#Sidney Crosby blurbs
ilyasorokinn · 7 months
i just saw your last call post, so not sure if this is late or not- which it’s totally fine if it is!
but if it’s not, can i please request, from the touching prompt list, 3+15 with sidney crosby?
after this blurb, only two more to go for my tumblr-versary! also, i have no idea where this idea came from. i'm just thinking about ross macdonald a lot (24/7), so introducing famous singer!reader x sidney crosby lol
3. "hiding face in neck" 15. "hugging each other" (from this prompt list)
your eyes danced around the crowd of people as you strummed your guitar before closing your eyes with a smile and singing the rest of the song. you could feel the electricity in the atmosphere, even with your eyes closed.
when you strummed the final note, it felt like the floor was vibrating with all the screaming and cheering from the crowd. you didn't think the smile on your face could get any bigger.
"thank you, pittsburgh." you spoke into the microphone, "you've been amazing. you always are." you took a breath, "now, pittsburgh will always be a special place for me. it's where i moved into my first big girl apartment, where i got my first dog. where i met sid." you smiled, "it's home."
"sid is here tonight." you added and had to stop talking due to the amount of yelling and cheering, "i don't know where he is, he didn't tell me. so, if you see him, turn on your flashlight or something. "you joked, covering your eyes to block out the big spotlight in favor of looking into the crowd.
you scanned the pit, but you knew he probably wouldn't be there, so you moved up higher towards the seats until you finally spotted him, "there he is." you pointed, waving to him, "he didn't tell me where he was sitting, but he did request a song tonight. he requested 'eyes like yours'." you, once again, had to pause before speaking because the crowd was screaming so loud.
"i know there's a lot of speculation on this song and who it's about. well, i'm here to set the record straight." you beamed, "this song is about sid and i wrote it in 20 minutes after i got home from our first date. so, would it be okay if i performed it for you?" the crowd screamed in response, "all right." you looked back to your band and gave them a nod.
you performed the song, looking over in the direction where sidney was standing, a smile on your face the entire time. you strummed the last note, and you felt the walls shake. the crowd screamed even louder, their attention on something on the other side of the stage.
you looked over and saw sidney walking on stage with a bouquet of flowers. you smiled, taking off your guitar and setting it down, making your way over to him and hugging him, shoving your face into his neck. you had seen him a few hours ago, but he had apparently forgotten to mention his surprise appearance on stage.
"sidney crosby, you never fail to surprise me," you laughed, kissing his cheek and taking the bouquet he was holding out for you. you pulled away and made your way back over to the microphone.
"pittsburgh, i love you forever and always." you blew a kiss to the crowd and waved, "thank you, good night." you turned back to sidney, who was smiling.
he held his hand out for you, and you grabbed it. he waved to the crowd as you made your way off the stage. your band said their goodbyes, tossing picks and guitar sticks to the crowd, before following you off.
"i love you, you crazy man." you smiled as you looked up at sidney.
"i love you right back, crazy lady." he kissed your head, pulling away with the biggest smile on his face you'd ever seen.
taylor's tumblr-versary!
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jackhues · 7 months
3 + 1 - sidney crosby
notes: i hope you guys like this, first fic for 'it's the most wonderful time of the year', had lots of fun making this!!
likes are good, reblogs are better <3
part of naqia's end of the year celly!
gif not mine
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i. (1994)
you'd known sidney your entire life. one of the first memories you had with him was fighting him for the last hockey stick in the store.
well, it wasn't the last hockey stick. but it was the last one of all the types you used to play. it just so happened to be the only one sidney used.
after a game of rock, paper, scissors (you won), sidney got mad and demanded a best of three. maybe it was the defiant look in his eyes at only seven years old, but you decided he could have the stick.
"are you sure?" he asked, now looking hesitant about taking the stick.
you nodded, "i'm sure. they'll get one of the sticks i use in a few days. you can have this one. i'll just steal my brother's stick until then."
sidney grinned, "thanks, y/n."
you smiled back at him, feeling the start of a friendship. you'd lived near him your entire life, but you'd only begun talking to him because of hockey.
"just don't forget to send me a card when you go to one of your tourneys," you told him.
you and sidney laughed over that, before heading back home with your parents. it was after this day that you began to say hi to each other in the halls of school, that you decided to pair up for projects, that you became friends.
over the two months it took until christmas morning, you forgot about what you'd told him. but sidney didn't forget his promise.
and it was on december twenty fifth, that you received a post card in the mail from some place in quebec. a seven year old sidney had tried his best to make the letters look pretty, writing on the side, 'merry christmas, and thanks for the hockey stick, y/n. it helped me win!'
you peered in the envelope, finding a picture of sidney hoisting his giant hockey trophy. you smiled at that.
even though he was so far away, it felt like you were celebrating christmas together.
ii. (2004)
'sidney patrick crosby, you have got to be kidding me! you have a huge hotel, you're in finland, and you've got some of the best people with you. and yet, you're saying you wished you were here playing pond with the rest of us? you're crazy. anyways, make sure you score a goal or something, and have lots of fun! honestly, not scoring is fine if you have fun. good luck at the world juniors! i'll be cheering you on from back home :))'
you signed off the letter, sealing it and placing it to the side to deliver later.
at seventeen years old, sidney had become the only under-18 player at this year's world junior tournament for team canada. it was a thing to celebrate, but sidney was upset he would be missing the town's annual christmas pond hockey game.
you and him had played together on the same team for the last nine years, winning every time. this was the first time he wouldn't be here to help your team defend the title.
but that was okay, you thought as you packed up your christmas gear and made your way to the pond.
because sidney was going to play on your t.v. tomorrow, at the national level. it was his first time playing for canada, and you knew he was excited for that.
he just wasn't a fan of missing the small things.
it was why he'd began sending you letters and post cards as he moved around for tournaments and hockey games. they were cute souvenirs, and you didn't mind sending him a letter back.
you just wished he could've been here to celebrate christmas with the rest of you.
iii. (2009 - pretend ft was invented a year earlier)
"merry christmas, love."
you smiled, "merry christmas sid."
sidney adjusted his phone, fixing the facetime so you could see him better. you laughed as he struggled for a minute, finally getting a proper angle.
"don't move!" you said. "there, perfect. now your entire face is on my screen."
he laughed as he shook his head to himself.
the two of you had been friends for thirteen years before he worked up the courage to ask you out. and for the last two years of your relationship had been amazing. there were ups, like seeing him win the stanley cup, and there were downs, like seeing him take some uncalled for hits.
but you were happy. and so was sid.
the two of you had planned to celebrate christmas together in pittsburgh, until a family emergency had you coming back to nova scotia last minute.
everything turned out fine, but it was just too late to get a ticket back to pittsburgh.
even so, you and sid had found a way to work around that.
the two of you spent most of the day on the phone with each other, talking and laughing together. it wasn't what either of you had planned, but you made it enjoyable.
it was a great christmas.
iv. (2012)
"sidney, will you get down here already?"
"i'm coming, i'm coming," he called from upstairs.
you sighed, waiting for your husband to get up and get downstairs. christmas morning was the one morning you were happy to get out of bed, but it was also the one morning sid wanted to sleep in.
sam, sidney's dog, came down the stairs, curling around by the christmas tree as he waited for sid with you.
a few minutes passed before sidney made his way downstairs, eyes half closed but a sleepy smile plastered on his face to greet you.
"good morning, love," he pressed a kiss to your forehead. "merry christmas."
"merry christmas," you smiled, pressed a kiss to his jaw. "we eating breakfast first or presents first?"
"mmm, breakfast," sid decided.
"i knew you were going to say that," you laughed, pulling him along to the kitchen.
you'd already prepared breakfast before he came down. some eggs, sausage and bread. it was a good way to pass the time as you waited for sid to get downstairs.
the two of you took your seats, laughing as you ate breakfast and discussed how far you'd gone in life together.
"you almost tripped on the ice," he reminded you.
"no one told me i had to go out on the ice after you guys won," you argued. "i was so excited over you guys winning the stanley cup, i didn't even notice i was being ushered to the ice until i took my first step."
sid laughed as the two of you slowly made your way to the living room.
"here, open my present first," he said, rummaging under the tree to pull out a long, rectangular box.
the two of you had started the tradition of opening all of your sentimental gifts before the other cute ones. and even though you wanted to go first this year, you supposed it was alright if sid got this one.
you unwrapped the box, pulling out a familiar hockey stick. one that you'd given sidney eighteen years ago.
"oh my god," you muttered, tears building up in your eyes.
"i found it in my parent's garage last summer," he shrugged a little. "i remembered how badly you wanted it. and even though it's too small now, i thought you'd like the memory."
"i love it," you grinned, wiping the corners of your eyes. "it's absolutely perfect. i'm putting this up next to that picture of you holding up the trophy."
sid laughed at your response, pressing a kiss to your forehead.
"you can do whatever you like with it."
you put the stick to the side, your hands slightly shaky as you grabbed another, much smaller, box. "here. now open my present."
sid took the box from your hands, unwrapping it and opening it. he stared at the contents of the box, unable to form a sentence as he looked between the box and you.
