#Sirena Show
Post para manifestar que esta noche gane Sirena 🧜🏻‍♀️ en Solo Las Más 👑
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junglicious64 · 7 months
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some filly art i made
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duusheen · 1 year
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It's Blair's birthday! 😁🌞
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mappinglasirena · 1 year
La Sirena's Registry
Before season 3 aired, I promised I would make a post about La Sirena's registry if and when it was canonized during the final season of Star Trek: Picard. Now that the finale has aired and we are unlikely to ever see this little speed freighter on our tv screens again, I think it's high time I elaborate on this issue.
Mild spoilers for early season 3 of Star Trek: Picard below!
What are we talking about here?
Back in May 2022, after season 2 wrapped up, the official Star Trek twitter account made a post about some of the ships shown in the season finale.
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As you can see, they added additional information about the ships, including names, classes, and registry numbers. For La Sirena, they listed her as "S.S. La Sirena NAR-93131".
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The "S.S."-prefix and registry number were repeated by, among others, production designer Dave Blass, who said he was asked to come up with a registry number for season 3 and/or promo purposes, and they have since been listed on Sirena's Memory Alpha page and also showed up in the season 3 Instagram promos run by Paramount+ (which I briefly talked about here).
However, I have been holding off on changing any of my posts on this blog or the way I talk about La Sirena to reflect this new information, because I was waiting to see if it would actually get confirmed in canon. (In Star Trek, generally only things shown on screen during the aired shows and movies are considered canon. The many books and technical manuals, any deleted scenes, official promo-materials, tweets, Q&As, interviews, or other messages from the showrunners, writers, or production staff are usually relegated to beta canon).
Now that the show has officially ended, I can say with some confidence: we never got confirmation that La Sirena has a registry number, let alone what that number might be.
(Follow me below the cut for a (very long) exploration of registry numbers in Star Trek and why I think La Sirena remains without one.)
What is a registry number?
Most Trekkies are probably very familiar with the typical starship registry numbers we find throughought the shows and movies. They're blazoned across the hull and are often seen in official information or even used as identification in dialogue.
Here the classic example: the U.S.S. Enterprise which has the registry "NCC-1701", with various letters added for all later reincarnations of the famous flagship.
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While it is never discussed in detail anywhere in canon (unless I have missed something crucial), these registries are unique identifiers given to the ships. They are created and kept on file by the organization that has registered the ship in question (e.g. Starfleet for the Enterprises, the Klingon Empire for Imperial ships, the UFP for civilian vessels, etc.).
The prefixes before the ship name are an indication of this affiliation. Where in the real world, a ship operated by the UK's royal navy might be called "HMS Shipname" for "His/Her Majesty's Ship", in Trek world, we have Starfleet using "USS" for "United [Federation] Star Ship"/"United Space Ship", or the Klingon "IKS" prefix for "Imperial Klingon Ship."
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(Like this beauty. Though I don't think we ever see official registry markings on the hulls of Klingon ships.)
Similarly, the registry number has a specific format depending on the institution issuing it. For Starfleet, the most common in the 24th century was "NCC" followed by a number, though others were possible (e.g. "NA" for the fully-automated Starships like the U.S.S. Aledo from Lower Decks.
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With the few civilian ships we have seen over the course of the 24th-century Trek series, the most common prefix/registry combination has been "S.S. Shipname" (presumably for "Star Ship"), and a registry number beginning with "NAR".
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(See for example the "S.S. Mariposa, NAR-7678" from TNG's "Up the Long Ladder".)
At first glance, it would make sense for La Sirena to follow this pattern. However there is a snag.
To Register or not To Register?
We learn in season 1 that La Sirena is an unregistered vessel. Rios is an "off the books" pilot and the fact that his ship is not registered is mentioned more than once.
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However, at no point in any of the series (as far as I'm aware, and please, correct me if I'm wrong) do we get a clear explanation of what this entails in the Star Trek universe.
On its face, I would think "unregistered" means that La Sirena is not listed in any of the official registries that exist throughout the spaces where Rios operates his vessel. She's not registered with the UFP, the Romulan Free State, any merchant association, or any other organziation that might keep such a database. In order to be truly independent (and capable of doing a lot of shady dealings), Rios has kept Sirena out of any and all official records.
But if that is the case, that would mean there is no institution who could have conferred an official registry onto the ship. If "NAR-93131" were the ships registry, by definition, that would have to be listed in some kind of official register. Which would defeat the purpose of being off-the-books in the first place.
"But wouldn't the ship need a registry any time it docked at a port or came into contact with other ships?"
Presumably, yes. The point of registries is to make ships trackable and accountable. So, if you rocked up to a Starfleet-run spacestation and didn't have an official-sounding registry to broadcast, you would probably be in a lot of trouble. But there are many ways around this.
A determined off-the-books pilot (especially one with an extremely capable hacker-friend like Raffi Musiker) could have any number of fake registries (think: fake licence plates), official papers that are just out of date (e.g. stolen from a recently decommissioned ship) and a good story about currently being in the process of renewing them, funds set aside to bribe port officials in places farther from the centre of the Federation, where money still runs the economy... There are many ways around the obstacles presented by not having an official registry, and it seems very likely Rios would have chosen one of those.
Now, as I see it, there are three in-universe ways to bring in the "NAR-93131" registry.
The first possibility is that it's the designation the ship used to have, before Rios (or a previous owner) took her over and let the registration lapse. We don't know anything about the age of the ship in canon (in beta canon, she is fairly old), so it's possible she was fully integrated into a registered organization before she went rogue. In that case, Rios might even keep the registry around to have handy in case of interstellar bureaucracy mishaps.
Alternatively, this might be one of the fake registries Rios uses commonly when he encounters any kind of authority who will be likely to ask for his ship's identification.
