#Shani Louk
mylight-png · 6 months
I have thoughts in regards to That Photo of Shani Louk receiving an award.
But first, I'd like to address something I've seen in our community about how the situation has been handled.
Many people I've seen have been sharing their anger and pain in regards to the photo and the award, rightfully so. However, many of these people have shared those thoughts alongside That Photo. While I understand the intent of this, I'd like to just ask for people to not do that.
Do not distribute That Photo in any way, please.
Shani Louk's family has asked for that photo not to be shared. Her family has asked for her to be remembered for her life, not her death.
Instead, I encourage you to share your views alongside a photo of Shani from her life. Share her as she lived, not as she died.
Let Shani's memory be who she was, not what was done to her.
Now, I know there's little I can say about the photo and award that hadn't already been said. I'd like to talk about it anyway.
First and foremost, receiving an award for photographing a woman being subjected to the worst a person can endure is disgusting. That award was given for taking a picture of a woman who has been raped and killed, and of her body continuing to be violated and paraded around. Not for protecting her, not for intervening, not for doing anything to help anyone.
Additionally, as I mentioned before, Shani's family has asked for that photo not to be spread around, and the resurgence in publicity that this photo is getting as a result is a direct blow to the family's wishes.
In that photo, for the purpose of that photo, Shani is used as little more than a prop. It is dehumanizing and violating. It is beyond that, but I cannot even come up with words to articulate how horrible it is.
I'm sure we've all heard the phrase, "people love dead Jews" at this point. This photo receiving a major award is simply confirmation of this. This photo, a photo of a dead Jewish woman, receiving such a highly esteemed award, proves this. I am sick to my stomach just writing about it.
There is nothing about that photo that would merit an award and it tramples upon Shani's memory and dehumanizes her even further than she already has been.
In protest of that award, I encourage you to share photos of her that aren't of her lowest moment.
Share photos of her life, share photos of her art. Do not share photos of her death.
Here are some photos I am choosing to share:
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You can find these photos online, there's a whole Instagram account dedicated to sharing photos of her life. The first and last photos are from an article about her art being put up in an exhibition. These photos are out there, just find and share them please.
May her memory be a blessing and may it be protected from further desecration.
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chanaleah · 5 months
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in light of the disgusting photo of shani louk winning an award, with her not even mentioned, i thought it was important to share photos of her when she was still alive. she was beautiful.
may her memory be a blessing.
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psychologeek · 6 months
This is Shani Louk, as her family asked people to remember her. Her family asked NOT to spread That Photo. Her family asked people to remember her for the way she lived.
So here's a photo of Shani Louk:
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The man who took the picture of her dead body being kidnapped by terrorists just won a prize for that.
The man who came with those terrorists. Who knew the attack is going to happen. Who took photos and show himself holding weapons.
The man who worked with the people who aimed and killed and raped
That man
Won a photography prize
For taking the photo of
A young murdered woman.
For doing nothing but
Stand aside
And encourage.
Her family didn't even get her Body back.
Shani isn't buried.
I am disgusted. There are no words I can use.
ReneDescartwheel on Reddit wrote:
The content of the photo is a young Israeli woman lying dead and half naked in the back of a pickup truck, bleeding profusely from a hole in her skull, with her murderers using her as a foot rest, en route to be paraded like a hunting trophy in front of cheering mobs of Gazan civilians. And yet, the caption of the award couldn’t have been more dismissive of the October 7th atrocities if Hamas had written it themselves. It paints a picture of a well planned and successful military operation, without a single detail of the brutality of the massacre that is necessary to give context to this photo. The language used is deliberately minimizing. For instance, instead of saying that Hamas took hundreds of hostages, including women and children, they said “…taking dozens of captives”. That’s it. Could be 24, could be 253. Whatever. Somehow, despite the content of the photo, most of the description was dedicated to conveying the details of Israel’s retaliation.
MadUmbrella added:
TIL that initially on 10/7 the image sold by Ali Mahmud to AP of the abduction of Shani Louk’s body was identified by AP as “the body of an Israeli soldier”, so AP took the words of Ali Mahmud, a palestinian terrorist, and called Shani Louk “an Israeli soldier” while she was a civilian tortured and killed at Nova music festival. AP shared the photo on their newsfeed on 10/7 at 7:41 am, just a few minutes after the photo was taken and added the caption provided by Ali Mahmud who knew that his friends were kidnapping, torturing and murdering civilians at the Nova festival. This is complicity in the crimes committed by the palestinians on 10/7. AP’s journalistic ethics are completely gone, that’s why they’re paying palestinian terrorists for the images of their crimes. AP corrected their initial story only on November 2.
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Meet Karoline Preisler, ladies and gentlemen. One of the bravest women who stands up for the victims and hostages of 7 October and has to be protected by the police.
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glitzy-dynamite · 4 months
Shani’s body was found in Jabalia, one of the HAMAS’ last stands. They took her there as a “valuable trophy”. Eliminate these fucking barbarians. No ceasefire.
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girlactionfigure · 8 months
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the-garbanzo-annex-jr · 4 months
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hichew76 · 6 months
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May Shani Louk’s memory be for a blessing
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kosmic-apothecary · 6 months
The truth about Shani Louk. It always bothered me that they claimed she had been raped and “paraded around naked” when she was obviously still clothed and was lying in a truck bed rather than being shown off in any way. This clears all that up.
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jewittoit · 4 months
Reminder that Shani Louk's family set up a website with her tattoo designs so people can get tattoos in honor of her
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proudzionist · 4 months
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The UNRWA is nothing but a organization that breeds terrorists, indoctrination of children , crimes against its own people as well as Israel.
They should be defunded ASAP!
Shani Louk may Your memory be forever a blessing 🕯️🙏
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wanderrnest · 11 months
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Do you consider yourself a feminist? A human? Is raping, slaughtering and desecrating a women's body a red line? Always? Are there any exceptions?
Daily reminder of Hamas crimes against humanity.
Remember Shani Louk. A jewish woman, daughter, friend. Naked, helpless, mocked by a gruop of male terrorists in the name of "freedom". There isn't even a body left.
And she is just one of many, one of which they filmed in yet another act of sadistic terror. The horror stories won't stop coming.
Gaza should be free from its terrorist regime first, then we can talk.
Hamas should bring back women and children and babies from captivity, then we can talk.
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higherentity · 4 months
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secular-jew · 4 months
kill yourself you fat fucking cunt
Thanks for your kind words. XOXOX Hugs and kisses sweetie.
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Finally ...
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her parents can lay her tortured body to rest.
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eretzyisrael · 6 months
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