from the gooey feelings Thomas was harboring, and surges after Roman before he can leave all the way. “How did you... know it was me? And not…”
“Virgil?” Roman offered. “You kept messing with the eyeshadow, Janus. He has that angsty charcoal color on twenty-four-seven. You kept changing it to purple. I mean I liked it, but that’s not his style.”
Janus frowns. “No….he has the purple when he’s happy. I know he has the purple… He only started wearing the black...when he was trying to freak out Thomas.” He sighs and settles back into his pillow. “It glows...when he’s happy…”
Janus has plenty of memories about that, too. They were some of his favorites: Virgil on Christmas morning when the prospect of presents was more scary than the idea of all Thomas’s relatives coming over, Virgil on late nights watching cryptid history shows with Remus and talking about marrying Mothman when Thomas got older, Virgil right after he first appeared to Thomas, glowing in all senses of the word because their host knew who he was. 
Janus remembers being a little upset when Virgil covered it up, because it was another lie then: Virgil was hiding part of who he was and the three of them had always agreed on no lies between them. 
Besides Virgil had always looked younger with the purple, looked more happy, looked more approachable. He looked like he was excited to see Janus and not like he would rip out his throat if they ended up in a room alone together. 
Virgil was purple long before he had been black, and Janus thinks he might have been in love with him even before that too.
Who had he been talking to, again?
Janus gets the distinct feeling something is wrong, but his pillows are comfy, and his mattress is soft and he’s been running on fumes for far too long. He’s fast asleep before he realizes that Roman is still in his room, frowning, and wondering if that meant Virgil had never actually been happy around the Light Sides at all. 
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Hi, I’m sorry to bother you with this, but I was wondering about your distaste for S*a*g C*i. I’m not very familiar with the comics or the characters. Your post caught my attention because I try to be knowledgeable about the media I consume, especially coming from Marvel/Disney(being Jewish Rromani, I’ll never forgive them for what they did to Wanda). I tried googling information about it but couldn’t find much. I was just curious if your post had a deeper meaning or if it simply isn’t to your taste. Obviously feel free to ignore this if you don’t feel like getting into it or don’t want to answer.
Hi! First up, thanks for taking the chance to ask and being willing to listen. I appreciate that a lot.
I am going to preface this by saying that I am part of the Chinese diaspora. I have never read the comics in full but I have seen enough to formulate my own thoughts. All my opinions made here are my own and I’m not looking to debate or be persuaded or to shift my point of view. I have my mind about these things and you have yours. I do urge you to keep opening avenues of discussions as I should not be the only person being asked.
Also, heads up, I will block any sort of argumentative bs-ery.
SC is obviously made with the perspective of the Asian American lens in mind and I have seen it been pointed out that it isn’t meant to be ‘representative’ but let’s be real here. How many people in the tag have already been hyping it up as Asian rep and stuff? I’m just saying. I just want to say that the experiences of Asian Americans do not reflect those of the diaspora. Yes, we can relate to a certain extent, but to generalise and distill all experiences of all members of the diaspora into that of Asian Americans is unacceptable.
My issues with SC (not gonna bother with spelling the name out and we are going into the whys) are as follows:
I would recommend starting out by reading this article on cbr.com that goes a little further into detail on the history of the character
The tl;dr is this; SC started out as an insensitive East Asian stereotype character created to capitalise on the 1970s fervour for anything Kung Fu. Sure, Marvel has done their best to retcon some of the less stellar parts of his origins, but the funniest thing is (legend. big bro. uncle Tony) Tong Leung, a renown Hong Kong actor has been casted as The Mandarin while Simu Liu, a Canadian Chinese actor, was casted as SC. Make of that what you will.
