#Sky Microscopium
star-shooters · 1 year
Old Art of Star Shooters
I recently cleaned my DeviantArt, GoldStarProduction, of all of my art since 2013 and found a lot of good art. I haven't gotten around to making new art that I am confident in sharing yet. So, I will post the digital art of some of the characters within Star Shooters.
I constantly altered between a cute simplified design to a more detailed and realistic one. I am still working on what style to draw these characters in, and some characters don't have a design yet. So far, all the art I have is old designs of the characters and do not reflect who they are in the current version of my story.
Apologies for any watermarks shown below. The old tablet that I used to draw with doesn't support the art app I once used.
Left: Gold Gemitaurus and Silver Kentaurus-Sirius | Right: A more recent drawing of Gold Gemitaurus
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I originally had the idea that their cores, souls, would float above their heads. Now their cores are inside their bodies. Gold had an antenna instead of a horn and Silver was always sad.
Compared to the rest of the crew, I found myself constantly drawing Gold. This was also my attempt to make a drawn model of Gold when I was messing around with Blender. I haven't gotten around to fixing my old laptop, it was misplaced sometime before the break.
Gold Gemitaurus and Copper Cephei:
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I didn't know what I was doing when outlining these characters. There was just a black outline with inside lines being darker than the color inside. I also had a thing for black belts or rings/bands on characters too.
Left: Ube Cephei-Sirius | Right: An older version of Ube Cephei-Sirius with Lumens, late-spirits of young Stars or Stellars
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I had trouble choosing colors for Ube, either having a vibrant purple or a dull purple. So far, I had stuck with the more vibrant shade of purple.
Bone Aratumi:
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I don't think I ever got around to digitally drawing Bone Aratumi. This is the most recent drawing I have made. He is similar enough to Gold's brother, Bone Gemitaurus. Bone Gemitaurus is the same type of Star, just with different tattoos and other physical differences.
Left: Yellow Andromeda-Eridanus | Right: A more recent sketch of Ube Cephei-Sirius and Yellow Andromeda-Eridanus
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Yellow was very hard to draw in other poses, her hair was something that changed a lot before I got the hang of it. I did have a different type of hairstyle for her but I can't find the sketches. Perhaps at a later time.
Left: Lapis Asclepius | Right: Ube Cephei-Sirius and Lapis Asclepius
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Lapis was the least character I drew, along with Bone Aratumi. I do plan to majorly redesign her along with everyone else.
Lavender Pink Veloctan:
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Excuse the misspell, I was too interested in drawing and designing. But this was the only drawing I had of Lavender Pink, originally named Lavender Magenta. They'll have a major redesign as well, I am not happy with their hair and body proportions.
I never designed Sky Microscopium, despite describing its appearance in my senior thesis creative writing piece. Sky will be designed as well; I'll have to force my Chromebook to work with me.
I will have sketches of all the characters when I get the chance. I am open to any feedback so please tell me any suggestions, questions, or anything else.
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elbiotipo · 2 months
One thing that (equivalente inglés de "me rompe las pelotas" no tengo ganas de traducir) me about modern astrologers is that it doesn't involve actual astral bodies anymore. Oooh, you made me a natal chart by reading a book or some website and gave me a personality test, who cares. Now, if you actually came to me and told me "I was watching the sky all night and I noticed a meteor passed by your sign" I might pay more attention to you.
Or maybe incorporate some of the new constellations here in the Southern Hemisphere. Who cares about Taurus or Aquarius, always with the Northern hemisphere, I want to see what Microscopium or Horologium means for my future (real constellations BTW). I haven't seen any astrologers talk about any constellations or celestial bodies besides the Zodiac and the solar system. I'm not sure if some of them even KNOW the Zodiac are actual stars that you can go outside and look. Come on, tell me what the Messier Catalog means for my love life.
Did you notice that the Tres Marías (Orion Belt) was up in the sky when Argentina won its third world cup? That's REAL astrology for me.
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officially-taurus · 6 days
List of constellations (and the respective gimmick blogs)
Taurus (me!)
Orion ( @orion-in-the-sky )
Ursa Minor
Draco ( @official-draco-constellation )
Corona Borealis
Canes Venatici
Ursa Major ( @ursa-major-actually )
Gemini ( @the-official-gemini )
Canis Minor
Leo Minor
Coma Berenices
Capricornus ( @officially-capricorn @might-be-capricorn )
Piscis Austrinus
Phoenix ( @phoenix-the-inferno-constellate )
Corona Australis
Canis Major
Corvus ( @corvus-the-constellation )
(please tell me if there's a new constellation gimmick blog so I can add it to this list!)
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hannahmcgill · 2 years
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Gastronomy Chart A silly piece depicting my personal experiences with food linked to various constellations in the sky.
Image ID beneath Read More cut contains over 70 food puns in a list. This is a long list, and a lot of puns, so I'm not going to subject everyone to all that without their consent.
[img id] 1st image: Digital art depicting food-themed constellations. Blue constellations are on a flat black background. It is labeled 'Gastronomy' along the bottom.
2nd image: Labeled black-and-white diagram of first image so that everyone can appreciate the puns. The labels are as follows, in alphabetical order:
Andromeda - "Pan"-dromeda Antlia - "Anchovy"-a Apus - A-"Parsnip" Aquarius - Asparagus Aquila - Aq-"Waffles" Ara - A-"Radish" Aries - Berries (say this one aloud) Auriga - Auriga-no (say this one aloud, too) Boötes - "Beer"-tes Caelum - "Cake"-um Camelopardalis - "Caramel"-opardalis Cancer - Boiled Crab Canes Venatici - Canes "Penne"-tici Canis Major - "Soda Can"-is Major (so it's a big plastic bottle) Canis Minor - "Soda Can"-is Minor (just the cat) Capricornus - Capri-"Corn"-us Carina - "Calamari"-na Cassiopeia - "Spaghetti"-opeia Centaurus - "Gin"-taurus Cepheus - "Cereal"-phus Cetus - "Sushi"-tus Chamaeleon - Chamaele-"oolong" Circinus - "Citrus"-inus Columba - "Cola"-mba Coma Berenices - "Chicken Korma" Berenices Corvus - Cor-"Vanilla"-s Crater - Was already food-related, so no pun necessary. Crux - Slice of Cake Cygnus - Roast Swan Delphinus - Del-"Fondue" Dorado - "Doragon Fruit" Draco - "Drink"-o Equuleus - "Egg"-uuleus Eridanus - Eri-"Danishes" Fornax - For-"Nachos" Gemini - Ge-"Mint"-i Grus - "Au" Grus Hercules - "Burger"-cules Horologium - "Hors-d'œuvre"-logium Hydra - Hyd-"Ramen" Hydrus - Hy-"Drumstick" Indus - In-"Dessert" Lacerta - It's a gummy lizard! Leo - Le-"Orange" Leo Minor - Le-"Orange" Minor Lepus - "Leek"-us Libra - Li-"Bread" Lupus - Lu-"Pumpkin" Lynx - "Sausage" Lynx Mensa - Men-"Salmon" Microscopium - Monoceros - Mono-"Celery"-os Musca - "Mousse"-ca Norma - "Nori"-ma Octans - "Okra"-tans Ophiuchus - Ophiu-"Cous-cous" Orion - Ori-"Onion" Pegasus - "Egg"-asus Perseus - "Supper"-seus Phoenix - Phoen-"ice cream" Pictor - "Pickle"-tor Pisces - "Stargazy Pie"-sces Piscis Austrinus - Pisces Aus-"Tin"-Us Puppis - Pup-"Pizza" Pyxis - "Pizza" Reticulum - "Ratatouille"-um Sagittarius - Saggi-"Pear"-ius Scorpius - Roast Lobster Tail Sculptor - Sculp-"Tortilla" Scutum - Scu-"Toast" Taurus - A Steak Telescopium - "Tea"-loscopium Triangulum - Wedge of triangular cheese Triangulum Australe Tucana - "Tuna Can"-a Ursa Major - Ursa "Measure" Ursa Minor - Ur-"Salt" minor Vela - "Veal"-a Virgo - "Extra" Virgo "Olive Oil" Volans - Vo-"Lasagna" Vulpecula - "Full"-pecula
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dfroza · 10 months
just like the 88 keys of a piano and its strings
(Waiting) for a clear connection with another is like waiting for a message from outer space…
@ engineers_feed
There are 88 recognized star constellations in our night sky.
