#Slasher simp
swampgh0stt · 21 days
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My new shirt came in 💙
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spookychick78 · 1 year
Ghostface One Shot
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Warnings: SMUT 18+, choking, lottts of knife play, language, rough sex
Word Count: 3,366
Work was such a drag, you were more than happy to be in for the night. You closed the door to your bedroom and threw your bag into the corner. You sat down at the edge of the bed and ran your hands through your hair with a sigh. A breeze blew into the room and you turned to see the curtains dancing in the wind. You were glad you'd left your window open, it at least ensured the room stayed cool. You began to lie down, but just before your head met the pillow, your phone rang.
"God, what now?" You mumbled to yourself as you sat back up to dig through your bag.
You fingers finally found it and you quickly lifted it to see it was an unknown caller. You rolled your eyes and pressed decline. Just before you set it back down, it rang again. The same words appeared on the screen and you narrowed your eyes. Telemarketers didn't usually call twice. You decided to take a chance and answer it, expecting some collect caller on the other end.
"Hello?" You said, annoyed.
"Why'd you hang up?" A man's voice responded in an almost playful tone.
The casual question he asked threw you off. You pulled the phone back and double checked the screen to see if you'd mistakenly read it wrong, but no. It was definitely an unknown number.
"Hello?" You heard the man say in that same playful tone.
You hesitantly put the phone back up to your ear, "Who is this?"
"A friend," the man said.
"I'm sorry, I don't know your number, do I know you?"
"Really? I know yours," he said coolly, "what's your name?"
"(Y/n)," you answered against your better judgment, "what's yours?"
"(Y/n)," he repeated slowly, "pretty name for a pretty girl. I like it."
You furrowed your brow in confusion, "So you do know me?"
"No," he said with a laugh, "but I'd like to."
You stood up and began to pace the room, "You've got a funny way of introducing yourself."
"I'm a funny guy," he said almost sinisterly.
You glanced out your window half expecting to see whoever this was standing out there, but your yard was empty. You knew you should have hung up the phone by now, but you were a sucker for a little mystery.
"Do you want to play a game, (y/n)?"
It was like he knew.
"I feel like my answer should be no, but," you trailed off as you considered just how bad of an idea this would turn out to be, "I can't say I'm not tempted to say yes."
"Maybe it should be, but life is more fun when there's a little risk involved, right?"
You laughed, but hesitated to answer his original question.
"Let me make this easier for you," he said in that sinister tone again, "you're going to play a game with me, (Y/n)."
"Alright," you said defiantly, "let's play."
"Smart girl," he said with laugh, "first question. Do you scare easy?"
"No," you said flatly.
You went to close your window. At this point you were certain this was a bad idea, yet you still wanted to play. Desperate for some distraction from the monotony of day to day life. Stupid, is what you were being, but you just kept playing along.
"Are you scared right now?" He asked.
"Should I be?"
"Maybe," he said quietly, "next question, or rather, next task. I want you to look under your bed."
"Is this some kind of Halloween prank?" You said abruptly.
He started to laugh, "What do you think?"
"I think I'm gonna hang up now," you said, mocking his strange voice.
"I wouldn't do that if I were you," he said, more serious than before, "now look under your bed."
Your eyes wandered towards the floor and over to the darkness hiding behind the part of your duvet that hung over the side of the bed. You slowly walked over to it and lifted it up.
"Do it," he said, the grin on his face was almost audible, "get on your knees."
Now you knew he was watching you, he had to be. You slowly did as he asked and peered into the darkness. You braced yourself, half frightened you might find him underneath, but as your eyes adjusted you found there was nothing there. You couldn't believe you were thinking it, but you were almost a little disappointed. Boredom had really taken its toll on you, you thought to yourself. Here you were finding entertainment in this stranger's most definitely threatening game.
"There's nothing under here," you chimed into the phone.
"You're right. That would be too obvious, wouldn't it? Check your closet," he commanded.
"Isn't that even more obvious? Come on, you sound more creative than that," you teased as you glided over to the closet to find it too was empty.
"You think so?" He asked in a more amused tone, "look out your window."
