#Sojiro loves his sons
dawnthefox24 · 9 months
*Sojiro wants his sons bring their new partners over since he wants to meet them.* Hanzo: Ok father please behave for the love of everything Sojiro: I'll be on my best behaviour Hanzo, why do you think so little of me Hanzo: GENJI BRING OUT THE PROJECTOR!!! Genji:*wheels out the projector and has the slide clicker* Slide #1 The farmer's market son that I dated...Komatsu Masanori Genji:*Show an imagine of Sojiro hanging the kid upside down from a tree* Sojiro:....He was cheating on you.... Genji:*clicks to the next slide showing Sojiro dragons chasing Hanzo boyfriend trying to climb up a tree* Hanzo: The gardener for hire....Kazehaya Hoshi....HE ALMOST LOST A LIMB!!! Sojiro: I mean...the dragons only took a bite out of his pants.... Genji:*clicks the next slide of the head chef*.....Ushioda Kazuyuki....I still don't even know where they went.... Sojiro:*looks away*.... Hanzo and Genji:*rolls their eyes, finally knowing what happen to the head chef * of course..... Sojiro:*crosses his arms*...I WILL NOT BE INTEGRATED BY MY OWN FLESH AND BLOOD!!! Hanzo: YOU'RE TOO OVER PROTECTIVE!! Sojiro: I AM NOT!! Genji:*keeps showing every new slide of whatever happened to their partners * Sojiro: H-How many pictures do you have!? Genji and Hanzo:*both look at each other* a lot.... Sojiro:...I DON'T MY TWO KIDS GETTING HEART BROKEN!!! Hanzo and Genji: AND WE WANT TO HAVE A RELATIONSHIP!!! *Hanzo and Genji's partners standing outside swearing since they heard of all the horrors that Sojiro shimada commited realisng they made a mistake for going out with the son's of a Yakuza boss*
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halchron · 1 year
sojiro 😭😭😭😭
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gojoidyll · 1 year
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Yandere ! Gojo Satoru x F ! Reader
Part 1 | my broken maid
Warnings | abusive parents, mentions of death, grammatical errors, etc.
Notes | this fic will be using she/her pronouns for y/n. Also this is a reincarnation fic, so Gojo's name will not be "Satoru" in this part. And please let me know if you want to be in a taglist for this series !! ^-^
Summary | And I'd choose you; in a hundred lifetimes, in a hundred worlds, in any version of reality, I'd find you and I'd choose you.
Infinity Masterlist
year 1020 AD
GOJO SHINYA watched carefully. His blue eyes piercing into the back of a young maid dressed in a tattered kimono that she had to stitch up the patches herself, she worked tiredly, quietly, and most of all - she worked obediently. Her name, as he recalled, was y/n l/n. The firstborn of the l/n clan. But depsite being born in such a esteemed family she was hated all because she didn't inherit her family's cursed technique or the ability to see cursed spirits. For this reason, both her mother and father sought to have another child, and that they did. This time a young son of five years old who has already shown signs of having both inherited his father's and mother's techniques.
When he first visited the clan as it was his duty as the next clan head of the Gojo clan and the next lord of the land, his first thought upon hearing the news and seeing the girl was simply a 'how pitiful' and he went on about his day.
However, as luck would have it...he would get to know her, little by little.
He would learn that she was soft hearted and soft spoken. She never got mad, even when her own family was berating her or yelling at her. She never raised her eyes in defiance. She never yelled back. She never even slammed the sliding door.
He would learn that she was a lovely singer with a voice of an angel. Her little lullabies echoing quietly in the garden's of the l/n estate as he would find himself wandering around as talks with the l/n clan have concluded and he was given free reign to explore the place.
He would learn that she loves flowers and even tries to protect them when her own mother would come out and start ripping the small plants from the ground saying how y/n was "undeserving of such things as pretty flowers". Gojo knew he wasn't meant to witness the scene, but his six eyes allowed him to see a lot of things. He even got to see how y/n cried over the deadening flowers and how she would replant them in hopes that they would grow back.
He would learn that she flusters easily. As when she had caught his gaze unexpectedly one hot March afternoon, she had blushed profusely. Her (color) cheeks heating up greatly as her eyes would fixate onto the ground. Her hands gripping the broom a little bit more tightly as she resumed her sweeping. She was so cute, he mused.
So, he would learn and learn and learn many things. She was gentle, caring, soft, and cute too. He found that he wanted to hold her close as the weeks turned into months and months turned into a year as he would find himself visiting the l/n clan many times in hopes of seeing her.
The head of the l/n clan. Sojiro. Would take pride and his ego would visibly swell as THE Gojo Shinya would frequently visit his estate. Gojo honestly hated the man and wished that y/n was the clan head instead. At least then he would have someone pretty to look at instead of an ugly man, and ugly five year old who wouldn't stop smiling, and an even uglier wife who would eye him like a piece of meat.
But Gojo would tell himself that it was worth it. He would get to see y/n (even though it was at a distance) and he would get to make treaties and deals with the esteemed l/n clan. He kills two birds with one stone.
"You will offer this land to us?! Are you certain my lord?!"
Gojo gave a stiff smile and gave a dismissive wave of his hand, "please, I'm no lord yet. So, technically this land here is just a promise for when I come into power. Though, when I do become lord, I hope you will give me something else in return along with your devote loyalty."
Sojiro could only bow to Gojo. His forehead meeting the floorboards, "of course Lord Gojo, whatever you wish from us will be yours!"
Gojo clapped his hands together as a smile adorned his face, "splendid! I'm glad to hear it, but for now...I'll wait to tell you what I want. Once I become lord of the land and take my title as the head of the jujutsu sorcerers, i'll gift you the land and then tell you of my desires from your family. Will that suffice?"
"Of course Lord Gojo!"
Gojo smiled happily as he stood up, "good then! I think I'll take a small walk around the grounds and then take my leave. See you all in the next coming of days."
