#Seventh Shem
yhebrew · 2 years
INTENT - Whose Intent Matters?
Is God intentional? Can we see patterns to our future?
Thanksgiving is approaching with the ‘intent’ of being thankful. Families are being invited or they are disappointed by not being invited to friends and relatives. I do not believe it is ‘intentional’ to leave anyone off the Thanksgiving guest list, but it has become harder and harder to accommodate gathers. People are older and just don’t have the energy of what it takes to host…cleaning the…
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skyeslittlecorner · 5 months
I noticed an interesting thing, it seems that in the very beginning the forces were equal. Six kings and six Seraphs.
Six kings were crafted by Lilith, the seventh one appeared because he fell from the heaven. I think Lucyfer was most likely a seraph. So, him, plus one unnamed seraph who was killed by Gabriel and the other killed by Beelzebub.
It's also an interesting little thing that two sixes, which are considered sinful numbers, became two holy numbers - three and seven, in Bible meaning completeness and perfection. I know king are just taken from Binsfeld's classification of demons, but still, i like to headcannon it as a symbol that both devils and angels are different but equally good in god's eyes.
By the way, I'm curious if if we have 72 devil nobles from Ars Goetia, will we get 72 angel nobles from Shem HaMephorash.
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Hello, I would like to ask if you have, or can suggest where to find, a simple glossary of common/basic Jewish terms to English? I’ve found myself infinitely scrolling your blog on mobile and while I’ve learned a lot from reading your answers, several of the terms go over my head
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You're good! Yes, there's more than one Jewish language, and in fact there's so so many dialects of many different places Jews have had a diaspora population in. Here's a good glossery I found which includes a lot of common Hebrew and some Yiddish words. (Although Yiddish isn't the only Judeo-language.)
As for words I regularly use on my blog, here's a bit of a short glossery haha. I tried to think of words and phrases I regularly use, but I could have missed something.
Ashkenazi- refers to Jews descended from Jews who settled in Germany and Eastern Europe in the diaspora.
Ayin Hara- Evil Eye
Beit HaMikdash- Either of the two Jewish Temples from history that were both destroyed.
Chabad- A movement within Chassidism that follows the values and practices taught by the Lubavitcher dynasty of Rabbis, and especially the seventh and last Rabbi in the dynasty, Rabbi Menachem Mendel Schneerson.
Chag- holiday
“Chag Sameach”- “Happy Holiday”
Chanukiyah- The eight branched candelabra with a shamash used on Chanukah
Charedi- Jews within Orthodox Judaism who observe Halakha more strictly and often reject modern and secular values and practices.
Chassidic- Jews within Orthodox Judaism categorized by increased spiritual and mystical practice that started in Eastern Europe in the 18th century that utilizes Kabbalah and “Chassidut”, which was first taught by Rabbi Yisrael Baal Shem (The Baal Shem Tov)
Conservative (Masorti outside of N. America)- A branch of Jewish observance which views Jewish practice and law through both a traditionalist and critical lens. It emphasizes the importance of both preserving Jewish traditions and practice, while also making space for reinterpretation and analysis to align with modern values and ideas.
Davening- (Yiddish) praying
Golem- a creature made of clay that is created as a guardian of the Jewish people. Most famous golem is the Golem of Prague.
Goy- gentile
Halakha- Jewish law
Kabbalah- Jewish mystical tradition. Highly spiritual and exclusive even within Judaism.
Kashrut- Jewish dietary practice
Matrilineal- refers to Jews who were born Jewish through matrilineal descent. Matrilineal descent is the parameter for Jewish identity used by Orthodox and Conservative Judaism.
Menorah- lit. “lamp”. Used mainly to refer to the seven branches lamp used in the Beit HaMikdash or the Chanukiyah used on Chanukah.
Midrash- Broadly refers to Rabbinic exegesis of traditional Jewish texts (the Tanakh and some additional texts) with alternative interpretations of the text.
Minhag- Jewish custom.
Mitzvah- commandment.
Mizrachi- broad term referring to Jews descended from Jews who settled in Asia and North Africa in the diaspora. Sometimes used to distinguish between those who populations predated Sephardic presence, although other times is used inclusively of Sephardic Jews.
Orthodox- a branch of Jewish observance categorized by strict adherence to Halakha and traditional Jewish values.
Patrilineal- refers to Jews who were born Jewish through patrilineal descent.
Reform- a branch of Jewish observance that affirms the central tenets of Judaism while also acknowledging the diversity of Jewish practice and the need for adaptability in Jewish life and practice.
“Refua Shelemah”- Full recovery. Hebrew for “Get well soon”.
Rosh Chodesh- The ‘head’ of the month.
Sephardi- refers to Jews descended from Jews who settled in the Iberian Peninsula in the diaspora and those who settled in other lands following the expulsion of Jews from Spain and Portugal.
Shabbat- the Jewish Sabbath
Shofar- an animal horn traditionally made from a ram or kudu’s horn that is used in Jewish ritual.
Talmud- The most central text of Jewish law comprised of the recorded writings and debates of the Rabbis of the Jewish court during the Second Temple Period. Composed of the Mishna, which is written in Hebrew, and the Gemara, which is written in Judeo-Aramaic.
Tanakh- Acronym for Torah, Neviim, and Ketuvim. The canonized collection of Jewish texts: The five books of Moses, the Prophets, and Writings.
Yom Tov- lit. “good day.” Another word for holiday.
And as always, if there's any word or phrase you're confused by, you're welcome to ask.
Although, I do have a tag "#if jew know jew know" which I use for posts about more "inside" stuff only intended for other Jews to understand or relate to, so if you're not Jewish and don't understand something that uses that tag, that's alright, you're not supposed to understand.
[id in alt]
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reasoningdaily · 2 months
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Ancient Hebrews of Lachish
Introduction: According to the standard Jewish Encyclopaedia 96% of all the Jews known to the world today are the descendants of the Khazar tribes of Russia, eastern Europe and western Mongolia; these are the Ashkenazi Jews, the other major sect of the Jews are the Sephardic jews, and they are a bastard people from the mixing of the Canaanites, Hittites, Amorites, Perizzites, Hivites, Jebusites, Girgashites, Kenites, Edomites and some true Israelites. the Jews have never been Isrealites; they are not Israelites now; and they will never be Israelites.
Encyclopedia Americana (1985):
“Ashkenazim, the Ashkenazim are the Jews whose ancestors lived in German lands…it was among Ashkenazi Jews that the idea of political Zionism emerged, leading ultimately to the establishment of the state of Israel…In the late 1960s, Ashkenazi Jews numbered some 11 million, about 84 percent of the world Jewish population.”
The Jewish Encyclopedia:
“Khazars, a non-Semitic, Asiatic, Mongolian tribal nation who emigrated into Eastern Europe about the first century, who were converted as an entire nation to Judaism in the seventh century by the expanding Russian nation which absorbed the entire Khazar population, and who account for the presence in Eastern Europe of the great numbers of Yiddish speaking Jews in Russia, Poland, Lithuania, Galatia, Besserabia and Rumania.”Khazar: Ashkenazi Modern Jew
The Encyclopedia Judaica (1972): The Universal Jewish Encyclopedia: The Universal Jewish Encyclopedia:
“Khazars, a national group of general Turkic type, independent and sovereign in Eastern Europe between the seventh and tenth centuries C.E. During part of this time the leading Khazars professed Judaism…In spite of the negligible information of an archaeological nature, the presence of Jewish groups and the impact of Jewish ideas in Eastern Europe are considerable during the Middle Ages. Groups have been mentioned as migrating to Central Europe from the East often have been referred to as Khazars, thus making it impossible to overlook the possibility that they originated from within the former Khazar Empire.”
