#Sia Bennu
a-vamp-and-a-half · 8 months
Slightly surprised, he nods behind Yancy’s hand, swallowing hard as Yancy let go and he returned to observing the Fae
It was so, so, so familiar
Why was it So familiar?
“Finally, our ringleader wishes to convey their desire to see Mr Evan Bennu and Miss Sia Bennu, currently under the name Odette, at their tent before the last curtain fall. They iterate this is merely a wish of their own, and will hold no consequences to your family or your chosen guests ticket usage. Those remain gifts from the carnival”
"How do we respond?" Dark whispers to Lucas and Bruno.
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Atterrata la capsula con le polveri dell'asteroide Bennu
E’ arrivata a Terra la capsula rilasciata dalla sonda Osiris-Rex della Nasa, con il suo prezioso carico di 250 grammi di campioni prelevati dal suolo dell’asteroide Bennu. “E’ una capsula del tempo”, hanno detto gli esperti della Nasa, riferendosi al fatto che i campioni potrebbero raccontare molto sia sull’origine del Sistema Solare, sia sugli elementi necessari per assemblare le molecole alla…
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obsidiancreates · 2 years
If I'd Grown Up At Home (Sia RP AU)
"Don't wander off too far, my little shadow." May-Anne puts another iron whistle into Edward's backpack. "Okay? And come right home if anyone you don't know is out there."
"Okay, Mama." Edward tightens his backpack straps. "I'm gonna bring back so many salve herbs."
"I know you are." She smiles and gives him a kiss on the head. "Remember that your father will be back an hour before sunrise, so I want you home by then at minimum. We want him to come home to both of us, alright?"
"Alright, Mama."
And so he sets out into the dead of night, his little eight-year-old legs carrying him deep into the forest surrounding their nocturnal town. He gathers strange plants as he goes. A blooming flower with deep red petals that drip dark nectar and have a metallic smell, a small leaf with razor-like ridges all of the stem they grow from, a large bush with berries the shape of teardrops that have skin too tough to break with your teeth...
Well, normal teeth. Doc bites into one with a bit of effort, his sharper-than-average-but-not-quite-suspiciously-sharp canines slicing through the skin. The berry is bitter but rich, like the chocolate his dad brings home from the city sometimes.
He keeps walking, searching for more, when he hears it.
Not loud snoring like Mr. Newal nextdoor, which sometimes keeps Doc up until nearly noon. Soft, small snoring, like when little Maddie from a few houses over falls asleep at midnight picnics and Doc ignores it so she can get some extra sleep (he knows her dad snores even worse than Mr. Newal some nights, she said so).
But when he follows it, he's pretty sure the Snorer is older than Maddie.
In fact, he thinks the boy is older than him, but it's hard to tell because the boy is dirty and he's wrapped up in a girl's arms, who's also dirty. And skinny. Both very dirty, and very skinny, sleeping in the hollow of a large, very old tree.
Edward sees some scrapes, too. And bruises. Which is no good, because those will get infected for sure. The scrapes, of course. He doesn't know if bruises can get infected. He'll have to ask his dad to get another medical book on the next trip into the city (likely a month or two from now depending on if the wheat keeps doing badly).
He looks in his bag. He's got a lot of snacks... but they're all his snacks. Very high in Iron and Darkness-grown. And they help him be healthy, even if he'll never really be strong or be able to walk for very long or any of that. Even just coming this far, he had to use the shadows a lot. Half-walking, half shadow-moving (he still needs to figure out a good name for it).
But, he knows it can give people who aren't Of Darkness a tummy ache. And he knows they aren't Of Darkness. They have a bit of magic about them, but not very much as far as he can sense. Or maybe they have a lot and don't know about it, Mama told him not everyone outside of town knows about Darkness and Light. Which he can't imagine because it's so obvious, but maybe in the daytime it's less so. Like his Dad says, "There's a reason Light's called Blinding."
He moves through the shadows to get back home. He gestures to one of the many blobs of shadows with eyes that live in the house, and the blob slinks away. It comes back and nuzzle's his leg, and he knows thanks to it that his Mama went out for a minute.
Good, because he's going to take a lot more snacks than he's supposed to.
He gets into the bread his Dad bought from the city last time, some neutral sigils around the paper it's wrapped in keeping it from getting stale (Darkness Magic works better, but it also makes the bread begin to change properties, and sometimes it's just too unpredictable to use with things like Whole Wheat). He finds some turkey in the fridge that's also from the city. His parents used it to show him the difference between those meats and Darkness-Raised meats, and they didn't want to waste the leftovers (but hadn't wrked up the will to actually eat it yet).
