#Should it be pokemon au instead?
dazzlingqwq · 1 year
sillly lil Pokémon trainer au
Edit: wtf you guys r going feral over this 😿🙀
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Sorray if my writings a little messy LMAO, but honestly I think I'm loving this idea. Like they could just be trainers you see in the wild.. Noah could be a trainer you could see in the wild. Last I checked, no trainer has held items... Besides Cynthia in BdSp? I haven't finished the games though
for the outfits, I took from their regular ones (Cody's striped shirt & whatever Noah has), but made sure to mix it up a little so it didn't look like I was just giving TD characters pokemon. I wanted to kinda get that Pokémon trainer clothing vibe w/ these, not sure how successful I was though
I put a bit of brainwork into the teams, and made them kind of based off personality. Since Noah is.. Yk.. Smart, I made his team center around strategy. Gollisopod is a spikes setter (idk if it still has the move now but oh well), then u-turns out to get some chip damage off. Then togekiss switches in, and uses calm mind once or twice then baton passes into his ace, malamar & sweeps (writing this, I realise malamar is more physical... And I'm not sure if baton pass ignores malamar's ability that swaps all stat changes).
Cody's team is kinda just me putting pokemon I think he would like, although like all of them are bipeds.. Woops.. I did go a little insane on the items, though vgc players would look down upon my team building skills still.
Close ups :
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wardingshout · 9 months
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Family for day 6 of SpeSilverWeek! Edition uuh found biological and crime I guess...
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Phantom stared at the monitor with baited breath. He had been alerted by the computers beeping and came to see what was going on.
Could this really be happening? After all this time alone in his lair, waiting, hoping for any sign that his last remaining friend was still out there, his ecto-signature finally showed up on his radar.
This had to be a trap.
But...what if it wasn't? What if Robin was really there? What if he was hurt and waiting for Phantom to come rescue him? The thought made his stomach drop. He knew what his birdy had gone through when he was still alive and he would rather feed himself to a pool of ghost piranhas than let Robin believe for a second that he had been abandoned again.
Grabbing the essentials and shoving them into a bag he rushed out of his lair. It had been years since he had seen his birdy and even longer since he had been in Amity Park or any other variation of the Living Realms. But this was for his best friend. For him he would do anything.
Which apparently included fighting his besties adoptive dad in the streets while he was in a full Gothic fursuit-Robin what the heck- Robin himself wasn't helping, he was just cheering Phantom on from the sidelines and giving him tips.
Phantom managed to get away from the bat and his other birds- how many did he have???- and had an emotional reunion with his best friend which included a lot of tears, mostly from him.
Okay, entirely from him. He was worried out of his mind for his birdy, sue him. Robin was mostly confused, saying he didn't remember disappearing, only that he felt more and more strange before he just...blanked. The next this he knew he was standing over this prone figure of a guy with a leather jacket and a full faced red helmet. Batman looked at him odd and Robin didn't hesitate to mock the man he once viewed as a father.
They fought for a bit with the younger vigilante using all the powers Phantom taught him along with his furry training to beat up the man who abandoned him to the mercy of one of his rogues.
Speaking of which. The very next thing Jason did was find the Joker and do everything the deranged clown did to him. Karma. It was on one of his later confrontations that Phantom appeared. Now the darker dynamic duo are running around Gotham being ghostly and more or less doing whatever they want.
Bruce was spiraling mentally. His second son lay in the batcaves infirmary stuck on life support because somehow, some way, his soul was knocked out of his body.
They needed to find some way to put it back in before that other teen "took him home" and Bruce really hoped that didn't mean what he thinks it means.
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biscuit-munchies · 6 months
Hi! I just found your PLA Paul AU and I'm loving it! I feel so terrible for poor Reggie, and Brandon too! :'(
It's made me think though, how would Paul & Brandon react if it was Reggie who disappeared?
How would Paul deal with Reggie just..being gone?
I've had this thought in mind since PLA came out, sorry if the question is weird tho =w=
Also I really enjoy your art! x3
OOOOOHHHHHH you done got my brainworms acting up again! Also im glad you enjoy my art lol >v< Strap in cause this is gonna be a LOOOONG post! OK SO! Here's how it would go: Paul would be traveling around, searching for pokemon with strong EVs and IVs (yknow, the usual) and like all similar trips he would check in. Paul and Reggie would usually check in like once a week when paul would reach a pokemon center, but Paul hadn't been near one in a while so he thought Reggie would call him on the phone today.
