#So if you ever need receipts hmu
bluecummers · 1 year
I come to you today, with calculations of Legato Bluesummers and how much percentage of the entirety of the Trigun Manga he takes up...
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If you think I used this old reliable calculator for anything but double checking my physical archiving process, of this vital information, you would be wrong. This is all done on paper traditionally.
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I conclude that Legato is on 337 pages (including cover illustrations, inside covers and the occasional add on) out of 3520 pages, meaning he appears in approximately 9.575% of the Manga.
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To this I toast with Millions Knives, archiving the sacred texts within my Legato study.
à votre santé 🥂
Yes, I have an entire archive of every single Legato page, in which chapter and volume it appears by name, including every single official illustration of him.
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I have discovered a thing I wish to see proven or disproven. See if you can help:
Hypothesis: I love all crime-fighting Peters. I adore them. They are inevitably my dearest favorite I will protect at all costs.
Peter Burke - White Collar (one of my favorite fictional characters to ever exist, I can write essays)
Peter Bishop - Fringe (I still need to watch the last season or two but I know it will break my heart regardless of what happens but anyway, save him)
Peter Dunlop - Body of Proof (arguably a meh show but also Peter was Megan Hunt's actual heart and the ultimate and outrageous mistreatment of his character ruined the show, I have receipts, but also #donttalktomeaboutit)
Pete(r) Malloy - Adam 12 (this show is from the 60s-70s and it has some rough patches but also my current comfort show and it holds up remarkably well and anyways Pete is possibly the absolute best and most honorable fictional police officer ever and more cop shows should take notes)
Peter Parker - Spiderman/Various (friendly neighborhood crime fighter need I say more)
I need to know if there are undesirable crime-fighting Peters out there or if you are a character named Peter and your occupation is fighting crime you automatically throw your whole heart into it and are the most Good Man Hero Trope ever.
Also if there are more crime-fighting Peters I should know about, please hmu so I can cry over them too k thanks bye
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turtle-steverogers · 5 years
Not Guilty- 2
murder mystery’s back! im having too much fun with this story guys
Link to chap 1 in case you need it
warnings: albert being a human disaster, abuse of the word ‘milk’
ship: ralbert, platonic spalbert
word count: 1680
editing: lmaoooo no
Chap 2
When Albert gets to the precinct the next morning, he’s wary to find a wrapped parcel on his desk that looks suspiciously like a sandwich.  He pokes at it, frowning when he sees a singular smiley face drawn on the underside in black sharpie.
 “Hey, uh, Spot?” He calls, looking up when he hears his partner’s chair roll out from his desk and subsequently poke his head around the low wooden wall that separates their cubicles.
“Yes, honeycakes?” Spot’s expression is the face of innocence and Albert’s stomach churns.
“Did you-” He stumbles, gesturing to the presumed sandwich, “Is this for me?”
“It’s on your desk, isn’t it?” Spot smiles, rolling back into his cubicle.
Albert sighs, taking off his messenger bag and jacket and sitting heavily in his desk chair.  He cautiously unwraps the white paper to find a loaded meatball sub sitting in the middle of a napkin.  There’s a sticky note placed delicately on the fluffy white bread and Albert plucks it up, squinting at the words:
Sorry you didn’t finish your sandwich xoxo Spottie
He laughs probably too loud and sticks the sticky note on his desktop, right next to the note from Jack that reads: ‘I’m sorry for stealing your pants, I had brains on mine’ after Jack had taken his extra pair of slacks from his locker when his got spoiled at a crime scene.
He takes a bite of the sandwich, pleased to find that he can still stomach his favorite Gianno’s special after yesterday’s events.  As he chews, careful not to get any tomato sauce on his shirt, he plucks a sticky note from his own pad and scrawls out: Thanks, Pop Spotcket.  Love u, dear xoxo and tosses it over to Spot.
A moment later, Spot snorts indignantly, “‘Pop Spotcket’? Really? Does anyone actually use those anymore?  The only person I know who has one is my niece and she’s eleven.”
Albert rolls his chair so he’s in Spot’s cubicle, sandwich still in hand, “I have one, asshole.  They’re useful.  Anyway, thanks for the sandwich.  How’s it looking at Gianno’s?”
Spot sighs wearily, placing a stack of papers down and turning from his computer to look at Albert, “Eh.  They’re closed today.  I stopped by this morning to pick up some evidence left at the crime scene and one of the waiters asked if I wanted anything and I remembered that you didn’t get to finish your lunch yesterday so…”
“Thanks, man,” Albert says, mouth full.  Spot wrinkles his nose and tells him not to speak with food in his mouth.  Albert rolls his eyes, “Anyway, evidence?  What’s new?”
“Nothing really,” Spot says, “Just Wiesel’s receipt from his last meal.  Wasn’t really much on it, but it gave us a sure timestamp that lines up with our original record, so at least that’s set.”
“Good,” Albert shoves the last bit of sandwich into his mouth, licking his fingers.
“Yeah.  Saw our boy there, though.”
Albert raises his eyebrows, “Higgins?”
“How’s he?”
Spot shrugs, “Didn’t talk to him.  Kid looked like shit.  Well, more shitty than yesterday if that’s somehow possible.  Kept sending cute little glares my way, fucking ray of sunshine, that one.”
“Christ,” Albert grimaces, “I’m convinced he’s a player in this debacle somehow.  I mean, he seemed genuinely surprised when he found out the vic was Wiesel, but too many strings lead to connections on his end.”
“Yeah,” Spot agrees, “I dunno, I say we dig a little into Wiesel’s other relations as well.  I feel like there’s a gap here somewhere.”
“Toxicology came back,” Albert says after a pause.
Spot looks at him, eyebrows raised, “And?”
“Sarin poison in the blood.  Stab wounds were post-mortem.  Someone wanted this shit to look messier than it is.”
“Interesting.  I wonder who’d go through the trouble of poisoning, then following up with a physical attack.  ‘Specially in a public place.  S’kinda risky.”
“That’s what I was thinking, but whoever it was, clearly knew what they were doing.”
Albert never understood why there was such a wide variety of milks in the world.  And why, in this moment, he can’t find any simple fucking 2%.  
He scans over the selection again, bypassing the almond and oat milks and skimming over the fritzy lactose free shit.  There’s strawberry milk and chocolate milk on display and even horrifyingly enough, mint milk, but no fucking 2%.  It’s not even like this fucking bodega is big enough to warrant having so many milks. 
He just wants some damn normal person milk!
“Excuse me, detective.” 
Albert doesn’t startle.  He doesn’t.  He’s a trained law enforcement officer and detective.  People like him don’t fucking startle.  But, he is on high, professional alert when he turns around to see Antonio Fucking Higgins standing behind him, eyebrows raised in what’s probably amusement and hands shoved in his pockets.
Albert makes a strangled noise, eyes working on their own accord as they trail down Higgins’ body.  He’s sweaty, looking like he just came from some sort of workout, and a pair of tight adidas running pants hug his legs in all the right places.  He’s in a tank top today, somehow doing his arms more justice than the grey shirt he’d been wearing yesterday.  A hat sits backwards on his head, doing little to tame the curls that are trying to sneak out of the stupid hole where the strap meets the fabric.  He looks hot and it’s unfair and Albert’s never been ashamed of his sexuality, but right now he’s wishing that he could reign in his gay ass a little bit because aside from the fact that Higgins is a bit of a prick, he’s also a suspect and that’s, like, number one in the Book of Nope for cops of any kind.
Higgins is still looking at him, but now there’s a small crease of concern between his eyebrows, “You alright, man?” He asks, “You look kinda like you’re having a heart attack.  Do you have any chest pain?  Your left arm feel numb at all?”
Albert shakes himself, morphing his expression into something he hopes looks less like Gay Panic, “Yeah, sorry, I-” He splutters a bit, then shuts his mouth with a click.  
Higgins scoffs, “I just need milk, man, you mind?”
Albert starts, hastily stepping out from where he was definitely blocking the milk selection and watching as Race grabs a carton of-- fucking 2%.  How did he find it so fast?  How did Albert not see it?  He’s supposed to be the one trained to look for details others don’t see!
Trying not to flush, Albert reaches out and grabs a carton as well and Higgins looks at him again, laughing, “You were standing here for a long time, dude, I thought you were gonna murder the milk for a second.”
“Couldn’t find the 2%.” Albert mumbles, blushing harder when Higgins laughs louder.
“Real good reconnaissance there, detective.”
When Higgins is laughing, his face changes into something a whole lot more pleasant.  Not that it was ever unpleasant (the dude’s got a jawline of a god), but some of the hardness in his eyes and shadows on his face go away and for just a second, he looks like the 25 year old he’s supposed to be.  It’s nice, Albert thinks, ignoring the way alarm bells are going off in his head.
“Shut up, Higgins, I’m tired.  Some of us have to read about murders all day, so excuse me if my milk finding skills aren’t the most refined.”
Higgins’ face softens and the smile in his eyes turns into something else that Albert doesn’t want to dissect, “Race.”
“Higgins is my dad, not me.  And I don’t like the name Antonio very much, so if we’re gonna be talking more, be it over murder or milk, call me Race.”
Higgins--Race--winks, “That’s a story for level five amici.”
“Oh, okay.”
They pause for a moment and even though Albert’s not drunk, his inhibitions seem to flutter away from him against his will as he blurts out, “Drinks sometime? Would- uh- would you wanna get drinks sometime?”
And fuck-fuck- SHIT- what are you doing Dasilva? What the fuck?
