#Seth Rollins (WWE)
imaginexwwe · 1 year
SPRING BREAK 4 - Roman Reigns
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PART 3 (×)
I sighed looking at myself in the mirror, slowly running my hand down my now noticeable baby bump.
I was now in my second trimester of this pregnancy and just when I thought me getting knocked up by a man I'd only known a few hours before, was as bad as this train wreck would get, I was wrong.
Really wrong.
Because turns out, Joe as I'd only known him these few months is actually Joseph Anoaʻi.
Or Roman Reigns, as he goes by in WWE.
The WWE company in which my older brother Colby works for.
"Things are just getting worse and worse." I mumbled as I made my way to my closet, searching for something to wear on my outing with Austin.
And I say outing because I honestly don't know what else to call it.
I mean, it's definitely not a date for me.
I hope it's not a date to Austin...
"Do you think this is a date?" I asked, picking out a short, loose fitting dress.
My bump shouldn't show too much through this, I thought as I began stripping out of my pajamas, sliding my dress on soon after.
"Tori." I called out, trying to get my bestfriends attention, while also wondering why I couldn't see her on the screen anymore. "Tori."
"Oh, sorry." Tori finally replied a huge grin on her face. "I fell down the Roman Reigns rabbit hole." She explained. "Again."
I rolled my eyes, picking up my macbook and going to my bed to sit. "Of course you did." I mumbled.
I couldn't blame her though.
All I did last night, till at least 2 a.m. was watch old matches of my baby daddy.
Then when I finally drifted off the sleep he was on my mind so much that I ended up having a dream that still makes me blush, just thinking about it.
If only it was reality.
It was just something so sexy about him bulling his cousins and other wrestlers.
Even his old matches with my brother and their friend Jon we're awesome to watch.
Tori laughed, holding up a finger. "This is gonna be you and Joe's baby." She said, trying to hold in her laughter so she could finish what she's trying to say. "And his first word will be 'ACKNOWLEDGE ME'" She joked, laughing even louder.
I sighed, feeling my mood change in an instant. "We won't know if it's a he or she." I replied before mumbling. "And we won't know what his or her's first word would be." I reminded her. "You know I've been looking for a good family for this baby..."
Tori nodded. "Yeah, i know." She replied. "I just thought after I told you that Joe wasn't ghosting you, that you mixed up two digits in his number, that maybe..." She trailed off with a shrug. "You'd change your mind about adoption since you won't have to do it alone while trying to finish college."
"I haven't even told Joe about the baby."
"But you know I did." Tori quickly answered. "Again, not on purpose but I did tell him." She added. "What I'm trying to say, is I was excited about being an aunt. And I know you'd be a good as mommy Y|N."
A sad smile formed on my face as I once again began doubting my ability to finish my last two years of college, eventually have a career, and raise a baby.
Even if Joe was involved it'll still be damn near impossible considering he's on the road three or four nights a week, so I'm sure the last thing he wants is a baby to be responsible for.
And on top of that we're not even together.
"Can we change the subject?" I asked, unconsciously rubbing my baby bump.
Tori nodded. "So..." She said. "Why haven't you called Joe?"
I groaned. "That's not changing the subject." I quickly replied. "Besides you know I've been hanging out with Austin still."
"Yeah, but why?" Tori asked, giving me a look. "You have a mature, grown and sexy twenty-seven year old that wants you but you're wasting your time on a cheating ass, immature 20 year old. I just don't get it."
I shrugged. "Austin's changed." I said, not a hundred percent sure I believed what I had just said. "Besides, when any typical guy would've happily ran when finding out their girlfriend cheated and got knocked up, Austin didn't. He made me feel safe and promised we'd go back to normal and put this behind up after I have this baby. He's waiting for me."
"His ass cheated first." Tori mumbled, seemingly ignoring everything else I'd said. "And I noticed the word love wasn't said."
That's because I don't know if I've truly been able to love Austin since he cheated.