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It's been quite a while since Reggie called him (he didn't realise that it was that long) So he tries to call Reggie back. It rings, no answer. He tries again, still nothing. Paul's a little confused but shrugs it off, thinking that his brother is just busy or something and that he'll call him back. So his journey continues, walking along different routes and catching some promising pokemon, but his mind would always wander back to his phone. He eventually reaches a pokemon center and tries to call Reggie that way, and he STILL doesn't pick up. His guts churn a little in concern, Reggie isn't one to forget things like this as he's gotten on Paul's ass about checking in more than once. Paul tries not to worry and think logically as he eventually boards the plane back to Sinnoh. Maybe Reggie is just really busy this time around and forgot to turn his ringer on. Maybe Reggie's phone broke somehow. Maybe Reggie just doesn't want to call him.
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Paul sighs to himself, maybe he was just overreacting and his brother was just abscent-minded about the whole thing. He then heads back to Veilstone City with a little pep in his step, thinking of ways snark on his brother about the whole calling thing. Paul would climb the small steps to the porch of their home and he opens the door, ready to yell to his brother in the home. Only...
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The house was absolutely trashed. Paul could not believe what he was seeing. There's no way that the house was- He drags his feet along the dirtied floor, furniture was knocked over, many dishes were either left in the sink or strewn about the floor in pieces. He looked out into the backyard- Where was all the pokemon Reggie was raising? It was like someone... someone broke in and- Paul could feel his heart start to race as his trudge turns into a brisk pace as he goes through the entirety of the house. Calling out to his brother as he tried to keep his voice steady. "Reggie? Reggie! Where are you?"
The bathroom. His Room. Reggie's Room. The Kitchen. The Living Room- The Living Room? Paul stopped. Then raced towards his backpack to get his phone in a frenzy and called the police. The Living Room floor was covered in blood.
After the police arrived, Paul went into autopilot, more out of shock if anything. The officers asked him different questions he didn't care to remember, and it was only when a familiar voice piped through the crowd. "Paul? Boy, are you alright?" Paul looks up from the ground to see a broad green suit right in front of him. "...Brandon?" He asks hesitantly. After that day, Brandon took Paul in as Paul couldn't stay at the Tobari house anymore (with it being a crime scene and paul can't pay mortgages off). Arceus, Brandon worried that the police would make Paul a ward of the state but was relieved to know that Reggie put Brandon down as a surrogate guardian to Paul. (my little head canon don't worry bout it ;P).
Paul seemed to completely close himself up, seemingly not wanting to believe that Reggie was now a missing person. He doesn't sleep much, doesn't eat much, and seems to get annoyed or angry at every little thing now. Brandon worries about him.
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Paul doesn't want to talk about what happened at all, for he is angry at the world for taking away his big brother. Paul thinks that if he ignores the problem, that it'll go away andReggiewillcomebackand saysorryforleavinghimbehindandPaulcouldsaysorryfor-. But, as feelings do, his emotions reach a boiling point.
It was supposed to be a 'meh' day, Paul didn't know why Brandon tried to confront him about his self-destruction coping mechanisms. Things got heated, and Paul snapped back at him in a visceral rage.
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"Why do you care, of all people?!" "So what if he's gone?! It's not like I care! It's not like he cared!" "It's pathetic of him to go missing like that! He had competent pokemon to protect him!" "How did no one notice the house was trashed until then?! Did nobody care to check?!" "Why didn't you check on him?!"
Paul went on his tirade for Arc knows how long, letting all his frustrations out in the open. He probably didn't know the magnitude of what he was saying, nor did he care. His tantrum continued on until he was out of breath. He was never like this, being this emotional, and Brandon just stood there with a knowing expression.
"So what if I wasn't there for him?! So what if he's hurt somewhere?! So what if I-"
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"If- If I wasn't-"
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"If I wasn't a good enough brother to him...?"