7.11.23 • 6:09am • Twitter
For anyone interested in knowing the names of all 88 recognized constellations, here they are:
1. Andromeda
2. Antlia
3. Apus
4. Aquarius
5. Aquila
6. Ara
7. Aries
8. Auriga
9. Boötes
10. Caelum
11. Camelopardalis
12. Cancer
13. Canes Venatici
14. Canis Major
15. Canis Minor
16. Capricornus
17. Carina
18. Cassiopeia
19. Centaurus
20. Cepheus
21. Cetus
22. Chamaeleon
23. Circinus
24. Columba
25. Coma Berenices
26. Corona Australis
27. Corona Borealis
28. Corvus
29. Crater
30. Crux
31. Cygnus
32. Delphinus
33. Dorado
34. Draco
35. Equuleus
36. Eridanus
37. Fornax
38. Gemini
39. Grus
40. Hercules
41. Horologium
42. Hydra
43. Hydrus
44. Indus
45. Lacerta
46. Leo
47. Leo Minor
48. Lepus
49. Libra
50. Lupus
51. Lynx
52. Lyra
53. Mensa
54. Microscopium
55. Monoceros
56. Musca
57. Norma
58. Octans
59. Ophiuchus
60. Orion
61. Pavo
62. Pegasus
63. Perseus
64. Phoenix
65. Pictor
66. Pisces
67. Piscis Austrinus
68. Puppis
69. Pyxis
70. Reticulum
71. Sagitta
72. Sagittarius
73. Scorpius
74. Sculptor
75. Scutum
76. Serpens
77. Sextans
78. Taurus
79. Telescopium
80. Triangulum
81. Triangulum Australe
82. Tucana
83. Ursa Major
84. Ursa Minor
85. Vela
86. Virgo
87. Volans
88. Vulpecula
7.11.23 • 11:16am • Twitter
the night sky is “silent” yet still playing a universal symphony orchestrated by our beautiful mysterious Creator
like instrumental music and poetry, we see and hear things in nature just as we see written words
words that when taken inside become intertwined with our own heart and thought-life (the heart is where desire is “conceived” just as speech)
with God addressing Job:
Can you bind together a cluster of twinkling stars—
the seven sisters of Pleiades who keep company in the night sky?
Can you loosen the cords of Orion’s bow?
Can you lead the stars of the Zodiac out in their proper seasons
and guide the Bear with her cubs?
Do you know the rules of the heavens,
or apportion their influence on the seasons of the earth?
The Book of Job, Chapter 38:31-33 (The Voice)
God orchestrates “signs” in the heavens even as the stars align, yet we have no need of things such as astrology or horoscopes as forms of fortune-telling which are idolatrous in nature.
Israel in the course of their History went astray time and again from God’s truth, and some still don’t yet see their Messiah in Yeshua who the writing of the Hebrew Bible (Tanakh) points to. did you know there is a point in the world’s fiction that can become idolatry when it takes all the time of the heart & mind rather than focusing on our Creator and His truth as what is most sacred and treasured inside?
And we can see the rebirth of Israel on earth as a clear sign of God restoring the Jewish people and all Gentile believers are actually “ingrafted” into the Jewish Vine and its pure “Root” of Yeshua as Messiah over all of us
from the 36th chapter of the prophet Ezekiel:
Eternal One: On the day I cleanse you from all your sins, I will bring people back into your desolate cities, and heaps of rubble will be turned into grand structures. The wasteland will be plowed and sown—a vast change from the emptiness those passing by are used to seeing. They will be amazed, saying, “This place used to be an empty wasteland. Now it’s like the garden of Eden! The cities were demolished, lying in ruins and completely abandoned. Now they are all restored, strong and full of people!” Then the nations near you will know that I, the Eternal, am the One who rebuilt and restored the ruined cities and replanted the empty wilderness. I, the Eternal One, promise to do exactly what I’ve said.
The Book of Ezekiel, Chapter 36:33-36 (The Voice)
And we see the significance of this in the heavenly city of the new Jerusalem with its foundation stones inscribed with the 12 apostles of Yeshua and the city’s 12 gates with the 12 sons of Israel (Jacob):
Heavenly Messenger: Come with me, and I will show you the bride, the wife of the Lamb.
He took me away in the Spirit and set me on top of a great, high mountain. As I waited for what I thought was a bride, he showed me the holy city, Jerusalem, descending out of heaven from God. It gleamed and shined with the glory of God; its radiance was like the most precious of jewels, like jasper, and it was as clear as crystal. It was surrounded with a wall, great and high. There were twelve gates. Assigned to each gate was a messenger, twelve in all. And on the gates were inscribed the names of the twelve tribes of Israel’s sons. On the east wall were three gates. On the north wall were three gates. On the south wall were three gates. On the west wall were three gates. And the city wall sat perfectly on twelve foundation stones, and on them were inscribed the names of the twelve emissaries of the Lamb.
The Book of Revelation, Chapter 21:9-14 (The Voice)
A poetic post finished over 8 years ago that points us toward our heavenly “Home”
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What WIP are you currently working on and can you give us a little detail and/or text snippet that you are excited about?
ok ok ok ok
so ummm... i should really not be starting a new fic (i promise i'll finish the royalty au fic...someday) but i have a new fic idea
12th doctor/river song fic. the doctor, the man who can change the world. river song, the woman who'll end it.
it's like, a 1600's human au. the doctor is an inventor, creating lots of different inventions with his apprentice Bill Potts. River, also an inventor (but not for good)
fic name: have you ever seen the sky so dark
chapter 1: all the stars we steal from the night sky...
Tilting up his telescope ever so slightly to see the nearest nebula, the Doctor sags against his rocking chair in front of the window. The windiness and clouds covered his view, making the night rather anticlimactic. A brisk whip of wind swept his face as if the sky was laughing at him. He sighs, closing the window and grabbing the telescope. The stars were meant to be beautiful. The Doctor scrubs a hand over his eyes, opting to head to his room. He leaves the rocking chair creaking as he walks towards the door.
Opening the door to complete and utter chaos wasn’t unknown to him. He often had to tip-toe around his creations, trapezing upon his heap of a maze. The Doctor picks up his latest invention, the Microscopium. It’s like the telescope except in reverse, bringing close things closer. He inspects the lens, tilting it ever so slightly. Thanks to his clumsiness, the Doctor ends up dropping the water flask and is forced to watch as it shatters beneath him. He curses briefly before squatting down to pick up the shards.
Oh, the stars would have been so much better. Their brightness would have infected his smile, just as it always did. They would cause his eyes to widen and make his heart leap. The Doctor’s affinity with the night sky was not unknown to the public. The man had earned his name for his discoveries, following in Galileo’s footsteps. He was even deemed a member of the Royal Society, further cementing his popularity. 
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oflgtfol · 2 years
top 3 constellations!!
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1. i’m a basic bitch for this but orion has to be #1. literally everyone who is even passively interested in astronomy will choose orion but it’s for good reason. i know i’ve literally been hellbent on astronomy since i was like 12 but i SUCK at identifying constellations irl and orion is one of the few i know, and i’ve known it the longest. even when i was a young kid, like waaaay back when i was even 7 years old, i could recognize orion’s belt - i didn’t know that’s what it was, but i would always find the three stars in a line together so easily whenever i was looking out the car window at night during the winter. in fact winter stargazing sucksss due to how cold it is but orion makes it worth it
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2. cassiopeia is probably the second constellation i know best. i don’t know it well enough to instinctively know which part of the sky it’ll be in, but once i’m in the right direction it’s fairly easy to pick out the five stars in the little W shape. cassiopeia is also just a cool name yknow
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3. MICROSCOPIUM. this constellation is fucking hilarious i only know it exists at all because it’s sort of a meme in astronomy club. unlike most of the 88 officially standardized IAU constellations, which have long millennia worth of collective cultural and mythological history behind them, microscopium was just created by some random guy in like 1750. it sticks out so badly like everything else is an animal or an important person or some sort of religious object and then there’s just. A microscope. its so funny. it doesn’t even look like a microscope
( ask me top 3 anything )
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theprinceofflies · 3 years
I want to give you thoughts but my brain is supplying half thoughts. Anyways anti dragging the other three out to cuddle because jackie and marvin are *ahem* having some fun in jackies room and they point out all their favorite constellations
Antis favorite is Serpens
Chases favorite is Hercules
Henriks is Microscopium
JJ's is Horologium
They like to lay out thier and just stare at the night sky. Henrik can point out stars and tell them about them. Chase tells them about how sailors used to use the stars. Anti makes silly comments that make everyone laugh. Sometimes JJ will hear about a certin one and he wants to hear everything about it.
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elencelebrindal · 3 years
What's your opinion on the four saints of unknown rank? And assuming one of the cloths is the Coma Berenices one like in the novel, which are the remaining three in your opinion?
Edited because I made a mistake and the total of the Cloths was 87 and not the correct 88. 
Under the cut, this post is very long (mostly because of huge lists I wrote down). Also, of course this is just my reasoning. There could be a way simpler interpretation of all of this, but I love in depth analysis and I applied it here as well. 
I actually have a big theory about it. Crazy and convoluted, but a good theory for how I look at things. Please don’t take it too seriously, the usual disclaimer. I’m just a fan that loves to delve too much into this stuff. Bear with me. 
There’s a lot of Cloths we don’t know about, even if we add all the existing series to the list.  There’s 72 Cloths, taking away the Gold ones, and we only know 62. If I counted correctly, this takes into consideration all the non-Gold Cloths of the entire franchise, though I might be wrong.