"you -- this -- seriously?" his eyes shined as he stared at you.
you nodded, feeling the tears build up yourself. "we're having a baby."
sid laughed, pulling you in for a hug. "oh my god, this is amazing. a baby, you and me."
the two of you held each other that day, celebrating christmas together.
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sc0tters · 9 months
okay but like maybe rory having her first like fight or scrum or smth and everyones just really proud of her cause she handled it like a fucking badass
It wasn’t her brightest moment to put it nicely.
Playing up in Detroit it felt like the pressure was on to make her parents and Luke proud as they watched on.
But that struggled to happen when Joe Veleno didn’t stop trying to force Rory in to the board until the second quarter when he finally got enough momentum to knock her off of her feet doing it.
Before the other penguins player could get over there to help her up Rory got herself off of the ice before she tapped the red wings player on the shoulder causing him to turn around where she had the perfect line of sight.
Rory used the skills that Quinn and Jack taught her as she made her hand turn into a fist and brought up straight up the boys face with speed.
Her hand hit the bottom of his nose and his two front teeth (she was very proud to say that she made someone lose their teeth in her first fight). So this like really gets both teams riled up with anger.
Now the other penguins players act because they don’t want her getting hurt.
As she’s skating to the benched to get subbed off the jumbotron shows all of her families reactions:
Jim and Luke are laughing at the replays because they always swore that Rory packed that punch.
Ellen is sat with her head in her hands as she had just given Jack a speech to behave more like his sister did.
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fallinallincurls · 2 years
"Please don't shoot me for this" *proceeds to kiss her* or "lift your hips for me, love" AARON FJDJSKZ WARNER.
Your choice- Seguin, Oleksiak, Crosby
i'm going with sid for this one!! 18+ themes here so just keep that in mind
this is not how you imagined the night ending, not that you were complaining.
you've been seeing sidney for a few weeks and he's been nothing but a gentleman from the beginning. thoughtful dates, sweet kisses and kind words that matched his caring actions.
tonight though, something shifted when you left the restaurant and got a little more handsy than usual in the back of the car. there's a look of lust in sid's pretty eyes that you haven't seen yet and you can hardly breathe whenever he deepens the kiss or lets out a small moan against your lips.
pressed against the back of your front door now, you can't help but give in to the moment. you want him just as bad and there's nothing holding you back.
sid's soft touch ignites you as he trails kisses down your neck and his hands slip under the fabric of the dress you chose to wear to dinner. it's too much to bear and you tangle your fingers in his hair while holding him impossibly closer.
"sid, please." you almost beg, just wanting more from him. anything.
"what do you want, baby?" he asks, voice deep and soft but full of lust at the same time.
"you. you. you."
that's all sidney needs to hear before lifting you up and heading right to your bedroom.
once your back hits the soft mattress and sid is settled between your legs, his hands are already working at removing your dress as you do the same with his shirt. soon, you're both half dressed and a shock goes right to your core with what sid says next.
"lift your hips for me, love." sidney murmurs, fingers hooked in your panties. without any hesitation, you do what he says and let yourself get lost in him for the rest of the night.
bre's three year tumblraversary!
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harlowhockeystick · 5 months
y/n just wants the best for her son, she thinks the program rule of no freshmen players on varsity is stupid. she just did what any mother would do...right?
coach!sidney crosby x teacher!single mom!reader
warnings: angst, smut (fingering, handjob, sex on a table), somewhat of an inappropriate relationship, single parent content, light talk of divorce, lowkey based off of "slut!" by taylor swift
word count: 4,244
a/n: look at that....i do still know how to write
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The bitterness of the coffee wasn’t doing it’s job. On her third cup and it’s not even ten in the morning, Y/N waits for the next period of students to walk through her door. Taking in one of the few moments of silence she has, she refreshes the page on the sports page on the school website, itching to see her son’s name. 
Carter had tryouts with the hockey team last week, he had been talking about it since the beginning of the month. He was training every day to make varsity; in leagues ever since he was ten years old every single coach and spectator could not brag enough on how much talent he had. Y/N was pressured to send him across the country, even out of the country, to go to the top hockey camps but as a single mother she couldn’t do it. She couldn’t bear to send her baby off to some strangers for a few months, and she couldn't afford to move away from family either. 
But her heart dropped as she refreshed the page, pulled up this season's roster, and saw her son’s name and number on the junior varsity roster instead of varsity. She didn’t understand it, she was told by the coaches herself that he was the best kid on the ice that day. Why didn’t he make varsity? 
Her questions were interrupted by students flooding into the classroom for the start of the next period. She pulled herself out of her thoughts to then teach this class period. Reluctantly though. 
The final bell rang and that meant she was done for the day. Saying goodbye to her students Y/N started to gather papers and put them in the “to grade” folder to take home with her before tidying up some areas of the room. She anticipated her son’s arrival. Ever since moving up to high school he always stopped by her room at the end of the day to talk about school and help her carry things to her car. 
“I didn’t make it.” Carter said as a greeting when he walked in the empty room. His face was defeated, his tall slender frame was slumped over in sadness and his eyes welling with tears. Out of all people Y/N knew and saw how hard he worked to make varsity his freshman year. He skated over fifty laps a day, worked on shots in the garage until way past dusk, he also started to lift more weights. 
“Oh baby, c’mere,” Y/N pulled her much taller son in for a hug. There he broke and rested into his mother's arms like a little kid again. He softly cried before pulling away. 
“I don’t get it mom, they told me i’d make it for sure, why would he tell me-” “Don’t worry about it son, I will talk to the coach first thing in the morning. I promise. But for now you have to play the cards you were dealt,” Y/N consoled her son in the way moms know how. Gathering her bags she gave the heaviest one to Carter to help carry out the building. They continued chatting on the way to her car, talking about school and homework he had for the week. Carter was a special kid, he deeply cared about his grade and education. He remembers promising his mom when he was younger that if he ever got to play hockey in college that he would get his degree and not go to the draft early. 
Carter was a momma’s boy through and through. His dad lived an hour away so he spent the weekends there twice a month, but he’s at his mom’s house the rest of the time. Carter is also protective of his mom too. He never told her this, but he’s beat in a couple boys’ faces because they made some lewd comments about her. He’s respectful of her, more than any other man on earth ever has been. Y/N is very proud of how she’s raised her son. 
“Okay son, go to practice. Have a positive attitude, don’t do anything stupid okay? I know you’re frustrated but just go into practice and do you, maybe they got you mixed up with someone else. But-” she saw his facial expressions change and get tense, she knew that he was still angry inside, “hey, don’t get mad at them. Wait until I talk and then you and I will figure something out.”
They walked in opposite directions, Carter to the athletic building and Y/N back to the school for one more item in her classroom. Hustling as best she can so she can get home, she runs into the person she didn’t want to speak to until in the morning. Coach Crosby. 
She felt her body coil and tense up in anger at just the sight. She was supposed to wait until morning, but her tongue got the best of her. 
“Coach! Hey, can I ask you a quick question?” she pulls him to the side, into an empty classroom where the teacher had left for the day. 
“What’s up?” Sidney asked, sitting down on one of the wooden desks. He was wearing black joggers, a tight pullover with a school cap on. Y/N couldn’t help but notice how the material of his clothing clung to his toned body. He had been out of the professional league for at least two years, but he still kept up the physical shape of his body, and it was obvious by the way his pants were stretching at the seams on his thighs. 
“I really don’t want to be that parent, but can you tell me why Carter didn’t make varsity?” Sidney cocks his head to the side. He’s only been on sight three months and he’s already dealing with this. 
“Well, it’s my understanding that freshmen must be on the JV team, no matter how good they are. That rule was put in place before I got here.” He explained while crossing his arms over his chest, his muscles making his pullover look incredibly small on his frame. “He’s a good kid though, he’ll make great improvements this year and I'll look forward to having him on varsity next year.” Sidney said, trying to end the conversation and smooth things over.
“But…you’re the new coach. This is your program now, not someone else’s.” Y/N couldn’t really understand what he was getting at. Did he not see the potential in her son that everyone seemed to say? Did he not see the great player, the great athlete that Carter was? Maybe it was just her being a mother, and so obviously her child is the best compared to other kids. But she swore she didn’t want to be like those parents. She remembers being a kid in youth sports herself and hated parents who thought their kid should be player of the week every week. In her mind, she needed to earn player of the week because of her work ethic, not because her parents were board members. 
“Right but I'm not trying to ruffle any feathers my first year. This is barely my program, I need to establish relationships before I change things here,” Y/N takes a step closer to Sidney, her hands folded in front of her. 
“But you’re Sidney Crosby, who can say no to you?” God she feels horrible for doing this, she feels like…like some junior league mom whose husband has nothing between his ears. But she thinks, if she can just rile him up for a minute, startle him, then he’ll change his mind and put Carter on varsity. That’s her end goal, get her son feeling better. If that means pretending to be a horny college student again, so be it. “I mean really, they had to give you this job cause they trust you. So obviously you can do what you want, like putting my son on your varsity team.”
