#Singing sound healer near me
angeliclightdubai · 6 months
Best Meditation for Controlling Depression of a Person
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There are lots of people who pretend to be strong in front of the world but are dealing with severe depression. Having depression for an extended period is harmful. Sometimes, it gives rise to anxiety or even panic attacks, which are unhealthy for both mind and body. That is why Anxiety Therapist near me is one solution that you can look up to, or through simple meditation, you can control it. Meditation has a considerable power to heal any mental and physical issue, including depression. Through meditation, you can control your chakra and maintain it properly. That is why it is you can control your negative thoughts. Want to learn more about it? So keep your eye on this post till last, and you will get to know what meditation you should do so that you can cure your depression like a pro.
Also Read: How to Deal with Attachment Issues Effectively
Best Meditation for Controlling Depression
Transcendental Meditation
Transcendental meditation, commonly known as TM, has a significant global following. Transcendental meditation employs sound or a personal mantra—typically one or two syllables—as the anchor for your focus rather than the breath.
Mindfulness-Based Cognitive Therapy
A subset of mindfulness meditation is this. It focuses on altering harmful thought and behavior patterns and combines with cognitive behavioral therapy for successful outcomes. If you still feel depressed or even anxious, then it's better to see the best Anxiety Therapist in Dubai so that you can get over your issue as soon as possible.
Body Scan Meditation
Start by focusing on every body part, from your head to your toes, to attain deep relaxation. As you intentionally relax your muscles, pay attention to any feelings in your body. You'll quickly become more at ease and calm by using this strategy.
Also Read: What are the Major Benefits of Doing Yoga?
Walking Meditation
Naturally, walking is beneficial to your physical and emotional well-being. Still, a strolling meditation could elevate you to a new plane. In one study, aerobic walking combined with three times a week of Buddhist meditation over 12 weeks not only decreased depression but also enhanced flexibility and balance in a small group of older persons. In other studies, younger people's anxiety was similarly reduced by 10 minutes a day of meditation either before or after walking.
Depression is a common mental health problem that has been observed chiefly in young adults, and the reasons behind it are various. That may be a lousy lifestyle, love-related issues, stress, work life, etc. So that is why you should take care of yourself well and not forget to lead a healthy lifestyle. Contact Light Angelic for any assistance.
Direction: Click Here
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lightangelic · 11 months
The Significance of Past Life Regression For Creating a Happy Life
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Have you ever met a healing consultant or a stress therapist in Dubai? If not, you must take a session on past life regression, which will change your life. Visit:
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light-angelic · 1 year
Vortex Healing is an Unblemished Therapy
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Anxiety and stress have become a part of life for today’s generation. The stressful and speedy lifestyle has taken the individuals away from peace, and a calm environment. Visit us-https://www.reddit.com/user/LightAngelic022/comments/y80poi/vortex_healing_is_an_unblemished_therapy/
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2kyo7 · 1 year
𝐂𝐀𝐈𝐌; 𝟎𝟐
metkayina!reader x avatar 2
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THAT NIGHT WHEN RETURNING home to your shared marui pod, it would start pouring rain, nothing you weren't accustomed to—but the weather somehow further dampening your foul mood.
The pod you lived in was a bit larger than most, with your grandmother being the clan's well respected healer, it was constantly covered in plants, mysterious liquids and various spices. She'd even taken the time to teach you a little about her work, but you couldn't be bothered to remember the information whole heartedly.
Walking on the very tips of your toes, you made it to one of the pod's many entrances without so much of a creak, pulling back the blanket of thick vegetation which served as some privacy while Tawmì worked. "Where have you been?" You were quick to turn around, braids entangling around your face in the process, all attempts of stealth now entirely meaningless.
Suddenly air caught in your throat, trying to swallow it down enough so that you could speak. "I.. I went a little past the reef with Kanaya..." you took a few careful steps towards Tawmì, still keeping a safe distance away. It was difficult to grasp an emotion, her tone neutral and calm, she sat in a corner mixing a concoction, back hunched obscuring her face.
Besides the sound of rain water connecting with the sea, there had grew a long silence between the two of you. Until Tawmì lifts a single finger that gestures you to kneel on the floor along side your herself, she was—like always—hard at work, grinding a stone tool against a herb which was laid out on a wooden mat.
"Help me girl, make yourself useful." Though your grandmother's words would've sounded harsh to anyone else, they were words of compassion to you, attentively following her directions, a small smile growing on your features knowing she'd no longer seemed to be angry with you.
"____, tomorrow you will teach Toruk Makto's children our way of life." It took you a moment to register her words, Toruk Makto? Those five-fingered devils? Your eyes were blown wide with hurt, "Grandmother, you of all na'vi know—"
"I will not hear any of it!" Tawmì sandwiched your lips between her fingers, cutting your rant short. "Tomorrow you shall bring them fruits and beg them for forgiveness." Once releasing you, she immediately went back to work as if she hadn't asked an impossible feat.
Rubbing the now swollen skin, you became lost in thought, feeling your lips quiver and tears build once more. What have I done to deserve such a punishment grandma? You noticed the copious amount of gathered fruit resting in a bowl near your bed, ready for delivery when you awoke in morning. "I refuse to teach those beast anything." Out of frustration, you fiddled with the pearls which occupied a braid—catching your soft bottom lip between your teeth.
"You cannot live in the past any longer, I will not allow it." Her words echoed throughout your brain, lowering yourself onto the soft fabric, completely drained of the day.
Even as a child you were extremely independent and stubborn, Tawmì remembered, lack of parental guidance only amplified this fact. You still enjoyed playing and socializing with others, no doubt, but at the end of each day she always found you in deep connection to the sea, wether you'd be longingly looking at its waves or interacting with animals.
Tawmì would say, "we are all children of eywa's ocean, but my granddaughter was born to it."
Though Tawmì understood your deep hatred of the sky people, she too feared everyday you grew more resentful—and eventually you'd do something terrible—irreversible even.
That is why she puts you through these trials, so you could see for yourself their was nothing to fear, that these were not the sky people who killed them.
She watches as you shift in your sleep, another nightmare... she thinks, placing a soothing hand atop your tense but unconscious form Tawmì begins to sing a lawr your mother sung to you as a child. Eywa hear my prayers, bring my grandchild to peace, do not curse this 'eveng for the faults of her sa'sem.
lawr - melody
'eveng - child
sa'sem - set of parents
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The time was now midday, you'd spent the morning brooding around the pod until forced out by your tail, a large bowl filled to the brim with fruits resting loosely in your arms. You weren't exactly in a rush whatsoever to reach the Sully family's home, stopping along the way for multiple detours.
When you finally did arrive at your destination, about half the bowl went missing—some of the fruits you'd eaten yourself, offered to others, or fed to Ilu. It's not that much of a difference, how could they know anyhow? Before entering you noticed them all kneeled around each other in a circle, your head tilts in confusion and wonder. Flinching when Toruk Makto's eyes met yours, his family's following.
