#Shy monster
just-a-sewer-goblin · 11 months
I want a beauty and the beast where he's a monster and gets cursed to be a human. And the woman comes and they fall in love and yada yada. But he gets hesitant whether he wants the curse broken because what if she thinks he's scary as his original form?! So he talks about it with her and she's like "you big doofus I love you no matter what" and he turns back and is very shy and hesitant and "what if she's scared now!?" Meanwhile she's like already taking off her clothes
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lazygyodza · 5 months
Nobody asked but here's more of Bull and easy to get cold lady (⁠「⁠`⁠・⁠ω⁠・⁠)⁠「
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The best thing to do during a nice spring evening is to walk and talk about ur hobbies. Bull loves to cook.
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briefbestiary · 2 years
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A North American fearsome critter, the Hidebehind is equally as shy as it is deadly. Don't be afraid to check behind you...
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lokhlae · 1 year
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grisifu · 2 years
Inktober Day 8-14
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Whoops I forgot to post this yesterday
As you can see some of the drawings this week are fanart but still most of them are original art. This time I don't really like the first two drawings but I'm really happy with the rest. Also I apologize if the comic from the last day is hard to read, I drew it directly in pen and I messed up the text bubbles a little bit :)
Here's the list:
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rainnydayzz · 1 year
TikTok said “animate this” so I did.
“What are you doing up there?”
“I can’t go back to jail!”
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thewhizzyhead · 11 months
WAIT I WANNA BRING UP ANOTHER THING ABOUT HOW BULLYING IS ADDRESSED IN NERDY PRUDES MUST DIE. one thing I really liked about how Max is shown as a bully is his talk with Pete at the Pasqualli's parking lot. When Pete tries to stand up to Max, Max pushes him down and emphasizes that Pete isn't a loser because of his own qualities - rather, Pete is a loser because Max simply said so.
Of course we can attribute this to Max's god complex but I think that this point in particular is less than often really brought up in teen-centered media featuring bullying: that bullying exists not because of nerdy behavior or whatever the fuck, but because bullies will it into being. And to have a BULLY of all people say that out loud - to have the main villain point out the root of their behavior without showing any kind of shame whatsoever - showcases just how much of a menace Max is.
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n1ckelpistol · 1 month
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sonicsquid3000 · 5 months
When they say you get to romance a beast but it's really just a normal guy who just happens to be rude.
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pointlesscandies · 21 days
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Shhh it's okay Khun Shy you're safe now
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youkilledpetunia · 14 days
Khun Shy is gonna have the best vacation ever in a space that isn’t 20 square cm big. He’s gonna cry having to go home in 3 days.
Bonus if he gets to bite shitty ex-boyfriend’s finger while he’s there.
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comfymoth · 1 year
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anyways, have some monster au doodles of the world’s most functional friend group, ft. me figuring out actual wolf designs for once ^_^ i just think werewolves are touchy, y’know, they’re affectionate
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otherworldly-tresses · 10 months
Fae x Reader
The Will Of Your Master
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Summary: You are sent to seduce a Fae of the Summer Court at the will of your master.
Tags: monsterfucking, some mild elements of dubcon, royalty
-Words used include: whore, slut
-Reader has breasts and a vagina, PIV sex involved
-Faeries in this setting are more insectoid and are usually very tall (about 6 and a half feet for the nobility). They have varieties of insectoid body parts, varying per individual (some have claspers, others have extra limbs, spare eyes, etc.)
-Sorry if this is not very well-edited, it's been a while since I've written/edited anything and self-editing my own work is a bit of a sore spot for reasons
-This might be a multi-parter (MIGHT)
-I'll probably edit this when I'm more awake
The sweet scent of fae food and ethereal perfumes float through the air. The sounds of soft music and crystal drinking glasses echo across all the attendants of the ball. Laughter, singing, and casual conversation punctuates the air as Fae of all shapes, courts, and sizes dance to the live music, played from crystal instruments with no visible musicians. Only very few humans are in this party, all of whom are pets and servants of the Fae, taken for whatever reason.