Aquila (Eagle)
Ara (Altar)
Canes Venatici (Hound)
Canis Maior
Cerberus - obsolete constellation
Cetus (Whale
Circinus (Compass)
Corona Borealis (Northern Crown)
Corvus (Crow)
Crater (Crateris)
Draco (Dragon)
Grus (Crane)
Lacerta (Lizard)
Leo Minor (Lionet)
Lupus (Wolf)
Monoceros (Unicorn)
Piscis Austrinus
Rangifer Tarandus (Reindeer) - obsolete
Triangulum (Triangle)
Ursa Maior (Bear)
Ursa Minor 
This gives us 26 remaining options, but there’s also a problem: two of the constellations in this list are obsolete constellations, aka constellations that don’t exist anymore. Obviously, the Corona Cloths don’t make the list, since they’re not Saints of Athena. So, the constellations we have left are not 26, but 28. Minus the Zodiac constellation, they are 16.
Canis Minor
Corona Australis
Trangulum Australe
Coma Berenices (which is one of the unknown Cloths)
The anime has the Fornax Cloth, as does Saint Seiya Online; I didn’t count it in the previous list because I’m not sure if the Fornax Saint is actually a Saint (since in Italy he’s quite literally called “Knight of the Flame”, not of the fornax, and he has the name “Saint of the Flame” alongside “Ennetsu Saint”). 
The Eridanus Cloth appeared briefly in the anime, I put it on this list because there’s no named Saint linked to it. It’s not relevant to the point I’ll be making in a while, so it can stay in both lists.  The same goes for the Indus Cloth and the Tucana Cloth.
The Mensa Cloth appears only in Saint Seiya Online, so I decided to put it in this list instead of the previous one. 
The Sculptor Cloth was mentioned alongside the Caelum Cloth in the Taizen, so it’s actually a known Cloth, but since it has no named Saint I decided to put it here.
All the other ones never appeared in any iteration of the frachise (as far as I know). 
Out of these 16, there’s two of them that apparently aren’t existing Cloths, since two obsolete constellations took their place. Following this reasoning, it actually makes sense for at least those two to be unknown.  But what about the other two? What about Coma Berenices and the other one? Maybe Coma Berenice and one of these other constellation are not in the list. Maybe there’s two more obsolete constellation that are in their place. Maybe, 4 out of the 16 constellations up there, Coma Berenices included, are not linked to Athena, maybe 4 obsolete constellations are in their place. 2 of them are absolutely out of the picture, because of Cerberus and Reindeer, so it makes sense to complete the set and put 2 more obsolete constellations to substitute 2 “normal” ones.  Maybe those 3 constellation alongside Coma Berenices are the most modern ones of the bunch, aka Telescopium (telescope), Microscopium (microscope), and Antlia (air pump), which... in my opinion, don’t really belong. Other modern ones, like Fornax and Mensa, seem more appropriate for the “mythological” setting of Saint Seiya. But these three... well, to me, they seem way too weird, especially if you think that the Cloths were made way back in the old times.  If we follow what the series has already done, aka using obsolete constellations, it’s easy to take two more from the list and use them to replace two of the unknown ones. 
In fact, we do have one more obsolete constellation. We have Noctua, the Owl. As we all know, the Owl Cloth belongs to Partita. Sure, it became a Surplice, but it’s still there.  This does nothing but reinforce my theory.  This leaves us with only one obsolete constellation missing, so it’s perfectly believable that 4 of those 88 modern constellations are unknown Cloths that were replaces by 4 other ones. 
In short, we have Solarium and Cerberus in place of, let’s say as an example, Coma Berenices and Antlia, and two more to replace Telescopium and Microscopium.  You could point out the problem of: aren’t obsolete constellation “not in the sky” anymore because other ones have their place? Well, yes, but! Cerberus and Hercules share the same space, almost. One of the stars of Cerbeus, the main one in fact, is 109 Herculis, a star that belongs to the Hercules constellation. So, if this merge can happen in canon, I won’t consider it a problem in this case. 
This leads me to believe that the 4 unknown Cloths are Coma Berenices (already known), Antlia, Telescopium and Microscopium.  I’m not sure if we know when those 4 Cloths were made, so I won’t make any more guesses as to why those 3 modern ones are part of the group (aside from “they don’t seem to belong”), but this is my idea.  It took way too long for me to come up with this, probably a time I could have used in a more constructive way since there’s probably a way easier explanation somewhere, but I have fun doing this so... this is it. 
I do actually have the fourth obsolete constellation in my own headcanons, Antinoo (it specifically represents an Ancient Greek man, who was also adored as either a deity or a deified mortal). I just wanted to add this to conclude all this convoluted reasoning that has probably no reason to even exist. 
Basically, the four obsolete constellation and the respective (well, they can be rearranged as you want, there’s no problems in mixing them up as I stated before) unknown ones are:
Coma Berenices / Cerberus
Antlia / Antinoo
Microscopium / Noctua
Telescopium / Solarium
Sorry for the long wait, I hope this essay answered your question correctly!
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comparativetarot · 4 years
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Ten of Wands. From the COSMOS Tarot & Oracle Deck.
"Telescopium + Reticulum" by Matt Rockefeller
The constellations Telescopium and Reticulum represent the telescope and the reticle, two tools used to view and make observations about the stars and other celestial bodies. The card depicts an image of a woman standing at her window, gesturing out at the vastness of the starry sky as her birds are released out into the night. She stands between what is known and what is unknown, but she faces the open window hopefully.
Curious explorers gaze through lenses into the unknown, hoping to discover and understand what is beyond their familiar landscape. Careful observation has revealed distant lands caught in the cross-hairs of the reticle. It has pinpointed new stars and vast amounts of space where a brave soul might adventure one day.
Symbolically, this card refers to the act of assessing the potential for discovery and exploration. It is about the search for the unknown, and a change to learn from that which is unfamiliar. This card references both the search and the discovery, as well as the ability to make sense of things that are out of reach but intriguing all the same.
Reversed, this card cautions against illusion. It may be a good idea double-check that what one is seeing through a hopeful lens is not just a mirage.
If this card appears in a reading with Microscopium, a person may find their observational and instinctual vision is crystal clear. Now is a great time to look around and see what opportunities may appear!
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star-shooters · 1 year
Members of Star Shooter
Copper Cephei
Copper is an elder team member with a fiery personality and a burning core of calcium nitrate. He is the illegitimate offspring of his Stellar Blood Cepheus; his numerous half-siblings see him as a burden. Copper seeks change on his home planet. He finds that treating anyone based on their creation and what burns in their core is ridiculous. Added to his hatred for his older brother, Coquelicot, Copper secretly wishes to have a functional family like some of his team members.
Copper sometimes loses his temper, catching himself and his surroundings on fire if no one calms him down. His anger threatens all who don’t know him, and he finds solace with his cousin, Ube, who looks past his threatening characteristics. Copper will protect his friends despite not having anyone to support him when things get tough.
Bone Aratumi
Bone is an older team member with an affinity toward death-themed attire; paired with a pure lead-burning core, he is seen close to Ube conjuring up spirits of long-passed Stars and Stellars. Bone’s family is an outcast for only producing Stars whose cores burn toxic materials; he wants to find a way to change society to accept his family and kin. He is the only one in the group with tattoos, making him appear like a skeleton, and with fire hair that changes size depending on his mood. Bone wishes to be as strong and caring as his idol, General Bone, Gold’s older brother. He carries a tote of various jars whose contents are helpful in almost anything he needs, so long as he has enough materials. With Ube, Bone can use her tote’s materials for larger projects and attacks. His spirit companies aid him in attacks and defending while he digs for a weapon.
Gold Gemitaurus
Gold is an older team member who has many contacts with influential people. She is believed to be a pure iron-burning Star with a sense of nobility which she gained from her brothers. Gold wishes for her home to change, willing to sacrifice herself for it like her late brothers did when she was a child. Gold’s need for change led her to volunteer for experimental coding that gave her the power with drawbacks, Detachment.
While in Detachment, Gold is not in control of her vessel and automatically takes down any threat within her vicinity. So far, the programming has kept Gold alive from her enemies but has hurt others when she’s not careful with tagging them as friends or foes. Gold is thankful that her friends don’t mind her corrupt data and help her when the coding takes over.
Bright Ube Cephei-Sirius
Ube is the youngest team member who suffers from insomnia and night terrors, causing her to be prone to fainting or falling asleep. With a core composed of potassium nitrate, she wishes to open an alchemy shop with her sisters and sell explosive powders. Her family is quite influential but doesn’t have enough power compared to other, more powerful individuals. She carries a tote, like Bone, and uses the materials to create explosives and smoke covering at a whim.
Ube is related to both Copper and Silver, which results in some confusion between the two. She changed her name from Bright Ube, following Silver’s lead in simplifying honorifics, and spends the most time with when Copper is busy. Like Bone, she can conjure up long-dead Stars and Stellars to help her or keep her company, though it drains much of her power when she is sleep-deprived.
