#Silk Stars
vader-anakin · 8 months
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you have a face on your frown, honey
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jayrockin · 2 years
can talita blow on her soup with her mouth or does she have to flap at it or hold it by her side?
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Centaur trunks are a multi-use organ.
PATREON | STORE | Runaway to the Stars
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padawansuggest · 5 months
You know you into yarn when you have headcanons about what spindles characters would particularly like, what they prefer to do with the yarn, what type of wheel spinner they are, and who has 17 projects going on at once (Anakin) vs who’s gonna focus almost entirely on one project as they go through thought spindle spinning a fine yarn, plying and washing enough of it for a blanket, immediately sticking it on the loom, and weaving a particularly intricate pattern (Obi-Wan) vs who’s the ‘I add the knots of silk and locks so that I can live in the moment and let chunks come out when they need to’ (as if I even have to say it, it’s Qui-Gon)-
ANYWAYS. I actually love yarn and think that yarn craft should be more in fics but that’s sorta like how lots of chefs and bakers make a lot of foodie fics like it’s nice but. Everyone eats. Not enough people care about Scottish spindles. Obi-Wan has 7 Scottish spindles and like 8 Turkish ones so he can make a blanket’s worth of yarn in a single go without having to unwind them and ply right away. Qui-Gon likes supported spindles and a traditional wheel. Anakin designs and makes his own electric spinners, electric yarn counters, and electric cone winders. And then he knits Padme shawls. Qui-Gon crochets blankets and keeps leaving them in the creche or outside random apartments in the temple. Obi-Wan weaves. Anakin spent 5 hours learning how to dye fiber in Padme’s favorite colours, made an electric wool carder to make batts of them, spent a solid 15 hours spinning enough for a massive shawl in lace weight yarn for his wife, knit her one, and then went back to his ADHD project hopping.
I have ideas!!!!!!
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annachum · 7 months
Not every lady is a warrior, and that's okay
Snow White isn't a warrior - she is a lady diplomat, and later ruler And that's okay
Cinderella isn't a warrior - she is a lady, artist, and later ruler, and that's okay
Aurora isn't a warrior - she is a lady, diplomat and later ruler. And that's okay
Jane Bennet isn't a warrior - she is a lady and artist. And that's okay
Meg March isn't a warrior - she is a homemaker, artist and lady. And that's okay
Hurrem Sultan isn't a warrior - she is a lady, diplomat, ruler and strategist. And that's okay
Lucrezia Borgia isn't a warrior - she is a lady, cultural patron and diplomat. And that's okay
Maid Marian isn't a warrior - she is a lady, cultural patron and diplomat. And that's okay
Cleopatra VII isn't really a warrior - she is a lady, alchemist and ruler. And that's okay
Scheherazade isn't really a warrior - she is a lady, storyteller, ruler and diplomat. And that's okay
Laura Vlahos ( Clint Barton's wife ) isn't a warrior - she is a medic. And that's okay
Cosette isn't a warrior - she is a lady and artist. And that's okay
Queen Guinevere isn't really a warrior - she is a lady, strategist, cultural patron and ruler. And that's okay
Millie ( 7 Brides ) isn't a warrior - she is a homemaker and agriculturalist. And that's okay.
Christine Daae isn't a warrior - she is a performing artist and lady. And that's okay
Duchess ( Aristocats ) isn't a warrior - she is a lady, socialite and musician. And that's okay
Lady Jocelyn ( A Knight's Tale ) isn't a warrior - she is a lady and diplomat. And that's okay
Padme Amidala isn't really a warrior - she is a lady, ruler, diplomat and politician. And that's okay.
