#Shiguraki x Reader
iqzo · 7 months
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ₓ˚. ୭ ˚○◦˚.˚◦○˚ ୧ .˚ₓ ₓ˚. ୭ ˚○◦˚.˚◦○˚ ୧ .˚ₓ
FIRSTLY ; hello, welcome to my blog:D! i’m iqzo, or you could call me izo. I am a black bisexual female who writes lil blogs yk for my man who don’t even exist but beside that. i hope you enjoy all of them :3333
𝓈𝑒𝒶𝓈𝑜𝓃 𝑜𝓃𝑒.
ᕯ EREN - pussy power ft. armin,jean&connie , reunited , the echidna
ᕯ ARMIN - four eyed freak snippet , pretty boy , deepthroating armin being down bad , heat , gamer boyfriend , playa
ᕯ ONY - pussy drunk
ᕯ CONNIE - shy girls , beauty and a beat , shy girls 2
ᕯ JEAN - feel it.
𝓈𝑒𝒶𝓈𝑜𝓃 𝓉𝓌𝑜.
ᕯ GOJO - officer!reader x prisoner!gojo
ᕯ GETO -
ᕯ TOJI -
𝓈𝑒𝒶𝓈𝑜𝓃 𝓉𝒽𝓇𝑒𝑒.
𝓈𝑒𝒶𝓈𝑜𝓃 𝒻𝑜𝓊𝓇.
𝓈𝑒𝒶𝓈𝑜𝓃 𝒻𝒾𝓋𝑒.
ᕯ LEON -
𝓈𝑒𝒶𝓈𝑜𝓃 𝓈𝒾𝓍.
ᕯ DABI -
ᕯ KAI -
𝓈𝑒𝒶𝓈𝑜𝓃 𝓈𝑒𝓋𝑒𝓃.
𝓈𝑒𝒶𝓈𝑜𝓃 𝑒𝒾𝑔𝒽𝓉.
𝓈𝑒𝒶𝓈𝑜𝓃 𝓃𝒾𝓃𝑒.
ᕯ USUI -
𝓈𝑒𝒶𝓈𝑜𝓃 𝓉𝑒𝓃.
.  . • ☆ . ° .• °:. *₊ ° . ☆ .  . • ☆ . ° .• °:. *₊ ° . ☆
┏━━━ ━━━┓
i don’t know why i placed down so
many anime’s knowing i can’t even finish
a single post in a day💀.
but it’s okaaayyy
┗━━━ ━━━┛
︑︒⚬∙︓·⠄: here’s a lil bit more about myself , i’m caribbean (trini) and i like my man, like real bad.(there isn’t a man). but anywho.
oh & u may catch me on wattpad ..once in a blue moon : @ conniesbbma
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a-pretty-nerd · 4 years
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Tomura Shigaraki x AllMight!Daughter!Reader
Chapter 2
When The League of Villians discovers that AllMight has a daughter, they are quick to snatch you up and hold you hostage. Shigaraki had a careful and thought out plan, but that was before you got there. Now you're in the mood for some not-so-healthy rebellion.
Word Count: 1,567
Warnings: Kidnapping, mommy/daddy issues? Fictional politics? Future chapters will include NSFW content and violence!
I cannot describe how much fun I'm having writing this. Like I'm genuinley having a blast with this concept. The more I learn about Shigaraki for, "reseach purposes", the more I fall in love with him as a character. He's so complex, that character development, GOD! That charactet design, FUCK! The exploration of the complexities of mental illness from trauma and grooming, DAMN IT! He's becoming an anti-hero and I 👏 AM 👏 HERE 👏 FOR 👏 IT👏 Anyways, Don't forget to check out my Patreon! ❤
Chapter 1 Chapter 3 
You passed out again. Dehydration. 
You woke up in a sleeping bag. Your wrists and ankles bruised slightly from the restraints, but free. You laid there on the floor, looking over you noticed a few bottles of water and a granola bar. You took down one bottle in a matter of seconds before discarding it and starting the next. A horrible aching pain in your head raged on as you took in your surroundings. Light trickled in between the cracked of the barred-up window.
Your heart began to race as you began to sort through your options. Could you manage to escape through the window? Or were you on a second or third floor? Maybe if you asked to use the restroom, maybe there was a window there where you could get a better look.
Poor All Might, he must be so worried. Did even know you were missing? Of course, he knew, it wasn't like you to be out all night and gone in the morning. He'd probably called Mom by now, she's probably on a plane already. She's going to be furious.
After you finished a second bottle and the snack, you stood. You felt better. Not good, but better. You made your way to the door and knocked.
"Hello! Is anyone there?" You called.
"The doors open!" A new voice answered. The door let out a harsh creak as you opened it. It let out into the living space you had been in before. There, the majority of the villains surrounding you earlier sat around. You looked up to the figure that stood, leaning against the wall closest to the door.
"You're new." You mumbled.
"My apologies, Miss. I believed I was absent when you first arrived. I'm Mr. Compress." His sing-song voice reached out from behind a mask.
"A pleasure." You groaned back. "Why is the door unlocked, aren't you afraid I'll break free?" You asked the room. They all turned to look at you.
"I doubt you could fight all of us at once." The red-eyed man had the hand again.
"Bathroom?" You asked. Mr. Compress pointed you in the right direction and you walked off. The only window in there was way too small and too high up to help you. You finished your business and washed your hands before looking at yourself in the mirror. You looked tired and worn out.
You shuffled back into the living room and found the group lounging around. A Tv played the news non-stop. A few of them were passing the time by playing games on devices.
"I'm sorry...Who exactly are you?" You spoke to the room.
"Wow! You really are clueless!" The girl mused.
"Don't you follow hero news?" Patchwork asked. You shrugged.
"I never really paid attention to what was happening over here. All I know is what Dad has told me. He's mentioned 'The League of Villians' a couple of times, but I guess I wasn't listening. Hero news back home is, different."
"You know of All For One, don't you?" The red-eyed man asked without taking his gaze off the Tv.
"Yeah. You're his associates, or something aren't you? Like his henchmen?" A few chuckled.
"You can call me Toga!"
"'Henchmen'...hehe. No, I wouldn't say that." Red-eye stood and began making his way closer and closer, holding a bottle of water in his hand. Careful to hold a finger away from it. "There is nothing I hate more than heroes. This wretched society that rewards such self-serving narcissists." Closer. "We seek to destroy it." Closer. You're backed against a wall now. You watched him place his last digit down on the bottle. It began to crumble before shattering to dust in his grasp. "My name is Shigaraki Tomura. You can consider me, All For One's heir. The future King of Villians." He came so close the wrist of the hand on his face rested dangerously close to your chin. His red eye stared down at you. Your heart raced.
"Oh yes. I've heard of you." You whispered.
"Good." He hummed before turning back and taking his seat again.
"How could you let this happen!?"
"I didn't know this would happen! She's strong, she's an adult now! I thought she could handle herself!"
"She's just a kid! She could be dead by now or worse!" Your mother cried. Her fists firmly slammed on the table where your father sat. Policemen and detectives scattered about the apartment. When you hadn't returned after a few hours, All Might went down to the gym. He found your bag, but no sign of you. First thing he did was call the police and then your mother. She arrived less than 24hrs after receiving the call. 
“Please Ms. L/N, we’re doing everything we can. We’ve got the best team in Musutafu looking for her.” Detective Tsukauchi was the second person he called. He felt better knowing his friend was on the case, he had faith that if anyone could find you, it was Tsukauchi. 
“Everyone knows if a victim of kidnapping hasn’t been found in the first 24hrs its hopeless! How could you be so sure about this?” 
“I understand your frustrations ma’am, but we already have reason to believe we know who took her, and motive. At this rate, we’re just trying to track down their location.” 
“Its the League isn’t it? They’re using her to get to me aren’t they?” Your father sulked in his chair. His eyes fixated on his hands which sat in his lap. He shook with fear, rage, disappointment, all targetted at himself.  He took sole responsibility for your kidnapping. Your mother fumed across the table from him, arms crossed, and nails digging into her arms. 
“Don’t beat yourself up, we’re going to find her,” Tsukauchi assured him. Your mother sat there, gritting her teeth as she gripped her phone. 
“I have to go.” She spat as she got up. 
“Huh!? You’re not going after her yourself are you?” 
“No. I sent for Xavier, Y/N’s boyfriend as soon as I arrived. I’m going to meet him at the airport.
“Boyfriend? Y/N never said anything about a boyfriend.” Your father watched your mother walk towards the front door as she threw her jacket over her shoulders.
“Yes, well, there’s a lot about her you don’t know, Toshinori. I’ll be back.” 
“What’s it like in America?” 
Toga asked with a wide smile as you sat with them. It was odd, they seemed entirely unbothered by you walking around doing your own thing. The front door was right there, you could have made a run for it. You knew that was a bad idea. They knew, that you knew, that was a bad idea. 
“Oh, it’s alright, I guess.” You sat on the floor against the wall beside her. 
“I heard heroes work for the military there,” Dabi noted. 
“Yeah, they are. Back home, heroes are organized into ‘Military aids’, or ‘police aids’. Meaning, if you want to be a hero, you have to choose between working for the military, or independent police forces. A lot of heroes go into police work because it allows heroes to be community-focused. But Military, that’s where the money is. If you want to be a hero celebrity, that’s where you work.” 