Okay deadass I’m not saying Simu Liu won’t do a good job because at this point all we have to work on is a teaser trailer but I’m all saying that is, was Arthur Chen Feiyu not available or something?? Idk. He didn’t pick up the phone?? Did Marvel even ask?? This is nonsensical salt and I digress
Then there’s the name. What kinda hell name is S**** C**??? This is some Cho Chang level bullshit. Yeah, sure we can say, oh they just want to make sure the branding is right. Ok. This coming from the studio that amalgamated the characterisations of Ned Leeds and Ganke Lee. Sure, Jan.
Full disclosure, I did like some of the vibes given out by the teaser. There were some very wuxia and xianxia inspired shots and scenes and if I do watch, I’ll be very keen on these bits. Awkwafina already looks like she is set to be etched deep into my heart and Uncle Tony looks to be gearing up to kick this out of the park because goddamn he looks good in that armour. Haven’t seen Tan Sri Michelle Yeoh’s character, but I’m sure she will be kicking ass and taking names for sure too because I am very sure veterans like her and Uncle Tony will look good doing wire works. But this isn’t a movie about them, is it? It’s about SC and right now with this teaser trailer, nothing about SC makes me want to froth at the mouth to watch.
Yes, I am saying that that subway scene does not impress me. We live in a world with stunt teams from China can work on a peanut budget to make conversations flow in a fight scene. Do better.
Again, I am very aware that this teaser is to hype people up. I know. I am still waiting for the proper first trailer to drop. I have actually deliberately kept myself oblivious to the production of this movie so as to not give myself any sort of preconceived notions. When that first trailer drops, then I will formulate my thoughts again.
Okay, I know it’s a teaser but some of the cgi just looks... very uncanny valley? It looks unfinished, is what I am getting at here. For a mega conglomerate verging on industry monopoly, even a teaser trailer should look 1000% better than this. Every beat of this should be flawless. It should look on par with the trailer. People who follow will know that I won’t ever fault a product because of shitty cgi (re: Word of Honor) but when you are the people behind the Live Adaptation of Mulan (which I hate) and Raya and the Last Dragon (which I categorically DETEST because that shit is bullshit mishmash of SEA cultures with fucking made up words being painted as *representation* and that is some fucking bullshit and as someone from SEA I’m sorry Queen Kelly Marie Tran BUT NO) I will hold you to the fucking standards of the high heavens as the House of the Devil Mouse deserves. Do fucking better.
I am not clairvoyant but I can already see how it is going to go when this movie doesn’t “do as well as expected” in Asia; you’ll hear people going on about how the Asian Asians don’t support these types of stories, how we don’t put effort into hyping movies and shows that push for representation. But can I ask whose representation are we talking about? I saw it with Crazy Rich Asians and Mulan, I saw it with Raya. Whose rep are we talking about? If someone out there, some little child sees themselves in these media products, sure, great! Empower these next generation for the push for a better hope. But whose rep are we pushing for? Because I definitely do not see myself in the Asian American lens of representation and I’m very sure I won’t ever and I know that I am not alone in this.
Hollywood needs to do better. To borrow the words of a friend, excusing mediocrity for ‘cultural appreciation’ is no good.
This rant has gotten long enough and I’m so sorry to everyone seeing this on your dash. I have a lot of salt today.
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doiefy · 3 years
💭 <3
eeee tysm <33
ok ok ok soooooo crime lord yuta x pickpocket reader ?? 😳😳 i only had a setting and vibe in mind with absolutely no plot so. this is all there is on the doc LOL
“I don’t want it.”
Doyoung pushed the golden stopwatch back into your hands, his inked fingers trembling so violently that your wrist rattled painfully against the table. Hurriedly, he retracted his hands, made some sort of gesture over his chest as if to ward off invisible spirits—you assumed the same spirits that had driven him here, to a hellish little shack where he collected good luck charms and prosperity trinkets in some attempt to protect himself. You were quite certain that he hadn’t seen the light of day in years; his skin had been reduced to the same translucency and texture as rice paper, his grey eyes bloodshot and harrowing as they stared straight into the deepest pits of your soul.