Or if I'd be able to any time soon.
At this rate, I'll probably love Joe before I'm able to love Austin again.
Or do I already love Joe and that's the reason I'm unable to love Austin..?
Before I could respond, the sound of the doorbell echoed throughout the house.
"Austin's here." I said, before standing up. "I gotta go." I added, closing my macbook before Tori could respond.
For a second time, the doorbell echoed, this time sounding louder as I reached the door.
"Damn, Austin." I giggled, opening the door. "I'm almost five months pregnant, give me time." I spoke again, feeling my heart stop for a second when I saw it wasn't Austin. "Joseph?"
Holy shit, I mentally screamed out to myself, as my eyes stayed locked on the man on the other side of the door.
The man who fathered this baby I'm carrying.
Face to face with him for the first time since Miami.
Did he get hotter?
"Hey." Joe said, his eyes seemingly locked on me, like mines were on him.
Or was he staring at my belly?
I shifted uncomfortable at the thought of him seeing me pregnant all of a sudden. "Colby's um..." I began, stumbling on my words. "At his wrestling school."
"I know." Joe, responded with a nod, a seriousness in his tone. "I was hoping to see you, considering you haven't called me yet."
I bit the inside of my cheek, nodding also. "I tried but I..."
"Had my number wrong." Joe finished for me, making me nod again.
"Yeah." I said, with an embarrassed laugh. "I figured you'd just got what you wanted for me and had moved on to the next girl."
A hint of hurt flashed in Joe's eyes after what I hade said. "That's the kind of guy you think I am?" He asked, causing me to immediately shake my head.
"I didn't really know what to think of you, Joe." I answered truthfully. "I had only known you for a few hours and my judgment was blinded by the many shots Tori kept persuading me to drink, then you did take me on that amazing date. But you have to understand I tried calling you a few times and obviously couldn't get in touch with you to tell you about this baby you helped make so yeah..." I rambled. "I guess deep down I couldn't believe a guy that looks like you would even entertain a girl like me. Tori yes. But me? No."
Joe chuckled. "There's no way in hell I could have feelings for Tori."
I smiled, suddenly unable to look him in the eyes. "Did you have feelings for me?"
"I do have feelings for you Y|N." He quickly responded, taking a few steps closer to me. "That's why it was driving me crazy these few months thinking that I would never hear from you again."
"You were going crazy over me?" I asked, feeling my heartbeat began to race with anticipation.
Joe, nodded silently and without control, I found myself leaning up towards Joe as he was leaning down towards me.
I let my eyes snap shut, and just as I was about to finally feel Joe's lips on mines again, for the first time in months, a car door slammed shut.
Like it really slammed shut as if someone wanted to really make their presence known.
Please don't be my brother.
Please don't be my brother.
"Babe." I heard a male voice call out to me, and I slowly opened my eyes to see Austin leaning against his car, a scowl on his face.
I'm assuming from seeing me almost kiss Joe.
Why is it any time Joe's in my presence I forget about Austin?
"Babe..?" Joe asked, his eyes flashing with an emotion I've never seen from him the few times we have been around each other.
Is that jealousy?
Ignoring Joe, I quickly made my way over to Austin flashing a smile at him, as he continued to stare at Joe as if he was mentally sizing him up.
"Shit." I mumbled, stomping my foot. "I forgot my purse." I added. "Be right back."
Quickly, I walked back to the house, making sure to grab on to Joe's arm as I made my way inside. "Look." I said. "I have to go, but if my brother comes home before I do just lie and say you came over for him and I let you in or something."
"Y|N." Joe said, an edge to his tone, and the jealousy still in his eyes. "Who is he?"
I sighed, as I went over to the couch to get my purse. "My boyfriend..." I mumbled, scared to look at Joe for the first time since I opened the door and saw him there. "I think."
"Boyfriend?" Joe questioned as if he couldn't believe what I had said. "How do you have a boyfriend when you're pregnant with my baby?"