“Yeesh, there aren’t any independent agencies?” Toga asked, pulling her legs to her chest. 
“I guess the police offices work like hero agencies do here. It’s just a group of people who are authorized to use their quirks to ‘keep the peace’.” You used your fingers to create air-quotes. 
“You don’t sound too keen on the idea.” She pointed out with a sly smile. You sighed. 
“I know things seem bad here with heroes, but in America, it’s worse. The system was built so that people wish flashy quirks get the best out of life. It’s created a highly militarized country that only cares for those who have something to offer it. If you can’t serve your country, you’re considered trash.” 
“I’ve seen the anti-hero marches online. Things seem really out of hand over there. I wouldn’t be surprised if there was a league over there too.” 
“It’s not anti-hero, it’s anti-military. If we could take away the idea that we’re supposed to serve the system, then heroes could be held accountable for their actions as individuals, not part of a flawed system. When you give these people so much power, they ultimately abuse it and leave the rest to rot.” 
“You sound like a villain,” Dabi smirked. You sighed, having realized how loud you got. You were passionate on the subject. You spent your college years working to analyze and fight against the system. The system your mother so willingly played into and encouraged you to do the same. The system that killed your friend. 
“Maybe here things are a little more simple. But back home not everything isn’t so black and white.” 
“It isn’t here, either.” Shigaraki groaned from his place on the couch, facing away from you.
@craftybean13 @babayaga67 @imjustverable
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bartallenisbae · 5 years
Kinda Yandere mostly manipulative Shigaraki Tomura x Reader
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Warning: Reader has mental problems. A bit of a unhealthy relationship. This gets dark at the end yet one charafter ending. Also SPOILERS TO SHIGURAKI ORIGIN IN MANGA
When you talk to strangers online please be careful. I’m not your dad but please be careful because to many people dont realize the danger.
I don’t own anything
You remember sitting in the doctors office. Your family had been worried over you ever since your quirk appeared.
Your brothers and sister could laugh. You could feel their happiness when they did...but you couldn’t feel yours.
You could feel others emotions and understand what they feel. But you didn’t have emotions.
Your family slightly worried someone could manipulate you. Whenever someone slightly felt sad you just wanted to make them happy so you couldn’t feel their pain.
Your doctor looked at your parents and straight out told them.
“Your daughters quirk has caused her to not have emotions. It could be a side effect.”
Your family had been protective of you since. You had your grandpa’s quirk but he didn’t have the side effect you did. As you got older your quirk became stronger. You could feel people’s emotions through pictures and tv.
You weren’t allowed to go to school in your parents fear of you being bullied. Your brothers and sister were the only ones you considered your friends. But as the youngest you saw them slowly grow up. They began to talk and hang with their actual friends. They felt happy around their friends. Why couldn’t you feel anything?
After the last brother moved out you were officially the only child in the house though you were 17 years old. Your parents tried to have you make friends but you could always feel the other kids your age emotions. They felt annoyed. Like they were only forced to be around you...unlike your siblings friends.
Since you didn’t have any friends you mostly just played video games while being homeschooled. Tv wasn’t really your thing since you could feel emotions through tv which sometimes ruined things since actors or actresses would look scared but their emotions were mostly tired, depressed, or bored while you couldn’t feel any emotions through video games since they were just digital worlds.
While you were playing a online video game you were on a team with a guy named ‘Tomu’. He was good...really good. He must have been playing video games for as long as you had played. Now normally you wouldn’t play with others online but rarely you did when you were bored since you could feel how others felt through the game if they were real people.
“You need to be turning left. The bad guy is behind the wall,” ‘Tomu’ spoke into the game. You froze since you didn’t suspect him to speak but mostly because you could feel his anger and restless nights of sleep and constant annoyance of someone but he was mostly relaxed playing the game.
“Oh...how would you know that?” You asked, he scuffed.
“I’ve played this more times then anyone,”
“What are you, like a total gamer? I’ve played more games then anyone.”
“Yeah right. This is probably your first game,” That was the first time you talked to him. Things grew from there as you started to play with him more and more on every online game you had and you could buy. Your parents started to feel worried about you starting to play video games for longer and longer.
As ‘Tomu’ and you spent more times together you learned a tiny bit more since ‘Tomu’ was secretive but he did tell you his name Tomura. You told him a lot more about yourself then he told you about him. He was the only person who made you feel something almost. Closer then anyone else had made you feel.
He made you almost really laugh. When you told him about your quirk and it’s side effect he just said “You don’t have the most useful quirk but it could be useful for like seeing if someone is lying. Now stop being a cry baby and let’s just eliminate this bad buy,” He felt the same though a little irritated. When you told others they would feel sad or guilty for something. You assumed guilty of talking bad about you begind your back before they heard about your quirk.
You could his anger when he heard someone talk about heroes. Some people online would have Endeavor or All might as their names online and he would often just randomly kill them. When you asked him about it he would often just tell you they had been annoying him even if they never even talked before on the game. He would mumble things at times that made you question heroes a bit. It was slow but he definitely started to take an effect on you. He would talk about family in a toxic way. How old say how family could easily turn their backs on you just as easily as friends.
Your parents began to question you about your online friend especially when they heard you and him talking and him mentioning each other age. You were 17 and him only 20. They never trusted social media or online anything really though they wanted to be happy for you but your naiveness blinded you. He never FaceTimed or sent you a picture of what he looked like.
“Honey we need to talk.” Your mother said as you were about to go to your room to play with Tomura. You stopped before seeing your mom patting a seat next to her and your father. You sat down next to your parents. You could feel their nervousness and fear and desperation.
“We love you but we think your getting to close to that boy online. It’s just it’s sodangerous online. He hasn’t even shown you what he looks like. He could be anyone. We are just looking out for the best with you.” Your mom talked with full concern.
“What...What are you saying?” You knew what they were saying.
“Honey, we don’t want you to talk to him anymore,” Your father sat tall showing he is being serious. You could feel your work crumbling. For the first time in your life you felt something...over whelming sadness and anger. You had been talking to Shigaraki for so long. It felt like he was the only one to understand you. Did...you love him? He was th only person you felt something around.
“No...No. You don’t understand. I...I love him. I love him. You can’t keep me away from him. “ You said before running to your room as fast as possible to run from your parent’s as soon as posble so they wouldn’t try to to stop you or Try to take your game system.
“(Y/n) wait please just listen to-“ You slammed the door before they could stop you and immediately locked your door. You could feel something you had never felt before...tears. You...were crying? You sat next to the door.
“Honey open this door. Please...just tell me your ok. We love you so much,” You could hear your mom crying. You could hear your dad talking to your mom probably comforting her. You started to hear his voice. Tomura could comfort you. You could feel your heart start to beat at the thought of him. you could feel something.
You had started to walk to the game system and turned it on. You could see he was on like he was at that time.
“Hey what took you so long. Were you eating or something?? He said as you could feel his annoyance with you until he could hear you crying. He hestitated.
“(Y/n) open this door!” Your father commanded, you were sure Tomura could hear your dad.
“T-Tomura. My parents are trying to get me to stop talking to you. I-I don’t know what to do. I think...I love you. I think this will be the last time we can talk before my parents take me away from you. You were right. Family can betray you. They don’t understand. I think for the first time in years I have feeling again. Tomura...I don’t know what to do.” For a few seconds as your parents murmuring to each other on what to do before you could hear Tomura.
“Do you really to stay with me?” You stuttered your breathing
“I have a friend who can transport you to me since he has a quirk that can do that by just knowing your address. You need to know though...I’m not a normal guy. My name is Shigaraki Tomura. I’m part of the League of Villains. If you really want to be with me...you will have to do somethings you wouldn’t want to do,” You honestly felt you stop breathing. You loved him right? You were new with feelings so you still figuring everything out. This had to be love. He was all you could think of. Love meant you would do anything for the person you love. You began to hear your parents start to bang on the door calling out to you.
“I would do anything for you Tomura,”
“What’s your address?”
The door was finally opened when they were forced to get the key since their daughter wouldn’t open up. When they were in the room they only saw the game on and a note. The mother went to the not and picked it up.
‘I’ll miss you,’
“So this is your little play thing huh?” The lanky tall man with patched and black hair and electrifying blue eyes said staring at you. Shigaraki scuffed at him before putting his arms around you.
“That’s Ash tray aka Dabi. Just ignore him like his daddy did since all he does is talk and burn things,” Shigaraki said making Dabi growl a bit. You could feel Dabi feeling tired and annoyed though something about him was different. You knew what it was...you’ve felt people like him before...they were always different...the same feeling Shigaraki had...past/or/current abuse.
“You brought me a new friend?! Hi I’m Himiko Toga. Want to be friends?” A blonde haired girl appeared almost out of knowhere. You could feel the crazy off her practically without your quirk.
It had been almost a year since then...Shigaraki and you grew closer. You had actually met All for One...well sorta, you saw him on a tv screen. You had never felt so much...power hunger. You couldn’t move when yo first saw him. Later on he had you kill someone to prove you were really committed though you were only committed to Shigaraki. You had nightmares of killing that teen boy who only made the mistake of talking with the wrong people.
Shigaraki felt so excited when he talked to him. It confused you at first since his father appeared to be dead since he had his hand apparently...you didn’t ask...until he finally admitted everything.