The family bowed, hell, even the five year old did after his mother urged him a little. But Gojo didn't care. His focus was to see the cute little maid he has been secretly pining after.
Well, that was until he had opened the door and walked right into said girl he was looking for. A crash sounding as a mess of dirty water and rags spilled at their feet. And when their eyes locked. Oh, the fear he saw within her (color) hues. He wanted to hug her tight and tell her it'll be alright, bit refrained from doing so. Instead, he watched as she got on her hands and knees. Head bowed to the floor, lips trembling as she apologized over and over and over again. Her tattered and mis-matched kimono getting dirty and wet from the cleaning water.
"I'm so sorry, Lord Gojo."
Her voice would tremble. Shake and quiever. He didn't need the six eyes to know that her parents and even little brother were glaring daggers at her. Oh, how he wanted to sweep her off feet and whisk her away right then and there. But it wasn't his place. He wasn't exactly a lord yet after all.
Sojiro would quickly apologize as well as he would get his bearings. And as Gojo found himself in a new pair of clothes and ushered out of the estate. He had wished to see y/n one more time. But the head of the l/n clan seemed eager to usher him out most likely because he wanted to "discipline" his oldest daughter for causing such a mess. When in reality it was Gojo's fault just as much.
But he decided to leave it at that. Merely smiling and saying it was alright. Waving a dismissive hand as his usual walk around the grounds was postponed. He reckoned he could see her again (properly) some other time. Hopefully without fear in her eyes.
But alas.
Gojo Shinya would not see her again.
Because apparently she was beaten to death that same night. When he heard the news he had a sort of .. fell into silent fury dwelling within him.
A girl he had fallen for from a distance so easily taken from him depsite him being a sorcerer and having the six eyes.
For the rest of his days after that, he vowed to find her again for it was written in books of old that pure souls with tragic endings got second chances.
So with reincarnation embedding itself into the deepest parts of his mind, he vowed to see her again. For he had a tragic end too. I mean, he didn't end up with her after all, right?
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miitokii · 2 months
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can i post this for shuake week day 7 even though it’s late and isn’t really shuake (I LOVE SHUAKE) :,)
joker’s palace! i imagine he has one shadow for each confidant, and they’re all called their respective arcanas.
his palace is a theatre/masquerade, hence they all have masks and gloves
the first one (which i also posted before, is arsène/fool)
the last one is strength (the shadow for the twin wardens). it’s kinda just his inmate outfit so i didn’t line/colour it properly lol
i also have these, which i drew for a different purpose [which has now been posted!] (hence the lack of masks, gloves, and yellow eyes; and the drawings of the confidants; and the relative lack of detail) but if i were to draw them the designs would be similar
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warning for long ass dump of my notes on each shadow lol:
each shadow is sort of like how ren tries to portray himself to each of his confidants, like their ideal version of him (at least in joker’s cognition)
joker (fool): his ‘joker’ persona - the leader of the phantom thieves, bold, flamboyant, confident (i.e. how he portrays himself in the metaverse)
ann (lovers): fashionista, model, veering into drag queen territory
i initially drew a suit version but then remembered ren canonically has crossdressed lol (we love the mementos mission manga)
haru (empress): a sweet and gentle prince, detached from okumura foods (like haru’s getaway, prince charming)
makoto (priestess): a model student, smart, serious, but also driven and follows own ideals (like makoto wishes she could)
ryuji (chariot): punkish gym bro
akechi (justice): righteous knight, intellectual and justice driven
morgana (magician): a phantom thief, a cowboy sort of image, sly, cunning, fast
yusuke (emporer): traditional japanese furisode (in modern times this tends to be worn by women, which yusuke could be more drawn to in his models) artistic, down to earth
there’s also a bit about his mother, since a furisode is mostly worn by unmarried women, and since we never hear about yusuke’s biological father, i’d guess she was unmarried? yusuke wants to recapture the beauty of the sayuri (which is a self-portrait) and thinks he could do so with a beautiful model - so ren wears a furisode like an unmarried young woman, like yusuke’s mother
futaba (hermit): otaku, nerd, older brother figure and fellow gamer
sojiro (heirophant): apprentice barista, 2nd boss of leblanc, charming, a ladies man (sorry sojiro your son is gay)
twin wardens (strength): just an inmate lol (focused on fusing lots of personas and filling the compendium, plus listening to igor)
sumi (faith): senior more experienced gymnast/trainer, ‘senpai’
mishima (moon): gentleman thief, but unlike fool and magician, moon would be more secretive and cunning like a traditional gentleman thief
maruki (counsellor): fellow researcher, curious and driven, but very kind and empathetic
maruki would also wish ren was more like him, and agreed with his ideas, since they both lowkey have a savior complex but use different methods. if ren agreed with maruki there would be no conflict in the 3rd semester, which is what maruki would want
sae (judgement): innocent and sweet school boy, model student, unlike priestess who is more self-driven and ambitious, judgement would be more conforming
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symphonic-scream · 3 months
There's an au I never posted about here, j don't think. But I wanna talk about it I guess?
A little bit at least
Persona 5 but Later
It's, like. The main plots for everyone's characters are the "same" but later. Like, they're about 19-22.
