m-misguided · 7 years
@shxdim followed you.
Well, that had been easier than she'd thought.
This wasn't the first club that Grace had managed to lie her way into, and it would most definitely not be her last, but she had expected a little more opposition from an establishment this popular. In their defense, the ID card had been so well-forged that they could not really be blamed for allowing her in.
Though, she supposed, so long as she did not get caught out then neither would they. For now, she hovered near the walls of the busy building full of people buzzing for the night ahead, holding back from the bar for now. Alcohol hadn't called her name just yet, and she had to make sure that there was no one here that would recognize her before she even contemplated indulging in it.
So far, she thought, so good.
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hikitsugu · 7 years
shxdim replied to your post: WHAT IN GODS NAME DOES MORD THINK HES DOING ?!
she invited me~
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kolenshieta · 7 years
“another pine-box tomb to fill the cemetery dead.”
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STARING down the grave in front of her, sora tried to illicit some kind of emotion. the only thing she could conjure up was a vicious sense of pride. looking at her father’s name on a tombstone did nothing but entertain her. if nothing else, for all the red she had on her ledger, she’d had a hand in ridding the world of a horrible man. 
DESPITE the fact that this was a moment that should have been private, for what if she had wished to mourn, mordred was next to her running his mouth as per usual. there was a moment where she entertained the notion of forcing a scene, weeping dramatically for her father just to spite mordred. she wondered if the display would make him uncomfortable. 
IT didn’t take her long to decide against it though - her father didn’t deserve her tears. be they born of sorrow or spite. if she had it her way, there wouldn’t be a single tear shed at this gravesite. not even the sky’s rain. she hoped, against reality, that the grass he was buried underneath turn brown among the green of the rest of the cemetery. 
“oh, don’t act like you haven’t filled a few tombs before.” 
SNAPPING harshly, sora let her annoyance paint her face. it didn’t matter what mordred did, what he became, sora would never look at him with anything but ire. he had her sister’s heart & he hadn’t cared for it properly. it was only another strike against him that he had it regardless. 
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w-whitefang-blog · 7 years
@shxdim‘s got an opportunity to kick the shit out of sting~
The early hours of the morning had come around sooner than he'd anticipated, and it wasn't until he'd escorted the Princess back to the doors of her private chambers that he realised just how late he was. Of course, he'd stayed a while longer by request of the King, but it wasn't something Sting was usually so keen to do...that was a discrepancy that the more intelligent of his allies would most likely pick up on.
His greatest concern was, of course, Mordred. Even in this pitch black darkness, he could tell that the man was still awake, milling somewhere outside the guild as he approached: the smell of smoke hung thick in the cold night air. The dragon slayer sighed, and shook off his tiredness, preparing to face whatever he would be dealt if any suspicions had been aroused. If he was lucky - very lucky - perhaps Mordred wouldn't notice that he'd even been gone.
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a-infusedwithamber · 7 years
Leaning against the wall, drink in hand, the heir of Sabertooth frowned, green eyes focused on the princess' erstwhile suitor. "You know, your highness, I could kill him. Make it look like an accident. No one would have to know."
Much as he might have tried to long-out his conversation with the eldest Reynolds brother, it was only natural that he would run out of things to say to keep the rancid man away from his sister. So it was a different, far less vexing individual that he would turn to for some form of solace.
Thankfully, it seemed their trains of thought had been running on the same tracks.
   “ I don't doubt that in the slightest. ”  The heir of Sabertooth wasn't likely to be incompetent, after all. That's why Jas kept Mordred, along with the rest of his guild, close to hand.  “ But I don't think the old man would be best pleased. ”
No, for whatever reason, His Majesty found some kind of value in the Reynolds family name. Well, besides the fact that they were Arcadios' sons...that played a big factor, as well as their abundant wealth, but the family's matriarch and her eldest boy had always left a bitter aftertaste in Jasper’s mouth.
    “ I just wish she'd let her head reign over her heart, for once. She’s an intelligent girl, surely she must know that she can do so much better than him..? ”
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fuckiiisms · 7 years
There's something disturbing about recalling a warm memory and feeling utterly cold.
Gone Girl by Gillian Flynn
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shxdim replied to your post
this is why she’s his favorite Lucy~
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Bet your sweet ass I am.
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kukimaho-blog · 7 years
Ren: Feel v offended by all this talk about him. V Rude.  Also Ren: Blatantly checks out his date.