He sighs, looking down at his shoes. He knows what she’s doing…and he can’t believe it’s sort of working. He hasn’t had a woman flirt with him in heaven knows how long. He doesn’t even know how to respond to such a thing anymore. His life for the past almost twenty years has been nothing but hockey. Sidney’s family has been asking him for a long time when he is going to settle down with someone, but nobody ever scratched that itch quite like hockey did. But now? That he’s got a woman in front of him, a gorgeous one at that, who’s buttering him up? Maybe he’ll give in…just to see what it feels like. 
“Your son is a hell of a player, Y/N. He really could go far,” His words got heavier as she got closer, he could smell her perfume, he could feel her breath, he could see her chest move up and down with every huff she took- “so put him on your team, Coach.” she put her hand on his chest softly and she sighed feeling his stern muscles. “C’mon, what’s it gonna take? Dinner and a show?” 
His eyes, dark and blown, looked into hers and if he remembers what the term eye fucking means then that’s exactly what they were doing. His breaths became short but heavy as she left a heavy hand on his chest. She rubbed her thumb over his cheek, trying her best to work her charm that she used to have. She hopes she’s still got it. 
He thinks, thinks, and thinks. This is a bad decision. 
“My place, six thirty tomorrow evening. Give me your best sales pitch, and we’ll see about the show.” 
Sidney stands up and for a brief second his nose bumps hers, an innocent touch but it makes him take a deep breath in to calm himself down. He exits the empty class room and takes long strides to get to practice, glancing at his watch he’s already a few minutes behind. 
She’s eternally grateful that Carter is with his dad this weekend. How could she explain to him that she’s not really going on a date…but she’s going to his coach's house with plans to seduce him..but again it’s not a date. Of course, she’d have to leave out the seducing part. She put on her best dress that she had, it was pretty simple but it hugged her figure nicely. She made sure to spritz some extra perfume on as well. 
The drive to Sidney’s house is silent, it’s her having fake conversations in her head about what to say or what not to say. Debating on if her seduction speech was still on date or if it’s too cheesy now. She suddenly feels like she lives in the lowest tax bracket possible when entering his neighborhood; she's never seen so many fake lawns before. She’s actually never been on this side of town much, except to look at christmas lights when Carter was younger. Now that he’s older he doesn’t care for that stuff anymore. 
“Nice place you’ve got,” she said walking into his entry way. To her surprise Sidney dressed up a little bit, wearing a button up with a nice pair of slacks, the top two buttons undone for visual purposes of course. He takes her coat and her purse, hanging it up by the door. “What’s on the menu?” 
“Well, I figured I'd go simple with just spaghetti and toast, with dessert to follow if that’s okay.” Sidney went into his pantry and pulled out a bottle of red wine. “This okay?” He holds the bottle in the air and she nods her head, sitting at his kitchen bar watching him pour a glass. She takes a glance at the label and she’s taken back. On her teacher salary she definitely can’t afford that brand.
Maybe she’s in over her head here- she didn’t think about any of this stuff. Suddenly she’s this woman who doesn’t have much to her name, sitting in a millionaire’s kitchen drinking wine that costs well over two hundred dollars- but damn if it doesn’t taste good. 
They make small talk before heading into the dining room where he sets dinner onto the table for her, such a gentleman. Continuing the semi dull conversation she thanks him for making a meal for her, joking that she’s never had a man make dinner for her. Only half true, her dad growing up would make dinners for her family. But when she married Carter’s dad, she was the chef in the family. Not that she was complaining, it was just odd for her to be on the reverse side for the first time in a while. 
“I am sorry about that idiotic rule, Y/N. Carter can easily be a varsity player.” Sidney broke the minute silence after finishing off his second glass of wine that night. She huffs, finishing her plate and scooting it away from her on the table. Was she really about to do this?
“Is there anything I can do, sidney? C’mon my boy’s in shambles, he’s thinking that he’s not as good as everyone makes him out to be,” Y/N reaches her hand out to rest on his softly. “Is there anything I can do?” 
Y/N hoped he knew what she was implying and that she didn’t have to say it out loud. 
And he did. 
He understood every word she said and the words that were left unsaid. He knew what she was implying and he knew what she was getting at. But Sidney hated that he was willing to do what she wanted. Y/N was leaning forward on the table, getting close enough to Sidney where he could smell her perfume and her lotion mixed together, he could see a couple small freckles up close as he couldn’t see them from a bit further away. 
There were no words exchanged between them, his eyes kept drifting from her tinted lips to her lustful eyes, back and forth a couple times before resting his hand on her cheek and pressing his lips against hers gently. Immediately he felt a rush of arousal- it’s just a kiss, really? He silently asked himself. He hadn’t gotten this aroused in a while, a long while. 
Both parties leaned into the kiss, wanting and aching for more. They tasted wine on each other and felt each other’s temperature begin to rise. Sidney got out of his chair, lips still connected to hers, and got closer. She stood up, one hand cupping his chin and the other resting on his chest, and she leaned against the dining table. She hadn’t made out with someone in years, she hopes she’s doing it right. 
She gets pushed onto the table just by the force of his body so now she’s sitting on the wooden table, Sidney standing in between her legs with both of his hands cupping her face. He doesn’t care if he seems desperate or if he seems needy, or if this is totally wrong and against almost all of the words he signed in his contract, he can’t seem to get enough of her. Sidney feels her play with the buttons of his shirt and how she begins to pull the shirt up and out of his dress pants. It was easy since he wasn’t wearing a belt. 
He didn’t even know that she completely unbuttoned his shirt until he felt her hands roam all over his naked chest, her hands slowly raking up and down his toned muscles. He takes a breath and scans her body. Her skin is hot to the touch, her eyes are completely blown now and her lips are parted. “How do I get this off you?” he asked, taking a fist of the hem of her dress.
“There's a tie in the back,” she huffed out, not able to take her hands off his body. Plus, she wants him to take it off of her. 
“You tied this yourself?” he asked in shock, surprised at how she tied such a perfect bow on her back with such thin strings. 
“I’ve been tying, zipping, buttoning my dresses myself for the past twelve years now, safe to say I got pretty good at it.” God- has she been alone for the past twelve years? Nobody to love on, kiss on, touch on this wonderful body of hers? Sidney takes in a sharp breath when he pulls the dress off of her and he gives her body a quick scan over. Wearing a strapless bra that she’s almost spilling out of, she has on silk leopard print panties that he can’t help but notice a significant damp spot on. 
“Fuck,” he mumbles, hands roaming over her soft skin. “Don’t make fun of me, it’s been a long time since I've hooked up with someone.” because that’s just what this is, a hookup. Nothing more, nothing less. 
“I haven’t since I got divorced, so it's the same here.” she hooks her leg around his pulling him closer. He pressed his lips against hers again this time most softly. His hand goes down to play with the hem of her panties, “you sure about this?” 
“Very sure, don’t mess with a pissed off mama sidney.” she pulls him down with her as she lays down on the table. He kisses down her body, she arches her back and lets him take her bra off. Tossing it onto the floor Sidney wraps his lips around one of her hardened nipples. She lets out a heavenly sounding moan at the action.
It’s been so long she could cum just from Sidney doing this for a couple minutes longer. One hand slips down over her clothed cunt, rubbing her sensitive and wet area. She arches her body into his, already she’s lost in a great euphoric high that she can’t even mumble words. All that’s coming out is moans and gasps. 
He removes his mouth and Sidney stands up, she watches up on her elbows as he takes his pants off and removes his boxers. She bites her lip at the size - the sight - of his hardened dick in his hand. She reaches out for it herself, “you’ll give me what I want, and I promise you won’t regret it.” he thought for a moment too long, she began to doubt herself but he spoke up, “deal.”
She licks her hand before taking a grip on his cock. Slowly she starts stroking up and down, keeping harsh eye contact with sidney. She gives him a nice squeeze and a twist of her hand which makes him throw his head back in pleasure. He can only do so much with his hand, it’s nice to have someone else for a change. Y/N scoots closer to him on the table, with one of his hands he works his hand over one of her breasts softly massaging it. She leans into his touch and continues to work her hands over his hard cock. 
He moves his hand from her breast down and slips it into her soaked panties. At first his fingers were a little cold but they quickly warmed up after being immersed in her sex. He circles around her clit a couple times, getting familiar with the female body again. He explores for a minute or two, his middle finger teasing her hole. The more he teases her the harder her grip gets on his cock. He pulls his hand out of her panties, they’ve never broken eye contact this whole time and he sucks everything off of his hand. God that was hot. 
Sidney removes her hand from his cock fearing if she kept going he would cum all over her hand and that wasn’t what he wanted to do. He’s panting heavy now, his body forming sweat on his forehead. He pushes her down onto the table with a palm on her chest lining his cock up with her entrance, “wait do I need any-”
She chuckles, “that ship sailed a while ago, just fuck me like you mean it coach.” 
With her permission she slides in and she lets out a long, loud, moan as he does it. He wants to hear that on repeat for the rest of his life, he swears. Sidney puts both hands on her hips, keeping her body steady as he rocks in and out of her, his hips meeting her every time. 