Paul hangs his head low, his figure lightly shaking as tears fell from his cheeks. He just uttered the thing that has been eating at him for weeks. How pathetic he is, saying that in the open, to Brandon of all people. He expects Brandon to reprimand him for saying those horrible things, what he doesn't expect is arms wraping around him in comfort. Paul stiffens and looks up hesitantly, that knowing sad look still on the elder's face. No matter how mature Paul acts or how grown up and knowing he thinks he is.
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He's still a little kid.
For Brandon, it eats away at him to see Paul like this. Brandon and the rest of the frontier brains went through something similar.
When Anabel dissapeared.
For Paul to be going through this as he is... Arceus... He'd never dream of it. And yet, here they are.
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They stay like that for several minutes before moving to the couch. They sit in silence before Paul whispers a quiet "m'sorry..." "For what?" Brandon answers, A Pause.
"...for sayin' those things t' you... you didn' deserve that.." He moves his head up slowly, eyes red rimmed from tears. "That was pathetic of me to do.. m'sorry."
"Don't worry about it, boy... I'm just glad you're lettin' it out now." Brandon cracks a small smile to him. "We'll get through this, you and I, so don't worry about it." . HOLY FUCK that was long, I basically made a psudo-fanfic right here lmfao. So yeah hope you enjoy!!
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boxchewr · 1 year
okay. listen. i'm randomly thinking abt sw/sh's story again and i feel like it would be so very easy to make chairman rose a much better (not so much villain? but character in motivation in general) than he is in raw game canon and that's just
to make the energy crisis be much more urgent. either the energy sources are failing right now or they will VERY soon. like in a month or less soon. and portraying rose as a man genuinely at the end of his rope on how to fix it, torn between letting galar run out of power and all of the issues that come as a result. or to bring on the darkest day in an attempt to wrangle eternatus as an infinite power source at the risk of all that comes with summoning it. with the clock ticking ever closer and more cities running on less power by the day
and if they want him to still be evil he can be doing it all more for the greed and money of keeping his business afloat more than caring abt galar's citizens or his own employees. but i also think it's more fun to make him a villain by circumstance man pushed to his limit and willing to make sacrifices for the good of the region
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sol1t41r3 · 1 year
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before the final encounter with darkrai, kellyn wavers. with kate and keith currently out of the picture, he was to face altru inc’s president alone. isaac lends his support.
Isaac looks at him questioningly.
"Before that.. You should have these," Kellyn took out the Tears of Princes shards that he had, "Just.. to keep them safe."
"What?? No!"
Isaac's incredulous tone took him aback, "Why not?"
"Kate trusted you with them, right?" The look in the blond's eyes was fierce, "You'll need them. Now, more than ever."
That was the point, Kate trusted him. He had to keep these shards safe, they were... precious. If anything happened to them, he didn't know what to do. What could he do? He had no basis, no Almia Times issue to use as a reference.
"Kellyn.. you're lucky, you know?"
Isaac smiled wistfully, "If my time with Team Dim Sun taught me anything worthwhile, it's that we should know who our real friends are. And we must keep them close.
"You've got Kate and Keith by your side," the scientist continued, "Even Rhythmi, Wendy, and Sven.. And me too, if that's alright with you."
"Isaac.." Kellyn wanted to reassure him, but the boy held up his hand to stop him.
"So... those gems are precious. Bring them with you," Isaac patted his shoulder, "I have a feeling that you'll need it. Just in case."
Kellyn watched as the boy genius turned to the console, tapping away at the keys. It was surprising how Isaac had matured in such a short amount of time.
So... he was saying, "You're not alone.”
After a while, the electrified floor lost its spark.
"It's gone!" Kellyn called out.
"Whew.. that took a while, sorry. H-hey?! What the—!'
Kellyn whipped around, only to see that laser beams had trapped Isaac within the small space before the console.
"Crap, this trap must have been delayed! Damnit!" Isaac turned around and fumbled with the controls, "It can't be deactivated from here!"
Oddly, relief flooded Kellyn's senses. If Isaac was trapped, he would be safe here, right?
"I.. I think this is as far as I go."
"That's okay. I'll finish this."
"Kellyn—" Isaac began, but he stopped and sighed instead, “stay safe."
He nodded, turning back to the staircase. With measured steps, he walked to its base and looked up. The dark sky stared back at him from the staircase's end. Who knows what awaited him?