They all stood, the atmosphere suddenly becoming extremely tense due to your presence. You walked into their pod with a quick glance around, taking note of their strange forest belongings, you were met with a simple greeting from the two younger male na'vi (Neyetam and Lo'ak, were there names—grandmother had told you) an "I see you." just like yesterday. Instead of completely dejecting them you sent a small nod their way, seemingly surprising the two.
The youngest na'vi—Tuk—hid behind her mother as the other remained silent, simply observing your movements. Approaching Toruk Makto, you held up the bowl of fruit to him and his mate. "I bring fruit to Toruk Makto—and his kin," the mood lightened very moderately at your words, which contradicted your expression. Lips pressed in a thin line, almost scowl, ears twitching occasionally and eyes appearing bored.
"Thanks kid, that's very nice of you—isn't it guys?" Toruk Makto looked around, prodding his family for a response. There were small sounds of recognition, no one majorly thankful for your efforts, except the smallest na'vi who genuinely seemed grateful. "Thank you!"
"Just so you know, my kids aren't sky people." Your head tilted for the second time today, does he lie to protect them? A hmph sounded from your lips as you turned to scan over his off spring, again. The oldest and youngest were relatively normal all things considered, but the same could not be said about their siblings.
"You can hold my hand again," everyone immediately turned to stare at Lo'ak questioningly, realizing the crudeness of his statement, he was quick to correct himself—"f-for proof, of course."
Neteyam silenced his brother with a simple grasp of the shoulder, saving him from any further embarrassment.
The look you sent Toruk Makto was one of complete doubt, circling around them for a moment, their mother clearly unhappy at your staring. "I will teach Toruk Makto's children, but only if they will learn."
"Toruk Makto's children have names, y'know." Your attention was lured by the female na'vi similar in height, she stared you down in annoyance, she was the most demonic out of them, you cut your eyes away from her form, finding the comment equally bothersome. "I'm sure they do."
"We meet where the currents are lightest, can Toruk Makto's children handle that much?" Not waiting on their response, you dove into the ocean's salty waters and in almost no time at all, you were gone. "Ugh! I hate her! Dad did you see the way she was staring at us?" Kiri held herself even tighter, ears bent in anger. Neteyam and Lo'ak also felt unsettled by your comments, but clearly not as bothered as their sister, Tuk oblivious as ever.
"Come on babygirl, clearly she's got somethin' against the sky people—jus' give her some time, she'll come around." Jake's attempt did little to comfort his daughter, only irritating Kiri further, whatever the sky people had done, did little to do with them, her family was not at fault.
Jake soon sent his children away from their training, a few words of encouragement to go with them. "I'm so worried ma Jake, that girl...she holds such hate." He could only hold Neytiri against his chest to soothe her worries, "the kids are strong, have faith in them."
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birlwrites · 10 days
scrapbook snippet: the origin of the bloodfinch
this is a piece of bloodfinch worldbuilding that was more fun to write up as a story than as notes - here you go! it's about 700 words, and it's set long before the time of the story. this is how the story would be told in finch's time
In the time before the king was King, and was but a man, he had a brother.
The two were inseparable in the way of the sides of a coin: opposites, but bound together until they seemed to be one creature. The elder was Cynefrith, and he was humble, a hand-worker, a healer and harpist, steady as a sun-warmed stone. The younger was Wilnoth, and he was bold, a story-teller, weaving between tales of the saints and tales of his own battlefield exploits with ease, for theirs was a time of battle and unrest. Warlords fought and scrabbled for territory, clinging to the edges of their lands with blood-soiled fingertips, and it was Cynefrith who believed most strongly that this could not go on. Upon their father’s death, Cynefrith intended to approach other warlords with open hands, speaking words of peace, forging alliances and treaties so that all could flourish. He spoke often of this to Wilnoth.
But it was not to be.
As their father lay on his deathbed, Cynefrith left his bedside and walked a secret path into the forest. He was a healer, but he knew the limits of his power. It was his habit to seclude himself when a hard battle had been lost, and though his father still clung to life, Cynefrith, his heir, would have no time to grieve alone after his death.
So Cynefrith walked, alone, singing to himself as he went, the better to calm the ache in his heart.
Wilnoth eventually took his place at their father’s bedside, to keep him company, but he expected Cynefrith to return soon.
And Cynefrith did not.
And Wilnoth said, “He will return before our father passes,” and all believed him.
But their father’s breathing weakened, his pulse faltered, and still Cynefrith did not return.
Wilnoth could not leave their father’s bedside, but it was a time of unrest, and he was shrewd in the ways of war, and he ordered warriors out to search for Cynefrith, and they went. The night stretched out, dark and cold, a chill in the air that settled into the bones of all who saw the emptiness at Wilnoth’s side.
When their father died, near dawn, Wilnoth did not weep, but he rose and said, “All must join the search, but do not tell Cynefrith of what has happened in his absence; bring him to me, that I may tell him, in the way of family.”
And all scattered into the forest, bearing lanterns, and Wilnoth was among them. In the early light of daybreak, he searched, ceaseless, calling out the name of his brother, until finally he remembered Cynefrith’s secret path. And he followed it, loud and clarion in the new sunlight, and he came to a clearing nestled between groves of graceful trees, and he saw his brother resting in a bed of flowers.
Wilnoth called to him, and thought him asleep, and touched his arm to wake him, and Cynefrith did not stir, his body cold and pale with dew, for Cynefrith was dead.
For a day and a night, Wilnoth wept, sick with grief for his father and his brother, and his men took Cynefrith’s body back to their village and found that Cynefrith had been stabbed, dried blood crusting over his back, and they spoke of rival warlords, of revenge. But Wilnoth, who had not left the clearing with his brother, returned on the next bright morning, and he spoke to them as a king.
Wilnoth spoke of a vision, of a bloodred bird, impaled through the heart but singing merrily, and wherever its blood touched the ground, there grew flowers. And a heavenly voice sounded, and it told Wilnoth this: that the bloodfinch could sing for twenty years so injured before dying, and that the flowers of its death-blood would give him strength. And in exchange for this strength, he must be the one to unite the land, not through the treaties Cynefrith spoke of, but through power. And when there was one kingdom, healed and whole under one banner, then Cynefrith’s death would not be in vain.
Having spoken thus, Wilnoth, for he loved his brother, left his people to seek out the bloodfinch.
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sallytwo · 5 months
< music loverr ive been thinking about this for days here's which everything everything song fits each parousia character
faduhl: come alive diana
very much about the mythology of faduhl as a character... she's not allowed to be a person she's this great shining legend and has to live up to that myth. obviously this song choice is also a lot about aubrey... "mother looks away, father looks away for a second", "and the young diana waves inside a global grief", "I LOST AN AUTHOR THEN I LOST A DAUGHTERS AWE!!!"
