bluecummers · 1 year
I come to you today, with calculations of Legato Bluesummers and how much percentage of the entirety of the Trigun Manga he takes up...
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If you think I used this old reliable calculator for anything but double checking my physical archiving process, of this vital information, you would be wrong. This is all done on paper traditionally.
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I conclude that Legato is on 337 pages (including cover illustrations, inside covers and the occasional add on) out of 3520 pages, meaning he appears in approximately 9.575% of the Manga.
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To this I toast with Millions Knives, archiving the sacred texts within my Legato study.
à votre santé 🥂
Yes, I have an entire archive of every single Legato page, in which chapter and volume it appears by name, including every single official illustration of him.
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oh-allie · 4 months
then afterwards we drop into a quiet little place n' have a drink or two.
dr. ratio x fem!reader
synopsis; you make veritas ratio so stupid. is he stupid enough to say 'i love you' when he just met you though? hopefully not.
part two! and then i go and spoil it all by sayin somthin stupid like....
fluff, ratio might be kinda ooc for him to fall for a love at first sight thing. but hes totally whipped for you, i tried 2 make it gen!neutral but "pretty person" just didnt sound right, inspired by frank sinatra's "something stupid."
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veritas ratio is not stupid. he doesn't say stupid things, he doesn't think stupid thoughts. he'd say he hates the idea of it, if you were to ask him.
and of course a man with outstanding achievements in the fields of biology, medicine, natural theology, philosophy, mathematics, physics, and engineering wouldn’t stumble at the mere sight of a pretty girl, right? you’d think so, but here he was. mouth agape, clammy hands, and a racing heart. it’s stupid.
just cause a pretty girl happened to talk to him. though, to him, you weren't just a pretty girl. he almost thought he was hallucinating- he was about to check for signs of chemical abnormalities in his brain. it was awkward, actually, as he reached out to touch your steady hand to confirm you were real, but didn't have a game plan for what to do if you were (which you were. you are real. and you did stare at his cold fingers brushing against your knuckles.)
“are you alright, mr. ratio?” you say, a breathy chuckle escaping from your lips. you're sat across the table from him, your drink in your hand as you occasionally take sips from the chunky straw that protrudes from the cap.
all you wanted to do was approach a scholar you deeply admired, but it seems like you caught him at a bad time.
you look at him expectantly.
"um. hello?”
you consider standing up to leave, oh well, maybe you could try your luck with a letter to his assistant.
the sound of an awkward throat-clear is heard from across the table, “hi. i’m sorry, you just startled me. wha.. what do you need?” he says, straightforward and curtly. the way the tips of his ears are red and his voice cracks when he says ‘stArtled’ betray the cool demeanor he's trying to present.
“i recognized you from my booth. thought i had to take the opportunity to chat with such an esteemed man. i hope i'm not intruding too much.” you close your eyes as you take another sip, giving him a break from your intimidating gaze.
oh you, you flatter him. and you know it from the way he almost stumbles over his words and his hands get shakier as he realizes he hasn't moved them far enough away from yours to be normal.
he tries to find something, anything to say. anything to say to keep the conversation going, to flaunt his academic prowess that you approached him for, to keep you here with him, but he seems to have lost it all when you sat down.
“my apologies, i'll leave you be, then.” you say with a smirk. placing your napkin that had been resting in your lap onto the table and grabbing your drink, you give him a curt goodbye and walk out of the café.
well fuck.
he blew it. a girl so pretty he was convinced he was hallucinating her just sat by him and tried to talk to him and he blew it. he thinks about what topic he could pour himself into to distract from, what he over exaggerates to be, the biggest mistake of his life. and then his smartass brain turns back on.
he sees the neatly folded napkin you left behind, with curly red ink and blotches protruding behind the elegant folds. he grabs it and carefully unfolds it,
i was about to be late to my meeting. but i wouldn't want to miss a chance to speak with my favorite scholar.
lets link up ###-###-####
he’s quite happy he didn’t speak his mind when he first met you. you make him so stupid. almost stupid enough to blurt out ‘i'm totally in love with you’ when he just met you. he’ll be sure to set some hours aside in the evening to plan what he’ll say to you next time.
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narcjsistx · 3 months
HIII! I have a request, if it's okey ofc and if you haven't already done it! Can you give us headcanons of Kokonoi as a big brother? Thank you so much in advance! I love your posts btw!
HI! thanks for the request, hope you have a good day 💙 and thx for the support!
— Kokonoi Hajime as a big brother HCS ᡣ𐭩
Personally, I think growing up with a younger sister would probably raise him better than he already is. Perhaps he would even clash with Inui, who we saw fight with Yuzuha without any problems
We all know that because he is a genius at making money, he is 99% good at school and gets excellent if not the highest grades. I see him as very capable with mathematics and physics, he would help you with your homework without any problems
I don't know why but I can see him getting very panicked when, using a stupid example, you have to go home alone in the evening. I can see him shouting into the phone "WHY DID YOU LEAVE KNOWING YOU DIDN'T HAVE A RETURN PASSAGE?!" and in the meantime send you a limousine
Your "brother - sister" moments are when you go out shopping. Spend hours and hours in shops in Shibuya while you try on a new dress or he tries on a new jacket. Obviously, you have the duty to criticize the other without having problems: the more harsh and harsh you are with the other, the more you spend hours in shops looking for the perfect item. Obviously, using the 'sweet and cute big brother' excuse will make him pay for everything, but rather than complaining for a few seconds he agrees
Going a little more seriously, you were by his side at all times after Akane's disappearance, even though in fact being younger (let's remember, he was 12 at the time) you didn't fully understand the situation. You knew about his crush on a certain blonde girl, but when he revealed that she was in a coma and about to die it completely floored you
Your favorite word is 'gossip'. After family dinners you spend HOURS in one of the two's rooms criticizing what your relatives have said, giving such sincere opinions that you yourself are surprised by your sincerity. During these dinners, the watchword is 'shut up and comment in the bathroom if it's really urgent' when someone has said something that makes you have to comment now or you risk exploding
He is someone who would defend you even for the stupidest thing, his sister should not be questioned about any situation. If you said something, he knows 100% that you are right
As a child, he was the kind of brother who said you were adopted and that your real parents were actually dead or didn't want you. Seeing you cry was funny to him, except when you ran to your mother screaming whether it was true or not. In that case he instantly regretted having even spoken
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blueteller · 18 hours
Do you know how smart Cale actually is? Like- what extent his intelligence can reach?
That's an interesting question! Let's take a look.
From what I know of IQ scores, anything above 120 puts you in top 10% of the population. So I easily see Kim Rok Soo!Cale belonging in that category; of >120 IQ. However, IQ had always felt a little vague to me. It's nice to have a number to put on a scale and all, but what does it actually mean in reality? Let's try this from a different angle.
Gardner's Multiple Intelligences model of divides talent into eight categories, plus one additional one:
Why not try to measure him up against each one, as no person is actually intelligent in every way and not even a fictional character can excel in all of them (unless they're a Mary Sue or something lol).
Visual and spatial judgment stands for easy reading, writing, puzzles solving, recognizing patterns and analyzing charts well. I think Cale is definitely a pro in this category; he does loves reading and he's fantastic at analyzing data.
Linguistic-verbal is for remember written and spoken information, debates, giving persuasive speeches, ability to explain things and skilled at verbal humor. And while I constantly make fun of Cale for not being able to explain himself, he IS good at using the "glib tongue" and being persuasive, so I think he is very skilled in this category as well.
Logical-mathematical means having excellent problem-solving skills, the ability to come up with abstract ideas and conduct scientific experiments, as well as computing complex issues. Cale is an incredible strategist able to change his plans in an instant, so he is definitely a genius in this field.
Bodily-Kinesthetic Intelligence is a fun one, because I think it's the hardest one to judge, considering that he literally changed bodies. It of course stands for sports, dancing, craftmanship, physical coordination, and remembering better by practice rather than learning theory. Cale... does not like that. However, it doesn't mean he's BAD at it. If he was a genius in this field, however, I believe he would like it a bit more. Thus – I suspect he was average. In the past he was forced to exercise for the sake of survival, but once he was given the option of taking it easy, he quit instantly. He is capable, but does not have any particular predisposition for it.
Musical Intelligence drives me nuts, because we literally do not know, and I dearly wish I did. There was not a single mention of it in the whole series. As much as I want to believe in a cool headcanon of KRS being an unrealized musical genius... I think he was probably average or below average in this.
Interpersonal Intelligence stands for communication, conflict-solving, perception and the ability to forge connections with others. And while you might have some doubts about Cale, I say he IS a total pro in this. Those are all leadership skills, and Cale is one HELL of a great leader.
Intrapersonal Intelligence is where Cale is severely lacking. It could be partially due to trauma, but I think at least some of it comes through his natural personality. It stands for introspection, self-reflection, the ability to understand one's motivation and general self-awareness; and that is Cale's biggest weakness, one that might actually cost him his slacker life dream in the end, due to all the misunderstandings he causes.
The last two, Naturalistic and Existential Intelligence types, are also not really Cale's forte. The first is for things like botany, biology, and zoology, paired with enjoyment of camping and hiking – none of which Cale actually does for pleasure, only because he has to. And yeah, farming is in that category too, but it's not like Cale is actually a real farmer just yet. And the second is for stuff like philosophy, considering how current actions influence future outcomes, the ability to see situations from an outside perspective and reflections into the meaning of life and death – and Cale is REALLY not interested in this type of self reflection.
Which leaves Cale with 4 types of intelligence he excels at, 2 which he is REALLY BAD at, 1 where he's below average and 1 he's probably average, with 1 left completely unknown.
Does this make Cale a genius? Pretty much, yes. Does it also make him stupid in very specific ways? VERY MUCH, YES.
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starfirette · 2 years
School Reunion
He was a a lithe figure of all rhyme and very little reason...
...especially he gestured for you to come closer. Tousled tufts of soft, brown hair flopped over his forehead, not so strictly gelled back today. His hair was ultimately the first thing that warmed you up to him. His previous face was undoubtedly your first, true love--all blue eyes and ears, knit sweaters under leather jackets, and a secret soft side...
❇Tenth Doctor x Fem Reader
❇hmmmm this took a month to perfect! I shall page @bellaswansrealgf because this does indeed have a size kink portion :)) this is cross posted to my ao3 (username is the same if you want to check that out!)
❇ masterlist | 17+ | size kink goes brr | cheeky Tenth doctor | "Mr Smith" | Sexual Roleplay | Vaginal Fingering | Penis In Vagina Sex | Age Difference kinda technically | this word is so gross but I have to put it in the tags Squirting | Also some degradation | Overstimulation | Creampie | switchy Tenth doctor, but he's a dom rn | Older Man/Younger Woman and teacher student vibes but also not really
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You were the illustrious and young English teacher, and he was the older, more experienced Physics teacher.
But it had only been a game. It was the ruse for a job at some school.
Of course you had "just" graduated college; you needed a guided hand to show you how to handle those rowdy students. "Professor Smith," you said as you batted your eyelashes. The size difference between you two was enough to make you squirm, thighs clenched and heart beating in anticipation. 
"Poor thing," 'Mr Smith' had said. His hand is ruffling up the chiffon of your knee length skirt. "You're so needy for attention. You'd take any bit of attention from even the science teacher." 
You wouldn't yet go into further detail of what conspired that day. After all, it was a little bit inappropriate of you two to do such fooling around during the hours of an investigation. Rose would have been livid to know that while she was slinging chips and pizza to students and staff, you and the Doctor were rather preoccupied with teaching not the students but yourselves just how Miss [L/n] and Mr Smith ought to behave. 
Of course, the roleplay was divine. Mr Smith was a role that the Doctor deeply enjoyed to act with, especially when it came to shamelessly flirting with you as if he didn't know you. You suspect he had all his fun that way. 
Apart from the canoodling in the workplace, everything else was really a ruse. The way it all started is a little bit convulated, but Rose heard from Mickey who must have heard from someone else that strange things were going on back in her hometime. (Hometime was a bit of a private joke between you, Rose, and the Doctor, it's a play on the word hometown! You and the Doctor fight for the credit of who actually coined the term but Rose often sides with the argument that you truly did.) The Doctor went into full dramatic effect, as he tends to do, and he created you a full fledged identity and a college degree. In real life (for lack of a better term)you're almost done with college where you're honestly pursuing a degree for English Literature.
The Doctor surprised you with the position at this school. Albeit it's undercover, he wanted you to have some fun. His face lit up like the lights on a Christmas tree when he saw how excited you were. Granted, this was a far cry from being an English professor at a prestigious university, as you drunkenly confessed to his prior face while celebrating the win against the nanogenes during the second World War. Though he looked different then,  he still loved you with the same, big heart. 
Force of habit. 
Day One of the mission was the easiest mostly because day one didn't require real work. Rose helped you research the winning numbers for some lottery tickets. She dropped off two winning tickets at the homes of a couple teachers from the school: one from the Mathematics department, one from the Literature. 
Needless to say both resigned in an instant. Unfortunately this sparked nasty rumors which accounted the two teachers (who really didn't know one another at all) were having an affair. Well, so long as they enjoyed the money. And since neither of their spouse's seemed to believe these rumors, you supposed there was no real harm done. 
Day two consisted of applying for the jobs and actually getting them. The interview process went well. You interviewed with the superintendent who claimed the headmaster was busy. 
'This isn't fair,' Rose said. 'I want to be a teacher.' 
'You'd look so cute as the lady administrator,' you pointed out from the sofa of the Tardis common room. 'You could wear fake specs. Y'know, look over them and give students dirty looks. Type obnoxiously on your clunky laptop. It's such a shame mini iPads weren't invented sooner. I'd look soooo cute carrying mine around.'
