#Shadow  Creatures
cosmoglass · 1 year
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Fumito Ueda was inspired by… Galaxy Express 999 (1979).
Ueda has cited the Galaxy Express 999 manga series as one of his influences. Watching the film they made in the middle of its run, I could see a lot of Ico and also some Shadow of the Colossus.
It made me think of Gulliver’s Travels, Alice in Wonderland and Firefly as we follow the boy, Tetsuro, visiting different planets. On a planet called Titan, Tetsuro is given a gun by an old woman that turns out to be ‘the only cosmo gun capable of killing machine men’. Ueda's games feature special weapons that are uniquely effective against the antagonists.
Spoilers for the movie ahead!
It prefigures Ghost in the Shell. There's a character called Tochiro who, moments before his death, gets Tetsuro to activate a machine that vaporizes his body and transfers his consciousness into the supercomputer of his best friend's ship, 'Arcadia'. Maetel, one of two Yorda-like figures, explains to Tetsuro, "I am a copy of your mother in her youth. I am a shadow in the form of a human. When I grow old, I get a copy of a new body. That is how I survive through the ages and travel through time." Both Ico and Shadow of the Colossus feature characters whose bodies are vessels for other consciousnesses (Yorda for The Queen and Wander for Dormin). With the line ‘I had become a witch who controlled time’, it actually sounded more like a warning against plastic surgery.
The castle in the movie gets destroyed.
The other Yorda-like figure is Claire whose mother forced her to trade in her body for one made of glass. Her appearance is reminiscent of petrified Yorda and she has a power that makes her glow which she uses not to open Idol Gates but to save Tetsuro from Queen Promethium.
At the end, Maetel says to Tetsuro, ‘From now on, I will be a woman who lives on only in your memories. I will be nothing more than an illusion of your young boy’s heart, a phantom of your youth.’ The lyrics of 'You Were There' for me carry a similar feeling of nostalgia.
The movie can be watched for free on YouTube.
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rainbowfeatherreplies · 8 months
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"Sparks here! What's behind me? Nooooothing! There's no shadowy figures you need to worry about. Why do you ask....?"
Art by villiris
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probably-an-anomaly · 21 days
can't sleep because the shadows keep moving
they dodge and dance and play
while my heart thunders in my chest
I lay here waiting until the sun will rise
and banish them back where they belong.
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parsleyartist · 1 year
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Me?? Drawing something aside VampAU??? YES! But is Carmin because I just love draw my girlboss bad bitch on any version 😌🖤
>Commission Open<
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plushee-cant-draw · 1 year
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I wonder how Metheus views Maxwell's reading and use of (what is probably) her book.
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casually-crooked · 2 years
Credit to @cosmoglass for making the post that first pointed this out, but I want to show in more detail why Lupin the 3rd: Castle of Cagliostro and ICO for the PS2 are aesthetically connected, with the latter likely being inspired by the former. This post won't contain direct spoilers for either source material. But a lot of images will be used, so if you prioritize coming into both of these masterworks blind, and with fresh eyes, wait until you've seen them for yourself.
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[ID: Image 1: A full shot of the Count's Castle from Lupin the 3rd: Castle of Cagliostro. /end ID] [ID: Images 2 & 3: The Queen's Castle from ICO, both close and wide shots. /end ID]
Here we can see the castles side by side. You won't notice many architectural similarities beyond perhaps the arch bridges. But both rest upon a body of water, closed off from the mainland. Both castles were made to be isolated and difficult to reach. Speaking of difficulties, you'll notice in ICO that the bridge to the mainland appears to be missing. A more accurate statement is that it is retracted. Later in the game, a stone bridge will extend itself out of a slot to reach the mainland, much like another part of the Count's Castle, which connects to an isolated tower.
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[ID: Image 4: The Count's Castle, focus on the isolated tower and a section of castle extending out to connect with it. /end ID]
There's also an elevator on the outside of both castles' walls, and while they vary drastically in style, this specific wall-ascending outdoor elevator is pretty unique in concept.
