#Setting up my Wordpress and Instagram for first time!
beltedbeauty · 2 years
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pluttskutt · 7 months
Plu's 2024 Writeblr Intro
I'm Aurora but I go by many nicknames. Plu is a popular one. I'm a writer in my 30s who's been writing since I could put pen to paper. I've been on writeblr for a long time so I make new intros now and then.
What do I write? Fantasy! My goal isn't to be published but simply to write because it brings me joy. I've been working on my series since I was ~12, but I've also got stand-alones in the making.
My cast is primarily ace and aro, so if you want romance I am not your gal. Unless you want (gay) soulmates doomed to tragedy because I do got that wip.
Besides tragic soulmates I've got mermaid pirates searching for a sanctuary away from humans that have been hunting them for ages, a futuristic wip where the humans are gone so the dragons are returning or supposed to but only one does, and a dad who gets kidnapped by aliens.
My series is about alternate worlds/earths and the barriers between these worlds cracking, with monsters slipping through the cracks. Infected worlds are eaten by a colossal fog named Nothing. Three factions have risen to fight this.
We have Siruna, the mighty army faction. U.N.I.T are agents hiding in the shadows. The Rebels rose to protect the innocent with no one to protect them in this war.
And, now, we have space elves. They are not from any alternate worlds or on the side of any human.
დ WIP Intros დ
Fantasy Series:
Toy Soldier
»[...] First novel in my fantasy series centred around the consequences of the veils between worlds breaking. Not only are monsters seeping through the cracks but a massive fog rolls in on worlds overtaken by monsters and devours them.«
Förtrollade Omständigheter/Witches be Witchin’
»[...] Second novel in my series. In this adventure, inspired by the joy of playing D&D for the first time, we meet new characters and follow their journey.«
What Binds Us
»[...] Third instalment of my fantasy series. In this one, we follow an agent from what has been assumed as the “good guys”, and find out that maybe they’re not so good after all.«
Stand Alones:
Mermaid Pirates
»[...]The Lost Lenore is another character’s deceased love interest. This kind of tragedy is one of The Oldest Ones in the Book and named for the famous deceased in Edgar Allan Poe’s “The Raven”«
Dragons Are Back
»[...] Determined to find out why they are the only to return, they set out to wander this earth for answer. A bird named Pip joins them on this adventure across the globe.«
(Gay) Tragic Soulmates
»[...] A story where soulmates are born again and again, searching for each other, only to be pulled apart by greater forces pulling the strings.«
You can find my fanfic on Ao3. My current obsession is Steddie. Other than that I'm also on Bluesky, myWriteClub, Instagram, and Wordpress where you can read snippets and lore from my fantasy series.
I created the writeblr trick-or-treat event that runs in October. The post for 2024 is up so check it out if you wanna join in on the fun!
Thanks for reading!
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farfarahleeya · 1 year
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With the rise of Instagram Reels and TikTok videos, it seems as though blogging has become a thing of the past... or has it? Let's see if blogging is still relevant in the age of Instagram and Tiktok.
The Early Days:
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Blogging first became a thing when Justin Hall created what he called his "personal homepage" on Links.net, where he reviewed HTML examples from other online links (Zantal-Wiener 2020). 3 years later, Jon Barger, a fellow blogger, coins the term "weblog", reflecting the process of logging the web. Another 2 years later, Peter Merholz, a programmer, shortens the term "weblog" into "blog", to which Merriam-Webster would declare as the word of the year in 2004 (NDMU 2018).
~ TLDR ~
1994 - Justin Hall's "personal homepage" on Links.net
1997 - Jon Barger coins the term weblog
1999 - Peter Merholz shortens "weblog" -> "blog"
2004 - Merriam-Webster declares "blog" as their word of the year
The prime time of internet exploration (for the masses) between the late-90s and early-00s are also home to the births of iconic blogging platforms such as Blogger and WordPress (NDMU 2018).
These early days were the chance for the readers and writers of the world to digitalise their bibliophilic habits as they ventured new ways to connect with bookworms across the globe.
The Evolution:
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Right in the midst of blogging's mainstreaming years, the public launching of YouTube in 2005 sparked the evolution of blogging. With that, the wonders of blogging were no longer confined to the wordsmiths of the world.
YouTube's culture of video blogging, or vlogging, appealed to those who preferred audio and visual stimulation, thus continuing the reach of blogging as a whole (Maslanka 2017). This video blogging culture brought forth most of the blogging cultures still in tact today, such as the aforementioned Instagram Reels and TikTok videos, which are forms of blogging that invoke creativity in a different medium than what blogging first started as.
The Question:
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lyrics captured from Spotify
So blogging evolved from choosing the right writing style to choosing the right background music, but what does that mean? Does no one do the former anymore? Is everyone just trying to accomplish the latter?
Take, for instance, you feel like cooking something new. Some people would turn to a cooking channel on YouTube, while some prefer clicking on the recipe blogs that their search engine compiles for them. My friend would rather watch a video about the newest technology, whereas I would like to read about it in a blog post instead.
It all comes down to personal preference.
Numerous blog platforms are still around and are home to a growing number of blog accounts that cater to different genres of digital communities; because just as many people there are on this planet, exists a vast range of interests, preferences, and personalities. These aspects result in the creation of digital communities that almost anyone can find a seat in. These different groups then evolve within themselves to create their own set of cultures, norms, as well as trends.
So perhaps someone who spends their days watching Instagram Stories and TikTok Lives may seem to think that blogging is a dying flame, but to someone who replies to tweets and writes fantasy fiction on Tumblr, would disagree. In fact, posting short snippets of your day or sharing your thoughts in a tweet is a form of blogging in itself, specifically known as microblogging. Microblogging is an example of blogging cultures trickling down to make room for the readers and writers of the world who enjoy doing so, but in a more casual setting.
It is also important to note that personalities are not a black and white thing. Preferences are not an either or situation. There are many people who enjoy both reading blogs and watching videos.
Besides leisure pursuits, blog accounts can also be used professionally. Setting up a portfolio blog could serve as a digital gallery of one's work (ThemesKingdom 2019). For example, a programmer's portfolio blog could include the programs they have coded or their experiences with different programming languages. The inclusion of a portfolio blog to a resume helps future employers grasp the personalities, morals, and ethics of the potential employee.
And along the lines of career-oriented blogs are money-making blogs; a solid option for the adventurers who seek a non-conventional career path. These type of blogs often rake in revenue through brand partnerships, affiliate links, premium content or private consultations (Polner & Bottorff 2023).
The Answer:
Definitely! I would confidently say that blogging is still relevant in the midst of Instagram and TikTok's uprising.
While there is no denying that Instagram and TikTok may be more popular amongst certain demographics, the future of blogging continues to march on, because as long as there are bookworms around, blogging will remain relevant ⋆。⋆☂˚。⋆。˚☽˚。⋆
︵‿︵‿ References ‿︵‿︵
Maslanka, M 2017, The Vlog Blog: History of Vlogging, MotionSource, 28 July, viewed 27 September 2023, <https://blog.hubspot.com/marketing/history-of-blogging>.
NDMU 2018, History of Blogging, Notre Dame of Maryland University, 22 March, viewed 27 September 2023, <https://online.ndm.edu/news/communication/history-of-blogging/>.
Polner, M & Bottorff, C 2023, How To Start A Blog And Make Money In 2023, Forbes, 31 July, viewed 29 September 2023, <https://www.forbes.com/advisor/business/start-a-blog/#:~:text=Blogging%20Is%20a%20Fast%20Way,can%20start%20earning%20any%20money.>.
ThemesKingdom 2019, 5 reasons why you should include a blog in your online portfolio, ThemesKingdom, 29 May, viewed 29 September 2023, <https://themeskingdom.com/blog/reasons-to-include-a-blog-in-online-portfolio/>.
Zantal-Wiener, A 2020, A Brief Timeline of the History of Blogging, HubSpot, 19 October, viewed 29 September 2023, <https://blog.hubspot.com/marketing/history-of-blogging>.
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aikos-filibuster · 1 year
Blogging in a TLDR World
or "Is blogging still relevant in the age of TikToks and Instagram?"
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In the history of the internet, blogging has its special place in the web of content available to browse that is functionally endless. Though blogging as a phenomenon seems to have tapered off in terms of readership, Walker-Ford (2017) found that 77% of internet users today report to still read blogs often. W3Techs (2023) found that WordPress, which is a core component in most blogging sites, still powers almost half of all the internet. These general stats show that blogging, though not as ubiquitous of a trend in the modern psyche, has left a massive mark on content creation. Now the question arises about the nature of blogging as its own distinctive brand of content creation.
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But first, let us set up some parameters for our discussion. What exactly is a blog? As defined by Harcup (2014), the term "blog" itself is an abbreviation for "web log", an online journal that usually displays posts chronologically and allows readers to leave comments. Blogging, therefore, is the writing and posting of these blog entries.
Now, let me first clarify the title above, "Blogging in a TLDR World". With the rise and rise of video sharing social networking services like TikTok and Instagram, information relayed using Instagram's reels feature or TikTok's format of brief videos that last less than one minute create an expectation from users that content is compressed and simplified into a somewhat commoditised version of general knowledge sharing. The briefness of each post leaves no room for lengthy academic discussion and forces creators to sum up an entire story into a short time span. In modern internet language, this phenomenon of summing things up rather than giving a lengthy explanation is "TLDR", an abbreviation meaning "Too long didn't read". It implies that the reader does not have time to read a full text and prefers a shortened version. I see this as symptomatic of the modern lifestyle so ubiquitous today that we're just too bloody busy with work or study that we're unable to take more than 10 minutes out of their daily schedule to read a relatively lengthy article.
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From a certain perspective, one can see somewhat of an interesting correlation between today's TLDR culture of wanting quick and readily available information dumped on you makes the case for social constructivism. Briefly, social constructivism as defined by Blackburn (2016) is that technology and how it develops is a result of societal circumstances where problems require solutions at the time. How this connect back to the rise of TikTok and Instagram and the relevance of blogging is to connect the ubiquitous fast-paced modern life with the simple short video format synonymous with these social media sites. Though you can disagree with me on that observation, I believe it is crucial to look at it objectively and consider that correlation and its causation.
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Now, what are my thoughts on blogging's place in a world where TikTok and Instagram seem to reign supreme? As stated earlier, the latest statistics show that blogging, though out of the limelight, is still a considerable chunk of the internet and the engineering that blogging required to function has left a massive impact on countless websites and their formats. There are still countless blogs floating around the internet, as Chakarov (2023) reports that there are around 600 million blogs, taking up more than a third of all websites ever published. And on a personal note, I myself am quite fond of the format of classic blogging as it through blogging that many people had their first exposure to the internet as a whole and it has influenced other important internet cultural icons like Youtube. There is a sense of nostalgia looking through blogs posts from the not-so distant past of the internet and I feel as if we should cherish it.
From the statistics, blogging is still very much alive, whether we like it or not. So to answer the question "is blogging still relevant in the age of TikToks and Instagram?", it would be a confident "yes" from me.
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Blackburn, S 2016, A Dictionary of Philosophy, Oxford University Press, Oxford
Chin, B 2023, 'Week 2: Orality, Writing and the Influence of the Printing Press', MDA10006 Innovation Culture: Perspectives on the Science and Technology, Learning materials via Canvas, Swinburne University of Technology, 11 September, viewed 29 September 2023.
Harcup, T 2014, A Dictionary of Journalism, Oxford University Press, Oxford
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whimsicaldragonette · 2 years
Blog Tour and Arc Review: The Severed Thread by Leslie Vedder
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Welcome to my stop on the Severed Thread book tour with Colored Pages Blog Tours. (This blog tour is also posted on my Wordpress book blog Whimsical Dragonette.)
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Book Info:
TITLE: The Severed Thread AUTHOR: Leslie Vedder PUBLISHER: Razorbill RELEASE DATE: February 7, 2023 GENRES: YA Fantasy PAGES: 416 REPRESENTATION: Queer
Click "read more" for buy links, synopsis, author info, my review, favorite quotes, and tour schedule
Book Depository
Barnes & Noble
Fi has awakened the sleeping prince, but the battle for Andar is far from over. The Spindle Witch, the Witch Hunters, and Fi’s own Butterfly Curse all stand between them and happily ever after.
Shane has her partner’s back. But she’s in for the fight of her life against Red, the right hand of the Spindle Witch who she’s also, foolishly, hellbent on saving.
Briar Rose would do anything to restore his kingdom. But there’s a darkness creeping inside him—a sinister bond to the Spindle Witch he can’t escape.
All hopes of restoring Andar rest on deciphering a mysterious book code, finding the hidden city of the last Witches, and uncovering a secret lost for centuries—one that just might hold the key to the Spindle Witch’s defeat. If they can all survive that long…
Set in a world of twisted fairytales, The Severed Thread combines lost ruins, ride-or-die friendships, and heart-pounding romance.