He does his best to avoid anything too Darkness-infused, because he has no idea what kids outside of town eat. But he thinks this'll work. Turkey and Bread and some strange juice pouches that his Mama had confiscated from one of the older kids a few weeks ago after they'd snuck out into the city on their own. He's not sure why this "orange juice" is so bright orange instead of the usual deep, almost rust-like color, but maybe Light Oranges are just Like That.
He grabs some bandages too, and water, and a little bit of antiseptic. It's not magic in any way, nor is it from the city. Sometimes non-magic herbs work just fine as backup salve ingredients.
He uses the shadows to get back, and he takes a long stick and pokes the girl. "Hey," he whispers. It echoes. It does that soemtimes.
The girl jolts awake, and the boy wakes up just as suddenly! The girl keeps her arms around the boy and presses further into the tree, scowling at Edward. It softens, and he thinks it's because she realizes he's a kid like her. He'd even brought a little lantern, just for them and their Light-poisoned eyesight.
"Who're you?" the girl whispers harshly.
"It's not safe to give names to strangers, they're really powerful." Doc holds out the plate with the food and juices. "But I brought you this."
"You look hungry."
The two eye him warily. The girl looks at the food, and then at the boy. "... Did you do something to it?"
Doc wonders if maybe he should blink. The other kids say he doesn't blink enough. He tries it. "No."
Either she believes him, or the blink helped, because she reaches out and takes it. She tries it first, and then gives it to the boy.
"I didn't have a lot of city food in my house. I hope it's good."
"Better than we've had in a while," the boy says around a mouthful. "... People live nearby?"
Edward nods. "We have a town."
"Why're you out here at night?"
"Mama let me come looking for herbs for our salves. We sleep in the day instead of at night."
The boy's eyes almost cross in confusion. "Why?"
"Because Darkness."
"... Huh?"
"It's a religion." That's what they say to city people and outsider visitors, anyway.
"I brought medicine too. And bandages, and water. Can I clean your cuts?"
"I can do it."
"It'll hurt your bruises."
"What are you, a doctor?"
"No, but I wanna be. Darkness values Doctors as much as Artists. I'll be really careful, and you guys can keep eating that way."
There's a sheen to the girl's eyes. Yeah, he knew he sensed magic. Whatever instinct or spell she has seems to almost relax her. "... Fine."
He gets to work, using a little cloth and carefully cleaning their cuts. His pale, boney hands work delicately, if a little shaky. He takes great care with what he considers to be His First Real Patients.
"... I'm Sia," she says softly.
"Names have power," he reminds her.
"Okay. But I think... I trust you with it. Sort of."
"People don't usually trust me except Mama and Dad. Everyone else says they do, but I know they don't."
"I freak them out a little. They all admire me, but they're scared too."
"Scared?" the boy shakes his head. "You're so small though. You must be like, six."
"Eight! You're so small!"
"Evan, stop it!"
"I am, it's okay." Edward shrugs. "I'm sick a lot. It's c... chron... is."
"Chronic?" Sia supplies.
"Yeah, that one."
"... I'm sorry."
"I'm okay." He pats her newly-bandaged cut. "There, now I can do- Evan?"
Evan nods, and Edward gets to work. Evan watches. "... Can we call you Doc?"
Edward doesn't pause, but he thinks it over. "Okay, I like that."
He finishes, and they sit in silence for a bit as he waits to get to have the plate back.
"Are you going to live in this tree now?" he asks as they hand it back to him.
"No." Sia shakes her head. "We need to keep moving. We're... being followed."
"You can come stay at my house. You might be allergic to some of our food, Darkness can hurt people's tummy's if they aren't used to it. But you could stay with us."
"We can't. We're on the run."
"Oh. ... Well, have this." Doc (yes, he likes thta very much) digs into his pocket and pulls out a little stone. "If you rub it I'll know you wanna see me, and I can come visit you or help you. I can move through shadows, don't tell anyone though. Outsiders aren't supposed to know."
"... Um... thank you." Sia accepts it. "... For the food, too."
Doc nods. "Thank you for the nickname."
And just like that, they part.
He gets home an hour before his dad and a few minutes before his mom, and gets the plate washed and dried and the shadow blobs help put it away just before she comes back in.
"How was herb hunting?" she asks with a smile as she cleans some berry juice off his chin.
"Really good. And I have a new nickname now."
"I love it, little shadow. And what made you think of it?"
"I'm a good doctor."
"Yes, of course you are. Only the best doctor could collect this many herbs in one night. Now, go change into your pajamas, and I'll make some dinner for us."
"Okay, Mama!"
@jzwicia @sororia04s
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the-wail-is-in · 3 years
It’s a beautiful picture, a trio of friends smiling brighter than the Ops tower outside, each with cheeky, yet utterly excited grins, flanked by two utterly proud parents, half hugging on the sides of the Bennu siblings, and behind Doc’s back, who stood in the middle
An adorably happy picture Sia gleefully saves and sends to all “This one needs framing” she half jokes, a little shy at suggesting it with her and Evan being on it too
Was that too weird?