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[ID: Image 5: The Count's Castle, a ridge in the outside of the tower allows a boxed elevator to ride up and down. The elevator itself is octagonal in shape and fancifully decorated. /end ID] [ID: Image 6: The Queen's Castle, a ridge in the outside of the tower allows a platform elevator to ride up and down. The player must manually turn a large crank to ascend and descend. There is no roof, and only a fence protects the riders from falling off. /end ID]
Both castles also feature a windmill that overlooks a small area of greenery.
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[ID: Images 7 & 8: The Count's Castle, a small four winged windmill of old construction overlooks a small walkway with lush bushes dotting the view. It faces out towards the water. Images taken from both front and back of the windmill. /end ID] {Note: The following images are not of ICO, but rather an accurate recreation of the Windmill area created in Unity by funkyboy. They had the best angles to demonstrate my point.}
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[ID: Images 9 & 10: The Queen's Castle, an eight winged windmill overlooks a small pond surrounded by vibrant green grass. It faces out towards the water. Images taken from the left and right sides of the windmill. /end ID]
One can find a few more similarities inside the castle walls. Particularly in the aqueduct leading towards the Count's castle. The underground waterworks are filled with huge gears and intense streams of water. A similar locale is seen in the final stretch of ICO, where the gears and mills are used as a platforming challenge.
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[ID: Image 11: Lupin, in diving gear, fights against the current of a waterfall that spills out over a underground passageway of brick construction. Large interconnected gears encompass the background. /end ID] [ID: Image 12: A promotional poster featuring Ico, small in the frame, looking up towards streams of water raging down over a cliff face, the streams land into mills and gears that turn.]
Both pieces of media also feature a stone bench. Though ICO's benches are more prominent and used as Save Points throughout The Queen's Castle.
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[ID: Image 13: A sun sets on an old marble pavilion with a stone bench, slightly coated in crumpled autumn leaves. The seat is split into three sections of the stone. Very detailed art style. /end ID] [ID Image 14: Ico and Yorda rest on a stone bench, split into two sections of stone. It glows with runes when Yorda is near it. /end ID]
But it's not just the castle that has aesthetic similarities, the characters themselves have some commonalities. Clarisse, from Cagliostro, has a resemblance to Yorda. And while Lupin, as her rescuer, doesn't resemble the 12 year old Ico, he does end up with a head injury that requires bandages around his head, later in the film. Ico is always seen with bandages across his head throughout his game.
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[ID: Image 15: Lupin holding Clarisse's hand as he guides her back through the aqueduct area, filled with turning gears. Clarisse wears an all-white dress and has a colorful shade of brown hair. Lupin wears a green jacket over a black shirt and yellow necktie. He has white bandages wrapped tightly around his black hair. /end ID] [ID: Image 16: Ico helping Yorda up by the hand after she has fallen. Yorda wears a white dress with brown and grey patterns around the neck and shoulders. Her hair is mostly gray with very faded traces of brown. Ico wears an orange tunic and a poncho with an elusive ancient pattern on it. Around his black hair are white bandages, from which horns sprout. /end ID]
There are also two moments in the Lupin film where Lupin helps Clarisse across a small gap, but I only have a clear screenshot of this instance.
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[ID: Image 17: Lupin helps Clarisse cross a short, watery gap between two platforms that they stand on. He extends his hand to grab hers on the other side, intending to pull her towards him as she jumps. /end ID]
Helping Yorda across gaps is such a staple of ICO's gameplay, it's hard to think of the game without thinking of this image.
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[ID: Image 18: Ico reaches out his hand to Yorda on the other side of a fairly long distance gap between their two platforms. She is at the edge of hers, preparing to jump towards him, the intent being that she will grab onto his outstretched hand. /end ID]
And if the main characters aren't visually similar enough, how about the common enemies? In The Castle of Cagliostro, there are a group of assassins shrouded in black cloth, and equipped with metallic claws that make them appear monstrous. Their eyes glow an unnatural yellow and they often walk with hunched postures.