Manga spoilers!
You layed on his bed as he played his video game. One of the characters told about their father being in danger which Shigaraki scuffed.
“Why do you hate fathers so much? I can feel your hatred to fathers even being mentioned.” Shigaraki just scuffed again
“It’s nothing,”
“You can trust me. I would do anything for you.” He thought for a moment. He looked to the side for a moment.
Manga spoilers! Shigurakis origin!
“Fine but only because you are annoying me. I had a family, quite a big one actually. I had my grandparents, Mom, Sister, Dog, and my Father. I had a thin of wanting to be a hero but my father hated heroes. Whenever he found me playing heroes he would punish m to stay outside in the corner but one day after my sister showed me that my grandma was a hero my dad found out and asked my sister what happened she lied and for the first time he hit me. He had no regret in his eyes. When I was outside crying and hugging my quirk appeared. I ended up killing my dog and that’s when my sister came out to apologize. I ended up accidentally killing my whole family until it was just my father. He came out and saw the mess. I killed him. Purposefully. Now can you stop talking and let me play my game,” You honestly felt scared a bit(Shiguraki was the only one to have you to feel emotions at all). You had killed someone yeah but kill your whole family.
Spoilers over
 You just had to find out the most scariest thing at the worst time. You wanted to spend the rest of your life with Shiguraki but this was different. You both went all the way once but they say it only takes once.  You were pregnant. You were 18 years old and Pregnant.
As you stood looking at the test you got up and thought for the first time about everything. You killed a teenage boy for someone to trust you. You still loved Shiguraki but this wasn’t You wouldn’t do it again. Not after everything. You packed your bags and walked out of that apartment you shared with him. This wasn’t a place for a child. A child should not be around killers.
You left with no note. Only with some clothes. You then went to a shady apartment place and then decided to get a short term job until the pregnancy was over so you could keep your apartment until this was over. It wasn’t that bad there. There were some really nice people but there were a few really sketchy guys you stayed away from especially when they flirted with you, you never responded.
After 9 months you finally had your baby. She was 9 pounds. She was born at exactly noon. She oddly had black hair which you assumed came from Shiguraki’s family. She had your (wavy/straight/curly/whatever) hair that you wish you could tell her in person how to control that hair but she would never be able to see you. After thinking over what to do you had your plan. 
As you sat with your daughter for a few days in the hospital you wrote a paper. If you just sent her to adoption then she would be found...she had to be with someone that All For One couldn’t get instantly knowing it wouldn’t be worth. 
You walked with emotions for one thing right now. Tears formed from your eyes as you walked and finally arrived. You looked down at the carrier and she looked up at you with those (e/c) eyes. Those were your eyes she had. You looked away immediately. No backing down. 
You set the carrier was set in front of the door and kneeled and tucked her in a bit more and kissed her not caring that tears were hitting her. 
“I love you so much,” You whispered, leaving the papers you wrote on the ground under her carrier incase the wind came. You kissed her multiple times knowing you could never do it enough. You finally stood and knocked on the door before running off as fast as you could. 
After a minute Toshinori finally opened the door to hear something crying and saw a newborn crying. 
“What the hell,” He muttered to himself before looking around seeing no one around. He picked up the carrier and saw a few pieces of paper and picked it up.
‘I don’t know what I’m doing anymore really. I never did. Everything happened so fast. I know you have a lot of responsibility's All Might but I can’t let her go into her father or All For One’s hands. I don’t have much to say. 
Shiguraki is her dad. The secret to her hair is water. After brushing her hair your put water on it to control the hair after. She may have sensitive skin so she may hate to have her hair brushed. I hated my hair getting brushed. Tell her I love her. Please keep her from trying to find me or anyone related to her father. Choose whatever name for her since I didn’t want to get attached. Keep her safe. Please.’
 Toshinori looked at the paper before looking at the baby and back at the paper then the baby. She seemed content just looking around before looking at him and laughed. She had a beauty mark where her grandmother did as she smiled.
“Aren’t you a smiler, I think I’ll name you Nana,” Toshinori smiled looking at his new daughter
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strawberrylabs · 2 years
Strawberry’s Masterlist
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Whumptober 2023!
Genshin rambles and theories
Wriothsley kinda a cunt 1.(my own thoughts) 2.(reblog with other ppls thoughts)
Sally face
- Sal Fisher Gn! Relationship headcanons!
- Larry Johnson X ADHD!gn! Reader : Arcade date
Genshin Impact
- Diluc Ragnvindr X gn!royal reader (secret relationship royal AU) Fic
-Lyney x Gender neutral reader (comforting him after his story quest) Fic
-Lyney comforting his gn!lover/ fic
-Lyney and his gn!lover have an argument before a show! fic
-Lyney x shy!reader (gn) headcanons/scenarios
-Lyney's lover is captured by a criminal! fic
-Being Freminet's sibling
- Early morning train rides with Xiao, Freminet and Furina
- Lyney and his loyalties.... (Angst)
- Wanderer has a nightmare
- Poly Kazuha X Tomo X Reader snippet
- early mornings with Amber
- poly Kaveh X Alhaitham X reader snippet
- Being one of the last yaskshas with Xiao (angst)
- Aether angst
Voice lines series!
-"Goodnight" part 1: Lyney, Freminet, Kazuha, Venti, Cyno, Childe
Past Match-Up's
Albedo x anon
Shiguraki x anon
Thoma x anon
Larry x Elliseeed
Sal Fisher x anon
Larry x Ghost
Luke x Leaf
Mitsuhide x Leaf
Killua x anon
Ghost x Xiao
Ghost x Mitsuya
Ghost x Inumaki
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rainytea · 2 years
Sorry for the lack of posts everyone! I promise that I haven't forgot about Requests! I have been working on a couple of fics here and there, depending on who I'm feeling for the day lol.
I apologize about all my fics having a Fem!Reader! I identify as female. I never seem to have an idea or the confidence with Male!Reader, but I do want to write for NB as well as Male Readers as well.
I'm mostly posting this to give myself an idea on what I'm doing lol.
(In order received.)
Gilbert Nightray X Fem!Reader HCs (NSFW)
Kagura Mikazuchi X Non-magic Fem! Reader
(No real order, but collabs are priority.)
Toji Fushiguro X Fem!Stripper Reader (Dark Content, NSFW) (For Dirty Money Collab)
Gojo Satoru X Fem!Reader (For Crash Collab)
Tomura/Tenko Shiguraki X Fem!Hero Reader (Dark Content, NSFW) (For Corruption Collab)
Kyojuro Rengoku X Pregnant Reader (NSFW)
Hawks/Keigo Tamaki X Fem!Reader (NSFW)
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adminbryantsaki · 3 years
Can you please do 43 with shikaraki and videos games (I think it fits him!) And as always I love you ❤️🥺
I love you too, honey. I can't believe you gave me Shigaraki. But I love you still. I will give you the Crusty Man Child with #43 "Just let me finish this level and I swear I'll go down on you until you cum three times. "
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Tomura Shigaraki x Female! Reader.
Prompt #43: “Just let me finish this level and I swear I’ll go down on you until you cum three times.”
TW: Cockwarming, Seggy stuff, alcohol consumption, praise kink. 18+ Minors do not interact.
I do not own Tomura Shiguraki. Horikoshi Kohei does.
If this isn't your cup of tea, blend of spices, or brew of coffee, move on.
It was a lazy day at the LOV’s hideout. It was raining and there were no orders from the Master. Everyone was doing their own thing, either leaving the hideout or staying in their own room as the rain drizzled down outside. You were Shigaraki’s girlfriend and was recruited into the League recently. You were bored and you wandered around the hideout talking to Kurogiri for a bit and sipping on a drink he made you before you asked him where Shigaraki was.
“He should be in your shared room playing his games.” The warped man told you. You thanked him and slid off the stool. You walked to your shared room and knocked on the door. “Ugh, Go away Kurogiri! I want to finish this game in peace!” You heard your boyfriend call from the other side of the door. You sighed and opened the door and walked in. This aggravated the blue haired man and he turned to face you. This was one of the rare instances he didn’t keep the hand that he called “Father” on his face. He probably didn’t need it on since he needed to see the screen to play his games. He was tense until he saw you.
“It’s just you. What do you want?” He asked in a slightly annoyed tone as he died again in his game.
“I’m bored and everyone else is busy. I wanna spend time with you.” You said as you closed the door behind you and sat next to him.
“Fine. You can watch but stay quiet. I need to focus.” He spoke. You nodded and understood. You have watched Shigaraki play his games before and once or twice has he let you play with him. You soon got distracted and leaned against him. You wanted him to play with you. You were tempted to pull the plug on his tv but thought otherwise. You huffed and tried to get annoy him a lot. He cursed under his breath when he died again.
“Stop trying to distract me, Y/n. You know I want to focus on this game.” He spoke. He then looked at you and saw the look on your face that told him that you wanted his undivided attention. He sighed and restarted the level.