"Because me and him have been together for years." I explained. "It's just been a bit complicated with him cheating on me and then me trying to get back at him with you." I added, mentally slapping myself after that last part left my mouth.
How could I say that when I know that's not how it was?
Austin's never on my mind when I'm with Joseph.
Joe let out a sarcastic laugh. "So, that night we were together was just some kind of revenge fuck so you'd have a way to make that dude jealous?"
Was he pissed?
He sounds pissed.
"No." I sighed, my eyes going from Joe to the door and back. "I really do have to go."
"We really need to talk Y|N." Joe replied, but I was already out the door.
Me and him could talk later.
"Okay." I said, as I reached Austin's car again. "We could go now."
Austin nodded silently, his attention still on the door, or rather who's on the other side of the door.
Even though he couldn't see Joe, it seemed that it pained Austin just by knowing he was in there.
"Austin." I called out trying to bring his attention back to me. "Something wrong?"
"No." Austin replied, his signature smile forming as he opened the passenger side door for me, closing it as soon as I got in.
As Austin made his way over to the drivers side of his car, I leaned over towards the back to drop my purse in the backseat when something caught my eye.
"That asshole."
I can't fucking believe him.
Or maybe I should considering this isn't the first time.
Austin finally got into his car, pushing the button to start the engine. "What are you craving today?" He asked, with a chuckle. "Tacos? Pizza? Both?"
"I suddenly don't have an appetite." I mumbled, my arms crossed over my chest.
"C'mon, babe." Austin said, glancing over at me. "You're pregnant." He added, chuckling again. "There's no way in hell you don't have a appetite."
I rolled my eyes. "Well, I don't."
"Okay." Austin replied, rolling his eyes also as he again pushed the button, this time turning his car engine off. "Are you hormones acting up?"
Instead of answering Austin, I decided to throw a question of my own at him. "What's these doing in your car?"
I held up the two used condom wrappers that I had found in the backseat of his car. "Where you with that slut again? Or someone else?"
"Y|N, your tripping." Austin mumbled, shaking his head. "Those are from the last time me and you had sex." He added. "You know, when you still believed in protection."
I gasped.
How dare he?
"I didn't get pregnant because I didn't make the father use a condom." I angrily replied. "And I know you're fucking lying because the last time you and I had sex was over five months ago and I also know these wrappers weren't in your goddamn car last week." I scoffed, trying to fight back the tears that were forming in my eyes. "Was it her or someone new?"
"It was her." Austin finally answered making me laugh in disbelief.
"I can't fucking believe you would do this again after you said you wouldn't over and fucking over." I replied.
Austin scoffed. "You can't believe me?" He asked, sarcasm in his voice. "I can't believe you'd practically be making out with your baby daddy minutes before I'm supposed to pick you up but you did." He said, before adding. "Just like you let him fuck you without one, even though you ain't even know him a day. But makes sure your boyfriend of six years wore one every damn time we fucked."
In that moment I wanted nothing more than to reach over and slap Austin so hard that I left a hand print in his face, but I held myself back.
"For the tenth time I didn't have sex with him without a condom." I groaned, reaching over in the backseat to grab my purse. "His dick is just so big that it broke the condom." I smirked, opening the passenger side door, and getting out of the car. "Something you wouldn't know about."
I didn't say it but I'm sure it was implied that me and Austin were over.
For good this time.
With tears in my eyes I stormed back up to the house, just as Joe was leaving out.
"What's wrong?" Joe questioned, immediately noticing that I was upset.
I wiped at the tears that had fallen from my eyes. "I just ended my six year relationship."
"Because of me?"
"No." I snapped, taking out the last bit of my anger for Austin on Joseph. "Not everything is about you." I added, before mumbling. "And I thought the only time you were a condescending asshole was on tv but it seems like you're one in real life too."
Joe shook his head, leaving out the house without another word or glance.
Did I just ruin what could have been between Joseph and I?
Later that day I eventually dragged myself out of bed, and downstairs for a middle of the night snack.