A lady can be impressive even without swinging a weapon
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marzipanandminutiae · 9 months
how does antiquing work in Star Trek?
like, okay, there's no scarcity Because Replicators. great! except you can't replicate an antique, not the real thing. probably some AMAZING reproductions- 24th-century historical costumers must be having the time of their lives, because as great as modern synthetic baleen is, imagine what you could do with a machine that literally replicates the exact molecular structure of the same! or that extinct flax that made medieval linen so great! -but I know antique collectors. there's nothing like the feeling of something you know so many other people have loved for centuries
is it like a barter system? do you go to the antique "shop" with things passed down in your family or found in the equivalent of a Facebook buy-nothing group, and trade what you have for what the history nerd running the place has based on your respective interests?
is Brimfield like a giant swap meet? could I go with, say...a big bag full of my grandmother's chunky 1950s costume jewelry and trade it for 1880s blouse waists because the stall owner wants the former and I want the latter? equivalent value wouldn't matter- what's value, beyond how much you treasure something? nobody's got rent to make or bills to pay, after all
do people become antiques "dealers" just for the thrill of the hunt and the pleasure of matching an object to someone who will love it? you don't have to work, after all; you can spend your whole life searching the world for rare treasures if that brings you joy
this is a nice thought
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emipon · 2 months
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Finished V 2.0 of the Parade Dress!! 🤍
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chawawanya · 1 year
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I’m sure Mika would do wonderful with this
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the-cricket-chirps · 29 days
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Andy Warhol, Mick Jagger, 1975
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eightiesfan · 1 month
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Dark silk
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blueskittlesart · 8 months
I am fully assuming that Link and Zelda will wed post-TOTK. What do you think the wedding outfits will be like? Traditional royal pomp, or something more suited to the adventurous couple that is close with the common people?
fun fact about me! i am one of those bitches who has had a wedding pinterest board since they were 10 years old and i also work for a wedding planner. so. not only have i already designed zelink wedding outfits but i also designed their engagement ring and i know exactly how the entire thing goes from proposal to reception. lmao
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allgremlinart · 4 days
Erté.... Erté is so Vulcan....
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starfleetshrimps · 8 months
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Elim Garak's sewing setup
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indignantlemur · 2 months
My dear Indi, I need your expertise !
Do you have any ideas or headcanons for Andorian outfits, from lighter to warmer? What would they look like in general, what texture is most appreciated or considered fashionable ?
Thanks ! 💙
Hello Zier! Let's see what I can do for you! Fair warning, this one is going to be image-heavy.
For the most part, Andorian fashion in my headcanons isn't unified. Different folks prefer to wear different things, same as Humans, but there are broader elements that are quite common.
Firstly, we know from ENT and subsequent appearances in the modern Treks that Andorians tend to wear a lot of leather, often embossed or tooled to have a particular sort of feel. The samples below from Discovery give me powerful 2009-2013 Gareth Pugh vibes.
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Beyond that, the only other time we see Andorians is when they're in Imperial Guard or Starfleet uniforms, which mostly just gives an overall impression of leather, suede, and future-kevlar.
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The Andorian ambassador in "Terra Prime" had a very different feel from these, of course, and that shiny outer robe ultimately inspired Thoris' official get-up.
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By contrast, some super early screen tests and comic book depictions for everyday Andorians look rather different, however. We've got draping fabrics, robes, tunics, some thigh high boots, and what looks like bits of armoured studding and chainmail. That's quite the departure from the other depictions!
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And then, of course, we have Shran's post-Imperial Guard coat. This one gets its own mention, because that coat is fabulous.
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Honestly, this isn't a lot to work with. It's better than nothing, of course, but the different depictions feel very disjointed and all over the place. There's no sense of unity in the designs across the board.
So, from there I looked to real-world fashion to help me build a better idea of what I wanted my Andorians to actually look like outside of a uniform. As much as their depictions would lead us to believe that Andorians have an oddly prevalent leather kink, that's really not practical. Leather is a useful material, and certainly a heavily carnivorous population would end up with quite a lot of it, but surely that can't be everything they wear. So, I started looking around for things that felt like they fit the vague aesthetic we were given to work with.
Below are some samples from the ungodly huge pinterest board I keep for ideas and references for Andorian fashion. I think these mostly hit all the key notes for my headcanons.
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A lot of these images are very bland in terms of colour, particularly by Andorian standards, but I think you should be able to see what I've drawn inspiration from.
What I ended up with was a combination of future-fashion elements, and influences from places like Japan and India - with a heavy slant towards using leather, silk, velvet and occasionally soft, drapey fabrics. Heavy ornamentation, such as embroidery, is very common but lacework on clothing is actually quite unusual. Andorians tend to find it catches on their chitin and tears too often to be worth the fuss.
