#Soldato-J 002
inioranackatori · 1 year
Sci-Fi Writers Have No Sense of Scale
Alternatively, writers for children’s cartoons have no sense of scale.
(look GaoGaiGar is amazing but I have no illusions what it’s target demographic was supposed to be, and I am not it)
Instead of putting art in-between commercial segments, GaoGaiGar puts tech specs. For everything. Everything. Up to and including Leo Shishioh’s gag inventions that show up for five minutes in a single episode and never appear again.
This is a wonderful gift to fic writers, because we can go look up exactly how tall the dreamboat BFF Guy Shishioh is. You can even look up if his name’s spelled Guy or Gai (the answer is yes).
Let’s take a look at one of those tech specs, hum?
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Soldato-J 002. The man who’s face gracefully adorns this blog as a profile picture.
Now, there’s a lot of stuff here, so let’s take it piece by piece.
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I know nothing about electricity, so let’s hop over that for the moment. Instead, let’s look at this man’s max speed: 2 X 10 to the 7th power meters per second.
That’s 20,000,000 meters per second. Or for those of us not on the metric system, that’s about 12,427 miles per second. For comparison’s sake, the speed of light is 186,000 miles per second. To pile on the comparisons, the speed of sound is 750 mps. Soldato-J is going sixteen times the speed of sound. Sonic booms should be going off all over the freaking place.
Switching gears, now. Let’s dive into this bit of tech spec:
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The first thing to catch my eye is the - er… “Reft” hand? I’m just going to hand wave that as an Engrish mistranslation - Japanese has no hard “r” sound, and so substitute in the letter “l”, leading to all the shenanigans.
Let’s focus instead on Soldato-J’s dimensions.
2.1 meters works out to 6 feet 11 inches. Da man would be snapped up by every basketball league in the US by that metric alone. Which is to say, extremely tall, but not too far outside the norm.
His weight, though, is 0.2t. The “t” stands for “tons”. The man is 400 pounds. He weights as much as a freaking sports motorcycle! (And looks better than one, too.)
But now… Now we’re at the part that breaks my brain.
Span: 3.0 meters. That’s 9 feet. As tall as an ostrich and arguably just as dumb sometimes. It’s also three times the width of the average door.
If the span is measured from the tip of one of his shoulder armor bits to the other shoulder armor bit’s tip, that means -
Soldato-J cannot walk through doors.
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ksantillus · 2 years
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“Your Pizza has arrived, sir!”
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king-of-better · 2 years
As a reminder, we are going off the 12 part GGG TV airing, not the original 8 part OVA.
GGG.01: The Reborn King of Braves
1 year ago, GaoGaiGar defeated Zonuda, and a miracle allowed Gai to purify Mikoto, at the same time his organic body was restored.
In a snowy Paris, Lion Reine finds her way into a 12th Bionet truck, finding it too is empty. Gimlet appears behind her to question her ethics, but she just shoots him, but he has been converted into a Metal Cyborg. She Equips to fight him, but is overwhelmed, KoRyu fires a beam to throw him off the truck, running him over, but the convoy now knows they're there and splits, they follow one group while AnRyu attacks the rest.
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They cannot detect the Q-Parts they are after on any of them, Gimlet plays his hand and reveals the trailers are the Q-Parts, each converting to spiked wheels and flying away, the sisters System Change to start trying to bring them down. As Police try to handle things, one car turns invisible. Gimlet attacks Renais, but she is caught by Gai atop a stealthed PhantomGao. An attempt from Gimlet to attack Gai is intercepted by Volfogg, who sends the ID Armour, and so Evoluder GUY is ready.
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Attempts by the sisters to attack the Q-Parts are easily avoided, only endangering civilians, but fortunately HyoRyu and EnRyu arrive and save the civilians.
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With GGG on scene, Gimlet changes fact, merging with Q-Parts into Gimlet Avant Empereur, a robot, Gai in it turn uses Fusion with PhantomGao into GaoFar. Swiftly overwhelming Gimlet, who has his Chapeua de Sorcerie fortress merge all the Q-Parts to form the full Gimlet Empereur, which is able to overwhelm GaoFar properly.
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Gai calls the GaoMachines, and in the Orbit Base Papillon reports the Final Fusion request to the chief, Takanohashi reporting approximately a 98% chance of success. Entoji and Ushi have to encourage chief, Yaginuma Noriyuki to actually give his stamp of approval before the Final Fusion signal can be sent to Tsukuyomi, where Hyuma has Mikoto Program Drive. GaoFar, StealthGao III, DrillGao II and LinerGao II Final Fusion into GaoFighGar, which is followed by launching the Dividing Driver, which quickly creates the Dividing Field.