Race considers him for a moment, “Not that I wouldn’t hit that,” he nods to Albert’s body and Albert flushes.  Damnit with the flushing!  He’s 26, not some flouncy high schooler, “But I don’t think that’s a good idea, detective.”
Albert nods, “No, yeah, honestly I don’t know why I asked- uh-”
“Relax, don’t have an aneurysm, it’s okay.  I just don’t think it’s a good idea right now.”
“No no, you’re right.  Absolutely.”
There’s another pause, then Race smiles apologetically, “I gotta go get the rest of my groceries.  Take care.”
Albert cringes internally at how fucking painfully awkward this exchange has been, “You too,” he says, watching Race retreat to the wine aisle.  He takes another moment to gather himself, then goes to the checkout line.
Albert turns up the volume on his TV, pleased with the quiet solitude of his apartment for the night.  He doesn’t love living alone, but it’s been a long couple days and he’s been looking forward to a night to himself since he’d woken up that morning.  Just him, some thai, and the Animal Planet playing reruns of ‘It’s Me or the Dog’ all night.  Fucking self care.
He’s just yelling at some dog owner on the TV for feeding his pug 24 eggs a day and watching as Victoria Stilwell chews out the greasy fucker when his phone rings on the coffee table in front of him. 
Groaning, Albert mutes the show and chugs down a few sips of beer, before picking up the phone and answering with an annoyed, “Someone better be dying.”
There’s silence on the other end and Albert pulls the phone away from his ear to check the caller ID.  It’s Spot.  Shit, someone might actually be dying.”
“Spot?  Everything okay?”
Spot sounds sheepish when he says, “Well no one’s dying, technically…”
“There was another murder.”
Race went straight home after the bodega, right? RIGHT!??!? stay tuned ;)
thanks saph for ‘pop spotcket’
thanks for reading, chiefs
hmu to be added to my tag
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Grace & Janis
Grace: OMG you and the new boy! 💘🙌 Grace: love that for you babes Janis: lol thanks Grace: 😂😂 k yeah you're busy Grace: I will need that goss tho Janis: dumb and dumber will make up their own to fill in the blanks, I know Grace: LOL Grace: obvs but like Janis: you want the actual truth to spread, yeah Janis: you're alright, soz you won't get that cred Grace: UM rude I want the truth to know Grace: You're MY sister, hello Janis: 👌👌 Janis: hey Grace: 🙄🙄🙄 Grace: ugh just say he's boring whatever Grace: I know the feeling Janis: leave the games to your mates, and the jumping to the wrong conclusions, yeah, we ain't playing that shit Janis: why would I bother if he was, like every other cunt here Grace: Duh I'm only here cos of Leon Grace: so unbothered too Janis: 'course you are Grace: I unbae-d him hun, obvs am Janis: yeah, so you're here just for the fun Janis: cool Grace: I'm here to show him what he's missing so yeah Janis: 'cos you 'unbae-d' him Janis: defs the actions of someone very unbothered and not a girl who got dumped and is seeing how fast he gets a new bitch, and who Janis: count me as not it, yeah 👍 Grace: not even! I know he's seeing Kaya and like I said, idc Janis: well then, not showing him nothing then, he don't miss you Grace: OMG this is so yesterday Grace: here for your 😍 not my 🙄 Janis: are we? Janis: I'm here to pass PE Grace: not what the new boy's here for tho Janis: yeah, not in my class Grace: I know Grace: he takes art Janis: lol why do you know that Janis: you don't Grace: why DON'T you know that? Grace: 🔎👀 Janis: not out here doing a survey Grace: I hope not Grace: keep it sexy honey Janis: sexy Janis: you sound like a nan Janis: a weird one, at that Grace: 🤞 you don't look like one Grace: what ARE you even wearing rn OMG Janis: yeah, 'cos I'm the one that thinks a cardigan is stylish Janis: my pjs? Grace: 😱😱😱😱 Grace: YOU'RE JOKING Janis: it's not particularly funny but Janis: knee slap away Grace: I literally can't help you Grace: 🙏 bitch Janis: everyone's ready for bed, what are you chatting Janis: I wasn't getting dressed again Grace: not everyone's ready to bed a hot boy tho Grace: I can't even with you Janis: if we were gonna fuck he'd see even less so Janis: don't think he's any more bothered than I am Grace: That's SO not the point Janis: are you gonna tell me Janis: cba to guess, like Grace: we do not have time for a masterclass! Grace: 🙏 you're right babes Janis: considering I'm here, I clearly am Grace: unless he's literally inside you rn in which case EW don't chat to me Grace: you don't know that for sure Janis: why would you even say that Janis: you're twisted Grace: Oh please Grace: I'm a nan, UM okay Janis: yeah, and I'm not interested in the incest you're peddling, thanks Grace: why would YOU even say that Grace: so gross Janis: you brought it up Janis: you think you'd be better at gaslighting by now Janis: tell your boyfriends to up their game Grace: 🙄🙄🙄 Grace: tell your boyfriend you don't always do 0 effort, he might be new enough to fall for it Janis: you get one that stays longer than the 3 minutes it takes him to pump and dump, I'll listen to your 'advice' Grace: you get one EVER & maybe I'll take it Janis: yeah, egg on my face for not letting every lad that wants to inside Janis: lmao 🥴🥴🥴 queen of romance as if you've ever had that either Grace: I've turned down so many lads THANK YOU Janis: 😂😂😂 Grace: 👌👌👌 👋 Janis: k yeah you're busy Janis: turning away all those elligible bacherlors will take all of two minutes of you staring at yourself delusional in the mirror, like Janis: nighttime routine! Grace: You're such a bitch Janis: Yeah, you too Grace: Literally where?? Janis: we do not have time to go through all those receipts! Janis: honey Grace: You don't Janis: 💔 Grace: sure Janis: Go talk to Holly and Jessica, they'll make you feel better Grace: I'm doing my night time routine, babes Grace: duh Janis: besties who cry together, no Janis: that's your whole schtick, they'll be inconsolable by now Grace: I'm not crying off a £35 mask Grace: you'll all have to get over it Janis: how effective it is on you, you may as well use it on them instead Janis: revenge acne, very cute Grace: I'm so sorry that my skin needs like a £100 one, okay? OMG Janis: yeah well, I appreciate you realise how tough it is on me Janis: tah babes Grace: leave me alone Janis: I have Janis: 💔 remember Grace: fine, go away Janis: find a spare room and make that feasible Grace: don't even bring him here Grace: I s2g Janis: it's alright, he don't fancy you Janis: the mask won't shatter the illusion, like Grace: Exactly, so just don't, okay? Janis: I'm not going to, Christ Grace: 👌 Janis: Really, Grace, what the fuck Grace: ???!! Janis: like I'm gonna fuck anyone when you're in the room Grace: like that's what I said or meant Janis: yeah, so as per, you can have your friends in whenever Janis: gotcha Grace: that's different Grace: my friends aren't boys Janis: wouldn't make a difference to you Grace: OMG I'm literally saying it does Janis: and it's bullshit Grace: sure Janis: you know it is Grace: no I don't Janis: you want an example of how much of a bitch you are, case in point Janis: my friends were never good enough, male or female Janis: yet we all have to put up with yours every weekend Grace: You don't have friends for me to judge Grace: if I was even bothered which I'm obvs not Janis: Convincing as it was first time 'round Grace: UGH Grace: I'm happy for you but I don't need to extend that to a welcome party in our room like Janis: Whatever Janis: later then Grace: Bye Grace: Are you back in for good? Janis: Probably Grace: I'll get the light then Janis: 👍 Janis: I would've found my way alright, like Grace: sure but I'm not breaking my neck thanks Janis: from the bottom bunk? Janis: impressive Grace: the amount I overpacked is Grace: cannot move Janis: note the 'over' there is negative, not positive Grace: oh great 💘😘 hasn't put you in a better mood Janis: you're the one here copping an attitude 'cos I won't enable your problem, but go off Grace: if you wanna invent problems for me to have, you go off hun Janis: the 'you've got enough' comes too easy Janis: make me work for it Grace: & you're never too busy, yeah? Grace: poor boy 💔 Janis: you see him here Janis: specifically not, on your orders 'cos you out here looking like shrek Grace: he just left you, give him at least one sec of thought like Grace: so rude Janis: capable of having more than one at a time, sweetheart Janis: god bless Grace: LOL Grace: 🙄🙄🙄 Janis: no use, won't be able to spot your brain like that Grace: Thanks for the advice Grace: I was gonna say it for actually doing what I asked but you're right back to being a bitch again so 🤷 Janis: 'cos the definition is famously 'do everything I say or you're a cunt' Janis: you'll never be Mia, babes Janis: not got that kinda clout over them, let alone me Grace: OMG stop Janis: 'cos you know it's true Janis: no bigger bitch than your bestie Grace: You can take the title if you want it babes Janis: your bestie? Janis: no tah Grace: the biggest bitch Janis: same difference Janis: keep up Grace: You don't even know her Janis: we ALL know her 🙄 Grace: She can be a lot, UM HELLO, so can I Janis: 😱 NO Janis: fucking hell Janis: what a revelation, call the press Grace: The rumor mill is focused elsewhere rn Grace: 💔 obvs Janis: I know Janis: get a nude 'leaked' like your fat friend Janis: worked for all of ten seconds Grace: if you want me to kms sure Janis: 🤷 Grace: won't call the press on that revelation hun Janis: I wouldn't Janis: bit embarrassing Janis: not all publicity is good publicity Grace: you'd know I guess Janis: 😂 you're actually jealous Janis: that's funny Grace: of what? Grace: you losing your virginity finally Janis: there's nothing sadder than sounding like a rode hard put away wet slag full of regret at 15, for starters Janis: we get it, you've never had an orgasm or a 'man' that weren't a piece of shit, get a vibrator and put down the cigs, Shirley Janis: and secondly, not got time for the list when you know perfectly well what Grace: & there's nothing more tragically desperate than getting with that boy cos he doesn't know anything about you Grace: he'll find out Janis: and