"I did, but you already knew that," you said as you moved towards the window like he asked.
"Now you're catching on. What do you see?"
Your eyes moved back and forth, scanning the shadows with care, "I don't see anything."
"Look closer," he whispered.
You moved in towards the glass and strained your eyes further. The yard was empty as could be, but something caught your gaze and it wasn't outside. You felt your heart rate pick up when you noticed the face looking back at you in the reflection. Two black eyes, an open mouth on a pale white mask, and a black hood that covered his entire body. It was faint, but there was no way your mind was playing tricks on you. He was right behind you. Ghostface was right behind you.
"Are you scared now?" He asked in your ear.
You looked right back at him through the reflection and lied through your teeth, "No."
You noticed the gleam of a blade and watched him rest it on your shoulder. He let it drag down your arm, pulling on the slim strap of your tank top as it moved. He was careful not to draw blood. Yet.
"You wouldn't lie to me, would you?" He whispered as he tilted his head to the side.
"Never," you replied quickly and quietly, "you're the one all over the news, you're Ghostface."
"See, you do know me," he teased as he continued to drag the knife up and down your arm.
"Are you going to kill me?" You asked as calmly as you could manage.
"I was," he replied with a sigh as he played with that strap again, "but you did so well during our first game. So obedient."
You were silent as you watched him contemplate with that knife. You knew he could clearly hear how shaky your breath was. Life may have been boring, but you weren't ready to die.
"Do you think we should play another? Something a little," he quickly turned the knife upwards and cut through your tank top's strap, "different."
You tried your hardest to stop that gasp from escaping your mouth, but it couldn't be helped. He began to play with the strap on your other shoulder, still slow as ever but he was pressing a little firmer with the blade, tempted to draw just a bit of blood.
"Does this game end with me breathing?" You asked as the cold metal began to raise goosebumps on your skin.
"That depends on how well you play," he whispered in your ear.
You hated that the way he said it made you almost excited to find out what exactly this game would be. Though, you had a good idea of what to expect, at least for the most part. Or maybe that was just wishful thinking on your part. You were beginning to wonder just how sick you were upstairs. You wanted to play and he could tell. There was something about the way he spoke, the sound of his voice and the mystery of it all. You watched his head tilt from one side to the other in the reflection. The idea of being so damn good in bed that even Ghostface  himself wouldn't want to kill you somehow made this even more exciting. You knew you should have been scared, terrified and probably running, but you were up for the challenge.
"So what do you say?" He asked as he began to pull that other strap up with the knife, "Wanna take one more risk, (Y/n)?"
"Let's play."
As soon as the words left your mouth he cut it, "I was hoping you'd say that," he said before he grabbed the back of your top and sliced it open down the middle.
It fell away, revealing your black bra to him which he acknowledged with a devilish laugh. He rolled the remains of your tank top up and quickly grabbed your hands to bind them behind you. Once he was sure they were tight enough he turned you around to face him. He took his knife and placed it on your lips. He used the flat end to pull your bottom lip down, leaving your mouth open for him to admire. He then dragged it down your chin, neck, down to your chest and to the front of your bra. He traced your breasts, circling each of them with the sharper side of his knife now, taunting you. You knew he liked your obedience before, but you were tempted to try something different.
"Are you just gonna stare at me all night," you said as you watched the knife over your nose, "or are you gonna do something?"
The knife stopped moving and he cocked his head at you. A gloved hand flew up to your throat and he wrapped it around you in a painfully tight grip. You winced, but you couldn't say you didn't enjoy the display of dominance.
"You wanna be a brat now, huh?" He said before he leaned his masked face into yours until your nose almost touched, "I'll do what I want, when I want, for however long I want. Understood?"
"Then what do you want?" You choked out as your eyes wandered through those dark black holes to just barely catch a glimpse of his own.
He let out a low chuckle before he moved in close to your ear, you felt him cut your bra open, "I wanna make you scream."
Before you even had a chance to think of a response, he turned you both and threw you onto the bed. You tried to use your bound hands to push yourself up when you felt him grab at your shorts. He struggled to undo the buttons and ended up using his knife to snap them.