Rose groaned theatrically as she collapsed onto the sofa. She rolled on top of your lap, pushing the remote out of your hands so you could pay attention to her. 'Tell your boyfriend to make me a teacher,' Rose indignantly said.  Her nose scrunched as you shifted your thigh to push her off. 
'My hands are full,' The Doctor said through a mouthful of snack food. He tossed a sprinkle of crumbs at Rose, consequently catching some on your lap. You shoved his face with mock disregard. 'You mean your hands are tied,' you corrected.
'Sure,' he said, 'that too.' 
The start of day three. You dressed in a knee length skirt with pointy flats and a smart looking blazer. You decided to forgo a pair of fake specs (though you were known to occasionally need a pair of real lenses ever since a strange trip with your blue-eyed, prominent-nosed Doctor to an interesting laser show which had some nasty effects on your eyes; it was some sort of festival on Mars in the year 3000). As you walked down the hall to your class room the Doctor walked past, heading the opposite way to the Mathematics department. He sent a prolonged look up and down your outfit. 
"Hello, Mr Smith," you said curtly. You had to fight the grin that tussled with your lips. You enjoyed playing your role too, too much.
Mr Smith uncharacteristically fumbled over his feet as he looked over his shoulder to meticulously study the way your bum and hips moved as you went about your merry way. Needless to say this is when he decided to amp up his game. 
The children in your classroom couldn't have been older than fourteen. You didn't expect anything outwardly startling at this point, because you didn't yet realize the secrets this school held. 
You took a look at the lesson plan the students had been going through before their previous teacher took a miracle vacation to Sicily to renew their marriage vows.
Good for them. 
"Who would like to examine the motifs of this scene?" you asked. You were picking through a bit of Macbeth. A beginning scene with the three witches; it should be easy enough. How typcal to have stumbled upon their Shakespeare unit. An obligatory staple of middle school. Or highschool. Whatever grade these kids are in. You tried thinking of it in terms of Harry Potter; are they fifth years? Harry Potter was certainly fifteen during Order of the Phoenix. 
You contemplated this as no one actually tried discussing Macbeth. 
"Would anyone like to mention anything?" Your attempts to get them talking was dismal. Perhaps they missed their old teacher. You felt a little guilty. Even more guilt poured in you when you obnoxiously thought that their old teacher wasn't missing them, not while they were having a second honeymoon in Sicily!
You could have heard an eyelash drop in that room. 
"Going on about motif, it's rather interesting that when Macbeth enters, he notes...? What does he say that directly links him to the witches? Oh, goodness, I've lost my place...'So foul and fair a day I have not seen.' Does anyone remember what the three witches say in the opening scene?"
Finally a hand is raised.
You want to thank the kid profusely as you call on her. "What's your name?" 
"Addie Jones," the girl said. 
"Wonderful! Nice to meet you, Miss Addie. Do you remember the line?" 
"'Fair is foul and foul is fair. Hover through the fog and filthy air.'" 
"Excellent," you tell her with a smile. "Not only does this line set the overarching theme for the story, it also is a neat trick Shakespeare put in. Macbeth enters a few scenes later and by repeating their words, he's effectively sealed his own fate. This is a pretty good example of a motif. Does anyone know what a motif is?" You scanned the room, hoping for another arm to pop up, but Addie's hand waved shyly in your sight. You understood, then, why teachers threatened to call on students at random. You'd threaten that yourself if you knew anyone else's name. Besides, Addie seemed eager enough to share her answer. "Addie!" 
"A motif is a series of repeated patterns, often dialogue or imagery, in literature used to further a narrative." 
"Great answer," you told Addie, a sincere smile capturing your lips. "Given that definition, can anyone find other motifs in the play?"
Addie raised her hand. 
"Does anyone other than Addie have an idea?" you tried. To no avail, you nodded at Addie. You took a seat behind your desk, grabbing a pen to jot down a forethought about Harry Potter. 
Addie took a loud and deep breath. "Another integral motif in the play is sleep. Banquo states, act two scene one, 'And yet I would not sleep. Merciful powers restrain in me cursed thoughts that nature gives way to response.' Act two, scene two, Macbeth by now has killed the king. 'There's one did sleep laugh in's sleep, and one cried Murder!' 14 lines later, same scene, Macbeth then says, 'Methought I heard a voice cry 'sleep no more! Macbeth does murder sleep. The innocent sleep, sleep which knits-,'"
You were extremely puzzled. You tried to gently interupt Addie's train of thought, which seemed to be more than just reading directly from her book than actually answering your question. Taking a stand, your flats smacking the linoleum floor, you strolled back to the front of the classroom, your lesson plan in hand. You caught a glance at Addie's desk. Wherein you'd been expecting to see her fingers eagerly scanning along the pages of her open book, you found that her textbook was rather shut, her hands clasped atop it as she waited for you to say something. 
Blinking in surprise, you looked back at the lesson plan. You skimmed through a couple pages. Just when did they begin studying this play? That thought was muting all of your prior Harry Potter saga theories. Only at the start of the week...and they were only assigned an at home reading for the first four scenes. 
Perhaps Addie liked to read. Perhaps she enjoyed Macbeth so very much that she chose to memorize the entire damn play.
You hadn't seen any notes marking Addie's remarkable abilities in the subject, so you wondered on about how she could have done such a quick study of the play. "He certainly prattles on about sleep, doesn't he?" you asked Addie, who grinned toothily and nervously. "What do you think it means?" you continued as you hugged the lesson plan to your chest. 
That smile faded. "Oh. I'm not sure." Addie, who had memorized all the lines and their scenes regarding 'sleep', was at a loss for words. 
You felt a little bit guilty to find that she seemed incredibly embarrassed to be without an answer. You didn't necessarily care, but you wanted to probe for more answers. "Want to venture a guess? Why do you think sleep is so important here? What might it symbolize?" 
Addie went red in the face. She played with the edges of her textbook. Her nails pulled apart the layers of the hard cover, flaking specks of cardboard across her desk. 
"We could ask ourselves what a literary symbol is," you continued, quickly trying to move on before Addie could explode. "What's a symbol in literature? Maybe someone aside from Addie?" 
You sighed. Defeated again. Tomorrow you'd have to try harder. "Alright, Addie, take it away." 
After taking a breath of relief, Addie prattled away, "A symbol in literature is one of the literary devices that an author might use to convey a hidden message or theme. Symbols often are represented through objects or ideas that serve with a literal purpose but have metaphorical meaning which furthers the narrative, much like a motif." 
Puzzled by her in depth definition all you could really do was nod in response. 'That's correct," you informed her. Though it was far too correct. It didn't sound at all like the answer of a thirteen year old girl. It sounded like a line from a thesis paper or even from some dictionary. Her knowledge us certainly expansive but robotic in nature. She can identify patterns, like motifs and sleep and what not, but she can't analyze their meaning. 
You frowned. More accurately, she couldn't form her own thoughts on the subject matter. 
During lunch break, you searched the cafeteria for the Doctor. You went through the line, declining food after food. You made a scene of asking Rose for an apple, and then  you leaned in close as she handed it to you. "I found something a little bit strange. Sweet girl in my class basically memorized her English textbook. She might as well have memorized mine. Have you seen him?" 
Rose's brow twitched with contempt. "No," she said sharply. "Fuck 'im, really, I'm stuck back here slinging chips at bratty kids and he's off doing who knows w-oh, there he is." She pointed him out in the crowd of students, the man sitting at a table and picking apart a turkey and cheese sandwich layer by layer. "He's bein' weird again," Rose snickered. The Doctor smelled one slice of bread. "Oh, God, go stop him. I can't watch him deface himself like this. Wait, take your apple, now. If I was working on commission then you'd be of no use to me. That's right, take some milk, too. Not the skim, you daft. That's basically water. Take the two percent." 
You tried to juggle the milk and apple that Rose had tossed in your arms as you sped walked towards the Doctor. You dropped the apple on the table as you took a seat in front of him. His nimble fingers dropped the bread in a split second and he eyed you close. "I've got something," you said. 
"Ah, ah," the Doctor said sharply with a wag of his finger. "I don't even know you and you're going to sit down, without even asking, and try and engage in conversation? Tsk. You naughty thing." 
You rolled your eyes. "It's nice to meet you," you told him, playing into his game. "I'm Y/n L/n, yada yada. Anyways. Girl in my class-"
He shook his head. "Nope. You didn't ask my name." 
"I know your name," you mocked his tone. "We met at the staff meeting." 
"How do I know you actually remember it?" the Doctor challenged you. "Go on, just ask my name!" He looked much too amused as you angrily peeled open the cap to your milk. 
"What's your name," you therefore said monotonously, trying to void the words of any inquiring tone. 
"John Smith, physics professor. I'm single, by the way." 
"Anyway! Girl in my class! Basically memorized the entire textbook. She had an answer for most of the questions. However, those answers were all...materialistic. I don't know how to describe it. She didn't know how to input her own thoughts. It was like she just downloaded all the information to her brain. Does that make sense?" 
The Doctor nodded. "I've had a similar experience. Kid in my own class has knowledge way beyond planet earth." He pushed his plate of food forward. "Try some."
"No, thanks," you said politely. "I'm not very hungry. Something about this food weirds me out," you drawled as you poked his lightly tousled food around. He was more sampling everything rather than eating. "I've always hated school food. The chips look...odd. The smell of them is somehow off. Does that make any sense?"
"Come with me," the Doctor responded, not saying anything to your earlier rebuttals regarding the school food. "Toss that, I'm not going to eat it," he added. He took the tray and dumped it. You followed behind him as he slid his tray with the other dirty ones. Rose sent him a glare so foul you were surprised he didn't collapse on the spot. A glare like that could make him regenerate. "Found anything strange?"you ask Rose before she and the Doctor can get into a cat fight, an occurrence which frequents the TARDIS.
Rose gossiped, "Half the kitchen staff got replaced not too long ago. And this lot are weird. Get this! The entire lunch menu has been designed by the headmaster himself. What qualifies him to even do that? Don't you have to study...nutrition?" Rose shook her blonde fringe from her milk chocolate eyes. A flare of mischief came in her eyes. "I bet he didn't."
"Is nutrition a course of study? Actually, it is, isn't it? Oh, Rose you should be a nutritionist!" You said gleefully. 
The Doctor sighed. He furrowed his eyebrows as he tried to keep up with his two companions.
"Oh, shush," Rose chided to you. "The point is we've been at this for three days! We don't even know what's going on. More like you two don't even know what's going on. I've done my part! I reported back to you an' all!" She looked at you both with arms folded across her chest and her eyebrows raised indignantly. She licked her lower lip in a dare for you or the Doctor to argue back, her chocolate-brown eyes strangely malicious. "That's right, isn't it? You've got nothin' to say but-"
"Stop yelling at us!" The Doctor finally dished back. He seemed irritated beyond his senses, which was typical of him. "Your boyfriend is the one who called us."
Rose's mouth quivered at the term. Her lips opened and closed as though she was a fish out of water. "Mickey's not my--hang on a minute, where are you two going?" she finally demanded as the Doctor started to manhandle you. You looked vaguely surprised, staring at him with incredulity. 
"Research!" the Doctor called without looking as he kept his deft fingers tightly wound on your wrist. "We've get a lead!"
You struggled to let her know as he escorted you away. 
The halls were empty as the Doctor pulled you contently down the Mathematics hall. His classroom was certainly empty, all students eating their lunch for the next thirty or so minutes. 
"Show me what you've got," you told him excitedly as he turned the lock on the door. You looked around eagerly for whatever gadget or gizmo he was going to produce. You waited for another moment before you watched with curiosity as the Doctor settled himself easily on the edge of his desk.  "Where is it?" you asked.
"What do you mean?" The Doctor countered, crossing his arms with some semblance of an attitude.  You mimicked the pressing of a sonic screwdriver. "Where's the...gizmo...aren't you going to sonic something?" 
"Oh. No gizmo," the Doctor said. "Not this time. Well, not right now, actually, I'm sure I'll sonic some sort of gizmo sometime soon. No, I actually wanted this time for ourselves. I'm not fond of your attitude, Miss L/n." 
You raised a brow. "My attitude?" 
The Doctor nodded. "Exactly. Your behavior has been nothing short of abysmal. Neglecting me, running about with Rose, and entirely disregarding your duties here. I supplied you with a title of superiority and you have sorely misused it. There's only one word to describe you these past two days." 
For a brief moment your heart stuttered with genuine fear, but then you watched the sparks which flickered in his hazel brown eyes burst into a large flame. 
You barked a laugh. You put a hand over your fast beating heart. "That's not funny," you chastised. "I thought you were being serious!"
The Doctor raised an eyebrow. 
No going back now. Not with the rapid pooling of warmth in the bottom of your belly. The Doctor shook his head, tutting his tongue as he folded his arms. 
He was a a lithe figure of all rhyme and very little reason; especially he gestured for you to come closer. Tousled tufts of soft, brown hair flopped over his forehead, not so strictly gelled back today. His hair was ultimately the first thing that warmed you up to him. 
His previous face was undoubtedly your first, true love--all blue eyes and ears, knit sweaters under leather jackets, and a secret soft side with a not so quiet splash of kinky foreplay. There were zero hints of that face in this one, and the first time you saw it you didn't know what quite to think. 
The Doctor had burst into a bright, ball of golden light. Spheres, marble sized, of such light fizzled around him, orbiting his figure while Rose gripped your hand. Her fingers slipped on the fresh blood, making you wince as she slid over the fresh slice.  The fight against the Daleks had been the most important matter in all the world just moments ago. And now you felt as though...you were about to lose everything. 