everyone knows everything about you Janis: rather, they could, if they were interested to ever look Janis: it's gotta be hard being 10th most interesting, even Junior had some closeted appeal Janis: 💔 Grace: okay Jan, you're so mysterious Grace: good luck working that angle for another 15 years babes Janis: good luck being a bleeding heart for that long Janis: interest in the sob story ran dry long before your eyes have ever Janis: how infuriating, I don't want it, actively try to get rid of it, and I still get more than you Janis: gutted for you, truly Grace: sure Janis: I know, sympathy ain't what you want Janis: but it's all that's on offer for you so chow down, babe Grace: 😂😂 you think you know me like that Janis: everyone does, remember Janis: you think you get it both ways Janis: take that whilst you can 'cos it's coming up for 5 years and truly, the dead sister bit is dead Janis: Kiera O' Malley's dad died so it's #overparty sweetie Grace: You're twisted Janis: no shit Janis: get them to get you a therapist, all the 👂👀 you can buy Grace: Why would I go when I can send you in with all the issues you've invented for me Grace: hmu with the highlights hun Janis: Christ, don't pretend you don't know Janis: you want that angle Janis: to be this pathetic AND unaware of it Janis: self-awareness is your only shot at some dignity at this point Grace: I know all my angles thanks Janis: it's super funny when you pretend to be a full-time bimbo Janis: not tired at all Grace: IKR 🙌 Janis: kinda sad Janis: do you ACTUALLY think they'd rather be friend with the OTT 'happy' bitch, genuinely? Like you HAVE to know all your 'friends' are waiting for is the inevitable meltdown when you fall apart so they can see what earrings they can scavenge from your carcass Janis: livetweeting how #problematic you are and finally saying how little they fucked with you, anyways, but all the best in life, nothing but love, girl 😘 Grace: Oh honey, I'm 100% not that bitch EVER Grace: can't you spy the dynamic from your moral high ground? awks Janis: oh honey, just 'cos they're keeping the runt around to fatten up, does not mean you're not next on the spit Janis: sadder than I thought Janis: you'll actually be sad when it happens, fuck me Grace: flattered to be called out as that thin tbh Janis: ha, eating disorder gang got jokes Janis: burns calories Janis: not AS much as crying though so crack on Grace: Mhm so does hooking up, so you'll have a way into the squad now hooray Janis: not the way y'all do it, pillow princess Grace: you've never seen the way I do it Grace: my tapes are yet to be leaked Janis: as if they're filming Janis: darling if you were any good, you'd get callbacks, not pied off before a camping trip Janis: but god bless with that #metoo spirit Grace: everyone's ALWAYS filming, check your socials Grace: & I dumped him so 👏 for bringing that fake news back Janis: nah, you didn't Janis: you should get dumpee tatted right under your doormat forehead tat Janis: let 'em know just how much they can get away with Janis: so hot Grace: were you there lurking or are you finally over that now? Janis: lol i'm the one with the obsessive personality Janis: now you're just being silly Janis: check your socials Janis: you've not copped that totally 'anon' post with all the tea only a REAL bestie SHOULD know? 🤔 Grace: I came here so obvs I am ridiculous yeah Janis: no shit Janis: you should be home, smacking her in the face Janis: but you've chased after a lad who was 3 fingers deep in another silly bitch at brekkie Janis: that's fun for you, yeah? Grace: 🥊 is more of a look you like to wear Grace: but sure Janis: sort it out Janis: it's not bad enough you let anyone with a dick in this town make a mug of you, you have to let her as well Grace: I didn't come here for Leon Grace: he wishes Janis: This is why I can't do this with you Janis: he doesn't and you did Janis: crying otherwise helps your case none Janis: actually do something about it if you don't like the narrative Grace: That is literally what I'm doing Grace: if I stayed home it would look like I was crying over him Janis: well right now you just look like you're stalking him Janis: maybe if you tried with the activities, like Grace: ugh that's easy for you to say Grace: it'd look really good when I tried & still can't do it Grace: Get a clue OMG Janis: I ain't saying become Bear Grylls Janis: just have a laugh, with the other girls on this trip that ain't too scared to look anything less than their knock-off idea of 'perfect' Grace: as if Grace: the other girls on this trip don't wanna be my besties Grace: 🔪 are out Janis: 🙄 Janis: yeah and that helps the lads fuck all of you over Janis: just build a fucking raft together, don't need to braid each other's pubes and make friendship bracelets on the last day Grace: 🙄🙄🙄 Janis: no bitch fucks with me, I ain't getting pushed into the lake Grace: I'm not you Grace: 💔 obvs Janis: yeah, use some of that scathing attitude on the people who need to hear it Janis: why can you be a total bitch to me but you'll 😢 and hold back on every other cunt who actually wants to see you fail Grace: you're my sister Janis: don't remind us, yeah Grace: never Grace: it's bad enough we're sharing a room rn what am I 9? Janis: not my fault your bestie can't fart without breaking a bone Janis: if I could share with anyone else, obvs 💔 Grace: it's not my fault either Grace: anything she does Janis: wasn't about to say you were the instigator of the starvation army Grace: Duh Grace: not looking like this I'm not Janis: 🙄🙄🙄 Janis: her dedication to ending up in the ground with all her #thinspiration goals is not aspirational Grace: & neither is this Janis: soz, you wanna truffle shuffle louder, I didn't catch the scope of your GINORMOUS wobbling jelly rolls from here Janis: shut up Grace: you've literally said worse to me Janis: and? Grace: don't tell me to shut up Grace: so rude Janis: you know I ain't here to listen to you chat utter shite Grace: I just said, it isn't & so have you before Janis: That's your problem Janis: getting your esteem from people who hate you Janis: yourself included, naturally Grace: 🙄🙄🙄 Grace: if that were true Leon wouldn't be my ex Grace: go tell him to shut up if you're so concerned Janis: if it weren't true, you wouldn't have fucked with him in the first place Janis: or include him on the list, he's a prime twat Grace: We get new boys literally never & you 💍 him when we did Janis: don't be dramatic Janis: you go for the wrong ones to begin with Janis: correction, they go for you and you don't tell 'em to fuck off Grace: Oh okay yeah I'll date the 🤓 Janis: Probably better than getting piped n pied by the fuckboys Janis: seriously, how many have you lot got in common, it's grim Grace: not if I don't understand half the words they say Grace: I've got you to make me feel stupid Grace: & the others, 10th most interesting, right? 🏆 Janis: you want to be stupid Janis: or at least be seen as, pretend you are like that makes all this shit okay somehow Janis: who am I to deny you that, bimbo? Grace: 😂😂 you don't know what I want Janis: neither do you, chuckles Janis: it's a shit show Grace: Exactly Grace: but I know what I don't want & it's 🤓 thanks Janis: like there's two choices Janis: you don't live in an american teen drama, much as you make-believe it Grace: like I'm spoilt for any Janis: stop being so judgemental Janis: not gonna do you any favours Janis: if I need to tell you that, when I go out of my way to do it, you've got a problem Grace: neither is running some kind of virgin training school Grace: but sure Janis: 🙄🙄🙄 alright Grace Janis: continue to cry about how shit your friends are, how shit the boys who fuck you are, whilst only letting the worst people into your life Grace: OMG I'm just saying everyone already thinks I'm gonna take my clothes off every time I upload Grace: I don't need predatory status against 🤓 Janis: because I'm saying fuck every nerd in school without prejudice Janis: I'm saying there's plenty of alright lads who would like you that you won't give the time of day right now Grace: bitch where?? Grace: an alright lad likes YOU not me Janis: so all boys are shit Janis: like all friends bitch behind each other's backs Janis: YOU'RE settling because you don't reckon you could do any better, that no one decent would fuck with you, admit that 'cos blaming the world ain't gonna change the world you're surrounding yourself with Grace: SO DRAMATIC Grace: I know I can't, I've been sat down here saying it literally the length of this convo Grace: 🙄🙄🙄 Grace: I've said it, you have, Leon has, the boy before him has Janis: Nah, you won't try Janis: you're scared everyone's right Janis: get some fucking ambition and get out of this town or you're gonna end up like the rest of them Janis: knocked up by some prick from 'round here and that's all you've got Grace: cos this town is the problem Grace: as if Janis: death tolls high for a reason, baby Janis: Carly, Eds, they were trying to escape too fucking late and they only way they could Janis: at least they got out, everyone sensible has Janis: Ma, Rio, they're fucking stuck for life Grace: they were trying to escape people, things, whatever Grace: she was no happier anywhere else we lived Janis: we were babies, you don't remember that Janis: that's the bullshit they've fed you 'cos it's all that keeps them from doing themselves in with the guilt Grace: okay Janis: anyway, semantics, if you want it that way, girl Janis: it's this family we all want out of Grace: but we can't Janis: yeah, we can Janis: where's Billie, where's Junior, Nancy Janis: like I said, anyone with sense jumped ship there and then Grace: that's away not out, nobody gets to be out Janis: they're not coming back Janis: they're as out as she is Grace: no they're not Janis: get a clue and check out 'til we can actually go too Grace: check their socials then check hers Grace: she's the only one who died Janis: worse than dead Janis: least you can all pretend she didn't wanna go, yeah Janis: she was coming back Janis: they're actively choosing to stay the fuck away, every day, and they're right Grace: She was, Janis Grace: cope with that Janis: she's dead