“Just let me finish this level and I swear I’ll go down on you until you cum three times.” He said as he began playing the level. You beamed in excitement as you watched and waited for him to win the level. You watched the screen as the health bar on the boss got low and eventually Shigaraki’s character defeated the boss. He set the controller down and turned to face you. He cupped your face without his thumbs touching your face and he kissed you deeply. You kissed him back and he pulled away and push you gently so you laid back on the hardwood floor. He pulled your skimpy shorts down and he laid down between your legs. He hooked your legs over his shoulders before he went down on you. He began to suck at your folds and bite at them. This made you moan out in pleasure and arched your back. He licked at your wet entrance and stuck his tongue in and ate you out. He could feel your silken walls clench around his tongue and you released on his face. He smirked and began the process again until you squirted your juices on his face and he licked them up.
“Good girl. One more time and I’ll let you sit in my lap, ok?” He told you. You whimpered and nodded before his head disappeared between your thighs. He used his tongue on you for what seemed forever before you arched your back and came hard on his face. He licked up your juices and picked you up and pulled you into his lap. You cuddled into him and nuzzled his neck. He smiled and pulled you onto his hardened cock. You moaned out and he smirked.
“You like that, baby? Good. Just stay there while I play another level, ok? I love you so much.” He said and you got settled in for a long night.
What you didn’t know was that a few of the members of the League were up against the door listening to the two of you having a fun time inside the room. Shigaraki was going to not be happy when he found out that they were listening in on your private time.
The end.
Tagging: @i-panic-at-the-disco
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random-mha-thoughts · 4 years
Flock Together (LoV x Reader)
Pairing: League of Villains x Reader, platonic relationship
Appearances by Dabi, Shigaraki, and Mr. Compress
@dastfast678 requested: “Could you make a another LOV X child!reader, one where the hero's try to "recused" Y/N but they just tells them off?”
Genre: Slight angst
Word Count: 1,442
Tags:  @yuki-osaki​ @liviitehe​ @iamsoftsodonttoucheume-blog​
a/n: Thanks for the request! I’m sorry it took so long to do...
Yes, the title is akin to the "birds of a feather" saying.  I will also tell you guys that in this universe, if the League ever got caught before things blew up to as big as they've gotten in the manga, the villains would have pulled a Gentle Criminal for the reader.  You’ll see why I say that later.
This is still in the same continuity as my other LoV posts, but it can also be a different one as well.  Not that I’m planning anything for it, but I think it’s just nice to keep a similar timeline between some of my posts I guess.
Funny how I always end up running when I'm faced with important milestones. I ran when I realized my parents were gone right into the hands of people I thought were going to kill me.  And they turned out to be much better than I expected, I have to say.
My former classmate at UA had found me while I was out to get food for the League.  They were really craving pizza today and now I have to run.  I'm gonna get an earful from them later for coming back late.
They were gonna find me eventually, I should've been prepared.  I never even thought of the excuse I was going to use when they inevitably did.
A hand catches my shoulder and I almost scream, only to turn around and see Kaminari.  Damnit, I thought he hadn't seen me.  When I caught him walking the opposite way as me, I'd hoped I could get away before he realized it was me.
He smiles naturally.  "Hey, (Y/n)!  I thought I saw you walking around here!"  Before I can say anything he grips me into a tight hug.  "Gosh, we were all worried about you!  Where have you been all this time?"
I pry his grip off of me gently.  "I've just...been here, you know, living my life."
For a moment, Kaminari hesitates before he whines out an exhale.  "Agh, I can't do this.  (Y/n), they kinda sent me to...rescue you, because we had the best relationship."
I furrow my eyebrows "Rescue me?"  Should've known.  At least they didn't send Midoriya.
"Yeah, sorry about this."
Kaminari suddenly drags me by the arm into the nearest alley.  "What the hell-!?"  Soon I'm faced with two other figures, both of of them I know very well also.  Damnit, they did send Midoriya.
"Before you say anything, no one else knows we're here, it's just us," Midoriya blurts out.
"I'm surprised Todoroki isn't here," I respond lamely, sighing at the mini intervention. "It's usually the two of you acting on whims together."
"It was my idea this time," Kaminari admits as he rubs the back of his neck.  "The school's officially taking you off the roster and we at least wanted to look for you one last time."
My fist clenches and I look down.  "I didn't know I'd be so missed."
"We were very worried about you!  It's not becoming of a young hero-in-training to miss class!" Iida chops at the air.  It's nice to know he hasn't changed much.
"How did you guys even know I was here?"
"That's not important," Midoriya answers quickly and takes a step towards me.  Concern fills his face.  "(Y/n), please come back.  We don't know why you left, but we can sort it out."
I'm silent, holding his pleading gaze with my own icy stare.  "You guys said no one else knows you're here.  Keep it that way and leave.  No one else needs to know where I am or what I'm doing."  I turn to walk away.
"Are you with the League?"  Kaminari's voice sounds broken, a stark contrast from his usual upbeat, dorky tone.
I'm taken aback by how he could've known that, but I brush it off.  "That's none of your business."
He forces out a nervous laugh.  "I think I get it, you want to stay and gather intell-"
"No, I'm staying because I want to stay."  My conviction is firm.  There's no point in denying it.
Iida pushes up his glasses.  "It looks like they've brainwashed you, (Y/n)-san, this isn't like you.  You were always so quiet-"
"Yeah, but you had no idea why!"  I close my eyes and breath.  It's not worth it to blow up and tell them everything that's happened, it's in the past and I'm working on resolving it myself.  "I don't need to be a hero anymore, it won't solve my problems like I thought before."
"So you'd rather be a villain?!  Taking innocent lives?!"
"I don't do any of that!" I snarl back at him.
"But you will eventually!"
"And I'll figure it out when the time comes!"  Their faces fall.  "They may be villains, but they've helped me so much more than when I was in UA!  I feel safe with them.  They're my new family, and I'm staying with them."
"Well, that's touching."
The boys in front of me stiffen at the voice behind me.  I turn to see Shigaraki, Dabi, and Mr. Compress approaching in the darkness of the alleyway.
"We were wondering what was taking you so long, so we had to come check," the masked man haughtily explains, dropping a hand on top of my head.  My former classmates go pale at the sight.  They probably think he was going to hurt me.
"We meet again, Midoriya Izuku."  Shigaraki's cracked lips turn up into a crazed smirk and Midoriya gulps.
"UA kids all alone, huh," Dabi comments.  "What was their big plan?  To come kidnap you back to them?  They would have to do through us first."  His palm lights up with blue flames.  "I'm sure Toga would've liked to see this boy again."
"I've been dying to try my new trick on someone!"  Compress waves his hands dramatically, a few marbles appearing between his fingers.  "I've got the props all ready right here!"
"Don't hurt them," I say blankly.  I don't have much power over them, but I can at least give my opinion.  "It's not worth getting into a struggle with them now."
"(Y/n)'s right," Shigaraki sighs and buries his hands in his pockets.  "Besides, my stomach's eating itself I'm so hungry.  We can settle this another day."
The three of them start exiting and I want to follow behind them, but Kaminari catches my shoulder.  "Are you really going with them?  You chose them over us?"  His crestfallen expression tugs at a soft spot in my chest, but I've already reached a point where it doesn't sway me.
I shrug him off.  "You're lucky you're getting out of here without struggle because of me."  My voice and my glare are icy toward each of them before  I turn and follow the rest out of the alley.  "The next time we see each other, we'll be on different sides.  I hope you'll be prepared to see me again when it happens."
There's a bitter taste in my mouth as we leave the alleyway.  It's not like I feel nothing for them, they were my former classmates after all.  The regret I sometimes feel is something more akin to curiosity than anything.  If I hadn't run into the League, where would I be?  Would I be content the same way as I am now?  Am I content?  Is this the best I could be doing?
Did I make the right choice?
"Listen kid."  Dabi hangs back a little since I'm falling behind from the rest of them.  "I don't have the right to tell you what decision you should've made in your life or ask why you decided to live with a bunch of raggedy good-for-nothings like us," he looks up at the other two and leans over, "But if you wanted to walk away from all of this, you still can."
My eyes widen, and for a moment, all the memories of my time in the League come rushing back.  All the laughs we shared, the late nights they helped me get through, playing games with them, the take out nights like these.  They aren't my family, but it's the closest thing I have to something like that.  Even the thought of leaving them leaves a devastating sinking feeling in my chest.  "Never," I gasp, breath taken from me at the suggestion.
The man scans me, cocking an eyebrow.  "You'd really rather be associated with lawbreakers just because we took you in?"
My face falls.  "Is that a bad thing?"
He pauses, not having anything to say to that, and there's a trace of shock in his features.  His face relaxes and he clasps his hands behind his neck casually.  "I guess you really do fit with us, you've got issues."
I can't help but smile at his words; it's the closest I'll get to him explicitly admitting his appreciation for me.  "I don't think it's the issues, it's the broken-ness."
"No kid, you're just weird."  His large, burnt hand plops on top of my head as he sighs.  "Ah, we're gonna have to move hideouts again.  I was actually liking this place."
"The pizza here is most delicious!" Compress pipes up in agreement.
"Ugh, this is why we can't have nice things, you guys always ruin it," Shiguraki groans.  "Goodbye, delicious and crunchy thin crust pizza..."
"Oh, don't be a drama queen," Dabi rolls his eyes.
Well, regardless of if this was a correct decision, I might as well enjoy it while it lasts.  All this might be worth all the trouble I'll get into in the future.