In both of those cases, however, it likely wouldn't be a permanent feature of La Sirena. If you consistently use a fake registry, even if there is no record of it in any official database, it will eventually become associated with your ship and trackable across jurisdictions and time, which is the opposite of what you want to achieve by remaining unregistered.
The third possibility is that some time after Season 1, someone registered La Sirena with the UFP and "NAR-93131" is the number that was assigned to her then. I can't speculate about whether that was the production team's intended explanation (not least because from some of the comments I've read from them, it seemed to me like the connection between "this ship is unregistered" and "this ship does not have a fixed registry" might have gotten a bit muddled on their end), but it's definitely a possibility.
However, I am also not convinced by this explanation. While Sirena does rise to more prominence in the immediate aftermath of the Coppelius incident (she is ferrying around the Newly Great Jean-Luc Picard, after all), I'm not sure Rios would have agreed to register her before he joined Starfleet. Then Seven of Nine takes over the ship for work with the Fenris Rangers, and while I disagree with season 3's characterization of the Rangers as "pirates" ("vigilantes" or "non-state actors" seems more apt imo), I still think they would either not bother too much with having their ships properly registered or might even prefer the more stealthy approach of unregistered ships.
Finally, Sirena ends up with Raffi Musiker, who is using her for undercover work in Starfleet Intelligence. Once again, it could go either way. Raffi's cover story is that she's out of Starfleet, and while it would probably not raise any eyebrows for her to have a properly registered ship, I also think leaving the ship unregistered might have been useful to add to her outlaw persona.
As it stands, I think you can make good arguments for both, La Sirena being registered at some point during the run of Star Trek: Picard and her being kept unregistered and off the books for use in various semi-legal and/or covert activities.
One thing is clear, however: We never got any on-screen confirmation of her being registered, let alone the "official" name "S.S. La Sirena NAR-93131".
(NB: There is a minute chance a reference to the registry number might be somewhere in all of this information:
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but since effectively none of it is legible and the two or three docs talking about Raffi's assignment (Operation Daybreak) seem to be highly redacted, I will go with: It's never actually confirmed.)
Why does any of this matter?
Honestly? It doesn't. If it brings you joy to have a registry number to associate with this ship, I'd say go ahead and live your bliss.
This is really just a petty and very personal gripe of mine. I liked that La Sirena wasn't a Starfleet ship with the usual bells and whistles (registry number, dedication plaque, etc.). She was an oddball, run by a captain who, while emotionally still deeply connected to Starfleet, was also on the outside and preferred it that way. Season 1 offered a look at parts of the Star Trek universe we never really got to see before, and that felt fresh and exciting.
To me, personally, giving Sirena a registry number (without any character-driven explanation for how she got it or who decided to register her and why) felt like it erased a part of her identity. It changed her from a scrappy underdog operating in the grey areas and along the edges of the Federation to just another quasi-Starfleet ship of the line.
Is that a highly personal pet peeve and completely blowing things out of proportion? Yes. Yes, it very much is. Which is why I won't ever fault anyone for choosing to adopt the headcanon/fanon/beta canon of this registry and running with it.
But if anyone ever wonders why I continue to call her simply "La Sirena" and talk about her as an unregistered vessel, now you know ;)
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procrastinatorproject · 10 months
Hello, Love your work! I've long believed that the realm of transport and logistics in the Star Trek universe is a potential treasure trove of content often ignored. PIC S1 almost bucked the trend with the La Sirena "trailer hitch" and the Sampson/Wallenberg Class alluding to #spacetrains. Are you aware of any Fanart or Fiction exploring #spacecontainers #spacetrains?
Thank you so much for the compliment!
I don't know if you meant to send this to the main blog or @mappinglasirena, but I'm gonna answer it here so it ends up in the tags and more people have a chance to see it ;)
I love when people enjoy specific aspects of the worldbuilding in Trek! There is so much to dive into, and logistics and transportation is definitely a big area that holds a tonne of potential!
Off the top of my head, though, I can't think of any art or fic relating to spacetrains specifically, not in a Trek context. There's a tiny bit of concept art which you may have seen before, of La Sirena delivering cargo before picking up Picard, which was ultimately dropped from season 1:
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But I don't recall ever seeing anything more detailed. As for the Wallenberg, the only things I have there are the Eagle Moss booklet cover and very grainy footage from just before the Attack on Mars.
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So, I'm throwing this one to the wider tumblr Trekkie community! Does anyone know of any art including Trek-trains? Particularly space trains? Or stories that deal with cargo and towing cargo in particular?
Seven having to figure out the byzantine controls of Sirena's hitch system to take on some particularly heavy cargo? How the previous owner was recruited to aid the Romulan Rescue effort and that's why the hitch was added to the ship? Maybe some exciting spacetrain-heists?
Because I'd definitely love to see/read those myself 😁
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nie-narzekam · 2 years
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*Must_Protect_At_All_Costs.exe is running*
Special shout-out to Cris ‘I really don’t give a damn’ Rios:
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themostfinalofpams · 5 months
If my migraine evens out this week, might stream myself making some Venture Bros characters in the Sims 4. Might be a couple different sessions if I feel up to it, start with Rusty, Brock, and the boys, but probably do a Monarch household and an Order of the Triad plus Triana household and maybe a miscellaneous household of other faves.
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He aquí algunas villanas sirenas enlistadas tanto de peliculas como series.
El video tambien se lo puede encontrar en Tik tok y youtube.
Espero que os guste, el orden en el que se presentan son: 
Chelsea --- Pelicula: Krakens y Sirenas (Teenage Kraken) ----2023 
Cala Maria ---Serie: El show de cuphead -- 2022 
Las Sirenas o Las Dazzlins --Pelicula: Equestria Girls 2 -- 2014 
La sirena --- Pelicula: Piratas del Caribe navegando en aguas misteriosas -- 2011. 
Reina Eris -- Pelicula: Barbie una aventura de sirenas -- 2010. 