Your mouth burned with the hard kiss the Doctor had given you. His tongue had meddled against yours, sweeping the roof of your mouth the way he knew you liked. His thumbs swiped away the tears that dotted the corners of your eyes, and just like that, he was saying goodbye. And then this. 
Dizzying rushes of blinking in and out of reality coursed through you. This almost felt like a dream. The image charading in front of you didn't seem right. This wasn't how it was supposed to go, afterall. You three were supposed to find Jack and go home, wherever 'home' was. No matter where home was, the day would always end with you laying on the Doctor's chest, ear to dual hearts while he played with your hair. 
And yet that wasn't how this was going to end. 
Rose gripped your hand tight. Your vision flickered with stars as her fingers slipped into the gash on your hand. Nausea punched you in the gut as the light grew brighter and brighter. Stop, you wanted to tell him. It's not funny. 
It wasn't funny at all. 
The energy surged, so loud you could almost hear it, you could practically feel it sizzling inside of you. Energy sang inside the TARDIS: the chime high and loud, the pitch far beyond any regular frequency. And God, it hurt. 
The ringing ascended frequency and finally it shut off as the Doctor cried out just a bit. 
The light disappeared. 
And so had your Doctor. 
You crept closer. 
He pushed his leg out, patting the top of his thigh. "Take a seat, Miss L/n," he sighed, making a point to sound disappointed. He would really be if you didn't play along! So you hopped up to take a seat, holding onto the back of his neck for leverage as you made yourself comfortable. 
It wasn't unusual for him to become unexpectedly horny, especially in the midst of a mission such as this. He was one for taking fortified risks. 
"What do you have to say for yourself?" he asked. 
"Just that I've been a very bad girl," you informed him with an exaggerated pout. You puckered your lower lip. "I just wanted your attention, Mr. Smith." 
"Consider it done. You've certainly caught my attention with this little garb," the Doctor said as he pushed a hand up your skirt. His lean fingers squeezed the inside of your thigh, making you squirm. The flash of quick pain on the easily bruised skin made your heart rush. Looking up at him, it was easy to spot the remnants of the other Doctor. Your first Doctor. 
Though his face has changed, and you love him all the same-if not more-he'll always have that face. 
"Professor Smith," you said as you batted your eyelashes. The size difference between you two was enough to make you squirm, stomach clenched with eager anticipation.
"Poor thing," 'Mr Smith' said. His hand kneaded the jiggling flesh of your leg, pinching it and grinning at the way you wiggled in his grip. "You're so needy for attention," he cooed. "You'd take any bit of attention from even the science teacher." 
His mouth pressed against yours. Lips against lips, both soft as the petals of a flower, but clashing hard, as if you two had never kissed before! But kisses are less than few-and-far; they're frequent. They're the Doctor's favorite past time.
Even with this face you two spend nights in his study, laying in the chaise lounge, your ear against his chest and listening to his dual hearts. Even with this face do you two kiss passionately into the hours of the ambient night lights that the TARDIS has set for you. Your hands plucked at the buttons of his shirt.  His build was entirely different from the previous one he bore. Where then he'd been slightly bulkier with more muscle and mass, he was now slender, lithe, and graceful. He walked like a cat with cunning mischief on his mind. His deft fingers were slipping up your skirt, hooking across the band of your underwear and cheekily tugging them down as he pushed his thumbs into your hips.
He loved, loved, the curves of your body (he always had. It wasn't something that would ever change). He liked to grip the fleshy parts of you tight, squeeze and fondle any parts of you he could get his hands on.  You splayed your fingers out like a starfish, pushing your hand on his sternum just between both hearts. You could feel them both beating fast as his shirt drifted open,  framing his clavicle and abdomen like a picture. He couldn't be more gorgeous than this; freckles constellated his pale skin. The shades that stood out on his skin compared  to yours made your lips curl. The colors were like blots of paint on a pallet in the hands of an artist. 
Confidently, you believed that a painting with every shade your two bodies had to offer would outshine the Mona Lisa or Starry Night. 
The Doctor's hand crept below the threshold of your underwear. His thumb padded through the plush lips of your pussy, nudging at your pearled clit. "Not nearly as wet as I'd prefer," the Doctor chastised as he flexed his thumb in a circle on your clit, not bothering to start at a slow pace. The quick lashings of a hurried pleasure made your body tremble. Like a startled newborn you spasmed in his hold, nearly collapsing backwards. If he hadn't had an arm around your waist you would have made a fool of yourself. 
"Can't stay still?" The Doctor cooed. "The more I rub this little clit, the more wet that oozes out of you. That makes it so easy for me to simply..."
Your voice strained as the Doctor slowly pushed his middle finger inside of you. He moved slowly so that you could feel every bit of your cunt that he stretched out. For all the times you'd ever attempted to stick something inside of yourself, this really took the cake.
Every time you tried it just felt...like you were sticking something inside of yourself. Like there was just something inside a vaginal cavity; Just something inside that was vibrating.
Not sexy, nor pleasurable.
The amount of times you'd attempted to do gymnastics around your bedroom in your home time, stretching your legs or doing back bends, all to find the magical spot that the internet claimed existed. These exploits were all for naught.
Imagine how strange a feeling it was for you to be proven wrong by the Doctor. You swore up and down there was something wrong, something maybe even broken, but no matter what, you just didn't have what other women suspiciously claimed to have. Well, the Doctor loves to prove others wrong. You can imagine how that first night went, with him grinning down at you and touching both the inside and outside of you at once to bring about a genre of pleasure you hadn't realized existed. 
You gnawed on your lip as the Doctor slowly pushed a second digit inside, still tending to your clit to keep the feeling from being too uncomfortable. "It's alright," the Doctor said softly. He shifted his body, making a swift stand as he set you on the desk and settled between your legs, without removing his hand from you at all.  He widened the gap between your legs so your knees laid hip length apart. His tall figure stood straight as he looked down at your cunt which dropped over his hand. 
"And there it is," he sighed. "You're taking it like a good girl, aren't you? Even though we're in a school. A learning facility. Have you no shame?" 
Whether or not he wanted an answer, you couldn't say. Your vision was blurry as he pumped up into a secret place inside of you while also stimulating your clit. The small bundle of nerves was pulsating, having become a bulbous bud of despair and anxiety. It tensed and twitched under every touch but ultimately it yearned for more. You kept tensing around his fingers, holding onto the lapels of his jacket tight. 
The Doctor looked down at you. He smirked. 
"You're holding onto me with quite a strong grip. Afraid I'll pull away? Afraid I'll stop? Your cunt just keeps squeezing onto me. So hot and wet. So comforting. Don't you wish it was my cock?"
You panted out a reply, not bothering to sound witty or naughty. Not the time. "Yes."
A laugh. A genuine sound. The musical chime of it faded before the Doctor replied, "I do, too. But first I'll watch you cum on my fingers. It's alright. Door's all locked. My attention is entirely on you. You've been working so hard, so eager to please Mr Smith. Now you ought to let Mr Smith please you. Although...I should be punishing you. Shouldn't I? I'm sure it wouldn't be much of a real punishment, though. After all, you tend to enjoy it when  I spank your sweet ass."
The mere words sent the images into your brain. The thought of it made your pussy flinch, and the Doctor laughed again though this time round it was a touch harsh sounding. "I knew you enjoyed it," he said quietly. He kissed your forehead, his lips curled into a smile as he did so. "It's alright, dear, it's only me. You can be honest. I quite like it. Oh, my, you're dripping all the way onto my wrist!" 
He feigned annoyance. "Just look...look at this mess you're making."
You dared to take a look. 
A small gasp choked in your throat, the sound making the Doctor chuckle. The muscles of your thighs twitched. The knee length skirt was thrown back so you were sitting bare assed on the cool desk, the skirt gathered around your hips. Your panties were stuffed in the Doctor's trouser pockets: you could see them sticking out. When had he done that?
The tendons in his wrist were flexing as he thrust his two fingers up and in, while his thumb angled upwards to continue the steady pace on your clit. The lazy rhythm which he had set was making you sweat. He didn't seem terribly bothered by the writhing around you were doing.
"Don't you like the sight of it?" The Doctor's content was evident in the way he spoke, looking at the mess with a dreamy sparkle in his eye. 
He appeared visibly intoxicated as a long and loud 'mmm' escaped you. You had a difficult time remembering that the sounds were your own; you didn't always feel physically mounted in your body during your horny escapades. Sometimes the thrall of an orgasm separated your physical self from your metaphysical self like the whites and yolk of an egg. You were being gradually poured apart with every furthering motion the Doctor made. Joules of an intense pleasure rumbled inside of you. Your stomach had a slippery feeling, like a pad of hot butter on a skillet, fuzzy and warm and enticing. 
Your legs jerked around, ankles flanking into the back of his thighs and effectively pulling him closer. He was trapped between your legs-just the way he liked. 
Tension unfurled in your shoulders, slipping away like drops of rain on a window pain. It tingled down your back and you tilted away, Your chin raising towards the ceiling as one of your hands roughly gripped the edge of Mr Smith's desk. Anchored to the British classroom of 2005, you started to feel the edges of a smooth and velvety orgasm close in on you. It was a feeling that couldn't be physically embodied by much else than a velvet ribbon, or a warm vanilla latte, or-
"Fuck!" You whined. "It's-"
The Doctor pushed the familiar feeling forward. It was an intensity that you could only ever feel with the Doctor, with his hand or his cock or his anything. It no longer mattered that the year was 2005; the pressure on your clit felt nothing short of a pulsing burst of energy and fire. Gold fizzled in your vision. Your cunt felt heavy. Something tickled behind your bladder, the feeling making you beg. "Doctor, wait!" You urged him as you pawed at his torso. "I think I'll-"
"That's what I want," the Doctor muttered. "Don't worry, darling, I'll take good care of you. It's alright. Just keep squirming like that and let me rub your pussy to completion. Don't tire yourself-I want to feel you with my cock, too, so just relax and enjoy it. Can't you try?"
The urge to clench your walls and even the muscles around your clit was hard to fight. But when you did, it allowed an enormous wave of pleasure to drown you. You tremored and babbled a string of incoherent words. Some kind of begging, you think, or perhaps declarations of love, hatred, or anything in between. Passions had built up inside you and now  they're spilling out like the waters from a broken dam. Judging by the bleary grins of content through your teary eyes, you were praising him to high ends. Likely spilling out your love for him and his hands. 
Pressure started to release as the gradual high came about. It wasn't an overt transition from pleasure to climax; it was never black and white, it was a grey scale that slowly blossomed to a bright gold and silver.  Weight transpired from the top of your head to your torso and then to your belly. It sank low, behind your ovaries. A heavy, swollen sensation was hanging right over you, taunting the burst of energy that would soon make a mess over the Doctor's hand and shirt. You feared the worst as you pathetically tried to wiggle your hips around. You were so close to that feeling. If you just pushed yourself a little bit more than you could reach it. 
"If I didn't know better, I'd say you're about to cum all over me," the Doctor murmured in a harsh tone. "That's repulsive. That's so human of you. It's disgustingly easy to make you leak with just a hand."
You buried your face into the chest of the Doctor, trying not to be too loud with the whimpers and shallow breaths you were releasing as though you were a television woman in labor. 
Babbling out vowels, your entire body released a burst of warmth; like pink ribbons and fresh croissants and the tops of your thighs after you sat by a bonfire. The convulsed through you as that swollen feeling finally burst, indeed making a mess on the Doctor as you feared. 
You looked down at yourself in shock. A grim sense of shame started to take over the pink-flakey-croissant-bonfires-with-Rose feeling. "I'm so sorry," you whispered, your voice a cracking piece of foil as the Doctor licked the corner of his mouth. He quickly licked his fingers clean before shaking his head. "No, no, don't apologize," he said as he quickly moved his fingers to the button of his pants. "It was quite a learning experience, I should say. I learned that you are a very cute, young, little cunt in desperate need of an older, wiser cock. I'm just going to give you what you want. You don't have anything otherwise to say. I know you don't."
You shook your head as you watched the Doctor palm himself. His bulge was prominent and you had to restrain a whimper as he pulled back the boxer briefs he wore, which you insisted on because he wanted to wear boxers, but you found boxer briefs undeniably sexy, and so he wore them; he couldn't exactly do otherwise when the Tardis was replacing his go to wardrobe with other garments--it was totally accidental the way the Tardis now listened to your opinion before his. But he couldn't deny: blood runs thicker than water. And your blood had sizzled on the heart of the beloved Tards. So yeah, sometimes the Tardis chose to play Christmas music when it was only November (according to the earth-calendar programmed into the mainframe, but that was also another story). 
You pulled him down by the scruff of his neck, forcing him to kiss you as he played with himself. Your sloppy kiss was all tongue against tongue, open mouthed groans into one another as you guided his hand up and down on himself. 
Now leaking precum, he smothered himself   In the lubricant and thumbed the slit of his cock, a clenched-teeth hiss escaping himself as you urged him to prepare. But the Doctor likes to edge himself; he likes the discomfort of wanting to chase an orgasm, the self control it required to ignore the body's instinct. 
"Come closer," he groaned against you. His forehead rested on yours. You both watched him pump his cock a few more times; your chest was rising and falling as hard as his. 
He guided himself inside you, kissing your forehead as he slowly inched forward. The brief discomfort as he pushed past the curve of your walls was strictly rewritten into a song of bliss. Mint green paint, fresh croissants with oozing chocolate, an open campsite by the sizzling fire. 
He hunched over your little figure; he was completely towering atop you, the size of a dire wolf pinning a rabbit against his own torso. He grunted as he pulled himself out only to slam his way back in, the motion making you feel full and heavy. 
