#Force-Field Generation
evermore-grimoire · 1 year
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The Evermore Grimoire: Projection Powers
Force-field Generation is the power to project fields of manipulated energy. Those that wield this power can create a field formed from energy, elements, the environment, or by manipulating smaller items to form a greater whole. Typically centred like an aura, these fields often take on a spherical or flat-shape and manifest in the form of a barrier or surface such as a shield, wall, dome or bubble. They can either possess a solid, fluid or elastic structure and surface. Force-Fields are also capable of blocking or impeding approaching objects and nullifying attacks, including physical and energy based attacks or even repelling or reflecting them, as well being used as a means of containment to imprison others. Wielders of this power are also able to throw shields away from themselves or to catch things with them, while other's may possess sufficient enough control over their force-fields to mould them into a variety of shapes, objects, structures and other more advanced forms. It's even possible to use these barriers as armour by creating thinner force-fields around one's own body or that of others, preventing outside forces from damaging or touching them. Over time this power can grow to the point where the wielder can shrink their force field and use it as a projectile, in addition to other offensive measures such as creating a force-field inside an object or person and expanding the force-field so that the object or person explodes.
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vampire207343 · 2 years
What if .... Bella Cullen gaved birth to twins by the name Renesmee Carlie and Elizabeth Rosabelle Cullen
As Renesmee and I grow up to full maturity which are different age from each other Renesemee is stucking looking 15 years old forever while I on the other hand stop aging at the age of 19 years old. As we grew older we carved more human blood than human which is why hidden are true nature even from our own family in order to not dispoint them.
As kids Renesmee and I look identical to one another the only thing that could tell us apart would be our hair my mine is more light brown than bronze like Ren. But now that we reach full our full maturity we no longer look identical to each other especially with the age gap physically look now.
I was thinking of leaving the family since I don't want to hide my true nate anymore because it may become dangerous that should my family find out I'm hunting humans instead of animals they would kill me not that I'm the only one who hunt human so is twin Renesmee which I would most likely get blame for draging her hunt humans instead of animals. But really it Renesmee's choice to feed on humans I didn't force her to something she dosen't want like our family us doing forcing Renesmee to accept the imprinting bonded with Jacob who Ren only see as an older brother and protector nothing else.
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(Renesmee Carlie Cullen)
Renesmee dose not love Jacob like he loves her so she decided to fallow her and leave the family. Luckly their Aunt Alice are unable to see them both on any of her vision and with them hiding their scent when they left home thst should prevent their family from fallowing them.
A year after Ren and I left our family we encounter two of the high ranking Volturi guards during our hunt north dakota and it was non other than Alec and Demetri Volturi.
During this encounter I, Elizabeth Rosabelle Cullen is the mate of the one and only Demetri Volturi
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the former tracker of Volturi coven and one of the two that survival of the ambush of the romanian coven which release him from Chelsea's gift which his so call loyalty to his coven disappear the same thing happen to Alec but at that time his twin sister Jane was already killed but before Alec left with Demetri he killed the Vampire that killed his beloved sister. That was a year ago and Alec is still mourning his sister's death.
The two sisters decided to stick around Alec and Demetri especially Elizabeth who just found her mate who she been searching for since she reach full maturity 10 years ago.
The four Renesmee , Alec ,Elizabeth & Demetri grew close to one another after spending a year together by then Renesmee and Elizabeth changed their last name Peverell which is the last name of one of our Ancestors a named that their mother dosen't know about, wich prevent tge rest of their family finding them even more.
Renesmee is a gifted vampire having the ability to place her thoughts and memories into another person's mind. Aside from this gift she also has the power of shield penetration, which allows her to penetrate their mother's mentally defensive power.
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Like my sister Renesmee I am also a very gifted vampire having a Winter Manipulation which able me to tap and induce the winter and the powers/forces it represents: snow and ice, cold, death and solitude. It is also time of endurance and survival with any means possible, waiting, reflection and preparation for the upcoming growth season. Which is a gift my family know nothing about they will see gift as horrible since it represent death which why they know nothing of it. I also has the gift of a Force-Field Generation which allow me
create a field formed from energy, elements, the environment, or by manipulating smaller items to form a greater whole. Typically centered on or around the user like an aura, these fields often take on a spherical or flat shape and manifest in the form of a barrier or surface such as a shield, wall, dome, or bubble. They can either possess a solid, fluid or elastic structure and surface. Some of these barriers even possess texture similar to that of glass or crystal, creating the appearance of a nearly unbreakable window-like barrier or a transparent shimmer, while others manifest of an amorphous, sometimes invisible or completely imperceptible force or energy that can be made to resemble matter.