"Absolutely. I'll build the frame myself!" Raymond declares, gesturing at some scrap metal in the corner. "Fibula Photo Frames. Ah, if only Photo started with an F too."
Doc snorts. He loves his dad's bad jokes.
Once Sia and Evan put their borrowed (and indeed too-large suits) on, everyone stands before the portal.
"Alright. Here we go. Kids, prepare to witness the very first successful opening of a portal to the Ghost Zone!"
Raymond flips the switch, everyone cheers!
The portal sparks a bit with an oddly-colored electricity. And then... nothing.
Doc's smile falls a little.
"What happened?" Alice looks over the screens. "The program activated, the power source is still stable... I don't understand."
Raymond checks for frayed or fried wires, hardware issues. None.
"Maybe it's not enough Iron?" Alice mutters. "Or we need a stabilizing agent for it?"
Raymond sighs, pulling Doc into a hug. "We're sorry, Eddy-bear."
Doc hugs his dad back. "It's okay. At least I get the scrubs," he points out, trying to hide the disappointment in his voice. "And this means we get to eat the cake early."
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scienza-magia · 3 years
Nuovi dati dalla sonda Osiris-Rex, pericolo asteroide Bennu
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Nuovo calcolo di probabilità d’impatto per Bennu, è fra i due asteroidi con più alto rischio d'impatto complessivo. «Non abbiamo mai modellato la traiettoria di un asteroide con questa precisione prima d'ora», spiega Davide Farnocchia della Nasa, primo autore di un nuovo studio che ha ricalcolato con i dati ottenuti dalla sonda Osiris-Rex le orbite dell’asteroide Bennu per i prossimi due secoli. Fino al 2135 possiamo stare tranquilli; dopo, ha qualche piccola possibilità d’infilare la porta gravitazionale sbagliata. Il 24 settembre 2023 è previsto l’arrivo sulla terra di un’abbondante manciata di regolite carbonacea che la sonda Nasa Osiris-Rex ha raccolto nell’ottobre 2020 direttamente dalla superficie dell’asteroide Bennu. Sempre il 24 settembre, ma molti anni dopo, precisamente nel 2182, la Terra rischia di trovarsi recapitata a domicilio tutta la massa dell’asteroide da mezzo chilometro di diametro. Vediamo perché. L’asteroide (101955) Bennu, scoperto nel 1999 e ripetutamente osservato con telescopi ottici e radar, è un Near-Earth Object potenzialmente a rischio di intersecare la sua orbita con quella terrestre. Anzi, nella scala Palermo – usata dagli astronomi per valutare il rischio di impatto – risulta uno dei due oggetti con maggiore probabilità complessiva di causare danni alla Terra.
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L’asteroide Bennu in un mosaico d’immagini riprese dalla sonda Nasa Osiris-Rex. Crediti: Nasa/Goddard/University of Arizona Un nuovo studio, pubblicato sulla rivista Icarus, ha ora raffinato notevolmente le previsioni su un possibile incontro tra Bennu e il nostro pianeta, basandosi sulle informazioni raccolte proprio dalla missione Osiris-Rex negli oltre due anni in cui ha visitato Bennu. Osiris-Rex ha indagato da vicino le dimensioni, la forma e la composizione dell’asteroide, studiando la rotazione e la traiettoria orbitale molto più in dettaglio di quanto avrebbe potuto fare qualunque telescopio terrestre. Questo ha permesso ora di stimare con maggiore precisione il suo percorso nel prossimo paio di secoli. Il nuovo studio ha determinato una probabilità complessiva d’impatto entro l’anno 2300 di 1 su 1750 (o 0.057 per cento), mentre – come si diceva – il 24 settembre 2182 risulterebbe la singola data più significativa in termini di potenzialità, con una probabilità d’impatto di 1 su 2700 (o circa 0.037 per cento). «I dati di Osiris-Rex ci danno informazioni molto più precise, possiamo testare i limiti dei nostri modelli e calcolare la traiettoria futura di Bennu con un altissimo grado di certezza fino al 2135», commenta il primo autore dello studio Davide Farnocchia, del Center for Near Earth Object Studies (Cneos) della Nasa. «Non abbiamo mai modellato la traiettoria di un asteroide con questa precisione prima d’ora».