You were one of them, taken from the mortal world a year ago. Any other person would have been horrified, begging for a way home. But why wouldn’t you want to live here? Your old life was miserable, marred by things outside of your control. At least here, your master afforded you some level of freedom, though the rules of the fae often eluded you.
Your Master, a tall Lord of the Winter Court was busy chatting up three specters, fae creatures that skulked about in cloaks and ominous, icy winds. By the time the night was over, they would have three more powerful allies for their inscrutable needs. They didn’t have time for you right now. But that was all right. You had a job to do for tonight, given to you a night before. You knew exactly who to approach, and what to do to them.
You weave through the crowd, casually plucking up a glass of clear wine from a passing server. Your target, Lord Lumentia of the Summer Court is fairly visible through the colors, being tall even for the Fae. He is dressed in a dizzying display of red, orange, and brown, his exquisitely pattened clothing mirroring his large, mothlike wings. He was speaking to several envoys of the Summer Court, all dressed in bright yellow, listening with rapt attention. He had always been described as a person who knew how to keep a kind, faint smile, though that smile was very easily ripped off to betray baser instincts and truer emotions.
It wouldn’t do for you to interrupt a Fae Lord’s conversation. You had to get his attention some other way. You look left and right. A commotion would cause too much of a disturbance, and unfortunately, none of the Fae around you owed you favors.
A soft voice, like spider’s silk, makes its way to your ears from behind you. “Hello, darling human. May I have this dance?”
You turn around, slightly surprised that anyone was able to sneak up on you. A stark white Winter Court Fae with eight red eyes towers over you, even taller than Master Orellia, their thin, spindly fingers reaching out to caress your face. You manage to keep your composure, curtsying before them as their thin fingers barely graze your skin. None of the other Fae around you notice, too busy with their own affairs.
You gauge your options. Even if you refused, the Fae have their ways of roping you into their will, if you weren’t careful. On the other hand, you could use this dance to your advantage somehow, if this individual was in a good mood.
You put on a smile and take the fae’s hand. Their smile widens, and you are taken into a dance. You waltz with this creature, following their overlong steps as well as you can. They ease into the rhythm of the music, their motions eerily spiderlike and silent as they follow you with pure-black eyes.
They lift your arm and you pirouette. For a moment, you spot Lord Lumentia, watching you through six eyes, the three faceless Summer Court fae also following you with their faces. Several other fae were also watching you with curiosity, some people whispering behind their hands.
You return to your dance partner. They take your hands and pull you close, bending over so that the two of you face to face. Their red eyes eyes gaze into yours, a cold, biting pressure emanating from them.
You feel the noise from around you fade away. You only have a split second of realization that you let your guard down and got charmed, before your own thoughts are subsumed by a feeling of icy dread, creeping up your senses. You cannot even break your gaze to check if the ice is real. Your entire body is rooted to the spot. You feel the silk of spiders start to wrap you in their web.
A clear voice cuts through the fog, a sunbeam through a cloud. “That’s enough for now.”
You suddenly feel your thoughts return to you and inhale sharply, realizing that you hadn’t taken a breath. You feel a warm presence next to you, like the sun. Someone puts ahand on your back, and you realize that it is Lord Lumentia, standing at your side and looking at your dance partner. He has a faint smile on his face.
“It would not do well for you to charm someone else’s subjects, Ievis.”
“Chancellor Ievis,” the pale figure hissed.
“Apologies, Chancellor.” Lord Lumentia’s smile widened, but you sense steel behind it. “I should not have forgotten your station. But imagine the harm it would do to yours if you were caught overstepping your boundaries.”
The Summer Fae waved a hand. Most of the other fae were busy with the party, but quite a few were staring at Chancellor Indalor, some with suspicion, others with disappointment.