The Universal Jewish Encyclopedia:
“The primary meaning of Ashkenaz and Ashkenazim in Hebrew is Germany and Germans. This may be due to the fact that the home of the ancient ancestors of the Germans is Media, which is the Biblical Ashkenaz…Krauss is of the opinion that in the early medieval ages the Khazars were sometimes referred to as Ashkenazim…About 92 percent of all Jews or approximately 14,500,000 are Ashkenazim.”
The Bible: Relates that the Khazar (Ashkenaz) Jews were/are the sons of Japheth not Shem:
“Now these are the generations of the sons of Noah, Shem, Ham, and Japheth: and unto them were sons born after the flood. The sons of Japheth;…the sons of Gomer; Ashkenaz…” (Genesis 10:1-3)
New Standard Jewish Encyclopedia, page 179,[GCP pg 68]
“ASHKENAZI, ASHKENAZIM…constituted before 1963 some nine?tenths of the Jewish people (about 15,000,000 out of 16,5000,000)[ As of 1968 it is believed by some Jewish authorities to be closer to 100%]”
The Outline of History: H. G. Wells,
“It is highly probable that the bulk of the Jew’s ancestors ‘never’ lived in Palestine ‘at all,’ which witnesses the power of historical assertion over fact.”Ancient Hebrews
Under the heading of “A brief History of the Terms for Jew” in the 1980 Jewish Almanac is the following: “Strictly speaking it is incorrect to call an Ancient Israelite a ‘Jew’ or to call a contemporary Jew an Israelite or a Hebrew.” (1980 Jewish Almanac, p. 3).
The Bishop
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Assana Tabris; the Origins of the Hero of Ferelden
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"Assana Tabris; her hair in the braids her father weaved for her wedding day. Assana Tabris; whose story begins with a white dress drenched in blood and a ring taken off her dead fiance's body. Assana Tabris; haunted by the life she might have lived had everything gone to plan." - Taken from 'The True Account of the Hero of Ferelden by An Elf Who Knew Her' by Soris Tabris
Assana was born in the Denarim alienage in 9:08 Dragon to Adaia and Cyrion Tabris. Adaia was a revolutionary, a woman who truly believed that she could make the world a better place for her only daughter.
On her fifth birthday, Adaia bought Assana a bow to honour her name sake (Assana meaning 'your arrow'). By her seventh birthday Assana could shoot fairly well with it, and by her tenth Assana had a reputation for being just as much of a trouble maker as the rest of her family. She would steal from Shem children, and had bruises from training with her mother and fighting on the streets alike.
However, in 9:23 Dragon tragedy struck. Assana was just fifteen when her mother was killed by a human. Assana's father, Cyrion, made her promise she would put away her bow and not get into any more trouble like her mother. He couldn't bare to lose her too.
And despite how hard it was to let go of her anger, Assana did so. She became instead a dutiful, well behaved daughter. She made the alienage and it's community her priority. She agreed to marry the man her father picked out for her. She was...content, if not happy. She got a facial tattoo, the same one her mother had, but other than that she showed none of the signs of following in her mother's footsteps that she had as a child.
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On the morning of her wedding day, Assana saw her cousin talking to Shem lords, and tried to de-escalate the situation with words, not violence. And for a moment, standing waiting to be wed she could see her life stretched out before her. A long life, at the heart of a vibrant, if poor, community; a child, perhaps two with her new husband, a small house, fire in the hearth. A home.
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And then they were taken. And her husband was killed. And she walked out of the a nobles house drenched in blood, wearing her dead fiance's ring, certain her life was over. But as least she'd gotten the killing blow on that Shem bastard; at least he'd never touch another elf again.
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It was thus in 9:30 Dragon Assana bid her life in the alienage goodbye and at the behest of Duncan joined the Grey Wardens.
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quackle · 4 months
Frankly, I think Ripper should be eliminated in episode 5, he and Axel’s plot have basically complete. He leaving now could allow Axel to develop her own character.
Also episode 5 is the episode where Nichelle quit AKA one of the most WTF moments of all time. Like why? what? how? Nichelle deserve to stay more than 5 episodes.
gonna go on longgggg ramble about this under the cut! (per usual lol):
after some thought, i've realized that my main problem with s2 isn't the elimination order persay, but the lack of characterization we got for certain contestants. this is mostly because the reboot cast is such an interesting group of characters, so when we don't get as many details or content for some of them, it kinda sorta sucks. there's only so much the writers can do, and ultimately, this was the way they went about it. (it's similar to how i feel about the gen 2 cast. i swear i wish we got more from them before they dove into an all stars season w/ gen 1. gen 2 cast were so fun...)
you're right: axel definitely deserved some more to her character. going from second out to seventh out should be enough time to give us a little something more, but the farthest we got was her love for the arts (poetry + her painting (also she's so good at art, can we all talk about that more???)), along with her participation in ep 5's challenge (as much as she's working on changing herself, she's still an act-first-think-later kind of girl, resulting in her flopping when she could arguably dominate almost all of those obstacles).
but at the same time, i think that way for ripper, too. i found myself wanting more from his character. his placement in s2 didn't matter to me much unlike how i originally felt after watching s1. he got the girl! he beat the odds! he even wrote a poem! but after that, he just mostly kissed axel over and over and as funny as it was (to me!!!!!), i would have liked to see him more on his own. like i stated earlier, ep 5's challenge was so fun. he actively participated with his team (or, technically, the cheating side of his team)! not a single lip lock during that challenge! i was enthralled!
ultimately it's a sort of a similar case to how i view priya and caleb. i want these characters to exist outside of their partners, because they're so much more than sole romance. we need more individual moments. otherwise, i'm just gonna go "oh... who are they when they're not with -insert person here- and why didn't we get to see them as much...?"
(maybe one of my main cons is romance in this show in general though? the more i think about it, the more i can come up with negative points about a lot of canon ships... then again i am on the ace spectrum and my perception of romance can be quite different to others, so take my views with a grain of salt. it's all internal opinion at the end of the day. i know people are bigger fans of romances like this, which is valid!)
as for nichelle quitting right before the merge—disappointing of course, will always think about what could have been (especially if we never get another season...), but it also makes sense. whether she's a relatively new actress or started her career as a child in the td timeline, at the end of the day, she's a product of hollywood. she'd do anything for a chance to be back in the spotlight, so much so that she'd blindly listen to some shady, copy-pasted contract rather than think things through. add that with her need for positive perception from the public view, and you basically get s2 nichelle. the show presents her as more of a gag character rather than one they want you to take more seriously. once again, disappointing, especially because sheMs my fav, but with the way they wrote her in s2, i couldn't imagine her staying longer than she did, even though i also wanted her to 💔
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Judges 14: 18-20. "The Hebrew and the Heiffer."
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Thirty in Judaism is "data", "dry land between the pass." To pass age thirty is to breed "thirty men" into the world who no longer rely on inference as to the nature of Ha Shem, reality or what it means to be Jewish. To the ancients, a man of thirty who could act his age was like magic. Chief amongst his abilities was how to contend with orgasms.