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ryan: president heartbeat
also about the pressure to live up to her image as a Good Officer and alsooo about her fucked up relationship with faduhl. she came to this station and gave away her entire life for faduhl only to watch her fall apart. this song is fast paces and scattered and has an upbeat pop sound with incredibly angry bitter lyrics which fits her well. ryan is really... not a good officer. she only got this position because of neptosim, she comes from a very privaleged life, she cracks easily under pressure and has rehabilitating imposter syndrome and self doubt. "and you promised me heaven and you said it would happen soon...." ugh!!!
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bennet- warm healer
his. song. it's a very melancholy song abour the dread of looking back on your youth and wondering where it went. just the resignation in this song... ITS SO BENNET!! "they call me a medicine man but my old spells dont work anymore". my sad doctor :(
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aleki- only as good as my god / regret
sigh. everything everything has a lottt of songs about corrupt charismatic leaders and regret over past decisions so this was hard to choose. the plodding beat of regret fits really well and like. "first you'll see me on the news then never again".
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only as good as my god i cant get into much without spoilers but i chose it cuz. aleki has never taken responisbility for anything in his life so he's bitter and angry and feels this deep shame but will neverr take resposnibility for what he did. he can always blame his commanding officer or family or starfleet. "im only as good as my god burnt hair and more money".etc
ekaz- the marina
ekaz has lived through so much change on the station and this one's about like. his inability to keep up and to accept this change and the way he's slowly losing his faith. someone always has to be the rock someone has to be stable and hardworking and trustworthy and that's always him.
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chyell- bad friday / cut up!
bad friday is phenomenal chyell song because it's literally about a violent terrible thing happening at a club and not being able to remember what happened. which is literally how they lose their eye. "could this be the millionth warning / could this mean i'm gonna get out?"
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cut up! is an incredibly frantic disjointed desperate song and is also very chyell relating to their sense of duty.
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talii- levithan
levithan is a song about a levithan as a metaphor for disabling grief and sadness. which is very talii. at her core she is a deeply, deeply sad person and it never goes away. she never got over her brothers disappearance. "looming in the distance never coming near / im missing you, im missing you, im missing you for real / under levithan"
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jonathan- violent sun
violent sun is a PHENOMENAL late seasons johnny song. about feeling like you're being swept along in life and have no agency and don't have an excuse for being this way. and the SUN!! " there's a way you dont ever have to be a lunatic or an error or a prisoner to your terror / im too old to be crying out" and "i wanna be there when the wild waves comes and we're swept away" IT FITS SOOO WELL.
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max- schoolin'
schoolin fits max so well.. feeling confused and small and lonely. being curious and wanting to know why these things are happening and whats going on but constantly being stomped on and ridiculed. AND the religious element of being told to go along with this with no question. "but infinite and joyless high fives are singing 'praise the lord!" MAXX
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anyway thank you for reading. everything everythingg
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ratherbefangirling · 2 years
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Summary : You choose to save him but will he do the same.
Pairing : Namjoon × Reader
Genre : Yandere,Drama, Royalty AU, Amnesia AU,
Warnings : Yandere behaviour, Betrayal, Slavery, Debt trapping, implied making out. (Idk that's it I guess)
Part 2 | 3
A/ N : Hope you enjoy this.
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The polished wood of the throne room felt sullied by your steps.
Whispers decorating the court like the trees rustling in an orchard on a windy day.
Whore. Bed warmer. Shameless.
Teary eyes made it hard to look at the man sitting in front of you.
The ornaments on your wrists were nothing more than chains.
The necklace you wore was but a noose on your neck.
Namjoon looked at you coldly. Beside him his sister smirked. Entertained by something.
Still you looked straight refusing to falter under his gaze. Trying to supress the shame of being paraded.
Now he was only a stranger, who you had once thought you had known intimately.
-1 year ago-
As the daughter of the towns physician. You knew a thing or two about medicine. While your father kept you away from the gore of treatment, you often found yourself assisting him after your mother had left.
Disappeared one night on the way to her maternal home. Search for her did not last long the woods near your village were known for its animals.
You searched the woods for medicinal leaves your father had sent you to collect. When you came across a boy. In a bad condition his head bleeding. You quickly checked his pulse and breathing
"Jin-ah." You called out to your brother.
"What is it?" He asks stuffing the leaves in his satchel.
You point at the male.
"He looks like a merchants son." Your brother notes.
"Should we take him back." 
"It's the duty of the physician to help those in need right? And the towns ladies are gonna adore me for it." 
You look at him a look of disbelief and disgust that is often passed between siblings.
With much difficulty you both carry him.
"It is too late to be out at this hour for decency." Your father scolds before noting down the man you carry.
Your father decides to treat him after which you both recieve another earful of his anger.
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When the morning comes Namjoon wakes up in a different environment then he could last recall.
Someones inharmonius singing woke him up.
A female voice.
"Stop it y/n. No one wants to listen to a crow first thing in the morning."
You feel like throwing a spoon at your brother but you can't for two reasons. First you do not want to anger your father any longer. Second your brother was the one cooked food and third with the famine you couldn't waste a drop.
"Why did you have to get all the good characteristics from our parents." You whine under your breath.
Your brother was a subject of envy. Good looking, a good cook, good natured.
It wasn't as if you were bad but he outshone you in all aspects and nobody let you forget it.
Namjoon closed his eyes. He had almost died as he was so close to figuring out his mother's murderer.
One thing was clear the person wanted him dead too.
"Are you awake?" The female called y/n asked entering.
Namjoon needed to stall. A perfect idea came to him.
"Yes. Who are you? Where am I?"
"My brother and I found you unconscious in the forest. My father is a healer so we brought you here. I will call my father. He will check on you. In the meanwhile breakfast"
"Yes please."
You closed the door softly. Last night you hadn't been able to see it but the man was handsome and his husky voice sent shivers down your spine.
Unlike your brother who had the flower boy kind of softness. He had sharp features, dragon eyes, thick lips.
You brought him food. He winced as he raised his arm.
"'Is it hurting?"
He nodded.
"Should I feed you?"
"If it isn't an issue." He said. His language sounded like that of the rich merchants. You wonder who he really was.
You barely managed to keep a straight face.
You had finished feeding him when your dad came and you left the room.
A few moments later your dad came out.
"He has lost his memory." Your dad explained. "He had some money with him and has requested we let him stay."
"I'm not sure letting a stranger stay in our house."
Your brother voices his concern.
"Let's let him stay for a while till he is more physically fit to go about, maybe his family will reward us for finding him." You say.
You father nods.
The boys fever rises so you are tasked with taking his care.
Changing cold cloth to keep his temperature down you give yourself a chance to look at him. You hadn't seen such a handsome boy up so close.
You had to stop yourself from caressing him.
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The boy Joon you called him because it was embroidered on the clothes he had been wearing.
"Joon please help me bring water from the well."
Joon looked up from the book. You had discovered he could read and write well so your father had him copy his books.
"I am not going."
"Please joonie."
The boy was deaf to your pleas.
You sighed.
As you were on the way back. Jungkook and his goons stopped you.
"Y/n why do you do these boring things when you could be doing me instead." You frown in distaste.