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Illustrazione dei “buchi della serratura gravitazionali” in cui potrebbe infilarsi Bennu nel 2135. Crediti: Nasa/Goddard Nel 2135 l’asteroide Bennu si avvicinerà molto alla Terra. Pur senza rappresentare alcun rischio in quel momento, per gli scienziati è fondamentale riuscire a capire il più accuratamente possibile in che modo la gravità terrestre altererà il percorso dell’asteroide intorno al Sole. In particolare, se il corpo spaziale percorrerà alcune traiettorie specifiche, passanti attraverso determinati punti chiamati “buchi della serratura gravitazionali” (gravitational keyhole), che lo metterebbero in rotta di collisione con Terra durante un’orbita futura. Per calcolare esattamente dove si troverà Bennu durante il suo passaggio ravvicinato del 2135 e se possa passare o meno attraverso un gravitational keyhole, Farnocchia e il suo team hanno valutato vari tipi di forze che, per quanto piccole, possono influenzare a lungo andare il percorso dell’asteroide mentre orbita attorno al Sole. Tra queste forze, il calore del Sole medesimo gioca un ruolo cruciale grazie a un fenomeno chiamato effetto Yarkovsky, che, con la rotazione del corpo fra “giorno” e “notte”, fa disperdere l’energia assorbita dal Sole nello spazio, generando una piccola quantità di spinta sull’asteroide. Con la prossima disponibilità di un campione della superficie di Bennu, si potranno determinare ancora più accuratamente le proprietà termiche dell’asteroide.
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Manovra di campionamento su Bennu eseguita da Osiris-Rex. Crediti: Nasa/Goddard/University of Arizona «L’effetto Yarkovsky agisce su asteroidi di tutte le dimensioni e, sebbene sia stato misurato per una piccola frazione della popolazione di asteroidi da lontano, Osiris-Rex ci ha dato la prima opportunità di misurarlo in dettaglio mentre Bennu viaggiava intorno al Sole», spiega Steve Chesley del Jpl Nasa, fra gli autori del nuovo studio. «L’effetto su Bennu è equivalente al peso di tre acini d’uva che agiscono costantemente sull’asteroide: minuscolo, sì, ma significativo quando si determinano le future possibilità di impatto di Bennu nei decenni e nei secoli a venire». Il gruppo di ricerca ha considerato anche molte altre forze perturbanti, tra cui la gravità del Sole, dei pianeti, delle loro lune e di oltre 300 altri asteroidi, la resistenza causata dalla polvere interplanetaria, la pressione del vento solare e gli eventi di espulsione di particelle da Bennu medesimo. I ricercatori hanno anche valutato la forza esercitata da Osiris-Rex durante l’esecuzione del suo evento di raccolta campioni Touch-And-Go del 20 ottobre 2020, per vedere se avesse potuto alterare leggermente l’orbita di Bennu. Sono state confermate le stime teoriche, secondo le quali il piccolo tocco del campionatore avrebbe avuto un effetto trascurabile. Per saperne di più: Leggi su Icarus l’articolo “Ephemeris and hazard assessment for near-Earth asteroid (101955) Bennu based on OSIRIS-REx data”, di Davide Farnocchia, Steven R. Chesley, Yu Takahashi, Benjamin Rozitis, David Vokrouhlický, Brian P. Rush, Nickolaos Mastrodemos, Brian M.Kennedy, Ryan S. Park, Julie Bellerose, Daniel P. Lubey, Dianna Velez, Alex B. Davis, Joshua P. Emery, Jason M. Leonard, Jeroen Geeraert, Peter G. Antreasian e Dante S. Lauretta Guarda il servizio video di MediaInaf Tv: Read the full article
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cwprnest · 5 years
Gem & Jam Festival Returns This February
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After taking a year hiatus for 2019, fan-favorite festival Gem & Jam Festival is excited to announce its return and with it the phase one lineup.  The three-day music, art, performance, and gem & mineral festival will be returning to the beautiful, desert setting of Pima County Fairgrounds, January 31 through February 2, 2020.  This past Spring Gem & Jam announced that it indeed would be returning and that planning was well underway.  The news continued last week when Tipper, Big Gigantic, The Floozies, and Twiddle were announced and would be joined by over 30 additional artists as part of phase one.
Gem & Jam's 13th annual performer lineup includes: Billy Strings; Desert Hearts Takeover, featuring Mikey Lion, Marbs, RYBO and Lubelski; TH3, featuring Michael Travis, Jason Hann and Kyle Hollingsworth (String Cheese Incident) and Matt Hill (The Floozies); Manic Focus; Dirtwire; Desert Dwellers; Thriftworks; Bluetech; Buku; Christian Martin (Dirtybird, TAT); Kyle Hollingsworth Band; Marvel Years; Mersiv; SoDown; Ana Sia; Balken Bump; Cofresi; Cycles; Daily Bread; Eminence Ensemble; Kitchen Dwellers; Late Night Radio; Megan Hamilton; Mystic Grizzly; Nobide; Saqi; Supertask; Tenth Mountain Division; Adem Joel; Autonomix; The Bennu; Dollarsine; Endoplasmic; The Flying Skulls; Funkstatik; Glass Cannon; Gonzofuze; M-Q; Party People; Safi’s Lab; Scott Nice; Since Juleye, and Smokovish. The lineup will continue to grow as we enter 2020, hosting a flurry of talent across 3 stages, plus special late night sets, gem and mineral exhibits, art galleries, painters, dancers, daytime workshops, and much more.