Partly because I had a sudden craving for cookies, and partly because I just couldn't get Joe out of my mind.
Especially how he looked when I called him a condescending asshole.
Which he most definitely isn't.
I know I haven't known him long enough to judge all of his qualities, but the few times I've been lucky enough to be in his presence, he's been nothing but a sweetheart.
A gentleman.
"Couldn't sleep either?" I heard a voice say, causing me to jump.
I placed my hand over my heart, trying to calm myself. "You scared me, dude." I said to Colby as I gently shut the refrigerator door, turning to see Colby sitting at the kitchen island. "And no." I answered. "Too much on my mind." I added, rambling in the cabinet for a baking sheet.
"Are you really about to bake cookies at one in the morning?" Colby asked with a laugh, as I began scooping cookie dough from the container and placing it onto the baking sheet.
"Yeah, I got a craving for cookies." I giggled, with a shrug. "Can you be an awesome big brother and preheat the oven for me?" I asked, as I continued scooping.
About ten minutes later, both my brother and I sat at the kitchen island eating cookies.
Well I was eating cookies, and Colby was eating the only cookie I shared with him.
"You never did say what was on your mind." Colby spoke up, breaking through the silence that had taken over.
"Neither did you." I replied, picking up a cookie and taking a bite.
Colby nodded, getting up and going to the refrigerator to get a bottle of water. "You first."
"Okay." I mumbled, biting on my lip. "I broke up with Austin's pathetic ass." I started, noticing the look on Colby's face as if he expected this break up to be like the others where I'd take him back after a while. "For real this time."
"What made it for real this time?" Colby questioned and I couldn't figure out if he was mocking me or genuinely just asking.
I sighed, looking down at the few cookies left in front of me. "He cheated again." I said with a shrug. "Very recently."
"I'm going to beat his ass." Colby immediately responded, in his usual overprotective big brother fashion. "My knee's healed enough for me to curb stomp his head into the pavement."
"Colby." I gasped, trying not to laugh. "You don't have to do anything. I already gave him a piece of my mind and also I'm a thousand and one percent sure you could do prison time for that."
"I do it all the damn time." Colby smirked.
"On tv, idiot." I said, unable to hold my laughter in any longer. "If you were to do that to Austin you'd be in trouble for sure."
Colby shrugged. "It'll be worth it." He said, proudly, before coming back over to sit next to me on the stool he previously sat on. "Is the next reason you can't sleep because of your baby's father?"
"Yeah." I nodded.
I sat silently for a moment, biting my lip as I contemplated if I should reveal the father of this child's identity.
I didn't want to continue hiding it from my brother.
And I definitely didn't want him finding out from someone other than me.
"Big brother." I mumbled, glancing over at him. Promise that you won't hate me after I tell you who he is."
"Hate you?" Colby asked, raising an eyebrow at me. "I could never hate you, Y|N." He added, giving me a reassuring smile. "You're my little sister."
"Okay." I said, biting down on my lip even harder this time. "Promise me you won't hate the father."
I had a big feeling that my brother and Joe's friendship or brotherhood wouldn't be the same as it was but I didn't want my brother hating Joe.
Colby sighed. "Just say it."
"His name is Joe." I whispered, closing my eyes tightly because I was afraid to make eye contact with my brother.
"I know." Colby replied.
I squeezed my eyes shut even tighter, remembering I had already told Colby the father's name. "No." I said. "His name is Joe Anoaʻi." I whispered again, feeling tears began to roll down my face for the second time in less than twenty four hours. "As in your bestfriend, Joe."
Once again Colby sighed, repeating himself as he reached over to rub soothing circles in my back. "I know."
As tears continued to run down my face, I carefully turned on my stool to face my brother.
His face oddly calm for someone who's little sister told just told them they had a one night stand with their bestfriend literally a minute ago.
"Who told you?" I gasped. "Was it Tori and her big mouth?" I asked again, with a groan.
