#Thank you for coming to my rant
kairithemang0 · 3 months
I'm gonna keep mentioning it until the problem somehow vanishes
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Tin Can Bros and Starkid are two entirely separate companies and should be treated as such. Despite Starkid promoting TCB related content in the past (such as when they promoted the Tinlightenment Campaign) they are NOT the same company. No matter how much overlap they have in actors and in the creative team, Starkid is in no way related to anything Tin Can Bros have made, and neither is TCB for Starkid.
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televisionlassie · 2 months
Me watching people pretend Wally west (and sometimes Roy)’s children don’t exist so that they can be Dick/Jason’s boyfriend
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steviesbicrisis · 1 year
✨Friendly reminder ��� that most of the fan-made content you enjoy is 100% for free and whoever made it took time and effort and then posted it so you could enjoy it
Whenever a creator posts fanfics, fanarts or any other media, they're giving you their work for ✨F R E E✨
Whenever they take additional time to tag you on their updates, organize their work for easy access, post it on different websites or make other content you asked for, they're being NICE TO YOU
So the bare minimum would be to be nice as well
Also, you know what else is free? likes and reblogs 💕
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podado-t-memes · 4 months
I just watched the new Jim Henson documentary…
Overall it was very good, well paced, great visuals and editing. I learned a lot about Jim Henson and the company that I didn’t before and more behind the scenes that I hadn’t seen/heard which is always a treat!
I cried three times. 🫣👌 I had to fight the primal urge to pause the documentary and point out to my family where and what movie/show/episode every clip was from. This was my “did you know Viggo Mortensen actually broke his toe” scene.
I will say, I do think they very QUICKLY went over the disney merger and didn’t even mention the fallout with Disney after Jim’s death.
The main problem I had was that SOME puppeteers got spot lights, interviews or arrows pointing out the individuals. And while I appreciate that these individuals got some recognition (which they 100% should), I think the documentary should have been consistent and do this with every new important/fundamental puppeteer to the film.
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I alreay have!!! I was able to EASILY point out Karen Prell, Louise Gold, Richard Hunt, Jerry Nelson, Kevin Clash, Steve whitmire, etc. But an average viewer wouldn’t know who is who and what they contributed to the company!
I just think it’s intriguing who they chose to highlight and who they left out.
And I’ve noticed this happen in other muppet documentaries, like “Street Gang,” where they barely glossed over Richard Hunt and Jerry Nelson’s contributions to the show. (I’ve mentioned this problem here before. (Queer erasure during pride month? 🙄))
It would be such an easy problem to fix! Just a quick arrow to point out any new puppeteer or cast member to the Jim Henson Company. Maybe list their job/their characters so a main stream audience could identify them.
I can think of several founding members who are still alive today that were not interviewed. Maybe these people were asked to come in, IDK, but I would have loved to hear from more people you don’t hear from often.
I could definitely tell the documentary was really trying to avoid the “Steve Whitmire” sized elephant in the room, even though he was in SO MANY shots. I can guarantee that if he was still with the company he would have been featured heavily in the documentary.
One last thing…
They interviewed Michael Frith, where was my girl Kathryn Mullen?? (His wife.) She hasn’t done anything in over a decade, are you okay?? Blink if you need help. 👁️👄👁️😐😑😐😑
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finchers-ipad · 1 year
imagining tyler and the narrator in situations so ooc that it makes them almost unrecognisable is my favourite activity.
current thought is tyler and the narrator dancing in the living room. tyler would dance so off of rhythm and just grab the narrator by the hand and throw him around and call it dancing. the narrator would trip over a pile of damp readers digests on the floor and fall on his face. tyler would be laughing so hard he curls up into a ball on the floor next to the narrator as he is cackling.
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It’s unfortunate I don’t have many friends in Ace attorney
My explanation on my Reincarnated Phoenix Au
Phoenix (obviously) dies and is reincarnated into his Feenie era body.