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Gimlet thinks he will win, only to quickly find himself overpowered by an Evol Ul-Tech powered Drill Knee, but Gimlet Empereur reforms for one of it's 23 special techniques, the Explosive Rayon, but a Protect Wall sends it right back, and a Colossal Combustible is stopped by a Broken Phantom. Gimlet tries to escape, but the rest of GGG and Chasseur keep him in place. Gai calls for GoldyMarg, and Yaginuma needs no encouragement to get out the key holding the authority of the Secretary of the UN, approving the Goldion Hammer, and Mikoto Safety Relieves, as Gimlet Empereur prepared a Substance Excusez-Moi, only for them to be made into light, before Hammer Hell & Heaven pulls Gimlet's remains out and destroys the Q-Parts. Gimlet begs for mercy, but is executed by Renais.
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No one knew yet of the battle that was to come, as Soldato J-002 was imprisoned.
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kurtisdefender · 4 years
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Dessin de Soldato J-002 
Drawing of Soldato J-002 , from GaoGaiGar . He is my favourite character.
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chiauve · 4 years
The concept of breaking time into measured units was not an easy one for a Red to understand. They viewed the universe in terms of stages and cycles; adding specific measurements to that was just casting numbers into the void. Yet now, staring out into the field of stars over what remained of the Trinary System, littered with destroyed parts of ships, robots, and the cores of the Primevals, Soldato J 003 understood those measurements.
They had mere minutes until the Primeval cores regenerated and the battle began all over again.
A battalion they'd been, an armada, now they were five, huddled on the last J-Ark, broken and tired. The weight of their failure was too heavy for them alone to bear, but they had no choice in the matter.
Soldato J 003 turned away from the view of that failure and looked to his fellows. 002 was engrossed in attempting to retrieve the mind of the young Soldato they'd managed to rescue. He was a lucky find, still alive in what remained of his J-Der, but unable to overcome the belief he too had been ripped in half. The price of Fusion. It gave them superior control of their robots by joining with them, becoming them, unlike the clumsy Riders 003 remembered using back on frontier guard in his youth, but that made them capable of feeling the pain of the machine as well, and if one did not have a strong enough will, it would take you with it when it died. The young Soldato probably never went through advanced psionics before he'd been called to serve in the battalion, and when his J-Der was torn in two, he'd been unable to throw himself from Fusion and was caught in the belief of injury. 002 held his bare hands to the young one's face, whispering assurances to him and forcing his own will back into him, that he was whole and well, that he was no longer J-Der.
003 should have been doing that, allowing 002 to continue to lead the fight, but the truth was that 002 was more skilled in the matter of the psychic than 003. One of those frustrating yet proud moments where the student surpassed his teacher. Until 002 came back to himself, 003 was in charge.
What a joke. In charge of what? This lone, crippled J-Ark? The remaining Soldato? Aside from himself, there were only Soldato Js 082 and 019. 082 was slumped against the bulkhead, trying to get what rest he could, and 019 stood frozen over the Arma's throne, hands locked open, as though he was still trying to hold what had once been there.
"019?" 003 said, advancing on the distressed Soldato.
His head was bare, his helmet cast aside and lying on the floor. 003 could see some of the neuro-connectors sticking out, one still twitching; 019 had ripped it off too quick.
Soldato J 003 picked up the abandoned helmet and tried again. "019? Answer me."
He leaned in close to the younger Red, taking in the too-wide eyes that saw nothing. A Soldato Istruttore, 003 had long ago learned to read when a soldier needed a push and when one was about to break. He placed his hand on 019's arm.
"Aswadan," he said, soft and compassionate, calling on 019's instinctive need to respond to his Line name.
Soldato J 019 blinked and his eyes shifted to meet 003's own.
003 smiled at the response. "Soldato Aswadan."
"My Arma," 019 whispered, as though unable to get his voice any louder, "she…"
"Our children are gone," his grip on 019's arm tightened, now was the moment to push, "but we still have a fight left." He placed the Ihhre helmet into 019's open hands.
019 sighed, his body relaxing and turned the helmet to face him. "Our children…"
More than just their Arma. 003 looked out at the debris drifting by the ship. His own offspring had volunteered for the J Battalion and was now lost out there in the cold with it. The thought alone was unbearable and 003 thought he would die from it, but there was no point.