"You won't be needing these," he said as he pulled them off of you to admire the lace of your panties, "or these."
He grabbed each of your legs and swiftly dragged you to the edge of the bed. Your head hit the mattress and your breath hitched when you felt that knife on your bare inner thigh. It's cold touch made you squirm, but he was quick to stop you. He didn't want you going anywhere.
"No moving," he said as his free hand forced your thigh back so he could tease you further, "not until I say so."
He let it wander further this time, exploring up from the inside of your knee all the way back to his original spot. Then he moved it more inward. Part of you was terrified of what exactly he was planning to do with that knife, the other desperately needed touch. With all of you exposed to him, the tip of his knife dragging dangerously close to the most sensitive part of you, your body was both itching to be pleased and trembling with fear of the unknown. Suddenly, you no longer felt the knife. You stared up at the ceiling, so tempted to push yourself up to see what he was doing, but you did your best to resist the urge. Then you felt breath between your thighs. He must have taken his mask off. His mouth was so close to touching you, but other than a quick brush, he gave you nothing. You squirmed again in an attempt to find him where you needed him and felt both of his hands fall heavy on your hips, holding you down harder. You whined in response and he let out a laugh, which only worsened your state. You could practically feel the vibration of his voice where you wanted him most.
"You're only making this worse for yourself," he said in a self satisfied tone, he loved what he was doing to you, "you want it that bad? Beg for it."
"And if I don't?"
"It's your life at stake, isn't it? I suggest you do as I say and tell me just how badly you want me to taste you," he said, his lips just barely brushing against the top part of your inner thigh as he spoke.
"So badly," you breathed.
You felt him nip at your skin, "No, no. Say it."
"I want you to taste me."
"I said beg," he said through gritted teeth.
He bit down again and a moan escaped your lips, "Please, I want you to, I need you to taste me," you cried.
"I'm begging you, please," you said louder, you thought you sounded so pathetic with how desperate you were at this point.
"I want your fucking neighbors to hear you," he spat up at you.
"God, just please fuck me already, I want you to fuck me," you screamed.
"Good girl," he said as he pulled your hips forward.
When his tongue finally met your sweet spot, your neck arched back, "Yes," you breathed.
God, you had never wanted anything so bad. The feeling of his tongue exploring you so gently, steadily adding more pressure with each flick was heaven. He was good, more than good. It was as if he knew exactly how to work you, every little thing he did was exactly what you needed him to do. Not one wrong move was made. You were already unraveling under his touch. No one had ever teased you like that before, your body was begging for release before he had even touched you, just as he had planned. You started to tense when you felt the vibration of the groan that escaped him against you. That, mingled with the pressure of his tongue, made you let out an almost pathetic whine. He could tell he had you on the brink.
"Not yet," he ordered, "not until I'm inside you."
But you were already right there. It was beyond your control, but he knew that. You felt his fingers dig into your hips as he grew frustrated at you're inability to hold off any longer. Just before you could get the release you were aching for, he pulled away. Before you could complain, you felt his hands grip your waist and flip you over. He grabbed your hips and pulled you back, forcing you on your knees. You started to turn your head to look back at him, you just knew he didn't have the mask on anymore, he had taken it off while he was between your legs and you wanted to see his face. Just before you could catch a glimpse, he grabbed a fistful of your hair and forced your head back as he thrusted into you. You cried out and squeezed your eyes shut as he went as deep as he could go, making you burn with pleasure.
"Now you can cum," he said through gritted teeth as he began his brutal pace.
With or without his permission, you were going to. Your body was doing all the begging for you now. You pushed back against him to meet his thrusts, and before long you felt that knot that had begun to form when his tongue was in you start to snap. He could tell he was hitting the right spot and a self satisfied smirk formed on his face. He tightened his grip on your hair and went harder until he felt you clench around him.
He pulled your head up more so he could whisper in your ear, "Now scream for me."
You did just as he asked as your climax hit you harder than any other you'd had before. He watched your fists clench in their binds, desperate for something to hold onto as he fucked you through your orgasm. He took his other hand and brought it to his mouth so he could rip his glove off, then he pulled you up further so he could use his fingers to play with you. Your body writhed as he worked you for yet another orgasm. The overstimulation only made you louder, which earned another sinister laugh from him.