Marina del Rey -- Pelicula: La Sirenita 3. Los comienzos de Ariel -- 2008. 
Dyris --- Series: Duelo Xiaolin (Xiaolin Showdown) -- 2003 
 Sirenas --- Pelicula: Simbad la leyenda de los 7 mares -- 2003
Here are some mermaid villains listed from both movies and series. 
The video can also be found on Tik tok and youtube.
I hope you like it, the order in which they are presented are:
Chelsea --- Movie: Krakens and Mermaids (Teenage Kraken) ----2023
Cala Maria ---Series: The cuphead show -- 2022
The Mermaids or The Dazzlins --Movie: Equestria Girls 2 -- 2014
The Mermaid --- Movie: Pirates of the Caribbean sailing in mysterious waters -- 2011.
Queen Eris -- Movie: Barbie a Mermaid Adventure -- 2010.
Marina del Rey -- Movie: The Little Mermaid 3. The beginnings of Ariel -- 2008.
Dyris --- Series: Xiaolin Showdown (Xiaolin Showdown) -- 2003
Mermaids --- Movie: Sinbad the legend of the 7 seas -- 2003
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obessivedork · 2 years
OK but I’m obsessed with Narek from Picard getting a redemption arc but specifically in a way where Soji rightfully never ever forgives him or (god forbid) takes him back and where even if he becomes reluctant allies with the main crew for the mission of this imaginary season they never really trust him until his moment to prove himself once and for all in the season finale and he has to stumble his way through recovering from growing up in a Romulan doomsday cult and the loss of what was left of his family and build himself a new, healthier reason to live. Also I just think putting someone the gang hates on the ship for a season would be fun!
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twili-witch · 1 year
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Here's my "Welcome Home" OC: Sirena Songbird
“Sirena was quite the head turner when she first arrived in the neighborhood. Although shy upon first meeting, Sirena had a love for singing; her mesmerizing voice captured the attention of any & all neighbors nearby. Need help remembering lyrics to your favorite tunes? Need to practice before a big performance? Give her a shiny seashell and Sirena would gladly help you out like the good neighbor she is!”
Sirena was a bird/mermaid hybrid or “siren” who once lived in the seas with her fellow sisters. Despite learning how to sing from them, Sirena wished to use her voice for good & bring joy to others, unlike her sisters who lured sailors to their death. She wished upon a shooting star one night for a new life, and left her sisters with hopes of starting a new chapter. The next morning, she was found sleeping in a nearby river in the forest surrounding the neighborhood by Julie and Frank, who were hunting for butterflies. With the help of all neighbors, Sirena settled down in her new Home with all of her lovely neighbors.
During her first few appearances on the show, Sirena was a part of segments involving exercise & movement, learning how to use her new legs and things one can do with their body such as jumping. She would briefly be seen in a wheelchair during this time until she was comfortable moving around on her own. Afterwards, Sirena would make occasional appearances on episodes & segments involving singing & music; typically seen helping Sally with her theater shows, spending time with Julie and being a muse to Wally. Throughout her time on the show, Sirena did have a couple original songs that were very popular among children. Perhaps a bit too popular as parents have sent complaints about how their children sing her songs or request them to be played several times a day; few have even argued that they’ve seen their children in a trance-like, lethargic state.
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st1gmata-d · 7 months
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kuratm · 1 year
tags - verses!
♩ 》 ( verse. fandomless. ) // leader of a gothic rock band!  ♩ 》 ( verse. persona 5. ) // you are a slave. want emancipation?  ♩ 》 ( verse. persona 3. ) // remember that you will die. ♩ 》 ( verse. genshin impact. ) // forsaken kairi-sei onna. ♩ 》 ( verse. honkai star rail. ) // path of nihility. ♩ 》 ( verse. twisted wonderland. ) // we will show you a happy ending. ♩ 》 ( verse. kingdom hearts. ) // destined wielder of darkness. ♩ 》 ( verse. danganronpa. ) // ultimate j-rock sensation. ♩ 》 ( verse. sk8 the infinity. ) // elusive and beautiful sirena. ♩ 》 ( verse. tmnt 2012. ) // the youkai of new york city.
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zepskies · 2 months
Lost on You - Part 2
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Pairing: Soldier Boy/Ben x F. Supe!Reader
Summary: 1983 is a big year for you. You’re finally chosen to join the ranks of Payback, led by the most (in)famous supe in the world: Soldier Boy. He’ll never admit that he’s trying his damndest to figure you out. You’ll never admit that he’s actually growing on you. But the problem with this game is deciding who’s the predator, and who is prey.
AN: As you can see, I switched up the posting schedule slightly (check out the series masterlist for new "coming soon" dates). Thank you, guys so much for all the responses on Part 1! I hope you have just as much fun with Part 2. 😉
Word Count: 5.9K
Tags/Warnings: "Lies, lies, lies, yeah." ‘80s references, a new mission (and violence), cattiness, and some more cat and mouse tension.  
🎙️ Series Masterlist || YouTube Playlist || Spotify Playlist
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Part 2: Foolish Game
“You know, we really are a family here. The whole Payback team,” Crimson Countess said.
Her voice was filled with earnestness as she held the microphone to her ruby red lips with both gloved hands. She smiled and reached out a hand to you.
“But it’s truly my pleasure to welcome Sirena into the fold. It’s about time we got another badass chick on the team, am I right?”
She knew how to play up the packed crowd in the auditorium. They roused with cheers and clapping, and you stepped closer to her in the spotlight.
It wasn’t entirely an act when you gave them (and several cameras) a somewhat shy smile. You’d been on stages almost all your life, but never one like this. You knew you were being seen by the entire country right now.
On Countess’s other side was Soldier Boy and the TNT Twins, while on your side stood Black Noir, Swatto, and Mindstorm keeping himself in the back. Off at the far left of the stage were Arthur and Madelyn Stillwell, both seemingly patient and professional.