They were all going to die soon enough.
With a weary sigh Soldato J 002 withdrew his hands from the younger Soldato's head and stood, offering his arm to help the other up. The younger Red accepted and stood unsteadily, his mind still struggling to catch up.
"Identify," 003 called. 002 would know who he was, through mindsharing and Line alike, they were both Azhurakan, but it was the younger Soldato's duty to let the others know.
"Soldato J 101," he said and bent to retrieve his helmet. "Is…is this all of us?"
Soldato J 082 lifted his head but didn't stand up. "I'm afraid so."
"But the mission, how can we…?" 101 began, turning to 002.
"We can't." 002 stepped away and looked out over their battlefield, what had once been an interstellar highway between the Green and Purple planets, both gone. He absently lifted a hand and pressed it to the transparent shields as the frozen corpse of an Azhurakan drifted by, its helmet and half its twisted face ripped away. 003 couldn't hear him, but he knew 002 whispered the dead Soldato's name as it passed. The Azhurakan Line was a relatively new one and small. He undoubtedly knew all those that were out there by name. Soldato J 002's crest drooped so low it hung down his back.
"What are we going to do?" 003 asked, "The Primevals are going to regenerate soon and this ship's Tomoro is dead. Mega-fusion is no longer an option."
002 dropped his hand to his side and clenched it tightly. "We are going to take this ship back to Keshasha, gather up as many survivors as it will hold, and then get them as far away as we can from here."
082 rose to his feet, incredulous. "We're going to run away?"
"Retreat, yes."
101's crest lifted. "We are the Warriors of Abel, tasked to defeat the Z-Master at any cost!"
002 whirled on him, his own crest raised in challenge. "How? We have no Arma, no way to purify those cores. We'll keep fighting and they will only keep regenerating until we are worn down and die!"
"But we can't run away," 101's argument was hesitant, and 003 wondered if he'd just come out of the Academy before he was conscripted into the J Battalion, "Our honor as warriors…"
"Means nothing," 003 cut in. As 002's second-in-command it was time for him to speak up in support of his Comandante. "We are the Warriors of Abel, yes, and we are bound to follow her will until we die if we must, but we are Soldato first. Our duty is to the Line, and we cannot fulfill that if we die out here uselessly."
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lesserknownhusbands · 6 years
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dekkopachi · 7 years
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bird/nose men: a collection
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artslush · 3 years
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Self-reposting this one so I’m not dropping a long reblog chain on this blog, but the wall for context is here for the curious.
TL;DR, “Eyes Unclouded” Jupiter has just barely a two-can tolerance for robo-booze and I based his hairstyle off 002/Jet Link from Cyborg 009 and Soldato-J from GaoGaiGar, hahaha
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kar-a-kael · 4 years
Chapters: 7/? Fandom: GaoGaiGar, Pathfinder (Roleplaying Game) Rating: Mature Warnings: Graphic Depictions Of Violence Characters: Soldato J-002, Tomoro, Renais Kerdif-Shishioh, Gimlet Additional Tags: Alternate Universe - Fantasy Summary: J finally meets the Sphinx, and things go about as well as can be expected. But its a start to unravelling the mysteries of the castle
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inioranackatori · 1 year
Random Thought
I was rewatching the BluRay of GaoGaiGar Final, and this one scene never ceases to get a reaction from me.
~~Photo from GaoGaiGar Final out of context below the cut; out of context spoiler~~
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Image: Soldato-J and Renais holding hands. J’s hand is on the left. Renais’s on the right. The subtitle reads, “There’s only one thing I know…”
Right, J. The one thing you know is you’re a freaking giant scarecrow of a beanstalk who makes Renais look like a fire breathing pixy dragon. Renais’s hand being so tiny never fails to drive that point across.
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king-of-better · 2 years
Final.???: King J-Der: The Burning Phoenix
A surprise release to promote Amakuni's King J-Der figure, the newest piece of GaoGaiGar media by a large margin, it fills in a gap for the Red Planet Warriors between GaoGaiGar and FINAL.
Part 1
After the sacrifice to destroy the Heart Primeval, King J-Der survived, but was thrown 90,000,000 light years away by THE POWER. Kaidou, J and Tomoro regroup, as J-Ark returns to form, repairs taking place while J tells Arma he can return to the Blue Planet and his Mother, though Arma still considers himself a weapon. J tells him to live now.
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Tomoro has detected that the universe is contracting rapidly, though they cannot know yet who is responsible, but determined to investigate, they launch towards the centre of the phenomenon. J again presses Arma to choose his own life.