Silver Kentaurus-Sirius
Silver is a team member who has unnaturally strong ice abilities, causing him to wear heated and insulated clothing. The unique fabrics keep him warm and prevent the cold from escaping from most of his body and freezing his surroundings. His proper name is Tuğçe Silver, reduced to just Silver to save others from mispronouncing it; his decision causes his cousin Ube to do the same, which he finds amusing. Many believe he is an aluminum-burning Star instead of a core full of magnesium sulfate.
Silver wishes for his people to treat everyone with respect: not based on their lineage or through world-changing acts. He has seen the different treatments two of his brothers had received for serving their people: one received respect for eradicating an extremist group, and the other received none for busting criminal rings. Despite having two of the strongest Stellars on their home planet, Silver needs his team to help in their efforts for a better future.
Yellow Andromeda-Eridanus
Yellow is a young team member with explosive anger issues and a posh upbringing. She is one of the numerous other Yellows who would team up together and hunt down their mortal enemies, the Darkening, from taking over their district. She is considerably more stable with a core burning sodium nitrate than a pure sodium-burning Star.
Unlike Gold, Yellow has a natural ability that uses her anger and frustration to further fuel her core, Unhinged. Prone to irritation, she has trouble controlling her power and constantly reminds herself that it is only for emergencies like her sister, Sunglow. Yellow has coiled pigtails that can uncoil into horns when she lets the Unhinged programming do its magic. The state of her coils is a warning sign to everyone before getting hit with her Morningstar/flail hybrid. Yellow finds the idea that her people are treated based on their lineage and usefulness idiotic; she had dealt with mistreatment for being created with impure materials and being unable to find a place within their kind.
Lavender Pink Veloctan
Lavender Pink is an enthusiastic team member related to a well-known delivery line of Stars, Cherry Blossom Pink. Despite not participating in the family business of delivering mail through time and space, Lavender Pink has a unique tote with a pocket dimension. With a core burning potassium chloride, Lavender Pink shares a sibling bond with Ube and sometimes helps Ube when her night terrors worsen.
Like Gold, they have lousy coding in their core; modifications and patches were done to help them function better. Lavender Pink is very close to Gold due to sharing similar malfunctions and system errors. They wish to become as great a medic as Lapis, finding the limited available occupations frustrating and restrictive. Besides Ube, Lavender Pink is the group’s most naïve member and takes a while to understand the gravity of events. Whatever item they take from their bag can be helpful or not, depending on what Lavender Pink needs to solve a problem.
Bright Sky Blue Microscopium
Sky is the most logical member of the team, speaking differently from the rest of the members. It is a being of logic but is trying to stray from its purely monotonous and computer-like speech pattern. Unlike the other Stars, it prefers to stay away from elaborate plans that include unnecessarily high amounts of emotions. Anything about the average level of emotional output would cause Sky to experience a system reboot and wait a few minutes to restart and get back to speed.
Sky has a core burning cupric chloride but is mistaken for its arsenic-burning cousin, Sky Blue. Due to their shared names, Sky is avoided by many who don’t know the difference between them. It later shortened its name to just Sky, to avoid the confusion. Sky wishes to have more accessible education for everyone, teaching others the difference between two similar named or hued Star and Stellar; sometimes Sky wishes that everyone had actual names than by the tint of their cores.
Lapis Asclepius
Lapis is the eldest member of the team, a well-known medic who will find a way to alleviate ailments with whatever she has at hand. She is the largest in the group, towering over Copper and Bone, but will not fight unless others are in danger. With a core burning indium trichloride, very few occupations are available to Lapis and her line. The lack of jobs causes her to find other fields outside her core’s abilities, even inspiring others to create more work.
Outside of her job as a medic, she owns a bakery. Aside from combat and saving lives, others like Lapis make a living at the bakery. Lapis wishes that her home allowed other Stars like her occupations that deviate outside their assigned professions. So far, baking is the only different position she and other Lapises can hold, which frustrates many who want something more. With the help of her team members, Lapis hopes that they gather more members to convince the populous towards change.
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cloudbattrolls · 4 years
The Rifle’s Spiral
Tuuya crouched in a tree, looking down as they kept an eye out for Spark trolls.
The forest had a few beasts in it, but at least no riftstalkers. And no fiery brainwashed people. Yet.
All the better for the ragged band of trolls huddling in tents below.
Damn Firebird and her Judaas of a descendant. Who else could have let slip to the crazed teal that she hadn’t killed the drinker after all? No other troll in the company had motive.
Tuuya hoped that after the razing of at least three OLSC residential buildings, Karina was regretting her life choices. At least most of the trolls had been gone - away at work - and they’d thrown on their white fireproof armor and gotten out who they could, since Firebird didn’t appear to finish her jobs. They still wore it, only the helmet in their sylladex so they could see more clearly.
There had still been enough the drinker couldn’t reach in time to scream from throats hoarse from smoke as they died.
Why had Firebird not finished the job? She was more than capable of killing them if that had been it, or to convert more slaves. Unless being so far from the source of her power made her weaker.
The tops of the buildings that could be seen over the ground still crackled with flames, glowing distantly in the night. Smoke drifted from them, and the drinker could smell it on the breeze.
They looked down, ears flicked up, but lowered them as they saw it was only Tierel.
The yellow was bloody and had small burns, but was at least alive.
“Do you know what’s going on? Aside from Karina betraying us all.”
They hesitated at the jade’s question, wiping blood from an open cut. It smelled good, but Tuuya was too angry to think much of hunger.
“She sent me to find you. She wants to know how many people survived.”
They hissed and jumped down from the tree. Tierel quickly retreated several feet.
“Does she? How inquisitive of her. Tell her I’m done serving her. Tell her I’m going to find her, and slit her throat until her precious lineage spills all over the floor.”
Tierel shakes their head, opening their mouth to reply, before a lava-veined stone hand grabbed them from behind.
The worm monster whipped out their gun, but the creature pressed Tierel close to their too-hot body and the yellow whimpered in pain.
“Vannyn, you will - ”
The Spark troll spoke in Firebird’s voice, glowing orange eyes flickering teal, then faltered. Their face became confused instead of blank.
“What am I doing here? This isn’t the colony.”
Tuuya didn’t lower their gun, but their mind raced as the troll let Tierel go and looked around in befuddlement.
“Am I back on Alternia? Was I given leave? Why am I so hot?”
So they really don’t remember anything in her grasp, and that seals it: Firebird’s control wanes the further she is from that wretched planet.
The strange troll put a hand to their horns, feeling the encrusted stone and running lava.
“Who are you two? Do you serve the Empress?”
The drinker exchanged a look with Tierel. Firebird could still reassert herself at any moment, but maybe they can use this.
“Yes, of course.” The drinker soothes, as if talking to Uunive when she was young, or Talula if she’s had daymares that night. “We’re undercover, just like you. Tierel will guide you to your next objective.”
“What are you here for?” They ask, in the commanding tones of a highblood. Maybe they were one, long ago.
Tuuya paused, then put their gun away.
“I’m your fashion consultant.” They assure the Spark troll, taking out the half-finished hanboks for Margol and waving them around before putting them back. “See? I’ll give us new outfits if we need them to disguise ourselves among the rebels.”
They considered that for a few moments, and the drinker can see more spark trolls in the distance now.
Firebird could resurface, but what if they gave her something else to think about for a while?
The worm monster gave Tierel a hand signal, and the yellow dutifully started jabbering fictional reports to the Spark troll, getting them to turn in the other direction.
The drinker placed a tracker pulled from their sylladex on the fiery troll’s back. It quickly camouflages itself to match their craggy skin and glowing veins. No telling how long the technology could survive the heat of their body, but it was worth a try.
Now for the rest of them.
As the spark troll strode back to the group, Tuuya realized an obvious problem; if this unpossessed one doesn’t recognize the others, they’ll probably attack if they’re at all empire loyal. Or maybe the others will attack them, and wreck the tracker. 
They run up, tuck Tierel under one arm (the yellow has enough sense to stay quiet and still) and scramble back up a tree as Firebird fights her way back, because all of them turn and look in their direction, glowing eyes ablaze as they move as one.
The camped trolls are much too near. 
"Get out your gun.” The drinker whispers to the their companion, setting them on a branch gently. They do, with silent struggle written into their body - the burns from that Spark troll aren’t doing them any favors. Tierel’s no trained soldier, no enhanced monster. They just had the bad luck to work for OLSC.
Nevertheless, the pair of them stun and trap enough Spark trolls with coolant that it’s just about possible to get through - though they have nothing left for Firebird now.
Though many of them are coated in freezing gel up to their knees or even waists, they still grabbed at the pair as Tuuya carried Tierel through the trees and the open field. The drinker dodged and ducked both the scorching grip of the burning fingers and the chill of the the hardening coolant.
It’s the damned voices that are their own challenge, Firebird’s and the others.
“ - be ash beneath my feet - “
“Where’s my lusus? I miss her.”