“And you look great, hun. I love the new suit,” Countess said, gesturing at you with a playful air.
You smiled a little more and affected some humility. You tried not to adjust the black mask sitting on the bridge of your nose. It felt like a pair of pool goggles.
“Well, a little leather goes a long way,” you joked into your own mic. It earned some laughs from the sea of flashing lights amidst darkness.
Countess laughed, a sultry sound. “I know that’s right.”
“I’m really just so grateful to be here on this incredible stage with you all,” you said, casting a hand at the rest of the team. “I’m just a girl from a dusty little town in Indiana. Seriously. Imagine Smallville, Kansas, but more tumbleweeds.”
Cue more indulgent laughter. The lie was well-rehearsed on your tongue, along with this next bit, as you looked into the closest camera.
“But if you all see some small greatness in me, then I’m honored and ready to serve,” you finished.
Enthusiastic applause met the end of your little speech. You smiled and lowered the mic. Countess nodded in agreement and offered her mic to Soldier Boy next. He stepped up to the center podium and leaned on it like he was John Wayne.
“Well, it’s a good day when another hero joins our ranks. I have a feeling that Sirena,” he paused, glancing at you out of the corner of his eye, “Is gonna be a good fit.”  
You didn’t like that smile on his face, but instead of letting that show on yours, you gave him a grateful smile. He had the gall to wink at you. Then he handed the mic back to Arthur and stepped back from the podium.
“All right, one more time, you guys. Let’s hear it for Sirena!” Arthur said to the crowd, and they erupted. You accepted the praise with a demure smile and a congenial wave, like you were Princess Diana or something.
The rest of your team gave perfunctory claps as well, but Soldier Boy was the first to head off stage. Countess and the rest of them followed suit, so you did as well. She and Soldier Boy didn’t even share a glance when she stopped off into the women’s restroom. An idea struck you, and you decided to join her.
“Hey, Countess,” you began to say, but she let out a humorless huff.
“What, are you going to follow me into the fucking stall?” she said dryly.
You were momentarily taken aback by her acidity. You blinked, and she turned to give you a bored look.
“I…just wanted to say that I really look up to you,” you said.
“Do you?” she asked, with a slightly mocking smile. Her gaze briefly ran down your form. “Is that why your suit looks like a Dollar Store knockoff of mine?”
Ah…okay, you thought. You saw what this bitch was about. She’d supported you in the public eye, but she didn’t actually want another woman on the team. She’d been a powerhouse for over a decade, and not just her years at Vought.
But for every icon, there’s the threat of becoming an old has-been, you thought. 
“Well, you’ve got a point there. I asked for a cape too, but they thought it was a bit too…retro,” you remarked, hinting at a smile as you gestured at her suit, and the long red cape that draped down her back. “But really, I’m a big fan. I actually grew up watching you when I was a kid. I remember that little documentary you did with Vought Geographic. The one with the baby chimps? So cute.”
Countess’s brow twitched, ever so slightly. Both her fake smile and yours remained the same.
She broke first with a roll of her eyes.
“Just stay out of my way,” she said. Her cape brushed your arm as she breezed past you. Your smile remained until she was out of the room. Then you took a deep breath.
Be careful, you reminded yourself. You had to prove that you wouldn’t easily bend to whatever bullshit might get thrown at you, but you were still the rookie here. You had a feeling that this was just the first test of many.
You kept your guard up, even at the afterparty hosted at a nearby hotel. Tessa followed Countess’s lead and gave you fake smiles when you passed by her. Otherwise, she ignored you. Mindstorm was the only one who seemed truly indifferent towards you. (You barely ever saw him out of his room anyway.)
You couldn’t much tell with Black Noir. He’d never taken his helmet off in the few days since you’d met him, but you sensed nothing but vague interest from him. The other three men were more obvious in the way they looked at you.
In fact, you could’ve predicted the way Soldier Boy found you in a slightly quieter corner of the banquet hall. His gait was relaxed and arrogant as he made his way towards you.
He annoyed you on sight, no matter how damn attractive he was. All broad shouldered and brown hair coiffed, his face mostly clean shaven, save for some stubble. With his military green supe suit, the silver decal of an eagle stretched across his broad chest—he certainly looked the part of America’s first hero. Too bad he was also a chauvinistic ass.
But you also had a plan. It had started to form after that first encounter with him in the break room.
You kept your true thoughts off your face as you turned to greet him. He was holding his fifth tumbler of whiskey, and he smelled like it too. You sipped at a glass of red wine.
“Small town girl, huh?” he said, smiling with old-world charm. “I happen to be a city boy.”
“Born and raised in South Detroit?” you teased. “I didn’t take you for a Journey fan.”
“The mean streets of Philly, actually,” he said, with a tip of his imaginary hat. “I may be a Sinatra kind of guy, but I don’t mind a little rock ‘n roll.”
You inclined your head. “Same here. Not that my parents approved. Growing up, I had to hide my Rolling Stones records under the bed.”
That much was true.
“Ah, a little rebel,” he remarked. His gaze roamed down your form, and back up to your eyes, shaded by smokey makeup. “Who knew they made ‘em like you in Indiana.”
Your lips curved. “It’s not just cows and cornfields.”
“Evidently,” he said, taking a swig of his whiskey. “How do you like the big city so far?”
“To be honest, I haven’t had a chance to see much of it yet. This whole thing has been a whirlwind,” you said.
The truth was, you were born and raised in Brooklyn. Maybe you had never lived in Manhattan before, but you were no stranger to the city.
Ben not only ate up the lie; he took the bait.
“Maybe I’ll give you a tour of the city one day,” he said. He thumbed at your chin once again with half-gloved fingers.
You tipped your face up to him, and you smiled.
“I’d like that.”
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Your first mission with Payback was not at all what you expected.