Author Bio:
Leslie Vedder is a YA author who loves girl heroes and adventurers. She grew up on fantasy books, anime, fanfiction, and the Lord of the Rings movies, and met her true love in high school choir. She graduated from San Francisco State University with a BA in creative writing, and currently lives in Colorado with her wife and two spoiled house cats.
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My Rating: ★★★★★
My Review:
This was such an incredibly good follow-up to the Bone Spindle. I loved it!
I love love love these characters and this world. They're all so multi-faceted and intriguing. I can't wait for the next book. I especially love how unpredictable I find it. I've read so many YA fantasy novels over the years and this one never quite reveals what I expect it to with each turn of the page. As is the way of second books in trilogies, the entire story feels like a relentless headlong rush, and at the same time a carefully balanced push-and-pull of wins and losses. Not a stalemate, exactly, but never with a clear winner either.
My absolute favorite part, hands down, is when they form a small band of adventurers and treasure-hunters. First it was Fi and Shane, then they picked up Red and Briar, and now they've reeled in Perrin as well. And there is such warmth and camaraderie between them -- and they all seem a lot happier out in the elements, fighting for their lives and searching for treasure and hatching plans. I never trusted the golden city of Everlynd, and I find I like the story much better once they leave it behind.
I'm not sure what I think of the Paper Witch either. He has his own secrets, and he holds them closer than the others do. He's more enigmatic and I'm never sure what he'll do. The others' motivations are easier to read.
I love how we get a glimpse into the founding of Andar, with the history of Aurora and the Butterfly Witch and the Spindle Witch! I hope we get to discover a lot more about this later because I find it fascinating.
The ending came out of nowhere and wasn't anything like what I predicted and at the same time I can't imagine it going any other way. It, like the rest of the storytelling, feels right and perfectly placed and thought-out.
I care about these characters so much: Fi and Shane and Briar and Red. Perrin, too, though I don't know him that well yet. I'm not sure I trust him yet - his motivations have been too unclear to me, but I like him quite a lot. I like all of them and I feel almost like a part of their group. Which is probably why the plot was able to take me so off-guard - I'm in the thick of it with the rest of them.
This (and the Bone Spindle) are definitely going on my favorite books of the year list.
*Thanks to Colored Pages Blog Tours, Penguin Teen, and NetGalley for providing an early copy for review.
Favorite Quotes:
Fi looked disappointed. But Shane wasn’t surprised. The kind of person who crawled around in the bowels of Witch mines prying out rubies with ominous names was just asking to go missing.
Ivan must have mounted up after she lost track of him, fast enough on horseback to get out of the way of the mudslide. Or he’s come back from the dead to get revenge, Shane thought. She wouldn’t put it past him.
“Just cut it all off,” Shane insisted. She was looking a little ragged around the edges and a dark bruise stood out on her cheekbone, but she was in high spirits. “With what, your ax?” Fi asked, arching an eyebrow. “Because I can guarantee that haircut would strike fear into the hearts of your enemeis—and your friends.”
“No,” Perrin said with a smile. “The magic is locked tightly inside it. It’s perfectly safe. Well, mostly safe.” He gave it a mistrustful look. “Probably safe. You know, on second thought, I’m just going to put this away.”
“I didn’t even know you could burn soup,” he admitted. “Typical prince. You can burn anything—I would know,” Shane assured him. “But most of it’s edible anyway.”
Her fingers fumbled for something to hold on to—and then her hand found Briar’s, squeezing it tight, and something swept through him, such a big warm feeling it had to be magic.
Tour Schedule
February 1st
Fall Between the Pages - Book Review
Allmyfriendsareinbooks - Book Review
February 2nd
@the_princess_library - Book Review
February 3rd
More Books Please - Book Review
February 4th
Brittyoreads - Book Review
February 5th
Whimsical Dragonette - Review & Favorite Quotes
February 6th
Conn_reada - Book Review
Leandra the TBR Zero - Book Review & Recommendation
February 7th
Pisces: The Book Lover - Book Review
February 8th
Ofbooksandromance - Book Review
February 9th
Readwithatlas  - Book Review
February 10th
Utopia.state.of.mind - Book Review
The._bookarazzi - Book Review
February 11th
My World of Wonders - Book Review & Favorite Quotes
@poatic.library - Book Review & Reel
February 12th
@Margiebythebookcase  - Book Review
February 13th
_holmescollections - Book Review
February 14th
@theenchantedshelf - Book Review
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wushigod · 5 months
Billionaire founder of Meta, Mark Zuckerberg has said that Threads, the social networking app competing with X(formerly Twitter), has surpassed 150 million monthly active users, up from 130 million in February This growth indicates a stable trajectory for the platform. Speaking on Wednesday, April 24, during Meta’s Q1 2024 earnings call, Zuckerberg said, “Threads is growing well too. There are now more than 150M monthly activities, and it continues to generally be on the trajectory I hoped to see. My daughters would want me to mention that Taylor Swift is now on Threads — that was a big deal in my house In recent months, Threads has made strides towards integration with ActivityPub, a decentralized protocol powering network like Mastodon. In March, the platform enabled U.S.-based users over 18 years old to link their accounts to the Fediverse, allowing their posts to be visible on other servers. Moreover, Meta plans to release Threads’ API to a broader set of developers by June, granting them the opportunity to create experiences around the social network. However, it remains unclear whether Threads will permit developers to develop fully-fledged third-party clients. Notably, Meta recently launched its AI chatbot across Facebook, Messenger, WhatsApp, and Instagram, excluding Threads. This omission might be due to Threads’ lack of native direct messaging functionality. In another development, Threads introduced a test feature enabling users to automatically archive their posts after a defined period. Users can also individually archive or unarchive posts and choose whether to make them public. Despite being relatively young at around nine months old, Threads has steadily expanded its user base under Meta’s stewardship. Launched on June 5 last year, Meta Threads positioned itself as a “text-based conversation app” enabling users to share messages up to 500 characters in length, along with links, photos, and videos. The app garnered significant attention at its inception, with over 10 million users joining from the start. Additionally, it swiftly amassed 1 million downloads on the Google PlayStore within a single day of its release. The buzz around Threads was palpable, with many eager to sign up, drawn by its unique features distinguishing it from Twitter. However, despite its promising start and initial surge in sign-ups, Threads faced a notable decline in active users shortly after its launch. While it attracted over 100 million users within the first five days, more than half of them eventually ceased using the app actively. Third-party data from SimilarWeb revealed a sharp decrease in daily active users on Android. For instance, the number plummeted from 49 million on July 7 to 23.6 million on July 14 and further dwindled to 12.6 million by July 23. This decline in active usage indicated a significant challenge for Threads to maintain user engagement and retention over time.
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contentpassstory · 8 months
A Step-by-Step Guide: How to Start a Blog
Blogging has become an influential medium for expressing ideas, sharing knowledge, and building communities around various topics. Whether you’re passionate about a particular niche or want to establish your online presence, starting a blog can be a rewarding venture. In this step-by-step guide, we’ll walk you through the process of launching your blog and setting the stage for your digital presence.
Step 1: Define Your Purpose and Niche
Before diving into the technical aspects, take the time to define the purpose of your blog. Ask yourself:
What topics am I passionate about?
Who is my target audience?
What unique perspective or value can I offer?
Choosing a specific niche will help you tailor your content and attract a dedicated audience interested in your chosen topics.
Step 2: Select a Blogging Platform
Several blogging platforms are available, but WordPress is widely regarded as one of the most user-friendly and versatile options. It’s suitable for beginners and offers a range of customization options. Other popular platforms include Blogger, Medium, and Wix.
Step 3: Choose a Domain Name
Your domain name is your blog’s online address. Select a name that reflects your blog’s content and is easy to remember. Keep it concise, relevant, and avoid complicated spellings. You can use domain registration services to check the availability of your chosen domain name.
Step 4: Register Your Domain and Choose a Hosting Provider
Once you’ve decided on a domain name, register it through a domain registrar. Additionally, you’ll need to choose a hosting provider to store your blog’s files and make it accessible online. Many providers, like Bluehost, SiteGround, or HostGator, offer affordable hosting plans for beginners.
Step 5: Install WordPress
Most hosting providers offer a simple one-click installation process for WordPress. Log in to your hosting account, find the WordPress installation option, and follow the prompts. This will set up the necessary files and databases for your blog.
Step 6: Customize Your Blog’s Appearance
WordPress allows for extensive customization. Choose a theme that aligns with your blog’s content and overall aesthetic. Themes can be found within the WordPress dashboard, or you can explore premium themes for more advanced features.
Step 7: Create Essential Pages
Set up key pages such as:
Home Page: Introduce your blog and its purpose.
About Page: Share your background and why you’re qualified to blog on your chosen topics.
Contact Page: Provide a way for readers to get in touch with you.
These pages give your blog a professional touch and help visitors understand your blog’s identity.
Step 8: Develop a Content Strategy
Plan your content in advance to maintain consistency. Identify key topics, create an editorial calendar, and establish a posting schedule. Consistency is crucial for building and retaining your audience.
Step 9: Write and Publish Your First Post
Now that your blog is set up, it’s time to create and publish your first post. Write an engaging introduction, provide valuable content, and conclude with a call-to-action. This could be inviting readers to comment, subscribe, or explore related posts.
Step 10: Promote Your Blog
To attract readers, promote your blog through various channels:
Social Media: Share your posts on platforms like Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram.
Engage in Blogging Communities: Connect with other bloggers and share your work in relevant communities.
SEO Optimization: Learn basic Search Engine Optimization (SEO) practices to improve your blog’s visibility on search engines.
Step 11: Monetize Your Blog (Optional)
If your goal is to generate income from your blog, explore monetization options such as:
Affiliate Marketing: Promote products or services and earn a commission for each sale.
Ad Revenue: Display ads on your blog and earn revenue based on clicks or impressions.
Sponsored Content: Collaborate with brands for sponsored posts related to your niche.
Step 12: Analyze and Adjust
Regularly analyze your blog’s performance using tools like Google Analytics. Understand your audience, track popular content, and adjust your strategy accordingly. This iterative process will help you refine your blog and better cater to your readers.
Conclusion: Embark on Your Blogging Journey
Starting a blog is a fulfilling venture that allows you to share your passions, connect with like-minded individuals, and potentially create a source of income. By following these steps and staying committed to creating valuable content, you’ll be well on your way to establishing a successful and enjoyable blog. So, embrace the journey, learn along the way, and let your unique voice shine through in the blogosphere. Happy blogging!
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financialsecrets · 2 years
Making Money Online With Digital Marketing
Gma Kelly dropping in to your life to say Hello and I hope your day is Beautiful.
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Today I want to talk to you about Digital Marketing and Making Money Online. This is a pretty wide title. There are many, many, many ways to Make Money Online. So, I want to start with a warning. Always follow thru with the Due Diligence. Check into every company you consider. Read Reviews, Testimonials, Look them up in Google, check Facebook, etc. It's never a bad idea.
What is Digital Marketing
Digital Marketing is simply Marketing through Blogging, Social Media, Ads, email, texts, etc. Spreading you Brand with the benefits the Internet brings to us. The Internet provides amazing opportunities for Global Branding. And Makes is so much easier to draw Traffic to your Site/Building. Your Business is no longer bound by 4 walls, or City Limits, County Roads, State Lines, or even Oceans. There are no longer boundaries to the reach your business could have. I just checked some data on my site and I had visitors from France, Philippines, Malaysia, Russia, Brazil and of course, the USA. Did you ever think, for even a minute, that your business could have that kind of reach?
How to Start with Digital Marketing
The first thing you have to do is to choose your goal. What to do you want to sell or promote? What is the name of your Website, your Business? Will you write Blog Posts, make Videos or both? You'll need a Website. That means a Host, Website Builder, etc., someone to write content, etc. If you have followed my posts, you already know its a lot of work, time and effort. Make a Logo. Make it Unique to You. Something you like, it represents You, Your Business, Your Website and Your Brand.  It should be something you can be proud of for many years to come.  Just in Case, The Nike Swish wasn't formed in a day and went thru many design changes over the years, while still maintaining the Brand Recognition.Now that the housekeeping is done with, lets move on to Social Media.
Social Media and Digital Marketing
Once all those questions are answered, you can move on to Social Media Marketing. I suggest you make accounts in all the Social Media outlets your aware of. Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, Tumbler, Pinterest, etc. These Platforms bring with them unique groups of people that search for very specific Keyword Phrases and Your Business can slide right into an already made group, or create a group for your Niche.