He worked his hips to thrust in and out of you, pulling himself practically to the tip each time. His hand was tending to your clit as he moved. Each touch on your clit felt like torture, in the best sense. You already felt swollen and every touch was amplified. The starts of a new orgasm made you tired and shudder, your mouth desperate for water as it worked its way through your body. 
"You're so small," the Doctor huffed through a laugh as your figure jerked with each thrust. You were trapped against his torso, feeling the doubly beat of his hearts pounding as he plowed in and out of you. "So pliable," he added as he groped the side of your thigh exposed by the wrinkled fabric of your skirt. "So hot and tight while I have my way with you. You couldn't help yourself. You just had to be fucked right now, just like this. Always needing my attention, always, always. I never thought you'd be so bratty in public! I like it."
"Stop talking," you groaned. "That's all you ever do. Talk, talk, talk. I think you like that, more." 
The Doctor gripped your chin, slowing his movements down. His hand skittered away from your clit but you were quick to pin it in place. You pushed one of your fingers inside of his mouth, watching him pucker his lips around the digit and sucking. His thick eyelashes fluttered before he jerked his head back. "Not your turn, princess," he sneered. "I'm in charge right now." 
"You like when I'm in charge, too," you retorted. "You could just give up, you know." 
The Doctor once again groped at you, squeezing hard on your pebbled nipples with a growl of warning. "Not the time," he told you with a rough thrust up. It made you gasp and heel over as the spotlight of sudden pleasure shone over you; the Doctor smirked as he carefully weened his way back into a quicker pace than he had been previously going at. "Don't you dare stop," you pleaded as you gripped him by the collar of his button down. "Or you're in for a load of trouble when we get home." The Doctor's brown eyes twinkled at the idea: home on the Tardis, being straddled and used by you, it sounded like a marvelous plan. 
"I'm not the one who's about to get a load," the Doctor said, grinning at the gross slang, but he was unable to really care because your cheeks had tears dripping down them. "Can't wait to see how full you become. I'll be dripping down your legs the rest of the day." 
"Shut up," you whimpered as you tilted your head back. 
Honestly speaking you quite enjoyed his babbling chit chat. He really did like to hear himself talk. You liked it as well. 
"Make me." 
You two pressed your mouths into a rough mold, your tongues slithering over tips and teeth. Your arms wrapped over the back of his neck, locking him in place. His chuckles dripped down your throat as he vocalized his own pleasure. Your breathing hastened. Panting like a dog in the summer heat, you were kissing him back as if it were a fight for your life. You clenched all your body into a rigid stake as the peak of the orgasm finally prodded into your cunt. The Doctor's hands pressed into your hips and legs, his thumbs rubbing calming circles into you as he moaned. He was much more accepting of the pleasure wave as it rode through him. 
Hiccuping whimpers fluttered into the Doctor's mouth as your slick, wet released. The feeling made the Doctor groan, loud and strong as he finally released the gates of his own seed. He grunted as he made sloppy thrusts; cum mixed and squeezed out of you like the lemon custard in a powdered donut, a rare, sweet, tart taste that made your eyes water. 
Your mouths pulled apart with a loud smack. You both looked down at the mess. He pumped in and out a few times, hissing as you suckled a bite on the underside of his jaw. You cried out a curse as he swiftly pulled out and gripped his cock, the limb still half hard. He pushed the tip of himself against your clit, making a harsh circle so your bodies both shuddered. "Too much," he said between clenched teeth. He released a breath as final spurts of his seed painted on the lips of your pussy. 
The strain on his chest eased. 
The Doctor swayed forward. His face lulled into a lazy grin, tucking itself within the crook of your neck. Carefully exhaling your last deep breath, you slid back so you were laying face up, looking at the ceiling as the Doctor remained curled atop you. He hummed with content, rubbing his hand over the soft skin of your pelvis. Your skirt was still flipped up; his pants were unbuttoned. 
Panting. The fluorescent lights seemed so homely in the aftershocks of this feeling. Left over in your core was the tingling of the orgasmic pain on your clit, now soft and bruised, but for good reason. 
"I really think there's something strange going on," you mentioned after a few minutes of calm silence. You softly scratched his scalp, combing through his soft hair while he purred at the feeling, reminding you of a cat. "This school seems off." 
"I'm tired," the Doctor said. "Work seems boring, now." 
"It's life or death," you pointed out. 
"Is it?"
"You're just fucked out, aren't you?" you pointed out again but with a laugh this time. 
"Yeah, you're probably right...probably." 
"I'm always right," you informed him. "The sooner you realize that, the easier your life will be." 
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zpiderwebs · 1 month
A/N: it's literally 4am..HUZAHHH I wanted to write this soo badd mmnngghhfff..also, this is the first actual time I write in..a very long time that has to do with my own idea...sorry if it's not good </3
𖦹[△"Who are you..?"△]𖦹
[In control! Bill Cipher (Ford) x GN! reader]
Summary: [Basically Bill in Ford's body. That's all. Reader witnesses it all and Bill is very...icky about his Sixer.]
Warnings?: Just kinda angsty and lots of swearing coming from reader and Bill just being a complete dick and doesn't care about hurting reader's feelings...guh..apologies in advance!
(;´∀`). Enjoy!!
Four goddamn months.
It's been four dreadfully long months since you've last had a decent conversation with him. He hardly pays attention, hardly even needs you down in the basement, and now his fucking home is full of..triangles. You thought it was another one of his little silly quirks..but no. "Meditating" sessions have turned into hours. Hours of him being locked down in the basement, refusing you to even take a peek down at the portal. What the hell were you even needed for anymore? Did he just need your damn help on the calculations and mathematic brain and that's all???
God, it all bothered you so much.
You felt like you were wasting so much time just sitting on your ass all day, not even having any type of interaction besides with yourself when your half asleep and mumbling whatever crosses your mind.
Ford. Ford was a great and smart man when you became friends through Fiddleford back at Backupsmore. But now, after he dragged you all the way to a small town called Gravity Falls that was nowhere near where you last lived...you've never felt so isolated and alone. The one man you once considered to be a great friend and a smart guy..turned out to be just a mess.
He barely eats anymore. Barely sleeps or even takes care of himself. Only ever coming up for more bitter coffee and heading back to the basement without a word to say, brushing pass you. He worries the hell out of you...and your not sure how long you could keep going at this, allowing him to destroy himself mentally and physically.
Well, you have hit your limit.
It was a late night. You had woken up to a loud sound coming from the basement. You didn't realize you had fallen asleep reading a book on the couch. You quickly sat up and walked towards the basement door. Reaching for the doorknob, it didn't stop when you slightly turned it.
It was unlocked.
Sucking in air through clenched teeth, you gripped the doorknob even tighter. You knew you shouldn't, but you needed to make sure your only friend at the moment was okay. Slowly, turning the cold knob, you pulled the door towards you. Once it was open, you heard Ford talking to himself and..laughing? That was..new.
You began to descend the stairs, slowly making your way down. Barely a few steps down, you heard another crash that was followed by another laugh.
"What the fuck..?" You quietly mumbled to yourself. Once you reached the ground, you quickly scanned the area and saw Ford hunched over his desk, writing something into his journal. You walked over, making sure not to startle him with your new presence.
"Ford? You..alright?" You called out. Suddenly Ford's body jumped as he dropped the pen he was writing with. He quickly flung his head to look at you with...weird eyes.
His eyes looked odd. Was the lack of sleep finally catching up to him? Then, a wide smile appeared on his face as his eyes stayed glued to yours. Creepy. That stare sent shivers down your spine as you swallowed hard and bit the inside of your cheek.
"Hey, toots. Didn't think you'd come down here." Ford chuckled, awkwardly standing up as he quickly made his way over. You took a step back.
'Toots'? Since when the hell did he start using nicknames like that?
"Uh, well, you were making a lot of noise and...I just wanted to check up on you. First..time you fucking speak to me in..months practically. What's up with that?" You rubbed the back of your neck, awkwardly looking away. Fuck, you sounded desperate...and you were.
Ford took some time to answer, like if he wasn't actually expecting you to keep a conversation going, hoping you'd just day 'Oh, okay' and scram.
"Oh well..I dunno. Too busy." Ford shrugged. Oh, that answer pissed you off.
"Busy? With what? Seriously, Ford. What possibly could you be doing down here, just hunching over your damn desk and writing in your journal. The least you could do is eat something. All you live off of is coffee? Don't you understand how bad that is?" You huffed. You haven't felt this..angry in years. The last person you wanted to upset you was Ford.
"Why does that concern you so much? Your so concerned over him that you can't even think straight, toots." Ford chuckled, his...weary yellow eyes looking into yours as he took a step closer.
You huffed. His way of speaking sounded off. "It concerns me because you can get yourself killed this way, Ford. How am I supposed to know if you do drop dead when your always locked down here? I wouldn't even know if you hardly speak to me anymore in the first place!"
Ford groaned and rolled his eyes. "God, you humans and your dumb relationships and emotions. Boring! Your all so clingy, depending on attention and empathy from others. It's pathetic."
You raised a brow. Ouch? What the hell was he talking about now? "Ford, seriously, just talk normal. And..I wanted to ask you, what's up with all this stupid triangle worship stuff and..all this 'meditation'? Your really worrying me."
Ford only sighed before pinching his nose and looking at you dead in the eyes. "Alright listen, toots. And listen good because I'm not repeating myself. I'm not Ford. I'm Bill. I'm his biggest and only muse. He doesn't need you or anybody anymore. He has me and that's all he needs. You were nothing but a pure tool for him to use until he didn't need it anymore, and that'd be..now! So, you've been doing nothing this whole time while me and little ol Sixer have been having a blast." Ford..or..now Bill that was in Ford's body, chuckled.
You were..dumbfounded. What..? "H-huh? Okay, Ford, is this some sick joke?"
Bill chuckled and made his way closer to you, causing you to back up..only for your back to hit the wall.
"Oh, no I'm not joking, toots. I'm in control of Sixer right now. And right now, I'm telling you to leave. He doesn't need you anymore. He doesn't need anyone. Your just a waste of space and a mere tool he used and doesn't need anymore. Back into the tool box!" Bill laughed.
As he continued to laugh at his own words, your mind was trying to comprehend what the fuck was going on. "Who are you...? What are you...?" You murmured out. Bill only chuckled against.
"I'm Bill Cipher. I'm this man's muse."
"What do you want with Ford? Were...you the reason we started building that dumb fucking portal!?" You snapped but suddenly a six fingered hand was slapped onto your mouth.
"Now, let's not disrespect my work or insult it with that dirty mouth, toots. Watch your words. It's simple, really. Ford is what I've been looking for, and I'm what he's been needing. He doesn't need a pestering worthless being like you around him. Your always nagging, begging for attention like some lost puppy. It's pathetic, really. Don't you have anything else to do in your sad life?" Bill's smirk widened, letting out a laugh.
"Of course you don't. You've been thrown under the bus and now your trying to crawl your way out, but that's not possible. He doesn't want or need you anymore, face it. He used you for what he needed. For that smart little brain of yours and that's all. He didn't actually care for your friendship, he was just playing along."
You felt a lump build up in your throat. That's not true..or is it..? Well..he is in Ford's mind. Is that what Ford really thought of you and only needed you for..? You pulled away from the hand before speaking up.
"That's not true-!"
Suddenly-- the hand slapped against against your mouth, shutting you up. "Yes it is! Just accept it already! Your worthless. All you'll ever be good for is to be used and thrown aside. Ford never gave a single shit about you. Your nothing." Bill frowned, speaking through gritted teeth as he glared.
"Now...you can leave his sight, leave him alone. He doesn't need you anymore."
Bill then let you go. You didn't say a word as he walked back towards the desk and sat back down. You wanted to bash something into his head..but that'd mean hurting Ford's body in the process too. His words had already stabbed way too deep into you.
Fuck, you felt like crying...it hurt. It all hurt. Was that really what Ford thought about you? All he ever needed you for? You felt your eyes sting.
You simply wobbled upstairs without another word. You laid awake, starring at the ceiling until you felt hot tears stream down the sides of your face. Everything hurt.
The next morning, you left without word. You thought about leaving a small note or even a letter..but if Ford never said those things and Bill was just lying, he knew where to find you and tell you the truth or write...
But it hurt that 30 years later,
he never wrote to you.
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lebrookestore · 7 months
nct 127 as demigods!
authors note: i have no time to even be doing this i don't know where it came from but the pjo brainrot and phase is so real and back with a vengence so please enjoy while i hope i won't be failing my mathematics final. and yes, i absolutely want to write a full fledged fic based on this.
Mark: as a son of Poseiden!
listen...this man is everywhere and is so important that its no surprise he's the child of one of the big three.
has a natural affinity for swordplay.
used to depend on his swordsmanship a lot more than his inherited powers from his father but learned to strike a balance between both as he grew older.
has a very obvious, clearly powerful aura, but he's also Just A Guy.
when he first arrived to camp, everyone thought he was a child of Hypnos actually because he quite literally slept through the first two days he was there due to how exhausted he was.
got claimed on the third day and everyone was shocked (yes he's my Percy stand in and what about it)
doesn't really like how much everyone looks up to him, it makes him scared for the moment that he inevitably disappoints them all - or so he thinks.
bro is clueless for the most part but always manages to pull through and get himself out of any situations (*cough* monsters *cough) he finds himself in.
when he's especially emotionally disturbed or angry, he causes earthquakes.
Johnny: as a son of Hecate!
when he was little he didn't really understand how he could make things simply appear or scenes in front of him change by simply imagining it.
it kept him out of a lot of trouble during his younger years.
manipulation of the mist has always come easy to him, he barely even breaks a sweat.
his weapon is an enchanted spear.
it helps channel his power and helps in physical battle as well, though he tends to rely on his powers more.
the spear was a gift from his mother, the only time he's ever met her or spoken to her.
he tends to make people nervous with so much as a glance.
its not just the fact that he has that demigod aura of power- he's just an intimidating figure.
the air of mystery around him is furthered by how private he is, but he's all smiles and jokes if you're a close friend of his.
knowing how easily he can make someone nervous, Johnny uses it to his advantage often, whether it be to get out of trouble or to get his way.