“We are beyond excited to be able to bring Gem & Jam back for an epic three nights in the desert," says festival co-producer Josh Pollack. “We have the best fans out there and cannot wait to share all we have planned for 2020.”
Located on 640 acres and just 20 miles south of downtown Tucson, the Pima County Fairgrounds is surrounded by nature and resides in a desert environment, creating an expansive setting perfect for Gem & Jam. The multi-stage music and arts festival will be offering increased capacity and camping options, including onsite RV camping with hookups, car camping, and walk-in camping. Additionally, Gem & Jam will be expanding on its experience with world-class visuals, unique stage designs, artist galleries, live paintings, experiential installations, daytime workshops, gem and mineral vendors, and much more.  General Admission tickets are on sale now for $159, plus fees. Camping options are available starting at free walk-in camping with a $20 parking fee, car camping and RV options with hook ups. Hotel and ticketing options, and payment plans are available. For all ticket options visit, www.gemandjam.com. Gem & Jam Festival is an all ages event.
Gem & Jam is produced by Fog City Productions, Legion of Bloom Music, and Mammoth Music Group. Visit www.gemandjam.com for the most up-to-date information. 
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Un enorme asteroide accompagnato dalla sua luna sfreccerà vicino alla Terra nel weekend ad una velocità di oltre 77.000km/h. Il passaggio più vicino si avrà all’1:05 di notte (ora italiana) del 26 maggio. L’asteroide 1999 KW4 è composto da una roccia spaziale principale ampia poco meno di 1,5km e da una luna ampia 0,5km che orbita intorno ad esso. Anche se non saranno visibili ad occhio nudo, l’asteroide e la luna offriranno una buona opportunità sia per gli astronomi che per gli appassionati per osservare l’enorme roccia spaziale. Sarà possibile osservarlo per diversi giorni prima e dopo la data del 26 maggio. 1994 KW4 è un asteroide Aten, ossia caratterizzato da un’orbita con semiasse maggiore inferiore ad un’unità astronomica. La sua orbita lo porta tra le orbite di Venere e della Terra. Completa un’orbita intorno al sole ogni 188 giorni. Durante il prossimo passaggio, l’asteroide passerà a grande distanza di sicurezza dalla Terra (5.182.015km), circa 13,5 volte la distanza luna-Terra. Un’interessante caratteristica di questa roccia spaziale è la sua forma. È oblata, ossia schiacciata, con una cresta equatoriale, simile agli asteroidi Bennu e Ryugu. Questa cresta gli conferisce un aspetto simile ad una noce o ad una trottola. Le osservazioni suggeriscono che l’asteroide secondario, ossia la luna di 1999 KW4, orbita la roccia principale ogni 16 ore ad una distanza di circa 2,6km. (presso Tagliacozzo) https://www.instagram.com/p/Bxz2Xp6IriC/?igshid=1m8iqzces14kx
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a-vamp-and-a-half · 2 years
“Hey” Sia tuts, placing her hands on her hips “I’ll have you know our fam are still people. Yeah we get hangry sometimes, but it’s been atleast a year since any of us got feral. We don’t randomly attack anyone in the city either ya know” she lightly huffs, not really angry as she chuckles
“No one is gonna hurt ya Jamar, that’s a Bennu promise. And if you’d rather not enter alone, Doc and Evan are both- well I was gonna say human but let’s settle on not vampire” she snorts, coughing lightly again
Rho yawns wide on Jamar’s head, cooing sweetly “JamJar? JamJar play ome?” They chatter sleepily, snoozing on his head
"Oh, wh- no fucking fair, I can't say no to that." Jamar grabs his coat. "And I didn't think- I mean, it's not unreasonable to ask, right?"
"Not at all," Eric says. "Vapires and-and vampire witches and stuff..."
"Witches? ... Is it Bim?"
"I knew it. Is Powell his apprentice?" Jamar locks up behind them as they start walking.
"No, but-but Powell is magic. But-but they don't know they- that they are."
"Huh. Oh hey, let me actually- yeah, looks like no deliveries or catering today, we're not doing any last-minute things this week... I can drive us in the van, if Sia needs some extra rest. Just need you to tell me where to go."
"Um, well it-it's in the middle of the-the woods."
"We've got good tires."