“Now, I do not want to get in the way of your enjoyment.” Lord Lumentia continued, nodding in a farce of politeness. “There is still much time left in the night, and I have to ensure that our little friend here--” You feel his hand at your back push into you, “is unharmed.”
Chancellor Ievis watches for a moment as Lord Lumentia leads you, hand on your back, through the crowd. Normally, Lord Lumentia would be important enough for people to be jumping out of his path, but he seems to be employing some kind of spell to minimize being noticed. He gives you a quick smile as you walk, but you can sense a calculating aura from behind his golden eyes.
He leads you through the crowd to the doors leading to the balcony. They were only slightly ajar, but large enough that both Lord Lumentia and you could walk to the outside without brushing the doors. The moment you step out, the doors shut silently. Lord Lumentia’s pace quickens, and you struggle to keep up lest his hand topples you over. He leads you to the right side of the door, to the stone brick walls, well out of earshot.
“Thank you, Lord Lumentia,” you say.
The hand behind you withdraws. You look up at Lord Lumentia, his smile already gone. He regards you suspiciously, gazing down at you from his height.
“Well, well. Orellia’s pet has come to play.” His once warm tone is gone, to be replaced with something steely, but still smooth and regal. “I know they sent you for something. Those of the Winter Court never seem to be able to hold a proper conversation with us without all the scheming.”
You remain composed, and curtsy, just as you had practiced hundreds of times. “Congratulations, sire. You are correct.”
Lord Lumentia’s six eyes narrow. He steps closer and bends down, regarding you closely. After a moment, he huffs. “If he had wanted me dead, he should have sent someone fitter. A killer. You’re no killer. You don’t have the movements of one.”
“Not at all,” you respond. “I am not here to kill you. I am here to deliver Lord Orellia’s most genial regards, and an invitation.”
Lord Lumentia’s eyes narrow further. He tilts his head slowly, an owl getting the measure of a mouse. “A Summer Lord? Invited to the home of a Winter Fae? In what world would that not be an assassination attempt?”
“Lord Orellia had 9 months to kill you. And he didn’t. I assure you, they have no reason to cause you harm.” You look back into his eyes. “All he wants, my lord, is a discussion.”
Lord Lumentia chuckled.
“And he sent you to seduce me into it.”
You don’t respond. Lord Lumentia smiles a wry smile.
“It sounds like Orellia has their ear to the rumor mill. And you definitely are dressed for the occasion.” His six eyes rake over you, your blue-white dress, the thin cords only barely keeping the fabric from flying into the wind. “And what makes you think you can convince me into running headfirst towards danger?”
He lays a hand against your face, caressing it experimentally. You grasp it gently, holding his hand to your cool cheek.
“I assure you, my lord, you will be cared for as a proper guest in his realm.” As you speak, you move his hand towards your lips, so that the corners barely brush against his fingers. You sense the slightest hint of tension in his hand.
“A proper guest? How unlikely. The rest of the Winter court would surely disapprove.” He steps closer to you. You hear his wings rustling behind him.
“Which is why this will never go out to the rest of the Winter court. You could be in and out, and they would never know.” You briefly brush your lips over his fingers, and lay his hand against your cheek again. Lord Lumentia exhales as you do so. He leans forward again, your faces only inches away from each other.
You maintain eye contact and gently press your lips to each of his fingers. He watches you, a hunger flickering to life behind his gaze. You kiss his middle finger, letting your tongue linger on his warm skin for a moment. You hear a small groan emanate from his throat.
You slowly pepper his hand in more kisses, slow and sweet. You feel his breath quicken as you do so. You let your hand brush against his back, and his wings rustle.
“Have you thought about it, my lord?” you ask quietly.
Suddenly, Lord Lumentia lunges forward and pins you to the wall, lifting you up so that your toes brush the ground. He kisses you deeply, his composure shattering like glass. You kiss him back, slowly, tasting sap and wine and dust on his lips.
