#Sky High AU
ghostlynimbus00 · 3 years
harringrove sky high au with Billy as Warren Peace and Steve as Will Stronghold
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onionrinqz · 4 years
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take this messy comic for my totally not forgotten sky high au <3
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daniwithoutane · 3 years
Written for @jukebox-week Day 2: Alternate Universe Day 🌎
I am very late posting this, as AU Day has come and gone where I am. But in celebration of Jukebox Appreciation Week Day 2, here is the first chapter of the Sky High crossover AU I was inspired to write after @xxprettylittletimebombxx made a comment one day about how a GIF of Booboo Stewart reminded her of a lot of Warren Peace (Steven Strait) in Sky High. My mind just kind of ran with it from there.
Chapter word count: 4556
"Julie was only half paying attention to what the boys were saying as she stood with her eyes concentrated on the school in front of her, a small flower pot filled with bright pink dahlias in her hands. Sky High. Where her mom had gone to school and learned to be a superhero. She and her friends had been talking about their future time here for years—she and Luke for almost their entire lives. And now she was here, but everything had changed.
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gale-gentlepenguin · 4 years
ML AU: Sky High AU
Marinette Dupain Cheng:  Power? Object creation. Role: Hero.
Adrien Agreste: Power? Matter Destruction: Role: Hero
-Marinette is a new student at Sky High. Her Parents are supportive of her but neither of them are super heroes. They do have powers which ended up merging to help her be born with powers.
-Adrien Agreste: His father and mother were both well known supers. Master Butterfly and Bluebird. Both had incredible powers. But a tragic accident resulted in the death of bluebird and the mutation of Adrien. His powers developed a much more destructive component then expected. His father ended up going mad from loss and was arrested, Labeled a villain known as Hawkmoth.
-Alya is the head of the school newspaper and she is always looking for a scoop.  Her illusions allow her to sneak about and avoid suspicion. Label of hero.
-Nino is the School radio DJ and  his mastery of bubbles. He is labeled a hero,
-Adrien is sort of seen as a danger because he is the son of a villain and his power. He always wears gloves to regulate it. He is actually a really nice dude.
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zukkacore · 5 years
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Well-adjusted Reddie fans: What if…. Richie and Eddie…. were soulmates
Me (deranged): What if…. Richie and Eddie had superpowers and went to high school and were the kid who glows and the guinea pig girl from that Disney movie nobody remembers, Sky High
Someday I will draw a thing for IT that isn’t a weirdly niche joke or meme 
(If you’re on mobile click for better quality wow + close ups b/c I kind of like how they look in the lights)
Bonus Hanbrough: 
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Part 2 |  Also I wrote a fic to accompany it | Reddie | Stanpat
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moony221b · 3 years
sky high au sky high au sky high au please say more
ok so here is a quick power run down:
julie is an empath
luke glows when he plays music or has strong emotions
reggie shapeshifts but only into a hamster
alex doesn’t have powers yet and doesn’t know if he ever will spoiler alert he gets super speed
willie has pyrokinesis
bobby can temporarily mimic others’ powers
carrie can create illusions
flynn can mimic sounds and voices she’s heard
nick has super strength
i don’t think i’ll ever write a full fic about this but how do y’all feel about a rp/ask account?👀
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lostgaytestsubject · 4 years
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im so in love with @onionrinqz sky high au even tho i haven't seen the movie in years
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aufi-creative-mind · 3 years
First of all - you are amazing and talented!!! I envy so much your ability to generate so many ideas. So a small question about LU for your Q&A: How many AUs for LU, heck for LoZ in general, you had came up with/participated in creation of?
My dear friend... i have soooooooooooooooooooo many AUs and ideas for LU and the LoZ in general that they basically created their own multiverse. 