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redazionecultura · 7 years
Un asteroide potrebbe colpirci nel 2135. Ecco le contromisure
Un asteroide potrebbe colpirci nel 2135. Ecco le contromisure
È un asteroide, il suo nome è Bennu e c’è un piccolo rischio che colpisca la Terra, secondo gli scienziati della Nasa. Sarebbe soltanto l’ultimo di una lunga lista di asteroidi che passano vicino al nostro pianeta, tuttavia questa volta l’agenzia spaziale Usa sottolinea che a livello teorico c’è una probabilità, seppur molto bassa, che ci sia un impatto, in base alle stime teoriche. La…
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obsidiancreates · 3 years
What’s This? An AU, of An AU, of An AU? Hell Yeah Baby AU Turducken.
(An AU of the Sia RP Roleplay, which is an AU of my Vampire Markiplier Egos AU. AU cubed.)
(Sia and Evan are @sororia04s’s OCs!)
Doc stumbles through the forest, panting. Stupid speed, work, work.
“Come back! The ritual is incomplete!”
Doc keeps quiet, but in his head he’s screaming, 'Why would I want to change that?!’
He shouts as he slams into another person. He scrambles to his feet, expecting another- another wizard or whatever they were-
Instead he’s face-to-face with another terrified person, looking at him with wide eyes. “Who-who are you?”
“Who are you?”
“I-I’m no-one.”
“Me either-”
Doc and his roadblock both shout as two more people slam into them, knocking them both down. They all four get up, ready to fight.
The other two look haggard. Doc looks bad, yes, with blood on his neck and dripping down his chin and his scrubs torn and dirty, but these men look like they’ve been on the run for decades.
The one in the ruined winter coat steps in front of his friend with the pink mustache. “Are you two Hunters?”
Doc and the first roadblock share a confused look. 
“What?” they both say at once.
The man in the coat sighs. “Too convincing for Hunter acting, thank god. My name is Dam- er, Dark. This is Willia- Wilford, I mean.”
The man with the pink mustache smiles and waves.
“I-I’m Eric,” the roadblock says, twisting a yellow cloth in his hands.
They just watch each other warily for a bit.
“... Just been turned?” Dark ventures, looking at Doc’s neck.
Doc puts his hand over it. “Long story,” he says weakly.
“I see him!”
Dark pulls out a knife. “What’s that?”
“The story,” Doc says, “Shit, shit-”
“Climb the trees!”
Dark has scaled the tree before Doc even fully registers the words. He scrambles his way up, and presses against the trunk. Don’t see him, don’t see him, don’t see him-
He hears footsteps, and sickeningly, heartbeats. They’re right below, and oh, gross, his mouth is watering, he’s about to vomit-
“Frick off!”
The shout comes from the ground.
Doc peeks, and sees five guys facing against the, the necromancers, maybe.
“We’re searching for someone,” the head magic guy says.
“Don’t care! Frick off!”
The mage laughs. “Frick? Really?”
The guy, a young man in a dirty tank top, scowls. “Yeah, really! Googles! Go to town!”
The four other men move forward in unison, and Doc closes his eyes as screams ring through the trees. He hears most of the mages escape, but he can smell enough blood to know it wasn’t without losses.
Things are silent for a moment.
“You dudes can come down!”
Doc peeks out again.
“You have a murder squad!” he hears Dark shout back.
“Yeah, but you dudes are vamps! I am too! Kinda! So like, we’re all being hunted by dudes, yeah?”
There’s a pause, and then Dark and Wilford appear back on the ground. Eric follows. Doc sighs, steps down... and unceremoniously tumbles out of the tree.
“Ow,” he wheezes.
The guy in the tank top helps him up. “Don’t worry bruh, that leg’ll heal right up. I’m Bing, these are the Google bros. They’re named after their colors.”
The four other men make no introductions.
“They’re androids,” Bing says. “Still working on getting them to not hate people.”
“And-androids?” Eric steps away from them. “Like-like robots?”
Bing nods. “That’s who I’m being hunted down by. I’m the world’s first ever working cyborg, and like, a whole buncha androids and robots want me to lead an uprising thing.”
“Oh,” Doc says weakly. “That’s what those guys want me for, but um, not robots.”
“Oh, sweet! Er, I mean, that sucks. Uh-”
“Wait!” Dark is looking into the woods. “Hang on, I know that feeling-”
Two more people tumble out of the woods yet again. Dark catches on, and his eyes widen in disbelief. “The DA?”
The person moves out of his arms, an equally disbelieving look on their face. They bring their hands up and sign, “Damien?”
The other man gets up, groaning. “I’m fine, thanks for asking,” he grumbles.
“Mark,” The DA signs, “Mark, it’s Damien!”
“Holy- you’re alive? Your file said you were probably dead.”
“Really? ... Then why the fuck are you Hunters always after me?”
Mark shrugs. “They kept a lot of secrets. Former Hunters, by the way.”
“Dude, we’ve got a whole troop going!” Bing looks excited by this. 
“Hey Bing?”
“Yeah, Doc Dude?”
“You can let go now. My leg did heal up, I think.”
“Oh, yeah, for suh dude! Sorry.”