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When setting up these Platforms, be sure to use your Business Name as often as possible. XYZ Co. on Facebook. Use your Logo or even your own picture. Build your Brand. But you need to decide will it be the Logo or the Picture, you can't have both. You want your Audience to have one vision of Who You are and What You look like Online. To Buy or Not to Buy Some of the Social Media Platforms offer paid for Ads. Facebook and Google for example both have paid ads that you can purchase. Personally, my budget can't afford such a bonus at this time, and honestly, there are a lot of free resources online. There is no reason to spend money on Tools you can use for free. Search for Free Trials, or Free Starter Programs. A Lot of the Resources you will look to use have Free Versions. In most cases, the Free Version covers everything you need to get started. Connect your Social Media to WordPress Site I recommend using a WordPress Plugin called Blog2Social. You simply enter the profile addresses of your Social Media Accounts and Blog2Social will Post to all of them for you. Its quite amazing. I wrote a Review of Blog2Social, if you would like to read it, you can click here. This is, in my humble opinion, one of the most time saving components of Digital Marketing. Can you Imagine if you had to sit and log into each one of those sites and copy paste your Blog or Paste a Link. It could take a couple of hours, this takes a minute. Now you should be set up and ready to start posting to your Site. Your Brand is set to post to Your Site as well as all of your Social Media Accounts. Now that's some kind of exposure!
Final Thoughts:
Without Digital Marketing, Nike, the NBA, Facebook, Google, would be a lot less visible today. The took a chance on a "New Technology" and got the jump on all of us. But like I said the WWW is a big place. There's room for all of us. I hope you enjoyed this Post. If you have any Comments or Questions, please leave them below. I look forward to hearing from you. Thank you for spending your time with me, and Have a Beautiful Day GmaKelly Read the full article
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paperprincessinspo · 2 years
Free Journaling Ephemera for Subscribers | January
Home | Etsy Store| Template Gallery| Portfolio| Mailing List| YouTube| Ko-fi Etsy Patreon YouTube Instagram Pinterest Hello friends, as a thank you to all of you awesome people I will be sharing a free template via my email newsletter every month in 2023. The first one is coming on January 2nd so make sure you sign up in time to get the whole set but don’t worry too much if you sign up…
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emmaswarner77 · 2 years
9 Things I Did to Make $5k/Month within 2 Years of Content Marketing
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I started my digital/content marketing + online income blog — The Side Blogger — in June 2018 and I made my first $5k+ in a single month two years later, in June 2020.
Every content marketer has their own, unique story as to how they became successful entrepreneurs. “Success” itself is a word that means different things to different people.
When I started my blog on the side, my hope was to make perhaps $5k/month by the fifth year. So, when I made that within two, to me that was a huge success.
And these are the steps that got me there:
1. I picked a profitable niche
The content marketing niche isn’t an easy one to get traction with because of how competitive it is.
Sure, I could have picked an easy-to-rank niche instead, and hated my life in the process. But I didn’t want to be miserable. So, difficulty notwithstanding, I chose a niche that I was actually interested in.
The real benefit to this niche was that it was easy to monetize with affiliate marketing. Most SaaS companies in this field pay their affiliates handsomely compared to retail products. So, even if you have fewer visitors to your website, you can still make a decent income. (In fact, I made my first $1k in a single month within one year of blogging thanks to affiliate marketing!)
2. I set up a website that people liked
The word out there is that you shouldn’t worry too much about websites as a content marketer, and there’s some truth to that.
But even so, I’ve found that having a good-looking and well-performing website does make a difference. If nothing else, it leaves a strong first impression on first-time readers and stumblers on the site.
I set up my website with WordPress, designed it myself (having a web-design background helped), and made sure it met all the necessary requirements for performance (speed, caching, CDN, SSL, etc.)
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3. I learned all I could about SEO
On-page SEO techniques were pretty new to me back then, but I spent hours learning all I could from people like Neil Patel and Brian Dean (of Backlinko) and even took an SEO course from LinkedIn.
I was already treading a pretty competitive niche, so I had to make sure I was working extra hard on SEO so as not to fall behind.
And all that hard work actually paid off! Within a few months, a couple of my blog posts started to rank on Google’s first SERP (Search Engine Result Page.)
I knew from my research that when a page starts getting traction, you should leverage it to build an audience with an email list. And that’s exactly what I did.
4. I started building my email list from the start
All the big-time bloggers were saying that to make money with a blog, you need to build an email list. I took that advice to heart and set up a couple of sign-up forms on my site.
But it was only after I noticed a couple of my posts on Google’s first SERP that I put some real list-building strategies into action: I updated those blog posts with more value (more than those who ranked higher than me; it’s a common SEO tactic) and leveraged free content upgrades as opt-in freebies for email list signups.
As soon as I did those things, my email list shot up, from 200-ish subscribers to over 1,200 in just four months!
And later on, this email list was how I made the big bucks. But more on that later.
5. I used Pinterest to drive traffic
Yes, a few of my blog posts were starting to rank, but my organic traffic still wasn’t all that great back in the days.
But that wasn’t much of an issue for me because I started to drive a decent amount of traffic with Pinterest.
I hate social media platforms like Facebook or Instagram (and don’t even get me started on TikTok!) But Pinterest was easy. As long as I adhered to some simple rules (no spamming, using good Pin images, writing good Pin descriptions, pinning regularly, etc.) the rest happened naturally. Within a couple of months, I was starting to get a steady stream of traffic to my website.
6. I signed up for high-commission affiliate products
I touched on it earlier that the digital marketing niche creates profitable opportunities.
My first income stream was through affiliate marketing. I didn’t (and don’t to this day) run traditional ads on my website. But I have no qualms about recommending products that I myself love and use.
So that’s what I did.
Many of the affiliate products I signed up for paid anywhere from 50 to 150 per successful sale, which meant that even with a smaller audience, I was able to make a decent amount of money.
7. I created a second income stream
About six months into blogging, I had an epiphany.
One of my freebies was a digital product template, which people seemed to love. That freebie alone brought over 50% of my email list subscribers.
Seeing this, I had an idea. What if I sold digital product templates?
Believe it or not, it ended up being a huge hit! It started slow, but within the next year, I was making over a thousand bucks per month from this income stream.
Selling those templates was what pushed my monthly income to over $2k.
8. I kept a close eye on my traffic sources
I always tell my blog writing workshop students that they should not only install Google Analytics but also submit their sitemaps to Google Search Console (GSC).
GSC can give you in-depth data about which blog posts are trending, how much time people are spending on each page, and much, much more!
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After seeing these data, I had my second epiphany ↓↓↓ This was around the 20th month of blogging.
9. I created my third income stream
Since that aforementioned blog post was doing oh so well, I started to wonder if I could monetize it somehow.
Enter: The online course that finally pushed my income over $5k per month 😃
By this point, I had close to 4k email list subscribers. I had been diligently building and growing this list, but it was only after I created my online course that I realized the true power of email lists.
I leveraged this list to sell my templates before, but those were cheaper products. The course, on the other hand, was the most expensive product I had created (at that time.)
But thanks to my email list, I had a super successful course launch without spending a single dime on ads!
And that’s how, my friends, I took my content marketing blog income from zero to over $5k+ per month in just two years.
In conclusion…
I picked a profitable niche.
I set up a good-looking and well-performing website.
I wrote value-packed blog posts and optimized them for SEO.
I used Pinterest and search engines (thanks to SEO) to drive traffic.
I built an email list using freebies to incentivize sign-ups.
I observed my audience’s behavior (which freebies they were signing up for more than others, which blog posts drove the most traffic, which pages had the highest reading time, etc.) and took cues from those data to introduce new income streams.
I then leveraged my email list to sell my products.
Finally, if you’re trying to make more money with your blog, check out this story about the three blog posts you must write!
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dimeeasy · 3 years
10 Legit Ways to Build Passive Income Online
Whether you are a student looking to make some extra cash, a working professional wanting to build a side hustle, or a corporate escapee and whosoever who is starting to build an online business need to have some cash inflow for the further smooth flow of your business.
There are many sites out there saying make money like $100 a day with surveys, with google sites, etc. Of course, they may make you money for a certain period of time but are not long-term and passive.
You always need to look out for ways to make money that are passive. You need to earn money every month and double it. Here are my top creative ideas to make money online. These real methods have worked in past and will work now and then too.
You would have heard a lot of this from others. But yes, this is the first best way to earn some cash before starting out your business. It will help to get some extra money into your pocket as well as fund a little for your software if you are starting out. You can start freelancing with no investment upfront. It's FREE. You can make money online freelancing.
Don’t worry if you think you don’t have any skills. You can learn small skills by taking a free trial in skillshare. There are tons of gigs people are looking for to get their work done and with the right process, you can make money as a freelancer.
By the year 2027, freelancers are projected to make up the majority of the workforce in the United States, with 50.9% of the working population. In fact, at the current growth rate, it’s estimated that 67.6 million Americans will be freelancing by the end of 2021. That’s 42% of the American workforce! (Website planet).
What are you waiting for? Search in-demand gigs on google keywords and search trends. And yes, patience is the key. You need to wait a few weeks while you get your first gig. Start promoting your services on social media and find your spot.
Starting a Blog
As of 2021, there are more than 570 million blogs on the internet, based on activities reported by WordPress, Tumblr, Blogger, Wix, Squarespace, and Medium (and this number is constantly growing) (firstsiteguide).
Now do not get overwhelmed, the one thing is though blogs are growing rapidly, and so are people reading blogs. Of course, blogs are saturated, but when you niche down and find your audience then you can achieve your space in this sea of bloggers.
Starting a blog, yesterday, today, tomorrow, is possible as long as you are using proper rules, like optimizing your SEO, giving unique content to your readers, and more. But, the best day to start blogging for your profit is today and now.
Let us look at some stats on why you should start your blog today
61% of online shoppers in the US say they made a purchase after getting a recommendation from a blog post
Companies that blog actively have 126% better lead growth
80% of bloggers say that they see positive business results from their blogging efforts
Blogs affect customers’ buying decisions as 47% of them go through 3 to 5 blog posts before the buying process (Firstsiteguide)
Give me a better reason why you should not start a blog after these mind-blowing facts.
You can start a niche blog, review blog, cooking blog, gaming blog, parenting blog, and more. Just write what you know or keep an eye on your competitors and outperform them. And blogging is the best for your long-term passive income.
Starting a YouTube channel
Now as we’ve known how YouTube has evolved to be like a video search engine, the platform has grown considerably and is been growing millions of YouTubers.
Again, let’s talk about some statistics about YouTube. YouTube has 2.3 billion users worldwide.
79 percent of Internet users have their own YouTube account.
YouTube viewers watch over a billion hours of video on the platform every day and generate billions of views. (YouTube, 2021)
YouTube is localized in more than 100 countries and is available in 80 languages. (YouTube, 2021)
Every day people watch one billion hours of video on YouTube (source-Oberlo)
Now, the real question is how to make money out of YouTube? Well, there is enough space for you to sink in. Are you a coach, fitness enthusiastic, a person with good communication, or even just an individual with no skills at all? You can make videos, monetize your YouTube account, and earn from AdSense and affiliate marketing.
Umm! Some people may say that YouTube is not for me. I don’t know how to make and produce videos. I don’t have any skills. Well, I have a solution for that. You can make money from YouTube absolutely by not showing your face at all.
Here are some of the niches you can make videos y not showing your face.
If u do not want to record videos, you can head up to free stock videos or images and give a voice-over and start making content.
If you feel shy to start, you will never get ahead. So, the one thing I want to tell to everyone who is shy to make videos and for my younger self, stop doubting yourself. Just do it, don’t care about criticism, success will follow you
Affiliate Marketing
Affiliate marketing is when a person earns a commission for referring a product to others. For eg: You register yourself as an affiliate to promote certain products, when the person you promote the product click on your unique affiliate link and purchases through your link you earn a commission. A commission can range for each and every product.
And the affiliate marketing model is the best, safe model for beginners. You can drive traffic for free and for paid as well. You can be an affiliate marketer if you need a passive income, you don’t need to have any other customer support, you can work from home at your own comfort.
Now, how to register as an affiliate. First, think of what do you like the most. What products do you love using? Type the name in google and see whether there is an affiliate program or just see other affiliate programs in your niche. Choose the one you love so that you don’t feel tired and exhausted in the long run.
There are many other sites where you can choose your products from. You can take products from Click bank, Digistore24, Share a Sale, Jvzoo, and similar other platforms.
Here are the best affiliate platforms for you to choose from
How do you want to promote is the next question?
Well, you can create landing pages in click funnels, kartra, or builderall and promote them through ads. If you are on your budget, you could start a blog and promote it. You can write blogs for free on medium.com. It is a cost-effective way to sell your products. You can create a YouTube channel, talk about how you love using those products, and promote them, you could even use Pinterest to promote your blogs and landing pages.
We all know that Pinterest is a visual search engine and no doubt you can get quite a good sale from affiliate marketing in Pinterest
Once you get your first sale and testimonials you can start your Instagram page and build trust with others to promote the products and scale your business.