“ - and everything you love - ”
“Empress, what happened to me?”
“ - fuel for my flames!”
Tierel shifted in their arms, voice faltering from their pain - burns an angry yellow on their skin - but still determined to get the words out.
“It wasn’t...Karina. Her face when the buildings burned...she was really scared. I know things aren’t...great, but she wouldn’t hurt the company trolls.”
The drinker snorted as they kicked another flailing arm aside, one that nearly snapped off one of Tierel’s horns.
“Was she terrified when her ancestor was putzing around enslaving people? She was perfectly content to sit back and let it happen.”
The yellow sighed.
“Firebird’s descendants...tried to kill her a bunch. Every time, she culls them, whoever they sent. The assassins...remind Karina she dies if she steps out of line. S’why she sends you.”
They mulled that over as their boots squelched past coolant, almost at the edge of the mass of fiery people now.
It makes sense - they can die for her as much as she needs, yet fire is the one of the few things thing that could truly kill them if it got every last worm.
“You’re telling me she couldn’t get one of our financial backers to do it? What use is everyone who was at the party, then?”
“That’s why...stays in outer space. She’s stronger there...can blast anyone out of the sky. No one expected her...on Alternia. What did you do?”
“Oh, this is somehow my fault?” They snapped. “She never would’ve known I was still alive if someone hadn’t tattled, and it had to be Karina. Who else even knows how to contact the wretched woman?”
“You have other enemies, Tuuya. Maybe it was the empire?”
“Don’t be stupid, they’d never deal with her, nor she with the -”
Snatched and shaken by a lava-veined hand mid-sentence, Tierel’s skin started to smoke and melt as they were yanked out of the rainbow drinker’s reach.
Stupid! Why did they let themself get distracted?
They leapt, grabbing at the yellow, but the Spark troll - who must have been at least seven foot - wouldn’t let go. They didn’t want to risk tearing them apart, so they drop back down, crouching.
Tierel was thrashing - screaming -
Cracks in the patches of stone. Cold and heat. Expansion and contraction.
The drinker grinned wickedly and with white-armored hands, reaches into the cracks. Slowly at first, then rapidly as they got a grip, they pried them apart. The stone grinded and cracked, then flesh and bone followed with softer tearing noises.
The Spark troll screamed too, dropping the yellow. A wonderful noise.
They ripped at them more, tearing them apart until they were little more than a bloody wreck of stone, drying lava, and flesh. Their gouged off parts lay scattered on the ground.
The drinker’s lip curled. Even they didn’t want to eat that.
They looked down - Tierel needed serious help quickly, fresh burns bubbling on their flesh. 
Gliese’s greenhive wasn’t far. Once they saw to the other Microscopium troll, they could go hunt down the teal, pluck her out of wherever she’s hiding, and let their worms do the rest.
With that happy thought, they ran as quickly as they could to the blueblood’s place, hoping the other trolls who escaped the fire would have the good sense to flee from the Spark trolls.
They skidded to a halt in front of the big greenhive, grateful they didn’t have to worry about breathing, and -
Karina and Gliese stepped out, the pair of girls arguing about something.
The drinker’s eyes glowed dangerously bright, but they stood calmly as the two turned to look at them. Gliese’s eyebrows raised, while intense sadness swept across the teal’s features before her expression hardened.
“Tierel needs help.”
“On it.” Says the cerulean, taking medical supplies out of her sylladex. “Bring them in.”
They followed her, adjusting their arms as they carry the unconscious, burned troll in and laying them down on the blueblood’s table. They don’t get sore as trolls do, with no true muscles for it. But the gesture feels right.
Gliese got to work with ointments and bandages, and they stared daggers at their boss. The younger Tulais stared back, but her gaze wasn’t triumphant or defiant. It was...grim, resigned in a way.
A tiny inkling of doubt grows amidst the worm monster’s certainty.
“News flash while you two were busy trying to kill each other with looks like a pair of wrigglers: I’ve stabilized them. But we’re gonna need a real medic before long. My field aid doesn’t cover skin grafts, which is what they need.”
The Lepus troll folds her arms as she talks, staring the taller trolls down with her glowing orange eyes.
“Karina, did any of our medics make it?”
“Yes.” She replies, sounding distracted. “And the one who - ”
The blueblood snorts and jabs a bony finger at Tuuya. 
“Oh yeah, better drop that bomb. Good job, worm bag, your little blackmail adventure came back to bite us. Fucked if I know how, but that QPIN medic you threatened told the crazy bird where you were.”
The drinker hisses, but mostly at themself. Ullane has access to the chat. Of course. What an idiot they are.
“So congratulations, this is all your fault. No, wait - it’s Karina’s fault too for not fucking getting rid of you before. You’re both a pair of stupid jackasses and if you even think about arguing, the proof is right over there being held together by plant spit.”
“I have erred.” The drinker says in a voice of forced calm, “And I accept responsibility for it. But I am NOT to blame for tonight’s events when it is not my ancestor who performed them.”
Karina’s mouth twists.
“Do you think I wanted this?” She said, quiet, but with an edge to her voice as she sat in an old wooden chair. The drinker themself is leaning against the wall perpendicular to her, arms crossed like the cerulean.
“I can’t fight Firebird. No one could except the fleet, and they won’t. I thought maybe you...”
Her voice trailed off, but then she shook her head and sighed.
She looked young - she was young - like a woman who should be goofing off at parties on her boat, not trying to fend off her insane ancestor.
“Maybes aren’t worth anything.” The drinker said acidly. “We need to capture her - for if we kill her, the Spark trolls may all die as well. That’s what stopped me when we fought in space. Most if not all were not willing subjects of the transformation, I’m sure. My point is that we need a jail cell so secure she can rot in there until we figure out a way to free them.”
“Great plan.” Retorted the blueblood snidely, sitting in her own chair now with her hands behind her head. “How do you plan to shove birdie in her cage without all of us going up in smoke? Karina says we’re only all not dead because she used too much power getting here and she’s really far from her source.”
The teal perked up, still looking tired, but staring at the worm monster intently.
“QPIN has far more resources than we do. If Vannyn agreed to a memory extraction...”
The drinker snorts.
“I love being volunteered without my consent. What makes you think they wouldn’t just squash us anyway? Plus, their station’s been under siege by pirates, don’t you read the news? Even if we somehow persuade them, they don’t have a lot to give us.”
Gliese blinked, then grinned, her long ears flicking.
“I think I’ve got an idea, if both of you can stop being negative nancies for five fucking seconds. Let’s see if we can’t solve one problem with another.”
The drinker and the teal both looked at the psychic with befuddled faces.
She grinned widely, her teeth almost as sharp as the undead’s.
“So, how do you all feel about a trip to Nott?”
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iammaster1449 · 3 years
“Sagittarius Soil” (Sagittarius constellation is one of the largest constellations in the night sky, located in the southern hemisphere. The constellation represents the archer and is associated with the Crotus from ancient mythology. Sagittarius is a member of the Zodiac family of constellations and its symbol is ♐. It’s not that hard to find it since this is the largest constellation in the southern sky – it lies on the Milky Way and its stars form an asterism Teapot. The constellation was first cataloged and spotted by a famous astronomer who lived in Greece Ptolemy in his list of 48 then-known constellations. Sagittarius constellation was however known long before that to many other cultures and civilizations. Sagittarius is now officially recognized and listed as one of the modern-known constellations by the International Astronomical Union and is usually depicted as a centaur with bow and arrow. How to find Sagittarius constellation? Sagittarius is the 15th largest constellation in the sky and it liest in the fourth quadrant of the southern hemisphere. The constellation could be easily seen at latitudes between +55° and -90°, to all observers from both hemispheres. Nearby are these constellations: Scutum, Corona Australis, Indus, Microscopium, Aquila, Ophiuchus, Scorpius, Serpens, and Telescopium. Sagittarius belongs to the Zodiac family of constellations, along with these constellations: Aries, Gemini, Cancer, Leo, Virgo, Libra, Scorpius, Capricornus, Pisces, and Aquarius.) https://starregistration.net/constellations/sagittarius-constellation.html https://www.instagram.com/p/CUxAnHShxn-/?utm_medium=tumblr
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I have slightly more energy today
I feel a little less like I got hit by a truck today. I’m currently spending time catching up on some much needed leisure reading. I haven’t read Harry Potter in a while. But first, I think it’s time I introduced the rest of my spirits, and explained more about how the Celestial Spirit side of my magic works.
I’ve mentioned previously that Celestial Spirit magic is similar to requip magic in that it draws from a different dimensional plane. However, it’s a little more complicated. You see, each constellation, and even some individual stars, has a Spirit, and each of those spirits has a key. Some constellations have more than one of the same Spirit. Those are the more common spirits, and are attached to silver keys. They are generally the least powerful, and less useful in battle, but they each are very special and useful in their own ways. Crux, the Southern Cross, is one of these. As are Lyra, the Lyre, and Horologium, the Clock.