To start with, you’d expected to do some patrolling, run down some leads, do some investigating. Instead, they had a Surveillance & Security team to do all of that for the team. Plus, they were patched in via the local police scanner of any new crimes in progress.
Arthur had paged you to come to his office. There he told you that you’d actually be going for your first save today. You were excited, until he told you that you’d be on a “team up” with Crimson Countess.
Great, you thought.
She didn’t look happy about it either, when you met her in the lobby downstairs. She gave you another frigid look before she swiftly exited the double doors.
Stay out of my way. You got the message loud and clear.   
A black SUV took you two to the Lower West Side, where there was a robbery in progress. The front window of the jewelry story had been shattered, and tens of thousands of dollars in merchandise stolen by two masked men according to the store clerk. He’d been shot in the shoulder before the men took off. The police had yet to find them.
The most unnerving part of this was the cameras that followed you and Countess while you canvassed the area—like catching criminals was some kind of reality show.
“I think I can feel them,” you said, with your fingers on your temples. “They’re headed south through the alley.”
“Which alley?” she asked, waving a hand at the several blocks ahead of you. “And what do you mean you can feel them?”
You shot her a look, endeavoring not to be snarky. “I can sense them.”
Let’s just say, your powers were particularly potent when it came to men. That’s what allowed you to feel the robbers’ energies, set high with adrenaline. They were close.
You pointed the way, and Countess begrudgingly went along with it.
“Follow my lead though,” she said.
You agreed in the moment, but you were filled with maybe too much anticipation and excitement yourself when you turned the corner into the alley without waiting for your companion.
You found yourself staring down the barrel of a gun.
You froze, your breath stilling in your lungs. The safety clicked, and the man holding the weapon quirked his head.
“Haven’t seen you before,” he drawled.
“But you know me. Don’t you, handsome?”
Countess’s fist landed squarely across the man’s jaw. He yelped as the weapon clattered out of his hand. You jumped back as the gun fired, ricochetting off the brick wall. Countess rolled her eyes and tossed a fireball at the next man, who jumped out of his hiding place behind the dumpster. He screamed and dove to the side.
She didn’t wait for him to recover. Grabbing him by the collar with a gloved hand, she threw one hard punch that broke the man’s jaw. You winced at the telltale cracking sound. The other man just held his hands up in surrender, wide-eyed and afraid. You felt his fear radiating off of him. With another swift punch, she knocked him out as well.
You could only stand there with your mouth open in surprise. You managed to close it when Countess turned your way.
“I told you to follow my damn lead,” she said coolly.
The police filtered in shortly after, as did the camera crew. The director sighed at Countess.
“This was supposed to be Sirena’s first save,” he said. Countess turned to him with a sharp look.
“Train her fucking better then,” she snapped.
You chewed the inside of your lip, but you fought not to outwardly show your embarrassment. Why’d they have to partner you with her, for fuck’s sake?
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The car ride back to the Tower was just as tense and silent. At least there was a black partition between you two in the backseat and the driver.
Finally, you sighed and tried to offer an olive branch.
“Look, I’m sorry. I just got a bit excited,” you said.
“You almost got yourself killed,” she drawled, not even looking at you as she gazed boredly out the window. “Even that would’ve been a challenge for the PR team.”
Your lips pursed in irritation. Oh, my God. Is she that insecure?
“Countess, I think we got off on the wrong foot. I’m not trying to replace you. I’m not trying to take anything from you.”
“Except my boyfriend,” she shot back. Finally she turned her head towards you with cool disdain. “You think I didn’t see you flirting with him last night at the afterparty?”   
You rolled your eyes, though you hid a sliver of embarrassment. You should’ve known she’d spot that.
“He approached me, okay?” you said. Maybe you were about to let your pettiness to get the best of you, but you couldn’t help it. You smiled slyly. “And from what I hear, I’m the least of your worries. Looks like Ben has quite the appetite.”
The cracks of Countess’s cool façade finally broke through to anger. She glared at you tightly.
“He may have his little toys, but they never last long,” she said pointedly. “The only reason he’s giving you the time of day is because you’re new, and shiny, and full of silicon.”
“And young,” you added with a wink. “Don’t forget young.”
She seethed, and you were almost concerned that she might toss a fireball your way. Mercifully, the car rolled to a stop in the back entrance to the Tower to make it easier to navigate past any paparazzi. You slid out on your side, and you didn’t bother waiting for Countess when you went back inside the Tower.
All the way back up the elevator to your floor, you thought about the way you’d frozen at the sight of the man’s gun. You did have proper combat training. Your dad had paid for the lessons.
“You’re gonna pay us back one day,” as he’d said. “We’re investing in our future, just as much as yours.”
You shook your head and sighed. You should have grabbed the robber’s arm and reached for any flash of skin you could touch to compel him into submission.
The thought continued to unsettle you as you went into the breakroom first for something to eat. You ended up making yourself a sandwich and sat down at the nearby dining table with an unsweetened tea. Swatto happened to fly in for a coke and an old slice of pizza. When he noticed you, his insect-like wings folded back into his back after he landed on the ground.
Out of everyone, his suit looked the most cumbersome with the big shoulder armor and the condom-like mask over half his face. You understood why he wasn’t wearing it now. He was dressed down in an old Ramones shirt and a pair of jeans. He ran his fingers through his short hair and slid into the chair closest to you.
“Hey. How’s it going, beautiful?” he asked, with what was likely meant to be a charming smile.
You were close enough to sense his salacious thoughts. You restrained a sigh. Ordinarily you’d entertain him a bit more, but frankly, he was making a bad day worse and you weren’t in the mood.
So you smiled. While your hand slid over his on the table, you leaned in close to his ear.
“Shoo, fly,” you said. Your words held power as your eyes glowed violet.
Immediately, you felt the way Swatto’s body sat up straighter. With a blankness falling over his face, he got up from the table and left the way he came, forgetting his snacks on the table.