Jeon Junkook was the son of the merchant who also gave out loans to people.
While searching for your mother your father had taken loan to cover expenses. He was yet to pay back. This gave Junkook time to come harass you.
"Please leave me." You say.
"Come on if you're nice to me I might make you my concubine instead of selling you in case your father fails to pay me back. "
You fumed but refused to react.
In silence you spend the rest of day not having the energy to scream at Joon who you decided to hold a grudge against because if he had come it might have stopped Jungkook from harassing you.
Namjoon noted your silent behaviour. Your brother and father were out of town to treat a patient.
Today you didn't even respond to comments on your cooking.
For some reason this didn't sit well with him.
Initially he planned to steal and escape from  this house. But for some reason he choose to stay.
He had somehow even grown fond of your out of tune singing.
At night he found you sobbing out in the courtyard.
He felt like murdering who ever made you cry. He also felt like hurting you for crying over someone that wasn't him.
How dare you do that when you had taken up all the space in his mind despite all his efforts.
You wipe your tears.
"I'm sorry did I wake you up?"
"You should be." He said.
For some reason your tears started flowing even more.
He softened.
"Y/n... my baby." He said softly and proceeded to hold you in his arms.
For the first time since your mother died someone held you. You leaned into his warmth as he stroked your hair.
"What's wrong?" He asked
You relayed your fears about becoming Jungkook's concubine.
"You're mine." He declared.
Proceeding to mark the skin on your shoulder.
"J..joon.." You whimper.
You shouldn't. You think.
He looks proud of the bruise he created.
"I know you like me." He says.
You blush.
"Don't worry I'll have you." Before you can ponder on his statement he bops your nose.
"Dream of me." He says and leaves to sleep you sit there in the moonlight shoulder exposed wondering what happened.
In the morning you are afraid he'd pretend nothing happened but instead you both are involved in a threaded game of lingering touches and gazes and flustering one another.
Often when you leave to find herbs you spent the day walking and talking though its mostly you doing the talking. When you get tired he let's you climb on his back on the condition you let him lay on your lap while you rest.
He often writes you poetry. Sometimes let's you sit on his lap while he's working.
At night he sneaks in to your room and marks you. And somedays let's you mark him.
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In all this you forget Jungkook's threat. Until one day he comes with his goons and trashes the house.
Demanding the money.
Your father begs for some more time.
"I'll have her then." Jungkook declares smirking.
"Some more time." Your father requests.
"Five days prepare the money or my bride." He says and leaves.
Your father's knees give way.
Namjoon offers your father money.
Your father stares at him wide eyed.
"I found my friend a while back but I wasn't sure if it was true but now I have confirmed it I can give you enough money to pay back and still have some left on the condition you give me y/n." He bargains.
In the time joon spent with you, your father had come to trust him so he agreed not that he hadn't much choice.
The day of the wedding approached, your face glowed with happiness. Joon had shifted back to his house.
Everything was going well you couldn't believe it not only you had found the man you loved but you were going to be his woman.
You sat in your bedroom.
A knock on your door revealed your brother.
"My little y/n" He said fondly
"You should be calling me hyung."
"But we are twins ."
"True but I came first"
"The only thing you are doing first is getting married but then again he isn't half as good as me."
"Hey don't say anything about my fiance."
"Look at you already taking his side."
He then left you to attend to the guests.
You waited. Soon five minutes turned to ten and ten to an hour. The guests started whispering to each other.
Another hour passed by and soon it became apparent he wouldn't come.
You had no time to mourn as the debtors came to collect you.
You could hear your father begging them to spare you. Your brother promised he would save you.
Someone jeered at you.
"You could be happy with me but you chose to rebel. Pitiful."
You drowned in your emotions were no longer aware of the world, turning the keys so you were locked inside.
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Soon you were auctioned.
A man named Jimin bought you to care for his ailing mother.
He was a kind master.
But you were a slave and that was that.
A few months had passed. Jimins mother was better in joy of her recovering your master had given you money to spend as you went out to the market.
Going to an unfamiliar market was a relief, the cherry blossoms bloomed but you refused to remember Joon. You had spent nights justifying him. Wondering whether he got caught in another accident. Verification of his name Jung Joon revealed that he hadn't existed and had been lying to you. The house he called his had been a man's called Jung Hoseok who was at a high position in the military.
The market was brimming with activity.
You eyed the pretty jewellery. You were fond of jewellery more than you were fond of anything else.
It had greatly saddened you when your father was forced to sell your mother's jewellery.
You looked at the money in your hand as you eyed the exotic belly chains.
You sighed wondering if you'd be able to earn enough to afford them before you died.
You returned to the house without buying anything.
The next morning you found a gift outside your quarters along with sweets.
You opened to find the belly chain you had been eyeing.
You almost shouted in glee.
You went to serve Jimin breakfast.
Before you could say anything.
"You look happy did you like my gift."
"It was the sweetest." You confessed even if you were confused as of how he knew. You really only interact briefly.
"Thank goodness. It's the first time I've seen you smile."
"But can I really have it. Its so expensive.  I wouldn'twant to impose." 
"No worries the king had me promoted and sent me quite a few boxes."
"Thank you my lord." You say graciously.
Would he like it?
You shake your head. Close it and tuck it safely inside your box of belongings.
In the morning the house is in frenzy your masters special guests are arriving.
The whole house is busy perfecting the place. Jimin instructs every one but the serving staff to retire.
"Don't meet their eyes." He warns solemnly.
You make way to your mistresses room.
"Y/n there you are. Settle my pillows, will you?"
Without a word you get to work.
She makes you read her a book.
A strong breeze passes as stormy clouds make way. The door opens with a whine and shuts with a boom.
"Lock my doors and windows and leave." She commands you.
You nod your head and do so quietly closing the door as you leave you crash into someone.
Pulling yourself away you bow in forgiveness remembering your masters warning.
"Ah, pretty girl what are you doing?"  A rich voice enquires.
"Taehyung, let her be she is my mother's nurse." Jimin intervenes. "Leave." He commands you.
"What's the ruckus?" You almost stop at the familiarity of the voice but you know better.
"Nothing of consequence, your highness."  Jimin responds.
The servant quarter is filled with chatter discussing the guests.
You pay no heed to it and slip to sleep.
Your eyes open to find joon laying across you. You're enclosed in his embrace.
It's a dream.
You press yourself closer it must be that voice that triggered it. You refused to deny yourself in a dream.
You wanted to scream at him, cry at him, but more than that you wanted to be with him.
Morning sun wakes you up disoriented.
So it really was a dream, huh?
Another month passes and the days turn warm.
While you weren't fond of winter working in the summer seemed unappealing.
The maids whispered amongst themselves.
Apparently the master had been engaged to the prime ministers daughter whose mother was the sister of the King.
The cooks had prepared special meal to congratulate their master.
The king had invited Jimin to his Palace for the crown Prince's birthday.
You along with another made Eunmi along with his guards were to accompany him.