To demonstrate this, Samson goes to Ashkelon, "the field exercises of disgrace" and teaches the men "how not to be barren."
Orgasm in the Torah and Tanakh is politely explained as "the Spirit of God came upon him". Lucky him.
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The final tract in the chapter concludes with Samson shaming away the lower tiers of society who cannot seem to recognize the wholeness of the body by Day 7 are too stupid to consort with.
The Torah insists upon certain presumptions about sex, but is not a cause for neuroses.
Persons who ridicule or sow suspicion about the way the human body performs during sex need not apply for membership in the Jewish world.
18 Before sunset on the seventh day the men of the town said to him,
“What is sweeter than honey?     What is stronger than a lion?”
Samson said to them,
“If you had not plowed with my heifer,     you would not have solved my riddle.”
19 Then the Spirit of the Lord came powerfully upon him. He went down to Ashkelon, struck down thirty of their men, stripped them of everything and gave their clothes to those who had explained the riddle. Burning with anger, he returned to his father’s home. 
20 And Samson’s wife was given to one of his companions who had attended him at the feast.
The Values in Gematria are:
v. 18:  Before sunset on the seventh day the men of the town said to him. Towns represent the community within the self that is formed by the various personae in the Torah. These include the Twelve Tribes and the 70 Clans, any and all of the strange Jewish names inside the text. They are, according to the Shoftim, subservient to Samson, the Bringer of Light.
The Number is 13566, יג‎הו‎‎ו‎, Yahweh. Yahweh is the context for the idea of the Tabernacle and a day of rest. According to the Torah, one cannot not stop short of Ha Shem and take a rest. One rests after the work of understanding Ha Shem first.
v. 19: Then the Spirit of the Lord came powerfully upon him. The Number is 13292, יגבטב‎, yagbat/yigavat "do not guess about the one with whom you are in love. Do not grow tired of being in love."
v. 20: And Samson’s wife was given to one of his companions who had attended him at the feast. He whored his wife out to persons more like her. She was not in love with Samson. She did not want to wait for Shabbat, she just wanted to schcrew with a Jewish dude and get out of the laundrymat in the trenches of Palestine. So he gave her back. The Number is 5582, "the Fire in the Hebrew."
The term Hebrew is defined as One Who Transits, Passer Over, Flower Forth, Deducer, One Who Looks At Something From All Sides.
"This verb אבר (abar), to traverse or cross over, is in the Bible most commonly associated with crossing rivers. The word for river, namely נהר (nahar), comes from the verb נהר (nahar), to flow (what a river does) or emit light (what a lamp does).
For a European, crossing the treacherous and thunderous ordeal of Relativity Theory may require a giant leap; to someone who speaks Hebrew it's a very small step.
The name Hebrew is the same as term Eberite (or "son of Eber", as mentioned in Genesis 10:21). The first to be called Hebrew was Abraham (Genesis 14:13), whose offspring (a mere subset of the Hebrews) would be like the "dust of the earth", the stuff from which everything was made, "so that if anyone can number the dust of the earth, then your descendants can also be numbered" (Genesis 13:16). Abraham had 8 + 4 nephews, namely the sons of his brother Nahor (means Force), 12 bow-flexing grandsons by his son Ishmael, and 12 emissaries of light by his great-grandson Jacob (who got his wives from the stock of Nahor).
Again, these are mind-blowing and Nobel-prize worthy discoveries to Europeans, but little more than business as usual for your average Hebrew."
Samson really liked the woman he stole away from her friends and family in Palestine, so she must have been very pretty and fostered the impression she was bright. Unfortunately she did not flower, and Samson had to toss her back unfinished. This apprently worked out quite well for her. As for Samson, we shall find out.
The advice for us is in the etymology. The number of Jewish descendants that fit the mold for ascension is quite small. Mankind is choosing to cut his journey to the Seventh Day short far too often. This sets a very bad example and reduces the number of men and women Jewish people can couple with either inside or outside of marriage). Smart people figure out how to be sexy and sweet, engaging, intelligent, loyal, and spiritual in due time, and they are the ones we want. They are the ones with whom we want to cross the finish line with. The rest can rot.
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promptuarium · 1 month
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JAPHETH with his brother Shem received a blessing from their father, because they both covered his uncovered privates. Then Japeth begat seven sons. The first was Gomer, from whom came the Gomerites, later called Galatians by the Greeks. The second was Magog, from whom came the Magogae, named Scythians by the Greeks. The third was Madai, from whom came the Medes. The fourth was Javan, from whom came the Ionians. The fifth was Tubal, from whom came the Iberians, who are now called Spanish. The sixth was Meshech, from whom came the Meshechini, who were later called the Cappadocians. The seventh was Tiras, who was the first of those called Tirenses, who were later called Thracians by the Greeks. This is all the nations and peoples that began with Japheth. The rest about the three brothers Japheth, Shem, and Ham, who were born of Noah 100 years before the flood, we have already said above. See above.
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ancestorsofjudah · 6 months
2 Kings 11: 4-8. "Year Seven."
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Again, the concept of years in the Torah are approximately the same as a Day of God, except instead of 24 hours in a day, you do what it takes until the Day is done, AKA take a Year to do it.
The future King of Israel is incubating for Six Years. In the Seventh Year, he is taken to the Temple for inauguration. There is the curious mention of Three Shifts, something emphasized in the Mishnah.
The Three Shifts are the Conditions needed for Mashiach, global ethical government. The First Shift or paradigm shift is the very idea such a thing might exist at all.
The Second Shift is the rearrangement of our ideals and traditions as such a thing becomes interesting to people. The Third Shift is the implemenation of such a collegium of governors who are willing to abide by, culturate, enforce, and enrich the lives of others with a far reaching ethical style of governance.
The reign of the King of Israel who has been absent for thousands of years also takes place as the result of Three Shifts. The First Shift took place in the previous section: the Dowager Queen killed the dreams of conquest of a corrupt Assembly.
This is the Second- the New Dream is put before the Temple by the Officers. The Third Shift is mooring of the people to the Pillar of the Religion, its commitment to continue to study and devise of ways to implement the Torah.
All of this is requisite of the world is to witness the onset of Mashiach. Israel cannot be abandoned, abhorred, outcaste, stateless and Kingless, if it is to hope to fulfill the Covenant with God named in the Third Shift called the Amidah. Without Israel's observance of the Amidah, humanity's plight if finished.
If you are reading this, you must remain true to it. They will try to pull at their hair, weep, complain, and resist, but without Amidah, the path to Ha Shem has no steps, and His Eye will not open.
The Seventh Year
4 In the seventh year Jehoiada sent for the commanders of units of a hundred, the Carites "special forces" and the guards and had them brought to him at the temple of the Lord. He made a covenant with them and put them under oath at the temple of the Lord. Then he showed them the king’s son.
 5 He commanded them, saying, “This is what you are to do: You who are in the three companies that are going on duty on the Sabbath—a third of you guarding the royal palace, 
6 a third at the Sur Gate, and a third at the gate behind the guard, who take turns guarding the temple—
7 and you who are in the other two companies that normally go off Sabbath duty are all to guard the temple for the king. 