Force-Fields are capable of blocking or impeding approaching objects and nullifying attacks, including physical and energy based attacks or even repelling or reflecting them, as well being used as a means of containment to imprison others. Some users are also able to throw shields away from themselves or to catch things with them, while other's may possess sufficient enough control over their force-fields to mold them into a variety of shapes, objects, structures and other more advanced forms. It is even possible to use these barriers as armor by creating thinner force-fields around one's own body or that of others, preventing objects or forces from damaging or even touching them if desired. Other users are able to shrink their force field and use it as a projectile, in addition to other offensive measures rather than only defensive, such as creating a force-field inside an object or person and expanding the force-field so that the object or person explodes. At its most versatile, a user may be able to move, manipulate and otherwise interact with matter or energy using their fields, depending on their level of control over the ability and the exact properties of their fields.
Despite their notable strength and durability, force-fields aren't always impenetrable and can be removed by energy drain or extreme force. This is the only gift my family know of but I also one more gift called Continent Creation which allow me have the ability to create continents, which are the landmasses of a planet, sometimes out of nothing. The user can effectively create things on the continent too, such as life and environments. Which all three of gifts I train to it's limit for 10 years without the knowladge of my family the only one who dose is my sister and twin. I train all three of my gift until it become secound nature to me. Which makes a powerful vampire.
If Aro had known my gift he would most likely made me one of his guards when we girst meet during the time they thought Rensemee and I were immortal child. Luckly he didn't even though it would had lead me to Demetri earlier but he wouldn't have known that I was his mate until I was full mature which is something he dosen't want me exprince after all he was casanova. Which I fully agree I don't want to exprince to see my mate having romantic relationship with other womans even if I wouldn't have known he was my mate until I was full matured.
The four of us Renesmee , Alec ,Demetri & I decided to become one coven after two years together and it was decided that our coven leader should be demetri. We settled in a Continent I created out of nothing somewhere in Greece which is a continent I have been creating for 5 years now. The Continute itself is hidden from humans well protective beging surrounded a powerful force-field and invisible to the naked eye of humans and those of Vampires who wish to harm anyone reside within.
I also created something called a blood stone which will turn any water it touch to the first substance it drop on it after it creation be it a alcohol beverage, poison and human blood. With a limitless supplies of human blood for our coven to feed on. So they don't really need to hunt humans anymore, but they still do from time to time. And the blood are preserve to make sure to keep it fresh and clean at all times.
A long the way Renesmee and Alec fell in loved to one another
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After getting to know one another for two years and Demetri and Elizabeth recently got married in Paris and it's a small wedding just among themselves.
1 year after, Demetri & I married. I soon found out that I am pregnant but luckly we don't need grandpa carlisle cullen's help to deliver this baby since Renesmee and I study medical under him and how to give birth to a child. I consume alot more human blood since I'm pregnant with first child.
Demetri thought it's a daughter who would look like me, I hope so because I always wantedca daughter if I ever have a child. If we have a girl we plan to name her Amore Rosalinda Peverell or if they had a boy his name would be Jason Alexsander Peverell.
My pregnacy is alot faster than when our was pregnant with Renesmee and I 20 years ago. Since the child I carry is ¾ vampire unlike Renesmee and I who is only ½ vampire. It only took 3 weeks before I gaved birth to my beautiful daughter Amore Rosalinda Peverell it look like she takes after her mother more than her father especially in the look department.
After Amore Peverell was born the four of them offically moved to the continent I created
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After the house was build and Renesmee and Alec live together in another house not far from the main house.
The Cullen tfied to search for their two youngest member but they never found Renesmee and Elizabeth not even with the help of the pack that they were force to accept that their gone since not even Jacob's imprint bond can located Renesmee. Which devested the family but the only one who seem to be mourning Elizabeth's suppose death is Emmett & Rosalie Cullen who treated Elizabeth more a daughter than Edward & Bella ever did who always act like they only have one child.
With the news of the death of Elizabeth and Resnesmee, both Emmett and Rosalie the Cullen coven and change their diet to human blood to distance themself from their old coven which made their blood lust control better than when they were feeding animal blood.
2 years after Rosalie and Emmett left the Cullen coven they somehow encounter both Alec and Renesmee through this encounter did both Rosalie and Emmett found out that Elizabeth is very much alived and married to Demetri the former tracker of the Volturi guard who is their new coven leader. That's when both decided to join the coven with Demetri's permission of course which Demetri has no problem after all his wife and mate dearly miss them both. After arrive to the Island both Rosalie and Emmett were shock to find out that Elizabeth has a daughter wit h Demetri.
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(Amore Rosalinda Peverell, 2 years old)
Which is the most beautiful little girl they ever saw not even Renesmee and Elizabeth was cute as Amore is when they were her age. Rosalie and Emmett already love and adore Amore after first meeting him.
Rosalie and Emmett created a house not far from Renesmee and Alec's own home. While they aren't happy that the twins run without telling anybody but they both understand the Cullen would never understand their need to feed on human blood and Renesmee not wanting to someday married the one person she see nothing but an older brother and protector who also happen to be one of mother's former suitor. The're both happy that Renesmee and Elizabeth found their own happines.