Sidney allows to feel himself in her warm, wet walls. He throws his head back in pleasure and she shuts her eyes tight. Her hands come up to her breasts to add to the pleasure, fingers pinching both of her nipples as she feels his huge cock pump in and out of her small hole. He feels like he’s three feet deep inside of her, he feels lost in how good she feels. His head grows foggy each time he squeezes her. 
Sidney hits the spongy spot in her tight cunt that made her gasp out in pleasure, she sang his name like a chant over and over which made him fuck her harder and harder. She warned him about her orgasm and he did the same, begging her to cum with him. A few more pumps of his cock he spilled his heavy load inside of her and she moaned loudly like a queen when he did. He pulled his cock out of her, watching his load spill out with it. 
Maybe it was the post orgasm haze she was in, maybe it was the lovestruck feeling she had the minute they began making out, but minutes later she’s standing between him and the cold shower wall. His forehead pressed against hers. His fingers knuckle deep in her cunt and a hand wrapped around her throat as hot water rained down on either of them, her cunt squeezing his thick fingers while she couldn’t even say anything but his name. That’s exactly what he wanted. 
The hot shower water kept her eyes shut but she knew that he was gazing at her. He was in awe of her facial expressions, how she bit her lip through a smile with every jerk he made with his hand, when she furrowed her eyebrows when she was on the edge of cumming, and how she cocked her head to the side while he kissed around her neck silently asking for more. 
He took his hand away from her pussy, licking the honey off his fingers. He stayed that close to her though knowing her legs were probably jello and she wasn’t able to stand for at least a minute or two. 
She took a deep breath, “got what you wanted?” she asked in a joking tone, moving her hand up and down his chest in the hot steamy shower. He chuckled, his hands never leaving her body. He palmed her breasts, he seemed to have a thing for those she contemplated, heavy lustful eyes staring into hers. 
“How many more you got in you?” he asked, spreading her legs with his thigh.
“I can give you as much as you want.” Y/N answered, her hands slowly roaming down lower and lower on his chest and stomach. 
“Then no, I didn’t get what I want yet.”
She woke up in Sidney’s bed the next morning with messy hair and sore muscles. Looking over on the nightstand the clock read 8:02 AM. She was glad that it was a Saturday and she was able to sleep in. She saw that Sidney was still asleep, he laid on his stomach with his head facing the other way. Looking over his back, studying the freckles, the faded scars. Y/N wants to stay in this moment for as long as she can. 
She hates to admit but she really fell for Sidney. Not because of how skilled he was in bed, or because he could do wicked things with his hands, but she shared a few heartfelt conversations with him before tryouts even began. 
He cared for the kids at school, the kids he taught and the kids he coached. He had a heart for the coming generation. He wanted them to have someone in their corner, and some kids don’t have that at home and he wants to be that. She got lovestruck in the past few months, sure she never planned on sleeping with him, she felt young again with how big of a crush she had. It went straight to her head, it all moved so fast. 
God if her mother were still here she could just hear the word “slut!” come out of her mouth if her mom found out what happened. But she wouldn’t care. She enjoyed it, and she was sure Sidney enjoyed it too. 
But still, she can’t help but think to herself what did I just do?
Sidney turns his head and sees that she’s also awake. Raising up he sees the time, 8:10. He doesn’t even care that he missed his morning workout session an hour late. He puts his arm around her and pulls her closer to him, tucking his head in her neck. With dry lips Sidney placed a tender lingering kiss on her hot skin.
It might be worth it for once, she thinks. 
feedback | masterlist | au tag
tagging mutuals to boost, let me know if you don’t want to be tagged! @fallinallincurls @nylwnder @bitchinbarzal @ilyasorokinn @leafsbabe @twinklelilstarkey @raysofcrosby @lcandothisallday
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thedevilrisen · 25 days
sidney/jack/quinn (any of them) catching luke and nova making out
"Dad! Luke and I will be in my room." Nova called as she brought walked hand in hand with her boyfriend up the stairs.
"Alright, leave the door open please?" Sid had asked, her didn't think they were the type of kids to do anything stupid but it made him feel better knowing that the door was open.
"Yeah!" Nova had called back down, once they crossed the thresh hold of Nova's room she turned and spoke to Luke. "Welcome!"
Luke admired Nova's room, he could see that she had made it hers. Nova flopped onto her bed and dragged Luke down with her. They were laying face to face.
"Hi." Luke had whispered. Smiling at her.
"Hey." Nova had smirked, leaning forward slightly, brushing their lips together. Luke's hand reached around the back of her waist, tugging her closer so her body was flushed with his, he deepened this kiss, licking along the seem of Nova's lips, asking for entry. Nova opened her mouth into the kiss as Luke's tongue licked in. Nova had roped her fingers in the curls around the nape of Luke's neck, Lukes hand slipped up the back of Nova's shirt to caress her waist.
"Hey did you guys wa-" Sidney was startled, "Uhm did you guys want some pizza?"
Nova tried to make herself a little more presentable, pulling her shirt down and fixing her her, "Yeah Dad, that would be great."
"Uh, yep alright. Be downstairs in five, please? Oh and Luke, maybe refrain from trying to shove your tongue too far down her throat, she has to do a speech on Monday." Sid had said.
"Uh, yeah, sorry Mr. Crosby."
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theywantedplayer · 1 year
All Categories 
who i write for 
Jamie Draysale 
“shit I didn't mean to say that”
Loved so dearly
“Its midnight where the hell were you
Doing nothing with you
“my friends are really annoyed about how much I talk about you” “you’re staring”
Sparks fly-Taylor Swift
Thin walls NSFW
Good morning NSFW
Happy Birthday NSFW
"please kiss me" "stay quiet" NSFW
“ it’s okay just breathe” “look at me, please?” 
“I’m not leaving”
Trevor zegras
“... " " "Wanna make out?" "Sure" “ the second I saw you I couldn't get over how beautiful you were”
“You're kinda cute in this” “only kinda.”"Did you see that?" "You saw that right?"
“someone’s happy to see me” “you bought me flowers?”
Picking fights 
he didnt say it 
“don’t fucking touch what is not yours”  “Shh.. I’m here”
“oh hun, i wish you wouldn’t work yourself so hard” “you look exhausted”
“first one to make noises loses” NSFW
Just one more NSFW
Moth to a flame NSFW
Long Day  NSFW
Auston Matthews
“No, no, please don’t look sad. I can’t handle that.” 
“don’t fucking touch what is not yours” NSFW
I only want you 
I think Your enough 
I wouldn’t do that to you” “i’m going to fuck your so hard you’re going to forget that guys name”
“You take me so well.” “Spread your legs wider.” NSFW
You comfort Austin after they get eliminated in the second round
paparazzi NSFW
“I’ve been in love you for years”
Jack Hughes 
This is how you celebrate a win NSFW
“Shh im here”
All stars
First time NSFW
Jersey NSFW
Shower sex NSFW
Luke Hughes
“ i love you the way you are, okay? you don’t need to change. ”
High and dry NSFW part 2
My boyfriends Brother NSFW
Finally alone NSFW
“No, no, please don’t look sad. I can’t handle that.”
Quinn Hughes 
“im just trying to help you” “Please, talk to me’’
soft spot
“Baby can you please shut the fuck up”
“do you think I dropped my walls like this for anybody?”
"i’m going to fuck your so hard you’re going to forget that guys name”NSFW
you’re so fucking hot when you’re mad”“ you’re blushing” “am not” 
Submissive quinn NSFW
Flight NSFW
Brock Boeser
andrei kuzmenko
Nico hischier
Captain NSFW
“I wish you wouldn’t work yourself so hard”
Golden gold
“come and sit on my face and i’ll show you how much i missed you” NSFW
Fair amount 
The purse 
Dirty talk NSFW
Little things
HandCuff’s+Blindfold NSFW
Arber Xhekaj 
I wanted to see you
Kirby dach
Cole caulfield
Feeling lost
“Why isn't he getting up?”
“I’ll never be good enough”“I wish you could see yourself how I see you”
Talking to yourself
“No panties?” NSFW
In every room NSFW
Sidney Crosby 
“Will you dance with me? Please, pretty please!” 
“I missed you so much” & “ you bought me flowers?”
“i love you the way you are, okay? you don’t need to change. 
“Don't listen to them” “Because I know you” 
“Hey…..be safe”  “ you’re not even listening” 
Juraj Slafkovsky 
“I just wanted to be held for a while”
"everything about you amazes me"
“don’t yell at me in a language i don’t understand!” “please don’t cry, i’m sorry” 
Mitch marner  
“you’re crying” and “i missed you so much” 
“you were crying.” “you’re warm.”
Second Chance 
“I get so hard when i’m around you“ 
Needy Mitch  NSFW
Carter Hart
Mat Barzal
“You smiled! I saw it, so no denying it.” and “You’re definitely the only person I would do this for.”
andrei svechnikov
Fastest Skater goes to?
“i’m going to fuck your so hard you’re going to forget that guys name” NSFW
leon draisaitl
“first one to make noises loses”
“come and sit on my face and i’ll show you how much i missed you” NSFW
"so, how much longer do you plan on using me as your personal space heater?"“Please kiss me.”