8 Station yourselves around the king, each of you with weapon in hand. Anyone who approaches your ranks[b] is to be put to death. Stay close to the king wherever he goes.”
The Praetorian Guards assigned to Joash "God Given" by his Aunt, the Princess Royal take him to the Temple and block the Sur Gate which means they protect it from heresy.
Weapons are the object lessons learned and incorporated by the study of the Torah. They needn't be as complicated as those required to see Ha Shem, the anecdotal versions work well enough.
The Values in Gematria for the above verses follow:
v. 4: the Value in Gematria is 9228, טב‎ב‎ח, tabah, "the Brotherhood of Killers."
In the Seventh Year, those capable of wielding weapons and taking oaths become a Holy Order. For Six Years, little Joash studied the Torah backwards and forwards in order to understand the primary Axiom associated with being Jewish well before he had to put it into practice.
This is the mistake most Jews make. One is not a Jew until one visuals the essence of the Jew through the study of the Six Years of the Torah. One cannot exit the womb, put a hat on, choose thoughtfully from the Food Menu and call himself a Jew.
Without the Six Years, there shall not under any circumstances be a Seventh. Attainment of Ha Shem requires both, AKA training in the weapons and their official inauguration through the direct experience of an educated, wholly ethical way of life. And what hope can the rest of the world aspire to as far as its own sense of Self if the Jew refuses to embrace his?
v. 5: the Value in Gematria is 9086, טאֶפֶסחו‎‎, tapesho, "the Table, the Passover, the Hosanna."
v. 6: the Value in Gematria is 4211, דביר, dvir, ‎"persistent beauty and excitement" protects the faith from persistent ugliness and drab boring nothingness. It is the job of the Praetorian Guard to ensure the temple does not lose its fierce and fancy.
v. 7: the Value in Gematria is 6576, והז‎ו‎, and that's it.
v. 8: the Value in Gematria is 12207, יבב אֶפֶסז‎‎, "zero whining or Ephesian sobbing."
God hates bitchers. He told Moses to kill the bitchers and the rest, God herded into the Deser of Zin to teach them the meaning of adulthood. Adults do not complain, tell the world about their everything, they do not vent, emote, or self-aggrandize.
To give up on being controlling and selfish is the final stage of attainment to God's image and one may not be the king of anything nor welcomed into civil society until this is done.
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yenpet-yenaet · 1 year
Gen. 4 to 7
Basil the Great and Gregory of Nazianus, mem.
Chapter 4 starts off the heels of the previous with Adam and Eve having two sons, Cain and Abel. Cain’s name is a pun in that it sounds like the Hebrew word for ‘create.’ Fitting for the first child ever. In time, Cain grew up to be a tiller and Abel grew up to be a shepherd. One day, the two offer sacrifices to God, and God likes Abel’s very much but doesn’t like Cain’s at all. Cain became upset at this, so God says this to him: “For whether you offer well, or whether you do not, at the tent flap sin crouches and for you is its longing but you will rule over it.” I’m not the only one who thinks that verse makes very little sense, as Oxford calls it a “difficult verse” and Alter describes it as “enigmatic and probably quite archaic.” 
After this, Cain invites his brother to go out into the field together and there he kills him. On Abel’s death, God asks his second ever question: “Where is your brother?” God knows the answer, of course, as Abel’s blood cries out to him from the ground. Despite this, God gives Cain a chance to confess. Cain doesn’t, and instead asks “Am I my brother’s keeper?” I really like Rabbi Telushkin’s quote regarding this moment: “In essence, the entire Bible is written as an affirmative response to this question.” For killing his brother, Cain receives his punishment. He will have pain in tilling the ground and he will be a fugitive and a wanderer on the earth. When Cain can’t bear this, God marks him with protection, decreeing that whoever harms Cain will suffer seven-fold. After this, Cain goes away from the face of God into the land of Nod to have children with his wife. 
This jarring introduction of other humans into the story is well noted and Oxford says that perhaps “the narratives about him were not originally connected with creation.” Cain’s children serve as the first little seed of violence propagating. Cain was fruitful and multiplied, but so did the violence. He also founded the first city, so make of that what you will. The end of chapter 4, after a short genealogy, has Lamech recounting to his two wives how he just murdered two people. All this time late, or perhaps at the same time, Adam and Eve have their third son, Seth, whose descendants are listed off at length in the following chapter. The very last sentence of the chapter is quite enigmatic as it contradicts the narrative in the rest of the Pentateuch that God first revealed his name to Moses.
The entirety of the next chapter is a long genealogy list from Seth down to Noah’s sons. It is long, and boring, and I will not summarize it here. Unfortunately, this is neither the last nor the worst of the genealogies. That being said, there are a few notable things here. The names on Seth’s line often share the same name as people on Cain’s line. Right in the middle of the chapter, we meet Enoch for four verses. In these four verses, we learn that Enoch never died. He was taken by and  walked with God. This fascinating little tidbit, along with the equally bizarre Gen. 6:1-6 is what spawned all of Enochic literature. Alter notes that this is one of several instances in Genesis that preserves little fragments of earlier traditions that we only can guess at today. In addition, Enoch is quite similar to Enmeduranki from the Sumerian King List. Emmeranduki is also the seventh in a series and he was also taken before the gods and granted wisdom. Towards the end of the chapter, we meet the main characters for the next few chapters: Noah and his sons, Shem, Ham, and Japeth. Noah’s name is a pun on the word for ‘relief’ which is explained in the text (5:29). This name pun goes further as Lamech names him so because he will be the one to take away the pain of their hands, a term used only for Adam and Eve and thus linking back to the curses in Ch. 3. In addition, the names of Noah’s sons were once used as demographic categories, with Shem corresponding to the Middle East, Ham to Africa and Japeth to Eurasia. In fact, this is where the terms ‘semite’ and ‘semitic’ come from. Even though genealogies might seem boring– and they are– they’re there for a reason. Genealogical lists mark off narrative sections and are linked to the initial commandment to “be fruitful and multiply” and also with threats to that end.
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Chapter 6 starts off with the wildest little bit of narrative that has absolutely nothing to do with anything that comes before it. In vv. 1-2, the Sons of God saw the daughters of men and had children with them. In v. 3, God sets the limit to human mortality to 120 years. In v. 4, we resume the previous story, naming the children of that union as the Nephilim and describing them as “heroes of yore, the men of renown.” My favorite explanation for this is that these Nephilim are another holdover from the polytheistic days in that they are demigods: half-human, half-god, and famous heroes. Their name means ‘the fallen ones,’ so presumably fallen in battle. There’s precedent in the Near East for such figures (Gilgamesh, Hercules). «Trey the Explainer» does a good job of explaining this theory.
The rest of the chapters are the incredibly famous story of the Flood. God grows incensed at the corruption and violence being fruitful and multiplying on the earth and He regrets ever having made the creatures. He resolves to destroy it all, but Noah finds favor with God. So God tells Noah to build an ark, a big boat, and gather animals to save them. Fun fact: there might actually be some historical truth to the ark story, or at least, «we know what the ark might have looked like.» After Noah had done all that, the Flood began. The waters grew higher and higher and it covered mountains. It kept flooding for 40 days (numerological shorthand for ‘a lot’). This basic flood story is shockingly common across the world with nearly every culture having some version of it. And the story beats are often the same too! In Mesopotamia, the character at the center is Utnapishtim, in India it’s Manu, and in Greece it’s Deucalion. 