It wasn't long after Rosalie and Emmett join the Peverell coven did Renesmee and Alec finally married after 2 years together, they also have a small wedding among them self.
It's also the day Amore discover her gifts and like her mother she has three gifts the first sge discover was Storm manipulation which allow the user to sense, create, shape and manipulate storms, including strong wind, hail, thunder and/or lightning (a thunderstorm), heavy precipitation (snowstorm, rainstorm), heavy freezing rain (ice storm), strong winds (tropical cyclone, windstorm), or wind transporting substance through the atmosphere as in a dust storm, blizzard, sandstorm, etc. Luckly she great control of her Storm manipulation. The secound gift was Sensory Tracking which allow the user to use sense and locate other people and/or objects by focusing on them, allowing them to find their location and sense their environment. This power works most effectively in finding missing people, as the user can sense the whereabouts of his target and point out the direction and distance between them. And her gift is Flawless Clairvoyance which the User gains flawless direct visual information about absolutely everything in their verse (i.e., objects, people, locations, events, etc.) and perfectly understand it all intuitively, through means other than the user's physical sight, with no mistakes and 100% accuracy and certainty. Defenses against ordinary Clairvoyance, including Psychic Falsification, Psychic Shadow, Tracking Evasion, etc., are ineffective.
Amore's Flawless Clairvoyance seem to be more powerful than Alice Cullen's gift to see the future base of someone's decision.
With the Romanian Coven now in power they didn't care whether humans find out their existence or not indoing so many vampire Coven such as the Amazon coven were persecute by the humans after finding out the existence of Supernatural such as vampire after the Romanian Coven came back to power. Many coven thought it was a good thing with the Volturi coven gone such coven were the Cullens humans slowly persecute vampires and the humans discovering of Vampires weren't the only supernatural they also found out about the wolves were also persecute along with their imprint who was persecute with them.
With the humans persecute the Vampires and wolf that slowly force all Vampires covens are going into hiding from mortals but they are unable survive without blood that they were all force to feed of animal blood alone in order to survive. And the Humans found away to kill vampires and the first Vampire to be destroy are Romanian Coven. With the human persecute Vampires the reminding Cullen force to distant themself from humans to survive. And in order to remain alive they seperated from one another.
While all these were happening the Peverell coven expanded the Island making it even bigger. It wasn't long before Renesmee and Elizabeth got pregnant with their husband's child by then Amore Rosalinda Peverell is now a full mature Vampire.
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(Amore Rosalinda Peverell, 7 years old )
When Amore reach full maturity as a vampire her mother Elizabeth Peverell created one of the most beautiful hairclip
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she has ever seen just for her which also act a protection for from humans and campires alike. Unknown to them while they are safe in the island the rest of their kind are persecute by humans they didn't known until Demetri's sire Amun and his coven stumble on the island while they were looking for place to hide from humans which is the only Island the humans can't reach them and it's very much hidden from all humans and vampires it was only a miracle that Egyptian coven stumble uppon the Island itself. Demetri allow them to stay as well and join their coven if they so desired which they accepted because they know if they decline they might not survive the human's persecution and they could stay in the Island where they are safe.
Which the Egyptian coven found out that they have a limitless suplies of blood that never runout always fresh that was created by Elizabeth Peverell the mate and wife of Demetri. Who they all meet once when she was a child. Sge was one of the hybird Vampire daughters of Edward and Bella Cullen, she was also the overlook daughter of them both who would have known she has a powerful gift that created an entire new island surrounded by a powerful Force field and hidden from the views of Humans and vampire. Egyptian coven created a new house not far from Emmett and Rosalie's own.
And they also discover that Renesmee and Elizabeth are pregnant with their husband's child which congrasulated them they even meet the eldest child of Demetri and Elizabeth Peverell.
It wasn't long after that did Elizabeth gaved birth to her secound child which is a son which they named him Jason Alexsander Peverell. He have black hair and brown eyes unlike his eldest sister who has light brown hair.
A day later, Renesmee gaved birth to a daughter who look so much like Alec's own twin sister so they named her Olivia Jane Peverell. The moment Olivia was born Alec already love and adore her that is before he took notice that she look simlier to his beloved sister Jane who he have loved dearly and he dail to protect but he made a vow that he would protect his daughter no matter whst even if it's from humans. He would protect one person whoreminded him of his beloved twin his little Olivia.
14 years later...
Amore Rosalinda Peverell is now 21 years old and she is now offically an adult and her brother Jason Alexsander Peverell
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Who reach full maturity 4 years ago since he is nown 14 years old and like his sister and parents he very gifted vampire. He has the gift of Absolute Defense which allow him to possesses a defense that cannot be breached by any attack, giving them protection from all attacks, regardless of power, type, magnitude, and/or directions. Which he use his gift to strengthening his mother's Force-Field around the who Island. But it isn't the only gift he has he also has gift of Teleportation which allow him to move instantaneously from one location to another without physically occupying the space in between or transfer matter (beings/objects, including themselves) or energy from one point to another without traversing the physical space between them. This can be achieved by various means, including causing the atoms/molecules to travel at light-speed, warping the space, or use quantum superposition, in which the user teleports by spatially rearranging the subatomic contents of a system.