He groans in approval and kisses you again, elegance making way for urgency. His fingers no longer dance across your skin, but grasp your skin through your clothes, feeling you, but savoring the treat for as long as it lasts.
Your lips part, and Lord Lumentia puts you down. He still pins you to the wall. His six eyes burn with hunger, and his breath has already grown heavy.
“Not bad for Orellia’s whore,” he murmurs.
“Thank you, my lord,” you respond.
Before you can respond, he turns you around and pushes you into the wall. He kisses your neck, pressing against your body. His long hands reach into your bust. Long, warm fingers caress your skin, teasing your breasts and pressing your nipples. You can tell that he is not casting any spell, but you can feel warmth welling up inside of you. You push your hips against his crotch, grinding against him. You can already feel him getting hard under his clothes.
“It’s a shame I can’t tear this dress off you. Orellia could definitely afford another one.” You feel one of his hands rest against your leg, past the slit of your dress. He caresses you firmly, pressing against your tense thighs. He coyly avoids the inside of your legs, choosing instead to rub your leg up and down. This, combined with the attention given to your nipples, is almost enough to make you lose control of your legs.
“My lord,” you manage to gasp, in just the way that would pique his interest the most.
“Hush, little one. They might hear.” His light fingers inch closer and closer to the inside of your thigh, but nowhere near where they were needed the most. You grind against his crotch again, and he inhales, suddenly grabbing your breast firmly. You yelp, but try to immediately muffle the sound.
Lord Lumentia definitely heard you. His fingers glide over to your sex, already wet under the sheer fabrics of your dress. His warm fingertip lands on your lips and you shudder, grinding again on his cock. He strokes your labia, relishing in the muffled sounds he coaxes out of your mouth. His touch is warm, firm, but betrays a barely-concealed hunger in the way he twitches and tenses every time you squirm and moan.
“No wonder he sent you. You can’t wait to have one of the Lords inside your cunt.” Lord Lumentia makes his way to your clit, and fingers it. His touch wrenches a small moan from you. He fingers it again, and you writhe, whimpering.
He inserts a finger inside of you, pressing against your walls. You instinctively jerk your hips towards him, pushing his finger deeper, another desperate moan escaping your lips.
He continues fucking you with his finger, then two, then three. Your body seems to respond on its own, jerking and bucking. Your soft whimpers and moans grow slightly louder, and your legs begin to weaken, anticipating Lord Lumentia’s cock inside of you. He is already very hard through his clothes, and you feel his hunger through the breaths he lays against your ear.
And then you feel it. Your dress is pulled up over your hips, and you feel Lord Lumentia’s throbbing cock against your sex. He slides it up and down your slit, coating himself in your juices. You whimper, thoughts already scrambled with a basal need for release.
He presses the thick head against your opening, and your knees almost buckle from the sensation. His warm breath tickles your ear.
“Beg for it,” he mutters, rubbing his cock against you, just barely pushing it inside.
“My lord… please…” you manage to sputter, through a whimper.
“Please, what?” He stops moving.
“Please don’t stop-- I need you inside me--” Was he casting a spell over you, or were your thoughts falling apart as you stood?
“Keep going. I want to hear you beg,” he murmurs, his once silky voice now a low, animalistic growl.
“My lord, please, I need you, please fuck me-”
“You can do better than that.”
“Please my lord, I need you inside of me--”
“Try again.”
“My lord, please--”
Your voice is cut off by a moan as he pushes his thick cock inside of you.
He thrusts once, forcefully, almost sending you to your knees. You manage to keep standing, legs shivering from cold and the effort required to keep you upright.
You barely have a moment to keep your thoughts together before he starts thrusting. His moans blend into the night wind, dissolving into the breeze like dust. Your moans get inelegantly loud; if anyone were to walk into the balcony, they would definitely hear. But that was not unexpected; the fae loved to have a taste of mortal flesh, when they could have it. Your fingernails fruitlessly scramble against the stone brick as he continues thrusting into you.