I have my notes for them all but on hand I just wanted to talk about (predictably) Makoto and Haru
Makoto, she's a cop. Beaten down by the system, looks tired at all times. The others enter her life and she tries to take them down, and Joker, reminds her of her old dreams. Her wishes to be just and do right, and after getting her Persona, she quits. Drops all contact with her sister, and moves into a little shitbox apartment with her savings, getting a job through Ryuji at this garage
Now, Haru's 21, married. To that asshole Sugimura, and has given him a son. But, their second is a daughter, and Haru is terrified of what life her daughter will have. Her father is long gone by now, and instead of his palace, it's Sugimura's. She gets her divorce, and ends up staying with Makoto, in that little shitbox, with her 4 year old son, and newborn daughter
And this is the part I want to talk about cause surprise! Scream made it gay
Haru moves in, exhausted, and Makoto turns her "study" into a room for little Tenji Okumura, gets a bassinet for little Hanako put in the master, and offers her bedroom up for Haru. Makoto, always overly self-sacrificing, plans to sleep on the couch
They share the bed. Makoto clears all the alcohol out of the apartment. She's been drinking less since quitting, but this is a big motivator for her. And to quit smoking. She's got so many bad habits, and she's breaking them little by little, but these kids, who aren't even hers, she just- she can't let herself do anything to bring them harm
And Haru and Makoto, they kiss once, just after the palace. Makoto makes it very clear she's not well enough to be a good partner for Haru, and she deserves better. Haru, she doesn't want that right now. She simply, was reacting to feelings, and they talk, and continue sharing a bed and living together, and raising Haru's kids, but they're not together together
In weak moments they'll slip and kiss, but. They're both not emotionally ready for anything, and both respect that. They grow closer as friends, grow to understand each other better than themselves
They would only get together in this AU's "strikers", a year and a half after the plot. They'd both be settled into their new jobs and Makoto would be 100% done with smoking and drinking, and Haru's divorce is finalized, and they've just moved into a new apartment where there's enough rooms for them to not share,
And yet,
They have a queen bed. With a quilt they found together at a second hand store, shopping for things for Tenji and Hanako's rooms. They've always been physically affectionate, though platonic, but slowly, it grows. Warmer, more tender, with whispered hints of silent feelings. They both know, but are too afraid to risk losing it all, after they've just gotten their "happy ending"
Sojiro watches the kids for them, and Haru swoons as Makoto calls him nightly to check on them, and say goodnight. Haru remembers her ex, and how he wouldn't even hold his son, the child he wanted. And here's this selfless woman, who cares so much for them, and, for her
It all comes to a head after that jail with the political lady. And, not much changes. They're still great friends, just. Makoto presses kisses to Haru's cheeks and hairline as she brings her their morning coffees. Haru gets to put every emotion into her "I love you"s, and
She cries when she calls to tell Tenji and Hanako, and Tenji, all confused, mentions that he thought Makoto was his other momma the whole time
They're not completely healed from their mistakes and their youth. Maybe Makoto will wake up some nights screaming and thrashing, remembering the horrible things she's done, years later. Maybe Haru will dissociate in the kitchen, barely blinking out of it as her son tugs at her pant leg, concerned
But, they have the others, and each other. And, that's a whole lot better than where they were before
(someone please please be interested in this PLEASE I HAVE SO MANY JOTES JUST ASK AND ILL SPOUT MORE)
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beezonia · 1 month
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Princess Makoto of the Kingdom, Selene
(is this me selfishly plugging in a shumako sailor moonish au, fuck yeah)
In this case Sae would be queen of selene and makoto would be it’s heir by default since she’s Sae’s only sister
Akira would be the prince of earth or a rival kingdom
they meet and fall in love even though Sae and Akira’s father sojiro (adopted or was he potentially a son of sojiro’s kid?) are always butting heads which means their kingdoms hold a bit of a grudge against each other
but take this little drabble because my brain is still actively thinking of lore
Wine coloured eyes meet onyx ones, blinking adjusting to the new light they’ve found. They soon widen and their owner instantly recoils behind the tree she stood by.
“You weren’t being subtle, princess.”
It’s followed by silence, she really doesn’t want to come out from where she stands. Is the princess just shy, or just embarrassed about falling from the tree branches above her?
“I just wanted to see you again.” It’s barely audible, but Akira manages to hear the words that slip from her mouth.
It’s like candy floss, sweet and soft.
The young prince steps forward, a slight smirk on his face as he watches Makoto shuffle the other way.
She’s trying to get away from him and his teasing.
“You can say it again, I don’t bite princess~“
She’s flustered instantly, her face matching her eyes now. Aww how sweet!
Makoto really did love him.
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phoenixcatch7 · 8 months
I'd love to see a time travel/ng+ fic where all the phantom thieves plus the royal/strikers thieves PLUS all the confidants travel back to when the game starts. Everyone's utterly bewildered.
The core phantoms and kasumi, being already physically close, figure it out pretty quick and regroup, but the rest are left confused and floundering until joker gets there and starts reaching out. But with so many people and everyone so lost and upset, he starts delegating and introducing people to each other so they have more options to reach out in case of emergency and to solidify his own web of connections, and for the better efficiency collaboration brings.
And yes I want to see all the confidants become friends or at least co-conspirators in a grand scheme sharing knowing smiles. I want to see normal people struggling with the reality of having lost a year or two of their lives, the surge of hope or fear as they realise they get to do it all again, feeling confused and alone and with the other confidants and plenty of soul searching build up an eclectic support network with others who share the same goal. As a group they could be so much more, and so many would benefit from joker putting them in touch with each other.
But I mostly want to see people coming to the dawning realisation that the scope of joker's reach he's built up is absolutely insane.
Just about every single named character in this huge game is a tarot confidant. Outside of palace rulers, the (hilariously but sadly rare) acquaintances of friends, and occasional mission target, EVERYONE is a secret member of joker's web. He's got the wildest, 'how did you guys even meet' people in his pocket too.
He's got a sentient AI. He's got a politician. He's got a yakuza guy who sells fake weapons who once took out 50 gang members. He's got a secretly talking cat. He's got a high class lawyer. He's got an underground doctor with like 5 PhDs she got revoked who does human experimentation. He's got a government agent. He's got a fortune teller. He's got a guy running his website and managing public missions for no pay. He's got an up and coming teen model. He's got the second detective prince. He's got a world famous wanted hacker. He's got a ten year old. He's got the REACH baby.
It's so funny. He's got like literally 30 odd people with maxed bonds who all think they're one of very very few who know the secret of the phantom thieves and who would break literal laws for this kid. I just think if they all worked together they'd rule the world. And they'd have a huge support group.
Fortune teller: yeah so then I managed to escape the cult, but it's just been so hard to discover who I am outside of that, you know? And they still want me back, it terrifies me.