The J-Ark is attacked by a similar vessel, the J-Battler, and J-019 is aboard, their previous battle is recalled.
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They think it must be a different survivor of the 31 Soldatos, but J-019 declares he was reborn in the fires of the sun, he is also no longer a Zonderian.
J-019 wants to commandeer the J-Ark and rebuild the Red Planet, and when they try to point out how futile this would be, he decides he'll take it by force.
J-Der and Battler start fighting, but someone tells Battler it is taking too long, they think it is the Doll Arma, as Battler decides to show his full power, forming King Battler.
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King J-Der forms in turn, and they start fighting. 
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Part 2
King Battler is overpowering King J-Der, who is shocked he can achieve so much without an Arma or Tomoro, but he has something better, the leader of the Red Planet, Abel.
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Both use J-Quath, but King J-Der can feel King Battler will win the struggle, who tells him to pledge himself to Abel and the Red Planet.
King J-Der argues that both King Battler isn't superior in all aspects, and that Abel no in longer exists. As a feint, King J-Der uses a full volley, while King Battler intercepts, Arma rides on one and enters King Battler, informing J-019 there is no Abel on the throne.
King J-Der uses J-Quath to steal King Battler's, then performs a Double J-Quath, with the additional benefit of Arma having disabled King Battler's Generating Armour.
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As J-019 lies dying, Arma and J-002 ask him why he did this, and he says to ask Abel, still seeing her in the throne, and starts convulsing, Tomoro reporting he had been infected with a Chemical Bolt, which was causing him to see illusions.
J-Battler an J-019 both fall apart, Arma and J-002 escape back to J-Ark, and they resolve to face a new battle.
It will eventually be discovered J-019 and J-Battler was a replica, being used by the new enemy to plunder the J-Ark. Tomoro used analysis of J-Battler to make repairs and enhancements to J-Ark, which will become important in the coming battle, Repli-J-019's sacrifice will give J and Renais the Key to Victory.
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king-of-better · 2 years
Number.43.5: Wings of Light and Dark
A strange robot is detected in Central Asia, Izanagi is deployed, GaoGaiGar arrives to find ChoRyuJin beaten by what seems to be King J-Der, except the voice mentiont J-002, and Entoji detects Z0, then moments later J-Ark arrives. The other King J-Der converts to J-Battler and escapes via ES Window, with encouragement from Kaidou, J orders the J-Ark to follow. Gai is ordered not to risk following.
In the otherworldly space they find themself in, J takes J-Bird to board the J-Battler, finding inside another Soldato-J Zonderian. He believes this one must have lost his Arma, as the Zonderian is shocked to learn his has survived, but J freezes on seeing an Arma, and is knocked down by his foe.
Soldato-J 002, Ikumi Kaidou and Tomoro-011, along with the J-Ark, were thought to be the last of the Red Planet until this one turned up. The Zonderian's questions about Arma are confusing, as Ikumi arrives by ES Window and gets J back to J-Ark, the space distortion unravels, returning them to normal space. 
J knows their enemy to be J-019, but cannot understand why he hasn't been purified when an Arma is with him. 
J-019 crashes the J-Battler on the outskirts of the Solar System, piloting difficult without a Tomoro. When his Arma tries to tend to him he swats them aside, calling them a doll. He recalls his Arma restored his memory as he killed them, so he is now tormented by his sins. 
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GGG discuss the mystery Zonder Robo with a J-Jewel, the J-Battler approaches the Orbit Base, watched by Paggliacio and Arm, as an amusement while they wait for J to reappear. As the Mobile Unit fight, Mamoru can sense J-019's torment, before an ES Window opens and the J-Ark drags the J-Battler in. 
J-019 had already conquered numerous worlds for the Zonderians when his Arma restored his memories. He keeps the Doll to remind him of the sins, but he cannot oppose the Zonderians. He had come across the J-Battler by chance.
GGG is using two Climber-1s to send Star GaoGaiGar after J-Battler, Mamoru has insisted on coming, fearing what will happen to Kaidou. 
The two King J-Der and King Battler battle, then both plug-out to J-Der and Battler, while Arm holds up Star GaoGaiGar, merging with a satellite, he taunts them with the truth of J-019. 
J manages to win, as Gai sends Mamoru ahead in a Climber.
Kaidou starts purifying J-019, but Mamoru arrives to tell him to stop, J grabs him, the intent was his strength would force Kaidou's self-destruct to activate. J-019 dies, glad he didn't kill another Arma, and expressing sorrow to his Arma.
