#Sheriff Graham
supercap2319 · 6 months
"Graham, I know you said you don't have a heart or feeling anything, but I can prove you wrong." Y/N said.
The Sheriff had been saying that he didn't feel anything. That he didn't have a heart, which explains his odd behavior. His dreams and kissing Emma Swan out of the blue. The way he's been having visions of a wolf with a red eye. Of a vault.
The Sheriff ran his fingers through his hair. "What do you propose?"
"Well, it's a little rauchy, but we could sleep together. If you don't feel anything tonight, it proves you're right. But if you do, it means you do have a heart and you just haven't met the right person to awaken it."
"You wanna sleep with me?"
Y/N nods. "That is if you're okay with man in your bed instead of Madame Mayor?"
Sheriff Graham chuckled and started to remove his blue shirt, showing off his muscular body. "I don't mind at all. I go both ways."
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rykemeadow · 8 months
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leslie's favorite tv episodes | once upon a time 1X07 (2011)
(What… What are you going to do to me?) You’re now mine, my pet. And this is your cage. From this moment forward, you will do everything that I say. And if you ever disobey me, if you ever try to run away, all I have to do is squeeze. Guards! Your life is now in my hands – forever. Take him to my bedchamber.
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lady-of-the-spirit · 8 months
Roughly once every year I have a phase where I remember Graham from Once Upon a Time and get so upset and angry about how his storyline went. I'm going through that phase right now.
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put on a smile, and stay out of trouble graham + grey for @snowbellewells
send me a favorite OUaT character and a color and I'll make you a moodboard
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weregonnabecoolbeans · 5 months
Season 1 episode 7 of Once Upon A Time makes it SO HARD to forgive Regina
Like I want to love her but my god Graham did NOT deserve ANY of that
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vasfasan · 11 months
mikey's ouat rewatch notes: 1x07 "The Heart is a Lonely Hunter" (part two) part one TRIGGER WARNING: all of the same content warnings apply as for the episode itself!
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dinneratgrannys · 2 years
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SHERIFF GRAHAM 2.17, Welcome to Storybrooke
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sailor-hufflepuff · 11 months
Still annoyed there was never any justice for Graham. Regina stole his heart and used it to control him, to force him to do her bidding (and have sex with her), she gaslit him when his memories started coming back, and then when he broke up with her…
She killed him.
A good man who refused to murder an innocent woman. Who talked about how animals had more honor than people. Who was one of the few people to stand up to the Mayor’s corruption even before he got his memories back. Who was raised by wolves and considered them his real family.
He deserved so much better than being killed, forgotten, and his murderer becoming a “hero” without ever apologizing for what she did.
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The Girls' Trip Fairy Tale Ending--Chapter 3 of 5
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Summary:  This is my combined birthday gift for Joni (  @jrob64​  ), Marta ( @snowbellewells ) and Krystal ( @kmomof4 ).  Happy birthday ladies! Four fandom friends are nearing the end of their annual girls’ trip when they’re suddenly visited by Isaac, the author before Henry.  He gives them an each a gift–an opportunity to jump into any scene in the storybook they want and fix it.  Large focus on CS, although other characters and relationships will be explored.  A big shoutout to @hollyethecurious​ and @winterbaby89 for betaing!
Word Count: 2897
Other chapters:  (1) (2) (4)
Can also be found on: (ao3) (ff.net)
Note: Happiest of birthdays to Marta, @snowbellewells! I hope you enjoy your trip into the book! (You might want to sit down when you read this; there is a decent chance you'll swoon, hehe.)
Chapter 3
The book deposited Marta somewhere in the middle of the Storybrooke cemetery as dusk settled over the town. She grinned, knowing she was exactly where she was meant to be–and because against all odds and logic, she was about to actually meet and interact with Graham. Best. Girls’. Trip. Ever.
She wasn’t going to fulfill her purpose by standing here and thinking about the surrealism of her situation, though. She needed to find Regina’s vault, and she needed to find Emma and Graham before Regina did.
She scanned the cemetery past rows and rows of completely ordinary tombstones, some with loving epitaphs and others rather nondescript.  She even saw one on which was etched three bears standing side by side. The epitaph for this stone read “Jesus saves.”
Finally, in the distance she saw the large mausoleum with its twin pillars and its circular crest, emblazoned with antlers or curved vines. Marta wasn’t entirely clear what they were supposed to represent.
Even more significantly, she saw the three figures of Emma, Graham, and Regina standing before it. They spoke for a few moments, and then Regina threw a punch, which Emma quickly returned, before slamming Regina up against the vault.
Marta’s heart sank; she hoped she wasn’t too late. 
As Emma began walking purposefully toward her cruiser, Graham not far behind, Marta knew she had to make her move.
“Graham was right,” Marta said quickly, catching up to Emma. “Regina is keeping his heart in the vault!”