Reporter lady: *drunk* girl that's absolutely awful you deserve like sooooo much better listen if I see them sniffing around I'll let you know. You shouldn't have to deal with those guys alone, I know allllllllll about making those kinds of guys sweat.
/Ex yakuza fake gun seller: you remind me of my son. He's a good kid, you'd like him. I can set you up?
10yo gun arcade player: oooh do these have real mechanisms? They look so realistic!
Ex yakuza: joker said you could both do with someone your own age - PUT THAT DOWN-
/Shoji player and art kid (yusuke) from the same school: *sitting in silence doing their own thing during school break, having a fantastic time*
/Akechi: *having a breakdown*
Sae, having hustled him off to an empty room for privacy: you know I can't believe I ever bought your nice act. Anyway do you think I could make a case for getting custody of you?
Akechi, stunned out of his attack: ????? Your sister would murder me.
Sae: yeah but it'd annoy shido and my boss so bad.
Akechi:.... I'll consider it.
/sojiro: I admit it's nice to have an adult to talk to about this... Sometimes I still can't believe it's the kids I know that go out and change the world like this.
Government agent: YEAH even with my own persona it's an absolute Ride. You should be proud. Also your coffee is delicious.
/Government agents daughter and mishima: *having an absolute BLAST designing merch*
The list goes ON its just so many under utilised possible relationships!!! Post games the meta verse is gone and most problems are solved (or dead) but if we put them all together in joker's biggest melting pot it'd be such a ride. All of them just low key scared of how many high ranking connections he has.
Like he just texts someone 'hi I think I know someone you'd like to know. I'm sending them to meet you.' and you're like okay??? I guess we'll see why?? And you round the corner and there's a politician and a previously famous missing teen detective waiting for you and they're here to help you get a restraining order on your stalker if you help predict a lottery number or two. And it just keeps happening. Sometimes you're the 'I know a guy' sent to meet people. Like how does joker even know this many people???? He's just moved here!!
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chronicallydolly · 8 months
The time passed, hours, days, weeks and months were all blurred in a weird fog and all was mixed together. Ren was laying on his bed looking at the ceiling thinking. His whole year in Sojiro Café and his friends, his Phantom Thieves… all those things changed him. His heart and mind were carrying the memories, all the scars, all the hope. Ren sighed with sadness. Something was hurting him inside. Akechi.
There were so many emotions, feelings and memories that his normal life and his room felt… wrong. Ren felt like a stranger in that "home". His room was filled with his favorite things and extremely well decorated but for first time it was not comfortable. It felt empty and off.
He closed his eyes and his chest felt heavy and tight.
His heart was telling him that it was time to leave, the time was passing again and the feeling was growing. Ren followed his wishes and he decided to leave his parents and home forever, he wanted to live by himself and spread his wings even if he didn't knew how to to fly. He was nostalgic for something or somewhere that he could't recognize until one day the answer appeared like a small light. He wanted to live a peaceful life.
He came back with Sojiro. Sojiro felt more like a father than his biological father who was just a shadow and never had any bond with Ren. He asked to work with him on the Café explaing him his wish to learn about coffee and live a peaceful and slow life. Sojiro warmly accepted and supported him. Ren was his son in his heart and he was grateful to have him again in his life.
Ren was enjoying learn more about coffee. The flavor of the beans. The acidity. The notes. The steps in every preparation. He found peace in his heart being a barista.
But one day, Ren was making a coffee when he noticed that he was still on autopilot mode. He was just functioning but not living, the peace he felt was wrong. Something was still hurting inside and bleeding. The coffee that he was preparing was burning but he still drank it. There was something speacial about mistakes, broken things, accidents, failures that make those things appealing and lovable even if they were not good, expected or perfect. Like Akechi was. Ren didn’t notice but a tear fell from his cheek and fell into his coffee. And then a full rain on his face fell in the mug. His coffee
was salty and burnt. The flavor of the grief.
Spring arrived, the flowers were blooming, the wind was warm and gentle like a soft caress, the sun was taking the coldness of winter away. That Saturday noon, Ren decided to close some minutes earlier to enjoy the evening in silence to clean while the sun was still filling the room with a tender light. Ren was washing the dishes when the door bell sounded. It was strange since the door said "Closed".
Ren took some seconds to turn around to apologize to the person and explain that the Café was already closed.
—I’m sorry we are already clos-
Ren words were cut. He tried to make a sound but nothing was coming out. His heart stopped for a second or two. It was Akechi. He was standing there next to the door with his usual fancy coat, smiling faintly at Ren, maybe he was embarrassed to be there or scared… or just he was not knowing what to say, feel and how to explain.
Ren hands lost their strength and he dropped a cup and it broke in pieces on the floor. His breathing was feeling heavier. Ren was paralyzed until he just rushed to Akechi side and he embraced him in a loving a desperate way. Ren was squeezing him, feeling his body, his scent, his heartbeat, his breathing… his life.
No questions were asked and no word were needed between them. Akechi hugged back even more tightly.
Ren's burnt coffee was the most perfect one. The most loved one. And he was hugging him again. His beloved Akechi.
Second time writing a shuake fanfic because of course they deserve this! I’m still struggling a bit to write in English but I think that I’m getting a bit better, I’m sorry for the grammar and misspellings! ;; thank you all for the support! I’m starting to call Akechi burnt coffee sorry not sorry, brain rot
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m-v3nus · 2 months
Based on prev post but I really like morally dubious/unreliable narrator takes on Hanzo and Genji's characters. In fact the whole main Shimada family. I think it's quite boring to portray Sojiro as an evil tyrant to his core. And not a man who himself was most likely burdened by duty shame and guilt he puts his own sons through for the weird ancestral promise of glory and tradition, as well as upkeeping an entire ecosystem of a damn COMMUNITY!!!
I believe that man, as little as we get from him in canon, did have love for his sons and his wife to an extent. Whatever weird twisted way that might have manifested.