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serpixnte-blog · 7 years
casually gonna lean on his snek cousin yas~
Gonna casually fumble with her fingers because oh look person that she’s kind of related to but didn’t remember until just recently.
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“Aha-- Mordred, I hope that you’ve been well.”
Gonna just... pat his shoulder. There there. Hello.
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hikitsugu · 7 years
shxdim replied to your post: ❛  TOMORROW is valentines daaayyy ~ !  ❜
“no one cares.”
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❛ Uh-ooooh SOUNDS like someones BITTER ~  ! ❜ 
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helxel-blog · 7 years
just gonna lean on her. why him yukino? why is he the one called on to explain these things? "i'm too sober for this shit..."
A hand would rise to caress his cheek, gently as her thumb brushed over his skin in a gesture of endearment. Her feelings for him had only ever strengthened. However, he was absolutely on his own on this one.
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fuckiiisms · 7 years
After my mother died she ate my father up completely. She would have hated it. Every minute of life since then has been marked by her absence, every action has lacked dimension because she is not there to measure against. And when I was young I didn't understand, but now, I know, how absence can be present, like a damaged nerve, like a dark bird.
The Time Traveler’s Wife by Audrey Niffenegger
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a-crocusblooms · 7 years
💝 from the brother figure yes~
MEME - accepting!!
It had been a few days since she’d heard the news, and she’d finally been able to excuse herself of her duties and visit the friend she held so dear to her heart.
And, of course, his delightful new arrival.
As she held baby June in her arms, she recalled how she had felt when her own little bundles of joy had entered the world, and wondered if the man stood beside her felt the same. He wasn’t nearly as sentimental as her, of course, but she doubted that even Mordred Orland could look upon his own beautiful daughter without warmth in his heart.
He was a father now.
And the thought of her being an aunt was enough to tug the Queen’s lips into a smile even deeper than the one she already wore.
    “ She is absolutely gorgeous, Mordred. ” She paused a moment, watching the infant stir in her ever-so-tender hold. “ It must be Yukino-san’s influence. I can’t see where else she’d get it~. ”
After a few more seconds of being admired by the country’s ruler, Sabertooth’s latest heir was placed carefully into her crib, and the young woman made sure that she was comfy and settled for a good night’s sleep. Her playful dig at his expense aside, Hisui turned to face the man himself, before hauling him into the best bear-hug someone of her stature could muster.
    “ I’m so happy for you, my dear … I can’t wait to see the woman she becomes. ” After a few seconds, she allowed the Saber mage the personal space that he had probably wanted back since their beginning of their embrace, but not before leaving a gentle kiss upon his cheek.  “ The two of you are going to be such wonderful parents. I just know it. ”
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ofthedamnedd-blog · 7 years
❝I will systematically destroy everything they hold dear.❞ — your sister's bae~~~
██ meme: accepting
Malice took a firm hold of the corners of his lips and thrust them upward in a violent expression of joy. It had been years since Angel displayed the appropriate reactions to very serious situations. So it was hardly worthy of note now when faced with probable danger that he respond with excitement. The certain glee of an infant present across his facial features, lighting up his face, as the familiar emotions of rage and exhilaration mingled within his person.
Many (often successful) attempts had been made to ridicule Mordred since their first meeting, since Angel first caught his lingering glance rest on Angel’s own precious baby sister. It could be said that Angel was not quite fond of the haughty Lord Mordred Orland – the title itself was laughable – and had made various efforts to test the demon Lord of Sabertooth. It had been a fun affair to engage in even if it would at some point result in bodily harm – especially if it would result in bodily harm. How very enticing that would be!
What was worthy of acknowledgment was the stubborn set of the demon’s jaw as he spoke words to no one in particular. The words, he suspected, were not particularly meant for Angel’s ears, but more so a verbal promise of future harm. A promise of future harm surely in the name of their one shared interest: Yukino. Even if they had sufficient proof that Yukino herself returned without permanent harm. 
Curious indeed, that the man would react so strongly to his dear sister’s harm. And all the more with the promise of violence! Perhaps there was something to be liked about him, after all! What an idea!
“Brilliant suggestion, Mordred.” To hell with honorifics. Angel bowed to no God but the God of Death himself (and he welcomed the idea of being punished by him). Angel clicked his tongue in a gesture of finality, having just made up his own mind. “Shall we get to it, then? The day drags on and there are bones to be broken, terror to inflict. Busy, busy, busy.”
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