Emma stopped and stared at her for a long moment. “Is there something in the water today? Have I dropped into some bizzaro world where I’m the only person who hasn’t lost my mind? Do you realize how you crazy you sound, Marta?”
“Yeah, I’m sure I sound insane,” Marta said, “and normally I’d give you the opportunity to figure all of this out on your own, but right now… it’s literally a matter of life and death. We can’t let Regina get to that heart!”
Emma closed her eyes for a moment, growling in frustration. “Okay, say I believed you,” she finally said, encompassing both Marta and Graham in her glance, “we searched the vault. There’s nothing there but a coffin.”
Marta didn't know how much she should or could intervene. It was probably best to be a little cryptic and circumspect.
"It seemed like you were interrupted in your searching," she said. "I'm sure there's more to be discovered there than you realize."
"She's right, Emma,"  Graham insisted. " I can still feel it. It’s there somewhere."
"Look, Graham,"  Emma said gently, taking his face in her hands and looking into his eyes. "It’s been a difficult and emotional day for you. Please just take a breath and trust me. Everything is going to be alright."
Marta saw the moment Graham conceded, and she began to panic. “You have to listen to me!” she tried again. “I know it sounds crazy, but it’s true!”
Emma shook her head. “Look, we already tried searching for it, and that led to an encounter with Regina that I don’t think either of us is ready to repeat anytime soon. If there’s something there, we can always come back and look for it another time, but until then, there’s a first aid kit in the sheriff’s station that’s calling my name.”
“But–” Marta tried one last time, but they were already gone.
Now what?
She considered heading back to the vault and confronting Regina herself, but she wasn’t entirely sure she was ready to go up against the Evil Queen–even in the Land Without Magic. What she needed was an ally.
And then it clicked. Henry. Who better than the truest believer, who had been working so hard on Operation Cobra, to help her stop his mom from doing something irreversible?
She needed to get to Henry now … wherever he was.
She’d no sooner had the thought than she was at the front door of the mayor’s mansion. She could really get used to traveling at the speed of thought like this! Knowing she didn’t have a moment to lose, she rang the doorbell and then waited impatiently until Henry opened the door.
“Marta?” he asked, his brow furrowing. “What is it? What’s wrong?”
“It’s an Operation Cobra emergency!” she said. “We have to get to your mom’s vault A.S.A.P.”
Without a word, Henry grabbed his coat and followed her out the door. As they rushed back to the cemetery, Marta filled Henry in on what was happening–being careful to heavily edit the situation, not entirely sure it was suitable for ten-year-old ears.
“And so,” Marta finished, just as the vault came into view, “I thought you could distract your mom, and then I’ll grab the heart and take it back to Sheriff Humbert.”
To Marta’s profound relief, the plan went off without a hitch. When they got to the mausoleum, Marta hid behind a nearby tree while Henry called out for Regina. She came rushing out, and Marta slipped in behind her just as Henry started in on a tale of how he didn’t know where Regina was and he’d been worried.
Thankfully, Regina hadn’t had time to push her father’s coffin back into place before rushing out to her son, and Marta ran down the cold, stone stairs, heart pounding, fearing to find a pile of dust instead of a heart, but to her relief, she saw it right away, bright red and glowing from inside the small box in which Regina had kept it. Marta took a moment to peer into the box to make sure she truly had her prize before closing the lid and making her way back outside. 
The next thing Marta knew, she was standing in the doorway of the sheriff’s station just as Graham leaned in and kissed Emma. No sooner had his lips touched hers than he pulled back with a gasp, his eyes blown wide.
“Emma,” he said in wonder, “I remember!”
“You remember … what?” Emma asked carefully.
“Everything,” Graham answered. 
Marta stepped forward. “Then I’m sure you’ll be pleased to see this again.” She extended the box toward him.
Graham gasped. “You got it? You really found it? How?”
“Let’s just say…” Marta said, “I knew where to look.”
For a moment, Emma merely looked back and forth between the two of them, her confusion and unease plain to see all over her face, and then she threw up her hands and headed for the door.
“Look,” she said, “I don’t know what the hell is going on around here tonight, but it’s just … too much. I forwarded the station phones to my cell; I’m going home. Graham just … take care of yourself, okay?”
He smiled at her gently. “See you tomorrow? Maybe we can talk.”
“Yeah, sounds good. Promise you’ll get some rest?”
“You have my word.”
When Marta blinked again, she found herself just inside the door of Granny’s diner.  She glanced around, confused.  She didn’t remember this scene from the show.  Maybe it was something new created because of her changes?
Marta noted that it was dark outside, so it must be evening.  Was it the same evening as her previous scenes had taken place?  What was she meant to do here?  Just as she considered stepping out the door, she spotted Graham sitting alone at a booth near the back of the diner.  He slowly brought a porcelain cup to his lips and took a sip as he looked pensively down at the wooden box in which Regina had kept his heart.