Jeremy Swayma
“no panties?”“Do you want my fingers?" NSFW
Morning kisses 
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doc-pickles · 9 months
hat trick | sidney crosby
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summary: sidney goes three for three on and off the ice.
warnings: mentions of sex, kids, pregnancy, morning sickness, breeding kink if you squint
a/n: this is my first hockey fic! I missed writing so this was a fun little intro back into it. enjoy!
xoxo nina
You sighed as you settled onto the couch, watching as the Penguins skated off the ice. They’d just been eliminated in the first round of playoffs after a tough five game series. You knew Sidney would be devastated when he came home the next day.
What you weren’t expecting was Sidney coming home before 6 AM. You were still fast asleep when a pair of arms wrapped around your waist, pulling you close.
“Mmm Sid? You’re not to supposed to be back till noon,” you mumbled as Sidney’s hand trailed under your sleep shirt.
“Missed my favorite girl,” Sidney’s words were muffled as his lips pressed to your neck, eliciting a low moan from you.
You rolled onto your back and looked up at Sidney whose lips were trailing over your skin, “As much as I love you, the sun isn’t even up yet. Did you even change before you jumped in bed?”
“No, I’m on a mission,” Sidney’s lips were still pressed to your skin as he spoke, his hands trailing up your sides to brush at the curve of your breasts. “I’m gonna win the Cup next year.”
You giggled as Sidney stripped off your shirt and his before his lips met yours in a hot kiss. You pulled back, meeting his eyes, “Which is a great goal babe, but I don’t see how us having sex has anything to do with that.”
“Our baby is gonna sit in the Stanley Cup next year,” Sidney grinned down at you.
“What baby?”
“The baby I’m going to put into you,” Sidney’s voice was low and thick as his fingers reached down and slipped under the lace of your panties, coaxing a low gasp from your lips. “Gotta start now, there’s no time to waste babe.”
Your words were cut off as Sidney kissed you once more, his fingers slowly sliding into you. You’d talked about kids before, but you always thought he was the more hesitant one. His eagerness to start trying right away made you smile as his teeth gently sunk into the delicate skin of your neck.
“Fuck baby,” Sidney groaned as he leaned away to look at you. “Can’t wait to fill you up, see you growing with my baby.”
You blinked up at Sidney as he waited for you to answer the question hanging between you. With a small grin you reached up and threaded your fingers through his hair, leaning your forehead against his.
“Well what are you waiting for? Put a baby in me Captain.”
The excitement in the arena was contagious as Sid skated across the ice, the Stanley Cup held high above his head. Your husband had never looked so happy, his grin threatening to overtake his face as he skated over to you.
“I’m so proud of you baby,” you grinned as Sidney pulled you in and gave you a passionate kiss. “So freaking proud.”
“I love you,” Sidney grinned before extending his arms towards his mom who was standing behind you. “Hand her over, I’ve been waiting far too long for this.”
Trina grinned as Sidney kissed her cheek and then took the baby in her arms. Your daughter Sophie was only three months old but she wore a bright smile as her dad brought her against his chest. Tears threatened to run down your cheeks as Sidney leaned down to place her in the top of the Stanley Cup, cameras flashing all around you.
“C’mere,” Sidney gestured to you and you quickly pressed yourself into his hold. “Wouldn’t be here without you. I love you baby.”
“I love you too Sid.”
“Babe! I’m home!”
You groaned as your head rested against the cool porcelain of the toilet bowl, your stomach churning as you took deep breaths. You could hear Sidney come into the house, dropping his bag and ducking into Sophie’s room before heading towards your bedroom.
You went to answer but your stomach decided to roll unpleasantly and you’re bent over the toilet again as you gagged.
A warm hand rested on your back as you groaned, your body lurching forward again. Sidney pulled your hair back from your face.
“You need me to go get anything for you,” Sidney asked as you finally stopped puking, your head resting on his chest. “Meds or some soup and crackers?”
You shook your head as you groaned, “No I’m fine. I just wanna nap.”
“You sure you don’t need anything? I love you but you look awful,” Sidney pushed your hair away from your face as he pressed a kiss to your head.
“I’m fine,” you sighed as you leaned further into his hold. “Your demon spawn is just trying to take over my body.”
“What the hell does that… Wait,” Sidney leaned back and looked you over. “You’re pregnant?”
You let a small grin take over your face, “Don’t sound so shocked, you’re the one that insisted we celebrate the Cup win everyday for two weeks. Multiple times. I’m pretty sure this baby is a result of a shit ton of champagne and the time you dragged me into the broom closet during that gala.”
“Hey! This baby was not conceived in a broom closet,” Sidney grinned as he leaned down and pressed his lips to your forehead. “I love you. And I’m excited for another little one to chase around.”
“I’m excited to, but I’d love to stop puking up my guts,” you smirked as Sid squeezed your shoulders.
“Sophie! Stop running, you know I can’t keep up with you!”
You groaned as your four year old raced ahead of you through the crowds of the arena. While Sophie had grown up within the walls of the PPG Paints Arena seeing her sprint through the halls still made your heart flip. Thankfully Taylor took off after her, scooping the little girl into her arms.
“Oh sweetheart, you need a nap,” Trina Crosby settled her hand on your shoulder as she sidled up next to you. “Running after two babies is hard work enough, throw in another one on the way. I’m sure you’re exhausted.”
You smiled and hoisted Violet higher on to your hip. Trina and Taylor had both offered to carry her but the little girl was glued to your side, even with your nine month baby bump in the way.
“I’m okay for now. Besides, this could be Sid’s last time winning the Cup, I’m not going to miss it for anything,” you grinned and settled a hand in your bump. Your third baby was giving you a hard time today but you tried to silently convey to them that this game was important. “Plus Taylor has Sophie covered and all Vi wants is cuddles.”
Troy chuckled as he joined your group, placing a hand on your shoulder, “And what will you do if this next one is a spitfire boy like Sid?”
“Hand him off to his dad,” you grinned as Trina and Troy both laughed. You headed into the suite behind them, settling into a chair as Violet scrambled toward Troy who gladly hoisted her up.
Game seven of the Stanley Cup finals was eventful, everyone in the suite cheering loudly as Sidney scored his first and second goal of the night. Sophie was bouncing excitedly between Taylor and Trina while Troy was trying to explain the game to Violet who simply kept yelling ‘penguin!’ any chance she got.
“C’mon boys! You got this,” you yelled as you watched the Penguins battling it out on the ice. “Let’s go Sid!”
You watched with bated breath as the tied game ticked down to its final seconds, Sidney commandeering the puck and shooting it into the goal for win and a complete hat trick.
Trina, Troy, Taylor, and you cheered loudly as Sidney and his teammates celebrated their victory. Sophie and Violet cheered as well, not quite knowing what was happening but excited none the less.
You and the Crosby’s headed down to the ice to congratulate Sidney on another win. Your hand floated down to your bump as a sharp kick from your third child hit you, “I know, you’re excited too. But can we settle down a bit please?”
“Baby giving you trouble?” You grinned widely as Sidney skated up to you, placing a hand across your bump as he leaned down to kiss you.
“Congrats baby,” you smiled as you placed your hand on Sidney’s chest. “I’m so proud of you.”
“Couldn’t have done it without you,” Sidney mumbled into your hair as he pulled you close. “You and the girls and this little one mean more to me than the Cup.”
“But the Cup is sure nice,” you giggled as Sid looked over your shoulder at the Stanley Cup.
“Sure is,” Sidney laughed just as the baby produced a harsh kick against his hand. “Hey there buddy, you excited about the win too? Once you get here I’ll sit you in the Cup, promise.”
Sophie ran up behind you, looping herself around Sidney’s legs. “Daddy! You won again!”
Sidney hoisted Sophie up, Violet reaching for you from Troy’s arms. With both girls between you and your husband, you smiled as the Penguins media team snapped photos of your family. You were notoriously private about your kids but today was a celebration for Sidney so you didn’t mind sharing your family moment with the world.
“You’re missing this Cap,” Kris skated over with the Stanley Cup, settling it in front of you and Sidney. “Honorary family member.”
“I think it’s Vi’s turn to sit in the cup,” Sidney grinned as Violet smiled up at him. “C’mere pretty girl. Crosby tradition, littlest one sits on top.”
Sophie wiggled out of Sidney’s arms as he took Violet from you, the 18 month old smiling widely as her father placed her in the top of the silver cup. You smiled for a few more photos before the celebration continued. You stayed glued to Sidney’s side as he accepted congratulations from everyone, his hand rested against your bump as he held you close.
“Mommy! You peed your pants,” Sophie gasped as she pointed at your leggings that were now sporting a dark stain. You could feel the wetness seeping through the fabric just as a sharp pain radiated through your stomach.
“Sid we might need to take this celebration elsewhere,” you looked up and met your husbands wide eyes. “Looks like the baby really was excited to celebrate.”
Excitement buzzed around you as everyone scrambled to get you and Sidney out of the arena as quickly as possible. You let Trina fawn over you, checking to be sure you had everything and assuring you they’d take care of the girls.