You frowned, swinging the watch around on its chain and catching it in your free hand. It was a comfortable weight between your fingers, a perfectly-carved circle that spun infinitely around your hand—a clear display of masterful craftsmanship with its crystal watch face and flawless inscriptions. Something like this could easily sell for a fortune on the black market, but amongst the skeptics—amongst self-proclaimed clairvoyants and fortune-tellers, exorcists and demon hunters—it could make you ten times as much. So as to why Doyoung had refused… you weren’t too sure.
“What do you mean, you don’t want it?” You asked, but it was clear that he’d already made up his mind. He hobbled out of his chair and began rummaging around, upturning dozens upon dozens of overflowing baskets hanging from the shelves, rifling through old leather-bound books without regard for the stained pages that were beginning to fall out. He tore out one of the pages, shakily struck a match and held it up to the parchment, letting it burn between his fingers. Whispering a foreign incantation to himself, he tossed the ashes over the table, and you could only watch, barely able to suppress a mocking comment.
send me a 💭, and i’ll share an idea for a story i’ve wanted to write but haven’t had time to.
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dorizardthewizard · 4 years
The Revival of Akillian: Chapter 2
Prologue / Chapter 1 / Chapter 3
Just like Maya, Rocket has invested in a cave at the foot of a large Cedryan, whose gnarled roots mingle with stalactites and walls of ice. But this tree is well and truly dead, and Rocket has not built his cave to exercise a talent for fortune-telling. Rocket is not clairvoyant, but he is passionate about Galactik Football.
In secret, because his father Norata no longer wants to hear about Galactik Football; it is out of the question for his son to indulge in it. But since it’s forbidden, that makes it exciting! And Galactik Football is a sport - the most compelling spectacle there is. In his cave, Rocket hung banners and posters of his favorite teams and players: the great Warren of course, captain of the Lightnings and top scorer in the whole Galaxy, THE star of GF; the terrible Kernor, goalkeeper of the Rykers, who defends against goals like a knight in a castle; the beautiful Lun-Zaera, attacker of the Wambas, that every GF player dreams of having in his team - even in his bed [T/N: UUHHHH maybe this sounds more normal in French??] ; and especially Aarch, his uncle, to whom Rocket devotes true worship. Being the nephew of the one who almost made the Akillian team win the Cup fills Rocket with pride, a pride he unfortunately does not share with his father. According to Norata, Aarch is dead and buried- or exiled to the Shadows, which is the same. This "betrayal", Norata has never forgiven. Never.
For his part, Rocket is not content to just revere Aarch! He collects the figurines of GF stars and sneakily watches matches on the family holo-TV. Always in secret, he trains. Saving money on tips and delivering the flowers grown by his father, he managed to buy himself a ball. In the ice walls of his cave, he has carved a dozen targets at different heights and positions of increasing difficulty - which he strives to hit with well-adjusted shots. However, it has become too easy, he does it flawless almost every time... he will have to find something else. The ideal would of course be to join a team, or simply to go and kick the ball around with a bunch of friends on the Windy Plateaus... but how to keep it secret, with constant and scrupulous paternal supervision? Rocket doesn't even have any buddies, at least none who are a fan of Galactik Football like him - his dad makes sure of that.
So he lets off steam with his other passion: speed. Norata consents to this. For his fifteenth birthday, he gave him a jet snowmobile, with which Rocket frees himself from his frustrations in crazy races in the mountains or on the plateau. In addition, combining the useful with the pleasant, the snow jet is used to deliver the bouquets and floral arrangements that Norata creates with love and competence in his heated greenhouses.
This is what he is supposed to be doing now, as he successfully shoots yet another flawless shot by aiming straight at the hole in the ice next to marker 10. In the meantime, the magnificent floral basket of the family Matto is freezing on the snow jet! He'd better go deliver it before the flowers are all shrivelled...
He throws a glance mixed with devotion and pride at the life-size poster of his idol, which sits in the middle of the stalactites.