I love her but once she gets going there's no telling what she'd spill.
Colby shook his head. "It was Joe."
Joe told my brother about us?
And didn't tell me, he told my brother.
"And as much as I don't like it..." Colby spoke again, with a sigh. "He's a step up from Austin."
I scrunched up my nose at my older brother, really not understanding why he's so calm. "Colby," I said in a calming tone. "Did you take something?"
"Fuck no." Colby laughed, shaking his head. "I'm just okay with it, I guess." He added, before speaking again. "Joe was man enough to come to me and explain earlier today at Black and Brave and..." He shrugged again. "It's not like he purposefully went after my little sister. He didn't know anything about me and you being family before yesterday. Besides you'vegot enough to worry about with this pregnancy. You didn't need a pissed off brotherto add on to your stress."
Okay who is this man next to me?
It's not like I wanted Colby to be so worked up over my situation with Joe, but still...
I didn't expect him to be so calm
And most importantly, why didn't Joe tell me he talked to my brother when he was here earlier.
"But when me and him step back into the ring against one another." Colby said, speaking again, before I could. "I'm beating his ass for what he did with my little sister."
I smiled a bit, before letting out a sigh. "Thank you so much for being oddly understanding." I replied, sliding off my stool, to go over and give my brother a kiss on his cheek. "You're the best brother I've got."
"I'm the only brother you've got." Colby quickly responded, laughing yet again.
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@southerngirl41 @alyyaanna
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dirtywrestling · 8 months
Hi! Could I request an imagine with this current version of Seth Freakin Rollins x male reader where they have shower sex?
Pairing: Seth Rollins x Male!Reader
Warnings: 18+ Blog, Smut, Shower Sex, Cussing, Minors DNI
Commissions: Open!
Imagines: Open!
Follow My Side Blog!: @dirtywresling102
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You let out a soft grunt as Seth pinned you up against the cold wet tile wall. The warm water spraying down on both of you as he took you from behind. "I thought we were suppose to get clean in here?" You teased out only to grunt in pleasure as Seth's cock pushed further up your tight ass.
"We were but then you had to keep grinding your ass against me, you know these hotel showers are small." Seth growled in your ear, gripping your hair and pulling your head back. "Fuck, you're so tight around my cock." He moaned. "You want to me touch too, yeah?"
"Fuck- please." You sighed out, pushing your hips back against him, meeting with Seth's thrust. You knew the rule, no touching yourself unless he says so or he did it other wise. A sob left your throat as you felt Seth's warm hand wrap around your aching cock, stroking it. "Oh, fuck yes." You cried out once more, pushing your hips forward into his hand and backwards onto his cock.
"Such a good boy." Seth sighed heavily against your shoulder, not letting up the pace of his thickness ramming into you.
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brideofinfamy · 2 months
"their is only one man, on earth who's uniquely suited to be your SHIELD"
Seth Rollins to Cody Rhodes.
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wwesaige · 2 years
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Saige Forever 🖤
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sheslikealostflower · 3 months
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FINISH THE STORY 2014 → 2024
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samijey · 3 months
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Seth & Drew breaking character for a wholesome moment (Wrestlemania XL)
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jonmoxleys · 1 year
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oplishin · 30 days
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UNBELIEVABLY horny camera angle. giffed immediately.
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imaginexwwe · 1 year
SPRING BREAK 3 - Roman Reigns
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PART 2 (×)
"Thanks." Colby's longtime friend, Joe said said as he took the beer Colby held out to him, wasting no time to open it.
Colby nodded, trying to hold back a chuckle as he watched how fast Joe downed the second beer Colby had just passed him a minute ago. "Why do you seem more stressed than me?" He asked bringing his own beer to his mouth, taking a quick sip. "I'm the one who's out of work with a messed up knee."
Joe shrugged. "It's nothing."
"We're brothers so I can tell when something bothering you." Colby pushed, trying to get Joe to tell what's up. "Talk."
"Alright..." Joe mumbled with a sigh.