Despite the Flood’s near universality, it does fit into Genesis’ own story. Here, God is not angered by the humans and their noise, like in Mesopotamia, but instead by the violence devised in the hearts of men that fills the earth. In fact, the whole flood narrative represents a return to chaos. Remember that, in the beginning, the spirit of God moved upon the surface of the waters. The whole story echoes and parallels the story of creation; first, the perversion of creation by mankind and then a reversal of creation by God. Alter notes that it “abounds in verbal echoes of the Creation story (the crawling things, the cattle and beasts of each kind, and so forth) as what was made on the six days is wiped out in these forty.” In the Bible, creation and destruction often go hand in hand.
What’s interesting about the Flood narrative is just how much the hands go back and forth, interweaving two separate strands of story together. As previously mentioned, the Pentateuch is replete with doublets because it’s the product of many different authors. Usually these doublets go one after the other or there might be some separation between them. This is one of the few places where the different sources overlap. The thinking is that since at the end of the Flood, God promises never to do that again, there’s no way these two accounts could go at two separate points, and so they are forced to overlap. Wikipedia has a «good list» of which verses are from which author.
Next up: Gen. 8 to 11.
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page-2-ids · 2 years
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ID: Two flags with eleven stripes, the first is vertical and the second is horizontal; all the stripes are the same size. The colors are, from top to bottom and left to right, dark navy, navy, blue, black, gray, light gray, gray, black, red, maroon, and dark maroon. END ID
Veronichandleric: A gender that has the personality of Veronica Sawyer, with hints of Heather Chandler, from The Heathers (movie and/or musical). This gender is related to stereotypical schoolgirl uniforms, the colors royal blue, red, yellow, and emerald green, the Heathers musical, white button up shirts, and suspenders.
The name comes from a mix between Veronica and Heather’s names, Veroni from Veronica and Chandler for Heather’s last name
The colors are inspired by white button ups and black suspenders, as well as Veronica and Heather Chandlers main colors. The second flag is formatted to look like suspenders over a shirt, with a colored jacket around them.
This is for the seventh day of my coining event! Prompt: Musical
Suggested pronouns🔽🔽🔽
Blu/Blue/Blue/Blues/Blueself Blu/Blue/Blues/Blues/Blueself Blue/Blue/Blues/Blues/Blueself Bu/Buttonup/Buttonups/Buttonups/Buttonupself Bu/Up/Button/Ups/Buttonself Bu/Up/Button/Ups/Buttonupself Bu/Up/Button/Ups/Upself Bu/Up/Buttons/Ups/Buttonself Bu/Up/Buttons/Ups/Buttonupself Bu/Up/Buttons/Ups/Upself But/Buttonup/Buttonups/Buttonups/Buttonupself But/Up/Button/Ups/Buttonself But/Up/Button/Ups/Buttonupself But/Up/Button/Ups/Upself But/Up/Buttons/Ups/Buttonself But/Up/Buttons/Ups/Buttonupself But/Up/Buttons/Ups/Upself Butt/Buttonup/Buttonups/Buttonups/Buttonupself Butt/Up/Button/Ups/Buttonself Butt/Up/Button/Ups/Buttonupself Butt/Up/Button/Ups/Upself Butt/Up/Buttons/Ups/Buttonself Butt/Up/Buttons/Ups/Buttonupself Butt/Up/Buttons/Ups/Upself Button/Buttonup/Buttonups/Buttonups/Buttonupself Button/Up/Buttons/Ups/Buttonself Button/Up/Buttons/Ups/Buttonupself Button/Up/Buttons/Ups/Upself Buttonup/Buttonup/Buttonups/Buttonups/Buttonupself Chan/Chandler/Chandler/Chandlers/Chandlerself Chand/Chandler/Chandler/Chandlers/Chandlerself Chandl/Chandler/Chandler/Chandlers/Chandlerself Chandle/Chandler/Chandler/Chandlers/Chandlerself Chandler/Chandler/Chandler/Chandlers/Chandlerself Chandler/Chandler/Chandlers/Chandlers/Chandlerself
Gre/Green/Green/Greens/Greenself Gre/Green/Greens/Greens/Greenself Gree/Green/Green/Greens/Greenself Gree/Green/Greens/Greens/Greenself Green/Green/Greens/Greens/Greenself He/Heather/Heather/Heathers/Heatherself Hea/Heather/Heather/Heathers/Heatherself Heath/Heather/Heather/Heathers/Heatherself Heathe/Heather/Heather/Heathers/Heatherself Heather/Heather/Heather/Heathers/Heatherself Heather/Heather/Heathers/Heathers/Heatherself Re/Red/Red/Reds/Redself Re/Red/Reds/Reds/Redself Red/Red/Reds/Reds/Redself Sa/Sawyer/Sawyer/Sawyers/Sawyerself Saw/Sawyer/Sawyer/Sawyers/Sawyerself Sawyer/Sawyer/Sawyer/Sawyers/Sawyerself Sawyer/Sawyer/Sawyers/Sawyers/Sawyerself She/Her/Her/Hers/Herself Shey/Shem/Sheir/Sheirs/Shemself Su/Suspender/Suspender/Suspenders/Suspenderself Sus/Suspender/Suspender/Suspenders/Suspenderself Susp/Suspender/Suspender/Suspenders/Suspenderself Suspen/Suspender/Suspender/Suspenders/Suspenderself Suspend/Suspender/Suspender/Suspenders/Suspenderself Suspender/Suspender/Suspender/Suspenders/Suspenderself Suspenders/Suspender/Suspender/Suspenders/Suspenderself Ve/Veronica/Veronica/Veronicas/Veronicaself Ve/Veronica/Veronicas/Veronicas/Veronicaself Ver/Veronica/Veronica/Veronicas/Veronicaself Ver/Veronica/Veronicas/Veronicas/Veronicaself Vero/Veronica/Veronica/Veronicas/Veronicaself Vero/Veronica/Veronicas/Veronicas/Veronicaself Veron/Veronica/Veronica/Veronicas/Veronicaself Veron/Veronica/Veronicas/Veronicas/Veronicaself Veroni/Veronica/Veronica/Veronicas/Veronicaself Veroni/Veronica/Veronicas/Veronicas/Veronicaself Veronica/Veronica/Veronicas/Veronicas/Veronicaself Ye/Yellow/Yellow/Yellows/Yellowself Ye/Yellow/Yellows/Yellows/Yellowself Yel/Yellow/Yellow/Yellows/Yellowself Yel/Yellow/Yellows/Yellows/Yellowself
Yell/Yellow/Yellow/Yellows/Yellowself Yell/Yellow/Yellows/Yellows/Yellowself Yello/Yellow/Yellow/Yellows/Yellowself Yello/Yellow/Yellows/Yellows/Yellowself Yellow/Yellow/Yellows/Yellows/Yellowself
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custom-pronoun-pins · 3 years
This is a placeholder post where I’ll add the links to navigate the spacedust pronoun icons because I’m way too lazy to link them all together. So they’ll all link to this and then this will link to each of them.
The posts are mostly in alphabetical order. But new additions will be added to later posts, so it’s not gonna stay that way.