"You're such a fucking mess for me, aren't you?" He said as he moved his fingers faster, drove himself into you harder.
You were and you were about to find further release. He felt you tighten around him again and this time, it was going to send him over the edge with you. His breath became uneven in your ear and he let go of your hair to force your hips harder against his own. You heard him muttering a slew of curses in a breathy voice as his thrusts became sloppier, more desperate. He let out a few whines of his own, but god were they amazing to hear. They drew you closer to that second orgasm you were chasing and when you finally found it you felt him find his own inside you. His head fell back as he rode through it. Then he stopped, breathing heavily over you. Your head was spinning and you barely even noticed him grab the knife that was lying beside you. He quickly cut the bind on your hands and your arms fell limp at your sides. He laughed at your annihilated state before he pulled out of you. You felt his hand reach around to lift you up by your throat. He pressed your back against his chest and turned your head with his gloved hand so he could place a firm kiss to your lips. You would have returned it better than you did, but after being fucked silly, you barely had any energy left to give him. He let go and you fell forward, thankfully your hands found the mattress before your face did. You pushed yourself up and looked over at him. His mask was still off and your jaw dropped. You did know him, you'd never spoken to him, but you definitely knew who he was.
"Stu?" You asked, dumbfounded.
He flashed that funny smile of his at you as he admired the shock on your face, then he mocked you with a shocked look of his own, "(Y/n)?"
"You- but I, you're- you're Ghostface?" You asked confused.
"Surprise," he said as he put his other glove back on.
You furrowed your brow, "But, why-"
"Come on. I've been trying to get your attention for weeks. Nothing seemed to be working, but this," he said cockily, "this definitely worked."
You felt your face heat up as he lifted the mask up to his face, "Didn't it?"
Oh, it definitely worked.
"So you're not gonna kill me?" You asked as you watched him lift your window open.
"After that? Are you kidding me?" He said with an astonished laugh, "No way."
He watched you smirk in response. He flashed that smile one more time before he threw his mask back on. He started to climb out the window, but turned back to you.
"So," he said through the voice modulator, "I'll call you?"
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realistic-fanfics101 · 9 months
What slashers would say if you're wearing something
Micheal Myers
- nothing.
- would kill you
Jason Voorhees
- nothing
- probably stare for a bit
- then kill you
Billy Loomis
- he has a girlfriend you homewrecker
Stu Macher
- same with Billy. But would cat call you tbh
Bubba Sawyer
- doesn't care
- kills you
Freddy Krueger
- say some dumb pun.
- pick on you
- kill you
Brahms Heelshire
- he's in the walls.
- wouldn't say anything.
- why do I have to remind you that he lives IN THE FUCKING WALLS??
-He would probably call you a slut and hit on you. But I don't care enough to write more points about it.
- just know it ends with you dead.
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fraidy-farfelle · 9 months
Tommy- :(
Y/N- *happy to see him* TOMMY!
Tommy- :)
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horrorjunki3 · 1 year
Just some thoughts on Otis Driftwood because he makes me feral:
Warnings: Canon typical violence, fluff, swearing and mentions of drug use, Brief mentions of arguments.
//Reader is GN//
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General headcannons:
♡ I feel like Otis would respect you if you treated his family well - they mean alot to him and he'd LOVE it if you treated them like family.
♡ Compliment his art - most victims scream or yell calling him a monster and while he gets a kick out of it - He'd melt if you complimented his art.
♡ He will call you pet-names like: Darlin' , sweet thing and babe - often complains that his "darlin's makin' him soft"
♡ If he notices his accent and way of speaking flushers you he'll lay it on real thick
♡ I firmly believe this man is a physically affectionate person - always touching you.