And you were here to weaponize that desire.
“Good little Winter slut,” he grunts. “Doing exactly as your master tells you. Do you like your reward?”
“My reward- comes from my master alone,” you manage to say.
“Oh, unsatisfied with this? Do you think they could do better?” he pants. “I’m sure you enjoy their frigid cock in you, fucking you until you can see no more.”
Before you can respond, he grabs your hips and thrusts faster, slapping your flesh, overloading your senses. You see stars as he fucks you, and you can no longer control your voice as he goes faster, moaning and grunting.
The tension in your body grows tighter and tighter, almost too much to bear, and you can feel Lord Lumentia losing control as well, his voice growing strained and his wings twitching. You take a moment to look at him, and he looks almost transformed with lust, nearing his climax. He sees you peeking, and his eyes flutter.
“You want to watch me? Watch me as I cum? Don’t take your eyes off me. Don’t you dare. Don’t you-”
And your body clenches, your walls squeezing around Lord Lumentia’s cock. The tension overflows, and you release, a ragged moan falling from your throat as your mind falls apart, and your hips tremble in ecstasy. You feel the Summer Lord twitch and jerk inside you, warm fluid flooding inside of your cunt. You can barely hear his voice as he moans, your own orgasm filling up your senses.
The climax fades, and Lord Lumentia pulls out of you, soaking wet. He turns you around and kisses you, pressing against your shuddering body.
“Well, well,” he whispers against your ear, still pinning you to the wall. His breath is heavy from exertion. “You really are quite the specimen your master managed to capture.”
“Thank you, my lord,” you exhale, brushing your leg against his. Lord Lumentia chuckles.
“You would love another round, wouldn’t you?” Lord Lumentia says, brushing a finger against your lips. “Oh, but look at you, poor thing. You’re exhausted, aren’t you?”
“I’m willing to be with you as many times as you would like, my lord. Or… as many times as it would take for you to answer my master’s call.”
Lord Lumentia laughs, a soft, warm sound that warms you from the inside out. “Tell your master,” he murmurs, putting a hand on your waist, “that I will consider his offer.”
He leans forward and kisses you again, a hungry sound escaping his throat. You can feel his desire rooting itself in your mind, an unconscious act of magic nearly driving all reason from your mind. You kiss him back, your hips beckoning against him for more.
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n1ght0f-nyx · 17 days
werewolf oc! Ezra x gn! reader
tags/warnings- monster fuckers, werewolf x human, transformation, full moon werewolfs, preexisting relationship, full moon ritual, mild body horror, restraint, shy werewolf boy
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The moon was rising slowly over the horizon, casting an eerie glow that bathed the room in silvery light. You could feel the tension building in the air, the telltale sign that tonight was going to be rough. ezra sat at the edge of the bed, his hands trembling in his lap, eyes fixed on the floor. His breathing was uneven, shallow with anxiety, and you could see the subtle twitch in his muscles as he fought to keep control.
You stood beside him, your heart aching at the sight of him struggling. ezra had always been gentle and shy, a man whose words were few but meaningful when spoken. But when the full moon came, everything changed. He wasn’t himself — the beast within him took over, wild and dangerous. Tonight was no different, and as much as it hurt to do it, you both knew what had to be done.
"It's okay, ezra," you whispered softly, kneeling in front of him so you could look into his eyes. "I’m here."
He raised his gaze to meet yours, his soft brown eyes clouded with fear and shame. “I hate this part,” he mumbled, his voice barely a whisper. “I don’t want to hurt you. Or anyone.”
You reached out and took his hands in yours, feeling the warmth of his skin beneath your palms. His fingers twitched but he held onto you like a lifeline. “You won’t hurt me,” you said, your voice steady and calm. “I know you, ezra. You’re stronger than this.”