anyway, cope with that Janis: all the family love in the world ain't saved none of us, her included Grace: It's not me hiding behind her Janis: it's not hiding when you don't want to be found Janis: and you can babble on about what an open book you are but you're the biggest fake of them all Janis: at least da flaked all those times he couldn't hack it, at least ma's a cheat who's fucked over everyone she 'loves', at least Rio is a whore who's fucking her own family to boot Janis: they talk a big game on the happy family, but their actions say otherwise Janis: you're just, here Janis: hoping we all get it back, like it was ever good Grace: #fakeittilyoumakeit babes Grace: I'm 15 where do you want me to go? In Billie's footsteps cos LOL that modelling career is a no Janis: you miss the part where I said check out 'til it's over Janis: let it go, Grace, let everyone go, because they're gone Grace: I'm still waiting for you to tell me how Janis: It ain't hard Janis: they might not be as forthcoming giving you reasons to hate them as I am Janis: but it's not taxing to find 'em Janis: bubbling under the surface, barely Grace: I hate you but we're still having this chat Janis: it's all perfunctory Grace: like I know what that means Janis: Truer words Grace: 🙄🙄🙄 okay Janis: Night Grace: 👋 Janis: [Assault death drop] Janis: 💀 yet? Grace: about to kms Janis: 🙌 Janis: you really took our little talk to heart Grace: literally nothing to do with you but 👌 Janis: sure it is Janis: you think you're getting solo interest rn? Janis: I'll tell 'em it's gone from a sickbed to a deathbed, see if they go for it Grace: UM I don't want it thanks Grace: I can die of shame away from the 👀🍿 Janis: Bollocks 😂 Janis: it's the most fun you've had all trip Grace: You said do activities! This is so your fault Janis: See, you took multiple chats to heart, awh Janis: you're not even hurt, just your ego Grace: OMG I am not in the mood Grace: go away Janis: damn, lanky and large not fluff your pillow just right Janis: can't get the staff, babe Grace: 😱😱😱 Grace: you know what's wrong you were LITERALLY there Janis: yeah, you eat shit, the boy laughed Janis: an amusing scene but not one you need to hide in the sickbay for Grace: STOP Janis: you're so self-involved, take a look around, baby, plenty people making mugs of themselves, it's half the point Janis: Kerri-Ann gave herself the biggest wedgie on the aerial course Janis: probably picking that out still today Grace: okay that was funny Grace: but just Janis: I get it, it's not funny when it's you, yeah Janis: better to laugh it off though than be a primadonna or that'll be your camp moniker by the end of this and your ladies in waiting will have to kms too Grace: I can't now Janis: well, I'll tell you when it's safe to come out Janis: when the fat lad takes a tumble or whatever else is the laugh of the minute Grace: I picked him to be my partner so this wouldn't happen! 😠😠😠 Grace: boys are so unreliable like Janis: they're not famed for their use of words, give you that Janis: it was an accident, like Janis: no wink wink nudge nudge let's let the bitch fall was happening Janis: the teachers aren't that useless, quite Grace: thank god Grace: I'd have to kill him before myself & my wrist hurts so like no Janis: you started slicing already Janis: hit up the samaritans this ain't my scene Grace: 🙄🙄 Janis: come on, that was funny too Grace: no Janis: spoilsport Grace: You still won, get over it Janis: Obviously Janis: who else would Grace: not Leon that's for sure Grace: that girl makes me look athletic Janis: 😂 Grace: she's not even the one he's telling people he dumped me for Grace: but I'm a slag, okay Janis: ladies, ladies Janis: you're BOTH slags Grace: LOL Grace: I'm gonna get dad to pick me up Grace: give it my best 💜 por favor, venha me resgatar, pai 💜 Janis: don't be dumb Janis: you'll look like more of a baby than you already do Grace: &? Janis: you're supposed dying of shame in there Janis: it's counterproductive Janis: get up and get over it, minimal damage Grace: like you care Janis: Obviously not Janis: but you apparently do, so much Janis: so think on Grace: to what? I shouldn't even be here anyway Janis: you want the lasting impression to be the girl that showed up, threw a paddy and then ran away Grace: focus on the fact you'll have your own room babes Janis: exactly Janis: why you tryna do me any favours Grace: not about you hun Grace: embrace the concept Grace: & new boy's 😍😍💘😘 Janis: yet I win again Janis: alright Grace: it's not me v you Grace: it was me v Leon & there was a glimmer of hope in one quite fit lad but 💔 obvs Grace: not gonna get with him if he can't handle a blindfold, am I Janis: that was your master plan Janis: jesus Grace: Duh Janis: Ooh Leon, lemme prove what a slag I ain't and a total catch and fling myself at a random boy Janis: showed him Janis: lucky it didn't work if that was your idea of a point to you Grace: No, let me show you how much I don't care that you think I'm a slag & neither does anyone else Grace: that boy included Janis: he definitely cares Janis: banking on it Janis: honestly, get a clue Grace: whatever it's not about to happen Janis: good Janis: 'cos that's the stupidest thing you've said all holiday and that's saying something Grace: such a bitch Janis: such a stupid slag Janis: we've all got our cross to bear Grace: Yeah Janis: 🙄 fucking hell Janis: anyway, they've stopped talking about you and da has a job so don't be a dick Grace: like that'd stop him or you're concerned about anything he does Janis: like you are Janis: least I don't pretend to care so he'll drive me places Grace: 🙄 let it go, he's not answering Janis: probably on the phone to his actual favourite Janis: 💔 bummer Grace: Mhmm Janis: wouldn't say you're 10th on that one but definitely not 🥇 Grace: you're 10th, I'm 9th Janis: Nah, idiot Janis: the white kid was 10th, it's pretty obvious Janis: Junior's 9th 'cos he literally hated him so much from birth he had to bounce Janis: Billie is 2nd 'cos came back for her, Pablo's 3rd, Iggy's 4th, rest you lot can duke it out for 5,6,7 and I'll take 8th Grace: not now she's dead, she isn't 🙏✞💕 Grace: & Junior has to be higher up now so he can repent honey Janis: kid yourself he weren't relieved Janis: ain't no one but black grandma believe in that shit Janis: and that's just as a handy-dandy rule book for him #sparetherodspoilthechild #obviously Grace: he's kidding himself, doesn't matter what I think Janis: nah Janis: he's happy being cucked, clearly Janis: plus competition got lower once Carly pegged it Grace: 🤷 Janis: n'awh Grace: worry about yourself and getting Ollie out of the way now I'm stuck here Janis: why would I Grace: cos you're 😍💍💘 Janis: so? Janis: you can do one, idc where you are Grace: UM NO Grace: you can Janis: nah Janis: you've got no use for a bed rn Janis: piss off to your friend's room Grace: being a bitch isn't gonna help you here babes Janis: then stay Janis: see how much that helps you Grace: so twisted Janis: you're the one refusing to leave, apparently Janis: been warned Janis: 🤷 Grace: EW Janis: don't worry, maybe your fwightened lil virgin theory will finally pay off for you and you can feel better about your own sexual history at my expense Janis: 🤞 for you babes Grace: OMG stop being gross Grace: I don't wanna see what's all over my feed thank you Grace: I definitely don't need IRL access Janis: 😂 Janis: OK nan 👌👌 Janis: you've always been the definition of can dish it out but not take it Janis: poor boy(s) 💔 Grace: I've never fucked a boy in front of you Janis: there's a lot you ain't done but I've heard plenty about Janis: difference between us is I ain't all talk Janis: you'll have to fuck off then, won't you Grace: cos everything you've heard is the truth Grace: oh please Janis: I mean from YOUR mouth Janis: it's empowerment and ownership when you do it, and Rio can get it all out for everyone at the right price Janis: but nah, not me Janis: you wish I was half the virgin you reckon, then you'd have ONE thing over me, yeah? get a grip Grace: I repeat, I'm not doing it in front of your face, bitch Janis: I repeat, you try to tell EVERYONE how good you are in the sack 'cos you know there are 3 hotter sisters to choose from Grace: No I don't! Janis: it's pathetic, stop it Grace: You're being extra & if you need ME to tell you, stop it Janis: What's your edge then? Janis: go on Grace: why is everything a competition with you OMG Janis: because it is, always has been Janis: come on, this is your thing, what's your target demo, babe, who are YOU catering to? Janis: you wanna be a 2nd rate Ri forever, yeah, cool Grace: SHUT UP Janis: Exactly Grace: You want me to hate you, I do Grace: Let it go Janis: not how hate works Janis: you really got to thinking Edie might care 'cos she let up, gave it some time and space Janis: no chance Janis: you ain't gonna forget Grace: I'm not doing this with you rn Janis: nah, you ain't Janis: put your face on Grace: it's always on hun Janis: You look a state Janis: and he's coming over Janis: get over it Grace: He's not coming to see me Janis: Who is Janis: Never stopped you before Grace: freak out about him all you want Grace: directing it at me tho Grace: really Janis: why would I Janis: I know who I am, who I'm catering to Janis: I'm the effortless one Grace: sure Jan Janis: maybe you'll think of a better selling point one day Grace: maybe you'll stop being so closed off one day Janis: don't count on it, babe Janis: especially not tonight, yeah Grace: 🤞 he isn't Grace: easy to fake being a person for a few days, yeah? Janis: said as if you'd know Janis: doormat's easier to maintain, right Grace: 😂😂😂 Janis: Yep Janis: thought so Grace: You think about me too much babes Grace: it's getting lowkey weird Janis: these convos might set your world alight but remember that big word I taught you Janis: yeah, that Grace: 👌 Janis: 👋 Grace: 🙌 Janis: forgetting you got no place to be? Grace: you've got somewhere, go Janis: I've told you, I'm not leaving Janis: very injured, like Grace: 💔 Grace: tragic tbh Janis: his thoughts exactly Grace: awks if they are Janis: only for you Grace: you too that he's figured you out that quick sweetie Janis: and you're sat there wasting your whole life? Janis: we knew you weren't the brightest but bless Grace: you're really seizing the day babes, how could I compete Janis: you couldn't Janis: maybe you'll win the genetic lottery in your next life Janis: be the best dungbeetle ever Grace: how #motivational Grace: love that Janis: it's too late to be optimistic about this life Janis: but I got faith in you there Grace: ILYSM obvs Janis: ew don't even pretend Janis: put me off, obvs Grace: obvs not Janis: 😂 you're precious Janis: if I knew all it'd take to get you to shut up was telling you about my exploits, I'd have started ages ago Grace: If you had any ages ago, sure Janis: oh babe Janis: really still going with that bit Janis: can't let it go, can you Grace: can't tell the truth, can you Janis: what would you know about that Janis: #fakeittilyoumakeit right babes? Grace: I mean, obvs don't tell him unless he's into that #duh Grace: some boys get lowkey weirder than you're being about it so Janis: again, what would you know Janis: no one's buying that for you Janis: can't have it both ways 💔 Janis: or either, if you're you 💔💔 Grace: I was once thank you Grace: that's how it works Janis: NO! 