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king-of-better · 2 years
GGG.07: The White Ark Restored
4 Years ago, EI-01 landed in earth, killing the parents of Utsugi Mikoto, and implanting her with a seed that would eventually transform her into Zonuda. While Gai and Mamoru purified her, a trace of the New Machine Species remained.
Sat together under a tree, Mikoto tells Gaonhow happy she is, until she looks up, her eyes widen in shock. She awakens from where Gai left her, now aware, Papillon stumbles over, explaining Mikoto's nature as a Semi-Evolider allowed her brain to self-repair from the calming effects of Palparepa's Paras Particles. Papillon thinks she was protected by her experience with hallucinogens, so Pia Decem tried to kill her, but the G-Stone's messenger saved her. Learning the King of Braves lost, Mikoto feels responsible for killing Gai again, but Papillon encourages her.
Renais is strung up in chains, but Mikoto on GunDober blasts the chains and pulls her up, unconcerned about the heat, but Renais asks not to be touched to avoid another burn. Mikoto sets out to find their last hope, while Papillon runs maintenance on Renais, who goes to track Pilnus, who she put a tracker on. 
Mikoto finds the remains of GaoFighGar, including the Will Knife, when Mamoru approaches her, telling her Kaidou is also lost.
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Renais rides GunGlue to Mt-Saint-Michel, and inside finds the chained form of Soldato-J. J, puzzled by the unfamiliar G-Stone Cyborg, requests she use her G-Stone to unlock his shackles. She does so, and he is intrigued to learn her name is Shishioh, but intends to deal with the malfunctioning Planetary Lords himself as one of Abel's warriors, when Pilnus attacks, joined by Pia Decem, J calls the Radiant Ripper to fight him. 
The two manage to together overpower their Planetary Lord does, until the Red Leader appears again, admishing J-002 for malfunctioning, but J sees Abel as the only one malfunctioning, she hints at what she's done to Arma while holding them on place. 
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She goes to attack, but Mamoru blasts her attack, as the GunMachines burst in on Mikoto's orders and System Change to attack, keeping the Planetary Lords pinned down, Mamoru tells J everything should be ready. 
As deep below, awaiting one with a J-Jewel, is the White Ark, and it's biocomputer Tomoro-0117, the J-Ark. 
Renais had though J-Ark destroyed based on Kaidou's story, but in fact it and Mamoru got taken by ES Window to the Trinary Star System. Mamoru is introduced to Renais, when she acknowledges her father he thinks of his own parents, and he hesitates in telling J about Kaidou but before much more thought occurs, they are attacked by Pia Decem PIT, the Planetary Master's vessel. J is about to order an attack when Abel makes contact from the PIT to reveal it's BioComputer, the captive Kaidou, with the threat of what might happen.
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PIT launches the first barrage, J opts to take J-Ark below the waves and use Mega Fusion there, King J-Der grabs the PIT and demands Arma, in response Abel takes them up into space, to the vicinity of Repli-Orbit Base, where the assembled Repli-Brave Robots are ordered to eliminate King J-Der. This includes Repli-GaoFighGar, wielding the Goldion Hammer and piloted by a manic Gai. J-Quath and Goldion Hammer are both readied. 
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I will just note that there's another 2 sisters and 2 intelligence robots we've been told exist at this point that aren't being used here. Wonder what their RepliJins are retroactively doing.
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king-of-better · 2 years
Number.39: The 7 Strongest Machine Primevals
7 figures have gathered. Their aims are to recover their comrades, wipe out the Orbit Base, and annihilate the Legacy of Cain and the Curse of Abel. As they split, Paggliacio declares these 7 Primevals are certain to succeed. Mamoru senses them.
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Ayame and the other kids are at a naval base event, looking at a ship 2 of the Primevals break down the shop and everything on it into atoms.
7 ships disappeared all at once, Mamoru feels guilty his friends were taken and he wasn't there to block it.
Mamoru and Ikumi both detect activity. The 7 battleships, all possessed, attack the Orbit Base, unharmed by the Protect Shade reflecting the attack. Leaving one, Intestines outside to attack, the other 6 enter by atom disassembly.
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The Primevals split into 3 groups, heading to various levels. Gai gets thrown into space, but seeing the woman again encourages him. Nails and Ears take control of GGG crew, Stomach and Ribs confront Hyuma and the Brave Robots, and Eyes and Right Arm confront Cyborg Guy, who is joined by J, arriving by ES Missile, the two arguing while fighting, J recalling his own grudge against the Primevals, who defeated his people, seeming to know Right Arm on particular. Mamoru goes to Galeon and asks it to fight with him.