You shook your head and continued eating your sandwich in peace.
A few minutes later, there came an even rarer sighting—Mindstorm snuck into the breakroom next. He glanced at you with wary eyes, like a deer pausing before it took a drink from the pool. When you just stared at him in slight bewilderment, he quickly rucked through the cupboards for a bag of Bugles labeled:
As if anyone would want to steal a bag of Bugles.
Just when you opened your mouth to offer him some kind of greeting, Mindstorm quickly ducked out of the room. You blinked in confusion.
“Odd,” you said to yourself. “So very odd.”
“Right?” came a voice behind you. You screamed and nearly jumped out of your skin, but you realized it was only Black Noir, holding a beer.
“Jesus…” You held a hand over your beating heart. It wasn’t the first time he’d snuck up on you like that. Can this guy wear a bell or something?
“Don’t mind him. He’s got a few dozen screws loose,” said Noir.
Unlike the other two, he was fully suited up. However, he took his helmet off and set it on the table so he could drink. You held in a breath, as you were pleasantly surprised to see the face of a handsome black man. It was the first time you’d ever seen him unmasked.
Wonder what else he’s hiding under there, you thought. Your gaze briefly dipped down his chest and strong-looking thighs.
You both chatted over small things at first. According to Noir, Mindstorm’s apartment was completely soundproof, but it didn’t do much good for the guy, since he had a hard time keeping people’s thoughts out of his head. You thought New York City was probably a terrible place for him to live, in that case.
“And you’re smalltown, right?” Noir asked.
You offered a half-smile. “Guilty.”
“Yeah, same here,” he said, raising his beer. “From a nowhere town in Georgia.”
For the first time, you felt slightly bad for keeping up the lie. Noir seemed like a decent guy so far. You clinked your iced tea with his beer.
“Well, Nowhere, it’s nice to find a kindred spirit,” you said.
You two drank for a bit in a comfortable silence, until he turned to you with curiosity in his dark brown eyes as he took you in. 
“So, what made you want to join Payback? The pay, or the free shit?” he asked.
You quirked a smile. You decided to give him the easiest answer he’d believe.
“Well, the free shit is a big perk. But…as vapid as it sounds, I wanted to get out of the background, make a name for myself,” you said. Noir nodded.
“Believe me, I get it. Around here, it can be hard to stand out,” he said. His brows knitted together while he stared hard at the table. You watched him, wondering what he meant.
After a beat, he perked up and met your gaze. “You know, I’ve been wanting to pitch a movie idea to Arthur.”
“Oh yeah?”
“Yeah, just trying to…you know, find the right words.”
Your expression eased, and you crossed your arms and turned towards him.
“Okay, let’s go then,” you said, waving at him in a bring it on gesture.
Noir’s brows popped up. “Seriously?”
“Yeah, why not?” you said. “Give me your best elevator pitch.”
Black Noir stood up from the table, nearly knocking over his empty beer bottle as he went. You grabbed it so it wouldn’t tip over. You were amused by his slightly flustered state. He set his hands on his hips and couldn’t quite meet your eyes when he started speaking.
“So, I’m thinking it could be like 48 Hours meets Trading Places. Except instead of a wise-cracking criminal or a guy down on his luck, I’m like, a wise-cracking ninja.”
“But ninjas don’t typically talk, do they?” you said. Clearly this guy had a thing for Eddie Murphy. “Aren’t they supposed to be stealthy?”
Noir raised a finger. “Okay, yes, but it’s a comedy. So that’s the ironic part, in a funny way.”
“So you’ll make witty quips before you kill your targets?” you said, holding in a laugh. You brandished an invisible sword. “‘You’re gonna need a new carpet.’ Fshh.”
You mimed a cutting motion, then blood spraying from your neck as you made some mock death throes. Noir stared at you blandly. You bit your lip.
And you were the first one to break with a laugh. The sound was infectious enough to break him too though. Noir couldn’t help but shake his head and chuckle along with you.
You were almost too distracted to hear a pair of heavy boots, and sense the male presence at the door. You turned at the flash of green in the corner of your eye.
Of course, the cast wouldn’t be complete without Soldier Boy. Or Ben, as he’d insisted you call him.
His gaze roamed the room with feigned disinterest, but you could tell when he looked over at you and Noir that he wasn’t pleased. He clung to stoicism as he approached your table with his usual gait: calm, controlled, and arrogant.
“What’s going on in here?” he asked with a raise of his brow. “Could hear you all the way down the hall.”
“Just working on a pitch for Noir’s new movie,” you said, though the man in question gave you a hard stare. One that warned you to stop talking.
“Noir’s new movie?” Ben said, with a curl of his lip. He turned to the other man. “Trying to compete with Red Thunder before it’s even out in the box office? That’s not very good form.”
“No, no. Of course not,” said Noir. “Just…throwing some ideas around.”
“Oh, yeah, I heard. Some kind of samurai bullshit,” Ben said dryly. His green-eyed gaze was sharp, however. “Why don’t you stop wasting people’s time on tragic fucking ideas, and find something actually fucking useful to do.”
You watched carefully between the two men. Was there some kind of bad blood here?
Noir’s lips pursed, but despite the spark of anger in his eyes, he kept it all inside when he lowered them. He got up from the table and left without another word, putting on his helmet as he went.
Ben shook his head and drew closer to you. You frowned up at him as you stood and crossed your arms below your breasts.
“Well, that wasn’t very kind,” you remarked.
“This is the real world, sweetheart. He still needs to learn his place on this team,” Ben replied. But then, his charm was back. His face eased into a smile. “I’m glad I found you. It’s time I made good on my promise.”
You tilted your head. “What promise?”
“To take you out,” he said. “Give you a little tour of the city.”
After that little display, you had even less interest to spend any more time with this man than absolutely necessary…
Remember the plan, you reluctantly reminded yourself.