Instagram Influencer
Do you love making TikTok videos, always want to be active on social media? Then here is your chance to start earning being an Instagram influencer.
You can start by creating content about the topic you want to talk about the most. If creating a YouTube channel feels a bit challenging, grow your audience and monetize them through Instagram. Feel free to talk about what you feel.
Collect your follower's email IDs. Once you become consistent with the audience and platform, the content you are generating makes a digital course or something you think to monetize your people. Giveaway a lot of freebies, checklists, and many other things to lead your audience to the product you are offering. Build trust with them and try to use all of Instagram's available channels. Use carousals, reels, IGTV, go live to show behind the scenes of your work, and more!.
Staying consistent is the key to grow your audience on Instagram.
Starting a T-Shirt Business
Whether you’re an artist, writer, designer, or entrepreneur, physical products can be the perfect canvas for monetizing your creativity. Yes, you heard that right. You can start your own merch for free. Starting an online T-shirt business is booming in this era an why don’t you be one of them. You do not need to hold any inventory, just design your t-shirt online and publish it.
Let me make it clear. So what is print on demand? How to start your free t-shirt business
Print on demand is a process where you work with a supplier to customize white-label products (like baseball hats or tote bags) with your own designs to sell them on a per-order basis under your own brand.
That means you don’t pay for the product until after you’ve actually sold it, so there’s no need to buy in bulk or hold any inventory yourself.
Plus, with print-on-demand services, everything after the sale, from printing to shipping, is handled by your supplier. Once you’ve set everything up, it takes only a few clicks to fulfill an order once you’ve made a sale.
You can use print-on-demand services to:
Test a business idea or new product line for an existing business without the risks that come with buying inventory.
Monetize an audience you’ve built. Printing on demand is a great option if you’re a YouTuber, cartoonist, or social media influencer who wants to spend your time creating content instead of fulfilling orders.
Create original products for a niche of customers. For example, apparel for people who are passionate about gaming.
Easily print one-off items—t-shirts, books, shoes, bags, wall art, phone cases, clocks, laptop skins, mugs, and so much more. You can send these as gifts or keep them for yourself and your team (source-Shopify)
You can get started with print on demand for almost free with teespring, redbubble, printful . Or you can start your online store on Shopify and sell them as a custom branding.
Do not worry if you are not a pro in graphic designing. You can design your t-shirt on canva and paste the design on your t-shirt too. This is a legitimate and easy business for beginners online. You can promote your merch by using SEO, keywords, and various social platforms.
Let's take a look at the print on demand statistics:
This statistic depicts the market value of the custom t-shirt printing market worldwide from 2016 to 2025. In 2016, the global custom t-shirt printing market was valued at 1.16 billion U.S. dollars, and was forecast to reach a value of 3.1 billion U.S. dollars by 2025.
This is insane amount the industry is making from print-on-demand only.
COVID-19 impact Fabric face mask accounted for 11.14% of all goods sold through Printify in September 2020. (Printify)
A 2020 survey revealed that about 96% of millennials and Gen Z have concerns about how the ongoing pandemic will impact the economy. (BigCommerce)
With more people staying at home and focusing on home improvement projects, the Home & Living category is on the rise, with the first 6 months of 2020 seeing a 243.77% growth. Both canvas gallery wraps (2.19%) and premium vertical posters (1.35%) are in TOP15 products sold by Printify merchants. (Printify)
According to Merkle’s report in 2020, roughly 79% of consumers plan to be more conservative with how much they will spend shopping online during the pandemic. (Merkle)
In the first 6 months of 2020, Printify monthly active users have grown by 69%, with registrations up 39%. (Printify)
62% of sellers in the United Kingdom changed their marketing plan because of the pandemic. Moreover, only 14 percent of businesses have decided to stick with their original marketing strategy for 2020. (Statista) ( All sources- Printify) Read more at: https://printify.com/ecommerce-statistics/ And these are just stats alone. Don’t wait now. Start your print-on-demand business right away.
Online Tutoring
Again, online tutoring is gaining massive demand in this digital age. During the pandemic the online tutoring business was a boom and it will be more in the coming years. Just teach people what you know. There are many people in this world who want to learn and are ready to pay for it.
Whether you know to speak English, or drawing, graphic designing, marketing, business, or anything that matters, turn your own skill into a business
You can tutor in paid platforms like cambly, Oakary, iTutor, or just start teaching in YouTube and create tour own course and sell it. You can create courses and teach in udemy too. People all over the world are searching to learn skills and may be you can teach them what you know and monetize your skills.
Amazon KDP [ Selling E-books and low content books ]
As I told you print on demand is a big thing and so does amazon KDP is too. What is KDP? Amazon KDP is nothing but kindle direct publishing. KDP allows you to self-publish eBooks and paperbacks for free. Amazon gives you direct access to your book on Amazon and allows you to create a product detail page for your book. It also gives you the option to expand your book’s availability on a global scale, making it more accessible for readers around the world. Publishing with KDP gives you full rights to your book, which is not something a traditional publishing house typically allows.
What types of content can I publish through KDP?
KDP allows you to publish eBooks (Kindle) and paperback books. However, KDP does not allow the creation of magazines, periodicals, or spiral-bound books.
Content types typically published using KDP include but are not limited to the following:
Book Series
Children’s Books
Textbooks (source: amazon.com)
Selling Photography
Are you a photographer? Are you making enough money? If no then this will help you , if yes you are gonna make an extra dime.
You can sell your beautiful photos on Getty Images, Pexels, Shutterstock, Adobe Stock and many more sites and earn money whenever your image is downloaded. If it is a subscription-based site then your earnings will be more. You can post your beautiful images on Instagram and become famous. Ultimately you can collaborate with various brands for their product photography.
If your camera is lying there near you, take it and start clicking pictures and sell your photos online.
Selling on Etsy
Etsy is an online market place that works as an intermediary between customers and artists, crafters of handmade items or collectors of vintage products. The company engages in customer to customer (C2C) or peer to peer (P2P) e-commerce in which both the seller and the buyer are private individuals or micro-businesses. This is in contrast to other forms of internet commerce such as B2C or B2B (source: Statista).
Let's head to our facts about how profitable it is to sell on Etsy
Etsy had over 2.5 million sellers at the end of 2019, and we can only expect that this number has increased.
Etsy sellers live all over the world, in 234 countries
62% of Etsy sellers are based in the US.
California is home to the most Etsy sellers with 14% of US-based Etsy shops. (credits: veeqo)
Etsy is a huge commerce platform, with an especially strong US presence. Plus, the fact that most sellers are multi-channel retailers—and also selling their products on marketplaces like Amazon and Shopify sites—suggests that the platform isn’t just for amateur makers. It’s for eCommerce businesses.
So if you’re already selling handmade or vintage products on another platform, it’s worth it to expand and start selling on Etsy.
If you’re starting a business, it’s important to run the numbers before setting up shop—or at least quitting your day job. Etsy does have associated costs, though it’s worth noting that the listing and transaction fees are lower than other platforms, like Amazon and eBay. (cre: veeqo)
So, if you can start your print on demand you can sell it on Etsy too. If you are good at handicrafts Etsy is the best place to promote.
So here are the top 10 ways where in you can make legitimate money online. You can try all these methods one by one. Well, everyone will look for quick methods to make money online, but those won’t suffice for long run.
If you should build a strong business online you need to stay consistent no matter what. Staying consistent will help audience grow along with you on your journey to make money online. For beginners starting out these methods will help you in starting out to make a dime or two.
One thing I need to make particular is you will not see results instantly. You need to try and try, keep on trying. Whether it is 2 weeks, 1 month or 3 months, you should not stop. Keep up that grind and let’s start the digital lifestyle. Start by making money online fore free with these methods and start investing in ads and make the business run for you in long run.
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whimsicaldragonette · 2 years
Blog Tour and Arc Review: Spice Road by Maiya Ibrahim
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Welcome to my stop on the Spice Road book tour with TBR and Beyond Book Tours. (This blog tour is also posted on my Wordpress book blog Whimsical Dragonette.)
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Tour Schedule
Book Info:
TITLE: Spice Road (The Spice Road Trilogy #1) AUTHOR: Maiya Ibrahim PUBLISHER: Hodder & Stoughton RELEASE DATE: January 24, 2023 GENRES: YA Fantasy
Content Warning: politics, colonialism
Click "read more" for buy links, synopsis, author info, my review, and favorite quotes.
Barnes & Noble
Book Depository
The first book in an epic fantasy series for fans of Sabaa Tahir, Hafsah Faizal and Elizabeth Lim, set in an Arabian-inspired land. Raised to protect her nation from the monsters lurking in the sands, seventeen-year-old Imani must fight to find her brother whose betrayal is now their greatest threat. In the hidden desert city of Qalia, secret spice magic awakens affinities in those who drink the misra tea. With an affinity for iron, seventeen-year-old Imani wields a dagger like no other warrior, garnering her the reputation as the next greatest Shield for battling the dangerous djinn, ghouls, and other monsters that lurk in the sands beyond city limits. Her reputation has been overshadowed, however, by her brother who tarnished the family name after he was discovered stealing their nation's coveted spice - a tell-tale sign of magical obsession. He disappeared soon after, believed to have died beyond the Forbidden Wastes, and leaving Imani reeling with both betrayal and grief. But when Imani uncovers evidence her brother may be alive and spreading their nation's magic beyond the desert, she strikes a deal with the Council to find him and bring him back to Qalia before he can reveal the city's location. Accompanied by Qayn, a roguish but handsome djinni, and Taha, a powerful beastseer whose magical talents are matched only by his arrogance, they set out on their mission. Imani will soon discover there are many secrets that lie beyond the Forbidden Wastes - and in her own heart - but will she find her brother before his betrayals endanger the fate of all of Qalia? In this epic and action-packed fantasy, one young heroine navigates the treacherous road between protecting the ones you love and staying loyal to the place you call home.
Author Bio:
Maiya Ibrahim is the debut author of SPICE ROAD, publishing January 24, 2023 from Delacorte Press and Hodder & Stoughton. She graduated with a Bachelor of Laws from the University of Technology Sydney. When she isn’t writing, reading, or spending time with her family, she enjoys video games, gardening, and expanding her collection of rare trading cards. She lives in Sydney, Australia.
She is represented by Peter Knapp of Park & Fine Literary and Media, Claire Wilson of RCW Literary, and Mary Pender-Coplan of United Talent Agency.
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My Rating: ★★★★★
My Review:
This book started slowly and I wasn't convinced by Imani at first because she was naiive and self-important,and frankly a bit annoying, but wow did she grow emotionally over the course of the story. Also what started out looking like a typical love triangle turned into… something else. I'm honestly not sure what it is yet and I have no idea where it will end up, with all the twists and turns it went through in this book. The plot was also very twisty. I saw some of the twists coming, but a bunch of them surprised me. There's also a bunch of things only beginning to be hinted at that have me very excited for the next installment.
Each of the characters is slowly revealed to have hidden depths and motivations and desires as the story progresses and it makes it very hard to know who to trust and who to let yourself get attached to. I honestly still don't know. As this is book 1 of a trilogy, it will probably be a while before I find out. But that's ok -- I'm here for the journey.
The setting is very intriguing, with Imani's kingdom hidden from the outside world for centuries -- and the outside world hidden from it. The magic is also very cool. I like that it's tea-based and has to be replenished daily. All the hints about the desert "monsters" also add up to what will hopefully be a very promising twist later on.
I love the emphasis on family bonds and also the emphasis on how important it is to help those in need even if they aren't of your family or clan or even kingdom.
The plot barrels along once it gets started -- I was completely hooked by about 20-25% -- and is constantly throwing new things at you and pulling the sand from beneath your feet. I approve. It was a lot of fun, I was very engrossed, and I know this trilogy is going to be a favorite.
*Thanks to NetGalley, Random House Children's: Delacorte Press, and TBR and Beyond Tours for proividing an early copy for review.
Favorite Quotes
We will fight, but first we will have tea.
It avalanches upon me, this abhorrent realization that I must venture into cursed lands with someone who plainly dislikes me, and I must rely on him for survival. What a laughable concept. I’d fare better relying on an empty pistachio shell.
Night arrives like a thief, with a slow creep, stealing the day piece by piece.
I am unsure how to feel, but I feel it all at once.
I am searching for our differences yet finding only similarities in the ways we look, speak, dress, live.
I have finally learned something substantial about who Taha is — the maxim he lives by: find a way or make one.
But that is the problem. It is not enough to mean well, not anymore — I must also do well.
“Then why do you not want to win anymore? If you forfeit now, you will assuredly lose. But if you press on while you can, you may find yourself a victor. The future is not final until we reach it.” ... “There is one lesson that comes above the rest, Imani, and it is this: if you decide to play, play until the end.”