Some constellations only have one or two spirits, but they have multiple keys, and the spirits divide their time between their key holders. These are attached to jeweled silver keys. Much more rare, and generally powerful. These are generally better suited for combat, and take more power to summon, as well. Aquila the Eagle, and Orion the Huntsman both belong to this group. Many of these, particularly those who are animals like Aquila, can shift between shapes. Draco the Dragon is the most powerful of them, and he is on par with the Zodiac spirits.
I’ve already mentioned the Zodiacs. They are basically the leaders of the spirits, at least they have been for a long time. Leo is their leader. The Zodiacs only have one key, a golden key. Lucy and I are the only mages since ancient times to be able to summon more than two of these at once. Summoning them takes an extraordinary amount of power, which is why so many celestial spirit mages tend to stay in the background while their spirits fight. It’s also why most mages underestimate us.
The only spirits that take more power to summon than the Zodiacs are the platinum keys. These keys do not belong to constellations, but to individual stars. Generally either the brightest stars in the sky, or stars at the heart of another spirit, particularly the Zodiacs. They are very wary of humans, and it takes a great deal to gain their trust. Unless they deem you worthy, they’re impossible to summon at all. If you try to summon one without enough energy, unlike the others, you can’t stop. It will kill you. Luckily, after the first summoning, these spirits will use the their own power to fight. All the mage has to do is call. But they should only be used in the gravest of situations. We don’t know how many of these there are, because most of them have been missing for centuries, and some for over a thousand years. I’ve only found one so far: Regulus. The Heart of the Lion. When summoned together, Regulus and Leo are incredibly powerful. From what Regulus has said, he will be the easiest to convince and summon. Which is ominous, because he took a massive amount of power. I passed out the first time. Admittedly, I was mid-battle trying to stop someone else from stealing his key, but still.
There is one more Spirit. He doesn’t actually have a key. The Celestial Spirit King rules all the spirits. Only a mage capable of summoning three Zodiac spirits at once can summon him, and to do so they must sacrifice a golden key that they have a close bond with. Lucy had to do it with Aquarius, her oldest friend, a long time ago. The key eventually reappeared in the world, but it nearly broke Lucy. Luckily, the king is a friend to us both. He’s very kind, actually.
Now, about the individual spirits.
Silver keys:
Antlia- the air pump. She doesn’t actually look like a pump. She looks like a person. Has wind magic. Can be good at dealing with bad weather. Very shy.
Apus- the bird of paradise. Like several others, he’s good for passing messages. Great at causing distractions. He does fly, but he can’t really carry anything. Very full of himself.
Ara- the altar. Very intelligent and empathetic. Good for undercover work. Her main skill is actually puzzle solving.
Auriga- the chariot. One of the most useful silver keys. Auriga is perfect for very fast land transport. If you have an injured party member, or you need to lead someone on a chase, or a quick getaway, Auriga is very helpful. He’s also very respectful.
Bootes- the herdsman. Great with animals. There’s been a fair few monster attacks where I’ve used him to get animals out of the way, and he’s gotten them to actually help in some missions, like with bandits.
Caelum- the chisel. Caelum is basically a glorified weapon to most. He can switch between a sword form and cannon form. He’s actually quite good at helping to build things when given the chance though.
Camelopardalis- the giraffe. I call her Cami at her request. She can actually change her height as needed. Good for reaching high places if there’s not enough space for a different spirit to fly. Very boisterous.
Canes Venatici- the hunting dogs. As their name suggests, they’re very good hunters and trackers and very fast.
Canis Minor- the little dog. Also called Nikora as a species. Does not look like a dog. Most celestial spirit mages keep them basically as pets. Very loyal and sweet. Lucy’s is named Plue. Mine is Nala (no, it wasn’t a lion king reference. I named her before the lion king, or even Disney, was a concept).
Cetus- the whale. Needs water to be summoned. I’ve used Cetus to stop a tsunami before. Very intelligent. A little overpowered for a normal water fight though.
Chamaeleon- the chameleon. Master of disguise, very good at sneaking and getting me into places.
Circinus- the compass. Not that compass. The kind that makes a circle. Circinus is a good puzzle-solver, and is very good at math. He’s kind of a downer sometimes, but we love him anyway.
Columba- the dove. A peacemaker. Columba can calm heightened emotions to a certain point and make it easier to come to a resolution. Also delivers messages, especially over long distances.
Coma Berenice’s- Berenice’s hair. I still don’t understand this legend. This one is meant to be summoned with another, generally female, to increase agility and speed.
Corona Australis- the southern crown. Summoned with a southern constellation to increase strength and endurance.
Corona Borealis- the northern crown. Does the same, but with northern constellations.
Corvus- the crow. Messenger, but is also good for distractions and quick getaways, because his special ability is to cause instant darkness for his opponent in a certain area.
Crater- the cup. Crater can actually brew potions, of which there are many, with many uses. He produces them in a tenth of the normal brewing time.
Crux- the southern cross. He’s the keeper of the library in the Celestial Spirit world. He’s the go-to for research and questions and analysis of data.
Cygnus- the swan. Cygnus actually is a fighter, though his endurance is lacking. He’s fast and graceful though.
Delphinus- the dolphin. Great for a water fight, very fast and strong. And a total sweetheart.
Dorado- the swordfish. Works well with Delphinus. Unlike Delphinus, he can fight out of the water, but he still has to be near water, or on a boat.
Equuleus- the little horse. He’s adorable. He can’t really carry people, but he can carry equipment. He’s a little clumsy, but he’s got great stamina.
Eridanus- the river. One of the strongest silver keys, he has incredible control over water. But he can’t control salt water. Only fresh water.
Fornax- the furnace. Some control over fire. Very good in cold climates.
Grus- the crane. His balance is extraordinary. He’s a fighter, and a protegee of Libra.
Horologium- the clock. Not just for telling time. In times of extreme danger, Horologium can place the endangered person inside himself and protect them. He’s nearly invincible, but he can’t actually fight.
Hydrus- the water snake. Very sneaky and fast. When summoned with Hydra, it makes Hydra much stronger. Has poison.
Indus- the Indian. He showed up much later in my life than some of them. It was not a fun time in Earth’s history. He’s a good fighter, and very in-tune with nature. He can communicate with it and even manipulate it, plants and animals alike. But he’s very sad.
Lacerta- the lizard. Sneaky little bugger. Can regrow limbs to a point. Can shift between humanoid and lizard forms.
Leo Minor- the little lion. We call him Luke. He’s. Well. In my first life, Loke and I were kind of together. We’re not anymore, though we’re still best friends, but. Um. Let’s just say Luke was born as half-Spirit and decided to become a full spirit later.
Lepus- the rabbit. Very quick. A little jittery. Good messenger, good at making and undoing traps, ironically enough.
Lynx- the lynx. A fighter. Very fast. Very strong.
Lyra- the harp. She’s a musician, obviously. She’s good at finding just the right song for a situation. She’s actually quite smart, too.
Mensa- the table. Intelligent. Good planner. Good at strategy. Literally is a table though.
Microscopium- the microscope. Good at noticing the small details that I might miss. Very smart. Often assists Crux in analysis.
Musca- the fly. A great spy. That’s literally his main job.
Norma- the surveyor’s level. Is a builder. Humanoid. Works with several other spirits to repair and build just about anything.
Octans- the octant. Navigation expert. Works with Pyxis to plot a course to just about anywhere.
Pavo- the peacock. Actually a fighter. Uses his feathers as projectiles.
Pictor- the easel. Similar magic to Reedus. Works with Norma to build things. Pictor paints the parts needed into life.
Pyxis- the ship’s compass. Works with Octans, and literally looks like a penguin with a compass on his head.
Reticulum- the net. Actually like a telescope eyepiece. Good at seeing very far distances. Helpful in long range battles.
Sagitta- the arrow. Similar use to Caelum on his own, but when used with Sagittarius, the strength of both is increased.
Sculptor- the sculptor. Also works with Norma and Pictor to build and repair.
Scutum- the shield. Very helpful, especially when I need to fight and defend someone else at the same time.
Serpens- the serpent. Similar to Hydrus. Strengthens the magic of Ophiuchus the snake charmer.
Sextans- the sextant. Works with Octans and Pyxis. Very good at knowing exact location.
Telescopium- the telescope. Stronger with Reticulum. Can also work with Reti and Sagitta to aim long distance.
Triangulum- the triangle. Works with the other builders. Allows me to calculate angles instantly when I have to do really reckless things like jumping near, onto, or off of cliffs.
Triangulum Australe- the southern triangle. Does basically the same thing. Stronger in the Southern Hemisphere. They work well together.
Tucana- the toucan. Mimics voices. Can make it seem like a group is bigger than it is. Trickster. Helpful in carrying out an ambush of a dark guild.
Ursa Minor- the little bear. Unique. Stronger with Ursa Major, but not a fighter. Ursa Minor is one of the strongest silver spirits because he can create a bridge. Like a rainbow bridge from one place to another. Allows for instant transport of larger groups.