“Come on,” he prodded, extending a hand out to you. “I’ll make it worth your while.”
Releasing a breath, you uncrossed your arms and slipped your hand into his.
“Okay. I would appreciate you showing me around,” you said, giving him a smile with some feminine charm of your own.
His lips curved into a grin. He raised your hand up to his lips, and despite yourself, his stubble ignited small tingles across your skin.
“Meet me downstairs in half an hour,” he said.
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After taking the time to change out of your supe suit and into something dressier, reapplying your makeup and fixing up your hair, you met Ben downstairs out front. He was waiting for you there on a motorcycle, of all things.
“Really?” you asked, giving the vehicle a dubious look. “I thought you’d be a limo kind of guy.”
“Oh, I am. But today we need speed if we’re going to cover the whole city,” he said with a grin. He revved the engine, and it let out a loud, rumbling sound. It looked like a death trap.  
“I don’t know, Ben,” you said, for the first time using his name. You were actually nervous enough to show it.
He chuckled and motioned you over. Reluctantly, you went to him. His hand smoothed down your arm and held your elbow. He peered into your eyes.
“You think I’m going to let you fall on my watch?” he said. 
You held his gaze. Eventually, you bit your lower lip, and you accepted his offer of a helmet (even though he was going without one), then his helping hand to climb onto the motorcycle behind him. You tentatively held onto his waist.
“That ain’t gonna cut it, baby doll,” he said. He grabbed your hands and tugged you closer, until your arms wrapped around his middle. You made a small sound of surprise, feeling the solidness of his frame. You had a feeling he was grinning.
“All right, hold on,” he warned, revving the engine once again.
Your teeth clenched with dread. “Please, go slooow—ahhh!”
Ben peeled out of the curved landing in front of Vought Tower with a screech of tires. You gripped onto his jacket like a lifeline and pressed yourself to his back as closely as you could—something you were sure was his intention.
You sensed his amusement, though he at least had the decency not to laugh at you. He merged onto the street and zipped through the layers traffic, heading towards the center of the city.
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Ben didn’t just show you the city. He showed you his world.
He first took you to Top of the Rock at Rockefeller Center. Instead of the normal group tour to the observational deck, he had a short chat with management that had them letting you two up to an even higher level, into an exclusive bar. It was apparently so high up that only twenty people could be inside at a time.
You two enjoyed a couple of drinks along with the amazing view of the city, and of Empire State across the way.
“You don’t get views like this in Indiana, do you?” Ben asked.
You nodded indulgently. “You do not.”
Never mind that you had never even been to Indiana. Yet, you had also never seen the city like this either.
“Thank you for taking me out like this,” you said. You reached out and softly touched his hand. You met his eyes with a subtle smile. “I didn’t know what to expect when I got here, but you’ve been really nice to me. Makes me think I can actually belong here.”
He seemed pleased as he sipped his drink, brushing his thumb over the back of your hand.
“What can I say? I’m a nice guy,” he said.
You smiled, affecting demure as you ducked your head. It was an act you’d long ago perfected. Men tended to underestimate you, and you always used that to your advantage.
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From there, he took you to clubs you’d never even knew existed, then to a restaurant so old, it still had a dress code. (And it was the best surf and turf you’d ever had in your life.)
When you got to Times Square, however, you were delayed practically an hour by all the fans who wanted Soldier Boy’s autograph. Once the first couple of young women recognized him, even out of his suit, it was all downhill as more and more people got excited by the world’s most famous superhero.
You stood off to the side, watching him be flirtatious to women of all ages, ruffling kids’ hair, and shaking hands with men, and even veterans who thanked him for his service.
You signed a couple of autographs and took some pictures with people yourself, but you knew you wouldn’t be recognized as much. You had to be content with waiting for Ben off to the side. Though admittedly, you were getting bored and more than a little annoyed that he was taking so long.
He seemed to realize it when he finally looked your way.
“Hey, Sirena!” he called out to you by your supe name, drawing your attention in front of a few of his fans. He waved you over, and even introduced you to the small crowd still gathered around him. He set a hand on your lower back.
“I’m sure you all know about Sirena, the newest member of our team,” he said. You looked up at him with some measure of gratefulness. Maybe this part of the day was working in your favor even more than you’d thought.
You intentionally leaned closer to him, laying a semi-innocent hand on his arm as you smiled at the others.
“I’m taking some time to show her around,” he continued, glancing down at you. “She’s from a small town, so this city can be pretty daunting. But it’s my home. My favorite place in the world. Especially because I get to see all of you.”
He swept a hand out towards the crowd, and they ate it up with cheers, clapping, and some flirtatious whistling. He shot a wink and a raised finger at that one.
“If you’ll excuse us,” he said, with one last parting hand at the people. He ushered you back onto the motorcycle, and off you went.
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He was trying his damndest.
He wore that fake, debonair charm like a second skin as he got you a private tour of the Met, and treated you to rich food and expensive wine. He was showing off his wealth, his fame, and giving you the “best” of him.
However, you had already seen glimpses of the true man underneath the gaudy show. And it was ugly, with an edge of darkness.
You had that thought in the back of your mind, even while you two sat side by side on a ledge. He’d brought you to a spot near the Hudson River, close to an overpass. It wasn’t an area meant for parking (according to the No Parking sign), but he didn’t seem to care.
Neither did you, really. The view was too beautiful, with the large orange sun halfway sunk below the water. It cast shades of yellow and red and purple across the sky, even over the dark waters.   
Ben was working on his third hotdog. You were licking your way around a scoop of cookies and cream ice cream on a waffle cone, letting the end of it swirl off your tongue. You resisted a smile, feeling the warmth of his gaze on the side of your face.
“So tell me,” he said, after he finished off his snack. He crumpled his napkin and tossed it somewhere behind him. “I heard you were making a name for yourself as a singer. What made you want to join Payback?”