The right decision. This entire journey from Qalia to here has been a cascade of decisions, one knocking into another, nudging me along a path, the end of which I cannot know. Who is to say what is right if wrong has not yet had its day?
“What can I tell you, Slayer? Not all who are bad are bad the whole way through.”
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legionofpotatoes · 3 years
I love your art, it is very detailed in a neat way. Was wondering how you got started making it as a source of income? How did you get your first paid work, I'd love some advice on how to get started, if that's ok
Thank you. Of course it's okay, although I doubt I have enough work experience in art to really delve into this. I only went full freelance this year, and had been juggling art as a side hobby until then. If you're still interested in my somewhat narrow perspective, and are okay with my long-winded rambles, I'll give it a shot:
So to answer your question fully, I'll describe how I started and move into personal advice and learnings later on. As a disclaimer, I am a white cishet dude in my late twenties with a moderate cocktail of mental illnesses, but overall I can pass for a functioning adult so a lot I have to say may come laced with privilege I cannot fully identify.
So uhh I began drawing in around 2012? I think? Maybe halfway through 2011? And I mostly made fanart for things I enjoyed and tried to branch out in communities that felt nourishing to my style and interests (I caught a bug for alt posters and enjoyed mainstream movies so I spent a long time on posterspy early on). There were a handful of opportunities that came from there but I could only accept a couple because of primary workplace commitments. Still, it showed that networking in a focused community was definitely a good place to start; I myself have huge trouble committing to social networks and really staying socially active, but I knew it was an essential ingredient in succeeding so I tried to make myself be involved in challenges and art support trains etc. as much as I could.
In parallel to all that I also ran a few third party online stores (redbubble, teepublic) for disposable income and would sometimes, if rarely, hit around $100-150 a month from those sources combined. It is a sort of thing that requires helper accounts on other social media sites to promote it on, because the stores themselves have a huge volume of content that translates into low organic discoverability. Obviously it was never gonna be the way towards financial independence through art, and with community projects being few and far between, I opened private commissions in around uhhh 2017 I think, focusing on offering a few styles I knew I could do well, and sometimes operating in individual fandoms (it was mostly a bioware thing to be frank). But I had to close them back down after a year or so, again because of work-life conflict and how badly it was burning me out. The reason I kept trying to monetize this hobby is because I honestly hated what I did for my main job and wanted to see a way out in some shape or form in the future.
And then in 2020 I had to quit my main job altogether because of *gestures at pandemic* and deal with a mental breakdown from all the wonderful things it did to us and me specifically. I took a short break and decided to give art a shot full-time, and that was around May this year. I was planning on opening up commissions again (and I still am), but a few sudden opportunities that fell in my lap moved that timetable down and now I'm grateful to even be doing something I am getting adequately paid for.
So, with that somewhat limited perspective, here's what I've learned that I'd tell myself if I was just starting out:
1. Being a fan of something can be a shortcut towards effective networking kickoffs. Which are important evidently. If you love something and enjoy making content for it, join communities, settle into a combination of social media websites that feel right for those interests + your body of work + your inner rhythm, and try to play to content discovery as much as your mental health allows you to. Like I said, I know that I myself am incredibly bad at self-motivating to talk to people, so I found that synergizing common interests into fanart - which I enjoyed making anyway - could be a way to give myself a gentle nudge forward and build those bridges leading to community activities, which then net experience and coverage. Sometimes even freelance projects from official avenues. Again; picking the right spaces for what you're after is key. Companies roam twitter, concept art recruiters scour artstation or linkedin etc, instagram can land you private commissions and collab opportunities, so on and so forth. Find your niche and try to kick up dust. However...
2. I do not believe that any social profile can replace a good portfolio. The thing that made an immediate difference to me this year was building a coherent, simple website with my best work front and center and a contact form on top. Every single opportunity I got came from that form (maybe via twitter or instagram initially, but always sealing the decision after going through the website), so I firmly believe that showcasing your skills and portfolio in a visually arresting and user-friendly way is a big priority. I had some reservations about tackling that task but fortunately I had help from a savvy life partner and we slapped it together via wordpress in less than a day. Twitter/whatever social media is prevalent in your target groups is definitely important to get the right eyes on your shit, yes, but those eyes will then look for a second stop where your work and rates are more clear and concise. Simplicity is key imo, I cannot overstate this. So make a cute, simple portfolio!
3. Your skills and rates will grow and change as you do. Let them. Over the years I built several lasting professional relationships from my obsession over mass effect and kept getting opportunities both from bioware and their partner companies, some small and some a bit bigger. A one-off job earlier this year opened an unexpected door to another much larger commitment, and then the work I did there brought some attention from small businesses looking for commercial commissions. These were all incredibly different projects in terms of scope and budget, and I've been tackling them all on a case-by-case basis and slowly coming into my own irt my needs, rates, and SOW thresholds. It is still a work in progress (and a LOT of literal work as well), and very much a thing I struggle with in publicly marketing, which is why I felt a tad underqualified to answer your question in the first place (obviously I did not let that stop me). But what it means for me now is that I am rapidly developing into whatever my "version" of a functioning freelance artist is, and when the conditions for that guy are met, I need to be able to confidently plant myself and operate from that space despite past precedents. Do not let anyone bully you into downpricing what you yourself perceive as legitimate products of personal growth and development. Speaking of which...
4. The shitty challenge of turning envy into inspiration, and paddling outside your comfort zones in full riot gear. it is hard, but realizing that being a miserable, self-hating artist in my early days got me nothing but more misery back was the first real step I took and what truly blew the hinges off. I was just not pleasant to be around, I would badmouth my work all the time, and it all somehow made sense in my broken mind because the validation I sought was purely external and the way I sought it was through eliciting sympathy via self-victimization (even when I made something objectively nice). It all led fucking nowhere. Except perhaps to my own narcissism that I one day managed to identify and start managing. So I started looking at things that made me seethe with envy and calmly deconstruct and figure out their inner workings instead, do studies, and find nuggets of inspiration or discover new ways to approach rendering or building up specific elements. It was an application of analytical diligence to what I wanted to be a purely emotional, esoteric workflow, but that I deep down knew wasn't. Art is a discipline and a skill, and maybe it isn't a straight line, but you gotta find some line to thread nevertheless. Being self-hating was almost an identity I had to break out of, and despite it still being like, 4-5% there? I realize its cause and effect on me, my work, and those around me, so it is with a conscious choice that I gently set it aside when I work and especially when I learn. It won't always stay quiet, but the effort is the difference. Your doors towards accepting true growth and venturing into uncharted territories, art styles, and networking will really open from there. But there's a huge caveat...
5. Toolsets, accessibility, privilege, and all the good things that enable artistic expression and profitability are not given equal to all. you might do all the mental work I mentioned to be ready to rock and roll and learn and draw your way out of anything, but digital art is a fucking money pit that asks almost too much at times. I don't got a good case study here but identifying and ensuring accessibility to the tools you need to do your best work is, like, super important. The ergonomics can improve as you make money and settle into the job, but the basics have to be made available to you. And some of that might not even be under your direct control. That can be anything from pen tablets to software subscriptions to opportunities in hiring sullied by sexism or what have you. You gotta navigate all that through careful networking and money/time management. I don't do a good job of devoting specific slices of time to work/study, and my primary clutch is iPad software which went from a good deal to a nightmare scenario over the years. So all I can say here is do what I didn't; network, invest in a PC/tablet, and pick a software you'll learn that won't burn a hole in your pocket.
6. Be nice to work with? This one is hard to articulate and has landed my own ass in hot water in my early years because of how socially inept I am, but nothing is more worthwhile than being.. like. a good person to work with. That can be anything like meeting deadlines, or sometimes missing them but eloquently articulating why, being generous in early stages, being communicable and not too wordy in your emails, having a good grasp on abstract artistic concepts and how to describe them in simple terms, having a clear, laid out framework of your working rates in commercial and non-commercial projects and sticking to those guns with grace, understanding when you need to say no and saying it well, the works. Just being nice. Sometimes that might mean going headstrong with something you believe in, or simmering down and sucking up to the big man, all relative and adaptive. Part and parcel of the service provision dance that we all have to do in order to make bank. Know your lines here, obviously, and don't like. work for nazis. or uh.. *shudders* exposure. but be nice and empathetic and communicable and word will travel eventually. Skill may be in abundance these days, but good people are most certainly not, and capitalism has a way of bubbling up scarcity. Grim, but uh, them's the breaks.
I know I'm ultimately telling you to like. Have a body of work, make a portfolio, grow, and network. But that's really how I see it for now. And being nice can be a cherry on top that sets you apart, along with the inherent irreplaceable voice of your artwork. I think I rambled on enough, but if there is something specific you need my help with, even if you want to come off anon and talk in private, please feel free.
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halleyj96 · 4 years
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🧧 All you need to know about Korean New Year 🧧
This is only the 1st part so make sure to check out the 2nd part as well!
Korean New Year (설날) is one of the most important traditional Korean holidays together with Chuseok (추석). It is the first day of the year according to the Chinese Lunar calendar.
During this time, many Koreans visit family, perform ancestral rites, wear hanbok (한복), eat traditional food, and play folk games. Additionally, children often receive money from their elders after performing a formal bow.
The celebration usually lasts 3 days: the day before Korean New Year, Korean New Year itself, and the day after Korean New Year. Since 2014, Korean people can take alternative holidays if one of these 3 days happens to be on the weekend.
Korean New Year generally occurs in January or February on the second new moon after the winter solstice, unless there is an intercalary eleventh or twelfth month in the lead-up to the New Year. In such a case, the New Year falls on the third new moon after the solstice.
1. Names
Korean New Year (설날) is the day when a new year begins and the old year ends, so the word "설" is believed to have originated from the meaning of "설다", "낯설다", which means "unfamiliar".
During the period of Japanese colonial rule, January 1st by solar calendar was called 신정(新正), and January 1st by lunar calendar was called 구정(舊正). This is a term coined in Japan when Japanese's calendar 和曆 (wareki) was changed to the solar calendar and the Lunar New Year was called 旧正 (kyūsē).
2. Origins and history
There is a record of the Three Kingdoms that mentioned Korean New Year, which was celebrated during the reign of King Bicheo of Silla in 488 A.D., and later continued to Goryeo and Joseon.
With the introduction of the Gregorian calendar due to the Eulmi Reform, from 1896 the government set the official Korean New Year to the first day of Gregorian calendar.
For more than 40 years after the liberation of Korea (광복), Korean New Year was not treated as a holiday, the South Korean regime designated the period from January 1 to January 3 of the Gregorian calendar as a public new year holiday.
In particular, the Lee Seung-man government and the Park Chung-hee government tried to eliminate the Korean New Year by penalizing private businesses for double taxation, and encouraged them to take celebrate New Year's Day in solar calendar instead. That's the reason why a lot of families from big cities like Seoul started to celebrate New Year's Day.
However, most households still maintained the tradition of performing ancestral rites on Korean New Year's Day and the opinion that the old New Year should be designated as a holiday and respect its tradition was raised, so the government issued the first day of Korean calendar as a folk day (민속의 날) from 1985 to 1988.
In 1989, the Roh Tae-woo administration accepted public opinion that the old New Year's Day should be re-vitalized, setting the old New Year as official Korean New Year and a national holiday.
3. Folk beliefs
Tradition has it that if you sleep on the night before Korean New Year, your eyebrows will turn white. So a lot of people stay up all night to greet the new year, and also to avoid having their eyebrows turn white.
There is also a custom of gathering hair that had been combed for a year in a comb box, then burn it at sunset on New Year's Day to fight off bad diseases.
There is a myth that a demon called Yagwang (야광) comes down to the villages where people live on New Year's Day. It puts on children's shoes, and steals them if the shoes fit its feet. The children who lost their shoes are deemed to be unlucky all year round, so a lot of kids hide their shoes and go to bed early.
But, if a sieve is hung on the wall or the gate, the Yagwang demon will not even think of trying on the shoes as it is so occupied by counting the numbers of holes on the sieve. When morning comes, the Yagwang demon will run away immediately.
🟢 Let me know what you want to see on my blog. 🟢 My inbox is always open for questions.
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dingoes8myrp · 4 years
An Examination of Joss Whedon
On February 11th, Charisma Carpenter made a post on her Instagram account detailing mistreatment she experienced on the sets of Angel and Buffy the Vampire Slayer. Carpenter worked on both shows from 1996 to 2004 and attributes this mistreatment to show creator Joss Whedon.
On the same day, I made a post on my Tumblr and my WordPress accounts regarding my stance on this topic. I felt it was important for me to post something quickly due to the large number of Buffyverse followers and mutuals on my Tumblr.
I was overwhelmed by the likes, reblogs, and comments this post received in less than twenty-four hours. I’m so glad so many people support Charisma Carpenter and others who are speaking out about their experiences.