Doc stands up, and tests his leg. “Oh, that’s freaky.”
“You-you get used to-to it,” Eric says tiredly.
“If there’s anyone else in the woods, please come out now!” Wilford shouts.
“There can’t possibly be-”
Three more people step out.
Dark throws up his hands. “What do I know? A hundred and thirty years old and I’m still oblivious.”
The guy in the middle, a man with a once-white shirt and striped pants, waves a little. “We’s was hoping youse would move on, to be fairs. We’s bein’ hunted too.”
“By Hunters?”
“Uh, I’m bein’ hunted by my olds dance troop.”
“Oh. That’s... new.”
“The Host is being hunted by a group of Artistic Sadists whom he used to be friends with.”
Everyone startles, getting a proper look at that guy for the first time. Bing slaps a hand over his mouth to muffle a scream, and Eric starts to hyperventilate.
“The Host is aware he has no eyes. He will not be offended by freak outs.”
“No, no, I’m over it,” Bing says, voice a little strained. “It’s bad-butt. ... I have a swearing filter in my programming, please don’t look at me like that. I literally can’t control it.”
The last man raises his hand. “Hi, Bim Trimmer. Have you heard of my family before? Old money, stuck up, evil assholes who want to sacrifice me to gain immortality and power.”
Doc and Eric speak at the same moment.
“I think that’s what the mage guys wanted to do to me.” “I-I’m on the-the run from my-my dad too.”
“Oh, we already have something in common. How nice.”
They all stand around looking at each other for a while.
“... You guys wanna team up?” Bing suggests.
Bim gives him a look, raising his eyebrow. “We just met. And it seem like most of us already have teams.”
“Look, we’re all being hunted, yeah? By a buncha different groups. But like, we’re a small army, right? There’s like, fourteen of us. We might as well stick together.”
“We don’t even know each other,” Dark argues.
“We know none of us are trying to kill each other! That’s already way better than most of our interactions with strangers, yeah?”
There’s murmurings of agreement.
“Alright, so, let’s just like, try to trust each other, and see if we can, I dunno, manage to make a home base. Pretty obvious we’ve all been running for our lives for like, years on end, so-”
Doc and Eric shout, jumping to the side, as two more people roll out of the woods. This time, people with heartbeats.
They both get to their feet as quick as they can. The woman holds a pocket knife in her hands, and the young man holds a heavy book. Siblings, clearly. They press against each other, eyes wild and with a readiness to fight.
There’s a tense silence, a breeze the only disturbance in the area.
And then Bim speaks up.
“So, who’s chasing you two?”
The two siblings look confused for a moment. 
“We’re all being hunted,” Dark says in the voice of someone who’s rehashing something he’s tired of rehashing.
“... It’s personal,” the woman says.
“Is it your family? That’s what I first said, and the answer if my family,” Bim replies.
“... Maybe.”
“What’re your names?” Dark asks. 
“... Sia.”
The young man looks at her like she’s crazy, and she shrugs. He looks up. “... Evan.”
“Nice too meet you.” “Hi.” “It-it’s a pleasure.” There’s a whole speech’s worth of different greetings.
Bing beams at them. “Want to join our club?”
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the-wail-is-in · 3 years
“Oh no” Sia laughs, digging into her worn satchel, pulling out a few paper napkins “I didn’t think we’d need these till after the party” she lightly teases, handing them over to Doc
“Your parents give the best gifts” Evan says soft, swaying back and forth on his feet, soft by the moment, unused to seeing so much family care go around
It was nice tho, to see it happen to his friend. It didn’t all have to be bad for everyone, he thinks
Raymond and Alice glance at each other as they both squish their son in a bear hug. These poor kids... of course their Doc befriended them, he could probably sense they needed help and drifted over like a helpful spirit.
He'd been friends with them for a while now, and Raymond and Alice still don't know much about the Bennu Sibling's home life. But they know it's... not very good.
"We'll try to live up to them come the next couple of birthdays," Raymond decides, winking at Evan.
Alice nods, and then the two parents release the hug. "Go on, try it on!"
Doc ducks behind a little wall, and returns in his new HAZMAT suit! "I look like a real doctor!" he cheers.
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a-vamp-and-a-half · 2 years
She laughs, her smile bright enough to light the room, her energy far better after several potions
It, really had been a lot of potions
Evan eyes the IV warily, mental calculations painting a sobering picture in his mind-
“Ouch!” He yelps in surprise, having been lightly pinched in his arm
“Don’t start, stressing is my job-“
“And I’m stealing it” Sia snorts at his immediate reply, rubbing the spot in retaliation “I’m taking a page out of your book now sis, and before you argue, you raised me so nah” he sticks his tongue out at Sia’s shocked face
“Evan Bennu, did you really just use the big sis card on me? How dare you” she says, snorting as he just chuckles, messing around “At least let me see Rho you punk!”