😱😱 Janis: you mean you didn't come out the womb so sexually empowered, colour me #shook Janis: it's so natural, you wear it so well Grace: IKR Janis: Oh God 😂 Grace: Ew don't give me a preview of your sex chat Janis: yeah, you would imitate bad porn Janis: you know boys mute that shit, yeah? Janis: as per, too fucking loud, Gracie Grace: 😂😂😂 Janis: no one fucks with that fake shit Grace: thanks so much for your expert advice Janis: welcome, welcome Grace: obvs not Janis: all very obvs with you, obvs Grace: LOL Grace: fun chat babes Janis: as always Grace: g2g relearn all my bedroom techniques so like Janis: bit gross to do that with your pals Janis: can't say I'm surprised Janis: another porn-like trope Grace: literally so gross Janis: I said it first, darling Grace: 👏👏 Janis: have fun, ladies Grace: duh Janis: 🤢🤢🤢 Grace: 🙄🙄🙄 Janis: soz, they ain't my type, like Janis: shouldn't come as a surprise Grace: It doesn't Janis: 👍 Grace: 👌
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rckyclark-blog · 5 years
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hello, angels!! i’m jess, i’m 22 & from rainy england. im a chaotic good aries sun / capricorn moon / leo rising. i study illustration at uni (soon to grad tho, woop!) support pineapple on pizza, and love bands more than i’ve loved any romantic interest i’ve ever had ( catch me selling my soul for arctic monkeys or catfish & the bottlemen... tea ) soooo now that u kno the mun a lil, without further ado, meet my trash boi ricky!! he’s a long-standing muse that i’ve revamped for this rp & i know u will love him. or hate him. or love to hate him jghfkghs
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ricky clark
cismale, he/him
major: music / contemporary & popular music
clubs: campus radio
living arrangement: ignatius house
employment: part-time at a music store off, but nearby, campus.
click here for moodboard
ricky clark is a scholarship student from hartford, connecticut. after losing his mom to heart disease at a young age, he was left to be raised by his father, who became troubled in his grief & gained violent tendencies as he grew cold and resentful.
this issue festered and festered until ricky was 14, at which point he had to join the foster system. 
financially pretty screwed & generally pretty void of all hope, all ricky could do was work as hard as he could in school so that he’d have a way out. this was a massive juxtaposition to the person he was outside of academia: a local hoodlum, trespasser, spraypaint-can-wielder, trouble-causer with a love of mischief & underage drinking. 
if that wasn’t bad enough, there was another huge obstacle – he wasn’t the brightest bulb in the box, let’s put it that way, so he embarked on a mission to gain scholarships for university based off of the merit of his skills as a musician. 
he was, admittedly, gifted in this particular area, and it was his only hope. where he lacked in academia, he thrived in knowing how to shred a guitar and songwrite / sing pretty amazingly. 
still, his growing rebellious tendencies clashed with the squeaky-clean reputation he needed to earn in order to be awarded scholarships. or so he thought
at age 18 he, to the shock of everyone who knew him, found himself in receipt of a scholarship to st. etienne’s. imagine that — little rough-around-the-edges ricky going off to a prestigious university..! the scholarship was definitely needed, to say the least, as there was no way he could afford the education without it. 
when he enrolls, he snatches himself a job at a nearby music shop in order to take care of everything the scholarship doesn’t cover, joins the university’s radio station team, and for a while things look like they’ve changed. he seems matured, adjusted. but it isn’t long before he’s back to his old tricks — and why not, right? he’s got the stinkin’ admission, now — all there is to do is enjoy it with no holds barred.
somewhat of a walking contradiction, ricky spends his time at university known for being trouble — nothing but a broke, borderline degenerate that got lucky — yet, at the same time, he’s fairly popular ( is it really all that shocking, though? everyone loves an asshole, right? ) as he’s a pretty likable guy once you get to know him. under all of the hardened exterior, there actually might be a few more layers. i guess you’ll have to wait and see~
basically a cocky, nightmarish little shit whose scholarship awarded to him years ago means that the sun shines out of his ass
thinks hes “better than u” because he can play electric guitar and write a few songs. dumbass indie musician energy
has probably stolen ur wallet right under ur nose during a 5 minute conversation
loud and obnoxious like literally i will pay him $50 to shut up for one second
BIG FLIRT and will probably assume u think he’s hot bc he knows he is. literally will flirt with anything w a pulse
fighty boy
tattoos. nosebleeds. the middle finger.
compare to: dally from the outsiders, kenickie from grease, billy from stranger things, nano from elite
tropes (from tvtropes.org): asshole victim, lovable rogue, emotionally tongue-tied
BASICALLY, he’s your typical bad-boy rebel type, but he feels that since he has his reasons for being an asshole, he isn’t really obliged do much in order to change or improve. he lost his mom at a young age and saw violence at the hands of his dad, so he feels like the way he acts is just a inevitable result of that & does little to grow from it.
ricky met daisey at a party in freshman year. drunk & out of it, they were weirdly drawn to each other despite being polar opposites. 
it was never anything romantic, with neither of them even considering anything along those lines. it was nothing more than lust-filled enticement and this was clear on both sides.
even back then, daisey had an important social reputation to uphold & didn’t even want to be seen associating with someone like him, and so they began meeting up in secret at an isolated location near campus. it wasn’t too frequent, but frequent enough that they could maybe consider themselves friends with occasional benefits, not that they’d let anyone know that.
 it was late sophomore year when somebody found out about the rendezvous location, and so the two changed things up and started hooking up in his car, which is where she found an incriminating piece of evidence of his secret right there in the glovebox. she took great joy in holding this secret over his head as education was way more of a lifeline for him than it was for someone as privileged as her.
BEST FRIEND — (reserved for the black hole) margot sullivan
FWB — (reserved for the junkrat) jill uhhhh idk their last name yet
ROOMMATE — 1 OPEN (must live in ignatius house!)
ENEMY/IES — OPEN (if ur muse would hate him, then hmu)
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maxxiies · 6 years
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.・:*:・゚’ twenty year old cis male maximillian 'maxxie' st. perez III was made in the upper east side and attended st. judes. he still resides in new york, and are currently a socialite and philanthropist. they are spontaneous utterances of useless facts, worry bitten fingernails, overlapping maps as wallpaper, astronomy projector lamps and a cozy reading nook in a personal library. onlookers say they resemble froy gutierrez.
hello my name is celia and i love this rp so much that i have taken up my last allowed character to complete some sort of deal with the devil and in exchange i will get the power to play this many characters and not experience stress. neat!
maximillian is the first born son of the st. perez family, named after his father ( maximillian st. perez II ) ... duh that’s how that works okay 
the st perez name is linked to two things -- status and philanthropy 
in addition to running multi million dollar companies ( both his parents being CEO of their separate endeavors ) they’re also linked with tons of charities and have a joint non profit benefiting wildlife in threatened ecosystems
i like to think of them like the clooneys. successful in their own right but turning right around to make larges donations and using their status-laden voices to speak out for causes they believed in
maximillian spent his childhood doing lots of traveling for his parents’ work and for their humanitarian efforts. he grew up very well cultured and it shows
he also demonstrated unusually high intelligence and recollection abilities, prattling off stats and financial terms his parents used around him as early as four years old 
that’s also around that time that his little brother was born. he was an ‘oopsie’ baby but maximillian just loved him twice as hard because he was just sweet that way. 
anyways so maxxie started going by maxxie because his name was too much of a mouthful for his lil bro and they were :’) inseparable
somewhere in his childhood, maxxie got tested for his atypical language / comprehension abilities and that’s where they found out he’s got an eidetic memory. 