Workplace mistreatment is insidious, and too often the systems in place to mediate these situations are designed to protect the employer rather than the person experiencing mistreatment. This happens everywhere in every industry. When people in the public eye draw attention to these issues it helps bring awareness to everyone and encourages societal change.
In today’s climate, social media moves faster than legal or internal HR systems. This means, more often than not, accusations spread, opinions form, and action is taken long before any investigation can occur. Because of this, it’s important for people to seek out the facts themselves in order to stay informed or make decisions about who in fandom they choose to support or not.
I’m going to go through various tid-bits I’ve seen over the past twenty-five years regarding Joss Whedon’s behavior, which prompted my quick response to Charisma Carpenter’s post. I feel it’s important to share this with those who may be new to the fandom, or those who doubt Charisma Carpenter’s claims and those of others.
The Bronze
Before there was Twitter, there was The Bronze.
The Bronze was the official online gathering place of Buffyverse fans. Joss Whedon and others involved with the shows occasionally popped in and posted, interacting with the fans. There was speculation about the trajectory of the show, discussion about lore, fan theories, and behind the scenes rumors.
I didn’t learn about these forums until I was in high school (from 2002 to 2006) and I never posted. I just read up on the fun factoids I could find. I wasn’t a heavy Internet user back then. We had one computer in my house and it was shared with my parents. I was only allowed on for so much time per day, yada yada.
I think Buffy the Vampire Slayer was one of the first shows – if not the first – to utilize this kind of creator/fan interaction. It wasn’t a regular thing back then.
The vibe of these forums was very laidback. When someone directly involved with Buffy the Vampire Slayer or Angel posted (known as a V.I.P.) it was with a very casual, unmoderated tone. There was no screenshotting every word to be saved for later. Someone from the media couldn’t grab a comment made and spread it across the Internet in real time. There were mailing lists – collections of email addresses for people who wanted updates on show spoilers or particular non-show activities of various actors. Fan letters were still a thing – actual snail mail letters you could send to actors and writers of the shows. Things moved slowly, and there wasn’t as much transparency as there is on the Internet today with sites like Instagram and Twitter.
In a series of posts made on November 6th, 2001, Joss Whedon reacted to the airing of the musical episode, “Once More with Feeling.” He called it “the biggest undertaking of my life,” but expressed his appreciation toward the UPN network, the cast, and crew – particularly Anthony Head, Amber Benson, and James Marsters. He calls Anthony Head “the golden throat” and writes of James Marsters, “And James, who always tells me to do everything I dream of, then brings that intense voice and those cheekbones along for the ride.”
All he writes about Amber Benson is, “Amber… just, you know… Amber….”
Alarmingly absent from his praise is star Sarah Michelle Gellar, who “went back and forth” over whether or not to sing in the episode. “I’m not a singer,” she told EW. She didn’t feel prepared enough and “didn’t feel confident.” As someone who broke out of her comfort zone and pulled off a wonderful leading performance, Gellar was certainly deserving of some acknowledgment.
Seemingly realizing he neglected to mention Marti Noxon, Whedon tacked on, “Do you know anyone that hot who can run a show? Do you? I don’t think so. What a voice.” At the time, alongside comments about James Marsters’ cheekbones and being “a little gay” for Anthony Head, this seemed to be an attempt at an edgy complement (though a little cringey). Marti Noxon was a new showrunner for Buffy, taking over for Joss. Referring to her as hot rather than praising her work is a little demeaning, in my opinion, particularly when it was up to him to make sure she was respected and taken seriously in filling his shoes.
On May 22nd, 2002, Whedon posted about “the gay thing” – probably not for the first time. Regarding some fan reactions to the death of Tara Maclay, Joss wrote, “I knew some people would be angry with me for destroying the only gay couple on the show, but the idea that I COULDN’T kill Tara because she was gay is as offensive to me as the idea that I DID kill her because she was gay. Willow’s story was not about being gay. It was about weakness, addiction, loss… the way life hits you in the gut right when you think you’re back on your feet.”
Keep in mind, at the time, Willow was one of the first gay main characters – if not THE first – on a major primetime show in the sci-fi/fantasy genre. Having a gay couple on a major show like this was not a regular thing, which made the shocking death of Tara and the dark turn of Willow particularly hard-hitting. While Whedon isn’t saying anything particularly inflammatory here, it does show a sort of crass attitude toward the removal of this representation from the show, which had become so important to so many fans – and still is now.
There’s not a lot of meaty information to be found that I could dig up, but I wanted to give people an idea of this landscape back in the day. I picked out those particular Joss Whedon posts because they show a very casual disregard for the women involved in the shows – an insidious and subtle thing, but it’s there.
Fighting with Buffy
Jeff Pruitt was a stunt coordinator on Buffy the Vampire Slayer from 1997 to 2000. He also happened to be romantically involved with Sarah Michelle Gellar’s stunt double, Sophia Crawford. Both would exit the show by its fifth season. According to Pruitt, it was not an amicable exit.
Pruitt claims he and Crawford were treated badly on the set, that Crawford was “one never ending injury” and she had “reached the end of her rope.” He said that they were threatened and blackballed when they made attempts to leave before the 100th episode. They got an opportunity to work on Dark Angel, but the people at Dark Angel supposedly received a phone call from “someone high up at their studio” and were told not to hire Pruitt and Crawford. He suspects this was to keep Sophia Crawford from leaving Buffy the Vampire Slayer.
Their firing was unceremonious, according to Pruitt. “Sophia was told point blank that she was being fired because she knew too much about things,” he claimed. He said Joss Whedon and Jane Espenson threatened Crawford, saying if she spoke about what happened on set she’d “never work in this town again.”
Jeff Pruitt spoke about “sneaky politics” behind the scenes, saying “there was something weird going on” in the months leading up to his and Crawford’s exit. Pruitt claims Sarah Michelle Gellar was a “spoiled starlett” and that she was “out to get” him and Crawford. He attributes statements he made in private emails that were later read by Joss Whedon to his firing.
It’s worth noting that many people have stated that Sarah Michelle Gellar is undeserving of a “diva” label. When asked in 2004 what it was like working with Sarah Michelle Gellar, Julie Benz said, “She’s extremely talented and generous. Her reputation is just completely untrue. Unfortunately in Hollywood if you’re young and female and you have an opinion you get labeled a diva or something…else. Sarah’s an amazing talent, but she got labeled.”
In a 2013 interview on Bravo’s Watch What Happens Live, Alyson Hannigan answered a series of rapid-fire questions about Buffy the Vampire Slayer. When asked who was the most “annoyed” by the end of the show, she said, “Sarah,” referring to Sarah Michelle Gellar. When the audience booed, Hannigan clarified, “Well, she had a big career going, and it was a lot of work.” When asked when Gellar started to “hate” the show, Hannigan quickly said season three. In a later interview for Huffpost Live, Hannigan clarified her comments further. “[Sarah Michelle Gellar] worked her butt off,” she stated. “She worked eighteen-hour days for years.” Hannigan said she wouldn’t have classified Gellar as “annoyed,” saying, “she was super professional.”
Honestly, I’m Team Sarah on this one. I couldn’t find corroborating sources for Jeff Pruitt’s claims of her “diva” behavior, but I found several sources stating otherwise. Gellar did confirm during a cast reunion that she may have oversold her stunt experience, which ultimately would have meant more work for her stunt double and the stunt coordinator. It seems to me like this set everything on a bad foot with that team. But, the reasons Jeff Pruitt and Sophia Crawford gave for their exit had little-to-nothing to do with Gellar.
Vincent Kartheiser
Vincent Kartheiser played Connor on Angel, and he did a number of interviews talking about his experience on the show. I picked his interviews because I’ve always found him to be very candid and he doesn’t seem to shy away from uncomfortable answers to questions. A few of his answers provide a little insight into the mood on the set at times, and Charisma Carpenter’s attitude.
When Charisma Carpenter was pregnant on the show, she had a storyline that heavily involved Connor, so the two spent a lot of time working together on set. He was asked about her pregnancy and how it affected filming. In a 2003 interview for BBC Cult, Kartheiser said of Carpenter, “she was a great sport and would suck up the pain even though you could see that she was in it.”
In another interview for Angel Magazine from the same year, he said Carpenter had “an abundance of energy for a working, pregnant lady who, right in the heart of her pregnancy, they put her in so much.”
It’s worth noting Vincent Kartheiser had his own issues with the show. “What really made me interested in Angel was the idea that as a show, it changed so much and all the characters could change so much,” he told Angel Magazine. “It wasn’t that clichéd kind of ‘show up, do your thing, go home’ all the time.” Unfortunately, the potential that interested him never came to fruition for his character. “As the season went on, we never really got to deal with the relationship problems between me and David,” Kartheiser said, referring to David Boreanaz as Angel. “I never really got the opportunity to bond with any other characters.” He expressed a feeling that there was nowhere for his character to go and that Connor’s motivations seemed to change from week to week. “There were parts of the season I didn’t have the opportunity to stretch,” he explained, “that it felt like I was doing the same scene over and over.”
Vincent Kartheiser did a later interview with Giantmag.com where he reiterated some of these frustrations. For him, the character of Connor started to get stale early on. “Every week I’d show up and have a scene with Cordelia,” he said, “then Angel would show up and I’d have some sort of conflict with him. There’d be a couple of fight scenes where I’d fight with them even though I didn’t want to and then I would sulk and leave. That to me was every episode.” He felt the writers had written Connor “into a corner” and that fans responded poorly to him.
When comparing his experience on Angel to his experience playing Pete Campbell on Mad Men, Kartheiser expressed a lackluster feeling on the set of Angel. “There was a real sense on Angel that people were just doing a job,” Kartheiser said of the set. “The grips, the DP, even the directors would kind of just show up, do their job and go home.” This atmosphere is a direct contrast to what had attracted Vincent Kartheiser to the show in the first place. “On Mad Men we also have Matthew Weiner on set all the time whereas Joss [Whedon] was hardly ever on Angel,” Kartheiser explained. “I think Joss was doing Firefly at that point and was in love with his next project. I had a friend who filmed a few episodes in the first season of Angel and said everyone was invested and there was crazy energy, so maybe I just came into it late.”
Kartheiser also delved deeper into his frustrations over the direction (or lack thereof) of his character. “I let them know right off the bat that some of the choices they were making [about Conner] were wrong,” he said. “I showed up to play that character and I had a lot of ideas. And they didn’t like any of those ideas.” As a result, Kartheiser said he got “jaded” and “angry” at the show. “I felt like it wasn’t a collaboration, that the people I was working with didn’t care to take risks.”
In hindsight, he went on to say, “I was never a fan of Buffy, I’ll say it straight out. I was never a fan of Angel. I always found it hard to say Joss’ words.”
From all these comments, both from the beginning of Vincent Kartheiser’s journey as Connor, and from a few years after the show ended, it seems like he was excited for the opportunity, but ultimately disappointed with the overall experience. He also revealed how uncomfortable Charisma Carpenter had to be during filming while she was pregnant, but noted her energy and attitude were never a problem.
Farewell Cordelia
Prior to Charisma Carpenter’s official exit from Angel, her character arc had taken a very strange turn and Cordelia had been ominously left in a coma. Concern grew when Charisma Carpenter was not included in the cast of season 5. In a 2003 interview with TV Guide Online, Joss Whedon stated, “The Angel/Cordelia [love story] had gone pretty much as far as we wanted to take it” and that it wasn’t popular with the fans. “It just seemed like a good time for certain people to move on,” he continued. “Not completely, obviously. I’m hoping that we’ll get Charisma to do some episodes as Cordelia sometime during the year.”
TV Guide asked, “Isn’t that a disservice to fans who invested all those years in the character and her redemption? It seems an odd thing to do to the show’s leading lady.” Whedon responded, “That’s a fluctuating concept, the leading lady thing. And it is a little odd. Some choices are ultimately kind of controversial about who stays and who goes and who we focus on. But obviously, we had to have her out of a bunch of episodes toward the end of the year because she was having a baby… so what we had [leading] up to it wasn’t a dynamic I wanted to play out that much.” When asked if things were left on good terms with Charisma Carpenter, Joss Whedon stated he wouldn’t discuss that in an interview.
From Charisma Carpenter’s perspective, she was uncomfortable with Cordelia’s storyline prior to her coma and her death. “It was creepy,” she said of Cordelia’s relationship with Connor. “Connor was Angel’s son and half my age.” Carpenter stated it was important for her to return to wrap up the character’s storyline. “We didn’t want to just leave Cordelia in a coma,” she stated. “Whatever happens after this, I’m open. But it’s just best this story be [resolved] now. Otherwise, it’s a disservice to the fans of our show.” When pressed regarding whether or not she’d return to the show, Carpenter replied, “I don’t think it’ll be necessary. You never say never. However, at this point in time, I don’t see a future for her.” She continued with, “I feel like Joss feels – the Cordelia stories have been told. There were no other directions to go with her.”