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Izuku Midoriya x villain!soulmate!male!reader
You stare at your arm. Looking at it closer 'It's still intriguing' you thought. 'Like what the hell does this soulmate tattoo mean. It's of a blonde strand of hair and blue lighting all around it. What kind of quirk is that anyway?' you thought to yourself. You tisked and shoved you're hand in your pocket. "Whatever, who cares about a dumb soulmate anyway." You said trying to convince yourself that you didn't need a soulmate but deep down you actually thought you didn't deserve one. A villain like you having a soulmate was just a distraction, someone who'll just get hurt if they were with you. Sure you where strong but even the strongest people can get hurt right. "I should shut up. Those sort of thoughts piss me off." You say out loud. Then you bumped into someone. "O..oh I'm so sorry are you alright?" You then felt a hand on your shoulder and with that both of you soulmate marks glow for a few seconds then a burning sensation. Looking at your arm your mark was gone looking up you saw the boy from the sports festival. The green haired boy named Midoriya, he was your soulmate. Also known as the boy that the league of villains where after. Don't ask how you know. You have ressorces that's all you need to know about that. You smirked finally a way to take him and maybe bring him to the villain's side. Or really just to your side. You weren't with the league of villains to begin with. They annoyed you, there childish views of villains and hero's pissed you off. F*CK them, you'd always thought while they tried to force you to be one of them. They were pawns to shiguraki, (y/n) saw that and he didn't like playing by others rules. "Hey, soulmate." You said with a wide eyed smirk. Why don't you come with me~ Join me~ I'm out on a walk and would love some company." You said without letting Midoriya respond. "Whoa! What were are you taking me! Even if you're my soulmate, I don't even know who you are! Please, wait!" You just smiled wider. Materializing a switch blade from your fingers, in case  his soulmate runs away and you didn't want that. You slide it into your pocket making sure the boy didn't see it. You then pushed him against a fence since he wasn't following you as you wanted you literally had to drag him but that didn't go far so that's how you got in this particulier position. Midoriya's back to the fence and you kabedon-ing him against it. Midoriya looked up at you flustered, feeling very conscious and kind of terrified. He was sweating a but and murmuring while flailing his arms. Then a boisterous voice was heard by the both of you.
"(Villain name)!" Unhand young Midoriya this instance!" All migth pointed at you. Face a bit darkened as the sun was setting behind him.
You heard the boy in front of you gulp nervously and you tisked. You didn't want him to know you were a villain yet. Grumbling you said. "No fair, you trying to stop me from talking with my SOULMATE!?" you said with a growl at the pro hero then looked at Midoriya with a softer face and sighed smiling. Kissing his cheek and backing up from him. You winked and said. "See ya some other time, angel face~" then looked at all might and growled taking the pocket knife out of your pocket and frew the blade in his direction, cutting his arm a smig. "Bastard, ruining my fun. I wasn't going to hurt him, f*cker." You were frustrated but huffed and start walking away but before you were completely out of sight you looked at Midoriya with a light hearted smile check your pocket, cutie~ "Now make sure to call me during the day. It's in the night were I do something's hero's don't want to think of, finishing the job. Getting rid of scum. You said darkly then you were gone.
Request by: @palewhiteghost thank you for the request sorry it took so long and thank you for your patience! I am open to your critiques! Oh and @palewhiteghost if you want I'd happily add All might's reaction to Midoriya soulmate I can add it but if I leave it like this then you can all imagine on your own what it would be!
I hope you all enjoy, my dear readers!
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Things I write for!
Alright! So here is the list of things I write for. Keep in mind that I will write smut and sexual themes, but If I don’t think it fits or if there is something that makes me uncomfortable, I won’t write it. I will write AU’s, romantic and platonic. I do not write characterxcharacter or any OC’s. I will write for female, male and nb readers, just let me know in your request.
I have also added a list of AU’s and tropes I like to write but if you have one in mind that isn’t on here, don’t be afraid to include it! The characters in bold are ones that I especially love to write for. 
Assassination Classroom- I’ll write for Asuno, Okano, Maehara, Itona, Kaede, Karma, Hazama, Mimura, Takebayashi, Justice, Kataoka, Nagisa, Hayami, Nakamura, Terasuka. Sugaya, Okajima, Yoshida, Muramatsu, Sugino, Kanzaki, Isogai, Fuwa, Kurro-Sensei, Irina, and Karasuma. Romantic, platonic, student/teacher/assassin reader is fine.
Attack on Titan- I’ll write for Armin, Eren, Hanji, Jean, Levi, Marco, and Mikasa. I don’t mind spoilers, so anything goes.
Fairy Tail- I’ll write for Cana, Elfman, Erza, Gajeel, Gray, Jellal, Juvia, Laxus, Loke/Leo, Levy, Lucy, Mirajane, Mystogan, Natsu, and Wendy(PLATONIC ONLY). I’ve read the entire manga so anything goes.
Free!- Just the main peeps; Makoto, Nagisa, Rei, Haru, Rin, and Souske. I haven’t watched any of it in a long time and I really don’t mind spoilers so anything goes.
Haikyuu!!- Everyone in Karasuno; everyone in Nekoma; Oikawa, Iwaizumi, Kyotani from Aoba johsai; Bokuto, Akaashi from Fukurodani; Ushijima, Tendo from Shiratorizawa. I have not seen season three and four so no spoilers please! 
Hetalia- I’m not super into this anime anymore, but I’ll still write for it. I’ll write for anyone and I’ve seen everything so anything goes.
K-Project/K- I’ll write for anyone. I’ve also seen the whole thing so anything goes.
Kuroko no Basket- I will only write for the generation of Miracles. I haven’t seen anything past season one, but I don’t mind spoilers so anything goes.
Log Horizon- I will write for anyone. I have only seen season one so no spoilers please!
Magi- I will write for Alibaba, Morgiana, and Sinbad. I don’t mind spoilers, so anything goes.
My Hero Academia- I will write for Bakugou, Hagukure, Iida, Jiro, Kaminari, Kirishima, Midoriya, Mina, Momo, Ojiro, Sato, Sero, Shoji, Todoroki, Tokoyami, Tsuyu, Uraraka; Kendo, Monoma, Tetsutetsu; Shinso; Mirio, Nejire, Tamaki; All Might/Small Might, Eraserhead, Fat Gum, Hawks, Kamui Woods, Present Mic; Dabi, Shiguraki, Toga. I haven’t read anything past Hawks being introduced, so no spoilers past that point in the manga. Other than that, anything goes.
Naruto- I’ll write for Asuma, Choji, Deidara, Gaara, Hidan, Hinata, Itachi, Jiraiya, Kakashi, Kakuzu, Kankuro, Kiba, Kisame, Kurenai, Lee, Minato, Naruto, Neji, Obito/Tobi, Sakura, Sasori, Sasuke, Shikamaru, Shino, Temari, Tenten, Tsunade, Zabuza. . I haven’t seen/read all of it but don’t mind spoilers so anything goes.
Sailor Moon- I’ll write for Sailor’s Moon, Mercury, Jupiter, Mars, Venus, Tuxedo Mask and their normal counterparts.. I’ve seen all of it, but a long time ago. I don’t mind spoilers so anything goes.
Seven Deadly Sins- I’ll write for Ban, Diane, Escanor, King/Harlequin, Meliodas, Merlin; Arthur, Elizabeth, Gilthunder, Howzer. . I’ve seen what they have of the anime on Netflix and the movie. No spoilers from the manga, but everything goes other than that.
Harry Potter- I will write for Cedric, Dean, Draco, Fred, George, Ginny, Harry, Hermione, Luna, Neville, Ron, Seamus; James, Lily, Remus, Sirius; Newt, Queenie.  I’ve read and seen everything so anything goes.
Lord of the Rings- I’ll write for Aragorn, Boromir, Faramir, Frodo, Legolas, Merry, Pippin, Sam. I’ve read the books and seen the movies so anything goes.
Narnia- I’ll write for Caspian, Edmund, Eustace, Lucy, Peter, Susan. I’ve read the books and seen the movies so anything goes.
Percy Jackson- I’ll write for Annabeth, Bianca, Clarisse, Leo, Luke, Nico, Percy, Piper, Thalia; Frank, Hazel, Jason, Reyna. I’ve read all the books up to Magnus Chase. I don’t mind spoilers and will write for anyone so anything goes. 
The Hobbit- I’ll write for Bard, Bilbo, Bofur, Dwalin, Fili, Kili, Legolas, Tauriel, Thorin. I’ve read the books and seen the movies so anything goes.
BTS- Hoseok/J-Hope, Jimin, Jungkook, Namjoon/RM, Seokjin/Jin, Taehyung/V, Yoongi/Suga
KARD- Jiwoo, Taehyung/J-Seph, Matt/BM, Somin
MonstaX- Changkyun/I.M, Hyungwon, Jooheon, Kihyun, Minhyuk, Shownu, Wonho
GOT7- Bambam, Jackson, Jaebum, Jinyoung, Mark, Youngjae, Yugyeom
TWICE- Chaeyoung, Dahyun, Jeongyeon, Jihyo, Mina, Momo, Nayeon, Sana, Tzuyu
BlackPink- Chaeyoung/Rose, Jennie, Jisoo, Lisa
Mamamoo- Hwasa, Moonbyul, Solar, Wheein
Big Hero 6- I will write for Fred, Go-Go, Hiro, Honey Lemon, Tadashi, Wasabi
How to Train Your Dragon- I will write for Hiccup, Astrid, and Eret.