Ears and Nails make it the Main Order Room, revealing the plan to use it as a Zonder Metal Plant to seed the earth, and Ears takes control of everyone, and then Mikoto.
Number.40: Children of the Stars.
Mamoru appears, unleashing his full power, stopping the possession, forcing Nails and Ears to flee as GoldyMarg manages to drive off Ribs and Liver. Mamoru tried to sense where they went, managing to sense where Hana and the others are.
Eyes tells Right Arm they need to regroup, Right Arm recalls his previous battle with Soldat J-002, where the J-Jewel and his own Zonder Metal cancelled out to cause a mutual kill, both Gai and J get a hit before they regroup.
The Primevals arrive at the Energy Core, and prepare to make it a Zonder Metal Plant.
Galeon enters the ship, witnessed by Paggliacio, and Mamoru finds his friends, but they're bait for him set by Intestines, Mamoru swears to protect his friends even if he's a weapon of war, but Ikumi tells him he isn't a weapon made by Cain on the Green Planet, he's simply his son. The weapon was the one created by Abel on the Red Planet, Arma. Intestine notes the two are of planets of the Trinary Star System, and fight futilely when their world's have already been mechanised.
Latio, son of Cain, alone survived the mechanisation of the Green Planet due to a natural ability, which was then replicated in the G-Stone. Abel of the Red Planet studied the G-Stone to create the J-Jewel, and created the Armas, copies of Latio, and the Soldato J battalion and their armada of J-Arks. In the end though, only those two standing against her remain as a threat.
Mamoru is not really happy with the idea he isn't human, but Ikumi holds Intestines off, but she suggests he can't hurt her, revealing the face of his mother.
The Zonder Metal Plant is nearing completion when Mic uses Disc X's Solitary Wave to destroy it, followed by the Izanagi ramming the power reactor and dispatching the Mobile Unit.
Despite knowing his mother was lost the instant Intestines fused with her, Ikumi manages to giver he an opening, but then gets into a stalemate while Mamoru gets the rest to Galeon, accepting Mamoru's offer to ask for help anytime.
The Power Reactor is jettisoned, and Mic uses the new Disc X Remix Version tuned especially for Primevals, forcing them to retreat to their ships. As all 7 ships go on the offensive, J resides J-Ark to recover Arma, as Taiga orders the Izanagi recovered and the Amaterasu and Susanoh launched.
Number.41: Far-Off Victory Song
In the Trinary Star System's Purple Planet, Zonder Metal was originally developed by the natives as a way to eliminate negative emotions, however the programming wet wrong, and began targeting other places and people like a pathogen. As the Green and Red Planets fall, those with the antibodies to resist the virus are born, and come to the Blue Planet, both found by loving parents.
The computer reminds J they need Arma to complete their mission, he has the J-Ark enter J-Rider mode for combat. Taiga order GGG to support J, the Space Booster equipped Star GaoGaiGar forming again, which is able to use the Phantom Ring for a powered up Broken Phantom, able to breach the Primeval's barrier.
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J-Der takes down Liver, and allows Mamoru to purify the Core, letting them for now keep the crystal as well as save the host. Paggliacio notes the two working together is the ultimate danger for her.
The remaining Primevals combine their battleships onto a singular entity, something even worse than EI-01. The power is such that it almost accidentally destroys humanity while attacking in space.
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The Mic Sounders Brigade unleash a combined Solitary Wave, but in their combined state they're able to counteract it. Even with a Phantom Ring powering the Protect Wall, Star GaoGaiGar is shaken by the attacks.
All seems lost, when the image of the 3 women appear for Gai and overlap, inspired, he requests the Gatling Driver, using it to create a gravity lens which focuses the Solitary Wave, Ikumi prevents the counteraction from inside, and a J-Quath distracts enough to disrupt the barrier, King J-Der then attacks from inside.
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The kids are watching this but Hana seems scared having seen Mamoru use his power earlier.
Ikumi purifies the 4 cores they recovered, but two, including Intestines, escape.
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kurtisdefender · 3 years
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Drawing I did of Pizza (from GaoGaiGar) attacking.
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kurtisdefender · 4 years
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Drawing I did of Pizza from Gao Gai Gar. I love those bird men like hiim , Kurtis and Jet Link 002 . His real name is Soldato J-002 .
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