Once you and Sidney were settled in your car with an escort out of the crowded parking lot you turned to him with a grin, “Going for the double hat trick?”
Sid’s brows furrowed as he glanced over at you, “Double?”
“Yeah baby number three means you’ve officially achieved the dad hat trick,” you grinned and Sidney chuckled as his hand gripped yours. “I’m so proud of you Sid. You were amazing tonight.”
“Thanks baby,” Sidney smiled and pressed a kiss to the back of your hand. “Ready?”
“As I’ll ever be.”
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holy-puckslibrary · 3 months
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sid to a furry friend's rescue!
florist!reader gets flustered during sid's calendar shoot
parents mentors for the day
chief crosby's got a date... and its not with florist!reader
... was in a bit of a silly goofy mood, forgive me (and be sure to read the endnotes!)
gif from @littlemessyjessi
This is the last thing Sidney Crosby imagined he'd come home to: another man settled in his chair.
His cat is curled in the intruder's lap, and said intruder's hand is curled over your knee. And Sidney's soup—homemade and hand-delivered—split in bowls between you.
"Thought you didn't need a babysitter?"
Sidney watches the gleeful expression wilt on your pretty face—color drained like his bank account succeeding the egregious bid he matched to make bail—with equal measures of self-satisfaction and self-contempt.
"I-I didn't, I just—"
"Settle down, Chief," the ranger laughs. "I knew our little lady here was feeling under the weather, so I thought I'd stop by after my patrol shift and keep her company while you were indisposed."
Sidney glares into the bright cerulean eyes of one Anthony Beauvillier, a park ranger in the Atlantic Coast Uplands region.
If memory serves, he was recently transferred from Waverley to Blue Mountain but resides in Peggy's Cove. This is a 50-minute detour.
In the opposite direction.
The Fire Chief's jaw is painfully tight, his blood scalding. If it were't for his, albeit dwindling, sense of self preservation, Sidney would've marched up those two steps—recently refurbished at his hand, might he add—to forcefully remove the park narc's grubby paw from your body.
Mercifully—for all involved parties, you do so shortly and of your own volition before joining Sid in your driveway.
Guilt smeared over your sickly features, your mouth parts, an explanation hot on your tongue, but all that comes is a grizzly cough that stings Sid's chest just hearing it. Despite his vexation, he's patient with you; he owes it to you both to wait it out. He hopes this is just one big misunderstanding somehow.
But, before you're able, the absolute last person Sidney wants to hear from pipes up.
"Resting, ma biche. You're meant to be resting," Tito attempts to coax you back onto the porch—back to his side—with an outstretched, up-turned hand.
(my doe / my darling — reminder: see end for important notes!)
Not as quick with his French as he'd like to be, he growls at the perceived insult. However, rather than running his fist through the opposition's teeth in your honor, Sidney defiles it.
The park ranger, and everyone else who happens to be out and about tonight, are treated to an unexpected eyeful of their Fire Chief's innermost feelings rushing to the surface. They pour into your mouth with reckless abandon, unconcerned with his public image or the utter lack of privacy; this kiss could be broadcast on the Nightly News for all he cares.
All that matters to Sidney Crosby is making his intentions known, and crystal fucking clear. Staking his claim is just a bonus.
"Well, it looks like my work here is done."
At your dazed expression and Sid's bewilderment, Tito stands from the rocking chair with a genuine smile fixed on his face. As he deposits evergreen Stetson atop his wind-swept hair, he pauses.
"Y'all have a nice night," he winks with a tip of the brim, bidding you farewell before slipping into his government-issued Ram.
As gravel crunches under the vehicle's wheels, gears click into place behind Sidney's burnt umber eyes, now gleaming with clarity.
"Nate and Emmy." — Statement, not a question.
"Please, don't be angry. They just wanted to help because... because I didn't believe that... y'know." You gesture to the sliver of space that still separates you, a bashful little smile pushing up your feverish cheeks.
He couldn't find it in himself to be ticked off about your best friends' not-so-harebrained scheme—which, honestly, deserved more credit than he would ever be willing to give it—if he wanted to. Not while standing so close he can smell the PEI tulips you've been elbow-deep in all month, and definitely not having tasted the whisper of herbal tea lingering on your tongue.
Smirking, he closes the gap with a gentle tug.
"Oh, I know." Voice dropping to a thick hush, his lips hovering a lick above your skin, "D'you believe it now?"
The pinkish skin crinkles around his warm eyes as you pretend to think.
"I could do with a little more... convincing," you ultimately quip. "But, only if you're up for the t—"
The remainder of your cajoling is overtaken by a fit of giggles as he corrals you up and across the porch. The front door slams shut with a satisfying air of finality. Though, not before little Ember slips in with you.
Chief Crosby was thorough by nature, and he'd be damned if he didn't dedicate the evening to dispelling any and all doubts threatening to take root. Feigned, or not.
gotcha! teehee 😋 sid really said sick germs?? no match for my LOVE!!! ALSO! tito anon, this ones for you bbyyyyy 💓💓💓💓
***** 'ma biche' was chosen because its typically humorous and rarely intended seriously, + can be considered majorly outdated (even by 60s sitcom standards)—and its not always romantic! ... it also sounds a lot like an english insult, hence sid's reaction lol (at least, according to my french-canadian grandmother who remains very confused by my random call for a french lesson on infrequently used terms of endearment lol) *****
as always, i would really appreciate if you reblogged my work, left a comment or dropped by my inbox w some feedback :) fandom runs on engagement, and so do writers!! thx a mil in advance!
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ilyasorokinn · 2 years
(day four) not so alone , sidney crosby
note, this fic is part of my christmas series called taylor's very merry christmas series. check out this masterlist for the rest of the series. pair, sidney crosby x reader summary, y/n and sid are staying in pittsburgh for christmas this year, with their families coming out to visit instead. y/n heard through the grapevine that some of the guys weren’t going home, so she decided to welcome them over so they weren’t so alone. warnings, baby + kids (baby rakell & little geno) word count, 853 words
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(gif not mine)
"I got everything on the list, but is there anything else you need?" Sidney asked. Before practice, you had given him a list of things you needed for your big Christmas dinner.
"Well, we need dog food, but I can pick that up tomorrow." You looked over at your two dogs.
"No, I got it." You could hear the cart being pushed down the aisle from the other line, "Anything else?"
"Well, there is one thing." You held your breath.
"What is it?"
"I heard about a couple of the guys weren't going home, so I was wondering..." You paused, "I thought we could invite them over to our house."
"Invite them over?" He repeated.
"Yeah," You smiled, "No one should be alone on Christmas, Sid."
He let out a laugh, "Yeah, of course we can.”
You smiled, "All right, you finish shopping, then come home, and we can talk about how we're gonna do this."
"All right, I'll speedrun the rest of your list."
"Thank you. See you soon."
"See you soon."
Sidney got home and you discussed your new dinner plan and how you were gonna get another long table now that you had even more guests.
Before it was just gonna be your parents plus your sister, his parents and Geno plus Anna and Nikita, but after, you calculated that it was
While you were in charge of the menu, Sidney was in charge of cleaning, getting the house ready, and inviting his teammates over.
So, after practice, while everyone was getting ready to leave, that’s when he thought it was the best time to do it.
“All right, one more thing before you all go.” He announced, gathering everyone’s attention, “Mrs. Crosby heard some of you weren’t going home for Christmas this year, so if you don’t have anywhere to go, our home is open for you.”
They all nodded, appreciative looks on their faces as they all went back to what they were doing. After they all finished up, a few guys approached him.
He looked at the 4 guys in front of him, Jarry, Rakell, Kapanen, and Joseph, and smiled. Before they could even open their mouths, “Be there at 4.” They all nodded and were on their way.
On Christmas, you and Sidney were rushing around the house. Sweeping, vacuuming, and making sure everything was in tip-top shape.
Your parents were also in town, so they were helping out where they could. The first to arrive were the Malkins, and they arrived with a very nice bottle of wine. The moment Nikita stepped into your house, he was running off to play with your dogs.
Geno brought the dish they brought into the kitchen, and while Sidney followed him, you and Anna made your way into the living room with glasses of wine already in hand.
Not long after the Malkin’s arrived was when everyone else started arriving too. Tristan and his fiancé arrived with a nice bottle of wine.
Then Kappy and PO Joseph came together, looking dapper as ever. You opened the door, holding one of your dog's collars so they wouldn't run out the door.
You smiled at them, and smiled even brighter when you noticed the bouquet of flowers in Pierre's hands, "Glad you guys could make it." You gave them each a brief hug as you were handed the flowers.
"Thank you for inviting us."
Lastly to arrive were the Rakell’s, which you didn’t fault for being late due to the baby, who was now fast asleep in your arms.
You all congregated around the table and began talking amongst each other, enjoying the food prepared.
Due to the sleeping child in your arms, you couldn't really cut or eat any of your food, so Sidney did the work for you. He cut up the turkey into smaller pieces and spoon-fed food to you.
"I just wanted to thank everyone for coming." You announced looking around the table, "I know it was last minute, but I really do believe that no one should be alone on Christmas, so thank you." You smiled at everyone as you bounced the sleeping baby in your arms.