He bought all of you new clothes for the visit.
Dressed in a soft baby pink, you looked quite nice.
Jimims mother gave you extra instructions for etiquette in front of royalty.
"I will not have you messing the park name."
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When you entered the banquet you could spot the crown princess  Lim Jiwon and beside her your master's fiance Min Yoonji.
Despite the fact you were no one of consequence you felt under equipped compared with those ladies.
You joined the festivities. Your master had left to the throne room to give his gift to the crown prince.
Min Yoonji stood up from her seat and followed by a guard who strangely resembled your brother.
Curious you tagged along discreetly.
She entered the throne room. You saw his face clearly as he stood guard.
His eyes widened as he saw you.
"Y/n...." then his face took a strange look. "Not now I'll find you later meet by the old tree at the back entrance."
You nodded phased by him. Yet you were aware the Palace was a strange place.
Full of snakes chasing their own tails.
Your mind to restless turned the delicious banquet blank.
So you went tonthe old tree to wait for your brother.
The garden was stunning and well cared for.
Afterall it was fertilised by the blood of his enemies. Not that you would no.
You found some newly grown irises.
While you had deemed them to be your favourite flower you had never seen one growing. The purple petals, some might mistake it for lavenders but those had an Aroma irises couldn't match.
You had read about them and taken a fancy. Especially when your mom had told you about the Greek goddess of similar name. The goddess of rainbow. To you rainbows were magical and you had only seen them once.
"Y/n." A voice called out softly.
You turned eyes filled with the beautiful flower and a gasp escaped your lips.
Here he stood the man of your dreams, the Prince of your nightmares.
Dressed in a gown fit for royalty.
Your legs gave away.
He came closer to hold you.
"N-no... no.. it can't be no..." 
"I've gone mad Yes that must be it... I've finally snapped." You mumble to yourself.
"Your highness." A voice calls urgently.
The head eunuch.
Namjoon had gone out to the garden missing you. For some reason he had felt your absence particularly today. He was never the one for birthdays. It was all a royal parade anyway.
So he was surprised to find you. He felt irritation for you ruining his plans but more than that he felt grateful to have found you. He wanted to turn the pink of your lips into red and skin purple like your favourite flowers he had grown with care.
He had sacrificed you for you.
Most of his plans were in motion. It was only of a matter of time he'd have come to save you from the prison he had created.
But seeing you had awakened the beast he'd so hard suppressed.
Here you lay defenseless infront of him. Passed out at seeing him.
He knew winning your heart back wouldn't be easier considering the circumstances you had found out he was alive. Oh well. Namjoon was nothing but a patient man and well prepared. Always.
It wasn't like there was anybody who could take you away from him.
There wasn't anyone who could save you.
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Hi how are you guys? Its been a while I guess.
Authors Note 📝
This one was to celebrate the 250 followers landmark but people unfollowed me so um below that again. That's fine though. Still hope you enjoy.
Please let me know your thoughts.
Hope you're having a great day beautiful.
Taglist : @mwitsmejk
Update : since some of you guys liked it I'm writing a part 2, I don't know how long it might take so if you want to be added to the taglist of part 2 let me know
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cornerful · 3 months
the 15th of March, in fragments:
The Houses of Healing
A mist was in Merry's eyes of tears and weariness when they drew near the ruined Gate of Minas Tirith. He gave little heed to the wreck and slaughter that lay about all. Fire and smoke and stench was in the air
Slowly the lights of the torches in front of him flickered and went out, and he was walking in a darkness; and he thought: 'This is a tunnel leading to a tomb; there we shall stay for ever.' But suddenly into his dream there fell a living voice.
'Well, Merry! Thank goodness I have found you!'
'Lean on me, Merry lad!' said Pippin. 'Come now! Foot by foot. It's not far.'
'Are you going to bury me?' said Merry.
'No, indeed!' said Pippin, trying to sound cheerful, though his heart was wrung with fear and pity. 'No, we are going to the Houses of Healing.'
'If ever I see the Lady again, I will tell her!' he cried. 'Light and now water!' Then he stopped. 'Let me drink first, Mr. Frodo,' he said.
'All right, but there's room enough for two.'
'I didn't mean that,' said Sam. 'I mean: if it's poisonous, or something that will show its badness quick, well, better me than you, master, if you understand me.'
'I do. But I think we'll trust our luck together, Sam; or our blessing. Still, be careful now, if it's very cold!'
Out of doubt, out of dark to the day's rising
I came singing in the sun, sword unsheathing.
To hope's end I rode and to heart's breaking...
upon the foremost ship a great standard broke
For it is said in old lore: The hands of the king are the hands of a healer.
as the sweet influence of the herb stole about the chamber (...) an air wholly fresh and clean and young, as if it had not before been breathed by any living thing and came new-made from snowy mountains high beneath a dome of stars, or from shores of silver far away washed by seas of foam.
'His grief he will not forget; but it will not darken his heart, it will teach him wisdom.'
...the scent of orchards, and of heather in the sunshine full of bees, suddenly Merry awoke
'I shan't ever be able to smoke again without thinking of him, and that day, Pippin, when he rode up to Isengard and was so polite.'
'Smoke then, and think of him!' said Aragorn.
Dear me! We Tooks and Brandybucks, we can't live long on the heights.'
'No,' said Merry. 'I can't. Not yet, at any rate. But at least, Pippin, we can now see them, and honour them. It is best to love first what you are fitted to love, I suppose: you must start somewhere and have some roots, and the soil of the Shire is deep. Still there are things deeper and higher; and not a gaffer could tend his garden in what he calls peace but for them, whether he knows about them or not. I am glad that I know about them, a little. But I don't know why I am talking like this. Where is that leaf? And get my pipe out of my pack, if it isn't broken.'
Far above the Ephel Dúath in the West the night-sky was still dim and pale. There, peeping among the cloud-wrack above a dark tor high up in the mountains, Sam saw a white star twinkle for a while. The beauty of it smote his heart, as he looked up out of the forsaken land, and hope returned to him. For like a shaft, clear and cold, the thought pierced him that in the end the Shadow was only a small and passing thing: there was light and high beauty for ever beyond its reach.
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taemcin · 1 year
The Only Exception - 4
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Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Pairing: Neteyam x Original Character, Lo’ak x Original Character
Rating: PG! (Neteyam, Lo’ak and OC are teenagers)
Warnings: Fluff, Blind character, Disability, Friends to lovers, a little bit of angst, Friendships, Romance, Slowburn
Word Count: 2.1k
Summary:  The concept of time does not exist in Nova’s state of mind right now. Nova does not know how long it has been – but if you asked her, it felt like minutes.
A/N:  I'm trying to bring some personality to the characters while building a relationship between them. But who knows, it's hard to tell.
Also, this is posted on my Ao3 account here!