Taeyong: as a son of Iris!
take a moment to see the vision here folks
he totally has the vibe of a hippie rainbow goddess' son.
was brought to chb when he was fourteen, which is relatively old for a demigod.
the colour of his eyes varies and changes according to his moods and emotions.
when the sun hits his hair it seems like that too changes colour and shifts from one shade to another.
once tried to tie-die his camp half-blood shirt with Jaehyun to make it a little more stylish since the both of them were tired of the bright, unflattering orange. lets just say it did not turn out well.
his weapon of choice is a scimtar - a wicked curved blade.
for someone so peaceful and smiley, he's scary when fighting with his scimtar, quick on his feet and downright deadly. unlike his siblings, who tend to despise conflict, he's one of the best fighters.
like all children of Iris, he can create a rainbow barrier for protection
he possesses photokinesis, a rare power among children of iris, in which he can focus an intense beam of prismatic light which will burn anything it touches.
Doyoung: as a son of Athena!
was taken to camp when he was nine and quickly adapted although he was so young.
the definition of a know-it-all, but its kind of in a lovable way.
he has the habit of rambling so his attempts at sounding all knowledgable tend to come off as dorky a lot of time.
make no mistake though, Doyoung is as cunning and resourceful as they get.
although every child of Athena is talented at battle strategy, Doyoung is the one most of the other campers turn to in times of crisis for guidance through any battle.
spends countless hours reading and studying the old stories of great greek heroes and demigods and his favourite is Odysseus.
is proficient with almost all weapon but usually uses a sword.
his fighting style is more calculated than most, his mind is always racing and thinking about weak spots and dissecting his opponents fighting style and flaws.
although a good fighter, he first and foremost relies on his wit and strategic skills and can make use of whatever is at his disposal to hold his own.
Yuta: as a son of Ares!
competitive little bitch (and we love that for him).
got kicked out of three schools because he would pick fights (and win them).
usually leads during capture the flag.
during battle, there tends to be a somewhat manic glow of delight in his eyes because no matter how dangerous the situation is or how bad the odds are, fighting his what he's the best at.
to him, its an art form.
his weapon of choice is a pair of daggers.
usually children of ares don't opt for small weapons as such, and although he has control over any weapon like Doyoung does - though Yuta's control is more innate and in built- he prefers the versatility his daggers give him.
he's quite deadly with them.
the only person that can take him in a fight is Taeyong, and that is also quite rare.
his fighting skills are enhanced when angry or particularly vengeful.
impulsive when it comes to any sort of fighting - prefers to deal with it head on and directly.
Jaehyun: as a son of Aphrodite!
his birthday is literally on valentines day i will not take criticism about this.
bro is literally stunning.
his weapon of choice is a sword.
a surprisingly competent fighter considering his siblings don't particularly enjoy any form of sparring for the most part, and helps out with teaching the younger campers sword fighting.
has the ability to melt anyone with that pretty boy smile of his.
knows exactly how to win someone over and use his natural charm, but doesn't know how to stop it from going too far, which leads to people falling for him left, right and center.
this doesn't mean he's oblivious to those who like him - make no mistake, he is well aware when someone is crushing on him.
unfortunately, he hasn't quite mastered the art of gently letting someone down, which leads to very awkward moments after some poor soul confesses to him.
thus he unwittingly follows the whole 'heartbreaker' agenda the Aphrodite cabin has, though he doesn't approve of it.
doesn't have charmspeak but can tell when its being used on him.
Jungwoo: as a son of Hephastus!
a literal genius.
could solve college level mathematics in the third grade, but his mother never made that fact known - simply because she knew about his demigod nature, being one of the few mortals who could see through the mist.
she didn't want to attract any more attention than necessary.
first came to camp half blood when he was twelve.
can sense how any sort of mechanism works.
possesses pyrokinesis unlike most children of Hephastus, but it takes a lot out of him.
usually relies on his fire manipulation while fighting, but otherwise makes use of an axe as a weapon.
while he is pretty damn good fighter, he prefers to take a backseat and work behind the scenes on weaponry and creating traps to capture or unarm the enemy.
can easily disarm any traps and can sense them if close by, but can also make traps deadlier.
spends a lot of time in forges.
also loves working with the Hermes' campers to construct devices for pranks for fun.
Haechan: as a son of Apollo!
literal sunshine boy.
must protect at all costs but is honestly quite capable of protecting himself and then some.
his mother is a nurse and with her busy schedule he was left alone at home for the most part when he was younger, so being taken to camp half blood by his satyr when he was 10 seemed like the perfect solution.
chose to be an year-round camper since it was safer that way.
an excellent archer.
isn't much of a healer, but if his siblings need help in the infirmary, he'll assist them.
leans into his musical gifts more - his voice can quite literally make anyone stop in their tracks.
if an especially young demigod shows up at camp, he goes out of his way to make sure they're okay, knowing how daunting it all was when he was their age.
gets along well with the Hermes campers due to his mischievous nature.
his favourite trick is putting a rhyming curse on whoever the victim of his prank is.
Taeil: as a son of Demeter!
he's been at camp since he was ten years old.
very level-headed and calm, due to this he often is able to break up any fights started by the Are's cabin.
has an addiction to froot loops.
my boy is badass as hell his weapon is a scythe.
for most people, its too big and bulky to fight with, but he knows just how to make it work.
it takes the form of a hand weeder when not in battle for easy transportation.
can summon, manipulate and and control all sorts of vegetation.
he can make them grow faster but on the flipside can also make them decay quicker.
spends a lot of his time in the strawberry fields since working with working with agriculture is hardwired into him.
has a motherly presence, a lot of campers turn to him for advice.
especially fond of Haechan and is also one of the only reasons the Are's campers haven't gone all psycho on the boy- Taeil is the only one who can calm them down through their bouts of rhyming phrases (which happens suspiciously often).
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asteroidtroglodyte · 11 months
Mathematical Models
[by major]
Chemistry: The model with 5 variables works for 99% of situations, and you’ve got another model with 11 variables for that 1% edge case. Unfortunately, you flipped a term in your stoichiometry and your answer was off by 6 orders of magnitude.
Physics: You have a choice of 3 models. The first requires only trig but is only accurate if the objects are both massless and frictionless. The second is perfectly accurate but looks like a Wizard wrote it to be intentionally obfuscating. The third is an effortlessly easy approximation but was empirically disproven in 1993 and will not be accepted on the exam.
Biology: So, um, I know we’ve never actually covered it in any of your mathematical courses, but, just a hypothetical; what if you suddenly needed to describe everything using recursion? You’d be fine, right?
Economics: What that? Accuracy? Predictive Power? Oh, no no no, we don’t need any of that, we just need something complicated enough to impress the Investors! You didn’t actually think we were accurately modeling The Economy, did you?
Game Design: Needs more triangles
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gadriezmannsgirl · 1 year
My Smart Girl -P.G
Warning: I didn't touched any theme because I didn't wanted to go into some kind of detail or something like that to avoid any kind of misunderstandings. You are free to insert the theme of your preference, if you like while reading. WITH THAT BEING SAID... ENJOY YOUR READING, HOPE YOU LIKE THIS!
Summary: He doesn't understands a single thing you are saying but he brags your intelligence to his mates
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Ever since little you, physics, chemestry and maths got along well. You often were the one who called out the mistakes on your professors, but yes, just like everyone else some subjects would take a lot for you to understand but eventually with practice and time you focused, practiced and understood them well up to the time you nailed them.
Your love for mathematics and physics actually started one night with your mom and brother laid on the grass watching the stars, when you started talking about them and how pretty they were
You wanted to know what were those, what did they do and how they were created. Your older brother by six years, with the help of your mom, introduced you into what you loved today.
Taking advantage you were good in maths, you continued to learn and grow, each day passing by with more determination of being a well-known astrophysics
Even though, your parents never let you go crazy for it; yes, they understood it was your passion and always helped you get through it and were there with you for every up and down, they let you and encouraged you to have a social life. A life outside of maths.
And you did balancing both worlds.
Even, you met your boyfriend Pablo, during a night out with your friends, you were in the middle of dancing with one of your girl friends when you felt this guy diving himself into your back. At first you only got out of his hold and kept on dancing, when he kept on pushing his groin onto your ass, grinding himself into you.
You turned around and told him to get off of you, you pushed him back a little and turned to your girl dancing when you felt him once more, you turned around to deliver him a slap on his face but a guy got up to you
"Don't you understand she doesn't want to dance with you? ¡Joder!" The guy who stood up for you, confronted him, with his chest out and taking him away from you
"She's basically asking for it! The way she's dancing-!"
"She can do whatever she wants to do and you don't have to be an asshole who doesn't care about what she says!"
"And who the fuck you think you are? Me and her will have a good time!"
"I'm her fucking boyfriend so you better watch out the way you talk about her!" The guy instantly shut his mouth up and backed up
"Oh, sorry. Didn't know-"
"You don't even have to know. If a girl doesn't want to dance, be or fuck with you, you don't push them into it!" The guy who saved you said "Vete" (Leave) He said turning around to face you
You were impressed and confused, the other guy had the balls to say that thing of the good time, you felt disgusted, he didn't touched you but still, the fact some men can go around the world as if they hold all the power disgusted you. On the other hand, the guy who saved you... You recognized him, you had seen him before but couldn't quite point where. Still, he was gorgeous
"You okay?" You nod
"Thank you" He smiled lightly at you
"I'm Pablo Páez"
"Y/N Y/L/N" You said smiling
That was three years ago, now at 21, you have been the happiest with him
"PABLO! PABLO, PABLO, PABLO!" You entered your shared apartment happily throwing yourself at him
"What, what, what, what?" He asked surprised, laughed and excited
"I did it" You said sniffing "I finally got it" You had whispered against his ear and that was enough to make him go crazy as well.
You finally got your licenciature in maths and physics.
"¡Joder! ¿Enserio?" (Fuck, really?) He put you down "Mi niña, this is awesome! I'm truly happy for you, you're such a smart girl and I'm fucking proud of you, my soon-to-be astrophysic. Congratulations!"
You didn't do the whole curse to be honest, you already knew a lot, so you did what everyone does in five years, just in three and half. For both degrees, the UAB offered you both scholarships and you did them.
Eventually, you knew what was coming, already studied it from years back so, you asked for exceptional exam to made you qualify for the licenciature, they did it and you nailed it.
"They told me I must complete this semester and fill in for the degree ceremony" You told him "Then, they even offered me another scholarship for the real thing" You sniffed, crying of happiness "Of course, I have to think about it because let's be honest, the Universidad Complutense de Madrid offered me an amazing scholarship too, but I don't think I'll take it..."
You quickly said shaking your head "They also told me about this program in Sevilla and another one in Canarias, it's one of the biggest programs ever, mi amor. I'll be doing the real thing, at 21! I can get my official degree at 24-25 most likely and who knows?!" You said excited
"I'm truly happy for you mi vida" He kissed you deeply as you smiled against the kiss "Why you won't accept the Complutense offert?"
"It's in Madrid" You replied shrugging your shoulders "I'm not planning on leaving Barcelona for a long good while" You both smiled "They still had the distance thing, so I was thinking of trying that, of course, I would have to go over there a few times and do a few exams but nothing too heavy" Pablo nodded smiling "But I don't know I really don't want to leave you, leave Barcelona, leave this"
"We'll work it out, I promise"
"If I try the Complutense I will do it at distance"
"We can work that out later, bebé" Pablo said leaning down to kiss you "I'm feeling like fucking flying" He blurted out making you laugh "I can't believe how you must be feeling"
"Fucking out of this world, I feel like everything I have done it's finally paying off" You said starting to cry again
"No, don't cry!"
"Happy tears, they're happy tears, I promise" You kissed his cheek repeatedly and hugged him once more "I love you so much" You whispered against his lips
"I love you more baby, I'm fucking proud of you!" He hugged you tighter to him "Wanna go out tonight? We can celebrate these amazing news with the guys if you want, they will be so excited for you as well or we can go out just the two of us you can choose, it's your day, you can go and get prettier and-and-" You cut him off with a kiss on his lips
"Whatever you want as long as I'm with you"
That's all you had to say
"¡Salud!" You hear the guys say at the restaurant you guys had decided to come to
"¡Por Y/N!" Pedri said besides you
"¡Por Y/N!" They said at unison making you blush
"Thank you so much guys" You said softly after drinking a bit from your drink
"We're truly happy for you, Y/N" Aurora said with a smile on
"Our little smart pretty girl!" Robert said making you blush
"C'mon guys, stop!"
"One of these days you'll go to Harvard!" Fer, Pedri's brother said as your cheeks started hurting from smiling and blushing a lot
"Oxford!" Balde said as the waiter interrupted their cheers to leave your guys food at the table when the waiter left a little dessert in front of you
"I didn't order this"
"It's on the house, congratulations miss" He smiled politely and left.
"Ay ave María" You murmured feeling them laugh
"What does it feel, Y/I?" Ferran asked
"Like all the stress, the crying, the anxious, the long nights and the closed up times were definitely worth it" You said
"So wise our little girl!" Busi exclaimed making you groan once more
"What's your favorite topic?" Pedri asked truly curious
"Everything is quite impressive, they're mostly pure physic and these weird-named-mans laws" All of you laughed
"But what's the one that intrigues you the most?" Aurora asked as you thought hard about that question
"Well if you personally ask me I would personally say..." You started talking about your favorite theme, only a bit though, you didn't wanted to go all around it. You also wanted to have a good time with your other family
"So yeah... it's a theme that you'll never really stop learning about and that's something that amazes me, like..." You smile shaking your head "I just love it"
"Come on mi amor, we wanna hear you brag about your job some more" Pablo said smirking as you hit his chest lightly as the guys laughed
"You just want to brag about Y/N's intelligence" Aurora said as Gavi laughed
"Of course I do, I'm freaking proud of her!"