Carpenter’s final appearance as Cordelia was an emotional experience. “We’ve been crying for the last two days,” she said in a behind-the-scenes interview. “I’m so physically drained.” She wasn’t the only one affected, either. “The director was crying, the crew was crying, we were crying,” she said. She called it a sad goodbye personally, professionally, and story-wise.
Working with Joss Whedon
Over the years, Joss Whedon gained a reputation for being unconventional to work with. Many actors from the Buffyverse have said they were unhappy with their characters’ creative paths. Sarah Michelle Gellar felt season six “betrayed” who Buffy was, saying she had to be “talked off a ledge” a number of times during filming.
Nicholas Brendon felt the character of Xander was “underrated,” particularly during season seven. “Joss did have a talk with Sarah and I because he was kind of contemplating the idea of Xander and Buffy ending up together at the end of season seven,” Brendon told AV Club. “We were both for it, but then that never came to fruition and I lost my eye.”
On an episode of Michael Rosenbaum’s Inside of You podcast, James Marsters said he was “terrified” of Joss Whedon. “I wasn’t designed to be a romantic character,” he explained. “The audience reacted that way to it. And I remember [Joss Whedon] backed me up against a wall one day, and he was just like, ‘I don’t care how popular you are, kid. You’re dead! You hear me? You’re dead! Dead!” Rosenbaum asked, “Was he kidding around?” and Marsters replied, “No. Hell, no.” Marsters also said he had “open wounds” on his scalp from over-using bleach on his roots every eight days to keep the roots from growing out.
Multiple actors from Angel have talked about Whedon’s habit of making actors squirm. David Boreanaz spoke about how he learned about the Angel spinoff during a twentieth anniversary cast reunion. “I got a phone call that Joss wanted to talk to me,” Boreanaz recalled. “The only thing he said was, ‘I want you to come into my office tomorrow,’ and I’m like, ‘I’m fired.’” He described having a night of “angst” and spent the following day working on some flashback scenes. When he finally met with Whedon at lunch it took some time for Whedon to tell him his character was getting a spin-off. Alexis Denisof expressed a similar knee-jerk feeling of “uh-oh,” but had an idea the spin-off was filming. However, Amy Acker had a similar story to what Boreanaz experienced when she was told about her character Fred’s transformation into Illyria. “It seems to be an echo of, like, ‘Hey, can you meet me for coffee tomorrow?’ and I’m like, ‘Ohh, they’re firing me!’ And we sat down to coffee and he said, ‘I just wanted you to know I’m killing Fred.’ And he waited, like, really a long time.” Charisma Carpenter chimed in, “He likes to do that!” Acker was then informed she would still be on the show as Illyria.
Charisma Carpenter and Marti Noxon have shared their own stories about Joss’s “You’re fired, just kidding” stories. Seth Green quipped “He did that to me too, but it took.”
Whedon’s View of Women
While Joss Whedon considers his writing to be feminist, his portrayal of women as well as other statements he’s made contradict this. In 2013, he gave a speech for Equality Now about his dislike of the word “feminist.” While this speech earned him some acclaim, it also earned him some backlash from the feminist community. This was mainly because he claimed it’s natural for people to be equal, and to add “-ist” to the end of the word “feminist” implies that people’s natural state is to be unequal. This stance was seen as disrespectful to Feminism as a movement, for some.
Joss Whedon received wide criticism for his portrayal of women in the Marvel Cinematic Universe. One critic, Scott Mendelson, talked about Whedon’s portrayal of Scarlet Witch and Black Widow in Avengers: Age of Ultron. “Scarlet Witch eventually has to be coaxed into bravery by one of the male heroes,” Mendelson writes of Elizabeth’s Olson’s character. Mendelson was even less thrilled with Scarlet Johansson’s Natasha Romanoff. “Maybe I shouldn’t be annoyed that the only major female character’s primary arc is a theoretically unrequited pining for a nice guy with major anger issues,” he writes, “or that said character briefly gets captured by the villain in the second act and tossed in a cage for no reason other than to be rescued by her male compatriots.” Backlash over this film caused Whedon to quit Twitter. In an article for Gizmodo, writers Meredith Woerner and Katharine Trendacosta point out that Joss Whedon teased a “killer” backstory for Natasha Romanoff. “Instead of an assassin constantly struggling with finding moral lines she didn’t know existed, we got a woman who feels incomplete because she cannot have babies,” Woerner and Trendacosta concluded.
In 2017, Whedon’s ex-wife Kai Cole wrote a blog for The Wrap stating, “he used his relationship with me as a shield, both during and after our marriage, so no one would question his relationships with other women or scrutinize his writing as anything other than feminist.”
Cole alleges Whedon wrote her a letter in which he said, “When I was running ‘Buffy,’ I was surrounded by beautiful, needy, aggressive young women… As a guilty man I knew the only way to hide was to act as though I were righteous… In many ways I was the HEIGHT of normal, in this culture. We’re taught to be providers and companions and at the same time, to conquer and acquire — specifically sexually — and I was pulling off both!” At the end of her essay, Cole wrote, “I want the people who worship him to know he is human, and the organizations giving him awards for his feminist work, to think twice in the future about honoring a man who does not practice what he preaches.”
In response to Kai Cole’s letter, Laura M. Browning wrote in an AV Club article, “I was sad, but not shocked—maybe a little embarrassed I hadn’t looked more closely at some very clear problems in his work… His work has plenty of male gaze and women in refrigerators and some narratively pointless rape scenes—it’s all right there, in hundreds of hours of television and film—but boy, it sure is a lot more comfortable to listen to a guy tell you he’s a feminist than listen to a lot of women telling you he’s not.”
Whedon’s veneer of feminism has been cracking for several years.
Recent Allegations
Actor Ray Fisher claimed Joss Whedon behaved inappropriately on the set of Justice League, tweeting, “Joss Wheadon’s on-set treatment of the cast and crew of Justice League was gross, abusive, unprofessional, and completely unacceptable.” Fisher also accused Geoff Johns and Jon Berg of enabling Whedon’s behavior. An investigation was done by Warner Brothers and co-stars Jason Mamoa and Kiersey Clemons publicly supported Fisher. Ultimately, the investigation concluded and “remedial action” was taken. The action taken has not been specified.
Shortly after, Joss Whedon exited the HBO series The Nevers, which Fisher attributes to his own claims.
Team Charisma
Those who have shown support to Charisma Carpenter include: Sarah Michelle Gellar Ray Fisher J. August Richards Michelle Trachtenberg Amber Benson Eliza Dushku Jose Molina Marti Noxon Emma Caulfield James Marsters Anthony Head Clare Kramer James C. Leary Sophia Crawford David Boreanaz Amy Acker Julie Benz Danny Strong Adam Busch Tom Lenk Nicholas Brendon Jeff Mariotte
Others who have written about Joss Whedon or come out to support those coming forward:
Courtney Enlow Nell Scovell Glen Mazzara
My Conclusion
As I stated in my previous post on this topic, I stand with Team Charisma. It is not okay for a person in a position of power over others in the workplace to misuse that power in an inappropriate or abusive manner. No matter how talented that person may be and how beloved the work may be.
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arowrimo · 4 years
AroWriMo 2021 Roundup
Here is the compilation of all 48 works submitted to AroWriMo 2021!
We have a lot of variety this year - short stories, poetry, non-fiction, a play, song lyrics, a zine, flash fiction and some novel/novellas! Check out the impressive writing collected here and support the writers themselves - links to their other sites/accounts are included where possible. Give them a look/follow, and share the works you really enjoy!
Thanks to all who submitted and shared for a wonderful AroWriMo 2021, and I look forward to doing it again in 2022!
Leaving: A (very) Unfinished Stage Play by charcharcharace (blogspot)
Post, direct link (blogspot) Summary: A fractured personal narrative on entering and leaving an unhealthy relationship and the pain of being aromantic without that knowledge. Word Count: 1200 Theme: Humanity Language: English Genre: Personal CW: Depression, manipulation, unhealthy romantic relationship, processing self-blame
Syrinxian Diamond: Chapter One by charcharcharace (blogspot)
Post, Direct link (blogspot) Summary: After a heist gone wrong, our hero is caught up in an interdimensional prophecy that just may bring them answers to the questions they don't know how to put into words, a feeling of difference, of not feeling right acting how they're supposed to act - but what other way is there to be? Follow our hero through desert ruins, the Wild West, a royal ball, and of course, a midnight trip to the library. Word Count: 2539 Prompt: Hope Theme: Fantasy, Ancient World Language: English Genre: Portal Fantasy, Heist CW: Unsupportive sibling, chapter one features the absence of knowledge of aromanticism, and doesn't feature aromanticism directly.
Oh, the truth shall set you free by @amanita-cynth
Summary: “I know exactly four things about Alway.” She said wryly. “She’s 23, a genius, she keeps at least three feet between her and other people at all times, and she can root out the truth like nobody else.” Of course, coming from another profiler, such an assessment carried a lot of weight. Eden Alway, the newest member of an FBI profiling unit, is odd even by their standards. But as they begin to pry more into her life and struggle with some of what they find, her past is racing to catch up with her and drag them into the storm that was her life. Featuring misunderstandings, odd behaviour, the constant problems of amatonormativity, and a rapidly escalating series of bizarre problems that they are in no way qualified for but definitely isn’t magic. Word Count: 11000 Prompt: Non-romantic Relationships, Self-reliance Theme: Fantasy Language: English Genre: Crime, portal fantasy CW: Romance, Violence, Gore, amatonormativity, religious imagery, mild body horror later on, currently a WIP
Embers by @clad-in-sunshine​ (Wordpress, Twitter)
Post, Direct link (tumblr), Direct link (wordpress) Summary: I’m terrible at picking titles. But I have been enjoying writing songs, and this is one I wrote for AroWriMo and the Valentines theme of ‘Love, Romance and Friendship’ at my local folk club. The middle part is entirely uninteresting to me, so this is more about love and friendship than anything else, and the various forms that can take. The tune is called 'Midnight on The Water'. Word Count: 479 Prompt: Non-romantic Relationships, Self-reliance Language: English Genre: Singer/songwriter, Folk
Games/Interactive Media
Superheroes Inc. by charcharcharace (blogspot)
Post, Direct link (blogspot) Summary: It's time for your first day as the Supervising Hero Response Manager at Superhero Incorporated, the largest collection of super heroes on the US West Coast. It's a big step up from your last job managing a team of five up-and-comers out of Chicago to supervising a nearly a hundred teams. Your priority, of course, is choosing which of the 12 big league heroes to have Shadow teleport to high crisis events. Word Count: 3000 Prompt: Future Theme: Sci-Fi Language: English Genre: Sci-Fi CW: Death, Bigotry
My Aro Heart: A Zine by charcharcharace (blogspot)
Post, Direct link (blogspot) Summary:   A short zine about loving the aro community. Word Count: 50 Language: English Genre: Zine CW: Love (non-romantic)
Flash Fiction
#3 by @fuckin-fudge-nutter
Post link, Direct link (google docs) Word Count: 304 Prompt: Future Theme: Defying Expectations Language: English Genre: Realistic Fiction CW: Mild internalized arophobia
A Moth And No Flames by @voidpunk.kenku on Instagram
Post, Direct link (toyhou.se) Word Count: 337 Category: Flash Fiction Prompt: Hope Language: English Genre: gaslamp fantasy CW: insects
Future by 27twinsister on Ao3
Post, Direct link (Ao3) Summary: Hikari would be alone forever. He liked that idea. The note contains my headcanons for Hikari and what the words mean. Word Count: 146 Prompt: Future Language: English Fandom: Ressha Sentai ToQger, Nonomura Hikari Genre: Character study CW: None
Loveless by 27twinsister on Ao3
Post, Direct link (Ao3) Summary: Takeru and Akari love each other (not like that, this is genfic). Mentions “ love potions or something” in one line. The note contains my headcanons for Takeru and what the words mean. Word Count: 231 Prompt: Romo/loveless Language: English Fandom: Kamen Rider Ghost Genre: Fantasy/Supernatural, hurt/comfort CW: None given