It’s dark and quiet around her, and yet Nova’s eyes feel heavy and tired. Nova feels out of place – like she has no control of her body, but her mind continues to race. It’s almost as if her body is on autopilot and she can’t control her movements. Nova is awake but – not really. She can hear, but not speak. She can’t move no matter how hard she tries to open her eyes. She’s unconscious but her mind is aware of what is going on around her.
 “Sitting there staring at her isn’t going to magically make her wake up you know.” That’s Kiri’s voice, Nova thinks.
 “Yeah,” A voice chimes in, and Nova knows it’s Lo’ak that speaks. “I know.” Lo’ak said, in a defeating tone.
 It went silent then. What Nova couldn’t see was Kiri making her way to Lo’ak, gently placing her hand on his shoulder, giving it a tight squeeze in a reinsuring way. Kiri gave her brother a small but sympathetic smile before she walks away. Lo’ak in turn sighs and stands up. He looks at Nova for a few moments longer before he decides to walk away.
  The concept of time does not exist in Nova’s state of mind right now. Nova does not know how long it has been – but if you asked her, it felt like minutes.
  Even though Nova could not move in her state, she can still feel things. Suddenly she feels a warm embrace cup her hand, soft fingers interlocking with her own. Nova feels a spark shoot through her hand – it feels like a jolt. Nova tries her hardest to move – to chase the feeling sparking through her hand and yet – nothing happens.
 “Hey Nova.” Neteyam’s voice sings through her ears. “It’s hard for me to sit here and look at the state you are in now.” Neteyam sighs. “I just wish – if I could go back in time I would have stopped—” Only then does Neteyam stop mid-sentence. Trying to get the right words to come out are harder than it seems – Especially when it comes to Nova. But why?
 “No.” Neteyam shakes his head and starts again. He brushes his thumb against the palm of Nova’s hand. “I couldn’t stop you from coming out with us even if I tried. You would probably find a way to go no matter the obstacle standing in your way.” Neteyam smiles gently, looking down at Nova. “You never give up, so I need you – no – we all need you to wake up Nova.” He pleaded.
 In Nova’s mind she is saying the words so desperately that she wants to say out loud but not a single sound escapes her lips. “I am awake!” Nova thinks. “I’m trying to move but I can’t!” She shouts in her mind.  
 The hope in Neteyam eyes – thinking that any moment Nova would wake up and respond, is slowly dying out. She will wake up he thinks. She has too.
 “The healers said it should only take a few days for your mind and body to heal your head wound. They say it’s – what did they call it?” Neteyam stops to think. “They called it a concussion and it takes time to heal. But you know Nova, every day without your waking presence near me feels like an eternity.” Neteyam confesses.
  Neteyam, in a way is sulking in his own misery. And if Kiri saw him right now, she would probably make fun of him and say he’s being a dramatic fool. But what everyone else fails to see, is that Nova means more to him than anyone will ever know.  
 “I miss you.” Neteyam says, as he pulls up Nova’s hand quickly to his lips and gently places a kiss there.
 In Nova’s mind, she smiles. If she could, she would so desperately like to reach out and give Neteyam a hug.
  “Oh Nova,” Kiri’s voice floods Nova’s space. Kiri bends down to sit beside Nova. She then starts to adjust the blanket around Nova’s body, making sure she is nice and warm. “If only you could see the depressing state you put my brothers through.”
 Nova could only imagine what Neteyam and Lo’ak look like right now. Honestly, she feels sad thinking about it.
 “I guess one good thing came out of this horrible situation my dear friend,” Now, Kiri starts to run her fingers through Nova’s hair, fixing it as she goes along, and carefully avoiding the bandage wrapped around her head. “Neteyam and Lo’ak are less annoying now since they are so busy self-loathing and brooding.” Kiri laughs. “My brothers are practically mourning Nova – and it’s only been a few days. Pretty soon, I bet they won’t be able to function without you.” Kiri says, now brushing her fingers lightly on Nova’s cheek.
 “You know as peaceful as it may be around here without the constant bickering between my brothers and I, it is a pretty sad sight to see my brothers sulk all day and into the night.” Kiri says, pressing her lips into a thin line.
 “You have such a hold on my brothers – and honestly it’s kind of funny to witness that, but you know, Nova—” Kiri pauses, taking a moment for herself. She sighs and continues. “But your Nova and without you we all kind of fall apart around here.” Kiri admits.
 The thing with Kiri is that she doesn’t show her emotions as much as Lo’ak or Neteyam. Kiri is strong and Nova knows she keeps so much inside. But just like her brothers, Kiri cares about Nova just as much.
 “And if you think this is a way to get out of helping me weave the baskets—well your wrong.” Kiri jokes – trying to end on a lighter note. “But all jokes aside, Nova, if you can hear me, I think it’s time for you to wake up now. Please?” Kiri cries out, as if she is waiting for Nova to respond.
 It’s only been a few days, but Kiri worries too, despite her jokes and sarcastic remarks.
 Kiri bends down to whisper against Nova’s ear. “Just so you know, I think Lo’ak is taking it the hardest right now. Neteyam is hard to read these days – and nothing phases him. And then, well there’s me of course, who misses her friend dearly. So please Nova, please wake up.” Kiri pleads, pressing her forehead against Nova’s. Before Kiri left to stand up and walk away, she places a tiny kiss upon Nova’s forehead.
 Nova tries so hard to open her eyes then. She tries so hard to move something, anything, but she can’t.
 It’s not time yet.
  It’s night when Lo’ak comes to check up on Nova again. He sits besides Nova and watches her. If anything, Nova looks peaceful – despite the bandaged wrapped around her head which is a constant reminder of her injury.
 Lo’ak looks up at the starry night sky through the thicket of the trees. The moon shines so bright in the sky, it illuminates Lo’ak and Nova’s blue skin.
 “You know,” Lo’ak finally breaks the silence. “If I had to pick out one of my favorite memories with you, I think it would be that time we gazed up at the night sky, looking at the stars that smashed across the sky.” Lo’ak admits.
 “It was years ago, but I remember it like it was yesterday.” Lo’ak smiles at the thought. “Remember that Nova?” Lo’ak reminisces. “They shined so bright that night we thought one day we could reach them – touch them, even though it was impossible.”  
 “Back then, when you had your sight, the night sky always captivated you the most.” Lo’ak admits. “Even though the stars shined so bright before us – for me something else shined even brighter.” He confesses.
 Lo’ak wears his heart on his sleeve, he knows this – practically everyone knows. Even though he doesn’t like to admit his feelings out loud, it’s impossible to keep them bottled up inside.  
 “I think that night – that specific moment made me realize something about you.” Lo’ak beings but stops at the sudden sound of a groan that slips out of Nova’s lips.
 “Lo’ak?” Nova rasped out.
 Lo’ak quickly but gently grabs the sides of Nova’s face, inching closer to examine her. “Nova!” Lo’ak shouts, his heartbeat picks up. At that, it made Nova wince as she opens her eyes. Her world of dull grey returned.
 “Lo’ak, you don’t have to shout,” Nova groans. “Help me sit up, would you please?”