While teleportation may seem like it is simply for travel, it can be a valuable ability as it can be used offensively (and quite powerful, as a spatial attack) while offering superiority regarding movement speed and distance coverage. A skilled combatant or strategist can use it for many innovative manners. He also has the gift of Memory Manipulation which he can control memories of oneself and others, allowing them to modify, fabricate, suppress, influence, repair, restore, erase, detect, and view them. They can change memories to confuse, wipe away certain memories to cause amnesia, discern and provoke nostalgia, and enter the victim into a psychic vision, replaying their memory. Which is quite usefull if they were ever found by the humans that persecution Vampires after findout their existence.
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Olivia Jane Peverell has reach full maturity the same time as Jason Alexsander Peverell 4 years ago since she is now 14 years old and like her parents and cousin she is also a gifted vampire. She has the gift of Illusion Manipulation which he can manipulate illusions, causing targets to see, hear, touch, smell or taste things differently from what they truly are. At its base, she can distort the shape and size of an object or area. More complex applications include causing targets to misinterpret the distance or number of an object, causing objects or entire landscapes to appear or disappear, distorting the sensory experiences of targets etc. With its near-limitless potential, the user can achieve a plethora of effects, like being extremely stealthy, discombobulating and confusing targets, hiding and masking objects or places, causing targets to unknowingly hurt each other, and so on.
Though most illusions only affect sight, more powerful users can manipulate illusions that affect any and every other sense, thus making it no different from reality to the target. And she also has the gift of Unreality Manipulation which she can manipulate unreality and everything that isn't real, which includes things such as lies, falseness, illusions, dreams, fiction, fantasy, imagination, etc. The difference between reality and unreality is that reality includes all that is real, such as all that exists in it, events, the current state of reality, and so on, while unreality, of course, includes everything that is not real at all, like what is in fiction. The user can use this power to manipulate imaginative/illusional/fictional/dream worlds and the like, and bring things that are unreal into reality. Which makes her one of the powerful vampires especially when she finally master gift like it's secound nature to her like Cousin Amore & Jason who train their gift to full mastery.
Jason Peverell use his Memory Manipulation to erase the humans memories of the supernatural with the help Olivia's Unreality Manipulation which she made sure all humans memories are erase. Soon Vampires coming out of hiding by then all the wolves of La push and their imprints are all kill that include Jacob black who tried to save his pack but he only end up joining them instead of saving them.
To insure that humans dosen't find out the existence of vampires again the new Royal family are selected to be the Peverell who has two former guards of the Volturi and knows the working of their Law and their coven leader happen to be Demetri himself and the coven also has the two people who return their way of life by erase the humans memories of the supernatural help as well.
The remainding Cullens are reunited but the time they are all together again Alice & Jasper are now divorce which shock Bella since she always thought that Alice &Jasper are mate not companion. And Jasper end up leaving the coven since he found his mate on the daughter Demetri Peverell, Amore Rosalinda Peverell, he only return to say his goodbye and return his crest.
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lowlifesymptoms · 1 year
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Data gets taken advantage of by a visiting Starfleet officer
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keymintt · 3 months
Not sure if this has been asked before but, how did you start doing professional work for traffic cabinets? Was there some sort of job fair or exhibit that you advertised your art at and the city decides "this guy is really good, let's get his art in public"?
OKAY so the thing with public art is it's all local and every city kinda does it differently, but so far in my career all of the public art stuff i've done has been application-based
this got long so i'll go into details about what the searching/application process looks like under the cut but tldr: a big part of finding work like this is knowing where to look for local opportunities and submitting applications
generally the cities/towns/whatever will put out a call for artists (also sometimes called a request for qualifications or RFQ) that's basically like "hey we need some artists to do this, this is how much we'll pay you and the details for the project" and from there they'll link a form (or sometimes give you an email address) to apply to where you submit stuff like your contact info, resume/portfolio, sometimes references, and usually a letter of interest on the project
because i submit applications to things pretty regularly, i'm usually good about keeping track of what i use to apply to things—this includes what i've written for applications and stuff like image descriptions—so when I apply to new things it's a lot of copypasting and editing things to explain how i'm a fit for the specific project yadda yadda it's cover letters. it's basically cover letters. pain and agony
in terms of finding the applications, i'm signed up for several local newsletters and arts organizations, but i also check sites like the az commission of the arts (bc i'm az-based) for their updated list of opportunities pretty regularly, as well as searching for stuff like [city] arts and culture and poking around the .gov sites to see if they have an arts opportunities page. in all honesty a pretty big component of finding this work is knowing where to look, and unfortunately if you're doing public art a) it's not always listed on social media b) the best places to look/start are local, and that differs for everyone so i can't say like "oh look here and you'll find something"
once you apply it usually takes awhile to hear back (they usually give you a timeline on the initial application of how long it takes to review all the applications), but i've found people in these fields are good about letting you know when you didn't get something so you can move on with your life lol. atm i'm waiting to hear back from....over five things so i'm kind of always doing this "applying to projects while i'm working on other projects" song and dance which is honestly just...kind of the freelance artist experience?