they watched his iq grow exponentially and tbh,,, they were thrilled
what a better heir than someone who remembers every single fcking detail of every single thing? already at age 10 he practically could have been hired on lol
you get the idea -- anyways, he focused all his energies on learning stupid facts because for all his big brain, he’s incredibly socially awkward as many geniuses are. he didn’t have many friends besides his little brother and spent most of his time in their library reading and rereading all the books he could find.
the st. perez family has been based in the upper east side for a long ass time but do so much travel that it’s always like ‘oh i’m back from ____ insert country here but in two weeks i’ll be gone again’ so if your character is from literally anywhere? probably could have met maxxie.
it ain’t his secret but two years ago, his beloved baby brother od’ed at a party hosted by margot & carter. he was there when it happened and was in the ambulance ride over and essentially watched the person he loved most have a complete and total collapse. we’ll unpack that more over time but let’s just say it’s given maxxie a lot of trauma to deal with and a lot of rage he doesn’t know how to process
definitely socially awkward. think reid from criminal minds just missing cues with an inability to ‘read the room’. what he lacks in social graces, he supplies in absolutely useless facts.
a lot of ‘uh... so did you know that on average, 12 newborns are given to the wrong parents every day? messy huh!’ 
some of his favorite things are travel documentaries and true crime podcasts but basically anything where he can glean large quantities of information to occupy his ever restless mind 
i’d say about 95% of him is fragile, gullible and unsure. he wasn’t bullied but he definitely didn’t have a ton of friends throughout school. in fact a lot of the time, his younger brother was probably the one who got him his friend group bc i picture him as more the charming reckless party boy sort who would understand maxxie’s,,, awkwardness
brother would get invited to parties, he’d invite maxxie. they were inseparable and i’m mad at myself for that character point 
but that 5%? the 5% that isn’t soft and awkward and lovable? grudges. when maxxie feels something, he feels it passionately and without any chance of budging. the thing about an eidetic memory is that you remember literally everything. details you may want to suppress are conjured to mind without even wanting them.
essentially a living source of receipts -- boy could be gossip girl or at least the robin to her batman
would have graduated st. jude’s early but stayed around to help as like teacher’s aides and things. also kind of needed the social exposure
experiences nightmares hardcore, most of which center around reliving his brother’s OD
probably holds stupid records like 10th fastest person in the world to solve a rubiks’ cube or 5th to know the digits of pi
he’s got serious wanderlust and gets restless when he hasn’t traveled outside of new york for long stretches of time
has a fascination with the stars, space and black holes. he likes the idea of infinity and endlessness because he feels like his head is an endless abyss that stores information without filling
he’s breezing through college courses currently set to graduate early with a degree in psychology but plans to pursue grad school and a doctorate before potentially adding math or a language degree as well.
relationship wise, he’s definitely not an avid fan of dating. he’s just not good at it. flirting makes him squirm but he also craves companionship and is a bi prince so i mean i guess date him? love him? cherish him! 
that being said i do picture him having maybe one or two soft innocent relationships over the past 6 or so years so hmu. ( still a virgin though -- just food for thought )
best friend -- EMERY
fake friends 
family friends -- GIULIA, FEDE, MIA
someone he tutored -- JAMILA
unrequited crush -- GIGI
protective over him -- AUGUST
flirtationship ( probably one sided but cute ) -- FEDE
first kiss -- MIA
one or two innocent h/s / early college relationships -- CECE
unforgivable grudges -- MARGOT & CARTER rip
trying to get him out of his shell
bad influence / party buddy 
someone who reminds him of his lil bro-- THEO
uh, honestly anything ok
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yeunarchive · 6 years
hello , hello my name is veer, she/her and living in the gmt+1 timezone. anyways this is yeun minsu / hellcats mechanic and fighter ,  resident firestarter , who won’t hesitate to light up your car if you are mean. here is a pinterest board and under the cut , you will find his biography , and some wanted connections ideas at the end. i hope to go through all the intro posts in the tag , but in the meantime give this a like / hmu in the ims or discord V.#6252
┅ ☆ ★ ✮ ∟ ‖ jeon jungkook. 21. male. he/him ‖— the familiar scent of ash coming from a car engulfed in flames , the match in his hand , a kiss on the throat. 」YEUN MINSEOK “MINSU” is planning on attending the next race ?! i won’t lie, i’m pretty excited to see their BLACK & YAMAHA YZF-R1M in person. i know people say they’re really  QUICK-LEARNER , PROUD & DETERMINED , but don’t you think they come off way too IMPULSIVE  , CORRUPTIBLE &  RESENTFUL ? i hear they’re always blasting GOOSEBUMPS by TRAVIS SCOTT ? oh well, they’re a member of the HELLCATS so i guess i shouldn’t complain. ┠ veer , gmt+1 , 21 & she/her ┨
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trigger warnings for arson and infidelity.
the runt of the litter, the black sheep in a pack of wolves. from a young age, minsu was disdained by his mother ; an animosity that began shortly after his birth, as the infant was a result of a wayward affair that his father had with one of his secretaries - and his mother never made a secret that he was no son of hers, words sharp and cutting as diamonds through teeth. yet in many ways, she was the only mother he has ever known. she never mistreated him, but was cold and avoided him whenever possible, viewing him as a living reminder of the one time that her husband had dishonoured her. though his mother was not his birth-mother he would still be raised alongside his three-elder siblings ; attend the same private schools they had, subjected to violin lessons , private tutors ,  but he would always be marginalized, it was an unique experience, minsu would sit at the dinner table alongside his family, but when important guests came to visit the the manor, in order not to offend him, he would be hidden in one of the many rooms or shuffled off to stay with his crooked uncle. this way of upbringing was the root of his selective muteness, an unwillingness to speak around members of his family - he would speak to the maids, the stranger on the street and sometimes with his father, but that was very few words at best.
in a family of cut-throat politicians, minsu was not the only black sheep - his uncle having always felt short of his brother’s  accomplishments grew his envy into benevolence, but for the wrong sort of people , running an illicit automobile shop out of spite and where the back of the shop turned into a fight club at night welcoming all degenerates, misfits, and hell-seekers. but most of all welcoming him. god help the outcast, for he fell as icarus had for those who gave him a little bit of love. Weak-willed and naive he was ; his muteness hadn’t given him a chance to find his voice and personality until much later. it was easy then, for the scorned brother to manipulate him and turn him against his family. at first, minsu observed with crossed arms from the sidelines of the shop ; watching how his uncle went about his work and observing how he had a team of 5 men working on the cars in the front and another select 3 arriving at late hours with random cars, which minsu later realized were stolen from the streets. 
he was thirteen and for the first time, he spoke to someone within his family that was not his father - asking his uncle if he could teach him. after that, it did not take long for some sort of father-son relationship to be build - with his uncle learning him the workings of a car ; tidbits of basic restorations ; changing tires and engines. once, he was fifteen , he got to learn more about the illegal side: how he had to cover an entire track of stolen cars very carefully, how to make fake receipts from a manufacturer for part items of a car and sell the rest of the parts to a wrecking yard. and between the hours were the work in the shop ended and the fighting hadn’t begun yet , his uncle trained him , passed down his technique for a powerful right hook. at the car shop, minsu became was he was. kept his lips shut now even towards his father - never talking about the corrupt things he saw, but waiting with beating heart to return again.
his affiliation with fire began in his childhood. locked inside his father’s office and not allowed to leave until the guests were gone , minsu found a gold zippo lighter in one of the drawers ( which he soon claimed to be his ). playing with the lighter too much and tempting his bitterness to be  relieved with each on and off flick as he watches with a sort of amusement. eventually, the leather armchair flared with beauty ; orange and red flames burning like the pits of hell.3 he was so captured, that he didn’t notice the fire alarms above his head , until he was drenched from head to foot , until the maid stormed in and there was no choice for him, but to be exposed to his family’s guests. not soon after he became fixated with the thrill of creating fires , through his bad habit minsu was able to expel some of the rage and frustration that he had within him. 
ripe in his adolescence , his uncle’s drinking caused him to swerve down the wrong road and he went comatose for months. his father hid the scandal from the tabloids like they had hidden him. never coming to visit at the hospital and leaving minsu to be the only one to take care of him. screw the upper class ; all it would take was a match and a few cunningly words planted in his head by his uncle and a war against his own family was declared. he stole 2 million dollars from his family and watched the white manor go up in flames. the world was exploding in violent red and the match had been in his hand. “bravo.“ he could hear his uncle’s voice in his head, and minsu could not help but be proud, and as the hours ticked by he found himself on the rooftop of an obscenely high building, his arm outstretched like an angel ready to fall from the sky.
that night he killed a part of him - minsu never truly felt that he belonged amongst his pretentious family and their position in the 1%. his approach to life was far grittier , harsher,  his own personal violence. he was a boy like arsenic with a cigarette tucked between pouted lips. a young rich kid , ( who never belonged in his family’s house ) had been given his uncle’s shop to rub shoulders with criminals. the hellcats found him in the center of glory and gore , the same boy who had been fixing their car was participating in the raw underground fight , and there were plenty of old rich men willing to bet on him. 
wanted connections :
THE INFLUENCE ( closed m/nb. kings. ) :  it was terrifyingly easy for minsu to fall in the need of someone to look for as guidance. it was the blame of how he had been raised , a way of growing up that allowed him to find his own voice far too late , leaving him with a certain want of having a role-model. for a while it had been his uncle to whom he had displayed a certain devotion , but now it is your muse. must be a member of the kings , just because i love drama and minsu has always been the type of person to pit the world against him , believing that it his crime to have no place on earth where he belonged. which also means that he is not totally devoted to the hellcats.