"Thank you." Emmeli, Rickard's wife smiled, "Thank you for welcoming us into your home. It means more to us than we can say." You smiled happily before taking your seat again, leaning into Sidney’s arms.
After everyone had gone home with heaps of leftovers and everyone staying over at your home had retreated into their rooms for the night, you and Sidney spent some time cleaning up the easy stuff, pushing all the harder stuff for the next morning.
“So, I saw how you were with Daisy,” He started, shooting you a smirk.
“Don’t start.” You shook your head, “You were the exact same way. You were giving her goo-goo eyes and playing peek-a-boo all night.”
“I’m not denying it.” He raised his hands in surrender.
“I’m perfectly happy where we are right now.”
“All right, but what wasn’t a no,”
“No, it wasn’t.” You shook your head as you set some plates by the sink to deal with the next morning.
my taglist: @kolsmikaelson @ashleymarine @laurenairay @kidlnthedark @bowen-power @nhlrbs @lam-ila @puckinrightschicagoo @stars-canucks @iwantahockeyhimbo @2manytabsopen @owenpowersglasses @calermakar08 @hamilton160 @pierrelucduboiis @thescooby-gang @huggybearmylove43 @sammysworldddd @corneliaskates @mista-svech @paintlavillered @fallinallincurls @samanthasgone @hockeyboysarehot @maximoff-xmen @nicoleloveshockey @thedukes-56-5 @hockeyunits @puckmetwice @bxdbxtxh15 @pensfan5871 @sidcrosbyspuck @consflame @kaydenissleepy @Yagetintoitseventieswhore @MichelleKirby30 @jamieeboulos @Coffeeandteaandflowers @bibella8swan @cuttergauth @boqvistsbabe @sophia-bordeleau @madison-nhl
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jackhues · 7 months
🦋sidney crosby🦋
midnight rain - taylor swift
also, i promise i don't hate new york, this just fit 😭 also i rlly like this! and there are time jumps between each block of lyrics!
don't forget to like and reblog!
my town was a wasteland full of cages, full of fences pageant queens and big pretenders but for some, it was paradise
born and raised in new york, you thought you knew how to navigate the entire world.
it was the 'concrete jungle', it was a place where people went to find themselves, it was a place where they went if they wanted to be someone.
you knew so many "actors" or "singers". people from your elementary school who were convinced they were going to get their big break eventually.
you saw the cages, the fences -- you saw the grip the city had on everyone. if they became famous, they revolved their entire life around it. once someone entered the city, they rarely left.
of course, those people saw the city as paradise.
my boy was a montage a slow-motion, love potion jumping off things in the ocean
sidney was everything those caught in the grasp of your city weren't.
he was a small town canadian boy. he played hockey because it was fun, because it was what he loved. but he never cared for the fame it brought him.
he was a boy with a bright smile and no worries. he was a breath of fresh air from the city that tried to drown you.
"c'mon, follow me," he said one day, taking your hand.
you were returning from a dinner date, and instead of going home, he decided to take you somewhere else.
you followed him through the alleys and roads, surprised at how well he knew your city.
"just a little further," he promised, helping you up a fire escape.
the two of you climbed all the way to the top, freezing at the sight. there weren't many stars in new york, but the lights of the skyscrapers from this height were just as pretty.
"it's beautiful," you realized. for the first time... your city looked beautiful to you.
"it really is," he agreed.
you didn't have to look to know he was staring at you and not the lights.
in the city that threw you to the darkness, sidney still managed to help you find the light.
i broke his heart 'cause he was nice he was sunshine, I was midnight rain he wanted it comfortable i wanted that pain
"so that's it?" sidney asked. "you're just -- you're just tired of us? after six years?"
"it was fun while it lasted," you shrugged. "but i'm over it."
"okay," sidney muttered to himself after a pause. he stared at the wall behind you, "well, i hope you find whatever it is you're looking for one day."
you waited until sidney packed up everything and left, locking the door behind him. you took a shaky breath, not allowing yourself to feel anything more.
you weren't allowed to cry, you weren't allowed to watch him from your balcony.
you were the one who broke his heart.
he was too nice for you, you reminded yourself. six years of spending all this time with you, all this time in this city, and he was still as bright as the sun.
you didn't get it. you had no idea how this city had no effect on him.
sidney stayed because he wanted a life with you, he saw a life with you. but you were from this cursed city.
you knew nothing but how to hurt him.
he wanted a bride i was making my own name chasing that fame he stayed the same all of me changed like midnight
you found the ring years later, in a box, in a corner of your bedroom.
sidney had wanted to propose for years, but you held him off. telling him you wanted to do something for yourself before you became a wife.
he agreed, because he believed you.
and when he left, he left nothing behind... except the ring he never used. you didn't know if it was on purpose, if he wouldn't have been able to keep that ring himself because it'd remind him of you. or maybe he just forgot it.
you shook off the thoughts of the ring, tucking it back away in it's little corner. making your way to the living room, you flipped through the channels on t.v.
but it seemed like the world was working against your plans of trying to dispel all thoughts of sidney, because the first thing you saw was sidney doing an interview.
unable to help yourself, you watched the interview.
he had the same smile, the same laugh. he even held himself the same way as he did all those years ago in interviews. only answering the questions and giving nothing more away.
all those years passed, and nothing had changed about him.
but you. every part of you had changed.
even sidney, the one part you thought was going to stay, wasn't there anymore.
send in a 🦋 and a player/driver, and i'll write a song blurb
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sc0tters · 9 months
does rory ever yell at sidney for giving her all that trouble? like does she ever fully get mad at him for being so hard on her??
It happens after she gets her second hat trick, this one came at home against the Canucks and after getting comments from the media that nobody thought she would fair up well against her big brother it seemed to light a fire under her.
The parking lot is empty besides for Rory and Sidney’s cars. And the girl is hurt, in an interview Sidney said that if he was playing instead of her he would have scored five or six goals. A comment that was totally out of pocket, hinting to the media that something was going on between the two centers.
So Rory has her fists clenched as she stomps over to Sidney who was walking to his car “Sidney!” She yelled throwing him off as he was used to her calling him cap or Sid.
Despite the clear height difference, Rory is so pissed off she might as well be taller than him because that was how she felt “you make me work my ass off, harder than anyone else does.” She points her finger at him as she glared “you ignore my good moments and now you go disrespect me to the media-” Sidney goes to talk but Rory raises her hand telling him to shut up “whatever sick game this is meant to be for you is over because I swear to god that I am done.” Rory brushes her hands over her messy braids.
It was easy sensing his surprise as he didn’t think she was serious “so either learn to live with me because I’m not going anywhere or just tell me you hate me so I can go ask for a trade.” The cold Pittsburgh air hit her face as she was reminded by the fact that it was winter.
She took Sidney’s silence as him hearing her statement as she sent him a nod before Rory pushed past him to get to her car leaving the older man almost shell shocked at how Rory finally spoke up to him.
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fallinallincurls · 2 years
Concept - going to Team outing to haunted house with Crosby and you are a scaredy cat
a haunted house with sid!! this would be a time.
sid definitely holds your hand throughout and can feel that you’re terrified. it doesn’t help that every couple or player or goes in before you is screaming the second they disappear into the darkness. so you’re clutching onto sid like your life depends on it. he thinks it’s cute, but offers his support and tries to reassure you that it won’t be as scary as you think.
to his surprise, it is a little terrifying. he lets out a couple of his own screams while holding onto you in order to keep you protected while trying to make it feel safer. you end up giggling at him reacting to the haunted house more than you get scared of whatever else is happening around you.
“so maybe you were right. but you made it through!” he says when you both finally reach the end. it felt way longer than it actually was.
“because you were by my side. although, it is pretty fun seeing you get scared like that.” you laugh, pulling him for a hug that he reciprocates without any hesitation.
“no more haunted houses for us, that’s for sure.”
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harlowhockeystick · 2 months
9 and 18 with coach!sid please <3
"without ever touching him, how can i be guilty as sin?" & "i can tell when someone wants me" | poetic prompts | warnings: smut (18+ MDNI, i can redo if you don't want smut with these prompts!)
takes place after this fic.
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"girl, quit eye fucking and leave some room for the rest of us. i can tell your fantasizing, but i don't blame you."
"i'm not touching him, so how can i be guilty of anything?" y/n co-workers words snap her out of her daze as she teases back. it was the beginning of an emergency staff meeting, the meaning was unknown and it was causing quite the buzz around the gymnasium. teachers, admin, and athletic staff alike were sitting together asking each other what they'd heard, known, or if they were getting fired. there was a heavy level of anxiety sitting in the room amongst them.
"sorry," y/n mumbled and sitting up straight. her friend chuckled beside her. but she couldn't help but stare, it had been a week since their dinner together, and it was all she could think about. she'd had trouble teaching, would zone out when talking to carter, their scandalous encounter was taking over her life.
"what do you think they're gonna talk about?" the other teacher asked sitting next to her, sipping coffee out of her tumbler and scrolling through emails looking for clues. "i think they're gonna talk about staff relationships."
her words made y/n's stomach drop. did it get out? did someone see her car at his house? did carter say something? did carter find out? it's amazing how many questions can run through the brain in just two seconds.