His jaw clenched as he shook his head. "I can feel it… it’s getting worse. I can’t control it when the change starts." His breath hitched, panic edging into his voice. "You should leave. You should—"
"ezra," you interrupted gently, squeezing his hands. "I’m not going anywhere. We’ve done this before, remember? We’ll get through it, just like always."
He looked at you, searching your face for any sign of doubt, but you knew he wouldn’t find any. You had been through this together enough times to know what was coming. The fear, the aggression, the need to lock him away until the worst of the night passed. But through it all, you never stopped loving him, never stopped seeing the kind man he was beneath the curse.
"I trust you," you continued, brushing a thumb over his knuckles. "And I’ll be here to make sure everything’s safe."
ezra swallowed hard, his eyes glistening with unshed tears. "I don’t deserve you," he whispered.
"Don’t say that," you replied, standing up and gently guiding him to his feet. "You deserve love, ezra. And I’m going to remind you of that, even when things get tough."
The chains were already prepared, hanging from the heavy metal loops embedded in the bedroom wall. You hated using them, hated the way they looked so out of place in the cozy room you both shared. But they were necessary, especially when ezra was on the verge of losing control. The full moon brought out the worst of his condition, and if the chains were what kept him and everyone else safe, then so be it.
As you led him to the wall, you could feel his body starting to tremble more violently. His breathing grew more ragged, and his skin was flushed with heat. The transformation was beginning.
"I’m sorry," he rasped, his voice breaking as the first wave of pain hit him. "I’m so sorry."
You moved quickly, fastening the chains around his wrists and ankles with practiced care, making sure they were secure but not too tight. He grunted, his muscles straining against the growing pressure of the change, but you kept whispering to him, soothing him with your words.
"You’re so strong, ez’," you murmured, brushing a hand through his dark, sweat-dampened hair. "You’ve got this. You’re not alone. I’m here."
His breaths came out in ragged gasps now, his body convulsing as the wolf fought to break free. You stepped back, giving him space, but you never stopped talking.
"You’re doing so well, love," you praised, your voice low and steady. "I know it hurts, but you’re not the monster you think you are. You’re my ezra. My kind, sweet ezra."
His head snapped back, his eyes glowing an unnatural yellow as the wolf took over, but even then, you saw the flicker of recognition in his gaze. The chains rattled as he strained against them, skin splitting to form thick hair, muscles bulging and teeth elongating into fangs. But through it all, you stayed calm, keeping your voice gentle.
"You’re still you," you whispered, staying just out of reach. "No matter what, I see you, ezra. I love you. I’m proud of you."
A deep, guttural growl ripped from his throat, but you weren’t afraid. You had seen this before, felt the raw power of the transformation. But you also knew that deep down, ezra was still in there, fighting to stay in control.
The hours passed slowly, the moon climbing higher into the sky as ezra’s form twisted and contorted, the beast taking full control. The chains held, and you stayed close, whispering soft reassurances into the night.
By the time dawn broke, the worst of it was over. ezra hung limp in the chains, his body battered and exhausted from the transformation. You moved quickly to release him, catching him as he slumped into your arms. He was weak, but he was himself again — the shy, soft-spoken ezra.
"how you holding up, love?" you whispered, holding him close as his breathing steadied. "You made it through."
He didn’t have the strength to reply, but the way he clung to you said enough. You kissed his temple softly, your heart swelling with love and pride. No matter how many full moons came and went, you would always be there for him.
And he would always be yours.
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kagilagilalas · 11 months
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'cause you'll never grow old to me.
Mobtober 2023: Song lyrics
(Plain version under the cut, cause I like it :)
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gradient-jeremy-asks · 4 months
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Got those designs for ya’ll! ☝️😜
I just made Unpleasant more cat like since I figured if bro ate Poptart then it should have an effect on them
And Jeremy just has more of a Vampire Prince vibe ✌️🗿
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