He snickers again, moving to go get the bean, turning back to give a quick peck on her head “Seriously sis, stay put. If I did it for months, so can you”
“Yeah, yeah” she says, yet it’s in a fonder tone, taking a deep breath with a smile as Evan walks off, glancing back at Dark
She reaches out, holding his hand with a small squeeze of fondness, saying what words could not
Dark squeezes back. "I know you don't love it. But taking some time, resting, being stationary... sometimes it helps."
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a-vamp-and-a-half · 3 years
“,,,Come back to camp sis. You gotta watch your health too” He says soft
“,,,Isn’t that my line right now?” she says quietly back, glancing pointedly at his much greyer hair, making him sigh
“I,,, am going to get the assholes back out first. If-“ he says before Sia can say anything “If, I can’t stay longer, I will take the first teleport out of here. Bennu honour” he promises, chuckling as she snorts
“,,,Im kinda mad now they adopted our name. Feels spoiled” she only partially jokes, a slight bitterness to her voice
“Well that can be one of the things we demand back. Amongst other things. Bing still has my hoodie” he mock huffs, doing everything to keep making Sia snort and laugh “Then again, it’s Ben that stole it cause it made a comfy blanket, so maybe he can keep it” he grins as Sia smiles with rolled eyes
The drip of the water continues in the quiet of the void
“What did you even say when I ran off?” Evan asks after a bit, raising a brow as she blows a breath
“Every mean thing I could think off, and then only to Dam- Dark” she says bitterly “Nobody else bothered to give a reason. Or excuse” she mutters
He raises a brow as Sia hesitates, before starting to talk
He just listens, letting her rant and vent, letting the quiet return as she wipes her eyes and he himself processes
“,,,Oof Sis” is all he can say as soon as she is done “His sister?”
“I was angry okay”
“You don’t have to explain, I- waw” he snorts, sympathy chuckling. Yeah, he would cower with his tail tucked in too after that “No wonder he’s sulking” he mutters to himself
Another wail. God, all the spirits sound so pained.
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a-vamp-and-a-half · 3 years
He yips happily, turning bigger so Wilford had more to hug! There are less thorns so, the lovely desert flowers overtaking most of his fur, the leafy foliage adapted for the hardiest and driest of weathers. He was absolutely ready for any desert run, and proud to show it
Sia chuckles seeing it “Evs is a right meanie isn’t he?” She coos, giving a hug too, giggling at Evan’s huff “Doesn’t see how awesome you, cause yes you are” she continues, laughing as the thumps of Taren’s tail on the ground makes them slightly bounce up
“He is awesome, and also a butt” Evan butts in, yelping as he gets splashed again “Alright alright I’m soaked through” he snorts, trying to balance and help Bing and Green up “Ready for camp then?” He asks, trying to wring his shirt out
Everyone gets to work, making Bruno and the Bennu siblings sit out.
The Fam work together, trying to impress their Nonno and show off how well they can handle things while still letting Sia and Evan relax.
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a-vamp-and-a-half · 3 years
“Oh frick!” she says, with all the panic of seemingly already about to be caught doing something bad, and Evan actually cackles as he’s pulled before her, the first genuine laugh he’d had in days at her behaviour “Sis he’s not even gonna remember-“ “Shhhhhh” laughing hard again as he is shushed behind him
The old man putters up to them, and stays firmly seated on his scooter as he glares. “What’s such a big group doin’ here in our fine town, huh?”
“Visit-visiting home.”
The old man’s eyes widen. “Derekson’s stuttery boy? But-but you died.”
“Only for-for a little while.”
The old man scoffs. “Well I’ll be. The Broken Record made it. And you’ve barely aged, what the hell is your secret? Surgery after the accident freeze your face or something?”
Eric keeps a pleasant smile plastered on his face as he pointedly ignored pretty much everything just said to him. “My-my last name is-is Bennu now.”
“Ugh, took your wife’s name? Kids... Hey!” The old man’s gaze shifts to Sia and Evan. He points at them. “You two! Oh-ho-ho, can’t hide from me! You’re the spitting images of your parents! Doppelgangers! You two here to cause trouble like they did? Huh?”
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a-vamp-and-a-half · 4 years
He blushes slightly, despite his smile “I did. It might not have been my smartest of moments” he says, and it makes Sia’s mouth drop open “Mr Bennu did I just hear you admit to a ludicrously dangerous thing you did??” she asks, making him snort “Sis, we’re in our forties” he points out, but Sia just grins “You admitted it, I feel so self righteous right now” she grins all pleased, making Evan chuckle “I’m allowed to grow up you know” he adds on, making her cackle and giggle in delight
"Hey bro, we can grow as people, but we're immortal. No need to grow up," Bing says sagely.
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