Kellyn felt far from prepared, but he had to steel himself. After all... A trio of blue, red, and yellow gem shards rested within his Fine Styler.
Everyone was counting on him.
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shima-draws · 1 year
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monarchamos · 1 year
I know nothing about ur pokemon au tell me about Chuuyas team pls- i wanna know the poke-parallels between his team and Dazais
Ah!!! i'm glad you asked!!! :D
In this AU, Dazai is the strongest of Yokohama's Gym Leaders. He specializes in Ghost types! His team consists of a Dragapult, a houndstone, a spiritomb, a froslass, a mimikyu, and a lampent! here's so fun(debatable) facts about his team!
he used to be an admin for the Port Mafia, so he still has like. a big fat kill count. So that's where the Spiritomb comes from. yeah.
Dragapult is usually the one dragging dazai out of his attempts. It's been with him since even before Dazai joined the mafia, so it's his signature pokemon
His mimikyu likes playing with children. Dazai often leaves it with Kyouka and Kenji to play with whenever the gym leaders get together
Dazai found Lampent when he visited Lupin after Oda's death. It was hanging around the alleyway, and he decided to catch it.
froslass is always freezing him. yk like james in the pokemon anime with all of his pokemon. bc he's pathetic like that. Dazai caught froslass on a mission with Kunikida, shortly after becoming a Gym Leader. (yes this froslass is the nightmare of all of his challengers).
Chuuya tried so hard to convince Dazai to catch a Greavard. Dazai eventually relented, but only because he could name it chibi. eventually he got actually attached to it and evolved it to Houndstone
Chuuya, on the other hand, is still an admin for the Port Mafia
His team consists of flying types. This is because, as his brother Verlaine is French from Kalos, got Chuuya super into sky battles. he prefers sky battles, but he's obviously just as formidable in normal battles. In Chuuya's team he has a corviknight, a skarmory, a honchkrow, a mismagius, a talonflame, and an oricorio (sensu style)
Honchkrow is his signature pokemon! it's been with him since he was in the Sheep
the oricorio, believe it or not, is actually from Kouyou and not Dazai, despite the ghost typing. its usually the pokemon to drag chuuya away when he's overworking himself.
the talonflame was gift from Verlaine! yk. as an apology. for killing the flags. Chuuya raised it from an egg. Verlaine battles with it every once in a while to see how it's doing. the battle's just an excuse to spend time with his little brother though
Corviknight was a gift from Adam as well.
Mismagius used to be Dazai's, but he left Chuuya its pokeball when he left the mafia so its his now :P
Chuuya had to add skarmory to his team during the DHC but ended up bonding with it and now its a staple in his team
Back when they were in the mafia, soukoku were often paired up for double battles on missions.
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texeoghea · 2 years
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im like honestly a little sick and tired of trying to make real art on my ipad (by that i mean more than just doodles) but i am going to try anyway . even if it kills me. even if i have to draw weird things to give myself the inspiration to do it
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sleepy-bunbun-ace · 2 years
i'm going to be honest, i have no idea for any events in the sekai swapped leaders au other than tsukasa being forced to actually go to school in person because a student hacked the online school website/program/whatever and now it's down until the situation is resolved.
since kanade is in wonderlands x showtime in this au, she would be going to school in person since she doesn't have the need to compose 24/7. tsukasa on the other hand....
oh well, at least he can finally meet amia (or well, mizuki) in person since kamiyama was the closest school to him. the event would focus around him and his struggles about adjusting to in person school again and what happens in there after being online for so long. also having to adjust to not composing 24/7 or eating cup noodles for every meal. he can cook but it takes his time from composing.
he does meet rui, nene, kanade, and emu personally though. i'm still deciding if kanade goes to miya with emu or kamiyama. maybe he can reconnect with an old friend while he's there...
at least the lie he tells saki about going to school isn't a lie now.
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hartxstarr-art · 6 months
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my vision. luvdisc.
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nyarados · 1 year
UGH I am so not into the ch1 I posted of my fic.... I like ch2 tho but i can't post that without updating ch1 first which is why I haven't touched either in months
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monstrsball · 2 years
still thinking about iwaizumi with a tyranitar... a tyranitar he's raised from a larvitar he got when he was a kid. picture little iwa with a larvitar and they have matching scowls.