"i heard that the boys tennis coach, thomas, is having an affair with the girls tennis coach. i think one of the players caught them in the athletic offices but they did something to keep the kid quiet." y/n feels her nerves calm down, but not all that much. her eyes met with sidney's and she felt like he was trying to silently tell her something but she couldn't pick up on it. they weren't that connected.
moments later the superintendent gets on the mic and announces to faculty that in fact, both the girls and boys tennis coach were let go due to their actions. the boys coach resigned, and the girls coach was fired due to threatening the school district since she didn't do anything wrong and she was a single woman.
she felt a ball coil up inside her stomach as the staff were reminded of the policy: relationships among staff must be brought before the board if they occur within the school year. it was a district policy, to keep drama out of the way, and to keep relationships private to the parties benefit. at least, that was the way it was explained.
that meeting was bullshit. sent 10:45 am
y/n's phone pings signaling a text from sidney. she reads it as her students are taking their test. she feels butterflies and anxiety at the same time. her leg bouncing underneath her desk as she plans a reply.
...but what did he mean? was he against the rule, meaning he wanted a relationship? or was it just a waste of time? yes, it was a waste of time.
i know, it could have just been an email. sent 10:48
he never responds, but she gets too busy with other class periods. she gets lost back in time once more, fantasizing about that night. during lunch break spent in her darkened classroom, a bowl of warmed up soup in front of her as she grades papers until the next class comes through.
but she gets lost, in the deep trance of the memory of him. if she thinks really hard she can still feel his tongue sliding against her slick core, she can feel herself coming undone again at the force of his skilled and talented body.
she can feel his calloused but soft hands sliding down her body, grasping at her breasts while he sucks all of the sweet juice that flows out of her. she remembers her back arching off his wooden dinner table while he lapped at her for at least ten minutes straight, before he slid his thick cock inside of her for another ten.
she's taken out of her daydream by the sound of the school bell. she has three minutes to get herself back in order to teach again. she considers assigning today a reading and catch up day...so she can continue to reminisce.
dinner at my place? sent 1:23 pm
hell yes sent 1:24 pm
"you're bad at hiding your feelings, y/n." sidney stated, flipping over the steak on the grill and setting his wine glass down on the granite countertop. y/n sat on the barstool across from him, drinking a cocktail she made herself.
"what's that supposed to mean?" she took a bigger swig of the alcohol this time, holding eye contact with him as he leaned onto the countertop with his hands, making himself appear bigger in front of her. it worked.
"i can tell when someone wants me. half the women in that school want me, but you're the only one who went for it." she feels like a crook who was caught. "i know you act like last week didn't happen, but it's all i've been thinking about." now he's standing just inches from her on his back patio, the smell of grilled steak and vegetables filling her brain and the firm but agonizing touch making her go weak.
"it's all i can think about too." his thumb glides across her cheek, his whiskey colored eyes staring into her soul, what it feels like for hours. he bites his lip and she thinks she's gonna pass out.
"tell me what you thought about, maybe we'll reenact it after dinner. can't have you eating cold steak, can i?"
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thedevilrisen · 28 days
Oooh can we get Luke meeting the penguins like when we picks her up for a date at the beginning of their relationship?
Hi Ducky Anon!
Sure! have started the Hughes au started, her name is Scottlin.
"Are you sure I look okay?" Nova had asked, smoothing her hands over the long, cotton dress she chose for her and Luke's lunch date.
"Honey, you look fine." Sid had reassured her.
A subtle knock on the locker room door and every man inside was stopping whatever they were doing and facing it. Nova rolled her eyes, grabbed her purse and tried to quickly escape the locker room. Not quick enough though. Tristan Jarry had beaten her and open the door.
"Are you Nova's boyfriend?" he had asked, very bluntly.
"Yes, I am?" Luke had said very confused, "Can I see her?"
Tristan opened the door, presenting Luke, standing with a bunch of flowers outside the locker room. The poor boy was terrified, 20 odd hockey players were standing looking at him. All of a sudden 10 different questions were thrown at him at once.
"Who are you?"
"You treat her right?"
"What are your intentions?"
"Do you love your mother?"
Nova awkwardly ran to Luke in her heels. "Hi, we need to leave."
"Do you eat pineapple on pizza?!"
The two of them made a run for it, hindered by Nova's heels. The questions chased them.
"Do you think the earth is flat?!"
"This is ridiculous!" Luke had exclaimed, wanting to get as far away from the crazy as possible he had scooped Nova up bridal style and booked it to his car.
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toasttt11 · 2 months
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August 7, 2006
Sidney was pacing out side the hospital walls, hearing the screams of Jasmine, who has been in labor for 17 hours now. Sidney had sent home his parents and younger sister as they had been with they all day and he wanted them to at least get some sleep.
Sidney’s head snapped up as the door opened and one of the nurses walked out, “Mr. Crosby, your daughters been born.” The woman gave him a kind smile.
“Daughter!” Sidney choked out as Jasmine didn’t want to find out the gender as she didn’t care for it.
Sidney shook his head pushing back the emotions, “Can i see her.” Sidney questioned looking desperately towards the nurse.
“Of course.” The nurse kindly replied and gestured for him to walk into the room.
Sidney walked in and only spared a single glance at his ex-girlfriend, who was turned away from the door and away from the bassinet that had his newborn daughter in it.
Sidney took slow steps and looked down and saw the most precious thing in the whole work, Sidney knew his daughter has already stolen his heart and nothing was more important to him then her, he gently picked her up and she made a small cooing sound as her little fingers wrapped around his finger.
“Hello Cameron.” Sidney lovingly mumbled, letting out a watery laugh as he feels his cheeks wet from his tears.
He has picked out the name when he found out about her, He loved it because it fit for a girl or a boy name, just like his.
“Sir?” One of the nurses kindly called out gaining his attention, “You have to write out full name and as Ms. Waters has signed away all of her rights so you will need to sign this for the birth certificate.” The nurse set down the papers in front of her him and handed him the pen.
Sidney nodded and shifted his daughter carefully to his one arm and picked the pen up in the other hand, he wrote out her name, Cameron Taylor Crosby. And signed everything he needed too and handed the papers back to the nurse.
“We just need to clean her up and give her a checkup and you’re good to bring her home dad.” Another nurse kindly told Sidney and stretched her hands out towards to take Cameron, Sidney hesitated not liking the idea of letting go of his daughter.
The nurse just calmly smiled because she is use to parents not wanting to let go of their kids, “Why don’t you come with us.” She kindly suggested and Sidney quickly nodded and followed the nurses out of the room not even sparing a glance at his ex, he picked up his back pack swinging it onto his shoulder.
Sidney followed them into the room and gently and reluctantly set his daughter onto the bed, he stayed closed by her side tho and let her fingers stay gently wrapped around his finger.
The nurse started doing a thorough check up on the newborn making sure everything was good and she was healthy before she then started cleaning her up, “Do you have an outfit to bring her home in?” The nurse asked him as many parents will bring in an outfit to bring their baby’s home or the hospital will give them one.
Sidney nodded and opened his backpack pulling out a white and pastel yellow onesie that has little flowers on it, the nurse helped him put it onto Cameron.
The nurse then made sure she went over everything with him as she could tell he was nervous and she knew he was a single father so she wanted him to feel prepared.
“And you are ready to take your girl home.” The nurse kindly told Sidney making him smile, he nodded and thanked the nurse before he started the walked out of the room and down the hallway towards the front of the hospital, he walked out of the front doors and to his car.
Sidney opened the back door and gently laid his newborn daughter into her new car seat and he gently caressed her tiny and soft cheek and gave her one more lovingly smile before he shut the door and he walked around putting all of his stuff into the car before he got into the driver seat.
Sidney took a nervous breath as he turned on the car and slowly and cautiously pulled out of the parking spot and drove the short drive to his house in Nova Scotia, he had recently bought his own house in his home town and bought a house in Pittsburgh as he wanted his daughter to have homes.
Sidney gently grabbed his peacefully sleeping newborn, he slung his bags over his shoulder.
He walked into his house for the first time with his daughter and it felt like home with her.
He set down all of his bags by the door and gently walked over to his couch and slowly sat down being mindful of his daughter in his arms.
Sidney knew he needed to tell his parents and younger sister, and his team that his daughter has been born but he wanted some time alone with Cameron, taking a moment to just have with his daughter.
Sidney slowly and gently slipped his shirt off as he read in one of the parenting books that babies enjoy skin to skin contact and he gently rested his newborn daughter on his chest and pressed a gentle kiss to her head.
Sidney knew that being a single dad and only about to start in his second NHL season, he knew it would be a lot of work but he had a good support system and it would all be worth it for his daughter.
Sidney felt his daughter squirm around slightly and he gently hummed a small soft tune and gently rubbed his tiny back and felt her let out a little puff of air before relaxing fully against him once again.
Sidney smiled contently and relaxed more into the couch and pressed a soft kiss to the top of her head and could feel his eyes slowly beginning to fall shut.
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