i feel the need to mention that public art stuff like this consists of about...2/5 of my yearly income...? i'm not solely making a living off of doing these things bc i also usually have teaching and ttrpg illustration stuff in the mix BUT there are artists who can and do make a living off public art and murals and whatnot. i simply cannot resist the urge to stick my finger into any pie i'm even remotely qualified for
working with public art stuff is also that same thing with a lot of fields where once you get some sort of experience, it's easier to get more jobs, BUT as an artist your portfolio can do a lot of speaking for you, even if you don't have experience with public art specifically. take my traffic boxes for example: i've done three of them now and have a fourth lined up, i know that if there's an application for one i have the exact experience they're looking for and will in all likelihood be one of the selected artists at this point. however with my very first one, i obviously didn't have a traffic box in my portfolio so i included a digitally illustrated city banner i designed, several other digital illustrations of mine (bc they wanted a digital artist), and a mural i had painted on a 3d object (to demonstrate i could design with 3d forms in mind), and together these things all helped my credibility as someone who could do this project. as much as i loathe writing letters of interest these are also good places to elaborate on how your portfolio can connect to the project
also with public art starting local is also your best bet at first (not to say you can't land other opportunities right off the bat though), bc people like their artists to know the local scene. i have the experience to back me up more nowadays, but when i was first applying to things you bet your ass i was all like 'i love it here and want to give art back to my local community bc i'm an artist and i'm fresh out of college yaaaaayyyy' you don't have to mean this when you say it, but they don't have to know
thank you for the ask !! and best of luck with any of your potential artistic endeavors (to anyone reading this)!! feel free to ask any more questions, i'm happy to elaborate on anythin btw for anyone :>
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maykrisms · 2 months
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Also reminder that Samuel has an energy force-field that protects him from being shot at.
Like.. The Slayer can literally shoot at him and, so long as that force-field is functional, Samuel can't be harmed.
He'll just mockingly tell you to "Save your ammunition."
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historyofguns · 18 days
The article "Hell in the Hedgerows: What U.S. Troops Faced in Normandy" by Tom Laemlein, published on The Armory Life, discusses the intense challenges faced by U.S. troops in the Normandy campaign during World War II. After successfully landing on the Normandy beaches, Allied forces encountered the Bocage country’s dense hedgerows, which had not been anticipated in planning. These natural and man-made escarpments created formidable defensive positions for German soldiers. German forces utilized numerous tactics, including the use of machine guns like the MG 42 and MG 34, mortars, anti-tank weapons such as the Panzerschreck and Panzerfaust, and snipers. U.S. troops had to adapt quickly, employing bulldozer tanks, hedge-cutters, and innovative tank-infantry team tactics to overcome these obstacles. This led to gradual gains that eventually opened the road to Paris, showcasing both the ingenuity and resilience of U.S. forces in their efforts to break through the German defenses.
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triedpklove · 6 months
how it feels disliking the most liked psych professor at my college and refusing to take a class with them
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sevicia · 14 days
It makes me upset to see people calling AI stupid or just straight up saying "fuck AI" (even though it's in an art context) because it's like... I know and understand that the hate is directed at how it's being used currently and that people maybe just don't care like I do about this but it's upsetting because that's WORK. Not in a monetary sense at all but what everyone knows as AI didn't just sprout from the ground one day, it's decades of dedication and learning and development and collaboration to make a tool with the intention of making life better regardless of any one individual's intentions and it just makes me sad that there's so much panic around it, both from the whole "being replaced" thing that comes from waaay way back and also the very real concerns regarding generative AI. Like I can't just go up to someone and say "hey, isn't this cool?!" and expect them to understand I'm talking about AI as a tool and a product of passion and collaboration over time rather than a quick easy fix for when you want to see yourself as an anime character without having to learn to respect art first. I don't knowww it just makes me so so sad that something so beautiful is viewed in such a negative and strange light because the entire world refuses to slow down for a single second
#diary#it's also the fact that most people don't have any particular interest in cs#like nothing beyond ''we're in the future :o'' and it's not something you can force because that's how you get people being adverse#to anything ever#I feel like anything to do with technology is so sensationalized that people see it as ''something difficult'' and leave it at that#it has a lot to do with math in particular being regarded as a Superior show of intelligence even today and it has always been#sooo incredibly fucked up to me.#cause the amount of people at school that would treat me like an alien just cause I liked math / anything puzzle-y is INSANE#for example I have no fucking clue how most things work. like in general. so I really admire people who are good or invested in those thing#but I hate to think that any field or development is comparable to Magic or super estranged from myself or anything like that#because SOMEONE DID THAT. everything you know was worked for#and stopping to think about someone's work only to end up talking about it like it's magical or impossible#feels like a massive disrespect towards them. it's not impossible. someone worked hard to make it possible.#but I understand that stopping to consider these things is not something everyone can afford to do or even want to do#I'm a very slow person in general to the point I want to spend as long as possible looking at every part of anything I find interesting#but I just can't do that because there's other things I need to do. and it's the same for everyone else#tldr WHY ARE WE GOING SO FUCKING FAST !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!#sorry about my ramble. you are my mutual and you love me <- indoctrination btw
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exploding-goobery · 9 months
I like Matt Ryan as Constantine, but I'd love to see someone else take a crack at it some day.