- Yeah, you're right, Aarch. I have to go deliver these damn flowers, or dad will skin me alive…
Rocket carefully hides his ball in a crevice (his father is unlikely to find his lair, but you never know), zips up his gray coat, puts on his gloves, gets on his snow jet and takes the crate down the snowy slopes.
Meanwhile, in his vast wooden lodge with the windows misted up by the abundant plants which adorn it, Norata engages in color tests on some rather brownish Lepidodendrons. In greenhouses, his crops get everything they need - controlled heating, daytime lighting, soil with scientifically calculated pH, computer-controlled irrigation, etc. The absence of the beneficent rays of Vega is sorely felt: his flowers often have dull hues, pissy yellows or browns that are not very spicy. So, he invented a chemical composition of which a few drops are enough to immediately restore their brilliant colors. But the effect does not last, which is why he sells with his bouquets a nutrient solution incorporating this composition. Cheating? Not at all: a plus, an exclusive service from the Norata company, which enchants its customers and earns it abundant orders.
Today he is trying it on a cardinal violet that he had a hard time developing. A few drops in a pipette, carefully poured into the center of the calyx... The product diffuses into the veins of the leaves, which soon take on a pretty violet hue. He must now see if the dosage is correct, if this solution will not roast the plant, if the color will hold up to watering...
Norata hears the door to his lab open but does not look up, due to experience: it is undoubtedly Rocket, back from his delivery...
- Finally, you're back! You took a long time!
- You are right... indeed, fifteen years is a very long time.
The voice is not that of Rocket: more serious, older. Norata sits up abruptly, but refrains from turning around.
- Aarch - he whispers - I don't believe it... Aarch looks around the lab in admiration.
- I see you haven't lost your skill, Norata. Flowers have always been your passion, as far as I can remember.
Norata decides to face his brother anyway. As much as Aarch, a footballer with a long career, remained massive and muscular, Norata, handicapped by his artificial leg, was melted, thinner, his features hollowed out by suffering and loneliness. Only his flowers sometimes manage to cast a shadow of a smile on his thin lips, downturned bitterly.
- What can I do for you, sir? - he utters in a cold tone.
- Sir ?! - notes Aarch offended - I haven’t changed that much! Don't tell me you don't recognize your brother?
Norata swivels his chair, and stares at Aarch angrily.
- You must be mistaken, sir. I had a brother once, it's true. But he disappeared when everyone needed him most... especially me. Since that day, for me, he's as dead as this leg.
He stretches out the artificial leg - made by Technoid - which replaces the one he lost in the Catastrophe, frozen and broken in the rubble of the Arena Stadium, fifteen years ago.
- I'm sincerely sorry for your leg, but that’s not my fault. If I had stayed, it wouldn't have returned to you.
- If my brother had stayed, I would have overcome this ordeal. (Norata swivels his chair again, leans back over his purple Lepidodendrons). Now, if you will kindly leave me... I have a lot of work to do.
Aarch is searching for a relevant line that would break the ice between the two brothers, when he is distracted by the lab door sliding again. Rocket bursts in, dishevelled and covered in frost, face reddened by wind and cold.
- It's okay, dad. I delivered the order to the Matto family, they are ... (A glance at Aarch) Hello, sir... They are really delighted. Mrs Matto found your flower arrangement beautiful, she...
Rocket pauses again, staring more attentively at this stranger standing at the door of the lab. His hazel eyes widen in surprise.
- Hey, but... you wouldn't be…
- Goodbye, Norata! - calls Aarch, returning to the exit.
- But...
Rocket glances at his father, leaning stubbornly over his flowers, then follows Aarch out.
- Rocket! - scolds Norata. - Come back here immediately!
His son doesn't listen to him: by the time the old man gets up and follows him, with his droid leg...
- Hey, sir! Wait! You’re Aarch, right? You are my uncle, aren't you?
- Yes - Aarch admits with a smile. - And you, you must be my nephew Rocket, right?