Another thing that slightly irks me are the depictions of the boy's mother being some sort of saint consistently in ff I read, it's also a bit boring as well. I can only imagine her and her husband's marriage was one of politics first, and whatever else came from it was a surprise add-on.
Wheres the morally grey depictions of her having some uncontrolled disdain for her kids even though she knows it is not their fault for existing, where the bitter young woman sad that her dreams were cut off because of her 'duties', where the woman who simply got hit with postpartum that never quite left her.
where the hell are the unreliable pov of each of the boys of their parents that are heavily skewed because of the way they grew up. But once they are grown adults they can piece the full thing together.
wheres that i want that please
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prime-adeptus · 2 months
Okay, first of all: I WAS SO HAPPY WHEN I SAW YOU DIS MY REQUEST!!! 😍 Secondly: I'm back to order another one if you don't mind. Hanzo x reader where reader worked/lived in the Shimada mansion as a child because reader's family is a family that has served the Shimadas for centuries. Hanzo reader and Genji were friends when they were kids, they played together in secret and everything. Hanzo had a crush on Reader, but as Reader was not from a noble family he knew that this relationship would never be accepted, so he hid his feelings (although Genji knew because come on Hanzo you can't look at them with love eyes and think that he won't notice). Years pass and what we already know happens between Hanzo and Genji happens, now in the present, in the Overwatch recall Genji called Hanzo to be part of Overwatch and he went, even hesitantly, but what he didn't expect was to find reader there, also being part of Overwatch. Basically a scenario of their reunion and how Hanzo's feelings never died, but now more than ever he don't think he is worthy reader love, even though the reader also likes him (extra points if Genji tries to play cupid between the two).
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The Winds of Tomorrow [1/3]
In which you find that Hanzo, the man who’d become a stranger over the years, becomes a loved one once again.
✧ PAIRING: Hanzo Shimada x GN!Reader
✦ CONTENT: Childhood friends to lovers, class differences, blood and violence, drifting apart, reunions, hopeful ending. AU - Canon divergent.
✧ NOTES: HI ANON I’M SO SORRY IT TOOK ME SO LONG TO GET TO THIS, I’ve been really uninspired and;; but I’ve been playing Overwatch again and I WILL feed you these crumbs. Hanzo loves you he’s just a little quiet about it
AO3 | Masterlist | @houseofsolisoccasum @interstellar-inn
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Hanzo has always had a special place in your heart since you were children.
You remember it clear as day — you, much younger than you are now with a flower tucked behind your ear and a toothy grin as you drag him through yet another clearing with joy. It was a sunny afternoon and your parents were away doing their respective duties. The elders weren’t quite happy with a servant child being so comfortable with the future successor of the Shimada clan, but that never stopped you. Master Sojiro, for one, was glad to see that his sons had a friend and got to have some semblance of a normal childhood.
It wasn’t as if you were unaware of the things those elders said. It wasn’t as if they were afraid to say it to your face, either. But your mother taught you to hold your head up high and ignore them, because what mattered was that you were happy and the brothers were too.
Genji was away for his tutoring session (“Seriously? I want to train with them!”) and Hanzo had fulfilled his duties for the day, leaving him available for your shenanigans. Your parents were helping take care of the guests whose arrival was imminent. All they told you to do was stay out of trouble.
Hanzo sat cross-legged under the cherry blossom tree with his arms over his chest, a small pout forming at his lips as you attentively adorned his hairs with flowers you’d found. He had a hidden love from the arts. It showed in his calligraphy and poetry, but he was also one to take his image seriously. It never mattered much to you. He was your only other friend, which left him no choice. Though he made it seem like an obligation, you knew he liked spending his downtime with you. Otherwise, he wouldn’t have let you read some of his works or play with his hair like this.
“I can’t return to the manor like this,” he grumbled. You grinned to yourself, gently tucking a strand of his hair behind his ear. “What will they think of me?”
“They’ll think you look like a prince!” you chirped. “Come on, do me next!”
Memories of your childhood have become a blur, but you remember this very well. How comforting it felt to feel his fingers running through your hair, how he’d huff every time you cracked a joke. It was one of the last moments of peace you’d ever have.
The next time you saw him beneath that tree, blood was dripping off of his hands. He held on to the sword so tightly that his knuckles turned white and his shoulders were shaking as the rain poured and washed away his doing. You were watching him from behind the corner, a frown tugging at your lips before you dragged yourself away. You couldn’t bear to see him in such a sorry state, but a greater part of you was furious — furious that he cared more about honour and duty than his family.
And so, you left. With everyone you loved dead and gone, there was nothing left for you in Hanamura.
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bruxairacunda · 1 year
So here I bring some Persona 5 Royal headcanons I have because I kinda need to let them out of my system.
Would love to listen about your headcanons as well. Also if you're particularly interested in any of them I'd love to elaborate more or even write a short fic or whatever, just ask! <3 Many of them are post-game soooooo this gonna have spoilers. Also I'm gonna refer to the protagonist as Akiren because I can't decide on which name I prefer. I'm not gonna include here HC about ships for many reasons, one of them being that I want to keep these as neutral as possible. Other is that I'm against the idea of having a partner as a "goal". However I love shipping so probably I'll post headcanons about some ships sooner or later
This is already WAY TOO LONG so for the moment I'm not including more characters. Definitely there's gonna be an update sooner or later.
Phantom Thieves
Each of them have a big PT flag like the one you can see at Akiren's room during Shido's Palace.
After the events at Maruki's Palace they built a small shrine for Akechi, as they don't know where his grave might be or even if he has one. Of course they also left a PT flag for him there.
After Akiren's departure back to his hometown, the rest of the group kept being regulars at Leblanc. At the beginning they only went individually as customers, then they started going as a group, and some time later Sojiro just let them use the attic as they wanted. To compensate, some of them help Sojiro at the store, the most invested in lending a hand is Haru
Once, thanks to Morgana's help, the PT managed to go pay a surprise visit to Akiren at his hometown. He was so genuinely happy he started crying. That opened the floodgates and everyone started ugly crying for a long time. None of them wants to talk about this.