♡ He loves you wearing his stuff and will give you a bracelet or accessorie for you to wear constantly
♡ The type to call you 'his' "that's my darlin' "
♡ Very possessive and jealous of you
♡ Loves cuddling you but won't initiate it unless you guys have had a fight - if not he'll wait till you cuddle him. I think he'd prefer you lay on his chest or you be little spoon
♡ His loyal to a fault, once your an important person to him he will stick by you - MELTS when you do anything that shows your loyalty to him or the family
♡ His kisses are always sloppy and full of passion, if you want to simple peck you gotta peck and run bc this man will kiss you like his starving!!
♡ Baby teases you guys!
♡ if you drink/smoke it becomes a weekly date to get intoxicated and cuddle -> he becomes softer during these moments calling you his "soulmate" or "sweet thing" while tracing shapes on you thighs
♡ Acts like he hates it but loves when you pamper him like tying up his hair, massaging him or making sure he eats
♡ He is the grumpy character who hates everyone except you
♡ You will have to deal with his rambles and rants
♡ Unfortunately Otis is kinda an asshole at the beginning of the relationship -> he will show you things to freak you out. However, as the relationship continues he stops and actively tries to make you feel safe.
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sadtimbitz · 2 months
sitting on his lap would probably fix me
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f1nal-c0rpse · 1 year
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the-jokers-wolf · 2 years
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He is just the cutest 🥺🥰
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ladydracula666 · 2 years
All of them are my boyfriends. 🥵🥵
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bunnielungsblog · 1 year
A men I'll never stop loving (*≧д≦)(。>ω<)ノ
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232 notes · View notes
swampgh0stt · 6 months
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If you know what I went thru these last few years, you know it’s not even a joke ☠️🤪
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spookychick78 · 1 year
Bo Sinclair One Shot
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Warnings: SMUT 18+ Minors DNI, Rough sex, Breeding, Slight CNC, language
It does get a lil fluffy at the end
Word Count: 2,115
You could feel him watching you from the doorway, arms crossed with that smug look on his face. He didn't believe for a second you were actually going to leave. You wouldn't. Then again, watching you stuff that backpack with such determination wasn't at all supporting his initial thought process. He let his gaze dip to try and meet yours, but you refused. Instead of giving him what you knew he wanted, you stayed completely focused on shoving everything you could fit in that bag. He let out laugh in disbelief and rolled his eyes.
"You gotta be kiddin' me," he muttered, "you're serious?"
"Yep," you said shortly as you struggled with the zipper.
"You think you can leave me?" He asked with that grin he wore when he was close to losing his temper.
"Yeah, I do," you said as you threw the bag over your shoulder and turned towards him.
He was deadly quiet as you walked up to him, glaring at you from underneath those dark brows of his. You went to push past him, but he wouldn't budge. You let out an aggravated sigh before you looked up at him.
"Come on, Bo. Don't make this harder than it has to be," you said as calmly as you could manage.
He let out that humorless laugh again as he looked you up and down, contemplating, "No."
"What do you mean no?"
He said nothing in response, he just kept glaring. You shook your head at him and forced your way past, though he didn't make it easy. You marched to the front door and flung it open only to slam it shut behind you. You knew better than to even try and take the truck, that would be asking for him to come and find you. You barely made it onto the driveway when sure enough, the door opened once more.
"You just gonna walk, huh? Where the hell are you gonna go?" He yelled after you.
"I'll figure it out," you yelled back, stubbornly.
You didn't quite like the silence that followed. Bo wasn't one to simply let things go. You quickened your pace when you heard his boots on the gravel behind you. Just before you could start running, he grabbed your arm.
"You're not leavin' me, (Y/n)," he said as he forced you to turn around.
"Let go of me, Bo," you said through gritted teeth as you tried to tug your arm out of his tight grip.
That only made him pull you forward harder. You slammed against him and immediately tried to push yourself off of him. You managed to get your arm free, but then he grabbed you by the sides of your shoulders and began to walk you forward.
"What the hell are you doing?" You said as you tried to keep your feet from moving, but the gravel gave you nothing to keep yourself grounded.
"I told you," he said through gritted teeth before he slammed your back against a tree, "you ain't leavin'."