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[ID: Images 19 & 20: First, a depiction of the aforementioned assassins, piled together in a doorway, glaring towards their targets in the dead of night with yellow glints for eyes. The second image is a close up of one of their hands, which resembles a gauntlet from a set of armor, but with sharp, long pointed ends on each digit and sharpened knuckles. /end ID]
Compare with the common enemies from ICO, which are actual manifestations of shadow. They appear bestial and often hunched over as they approach, claws and wings are common in their design elements, and they bare glowing blue eyes.
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[ID: Images 21 & 22: Close-ups of two Shadow Creatures. The first has grabbed Yorda, and lifted her onto one shoulder with slender appendages that end in long points. It's face glows with a bright blue light that emanates from its eyes. The second Shadow Creature stares at Yorda with the same blue eyes, it's back covered in ethereal feathers, it's long arms cascading down to the ground, also ending in points.]
The pictures don't capture the movement of these characters but I assure you they both walk with an unnerving energy that feel very similar to each other.
The Castle of Cagliostro came out in 1979 when Fumito Ueda was 9 years old. In all likelihood, he and the people that made up Team Ico at that time, had watched the movie several times as they grew up. Considering also, the fact that ICO lacked most of these resemblances in earlier stages of development, I think it's possible that Ueda and/or the team rewatched the film mid-development and decided to wear the inspiration on their sleeve. Regardless of how this Lupin the 3rd movie sneaked some of its aesthetics into a classic PS2 title like ICO, I think they are undoubtedly connected by a link of artistic inspiration. Hayao Miyazaki's directorial debut inspired Fumito Ueda as he created his first game.
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groovyfandomhuman · 6 months
I hear noises and everyone's asleep it can either be my insane cats or those shadow things I keep seeing out of the corner of my eye
either way we're gonna turn our music way up and hope whatever it is leaves me alone
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zytes · 10 months
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this manatee looks like it’s in a skyrim loading screen
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rapidhighway · 3 days
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i haven't forgotten about themm!!!!! ☝
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seldompathic · 3 months
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He can't say he didn't try
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axvwriter · 1 year
Moon Sister's Intro Post
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Names: (Left to Right) Majora, Siprena, and Pandora Moon
Species: Human Undiscernible
Ages: 18, 17, and 16 Undiscernible
Relations: Majora, Siprena, and Pandora are sisters. Very distantly related to Piper Moon. Cyrus Sun seems to recognize Majora while his brothers seem confused on why these shadows have the same names of those girls that died so long ago.
Job: Energy harvester experiments
General Info: These shadowy creatures have the power to ravage worlds, yet the only thing that keeps them from doing so is their desire for entertainment. Though when they play with their food for a little too long, states and kingdoms tend to go extinct. It's uncertain what can even hurt these beings due to their unfair advantage of being able to change their density and thus avoid meaningful damage.
Their bodies become longer with the more they consume. Despite other harvesters being able to change just about anything into energy, they seem only capable of feeding off certain level sentient organics. Majora and Siprena seem to prefer certain ages along with people that have experienced certain things when it comes to picking what to eat. They claim that these specific beings are not only tastier but more filling as well. It has gotten to a point that between their hunts they will start manipulating certain beings' lives to raise a rather magnificent tasting meal.
While Majora and Siprena show great glee in destroying lives, Pandora is often devastated by her sisters' actions. The youngest sister will often go as long as she possibly can without feeding off of anyone's life forces. Her older sisters refuse to let her wither away and often try to bully her into eating. There have been a few times Pandora has been able to refuse but she has been unable to withstand the unbearable starvation pains. Her sisters are often annoyed by her unwillingness along with being unable to understand why she feels so guilty.
Majora and Siprena's facial features are quite limited. Their eyes are always upturned and while they're usually always smiling, their mouths are capable of forming frowns. Pandora's eyes tend to stay downturned but her eyes aren't stuck like that.
Majora can create masks that when placed upon someone, they will often fade from view while it changes how that person behaves. Siprena can create scarves that when placed around someone's neck, that person cannot remove it. If that person behaves in a way she dislikes, the scarf will tighten to cut off their ability to breath. After a bit it will loosen up again. Pandora can create different kinds of flowers.