I do love Matt Ryan, and I do think Constantine can be conventionally attractive, and is sometimes overcorrected by fans to be ugly to deyassify and add grit back to him, but I'd love to see a great middle-aged character actor take a shot at it.
And by middle-aged character actor I mean Paddy Constance or Stephen Graham, (plus, how cool would it be to have an actual scouse in the role!) I think they'd get the vibes of older John down perfectly, and...
Hold on.
Yeah so what I'm basically asking for is a Shane Meadows Hellblazer movie.
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freshthoughts2020 · 3 months
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shrikeseams · 2 years
I feel like there has to be a dichotomy in broader elvish culture between people who want to Learn To Do/Make Every Single Thing Themselves, and people who really want Everything To Be Made/Done By The Best Person At Making/Doing. But I can’t decide what general lines the difference falls along.
My first thought was culture, but I can see, for example, arguments for both sides among the Noldor (and other groups as well, but I am Noldor-centric, sorry).
But maybe along class lines? Like, I feel like Thingol is a clear example of the type who just wants to go to a specialist (see: the building of Menegroth; the sword Eol gave him; the silmaril and the nauglamir; and I can’t think of any reference to him making anything except his own political/cultural group?), but I also don’t see, for example, Beleg or Mablung necessarily following that example.
Also, there’s an issue of community size and what kind of trading partners are available. The more reclusive avari groups kinda have to learn a bit of everything or just do without.
But there’s also an aspect of age. Like, it we assume that Legolas is the elf equivalent of a 20-something, and that Beleg has been kicking around since Cuivienen, even if they both have the same general interests/similar careers, it makes sense for Legolas to have (and to want to cultivate) fewer skills, at least for a while. Part of the impulse to Learn To Do Everything is that the characters literally have forever to learn everything, but that still takes a certain amount of time to be viable.
Anyway. I haven’t decided how I think this all shakes out, but I do think there are fundamentally two types of elves. The ones who want to do everything, and the ones who want everything around them to be the best it can be.
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eyeoftheaxolotl · 9 months
"this was so obvious to me" wasn't for me. "this game is so easy who would even enjoy this" i did and i found it challenging actually. "nobody would ever fall for this" i did.
when you talk about a video game through the lens of your own experience, you are speaking as a player with your own capabilities and preferences. remember that
#ppl say this about ace attorney for example#that they saw what was wrong with the witness' statements the whole time and they felt frustrated that the game forced them to go and#present evidence in a certain order to uncover the lies but#i was lost for Most cases. i was savestatescumming and randomly guessing MOST of the time.#another example in media more generally is twist villains. like that guy in meet the robinsons.#granted i watched the movie as a kid but#even as an adult i dont think i would have been able to predict that goob = bowler hat guy#it still seems so out of left field#i get what MADE him bowler hat guy in RETROSPECT#because they EXPLAINED it LATER ON#but i simply would not make that connection otherwise#and im ngl#the time between bowler hat guy's introduction and the next time we see goob is enough to make me forget he exists by that point#granted#since i already know what happens#that scene between goob and his future self gets me with the reminder of “oh yeah thats right this is a thing bc theyre the same person etc#but if i didnt remember that i feel like itd catch me off-guard all over again#as a final note#the point of a piece of media is (GENERALLY) not to catch you specifically off-guard.#twist villains arent a challenge issued by the creator. you dont “win” if you guess them ahead of time#congrats#youre perceptive#watch the damn movie#play the damn game#or dont. thats fine just dont whine about it like it's a fault of the story#it's not. it's really not#axolspeaks#eyeoftheaxolotl
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texasthrillbilly · 1 year
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Generate that force field, daddy.
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For someone who whines so much about hating Pharmacy, my grades sure don't look like that. I just got a mail from a professor asking to come to his office tomorrow because he wants to reward the best 5 students in our year with his book.