- Yes, sir... that's right. - replies Rocket, blushing.
- You look a lot like your father when he was your age.
Rocket blushes even more, intimidated to finally meet his uncle in the flesh. Indeed, he has the same elongated face as Norata, the same chin (a distinguishing feature of the family) that he tries to hide under the three patches of hair that serve as his goatee. Abundant brown hair adorned with some dreadlocks gives a little volume to his narrow head.
- I'd rather be like you, sir. Uh... I have posters of you.
- ROCKET!  - roars Norata from the lab.
- Goodbye, Rocket. Maybe we'll see each other again.
- I... I hope so, sir. (He wants to shake his hand, but he doesn't dare). Goodbye… Aarch. - he whispers behind the back of his idol, who is already walking away.
- I don’t get it. I’m sure I left them here!
Kneeling under his anti-grav hammock, Micro-Ice is rummaging through the indescribable mess that constitutes his room, in the attic of the family house. Sitting on a pouffe (from which he had to get rid of a stack of GF-Mag, the magazine on Galactik Football), D'jok observes the scene with a mocking air.
- Sure it's weird, seriously, how is it possible to find tickets in such a tidy room?
- D��jok, I swear, it's not funny - sighs Micro-Ice, sweeping away a pile of schoolbooks with the back of his hand. - If I don’t find them quick, I’m a dead man!
- You should have thought about that before doing business with these thugs. (D'jok opens a can of SuperForm, the amino sports drink, chugs it and continues). What an idea, too, to give them photocopies! Did you think Ballow wouldn't notice?
Micro-Ice gets up and bumps into his hammock, which sways gently on its anti-gravity lifters. It pisses him off.
- I didn’t expect it to rain. If you’re just gonna lecture me, then there’s no point in you being here!
D'jok shrugs his shoulders, gets up and goes to the sloping window overlooking the hill. He leans over, intrigued: outside, in the immaculate snow, very clear footprints have emerged. Right under the window.
- Hey, Micro-Ice, come see!
The boy joins him, and also sees the footprints.
- Apparently, you're not the only one going through the windows, D'jok remarks. They’re Techno-Sizor 128’s... the same brand as mine. But let me reassure you right away, I wasn't the one who stole the tickets from you - he says, showing the ordinary sneakers on his feet.
- O.K., if it's not you, that means everything is fine! You're still my best friend. Seriously, D'jok, I really have to find them, otherwise...
- Yeah, I know, you're a dead man. But don't worry, we'll nab him, your ticket thief.
“It’s Akillian’s big comeback on the interplanetary football scene since that famous match, remembered by all, which was interrupted by the Great Catastrophe. And the least we can say is that things have started badly: 3-0 for the Rykers after only ten minutes of play, the outcome is sealed! ... "
On the ground of Unadar Stadium, the Red Tigers are having a rough time. They barely manage to get possession of the ball and attempt a pass, when the wing player is jostled by an aggressive Ryker attacker. She projects her Metal Scream - the Flux of Unadar, which manifests in sizzling electric shocks -, leaps with the ball to an incredible height and, with a powerful shot, sends it straight at a Red Tigers defender, who proves unable to stop such a missile. He receives the ball in the stomach, is propelled with it into the goal, where he completes his glide by collapsing against the goalkeeper in a tangle of arms and legs.
“And the fourth!! the TTV announcer exclaims. “4-0! The word "crushing" seems to be perfectly suited to the situation, and even Artegor Nexus will not contradict me. The former Akillian defender certainly did not know what he was getting into when he agreed to coach the Red Tigers... "
In the suspended pod reserved for the technical staff, in front of his control screen, Artegor tears at his hair.
- Aaarrrh! - he fumed. - What a bunch of incompetents!