"Even if you don't understand a thing?"
"Even if I don't understand a thing" Pablo nodded "but watching her being happy it's everything for me"
"Dude, you're whipped" Eric said making the whole table laugh as you lean over and kiss his cheek
"That's ok" He nodded and you nod too
"Yep, relationship works both ways, you can also point the fact he has me whipped too" You winked at García before kissing Pablo once more and shutting the guys jokes on.
You were the only one who could joke and mess around with your boyfriend. No one else.
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Tag list: @gaviypedrisbride
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mythandlaur · 2 years
I like the headcanon that Jeremie actually had a lot of battles during the fight with XANA...except most of them were really mundane, incomprehensible to anyone else, and against the supercomputer itself.
I mean, the whole thing was built by one guy, who probably made his own programming language for it, in 1994, while actively in the process of going insane. It was a marvel! A masterpiece of technology far beyond its time! And its codebase was probably spaghetti on top of spaghetti on top of a dumpster fire. Hence Jeremie having a love-hate relationship with first the computer and then Franz Hopper himself, constantly oscillating between "wow! how did you do this?!" and "oh god, how did you do this?"
The scanners and RTTP work nigh-perfectly because they were thoroughly tested, and Lyoko itself mostly runs very well, but also there's a pebble in the forest sector that cannot be removed or all the textures turn into checkerboard for no discernible reason, everyone's models have loaded in missing any kind of physics at least once, all of the shaders broke at some indeterminate point right after Aelita was first materialized and he still has no idea how that happened, why can't he spawn anything less than three meters above the ground without it ending up IN the ground, yes those are two rocks inside of each other stop giggling, what do you MEAN THERE'S A MEMORY LEAK, WHERE IS THERE A MEMORY LEAK, WHEN WAS THE LAST TIME SOMEBODY CLEARED THE TEMP FILES ON THIS THING, WHERE EVEN ARE THE TEMP FILES THIS SYSTEM MAKES NO SENSE--
He keeps having to ask weird programming questions on internet forums and laments that he has to know an equal amount about 3D physics rendering engines and QUANTUM PROBABILITY MATHEMATICS to make the thing work. Plus he tries to do some things remotely, but his laptop can't run half the supercomputer's programs, and the other half he's remote editing over terrible 2006 school-wide wi-fi that craps itself every time some 10th grade bozo down the hall tries to pirate anime.
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So I’ve seen and made countless AUs…but I have never seen a ghostbusters au where Gozer wins. I have remedied this. This is actually four AUs in one as in each au, each buster is the sole survivor of the busters in their universe. Gozer also destroyed their universes at different times during the first movie. Most of which stemmed from the company being shut down.
However this also took place flyer Gozer failed to destroy the main ghostbuster universe. As each universe has a different selector to choose the form of Gozer, each universe Gozer had a different form. As such he made SURE there was a survivor in each of these universes for revenge and delights in tormenting the last survivor. He has cursed them with a never ending life span as well, but they can sustain injury and they do not heal from said injuries either. That said, they all are fighters. Demons and ghosts overrun the world which while they cannot contain them as well…destroying them can hurt Gozer.
They also all do reunite with each other all from one of these new post Gozer destroyed worlds. But that’s a lil later. Also each buster was injured and disabled in some way, though all are physically fit.
So a little info on each buster under the cut. Keep in mind this is the SHORT version of the au. Also there’s talk of injuries, and it’s not like….gorey or bloody, but just in case that’s not your thing.
Egon’s ghostbusters company came to an end before they hired Winston, and was shut down by Walter Peck. He never got to meet Winston sadly. Winston was the selector in this universe, and the world was destroyed by a marine drill Sargent. Years after the world ended, a demon managed to get a good shot in and destroyed his neck. He can now no longer speak, or rather not without great effort and it is very painful. He does know sign language but he decided to put all of his effort into building the proton cannon as he was afraid of another demon getting that close again. He also cannot breathe all too well when he exerts himself so he relies on his mask a lot as well. He was the first one to grow tired of having a nothingness of a world and built a dimensional door…however it couldn’t really go very many places…so he basically had to take a shot in the dark….and that’s where he met Ray.
Ray’s came to an end after Winston was hired just after the Twinkie conversation. The selector was Egon and while in the original universe he thought of a mathematical equation…in this one he thought of the boogeyman. After he survived the attack, he began to fight back, but was overwhelmed by a swarm of ghosts and ended up losing one eye, and losing most of his vision in the other. For a few years he was working on goggles to help him see better, and mostly succeeded and also learned how to ghostbust blindly. A few years after, a demon took his left arm. But he had grown so used to being blind he managed to build multiple attachments to assist him. He is the only buster to fight closer. His whip, and club attachments are both able to have protonic energy run through them. Many years later, he encounters another universe’s Egon when he just…appeared. Though communicating was difficult as Egon couldn’t speak and Ray couldn’t see the see the sign language. But with Ray’s superior engineering know how….they can make a more portable dimension door creator. This is also how Egon finds out about Winston.
Peter’s was stopped at the Mayor’s. They made it all the way there but the mayor ultimately did not let the busters continue. Peck was the selector in Peter’s world. And his was more abstract as he was thinking about a ball of fire as he was looking up at the light from gozer’s arrival. The high heat burned Peter, but what it did more so was destroy a lot of his nerves that allowed him to feel. That’s right. Peter…can only really respond to pressure from touch. He cannot feel pain, temperature, or anything more than minor pressure from when he’s hit. He didn’t develop any new gear as he was never actively involved with any of it. He DID think Ray and Egon were hallucinations when they appeared. He was also a bit unsure how to communicate…as he didn’t know sign language, still he was happy to have two of his friends back.
Winston’s was the furthest along, all the way up at the gate. The boys were about to cross their streams when the gate threw out energy and knocked everyone but Winston off the building. The immense blast actually destroyed most of his hearing. He can hear but it is very faint. The selector in Winston’s world was Peter, and it was pretty embarrassing for Dana to destroy the world when they were actively trying to save her. After the initial attack he went back to the firehouse and found the dual pistol proton shooters Ray and Egon made for him. As he was taught a bit about the packs, he was able to attach them. He is the only buster to dual weild proton streams successfully. He happily hugged Peter, Ray, and Egon…though it was a bit more awkward when he found out Egon had never met him. But Winston did know sign thus giving both him and Egon a bit of a bridge to communicating, as he could translate for Egon and Egon could translate the world for Winston.
With the crew reunited they all decided to go to a new universe, but due to the nature of Gozer attacks and demon attacks….all of the busters are terrified of storms. Even storms in a universe not affected by Gozer. The storms on a place destroyed by Gozer both brought strong enemies, hid an approach of many enemies, or was a tell of a very powerful enemy that created the storm. That’s something they need to work on in the new universe. But in this new world they get a chance to save a world…once more.
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ramayantika · 1 month
Chaand chuppa badal mein...
Krishna and Bhaishmi are back. Enjoyyyyyy
Krishna and I have regularly stayed in touch with each other after the train took me away from him and the serene temple towns of Mathura and Vrindavan. We talk a lot on text and sometimes on call in the late hours of the night. I have to quietly sneak out to the balcony. If I am lucky, I get to go to the terrace without waking my parents up. If I am luckier, our schedules match our free time in the evening, and I get to call him in the quiet hours of the evening.
I chose humanities. Ranvit and Bhumi had to pursue science even though Ranvit likes art more. Bhumi was indecisive about what subjects to learn, but she fares well enough in science and mathematics than her brother and me, so she decided to go for the science stream.
Ranvit has to struggle a lot in physics and math though. He takes out his stress through painting and reading about Indian art. One thing I am happy about him is that he did not let go of his art, nor did my uncle and aunt force him to abandon his hobbies. Their condition: “Pursue science. Get admission into a decent engineering college and then keep doing whatever hobby makes you happy. But science and engineering.”
As for me, class ten mathematics had given me enough nightmares. I did well in science, but I had no interest in pursuing it in more detail for the next two years. Those monkey problems from Ranvit’s physics book and large derivations on Bhumi’s notebook had me in shivers. Maasi supports me choosing humanities though, but would never want her children to pursue anything apart from science.
Ranvit and I are in class twelve now. We have our boards and entrance exams next year. Bhumi is new to class eleven but she is able to handle her subjects well enough, better than Ranvit though.
“Busy looking at the moon…?” Krishna’s honeyed voice draws my attention from the golden full moon beaming right back at me. I breathe deeply and sigh. A sheepish smile forms on my lips, and I place my phone on my left ear. “Uh... sorry, but you are right. How did you figure out?”
I can hear his smile through the breath that escapes his lips on the phone call. He is outside too — perhaps staring at the same moon with me.
“I have a golden moon dangling down the dark sky too, but there is somebody else who is ethereal than the moon whom I would like to see, but my fate doesn’t support that.” He sighs. It is a dramatic one. “Guess, I will have to make do with this golden ball of light.”
My cheeks warm and I smile. It is actually a full-fledged grin with my eyes imagining how he would look saying all that in front of me.
I can easily picture a charming lazy smile and a hand moving through his soft wavy locks while he leans closer to me and tucks my hair behind my ear.
A realization strikes me as my eyes glance at the gleaming moon once again. I am badly whipped for this guy.
“Bhaishmi?” I hear him question.
“Yes. I am here only. Am I audible?”
“Did I get you flustered?”
“Shut up.”
“You are an idiot.”
“Only for you.”
We don’t say anything for a minute. I can hear him breathing. It is a faint sound, though. I like this comfortable silence. I do not feel restless to hold a conversation forcibly.
Krishna’s voice from the other side enters my ear. “I composed a new tune.” He pauses for a brief second before continuing. “I would like you to hear it.”
My heart picks its pace. It has been a while since I have heard him play flute to me. The last time it happened, we were on the terrace at Yashodhara’s house before we left for our separate ways.
“I would love to.”
“Wow. Cool. I will quickly fetch it. By the way,” I hear a tone of hesitancy in his voice, “are you okay if I play it to you on video call?”
I slap my palm over my lips to contain my excited laughter. Breathing in deeply, I nod and reply, “Yes. I am alone at my society’s terrace.”
“Okay!” He drags ‘okay’ with happiness for ten seconds and disconnects the voice call.
A minute later, my screen lights up with a pretty aesthetic profile photo of Krishna. I slide the green call sign upwards and receive the call.
An excited Krishna waves at me before placing the phone on his table. It is 11.30 PM and he looks as fresh as a lily flower, with a good outfit on top. A cream polo shirt with half sleeves that proudly boasted his toned arms and dark blue trousers.
I fan my face, pretending that I am adjusting my loose hair from my ponytail. After all, he can’t make out that I am fanning invisible hair strands around my face.
He sits on his chair and pushes himself along with the chair slightly backwards to place himself and his flute in the frame, his flute placed near his lips, a place I had been to a year before. The fateful kiss on the evening of Holi seared through my memory, and I blinked hard to bring my focus back on Krishna.
“Ready?” He asks.
I nod quietly while hiding my blush at witnessing the handsome sight in front of me.
He begins by playing a single note that sounds meditative to me. It is a slow but soothing beginning. I can imagine the moon and the cool breeze blowing around me. A few more slow music tunes flow through his flute, and I observe his face.
Krishna always appears so serene while playing the flute. He is at peace. Each of his facial muscles lie in a relaxed state except the slight curl of his lip. It appears like a soft subtle knowing smile, like that of a talented artist well aware of his craft and the hold he has over his cherished audience.
This time he plays a slow melody, as if taking time to express each emotion through every note. The rise and fall in volume and scale expresses a story of its own. It is hypnotizing.
There is yearning, loads of it. The tunes tug at my heart, as if calling my name. Krishna gently sways. It is a graceful motion. Well, Krishna is perfection incarnate. He is a natural performer.
My eyes close on their own. I can see myself dancing in my head to his music. I once dreamt that I was dancing to his music, only for him, for his eyes to see me and my art, just like he played the flute to me those two nights, only for me.
The yearning melody transforms to a slightly fun tune, as if teasing a beloved to proclaim their love, until it begins expressing bashfulness and devotion. God, he was truly a talented artist. He ought to be on bigger stage shows than post some one minute videos on Instagram and play his genius tunes for my ears to listen.
At one point, the music peaks. I feel my eyes moisten and my heart full with nostalgia, yearning and may I add this secretly: Love. A very tender love blooming like a lotus in the early hours of the morning when its warm golden rays caress its petals, coaxing it awake very gently.
It ends and my eyes fly open. I smile — this time not out of shyness, but of genuine admiration. I wonder if he can see my glazed eyes.
“Oh my, are you crying?”
I shrug my shoulders and blink those tears away. “Have I told you that your music is very moving? It easily makes someone too attached to it. It is like a spell.”
This time Krishna smiles shyly and scratches the back of his head. “Glad you liked it.”
Liked? The word loved too would be an understatement. I don’t say that out loud though. I answer with one of my pretty smiles.
Krishna twirls the flute around his fingers when I see him lean closer towards the screen, his eyebrows furrowed as if trying to focus on something. “Are you wearing my peacock chain?”
I pick the pecock pendant around my neck. “Yes, I keep it around my neck most of the time.”
“So, you still wear it every day.”