WATER IS THICKER THAN BLOOD ( open m/f/nb. hellcats. ) : they carry themselves like siblings , and have a way of capturing attention. they are often found not far apart from one another. your muse is someone who pulls minsu back when he gets too far , but also won’t hesitate to step in during a fight. however , even friends need a hard punch to the face every now and again , and minsu definitely put your muse through a lot. your muse is someone who has been known to loudly stick up for minsu even at the worst of times , when he does not deserve it.
with that said, i’m open for any other plot you had in mind !!
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artificialqueens · 8 years
Check You Out - Chapter 4 - May
A/N: It’s here! Thank you so much to everyone who left feedback, it means so much to me. I have one final chapter planned out, and I can’t believe I’m almost at the end of this, and I really hope you enjoy it. The gap between this chapter and the next should be shorter as I’ve already written most of it, and I’m a tad less busy with life atm. If you have any feedback or comments I’d love to hear it, either here or hmu at artificial-may 
“No ma’am I cannot give you a refund on this opened packet of crackers, especially with no receipt and half of the crackers mentioned missing. I’m sorry about that,” Bianca told a particularly obstinate woman, giving her a look that said you-are-an-absolute-pain-in-the-arse-and-please-get-out-my-vicinity-before-I-yell-at-you. The lady retreated, grumbling about poor customer service while Bianca rolled her heavily lined eyes and the young checkout operator working alongside her smiled sympathetically.
 “Customers suck don’t they?” she said, tossing her black hair over a shoulder, having heard the entire exchange. Bianca saw her name was Violet from her name tag. “God, most of them,” responded Bianca, rolling her eyes again. “There’s one or two that make me smile though.” Bianca noticed the corners of Violet’s twitch upwards at that, and her eyes became a little softer, as if she’d just remembered something. Bianca raised an eyebrow. “What’s that expression for?” she asked. Violet flushed a pale red, and her closed expression returned. “Does someone have a little crush on a customer?” teased Bianca in a sing-song voice, and the colour in Violet’s face deepened. “N-no,” she stammered. “Some of them are just nice.” Bianca smirked. “Nice to look at you mean?” Violet shrugged and tilted her head to the side. “Yeah,” she conceded. Bianca snickered and Violet looked indignant. “It’s just one, and yeah, she’s pretty and has the loveliest hair ever, I just like talking to her because she’s super chill and actually listens to me and is nice. I most certainly don’t have a crush on her.” “Sounds a little like you do,” responded Bianca, seeing right through what was obviously a lie. “So you can’t empathise?” asked Violet, a challenge almost, not a question. “No, I cannot. Because unlike you, I have never fallen in love with a customer,” responded Bianca. Violet was nearly shouting now. “I am not in love with any-“ She broke off suddenly as a tall blonde tentatively placed her basket on Violet’s conveyer, Violet’s eyes widening in surprise. “Hey Pearl,” she said, a little breathlessly.
Chuckling to herself at Violet’s foolishness and denial, Bianca turned away, and locked eyes with Adore, entering the door, who raised her hand and wiggled her fingers in a lazy wave. Bianca’s stomach jumped.
 “Adore!” she called out, the green haired girl turning her way in surprise. Bianca idly noted she needed to get her roots redone. Bianca held up the bottle of Berocca and wiggled it in the air. Adore smiled and made her way to the express lane, hurdling a barrier in order to get there. “You’re not supposed to jump the barrier,” Bianca said automatically and Adore grinned. “'Kay,” she responded. “Why’d you keep this at the checkout?” “Didn’t want a repeat of yesterday where I didn’t get to talk to you,” responded Bianca, fake pouting. “Yeah that sucked man,” responded Adore.
 They were both quiet for a second, before Adore spoke again, after checking her phone. “Well I’ve got seven minutes before I need to leave, tell me something fun.”
Violet’s insides were twisting with embarrassment as she greeted Pearl, hoping she hadn’t heard the conversation that she’d been having with Bianca seconds before. In all fairness, she had been screaming, fairly loudly she had to admit.
 It was no secret Violet liked to be in control. Everything in her life, she lived with control over, she prided herself on that. But for some weird reason, her weird quasi-friendship with Pearl had her feeling out of control. And she was too proud to admit it to anyone, especially Bianca, that there was a tiny part of her that liked Pearl in that way. Even the thought of it, made her want to cringe. Violet was powerful, she had dreams. She was not someone who got distracted by other girls, or who pined after the moments they would come in and make her shift a little bit brighter.
 Yet here she was.
Pearl was standing in front of her a little uneasily, and with every passing second Violet could feel some sort of weird tension build between them. Crap, she thought, she heard me didn’t she?
“Right,” she said, smiling, “how are you today?” The tension that had been building crumbled a little, and Pearl smiled back at her. “I’m good, sorry, I’m a little out of it today,” Pearl responded. Violet laughed, and they were back as they usually were, laughing, joking and chatting like good friends. Not a hint of tension.
In a small part of her mind Violet acknowledged that she really needed to get a handle on the feelings that were pooling up in her stomach. She knew it wasn’t healthy to dwell on the fact that the two literally knew nothing about the other, yet they felt as close as old friends.
Violet felt like she was going to burst.
“See ya then,” said Pearl, all too soon, and Violet hated the fact that she wished Pearl had bought more just so she could have stayed chatting longer. “Have a good day Pearl,” responded Violet, waving as she passed over the receipt. Pearl left, not throwing a second glance over her shoulder, but Violet remained with her eyes locked on the retreating head of blonde hair.
The automatic doors shut behind Pearl with a snap, pulling Violet’s gaze from the blonde girl. She glanced at Bianca, who was watching the girl with green hair saunter out the store, with the same expression that Violet was pretty sure she had been wearing just moments before. Violet snorted, and Bianca turned with a start, to see Violet’s smirking face.
“You really don’t empathise with me?” asked Violet.
In response, Bianca turned a deep pink. “If you tell anyone I will come to your house at night and cut off all your hair and weave it into an ornamental throw rug.”
Violet laughed loudly.
“Can I tell you something Phi Phi?” asked Sharon in between customers as they stood together at express. “Yeah, of course,” responded the shorter girl, running her hands through her newly blue streaked hair. She’d taken the plunge a week ago after Sharon had almost convinced her to apply for a fashion course, before deciding her parents would be a lot gentler on her if she did something that wasn’t going to change their idea of a perfect daughter. “I’m quitting at the end of my shift.”
Phi Phi couldn’t respond, opting instead to simply and openly stare at the white blond girl next to her. “You’re what?” “Quitting,” responded Sharon, simply. “This isn’t what I want to do.” “But your dad- “ “He can get over himself,” shrugged Sharon. “If he really wants me to work here, he can work here himself.” Phi Phi gaped. “Like two weeks’ notice?” Sharon smiled. “Effective immediately.” “Damn.” Phi Phi let out a low whistle. She knew Michelle, the store’s manager, hated sudden staffing breaks. If she’d been yelled at for pulling out of a shift with not enough notice, God knows what she’d do to someone straight up saying they were leaving. Eat them alive probably.
 Then again this was Sharon she’d be up against.
 More than that, Phi Phi thought, she’d miss working with Sharon. Most of the time Sharon was bored, sarcastic and didn’t want to be there, which clashed with Phi Phi’s attitude sometimes, but Phi Phi would miss the times when there was a lull in customers when Sharon seemed to drop her attitude a tiny little bit. And maybe, just maybe she’d miss having Sharon standing opposite her for five hours a day. Sharon might be the bane of Phi Phi’s existence sometimes, but Phi Phi couldn’t deny she was straight up gorgeous.
“You all good there?” asked Sharon, jolting Phi Phi out of her reverie. “Huh? Yeah, I was just thinking,” responded Sharon “Aww, are you going to miss me Phi Phi?” teased Sharon, raising her voice in an annoying sing-song way. “No!” exclaimed Phi Phi loudly. “I’m already planning the party I’m going to throw once you’ve left,” she joked. “I’ll miss you,” said Sharon, her voice low, a quiet contrast to Phi Phi’s outburst. Phi Phi looked over, slightly stunned. She didn’t think Sharon particularly liked her. They had a relationship that was essentially based on I-really-don’t-care-for-you-but-we-both-hate-the-bloody-customers-more-so-lets-chill. “Really?” Phi Phi’s own voice was also now no more than a whisper. She cleared her throat, cringing inwardly at how sappy she sounded.
“Yeah Phi, you’re a real laugh sometimes. Probably the only good thing about working in this place.” Phi Phi smiled against her will, and pushed down the thoughts she’d been having about Sharon for weeks now. Thoughts of maybe, possibly, if she did ask Sharon about a relationship if something would ever work. It was purely hypothetical of course. Sharon and I will never be a thing. Stop right now Phi Phi, she thought. But those thoughts didn’t stop her from hoping.
 It was 4pm, which meant the staff room was packed with day staff all trying to log off and go home. Willam had already clocked off, and had just gotten out of Michelle’s office, and was now leaning against the lockers waiting for Courtney to come through so she could talk to her.