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monty-glasses-roxy · 10 months
I've not been on my ADHD meds lately so I could properly recover from the illness (probably covid and it's not exactly gone but it's gone enough that I'm good to do stuff in the house again) and I love that the second I'm back on them my brain is like "NEW AU??? MAYBE!!! BUT!!! I FELL FOR SOMEONE NEW BUT SHE'S JUST ANOTHER GIRL THAT LOOKS LIKE YOOOOUUUUUUU POOR CHICA RIGHT??? RIPPERONI!!!! TIGER TIME!!!!"
Like cool I don't feel as tired now but wow that's um. Fun?
#thinking of actually playing pokemon gates to infinity for more than just s bit#like properly playing it through#the only reason i didn't was because I'd gotten back into time/sky/darkness#just before and i really didn't like the switch to 3D everything#but also the 'you can only do one thing at a time'#LIKE NO!!!! LET ME DO A HUNDRED THINGS IN A SINGLE DUNGEON!!!!#and the fact i was expecting super mystery dungeon cause I'd asked for it and everyone said they got it for my chrombo#and they got gates to infinity instead which i specifically didn't care for cause black and white generation#which... i actually liked wait why didn't i want it?????#wait.......#OH YEAH IT WAS BECAUSE IT WAS THE FIRST POKEMON GAME I SAW RELEASED#and they came out with black and white 2 which pissed me off#cause I thought the third versions were all just... released with the other two#like diamond pearl and platinum were together#so i thought that was BULLSHIT because there was never a bog difference other than legends before#(and the distortion world yeah yeah whatever fuck that place and its waterfall-less waterfall)#i just assumed black and white 2 wasn't different either but apparently it was??? i dunno but i think that was it#i should play it i remember being intriqued by what was happening but my friend and i were gonna play super together...#and then didn't so that was fun#anyway the au was what if roxy was guarding a thingo instead of mimic that poofed you to pokemon world if it needed you#and roxy and cassie and whoever else got whooshed away to pokemon world and did pokemon stuff#wouldn't that be fun? yeah it would be. good job me#pop rox talks#okay shit to do bye bye bye
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The Owl House  secondary characters as Pokemon Trainers
I have been getting back into pokemon lately, and (possibly since I already looked up/ explored palisman with every single character) I have recently been fixated on what pokemon would be on the kids in the owl houses team if they were pokemon trainers. I started with some of the secondary characters because I reasoned that hey would be easier at first and setting up their teams would be good practice for making the main 5 kids teams. After spending the better part of a week I have done nine different teams. Here are teams for some of the owl house’s best secondary characters
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Boshca was actually really easy in part because I got this idea while on her page, and also partly because, while she doesn’t get along to well with people, the show has made variuos hints throughout the 3 seasons that she is an animal lover (duel track potions&beast keeping Boshca).
3 animals Boshca is shown to have an affinity for are: Ratworms, Pixies, and crabs (Maya). So I am going to turn those into an Arboc, a Cleffa, and a Crabby. Headcannon that Arboc evolved pretty easy for her, Cleffa will evolve when she learns some more about friendship, and she used an everstone on Crabby so it would always stay small enough for her to carry around.
Next like I said I was on her page when I got this idea so I want to credit @notcale who posted that Boshca would have a fire/fighting type mix team. They gave her some High-powered pokemon like Charizard and Blazikun, that I agree she would want, but I do not think is ready to handle. So for now I am going to give her a Charmeleon and Combustion. These are her teams powerhouses. Also I am going to say that Charmander was her starter and her Charmeleon has a rivalry with Willow’s Ivysaur.
Her sixth pokemon is a Gloom. She comes from a potion family, and its a pokemon that I remember was popular among potion makers. She caught the gloom because it reminded her of helping her moms out at their center.
Bosca’s team: Arboc, Cleffa, Crabby, Charemeleon, Combustion, Gloom. I think she would be more likely to become a pokemon coordinator than a gym battler (more showing off) and she totally taught all her pokemon to play Grudgby as both a training exercise and a first killer first round performance.
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Skara is tied with Steve with begin my favorite minor character, and I really wish she had more screen time. I wasn’t sure at first if she had enough characteristics to make a team out of.