I nod with a hum and fiddle with the pendant. It used to be a part of Krishna’s beloved flute until he decided that it would better suit as a parting gift for a girl he met on a train than a beautiful adornment for his musical companion.
His eyes go thoughtful instead of the slightly smug playful expression he bears to mess with my heart with his relentless flirty lines. Krishna’s lips curl beautifully upwards. He is smiling to himself and I don’t question him why.
I know the answer to it.
He brings himself near to his phone. I can see more of his pretty face with more clarity. “The gods did hear my prayer after a long time. I got to see my girl prettier than the moon.”
Rolling my eyes, I reply, “Your flattery continues even though it is past midnight.” Secretly, I preen when I hear him say ‘my girl.’
I am a simple girl. I hear a sweet and charming guy call me as his; I melt into a puddle.
“Flattery for you, sweetheart. For me, it is the truth.”
And like that, my friends, I go quiet except the thudding heart inside my chest.
“So, how are you up this late, Bhaishmi,” He asks, tilting his head. “Your mother makes you sleep by this time.”
Shifting my phone towards my other hand, I flex my right hand a little to ease the stiffness in my wrist and answer, “My parents are out of town. They are visiting a relative’s wedding and will be back a day after tomorrow.”
Krishna’s dark eyes widen in surprise. “So, you are home alone for two whole days.”
Mustering up some courage, I add, “And two whole nights.”
He places his cheek on his palm. He looks like a lovesick fool, a very adorable one at that as he asks, “So, no interruption for two whole nights?”
He hoots loudly before looking alarmingly at the door. Turning back towards me, he says softly, “Head back to your room then Bhaishmi. You are alone and you must not linger around late at night, especially on a dark terrace.”
I get up from my spot and walk towards the door. My hand accidentally hits the steel door. It creaks in an eerie tone, making the both of us jump.
I jog down the stairs with light feet as images of terrifying ghosts chasing me fill my head, and rush inside my warm cozy room.
“Did you lock the door properly?” Krishna asks.
I nod while curling myself in my cozy pink coloured blanket. My eyes close at the comfort surrounding me followed by the urge to fall asleep right away thanks to the mental exhaustion of being up late at nights for studies and projects for my school.
“Should we do a virtual sleepover thingy? You are sleepy.” Krishna points out.
I laugh and lay my head on my fluffy pillow. “I don’t have enough data pack for that.”
Krishna walks to his bed and covers himself with his blanket. His voice goes soft. He should sing me some lullabies, and I would fall asleep like a baby.
“Go to sleep, Bhaishmi. Try visiting me in my dreams.” He says with a teasing grin.
I smile in content instead of blushing hard. His face and his beautiful eyes are the last thing I see before my call screen changes to my lock screen wallpaper.
A ping awakens my tired eyes. My screen lights up.
“Goodnight Bhaishmi❤️. Sweet dreams.” There is a heart emoji beside my name. It is a red heart this time.
I wonder if he accidentally sent the red heart, since we generally stick to pink and blue ones.
Another ping.
“I will try to visit you in your dreams ;)” He adds a winking emoticon and a laughing emoji.
I grin and press my palm to my forehead before sending a text.
‘Goodnight Krishna 🩷🩷’
I don’t mention the part where I tell him that he has been in my dreams quite often.
Taglist: @ma-douce-souffrance (idk if you are using tumblr. you still haven't read the full series for this, but i am tagging in case you find this in the future hehe byeee) @jessbeinme15 @manwalaage @inexhaustible-sources-of-magic (hii sakhii) @krishna-priyatama @krsnaradhika
I kinda forgot the taglist for this fic. Many have different user ids now. Let me know if you all want to be tagged for krishna fics
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fandomofhappiness · 19 days
So, I know it’s kind of nerdy for My Hero Academia to make this research but I’m being very curious about UA Teaching Staff. According to translations of class 1-A school schedule (made by aitaikimochi) we have at least 7 lessons of English at one studying week (6 days) for only one class.
So, if we consider Yamada Hizashi aka Present Mic working as an only teacher for only HERO COURSE which are 6 classes with 120 students (more or less depending on how many students Aizawa or other teacher expelled) with DIFFERENT types of difficulty (English and English 1), and plus, we assume that he teaches all 6 classes for 7 lessons a week, it means 42 lessons at week. The lessons long for 50 minutes (50 mins x 7 lessons = 350 mins or ~5,8 hours a day). It results that he works for 35 hours per week. But okey, teachers need to have lunch, so he takes a 50 mins to eat. But do not forget hours to check students’ works, mark them, write reports on all his students, add out-of-school schoolwork and etc. Approximately, he works for 38-40 hours at week. That all means he practically lives at UA for 6 days.
The question is how he works at Radio Station at Friday (if he works there only at Friday!) and patrolling as limelight hero, having interviews, podcasts and other media activities?
All these calculations cover his job as an ONLY and ONLY English teacher for ONLY Hero Course. He physically cannot work as English teacher for other Courses.
So it means we have a LOT more staff at UA. And if we assume that we need like 4 teachers (1 for each course), it still too much because Hizashi teaches for only 6 classes, and there like 9 classes each other Course (and it’s like 53 hours per week) — it’s fucking impossible. So we need at least 6 teachers only to teach ENGLISH. Did you count Mathematics? It’s 8 classes for class 1-A on week. And I don’t think that Ectoplasm really teaches that much. And do not forget about Homeroom teachers (we need 33 Homeroom teachers, but ok they are working as subject teachers too).
So let’s count together how many teachers are actually working at UA. And do not forget to add teacher’s assistants. It’s so crazy.
(There’s no way UA is a private school without any government help, because school would go broke only on teachers :D )
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yosajaeofficial · 15 days
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Heya everybody! We’re back for a double episode of, “The Monthly Jayce Myles Comics Updates”! The reason why August wasn’t fulfilled like normal was due to college and how busy I immediately got when entering in, which is what I figured would happen so I’m not too surprised with it to be honest. I took some time in order for me to make a fulfilling update instead of doing a rushed one to pump out yk? We’re now gonna get to the updates and bonus content I’m gonna show.
Buckle your seat belts, close your eyes and take your hands off the wheel cuz this is gonna be a ride~
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The comic’s gotten slower due to college, however, I really needed a break from it in general so I could prioritize my personal life and also refresh myself on drawing what I want to instead of rushing my age physically and turn 78 years old when I haven’t even reached 20 yet. Nothing much to say but showing the w.i.ps because of the slower progress, it’s getting there though. We got to 30 pages! Which means that the first section is sketched out (calculated to be approximately a fourth of the full chapter done, it could go lower or higher in the numbers depending on what I want/vision). I’m hella proud for getting 30 of them pages done honestly. A huge accomplishment for doing this story for a long while.
Ya’ll don’t really know, but I am indeed changing things here and there about the story where I’m shifting small details, doing redesigns, and reboots with other small things overall. I would be honest and say that’s where I’m progressing the most and not the debut chapter, I’m able to have a clearer vision of the story in my head and on paper when doing future chapters yk? I won’t go into details about redesigns or those details being changed since they’re hella spoilerish and a bit unnecessary considering that the JMC hasn’t even debuted yet. Ya’ll will get those details later when the comic functions and I will reveal more in future updates!
Also, last month Jae, no you haven’t drawn the turtles yet. However, we’re close to their debut for the chapter so keep strong! You’re doing great! :3
BONUS CONTENT: Jayce Myles Over The Years
Many of you know that Jayce Myles, whose name is in the title of the series, is our protagonist for this ROTTMNT comic! She’s my OC that I’ve had when going through my senior year of high school. We’re gonna be getting into a deep dive with her as a character and how their designs came to be during the process!
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This is the first ever drawing of Jayce that I’ve done, the day I made it is so vivid in my head because I was going through it… I was in my Pre Calculus class and I had failed another test after multiple attempts through the school year. My initial idea was to cry (which I did) but then I just started doodling on my phone and I created this drawing, then from there it was history. This was in 2022, not too long ago. I became a Rise fan a couple weeks after the movie came out (which I didn’t know at the time, it was a pure coincidence) and I wanted to create a Rise OC for a while. So that day in Pre-Calc, I was able to take advantage of my mathematical suffering and create my magnum opus (exaggerated). She didn't have a name at the time so it was actually a stand in for me. Jayce got their full name until a couple days later.
(October 2022- February 2024)
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As you all can see, Jayce did indeed have lots of designs and ideas being sketched out while I created her as my official Rise OC. I had ideas for them to have an androgynous look from the start based off of my own self! I knew they were gonna have a Rise comic, but there were ideas for them to originally come from the 2012 TMNT universe with their "serious demeanor". It was quite interesting but there isn't much media of those ideas since they were cut a bit early on.
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(Older Renders of Jayce from 2022)
Their signature color looked like it was gonna be this denim blue for quite a while but then I scrapped it cuz I thought it wasn't showing their personality like how I want it to. There was also another scrapped concept where Jayce's demeanor would be more monotone and "soft" (as in a blank slate, which doesn't give her a true personality). It was cut because it made me think that I wasn't giving her the best potential as the protagonist then I should've been giving them. Jayce was more introverted and quiet, but now they're much more expressive and full of personality. Ya'll will see in a more better light when the comic debuts, I'm not holding back with Jayce's personality anymore.
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("Issue 1: Graffiti" Panels from page 1. The only page that was completed until the plot got scrapped.)
There were lots of pitches and concepts for the JMC over the years too, where lots of storyboards got drafted and one of the first of those drafts got their first page completed. However, I'm pulled a Richard Williams and kept being like "No, I don't like this" and kept going back to the drawing board. I like to look back on these old drafts especially after seeing the older interactions and how different they're gonna be in the official comics. I for sure was learning over 2023 and 2024...
Now finally, we're gonna touch on the last thing for this update~
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We are going to talk just a teeny bit about the debut chapter but I'm able to become vague without spoiling too much since lots of the older pitches were scrapped. But yes, this was when I came up with the idea, "What if Jayce had a job?"
That's where the idea of Jayce working at a deli joint came from. Where she would have to get a 9-5 and possibly fired, it was pretty funny when doing the drafts since I never knew how a real deli worked and my dumbass just used my mom's experience at Denny's as referenced (she walked out and quit after almost a year).
Thus, our pilot was born.
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You can go read a non canon comic I did that touched on this concept when it was fresh in development right here! [Jayce and Mikey Phone Call] & [Splinter/Randall and Jayce Interaction]
The shop itself was based off of a friend's film back in junior year. He made a FNAF parody called, "Five Nights At Fernando's" and it was such a stupid assignment but that gave me the idea of making use of the dumbass "Fernando's Shop" and make it a reality. So then Fernando's Taco Shop was created and we had the shop Jayce worked at. We already talked a bit about Archie and his deal in the first JMC Monthly Update and I can't say anymore due to spoilers but he was also involved of the creation of the pilot.
The older pitches had a cashier or a manager be like some NPC ahh character that never was gonna be brought up ever again but something in me thought it would be a cute idea to create an actual character for this manager that wasn't a stupid bossy ass hoe. It was very sweet in the drafts so I thought I could create more with that concept in mind.
Introducing: Rogelio Andazola!
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(Rogelio Andazola Evolution: 2022-2023 | Still Not Showing The Finalized.)
His design is one that is the most consistent when compared to the rest of the roster, I guess that I hit the nail with his because I couldn't imagine him any different. There are only minor changes like his gray strands disappearing (bro reverse aged) and his facial expressions are much more expressive after I played around during the soft reboot. Once again (and as annoying as it is), you will all see where I'm coming from when the debut chapter releases! Rogelio as a character has also altered his personality, he's based off of my grandpa, can't wait to show you how that comes into play in the story!
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Thank you all so much for sticking around for this very heavy update! I worked way too much for the photos to be sent on here and dug up lots of my old art in order for this to become a reality! It was actually insane that I kept lots of it instead of making it turn into lost media, I'm happy I got to show lots of it instead of having to make it the fuck up by memory (which I wouldn't have done in the first place and is an exaggeration). The comic is slaying in the runway and I'm working on it here and there at my own pace. Maybe next time I can finally show ya'll the turtles in the next W.I.P in the comic section. Have an amazing day/night everyone and we're on the way to victory!
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chvsire · 3 months
Zhys headcannons?👀 gimme
okay!! this gonna be a mix of general hcs for each of them and also together.
• Zhys’ rivalry is very one sided. Zane genuinely hates Rhys at first, while Rhys is just confused and a little upset that Zane doesn’t seem to like him very much just because the others think Rhys is more intelligent.
-> Rhys actually thinks Zane is much more intelligent than him and has a lot of experience, especially considering their both one of the oldest on the server and have progressed the most in their careers (yeah screw you im not working on their supposed ages, they are toxic old man yaoi to me). He just thinks Zane needs to learn to swallow his ego since it’s obvious his friends are just using him as the butt of the joke.
• Before Rhys met Zane, Aphmau talked about him like he was the world, so Rhys thought he was going to be this very sweet older man who shared some of his interests and would be a good person he could become with friends first.
-> Turns out that sweet older man only exists for Aphmau. Rhys thought the two had a thing for a while after (which wouldn’t be wrong…)
• When Rhys first joined, Aph made him stay with Zane for a while until they got his house built because “you both like smart stuff this could work.”
-> It did not work and Rhys got kicked out the first day after Zane tried very hard to do it “just for aphmau” as he kept saying for himself.
• Rhys ended up building his house right next to Zane’s since most of the plots were full and it also meant he’d be fairly close to Aphmau, who lives next door to Zane.
-> later when they get together, they build a little joint living area between their houses…neither of them want to get rid of their labs to move in with the other, so why not make a shared living space in between their own homes for the times they do want to be together.