This is basically my excuse for Phoenix to be such a bitch to every and be justified for it.
Also somewhat time travel fix it??
I think Phoenix has tried going to Miles’ trials in the past but is bad at time and keeps getting distracted (Adhd) therefore keeps missing the damn trials.
This time around Phoenix DOES end up getting there in time and wearing a disguise.
By which unfortunately Miles sees through. And he ends up (stalking) Watching Phoenix in any trial he can.
All those sarcastic remarks? Yeah they’re said.
Mia’s death? doesn’t happen.
Phoenix wears a better outfit and wears his scarf like he should’ve.
Oh and Dahlia? Phoenix fucking trashes her in the trial.
Phoenix acts innocent and oblivious while in Feenie era and more then willing to take a bitch down.
This isn’t as connected to the au as more my own headcanon.
However, Phoenix’s Magatama is still with him in the reincarnation au, I think despite whoever puts spiritual power in it, gets bounded to a person the Magatama chooses, Phoenix’s green magatama isn’t a common color we see on other fey members or just other acolytes.
Something I always found that strange despite knowing that it was given to him by a fey member.
Oh and Phoenix’s Scarf now has a little pocket for the magatama, + decorations at the ends so he doesn’t accidentally unravel it.
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thelov3lybookworm · 7 months
excuse mee yall, but why did no one tell me that kerri maniscalco has published envy's book?????????
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fruitgoat · 3 months
I just need to rant for a moment. I’ll be over it all quicker that way. I am really pissed at My Dad right now. He mowed down all my flowers. I expressed annoyance the other day when he mowed half of them. Then today he did the rest. And took away the deer sanctuary in front of my windows. When I told him I was very disappointed with that decision he said I’d said it was okay last year. I just don’t understand his logic. I pointed out I said it was okay to mow them at the end of the season last year. In September. It’s fucking June. Some of those flowers hadn’t even had the chance to bloom yet this year. And now they’ll probably never bloom again. My dad knew how mad I was that the neighbor cut down trees he said he wasn’t going to cut. So I don’t get how he thought mowing my little patch of flowers would be okay.
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kingofgraves · 1 year
Gonna complain about complaints for a second haha
People who make posts whinging about writers who include König’s “severe social anxiety” because ‘that’s a grown ass soldier’ ‘stop infantilising him’ .. you guys know that it’s called severe because it majorly affects people right?? I understand complaints about people seriously going ‘oh uwu baby boy flower crown soft bean’ but to call a head canon cringe because it included a panic attack or stress caused from social situations really doesn’t make sense. Again, severe social anxiety, that isn’t just being an introvert and not enjoying large company; it’s having out of proportion fear responses. Yaknow, ANXIETY.
I get that not everyone experiences the same thing the same way but as someone who has really struggled with this and worked to be able to say I’m managing it- it annoys me to no end.
Now this isn’t to include those writers who hc something (looking at you dark König authors, I love you keep doing what you’re doing) that opposes this without attacking other people. I’m just talking about those fans who seem to think the characters aren’t capable of being anything but grumpy toxic masc stereotypes and anyone else is wrong and a weirdo
And the fuckers who say ‘oh but a colonel-‘
Also if I remember correct it was never confirmed but just a damn skin name
You will be amazed when I tell you… those two aren’t mutually exclusive!
‘Oh but listen to how his voice lines sound-‘ sorry to have to be the one to tell you this but.. someone can have anxiety and still feel other emotions; be pissed the fuck off or full of energy IN AN ACTIVE WAR ZONE WHERE THERE IS ENOUGH ADRENALINE IN YOUR BODY TO MAKE YOU FEEL LIKE GOD
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inioranackatori · 1 year
Sci-Fi Writers Have No Sense of Scale
Alternatively, writers for children’s cartoons have no sense of scale.