If I had to explain it all in...detail....it’ll be like this
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And all of my friends on Discord who have heard of the stories and ideas would know what it’s like to deal with me and my galaxy braincells. lol 
But in summaries, these are the AUs and worldbuilding ideas that I have been working on so far. And they all have very in-depth worldbuilding and story details: 
Warning: long post about several AUs I have in mind 
BotW Family and Legacy 
A series of stories that follows the life, journey and deaths of Wild’s Family, both Pre-Calamity and Post-Calamity. And beyond. 
Story of Twilight 
Follows the journey of the Hero of Twilight before the events of Twilight Princess, his origins and upbringing, growing up as the sole Hylian in Ordon Village.  And after the events of Twilight Princess and his search for answers about his mysterious ancestor and his true fate for him to become the Hero’s Shade. 
Bapy Legend’s Past 
Explores the upbringing of the Hero of Legend before the events of ALttP and who was his Uncle before becoming his primary guardian. 
Linked Universe AUs
Sky High AU 
(In collaboration of the wonderful @cy-the-angst-maker, @pulveremcomedesligulas and Judai, along with many other contributors. ) It’s the LU Boys but they all have superpowers and live in the Modern Day setting of the Sky High universe. And then things turn for the deep end. 
SH AU of AU, Linking the Links AU  
(in collaboration of the wonderful @cy-the-angst-maker​, @pulveremcomedesligulas​ and Judai, along with many other contributors.)
A crossover AU that happens after the end of SH’s Main Story where the original LU Heroes got sucked into the SU AH world and have to team up with their SH counterparts to figure out the mystery of their circumstances and the wave of monsters that were beginning to reek havoc in this strange new world.
( In collaboration with @cy-the-angst-maker )
Takes place after the events of Linked Universe. To break the eternal curse of reincarnation and to destroy any chance of the Demon King’s return, what if Wild takes in the Ancient Darkness within his own soul and upon his passing, he ascends to become the new God King of Darkness, Noctis. (Comes in Prequel and multiple parts of the Main Story and Post Story). There is so much more in this story, I promise. 
This one was inspired by @jinmukangwrites‘s Labrat AU but it since exploded into becoming its own fully fledged world and story. 
In a modern day AU of Hyrule, a secret Rebellion is taking place under the normalcy of society after the sudden Disappearance of Princess Zelda, the Holder of Wisdom. A bond forms between the Child of Power and the Rebel of Courage as they navigated through the chaotic political landscape as secret government agents hunt them down. And uncover the conspiracy centuries ago that led to where they are now. (features, a Bapy, a Dad and Noodle Dragons) 
Titles: Pokemon Power, Power Wisdom and their sequel, Pokemon Courage
This one is super simple. It’s the LU Boys but they are all Gym Leaders and one Champion of the Hyrule Region. With a Pokemon style storyline, worldbuilding and shenanigans. As if this were its own games. (I swear it’s far more in-depth than this). 
Simple. It’s the Boys but they’re all different breeds of Cuccos. And more!!
This one is more of a crack idea in collab with River in the LU Discord some time ago where, it’s the LU Boys and friends / family but they’re all roleplaying as characters in the Lord of the Rings.....AND it’s a DnD campaign. :D 
And these are just the TIP of the iceberg. I could go on and on and on about the worlds and stories I have created and told. But that needs to be its own post...and series. One of these days, I’ll be able to unpack all of them into writing and drawing. 
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flightfoot · 3 years
ML Sky High AU - Powers and Class
Adrien: power of destruction and enhanced senses. Hero.
Marinette: can summon Lucky Charm and (unbeknownst to her) reset damage. Sidekick.
Chloe: Can paralyze anyone she touches, though only one person at a time. Hero.
Ivan: Can turn into a rock monster. Hero.
Alya: Can summon an illusion, though only one at a time - but it can be pretty complicated. Hero.
Juleka: Can turn anyone into Reflekta, though in this version that doesn’t necessarily negate powers. Sidekick.
Mylene: can multiply herself, but shrinks when she does so. Sidekick.