Volans- the flying fish. Actually flies and swims. Very versatile. Can allow others to breathe underwater.
Vulpecula- the little fox. Incredibly sneaky. She’s great for blending in. Humanoid form. Good tracker and hunter. A massive flirt.
Now for the jeweled silver keys. Bear with me. Not many more to go. I’ve already talked about the Zodiacs, after all. Many of these are strengthened by the stars they contain.
Andromeda- the princess. Only one of her, three keys total. Stronger with Perseus. Her chains can bind a mage’s magic. Contains the Andromeda galaxy and four other galaxies.
Argo- the ship. Is now split into three constellations, but is still one Spirit. Can only be summoned a few times a year. Can travel vast distances in a much shorter time. With effort, it could likely encompass and transport the entire Enterprise.
Aquila- the eagle. A fighter. Switches between humanoid and eagle shape. Has saved many from falling to death. Myself included. Contains the star Altair, of the Summer Triangle, who is a platinum key. Stronger in the summer.
Canis Major- the big dog. Incredibly strong and fast. Would be much stronger if I could find Sirius’ key.
Cassiopeia and Cepheus- the king and queen. They come as a pair. They won’t form a contract unless the key holder possesses both. Cassiopeia uses fortune-telling magic and can see the future. Cepheus uses what she sees to fight.
Centaurus- the centaur. An incredible fighter with both the sword and the bow. Incredibly fast. Contains Alpha Centauri, a platinum key.
Draco- the Dragon. Contains the platinum star Etamin. Can switch between dragon and humanoid form. The strongest of the jeweled keys.
Hercules- the hero. I don’t think he needs an explanation.
Hydra- the serpent. Cut off one head, two more will take its place.
Lupus- the wolf. Also switches forms. Became stronger when the Romans were strong.
Monoceros- the unicorn. Incredibly powerful protection magic.
Orion- the hunter. Fighter, hunter, and tracker. Stronger with the hunting dogs. Contains one confirmed platinum key- Betelgeuse. It also contains unconfirmed platinums Bellatrix and Rigel.
Pegasus- the flying horse. Strengthens Hercules. Incredibly fast.
Perseus- the Medusa killer. Strengthened by Andromeda. A legend. Contains the star Mirphak. Unknown if platinum or not.
Phoenix- the fire bird. Incredibly powerful. Can use fire, and can heal any wound as long as the key holder has enough power.
Piscis Austrinus- the southern fish. Used to be much stronger. A fighter, specializing in aquatic climates. Contains the confirmed platinum star Fomalhaut.
Ursa Major- the great bear. She’s very protective, and very strong.
I won’t discuss the Zodiacs here, as I’ve said. But there are several other platinum keys I haven’t mentioned. We know very little about most of them.
Sirius- Canis Major; Arcturus- Bootes; Alpha Centauri- Centaurus; Vega- Lyra; Rigel (?)- Orion; Procyon- Canis Minor; Betelgeuse- Orion; Altair- Aquila; Fomalhaut- Piscis Austrinus; Deneb- Cygnus; Bellatrix (?)- Orion; Mirphak- Perseus; Dubhe (?)- Ursa Major; Polaris- Ursa Minor; Alphard- Hydra; Alpharatz- Andromeda; Etamin- Draco
All of the Zodiacs have a platinum counterpart except Ophiuchus.
Hamal- Aries; Situla- Aquarius; Tegmen- Cancer; Algieba (?)- Leo; Regulus- Leo; Aldebaran- Taurus; Spica- Virgo; Antares- Scorpio; Castor and Pollux- Gemini; Alshat- Capricorn; Brachium- Libra; Terebellum- Sagittarius; Alrisha- Pisces.
There may be other individual stars we don’t know about yet. There are even spirits for other mythologies. Like the Chinese Zodiac. But we stay away from those because having the two groups interact can be very dangerous.
I’ve been told that Sirius is waiting for me. That’s who I’m looking for now. No sign yet, but hopefully one day soon.
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dannycaing · 4 years
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AWAY FROM IT ALL by Danny Caing Date Written: March 31, 2019
Location: Planet Earth Date: 52,083 A.D.
Floating glass city soaring above the sea of clouds glittering in the sky like Dodecahedron diamond. Eighty percent (80%) of the earth's continent is ice and on the surface have virulent weather conditions. The earth was struck by Coronal Mass Ejection 50,000 years ago. There were few survivors on the north and south pole underground bunkers when the CME hits the earth. During this period Hugen-1 was created, an advanced human being that lives up to 350 years. The underwater bunkers survivors who were taken by the aliens left some videos as a piece of evidence that there is another advanced civilization in our Milky Way galaxy. New world order was established under the Earth Corporation. The central committee is composed of twelve leaders from different races. The North and South were united. The problems come in between them. The in-betweens were humans who mutated with the poisonous environment. They were savages and cannibals. Their skin easily peels off when exposed and they live up to thirty years old. Later, the Earth Corporation took control of them for labor in exchange to extend their life up to one hundred years.
In the next two millenniums, Hugen-1 had created Hugen-2 then Hugen-3. The DNA structure is 100 times better than an ordinary human being. An era of robotics and Android used in planetary exploration and establishing space stations. During the 3rd millennium, humans were given freedom when they discover to become normal beings. But in a few decades, they wage war against the Hugen-2 destroying space stations on the moons and asteroid belts. Hugen-1 escapes to the space station above the earth in fear of contaminating deadly human virus. Once again humans dominated the earth.
At Io (e-yo), one of the moons of Jupiter, Hugen-3 created Hugen-4, a superhuman with telekineses. They sent Hugen-4 to infiltrate the human race on earth, identify their lairs and leaders. Capture and destroy was the objective of the mission. Hugen-2 participated in the elimination of humans using solar rays to wipe off the face of the earth the underground bunkers and cities. Hugen-1 stays neutral on the conflict but secretly protecting the humans sending advance information on Hugen-2 extermination plans. It took 238 years to exterminate the humans on earth. Hugen-1 has sympathized with humans because they were their creators. Retaliation started from Hugen-1 against Hugen-4. However, Hugen-4 won the battle and likewise decided to terminate Hugen-1, Hugen-2, and Hugen-3 for imperfection. In the 5th millennium, there were different human races exhibited in one of the museums in "io moon" Jupiter. Hugen-4 controls the asteroids, moons, and planet stations of Earth Corporation in the Solar system.
6,000 A.D. to 10,000 A.D.  Cold space creates a dark mass.   They have irregular shapes and sizes,  from micro-dust to giant boulders, thin, larger than moons, planets, and stars.  Spacecraft failed to reach the neighboring stars hence blocked by these floating debris and islands of ice. These are not ordinary debris. They can be as large as an asteroid or a chunk of boulders moving at 10% speed of light. At the 8th Millenium, Hugen-5 discovered an element in Neptune that can produce energy to protect the craft from the deadly debris. When the first Tracer craft successfully reached Proxima Centauri, the Earth Corporation decided to send Genizyn-1, the first Hugen to explore the nearest neighboring star. It took 500 years to build Genizyn spacecraft. It looks like a spoon with a scope of ice cream. Once it started spinning, the ice cream scope becomes a sphere creating like an orb of light. Genizyn runs at 20% speed of light. It will take 22 earth-years to travel to Proxima Centauri at 4.22 light-years away from the Solar system. The lifespan of Hugen-5 is 800 years old. The 1st Genizyn expedition failed, it exploded halfway on its route to Proxima. They have to redesign the craft for another 500 years. This time they tripled the spoon on the orb of light. The outer layer of the sphere is 832% debris impact-proof and supercold resistance. On 10,832 A.D., the 1st Hugen-6 set up a station at Zyzuh planet of Proxima Centauri.
10,000 A.D. to 30,000 A.D. Any Genizyn spacecraft that run beyond 40% speed of light under the supercold space reverses the spin into a cataclysmic explosion. Hugen-7 had tried to improvised the version of the spacecraft but with no avail. There are 8 to 10 Tracers ahead of the Genizyn mission to another star system. Tracers identify objects that will collide along the route of Genizyn. The allowable speed of Genizyn to the supercold space is 30% speed of light. Likewise, this will restore more energy on the spin system and give ample time to avoid collisions of floating debris.