(look GaoGaiGar is amazing but I have no illusions what it’s target demographic was supposed to be, and I am not it)
Instead of putting art in-between commercial segments, GaoGaiGar puts tech specs. For everything. Everything. Up to and including Leo Shishioh’s gag inventions that show up for five minutes in a single episode and never appear again.
This is a wonderful gift to fic writers, because we can go look up exactly how tall the dreamboat BFF Guy Shishioh is. You can even look up if his name’s spelled Guy or Gai (the answer is yes).
Let’s take a look at one of those tech specs, hum?
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Soldato-J 002. The man who’s face gracefully adorns this blog as a profile picture.
Now, there’s a lot of stuff here, so let’s take it piece by piece.
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I know nothing about electricity, so let’s hop over that for the moment. Instead, let’s look at this man’s max speed: 2 X 10 to the 7th power meters per second.
That’s 20,000,000 meters per second. Or for those of us not on the metric system, that’s about 12,427 miles per second. For comparison’s sake, the speed of light is 186,000 miles per second. To pile on the comparisons, the speed of sound is 750 mps. Soldato-J is going sixteen times the speed of sound. Sonic booms should be going off all over the freaking place.
Switching gears, now. Let’s dive into this bit of tech spec:
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The first thing to catch my eye is the - er… “Reft” hand? I’m just going to hand wave that as an Engrish mistranslation - Japanese has no hard “r” sound, and so substitute in the letter “l”, leading to all the shenanigans.
Let’s focus instead on Soldato-J’s dimensions.
2.1 meters works out to 6 feet 11 inches. Da man would be snapped up by every basketball league in the US by that metric alone. Which is to say, extremely tall, but not too far outside the norm.
His weight, though, is 0.2t. The “t” stands for “tons”. The man is 400 pounds. He weights as much as a freaking sports motorcycle! (And looks better than one, too.)
But now… Now we’re at the part that breaks my brain.
Span: 3.0 meters. That’s 9 feet. As tall as an ostrich and arguably just as dumb sometimes. It’s also three times the width of the average door.
If the span is measured from the tip of one of his shoulder armor bits to the other shoulder armor bit’s tip, that means -
Soldato-J cannot walk through doors.
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insertbadpunhere · 11 months
If you told the cast of TWST that Floyd Leech was popular enough to dominate top 5 in popularity polls, if not be number 1 himself, they would look at you weirdly. Gotta be a lie, right?
In their viewpoint, that's a valid reaction. Floyd is violent, unreliable, threatening, and a menace. (He also has a sweet side, but very few people at NRC will ever see that side.)
But here's the thing. We're not coming to TWST for good boys who do their homework on time and have upstanding morals. Nope. That's RSA. We're here for the unrivaled chaos of a bunch of egotistical teenagers based on villains. (Also, most of us don't actually have to deal with a real Floyd IRL.)
From that point of view, why wouldn't we love Floyd? He's an agent of chaos, and he gives the Fandom what we want. –And we love him for it.
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piraterefrigerator · 1 year
I've seen too many fics in my day that are tEeNaGe ReBeLlIoN hOpE sWaN-jOnEs SHE HAS THE COOLEST GODDAMN PARENTS LET HER LOVE THEM
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stupidcanofpeaches · 27 days
i just wanted to say your portrayal of five in your works is one of my all time favourites. you understand his character so intricately and i can picture him so well in the way you write, nothing ever feels ooc and you're able to write him into scenarios that actually feel realistic in the ways he would respond to them. all in all your work is amazing and thank you for sharing your writing with the internet.
thank you thank you thank you!! i always worry about writing five bc i feel like my headcanons and the way he's actually like don't always align haha. so that means a lot! im still pretty amazed that people like the stuff i write as much as they do and its a great comfort in times of doubt when i feel that all of it is irredimable garbage. thank you again and im happy you like it!
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podado-t-memes · 2 years
It’s 5AM. I’ve been lying in bed for the past few hours thinking about the plot from “Batman: Under the Red Hood” and getting more and more pissed at Bruce.