With no idea what she was intended to do, Marta decided she might as well join Graham.  He looked up as she approached the table, and a smile lit up his face at the sight of her.  He gestured to the opposite seat of his bench, and she took the offered seat.
“I owe you a debt of gratitude, Marta,” Graham said.  “If you hadn’t been there, hadn’t believed my wild tale, I shudder to think what might have happened.”
Marta felt a shiver go up her spine, remembering what really HAD happened in the original storyline.  “It was no trouble,” she assured.  “I knew you were right, and I didn’t want anything worse to happen to you.”
He reached over and squeezed her hand with another gentle smile.  “Thank you, nonetheless.  I know the things I’ve said and done over the past day have been–difficult to believe–but you’ve had faith in me even so, and I appreciate it more than you know.”
“Well,” Marta said, “I … know more than you think.  I believe you.  On all of it.”
“Do you?” he asked, surprised.
Marta nodded.  “And I know that you’ve been controlled entirely too long.  You need to get your heart back in your chest.”
Graham sighed, and glanced sightlessly out the window.  “Then you know I need a magic wielder to make that happen.  The only ones currently in this town are Regina and Mr. Gold, neither of which I trust to help me.”
Marta thought for a moment and a specific scene came to mind: Mulan returning Aurora’s heart in Rumplestiltskin’s cell.
“I’m not entirely sure that’s true,” Marta said.  “I’ve, well, I’ve seen a non-magical person return a heart.”
He glanced at her quizzically.  “Just who are you, Marta?”
“Wouldn’t you like to know?” she asked with a small, secret smile.
His returning smile could light up an entire room.  “Perhaps I would.”
For several moments, Marta couldn’t speak, could barely remember her own name or why she was here.  That smile was lethal.
“Anyway, that’s … not important,” she answered, still more than a little flustered.  “The point is, I think it can be done.  I could try, if you’d be willing to let me.”
He was silent for a moment, considering it, and then he nodded.  “It’s worth a try.”
Graham got to his feet, and Marta gave him a questioning look.  “I’d assume you shoving a red glowing object into my chest might attract… attention.  I thought it would be best to go somewhere a bit more secluded.”
Nodding at the wisdom of that, Marta got to her feet and followed Graham to the back hallway of Granny’s, where he gave her his heart. (Marta was sure for the rest of her days she would never forget the warm fuzzy feeling that gave her.)  Holding it carefully, she hesitated for a moment, before quickly plunging her hand into his chest.
Graham gasped, closing his eyes and grimacing in pain for a moment.
“Are you okay?” Marta asked quickly.
After a moment, he opened his eyes, and the smile that came over his face would put the sun to shame.  “I’ve never in my life been better,” he said, “and I have you to thank for it.”
Taking her hand in his, he brought it to his lips, placing a quick, grateful kiss on its back.
Marta was fairly certain she’d swooned after Graham kissed her hand, and this time when she came to, she found herself in Mary Margaret’s flat. Emma sat at the kitchen table, pushing around the cereal in her bowl rather listlessly.
Breakfast time, then–must be the next morning.
“Emma?” Marta asked, taking a seat on the other side of the table, “I just wanted to make sure you’re doing alright. Last night was kind of a lot.”
Emma snorted.  “Yeah, you could say that.  I have a knock-down, drag-out fight with the mayor, who also happens to be my son’s mom. My boss kisses me and then has some sort of … break with reality.  All in a day’s work in Storybrooke, right?  I’ve only been in this town a few weeks, but already I realize things are just … weird … here.”
“Well that is one way to put it,” Marta replied. “But … maybe try to keep a bit of an open mind about Graham.  Obviously he was going through … something … yesterday.”
Emma rolled her eyes.  “Not you too!”
Marta’s brows furrowed.  “Not me … what?””
“Mary Margaret’s already been all over me this morning about closing my heart to love and not giving Graham a chance, and being afraid, and, well, whatever other crap she mentioned.”
“So I take it you told her about your kiss,” Marta prodded.
“Yeah, and she jumped all over it,” Emma said with a frustrated huff.  “Got all excited, talking like I’d just started dating my true love or something.  It was just …way too much for this early in the morning”
Marta chuckled.  “Knowing her, I can imagine.  She means well; just wants you to be happy.”
“I know she does,” Emma sighed.  “I just wish she’d back off a little sometimes.  I’ve been a loner for a long time.  I’m not used to… friends.”
“Well you have them now,” Marta said, “and that’s a good thing, right?”
“Yeah,” Emma said slowly, “except when they're jumping to too many conclusions about my love life.”
“Okay, I could see that,” Marta conceded. “So what are your thoughts about Graham and what happened last night.”