Alix: ...She’s a tricky one, being frankly overpowered. Hm... maybe she can slip between timelines but doesn’t always know she’s doing it? She’d be placed in the Sidekick class because she can’t properly demonstrate her power, and doesn’t have a great grasp on it either. But she’s a “Screw the establishment” type so she doesn’t mind too much.
Nathaniel: can create anything he draws. Is often compared to Marinette as having the “useful” version of her power. Hero.
Nino: Can summon a protective barrier. Hero.
Rose: Mind control perfume. Hero.
Kim: can summon a random object that messes stuff up. Sometimes derided as being worse than Marinette’s power since it can screw with heroes too, sometimes better because at least his power DOES something. Sidekick.
Sabrina: She can turn invisible. Hero.
Hero class: Adrien, Chloe, Ivan, Alya, Nathaniel, Nino, Rose, Sabrina.
Sidekick class: Marinette, Juleka, Mylene, Alix, Kim.
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idiosyncreant · 3 years
Inspiration is really wild, because there is no logical sequence to it
Thought 1: I would like to write something with self-indulgent posh apartments
Thought 2: It could be an AU where Warren Peace is a successful supervillain and Layla is forced to live with him because ??? (they haven’t met because in this version he was already kicked out of Sky High, obviously)
It takes 2 seconds to process and hours to unpack
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grievouscollection · 4 years
Recording this here before I forget: Sky High AU. Obi-Wan didn’t exactly impress the PE coach with his gecko grip ability and didn’t think it would be ethical to influence his decision with telepathy. On the Hero Support track, he is often paired for exercises with Anakin, an upperclassman whose ability to control machines is relatively unknown. Anakin is fine with being Hero Support, he honestly doesn’t know what he would do with the publicity of being a Hero, but it’s still quite frustrating to be treated like crap in the way that Hero Support tend to be. Obi-Wan develops a crush on the older boy and wishes they could be a duo. If only one of them were a Hero...
Well, he gets his wish, in a cruel and twisted way. Palpatine, the school principal with the ability to create lightning, has been colluding with various supervillains to create a machine that can turn people into babies. While the ability to control machines is currently not widely recognized, the supervillains’ tech companies will make a world where it is... and Palpatine plans to turn their own machines against them with the help of his adopted son and subsequently take over the world.
Obi-Wan, now a teacher at Sky High, guilts himself endlessly over the “death” of his high school crush. But one of the boys on the Hero track looks awfully familiar. Anakin’s son, maybe? The resemblance in both looks and abilities is truly uncanny.
Anakin (or Vader, as his father calls him) has a lot of memories that don’t exactly make sense. He remembers going to school before and vaguely remembers the red-haired boy he’d imagined printed on a cereal box. He definitely remembers being angry about the crappy treatment of Hero Support. His father is proud of him for making the Hero track, always telling him he is better than the rest, but the words don’t sit right. And he has definitely seen that sad-looking teacher somewhere before, not on a cereal box, but somewhere. Could his vaguely threatening occasional glimpses of the future provide some insight?
Only in “Vader’s” senior year does it all come together.
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onionrinqz · 4 years
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some doobles bc i cant sleep
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sky-high-my-beloved · 3 years
Sky High AU
Steve Stronghold made Barron Battle his godfather, but at the last minute he couldn't go because his wife was giving birth.
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gale-gentlepenguin · 4 years
Warren Peace is basically Adrien if he stopped trying to pretend his life sucks. They even have similar powers.
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zukkacore · 4 years
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“Oh, look, he does glow.” “Told you.”
Can we talk about glowing Richie? Can we please talk about glowing Richie? Oh, and punk Eddie.
(Click for better quality!) God give it to tumblr to destroy the quality of a gif. I’m itching to turn this into a fully-fledged superhero au. This franchise needs more fun instead of straight bummers.
Sky High AU Pt 1 | Fic | StanPat
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moony221b · 3 years
Hey guys!
So I made a rp/ask blog for a JATP Sky High AU @ask-jatp-skyhigh-au and i would love for you guys to check it out and send some asks! Thanks🥰
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