Her 15th birthday party had real butterfly invitations and her palisman is a red and grey cricket. This tells me she is a little fancy and likes bugs, so I am going to give her a Heracross, a kiricketot, and a beautifly.
She is also a bard student which probably means she likes music. (We’ve never seen her with an instrument in show verse, but Dana has drawn pictures of her with some kind of recorder or flute.) So I will also give her a chimecho, a jigglypuff, and a Loudred.
Skara’s team: Heracross, Kiricketot, beautifly, chimecho, jigglypuff, and Loudred. Some things I have noticed about Skara is that she is really strategic, but also is pretty clumsy. So I headcannon that she would originally want to be a pokemon performer, but she would get tripped up a lot at first. She got into contests when she thought she didn’t have what it took to be a top performer. But I also like to think she would eventually go back to competing in performances once her and her teams skills improved. Maybe like Serena Skara would decide to do both.
Matt Tholomule
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A here’s the shows resident gremlin dork. He is fun to watch in episodes and was actually one of the most fun to make team.
Since his base track is construction I am giving him a Doutrio and an Alolan Geodude. Specifically an Alolan gGeodude because it looks like a regular geodude with drawn on eyebrows and facial hair, and we all remember “Man-Thoulomule”. These were his first two pokemon. We’ll say that he was paid for one of his odd jobs with a diglet egg, And he took the Geodude from some con he helped once. The con wasn’t treating it well, and when Matt said he would report the con’s dealings if They did not give him Geodude they called it useless and said Matt could have it.
Next he has a Sandshrew and a Evee. These two he caught. Specifically because they are baby versions of two of his brother Steve’s pokemon, Sandslash and Unmbreon. Since Matt admires Steve so much he wants to raise and train some of the same pokemon Steve has (Note in this Au verse the Emporor’s coven would be team rocket, and Steve is probably someone very similar to James. Unlike James he eventually leaves team rockett,) Also headcannon that while Matt originally caught Evee hoping to evolve it into an Umbreon like Steve’s, it doesn’t evolve until he starts getting into illuison magic as well, and (happy surprise) it instead evolves into an Espeon. Matt loves it and shows it off to Steve once he comes back home. Steve teases Matt some for having such a cute, pink pokemon (they are brothers after all), but also makes it clear does actually think its a cool fit for Matt.
Next up in Matt’s team is a Radicate; sorry no story for this one. I just wanted to give him a big, scruffy, rat. Lastly the most powerful pokemon on Matt’s team is a Mimikyu. I will acknowledge that that is a pretty high level pokemon for him. Well say its the last to join his team, and it probably has given him a few nightmares. But I think Matt would ultimately be a really good trainer for Mimikyu (much like Jessie was). Since both have dealt with lots of insecurities, and attempts to fit in by pretending to be something they aren’t.
Matt Tholomule’s team: Doutrio, Alolan Geodude, Shandshrew, Evee (later evolves into Espeon), Raticate, and Mimikyu. I am also going to copy Brock a bit and say that Matt tried out gym battling and would boast about how he was going to one day become a top battler, or all powerful gym leader, but his heart was never really in it. He eventually decides to become a pokemon breeder, which is what he and his team are happiest as.
Vee Noceda
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I wasn’t gonna do Vee at first because she only ever got small bits of character that I did not think would be enough. But after I did the others I decided to try to use Vee’s character bits to make a team, to see if I could.
Mylotic:Vee’s strongest pokemon. She needs a serpent to represent a basilisk fourm
Delibrd: Vee mentions liking birds in a letter to Camilia, and a running gag with her that has been present since Reaching out is how much she loves writing and leaving sticky notes. So a messenger bird is definitely something she would want.
Ditto: A pretty obvous one since it is a shapeshifter. Also the team I made for Luz has a Shiny Dido on it. So if I give Vee a regular Dido then the sisters can share being ditto trainers.
Hapiney: the baby of her group. Some art by Dana hints that Camilia has been teaching Vee first aid, and she has also started working through healing from her own trauma since moving in with Camilia, So i wanted to give her a baby healing pokemon to show these.