Before you could protest he quickly grabbed you by your jaw and silenced you with a kiss. You pushed him off and went to slap him, but he caught your hand in his. He smiled, enjoying your attempt at fighting back. He looked down at your flared nostrils and damn near hateful expression, amused. You could see the idea forming behind his eyes. No, not this time, you thought to yourself. You wouldn't give in like he always seemed to make you do. It was that damn smile of his, every time, the way he got off on how angry you were and the way his eyes seemed to undress you in the most delicious way. You wanted to hate him for it, but hating Bo wasn't easy. It should have been, he was a stubborn, hot headed son of a bitch, but he loved you. You knew that, as toxic as it was.
It was like he had read your mind, sensed the slight hesitation being pinned by him had brought on. His eyes stayed with yours as he brought your fingers to his mouth. He kissed your finger tips as soft as he could manage and slowly moved down to your palm.
"Bo, what are you doing," you whispered as you tried to ignore the desire that was building between your legs.
His eyes seemed darker now, they always got like that when he was hungry for you and it never failed to make you weak for him. You felt his teeth graze over your skin and the sensation of his hot breath falling into your palm as he let out a chuckle at your question.
"Whatever I want," he said in an almost threatening tone.
Before you could protest any further he flipped you around so your cheek was pressed against the bark of the tree and your back to him. You felt his hand push it's way down the front of your pants while his lips left sloppy, hot kisses on the sweat drenched skin of your neck. It didn't take long for his fingers to find your weak spot. You didn't have to look at him to know that self satisfied smirk had appeared when he felt how wet you were for him. You silently cursed yourself when a whine escaped your lips in response to the sensation of his fingers twirling little circles around your clit.
"I hate you, you know that," you said through gritted teeth as you pressed harder into his touch.
"Really?" He said, his voice husky and breath warm in your ear, "I couldn't tell."
Another moan escaped you when he slipped one of his digits inside. Your fist clenched and pressed against the bark of the tree to keep steady as he pushed further into you. You needed more, but you refused to beg. You knew it would only fuel his already overblown ego further. He knew exactly what you wanted already, no matter what you'd said before.
"Want me to stop?" He breathed, that smirk glued to his face.
He knew you like the back of his hand, knew exactly what moves to make so that you couldn't refuse him. His question was only meant to irritate you, to remind you that no matter how mad you might have been you couldn't deny him. He started to remove his hand from your pants, which caused you to whine at the loss of friction.
"Goddamnit, Bo," you muttered.
He grabbed a fistful of your hair and pulled you back against his chest, "Do you want me to stop?"
You knew you couldn't hide the blatant desire that had no doubt made its way to your eyes by now. You watched him read it, but still, he waited for your answer. He needed to hear you say it, needed to know you wanted him to fuck you senseless right here, right now. And you did. That's exactly what you wanted.
"Never," you breathed as your eyes flickered down to his lips.
It didn't go unnoticed. He let out that arrogant chuckle of his as his own eyes wandered to your wanting mouth.
"'Course you don't," he practically growled before he pressed his lips against yours hard as he could.
You barely even noticed your neck aching from the angle, all you could focus on was his tongue gliding over yours and how his teeth pulled at your bottom lip in an almost needy way before he pushed you back against the tree. His hands made quick work of yanking your pants down before he freed himself from his own. He snaked one hand around to your front again while the other aligned himself with your entrance. He wasn't gentle in the slightest as he pushed himself in and used the arm wrapped around you to pull you tighter against him. Once he had bottomed out you felt his head in the crook of your neck.
"Fuck," he breathed against your skin as if he was already in shambles at how tight you were, "if this is what you hating me feels like, keep it up."
A smirk had started to curve on your lips, but he was quick to put a stop to that. He pulled out just about all the way only to thrust back in, making your expression contort into an almost pained one, but you were far from in pain. You lived for the way he filled you up, especially in moments like this. You knew he was determined to remind you that only he could make you feel like this, to remind you that you were his and only his. Not much else compared to the way Bo fucked you after a fight. His passion for you was always at its peak when he was desperate to make you stay.