Hunger Games- I will write for Katniss, Gale, Peeta, Joanna, and Finnick.
Jumanji- I have seen both 1&2. I am doing a rewrite of the first movie (and the second later on) but will write for any of the characters.
The Meg- I will write for Jax, Jack Morris, DJ, and Jonas Taylor. I’ve seen the movie so anything goes.
Pirates of the Caribbean- I will write for Jack, Elizabeth, James, and Will. I’ve seen everything so anything goes.
The Purge- I’ve seen all of the movies, but not the TV show. I’ll most likely use this as an AU but I do have a rewrite of Election Year and Anarchy in my WIP’s
Star Wars- I will write for Anakin, Ben Solo/Kylo Ren, Finn, Han Solo, Hux, Leia, Luke, Obi-Wan, Padme, Poe, Rey
Flash- I haven’t seen past season one, but I don’t mind spoilers so I’ll write for all the characters and anything goes.
Justice League- I’ll write for all of the heroes. I haven’t seen a lot of the cartoon shows, but I’ve seen the live action movies and Young Justice (Season 1&2 ONLY). Anything goes.
Suicide Squad- I will write for Boomer, Deadshot, Diablo, Harley Quinn, Katana
Young Justice- I will write for Aqualad/Kaldur, Artemis/Tigress, Beast Boy/Garfield, Blue Beetle/Jaime Reyes, Impulse/Bart Allen, Kid Flash/Wally, Miss Martian/Megan, Nightwing-Robin/Dick, Robin/Tim, Red Arrow/Roy Harper, Superboy/Connor, Wonder Girl/Cassie, Zatanna Zatara. I haven’t seen season three, so please no spoilers!! 
AntMan- I will write for Hope, Luis, Scott 
Avengers- I will write for Bruce, Bucky, Clint, Natasha, Peter, Sam, Steve, Thor, Tony, Wanda
Black Panther- I will write for Erik, Everett Ross, M’Baku, Nakia, Okoye, Shuri, T’Challa
Dr. Strange- I will write for Steven Strange
Guardians- I will write for Gamora, Nebula, Peter, Yondu
X-Men- I will write for Bobby/Iceman, Hank(old and young), Jean(old and young), Kitty Pryde, Logan/Old Man Logan, Marie/Rogue, Ororo Munroe(old and young), Remy LeBeau, Scott(old and young), Victor Creed; Alex Summers, Charles Xavier, Erik Lehnsherr, Jubilee, Kurt, Peter Maximoff, Raven(young only)
Avatar the Last Airbender- I’ll write for Aang, Katara, Sokka, Toph, Suki, Zuko, Azula, Mei, and Ty Lee. I’ve seen everything so anything goes.
Dr. Who- I have seen everything up to the 12th Doctor. No spoilers for 12&13 please! Other than that, anything goes.
Game of Thrones- I will write for the Starks(Arya, Brandon, Jon, Robb, Sansa), Tormund, Sandor, the Lannisters(Jaime, Tyrion), Daenerys, Brienne, Gendry, Podrick, Bronn, Oberyn, Sam, Theon, and Yara. I have seen the entire series and anything goes.
Legend of Korra- I’ll write for Korra, Mako, Bolin, and Asami. I haven’t seen anything past season one, but I don’t mind spoilers. Anything goes.
The Mandalorian- I’ll write for Cara, Mando, and Paz. I’ve seen everything so anything goes. 
Sherlock- I will write for Sherlock, John, and Greg. I haven’t seen past season three episode two so no spoilers please! Other than that, anything goes.
Supernatural- I will write for Sam, Dean, Cas, and John. I haven’t seen past season 6 but don’t mind spoilers, so anything goes!
The Walking Dead- I’ll write for anybody. I’m only at the beginning of season nine, so anything past that please don’t spoil it!
Video Games:
Assassins Creed- I’ll write for Altair, Ezio, and Connor. I’ve played some of the games and don’t mind spoilers so anything goes.
Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild- I have beaten the game and will write for Link and Zelda. 
Coffee Shop
Pet Shop
Soulmate- Colorblind, tattoo(name of soulmate/first words spoken, etc.), watch countdown, whatever you write on yourself ends up on them.
Tattoo Artist
Human from our world dropped into their world and vice versa
Only one bed
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seeyacowboy · 5 years
Blood of a todoroki part 7.
Dabi x reader - Dabi is touya theory. A.u. O.c. Aged up.
It took about a week to muster up the strength to get out of bed. Since the league wasn’t doing much of anything you and dabi decided to just watch lots of movie and eat as much Thai food for dinner as you could. One night while you two were watching Constantine and mostly talking through it you decided it would be a good idea to throw an idea out there.
“Hey babe, I think we should find an old studio we can train. Probably in a different city in a small town or an empty construction site.” Mumbling through your popcorn chewing and side watching of the movie. “That’s not a bad idea. Let me look into it and ask around.”
“Okay” you smiled.
“You know, you remind me a lot of Constantine.”
Dabi laughs and shakes his head. “What makes you say that?”
“Not only with your attitude, but I feel like you think you’re damned. Almost as if joining the league is making you a suicide and subconsciously are trying to caught a ticket to that train. Ya feel lame?”
“Hmm. That sounds absolutely ridiculous.” He smiles down at you and gives you a kiss on the forehead.
“Yeah, you’re right. I’m an atheist anyways” both of you burst out laughing after trying to maintain a serious face.
Two days later dabi was taking you to an old textile factory at the lower end of Japan.
“Dabi, this place is so creep how did you find it?” You said looking around at the ominous fog surrounding the building.
“Oh don’t you worry about it, love.”
Typical dabi response. You just shook your head and kept following behind. He opened the large double doors to reveal huge machines with long tight strings hung from them. It was quite damp and cold but it worked. Hanging your jackets on the machines you decided to go to a room that had sand bags hanging from it. Clearly dabi came in and set this place up.
“Okay, kid.” Dabi looked at you. “We’re gonna work on your water quirk and some combat. You ready?”
You hesitate for a moment thinking if you actually were ready. Dabi put his hand on your shoulder and lightly squeezed “hey look at me.” You brought your eyes up to his. “You got this, kid.”
“You’re right. I got this.”
“Cool. Now turn around and face the wall we’re gonna work on sensory combat. You should be able to sense what’s coming towards you even with your back turned and eyes closed.”
You do as he says. All you can hear is the sound of his combat boots hitting the floor. Deep breath in for 7 seconds, out for 5. Deep breath in for 7 seconds, out for 5 repeating this until you are completely calm. Something was thrown into the air and headed your way. Just as it was going past your ear you raised 2 fingers and caught it by the handle. Turning your body around on your heals and throwing it back his way only to hear a slight hiss of sand hitting the floor. Opening your eyes to see the hanging bag target stabbed with the small knife.
“I said close your eyes, my love. If you wait to see if you hit every target then you leave yourself open to become a target.” You nod and close your eyes again.
Leaving forward pressing your finger tips to the wooden door to gather some moister; you weren’t very good with your water quirk at all because you mostly relied on combat. Since wood soaks up a lot of water you know it’d be a helping hand. Feeling heat to your hip you use your other hand to stop a flying fire knife with a small bubble of water. Using the momentum you made the water turn into pellets causing it to go into every sand bag in the room releasing their sand. Unfortunately you didn’t have control of the knife and it went right into the ceiling. “Well that’s a start.” Dabi said amused.
Some weeks later the training has kept up and you have been able to master more of your different quirks. Water, sound amplifing, shape-shifting, cloning; all we’re becoming very familiar to you.
This night was different though, dabi enters through the door of the bar and you follow close behind, everyone is waiting around, immediately their eyes fall on you guys. Shiguraki approaches you angry and your face twists into one of confusion. He’s finger gets in your face as he hisses “why didn’t you tell me your father was endeavor?” He’s almost screaming. Pausing for a moment before letting out a hysterical laugh. Tears start to fall out of your eyes as if its the funniest joke you’ve ever heard. This angrier him as he wraps four out of five of his fingers around your wrist. “Answer me!” He screams at the top of his lungs with a voice so deep you could have mistaken it for someone else. With your free hand you wipe your tears and calm your laughter. “First of all, Shig, you should have done your research before recruiting me. Secondly you would know that endeavor is in no way my father. My father was counterpart and my mother was tracer. Endeavor took in my twin sister and I after they died. To fall endeavor anything close to fatherly would be a shame. All you had to do was ask.” Your eyes are boring into his he throws your hand back at you. “If I had known you were so close to that scum hero I would have never let you in here. How do we know you’re not working for him?” He sat comfortable on a bar stool now.
“Oh fuck you, dude! If I wanted to be a fucking hero than I’d be out there in a crazy ass costume kicking ass right beside him, but I’m not. I’m here with your childish ass training so fucking hard to get one for all and stain out of jail.”
“She does have a point ,Shig.” Spinner said from the couch.
“Y/n has put herself through a lot and didn’t even work with overhaul when he confronted her. How do we know hawks isn’t double crossing us?” Dabi spoke from beside you still.
All shiguraki did was listen before getting up from his seat and walking out of the room. You made sure he left before mummering “fucking little bitch.”
From down the hall you heard a “I heard that!”