This is the first post, from “ae/aer” to “de/dim”
This is the second post, from “de/ir” to “hy/hym”
This is the third post, from “it/its” to “li/lir’
This is the fourth post, from ‘lia/lis” to “she/her”
This is the fifth post, from “shey/shem” to “tol/nir”
This is the sixth post, from “vae/vam” to “xey/xem”
This is the seventh post, starting with “ze/hir” and then new additions.
This is the eighth post, with requested combinations, 
This is the ninth post.
This is the tenth post.
Designs are no longer available on Redbubble as of April 2023, as they’ve started actively stealing money from artists. Sorry for the inconvenience. You are, as always, encouraged to save these designs to use as icons or in other art, and you are encouraged to print them out and make your own shirts or buttons if you’re able to.
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weirdletter · 4 years
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The Penguin Book of Exorcisms, edited by Joseph P. Laycock, Penguin Classics, 2020. Cover image by CSA Image/Getty Image, info: penguinrandomhouse.com.
Haunting accounts of real-life exorcisms through the centuries and around the world, from ancient Egypt and the biblical Middle East to colonial America and twentieth-century South Africa.  Levitation. Feats of superhuman strength. Speaking in tongues. A hateful, glowing stare. The signs of spirit possession have been documented for thousands of years and across religions and cultures, even into our time: In 2019 the Vatican convened 250 priests from 50 countries for a weeklong seminar on exorcism. The Penguin Book of Exorcisms brings together the most astonishing accounts: Saint Anthony set upon by demons in the form of a lion, a bull, and a panther, who are no match for his devotion and prayer; the Prophet Muhammad casting an enemy of God out of a young boy; fox spirits in medieval China and Japan; a headless bear assaulting a woman in sixteenth-century England; the possession in the French town of Loudun of an entire convent of Ursuline nuns; a Zulu woman who floated to a height of five feet almost daily; a previously unpublished account of an exorcism in Earling, Iowa, in 1928–an important inspiration for the movie The Exorcist; poltergeist activity at a home in Maryland in 1949–the basis for William Peter Blatty’s novel The Exorcist; a Filipina girl “bitten by devils”; and a rare example of a priest’s letter requesting permission of a bishop to perform an exorcism–after witnessing a boy walk backward up a wall. Fifty-seven percent of Americans profess to believe in demonic possession; after reading this book, you may too.
Contents: Introduction by Joseph P. Laycock Suggestions for Further Reading Acknowledgments   THE ANCIENT NEAR EAST An Exorcism from the Library of Ashurbanipal, Seventh Century BCE The Bentresh Stela, Fourth Century BCE   THE GRECO-ROMAN WORLD Hippocrates, “On the Sacred Disease,” 400 BCE Lucian of Samosata, The Syrian Exorcist, 150 CE Tertullian, The Nature of Demons, 197 CE Philostratus, The Life of Apollonius of Tyana, 210 CE Athanasius, The Life of Saint Anthony, 370 CE   MEDIEVAL EUROPE Cynewulf, “Juliana,” 970–990 Thomas Aquinas, The Powers of Angels and Demons, 1274   EARLY MODERN EUROPE AND AMERICA Desiderius Erasmus, “The Exorcism or Apparition,” 1519 A Possessed Woman Attacked by a Headless Bear, 1584 “A True Discourse Upon the Matter of Marthe Brossier,” 1599 Des Niau, The History of the Devils of Loudun, 1634 Samuel Willard, “A briefe account of a strange & unusuall Providence of God befallen to Elizabeth Knap of Groton,” 1673 The Diary of Joseph Pitkin, 1741 Fray Juan José Toledo, An Exorcism in the New Mexico Colony, 1764 George Lukins, the Yatton Demoniac, 1788   JEWISH TRADITIONS OF EXORCISM Flavius Josephus, Antiquities of the Jews, 94 CE The Spirit in the Widow of Safed, 1571 Exorcisms of the Baal Shem Tov, 1814   THE ISLAMIC TRADITION Ahmad b. Hanbal, “The Prophet Muhammad Casts an Enemy of God Out of a Young Boy: A Tradition from Ahmad B. Hanbal’s Musnad,” 855 CE The Trial of Husain Suliman Karrar, 1920   SOUTH AND EAST ASIA A Hymn to Drive Away Gandharvas and Apsaras, Eleventh to Thirteenth Century BCE Chang Tu, “Exorcising Fox-Spirits,” 853 CE A Fox Tale from the Konjaku Monogatrishū, Eighth to Twelfth Centuries CE Harriet M. Browne’s Account of Kitsune-Tsuki, 1900 D.H. Gordon, D.S.O., “Some Notes on Possession by Bhūts in the Punjab,” 1912 Georges de Roerich, “The Ceremony of Breaking the Stone,” 1931   MODERN EXORCISMS An Exorcism Performed by Joseph Smith, 1830 W.S. Lach-Szyrma, Exorcizing a Rusalka, 1881 Mariannhill Mission Society, An Exorcism of a Zulu Woman, 1906 F.J. Bunse, S.J., The Earling Possession Case, 1934 “Report of a Poltergeist,” 1949 Lester Sumrall, The True Story of Clarita Villanueva, 1955 Alfred Métraux, A Vodou Exorcism in Haiti, 1959 E. Mansell Pattison, An Exorcism on a Yakama Reservation, 1977 Michael L. Maginot, “Report Seeking Permission of Bishop for Exorcism,” 2012 Notes Index
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by Jack Wellman | The magi first appear in history in the seventh century B.C. as a tribe within the Median nation in eastern Mesopotamia. Many historians consider them to have been Semites and that the Jews and Arabs are both descendants of Noah’s son Shem. The origins of the magi are also the origins of Abram...
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debra2007-blog · 4 years
An Abomination (3 of 3)
Setting the record straight about the birth, death, and resurrection of Yeshua. February 5, 2020The astronomers (wise men) were from the city of Babylon, which is now about 55 miles SW of Baghdad in modern Iraq, watching the stars toward China in the East.They then traveled West toward Judea. I believe that there were maybe 12 astronomers, accompanied by maybe 18 armed guards for protection that traveled from Babylon to Jerusalem. It was not just 3 so called wise men, traveling alone, carrying a king’s ransom. The caravan of maybe 30 men traveled 70 days, 1,700 miles, and arrived in Jerusalem more than a year after Yeshua was born. 
The society of astronomers were carrying out the last will and testament of Daniel, who was very rich, and had willed his treasure to the Messiah, who would be born 517 years after Daniel’s death, if he died in 520 BC. Daniel wrote down what star alignments to look for. 
Luke 2: 21-2421 And when eight days were accomplished for the circumcising of the child, his name was called Jesus, which was so named of the angel before he was conceived in the womb.22 And when the days of her purification according to the law of Moses were accomplished, they brought him to Jerusalem, to present him to the Lord;23 (As it is written in the law of the Lord, Every male that openeth the womb shall be called holy to the Lord;)24 And to offer a sacrifice according to that which is said in the law of the Lord, A pair of turtledoves, or two young pigeons. 
Let me explain. Eight days after Yeshua was born, He was circumcised. Forty days after Yeshua was born, was the fulfillment of the 40 days of Mary’s purification. Notice the sacrifice that Joseph and Mary gave. Two turtledoves or two young pigeons was a poor man’s sacrifice.