You felt his hand rest on your shoulder as he began his quick pace while the other resumed drawing those little circles around your clit. They were sloppier than before, far less calculated, but it was just what you needed. One thing you didn't hate was your own ability to make Bo crumble. You got off on it, the way he just lost himself in you. As if your body, your skin and your touch was the only thing in the world that could make him fold. He may have started with control in his grasp, but you could feel the power shift now. You could hear it in the way he panted in your ear, feel it in those circles that grew sloppier and sloppier with each thrust. You knew he was making that face you loved, his brows furrowed, mouth agape, his tongue practically hanging out of it as he watched where your bodies connected in awe. It brought you to the edge just picturing that blissed out expression of his and knowing you were the one that put it there. You tightened around him, hanging off of each circle he drew. That wave was just seconds from crashing over you and he felt it.
"That's it, baby," he panted out as he leaned in closer to your ear, made his thrusts deeper, "show me just how much you hate me."
He added just the slightest extra bit of pressure with his fingers and it had you melting, coating his digits in your juices as you came for him. Your body began to tremble as he continued his pursuit for his own climax, fucking you through yours. Your moans filled his ears and with your body clenched around him, he went over the edge. He let his head fall back as his hands squeezed your hips, there was no doubt bruises would form from how tight his grip was. He let out an almost animalistic growl as he spilled into you, filling you to the brim. His fist slammed into the tree just beside your face and he stilled inside you, breath hot and heavy against the back of your neck. You could have stayed like that for hours, bodies intertwined, listening to him struggle to regain his composure and fail to control his shaky breath.
"Shit," he breathed as he slid out of you, proudly admiring the sight of his seed dripping down your legs, "good luck leavin' me now."
You turned your head to see just how smug he looked with that crooked smirk pulling at his lips, "Sure as hell might be trapped," he said with a laugh.
"You're an asshole," you replied, struggling to keep the smile from your face.
He grabbed you by your hand and swiftly spun you round so you were pressed against his chest, "Sure am, but I'm your asshole. Probably for a good long while after that."
"Maybe that's exactly what I wanted," you said slyly as you stood on your toes to meet his lips.
He smiled into your kiss, "You're tellin' me you planned that? The fight, tryin' to leave, all for me to knock you up? And I'm the asshole?" He said against your lips.
"Maybe," you replied, "I'm smarter than you think, Bo."
"Or dumber," he teased.
He pulled back and lifted his hand to brush some of your now messy hair out of your face. His eyes had softened now and he took your chin in his hand.
"You coulda just asked, you know," he said as his thumb brushed your skin gently.
"It's more fun to piss you off," you said with a grin.
He shook his head with a laugh, "No shit."
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skellys-selfships · 29 days
f/o imagine: Jason Voorhees x reader (gender neutral)
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I SPECIFICALLY WROTE THIS FOR MY BEAUTIFUL FRIENDO @starsidexiv, you deserve the world man <3
Running through the cornmaze, lost, frightened, split from your group. You're in the dark, wishing you could go back to when you were in a familiar setting, laughing and enjoying your mere existence alongside the trusted few in your life.
You ran, frantically pushing away anything that blocked your path, your hands being nicked by the various leaves and cornhusks that almost consumed your petite form.
You almost shrieked as you bumped into someone, not looking where you were headed. You had a shred of hope in your heart, could it be one of your friends? That hope bled out instantaneously as the figure turned to face you, proving your hopes wrong. The large masked man advanced, you walked backwards, speechless.
Almost tripping over backwards, you were halted. His massive hand gripping your shirt, keeping you from hitting the ground. You made direct eye contact as he pulled you to your feet, your hands gently found their way over his. He released his grip on you, you however, didn't let go. Something in his eyes looked so gentle, his form was giant, menacing, you should be petrified. But you were simply entranced, you kept eye contact.
With your hands over only one of his, gently holding his calloused, rough digits, your gentle treatment only earned a grunt from him.
His hand grasped both of yours, giving them a firm squeeze before breaking contact. He turned to you, glaring at you, something in his gaze looked soft, trusting, as he walked away, your heart fluttered, hoping to see the giant stranger once more.
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slasher-male-wife · 1 year
What I think non verbal slashers voices would sound like
So I posted this on my tik tok the other day so please know I didn't steal this from someone else I swear. I don't think any of these slashers can talk, even if it isn't proven in cannon. These might be kinda vague but oh well.