You stomped over to the threshold of the hallway and yelled “Good you were suppose to little whiny bitch!”
“Come on babe, lets get some fresh air.” Dabi reached his hand out for you and as you walked over to him it was like everything was in slow motion. You knew the room was divided now.
Somewhere down town on top of a building you both stared at the ocean. “Hey, kid” Dabi said out of nowhere.
“What’s up, babe?”
“What’s American like?” He looked at you through half lidded eyes.
“Well from what I can remember its very different from here. I lived in a small town in New England which is on the east coast. There wasn’t much to do but it was a cool place to be raised. I’ve never cared to much for the city but I don’t mind it so much at headquarters cause it’s now loud. I think the thing I miss most is the oak leaves and the fake season.”
“What the fuck is a fake season?” he lifted a brow.
“A fake season is when it’s winter but it’s really nice out like it’s spring time and then it’ll snow the next week. New England is a tease.”
Dabi smirked “oh so that’s were you get it from, I see.”
“I’m so offended right now” you began to laugh.
Dabi pulled you closer and wrapped his arms around your waist as you both look at the moon hanging slightly above the water, it was a crystal clear night where you could see every star and the moon was super close. Leaning your back into his chest and peppering little kisses to his neck.
“Yeah?” He Craned his neck to somewhat look at your face to read your expression.
“You know shouto,auryn, and endeavor are gonna get involved soon right? Once we get stain and all for one out of prison what happens next? What if it goes south?” Your mind always thought of these questions because something never felt right. Why have we been working with only half a plan?
Dabi could see the worry in your eyes. He nuzzled his cheek into yours and softly said “I know they are going to get involved soon. That’s why we have to take out endeavor. I don’t know what’s going to happen with stain and all for one but if anything happens then we split. That’s all we can do.”
“Dabi, auryn and shouto are getting married soon and she’s going to want endeavor to walk her down the aisle.. as sick as that sounds.”
“Endeavor as never been good to either of us so why should we give a -“ just as dabi was about to finish you both heard wings flapping in the air. Turning your heads to look back at the city seeing hawk flying your way and landing on the rooftop.
“Hello,love birds.” Hawks said as he approached the both of you with a smirk on his face like he caught your hands in a cookie jar. What a weird expression to make. Extending your dominant hand to shake his which he gladly takes. “I never got to properly introduce myself. I’m Exemplum.” You said nicely yet firm; you’re still very wary of him given he’s a hero playing both sides, making you a hypothetic. “Oh dear, (y/n), you don’t have to be so formal. It’s a pleasure to see you again.” He leans down to kiss your hand and you shiftly pull it back. “I don’t think she wants the bird flu ,hawks.” Dabi answered for you chuckling. “Hmm.” Was his only response. Looking him over for a second your boyfriend looked the hero over,” what do you want? We know you didn’t just come over her to say hello.” Dabi was becoming hostile. You put yourself between the two to create some distance between them. “I just came to warn that endeavor knows about the software (y/n) broke into. It was his office you were in. He has an idea that it was the league and that your not working alone.” He looked from Dabi to you. You couldn’t help but worry. “Does he know it was me?”
“I don’t know yet. He’s having shouto, your sister and I on the case. He doesn’t have cameras in his office so I think he’s just going on a hunch right now. Does endeavor know where you are, (y/n)?”
“I haven’t talked to or seen him since I moved out. I’m just he would keep tabs on me but no one I know has seen me since the party.”
“Hmm.” Hawks crossed his arms over his chest. “You know just because you’re trying to stay clear of someone doesn’t mean they are trying to stay clear of you. I would watch your back.” He warned. You fray your brows and give him a smug face. “I’d give you the same advice, hawks. I would hate for you to go from hawks to chicken nugget. If that’s all you have to say then I’d like to go back to my lovely evening with my boyfriend. Goodnight.”
“Goodnight then.” He said sweetly; his wings began to flap and he flew away.
Looking over at Dabi with a face he’s never seen before...completely horrified. “Hey, hey look at me” his large rough hands are placed on either side of your face. Pools of soft yet sharp blue eyes staring into your (e/c) ones. “Everything’s going to be fine you understand. It doesn’t matter what happens it’s always going to be you and me like it always has been,kid.” You walk into his chest and wrap your arms around him staying silent as you mind goes back to when you both were young. Even as little kids touya always made you feel important; he always told you, you were his best friend and that one day he was going to marry you. Maybe at the time is was because you were the only person he tolerated but deep down you know it was because he loved you. When your now two person family moved into the todoroki household endeavor had auryn move into the spare bedroom while you had to sleep in the unfinished basement. It was also damp, cold and stuffy down there; you couldn’t argue though it was his house and your parents raised you with respect. Touya would seek in the base after everyone was asleep and give you extra blankets and socks especially in the winter time. Sometimes he would crawl into bed with you just to snuggle and use his quirk to warm you up. Endeavor would only let you out of the room to go to school and the bathroom otherwise he would bring your food down. Since he didn’t know how your quirk worked besides from watching your father who he didn’t necessarily didn’t care for. Everyone could tell he had a thing for your mother and that’s why he treats auryn so well, she was just like her.
Sitting over the edge of the building four legs winging just watching the waves from the distance of the roof top you tapped Dabi’s shoe with yours and he looked at you. Leaning your head on his shoulder and began to reminisce “do you remember the first time you kissed me?”
He chuckled to himself and took a cigarette out of his pocket, putting it up to his scarred lips and lighting it with his finger tip. “Yeah. I do.”
“We were snuggled in my twin size matters and you had given me a coat and wool socks..it was December wasn’t it? Around Christmas time?”
“After christmas.” He said shortly.
“That’s right! You were the only person that got me a gift. An insta Polaroid camera. That’s why we kissed! It was the first picture I took!”
“I’m glad you captured my first kiss on camera.” He kissed the top of your head. Stealing the cigarette out of his hands and taking a drag. “I was your first kiss?”
“Yeah,why are you so surprised?”
“Well cause I knew you had all kinds of friends at school so I figured It would have been one of them.”
“No,Baka” he said jokingly.
“Fine then who has your v-card then?”
“Why so you can hunt them down and kill them?”
“I’m glad you think I’m so talented, but no. I missed out on so much of your life I want to fill the gaps.”
Dabi exhaled harshly you couldn’t tell if it was from smoking the cigarette or because this is not his favorite topic of conversation.
“Her name was yuna . I would see her at the homeless shelter a lot, she would help me steal food and shit. She was 17 and I think she had a drug problem. After it happened I never saw her again.”
“Hmm that’s shitty of her to use you like that.”
“Doesn’t matter your turn to answer the stupid question.”
You swing your legs over the ledge thinking of how to start.
“It was my second year of u.a, shinsou had come to visit me at the coffee shop I played music at every time I was there. I let him take me on a date and we just hung out a lot. It just kind of happened but I decided we were better off as friends and that was good enough for him so we’ve been best friends to this day.”
“Ah I see..heartbreaker”
“What!? No way! He totally understood! And ive heard your track record you could say the same about yourself.”
“Yes, but we are not talking about me right now. Being a guy I know that if it were me I would have been crushed.”
You took his free hand in yours. “Maybe I was waiting for somebody.”
He was slightly shocked for a moment. Dabi had the same expressions all the time: either a devilish grin or a stone face.
“You’ve been waiting for me for 10 years?”
“No one has ever made me feel the way you do,touya. I would have waited my whole life.” When you were serious you used his real name. It made him turn into jelly for a second. “I don’t know if there’s a right time to say this but I love you ,(y/n). Not puppy love. Not our little kid love and most certainly not friend love. I love you and I always have.”
Rubbing your thumb along whatever large knuckles of his you could reach with your tiny one. “I know, touya. I’ve always known. I love you too that’s why we have to jump.”
“What the actual fuck are you talking about?”
You didn’t respond you simply just took his hand as hard as you could and pulled both of you off the ledge of the building. Dabi is screaming at the top of his lungs closing his eyes trying not to envision himself as a pancake when he feels a hard tug on his arm and a reverse affect on gravity. He finally lifted his eye lids to see you floating in air, but you were different. You had huge blue wings coming from your back. You let out a small giggle “where to next, my love?”
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a-pretty-nerd · 3 years
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Tomura Shigaraki x AllMight!Daughter!Reader
Chapter 12
When The League of Villains discovers that AllMight has a daughter, they are quick to snatch you up and hold you hostage. Shigaraki had a careful and thought out plan, but that was before you got there. Now you’re in the mood for some not-so-healthy rebellion.
Word Count: 1,987
Warnings: verbal abuse, mentions of past abuse, family trauma, etc.
Sorry this has taken so long. I've been very busy with work and moving, and personal projects.
Chapter 11 Chapter 13
"Y/N." He hissed. "Y/N!" Again. "Y/N!!!" Louder. His voice, hoarse and rough. At first it was an order, but as he called your name, it was getting more and more desperate. You shuttered, struggling to find the source of the sound exactly. Your whole body buzzed with a strange vibration that shook you awake. Slowly your eyes opened as the calling faded away. You expected to see him, but he was gone.