 Lo’ak nods his head and tries to keep his composure, the excitement and relief that washes through, overwhelms him. He then helps Nova sit up, his grip never letting go of her hand.
 “Are you ok – wait no,” Lo’ak rushes out. “Does your head hurt? Does anywhere else hurt? I should go tell the healer your awake –“ Lo’ak without thinking, starts to stand up. His chest starts to feel heavy and it’s getting harder to breathe. But he can’t think about that now because Nova is finally awake, he must take care of her. The panic sets in.
 “Wait,” Nova said, gripping Lo’ak’s hand just in time before he slipped away. It happened all so fast Nova couldn’t really process what was going on. “Slow down Lo’ak, please.” But now Nova can feel Lo’ak breathing heavy, his mind must be racing. Nova knows how Lo’ak can get. She has seen this once before. He needs to calm down.
 “Just slow down and breathe.” Nova said, pulling Lo’ak down beside her. Nova lifts her hand and places it on his chest, spreading out her fingers, finding his heart pounding in his chest. “Now take a small breath in, and a small breath out.”
 Lo’ak looks at Nova’s face intensely and tries to listen to what Nova is saying. Lo’ak closes his eyes and takes a small breath in, and a small breath out. He does this several times and repeats the notion.
 Nova feels Lo’ak breathing slowing down, his chest isn’t pounding so loud anymore. After a while, Nova lifts her hand to cup Lo’ak’s cheek.
 “Are you ok now Lo’ak?” Nova questions, hoping Lo’ak’s panic has resided.
 All Lo’ak could do is smile and he feels his face heat up. “I should be the one asking you that question,” Lo’ak says, he feels so stupid right now. “I’m not the one who was practically knocked out for four days.” He exclaimed.
 “Has it really been four days?” Nova says in disbelief.
 “You know we were all so worried – I was so worried about you.” Nothing but guilt strikes through Nova in this moment. She really tried to wake up sooner – really, she did. She feels awful.            
 “I’m sorry, I’m so sorry Lo’ak I –“ Only then she feels a pair of arms embrace her tightly. Lo’ak was hugging her, keeping her close.  
 “You have no idea how much I missed you.” Lo’ak said.
 And all Nova could do in return was hug Lo’ak back.
 “So, she lives!” Nova hears Kiri’s voice in the distance.
 Lo’ak feeling slightly embarrassed being caught in an embrace, lets go of Nova and stands up.
 “My dear Nova!” Kiri was closer now, and she couldn’t help herself but dive in to give Nova a big hug. Nova smiles. Oh how she missed her friend.
 “Can you be careful –” Lo’ak points out to Kiri.
 “Lo’ak, it’s not like she is fragile, she is fine,” Kiri spits out. “I mean – you did have one nasty fall.”
 Now that Kiri mentions it, Nova touches the back of her head lightly – she feels a dull pain but other than that she feels fine.
 “Nova, are you ok?” Neteyam’s voice rings clear through Nova’s ears.
 Nova nods her head. “Yes, I think I will live guys.”
 “Nova let me tell you something,” Kiri says in a mocking tone, looking up at her brothers and she smiles. “I swear my brothers were practically preparing for your funeral –“
 “Kiri, seriously?” Neteyam spits out. And at the same time Lo’ak replies with a “That’s not funny Kiri!”
 Despite her blackout injury – she learned a lot during her time when she was unconscious. Nova learned that Kiri has a soft spot, not only for Nova specifically but for her brothers. Kiri cares more than she lets on. Nova learned that Neteyam holds a lot of his feelings in, but he deeply cares about the people around him. Nova learned that Lo’ak wears his heart on his sleeve, and his vulnerable sides slips out in his darkest and weakest moments.
 And so, the sibling bickering continued for a while. Honestly it felt good to be back, Nova thinks. She missed this – she missed her friends. Even with the dull ache pounding at the back of her head, Nova thinks she will be alright.
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frosticenow · 1 year
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This is a mood board I made for @officialtolkiensecretsanta event 2022. I also wrote a small fic to go with it! I hope you all enjoy it! This was my first time writing and publishing LoTR characters and my first time writing Éowyn and Éomer.
There were not many places with enough trees to form a forest near Edoras.  The plains of Rohan’s land were more suited to growing grass and wheat.  Every so often though, a small grouping of trees could be found.  Éowyn found had found a private little copes of trees.  It was her own special place and she had told no one of it.  Privacy in the Golden Hall was scarce especially for her.  Wormtongue had her followed by maids and other spies and Éomer had his own people follow her to ensure that Wormtongue never did anything.  She constantly had at least two people watching her.
It was exhausting and she just wanted to be left alone.  Practice her sword play sometimes, or ride by herself or even just sing with friends. 
This afternoon was a rare treat in that she managed to get away from all of her various minders.  Everyone seemed to forget that she was still Eorlingas, even if she was a woman and a woman of the court no less.  But she rode just as well as any of her brother’s best warriors.  In some cases, much better.
Éowyn had managed to sneak out with her horse, Windfola, and some food for a small picnic.  She was pretty sure she had a few hours before someone would come looking for her.  Only her brother would be able to find her, and he was supposed to be back from patrols tomorrow.  Walking around the trees she tried to find a comfortable spot to sit.
One of trees seemed to have a suitable spot and she loosed Windfola’s reigns and sat down to feel the sun of her skin. . . .
A while later, Éowyn could not tell how much later, the sound of a horse could be heard riding up on her spot.  She knew she was slightly hidden from the field, and she was not unarmed.  She waited holding her breath before she hear.
“Éowyn!  Where are you?”
She almost laughed.  It was Éomer, returned home early!
“Brother! How did you find me?” she foisted herself up from her tree and ran to hug a quite worn down Éomer.  He still had on his armour from patrol, only missing his helm.  Dirt was smudged on his face; it looked as though he had ridden straight here without cleaning up from patrol.
“Well I rode hard last night and this morning hoping to get to you a day early, sister dear.  Only to find that when I get home, you are not there to greet me,” he lifted and brow and Éowyn blushed at the slight censure in his voice.
“I just wanted some time to myself.  I am always watched.”
Éomer knew well her dislike of being followed everywhere and they had discussed it many times.  Most of the time she even agreed that someone needed to be with her to make sure Wormtongue never tried anything.
“I know, my dear sister.” He smiled a little then and released her from his embrace, “so tell me what have you been up to, other than missing me?”
She laughed, “What I normally get up to when you are away.  Someone must mind the healers and run the Golden Hall.  Though I suppose I should go back.  The feast welcoming you home was organized for tomorrow night and . . . .”
He cut her off as she started to fret.  Éomer knew she worked hard, “That is of no concern.  We shall have the welcoming feast tomorrow.  Most of my riders are wanting to be with their families more than a formal feast in the hall.  As I want as well.”
It was a small piece offering.  He would stay with her, and she could enjoy the little bit of time she got to herself, even if it was not so private now. 