He was giving you a little too much credit. You’d been making your money by being a background singer for various artists, but your last big break going on Whitney Houston’s latest tour was what finally put you on Vought’s map.
You considered his question with a tilt of your head. Black Noir had asked you the same thing, more or less. You’d given him an easy, predictable answer. With Ben, you edged closer to the truth...or part of it, anyway.   
“I don’t just want people to know who I am,” you said. “I want to be remembered for something good. I want to prove it to my family too, that I can do it. …Is that naïve?”
Ben hummed in understanding, though he shot you a certain look.
“Not if you play your cards right,” he said. 
His leading tone didn’t surprise you. You slid him a smile. 
“And how should I do that?” you asked. You turned to him, setting your finished cone aside. Ben took the opportunity to reach out and draw a line down your cheek with his thumb. He wiped a small smear of chocolate from the corner of your mouth. 
He smirked. “By sticking close to me, baby doll.”
You had to admit, his proximity was stirring you more than you liked. He was devastatingly handsome, and he knew it too. With his face inching so close to yours, it was hard for you to remember the things this man had said about you to Arthur, how he clearly didn’t give a fuck about Countess, and even what a dick he'd been to Black Noir.
Not to mention, how he acted all the time, as if the whole world was his.
Just as his lips neared yours, you leaned back. Your eyes met his knowingly.
“You already have someone close to you,” you pointed out. “What about Countess?”
Ben stilled. He sighed, but he didn’t let go of your cheek. He traced your jawline with the sensuous promise of a practiced hand. It made your breath difficult in your lungs, rising into your throat.
“Ah, Donna,” he shook his head. “We’ve been on the rocks for a while now.”
I’m sure, you thought wryly.
“What you and I have, right here, right now,” he said, leaning in to press a lingering kiss to your cheek. “It’s special. The moment I saw you, a pure connection.”
Your brows furrowed. Those words triggered some kind of familiarity in you. A pure connection…
Wait, isn’t that a line from one of his movies? you thought. Oh yeah, A Gentleman’s Promise. 1949.
You had to bite your lip to stifle your laughter. This man did not just quote himself.
Ben took your reaction for a different kind of inner conflict, as he continued pressing tantalizing kisses down your neck. You cleared your throat a little, fighting a sigh of pleasure.
Stick to the plan, you thought.
Because he was right. The fastest way for you to get what you wanted was to be close to him, to use his status to your advantage. Timing was everything, however.  
You slipped your hands between you two and pressed gently, but firm against his chest.
“Ben,” you implored.
You were grateful that he actually stopped. His lips stilled against your skin, and he pulled away with a frown.
“What?” he said.
You looked up at him through your lashes, before you leaned in, stopping just shy of his lips.
“Maybe I’ll consider your offer when there’s a real place for me by your side,” you said with a smile. Then you backed off.
You gathered yourself and stood, coyly sauntering back to the motorcycle. You’d wait for him there.
Ben turned to watch you go, unwilling to admit he was both equally aroused and irritated. His jaw clenched, then eased.
After a moment, he joined you and drove you back to the Tower in silence. All the while, he couldn’t stop thinking. About your lips, your eyes, your voice, your soft body, your smile, and worst of all, the way you’d denied him. For fuck’s sake, you’d given him an ultimatum.
He couldn’t remember the last time someone had that kind of audacity, let alone a woman. He wouldn’t let show, or even admit to himself, how much it affected him. But the same thought kept turning through his mind as the streets of New York passed by in a blur.
Just who the fuck does she think she is?
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AN: 😅 Lol Ben's got his work cut out for him. Think he'll be able to figure out her game?
Next Time:
“What’s in it for me then?” he asked, crossing his arms.
You blinked your eyes wider. Really?
“I doubt whatever you’re thinking, Soldier,” you said, a little more snidely than you meant to.
Ben's cocky smile said it all.
Your lips pursed in exasperation. You hadn’t thought you would have to bargain to get him to be nice to a kid. 
“Okay, I’m sorry. Clearly you’ve had a long day, so I’ll just get out of your way,” you said, raising your hands in surrender. You turned to leave.
“All right, don’t get your panties in a twist,” he said.
You paused at the door, tossing him an annoyed look over your shoulder.
His smile deepened. “I’ll do it.”
His steps were measured as he approached you. You turned back to face him, albeit warily. As he seemed to like doing, he gently grasped your chin between his fingers.
“I’ll do it for a kiss,” he said.
▶️ Keep Reading: PART 3
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Ko-Fi Me ☕
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317 notes · View notes
crtter · 2 years
Today Sirena rolled on top of my mom’s TV remote control and turned the TV to a channel showing a bunch of water beetles swimming, which she immediately started watching intently while making this face:
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6K notes · View notes
Modern Enemy Monthly - Screenshots
I had a drawing idea, but I couldn't remember what the MEM logo looked like, so I figured I screenshot the appearances of it in the show
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The issues that are shown in "Return to Malice"
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The issue about the missing henchman (so glad they went with henchman and not goons for vbros, i'd be in hell right about now lol)
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The issue with Wes Warhammer on the cover, bonus Gary, because I liked his little smile
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The Blue Morpho issue, also Wide Wale, who I always thought was a semi-underrated villain, I really liked him, but that's cause i love mob/gangster stuff so I'm all about the fancy parties and suits and stuff. And also Rocko is cool too, i like em both, and wish they had a little more time to do their thing, I think we lost a lot of good potential with the NYC characters, they just diddn't get their time to fully shine, you know? Copycat was a stand out, and I really like The Brown Widow, obviously Sirena and Wide Whale, they were pretty fucking awesome too.
108 notes · View notes
themostfinalofpams · 2 years
yes, venture bros is one of my favorite shows of all time. No, I haven’t watched season 7 since it aired because nothing on television has ever fucked me up as badly as Sirena cheating on Hank with Dean and Hank finding out while he was delirious from a head injury
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