The bright light of the hospital room hit you first. Your vision so blurry you could hardly make out shapes, it was all a mess of colors at first. You tossed your head from side to side. It was heavy, your body was so heavy. Where were you? What's going on? Where's Shigaraki? You just heard him. Where's Toga? She promised-
"She's awake!" Xavier shouted. You groaned. You heard him stand and shuffle around the room frantically. Running out of the room to call for your mother. No. No. This can't be right. No!
"Y/N! Y/N baby!" Your mother rushed in, falling to the side of the bed to hold your hand and give it a tight squeeze. You pulled your hand away the best you could. God, you felt so heavy. You could hardly see her face. Blinking helped your vision, but barley. You huffed with a whine as you brought your hands up to rub your eyes. Only for your left hand to be stopped by a handcuff attached to your bed frame. The loud 'cuclunk!' sound startled you at first. Then the dread seeped in.
"Mom? Mom what's this?" You whimpered. "What's going on?"
"Shhhh calm down baby, you're alright. You're safe!" She tried to reassure. But your head was too heavy, too tired to register and function properly. So you tugged again and again, trying your hardest to break through the cuffs and the metal bar surrounding your bed. When that didn't work, you tried to activate your quirk.
"My quirk- mom- mom what's happening? Where's my quirk?"
"Shhh baby you're safe now. The doctors just gave a little dose to calm your nerves and sooth your quirk like your meds do."
"No. No I don't want my meds. No I'm cured, I don't need them."
"Oh sweetie, they really hurt you bad didn't they?" Your mother looked down on you with pitty in her eyes. Her thumb traced over your forehead as she began to pet your head. You looked up in disbelief. Tears filled your eyes as you shook your head.
"No...No it wasn't like that you don't understand-"
"Oh." A deep voice spoke from the doorway. You looked up, your father stood there awkwardly dressed in a suit and tie. Clearly he had just come back from work. You froze. Your mother turned back to look at him, standing and walking over to address him. "You're awake. Good."
"I think its best if we have a moment alone right now." Your mother told him.
"What? No. What's going on? Why am in fucking handcuffs? Is there a doctor I can-"
"Shhhhh baby relax-"
"Don't 'shhsh' me! Tell me what the fuck is going on! Where am I!?"
"You're in the hospital, Y/N." Xavier cooed softly as he passed your dad to enter the room.
"No! Fuck you! Get the fuck out of here!" You shouted at him. He tried to approach the side of your bed, a sympathetic expression plastered over his face. You kicked your legs in defiance. Trying to shake off the heavy sick feeling. It made your head spin. Xavier stopped and shared a confused glance with your mother.
"Xavier, I think its best you leave us alone for a little while." Your father said as he placed a firm hand on the young man's shoulder. Less of a request, and more of a warning. He begrudgingly complied, turning to steal one last glance of your face before his expression turned sour.
"Toshinori, I can handle this."
"Can you?" You blurted. His voice was upsettingly firm. This was the first time you'd ever seen your father angry. Truly, angry. The room fell silent. You starred at him. His eyes slowly turning from the floor to your mother's bewildered face. "Can you handle this?" Softer now, but still upset.
"Excuse me?"
"Because as far as I'm concerned, you haven't been." Now he seemed weak. Sad even. Like he's a child finally standing up for himself. He was vulnerable, close to tears. "I'm sorry. I just-" He quickly wiped away his tears.
"Am I interrupting something?" A fourth voice spoke. You tossed your head against your pillow and gave a loud groan of disapproval. So many fucking people! Maybe this guy could give you answers.
"Not at all!" You shouted as you pulled at your restraints a few more times. Detective Tsukauchi took a few cautious steps into the room. Xavier watching behind him.
"Y/L/N, it's a pleasure to finally meet you." You looked between him and your parents.
"Who the fuck is this?"
"I am detective Tsukauchi, I am the lead detective on your case. I am happy to see you are, um, relatively well. Considering the circumstances."
"Are you going to tell me why I'm chained to my hospital bed or what?" You huffed.
"My apologies, but until we can make sense of everything that has happened, you are being placed in police custody."
"What!?" Your mother beat you to it. Her jaw hung loose and her brow scrunched up into her forehead.
"I did everything I could, but the more we process the series of events, it seems a kidnapping turned into a terrorist attack. Y/L/N, if I could speak with you, get the story from your perspective-"
"No." You blurted. "No. I don't want to talk about it."
"Y/L/N please-"
"Fuck off!" You screamed, using your free hand to throw a paper cup of water at the poor man. He bowed his head and apologized before ducking out of the room.
"Y/N-" your father whispered in disbelief.
"What!?" He froze. He starred at you. Still and unmoving, fear, confusion, upset written all over his sunken face. You felt no guilt, no apprehension, no anxiety about your behavior or your feelings. You were done with it all. You were done being the good child. The quiet child that did what she was told. You were done with it. Done with them.
"Uh, your wrist-" He croaked finally, his finger coming up to point at you. You looked down. Bruised and bloodied skin suddenly appeared to you beneath the handcuff. You had tugged so hard it broke your skin, and now that you were realizing it, it began to hurt. You stilled for a moment and watched the blood slowly drip onto the blanket.
"Fuck." You cursed as you went to tend to it.
"I'll get the doctor." Your mother rushed out of the room.
"Goddammit." You muttered as you pressed a piece of blanket firmly to stop the bleeding. Your eyes felt dry and hazy. Your chest heaved as your adrenaline rushed through you, making you feel uneasy and anxious. Restless. You could feel your bones vibrating underneath your skin and muscle. It made you nauseous. When the room stilled, you slowly looked back up at your father. His expression unchanged. "I meant what I said y'know. I still hate you." That seemed to startle him. "I hate you for never being around. I hate you for pretending I didn't exist. I hate you for leaving me alone with her. I hate you for ignoring all those years of abuse. You can't tell me you didn't know what was happening all this time. And even if you didn't, I don't know what's worse. Knowing Your ex was abusing your daughter and letting it happen, or being so distant and not apart of her life that you had no idea she was being abused in the first place. I'm not afraid to say it anymore, I'm not afraid to call you out. I don't care anymore. I won't go back to the way things were. I won't. I'd rather die." Hot tears fell down your red hot cheeks as you spoke. Soon he began to cry as well. It was silent for a moment. You could hear the clock on the wall loudly ticking away until you hear him loudly sniff.
"I know. You're right." He began to cry, sob even. "You're absolutely right. I thought what I was doing was going to protect you. I thought by staying out of your life that you'd be able to live free of all my messes. But that's not what you needed. You needed a father, and I wasn't there when I should have been. I know I have no right to ask you for forgiveness, but please, know that I am sorry. And from this point on I will do my very best to be the father you need. The father you deserved."
No. Shut up. SHUT UP. THATS NOT WHAT YOU WANT TO HEAR. You don't want to hear the sniveling fit from an old man you hardly know. Fuck him! And fuck his apology! It made your blood boil. You began to grind your teeth as he continued. It hurt. It hurt worse than anything you'd ever experiences. His apologies, his humble begging, his empathy, all of it. When he was finished you just starred at him. He waited for a response but none came. That was until the boiling of your blood spilling over and flowed from your mouth without any hesitation.
"Get out." You muttered.
"Y/N?" He gasped.
"Get. Out." He didn't respond, he looked stunned. "GET OUT. GET OUT! GET OUT GET OUT GET OUT GETOUTGETOUTGETOUTGETOUTGETOUT!" You screamed until your throat went hoarse. Doctors and nurses rushed in as you fit began. Followed by your mother as they slammed you against the hospital bed. You thrashed the best you could, doing whatever to took to get them off of you. But there were too many and you began to flow in and out of consciousness as the needled pressed a steady flow of drugs into your system once again. Soon your vision went black, and your body laid limp on the hospital bed.
The rest of the week felt like it was straight out of your nightmares. Strapped down to a bed to prevent you from hurting anyone or yourself. High half the time from all the pain killers and drugs they'd given you. Your quirk rendered useless now. Your mother and "boyfriend" dotting over you and repeatedly ignoring your cries for help. You'd started demanding that the nurses or security take them away and sometimes they would go, but other times they would just ignore you. The detective came back every day and every day you refused to answer his questions. You laid there night after night, your poor brain rattling around in your head as you dreamed of how things could have been different. If only you'd gone with them, if only you'd said something different, done something different you wouldn't be here right now.
Late one night you were awoken by a loud tapping at your hospital room window. From your bed you could see the window, a small, long window at the top of the wall. During the day you could see people's feet as they walked around outside. And now, you saw a pair of familiar shoes gentleness kicking at the glass to get your attention. Your heart jumped in your chest. You turned back to the door to make sure no one heard. It was late, so late there was hardly any staff there. So you sat up the best you could in bed and watched as Toga's goofy little grin slowly came into view. She came back for you.
@craftybean13 @babayaga67 @imjustverable
@kamenoyaki @hentaiqween101 @skzero-99 @justanotherlifeff
@witch-o-memes @lolilith @anime-lover-forever-1127
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bartallenisbae · 4 years
Overhaul: I’m invincible! I’m can do anything!
Shigaraki: Oh yeah? Clap
Overhaul: oh sh*t
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bartallenisbae · 5 years
Toshinori-Yagi: Says what he wants to be
Nana Shimura: your pretty CRAZY
Deku: says what he wants to be
Mirio: that’s a CRAZY goal
The Todoroki in me: mirio is nana’s secret grandson?!
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bartallenisbae · 5 years
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