Alcremie (Berry, Vanilla) :Changed from Leafeon after I rewatched Vee’s character and noticed how often she is depicted to both enjoy and be a knowledgeable cook. I am not sure what Vee’s favorite flavors are, but the pokedex said that the Vanillia Cream one needs some time to develop trust in those around them, but once it does trust you it loves to feed you treat. That sounds like Vee. I also decided to give her the berry sweet one because blueberries are an earth treat that are used in many recipies
Pumpkaboo: because it matches the pumpkin on her sweater. Like I said I am using small stuff for some of them.
Vee Noceda’s Team: Mylotic, Delbird, Dido, Hapiney, Alcremie (Berry, Vanillia), Pumpkaboo. I definitely see her as aiming to become a pokemon breeder.
Edric and Emira Blight
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I am only giving the twins four pokemon each, instead of six, as they (particularly Emira) did not get enough character development for me to use for a team of six pokemon
Edric’s team consists of a Butterfree (his would be butterfly palisman), a Gallade (representing the Illusion track. Fully evoved because Illusion alone was so easy for him) a Gligar (this would be his beast track pokemon, picked due to his intrest in that track taking off after him getting Batric), and a paras (representing potions track).
Emira’s team consists of a Masquerain (her would be moth palisman), a Gardevoir (representing the illusion track. Fully evolved because illusion alone was so easy for her), a Chancey (Helps her learn healing, and look out for Ed and Amity), and lastly a Piplup (Dawn’s helped her manage her hair in the morning, something reaching out shows Emira also has trouble with... I debated cutting it from her team since she winds up just cutting her hair off. But well Em’s other three are sweet and she could use a pokemon that is not afraid to give attitude when others try to mess with her team).
The twins used to battle a lot in Tag team battles. They still do that together as a side thing. But now also have their own pokemon assistant jobs that. Edric is an assistant to a pokemon Perfessor at a lab, and Emira is an assistant medic at a clinic.
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Blissy: So was originally a healing student, and even when she starts duel tracking with beast keeping in season 2 she is still known as "the best healer in school". I already gave hapinny and chancy to Vee and Emira respectively, so due her increased skills at healing viney gets a Blissy.
Fearrow and Litleo: So Viney's most iconic companion is Puddles, her baby Griffian. Griffians are a mix of being a large bird, and a lion. It is important to note that Griffians are also predators. With these in mind I picked a Ferrow (the more aggressive version of Pigeoto,a s Puddles was aggressive and Viney was still working on training her) and Litleo for her. Litleo can also represent her manticor palisman, since it was mostly a lion. (Litleo is unevolved partially to keep her team from being to Op, but mostly so I do not have to chose a gender for it).  
Seadra: So I really wanted to give Viney a good water type (She strikes me as someone who likes being by the water). I thought about doing a Gayrodoes or Huntail so I could still get in the serpant part of a maticore, but those didn't really work. Viney is still new at Beast keeping (again she takes car of and works with Baby animals) so a Gayrodoes could still be kinda much for her. Also let's be honest Huntail is really lame and Viney deserves something better. The water line I kept coming back to was the Horsea line, and the pokemon was Seadra. A strong line, and  a mid level one Viney could work with during the show time. It's toxiens can also have some healing effects if used rightly , whoch Viney would learn quick. Lastly by the time the epilogue came around she would have a super strong water/dragon type.
Viney's Team: Blissy, Fearrow, Litleo, Seadra
note I also really wanted to give Viney a bug type. Anyone have any idea as to which one she could be a good trainer for.
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Jerbo gets one less pokemon than Viney because his character was used a little less than her.
Exeggutor: Plant was his first track, and given that he likes to make plants grow legs and get up and walk, I am calling Exeggutor as the perfect duel grass type for him.
Grimer: abomination is his second track once he starts doing multracking. So since he is new to it I will give him a grimer instead of a muk.
Boltund: Jerbo has a unicorn-dog as a palisman so first i looked up if there was a fairy-type dog pokemon...there was two: snubble and fidough neither of which really worked for Jerbo. So I changed my tune. Whatever dog Jerbo's palisman is its tall and lean, with a long face, so I looked for dog pokemon that were shaped like that. I found boltund. That's a good boy dog, and with how inventive Jerbo is he deserves a strong electric type.
Jerbo's team: Exeggutor, Grimer, Boltund.
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cinnamon-bunni · 1 month
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behold......pokemon teams that took WAY too fucking long to make
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