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speaking of metaphors to illustrate the autistic experience, The Setup: okay obviously thinking abt winston quant billions, my home base for [considering, discussing, exploring, conveying the autistic experience] as well as just a [i am always considering some shit] home base. spinning off of the idea "he can be clairvoyant for real b/c like, well he's right, he Is cassandra, not just b/c of the [always seeing the future] thing but b/c of what's usually more specifically applied to cassandra figures: being right but everyone is like 'NO b/c NOTHING you say can be right so SHUT UP already' as is also extremely applied to him whenever he 'says something' or possibly 'is physically present' or 'any other situation in which he can possibly Wrong people by their putting in the effort to acknowledge him to themself in any way'"
And So, Further Setup: other preternatural manifestations except they are all the more essentially Expressive, they Do require effort in the way that every possible process of being alive requires effort, but like other processes have the range of possibly being unconscious, involuntary, conscious & voluntary but so practiced that they can be done more absentmindedly / automatically, voluntary and "active" effort (but probably little to no Ability that's like, beyond the Expressive. everyone being telekinetic or anything is off track, this is more about the world of ppl being able to Communicate than other external applied processes they can carry out) like, e.g., tayston telepathy being more literal in addition to how they can deliberately, directly nonverbally communicate b/w themselves both effectively and efficiently, and how winston Gets things abt taylor when we don't know if/how anyone explained anything to him and which other ppl do Not get despite that we do know they're more involved in some plotline loop. imagining like any nonrealistic emotionally illustrative sensory cues that can here just be made literal. But:
yet more setup, talking heads' radio head style: what if these [a bonus layer of people Expressing Their Internal State atop realism] is, also, not Automatic to interpret or observe. manifesting in different ways for different people and maybe sometimes one's frequency happens to already be more aligned with certain people's, but to get a literal Clearer Signal to their bonus expressive sights or sounds or static charges making your arm hair stand up or what have you takes Effort no matter what. if you're on their wavelength, you'll get a faint picture / indicating that Something is there, maybe an impression that, through foreknowledge of that particular person's particular manifestations, is all the easier to get the gist of, but to tune in to it more fully takes effort, and the signal strength (sometimes) depends on their conscious effort too, but also it can be strong as hell while to everyone else nothing's happening if they're not tuned in, or there's some [barely anything] secondhand manifestation in another field that can be easily ignored or entirely overlooked too....but also: you can notice a signal and tune it Out so that you're not picking up on it At All, but this Also takes effort. but it's such a case of like, again a conscious voluntary process can seem more Effortless when it's something ppl have practiced such that it's Easy and just kind of their own automatic background process....whereas to go "well i guess i could try to pick up on your weird frequency" Is considered this "extra" effort to expend, and you can go like, well why don't you just get a more Normal one like 96 hz, or like if i'm not picking up on it with the ease i do other people's and i'm not recognizing and Understanding the material i'm picking up on that i sampled for 0.09 seconds then why is Your aired material inferior &/or absent, obviously (this radio thing is itself a metaphor lol at least in that, like, nobody's Physically turning dials. but Some Of Us Probably More Depending On Age / Exposure To Radio Tuning Dials Have Been There re: that the Precision of catching a weaker signal is a process requiring the effort of more time & focus, including possibly being willing to just Listen Closer to something that will come through less clearly than other signals even as best as you can land on it)
all this as specific leadup to: i was like, what if winston has mood ring bioluminescence. but what would give it flair vs like, for real just [pick a pattern and color/intensity correlates to mood sometimes] and i was like, neon displays would be a flair. can flicker and hum and vary in brightness or blow out and it can have some shapes or lines that abstractly convey some Feelings. and then i was like "lol but it can't just spell out Words like a neon sign does. or be an emoticon or something" but then i was like, the hell it can't. winston's tee being overwritten with an [I'M PISSED] kilowatt glow that others are autotuning out, or ignoring what faint / incomplete picture they're getting, flickery low brightness with letters unilluminated if there's not a stronger connection....while if you're Trying to tune in and you've Up To Date Active Learned the WNSN 89.5 language then you Do see the [they're just flat out Words b/c it's like when someone is internally yelling but externally quiet] like he Does get neon signs that just say some shit. you Can see the [vision of simultaneous alternate winston who is face to hands, head to desk, body prone to floor, surrounded by thunderclouds like in a comic, accompanied with high energy static, mood ring glowing neon purple curlicue lines which those in the know means distress] you Can be friends and experience a literal figurative warmth or cooling from proximity to him, whichever is more replenishing. whilest winston can hone and craft some of what he expresses if he has the "someone's trying to pick up on this" knowledge, and if he's not instead putting in Effort to suppress any of it, b/c that can also take that extra effort. ongoingly. masking style. and that's depleting / disheartening (also masking style)