“I don’t know,” Emma said, looking down at her bowl of cereal and continuing to drag her spoon through it.  “I do have, I don’t know, feelings of some sort toward him.  I do care about him, but … well, for one thing, he’s clearly going through something right now.  I don’t know if he’s sick and delirious, or something else, but all that crap he was saying back at the office–”
“Yeah, I know it strains credibility,” Marta said carefully.  This was harder to navigate than she’d anticipated.  If she said too much would she change the future?  Was Emma even ready to hear it?  “Maybe he just needs a little time.  You probably do too.”
Emma barked out a laugh.  “That’s for sure.”
For a few moments, the two were silent, thinking about the conversation and the events of the past day.  Finally, Emma spoke up again.
“It’s not just Graham’s … issues, though, to be honest.”
“What else is bothering you?” Marta asked.
“It’s just … those feelings I feel toward Graham? I don’t think it’s love.  I just don’t think I feel for him what I should feel for the man I’m in love with.  I don’t want to start something and hurt him later.  I know I’m the last person who should have this, I don’t know, romanticized view of love, but I just feel like there should be more to it than this.”
Marta smiled gently, thinking about a certain leather clad pirate Emma was only weeks from meeting for the first time.  She thought about their epic love story that even death itself couldn’t stop.  “Emma,” she said, “I have no doubt that epic, passionate, all-consuming true love is out there for you, and I have a sense that it’ll find you sooner than you think.  Until then, there’s nothing wrong with keeping things with Graham at the friendship level.”
Emma thanked Marta for the talk and then headed for the station.  Left alone in the loft, Marta wondered what else she was meant to do.
Then she noticed the storybook–the storybook Lucy had at the start of season 7, the one that contained all of the events of canon along with the past fairy tales.
Maybe she was supposed to flip through and see what changed thanks to her ministrations?
She paged through until she found the events of the past day, and then she moved forward.  Regina, angry with being thwarted and concerned with how much of the truth Graham might know, came up with a creative–and particularly cruel–way to solve her problem.  After convincing the town that Graham had suffered a mental break and was no longer fit for duties as sheriff, she had him committed to the Storybrooke mental asylum in the hospital basement.
It appeared the rest of season one continued largely the same as canon.  Curious what would happen following the breaking of the curse, Marta kept reading.
After the curse, Graham was freed from the mental hospital and went on to team up with Ruby to head up the task force to reunite people with their missing loved ones.  Working together brought the two of them closer, and it wasn’t long before they began dating.
Through the seasons, Graham continued to help the heroes as various villains showed up and were subsequently defeated.  Eventually, he and Ruby decided to pull back from the craziness and enjoy their life together, even as the world continued to crash around them.
It was all Marta could have hoped for her favorite first Storybrooke sheriff.
She’d no sooner closed the cover of the book than she felt a tug in her midsection, and the room around her began spinning.  She closed her eyes against the sudden dizziness.  When she opened them again, she was back in the living room of her cabin, looking at the eager faces of her friends.
“I can’t wait to tell you what just happened!” she said excitedly.
“Well, you’re gonna have to,” Isaac said irritably.  “Come on; I don’t have all night.  Who’s next?”“I think it’s my turn,” Krystal said, a blood-thirsty gleam in her eyes, “and I know exactly what I’m going to do.”
--I hope you enjoyed your birthday gift, Marta! Your affinity for a certain handsome Storybrooke sheriff who deserved so much better is well known to all of us. Since we got so little of him in canon, I thought I'd give you more one on one interaction with him!
--Up next: A bit of a longer hiatus. The next chapter will be posted on October 15, Krystal (@kmomof4's) birthday. We'll be moving on to the missing year between 3a and 3b, and Krystal will get a chance to give Neal the ending he deserves. (Cue evil laughter)
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jennifersminds · 7 months
sheriff graham and emma were actually so cute i’m sad
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justsomefanfics · 1 year
Emma has a type in her men… brunette, rugged, stubbly, sarcastic, charming, mysterious…. In leather… right!?
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Fandom: Once Upon a Time
Character: Ruby
Sample Size: 2,140 stories
Source: AO3
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I’m just bound to fall in love with characters who get killed off shortly after they’re introduced, huh?
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stabby-apologist · 1 year
Regina and Emma just duking it out in the cemetery is just hands down damn good television
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I'm not interested in being a pet huntsman + brown for @snowbellewells
send me a favorite OUaT character and a color and I'll make you a moodboard
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jackiestarsister · 2 months
"A Time for Everything" new chapter: "Acceptance"
Between Episodes 4x03 and 4x04, Emma talks to her family about her love life. Graham's death is acknowledged, David's conversation with "Prince Charles" is remembered, and Henry faces the reality of his mother dating Captain Hook. Ultimately, Emma accepts her feelings, and her family accepts her relationship with Hook.
Read on FFN
Read on AO3
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