I’m about 10 seconds away from adding Bruce to my “characters I’d hit with a brick” list. OR at the very LEAST “characters I’d hit upside the head” list. While adding Jason to my “Characters who deserved SOOOO much better” list. (These lists usually go hand-in-hand)
Bruce does nothing other than arrest Joker after 'death in the family' because his reasoning is that if he kills Joker, he won’t be able to stop killing.
Fine Bruce! Keep your no killing rule! But at least incapacitate the Joker! Paralyze him! Break his bones! Make sure he’ll be eating out of a straw for the rest of his life! Do something! He killed your son! Make sure he can't hurt anyone else!
Bruce literally has a plan on how to take down the entire Justice League in case one of them goes crazy! Why is is so hard to take down ONE psychotic dude!
I’m getting the feeling Bruce WANTS Joker out there! To keep fighting with him! Ruining his life! For what? Entertainment?!
And I get it, it’s a fictional story and it all happened because plot… but I’m still fuming! I’m trying to fall asleep but I’m so mad.
NOPE! That’s it! Bruce, you're now officially on my list! 👏🏆🤡 🦇
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And Sheila Haywood (Jason’s Bio mom) has also made it to my list. Congratulations. 👏🤝💣
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And Finally Jason’s entry into the hall of “Characters Who Deserved SO MUCH BETTER!”
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PSA: I don’t hate Batman by any means! I love the Batman comics and stories, I have several (including death in the family). I just needed to rant about this one point that is frustrating me to no end!
Thank you for coming to my Ted Talk.
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crostinibread101 · 2 months
Hear my out on my weird KAHNREIAH lore
(I’m pretty sure I was very sleep deprived while writing this)
In the drowned tower of the Narzissencruz Ordo, there was a storytelling book? And it mentioned the colors “Gold” and “Red”.
And then ARLECCHINO WITH HER CRIMSON MOON🤯🤯 SHE WOULD BE CONSIDERED THE RED OF THE STORY. It’s also confirmed that ARLECCHINO is from kahnreiah because genshin posted an official thing abt her from TWT.
(Ok totLlly off topic but who tf would name their kid FUCKING SNODGRASS???)
Gold in the story was uh.. idk considered the false goal that they were trying to achieve with the dream of kahnreiah or sumthn, while red was the truth of the world or sumthn and it was the true goal of the ppl of kahnreiah to achieve and find out. In the trailer early at the beginning of the game when it first came out, we can see illumine running thru the rubble of kahnreiah with a crimson moon in the background of her.
But anyways, Gold was the false truth that wasn’t supposed to happen I suppose? But it was the truth that the ppl of kahnreiah would believe so they wouldn’t fall into ruin, however they discovered the Red, or real truth, so they were ultimately destroyed. Perhaps they had a person who could see the future or prophesies it through fairy tales.
😭😭I gotta find more ppl who are also interested in lore abt genshin cuz its lowkey lonely just typing it out and no body reads it
I have no clue where I was headed with this, so if anyone wants to fill in the blanks🙏🏻🙏🏻
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james “if you were a teacher i would fail your class/take it over and over til you noticed me” potter and regulus “if you were a waiting room i would never see a doctor/i would sit there with my first aid kit and bleed” black and james “i wanna be the power ballad that lifts you up and holds you down” potter and regulus “i wanna be the broken love song that feeds your misery” black and both of them “and i can wish all that i want/but it won’t bring us together/plus i know whatever happens to me/i know it’s for the better” and james “and when broken bodies are washed ashore/who am i to ask for more, more, more” potter and regulus “but you’re breathing in my open mouth/you’re the gun in my lips that will blow my brains out/i wanna make you drive all night/just because i said maybe you should come over” black and james “wanna make you fall in love as hard as my poor parents’ teenage daughter/she’ll be the best you ever had if you let her” potter
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