It gets really hard for the Phantom Thieves to make new friends or have a partner for a while. The bonds they formed are so strong and deep that for most of them it's really difficult to have that kind of connection again with anyone, and anything less than that seems like a waste of time. This is particularly hard for Yusuke, Futaba and Makoto, whose social skills aren't that good to begin with, and for a really long time they don't feel like they belong anywhere else but the PT
The whole group tries to meet at least once a year, but it gets difficult as time passes as Akiren is back in his hometown and Ann lives abroad most of the time. If one of them couldn't make it to a meeting, they try to at least videocall while they are still together
He dyes his hair himself and despite being quite used to it he has indeed fried it a couple of times. The first time it happened his mom told him he was gonna get bald if he kept damaging his hair like that. He pretends he's not worried about it at all, but getting bald is now a recurrent nightmare of his
He was utterly convinced he was dumb and a lost cause until Makoto offered to help him study for real and showed him that he just learns different, and traditional school doesn't accomodate to his needs.
He's pretty good at doing household chores. He started doing them to compensate the terrible son he thinks he is (he's clearly not but our boy has self steem issues). Later he realizes it's just the normal thing to do so he and his mom share domestic chores
His bigger fear is to be in any way similar to his father. That's one of the reasons why he dies his hair (his father has it black). Also that's why he's very against drinking alcohol. He doesn't intend to even drink it himself and he's very wary around people who drinks. Drunk people trigger him real bad.
It takes him a lot of time to move out from his mom's place. He feels like he's abandoning her, just like his father did, and doesn't feel comfotable leaving her living alone. Once he finally leaves to his own place, he keeps visiting her frequently and calls her several times a week
I know it's a very common headcanon but I don't care. He ends up being a teacher/trainer/instructor in anything sports related. Kids and teenagers adore him and he loves his job. But it's also is very hard for him because he mades his students problems his own and suffers with them
When Ryuji starts job-hunting he stops dieying his hair and goes back to his original black. He once went into Leblanc just after a job interview with black hair and wearing a suit and Futaba almost kicked him out because she though he was a random guy getting too friendly. The first time Morgana saw Ryuji with black hair, he hissed at him because he didn't recognized him. He gets back to blonde once he has a job that allows it
With his first decent salary, Ryuji got her mom a one night spa break so she could relax for once.
She finally admits to herself that despite her initial reticence she likes her PT outfit. As she grows older and she's able to separate herself from that projection of perfection she kept as a teenager, she starts wearing more "punkish" clothes (always under that classy aura of hers, of course)
She does the same with her enviroment, so once she gets her own place even if it's still organized and practical, she adds stuff that makes it more "Queen" and less "little miss perfect" than her room at Sae's . For example, she requests Yusuke a big painting of Johanna, so she won't forget her rebel spirit. She also has TONS of Buchimaru stuff she got at second hand stores that Futaba recommended her. And of course she has a boxing bag at the living room.
Everyone in the PT refers to her as the "mom friend", in fact they call her Momkoto...all behind her back of course, they are not brave enough to face the consequences. Ryuji slipped his tongue once and called her "mom" in front of the others out of habit. It's hard to know which of them both was most embarrased by it.
Whenever she rents a place to live she always tries for it to have some extra space she won't use that much so in case a friend needs somewhere to stay for a while she could offer them her place.
Her relationship with Sae improves drastically when she moves out. Funny enough, they start doing more stuff together than when they were both living under the same roof
Makoto wants to be a cop to try and change the system from the inside, that's why she wants to become a commissioner. Once she realizes it's almost impossible she has an existential crisis and doesn't know what to do with her life.
She gets into videogames due to her passion for Yakuza movies. Both Futaba and Ryuji convinced her to give a try to Yakuza games and she becomes obsessed. From them she jumps to more genres and her competitive nature did the rest. She once snatched in half a controller with her bare hands playing Mario Kart
After getting a motorcycle license she realizes she really enjoys the feeling of driving, so from there she went for a heavy vehicle license, then a special vehicles one...She kept it to herself (didn't see the need to say anything since nobody asked) and one day Haru told something about how it would be a lot easier to go to a certain place flying and Makoto offered to fly them there as she has a Private pilot license
Yusuke carries a sketchbook everywhere, even if he's not planning to draw anything or goes to a place in which he won't be able to draw. He just can't leave home without one
Of all the Phantom Thieves he is , by far, the one who spends more time at Leblanc
He and Sojiro get along pretty well, to the point that he becomes a father figure for Yusuke. Sojiro, far from being disgusted with this idea, embraces it and kinda adopts him. He even went to Yusuke's graduation at Kosei.
Despite his talent and dedication working as an artist becomes a struggle for Yusuke. Not only because how hard it is, but because the art he loves so much is many times used as a tool to get money and that clashes head-on with his idea of purity.
From time to time he disappears and it becomes really difficult to contact him in any way. He calls those moments "a journey of artistic and existential dread ", Futaba calls them "autistic burnout" (she's right)
It's really hard for him to keep a job. The moment something doesn't align with his moral compass he won't hesitate to speak out and most companies do not like employees who remind them the huge pieces of shit they are
At a certain point he gets into digital art as he has to admit it's easier to get by with commisions than just art contests. However traditional art keeps being his absolute fave and he always favours it. (I feel you, my boy, traditional artist speaking here)
Futaba (and Sojiro)
They both miss Morgana so much they end up adopting a cat. Sojiro allows it on one condition, he has the right to name it (it's terrible)
Every year at Wakaba's birthday Sojiro and Futaba celebrate it doing something she would have loved. There's always a lot of crying but for them is a very special day, even more than their own birthdays
Futaba gets a very VERY lucrative job in cyber security. She tries to give back everything Sojiro spent on her but he obviously refuses and won't accept a single yen. To compensate Futaba gets him really expensive presents from time to time
She doesn't want to leave Sojiro living by himself so instead of moving out, she gets a better place at Yongen-Jaya for both of them to live together.