He still didn't want to talk but he knows Colby well enough to know he won't give up until you tell him something.
"It's this girl, I met a few months ago. Possibly the most beautiful girl I've ever met..." He began saying, as memories of his short time with Y|N in Miami started flooding his mind. "I gave her my number and she never called. Which I don't understand because I thought she was into me." He added, remembering how Y|N had been the one to invite him up to her room the first night they met and how she had invited him back on her last night in the city but he couldn't because of his work schedule.
"Basically, what you're saying is that you finally found a girl that could resist you?" Colby asked with a chuckle. "Dude, I told Jon the day would come when you finally find out what rejection feels like."
Joe, scrunched up his nose at Colby's statement.
I definitely wasn't rejected.
Joe smirked, trying to play off what Colby had said. "If anybody was doing the rejecting it was me when I told her I couldn't spend the night with her again." He sighed, taking another sip of his beer. "I just don't know why she didn't call."
"Maybe the sex sucked..?" Colby wondered, hie statement coming out more in the form of a question.
"Nah," Joe said smirking even wider. "The sex was some if not the best I've ever had so I kn-"
Colby furrowed his eyebrows at his friend. "Why it sounding like you in love?" He said chuckling again.
Probably because I may have been falling, Joe thought to him self.
But of course he wasn't going to admit that.
"I'm just saying." Joe, shrugged trying to play off what he'd said. "The way I had her screaming my name that night. It was no way she didn't enjoy it. If I wanted her to, she would've been calling me daddy." He finisned, laughing with Colby.
Which is weird why she didn't call...
"Women are wei-" Colby started saying, before being interrupted by someone calling his name.
Both Colby and Joe looked up to to see Tori.
Oh my god.
Oh my god.
OH MY GOD, was the only thought that Tori was able to form as she walked out to the back yard through the glass sliding door, looking for Colby.
And finding Y|N's Miami lover in the process.
What is he doing here?
"Tori..." Y|N's older brother called out to her, bringing her back to reality. "What do you want?"
Tori, swallowed hard, her eyes never leaving Joe and his never leaving hers. "I-I um..." She stuttered. "Who's he?" She asked already knowing who the man was.
He's the man that's got her besties life in shambles.
But who was he to Colby?
And how did he know Colby enough to be sitting out, laughing and drinking beer with him?
Colby laughed, shaking his head, probably assuming the reason Tori couldn't form a clear thought was because of the man she couldn't help but stare at. "Why?" He asked, a bit of amusement in his voice.
"Just curious, Colby." Tori answered, flashing a innocent smile as she side eyed Joe. "I've just never seen him around."
"A friend from work, Tori." Colby replied, causing Tori to raise an eyebrow. "From WWE." He clarified, this time earning a nod from Tori.
Tori stood there a minute longer trying to think of anything else she could question Colby about Y|N but before she could even form one to ask Colby again spoke, this time raising his eyebrow to her.
"Is there anything else?"
Tori groaned. "I was trying to think."
"Think upstairs." Colby immediately replied, pointing between him and Joe. "We were having a conversation.
"Fine." Tori pouted, turning to leave the two guys outside.
I've gathered enough information anyways.
As soon as Tori was a bit of a distance away, Joe glanced over at Tori. "Who's she?"
Colby shrugged. "My little sister's bestfriend." He answered, looking over at Tori as she continued to walk away at a suspiciously slow pace. "And she's kinda like a second sister to me." He added, taking note of the thumbs up He got from her in return.
Joe nodded. "I didn't know you had a sister."
"Oh, yeah." Colby said. "Her name's Y|N." He said, downing the rest of his beer. "She's a lot less annoying than Tori." Colby said, smirking when he heard Tori scoff. "You're gonna have to meet her some time. Both her and Tori just finished their second year of college so she's home a lot more."
"Oh, so she's like twenty one, twenty two?" Joe asked, laughing to play off how nervous he was feeling. "If I didn't see how old Tori looked I'd think you were talking about a child when you say little sister."