Music by 27twinsister
Post, direct link (Ao3) Summary: Shinnosuke didn’t like silence. He liked being in an environment with other people, or with background noise. That only caused a bit of trouble at home once he lived with Kiriko. Word Count: 223 Category: Flash Fiction Prompt: Music Language: English Fandom: Kamen Rider Drive Genre: Character study CW: None
Freedom by 27twinsister
Post, direct link (Ao3) Summary: Eiji likes his freedom. The note contains my headcanons for Eiji and what the words mean. Word Count: 140 Category: Flash Fiction Prompt: Freedom Language: English Fandom: Kamen Rider OOO Genre: Character study CW: None
Mirror by 27twinsister
Post, direct link (Ao3) Summary: Tsukasa doesn’t dwell in any world. He just stays for as long as he needs. The note contains my headcanons for Tsukasa and what the words mean. Word Count: 223 Category: Flash Fiction Prompt: Music Language: English Fandom: Kamen Rider Decade Genre: Character study CW: None
Hope by 27twinsister
Post, Direct link (Ao3) Summary: Haruto is nervous about coming out. Word Count: 150 Category: Flash Fiction Prompt: Hope Language: English Fandom: Kamen Rider Wizard Genre: Character study CW: None
Self-Reliance by 27twinsister (Ao3)
Post, direct link (Ao3) Summary: Tsubasa likes to be alone. The note contains my headcanons for Tsubasa and what the words mean.   Word Count: 161 Prompt: Self-reliance Language: English Fandom: Mahou Sentai Magiranger             Genre: Character study CW: None
Non-Romantic Relationships by 27twinsister (Ao3)
Post, Direct link (Ao3) Summary:   Jiro doesn’t know if his relationship with Yuki is romantic. But it’s special to him. The note contains my headcanons for Jiro and what the words mean   Word Count: 209 Prompt: Non-Romantic Relationships Language: English Fandom: Dogengers Genre: Character study CW: Romance mention
Thursday Thoughts: AroWriMo Week 1: Romo/Loveless & Future by @sophieakatz​
Post, Direct link Word Count: 562 Prompt: Romo/Loveless, Future Language: English CW: Romance mention
The Future Is Arospec by aceofarrows
Post, Direct link Summary: This blog post talks about the nature of romantic attraction, why getting rid of amatonormativity is a worthwhile project, and how arospec people can help bring this about by getting involved in political activism and queer liberation. Word Count: 800 Category: Non-fiction Prompt: Romo/loveless, Future Language: English CW: None
Freedom and Music by @nzcienif
Post, direct link Word Count: 488 Prompt: Freedom, Music Theme: Defying Expectations Language: English Genre: Non Fiction CW: None Link: https://nzcienif.tumblr.com/post/642572547990421504/arowrimo-week-2-freedom-and-music Promo: https://nzcienif.tumblr.com/
The Demand for Freedom to Be Oneself  by @graces-of-luck​
Post, direct link Word Count: 363 Prompt: Freedom Theme: Defying Expectations Language: English Genre: Narrative CW: None
Thursday Thoughts: AroWriMo Week 2: Freedom & Music by @sophieakatz​
Post, direct link Word Count: 647 Prompt: Freedom, Music Language: English Genre: Non Fiction CW: None
Defying expectations by @aallotarenunelma
Post, direct link Word Count: 986 Prompt: Hope, Mirror Theme: Defying Expectations Language: English Genre: Essay CW: Romance, Amatonormativity
Aro Visions and Hopes by @penandquillcafe ( @aroacechillzone )
Post, Direct link Word Count: 729 Prompt: Hope, Mirror Language: English Genre: Nonfiction CW: amatonormativity, arophobia, loneliness (metaphor)
Thursday Thoughts: AroWriMo Week 3: Hope & Mirror by @sophieakatz
Post, Direct link Word count: 201 Prompt: Hope, Mirror Language: English Genre: Non-fiction CW: Romance mention, Sex mention
Relationship Anarchy and Hugs by charcharcharace (blogspot)
Post, Direct link (blogspot) Summary: Applying relationship anarchy to family relationships and hugs. Word Count: 522 Prompt: Non-romantic Relationships Theme: Defying Expectations Language: English Genre: Non-Fiction CW: consent issues, boundary breaking
Thursday Thoughts: AroWriMo Week 4: Non-Romantic Relationships & Self-Reliance by @sophieakatz
Post, Direct link (tumblr) Word Count: Prompt: Non-romantic Relationships, Self-reliance Language: English Genre: Non-fiction CW: Romance mention
Untitled by @brilliantsnafu
Post, Direct link Word Count: 38 Prompt: Romo/loveless, Future Language: English Genre: Nonfiction CW: Bigotry, arophobia; amatonormativity
Little Boxes by anon
Post, Direct link (Google docs) Word Count: 456 Prompt: Freedom Theme: Choosing to be Yourself Language: English Genre: Poem/non-fiction
To My Dear and Loving... by @writingthingsilike​
Post, Direct link (tumblr) Summary: A poem about being aromantic but still wanting a life partner Word Count: 165 Prompt: Non-romantic Relationships Theme: Choosing to be Yourself Language: English Genre: Non-fiction CW: None
AroAce by Catolica (Ao3)
Post, Direct link (Ao3) Word Count: 254 Language: English CW: Choose not to use warnings
icarus' stone by @franzimaya  (@witchreyna on Twitter)
Post, direct link Word Count: 199 Prompt: Freedom Theme: Choosing to be Yourself Language: English Genre: Poetry CW: Grief
The End of the Rouse Family Tree by @turnovers-and-coke (@arbys-chocolate-turnover, Wattpad)
Post, Direct link Word Count: 144 Prompt: Mirror Theme: Choosing to be Yourself Language: English Genre: poetry CW: None
Care, uncoupled by @graces-of-luck
Post, Direct link (tumblr) Word Count: 149 Prompt: Non-romantic Relationships Theme: Humanity Language: English Genre: Free Verse CW: Romance
Human = ( X - Y ) / Z by charcharcharace (blogspot)
Post, Direct link (blogspot) Summary: A poem about human essentialism Word Count: 129 Theme: Humanity Language: English Genre: Poetry CW: Mentions of essentialism and touches on dehumanizing ideas
Short Stories
Chasing Shadows by @secret-arrow-man
Post, Direct link Summary:  A questioning aro discusses relationship problems with an old friend. Word Count: 660 Theme: Choosing to be Yourself Language: English Genre: Fiction CW: Romance, Alcohol mention
My Valentine by @bimboztown on twitter
Post, Direct link (Google docs) Word Count: 305 Category: Short Stories Theme: Choosing to be Yourself Language: English Genre: Coming of Age CW: Suicide attempt mention
Made on the Shore by @clad-in-sunshine 
Post, Direct link Summary:  Cora had never had much interest in people, and had chosen to live alone on the shore for years by this point. When a ship sails close, she has to deal with both her interest in it and the Captain’s interest in her. Based on the song ‘Fair Maid on The Shore’. Word Count: 2129 Prompt: Romo/loveless, Future Theme: Choosing to be Yourself Language: English Genre: Fiction, Ambiguous historical fiction CW: Romance, Guns, Alcohol
What is given by @amanita-cynth (Ao3)
Post, direct link Summary: A short exploration of a woman helping a traumatised, adopted girl come to terms with her newfound freedom. Word Count: 5645 Category: Short Stories Prompt: Freedom, Music Theme: Choosing to be Yourself Language: English Genre: Mildly Science Fiction CW: mentions of human experimentation
Lady in the Mirror by @amanita-cynth (Ao3)
Post, direct link (Ao3) Summary: Everyone knows the story of the lady in the mirror. How she picks those she appears to is unknown. What she offers and why it is offered is similarly a mystery; those few that have interacted with her and speak of it are reluctant to share details. Maybe that is why the stories are so well-known, so far-travelled. The mystery calls to people and they want to believe they can solve it. Word Count: 1799 Prompt: Hope, Mirror Theme: Choosing to be Yourself Language: English Genre: Fantasy CW: None
Lights, Camera, Aro! by charcharcharace (blogspot)
Post, Direct link (blogspot) Summary: An aromantic actress is conflicted over how to engage with a romantically coded improv challenge. Word Count: 1885 Theme: Choosing to be Yourself Language: English Genre: Literary CW: a ghost, pressure.
Dark secret love by @aallotarenunelma
Post, Direct link (part a), Direct link (part b) Summary:  What if an aspec Wicked Lawless Love MC was paired with the incubus Sascha? Word Count: 6941 Language: English Fandom: Wicked Lawless Love (Lovestruck app), Sascha Orosco x MC (Suna) Genre: Fantasy CW: Death, Romance, Sexual content
Thought That Cupid Shot Me With Love But It Was Only An Aro by @entity9silvergen (Ao3, FF.net)
Post, Direct link (Tumblr), Direct link (Ao3) Summary:  Soulmates were supposed to be the other half of your soul. Your one true love. Ino always dreamed of finding her soulmate. Sai never wanted one. Still, they cared for each other so they were going to make it work. Somehow.
Word Count: 10000 Prompt: Romo/loveless, Future Language: English Fandom: Naruto. Characters: Sai, Ino, Shikamaru, Choji, Naruto, Sakura, Sasuke, Kakashi Genre: Friendship/ Relationships CW: Mentioned Canon Death, Minor Aphobia
Mosaic by @entity9silvergen​ (Ao3, FF.net)
Post, Direct link (tumblr), Direct link (Ao3) Summary:  We are just mosaics of everyone we love and that mosaic shows everyone we love how beautiful they are. Bean doesn’t think she can love like everyone else but maybe that’s okay. Word Count: 2000 Language: English Fandom: Disenchantment. Characters: Bean Genre: Friendship, Self-Reflection CW: Internalized arophobia,  some self-deprecation, sex mention, drug mention, mention of canon interspecies relationships in fantasy setting Link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/29230041 Promo: entity9silvergen on Ao3, FFN, and tumblr
We Dance To Fast Music by @entity9silvergen​ (Ao3, FF.net)
Post, direct link (tumblr), direct link (Ao3) Summary: Zuko didn’t like to dance. Neither did Mai. But Ty Lee did and they’d do it for her. Fortunately for them, Ty Lee cared about how they felt and wanted to show them just how wonderful music could be. All Zuko and Mai knew were slow dances, the things of ballrooms and romance. Ty Lee only knew the dances of friendship, freedom, and fun. Word Count: 8000 Prompt: Freedom, Music Language: English Fandom: Avatar The Last Airbender. Characters: Zuko, Mai, Ty Lee, Sokka, Suki, Aang, Katara, Toph Genre: Friendship CW: None
Oblique  by @entity9silvergen (Ao3, FF.net)
Post, Direct link (Ao3) Summary: Unable to experience romantic attraction, Remus feels incomplete. Unable to feel sexual attraction, Roman feels less than. Maybe as the King, they decide, they will feel whole again. Their partners and friends, however, know this isn’t the solution and seek to help them realize there’s nothing broken about them before it’s too late. Word Count: 12000 Prompt: Mirror Theme: None Language: English Fandom: Sanders Sides. Characters: Logan, Patton, Roman, Virgil, Nate, Remy, Emile, Seth, Toby, Janus, Remus, Unnamed Orange Side, Romulus, Dragon Witch Genre: Friendship, Hurt/ Comfort CW: Romance, Sexual content, Violence
He Is Mild And He Is Meek by @entity9silvergen (Ao3, FFN)
Post, Direct link (Ao3) Summary: He is mild and he is meek, he is Momo and he is what I seek. Suki always wanted three things in life. One was to become a professional soccer player. The second was to live in a cute apartment filled with succulents. The third was to get a cat. Momo probably wasn’t anyone’s first pick as a pet but Suki was determined to get this cat to love her as much as she loved him. If only he’d accept he had a home now. Word Count: 6500 Prompt: Non-romantic Relationships Language: English Fandom: Avatar the Last Airbender. Characters: Suki, Momo, Sokka, Aang Genre: Friendship, Hurt/ Comfort CW: Mention of sex, non-excessive swearing
sick of all those love songs (sing to me about my friend on the moon). by nwhrs
Post, Direct link (Ao3) Summary: Johnny has always tried to follow the game, Ten has always stood out like a sore thumb, Chenle has always been quite vocal about himself, and Jisung really has absolutely no idea just what is going on (or does he?). And this is just a little part of their story. Word Count: 16413 Prompt: Non-romantic Relationships Theme: Choosing to be Yourself Language: English Fandom: NCT // Park Jisung, Zhong Chen Le, Chittaphon Leechaiyapornkul | Ten, Suh Youngho | Johnny Genre: Slice of Life CW: Romance, Discussions of romance & amatonormativity
he loves you (he loves you not) by @ternaryflower53
Summary:   "Who's your companion?" the man asks.   "This is Jango," he says, not adding his last name. They have a false one, a name Jango sometimes uses in undercover missions when he doesn’t  want to risk being recognized as the Mand’alor’s son, but better if they can avoid using it. "He's my husband."   The man frowns down at his datapad, then looks up to study Jango. "I wasn't expecting you to come with a partner, Master Jedi."   or, jangobi fake dating au, but make it aromantic. Word Count: 6270 Prompt: Non-romantic Relationships Language: English Fandom: Star Wars Prequel Trilogy (Obi-Wan Kenobi, Jango Fett) Genre: Fanfic CW: Romance, fake/pretend relationship, request to be in a romantic relationship that gets shut down
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