In particular, I really like the idea of layers, off-set or asymmetrical necklines, and elements of structural/architectural fashion for Andorians. Tooled leather is very popular, as well.
Another detail about Andorian fashion that I've mentioned a few times in other posts is that they like to show off their chitin patterns. Often this is done using leather as the medium, but embroidery is also a perfectly acceptable option. Often times, these articles of clothing (usually outerwear but not always) will have a Clan sigil somewhere on it as well, but it's not at all a requirement. These practices accomplish a couple of different things:
Firstly, it offers prospective playmates a tantalising 'preview' of what's underneath. Andorians are not shy about these things, nor do they understand why aliens think they should be. Some Andorians find particular types of chitin patterns very attractive, while some are averse to partners with what they perceive to be too much or too little chitin - or worse, chitin patterns that are far too similar to their own, which would suggest a shared lineage somewhere.
Secondly, it shows off Clan affiliations, especially for Clan members who were not born with their Clan's 'typical' chitin pattern. (Married individuals will often wear things that show their affiliation to both their birth Clan and their marriage Clan, as well, though these are usually ornamental items such as jewellery or hair pieces.)
Thirdly, wearing one's Clan affiliations stamped on their sleeves can sometimes serve as a conflict deterrent. Some Clans are just not worth picking a fight with, and knowing who's who ahead of time instead of after someone says something spectacularly stupid tends to save lives. Since the Unification, the need for these sorts of deterrents has dropped substantially, but it's never entirely gone from Andorian society.
This is not to say that I imagine that all Andorians wear the same things. Being able to express individual preferences is very important, especially in a society where most other individualistic pursuits are seen as counter-productive to the harmony and unity of a community.
Shral, for example, deviates from the norm by preferring dark colours and minimal ornamentation. To other Andorians, his sartorial choices are almost conspicuously bland. On the other end of the spectrum, Thelen adores vivid colours - neon oranges, shocking yellows, acid greens - and fully embraces the bombastic colour palettes his people are known for. Thoris is doomed to be trapped in billowing robes he'd much rather burn in a steel drum behind the embassy under cover of darkness, but he prefers layered tunics, boots, and breeches that don't inhibit his movement. Vrath is in the middle of the road, favouring bold colours and practical clothing but never quite able to resist bits of ornamentation that give her wealthy Tha'an Clan allegiance away. Miraal, on the other hand, adore soft, draping fabrics and wears very little leather, or any other similarly heavy materials, and she prefers to wear minimal ornamentation so as not to distract from her wares.
In terms of seasonal clothing, Andorians can tolerate very broad rangers of temperatures, and they have thermal regulators built into much of their clothing. They can get away with quite a lot, in terms of weather, but a heavily cultivated sense of caution generally prevents them from wandering out into surface conditions wearing anything less than full winter gear - though, naturally, their idea of full winter gear is rather lighter than what a Human would go in for. In extreme heat, Andorians have no problem wearing as little as possible - often to the consternation of other species who do not share their total lack of nudity taboos.
Regarding colours, I headcanon that much like how Vulcans view green as a traditional mating colour owing to the hue of their blood, and Humans view red much the same way, so too do Andorians with the colour blue. Just wearing blue alone isn't an invitation for anything, but it is very noticeable and considered a very attractive colour. Wearing a particularly fetching shade of blue while lurking in a bar and being very noticeably single, however...
Andorian silk is a luxury item, and one in high demand. Made from cocoons harvested from a domesticated relative of the infamous Andorian ice borers, it's ten times stronger than Terran silk, rendering it resistant to slashing and piercing damage. It can be woven into heavy brocades or crafted into a diaphanous, organza-like material, or blended with other fibres. It almost always has a slight iridescent or even metallic shine to it, a highly coveted property, and it is ludicrously expensive.
Hope this helps! <3
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renlyslittlerose · 1 year
My boss was shopping for silk when they found this
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hastalavistarbaby · 5 months
here’s a list of all the pokemon I’d trade with each Team Star boss (if the darn game would LET ME.)
-Giacomo: Scraggy
-Mela: Fuecoco or Charizard
-Atticus: Ariados
-Ortega: Impidimp or Tinkatink
-Eri: Iron Hands
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merilles · 1 year
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arwen 💜
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