On the field, the players have resumed their position. The ball springs from the central spot, rises... and falls right into the feet of the Red Tiger striker, who finally sees the opportunity to take action. But his rival Ryker unleashes a nasty Metal Scream that paralyzes the poor player on the spot, crackling with static electricity all over. She has no trouble retrieving the ball and the Rykers set off again for the Akillian goal.
Adium grabs the remote and turns off the holo-TV.
- I'll spare you the rest. - she says to Aarch, who had come to visit her in her large and bright office on the first floor of the high-tech Federation building. - We lost 10-0. And yet, I have the impression that the Rykers eased off at the end of the game so as not to humiliate us even more... (Aarch nods sympathetically) As you can see, Akillian's Breath is totally gone. Gone are the days when we could hope to compete with the best teams in the Galaxy…
Adium - a young and pretty brunette, who makes herself look stern with her hair bun and strict-looking outfit - sighs, then continues:
- Anyway, personally I have no reason to complain: I have a good position, a high title - president of the Akillian Federation - and I earn a good living. But football has become a sport for snobs on our cold planet...
- I see that. - replies Aarch.
- And you, to what do we owe the pleasure of having you return here?
- I came to create a team.
- What, here? On Akillian? (Adium stands up and walks around her desk.) You know, Aarch... people don't take you coming back very well. Not me, of course, but there’s been a lot of talk since you've been here. You have to understand them, too: you left like a thief…
- I do understand them! Besides, I came back to redeem myself in their eyes. And mine...
- Galactik Football has no future on Akillian. Open your eyes! You’re wasting your time!
- Well, that's good. - replies Aarch. - I have time to waste at the moment.
With that, he leaves Adium's office and the Federation building, as luxurious as it is useless. To believe that the League or the sponsors of the GF - Technoid in the first place - have money to throw out the window...
Standing behind the large window, Adium watches Aarch, who is standing on the porch of the building. He seems to be contemplating the desert of snow and ice that the Windy Plateaus have become, as if he were searching in these desolate expanses for a sign of Akillian's rebirth... She could almost pity him.
A call from Artegor Nexus brings her back to her office. On the screen, the coach of the Red Tigers displays a haughty expression behind his everlasting UV glasses. Adium summarizes her conversation with Aarch.
- And you gave him your authorization?! - he yells as if scolding her, as if he holds any power over her.
She is irritated by his superior tone.
- He never asked me, imagine that!
- Fortunately, I wasn't counting on you to get rid of him. - Artegor emphasizes, with a condescending little smile.
- And may I know who you’re relying on, exactly?
But the screen turns white: Artegor cut without answering.
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mythgirlimagines · 4 years
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Well, my good Anons! Tuesday is here and so is this new talentswap! Introducing Myth, the Former Ultimate Fanfiction Author!
Growing up, Myth wasn’t very good at expressing herself via facial expressions or body language. Because of that, Myth didn’t have many friends growing up, besides Wyre. She quickly turned to cartoons and video games to fill the hole left in her heart. One day, Myth’s English teacher advised her to use writing as an outlet for her emotions. By her high school years, Myth has already amassed a large fanbase for her vast amount of fanfiction that touches even the most obscure of fandoms. Although her fanfiction runs the gamut of subject matter, she primarily focuses on romance and shipping, with LGBT dynamics being a major theme in most of her romantic works. She is currently chaperoning this year’s batch of Ultimates and Jr. Ultimates on their journey to Kibo-Con Ultimate. They also happen to make excellent references for her fanfiction.
Wyre Anon, Former Ultimate Moral Compass
As hard as it is to believe, this rowdy juvenile delinquent runs one of the strictest disciplinary committees in the country. Wyre would regularly prevent others from picking on Myth, and they remain the best of friends well into their college years. Myth regularly looks up to Wyre for her assertive and expressive attitude, and she reminds Myth of those anime student council president characters mixed with a shonen protagonist.