• Rhys developed a crush on Zane fairly quickly, but he kept denying it. It started when in their fights Zane felt a need to be very up close and personal with him…and he quickly realized just how easily Zane could grab and move him around.
-> Zane actually scared Rhys the first time he picked him up by the collar in a fight, Rhys didn’t think Zane was very strong considering the others called him weak. It definitely got him feeling things after through
• Rhys may look small next to Zane, but he’s actually one of the tallest on the server alongside Pierce. Zane is just a beast compared to everyone else (save me 6’7 Zane save me)
• Off the server, Zane and Rhys both work in the medical field. Zane works as an ER doctor, while Rhys is slowly working his way into switching to being a psychiatrist! He worked in finance originally.
-> basically, I like them both being nerds but I think it would be interesting if they came from different STEM backgrounds. Zane is definitely more medical with some background in physics / engineering (he’s had a million jobs, he’s a Jack of all trades but anything science related is his prime work) while Rhys’ is purely mathematics with some minor interest in psychology.
• Rhys accidentally psychoanalyses Zane sometimes and it actually drives him up the wall because “I KNOW IM MENTALLY ILL DONT REMIND ME!!”
• Bc of their work hours, Zhys usually gets on the server after long shifts. Before Rhys joined, Zane would be the only one on while others were sleeping or at work (which left others to find his insane projects in the morning). He didn’t mind it at all, considering he would have 18 hour shifts where he’s surrounded by people and under stress, man’s needed the break !! But sometimes it was nice to not be entirely alone after Rhys joined.
• Rhys helps Zane with some of his projects. Zane ofcourse doesn’t really like the idea of their being another “smart” person on the server, but it atleast means someone can FINALLY understand his projects and his speak in his own lingo without him having to dumb down everything he says.
• Zane’s projects success rate surprisingly increased after Rhys joined. Everyone on the server thinks he’s maybe just taking himself more seriously now to one up Rhys.
-> Zane has too much pride when it comes to his work, always thinking that he’s got it perfect the first time and never takes the time to test anything or double check his work. (his doctor ego showing) He’s also the owner of the server and always OPed, so he knows he can just fix whatever he breaks. But having Rhys around atleast means someone will be making sure he put everything in place correctly and doesn’t accidentally throw the server into a disaster for the 10th time that month.
• Zane eventually starts to slowly accept Rhys once he realizes Rhys isn’t trying to take his place on the server and that they actually work really well together in a professional setting.
• Zane has always been the kind of guy to develop feelings and then shove it back down because “I can’t worry about that rn I have a job”, but it’s harder for him to ignore over time as Rhys really likes to stand close with the person he’s talking to and make good eye contact, which slowly starts to get Zane flustered once he realizes just how much Rhys really REALLY listens to him, and easily jealous when he does the same to other people.
• Their first kiss would definitely either be when they’re in a fight or Kim going “oh just kiss already” when they’re bickering and the two just pause and stare at eachother before Zane grabs his face.
-> No one thought they would actually do it and all of them scream in unison the moment Zane just kisses him aggressively bc they all just didn’t see the signs except for Kim. (She knew immediately when she noticed how the way Zane and her fight are not the same as Zane and Rhys…like why are you getting so close to his face like that? to kiss him?)
• Between the two of them Rhys gets the most flustered easiest, Zane can be a hard shell to crack sometimes and he definitely uses the knowledge to his advantage.
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cirilla-fiona-riannon · 5 months
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Galileo Galilei Main Story
Translations may not always capture the exact nuances or tone of the original text. Expect grammatical errors and inaccuracies. This is a rough translation.
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The morning after Galileo and I went stargazing一
Mitsuki: "Morning, Drake. I'm preparing breakfast right now, so please wait a moment."
Drake: "Thanks, little fawn."
After exchanging greetings and continuing cooking, Drake shifted his gaze to my arm.
Drake: "Looks like your injury has completely healed."
Mitsuki: "Yeah, thanks to everyone's help. And thanks for your concern, Drake."
Drake: "Me 'too,' huh?"
After mumbling that, he suddenly stared at me.
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Mitsuki: "Is something wrong?"
Drake: "Nah. Did something good happen, little fawn?"
Mitsuki: "Huh?"
Drake: "You seem to be in a good mood. You're pretty expressive, you know."
Mitsuki: "R-Really? There's nothing special, though."
Drake: "Hmm? Well, whatever. I'll go feed Draco and Sidereus."
With a smile, Drake left the room.
(I seemed cheerful? Was my expression really that relaxed?)
I told him earlier that nothing was up, but I could think of one possible reason.
(I saw Galileo's smile for the first time.)
My heart fluttered again, recalling his breathtaking smile from last night.
(If someone who's always been so curt suddenly smiles like that, it's only natural to feel happy, right? Yeah.)
Muttering excuses in my mind, I returned my focus to making breakfast.
Later, after visiting the university with Galileo, I sneaked out of the lecture hall while he was teaching and headed to the library to find out more about him.
(I want to know more about him and his past.)
With that in mind, I searched for history books and biographies, flipping through pages like unraveling a mystery.
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Galileo Galilei.
A historical figure who contributed not only to astronomy but also to geometry, mathematics, and physics and was even called the Father of Modern Science.
However, what was recorded in the books was not just his achievements.
Galileo advocated the 'heliocentric theory,' stating that the Earth revolves around the Sun.
However, this theory contradicted the geocentric view held by the Church.
He was then subjected to an inquisition by the church and found guilty.
After spending some time holed up in the library and borrowing a few books, I stepped outside to find a blue sky stretching out before me.
It was almost too bright for me, so I shielded my eyes with my hand and reflected on what I'd read earlier.
(Galileo was subjected to an inquisition.)
I heard that term when I was at the mansion because Jean had also been subjected to a trial.
According to the books, Galileo was considered a heretic.
(Speaking out in favor of the heliocentric theory was a grave matter back then.)
His fervor for seeking the truth seemed to have clashed with the norms of that era.
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(But nowadays, heliocentrism is taught as common knowledge.)
(His claims have been scientifically proven to be correct.)
(Did the charges against him get overturned? But all I had read was that he was found guilty.)
I decided that when I got back, I would go over the books again more carefully.
???: "Mitsuki?"
I turned around at the sound of my name and saw Napoleon and Sebastian standing side by side.
Mitsuki: "Napoleon, Sebastian! It's been a while. What are you both doing here?"
Napoleon: "That's our line. Weren't you supposed to take care of your acquaintance?"
Mitsuki: "Um, actually, he's working here at the university, and I came here to assist him."
I quickly tried to make up some excuse.
Sebastian: "I see. I'm here to deliver lunch to Isaac."
Napoleon: "And I was asked by the vigilantes to teach swordsmanship in the university square."
Mitsuki: "Vigilantes?"
Sebastian: "They're young people who admire Napoleon and have voluntarily formed themselves to help the citizens."
Sebastian: "Recently, they've been patrolling the streets, helping people, and resolving disputes."
Mitsuki: "Wow! It's all thanks to your influence, right? That's impressive."
Sebastian proudly nodded as I exclaimed, and Napoleon let out a wry smile.
Napoleon: "I'm just lending a hand. The impressive ones are those kids themselves."
Napoleon: "Paris in this era isn't entirely peaceful either. There are clashes between the wealthy and the poor due to the wealth gap."
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Napoleon: "And I heard there's been another bizarre death in the slums."
I suddenly remembered something I’d heard at the mansion before.
(That incident still hasn’t been resolved.)
Whether it was the work of vampires or not, it was still a creepy incident.
(Why does it always happen in the slums?)
As that question arose, the image of a boy with curly golden hair and blue eyes suddenly came to mind.
(That child also seemed to be living in poverty.)
(If he’s frequenting the slums, I hope he doesn’t get involved.)
(Come to think of it, I don’t even know his name.)
(Next time I see that child, I’ll try asking.)
Napoleon: “Sorry. It’s been a while since we saw each other, and I’m bringing up dark topics. Hm?”
Napoleon saw the book I was holding and tilted his head.
Napoleon: “Are you researching Galileo Galilei?”
Mitsuki: “Ah, yeah. A bit.”
Sebastian, with a gleam in his eye, looked surprisingly excited.
Sebastian: “He’s one of the most renowned figures. In terms of global recognition, he might even rival Napoleon.”
Sebastian: “But it’s unusual for you to show interest in a specific historical figure. Was there any particular reason?”
Mitsuki: “Well, my acquaintance is knowledgeable about astronomy, so I got interested.”
Mitsuki: “I only know bits and pieces of history, so I thought I’d take the time to delve into it properly.”
Mitsuki: "I want to know the truth about what kind of person he was and how he lived."
Sebastian: "The truth, huh? So this is your first step in exploring history."
While keeping Galileo's identity hidden, both Sebastian and Napoleon flashed confident smiles.
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Napoleon: "Heh. If that's the case, you could have just asked me."
Mitsuki: "What do you mean?"
Napoleon: "I mean, you do know I'm a bit of a bookworm, right?"
Napoleon: "I've been reading Galileo's works for a long time and supported his modern way of thinking."
Napoleon: "In simple terms, I guess you could call me a fan."
Mitsuki: "Really? You're a fan?"
(Even the emperor Napoleon supported him.)
(He truly is an incredible man.)
Sebastian: "It's nice to hear you tell those stories yourself!"
Napoleon: "I may not be as knowledgeable as Sebas, though."
Napoleon: "So, what do you want to know? I think I can answer most questions."
Encouraged by Napoleon, I pondered for a moment.
Mitsuki: "Then, do you know about the Inquisition?"
I asked, and Napoleon furrowed his eyebrows slightly.
Napoleon: "Yeah, I know about it."
Napoleon: "Back when I was still a soldier, I had doubts about Galileo's heresy trial, so I collected trial records."
Mitsuki: "You were that dedicated. Galileo was found guilty in the trial, right?"
Napoleon: "Yeah. It was because Galileo's heliocentric theory contradicted the teachings of the Church."
Napoleon: "But there are rumors that there were other reasons as well."
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Mitsuki: "Huh? Other reasons?"
Napoleon: "Being involved in power struggles or some other motives. I'm not sure."
If it were true that he was found guilty for reasons beyond the truth, then the trial was far from just.
Napoleon: "After being found guilty in the trial, Galileo was forced to renounce his heliocentric theory."
Napoleon: "Some people said that he muttered the words 'and yet it moves' during that time."
(He said those words in such a situation.)
I had always thought he said those words upon discovering the truth, but in reality, he uttered them while being cornered to the point of having to abandon the truth.
I wonder how much bitterness was contained within those words.
Mitsuki: "What happened to Galileo afterward?"
Napoleon: "According to records, he was sentenced to life imprisonment and spent the rest of his life under house arrest."
(Life imprisonment?)
A fool was sentenced to life imprisonment for seeking the truth.
(That was definitely about Galileo himself.)
Mitsuki: "But regardless of the reasons, the heliocentric theory is true, right? Wasn't the trial revoked?"
Sebastian was the one who answered that question.
Sebastian: "Historically, Mr. Isaac's achievements provided a theoretical framework that supported and proved the heliocentric model."
Sebastian: "However, it wasn't until the 20th century that Galileo's trial began to be reassessed."
Mitsuki: "Huh?"
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Sebastian: "Galileo was officially declared innocent 350 years after his presumed death."
(350 years...)
I was stunned by the sheer length of time.
Until very recently, Galileo was still considered a criminal.
Napoleon: "I see. In the era you two came from, Galileo was declared innocent."
Napoleon: "He never said anything wrong from the beginning; he kept insisting on the truth all along."
Napoleon: "Being branded a heretic for 350 years is indeed quite long."
Napoleon muttered with a hint of pity in his voice.
(I didn't know Galileo had such a past.)
(I said those things without knowing anything.)
Mitsuki: "Even someone like me, who isn't very knowledgeable about history, knows how famous he is."
Galileo: ".........."
Mitsuki: "He's the historical figure who advocated for the heliocentric theory and left the words 'And yet it moves'."
Galileo: "And I have a warning for you."
Galileo: "Don't ever mention that man in front of me again."
---------Flashback Ends--------
Despite not knowing about the suffering throughout Galileo's life, I spoke insensitively about him as a remarkable person who left behind great achievements.
In my era, they taught the heliocentric theory as a matter of course, but behind that, people have long undermined Galileo’s dignity.
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It was only natural for Galileo to resent a world that turned away from the truth and kept denying him.
Moreover, witnessing the persecution of the dhampirs may have ignited anger in him.
(He might have considered ending the world, fueled by anger, hatred, and sorrow, but...)
The phrase “a fool who pursued the truth ended up with a life sentence” stuck in my mind.
(Galileo is someone who pursues the truth with his own eyes.)
He couldn't bring himself to abandon the truth until the end, saying, 'And yet it moves.'
(For him, the truth shouldn't be foolish.)
(Yet why did he deny himself?)
As various thoughts whirled around in my head, I lifted my gaze.
Mitsuki: "Thank you for explaining in detail. Napoleon, Sebastian."
Mitsuki: "Sorry, but I have to go now. I'm glad I could see you guys after so long."
Napoleon: "Yeah. Hang in there until things settle down on your end."
Sebastian: "Please visit us occasionally as well."
Smiling as I bid farewell to the two, I entered the school building, tightly holding onto the book in my hand.
(I want to know about Galileo.)
(I want to see what he's trying to do, observe him from the sidelines, and get closer to him.)
(But to understand him, I'll have to confront his feelings that aren't recorded in books.)
(I have no choice but to face it on my own.)
Seeking the invisible truth, I looked ahead.
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As dusk approached, Galileo, having finished his lecture, returned to his office.
Galileo: "Were you reading a book again today?"
Mitsuki: "Yes."
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Galileo: "What is it?"
Mitsuki: "Can I talk to you before we leave?"
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