Haru has little to none attachment to the money her father hoarded by exploiting others. That results in her not wasting it mindlessly, but using as much as she can to make other people happy (mainly her friends)
She always offers to lend her friends money if any of them needs it. They always refused until she told them "if you ask a bank for a credit you gotta pay interests, if you ask me for a credit my only interests would be company and coffee dates"
Haru commissions Yusuke whenever she realizes he's struggling financially. She asks for huge expensive art pieces, giving him complete freedom on what to do. It's her way to help him whitout making him feel that he owes her.
She later uses said pieces to decorate her coffee shop.
In her crusade to learn as much as she can about coffee, tea and coffee shops she makes a list of all the places in Tokyo (and other places in Japan) she wants to visit. Knowing that Yusuke would never decline anything food related she invites him to go with her, also wanting to know his opinion on the different places as she knows he would be brutally honest. That way coffee dates (in a completely platonic way) end up being a routine for both of them
On the menu of her coffee shop she has drinks inspired on each one of the Phantom thieves, fitting their preferences and named after their codenames at the Metaverse.
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wellthebardsdead · 2 years
Genji: the hashimoto are a lot more capable then they may appear… they murdered our father… The elders told me he died in his sleep for a while but, uncle got drunk one evening and told me his body was actually so unrecognisable from what they did that, Anija didn’t want me to see it…
Hanzo: *looking uncomfortable* it was… a gruesome sight… we had to have a closed casket and no one from the public was allowed to see the burial…
Cole: Hanny?… you good you look, pale…
Hanzo: …
*What actually happened*
Sojiro: *laying on the ground holding a stab wound in shock, staring up at his oldest son in horror at what he’d created* H-Hanzo please-
Hanzo: *holding his sword over him* WHY DOES HE GET TO DO WHAT HE WANTS TO!
Sojiro: *blood splattering out of his mouth* Ha-an-
Sojiro: *reaching up to him* nn-hhggzo
Sojiro: s-son- *stares up through bloodied vision at the blade coming down to his face*
Hanzo: just… remembering…
Genji: *hugs Hanzo gently* thank you for trying to protect me from it brother…
Hanzo: …mm…
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erebus-the-answer · 8 months
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Here are my sprite edits of what I think Ryuji and Yusuke's moms might look like! Yusuke's mom, I named her Tsumugi, and Ryuji's mom I named Saeko! I put some more detailed descriptions about both of them under the cut!
Keep in mind that everything under the cut is mostly my headcanons and only vaguely makes sense to the actual p5 lore lol
Tsumugi Kitagawa:
In an AU where Tsumugi didn't die due to Madarame's negligence, I find myself liking the idea that the moment when Madarame refused to try and save her life was the moment when Tsumugi would decide to turn her life around for the sake of her son. Leaving Madarame's abusive hold on her and her son with nothing to her name besides the clothes on her back, Tsumugi and Yusuke found themselves at a women's shelter. It was there where she met Ryuji and Saeko for the first time, but only briefly.
Tsumugi eventually got herself on her feet, but times were still tough for the single mother and her son. They managed to find a small room together, but it certainly wasn't the best way to live.
After a few years of quiet living for Yusuke and Tsumugi, with no more willing pupils left at his atelier and with a sudden change of heart, Madarame confessed to the abuse and plagiarism that he committed. He released to the public that Tsumugi was the true painter of The Sayuri.
Almost instantly life changed for Tsumugi and Yusuke. Tsumugi was offered almost endless deals with TV companies, movie producers, and interviewers. Because of stress being bad for her epilepsy, Tsumugi turned down all of the offers that she was given besides one: the chance to teach at Kosei High. She settled with this, and because of her status as a teacher and Yusuke's great skill, he was offered a scholarship! Saeko Sakura: Saeko Sakura (maiden name Uryuu) is Ryuji's mother.
She was a young, dumb, punk teenager when she first met Ryuji's father, a member of one of her favorite bands. He was also a teenager.
Ryuji wasn't a planned pregnancy, and when Saeko found out that she was pregnant, she went and told Ryuji's father that he had to take responsibility. He begrudgingly married her and settled down with her, but he always resented her and Ryuji for it.
Following the Persona 5 canon, Ryuji's father was verbally and physically abusive to his wife and son. unlike in canon, instead of his father up and leaving, it was Saeko and Ryuji who left, finding themselves in a womens shelter for some time.
Saeko's carer as a nurse helped the two of them to find another place to live fairly quickly, though because of this, Saeko found herself working many bizarre hours.
Eventually, she ended up meeting Sojiro Sakura, a man who worked at Cafe Leblanc which she frequently visited. She instantly found a sort of attraction the man, but she was certain that he was married to a certain Wakaba Isshiki because the two of them had two children together. She later came to find out that they were in a different sort of family arrangement and the two of them were more platonic than anything. She found love and a new family in Sojiro Sakura and his children, and they lived happily ever after!
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dawnthefox24 · 3 months
*Sojiro looks at Rumiko and see's that she has a puppy in her arms and looks confused on where she got a puppy* Sojiro: my love why do you have a puppy? Rumiko: Its our puppy, this is Haku Sojiro:*sighs* Rumiko I understand that you love this puppy and all but our son's-... Rumiko: HANZO, GENJI COME HERE!! *Young Hanzo & Genji run in a bit worried thinking they did something wrong* Young Hanzo & Genji: Yes mother? Rumiko:*shows them the puppy* This is Haku, he's your pet. Having a dog is a big responsibility I have hope you'll take care of him. Young Hanzo:*holds Haku in his arms and laughs as the puppy licks him* Yes mother Rumiko:*looks at Sojiro* Don't worry it's good for them Sojiro:*sighs but smiles* I'll inform the elders. Young Genji: Mother can we play with Haku!? Rumiko:*smiles softly and nods* of course Young Hanzo and Genji:*takes their puppy as they go to the garden happily* Sojiro:*smiles too but sighs* Why did you get them a puppy? Rumiko:*thinks back to a few months ago with Hanzo and Genji going to a dog cafe as Hanzo enjoys being surround by the dogs* Because I love to see them smile and I know they'll be good owners. Sojiro:*looks at both Hanzo & Genji before sighing softly as he smiles* Yeah I can see it
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justdalek · 7 months
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Here’s the next gen cast of p5!