Éowyn grabbed his hand and started to lead him to the tree she had been resting under.  They sat together, as she started to hand him wrapped bits of food.  Some dried fruit and nuts, a small roll or two and some dried meat.  In truth she had probably brought too much food for herself.
“Well what a welcoming feast this is!” Éomer declared as they both started on the food together.
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angeliclightdubai · 2 months
How Art Helps in Releasing Stress
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Every person has an artistic side. Art helps a person to discover his creative mind. Any art, whether it's sewing, drawing, writing, etc., plays a huge primary role in releasing stress. People of different ages can experience stress for various reasons. But if they continuously ignore it, then they might end up having anxiety attacks, which is not good for their mental and physical health. In that case, Anxiety therapists in Dubai can help them to recover from the situation.
This article will discover how art helps release stress in the human mind and helps people lead a healthy lifestyle. So, let's start the topic.
Tips Arts Helps In Releasing Stress
It helps in expressing your thoughts
Making art is a potent and productive way to convey feelings that could be difficult to convey orally. Through the medium of art, people can effectively channel their tension, anxiety, or dissatisfaction into something creative and tangible.
Mindfulness and relaxation
By encouraging mindfulness and activating the brain's creative side, engaging in artistic endeavors helps you focus on the process of creation and the present now rather than worries or pressures. A sense of calm and serenity may arise from this.
Sense of accomplishment
Whether an artwork is simple or sophisticated, finishing it can give one a sense of pride and satisfaction. This accomplishment can offset emotions of stress or inadequacy by boosting confidence and self-esteem.
Release of emotions
Making art is a beautiful accomplishment that can instill a tremendous sense of pride and satisfaction, regardless of how challenging the process may be. This accomplishment can significantly increase your self-worth and confidence, helping you overcomes any bad thoughts that could hold you back, such as nervousness or self-doubt. However, anxiety may result if you are still unable to let healthily go of your feelings. Then, Anxiety Therapy can help you recover from the situation.
Connection and communication
Without a doubt, art is a potent medium for interpersonal connection and communication. You can cultivate a strong sense of understanding and belonging by showing your artwork to friends, family, or a supportive group. This can greatly lessen feelings of loneliness and isolation.
These are some of the ways through which art helps you in releasing your stress. For assistance you can contact Post Traumatic Stress Disorder Therapist at Light Angelic.
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lightangelic · 11 months
Heal the Inner Wounds to Transform You from Within
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Availing of stress therapy in Dubai is preferred by many individuals, and I say it’s the right decision. Visit:
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light-angelic · 1 year
The top singing sound healer near me works best with Light Angelic for helping the sufferers of anxiety, and stress at a pocket-friendly cost.
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nohrslittleflower · 2 years
🛡️ - for my muse to protect yours from harm .
Soren raised his hexlock shield to block a stray spell coming at them from an enemy mage. He turned to her, appraising her with a glance.
"You can't always depend on others. Keep your wits about you."
Misc action memes (OPEN!)
Elise was absolutely ecstatic to participate in a mock battle when she noticed the sing up sheet available. Sure, it was a rather small one, and sure, teams will be random, but still! It’s not like she knows her classmates all that well anyway, and she is more than welcome to any and all new friends!
…Unfortunately her lack of friendship backfired. She was so focused on how many people were there, she forgot to actually pay attention to who was there. She had no idea who was on her side or an enemy, and the battle was already starting. Oops.
Unable to hit anyone in fear of injuring a teammate, and unable to heal in fear of helping an enemy, Elise just sort of ran around in a confused state. The resemblance of the small princess to a chicken without a head was uncanny. She didn’t wanna do anything wrong! SHE JUST WANTED A FRIEND, IS THAT SO MUCH TO ASK?!
The sound of a spell dissipating against the protective surface of a nearby shield right near her ear was quick to draw her out of her own head and to attention, only to be faced with a rather intimidating stare. “I- uh- hi? Are you on my team?” Her question was seemingly ignored, or perhaps unheard. She wanted to give this guy the benefit of the doubt, but his words were painfully accurate, and she did not come here to be called out.
“HEY! I am NOT depending on anyone else! I don’t even know who I’m supposed to depend on right now if I wanted to! WHICH I DON’T. So, there!” Elise crossed her arms and stuck her tongue out at her savior, beginning to walk away only for another spell to fly past her face and remind her where she was. Oh. Maybe now isn’t the best time to be making enemies. Wait, enemies? That’s the opposite of friends! NO!
Elise turned back so fast that her long pigtail slapped her in the face, causing her to stumble back. She coughed, hair accidentally inhaled, but desperately trying to save her relationship with this stranger. 
“W-Wait! Ugh! Cough. I’m sorry! I’m just confused right now. My name is Elise, and I’m a real good healer! I can help you, as thanks for saving me! So you can depend on me! Hehe.”
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amber-obrien · 5 days
Are sound healing therapies scientifically proven to have health benefits?
Sound healing therapies, often facilitated by sound healers, have gained popularity recently as complementary practices for promoting relaxation and overall well-being. While scientific research on sound healing is still emerging, some studies suggest its potential benefits. For instance, research has shown that specific frequencies and vibrations can induce relaxation, reduce stress, and even alleviate pain. Additionally, studies exploring the effects of music therapy, a closely related practice, have found positive outcomes in various health conditions, including anxiety, depression, and chronic pain. However, more rigorous studies are needed to definitively establish sound healing's efficacy. For those interested in exploring sound healing, seeking out reputable sound healers near me can be beneficial. Sound Bath in Newport Beach offers opportunities to experience sound baths, a form of sound healing where participants immerse themselves in soothing sounds created by instruments like singing bowls and gongs. Sound baths in Newport Beach, with its serene coastal setting, can provide a tranquil environment conducive to relaxation and introspection. While personal experiences with sound healing can vary, many individuals report feeling calmer, more centered, and rejuvenated after participating in sound bath sessions, making it a compelling option for those seeking holistic approaches to wellness.
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mdssamsung · 3 months
How can sound healers help improve well-being?
If you're searching for "sound healers near me," you're likely interested in exploring this unique form of therapy to improve your well-being. Local sound healers can offer personalized sessions tailored to your specific needs and preferences, creating a safe and supportive environment for healing to occur. Whether you're dealing with physical pain, emotional challenges, or simply seeking a holistic approach to wellness, sound healing can be a powerful tool for restoring balance and harmony in your life. By embracing the transformative power of sound, you can embark on a journey of self-discovery and healing that nurtures your mind, body, and spirit.
Sound healers utilize the therapeutic properties of sound to improve overall well-being and promote healing on physical, emotional, and spiritual levels. Through the use of various instruments such as Tibetan singing bowls, gongs, tuning forks, and voice, sound healers create harmonious vibrations that can help to balance the body's energy centers, known as chakras, and facilitate deep relaxation. These soothing sounds can also reduce stress, anxiety, and tension, allowing individuals to experience a profound sense of calm and inner peace. Additionally, sound healing sessions can enhance mindfulness and meditation practices, helping people to connect more deeply with themselves and their surroundings.
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