Majora and Siprena often get upset when Pandora creates certain flowers. These specific flowers can make it impossible for the Moon sisters to see and perceive a place or person. Due to Pandora's unwillingness to eat, she rarely has enough energy to be able to make any. Though Pandora wishes she could warn people about her sisters, it often feels pointless to try. She's never been able to stop them before.
Majora and Siprena tend to leave Pandora somewhere safe before going on their hunts. Most times that tends to be the clouds where people are unlikely to come across her. Yet there's times where they can't help but leave her in gardens. Something just seems right about Pandora being in a garden.
Shippable: I rather that no one tries to ship these three with anyone. They have no interest in romantic or sexual relations. If anything, they get upset whenever someone tries to make a move on any of them.
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cosmoglass · 1 year
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Fumito Ueda was inspired by… The King and the Mockingbird (Le Roi et l'Oiseau).
The King and the Mockingbird was clearly an inspiration for both Hayao Miyazaki and Fumito Ueda*. I've taken so many screenshots that look like scenes in The Castle of Cagliostro, Laputa: Castle in the Sky, Ico and Shadow of the Colossus that I can't include all of them in one post, so first I'm going to show you the ones that look like Ico. *In an interview for the 5th issue of Playstation Magazine (Italy) (July/August 2024), translated for a tumblr post by selene-lunette, Ueda named Paul Grimault as a source of inspiration. Le Roi et l'Oiseau has also been photographed on one of Ueda's bookshelves.
A chimney sweep and a shepherdess are the young couple escaping the castle, prefiguring Ico and Yorda. They come to life from paintings hanging next to each other and the reason they need to escape is because a painting of the king has also come to life, has got rid of the actual king, and is determined to marry the shepherdess.
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The narcissistic king has winged servants who chase after the shepherdess and the chimney sweep like the flying monkeys of The Wizard of Oz and surely inspiring the shadow creatures in Ico. I wonder if their design might come from the caped policemen that the French (and British) used to have.
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The mockingbird of the title looks after four hatchlings. One of them keeps getting trapped in a cage and on one occasion is freed when the cage falls to the ground and breaks open, just like when we first encounter Yorda in Ico.
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Towards the end, the king is trying to get away with the shepherdess, who is his unwilling bride. He steps onto a balcony area which then moves away from the palace and is revealed to be the helmet of the king's enormous robot, so it's like a combination of the retracting bridge from Ico and Malus in Shadow of the Colossus.
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Not long after, it is the king, rather than our hero, who gets hit by a falling rock as the castle crumbles.
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The soundtrack - When we’re looking at the paintings of the shepherdess and the chimney sweep (at 16 minutes 30 seconds) we hear a harpsichord melody called ‘La Bergere et le Ramoneur’ that's strikingly similar to 'Castle in the Mist'. Also, whenever the shepherdess and the chimney sweep need the mockingbird's help, they call out ‘Oiseau’ (pronounced ‘Wuh-zoh’) the way Ico calls out ‘Ontwuh’.
Ico's horns - They don't feature in this animation but perhaps they should because.... The King and the Mockingbird was adapted from a Hans Christian Andersen fairy tale called The Shepherdess and the Chimney Sweep. It tells the story of a shepherdess who is told she has to marry a creature with horns and the legs of a goat (a description of a satyr).
Is it any surprise at all that a fairy tale as beautiful as Ico should turn out to be traceable all the way back to none other than Hans Christian Andersen?
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(Battle in the past)
Just when things seemed at their darkest and the fighting was most intense, suddenly a cone of light erupted from Rainbow Feather’s face! Her discord-provided aura vanished and in it’s place, a brilliance from her forehead which changes the battlefield!
Art by Honeybbear
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l0vecrim3 · 7 months
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in this essay, i will explain why queer people are obsessed with goth couples that are infatuated with each other & how they are the standard
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axiliern · 2 days
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lots of various tim robin drawings from the past few days!!!!
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plainandgeneric · 4 months
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The angel in the mirror
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