More in for below cut
Hikari Kitagawa
Daughter of Ren, Ryuji, and Yusuke Kitagawa
Arcana: Pentacles
Persona: Comnena
Was the “final contract” creation of Satanel, William, and Gorokichi before they reverted back to their first form (Arsene, Captain Kidd, and Goemon)
Is training to be both a professional ice and roller skater
Pottery is her hobby
While stoic, she can be a bit of a troll if given the opportunity
Leader of the Phantom Crusaders
Is closest with Ren
Yes, her tricolor hair is natural, no dyes
Kaito Takamaki
Son of Makoto, Haru, and Ann Takamaki
Arcana: Swords
Persona: J.L. Casey
Was the “final contract” creation of Celestine, Agnes, and Lucy before they reverted back to their first forms (Carmen, Johanna, and Milady)
Aspiring thespian, master dancer
He loves over dramatizing events
A crybaby, but he can pull his own in a fight if he has to
Powerhouse and moral booster of the Phantom Crusaders
Closest to Haru
His tricolor hair, like Hikari’s, is all natural
Minato Sakura
Adopted son of Futaba Sakura
Arcana: Wands
Persona: Hayden
Futaba discovered he was living in an alleyway behind her house to escape his foster family who mistreated him
A music prodigy, he plays cello, violin, string bass, piano, flute, and baritone
Rather snarky in behavior, but has a very present caring side
Him, Futaba, and Sojiro have family dinner on Saturday nights
He is the navigator for the Phantom Crusaders
No one knows why he wears gloves, but he never takes them off in front of anyone, including Futaba
Fuyuki Izumi Kitagawa
Taken in by Morgana, later adopted by Ren, Ryuji, and Yusuke
Arcana: Cups
Persona: Holliday
Was physically stuck in Mementos and later a Palace for over a year before Morgana found them and dragged them out of the Metaverse
It was because of that rescue that the original Phantom Thieves discovered that the Metaverse had somehow opened back up again after sealing itself nearly two decades ago
It’s unknown how they got into the Metaverse, but Fuyuki thinks it might’ve had something to do with their parents kicking them out after a fight
Stays with the Kitagawas post rescue and is eventually adopted by them
Isn’t sure what they want to do, but they do love hanging out with their new friends and learning about the good of the world after living in so much negativity
Strategist of the Phantom Crusaders
Sometimes has a very weird ability where when they fall asleep, they will wake up in a Metaverse variant of the Kitagawa house and has to have somebody get them back to the real world
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symphonic-scream · 6 months
Okay hear me out
Persona 5 Stardew Valley au
So we've got the animal seller, Haru, who's parents divorced when she was young. She spent her teen years in the city with her father, but once an adult she decided to live with her mom, and has fallen in love with country life
Makoto has lived in town her whole life. Her older sister left to have a fancy city job, and thinks Makoto is wasting her talents and smarts by staying to keep up the family tradition. Makoto knows someone has to protect the town, and gladly draws her sword to do so. She trains by cutting down trees for the local artist and for town projects
Ryuji is a former golden child. He was going to be a star athlete, but an accident took it from him. He's not really doing anything at the moment, just working on loving life again. His Ma is the bus driver
Shiho moved to town after a similar incident to Ryuji, only she puts all she is into work, to have a place so when they're adults, her girlfriend can leave her family behind so they can be together. She only recently took over the carpentry business from her mentor, and her girlfriend Ann helped expand the business to include furniture and house decor, with design input
The pub in town in Leblanc. While the owner, Sojiro, specializes in coffee, he'll accept local foods to make dishes by request of the townspeople. His daughter Futaba is a recovering shut in, and his wife Wakaba runs the town clinic, with her med student Tae
Yusuke appeared one day, having sold all he had to find a font of inspiration. He fell for the valley, and at first lived in a tent near the mountain. Makoto, who nearly mistook him for a monster, invited him to stay on her family's property. He mostly paints, but does sculptures for order from the nearby city to pay his share of living costs
The town blacksmith is named Munehisa Iwai. He's the broody type, but cares for his son a whole lot. He's just, not good at showing it. He often requests things his kid would like
The town store used to belong to an older man, but he passed it on to a wayward boy and his younger brother, both whom he met by chance. The boys, then in foster care, lived with him until he became too old and ill go run the store. Akira and young Morgana still keep the Velvet Room running, even if old man Igor is living in Hospice
And, the mayor, Lavenza. She's very new to the position, which used to be Igor's. She's hoping to improve the town a lot, and is caring for her younger twin sisters
A strange man lives on the beach, with a strange talent for fishing. Goro doesn't talk about who he was before he moved there. It's behind him.
The library is run by Hifumi, who wants to reopen the museum portion after her parents sold the artifacts to keep it from closing. Hifumi thinks a museum would inspire tourists to donate,
And, finally, our farmer.
Sumire feels lost. Her sister died, her parents can't speak to her without crying, and she feels, trapped, so she impulsively quits her profession. She finds a letter from her grandfather, with the deed to a farm. Needing a reset, she leaves the city and life behind to live in a small town in the valley, where no one knows her, or her sister.
To clear things up, Makoto and Ryuji both grew up in town, have been friends the whole time. Futaba has been in town since she was 6, Hifumi was born there, and Akira and Morgana have been there since they were 14 and 6, now about 21 and 13. Shiho and Ann were in Ryuji's class at school, since they had to travel to a nearby city for school. Haru moved there when she was 18, Yusuke and Goro appeared around 19-20.
Anyways. Talk to me about this
(I'm open to any ships for it pretty much, but I will say I have Okujima in it.)
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