List of nearest stars colonized:
ALPHA CENTAURI star system (1 habitable planet no intelligent species) Year 10,832 A.D. Proxima Centauri – 4.24 LY (1 planet, 8 moons) Year 10,400 A.D. Alpha Centauri A – 4.36 LY (2 planets, 29 moons) Year 10,950 A.D. Alpha Centauri B – 4.36 LY (4 planets, 6 moons) Year 11,440 A.D. Barnard's Star – 5.96 LY (2 planets, 29 moons) Year 11,970 A.D. Luhman 16 – 6.5 LY (5 planets, 45 moons) Year 12,220 A.D. Teegarden's star – 7.5LY (1 planet, 3 moons) Year 12,420 A.D. Wolf 359 – 7.78 LY (1 planet, 14 moons) Year 12,970 A.D. Lalande 21185 – 8.3 LY (3 planets, 2 moons) SIRIUS star system (2 habitable planets no intelligent species) Year 13,440 A.D. Sirius A – 8.58 LY (5 planets, 18 moons) Year 13,650 A.D. Sirius B – 8.58 LY (1 planet, 5 moons) Year 14,110 A.D. Luyten 726-8 – 8.73 LY (3 planets, 16 moons) Year 14,620 A.D. UV Ceti – 8.73 LY (2 planets, 12 moons) Year 15,130 A.D. Gl 65 B – 8.73 LY (12 planets, 2 moons) Year 15,680 A.D. Ross 154 – 9.68 LY (7 planets, 25 moons) Year 16,100 A.D. Ross 248 – 10.32 LY (3 planets, 3 moons) Year 16,670 A.D. WISE 1506+7027 – 10.52 LY (4 planets, 22 moons) Year 17,120 A.D. Epsilon Eridani – 10.52 LY (6 planets, 9 moons) Year 17,620 A.D. Lacaille 9352 – 10.74 LY (8 planets, 14 moons) Year 18,110 A.D. Ross 128 – 10.92 LY (8 planets, 10 moons) Year 18,700 A.D. EZ Aquarii – 11.26 LY (14 planets, 29 moons) Year 19,250 A.D. Gl 866 B – 11.26 LY (16 planets, 8 moons) Year 19,780 A.D. Gl 866 C – 11.26 LY (10 planets, 2 moons) Year 20,230 A.D. Procyon A – 11.4 LY (16 planets, 19 moons) Year 20,740 A.D. Procyon B – 11.4 LY (2 planets, 8 moons) Year 21,270 A.D. 61 Cygni A – 11.4 LY (7 planets, 4 moons) Year 21,440 A.D. 61 Cygni B – 11.4 LY (4 planets, 4 moons) GLIESE 725 star system (3 habitable planets no intelligent species) Year 22,000 A.D. Struve 2398 A – 11.52 LY (13 planets, 31 moons) Year 22,140 A.D. Struve 2398 B – 11.52 LY (2 planets, 22 moons) GLIESE 15 star system (1 habitable planet no intelligent species) Year 22,700 A.D. Groombridge 34 A – 11.62 LY (8 planets, 6 moons) Year 22,950 A.D. Groombridge 34 B – 11.62 LY (6 planets, 9 moons) Year 23,520 A.D. Epsilon Indi – 11.82 LY (12 planets, 5 moons) Year 23,990 A.D. DX Cancri – 11.82 LY (5 planets, 19 moons) Year 24,440 A.D. Tau Ceti – 11.88 LY (9 planets, 17 moons) Year 24,930 A.D. GJ 1061 – 11.92 LY (9 planets, 3 moons) Year 25,530 A.D. YZ Ceti – 12.13 LY (5 planets, 22 moons) Year 26,000 A.D. Luyten's Star – 12.36 LY (1 planet, 19 moons) Year 26,770 A.D. Kapteyn's Star – 12.77 LY (4 planets, 7 moons) Year 27,400 A.D. AX Microscopium – 12.86 LY (3 planets, 8 moons) KRUGER 60 star system (2 habitable planets no intelligent species) Year 27,990 A.D. Kruger 60 A – 13.14 LY (2 planets, 4 moons) Year 28,000 A.D. Kruger 60 B – 13.14 LY (2 planets, 1 moon) ROSS 614 star system (1 habitable planet no intelligent species) Year 28,400 A.D. Ross 614 – 13.34 LY (6 planets, 10 moons) Year 28,970 A.D. Gl 234 B – 13.34 LY (8 planets, 9 moons) Year 29,330 A.D. Gl 628 – 13.81 LY (8 planets, 8 moons) Year 29,940 A.D. Gl 35 – 14.06 LY (1 planet, 4 moons) Year 30,470 A.D. Gl 1 – 14.22 LY (1 planet, 2 moons) WOLF 424 star system (2 habitable planets no intelligent species) Year 30,990 A.D. Wolf 424 – 14.30 LY (3 planets, 19 moons) Year 31,500 A.D. Gl 473 B – 14.30 LY (2 planets, 52 moons)
31,000 A.D. to 55,000 A.D. Hugen-8 was born at D1n0 planet in Ross 248 star system with a lifespan of 3,000 years. The CME Extinction Level Event on earth had caused the planet to be inhabitable for more than 500,000 years. In all of the nearest stars explored, not one of their planets were identical to earth.
Hugen-4 and Hugen-5 have colonized Titan, one of the moons of Saturn. They are the engineers and architects in the construction of the orb of lights of Genizyn. An element discovered in Neptune is brought to the Triton factory to convert into energy use for Genizyn. All Genizyn project is created and launch for star exploration in Neptune. One Genizyn alone will take 500 years to 600 years to build.
Hugen-7 came into existence at one of the stations orbiting the earth. Hugen-6 directed Hugen-7 to take over all missions to the nearest neighboring stars.
List of neighboring stars colonized:
Year 32,100 A.D. ADS 7251 - 20.09 LY (7 planets, 14 moons) (1 habitable planet no intelligent species) Year 33,400 A.D. EQ Pegasi - 20.16 LY (5 planets, 18 moons) Year 34,900 A.D. Gliese 784 - 20.21 LY (2 planets, 10 moons) (1 habitable planet no intelligent species) Year 35,500 A.D. Gliese 581 - 20.22 LY (13 planets, 5 moons) Year 37,200 A.D. HN Librae - 20.60 LY (3 planets, 12 moons) Year 38,900 A.D. LHS 3003 - 20.76 LY (12 planets, 22 moons) (2 habitable planets no intelligent species) Year 40,100 A.D. LHS 2090 - 20.78 LY (1 planet, 3 moons) (1 habitable planet no intelligent species) Year 42,600 A.D. LHS 337 - 20.79 LY (9 planets, 17 moons) (3 habitable planets no intelligent species) Year 44,200 A.D. Furuhjelm 46 - 20.82 LY (5 planets, 14 moons) (1 habitable planet no intelligent species) Year 45,980 A.D. LP 944-20 - 20.91 LY (7 planets, 17 moons) (1 habitable planet no intelligent species) Year 47,320 A.D. V1054 Ophiuchi - 21.07 LY (14 planets, 41 moons) (4 habitable planets no intelligent species) Year 48,860 A.D. GJ 1128 - 21.13 LY (6 planets, 11 moons) (2 habitable planets no intelligent species) Year 50,100 A.D. Gliese 625 - 21.24 LY (8 planets, 11 moons) (2 habitable planets no intelligent species) Year 50,790 A.D. GL Virginis - 21.32 LY (4 planets, 8 moons) (1 habitable planet no intelligent species) Year 51,490 A.D. HR 8832 - 21.35 LY (2 planets, 9 moons) Year 52,083 A.D. Ross 104 - 21.72 LY (5 planets, 10 moons) (1 habitable planet no intelligent species)
Any objects that go beyond 40% of the speed of light disintegrated. Genizyn orb of lights can go up to 30% in a spherical perspective view. Hugen-8 has modified a model that can go between 40% to 50% speed of light provided the object in perspective view is spiral within a spherical orb of lights. A planet recently discovered at Ross 104 has two kinds of elements that produces harmonious energy on the spiral orb light that can spin over 40% speed of light. The shield has to be a redesign on the supercold space that compressed the energy beyond 40% speed of light.
Floating Glass City soaring above the galleons of clouds. Population: 8,320 Hugen-6. The residents were scientists, engineers, and explorers. At the command center, the crew spotted 12 humans on the ground-based on the infrared scan with no deadly weapons on site.
HG6-CP104: This is impossible. Humans ceased to exist 47,203 years ago. The location of humans reads 14.5995° N, 120.9842° E.
The twelve humans were standing in a circle on top of the mountain. As they raised their arms, the command center started to vibrate, the floor bent, and the glass cracking. Then, the Glass City exploded into pieces in the sky.
The moon station was able to monitor the incident and sent the information at once to the Central Station at Titan. The result of the analysis was triggering. There was no weapon engaged and no collision of a meteor. An invisible force coming from the twelve suspected species, they may have developed the power of telekinesis as a weapon.
Date: August 3, 2000, Thursday 8:32 A.M. Address: Boston Children Hospital, 300 Longwood Ave, Boston, MA‎
MINERVA: (smiling & worried) They will destroy all the stations in the Solar system. It will be the end of the Hugens. Bad Hugens killed all the humans. And now, this is vengeance. The beautiful humans got the power from Hugen-4 yeah.
DOCTOR: Minerva. It's time for your pills. That is a good story, Minerva. Let me know what happened next after your dinner, girl.
Minerva has Autism Spectrum Disorders (ASD). Her notes are studied by Doctors and Psychiatrists. One thing they were aware of was the coming Coronal Mass Ejection in the year 2083.
Background Music: "Away From It All" by Danny Caing https://soundcloud.com/dukesolomon/away-from-it-all-by-danny-duke-caing
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