Includes: OG and RZ Michael Myers, Thomas Hewitt, Bubba Sawyer, Jason Voorhees, and Vincent Sinclair
RZ Michael Myers
His voice is so deep I'm not playing. He's literally 6'9 and can probably lift a cow with one hand so you know it's gonna be deep.
I feel like it'd be hoarse too. Like he constantly has a sore throat.
Even if he could talk he wouldn't do it often. Like it'd be rare and only with people that he liked.
OG Michael Myers
It's gonna be just some kind of normal dude voice.
It's not gonna be something so out there and wild you turn your head when you hear it but it is going to be deep, like most slashers on this list.
I'd say the closest thing I can say it sound like is Tony Moran's voice because he is the face of Michael Myers. (Side note why did they make him so hot if they didn't want people simping for him?)
Thomas Hewitt
HE HAS A STRONG SOUTHERN ACCENT! You know it's deep too dear lord. Like my man is sounding like a country singer whose voice is unnaturally deep.
Another rough voice I'd say. Like not as bad as RZ Michael but still kinda raspy.
Someone said that both Leather faces would have some kind of speech impediment and I totally agree which also furthers my idea that he wouldn't talk much if he could.
Bubba Sawyer
Again a very strong southern accent. But his voice isn't that deep really. I've heard Gunner Hanson speak before and he sounds like a normal guy so I assume that's what Bubba sounds like but with some kind of speech impediment.
He also changes his pitch of voice depending on how he's presenting. Like when he yelled while attacking Kurt was more loud and masculine and when he was wearing the grandma face and apron he was babbling in a high pitched voice.
If he could speak he'd be a very nervous speaker. Probably only doing it around his brothers when they're in a good mood.
Jason Voorhees
Still a normal guy voice. I don't see him having some kind of crazy deep or wild voice, but I can see him having a lisp or a stutter which is why if he could talk, he wouldn't.
You'd probably still turn you head at his voice because it is deeper than normal but it's not like so freakishly deep that it's other worldly.
When we enter the zombie Jason era his vocal cords are destroyed. His voice then would be so raspy and hard to understand that he wouldn't use it often, if at all.
Vincent Sinclair
It would sound like Bo's but much more raspy and quiet.
I feel like he couldn't raise his voice at all. Him yelling would be the equivalent of someone else slightly raising their voice.
He'd only talk around Bo and Lester and maybe to himself a little bit to try and work on how he sounds. Because I know this man wants to feel normal in some way shape or form.
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horrorjunki3 · 1 year
Just imagine how cute our Vinny would be with a S/O that's artistic:
Warnings: None/fluff - Reader is GN
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♡ He'd clear a space so you could do art together and would showcase your art!!
♡ I think regardless of whatever creative medium you do colouring, drawing, clay, wax or crochet he'd love it!!
♡ Vincent would compliment your art critically and offer ways to improve - as an artist he understands the Importance of growth !
♡ He wouldn't let ANYONE insult your art not even Bo! You're his muse, his artist, his love he'd never let anyone hurt your feelings.
♡ He'd update his playlist from classical to your music tastes creating a mix for you guys
♡ He often gets wax in his hair so you may need to tie it up or braid it - it's okay tho he melts everytime you do. Closing his eyes and leaning into your touch, he feels relaxed and just thrives off of your touch.
♡ you guys will often cuddle while he works on his figures - he'd accommodate for you to be comfortable and have you sit between his legs while you both work.
♡ while you guys are cuddled he will rub up and down your sides and when he gets more comfortable showing his face he'll snuggle into your neck and kiss you while he watches you create.
♡ He will express his love using art, creating little sculptures sketches or anything of you - dedicating whole sketchbooks to you. Gifting you sculptures inspired by your hobbies/intrests. However if you were to do the same he'd become a flustered mess!!
♡ You guys would inspire each other to drink, eat and take breaks.
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sadtimbitz · 1 month
sometimes i remember that one comment that said if vincent spoke he would likely have an accent like his brothers and it floors me and i have to collect myself every time
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