i have tried to think of a similar "no he Could just have a neon sign light up" sensory experience that would also be fun & funny and my Just Now spontaneous inspiration was Hit A Pinball Machine Jackpot. fling your orb his way and it can ricochet around through him and you get Lights & [You Did It!] adequately unalarming alarm noises and your winston points get a nice boost. the bonus of another launched effort if yours sinks without having to give him 75 cents or what have you. how does the ricocheting work? well that is for winston to feel (it is high energy / noticeable internal interplay but not like Ow Ouch literal physical) but you will see the results (mood ring neon lightup You Did It) this isn't very serious it is Fun but it's like, take the fun thing and just follow it a ways and see what comes of that. i'm just pinballing ideas for kicks and this post is mostly to say "winston can be out here spelling it out in neon huh"
oh and further notes being: b/c this is a parallel to irl, including a framework of ableism, it's not like "wow at last an 'objective' direct externalization of anyone's internal experiences which is Universally Correctly Interpreted," and it's also not like it supplants the real life communication....like if emitting neon purple curlicues is, sometimes, even usually, associated with [distress] for winston, that wouldn't be universal. and someone could make assumptions about what it means, or infer a larger context based on further observations, but it's like, you'd have to ask to be more sure. and asking outright like "hey what do you mean by emitting neon purple curlicues" could be akin to asking outright "hey what do you mean by [description of a stim]" wherein like, that sure could get info, but it could be asked with an inherent negative assessment like oh you're never Supposed to Have to ask, like how oh smiling always means happy and frowns are bad (which isn't accurate) everyone knows that....your fidgeting or nonverbal vocalizations or repetition or what all should be so Normal that everyone of course Knows the associated experience and doesn't even have to think about it. whereas maybe someone doesn't notice they were [non neurotypically "invisible"] stimming at all, maybe they do it alone and haven't noticed it much themself to be ready to put it accurately into words, maybe they feel put on the spot by a question that could be more a rhetorical [issuing a judgment] than an earnest request for info
and b/c [parallel to ableism] there can't be like, oh good faith both sides is the same situation like "oh most people just genuinely Cannot pick up on winston's neon signs"....it's unilateral and a perspective/approach that can be dropped, being marginalized means needing to put in more effort and having more taken from you while at most your rewards are simply being targeted with Less negative treatment, being centered / marginalizing has its efforts streamlined and systemically supported while extracting gains from those beneath you and getting to dole out the negative treatment....rather than Conscious Effort being an inherent part of interpreting and navigating sharing a conversation or room or building or planet with anyone else, it's like, no, only Superiors with Power are Worth effort to work With them, your more vulnerable inferiors are only worth effort Against them, anyone trying to correctly appease a higher up should never ask anything of them and instead appeal with everything they can and will offer....winston can suddenly have the psychic aux with a soundtrack to his mood that everyone hears, rather than oh they just Can't, and it'd be like winston you don't deserve to have the aux, shut it off or we'll tune you out and/or turn on you to punish this insurrection of the social hierarchy. the way a mood Sounds could be misinterpreted, all we know is he knows Of metal genre lore, that's what plays when he's chilling in the zone or i don't know, having a particularly nice time, but anyone could be like hmm sounding chaotic and discordant and aggressive to me, like his mood is [arrogantly about to insurrect again by saying something], let's kill him: being an example
and, again, that [anything] here could be consciously suppressed or honed as it manifests, but that takes effort....as it might when it Is like, gee i'm having a hard time understanding some particular way you are expressing something / trying to take a nap so flickering neon glows during this chat wouldn't be it, do you have some alternate way of manifesting / conveying / enhancing / burning off this feeling? versus that people will ignore or misunderstanding without having to be that aware that they're ignoring or misunderstanding, and not actively work with anyone if need be like, b/c of some misalignment that's more genuinely this two-way street like doesn't work for the both of us as a specific combination right now...."umm interpreting people's vibes and demeanors and modes of expressing / communicating should take as little thought / effort / Learning as possible" No!!! also for example if i had comic strip weather mood illustrations, [rain cloud] would not be a bad mood lol. if i'm feeling down, realizing it's sunny makes it worse, i am wearied & dismayed by that, Rain and overcastness is like oh nice, that's chill & safe & cozy, to invigorating & restorative & exciting & watering my crops....that, again, if winston has something so "objective" as neon sign Words, it wouldn't be some like manifestation of his feelings being translated Outside of him. it'd have to be something like, he's yelling that in his internal monologue, or he's whispering it on purpose to someone else he knows is tuned in, who he Wants to communicate it to....whereas, on the flipside, if it's like someone saying "what's up with [implicit negative judgment on some stim or whatever other considered 'incorrectly' 'abnormal' behavior]," he could With Conscious Effort that is also more ongoing than [just flip the switch to off], suppress that from happening / do so around that one person &/or in general. while trying to tune in to and accurately(tm) parse any & everyone in general's own signals b/c [double empathy problem is all your fault] and having to try to actively give enough to be treated better and to try to actively avoid being treated worse
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mpcomagnetics · 2 years
Why don't we use the magnetic field provided by the earth to generate electricity?
Why don’t we use the magnetic field provided by the earth to generate electricity?
Why don’t we use the magnetic field provided by the earth to generate electricity? It sounds like a good idea, but it’s not very practical. Before we explain why, let’s understand how we generate electricity, in case anyone reading this doesn’t already know. Electricity (we say “current”) is created when charged particles flow, like water in a pipe. There are two kinds of electric charges –…
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