Forty days after the birth of Yeshua, the astronomers, which people mistakenly called wise men, had not arrived yet, because the family of Joseph was still poor.
Now, let’s go to Matt 2:7-127 Then Herod, when he had privily called the wise men, enquired of them diligently what time the star appeared.8 And he sent them to Bethlehem, and said, Go and search diligently for the young child; and when ye have found him, bring me word again, that I may come and worship him also.9 When they had heard the king, they departed; and, lo, the star, which they saw in the east, went before them, till it came and stood over where the young child was.10 When they saw the star, they rejoiced with exceeding great joy.11 And when they were come into the house, they saw the young child with Mary his mother, and fell down, and worshiped him: and when they had opened their treasures, they presented  unto him gifts; gold, and frankincense and myrrh.12 And being warned of God in a dream that they should not return to Herod, they departed into their own country another way. Mary and Joseph lived in a house, and not a sukkah, when the astronomers came. As I understand, the sign that Daniel told the astronomers to look for was the planetJupiter, to come into conjunction with the star Regulus, in the heart of constellation Leo, the Lion. They were to look for this sign to appear seven times, starting on the 1stevening of Tishri. On the night of September 12th, 3 BC, marked the Hebrew day of Trumpets, the first evening of the 7th month. This was the sign that a mighty king would soon be born. In the next 14 months, this sign would be given 6 more times. So on the seventh sign, the astronomers packed up Daniel’s treasure, and traveled 1700 miles, 70 days, from Babylon, arriving in Jerusalem in early March, 1 BC, about a year and a half after Yeshua was born. 
The so called wise men and their travel guards were sent to Bethlehem by King Herod the following morning. When they got there, about an hour later since it was only 5 miles away, they could not find the family of Yeshua. That evening, they again saw the star in the sky, but this time, it lead them on a three day journey north, 72 miles to the city of Nazareth. How do I know this? 
Let’s go to Luke 2:39 39 And when they had performed all things according to the law of the Lord, they returned into Galilee, to their own city Nazareth. 
After Mary’s 40 days of purification, and sacrifice in the Temple, the family of Joseph left Jerusalem and went back home to Nazareth, and the astronomers had not left Babylon yet, and not for another year. That’s why Herod had the boy babies killed that were two years old and younger. The first sign given was 1 ½ years earlier. Herod felt that killing the babies 2 years and under, that he would cover all possibilities. The riches that the family of Yeshua was given was to sustain them comfortably, while they were exiled in Egypt. Daniel was a eunuch, and had no family. He willed his estate to the Messiah, who would be born more than 500 years later. Yehovah, looked into the future, and provided for His son, Yeshua. 
The Catholic Church is more than 75% Babylonian sun worship. The flood of Noah was in 2611 BC, and ended in 2610 BC. 101 years later, in 2509 BC, was the Tower of Babel, and the dividing of the continents. Nimrod was worshiped as a god, and his wife, Semiramis, was worshiped as the queen of Heaven. 
Shem, a son of Noah, killed Nimrod, and scattered his body parts across the land. About seven months later, Semiramis became pregnant. So to cover herself, she proclaimed that Nimrod merged with the sun in the sky, and his sun rays made her pregnant. The child that was born was a boy, who she named Tammuz, and the sun in the sky was his father. Tammuz, and his mother Semiramis, were worshiped. But on his 40th birthday, Tammuz was killed by a wild pig. So every year after that, the religion priests instituted 40 days of weeping for Tammuz, by giving up an earthly pleasure so that Tammuz could enjoy it for those 40 days. When Yehovah scattered mankind across the Earth, these practices went with them, and have been with us for thousands of years. Even while Israel was in Canaan, it became a problem. Ezekiel 8:13-15 13 He said also unto me, Turn thee yet again, and thou shalt see greater abominations that they do.14 Then he brought me to the door of the gate of the Lord's house which was toward the north; and, behold, there sat women weeping for Tammuz.15 Then said he unto me, Hast thou seen this, O son of man? turn thee yet again,and thou shalt see greater abominations than these. Much of the teachings of the Catholic church is an abomination against God. Also, not only did the Catholic church change the date of Yeshua’s birth, they alsochanged the days of His death, burial, and resurrection. The catholic church gave worship to the Babylonian fish god Dagon, associated with the eating of fish on Friday. 
That is where we get the term, good Friday. The Catholics also gave worship to the sex goddess Semiramis, also called Ishtar, renamed Easter.
Semiramis, the wife of Nimrod, and the mother of Tammuz, supposedly died, went to heaven, came back to earth in a large egg, landed in the Euphrates river, and turned abird into an egg laying rabbit. You know her as Easter, the sex goddess, and how rabbits were able to lay Easter eggs. The Catholics made Easter Sunday the resurrectionday of Yeshua, two days after Good Friday. How many of you “so called” Christians are going to continue to engage in the pagan ritual of the 40 days weeping for Tammuz, which the Catholic church renamed Lent. It is an abomination against Yehovah. 
Matthew 12:39-41 39 But he answered and said unto them, An evil and adulterous generation seeketh after a sign; and there shall no sign be given to it, but the sign of the prophet Jonas:40 For as Jonas was three days and three nights in the whale's belly; so shall the Son of man be three days and three nights in the heart of the earth.
Yeshua said that He would be buried in the grave for three days, and three nights, and would be raised on the third day. Yeshua was crucified on Wednesday, April 28, 28 BC. He was put in the tomb about 5:30 PM. At 5:30 PM Thursday was 1 day, and one night. 
At 5:30 PM Friday was 2 days and 2 nights. At 5:30 PM Saturday was 3 days and 3 nights,being 72 hours, and Yeshua rose from the dead, about 5:30 PM, Saturday May 1st, 28 BC. The Lord of the Sabbath, rose from the dead on the Sabbath, the 17th day of the month Aviv. 
Therefore, the 10th day of the month was on Saturday, the weekly Sabbath, when Yeshua rode on a donkey into Jerusalem. There was no palm Sunday.
Passover that year was on Wednesday, so after sundown that day began the feast of Unleavened Bread.   Let’s go to John 19:3131 The Jews therefore, because it was the preparation, that the bodies should not remain upon the cross on the sabbath day, (for that sabbath day was an high day,)besought Pilate that their legs might be broken, and that they might be taken away.
Let me explain. Because King James of England had gentiles translating the scriptures instead of Jews, we have this problem. The first day of every seven day feast of Israel is considered to be a high Sabbath. The 7 day feast of unleavened bread began at sundown after Passover, Wednesday night, which was a high Sabbath. The verse is not talking about Saturday, the weekly Sabbath, but a special day, the high Sabbath, the first day of unleavened bread. On the 2nd day, Friday, the women went to the shopping mall to buy spices. Also on Friday, the chief priests went to Pilate to have him put a Roman seal on the tomb of Yeshua. A Roman seal was a 2 inch hole drilled through the stone, and maybe 6 inches into the side of the tomb at a downward angle. Hot lead would be poured into the hole, and an iron rod inserted. When the lead cooled, the iron rod prevented the stone from ever being rolled away, unless you had 90 tons of force to shear both the iron rod and solid lead. A squad of soldiers was also guarding the tomb day and night.
Yeshua rose and left thru the walls of the tomb about 5:30 PM Saturday, being invisible. About 12 hours later, before dawn on Sunday, the mighty angel rolled the stone away, shearing the lead and iron, which can still be seen today. The soldiers saw it and fell to the ground scared. Maybe an hour later, Mary Magdalene saw Yeshua and tried to embrace Him.