Colby shook his head, laughing also. "Yeah, Y|N complains about that constantly. He replied. "But no she's nineteen for another month."
Joe's eyes widened as his friend continued to talk about his sister.
Her name's Y|N?
It's gotta be a coincidence, right?
I mean what are the odds that the girl he was just talking about would happen to be Colby's little sister?
It's been months but if he remembers correctly, Y|N did say Tori was her best friend.
But people have more than one best friend.
Take him for example, Colby's his best friend but he also has Jon for a best friend along with his cousins who are family bit still his best friend.
In a matter of seconds Joe found himself spiraling.
There was no way in hell he fucked Colby's sister.
"Man, I gotta piss." He said jumping up. "Where's the bathroom?"
"Down the hall on the left." Colby mumbled, giving Joe a look as if to say he could've just asked where the bathroom was and left the piss part out.
But it was the fastest lie Joe could think of, and he definitely wasn't in the right mind set to think of a better way to say it.
Joe nodded, silently getting up and rushing inside the house.
Where did she go? He silently asked himself, looking around for Tori.
"Looking for me?" Joe heard Tori ask, as she propped herself up against a wall in the hallway leading to the bathroom Colby had given Joe directions to.
"I'm looking for Y|N." Joe admitted with a sigh. "But she's not home is she?"
He watched as Tori shook her head, giving him that same glare from earlier. "But even if she was, she wouldn't want to see you after you played her." Tori answered. "Y|N sees you for the person you really are."
"What?" Joe asked, furrowing his eyebrows, completely confused by what Tori was insinuating about him. "I didn't do anything wrong."
Tori gasped, looking at him in disbelief. "Giving someone the wrong number after pretending to like them, is you doing nothing wrong?"
"What?" Joe asked again, even more confuse than he was a minute ago.
"I mean, if you just wanted meaningless sex, you shouldn't have taken her put on that date, Joe." Tori continued, ignoring him. "Because that date made Y|N think you was actually into her, only for her to find out you gave her the wrong number, and you might have even gave her the wrong name because we tried to find your socials and there was nothing that we could find. But I guess that's a given cause you never even told her your last na-"
"I am into her." Joe admitted, cutting Tori's rambling short. "I just figured she wasn't into me since she never called."
Tori groaned. "How was she supposed to call when you didn't even give her the right number?" She questioned, pulling out her phone and showing him the screenshot of the number Y|N said Joe had given her. "Admit it." Tori said, as she held her phone in front of Joe's face. "This isn't your number."
"That's not my number."
"I fucking know." Tori said, nodding. "Becau-"
"Y|N, got four zero, when it's zero four." Joe said, letting a laugh escape from his mouth.
Tori pulled her phone back from Joe's face, looking at it for herself. "She got the numbers backwards." She said, face palming herself before laughing also. "But wait." Tori said, getting serious again. "Why couldn't we find your social medias?"
"They're under my wrestling name." Joe immediately answered.
"Which is?"
"Roman Reigns." Joe said, as he watched Tori quickly typed in his wrestling name into Google, giving each social media profile that popped up in the search, a quick check.
Tori nodded, letting out a sigh. "Y|N's gonna be so relieved when I tell her she didn't get knocked up by a catfish." She mumbled, her eyes immediately getting huge as she realized she had said something that Joe wasn't supposed to hear.
She's pregnant?
Not only was Joseph just unknowingly bragging about sex with his best friends little sister, to his friend himself...
But he got her pregnant too?
"I'm fucked."
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stellarollins · 3 months
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Fashion icon you never knew you needed in your life
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jasvvy · 3 months
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deansambrcse · 3 months
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wait but the idea that roman threw away his chance at retaining bc he just had to get his revenge on seth, he just couldn’t let him go, that’s something im never moving on from
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mrawkweird · 3 months
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He has his kingdom.
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ekmsoldier · 1 month
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jonmoxleys · 3 months
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