Anon Scar, Ultimate Idol
As the lead vocalist of the famously-elaborate pop-rock idol group DaTenshi, Scar embraces the whole “Fallen Songstress“ persona that got Scar her fame in the first place. As much as Scar tries to stay true to her persona, her persona regularly cracks to reveal an overly-concerned mom friend. Myth views Scar as this odd combination of a School Idol, a Team Mom and a Chuunibyou, which makes for a weird combination of anime tropes.
Fusion Anon, Ultimate Soldier
Myth has consumed a ton of media about the military and if the media proves true, there is no reason for Fusion to appear as well-adjusted and confident as he carries himself. Fusion regularly tries to convince Myth that he is fine and that the war was all in the past. But Myth is an observant soul, and can tell that Fusion is close to breaking. Myth is, to put it lightly, really concerned for this poor lad. Just what is under his Team Dad facade and his garish camo clothes?
Fusion Anon II, Ultimate Biker Gang Leader
With Fusion II’s sassy and flippant attitude, topped off by her fashion of tall boots, long skirts and popped collars, there is no mistaking Fusion II as the leader of “The Divergence”, one of the largest girl gangs in all of the country. It is also extremely clear to Myth that her cool-headed and sarcastic demeanour is all but a coping mechanism, caused by living in a harsh environment, surrounded by equally harsh individuals. Truly a shining example of both the Sukeban trope and the Deadpan Snarker trope.
Just Anon, Ultimate Affluent Progeny
As the scion of the “Lagomor Corp”, one would expect Janon to be cruel, merciless and hardworking. But while Janon could be described as cruel and merciless, he is definitely not hardworking in the slightest, preferring to shirk his duties in favour of catching some Zs, which was very clearly caused by everything in life just being handed to him on a silver platter. However, Janon has one weakness: adorable fashion icons. That did not go unnoticed by Myth, much to the dismay of the Tsundere magnate.
Sparkle Anon, Former Ultimate Programmer
When Myth was told that an Ultimate Programmer would be chaperoning the Ultimates with her, Myth was expecting an Introverted Shut-In NEET. So imagine Myth’s internal surprise when this aspiring thespian with a volume problem who calls herself “THE SPECTACULAR SPARKLE” claimed to be the Ultimate Programmer. Despite their contrasting personalities, Myth and Sparkle probably are the closest when it comes to their interests. The two girls very quickly bonded over their shared interest in JRPGs, DND and isekai anime.
Egg Anon, Former Ultimate Detective, and Wet Sock Anon, Former Ultimate Martial Artist
As crazy as it may sound, Myth actually forged quite the odd bond with both Egg and Wet Sock, aka. The Freak Twins. Despite their violence-obsessed personalities and their tendency to constantly stick cursed and well, freakish comments into otherwise normal conversation, Myth managed to look past that to find wise and strong individuals, which was helped by Myth’s interest in gory mystery series and martial arts-based anime and video games. In fact, both twins seem to have grown a thing for Myth, because she was the first person they met that could handle the two of them.
Curious Anon, Jr. Ultimate Fashionista
Ever since Curious was in diapers, they have been educated in the art of fashion and cosmetics by their family. Curious has been modeling for a variety of high-class brands. Whether male, female and unisex clothes, Curious managed to make even the most garish and tacky clothes work for them. Despite the completely different domains of their talents, Myth and Curious quickly bonded over their similar polite and stoic demeanours. However, Myth can’t help but sense emptiness in Curious’s eyes every time they do a photo shoot. A Stepford Smiler perhaps?
Anon Nerd, Former Ultimate Gambler
Despite being praised for their poker face in tournaments, off the poker table, Nerd is a short-tempered and callous jerk, who constantly overreacts to otherwise inconsequential slights. Unfortunately for Nerd, he fell for Myth and he fell hard. Myth is no dummy, so with a perfect poker face every time, she manages to constantly torment Nerd with mind games and lewd comments in an effort to get him to confess. Will Nerd use the poker face he perfected since he began the art of gambling, or will Myth’s eternal poker face manage to conquer even the most trained? Truly a Showdown of the Ages.