John 20:17Jesus saith unto her, Touch me not; for I am not yet ascended to my Father: but go to my brethren, and say unto them, I ascend unto my Father, and your Father; and to my God, and your God.
When Yeshua died on Wednesday, 24 graves in the Mt of Olives cemetery outside of Jerusalem were opened. At sundown on Saturday, after Yeshua rose from the dead, He resurrected those 24 saints, and they walked into the city of Jerusalem. Yeshua was now both the High Priest, and King. The duty of the High Priest was to stay secluded in Mt. Moriah from the beginning of Unleavened Bread, until the First Fruits offering was given on the Temple Mount about 10:00 AM on Sunday. Yeshua took the 24 saints to Heaven Sunday morning, to present them as the first fruits offering to Yehovah. They are the 24 elders that you read about in the book of Revelation. Yeshua returned to Earth maybe an hour later when His disciples could then touch Him. 
Luke 24:13-1513 And, behold, two of them went that same day to a village called Emmaus, which was from Jerusalem about threescore furlongs.14 And they talked together of all these things which had happened.15 And it came to pass, that, while they communed together and reasoned, Jesus himself drew near, and went with them. 
Therefore Palm Sunday, Good Friday, and Easter Sunday are Catholic pagan holidays.
Love, Debbie
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cantusecho · 4 years
(Me making myself suffer by going back throughout the seasons to showcase my favorite scenes of Hibiki just...going through things.
It probably makes sense from one look but I’m going to go into detail for each scene real quick. Going to try NOT rambling for a long time. Lol. There’s a lot of scenes but then the video would be too long so lol. Had to cut it somewhere.
First clip - GX Episode 4: Burdened with the stress of being the only active relic user, Hibiki reacts rudely to Maria after she saves her and her friends. Now, I’ve never stated that Hibiki was in the right here...which actually is why I love it so much. She’s going through her own emotions (incompetence? Fear? Jealousy?) so she acts irrationally towards Maria without thinking before apologizing immediately afterwards. I love Hibiki being shown to be wrong. I remember people being mad at her for this while it was airing and I’m just like, “yes, thank you good. Finally seeing some bad parts to Hibiki/she’s finally letting them slip out, yes thANK YOU”.
Second, third and fourth clip - AXZ Episode 13: Hibiki being mad that she couldn’t get the chance to talk to Saint-Germain and the others before they sacrificed themselves. She felt like she still couldn’t reach out and communicate properly to them, just like her failure to talk to Carol not even that long ago (within the anime timeline). And while Adam is talking down to them, Hibiki keeps screaming “Even so...!” and the way it got more intense, same with her expression is just -chef kiss-
Fifth clip - GX Episode 8: Hibiki meeting up with her dad years after her abandoned them. I’ve spoken about this scene A LOT already, so I’ll try not to be redundant. Basically, her father’s whole nonchalant attitude towards the situation, or just being around him in general, angers Hibiki so much to the point that her body starts shaking that she gets up and leaves as he’s talking, not even paying attention to what he was saying. Just the fact that she was that angry to the point of shaking? My child. D:
Sixth clip - GX Episode 9: Hibiki receives a call from her father, but she completely ignores it and acts as if he never even called. Miku eventually calls her out, yelling that ‘she’s not okay’ and Hibiki merely stops with this blank look on her face that gets me every single time. Miku knows her better than anyone, and for her to call Hibiki out on it, because even Hibiki has to know she isn’t fine but she keeps lying to herself, is a lot. After the outburst, Hibiki states that she has Miku and everyone else so she doesn’t need her dad, but that statement alone carries a lot of baggage, to a point that Hibiki is either trying to convince herself that she doesn’t need her dad but secretly wants things to be back to normal? But for once, she has no hope that things will work out, no matter how much she’d want it to be (at this time). Also shout out to the after credits scene of this episode where Hibiki is scrolling through all the missed calls from her father in her hospital room before turning her phone off and saying “What’s broken can’t be fixed again...”
Seventh clip - S1 Episode 3: A classic one. Hibiki getting so mad that she had to lie and break her promise to Miku, which is what’s on the surface. But I think there was just a lot more underlying to it. Also, I didn’t include it but the scene in episode 11 where Hibiki reacts STRONGLY to Chris’ sacrifice to turns berserk because of it? There was also underlying emotions to that one that got her pissed off so quickly, pertaining to her past.
Eighth clip - G Episode 6: After the craziness of last episode where Hibiki freaking gets her ARM BITTEN OFF, Tsubasa learns about Hibiki being sick but doesn’t tell anyone. So instead, she tells Hibiki that she can’t fight anymore since she’ll only get in the way. Hibiki, who I think during the early parts of the series didn’t have any sort of real confidence or self-worth in herself, was quick to agree and say that she lost control and was pretty much useless during the whole fight. Which leads me to the next clip.
Ninth clip - G Episode 8: Hibiki finally learns that the Gungnir shards are killing her. And yet, her first reaction to it is laughing. She states, “In other words, each time I activate Gungnir in my chest, it fuses with me. So you want me to use it as little as possible.” But the way she states it, still laughing and carrying a smile, is what’s concerning. Best way to describe it for me is denial? Again, Hibiki’s self-worth can be a topic here, as she thinks that she doesn’t amount to much unless she’s helping people. She states this in season 1 where she felt like she could do that because you can’t compete with anyone, and since she had no other skills or things she was good at, it felt like the one thing that brought her joy. But now that goal is being faced with her dying. She can’t help people if she keeps using Gungnir, but using Gungnir is what allowed her to feel even more useful. (again, this is brought up in season 1 where Ryoko and Genjuro talk about how messed up it is for Hibiki to accept her role as a Gear user so quickly JUST because she was told it would save someone). So with that being threatened, she doesn’t know what to think or do so she just...laughs.
Last clip - XV Episode 12: Now this scene just hurt because Noble Red was begging Hibiki to basically...kill Vanessa with her “god killing fist” since she was being controlled by Shem-Ha? And that’s messed up??? So seeing, and HEARING, Hibiki scream like that because she’s frustrated? was so much to handle. Hibiki didn’t want to do it, but she understood why she had to. And yet, she still hesitated enough where the attack didn’t even matter. Thing is though, for Hibiki to learn that her fists are THAT dangerous bothers her, as she states in Episode 13. I didn’t put the clip in but it’s an honorable mention because she says she doesn’t think she can save Miku because all her fists can do now is destroy.
Another honorable mention: Hibiki being “selfish” and saying that she wants Miku for herself, not to save the world or for anyone else, but FOR HERSELF REMAINS TO BE THE GREATEST THING IN THE WORLD BECAUSE THAT SPEAKS A LOT TO HER SINCE SHE’S ALWAYS THINKING ABOUT OTHERS AND DOING THE RIGHT THING BUT...she just wants Miku for herself. Her own PERSONAL reasons and feelings. It just so happened that her desire lined up with saving the world as well and I love it lol.
I rambled a lot still, sorry. I just have a lot of emotions ffffff. But anyway!
I love that this girl isn’t just “sunshine and rainbows” all the time and I know I’ve said that about.....20,000 times but please let me love her faults too. ♥)
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