 She saw her blonde head appear in the crowd, and she kept her eyes on the other girl, watching as she scanned her fingerprint and logged her time. “Courtney!” she yelled attempting to get the other blonde’s attention. Failing, she looked around as Courtney started to leave the room, trying to figure out a way to get across the room to talk to Courtney. Her eyes alighted on a chair next to the lockers, and without really thinking about what she was doing, she mounted it, and banged on the locker next to her, creating a metallic reverb that clanged through the room. Courtney turned to see her, as did every other worker in the staff room. “Courtney!” she yelled a second time, trailing off a little under the glare of the others in the room. She smiled widely at Courtney who just looked mortified and jerked her head, indication Willam should come talk to her outside. Smiling, Willam hopped down from the chair and
 The afternoon sun was low in the sky, and it threw a buttery orange filter over the carpark, making it romantic, almost beautiful WIllam thought. Courtney was standing next to the ticket machine, hair reflecting the rays of sunlight. Pretty, she thought. Courtney caught Willam’s eye and approached, hands on her hips. “So what was that palava in there about?” “I thought it was pretty clever-“ “Everyone saw you.” “I got your attention,” Willam shrugged. Courtney rolled her eyes. “Yes. You did. I’m here. What do you want?” “I wanted to let you know that as of today, I will no longer be working in conjunction with you.”
 Courtney’s eyes widened. God that’s cute, thought Willam, shaking her head at herself for her thoughts. “You’re quitting?” “No, sadly, I will not be working in conjunction with you as meat manager.” Willam paused dramatically. “As I am transferring to the dairy department.” Courtney’s eyebrows knitted. “And you thought to tell me this because?” “Because we’re friends!” Seeing Courtney raise an eyebrow she added “kind of. Also your little chat last week about you being vegan inspired me a little.” “You do realise as a vegan I still don’t do dairy,” responded Courtney, face blank. “Yeah but for me you’d make an exception wouldn’t you,” smirked Willam. Winking at Courtney’s shocked face, Willam turned on her heel to saunter over to her car.
“That’s inappropriate!” yelled Courtney as Willam got into her car. “I’ll report you!” “No you won’t!” Willam yelled back through the open window, blowing a kiss and driving off, leaving Courtney alone in the afternoon sun, smiling a little bit to herself.
Over the past few months, Trixie had gotten into a routine at work. She would turn up five minutes early precisely, scan in and take over from Kim at express. She would wait there, maybe serving a customer or two, until Katya would rush through the door, between five and ten minutes late. Trixie knew this routine well, which was why she was confused that it had been twenty-five minutes with no sign of Katya, and Kim still on express.
 “Where’s Katya tonight?” she asked Kim, after another couple of minutes ticked past, worried that something had happened, envisioning a car pretzelled around a tree, or a maniacal stabber, or something very bad. Katya was often late, but never this late “Oh didn’t you realise,” responded Kim, “there’s been a bunch of shifts shuffled around.” “What? How come?” “Um, some people wanted to work different shifts, so some other people moved to accommodate them.” “You wanted to work the closing shift?” asked Trixie incredulously. Kim shuffled a little bit looking awkward. Trixie normally loved that Kim was transparent enough to always know what she was thinking, but right now she wished she could truly believe that Katya wasn’t there because Kim had a deep desire to work the closing shift.
 “Katya wanted to move?” she asked quietly, disbelief colouring her tone. “I’m so sorry,“ said Kim, gently, “I know you guys were good friends, I’m sure she had a reason though.” She trailed off a little, and the two lapsed into silence.
 Katya doesn’t want to talk to me, she thought, and she mentally scanned through conversations she’d had recently, and found nothing that she thought could cause the Russian to want to avoid her. Pulling out her rhinestone encrusted phone she flicked a quick text off to Katya.
 To Russian Whore: Heyyyy
To Russian Whore: Where u at? Kim said you wanted to switch shifts x
 “She wouldn’t be avoiding me would she?” asked Trixie tentatively. Kim shrugged, “I mean you are the worst person I’ve ever met,” she joked, “but maybe she just didn’t want to work here so late.” Trixie made a noncommittal noise, knowing that wasn’t the case. Katya had often said she like the night, because there was no one either on earth or in heaven above she would get out of bed before 10am for.
 She checked her phone. Read 9.42pm.
 To Russian Whore: Did you turn read receipts on just so you could leave me on seen?
 Another read receipt popped up and the three little dots started flashing at the edge of her screen, and Trixie breathed a sigh of relief, though she instantly wished she could take it back, as the message simply read.
 From Russian Whore: Out on a date. Pls don’t text atm, phone’s turned off
 Trixie stared at her phone until the screen autolocked and she was staring at her dismal reflection in the black screen. It doesn’t matter, she thought, Katya’s allowed to have her life.
 Her phone buzzed with a snapchat notification, she opened it to see a snap from Kim from a couple of tills over.
 From Kim Chi <3: Stop being sad!!!!
 She chuckled, and saw Kim smile out of the corner of her eye, before turning to serve a tall, long legged customer purchasing a packet of gnocchi. Trixie was about to turn her phone off for the night, when she noticed the purple notification, showing someone had updated their story. More to get rid of the notification than out of actual interest she flicked over to the Story tab. It was Katya’s story, and Trixie’s thumb hesitated over the story before she opened it. It consisted of three snaps: the first a snap of Katya in her bathroom, evidently getting ready for her date, the second a video of Katya dancing with a girl with long messy blonde hair whom Trixie recognised from the meat department, with a heart eyes emoji overlaying. Trixie tapped the screen and bile rose in her throat at an image of Katya and the other blonde in a deep embrace, attached at the lips, at the hips. Trixie shut off her phone instantly as she felt her stomach sink so far through the floor she thought it was looking to begin an independent oil drilling venture.
 In a flash, Trixie remembered the conversation they’d had a few nights ago, where Trixie had mentioned her boyfriend, and Katya had become oddly closed off. Trixie wasn’t the most emotionally sensitive, but she had definitely felt a weird kind of tension in the air between them in the recent weeks before that conversation – something more than friends, the kind of flirting that you did with your friends but sort of – different. Trixie couldn’t quite explain it. It still didn’t explain why Katya would try to cut her out of her life, not unless –
 Trixie gasped audibly as she realized what had really been in front of her the whole time.
 Katya liked her. Like, liked liked her.
 That explains the petty snaps, she thought. But she needs to deal with the rejection. I have a boyfriend.
But she still felt an inexplicable hurt and, for some reason, jealousy at the idea of Katya making out with someone else. She shook her head a little.
 God, why do you even care Tracy? she thought.
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sunshines-stories · 8 years
1-20 ask meme
Holy frickle frackle that’s a lot but also everyone around me is asleep so not like I’m doing anything anyways
1: when you have cereal, do you have more milk than cereal or more cereal than milk?More cereal! I honestly cannot stand milk I just put it in bc I gotta.
2: do you like the feeling of cold air on your cheeks on a wintery day?If I can feel my cheeks, yes. (In all seriousness yes i love the cold even though I’ve started to grow a bit weary of it)
3: what random objects do you use to bookmark your books?Pencils, worksheets, random slips of paper or receipts, honestly just whatever’s near me
4: how do you take your coffee/tea?I don’t. But if anything it’s frappucinos (I know what a white girl. I just really hate coffee).
5: are you self-conscious of your smile?I think my smile is one of the few things I like about me.
6: do you keep plants?Nah
7: do you name your plants?Don’t have any to name irl but @shadowboxmind has made me into a character for @fairies-greenhouse that keeps plants and I’m adamant that I WILL name my new plant “Chunky”
8: what artistic medium do you use to express your feelings?Singing, drawing, painting, and vent writing (those pieces get a bit dark but hmu if you ever wanna read a couple of them)
9: do you like singing/humming to yourself?Yes!!! I’m not v good at it but that won’t stop me!
10: do you sleep on your back, side, or stomach?Side!
11: what’s an inner joke you have with your friends?MRS. OPENTHIGHSOKLAHOMOI AM MY OWN LEGSBROWNIE BITEANAL ASSASIN“And sometimes, well” *gently twerks*
12: what’s your favorite planet?Venus. Never knew why but it’s been my favorite planet since I knew what the planets were.
13: what’s something that made you smile today?Someone who barely knows me, messaging me to stay safe because I posted some sad stuffs
14: if you were to live with your best friend in an old flat in a big city, what would it look like?I’d have my art stuff and law binders and books spilled everywhere, he’d probably have his blacksmithing stuff in an outdoor area but it’d be leaking into the flat, we’d probably share a bed because we both need to hold onto to something to fall asleep so might as well use each other, and it would be a place full of sunshine and happiness.
15: go google a weird space fact and tell us what it is!“Due to the lack of gravity in space, astronauts can grow approximately two inches in height.”……guys I’m going to space I’m going to be tall
16: what’s your favorite pasta dish?Really creamy alfredo sauce with ravioli! Or like chicken lasagna maybe
17: what color do you really want to dye your hair?I already dyed my hair twice I think I’m done I’m okay with actually cutting off the dyed parts of my hair. But if i could get it done well, probably silver.
18: tell us about something dumb/funny you did that has since gone down in history between you and your friends and is always brought up.I’ve told this story before but the way I came out to my entire cast in the first high school production I was a part of.My character was originally male so the line was “I’d buy my wife a fur coat and a diamond the size of New Hampshire”Director: “okay so we’re trying to be progressive but we can’t be *that* progressive in the 40’s, so uh, Sunny, what would you buy your husband?”Me, panicking: “OH GOD IM SO GAY I HAVE NO IDEA”EVERYONE IN THE CAST HEARD ME AND STARTED CRACKING UP EVEN THE DIRECTOR
19: do you keep a journal? what do you write/draw/ in it?I don’t and I’m supposed to for mental health but meh
20: what’s your favorite eye color?I don’t have a preference. All eyes are absolutely mesmerizing. Especially if you’re in love with the person they belong to and you can just look into their eyes and be so lost in your love and in their eyes.
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