Eldritch Anon, Ultimate Swimmer
As the underdog of his school’s swim team, Eldritch Anon’s small and frail build belies a streamlined shape and a flawless and speedy technique while in the water. Eldritch also has a paranoid and cowardly demeanour, and can and will dive into random bodies of water to avoid interacting with others. Much to Myth’s dismay, Eldritch seems to be the most scared of her. Eldritch seems to under the belief that Myth isn’t even human, when that simply isn’t the truth. She is just a girl who has trouble expressing herself. Myth wonders what could have gone wrong in Eldritch’s life to make him have such a vehement distrust of other Anons.
Dream Anon, Ultimate Lucky Student
Acting like someone straight out of a sports anime, no matter how many times her luck puts her into trouble, Dream always manages to get out of them with her head held up high. She might not be the Ultimate Volleyball Player like she wanted, but she always tries to stay positive, regardless of her title. Myth can’t help but feel as though at least part of Dream’s optimism is merely a facade to combat her feelings of inferiority to the other Ultimates, who got in with actual skill. That definitely would explain her Passionate Sports Girl personality, along with her hardworking attitude to the point of overexerting herself.  
Iris Anon, Jr. Ultimate Baseball Player
The other passionate sports fanatic on the Kibo-Con roster, Iris is well-known by baseball fanatics for her fast and hard swings that earn her baseball team, “The Comets” their unparalleled winstreak, as well as her adorkable and optimistic personality when off the diamond. Because of her social butterfly personality, Iris tries her best to interact with and understand Myth, or at least, the Myth beneath the constant poker face. Myth can’t help but applaud Iris for trying to look past her robotic face and mannerisms and learn more about her. 
Purple Anon, Ultimate Clairvoyant
Having been raised by a traditional family skilled in the art of fortune telling, Purple is by far the most skilled of her family, with a 66% percent accuracy rate to her fortunes. Purple, similar to Myth, is a massive wallflower, regularly cowering behind larger Anons. When Purple actually manages to open her mouth, her prose and vocabulary is about as purple as her hair.  Luckily, Myth is well-versed enough in the language-arts to actually understand what Purple is trying to say to others. Because of that, Myth kind of functions like Purple’s personal translator, simplifying her vocabulary for the less-intelligent Anons.
This Talentswap series centers around a stoic wallflower managing to become the Anon’s personal therapist. She came her for inspiration and references, and returned with a better understanding of her fellow chaperones and chaperonees.
FicAuthor!Myth wears swirly opaque glasses to hide her eyebags earned from several sleepless nights. She wears her short dyed-purple hair into two short pigtails. She holds the pigtails in place with a pink scrunchie for the left and a blue scrunchie for the right. She wears a black hooded-jacket over a pink t-shirt, and has a matching pink backpack slung over her shoulders. She wears black sweatpants with a purple stripe on the opposite sides of each leg and purple sneakers. On her head, she wears a black beret that matches her jacket and sweatpants. On both the backpack and beret are pins from an assortment of fandoms.  ——————————————————
One of the major differences between FicAuthor!Myth and Romantic!Myth lies in her emotional range. While FicAuthor!Myth is fine-tuned when it comes to other people’s emotions, she isn’t very good at identifying or expressing her own emotions, whether through facial expressions, body language or tone of voice. FicAuthor!Myth’s face and vocal range is stuck in a constant monotone. The only way that FicAuthor!Myth can truly express her current emotions is quite obvious; via writing fanfiction that correspond to her current emotional state. However, beneath the monotony of her face and voice, FicAuthor!Myth is almost exactly like Romantic!Myth in personality; being kind, supportive and at times, a massive tease.  —-—————————————————
What do you think of FicAuthor!Myth, as both a talent and a series idea? I’d like to encourage other Anons to comment here with their opinions on it!
-Fusion Anon
Writing for my emotions is so accurate you don’t even know-
Anyway, love this version of me a lot!
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